
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
txwikingerok..what reason update deletes .kde profiles?02:49
txwikingerok..what reaso update deletes .kde profiles?02:49
txwikingerok..what recent update deletes .kde profiles?02:49
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
Tm_Ttxwikinger: ?03:40
shadeslayer_apachelogger: around? need a opinion04:37
shadeslayer_amichair: no... plasma is currently shooting out of nose, ears and mouth04:42
shadeslayer_amichair: then i also dont have the slightest clue to what needs to be fixed, ill look at the changes to see whats wrong...04:43
shadeslayer_anyone around?04:45
shadeslayer_i need a backtrace :p04:46
valorieI think apachelogger sank into a coma04:47
valoriehe's been sick, and kept working anyway04:48
shadeslayer_nooo :(04:48
* shadeslayer_ goes to find mvo04:48
shadeslayer_amichair: first of all... i think you broke it :P04:49
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
valorieI banished rekonq from being my browser of choice06:32
valorieand am a much happier woman for it06:33
valoriealthough konq is still weak on flash06:33
Tm_TKonqueror <306:33
valoriekonq is steady06:33
shadeslayer_valorie: why did you banish rekonq ?? 0_o07:20
valorienot only did it crash about hourly07:20
shadeslayer_if its flash, then its not a rekonq problem :P07:20
valoriebut it refused, over and over, to open links07:20
shadeslayer_valorie: any specific steps to reproduce?07:21
valoriewhich other browsers had no problem opening07:21
valorieI just lost patience07:21
valorierather random07:21
shadeslayer_links such as?07:21
valorielinks from IRC, for the most part07:21
valorieif you really want reports, I can switch back and give them to you07:22
shadeslayer_valorie: please do :D07:22
valoriebut I'm not running from trunck07:22
shadeslayer_then we can fix07:22
shadeslayer_valorie: i am..07:22
shadeslayer_ill test out and try to fix if i can, if not, ill send confirmed reports to adjam07:22
valorieok, I'll just ping you with random URLs that refuse to open07:23
shadeslayer_valorie: could you pm them to shadeslayer ?07:23
shadeslayer_im in college right now ^_^07:23
shadeslayer_thanks :D07:24
shadeslayer_Tm_T: are you in hiding? :P07:24
valoriewow, now it's behaving07:25
valorieput the fear of god into it, i did!07:25
valoriehey, it works07:26
valorieknetworkmanager was driving me crazy07:26
valorieuntil I installed wicd07:26
valorienow it's a peach!07:26
valorieyou gotta show 'em who is boss07:26
shadeslayer_valorie: also enable rekonq dbg output so that we can fix them crashes07:27
valoriewill do07:29
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Tm_Tshadeslayer: I am08:59
apacheloggerdebfx: not that I know about them, but sure09:11
apacheloggervalorie: no coma, it just happens that I am in apachelogger's special place at 4 am utc ^^09:13
valorieI hope you got some rest, coma or not09:14
debfxapachelogger: http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/kalternatives_0.13-2ubuntu1.debdiff09:14
debfxand http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/partitionmanager_1.0.2-1ubuntu2.debdiff09:14
apacheloggerdebfx: did you bring those upstream already?09:14
* apachelogger is actually wondering how upstram handles that stuff considering those changes are not backwards compatible09:15
apacheloggerthere is a v2 ^^09:15
apacheloggerfair enough09:15
debfxyeah :)09:15
apacheloggerdebfx: just get them upstream :P09:15
debfxpartitionmanager doesn't have a kcm anymore09:15
apacheloggereven better09:15
debfxthat needs to be fixed upstream09:18
apacheloggerdebfx: okies, good fun with that, I'll upload to you bun too09:18
apacheloggerdebfx: btw, did you testbuild with the changes? (rebuild errors and all?)09:19
debfxapachelogger: kalternatives builds fine09:21
debfxpartitionmanager build is running09:21
debfxapachelogger: no build errors09:30
