
=== jt|away is now known as jtheuer
judgenHow do i get back removed icons in the k-menu?00:19
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FloridaGuywhats the command to add kde 4.5.0 to the repo01:30
PiciFloridaGuy: I believe  the information is in the topic.01:31
FloridaGuyPici, im looking all over in there01:32
FloridaGuyjust said i am in there looking all over the site01:34
chevelle_hi people01:37
chevelle_i need install automix but no find in repository01:39
chevelle_any idea?01:39
FloridaGuychevelle_, hang let me take a look01:42
FloridaGuychevelle_, you wanting automix or aumix01:45
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shallwehere is irc for kubuntu netbook ?01:54
shallweis here?01:54
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shallwesomeone knows how not autohide the upper panel?01:56
FloridaGuyshallwe, what upper panel01:58
shallweFloridaGuy: the only panel :D01:59
shallweits in top01:59
shallweits autohide, but i like not hide :(01:59
shallwein kubuntu netbook version01:59
FloridaGuyok....you see the little half shape moon thing on the end of it01:59
shallwelets try >D02:01
FloridaGuyclick on there and you should bring up another panel right ubunder it...on the right hand side of the screen it should say more setings or something like that...autohide will be under that02:02
shallwehumm let me see02:03
shallwestranger, nothing02:06
shallweonly add widgets, search and block page02:07
shallwewait i will put a printscreen :P02:08
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shallweits portuguese :P02:09
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shallwebut look down only 3 options02:10
shallweadicionar widgets = add widgets02:10
shallweconfigurar pesquisa e execução = config search and executions02:11
shallwebloquear página = block page02:11
FloridaGuyif you can hand on for a few..im installing kde base 4.5.0 right now....then i can look at mine02:13
shallweohh sure thanks :D02:14
shallwebut are you installing netbook version ?02:15
FloridaGuynot really any difference net-book ithink is just smaller02:16
macothe interface is different02:17
macoin 10.10 its all one CD and you can pick desktop or netbook interface from systemsettings -> workspace02:18
FloridaGuyMacobut the taskbar should be the same right02:18
FloridaGuyhe's tring to autohide02:18
macoautohide is automatic in netbook....02:19
shallweim tring tun off autohide :P02:19
macoin 4.5 you can right click the panel -> unlock panel, THEN hit the cashe on search & launch, and a thing floating under the panel will show up that has an autohide button02:20
macoif you're using 4.4 it's not optional02:20
shallwemaco: let me see it02:20
shallwewow its 4.4.2 :(02:21
shallwei install now it and update02:21
shallwebut its not upate for 4.5 o.O02:21
FloridaGuyguess on a desktop...autohide is under more settings or something like that on the panel02:21
maco4.5 is for 10.1002:21
macobut there's a backport of it in ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports02:22
shallweaaaa :(02:22
* maco notes that it says this in the /topic02:22
shallwebut is it stable?02:22
FloridaGuyim installing 4.5.0 right now02:22
macoyes, it was released as a stable kde release last week02:22
shallwehumm so i will put backport and update :D02:22
shallwethanks maco i will try it :D02:23
FloridaGuy4.5.0 is the best version so far02:24
FloridaGuyi been runing it for the last 2 weeks on mandriva02:25
FloridaGuywhere would i find a log file at..i get at boot time...something to do with dbus...some sis module not loaded02:28
shallweomg more than 200mb :P here in brazil with our internet we die hoping something :P02:30
macoFloridaGuy: there is no logging for upstart yet, afaik :-/02:31
macoFloridaGuy: dmesg *might* have it...02:31
macobut theres no boot.log02:31
FloridaGuymaco, here it is... [   24.453868] sis630_smbus 0000:00:02.0: SIS630 comp. bus not detected, module not inserted02:33
FloridaGuyget that in mandriva to...02:34
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coffeelordoh my goodness this kde is beautiful.03:05
VeinJuHey guys, I want to uninstall Googleearth but I dont know how to do that clean03:06
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xisorshadowhi im new to ubuntu and i had a question04:09
condonxios, what's up?04:25
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condonanyone know what will cause compiz to launch fallback window manager?  No errors reporting in command line.05:34
sobczykis there any explanation why parts of my system uses different locale than the default one?05:36
phoenix__i have enabled automount for all removable devices at login, it is asking password for every drive mount at startup. how to mount all the drives with a single password without an external script05:44
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corigoHow can I remove older kernels?06:39
DarthFrogcorigo:  "sudo dpkg --list | grep ^ii.* | cut -d '\'' '\'' -f 3 | grep linux" will tell you what kernel packages are installed.  "sudo ap-get remove <kernel package" will do the removal.06:42
DarthFrogThat's if you like doing things at the command line.  Use "Applications/System/Software Management" if you prefer to point 'n drool. :-)06:44
corigoDarthFrog: Command line statement did nothing as written... except leave me in a running (unclosed) statement. Don't see any way to remove old kernels in point and drool either06:47
DarthFrogOops, sorry my bad.  The command actually is: sudo dpkg --list | grep ^ii.* | cut -d ' ' -f 3 |grep linux06:48
DarthFrogI have an alias: alias lspkg="dpkg --list | grep ^ii.* | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | sort | less"  which I quickly modified for you.  Unfortunately, I modified the output of the "alias lspkg" command rather than the actual text as in .bash_aliases.06:50
corigoSo what does this command do exactly? List the installed kernels?06:58
DarthFrogIt'll list all installed packages with linux in the name.06:59
DarthFroglinux-image-2.6.32-24-generic  is a kernel package.06:59
DarthFrogAnd you can use that name for the apt-get remove command.07:00
corigoI see07:00
DarthFrogeg.  sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.32-24-generic07:00
DarthFrogBut don't remove that actual kernel as it is the current one. :-)07:00
muraliplease helpme. i am new to kubuntu. whenever i use a webbrowser and opens a web page which contains high resolution pics. my computer slows down and eventually becomes unresponsive07:00
DarthFrogYou'll also want to remove the appropriate linux-headers packages.07:01
DarthFrogmurali: Sounds to me like you need more RAM.07:01
muraliplease helpme. i am new to kubuntu. whenever i use a webbrowser and opens a web page which contains high resolution pics. my computer slows down and eventually becomes unresponsive07:04
corigoMurali, how much RAM do you have?07:06
muraliCArigo, i have 2 RAMS. 1GBram n 256MB RAM07:06
muraliCarigo, i have 2 RAMS. 1GBram n 256MB RAM07:07
DarthFrogmurali: There's no need to repeat your posts.  Please don't.07:07
muraliDarthFrog, ok07:08
DarthFrogmurali: When you are about to load one of these high rez pix, first open a command line window and issue the "top" command.  That will report the memory usage.  It'll report a lot of other things too, it's a very valuable utility.  Compare the "swap used" before and after.  If the swap used increases, you need more RAM.07:11
muraliDarthFrog, 1.2GB RAM is not enough.??? This happens only wen i open webpages with high resolution pics(1024*2000) appx.07:13
muraliDarthFrog, please suggets the RAM memory required?07:14
DarthFrogIt's not enough if what you're doing consumes all your physical RAM and you start swapping to virtual memory.  Virtual memory is over 100,000X slower than real memory.07:14
DarthFrogmurali: What else do you have running besides the bowser?  Try closing open applications to free up the RAM they're using.07:15
DarthFrogPersonally, RAM is so cheap nowadays, I'd simply max out the RAM my machine can take.07:16
muraliDarthFrog: Well, mine is DDR1 RAMs and their price is high wen compared to other rams.07:17
muraliDarthFrog: Is there anything tht i can do anything other thn upgrading my ram? Also i dint had this prob wen i am using XP. but i want to use kubuntu07:18
DarthFrogmurali: I don't know that it's a RAM shortage.  But it sounds like it might be.  That's why the use of "top" is a good diagnostic tool.  No point in throwing money at a problem if it won't solve the problem.07:22
muraliDarthFrog: how can i use the comand "top".07:25
DarthFrogmurali:  Just type "top" in a command line window.  It'll give you a lot of information, all of it being dynamically updated.  It might seem a bit much at first but you'll quickly figure it out.07:26
muraliDarth Frog: I have already opened it up. I dnt kno wat i have to look for in it07:28
DarthFrogSee the line in the top section, Swap:?07:28
DarthFrogHow much is total and how much is used?07:28
DarthFrogYou want as little as possible to be used.07:29
muraliDarthfrog: 0used, total free07:30
navetzhi, I am trying to do sudo aptitude upgrade but i am getting this message: http://pastebin.ca/1917970 , can someone tell me how I can install all these things?07:31
