
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
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pittiGood morning05:29
TheMusoHey pitti.05:33
robert_ancellpitti, hey, can you have a look at the vala packages in the NEW queue?07:42
pittihey robert_ancell, how are you?07:44
robert_ancellpitti, hey, good07:44
pittiweird, why are all those new?07:44
pittivalac has been around for ages07:44
robert_ancellpitti, because there are new binary packages (vala got versioned in this release so you can run multiple copies)07:44
pittiah, valac-0.10, I see07:44
pittirobert_ancell: but then it should also build some transitional packages07:45
pittirobert_ancell: or will there be a vala-defaults package which depends on the current version?07:45
pittior will 0.9 stay the default in main?07:46
robert_ancellpitti, there is a 'valac' metapackage - I think that covers it07:46
pittiah, can you upload that as well?07:46
robert_ancellno, there will only be support for multiple versions from 0.10 onwards07:46
robert_ancellpitti, it's built from the new vala source package07:47
robert_ancellis metapackage the right word?  It's a package with no contents that depends on the latest one07:47
pittiit's similar to gcc-defaults07:47
pittii. e. gcc depends on gcc-4.4 right now07:47
robert_ancellok, but they have a separate sourcepackage for that?07:48
pittiyes, gcc-defaults07:48
pittiso right now we have 0.10 in universe and 0.9.4 in main07:49
pittiand "valac" (main) is 0.9.407:49
robert_ancellpitti, the latest version is 0.9.5, which is library version 0.1007:50
pittirobert_ancell: but then the 0.10 packages should be in main, and valac updated?07:50
robert_ancellI've uploaded them, but they're stuck in the new queue07:51
pittinothing in NEW for vala any more07:52
pittirobert_ancell: ah, it's accepted07:53
robert_ancellthat's weird.  They definitely haven't hit the mirrors and simple-scan (which I uploaded later) is available07:53
robert_ancelloh, race condition :)07:53
robert_ancellright, now it says awaiting publication :)07:53
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and471morning all!09:05
bilalakhtarseb128: there?09:22
bilalakhtarseb128: the situation is like this: an empathy bug has been fixed upstream. Should I wait for a new upstream release of empathy in Ubuntu or should I backport the patch?09:23
bilalakhtarI know FF has come09:23
seb128wait for the next update09:24
seb128it's due today09:24
seb128GNOME has a freeze exception09:24
seb128we will get 2.3209:24
bilalakhtarseb128: Thanks!09:26
seb128you're welcome09:26
bilalakhtarseb128: And, package indicator-session has a similar situation. What should be done?09:26
seb128that one got an update less than a week ago09:26
seb128but dx do weekly updates09:27
bilalakhtarseb128: the other day bdrung advised moving the patch system of the package to quilt09:27
bilalakhtarits indicator-sound09:28
seb128no need to patch indicator-*09:28
seb128dx roll weekly tarballs09:28
seb128get your changes upstream and they will land in ubuntu in a week09:28
vishbilalakhtar: that one will get uploaded with the mpris stuff09:28
bilalakhtarthanks seb128 !09:29
vishseb128: hey , i'v filed https://answers.launchpad.net/rosetta/+question/120619 , and looking into not breaking the syncs.. [just incase you want to subscribe there ;)]09:29
devildantekiwinote: hi and ping :p09:34
kiwinotedevildante: hi09:34
devildantekiwinote: the bug I told you about yesterday, it seems to also be in trunk09:35
kiwinotedevildante: the aptdaemon one?09:35
devildantekiwinote: yes09:35
devildantekiwinote: try removing an application in trunk, that could be just me09:35
kiwinotedevildante: yep, you don't need to worry about that one, I can't reproduce it myself, but I've seen a pile of bug reports about it09:36
devildantekiwinote: example? :p09:36
kiwinotedevildante: bug LP: #616026 for example09:37
kiwinoteor bug #616026, however the bot works ;)09:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 616026 in software-center (Ubuntu) "update-software-center crashed with TypeError in _on_property_changed() (affects: 18) (dups: 1) (heat: 86)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61602609:38