apacheloggerdebfx: cheers man09:32
apacheloggerdebfx: both uploaded, thank you for your contribution09:32
jussidoes anyone know the status of the X bug where you cant use the nvidia drivers? (or even which bug # it is)09:39
\shjussi: bug #61602309:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 616023 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "nVidia card : X won't start since 1.9 update, no screens found" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61602309:41
\shjussi: and the fix is in comment 09:41
jussi\sh: thank you very much. 09:41
\shno #2809:41
\shjussi: just running maverick with nvidia current and the fix09:41
jussi\sh: are you using the ppa? (I have no desire to use PPA's on a development release)09:43
\shjussi: no .. the latest nvidia-current in maverick09:51
jussi\sh: ok, thanks!09:51
\shjussi: 256.44-0ubuntu109:51
jussi\sh: right, let me test (just updated)09:52
jussi\sh: Thank you. works now! :)09:57
\shjussi: nice :)10:04
=== Squt is now known as Sput
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100816092020-ncdvqcnc4ex2cxol * src/ (4 files in 2 dirs) properly handle errors in api interface10:20
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100816092159-xf87e391nmmjlt0h * src/api/Api.cpp todo--10:22
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100816092344-bpc6m758jsaym5pn * src/share/ShareDialog.cpp todo--10:23
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100816093111-j7468m4n6s1onw6t * debian/changelog Snapshot10:31
Sputoooh \sh is alve!10:36
\shSput: somehow....10:42
apacheloggerwgrant: how does one get ddebs for PPAs now?10:43
Sputlong time no beer10:43
wgrantapachelogger: The primary archive isn't ready for it yet, so we can't switch them on.10:43
wgrantapachelogger: The code for PPAs is there, but it's not really safe until a couple of bugs relating to primary archive handling are fixed.10:44
wgrantI'll hopefully get to them over the weekend.10:44
* apachelogger hints to Quintasan that once ddebs for PPAs are ready the time he spent on qt nighly's dbg stripping was wasted :S10:45
\shSput: right...but when we moved to our new flat ... we will have some beer :)10:45
\shSput: promised10:45
Sput\sh: moving again?10:45
\shSput: yes...old flat is too broken and too dangerous for sean10:46
Sput\sh: why and where!10:46
Sputbroken? looked quite nice when I was there10:46
\shSput: where: durmhersheim city..10:46
Sputhmmm, that puts you in the "reachable" category then10:46
Sputclose to S-Bahn?10:46
\shSput: yes10:46
wgrantapachelogger: I did warn about that at the time :P10:47
\shSput: and why: mildew in the bath, broken kitchen wall etc. 10:47
* apachelogger will sure be glad when all the dbg foo can go10:47
Sput\sh: ah, well10:47
Sputright, was it you who had the kitchen furniture come tumbling down?10:47
apacheloggerRiddell: I think my gsoc stuff is ready...10:47
\shSput: yeah10:47
SputI see10:48
Sputwell, when're you moving?10:48
\shSput: on the 21st (next saturday)10:50
Sput\sh: meh, not around on that weekend10:51
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100816095132-pv0d3vwk9ouvolq2 * debian/copyright add icon license10:51
\shSput: no problem...have enough hands :)10:51
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Sputthis seems to be the single most popular weekend of the year, I think. I had to decide between half a dozen different invitations and events (not the least being Froscon), but I have to go to my old friend's wedding10:51
\shSput: 21st is froscon weekend10:52
Sput\sh: that's what I said :)10:52
Sputbut I'm going to be at the wedding instead10:53
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100816095342-rwit37r3q6gs580m * TODO update TODO10:53
apacheloggerfroscon \o/10:54
\shSput: I think the wedding is better ;) 10:55
Sputnot sure :)10:55