DarthFrog0 total?  Hmm.07:31
muralii mean total swap memory is free07:31
DarthFrogmurali: How much total swap?  How much free swap?07:32
muraliDarthfrog: Swap:  1145848k total,        0k used,  1145848k free,07:32
muraliDarthfrog: Mem:   1276424k total,  1056528k used,   219896k free,    39392k buffers07:33
DarthFrogmurali: OK, now load one of the pictures that is causing problems and see how much swap is used.07:33
muraliDarthfrog: pleaase wait while its loading and main memory useage is increasin07:37
muraliMem:   1276424k total,  1056528k used,   219896k free,    39392k buffers07:38
DarthFrogmurali: I'm going to bed in a minute or so. Sorry.  But if the swap usage increases, then you need mor RAM.07:38
muraliSwap:  1145848k total,    12844k used,  1133004k free,   347812k cached07:38
well_laid_lawnmurali: have you checked   top   in konsole to see if something else is using system resources?07:39
muraliwell_laid_lawn: there are lots of processes running.07:41
muraliwell_laid_lawn: but the the ewb browser is not takin max cpu mem07:41
well_laid_lawnmurali: the apps that use the most are listed first - are the top ones using lots?07:43
muraliwell_laid_lawn: yes, there is a process with name "plugin-containe"07:44
well_laid_lawnI don't know what that is07:45
well_laid_lawn!find plugin-containe07:46
ubottuFile plugin-containe found in firefox, firefox-dbg, xulrunner-1.9.2, xulrunner-1.9.2-dbg07:46
well_laid_lawnmurali: seems that's a firefox plugin then...?07:46
well_laid_lawnmurali: did you add it?07:46
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!07:48
muraliwell_laid_lawn: not that i remember. also i am checking out the list of plug-in installed with firefox but there is no mention of "containe"07:48
egonwmoin all... I installed KDE SC 4.5.0 from the ppa into my lucid installation, but now left with a broken kio_file and kio_http... I cannot find which package I am missing... and it basically leaves all KDE programs in a broken state... any suggestion on where to start looking would be very much appreciated...07:48
well_laid_lawnmurali: it might be a default plugin firefox has07:48
well_laid_lawnegonw: you could check at launchpad07:49
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/07:49
muraliwell_laid_lawn: ok. so what can v do now abt it?07:49
well_laid_lawnmurali: I would close firefox and check to see the plugin goes away07:50
well_laid_lawnin top07:51
egonwwell_laid_lawn: I did this weekend, and once more just again... no hits for kio_http, it seems... and googling only gives old stuff, nothing about 4.5.0... I'm thinking something might have gone bad during the dist-upgrade, or so... as I'm apparently a rare case...07:51
well_laid_lawnegonw: I haven't seen on here anything similar to what you're reporting07:52
well_laid_lawnbut then I'm not always here...]07:53
egonwwell_laid_lawn: thanx for being supportive, nevertheless!07:53
well_laid_lawnheh :]07:53
muraliwell_laid_lawn: i closed the firefox and checked. its not there. to check once i opened mazilla and its still not there.07:53
well_laid_lawnmurali: it might have just been a bad process - do what you were doing to see if it stays fine07:54
muraliwell_laid_lawn: ya i did tht. now "XORG" is taking more cpu07:58
well_laid_lawnmurali: a couple of lines down from the top is the line that starts Cpu - in from there is the cpu idle percent %id - how idle is your cpu?07:59
well_laid_lawnmurali: running gtk apps like firefox in a qt environment like kubuntu seems to use a bit of resources08:02
muraliwell_laid_lawn: so the solution?08:03
muraliwell_laid_lawn: i forgot to mention i am using Gnome desktop08:03
well_laid_lawnmurali: choose the apps you run with the above in mind maybe08:03
well_laid_lawnmurali: in #ubuntu you will have more luck finding someone who knows your issue then :]08:04
muraliwell_laid_lawn: thank you for ur help. u were very helpful08:05
well_laid_lawnmurali: np :]08:05
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IronbeardI was wondering how I could specify user specific resolutions. My setup is a laptop running kubuntu 10 hooked up to an external monitor (laptop stays closed) which is a server that I shh/vnc tunnel into from my android handset.. I was hoping to create a profile on my server with the same resolution as the handset (320x480)08:37
well_laid_lawnnice question08:38
Ironbeardhaha. sooo.. can't be done?08:39
well_laid_lawnI'm sure it can be - either with an xrandr command somewhere or with...08:43
well_laid_lawnin startvnc add a command for xrandr08:45
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1208:45
well_laid_lawnit's not just for dualscreens08:45
Ironbeardhmm right on..doing some research08:47
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Ironbeardi dont think i have the ability to start vnc with a xrandr command since it's from an android app08:49
well_laid_lawnbut the startvnc script works on the lappy08:49
well_laid_lawnnothing to do with the clien iirc08:49
Ironbeardooh okay08:50
Ironbeardwell_laid_lawn: sorry, don't see anything for a startvnc type script.. were you suggesting I create my own?08:53
well_laid_lawnIronbeard: here it is in ~/.vnc/xstartup08:54
Ironbeardahh! thanks08:55
IronbeardHmm.. sorry one more. I just set up a new kubuntu user on my server machine..never done multiple users. It can't find the .vnc folder even tho I know I have it in my other account.. i know vnc server is installed and can use it with my other account on the server...what am I forgetting to do on this new user account?08:57
well_laid_lawnas the user start vncserver and the dir should be made08:59
Ironbeardahh right09:00
Ironbeardthanks again!09:00
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Ironbeardwell_laid_lawn: Could editing the geometry in the following line give me my desired result or do you think I still need to call xrandr? x-terminal-emulator -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &09:05
well_laid_lawnIronbeard: that's sounds like the better option :]09:06
Ironbeardyay. Im learning as I go. So Im thinking 80x24+10+10 is 80x24 resolution and located at some x y coordinate (10,10)... is (0,0) the top left or..?09:07
well_laid_lawn0,0 is top left09:08
well_laid_lawnIronbeard: I'm learning here too :]09:09
well_laid_lawnall I did with vnc was edit the startup file to run ~/.xinitrc09:10
Ironbeardhaha. I was just stoked I set up ssh and vnc today, it keeps getting better.. hoping to get some x10 wall sockets and control ac/lighting with the ol phone09:10
Ironbeardwhat is xinitrc?09:10
well_laid_lawnit is a dot file that's starts the window manager and environment - I use it 'cause i don't use a desktop environment to handle things09:11
Ironbeardaaah right on. Sweet. Is there a way to disable plasma compositing in this account?09:12
well_laid_lawnthat's not something I've tried before09:13
well_laid_lawnedit the settings for the user and it should be saved...09:13
Ironbeardyeah, sounds right09:13
well_laid_lawnfor a server I would have a user that runs next to nothing09:15
Ironbeardyeah, that's what Im thinking, so the lag isn't as bad09:16
well_laid_lawnand there's settings to lighten what the server sends out like ncache09:16
well_laid_lawnand there's settings to lighten what the vncserver sends out like ncache09:17
Ironbeardyeah, I saw a mention of ncache in the vncserver output09:17
Ironbeardurg. now I need to add this guy do the sudoers..09:17
well_laid_lawnsudo usermod -g iirc09:19
alejandro_Hi people09:20
well_laid_lawnwheel group and admin etc09:20
Ironbeardwell seeing how i've learned so many other things today, ill throw that on the list. thanks09:21
well_laid_lawn!hi alejandro_09:22
well_laid_lawn!hi | alejandro_09:22
ubottualejandro_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!09:22
alejandro_that I have a problem with lm-sensors to display the voltage and rpm09:23
opijcould  anyone tell me how to install nautilus without breaking my system09:24
alejandro_porque no se muestra en GNU/linux but in windows se muestra todo in everest09:24
alejandro_because it is not shown in GNU / linux in windows shown But all in everest09:24
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.09:25
jussiopij: why would installing nautilus break your system?  it will install half of gnome, but things shouldnt break...09:25
well_laid_lawnalejandro_: ^^09:25
jussiopij: also, is there a reason you want to install nautilus?09:25
opijjussi, whatwhatwhat? half of gnome?09:25
well_laid_lawnnautilus is gnomes file manager so...09:26
opijjussi, because i want a file manager with full featured previews of all types of files09:26
jussiopij: nautilus has a lot of GTK/gnome dpendencies, last time I checked...09:26
jussiopij: which previews is dolphin missing?09:26
opijjussi, you have to mouse over the files to get the previews09:27
opijand you cant get previews  of files  larger than 100mb09:27
skramer_how do I make windows transparent? I'm on KDE SC 4.5 using standard theme09:28
jussiopij: thats configurable last time I checked?09:31
opijjussi, you mean just 10 seconds ago? how did you do it?09:31
jussiopij: settings, configure dolphin, general, previews, don not create previews for files above;09:32
