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TangoAucan someone give me a good ubuntu 10.4 support channel please?.11:03
TangoAuanyone here please11:07
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ograGrueMaster, bug 607291 ... something to test for you11:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 607291 in taglib-sharp (Ubuntu) (and 5 other projects) "[MIR] banshee (affects: 1) (heat: 137)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60729111:56
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GrueMasterogra: I'll try.  We still don't have a working image, so I will have to use A3 as a baseline and update.  I'mstill working on setting up while in this QA meeting.12:02
ograasac, ^^^12:03
ograGrueMaster, yeah, asac just wants to know the status12:03
asacGrueMaster: you can just dist-upgrade existing installs.12:20
asacwant to know if banshee works12:20
GrueMasterI'm aware of the process, but limited on resources atm.  I will get to it asap.12:21
asacogra: gruemaster is gone. maybe dyfet or someone else can check?12:21
asacGrueMaster: sure12:21
asacwe need to find someone else getting us the info then ;)12:21
GrueMasterHow critical that thishappensin the next 30 minutes?12:21
dyfetwhat is this question?12:21
dyfetah...I think I see from the bug...12:24
notlisteningHi can anyone recommend some good reading  for ubuntu on arm running under qemu?12:51
loolnotlistening: Sure thing12:57
loolnotlistening: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Ports are good starting points IMO12:58
GrueMasterasac: You didn't answer my question.  I am working to getting to where I can run this, but I am running into boot issues after running dist-upgrade.12:59
GrueMasterOn panda12:59
asacGrueMaster: today is good enough (not in 30minutes) ... please highlight me when asking questions ;)13:00
loolnotlistening: Sorry, which Tom are you?  Marble?13:00
GrueMasterogra: My panda (es1) is not booting past "* Setting sensors limits", and I have no console to try to figure out what broke.13:02
GrueMasterI may need to do a package by package dist-upgrade (very time consuming).13:02
loolGrueMaster: You could try changing the upstart job which sets up the serial console to start earlier13:04
loolGrueMaster: e.g. instead of start on runlevel [23], you'd start on local-filesystems13:06
loolOr you could break the boot with init=/bin/sh and try to start piece by piece13:06
notlisteningthanks lool13:13
notlisteninglool Tom that nobpdy knows13:14
notlisteningwhat I am planning to do is evetually have the system from qemu running on an actual hardware board. Can any one see an problems with doing it like that? I have compiled a hardware specific kernel13:18
loolThat should be fine13:25
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aluexhi,i met a problem using  midori in my handled device13:52
aluexeverytime i try clicking on a textbox or a tickbox or ... , it appears just like it was down.13:55
aluexand i have to stop it by lxtask13:55
zygaogra: around?16:14
ogra_cmpczyga, yep16:44
zygaogra: asac told me you are planning on doing some automatic BB bootup work16:44
zygaogra: (booting arbitrary images without human interaction)16:45
ogra_cmpcwell, rather panda but it should also work on BB16:45
ogra_cmpcat least XM16:45
ogra_cmpcbut thats for next release16:45
zygaogra_cmpc, what are you planning to do?16:45
ogra_cmpcwell, there are two different things i plan16:46
ogra_cmpcone is to have an installer that operates via OTG (like nokias just with a gui)16:46
zygaogra_cmpc, so you'd boot the device via USB?16:47
ogra_cmpcthe other is to build a safe PPA setup16:47
zygaogra_cmpc, and continue with that?16:47
ogra_cmpcfor the PPA stuff the boards need to boot via serial16:47
zygaogra_cmpc, can BBc4 boot from USB today?16:47
ogra_cmpcno idea16:48
zygaogra_cmpc, I found this guy that apparently did BB booting via USB16:48
ogra_cmpci know there is a musb uboot branch16:48
ogra_cmpcso i would expect it to work if the HW support is in16:48
zygabut anyway I understand16:48
zyga(I don't understand the PPA part or how that relates to serial but that is not important today)16:49
ogra_cmpci'll put a UDS session up for that16:49
ogra_cmpcwell, if you do PPAs on real HW you need to make sure that even root has no way to change kernel and boot sequence16:50
zygaogra_cmpc, "do PPA?"16:50
ogra_cmpcthats why we will use a hardcoded u-boot that boots the board from a central serial server16:50
zygainstall kernel packages from a PPA, correct?16:50
ogra_cmpcPPA build machines for everyone is my target16:50
zygalike crowd sourced hardware?16:51
ogra_cmpcas soon as we can get pandas in mass production i want to work on getting public armel PPAs for LP16:51
ogra_cmpcso everyone can build armel packages16:51
ogra_cmpcon x86 thats only safe through the fact that we spawn a VM on the buildd, thats not possible on armel which is why we dont have public PPAs16:52
GrueMastermy ISP and my power company love you for it ogra_cmpc.16:52