devildantekiwinote: hmm, I see09:40
devildanteyes, that is the exact bug report! thanks kiwinote :)09:41
kiwinotedevildante: just found another bug that you can fix ;)09:45
devildantekiwinote: oh ya :p09:45
kiwinotedevildante: disable all software sources and then browse to ubufox which should be installed. a crash follows09:45
devildantekiwinote: okay, fixing it09:49
kiwinotedevildante: nice ;)09:49
devildantekiwinote: fixed :)09:52
kiwinotedevildante: great09:52
* kiwinote goes hunting for more bugs09:52
devildantekiwinote: but can't s-c really crash? :p09:52
devildantekiwinote: each time, it's a little crash that doesn't affect the other bits :p09:53
kiwinotedevildante: found one, the icon for the addon of ACE (unace) is oversized09:55
devildantekiwinote: you mean qcomicbook? :p09:56
devildanteI don't find it oversized09:56
devildantekiwinote: maybe I fixed it. Could you go to the firefox app and see if the icons are oversized?09:57
kiwinotedevildante: hm, that did seem to be some sort of race condition, all looks fine now10:00
kiwinotedevildante: then we continue10:00
devildantekiwinote: what is a race condition?10:00
kiwinotedevildante: something that happens once and never again10:00
devildantekiwinote: thx :)10:01
kiwinotedevildante: the aclock app still seems to be missing a big icon10:01
kiwinotedevildante: I though you had mentioned that you had fixed that the other day, but either you haven't pushed it, or the fix didn't work?10:02
devildantekiwinote: I fixed it, but then it returned :p10:02
kiwinotedevildante: aha, let's get rid of it for good now ;)10:03
devildantekiwinote: draw your sword, warrior, as we shall get rid of this terror for good :p10:03
devildantekiwinote: the terror has been defeated! the earth shall be in peace again :p10:05
pittiseb128: bonjour Monsieur10:06
seb128lists turned in flameware mode now10:06
seb128seems people just don't get that backport is different10:06
seb128hey pitti10:06
devildantepitti: bonjour Madame :p10:07
pittidevildante: -EGENDER?10:07
pittibonjour devildante10:07
* devildante impersonates pitti as a madame, muhahahaha :p10:07
vishcassidy: wow! if only all upstreams were as quick as empathy folks! ;)10:08
cassidythanks :)10:08
bilalakhtarcassidy: Congo!10:08
bilalakhtarNo wonder empathy is the default GNOME IM client!10:08
bilalakhtarAll thanks to cassidy ! I was going to write a patch, but when I saw the upstream bug fixed, I cannot help coming here :)10:09
cassidynp :)10:09
kiwinotedevildante: when selecting a addon the green bar is about 3px high. Not sure if that is just me or not10:09
devildantekiwinote: I have a normal green bar. care to do some screenshots?10:11
kiwinotedevildante: http://imagebin.org/10989410:17
kiwinotedevildante: originally no addons were selected, then i choose the lowest addon and then that skinny bar appeared10:18
devildantekiwinote: oh yes that, it has been fixed :)10:18
* devildante should really push its changes :p10:18
kiwinotedevildante: can you push so that I can test the buttons10:18
devildantekiwinote: okay10:19
devildantekiwinote: pushed :)10:21
devildantehey, seems I became popular :p : http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/08/update-manager-gets-update-for-maverick.html10:21
kiwinotedevildante: I have had a think about how addons are installed/removed10:29
kiwinotedevildante: I think we don't want to touch the existing install/remove code this cycle as they work rather well10:30
kiwinotedevildante: for that reason I think it is better to modify your code to use the add/remove multiple functions instead10:30
devildantekiwinote: agreed, plus nobody will have an excuse to not ffe :p10:31
devildantekiwinote: if I do that, I face a challenge: how to make the progress bar consistent?10:32
kiwinotedevildante: this will mean that all add-ons will become separate instances in the pending view all the time which is not completely by spec, but then we just diverge from the spec slightly10:32
devildantekiwinote: I've already tried, but mysteriously the progress bar hides and shows for some reason after a transaction10:33
devildanteand we will have more transactions than ever if we just install/remove/install/remove :p10:33