opijjussi, there's  no such setting09:33
jussiopij: ok, seems it must have been introduced between your version and 4.5 which I am running.09:34
luis_hello everyone good night i just manage to install kubuntu10.4 but it won't keep my screen configuration even using KrandRTray how can i leave my screen size the way i want help me please09:34
opijjussi thats not the only problem. i also have the problem that you dont get previews unless you mouse over the icon09:35
jussiopij: oh? my photos just appear...?09:35
well_laid_lawnluis_: you can read the log in /var/log/Xorg.0.log   to find out what's up09:36
jussiopij: my photos previews just appear on opening the folder.09:36
luis_ok just a min09:36
opijjussi, what about videos?09:36
jussiopij: no, videos of course you need to mouse over.09:37
luis_this is what i have: http://pastebin.com/jy7nzemN09:39
opijjussi, are there a lot of kde dependencies you have to install to get dolphin running? because im not running kubuntu or ubuntu09:41
opijbut am here for kubuntu software09:42
well_laid_lawnluis_: I would bet the default chosen for your setup has the sync or refresh rates wrong for your monitor09:42
opijand similar issues09:42
opijas i run lubuntu09:42
luis_the one it gives me every time i reboot is 800x600 and i need 1024x768 is there a way to make that permanent?09:43
opijjussi, does konqueror have video thumbnails?09:43
* jussi checks, but guesses it does. 09:44
well_laid_lawnluis_: I would make a file /etc/X11/xorg.conf and set the default in there09:45
jussiopij: it appears to...09:45
luis_can you tell me how to do that please?09:45
opijopij, what appears to? dolphin appears to have a lot of kde dependencies?09:46
luis_sorry i am kinda new on this system and i am still trying to adjust to this09:46
opijjussi, or konqueror has  video thumbnails?09:47
jussiopij: konqueror appears to have video thumbnails ;O)09:48
opijjussi, and dolphin doesnt have video thumbnails?09:48
well_laid_lawnluis_: easiest way is to google   xorg.conf "your-video-card" - lspci | grep -i vga   to find your vid card09:49
opijthats messed up!09:49
jussiopij: yes, it does have thumbnails..09:49
luis_ok thanx09:49
jussiboth do09:49
jussiopij: dolphin has thumnails and a little player in the sidebar that you can watch a preview in.09:50
opijjussi, neither are working on my system09:51
jussiopij: have you checked that the correct type of files are selected in the dialog I told you about before?09:53
jussiopij: Im rebooting, see you soon09:53
skramer_I have a problem with the small window previews after the upgrade to KDE SC 4.5, instead of the correct preview I see white rectangles with some strange CGA colours inside09:54
skramer_in 4.4 I could see the full & correct preview... anybody else has such problem?09:54
jussiskramer_: I did have that issue, when running the noveau drivers, but with the nvidia I dont have such an issue.09:58
skramer_jussi: hmm... I don't have NVidia, though. My laptop has Intel graphics card...09:59
jussiskramer_: curious. Im not sure what the issue is09:59
jussiperhaps ask in #kde?09:59
skramer_jussi: sure, thank you10:00
jussiright, Im disappearing. laters10:00
opijjussi, i still cant see the thumbnails with actual stills from the videos10:00
jussiopij: settings, configure dolphin, general, previews - is video ticked in there? (or wait, did you not have that section)10:01
opiji didnt have that section10:01
jussiopij: Im sorry, I need to go and I dont have your version, so its a bit hard to give you help. my apologies.10:02
opijill see you later hopefully10:03
ArGGu^^opij install mplayerthumbs10:13
opijthanks ArGGu^^ !10:14
opijwhat if the video cant be played in mplayer?10:14
ArGGu^^then there is video in the settings->configure dolphin->general->previews10:14
opijI just dont see it10:15
ArGGu^^opij well I think it can not then create thumbnail, but I have not seen video file that mplayer does not play.10:15
ArGGu^^opij you installed the mplayerthumbs?10:16
ArGGu^^and close all dolphin windows10:16
ArGGu^^and open dolphin10:16
ArGGu^^it should be there after that10:16
opijArGGu^^, that fixed it. thanks.10:25
phoenix_what is the latest kopete version10:43
well_laid_lawn!info kopete10:46
ubottukopete (source: kdenetwork): instant messenger for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu4.1 (lucid), package size 5060 kB, installed size 17552 kB10:46
phoenix_well_laid_lawn: what is the version?10:48
well_laid_lawnVersion 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu4.1 (lucid)10:49
phoenix_well_laid_lawn: that is wrong10:49
well_laid_lawnI didn't do it...10:49
phoenix_well_laid_lawn: for kde 4.5 the version i last used is 1.0.8010:50
phoenix_well_laid_lawn: i would like to know the latest nightly build version10:50
well_laid_lawnphoenix_: 4.5 isn't in lucid10:51
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.10:51
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phoenix_well_laid_lawn: can you direct me to a page where i can see the changelog of kopete, the kopete webpage is not maintained10:52
well_laid_lawnphoenix_: and I guess the !info botlink returns the ubuntu version number not the actual kopete one10:52
phoenix_well_laid_lawn: ya10:53
well_laid_lawnphoenix_: I wouldn't know where to look  - maybe #kde ...?10:53
phoenix_well_laid_lawn: i will be back in a moment10:54
phoenix_well_laid_lawn: the people in kopete channel say that the latest version is 1.0.80 and there is no other latest version. they say that there are less developers commited to kopete and so the progress is very poor11:07
skramer_is it possible to change to another tab of a window without having to click it? I could not find where to configure it, though...11:09
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=== Rocko is now known as Bogdan
=== Bogdan is now known as Rocko23_
Rocko23_anybody here11:17
Tm_TRocko23_: yes, plenty of us11:19
Rocko23_can you help me with smth?11:19
Tm_TRocko23_: just state your issue clearly and with all relevant details and who can will help11:20
Rocko23_linux is smth new for me and i just need a little help11:20
Rocko23_i just want to install gnome to make linux a windows look11:21
Rocko23_to be more simple for me11:21
Rocko23_and i don know how to install it11:21
Rocko23_i have kubuntu with latest updates11:22
Rocko23_(i thin)11:22
Rocko23_so anybody there who knows what i must do....11:23
well_laid_lawnphoenix_: seems if you use kde 4.4 or 4.5 you will have the same version then11:24
phoenix_well_laid_lawn: ya11:25
Rocko23_so?....some help from anyone?11:26
Tm_TRocko23_: patience (:11:26
well_laid_lawnand !enter11:27
Tm_TRocko23_: there's several ways: one is simply by using package manager to install "ubuntu-desktop" package11:27
Rocko23_if you can tell me the steps.... i appreciate11:29
Rocko23_as i told you.... i´m not familiary with linux11:30
Tm_TRocko23_: open the k-menu, launch System Settings, from there, pick "Add and Remove Software"11:32
Tm_Tnow you have the place to install and remove applications in front of you (:)11:35
Rocko23_step 2?11:38
Tm_TRocko23_: btw, strange that you want to have gnome to get windows look, as it looks about like this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9d/Ubuntu_10.04_screenshot.png11:38
Tm_TRocko23_: next step would be to use search to find the package you want to install and choose it to be installed... and it should be straightforward from there11:39
Rocko23_i did it and waiting to install11:39
Rocko23_but the pic you linked it, it doesn´t look like mine11:41
Tm_TRocko23_: you're now in KDE, and that pic is from GNOME11:41
Rocko23_but i made smth stupid....... the menu bar is not there anymore11:42
Rocko23_what can i do to put it back on screen11:43
Rocko23_i have kubuntu 10.04 and is a little different then ubuntu11:43
Surunvericould someone help me out installing this game called ADOM on kubuntu11:52
SurunveriI read the readme file but i didnt really understand11:52
Rocko23_i´d love to...but i am a newbie to11:53
James147Surunveri: what is ADOM?11:58
Surunveriit's a game :D11:59
Surunverithere's a linux version of it11:59
Surunveribut i dont know how to start/install it11:59
br14n4b4nksafternoon all11:59
br14n4b4nksi have some probs playing 1080p12:00
br14n4b4nksits prolly my video card getting to old ...12:00
James147Surunveri: would help if we had a link or something :)12:00
br14n4b4nksi have HD2600XT12:00
RiddellKubuntu lucid.1 candidates needing testing, do join us in #ubuntu-testing and #kubuntu-devel if you can help12:00
br14n4b4nksor could it be a codec problem ??12:02
br14n4b4nksim on kubuntu 10.0412:02
Peace-br14n4b4nks: what?12:02
br14n4b4nksi have stuttering 1080p playing12:02
Peace-you see the video?12:03
br14n4b4nksi was wondering if it is my video card or a codec problem12:03
rousingi have lucid on ly laptop, i've finally succeeded to install kubuntu but this time i have first installed ubuntu and then kubuntu-desktop (got lot of problems when installing kubuntu directly)12:03
Peace-if you see the video it's not codec12:03
br14n4b4nksyeah but high cpu12:03
br14n4b4nksand not fluent playing12:03
Peace-welll that could be driver problem12:03