yofelapachelogger: actually, it seemed like he got confused wth Qt's configure options and forgot to enable debug mode, so there were no symbols to be stripped :P10:56
amichairshadeslayer: that revision is from before Lucid came out, and works fine...11:34
amichairshadeslayer: but I took a look in Maverick, and I think the problem is due to some change or breakage of PyQt slot argument type handling11:34
\shhmmm...dolphin is always crashing on me, when I start two dolphin windows...on maverick11:35
amichairshadeslayer: I already found one workaround, but reading up a bit more to see if there's any explicit documentation of the changes anywhere...11:35
amichairJontheEchidna: ^^ for you too :-)11:37
CIA-61[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100816105255-1w0aer6xmulo8cqp * NOTES.dolphin remove example class, do not like it ... add remark about controlling default on/off11:53
Riddell** Kubuntu lucid.1 candidates needing testing http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all12:00
Riddellalso Amarok needs packaging12:08
* apachelogger adds webm support to qtwebkit ^^12:37
jussiapachelogger: rock on12:38
apacheloggerRiddell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/tmp/Harald_Sitter.tar.gz think that is good for the code sample?12:38
* jussi wonders if anyone else has issues with facebook not being able to rotate pictures today...12:38
* apachelogger says good bye to dolphin12:46
apacheloggerthat preview + sidepane setting is certain death 12:47
RiddellI'll probably turn off preview when I remember to do so12:48
Riddellbut I find it much more useful with the side pane than without12:48
apacheloggerRiddell: I turned off previews in bzr already12:50
Riddellah, sorted12:50
macoRiddell: taco says what i did to fonts looks ok12:50
Riddellapachelogger: yes that code sample looks good12:50
macobut umm font defaults on netbook are dejavu sans, not sans.... you said sans was default...12:51
apacheloggerRiddell: IMHO we should implement something upstream that turns on previews if path is XDG_PICTURES_DIR or child of it12:51
apacheloggerpossibly with tick box in the dolphin settings "[x] Sane Previews" ;)12:51
apacheloggermaco: maybe someone broke the netbook12:52
Riddellfor cameras too if possible to detect12:52
RiddellSD cards etc12:52
apacheloggerI think that can be checked via solid rather easily12:52
shadeslayeramichair: alrighty 13:11
shadeslayeranyone who has access to retry builds around?13:21
=== ofirk_ is now known as ofirk
Riddellshadeslayer: what's up?13:31
shadeslayerRiddell: i64 kdenetwork built, needed to retry it, dholbach just hit the button :)13:32
shadeslayeri hope you moved srtp to main....13:32
Riddellit was libsrtp-dev that needed moving to main13:33
shadeslayerthat one :D13:33
Riddellyou need to be precise when asking for things like that13:33
amichairshadeslayer: can u pls confirm+merge the fix? (last rev. in my branch at lp:amichai2/software-properties/fixes)13:34
shadeslayeramichair: i cant merge, but i can confirm13:35
amichairwell that's a good start ;-)13:35
shadeslayerRiddell: quick question, http://rohangarg.pastebin.com/aSVsN3xL : line 54-58 are redundant right? since i dont pass those vars anywhere13:36
* debfx starts to package amarok13:38
shadeslayerdebfx: new amarok?13:39
debfxshadeslayer: 2.3.2 beta13:39
shadeslayerdebfx: nothing on kde-packager13:39
shadeslayeror do they not announce there? :P13:39
amichairshadeslayer, JontheEchidna: anything else you'd like me to look at?13:43
JontheEchidnaNah, I'm good :)13:44
shadeslayerme too :P13:45
debfxshadeslayer: no idea where Riddell got the intel ;)13:45
shadeslayerthere should be a RSS feed to all updates in /home/packager/ftpubuntu13:46
shadeslayerwhere are my frickin debs13:53
shadeslayerQuintasan: ^13:53
amichairis there a list of top bugs to be crushed for Maverick yet?14:12
=== ofirk_ is now known as ofirk