kiwinotedevildante: the biggest issue here is if you use install multiple and then remove multiple, do you get two password dialogs straight after eachother, or does the remove dialog pop up only after the other pkgs are installed10:33
devildantekiwinote: you get two password dialogs10:34
kiwinotedevildante: straight after eachother, or does the second only come after the first is finished?10:34
devildantekiwinote: it is the same with commit_packages(), but at least it's only one operation10:34
devildantekiwinote: straight after each other10:34
kiwinotedevildante: ok, thanks10:35
devildantekiwinote: if we use commit_packages(), the issue will remain, but we can bug the aptdaemon developer so he treats commit_packages() as a separate operation10:35
asacseb128: ... shouldnt something using dh_pysupport use ${python:Depends} ?10:35
asacRE zeitgeist-extensions mir10:36
seb128I guess it should yes10:36
asacok asked for that in MIR ... otherwise its probably ok ;)10:38
kiwinotedevildante: hm, I've just looked at the aptd.py code in your branch and it seems to be less different from trunk than when I last looked10:40
asacogra: can you please get info for bug 60729110:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 607291 in taglib-sharp (Ubuntu) (and 5 other projects) "[MIR] banshee (affects: 1) (heat: 137)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60729110:40
devildantekiwinote: should I ping the aptdaemon developer?10:41
kiwinotedevildante: given that, we can just leave it like it is (sorry for changing my mind constantly ;) )10:41
asacogra: i subscribed your team ;)10:41
kiwinotedevildante: eventually, but we'll get your branch into good shape first10:41
devildantekiwinote: okay :)10:41
kiwinotedevildante: we need to do something about changing addons of an already installed application10:42
devildantekiwinote: what's the problem with that?10:42
asacchrisccoulson: gyp MIR without chromium-browser mir?10:43
chrisccoulsonasac - i'm working on that ;)10:43
asacdo we really need this in this cycle? if so i guess we want chromium in too10:43
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, the plan is still to have chromium in main10:43
asaci will set gyp to incomplete until we have the MIR for chromium10:44
kiwinotedevildante: the in progress view just shows the original app, do we want to show each individual app separately, or embed it in the main app like now?10:44
asaci want a good explanation about what was done to get chromium security delivered ;)10:44
kiwinotedevildante: I don't really mind which actually10:44
devildantekiwinote: you may want to ask mpt, he's here :)10:45
mpthi devildante10:45
devildantehi mpt :)10:45
devildantempt: <kiwinote> devildante: the in progress view just shows the original app, do we want to show each individual app separately, or embed it in the main app like now?10:45
mptWhat I have at the moment is: "In the “In Progress” section, when installing an item, installing any of its add-ons should be presented as part of the same task. But changing add-ons for an installed item should be presented as a separate task for each add-on."10:46
mptDoes that make sense, or is there something better we could do?10:47
kiwinotempt: I think eventually we would want it all embedded in one app, but I think that that would only make sense once we hide the addons in default views, which is out of scope for this cycle10:48
mptkiwinote, as in "Changing add-ons for X"?10:48
vishmpt: what about making the add-on selection/removal as a modal window?10:49
mptvish, we're talking about something different here, which is how to present add-on changes in the "In Progress" screen10:49
kiwinotempt: yeah, but somewhere we need to define the scope of what we want this cycle so we still get a ffe, versus the ideal situation10:50
vishmpt: ah , nvm then ;)10:50
asacRiddell: can we demote install-package for qapt?10:50
mptkiwinote, for the purpose of 10.10, I don't think it matters at all whether it's shown as a single task or multiple tasks.10:50
* devildante is relieved that he doesn't do any additional work :p10:50
vishexpanders ftw!10:50