Peace-video i mean12:03
br14n4b4nksyeah i guess so12:03
Peace-vlc ?12:03
br14n4b4nksits from 200712:03
Peace-try to change output diver on vlc settings12:04
rousingi'd like to know why the network doesnt recognise me to enable wifi connection please, notice that everything just work perfectly under gnome (ethernet + wifi)12:04
Peace-try with xvideo12:04
Peace-or other12:04
br14n4b4nksPeace-, ok thx12:04
br14n4b4nksgonna give it a try12:04
Rocko23_hey...some help?12:04
Rocko23_trying to make linux with a windows xp look12:04
Peace-rousing: your wifi is enabled there is a button ?12:04
Peace-on your laptoop^12:05
Rocko23_and i didn´t succide12:05
Peace-Rocko23_: there a package called vista or vistar12:05
rousingPeace- yes but the button isn't recignised by the system12:05
Peace-rousing: well give me iwconfig12:05
Peace-on paste12:05
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:05
rousingPeace- under ubuntu it works without any manipulation of the button12:05
Peace-rousing: iwconfig12:05
* Peace- has few time guys12:06
Peace-do it faster12:06
rousingPeace-, eth1      IEEE 802.11  Access Point: Not-Associated12:06
rousing          Link Quality:5  Signal level:0  Noise level:012:06
rousing          Rx invalid nwid:0  invalid crypt:0  invalid misc:012:06
rousingPeace-, wanted to use pastebin12:06
Peace-rousing: use paste12:06
Peace-that is only eth112:07
rousingPeace-, http://pastebin.com/ABPd9GZ212:07
rousingPeace-, as i have said, wifi + ethernet are working perfectly under gnome12:08
rousingPeace-, from dmesg12:09
rousingPeace-, eth0: RTL8168d/8111d at 0xffffc90000672000, 00:26:b9:15:f1:10, XID 081000c0 IRQ 3612:09
rousingPeace-, eth1: Broadcom BCM4315 802.11 Hybrid Wireless Controller
rousingPeace-, any idea ?12:10
br14n4b4nksPeace-, xvideo seems to run way more smoother :D12:10
br14n4b4nksthx for the tip12:10
br14n4b4nksPeace-, any clue how i could fix wmap audio on kubuntu 10.04 amd64 ??12:12
br14n4b4nksi tried about anything12:12
Surunveriso there's this game i'd like to install.. it says taht you can just type a command and it starts but it has to be placed in a path variable12:13
Surunverior something12:13
br14n4b4nksi don't want to switch back to windows ...12:13
Peace-rousing: now i see12:13
rousingPeace-, help please :(12:14
Peace-rousing: it seems your wifi is not enabled12:14
Peace-rousing: try to do enable it12:14
Peace-with the button12:14
Peace-then iwconfig again12:15
James147Surunveri: "echo $PATH" will tell you allthe locations the OATH varible knows about12:15
rousingPeace-, wiki key isn't recognized but lucid, i have pushed it many times and iwconfig to see if something change, but nothing change12:16
Peace-lspci | grep -i Network12:16
Peace-rousing: in your iwconfig seems there is not a wifi enabled12:17
Peace-maybe on the bios is enabled?12:17
Peace-are you sure ?12:17
Peace-br14n4b4nks: wmap?12:17
James147Surunveri: this will tell you how you can add places to your PATH varible: http://serverfault.com/questions/44275/how-to-add-a-directory-to-my-path-in-ubuntu12:18
rousingPeace-, sure i can disconnect kde session and log in gnome session i'll get wifi12:18
br14n4b4nksits windows media player codec ??12:18
rousingPeace-, eth1 is my wireless interface12:18
br14n4b4nksvlc can't play it ...12:18
Peace-rousing: eth1?12:18
Peace-mmm that strange12:18
Peace-eth= ethernet12:18
Peace-should be12:19
rousingPeace-, see lshw -C network12:19
Peace-sudo iwlist eth1 scan12:19
rousingPeace-, http://pastebin.com/78fDE0Rw12:19
rousingPeace-, eth1      Failed to read scan data : Invalid argument12:20
rousingPeace-, i'll go under gnome and test again, give me a sec please12:21
rousinghi again12:27
rousingPeace-, in fact, i have played with wifi button and now i can see the network12:28
rousingPeace-, still not able to connect :(12:36
Peace-rousing: but...12:40
Peace-rousing: iwconfig ?12:40
Peace-man i have to go 10 minutes left12:40
rousingPeace-, http://pastebin.com/xVrDZJY812:43
rousingPeace-, sorry12:43
rousingnow i can scan network using sudo iwlist eth1 scan12:43
rousingPeace-, and it shows me the available wifi networks12:43
rousingPeace-, http://imagebin.ca/view/8rW2CwV.html is a screen showing that my wifi is 100% but i don"t know why i can't connect12:44
Peace-rousing: install wicd if you get problem with knetworkmanager12:47
Peace-sorry man i have few time12:47
rousingthank you mr, and good day12:47
Peace-buti suggest to disagle wep wap protection12:47
Peace-try to connect without that12:47
rousingPeace-, dont bother yourself with my questions :) thanks a lot12:48
Peace-then if you are able to connect try to se better your wep wpa psk protection12:48
Peace-seee ya12:48
rousingPeace-, see you12:48
nicekiwi9the brightness controls in KDE arnt changing my screen brightness when I tell it to13:47
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nicekiwi9does ayone ever talk in here?13:59
James147nicekiwi9: people do when they have a question or know the answer to one :)14:00
rousingi've finally removed ubuntu-desktop and its dependency since i've wifi working14:00
nicekiwi9sigh... then ubuntu boats much and knows little..14:00
rousingthe last problem i have is that kdm wont start automatically, i have to run sudo service kdm start each time manually :(14:00
rousinghow to start kdm automatically please ?14:00
nicekiwi9how bout this one, when I stretch the default panel all the way acrros the screen half of it turns black?14:02
=== henois is now known as KidCamaleon
FlashDeluxe038hi there! ive got a problem, i want to use a bluetooth headset and i try to connect via btsco, but if i execute the command btsco -v macadress i get the error "Error: control open (hw:1): No such file or directory Error: Can't find device. Bail ". Can anybody help me?14:10
CinLungis there anyone who can explain the difference of ubuntu/kubuntu server vs desktop?14:24
CinLungIs there feature differences?14:24
James147CinLung: the server version dosnt come with a gui by default...14:25
CinLungHi James14:25
CinLungin term of features14:25
CinLungare there big differences other than UI14:26
bazhangCinLung, no UI with server14:26
CinLungis the UI really the only differences between server and desktop?14:26
bazhangjust command line14:26
CinLungwhat about server features14:26
James147CinLung: I think the server versions some with an optimised kernal for server stuff :) and the installation of the server version is designed around making it easier to setup servery stuff14:27
James147CinLung: other then that they both share the same repos so have access to teh same packages so are capable of doing the same thing :)14:27
CinLungJames147, are there big differences int he kernel optimization for server?14:27
CinLungI wanted to install ubuntu but I would love to have some gui14:28
CinLungsince I came from windows environment14:28
James147CinLung: I dont know the details, I only read something a long time ago that mentioned differences in teh kernals14:28
CinLungI want to move to Linux14:28
CinLungJames147: So, do you think I would better install server edition and then install gnome on top of it?14:28
James147CinLung: Then I would start by installing kubuntu or ubuntu and getting use to the command line first14:28
CinLungI am used to the command line in linux, althought not too expert, but I am concerned with the features and performances14:29
James147CinLung: It wont make much difference in terms of usage... the desktop versio will be eaiser to getinto14:29
CinLungIf the server vs desktop only differs in UI, then I would rather install the desktop14:30
CinLungseems prettier :)14:30
James147CinLung: you can also install the server kernal on the desktop if you want to... but thats going to be the largest difference in them14:31
James147CinLung: but generally the server version is designed for a headless server... if your jsut throwing a gui on it you may as well just go for the desktop version :)14:32
FlashDeluxe038mhhh does nobody have an idea in my case? :(14:34
nebulahelp me !14:37
James147!help | nebula14:37
ubottunebula: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:37
nebulathe best ftp client for ubuntu 10.04 ?14:37
James147nebula: dolphin14:37
James147nebula: o wait.. ubuntu? ask in #ubuntu14:37
nebulaokey ! :)14:38
BluesKajCinLung, the server edition comes with apache and mysql optimised for databases etc ...I have ubuntu server but I installed a desktop on it since I like using gui for running movies and music on our audio/video system14:39
James147BluesKaj: dose it come with them installed? I think you have to opt into the LAMP stull on the server edition :) you can also install them from the desktop version (i presume the same versions... as they use the same repos)14:42
BluesKajhi James147 , he was asking the same ftp question in ubuntu already14:42
James147so server + gui  is about the same to desktop + LAMP....14:42
CinLungJames147: What is LAMP. Sorry I am new about LAMP14:43
BluesKajJames147, one gets the options for lamp etc during the install...initially I was going to setup a domain server , but it a rather daunting task for my skills14:43
CinLungBluesKaj: is there any archive I can read about my question14:43
