
=== kai_62656 is now known as BDC-kracker
=== BDC-kracker is now known as kracker[BDC]
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
AndyGraybealhow do i set it so the screen doesn't lock after 5 minutes of idle time without having all my users login and change it manually.  is there a way i can do it from the command line without having them be around?18:21
alkisgI answered in #ltsp18:22
AndyGraybealthank you18:45
dgroos1I'm trying to get the FreeNX server on my server.20:12
dgroos1I followed the straightforward directions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX20:12
dgroos1but when I got to starting it: "sudo /etc/init.d/freenx-server start" as per the directions I got this:20:13
dgroos1Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)20:15
dgroos1utility, e.g. service freenx-server start20:15
alkisgThat's just a warning, it shouldn't affect anythin20:15
alkisgBut neatx is easier to install, if you don't have some specific reason to prefer freenx...20:15
alkisgAnyway, since you already came that far, what does this tell you? sudo invoke-rc.d freenx-server status20:16
dgroos1Hard to know when things are a warning and when a problem...  I'll try...20:16
dgroos1... failed: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/479016/20:18
alkisgFreenx was converted to upstart? nice...20:19
alkisgTry: sudo status freenx-server20:19
dgroos1status: Unknown job: freenx-server20:19
dgroos1I also tried rebooting...20:20
alkisgdpkg -L freenx-server | grep init20:20
alkisgWhat does this tell you?20:20
dgroos1dpkg -L freenx-server | grep init20:20
dgroos1oops--wrong place :D20:21
dgroos1and the "init" part is in red on each line...20:22
alkisgWhat about this: sudo start freenx-server20:23
dgroos1 Unknown job: freenx-server20:25
alkisgHmmm that doesn't sound good. I haven't tried installing freenx to lucid yet, but according to your dpkg -L, that should work...20:26
dgroos1alkisg: arrrg!  looks like I spaced a step in the install directions--I'll do and get back...20:30
alkisg(installing neatx is just 2 commands with no configuration at all, that's why i prefer it :))20:30
dgroos1I'm feeling that right now...20:35
dgroos1I tried to do the 'missed step': sudo /usr/lib/nx/nxsetup --install20:36
dgroos1and got the message 'No such file or directory'. So I went and checked it out, sure enough, nothing by that name though a number of 'nx...' objects.20:37
alkisgdgroos1: no idea, as I said I haven't tried installing freenx on lucid, but I have a few minutes for vnc-based help if you want...20:54
dgroos1alkisg: just got back and saw your offer.  Thanks, I've got some more things to try--seems like another person had a bad install of the sw and reinstalled and it worked.  I'll let you know.21:25
dgroos1alkisg: sure enough, the problem was a missing script file in the package.  I'll note that on the wiki page as well as where to download it.21:49
alkisgEew... better file a bug report about this21:49
dgroos1NX is working great!  I love it.  Filed bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/freenx-server/+bug/618906 and improved the ubuntu wiki page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX22:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 618906 in FreeNX Server "freenx package incomplete in lucid" [Undecided,New]22:16
alkisgWhich script was missing?22:22
alkisgnm - i just read the bug report :)22:25
dgroos1alkisg: now on to installing your uber italc script :)22:29
alkisgHmm? italc?22:29
* alkisg stopped using italc about a year ago...22:29
dgroos1your italc replacement...22:29
dgroos1the one you gave me instructions to install on a june 16 list-serve post...22:30
alkisgAh. Nice, if you want any help ping me22:30
dgroos1I read these directions: sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ts.sch.gr-ppa-lucid.list\ /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/apt/sources.list.d BUT...22:31
dgroos1there was a line break and didn't know what the \ / was :)22:31
alkisgThat \ shouldn't be there22:31
alkisgBtw, we have some programs in our ppa - you'll get automatic updates for them. E.g. we have neatx in that ppa (so there was no need to add the freenx repository, just an apt-get install neatx-server would be enough), some fixes for ltsp etc22:33
dgroos1alas... I show have installed your scripts *before* adding nx...22:34
alkisgAh now i got what the \ was, it's used when a command breaks on 2 lines22:35
alkisgso e.g. this: echo \22:35
alkisgis the same as: echo hi22:35
dgroos1OK upon installing the scripts I got this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/479086/ should I be concerned?22:39
alkisgYes - we're using dnsmasq instead of dhcp3-server22:40
alkisgTo make ltsp installation easier (e.g. use only 1 nic instead of 2, no need for NATting etc) and to use the dhcp server of the router22:41
alkisgYou have an already working ltsp setup, right?22:42
dgroos1Yes, 64 bit server, 32 bit clients, 2 nics (actually, I've got 3 nics, hope to bind the two giga nics to be 1 as this is for 40 clients or so).22:44
alkisgAre they pci-e nics or just pci nics?22:44
dgroos1not sure...  how can I find out?22:45
alkisg(also, we don't use 64-bit servers as they're not recommented by ubuntu - flash problems etc)22:45
dgroos1will that be an issue?22:45
dgroos1I mean, using your scripts on this 64 bit server?22:46
alkisgWith sch-scripts? I don't think so, I suppose they'll work fine22:46
alkisgWhat are your client specs? cpu/ram?22:46
dgroos1most are p4, 512 RAM, at least 1.8 GHz22:47
alkisgAre you planning on operating them as thin clients or as fat?22:47
dgroos1Also have P3 with 512 RAM and 933 MHz22:47
dgroos1I used them last year as localapps, was going to continue this.22:48
alkisgRun this command to prevent dnsmasq from messing with your dhcp3-server: sudo dpkg-divert --divert /etc/dnsmasq.diverted --rename /etc/init.d/dnsmasq22:51
dgroos1Did it.  Thanks!  I'll continue on with the directions upon returning from an errand.  I'll probably have questions for you... tomorrow your time?22:53
alkisgSure, good luck22:54

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