devildantevish: great idea! (if I know what you mean :p)10:51
kiwinotempt: ok, then we may as well leave it as it is, all showing as a transaction of the main app10:51
kiwinotempt: the main difference is that we need to call different backend functions depending on how we want it to show in the in progress view10:52
vishdevildante: well we can have a main progress bar, it would need to calculate both for the main app + addons , and use an expander to show the individual progress' , mpt might have other ideas though ;)10:53
devildantekiwinote, mpt: as vish suggested, in the next cycle, we could show the transaction as a single app, but expanding the transaction should reveal addons10:53
devildantevish: let's leave this to mpt ;)10:53
kiwinotempt: which means that it would make sense to use one set of backend functions (ie always show it as a transaction of the main app) for both newly installed and already installed apps10:54
mptThat's a good idea for later.10:55
devildanteoh! how am I relieved at the sound of "later"! :p (too lazy)10:56
kiwinotedevildante: it may be nice to add 3 or 4 pixels of padding between the addons icon and the addon title/name10:56
kiwinotedevildante: and a ':' behind 'choose add-ons' may be nice as well ;)10:57
and471kiwinote, devildante: can I see a screenshot? I am intrigued :)10:59
kiwinotedevildante: there is also a 'free' label in the add-ons action bar. I think it would make more sense to avoid paid apps to show up in the add-ons view10:59
devildantekiwinote: it's mpt who told me to put the price in there, go bug him instead :p10:59
devildanteand271: one moment11:00
mptkiwinote, this is for the case (in future) where free apps may have commercial add-ons.11:00
Riddellasac: we should be able to remove install-package11:01
kiwinotempt: hm, ok, although the add-ons bar is currently not able to purchase apps anyway11:01
devildanteand471: http://imgur.com/mXXjo.png11:02
mptthat's true, it's for forward compatibility of people's expectations :-)11:02
kiwinotempt: aha, then we'd better leave it there ;)11:02
and471devildante, cool, which branch are you working in?11:03
asacRiddell: kk. thanks11:03
kiwinotempt: and would 'clear changes' make more sense than 'cancel', or is that also just me?11:03
kiwinotedevildante: padding looks a lot better now, great!11:04
vishkiwinote: not just you ;)11:04
devildanteand471: I work on add-ons, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ilidrissi.amine/software-center/addons11:04
* kiwinote is relieved11:04
devildantekiwinote: np...  any other bugs?11:05
kiwinotedevildante: I think the code is in a state where it works quite nicely11:05
mptkiwinote, either would work, but "Cancel" is more common11:06
mptand471, are you looking for something to do? :-)11:06
and471mpt, yeah how could you tell :)11:06
kiwinotempt: yep, I just couldn't work out what cancel was referring to when I first saw it11:06
kiwinotempt: much like the undo/redo in the edit menu actually ;)11:07
mptand471, how about changing the "_N other_ technical items" bar to a "_Show N other_ technical items"/"_Hide N_ technical items" bar that doesn't disappear?11:08
mptas I think we talked about before11:08
and471mpt, sounds good :)11:08
and471devildante, is most of the code in appdetailsviewgtk.py ?11:09
kiwinotedevildante: it may be worth looking at the diff you make with trunk and trying to tidy up the changes you have made. Ie are all the function names logical, do you constantly put an enter between the functions etc11:09
devildanteand471: yes, but there's some other changes in other files11:09
devildantekiwinote: okay11:09
kiwinotedevildante: I think most of it looks good, just a few little things every now and then11:10
devildantekiwinote: thanks :)11:10
kiwinotedevildante: the magic command is 'bzr diff --old lp:~kiwinote/software-center/getting-the-small-things-right'11:10
kiwinotedevildante: and you can merge to that branch as well ;)11:10
vishmpt: wanted to ask you about Bug 613301 , this is an application which requires GNUstep to work , how should we be handling such apps?  should we hide them until at minimum gnu-base is installed?11:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 613301 in zipper.app (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Zipper description is confusing (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61330111:11