James147BluesKaj: you get the option, but its jsut as easy to install it on a desktop version :)14:44
CinLungBluesKaj: I need to set the server as domain server or NIS Server as well. Do I use LAMP14:44
James147CinLung: LAMP is the web server stuff  (Linux Apache MySql PHP) its basically an easy way to install everything you ened for it14:45
BluesKajCinLung, http://www.ubuntu.com/server14:45
BluesKajJames147, yes I'm aware one can install all server apps quite easily14:47
FlashDeluxehi@all! Has anybody got experiences with bluetooth headset and can tell me how he connects to his/er headset?15:33
CinLungJames147 & BluesKaj, Thank you for the information on LAMP and the ubuntu desktop. One last thing I need to ask is: is there any documentation on what things being maximized (on kernel side, etc) for server version of ubuntu vs the desktop version15:48
CinLungSorry... I mean optimized15:50
James147CinLung: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq   might tell you :)15:51
CinLungthanks James15:51
CinLungis there also any docs on how to make ubuntu/kubuntu as NIS or domain server so that other ubuntu client can login using their accounts stored in the server?15:52
CinLungJames147: I guess I better install ubuntu server and add Gnome on top of it to utilized the server optimized kernel15:55
vbgunzcan someone explain whats up here? in konqueror on 4.5 khtml part I see a huge comment box. switching to webkit, its a white page http://alternet.disqus.com/bed_bug_infestation_is_scaring_millions_of_americans_personal_health_alternet/reply.html?f=alternet&t=bed_bug_infestation_is_scaring_millions_of_americans_personal_health_alternet&ff=Arial%2CGeorgia%2CSans%20Serif&default_text=Type%20your%20comment%20here.&ifrs=&1281970454986#00090000000000000000000115:55
James147CinLung: or install the server kernal ontop of the desktop version15:55
vbgunzthis happens not just on this site but on many sites15:56
CinLungoh.. how do I do that?15:56
CinLungSorry this part is new to me15:56
vbgunzdamn, it even happens in firefox. wtf is going on?15:57
James147CinLung: install "linux-image-server"  :) that should get you the server kernal15:57
James147CinLung: the great thing about desktop vs server is that they share so much that it is easy to convert one to the other and back again :D15:57
CinLungso I just pop the desktop CD and then run installation with "linux-image-server" option... yes?15:59
James147vbgunz: on chroumium (webkit) i get a white page with some light coloured text at the top... and can type on the page :S16:00
James147CinLung: ... install the desktop edition... then when your on the new system install "linux-image-server"16:01
CinLungic ic16:01
vbgunzJames147: funny thing is, this isn't the only site that shows this behavior sometimes, theres a new web widget or something breaking browsers I suppose. kind of sucks16:01
James147CinLung: linux-image-server is just a package that will install the server kernal... you need to install the system before you can install it :)16:01
CinLung1. Install complete linux desktop, 2. Open the bash shell and type install "linux-image-server"16:02
CinLungis that the steps?16:02
CinLungI mean are those the steps16:02
James147CinLung: type into a terminal "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install linux-image-server"16:03
James147(update will update the package lists so the package manager know aobut new packages and will get the latest version, then install will download and isntall it)16:03
James147(sudo will temporly run a program as root using your password... there si no root password by default and it is NOT advised to give it one... use sudo when you need root)16:04
CinLungbu that will require Internet connection to download the server kernel... is that right16:04
James147CinLung: yes16:04
CinLungCan I install server edition without LAMP and then add the desktop GUI instead? Internet connection in my country is rather slow. How big is the kernel anyway?16:05
James147CinLung: you would need to dl the GUI then... and I would think that the kernal is smaller then the GUI16:06
CinLungOh IC IC.... got your point... thanks16:07
James147CinLung: the actual server kernal image is about 126M ... where as the whole of gnome or kde would be quite abit more :D16:08
CinLungbtw... is there any guides on how to make ubuntu as domain server or as NIS? I want to make all the clients in my networks to sign in with the server first before using the computer. Just like in Windows domain environment16:08
CinLung126m is still big for me :)16:08
James147CinLung: it can... searching google should bring up a howto :D  (I think ubuntu is capable of active directory as well)16:09
CinLungcan I predownload the kernel using web browser and then have my file downloader catch it for me? 126mb will cost me at least 3-4hours to download16:09
James147CinLung: yeah... but I would think its smaller then an entire GUI :) so the more effecent path16:09
CinLungcan you predownload the kernel and then install it locally later?16:10
James147CinLung: you can... although you might ahve to get all the dependencys as well...16:10
CinLungOooh... ic... so the best way is still to upgrade using ubuntu install feature... OK. I will try it first16:11
James147CinLung: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/linux-image-server16:11
CinLungregarding changing the Ubuntu as domain server or NIS server... I tried googling... So far have not found something that is really easy to apply... maybe you have a suggestion?16:12
James147CinLung: first link for "ubuntu NIS": https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNISHowTo16:13
James147CinLung: and if you cant find something that "easy" to apply then it might not be an "easy" thing to do :S16:14
James147CinLung: you may want to look up "Active directory" instead... (although I dont know how easy that would be to set up)16:15
CinLungJames147: I just googled and found this article about desktop vs server16:19
=== fldc_ is now known as fldc
CinLungaccording to this article there is not much differences in desktop vs server kernel. In fact, if I want to use the server for multimedia purposes, I better install the 64 bit version of desktop16:20
CinLungis that true16:20
CinLungserver 64 bit vs desktop 64 bit kernel not too much differences?16:21
CinLungBtw... I used my PC as both the server and some minor multimedia activities16:21
CinLungmost ly for development in java16:21
CinLungand for file sharing and printer sharing16:22
pixel__grazz no me deja actualizar el sistema del 9.1 al 10 y  no se descargan los controladores de la tarjeta de video16:23
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:24
pixel__ni la wireless,  para  laptop studio 155516:24
James147CinLung: wouldnt have thourght there would be that much of a difference in them so that sounds about right16:24
James147CinLung: I think most of the optimisations are for large scale server networks... Your not really going to notice a difference in a home system I would think16:25
slughi, i'm using the lucid backports and trying to install an application. I get the following error:16:25
slugThe following packages have unmet dependencies:16:25
slug  libqt4-assistant: Depends: libqt4-network (= 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu5) but 4:4.7.0~beta2-0ubuntu3~lucid1~ppa4 is to be installed16:25
slug                    Depends: libqtcore4 (= 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu5) but 4:4.7.0~beta2-0ubuntu3~lucid1~ppa4 is to be installed16:25
slugE: Broken packages16:25
FloodBotK2slug: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:25
slugany idea if I can solve it?16:26
James147slug: what are you trying to install? and I assume you have upgraded your system to kde 4.516:26
slugJames147: yeah. I'm trying to install paraview, that i had working before16:26
slugi wanted to test kde 4.5, so this was the reason i added the backports ppa.16:27
James147slug: but have you upgraded to kde 4.5?16:28
CinLungJames147: thank you for the advice... one more thing... is there any way I can contact the ubuntu channel admin to lift my ban? I accidentally pressed Cping on my mac ircle app and pinged all the users in the channel and thus I was banned.16:28
James147ahh, yeah... your problem is that it wants an older version of qt... where as the backports and kde4.7 want a newer version16:28
slugJames147: yes,. i did. apt-get dist-upgrade, using it now16:28
slugJames147: yep, that's why i posted that error message, which is the relevant part :)16:29
slugJames147: i would assume that different versions of qt could coexist16:30
James147slug: you might wnat to tell Riddell about that... :)16:30
James147slug: they can... but the upgrade upgraded the qt version rather then installing another along side...16:31
Riddellslug: you need to remove libqt4-assistant16:32
slugRiddell: apt-get remove libqt4-assistant (...) Package libqt4-assistant is not installed, so not removed16:33
CinLungJames147: James. I read your article about NIS, in that article there is another article that says that NYS is better... Is that the new NIS??16:35
CinLungShould I use NYS instead of NIS16:35
slugRiddell: any thoughts ?16:35
CinLungNIS+ is no longer developed.16:36
