
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
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bdrungwhy can't i change the merge proposal to rejected? https://code.launchpad.net/~arnegoetje/ubuntu/maverick/ibus/merge-from-sid/+merge/3194501:12
jelmerbdrung, only people in the ubuntu-branches team would be able to01:18
jelmerbdrung: IIRC the plan is to make the branch review permissions match the permissions for the particular package in the archive.01:19
jelmerbdrung: but we're not there yet.01:19
bdrungwhom can i ask to set the status in the meantime?01:19
bdrungthere are a bunch of merge request that making the sponsor queue look greater than it is01:20
bdrungjelmer: ^01:21
jelmerbdrung: I think the permission that proposed the merge might be able to change the status.01:22
bdrung"the permission that proposed the merge" ?01:22
bdrungjelmer: the merge requesters cannot reject their own requests (only delete -> lost comments)01:23
jelmerbdrung: Sorry, it's getting late here. I meant the person that proposed the merge.01:25
bdrungjelmer: it's late here too (utc + 0200)01:25
jelmerI guess you're in the same timezone then :-)01:25
jelmerbdrung: If they can't change the status then I think the only alternative is to ask one of the people who are a member of the ubuntu-branches team.01:25
bdrungjelmer: country?01:26
jelmerbdrung: Netherlands01:26
jelmerbdrung: you?01:26
bdrungjelmer: germany01:26
bdrungjelmer: can you recommend one ubuntu-branches member?01:28
jelmerthey're all equally tasty01:28
bdrungjelmer: is there an easy way to get their irc nicks from the launchpad team site?01:29
jelmerAnyway, sorry for the cannibalism joke... lifeless and james_w are here01:29
jelmerThe ubuntu tech board is also a member01:30
lifelesstech board is the right group to ask01:30
lifelessits a bug that anyone other than it is in the group01:30
lifeless(but not one simply fixed by removing james and I01:30
jelmerlifeless: Perhaps the ~ubuntu-branches team page can be updated to include that information?01:31
lifelessjames_w: ^ :)01:32
lifelessjames_w: I'm only in it to be able to do some necessary with the udd project01:32
bdrunglifeless: can you mark the branch as rejected nevertheless?01:33
lifelessI'd _really_ rather not01:33
james_wbdrung: you can upload the package in question?01:34
bdrungjames_w: yes (i am core-dev)01:34
james_wbdrung: then it's probably a bug that can't edit the merge proposal01:35
lifelessit definitely is01:35
bdrungi can mark it as 'merged' but not as 'rejected'01:36
james_wthat might be an LP decision. I don't know if that is specific to package branches01:36
james_wbdrung: please file a bug on the 'udd' project01:36
bdrungjames_w: bug #61844801:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 618448 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "Cannot change status of merge request to 'Rejected' (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61844801:42
abletonguyMonome vs Launchpad?02:10
lifelessI don't know what you mean by that question02:10
abletonguyAs in appearance, usability etc.02:12
lifelessmonome appears to be a music sequencer?02:13
abletonguyController interface for programming, think iv'e got the wrong launchpad ^^02:14
lifelessI think so :)02:14
lifelesslaunchpad.net is a web site for hosting & collaborating on code02:15
abletonguySo Launchpad could still help me with my launchpad?02:17
lifelesspossibly ;)02:17
abletonguyWill return when i have something good to say  d:)02:22
=== easter_egg is now known as Ayrton
MuscovyHow often is karma calculated? I just changed my LP username yesterday, and I notice my Karma hasn't been re-calculated for about 2 days.03:13
mwhudsonwhich means sometime in the early morning uk time i thnk03:14
MuscovyIf I read maps correctly, that should be soonish.03:15
wgrantIt used to be in about two hours.03:16
MuscovyI'm just worried about weird repercussions for the namechange.03:16
wgrantNot sure any more.03:16
lifelessMuscovy: I don't think your name change will have any effect03:16
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henningezoi_: Hi!09:30
zoi_i cant download Zaz deb,its a game like zuma09:30
henningejust ask a question and wait (patiently) for somebody who may be able to help you to answer.09:30
zoi_it says :09:31
henningezoi_: where are you trying to download?09:31
zoi_Please try again09:31
zoi_Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.09:31
zoi_Try reloading this page in a minute or two. If the problem persists, let us know in the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode.09:31
zoi_Thanks for your patience.09:31
henningezoi_: yes, the URL would be vital information here ;)09:32
zoi_i try to download it from here :https://edge.launchpad.net/%7Enilarimogard/+archive/webupd8/+files/zaz_0.3.1-1%7Eppa1%7Ekarmic1_i386.deb09:32
henningezoi_: I get a 404 on that one now.09:33
henninge(It's the "Lost something?" page)09:33
henningezoi_: where did you get that URL from?09:34
zoi_oh,i just find a script :sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 && sudo apt-get update09:35
zoi_sudo apt-get install zaz09:35
henningezoi_: Outdated URL, I'd say. You have to ask webupd8.org to give you a current URL.09:35
henningeor that ... ;-)09:35
