
pleia2not really, xubuntu itself comes with different default applications that tend to be lighter weight (abiword rather than openoffice, etc)00:00
pleia2but people mostly just install the apps they want anyway, so defaults don't mean a whole lot when you already know what you like :)00:00
hotstewyeah I know00:00
hotstewI can't count how often I've deinstalled Firefox XD00:01
hotstewwell then00:01
hotstewI guess I can just switch when we get to 10.1000:01
hotstewwhat's it called? Drunk Drunkard? XD00:02
hotstewI wonder why XFCE isn't as widely used as Gnome00:03
hotstewmaybe it's the whole gnu thing00:03
hotstewanyway, it's supersnappy and it looks good as well :300:04
teunvDgnome has lots of flashy'ness to it.. but that's the reason I use XFCE, but we shouldn't' wander off-topic this is the support channel :)00:10
hotstewwell...I always thought KDE was the flashy one and Gnome only gets flashy with burden that's called Compiz00:13
=== mindsystem_ is now known as mindsystem
how-dohow does one edit the order of the items in the grub menu?04:18
well_laid_lawn!grub2 > how-do04:40
ubottuhow-do, please see my private message04:40
how-dohow do i look at my xp partitions from xubuntu?04:51
nyadhi, xubuntu keeps making this 'sound' at random intervals06:34
nyadits annoying and I cannot figure out how to turn it off06:34
nyadI have closed all my apps and it repeatedly continues06:34
nyadits not triggered by anything that I do06:34
well_laid_lawnnyad: you can watch the command   top   to see what app does something when the sound happens06:39
nyadthanks, I'll do that06:40
nyadI've been trying to change the hotkeys for exaile but I cannot find them anywhere, I've looked in exaile and system settings. gnome and kde allow this in an intuitive way, how is it done in xfce?07:00
well_laid_lawnthere's a tab in window manager settings that lets you define keyboard shortcuts does that help?07:06
well_laid_lawnI don't use exaile07:06
nyadunfortunately not. it seems I can change to to the next song by running   exaile -n   .  So im gonna make a shortcut under keyboard in the settings menu of xfce to do it. but it won't let me enter the shortcut keys07:48
nyadit allows me to make the command but not the actual shortcut07:48
well_laid_lawnyou hit the keys you want for the shortcut after entering the command?07:52
nyadoh my I kept auto thinking that was an error msg, i should go sleep instead of asking questions.... sorry for wasting your time. thanks for helping though07:54
well_laid_lawnnp :]07:54
=== kirah123 is now known as cr0p
KE1HAhey cr0p hows the download going?11:49
dreamtravelerHeya, i need some help with vlc 1.1.0. I have downloaded the .debs from tinyurl.com/26jtupb and also have downloaded the necessary versions for dependencies tinyurl.com/2ugqn4l and yet i get the "mp4v" error, have sound but no video.11:51
bazhangdreamtraveler, what does that have to with xubuntu support?11:51
bazhang!info vlc11:51
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6-1ubuntu1.1 (lucid), package size 1598 kB, installed size 3792 kB11:51
dreamtravelerum in isnt this a general support channel ?11:51
bazhangdreamtraveler, install from the repos11:52
bazhangdreamtraveler, those packages are not11:52
dreamtravelerrepos are out of dated so i was hopping for 1.1.0 or so11:52
bazhangsudo apt-get install vlc11:52
bazhangdreamtraveler, ^^11:53
KE1HAMy repo's are 1.0.6 You could always build it from source if you want it real bad. Makes managing it more difficult.11:54
bazhangif you break package management then you have to always upgrade yourself11:54
bazhangnever mind it being completely unsupported11:55
KE1HAIndded, it's far better to wait fer the Packaged release, with is do out in a couple days I think.11:55
KE1HAWhich is*11:56
bazhangpoint release will have it?11:56
knomehttps://launchpad.net/~n-muench/+archive/vlc does have vlc 1.1.211:56
bazhangah PPA11:56
knomebut that's also experimental11:56
knomestill, it might do the trick11:56
KE1HAYep, your relying on a specic person or team, if they stop supporting it, your hosed.11:56
KE1HAI'd wait and look at 10.04.1 th3en if not, go the PPA route, at least that's safer than building yourself.11:57