slugCinLung: i would run ldap+kerberos16:36
CinLungslug: can that perform the same thing as NIS and windows domain?16:36
James147CinLung: I dont know much about NIS or NYS... so I cant answer that16:36
CinLungthank you james16:37
slugCinLung: yeah, but if you are asking that question it might take you a while to setup everything correctly :)16:38
CinLungslug: can you point me to a guide on how to incorporate LDAP+Kerberos...16:38
Riddellslug: if libqt4-assistant isn't installed you shouldn't have a problem16:38
gageHello everyone, I need some help using my jailbroken ipod touch on kubuntu, I've installed ifuse and libimobiledevice and it is still not showing up in dolphin16:39
slugRiddell: apt-get install paraview gives me the issue16:39
slugCinLung: a google search for ldap kerberos should give you some ideas. the first link is "Replacing NIS with Kerberos and LDAP HOWTO"16:40
Riddellslug: yes, I'm afraid paraview needs qt assistant which has been removed by upstream qt16:40
Riddellso it won't work with that PPA16:40
CinLungslug: got it... thanks16:41
slugRiddell: is packages.ubuntu.com up to date with the upcoming maverick distro? i searched for paraview and it doesn't show up. does that mean it would be possible to install it on that release?16:42
Riddellno packages.ubuntu.com isn't up to date with maverick, paraview isn't installable on maverick currently16:45
kubuntuI think I broke something16:47
kubuntujust installed KDE 4.5 and it works very smooth16:47
kubuntuthen someone told me to change some files16:47
kubuntuand now it doesn't work16:48
kubuntuto specify it a bit more:16:48
kubuntuthe wireless network (wlan0) works, but the wired one (eth0) doesn't16:48
kubuntuwhen I click on network manager -> connect to wired nothing happends16:48
Surunverihow can i search for a file16:48
kubuntuit doesn't even crash, as it uses to16:48
Surunveriif it''s not shown in the alt+f2 menu with kubunt16:48
kubuntuSurunveri: sudo find / -name *filename*16:49
kubuntuSurunveri: I'm sure there are easier ways, but that works16:49
ArGGu^^Surunveri opend dolphin and press ctrl+f16:49
kubuntuany idea about what the problem can be? I can paste the content of any files if necessary16:49
James147Surunveri: in dolphin press Crtl+F and use that (note you need to use the wild card *)16:49
James147kubuntu: the first thing would be tell us what files you changed  :)16:50
kubuntu /etc/network/interfaces16:50
kubuntuI changed back to what I think is rightr16:50
James147kubuntu: can you pastebin it?16:51
kubuntuI changed some more, please hang on while I check my bash_history16:51
kubuntu /etc/udev/rules.d/16:52
kubuntuthat file16:52
kubuntuin there16:52
kubuntushould I pastebin that one too?16:53
slugRiddell: thanks. now this one is probably a faq: is there a easy way to revert back to before adding the backports ppa?16:53
slugkubuntu: you are missing the entry for the wired ethernet on that file16:53
slugkubuntu: although i don't have it either ;)16:54
slugkubuntu: are you using knetworkmanager ?16:54
kubuntuslug: yes16:54
slugwhat's on that 70-persistant-net.rules?16:54
kubuntuslug: http://fixthebugs.se/2216:55
Riddellslug: there's no easy way I'm afraid, you probably need to go to a linux terminal, apt-get remove libqtcore4, remove the PPA from /etc/apt/sources.list.d and reinstall kubuntu-desktop16:55
kubuntuifconfig: http://fixthebugs.se/2316:56
kubuntuRiddell: I don't think it's because of kde 4.516:56
kubuntuthe laptop I am on now has wlan and wired too and it works16:56
slugkubuntu: what does ifconfig eth0 tell you?16:56
kubunturunning kubuntu 10.04 with KDE 4.516:56
slugkubuntu: send me on /msg so not to clutter the #16:57
slugkubuntu: and also ethtool eth016:57
kubuntuI need to tranfer the files with my USB stick, so it can take some time16:57
kubuntuethtool isn't installed :/16:58
slugkubuntu: do this instead: ifconfig eth0 up && dhclient eth016:59
Surunveriit's a bit stupid but. I got this Linux version of game but it doesnt seem to work very well. Maybe it would be best to get dosbox and a dos version... that makes sense? :D16:59
gageHello everyone, I need some help using my jailbroken ipod touch on kubuntu, I've installed ifuse and libimobiledevice and it is still not showing up in dolphin16:59
kubuntuslug: ok17:00
kubuntuslug: is the program endless?17:00
slugkubuntu: is the network wire connected?17:00
Surunverisudo apt-get install doxbox17:00
Surunveriops :D17:00
Surunverisorry =)17:00
kubuntuslug: nope17:00
kubuntuslug: I should connect it, right?17:00
slugkubuntu: humm, well, connect the wire ; does knetworkmanager connect ?17:01
kubuntuslug: nope17:02
slugkubuntu: ok, so do the ifconfig eth0 up && dhclient eth017:02
kubuntuslug: it doesn't do anything, doesn't freeze, doesn't connect17:02
kubuntuI'll disconnect from here then17:02
kubuntuit works now, thank you! :)17:05
kubuntueven though knetworkmanager seems not to care about it17:05
kubuntudhcp command gave: http://fixthebugs.se/2417:06
kubuntuand after that, ifconfig gave: http://fixthebugs.se/2517:06
kubuntuI'll try to reboot with the cable in17:07
kubuntuok, so, I am on the computer which just started working17:12
kubuntuwho helped me?17:12
kubuntuforgot it17:12
slugkubuntu: me?17:12
kubuntuslug: oh, yes, right!17:13
kubuntuthank you!17:13
kubuntubtw, since I installed drivers for my video card, I have to press CTRL + SHIFT + F12 twice to activate the flashy effects, is there any way around this?17:13
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kubuntuhowever, slug, have you got a paypal account?17:17
kubuntuperhaps this is better in query17:17
gageHello everyone, I need some help using my jailbroken ipod touch on kubuntu, I've installed ifuse and libimobiledevice and it is still not showing up in dolphin17:18
slugkubuntu: i do, but no thanks ;) you can donate do kubuntu i guess ;)17:20
slugkubuntu: what card do you have?17:20
sluggage: does your device show on lsusb ?17:21
gageslug: yes17:21
gageslug: Bus 002 Device 003: ID 05ac:1299 Apple, Inc.17:21
sluggage: i don't own that device, so i can just try to give you general help with it17:22
gageslug: thats fine I just need help :/17:22
gageslug: I appreciate it :)17:22
sluggage: did you follow some howto / tutorial?17:22
gagegage: most reccomend installing libimobiledevice and ifuse and then it will just magically show up in dolphin, but it doesn't work17:23
gageslug: well most use normal ubuntu so nautilus, but I didn't think there17:23
gageslug: 'd be a difference17:23
sluggage: did you follow something like: http://www.ghabuntu.com/2009/09/ifuse-mount-your-iphoneipod-touch-in.html17:24
sluggage: what does the command groups tell you?17:25
sluggage: look at "Helge" comment on that post17:25
gageslug: I'm not part of the fuse group17:25
gageslug: let me try that17:25
sluggage: are you running lucid?17:27
gageslug: yes17:28
sluggage: did you follow helge instructions?17:28
gageslug: yes and it mounted but only for superuser17:28
sluggage: that's good enough. so it's working, basically now?17:28
sluggage: you can use the newgrp command to change to the fuse group17:29
gageslug: ummm it's not showing up per se17:29
sluggage: if you follow the instructions, does it show anything on /media/iPod ?17:30
frxstremis there a way to disable the Caps Lock key in Kubuntu, as I was able to in Ubuntu?17:30
gageslug: I mean like, it shows up but how can I sync music, etc?17:30
slugfrxstrem: yes17:31
frxstremslug: how?17:31
slugfrxstrem: only for kde ?17:31
gageslug: OK use gtkpod17:32
gageslug: thanks for your help man :D17:32
frxstremslug: doesn't really matter, I never use it, and noone else uses this computer, and it's just annoying me when I hit it by accident and THIS HAPPENS -.-17:32
sluggage: welcome.17:32
slugfrxstrem: you can easily configure it through kde. let me get the menus. i usually switch it to control.17:33
frxstremslug: that's what I did in Gnome - and that's what I want to do now :)17:33
slugfrxstrem: system settings -> Input devices -> keyboard -> advanced17:34
slugfrxstrem: then you have 'capslock key behavior' and 'ctrl key position'17:35
slugin there you can disable caps lock and/or make it a ctrl key or whatever fits you better17:35
frxstremdammit...I can't find "Input devices" in the system settings -.-17:36
Hazamonzodang it kubuntu hates my bloody ATI card :(17:37
frxstremslug: where do I find "Input devices"?17:38
slugfrxstrem: which kde do you have ?17:39
frxstremI'm not quite sure...17:39
slugfrxstrem: go to any Help Menu17:39
slugfrxstrem: about KDE17:39
frxstremKDE 4.4.217:40
tom_4.4.2 doesn't have it17:40
slugtom_: do you know where it is? i know it has the same functionality, but i don't have kde 4.4 right now, only 4.517:40
tom_i think it might be in input actions - looking as we speak17:41
tom_i haven't a clue where it it. i can tell you in LXDE but not KDE 4.4.217:44
tom_frxstrem: it isn't in input actions or keyboard & mouse from what i saw17:45
frxstremtom_: I know, I was looking there too17:45
tom_frxstrem: its in regional options17:47
frxstremsometimes Kubuntu just makes very little sense ...17:48
tom_frxstrem: system settings > regional & language > keyboard layout > advanced17:49