shadeslayeramichair: yeah14:23
debfxshadeslayer: what happened to rekonq daily builds? did they stop because of broken launchpad: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rekonq/+recipe/rekonq-daily ?14:23
shadeslayerdebfx: yep14:24
shadeslayerdebfx: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-bugs/+packagebugs14:24
shadeslayerdebfx: https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1688EB2508 << cant open recipe page14:24
amichairshadeslayer: where can I find it?14:27
shadeslayeroh man14:28
shadeslayersorry debfx :P14:28
shadeslayeramichair: https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-bugs/+packagebugs14:28
amichairoh :-)14:29
debfxlol "ubuntu single sign on"14:29
shadeslayeramichair: we haz #kubuntu-bugs14:30
debfxshadeslayer: I don't have access to that page, anything interesting there?14:30
shadeslayerdebfx: join https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-bugs14:31
debfxshadeslayer: the lp oops page14:31
shadeslayerohh.. your not authorised to see that page then14:32
shadeslayerneither am i14:32
shadeslayer<deryck> shadeslayer, it's a TypeError when trying to do  None + int.14:32
debfxlol, the launchpad login service is apparently not good enough as users don't know the brand launchpad14:34
apacheloggerlinking qtwebkit is quite the dangerous thing14:34
debfxso they re-implemented the whole thing as proprietary software14:35
apacheloggerdebfx: uh?14:35
debfxapachelogger: indeed it crashed my laptop several times14:35
apacheloggerubuntu single sign on was announced some months ago14:36
apacheloggerunfortunately it did not get the amount of rant I fel it deserved...14:36
apacheloggernow they have made ubuntu-sso-client, which essentially duplicates the UI bits14:36
apacheloggerso now there is launchpad login UI + backend, ubuntu sso UI + backend and ubuntu-sso-client UI14:37
apacheloggerdebfx: I think it woudl be best to turn of swapping and renice the linker for qtwebkit14:37
apacheloggerthat should prevent the system from going awall14:38
debfxoh dear14:38
debfxapachelogger: restricting the build to one cpu core has fixed the problem even though I don't know why14:40
apacheloggerand it uses hardcoded lzma :/14:41
* apachelogger is wondering if we could factor the lzma stuff out into a seperate module that could be used seperately too14:42
apacheloggerah that looks very possible and very easy too14:55
debfxapachelogger: how do you make the kde addon imply the new lzma addon?14:58
apacheloggersimple perl use directive14:58
apacheloggernow webm works but vorbis and theora are b0rked :O14:59
apacheloggerseems to me the mimetype listing from phonon-backend-vlc is a bit incomplete15:00
apacheloggerlists "audio/x-vorbis+ogg" but not audio/x-vorbis15:00
* apachelogger is not even sure if he can savely assume that former implies latter15:00
ScottKkopete-gcall is meant to go in Universe, right?15:01
shadeslayerScottK: yes15:01
shadeslayerRiddell: ^15:02
apacheloggerthis is fishy15:02
RiddellScottK: yeah I guess so15:02
ScottKOK. 15:02
apacheloggerphonon-backend-xine is also not listing audio/x-vorbis15:02
* ScottK is looking at it in New.15:02
apacheloggerand now I killed the rekonq -.-15:03
ScottKshadeslayer: What's the lib it needs that's in Universe?15:04
shadeslayerits not in universe tho15:04
ScottKSo why is it split out?15:04
shadeslayerScottK: cant go onto cd because of libmediastreamer15:05
Riddelldepends on libavcodec5215:05
ScottKRight.  Thanks.15:05
shadeslayerTm_T: pingly15:05
shadeslayersee plasma people say patch is good15:05
shadeslayerneeds testing.. thats it :)15:06
shadeslayerTm_T: testing procedure @ http://pastebin.com/FbpivDxp15:06
ScottKRiddell and shadeslayer: accepted.15:09
apacheloggeris video broken in qtwebkit right now? :O15:14
apacheloggerRiddell: ^15:15
Riddellapachelogger: it has never worked with phonon xine15:15