knomeno, i mean the version from ppa might not be working. it's not really a major issue to start using the normal repository version again.11:57
bazhangPPA are risky, but less so than some random deb11:58
knomebazhang, do you happen to know is it possible to hold some packages from ppa but update others?11:58
dreamtraveleroh well is there a known issue with smplayer in xubuntu not be able to open files via network ?11:58
KE1HAyou can always test the install ans see what the deps are, but those music / vid players are touchy apps.11:58
bazhangknome, with pinning? might be11:59
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto11:59
KE1HAYeah, I think you create a hold file, fer lack of a better word, or restrict individual files from update,12:00
bazhangor just dont install them at all12:00
knomebazhang, it appeared to be pretty much impossible, if you already had the versions updated to the ppa versions... synaptic refused to downgrade. you probably would have to mark packages before and then add the ppa12:00
bazhangknome, purge-ppa then?12:00
knomebazhang, you mean remove all the apps coming from the ppa, or is that some other script?12:00
bazhangstill fairly unexplored territory to my thinking12:01
bazhangknome, like add-apt-repo one12:01
bazhangsudo ppa-purge ppa:blueman/ppa/12:02
knomebazhang, if i've understood correctly, locking version only works before you've upgraded to the ppa version..12:03
KE1HAI've learned the hard way, that putting in these PPA can be a real pain in the neck for upgrading. I dont do it unless it's a major project.12:03
knomebazhang, ppa-purge: command not found12:03
knomebazhang, a-ha, it's a package itself..12:04
* dreamtraveler geia12:04
KE1HAHave a loot at Ubuntu-Tweak: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-tweak-0-5-5-released-with-purge-ppa-and-installation-instructions-inside.html12:04
bazhangdoes not work with mint :)12:04
KE1HAAhh, :-)12:05
KE1HAIt does purge PPA's though, so was close :-)12:05
knomebazhang, "The fix is in 0.2.7+bzr51.1" @https://bugs.launchpad.net/ppa-purge/+bug/61037612:06
knome2 days ago12:06
knomethough i'm not in mint, so no worries anyway :P12:06
knometbh, i really think that just removing and purging every package that happens to be in the ppa is safer that ppa-purge anyway.12:07
knomewhat...? i forced a version for a package, applied, then forced for another and applied and the first pacakge went back to the non-forced ppa version12:12
Goliathwhats the difference between xubuntu desktop and alternate12:13
KE1HAalternates use a diffrent installer.12:17
KE1HAbut the end desktop is the same, xfce12:17
Goliathi have a 512mb sdram system12:19
Goliathsomeone adviced me that lubuntu would be better12:19
KE1HAIt could be, Try xubuntu, if it's not as responsive as you'd like it to be, go ger lubuntu, but I've got a latop running full Ubuntu w/512MB of RAM is it's ok, but Xubuntu runs faster with it.12:20
Goliathi am still searching12:21
Goliathfor lubuntu ram requirements12:21
Goliathi know xubuntu recommended is 25612:21
KE1HAHere's the Distro's: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/lucid/release/12:21
KE1HAjust pick i386 or i686 which ever yuo need. I pretty much stick to the Alternate CD for more optins on Install, LVM's and such.12:22
Goliathtake a look here12:26
Goliathit shows how lubuntu is much lighter12:26
Goliathan interesting thing it shows that ubuntu is ligther than xubuntu12:26
knomeit probably comes down to thunderbird vs evolution there.12:28
Goliathanyway lubuntu is clearly faster12:30
KE1HAGoliath, The choice is yours, if you want lubuntu go fer it and it works better for you, go for it.12:30
Goliathmy system is ok now with xubuntu12:30
knomeyup, at least the default installation12:30
Goliathbut i think of making it a bit faster, cause i now can run only 1 or 2 apps fast12:31
KE1HAWell, the real answer to Run Lots of Aps faster is more system resources, CPU / RAM etc.12:31
KE1HAThere's only so much an OS can do to make things "appear" faster, so when your system resources are saturated, thats it.12:32
KE1HAI jsut checked my Xubuntu Machine, my machine, with a bas install is only using 168MB of RAM.12:37
KE1HAThat's at Idle of course, start running apps and things change quickly.12:41