frxstremI found it...although it seemed like I had to activate keyboard layouts before I could use it...17:50
tom_you do17:50
slugfrxstrem: if you disable capslock, you need to put it into a sane state beforehand, which means off in your case.17:53
frxstrembut when it's off, that's when I get the capital letters...17:54
tom_you probably had it on when you disabled it17:54
frxstremwell, the light was off17:55
slugfrxstrem: the capslock led light is controlled by the OS afaik.17:55
frxstremwell, it was off when it really should have been on, so when I pressed the Num Lock key I saw it turned itself on17:55
frxstremthere...now I fixed it17:56
frxstremslug, tom_: thanks for the help :)17:56
slugfrxstrem: welcome17:57
hellslingerI upgraded to kde 4.5 last night and OpenGL compositing doesn't work anymore on my nvidia card.. anyone know about this?18:13
sidHarthellslinger: you migt need to re-enable it or re-install as there were some xorg update?18:15
hellslingerI'm fairly certain no xorg updates happened18:15
hellslingerI specifically updated the kde packages only18:16
hellslingerXrender still works, but OpenGL fails immediately18:16
slughellslinger: what does nvidia-settings say?18:19
slughellslinger: how about dmesg |grep NVIDIA18:20
slughellslinger: i'm running 4.5 with nvidia card and GL composing18:20
Sebas_With Kubuntu 1.04 kpar2 is not installable anymore.. Is there a alternative for Kpar2??18:21
hellslingerdmesg | grep NVIDIA just says modules tains kernel and that the NVRM module is loaded, version 256.4418:21
slughellslinger: how about nvidia-settings ? i'm running with that driver version too.18:22
hellslingerok got nvidia-settings up18:22
hellslingerhmm, not sure what to look for here18:23
hellslingerah ok18:23
hellslingerstarting to see a problem here... no info on glx18:24
hellslingerand glxgears does not launch...18:24
slughellslinger: you should check /var/log/Xorg.0.log to make sure the "nvidia" driver is being loaded instead of the "nv". and for any errors18:25
hellslingerrighto.. I'll do that, thanks for the help! I assumed glx was still running OK18:26
slughellslinger: i can send you my xorg.conf too18:26
James147slug: nvidia-xconfig  can generate a xorg.conf file for ndiaia cards18:38
slugJames147: yeah, thanks, but i have a few extra settings concerning powermizer and stuff18:39
luis_hello guys i need your help, just made a fresh installation of kubuntu9.04 but everytime i want to logout takes me to a blanck screen then i have to shut down from power can somebody help me with this please?18:45
kubianluis_: why not 10.04?18:48
luis_because i cannot fix the screen res on kubuntu 10.04 it keeps back to 800x60018:48
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luis_so anyone know how to fix this??? i already did that thin that says to install the gnome-screenserver reboot and then uninstall and it doesn't work, also the last one i was trying to do is to edit: /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf but that has nothing in there is just a white sheet, so please help19:01
Peace-luis_: here is kubuntu19:08
Peace-not ubuntu19:08
Peace-we don't support gnome stuff..19:08
luis_i have kubuntu19:08
luis_not ubuntu19:08
Peace-look at this #ubuntu19:08
luis_i just install kubuntu 9.0419:08
Peace-gdm is gnome19:09
Peace-and kubuntu i guess has not support anymore?19:09
Peace-9.04 i mean19:09
luis_well i am trying to fix this but i just can't find anything on google and i was saying what i have done so far to fix this19:09
luis_that's why am asking if someone can help me to fix it19:09
Peace-well i read your old post19:10
Peace-now i understood19:10
Peace-video card?19:11
Peace-ati or nvidia?19:11
Peace-nvidia i guess19:11
luis_i have no nvidia card or ati19:13
luis_i think is intel19:13
luis_actually i wasnt' having this problem19:13
luis_this is driving me crazy y need the log out function work properly i have 2 users and i just can keep shuting dwon my computer from the power button19:14
Peace-luis_: ok19:14
Peace-now i will ttry something19:14
luis_let me ask you something19:15
Peace-luis_: try to read my blog here http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2009/05/04/bash-close-kde-with-bash-using-dbus/19:15
robertzaccourhey yall19:36
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robertzaccouris rekonq ready for daily use yet?19:36
klaus__Guten Abend19:44
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SurunveriI disabled the menu bar in the terminal. :D how can i get it back? :D20:13
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Peace-Surunveri: mmm  CTRL SHIFT M20:15
James147Surunveri: in konsole? right click anywhere on it :)20:15
Peace-James147: xD yea20:16
Surunverino that's not the one i mean20:16
Surunverithe other one20:16
James147Surunveri: what other what?20:17
Surunverithe other menubar in terminal20:17
James147there is another menu bar? what terminal are you talking aobut?20:17
Surunveriwhen you start terminal by typing terminal20:17
Surunveriblack window with gray borders20:17
Surunverithere's a bar at the top of the window20:17
James147I get konsole ^^20:17
Surunveriwhich i removed by accident20:17
Peace-we use konsole20:17
Surunveriand i dont know how to get it back20:18
Surunveriso you dont know ? :D20:18
FloodBotK2Surunveri: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:18
James147Surunveri: are you in kde or gnome?20:18
Peace-well... we don't care a lots of non.kde software20:18
SurunveriKDE I think :D20:18
James147Peace-: :D20:18
Peace-konsole is the default terminal...20:18
James147Surunveri: what is the name of the program that you are running?20:18
Peace-i guess terminal20:18
Peace-but it's not installed by default from kubuntu iso20:19
James147is the gnome one called that? throught it was terminal-gnome :p20:19
mistryniteshJames147: gnome one is called gnome-terminal, if I remember correctly20:20
James147^^ close enough :D20:20
* mistrynitesh wondering if Surunveri is talking about the byobu20:25
Peace-James147: xD20:27
Surunverianyway it's the menubar that20:28
Surunverihas the new tab option20:28
Surunveriagh this is annoying20:28
FloodBotK2Surunveri: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:28
James147Surunveri: the tab bar then?20:29
Surunverihow would i enable that if i had disabled it20:29
FloodBotK2Surunveri: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:29
James147Surunveri: depends on what program you are running...20:30
Surunverii got it back now20:30
LynoureDoes anyone of you use gpodder in Kubuntu? I'd have a question about the icons.20:38
luis__hello guys again me, i like to ask: 1.- is it possible to upgrade from 9.04 to 10.04 or do i have to go first with 9.10?.   2.- if do the upgrade, will it be possible to keep my current screen resolution or i will loose it.   3.-right now my problem is that i have to user account so everytime i log out i get a blank(black) screen if do the upgrade will this be fixed? any one please??20:38
kubianluis__: new install is best20:40
frxstremis it possible to make a global shortcut that opens the terminal (or some other application) in Kubuntu? I used to do this in Gnome, but it annoys me that I can't figure out how to do it in KDE...20:41
luis__the reason is new installation gets me problems with my screen resolution and keeps changing back to 800x60020:41
James147frxstrem: you can using kmenuedit20:42
frxstremJames147: okay, thanks20:42
luis__oooh nice :) you are here James what do you think if i may ask James?20:42
luis__you know i got a better question i think :P what if get the config i currently have for my screen resol and copy exactly the same to a fresh new installation of lucy? will that work and if so, do i have to downgrade my grphic driver ? and if is so how do i do this? anyone KNows?20:46
James147luis__: you cant upgrade directly to 10.04 form 9.04 and I am not sure what will happen to your resalution20:46
LynoureI guess none here uses gpodder.20:46
luis__well then i guess i have to try right?20:46
James147luis__: what config? /etc/X11/xorg.conf?20:46
luis__i'll let you now in a min20:47
administrator_hi everyone20:47
administrator_WHO CAN HELP ME WITH INSTALLING Nvidia DRIVERS???20:48
kubianadministrator_: no need to shout..20:48
James147!nvidia | administrator_20:49
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ubottuadministrator_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:49
kubianadministrator_: plus it's not polite20:49
luis__ok James here it is : http://pastebin.com/i77XbjRP20:49
James147luis__: :) that should work in 10.04... but I dont know if it will help the resolution problem (you might need to edit to add in the resolutions you want... google should know how I dont know the specifics)20:51
luis__ok let's try once more and see what happens thanks a lot James20:52
KidCamaleonDriver Impressora Canon ip1300.  Alguem ja viu por ae? queria muitoo!!21:04
KidCamaleonCanon iP1300 Printer Driver. Anyone ever seen away?21:04
nicon`Hi all.21:08
nicon`Is there any option to install kde 4.5 on kubuntu 9.10?21:08
nicon`Tried to install it with ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging repo.21:08
nicon`But can't see nothing new from kde in upgrade.21:08