* kiwinote goes to have some lunch11:11
vishit seems kinda seems pointless showing something which user cannot use right now...11:12
mptvish, hiding them would be overdoing it, but it would be nice to flag it in some way. Search for "How to prioritize toolkits?" in the spec for previous notes about that.11:12
* vish searches11:12
mptvish, zipper Depends on gnustep-base, so it's not as if it won't work when installed. It'll just look weird.11:13
vishmpt: yeah , it /does/ call on gnu-step during install, but seems to be an unnecessary change for something which we have better gnome alternatives11:14
and471devildante, I am trying to adjust the vertical padding in the addonview vbox and SC locks up is it is below 1011:15
pittikenvandine: with one of the recent dist-upgrades I lost the messaging and sound indicators; me and session menu are still there; are we under some transition?11:15
and471is > if11:15
mptvish, in the current market (i.e. no popular OS uses Gnustep as its DE), pretty much everyone who has Gnustep installed will know what Gnustep is (which is not true for Gnome or KDE). For that reason, it's reasonable for the description of a Gnustep package to mention Gnustep. It's informative for people who're using it, and a subtle discouragement for people who aren't.11:16
and471devildante, vertical spacing that should be11:16
vishmpt: agreed ,not mentioning GNUstep is not an option. mentioned the same thing in the bug too :)11:17
seb128chrisccoulson: hey11:17
seb128chrisccoulson: how are you?11:17
chrisccoulsonhi seb128,  how are you?11:17
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm good thanks11:17
chrisccoulsondid you have a good weekend?11:17
devildanteand471: not occurring with me11:17
and471devildante, I also feel that the icon size should be 16 not 2411:17
and471devildante, go into appdetailsview_gtk.py and change11:18
and471        gtk.VBox.__init__(self, False, 8)11:18
vishmpt: but my concern was rather more about how we handle such cases [than the exact bug]11:18
seb128chrisccoulson: weekend was quite nice thanks11:18
and471        gtk.VBox.__init__(self, False, 12)11:18
* vish still searching..11:18
and471        gtk.VBox.__init__(self, False, 8)11:18
and471and it freezes11:18
and471(that is in addonsview)11:18
seb128chrisccoulson: could you tell me what we need to ask to mozilla about translations permissions?11:19
devildanteand471: it doesn't freeze with me11:19
seb128chrisccoulson: the workitem is not really clear to me11:19
vishoh , found it in the unresolved issues! \o/11:19
and471devildante, oh?11:19
chrisccoulsonseb128 - it's not clear to me either, i need to speak to micahg about where that one came from11:19
mptvish, I don't think you need to do anything in particular with them. In this case, you might want to reword the sentence so it looks more like "Zipper is a tool for {extracting and viewing archive files} in GNUstep" and less like "Zipper is a tool for extracting and viewing {archive files in GNUstep}". Other than that, it's fine.11:19
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i think we wanted to find out if the translations are covered by the same trademark restrictions as the branding11:20
and471devildante, anyway I'll leave that stuff to you, but I think it would look better with 16x16 icons, and less vertical spacing11:20
chrisccoulsonso we could translate in launchpad11:20
seb128chrisccoulson: we don't translate firefox atm?11:20
chrisccoulsonseb128 - not really. apparently, we do during the development release, but revert back to shipping only upstream translations during the stable release11:21
chrisccoulsonat least, that is my understanding of what we do11:21
vishmpt: yeah , that sounds sensible , /me adds that to bug comment.. thanks.11:21
seb128chrisccoulson: seems buggy then, we don't test what we ship?11:22
devildanteand471: okay :)11:22
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'm not 100% sure whether thats really the case. perhaps we never put the launchpad translations in to the language packs11:23