ogra_cmpcGrueMaster, well, you already have access to the arm team PPA16:53
zygaogra_cmpc, I understand16:53
ogra_cmpcif *you* specifically want to build stuff in the DC, just upload to it :)16:53
ogra_cmpcthat plan above is more for the unwashed masses ;)16:53
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rsalvetiGrueMaster: were you able to test your es2?17:49
GrueMasterNot yet.  I will first thing tomorrow.  asac wants this banshee testing run, so I am finishing an update from alpha 3 to do it.17:50
GrueMasterAlmost at EOD.  Beer time.17:52
rsalvetiGrueMaster: oh, ok :-)17:53
rsalvetifair enough17:53
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prpplagueGrueMaster: ping19:09
GrueMasterprpplague: pong?19:12
prpplagueGrueMaster: hey, do you know if canonical is planning to have the PM turned on by default on the 10.10 omap4430 kernel?19:13
GrueMasterPM?  Power Management?19:13
GrueMasterI can check, but I believe so.  It is on all the other images afaik.19:14
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armin76prpplague: i still want one :(19:42
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JameswStubbsHello, Is Ubuntu-MID available for arm using a metapackage?21:19
rsavoyesomebody just pointed me at the Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker that runs 9:04, does anyone know if it'll run maverick ?21:34
rsavoyeThe Marvell Armada 510 looks very interesting too21:46
rsavoyehopefully either is more stable than a BeagleBoard XM21:46
kblinrsavoye: how do you know how stable the xm will be?22:00
rsavoyeno, but currently it might as well be a door-stop22:01
kblinthey don't ship yet, do they?22:01
rsavoyeI have an XM, but it's close to useless still, so I'm questing for something else22:01
JameswStubbsIs there a way to install Ubuntu MID on arm?22:02
rsavoyeI think MID is x86 only, but I could be wrong there22:02
JameswStubbsrsavoye: The image is x86 only I believe I was wondering if packages were available.22:03
rsavoyeno idea22:03
JameswStubbsLike when you run apt-get xubuntu-desktop that type of thing :/22:04
rsavoyeI have yet to get Ubuntu MID to install on any of my x86 netbooks, but these days I'm ARM hacking instead22:04
JameswStubbsI'm trying to use MID for a phone22:05
JameswStubbsIt looks nice for a small screen22:05
rsavoyeI think my Nexus One is almost a MID :-)22:05
JameswStubbsMy iPhone almost is22:06
JameswStubbsI've had matchbox on it :-/22:06
rsavoyebut the iPhone sucks to develop real software for22:06
JameswStubbs:o Why?22:06
JameswStubbsIt runs UBuntu22:06
rsavoyeApple sucks :-)22:06
JameswStubbsDoes Ubuntu suck for developing software? :)22:06
rsavoyeApple bricked my original iphone several times, saying I was installing unauthorized software22:07
JameswStubbsThat's never happened to me :S Plus it's now legal to use a jailbreak22:08
JameswStubbsAnd if by unauthorised it was pirated, you deserved it xD22:08
rsavoyeall I did was port GCC and Gnash :-)22:09
JameswStubbsWhen did you port Gnash?22:09
rsavoyeway back when it was a new phone, 1st generation22:10
rsavoyethere is a new port to the iPad, somebody else did it22:10
JameswStubbsWhy no release?22:10
JameswStubbsI've had it running on Ubunutu22:10
rsavoyeI never released it cause I didn't want to have to do tech support for it22:10
JameswStubbsRelease without support xD22:11
rsavoyeI'm overly buried in Gnash support for weird hardware as it is22:11
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DanaGSay, if I install the x86 libflashplayer.so and nspluginwrapper and qemu, can I wrap the x86 Flash on an ARM host like I do on an x86-64 host?23:39
cwillu_at_workcan't see why not in principle23:41
cwillu_at_workcan't imagine it would be performant of course23:41
DanaGThat's fine.23:42
DanaGThough, the thing I'm thinking of running with that... would probably take less total time to completely reimplement.23:42
DanaGah, and is it a good idea to use btrfs on an sd card?23:45
DanaGah, I'm going ext3 for the moment.23:47
cwillu_at_workI'm using btrfs on sd23:51
cwillu_at_worksd cards fail in particularly nasty ways for ext23:51
cwillu_at_workspecifically, very few sd cards do actual full device wear levelling, so your journal is staying on a small number of erase blocks23:52
cwillu_at_workwhen one of those blocks go bad, you lose the journal, and get to put your filesystem back together from pieces in /lost+found23:52
cwillu_at_workand then it happens again a week later when the next erase block that the journal levels over starts to give unrecoverable errors23:53
DanaGSay, if I wanted to make a system that wouldn't need write access, how would I do that?23:54
DanaGMost stuff breaks badly with read-only root.23:54
cwillu_at_worknot really23:55
cwillu_at_workanything that needs write access outside of /var is broken23:55
cwillu_at_workwell, and /tmp23:55
DanaGSomething about union, I'd guess.23:55
cwillu_at_workthe alternative is to look at how the livecd's do it (i.e., union), but that's a bit too magic for my tastes23:57

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