FloodBotK2nicon`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:08
alvinnicon`: it's ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports21:14
nicon`alvin: i tried also backports.21:15
nicon`Still the same.21:15
James147nicon`: they only tend to do one upgrade during a release.... so you need to either find a nother ppa or compile from source21:23
James147or upgrade to 10.04 :)21:23
nicon`James147: 10.04 sux, sorry ;-)21:23
nicon`I prefer to compile it by myself.21:24
nicon`Anyway... Thanks for help.21:26
nicon`Have a nice/good day/night.21:26
dhqi need help with 5.1sound in my laptop21:41
dhqi have 3 front 3.5mm ports21:42
dhqi used to be able to use it before21:42
dhqbut after a fresh install of 10.04 it doesnt work21:42
dhq00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)21:43
JuJuBee__MY aiu21:44
JuJuBee__My audio stopped working all of a sudden.  Can someone assist?21:44
antiretorteHi out there21:59
antiretorteis there any SERIOUS way to get KDE PIM really working on 10.04 ???22:00
antiretortestarted several times from clean installations, tried all the official faq and wondering if this is the biggest alpha testing every tried by canonical against it's userbase22:01
antiretorteI get permanent error in "Control process died, committing suicide! "22:02
antiretorteany ideas?22:02
antiretortethanks for any ideas in front22:02
DashkalWhich package do I install to add Kubuntu to an existing Ubuntu install?22:03
antiretorteDashkal: only from a long-time kubuntu user22:04
antiretorteyou don't want kubuntu in it's current quality!22:04
Dashkalantiretorte: This is why I want to add to an existing ubuntu install.  So I have gnome to fall back on.22:05
Dashkalantiretorte: Also, I'm going to immediately upgrade to the newest kde22:05
antiretorteDashkal: if I won't get KDE PIM rock solid up'n'running as it works in the past, I will completely leave it22:06
antiretorteDashkal: should work when install kubuntu-desktop22:07
Dashkalantiretorte: I've never used PIM.  I want plasma22:07
antiretorteDashkal: good luck22:07
Dashkalfollowup: How do I restore the ubuntu splash screen after doing so?22:08
antiretortedon't know22:08
DashkalWhat I really want is to use plasma to replace my windows desktop.  But last couple times I tried that were an absolutely nightmare22:09
antiretorteDashkal: kde4 is an absolutely nightmare! I searched the web for ways to get back to kde-3.5, that was a working compilation, the complete 4.x is horrible22:12
antiretorteDashkal: so SOCIAL that working is impossible :-(22:12
antiretorteDashkal: if you want a playground kde4 is a good choice, if you have want to work with it, don't touch it22:13
Dashkalantiretorte: KDE3 is dead.  As in the support is no longer very good.22:13
DashkalAs for getting work done, my actual preference is to hell with gnome/kde, just use xmonad and a task tray22:13
DashkalUnfortuantely, (k)ubuntu is pissy about wireless without getting an environment up22:14
antiretorteDashkal: sure I know,the real working horse was killed22:14
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ratshi all Dashkal I disagree kubuntu 10.04 is the best KDE out there right now-very solid22:14
DashkalIf all you want is for your environment to get out of your way, use gnome.  I like my eye candy and desktop widgets and such.22:15
Dashkalrats: I had nothing but pain with the actual release.  I use dual (unequal sized) monitors.22:15
ratsok that may cause some headaches22:16
DashkalYes, yes it does.  Fortunately the new KDE addressed that issue.  DKE is usable again22:16
antiretorterats: do you have a working kde pim?22:16
ratsKDE pim?22:17
antiretortekontact (kmail, with calendar, contact,...)22:17
antiretorteone of the core requirements for a modern desktop?22:17
DashkalMost PIM packages are useless for me.  I run so many computers and environments, syncing is a nightmare.22:17
ratsno I don't use most of those tools22:18
ratsI only have one putter and the ccloud for mail22:19
ratsand Kubuntu 10.0422:20
ratsnow I want to setup kontact to see whats up22:21
DashkalI run two PCs at home, one at work, and one of my home PCs spends half of its time in windows for gaming.22:22
ratskontact does look interesting -whats wrong with it?22:24
antiretorterats: through an undefined number of bugs (pardon not working things) with akonadi, a little bit unsable22:25
Dashkalakonadi is still not in (it was held back from 4.5.0)22:26
Dashkals/akonadi/akonadi integration22:27
DashkalI can't remember if its slated for 4.5.1 or 4.6, though.  You'll have to check kde.org22:27
antiretorteDashkal: it's in 10.04 and currently kills komplete kaddressbook part22:28
ratshas anyone seen or tried reconq22:28
DashkalYou could always grab the raw KDE.  But again, Akonadi is currently out.  You may just want to wait it out until it's in officially.22:28
antiretorteDashkal: next time (as the plan shows) it should also used for kmail and will kill kmail part then, happy birthday22:28
antiretorteDashkal: I use an official released kubuntu 10.04!!! no experimental stuff22:29
Dashkalantiretorte: And are unhappy with it.  Hence the suggestion22:30
ratsreconq is supposidly the stock browser for kubuntu 10.1022:30
antiretorteDashkal: as it told, I would happy to buy a WORKING release, but don't know where this s..t is produced22:31
antiretorteDashkal: on 10.04 you have to deactive nepomuk indexing system to be able to work on a modern 64bit desktop system22:32
antiretorteDashkal: akonadi is in and completely broken22:33
antiretorteDashkal: at the moment I try to get a workaround by using the postgresql connection and if that doesn't work I maybe change to apple22:33
bowserhi all, i messed up my kubuntu install, after login all i see is black + cursor. can you help me?22:34
luis_hey guys i am back22:35
luis_step by step first need help kubuntu lucy keeps rebooing my system on its onw help please it endures only a few mins before it happens22:35
bowseri tried downgrading some packages back from kde 4.5 (bad idea) that removed few packages including "kubuntu-desktop"...22:38
DashkalWell I'm feeling foolish.  I just installed the 10.04 version of KDE because I forgot to activate the ppa...22:38
Dashkalantiretorte: It sounds an awful lot like apple is the way for you to go.22:39
bowser... the last thing i did was "sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop" but it hasn't solved it all yet...22:39
antiretorteDashkal: My primary wish is a working desktop where the software developers do NOT destroy working solutions22:40
Dashkalbowser: The last time I got into that situation I brute-force removed kde entirely and then reinstalled22:40
Dashkalantiretorte: If you are completely intolerant to breakage, I highly suggest apple.22:40
antiretorteDashkal: sure :)22:41
DashkalApple's main selling point is it "just works".22:41
DashkalI have teh hacker mentality of wanting to be able to dig into (and break!) my computer.  So Apple is a non-starter for me.22:42
Dashkalbowser: removing all the packages with kde in the name will go a long way to removing kde sc from your system.  Once done, be sure the kde sc 4.5 repo is out of your sources and reinstall kubuntu-desktop.  Doing this will require some comfort with the command line or to have gnome on hand, though.22:43
DashkalYou may need to nuke qt as well, but I hope not, that has... consequences that are a pain to deal with.22:43
antiretorteDashkal: see it from another point, OSS likes to rock the enterprise and the user desktop, Canonical seems to wish that also, the only company which seems to beat that is Redhat with a gnome desktop22:44
antiretorteDashkal: I used kubuntu as a more usable debian22:44
DashkalI use ubuntu because, of the linux distros I've used, it 'just works' the best.  But it doesn't take away my ability to tinker when I wish to.22:45
DashkalBut I hands down prefer KDE SC to Gnome.  Gnome treats me like a baby. Configuring is an excercise in pain.22:45
bowserDashkal: interesting, right now I am enabling kubuntu backports ppa (kde 4.5) so that I can try dist-upgrade to the latest version - i will see whether that will work22:45
Dashkalbowser: If you're willing to go to 4.5, that should fix it since you'll only be upgrading22:46
bowseris there a right way of downgrading?22:46
DashkalGoing back from 4.5.0 to the version in Kubuntu 10.04, that'll be painful.22:46
bowseri see22:46
DashkalStart from zero.  Packages don't usually come with downgrade scripts.22:47
avihayI have some issues with kde4.5 from the backports repo, but I can work around them, so I don't think I'll bother with reverting to 4.4.522:48
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bowseri'm in 4.5 again, great22:51
bowserdolphin crashes maybe too often, but I'll go with that22:51
DashkalAhh, the joys of a .0 release22:53
DashkalStill, I'll take it.  I get my plasma back and it actually works on dual monitors22:53
ratsthats cool22:54
bowsercan i mess anything installing packagekit - the gnome one?22:56
bowser*mess up22:57
pelle_kAnybody know when one can expect to play files in say kaffeine/dragon player from samba shares mounted with dolphin (KIO)?23:21
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