seb128chrisccoulson: could you try to figure that as well while you figure if we can translate it?11:23
seb128chrisccoulson: thanks!11:23
seb128chrisccoulson: no hurry but would be nice to sort that this cycle11:23
devildanteand471: 16x16 icons look like this: http://imgur.com/yMDUS.png (too small?)11:25
and471devildante, I think they looks better, the same height as the text that is next to them, mpt, kiwinote?11:28
vishdevildante: do we need an image for the addon? how many addon have unique icons?11:29
vishseems to me that most of the add-ons are just using the generic icon11:30
devildantevish: some of the firefox add-ons are using icons11:31
mptand471, I'm torn. The smaller ones make the add-ons section smaller overall, which is good. But the bigger ones reward those add-ons that do have custom icons. I'll leave that up to devildante. :-)11:31
vishdevildante: thats 3 icons?  but would be better to know how many actually have icons..11:32
devildantekiwinote: any opinions on this?11:33
devildantevish: is it a real problem if we just let generic icons in there? (just asking)11:34
mptvish, by showing icons for every add-on, we encourage more add-ons to have icons later, even if they don't have them now.11:35
vishdevildante: an icon needs to help distinguish one object from another , if it is gonna be the same icon for all the objects , it just seems a visual overload..11:36
devildantevish, you heard mpt, now obey :p11:36
* mpt tries out lp:~mmcg069/software-center/branches-for-installedview11:37
vishdevildante: ;)  mpt has a lot of hopes , but i dont really expect we'd have icons for those any time soon11:37
devildantevish, mpt: why not show the app icon when not having an icon? (just a thought)11:39
vishdevildante: still not an improvement, is it?  when every icon for add-on in a page is gonna be the same, icons need to be able to help differentiate.11:41
baptistemmhi there11:41
mptdevildante, because that would mean showing different icons for the same package in different contexts. E.g. sword-text-gerlut1545 would have a different icon when shown as an add-on for BibleTime as it would when shown as an add-on for Xiphos.11:41
baptistemmseb128: I didn't know you updated bluez to 4.69. did merge from the debian package?11:42
devildantevish, mpt, and471, kiwinote: what about 22x22: http://imgur.com/iX0UW.png11:42
devildantevish, mpt: you've got valid points :)11:42
and471devildante, I think a good compromise :)11:42
and471mpt, sorry that actionbar thing is more complicated than I anticipated I'm stuck :(11:44
and471mpt, anything easier for a lazy guy? :)11:45
devildanteand471: find a bug and fix it :p11:45
mptand471, what part are you stuck on?11:45
seb128baptistemm, hey, why should I have done that?11:45
mptRemoving the code that hides it, changing the label, or changing the click action?11:45
seb128baptistemm, I just wanted to get the current version uploaded11:45
and471mpt, the variables that track the nonapps in the appview are not simple, they are hooked in multiple places11:46
and471mpt, if you find me an easier one, I'll even write a test for it :)11:46
mptand471, how about making the title in software item screens selectable and Copyable?11:49
baptistemmseb128: because that's nice to have the code near from the one in debian :)11:49
devildantempt: is it okay to work on new features after FeatureFreeze (maintaining them in my branches of course)11:50
mptdevildante, sure, just keeping in mind that you'll be maintaining them until mvo either branches for 3.0 or starts his own "to-merge-later" branch11:50
devildantempt: thanks :)11:51
and471mpt, done :)11:56
seb128baptistemm, you are welcome to work on that if you want11:57
mptand471, and the same for the summary? :-)11:57
and471mpt, yup11:58
baptistemmseb128: actually I opened a bug for that with the merge request :)11:58
mptand471, is "Edit" > "Copy" sensitive?11:58
baptistemmas I was offline I work on that during my break11:59
seb128baptistemm, you had a merge conflict and told dholbach you would not have time to fix it I think, that's why I did the update11:59
and471mpt, I shall work on it :)11:59
mptthanks and47112:00