zoi_maybe this script works i twill try it now09:36
henningezoi_: I'd try only the last part first.09:36
zoi_it works,i gave to terminal sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 && sudo apt-get update09:39
zoi_sudo apt-get install zaz and it works09:39
zoi_ _______________________________________09:39
zoi_|                                       |09:39
zoi_| It was wonderful to find America, but |09:39
zoi_| it would have been more wonderful to  |09:39
zoi_| miss it.                              |09:39
zoi_|                                       |09:39
zoi_| -- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's   |09:39
zoi_\ Calendar"                             /09:39
zoi_ ---------------------------------------09:39
zoi_  \09:39
zoi_   \   \_\_    _/_/09:39
zoi_    \      \__/09:39
zoi_           (oo)\_______09:39
zoi_           (__)\       )\/\09:39
zoi_               ||----w |09:39
zoi_               ||     ||09:40
zoi_zoi@zoi-laptop ~ $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 && sudo apt-get update09:40
zoi_[sudo] password for zoi:09:40
zoi_Executing: gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /etc/apt/secring.gpg --trustdb-name /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --primary-keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 1DB29AFFF6C70907B57AA31F531EE72F4C9D234C09:40
zoi_gpg: requesting key 4C9D234C from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com09:40
zoi_gpg: key 4C9D234C: public key "Launchpad webupd8" imported09:40
zoi_gpg: Συνολικός αριθμός που επεξεργάστηκαν: 109:40
zoi_gpg:               εισαχθέντα: 1  (RSA: 1)09:40
zoi_Αγνόησε file: binary/ Release.gpg09:40
zoi_Αγνόησε file:/usr/share/local-repository/ binary/ Translation-el09:40
zoi_Αγνόησε file: binary/ Release09:40
zoi_Αγνόησε file: binary/ Packages09:40
zoi_Αγνόησε file: binary/ Packages09:40
zoi_Φέρε:1 http://packages.linuxmint.com isadora Release.gpg [198B]09:40
zoi_Hit http://archive.canonical.com lucid Release.gpg09:40
zoi_Αγνόησε http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ lucid/partner Translation-el09:40
henningezoi_: are you pasting that on purpose?09:40
zoi_Hit http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release.gpg09:40
zoi_Αγνόησε http://ppa.launchpad.net/cairo-dock-team/ppa/ubuntu/ lucid/main Translation-el09:40
zoi_Hit http://security.ubuntu.com lucid-security Release.gpg09:40
zoi_Αγνόησε http://secur09:40
zoi_ok thanks for trying to help :)09:40
henningezoi_: please don't do that again, pasting all that stuff...09:41
zoi_oh ok sorry!!09:41
henningezoi_: np, enjoy the game ;)09:41
swoodyis there a way to add screenshots for an app/project in LP?10:42
aquariusif a branch is private, how do I find out why it is, and make it not so?10:47
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maxb<aquarius> if a branch is private, how do I find out why it is, and make it not so?11:18
maxbAsk the owner of the branch?11:18
aquariusI am the owner. I sorted it, though, with lo-sa help :)11:21
swoodystill trying to see if there's a way to upload screenshots onto LP11:46
nigelbswoody: upload it somewhere else and link it from your project description?11:51
swoodynigelb: that's all I could think of too :/11:51
nigelbswoody: I may be wrong, but I can't think of any in-built way.11:53
swoodynor I, I was hoping there may be some obscure spot for 'em, but I'm at wits end trying to find it ;)11:53
maxbaquarius: As the owner, I believe you should be able to control private-ness of a branch via "Change branch details", subject to the policy set on the project12:01
maxbprojects can have policies like "allow private branches" or "all branches must be private"12:01
hermanCan anyone tell me why the package I'm trying to build in a PPA only ends up with one deb when I'm expecting two to be created?12:02
hermanWhen I build locally I get two deb files out so I'm quite confused12:03
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jelmerherman: hi12:13
jelmerherman: I see two binary packages in that PPA, they're both listed under the single source package12:13
jelmercouchdb and couchdb-bin12:13
hermanAh, I think I understand. The couchdb package presumably came from the i386 build, but the amd64 build finished first hence I thought it was incomplete12:15
hermanSorry, I'm just being dim.12:15
hermanjelmer: thanks for taking a look, sorry for wasting your time.12:16
Ddordahey guys. i wish to know if it is possible to make a registration form to LP outside LP13:01
Ddordaso when people will register my site they will actually register LP13:02
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
shadeslayerlifeless: was trying to go through a recipe.. specifically the one owned by ~rekonq13:12
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=== deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: deryck | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
deryckLooks like I'm CHR today and forgot.14:00
shadeslayerderyck: OOPS-1688EB250814:02
shadeslayeri get that when opening ~rekonq recipe14:03
deryckshadeslayer, let me look to see if that's known, or if we should get a bug filed about it.14:04
deryckshadeslayer, I can't find a bug about that.  Could you file one against launchpad-code and include the OOPS number?14:08