Riddellworks fine with gstreamer and probably vlc xine15:16
apacheloggertrying vlc right now15:16
Riddellaudio works fine 15:16
Riddellhttp://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/html5.html  is my test page15:16
apacheloggerRiddell: no dice at either15:16
Riddellphonon xine can't work, something to do with where the video gets directed15:16
Riddellgstreamer should work15:16
apacheloggerI want vlc to work :P15:16
apacheloggergstreamer as crappy webm support I hear15:17
Riddellqtwebkit could do with being able to switch to a backend which works15:21
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://reviewboard.kde.org/r/5049/15:31
shadeslayerRiddell: ^15:31
apacheloggerholy french fries of lord vader15:31
apacheloggerRiddell: it loads the thingies just fine it seems, but hitting play does not do nothing15:31
* apachelogger is wondering how to get qtwebkit to spit out debug output15:32
apacheloggerRiddell: good music ^^15:37
shadeslayerQuintasan: pokes15:42
shadeslayerdantti: dantti_work : erm... something wrong here? http://imgur.com/Qd7aM15:43
dantti_workshadeslayer: yes, old version of kpk :P the new one hides that for refreshing cache15:44
shadeslayerdantti: old? how is this old? :P15:44
shadeslayeri haz 0.6.0+svn1163215-0ubuntu115:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: can you please fix the style complaints 15:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: sure 15:45
shadeslayerwas going to fix... got caught up in some other work15:45
apacheloggershadeslayer: also fredrik still needs to ack anyway15:46
shadeslayerapachelogger: do i remove all them spaces? or just the one mentioned15:47
apacheloggershadeslayer: the trailing ones you introduced :P15:48
shadeslayerdantti_work: good to see details works now :D http://imgur.com/wXdf315:48
apacheloggerthey did work before too :P15:49
dantti_workshadeslayer: yes, old :P I've been hard working on kpk all day yesterday... and such15:49
dantti_workyes they did but only with aptcc :P15:50
shadeslayerdantti_work: good to see they work by default now :D15:50
dantti_workshadeslayer: btw does the group search works for you? Ridell said it doesn't and yesterday fixing some bugs on a fedora vm it didn't work either...15:51
apacheloggershadeslayer: grep DefaultBack /etc/PackageKit/PackageKit.conf15:51
apacheloggerdefault is aptcc now :P15:51
apacheloggerthat is a bit twisted 15:52
shadeslayerdantti_work: group search?15:52
* apachelogger needs to recompile all of qtwebkit to get logging \\o/15:52
apacheloggerthat is if I actually hit the wrong switch15:52
dantti_workyup, clicking on the groups when kpk starts15:52
shadeslayerdantti_work: works for me15:57
shadeslayeri clicked on KDE > search for kdenetwork15:58
dantti_workshadeslayer: thanks, pretty weird bug15:58
shadeslayerarent they all15:58
shadeslayerhad to click on Find by name btw15:58
dantti_workhmm well that does another search..15:59
shadeslayerdantti_work: ok see i click on KDE and it shows abby as first entry15:59
dantti_workyou can go using the keyboard15:59
shadeslayersame for accessories15:59
dantti_workyes, that looks broken.. 15:59
shadeslayerand all other categories as well15:59
dantti_workmy servers got all screwed after a power shutdown, I'm still trying to get network with xen :(16:00
apacheloggerRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/478897/ what do you think?16:06
Riddellapachelogger: what do Qt packages currently use and why is this better?16:09
Riddellfldc: you just joined kubuntu-users, was there something which prompted that?16:09
apacheloggerRiddell: they override dh_builddeb manually, while this approach is a) simpler and b) allows for usage of NO_DEB_LZMA and NO_DEB_COMPRESSION16:09
shadeslayerRiddell: No description available for kopete-gcall in ubuntu maverick. << doesnt look good16:09