devildantedoes sabdfl spy us and then goes out? :p12:00
and471mpt, is there a bug for the selectable thing?12:01
devildanteI lol'd at bugs.debian.org: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?archive=no&bug=59160912:01
and471devildante, shh dont tell anyone :P12:01
devildantehappy birthday, Debian :)12:01
devildanteand471: ;)12:02
and471devildante, hehe funny, but makes the page annoying to scroll :/12:02
devildanteand471: True :p12:02
mptand471, bug 447285 covers several parts of it, but not all parts (and even fixing one part is better than fixing none of it)12:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 447285 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Dell Inc. Inspiron 1721] suspend/resume failure (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44728512:03
and471mpt, maybe wrong bug no. :)12:03
mpttrue, true12:03
mptand471, I meant bug 47728512:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 477285 in software-center (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Can't copy text from software item descriptions (affects: 6) (heat: 34)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47728512:04
and471mpt, should the version/license stuff be selectable?12:06
mptand471, yes12:06
kiwinoteand471: in my branch I have changed the version/license code, it should be selectable atm12:07
and471kiwinote, ah, but just that stuff?12:07
kiwinoteand471: yep12:07
and471kiwinote, a simple label.set_selectable()?12:08
kiwinoteand471: yep12:08
and471kiwinote, cool :)12:08
kiwinoteand471: but the description stuff will be slightly harder I think, as it needs to be selectable as one field12:09
and471kiwinote, yeah I was looking at this12:09
and471kiwinote, I think we need to merge it as one label12:09
and471kiwinote, bullet points suffer as well12:10
kiwinoteand471: yeah, that was my thought as well, so if it's simple / low-risk to change, then that would be great12:10
and471kiwinote, I will have an experiment :)12:11
kiwinoteand471: great, thanks ;)12:11
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devildantekiwinote, mpt, vish: feel free to tell me if there is any bug in my branch :)12:26
kiwinotedevildante: those changes you have been making look quite sweet12:36
devildantekiwinote: thanks :)12:37
kiwinotedevildante: now that the icon size for addons is smaller the padding can be slightly less12:37
kiwinotedevildante: it also seems that the padding between the title and the pkgname has increased as well..12:37
kiwinotedevildante: you may want to have a look at the accessibility stuff as well. There is an example of how to do this in the package_info code. You can use the program 'orca' to get the interface read out to you. At the moment it doesn't say anything usefull when you tab to the addons part.12:40
devildantekiwinote: okay, will take care of it :)12:41
kiwinotedevildante: yeah, it's slightly confusing at first, but I sat down the other day and kind of understand it now, and the result was the code in the info table12:42
kiwinotedevildante: and just to be fussy we have a PackageStatusBar(), so renaming the AddonsStateBar() to AddonsStatusBar() may be a nice idea ;)12:45
devildantekiwinote: okidoki12:45
* devildante doesn't know how to make orca work :p does /me needs to log out?12:48
* devildante logs out12:50
kiwinotempt: just saw that you had updated the gdebi part of the spec, looks good!12:52
mptkiwinote, sorry that I didn't get that done much much earlier12:53
kiwinotempt: for the pkgs in the main archive would the text be eg "Universe" has a newer version or "Ubuntu has a newer verions?12:53
kiwinotempt: np12:54
mptkiwinote, just "Ubuntu". We shouldn't be exposing the terms "Main", "Universe" etc anywhere12:54
kiwinotempt: ok, thanks (we do use those terms visibly in the use this source part)12:55
mptkiwinote, ah, right, but there we don't have much of a choice. :-)12:56
AnAntHello, I am trying to fix LP: #613304, how can I test the fix (I am using lucid now)12:56
kiwinotempt: yeah, indeed12:56
mptbug 61330412:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 613304 in zekr (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Zekr SC logo is very low resolution (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61330412:56