shadeslayerderyck: against soyuz right?14:08
deryckshadeslayer, I thought the code team was working on recipe stuff.  bigjools, should a recipe OOPS be filed against soyuz, or code?14:09
bigjoolsderyck: code14:09
deryckbigjools, thanks14:09
deryckshadeslayer, yeah, so file against launchpad-code.14:10
bigjoolsnp :)14:10
shadeslayerderyck: its actually that the lp page for the recipe doesnt open14:10
deryckshadeslayer, it's a TypeError when trying to do  None + int.14:11
shadeslayerderyck: will file one in a few mins14:12
deryckshadeslayer, thanks!  Sorry it's not working for you.14:12
shadeslayerno problem :)14:13
falktxhey guys14:25
falktxI'm having a package upload error - https://launchpad.net/~falk-t-j/+archive/lucid-latest/+build/192078314:26
falktxI can provide you more info if you want to fix it,14:26
falktxbut I usually a re-pack of the source file usually fixes the issue14:27
falktxdo you want to take a closer look at it, or should I re-pack and source now (and the issue will be gone, so you won't be able to debug it)14:28
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wgrantfalktx: Your package is buggy.14:33
wgrantIt's producing binaries with the version '0.4'14:33
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wgrantThe source version is '0.4.2+svn1718-0~ppa3'14:33
falktxhow should it be?14:33
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wgrantfalktx: I think debian/changelog.in is the problem.14:35
wgrantIt just uses ${CLEMENTINE_VERSION}14:36
wgrantI don't even know why that file is this.14:36
wgrantIs there.14:36
falktxthe file is present on the SVN14:36
falktx(i mean source code)14:36
falktxi'll remove it14:36
shadeslayerfalktx: do you develop clementine?14:36
falktxthe thing is, this kind of error happens to me randomly14:37
falktxshadeslayer: nope14:37
shadeslayerah :P14:37
falktx(but I love it...)14:37
deryckgmb, hi.  There's a couple open questions against malone related to bug watches.  Would you mind answering those today, if you can?15:35
gmbderyck, Sure, will do.15:35
deryckgmb, thanks!15:36
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cerosdoes any of the launchpad buildd machines cross compile in order to build packages?17:44
cerosi have this failure17:44
cerosi know this is usually caused by enabling compiling with pic for ffmpeg on i386 machines17:44
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deryckjelmer, are you around?  Can you help ceros above? ^^17:55
jelmerderyck, sure17:56
jelmerceros: hi17:56
jelmerceros: we don't do cross compilation as far as I know17:56
jelmerceros: the configure output also doesn't suggest cross compilation17:57
cerosalright, guess i'll have to figure out what's causing this18:03
cerosanother question18:04
cerosare we able to upload binary packages to PPAs?18:04
cerosonly makes mention of being able to upload source package18:04
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jelmerceros: no, you can only upload source packages18:07
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cerosjelmer: thanks for your help18:44
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
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maxbSome interesting maintenance happening to the PPA builders?21:39
geseroh, that's really interesting21:41
dnjlhi! what happens to the builders? no one is available for building anymore!21:46
altharaI'm having trouble changing a team contact address and was wondering if someone could help me.21:51
altharaI get the confimation token URL but when I click on the link only a cancel and confirm button appear. When I click on confirm I get this error: http://pastebin.org/56495621:53
altharaI'm trying to set the adress to an external mailing list21:53
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yofelhm, the ppa builders seem back up, but they seem to be stuck now22:58
lifelesslosa ping23:16
[Dmitry]I lost the draft at the launchpad. Who can I contact?23:17
lifelesswhat do you mean ?23:17
[Dmitry]The project has disappeared! But the group remained23:18
lifelesswhat project?23:19
[Dmitry]https://launchpad.net/~yii-stuff group23:19
[Dmitry]https://launchpad.net/yii-stuff - proj23:19
lifelessAre you Dmitry Kor ?23:20
lifelessour whiteboard says23:20
lifelessUser notified of license policy on 2010-08-14.23:20
lifeless2010-08-16 Curtis Hovey: Project disabled and Dmitry Kor (Dmitry Kor) notified.23:20
lifelessso you should have email from us already about the project, containing instructions about what you need to do23:20
[Dmitry]Hello rmpic30,23:21
[Dmitry]You recently registered the project 'yii-stuff' in Launchpad23:21
[Dmitry]with this licensing:23:21
lifelessit should have had a list of the licences23:22
lifelessyou haven't selected an open source license23:23
lifelessyou need to23:23
lifelessI'll reactivate it, but please assign a licence. its important23:23
[Dmitry] I have not had time to set up a project, how do remove it.23:23
lifelessthe project is active again now, you can select your licence23:24
[Dmitry]One minute23:25
[Dmitry]lifeless: done.23:27
lifeless[Dmitry]: thank you, I've cleared the whiteboard and marked the project reviewed.23:29

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