apacheloggerb) very much pays off with stuff like qt or qtwebkit16:10
Riddellapachelogger: go for it then16:10
apacheloggeroh, there is also c) one central point to enhance in the future16:10
apacheloggerRiddell: oki, thanks16:10
Riddellshadeslayer: where's that?16:10
shadeslayerRiddell: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+package/kopete-gcall and https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdenetwork/4:4.5.0b-0ubuntu216:10
Riddellshrug, I expect it'll catch up one day16:11
shadeslayerlets see :P16:12
debfxapachelogger: dh_builddeb manpage says -u is deprecated and "--" should be used instead16:16
apacheloggerwell, that fix will have to wait16:18
apachelogger...if people used my branch the world would look a whole lot brighter though...16:18
Riddellfldc: you just joined kubuntu-users, was there something which prompted that?16:19
fldc_Riddell: this was mostly to try out the new ubuntu-fonts :)16:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: fixed white spaces http://reviewboard.kde.org/r/5049/diff/#index_header16:19
=== fldc_ is now known as fldc
Riddellfldc: where did you see that advertised?16:20
fldchttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2010-August/004561.html :D16:22
Riddellfldc: and did it work?16:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: so --with kde enables lzma compression ?16:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: looking good16:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: aye16:24
fldcRiddell: it does not seem that way :D16:27
fldcRiddell: maybe i should have read the rest of the thread ;)16:34
shadeslayerRiddell: seems our package works :)16:49
Riddellshadeslayer: kopete gcall?16:52
shadeslayeronly thing remaining is to ensure it doesnt create a issue with CD16:52
ScottKAs long as it lives in Universe, that'd be hard for it to do.16:58
nixternalhow are my favoritist hackers in the world?17:14
shadeslayerqimageblitz just released new tarball17:37
shadeslayerwell.. was released some time ago actually17:38
ScottKSomebody updating kymymoney? http://dot.kde.org/2010/08/16/kmymoney-team-announces-first-platform-4-release18:21
shadeslayerScottK: i can do it 18:30
shadeslayerScottK: bug fix release?18:31
shadeslayeror will need FFe ?18:31
ScottKNo idea.18:31
shadeslayerseems new release18:31
JontheEchidnaI was under the impression that prerelease -> stable releases didn't usually require an FFe18:33
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: 3.98 was a pre release to 4.5 ? 18:39
shadeslayerno 4.1-4.4 in between? :P18:40
shadeslayerthats why i thought it might need FFE18:40
JontheEchidnanope, just a magical version jump18:41
shadeslayerok then18:44
apacheloggerftbfs 18:51
debfxin that case you can change "-u" to "--" :p18:56
ScottKJontheEchidna: It depends on if upstream was good and kept it to bug fix only (not all do).18:58
sheytanhey, will someone make k3b 2.0.1 package for lucid?19:03
neversfeldedo we have 2.0 packages?19:03
sheytanmine k3b on lucid is 2.0.019:04
apacheloggerdebfx: I thought exactly the same when I saw the ftbfs mail ^^19:04
apacheloggerfirst I need to find out why that silly test fails though19:05
apacheloggeroh oh oh19:14
apacheloggeruse will require a module *inside* a block19:14
apacheloggerthat ought to be a bit wrongish there indeed19:15
* apachelogger pokes19:15
shadeslayerScottK: ill complete this tommorow....19:16
shadeslayerwrt kmymoney19:16
* apachelogger tries what happens if --with kde --with lzma gets used19:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: dh goes kaboom? :P19:18
apacheloggeroh, does not seem to fail19:18
apacheloggerwell, IIRC require ought not to import a module twice 19:18
apacheloggernot sure how that goes in different scopes, and if the --with's cause different scopes19:19
apacheloggerbut it does not seem to be the case19:19