cr0pi fell asleep on my keyboard13:15
=== cr0p is now known as Cr0p
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Sysimy xubuntu occasionally losts sound card, or alsa or something14:24
Sysi'alsamixer' says cannot open mixer: File or folder doesn't exist14:24
Sysireboot helps, any more linux-like fix?14:25
Magkakoswhats the default opensource video driver that xubuntu uses after the installation?16:15
Magkakosvesa, nv or nouveau16:15
Magkakos(i have nvidia card)16:15
Sysinouveau propably16:16
Magkakosis nouveau better than nv?16:16
Sysiwhat's nv?16:16
Magkakosanother driver for nvidia16:17
Sysiafaik nouveau is the best after restricted one16:17
Sysii'm expecting you talk about new buntus16:18
Magkakosi think nv is the opensource driver for nvidia cards by nvidia16:19
Magkakoswhere nouveau is community created16:19
Magkakosand has 3d support16:19
Sysinouveau only has experimental 3d, iirc it's not in ubuntu by default16:19
Magkakosso the default open driver for ubuntu16:21
Magkakosis nouveau or nv after all?16:21
Sysii checked with apt16:22
=== Magkakos is now known as Goliath
Goliathdo you know lubuntu?16:29
bazhanglubuntu-desktop if you have an *buntu system already installed16:30
Goliathxubuntu = ubuntu + xfce (with all its apps etc) right?16:31
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels16:31
bazhanglubuntu is lxde and openbox16:32
Goliathdoesnt lxde include openbox?16:32
Goliathi thought16:32
Goliathlubuntu = ubuntu + lxde (with all its apps etc)16:33
Goliathbut over lubuntu channel someone said that it includes custom apps too16:33
Goliaththat lxde doesnt have16:33
Sysilike chromium16:34
Sysiabiword and exaile aren't actually xfce apps either16:34
KE1HAGoliath, I jsut did a test build, for a real fast, light weight build if ur insterested.16:39
GoliathKE1HA, yes16:39
Goliathwhats tell me about it16:39
KE1HAGoliath, I ahd to use the i386 fer the lappy, but get the i386 ALt CD, at the install prompt, F4 for minimal install, then add sudo apt-get install xorg lxde xdm16:41
KE1HANot allot of Addiotnall apts, but it's very fast on my lappy.16:41
Goliathwhat i plan to do16:42
Goliathis use archlinux and install lxde16:42
Goliath+ some apps that lubuntu uses16:42
Goliathwhich are lightweight16:42
KE1HAArch is a good minimal distro too.16:42
Goliaththe thing is lubuntu is ready16:43
KE1HAi went with the Ubuntu Minimal, and XDM, im well impressed with it.16:43
Goliathcause beside the lxde things they have some light apps custom chosen16:43
KE1HAHere's another Link for a complete custom install:16:43
KE1HAbased on Ubuntu Minimal.16:44
Sysii didn't find greatness of arch16:44
KE1HAArch is ok, bu I like the UB repos, lots of apps, and for the most part well testd & supported.16:45
Sysihorror to set up for not really faster16:45
KE1HACheck out the one I just did, then add little things you want, it's fast fer sure.16:45
KE1HADoesnt' ahve a Fancy log-in manager, uses X11 but Im ok with that.16:46
Sysii use server/alternate-cli-install, gdm anf xfce16:46
KE1HABase install was 650M, sill do a few tweaks, but it's gonna be around 1GB total.16:47
KE1HAYeah, the server install has great base tools.16:47
KE1HAI just fdont ahve a need fer the server-kernel, its a waste on a slow old laptop.16:48
KE1HAAnyways, its fun playing wiht the diffrent options.16:49
Sysiit has exactly same kernel?16:49
bazhangalternate is superb16:49
Sysithere may are PAE-available though16:49
Sysialternate is just slower16:50
Sysibecause it works differently (afaik)16:50
KE1HAYeah, the SMP especially, but that the same on desktop as well.16:50
KE1HAI did a menuconfig a ways back, abt 1 to 1.5 yrs ago, and there was a fare about of things that was diff, maybe that's changed now, not sure.16:51
KE1HAGoliath, final build, 1.1 GB16:53
KE1HAThats' with lxde and xfce416:54
Goliathwhy do you need xfce4?16:54
Sysibecause it's so awesome!16:55
Goliathwouldnt lxde be enough?16:55
bazhangsome have all the major desktops installed16:55
bazhangthe apps menu does get a bit crowded though16:55
KE1HAGoliath, Wanted to try out xdm so I installed two desktops16:55
Sysii think i got entire kde with quassel16:56
Sysijust the client.16:56
KE1HAbut agreed, I like xfce it is ver y slick to use.16:56