apacheloggerright, no problems so apparently they are of same scope19:20
apacheloggerup we go19:24
=== ulysses is now known as ulysses__
=== ulysses__ is now known as ulysses
macoSput: does quassel's ssl stuff encrypt just login or everything?20:49
Sputmaco: everything20:49
macoSput: yay thanks20:49
Riddellassuming it's an SSL IRC server presumably20:49
Sputwell, there's obviously two connections, one between client and core if you run them separately, and one between core and ircd20:49
macoim referring to client & core20:50
Sputyeah, that encrypts all20:50
Sputyou should have a little green shield in the bottom right corner then20:51
macooh so thats what that is20:51
Sputthe tooltip should tell you :)20:51
macoit does... i just never tried it before20:51
macoer i mean.. the hovering...i never did that20:51
Sputhappens :)20:53
DaskreechThere are no daily Cds for Kubuntu?21:11
debfxDaskreech: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/21:12
debfxheh, amarok ships translated handbooks from 1.421:15
debfxalso they aren't installed in the correct location21:17
Daskreechdebfx: that's live. I'm looking for alternate21:17
debfxNightrose: ↑21:17
Nightrosedebfx: *sigh*21:18
Nightrosethat's clearly wrong21:18
Nightrosedebfx: can you email me a list of outdated handbooks so i can make sure they're not in final?21:18
Nightroselydia at kde org21:18
debfxNightrose: at least the screenshots are 1.421:19
Nightrosedebfx: then very likely the rest is wrong as well21:19
debfxNightrose: the ${CURRENT_LANG} variable isn't replaced by the actual language in the CMakeLists.txt files21:22
debfxso the docs end up in /usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/amarok21:23
Nightroseapachelogger: ^  21:23
apacheloggeroggy oggy oggy21:27
debfxNightrose: looks like all languages but english and ukrainian are outdated21:27
apacheloggerRiddell: I really wonder how gst can work for you because to me it seems that the mediaobject never gets the play signal21:27
apacheloggerNightrose: you should just replace that var with the name of the folder21:29
apacheloggeri.e. the current_lang21:29
Nightroseapachelogger: ?21:29
apacheloggeroh hold on21:29
apacheloggerno no21:30
apacheloggerNightrose: in de/CMakeLists.txt ${CURRENT_LANG} becomes de21:30
apacheloggerin fr/CMakeLists.txt ${CURRENT_LANG} becomes fr21:31
apacheloggerand so on21:31
debfxexcept for en_US which becomes en21:32
apacheloggerwhich is the most silly thing I ever saw to begin with21:32
Nightroseapachelogger: so i have to do that by hand from now on?21:32
apacheloggerunless you really want to reroll all the shit21:33
apacheloggeror write a script21:33
apacheloggerwhich is probably the best option yet21:33
Nightrosei'm not rerolling beta 121:34
apacheloggerwell then21:35
DaskreechAre there daily non live CDs built?21:37
apacheloggerDaskreech: very much so21:37
DaskreechDoesn't seem to matter though I can't download from the servers21:39
apacheloggermaybe the servers are made out of broken today21:40
* Daskreech covers apachelogger in Fluff21:44
apacheloggerI am all fluffed up today21:44
neversfeldewhere is lex?21:47
apacheloggerneversfelde: vacation21:54
apacheloggertravelling the lands and seas of middle earth21:55
apacheloggeror something like that21:55
neversfeldeapachelogger: ok, thanks for the info21:57
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
dantti_workis the text on the buttons (export, import) ok for an english reader? http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-plasma-desktophz341823:09
ulysseslooks good23:10
dantti_workmaybe Export Installed Packages List to a File?23:13
* apachelogger thinks qtwebkit is implying things it should not be implying :S23:50
apacheloggerdebfx: I think -- instead of -u causes issues23:53
apacheloggerI am not terribly sure why though23:53

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