Goliathanyway i have an old system 512mb sdram and still wonder to use arch+lxde or lubuntu16:56
bazhanglubuntu or xubuntu clearly16:57
KE1HAKDE .. well, i dont want to make folks angry, but its more like WinBloat these days, I just can't hang with it.16:57
Sysixfce works flawlessly with 512MB16:57
SysiKE1HA: gnome's like osx then, worse :)16:57
KE1HA+1 on what bazhang said, lub or xub.16:57
KE1HAYeah, I use Gnome on my Power house work stations, but wouldnt' want it on a laptop fer sure, unless it has some Umph.16:58
bazhangGoliath, the arch community will tell you to 'google it' or rt wiki16:58
Goliathbazhang, i am an arch user so i have no problems with it16:59
bazhangtheir bot is evil16:59
bazhangphrik iirc16:59
Sysii broke gdm when setting up networkmanager with their wiki17:00
Sysii *could* set it it but.. why17:00
Goliathwell the wiki is generally very good17:00
Goliathi had some problems too with networkmanager17:00
KE1HASysi, I break GDM allot, and not even trying :-)17:01
Sysiand when you have stuff like gdm, arch isn't small and fast17:01
KE1HAI need to read on XDN now, can't figure out how to switch between lxde and xfce17:02
KE1HA!xdm > ke1ha17:03
KE1HAthat didn't work :-)17:03
Sysi/msg info xdm17:03
bazhang /msg ubottu info xdm17:04
Sysialmost there17:04
KE1HA325MB's total mem used, need to whittle that down somhow.17:05
GoliathSysi, with gnome arch isnt very different from ubuntu17:05
Goliathonly small differences due to new kernel17:05
KE1HAOh man, no web-browser :-) ,, need to fix that too.17:07
KE1HAWell, at least it wroks, and it's real snappy, good Laptop build.17:09
GoliathKE1HA, you said arch isnt good for old pcs?17:35
Goliatharch+lxde would be a very small and light system17:35
Goliathbut bleeding edge too17:35
Goliathlubuntu uses some old apps to make it faster17:36
KE1HANo, i didn't say its not good, Im just not a big fan of Arch, I like Ub better.17:46
igor-explorer_12hi. what is the difference between ubuntu and xubuntu? Only Desktop Environment by default?18:28
Sysiand some programs18:28
bazhangand various applications18:28
bazhangthunar instead of nautilus18:28
igor-explorer_12yes so XFDE instead of GNOME18:29
igor-explorer_12what about repository?18:29
bazhangsame repos18:29
igor-explorer_12it's shared between ubuntu and xubuntu?18:29
Sysionly default package set is different18:30
igor-explorer_12and xubuntu is managed by canonical?18:30
Sysiit's official derivative18:30
igor-explorer_12ok. so only DE are different by default other parts and security updates are the same? and software are updated at one time for both OSs right?18:31
igor-explorer_12thank you18:32
Sysiand you can turn ubuntu into xubuntu without reinstall18:32
igor-explorer_12oh also ... Network Applet is present in xubuntu?18:32
igor-explorer_12yea i know and xubuntu to ubuntu too?18:32
Sysiand they can be both at the same time18:33
igor-explorer_12NMApplet just is very sugar thing18:33
bazhangkubuntu lubuntu ubuntustudio edubuntu18:33
igor-explorer_12ok thanks. all i wanted to know that xubuntu is as official as ubuntu18:34
Sysicanonical is more interested about gnome, but basically yeah18:34
Cr0pyes it is! :)18:35
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:24
Sysithat should say we don't actually can read caps20:24
Sysiuse torents, they don't corrupt (easily)20:24
cr0popps but knome. I am sooo happy.. first time im booting in a debian based system and after all the hard I had to undergo.. i finally made it with help of you guys20:26
knomecr0p, congratulations21:02
ToStItOsWhere can I get support for Usbmodeswitch21:54
=== nUboon2Age is now known as nUboon2Ag
ToStItOsis there a site or a channel where I can get support for usbmode switch???22:29
Sysiof not here, #ubuntu22:31
Sysigiving question makes things more easy22:32
ToStItOsI don't understand how usbmode switch is supposed to work. I remember a link you gave me which I have looked at several times and still don't understand what needs to be done22:33
ToStItOsI have usbmodeswitch installed but when I plug my device in nothing happens except its software within the cellular usb modem is recognized. The software is only compatible with Windows22:36

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