mptAnAnt, thanks for working on that. I don't know the answer, but if no-one else here does you could try in #ubuntu-motu.12:57
AnAntI was told that the Software Center hackers are here12:57
kiwinoteAnAnt: hi, what precisely is it that you have changed, did you add a new icon to your pkg, or did you increase the size of an existing one?12:58
kiwinoteAnAnt: if you just replaced an existing one, you should be able to replace the old one in /usr/share/app-install/icons to test if s-c picks it up12:59
AnAntkiwinote: Hello, there are 32,48,128 & 256px icons already, I just created symlinks to them in /usr/share/pixmaps/<size>/apps12:59
AnAntkiwinote: and chanchged the desktop file13:00
AnAntkiwinote: erm, I'm not sure which one will be taken13:00
kiwinoteAnAnt: If you have modified the desktop file then for testing you can replace the old desktop file in /usr/share/app-install/desktop with the new one13:01
kiwinoteAnAnt: s-c should read those desktop files, let me just look to see if you need to update the database first though13:02
AnAntkiwinote: In .desktop file, you can just name the icon13:04
AnAntkiwinote: ie. I did this: Icon=zekr13:04
devildantekiwinote: orca doesn't want to work and make my whole desktop freeze :p Can you take care of this for me?13:04
kiwinotedevildante: yep, will do13:04
devildantekiwinote: thanks :)13:04
AnAntkiwinote: hmmm, it is still bad13:06
kiwinoteAnAnt: yep, if you rename the icon in the desktop file and run 'sudo update-software-center' then software-center will pick up the changes13:07
kiwinoteAnAnt: for the pkg that means just make sure that the desktop file refers to the correct icon and that the icons are available13:07
AnAntWARNING:root:error processing: /usr/share/app-install/desktop/zekr.desktop No option 'X-AppInstall-Package' in section: 'Desktop Entry'13:08
AnAntno icon now13:08
kiwinoteAnAnt: the desktop files there are slightly modified versions of the original desktop files13:09
kiwinoteAnAntL for testing you can just change the 'icon' line of the zekr desktop file that was already there13:10
kiwinoteAnAnt: the desktop files in that folder are generated automatically and contain some extra magic13:11
AnAntwonderful !13:12
AnAntit worked13:12
kiwinoteAnAnt: I hope this makes sense a bit: so for the pkg itself you just update the original desktop file and make sure that the icons are available.13:13
kiwinoteAnAnt: just before the beta release the 'special' desktop files will get updated, and from that time on s-c will show the correct icon13:14
kiwinoteAnAnt: thanks a lot for working on this!13:15
and471AnAnt, thanks :(13:16
and471AnAnt, eh :)13:16
AnAntno problem, I am co-maintaining the package in Debian actually13:16
kiwinoteand471: btw, how is the desctiption selection getting on, is it easily doable, or are you having to rewrite large chunks of code?13:18
and471kiwinote, I tried at it but I couldn't get it working13:19
and471kiwinote, I don't know whether large chunks need to be edited, just the right chunks and I couldn't find them :)13:19
kiwinoteand471: ok, no probs, my guess was that it wouldn't be simple ;)13:19
kiwinotedevildante, and471: if one of you is idling atm I have a simple-ish bug that can be fixed in a new branch13:32
devildantekiwinote: gimme I'm bored :p13:32
and471kiwinote, shoot13:32
and471kiwinote, depending on how simple-ish it is, I may elect to give it to devildante (read as if it is too hard, i will bug off) XD13:33
kiwinotedevildante, and471: when universe is disabled and you browse to a universe app then you get a 'use this source button'. If you click this button and cancel the policykit alert then the button stays disabled13:33
kiwinotehehe, sorry guys, only have one bug at a time :(13:33
and471devildante, you can have it, I'm going to watch some TV :)13:33
devildanteand471: okay :)13:34
kiwinoteshouldn't be that hard.. (hopefully)13:34
kiwinotedevildante: in a separate branch from your add-ons branch if you can please13:34
devildantekiwinote: np13:34
devildantekiwinote: is there a bug filed for this?13:38
kiwinotedevildante: nope13:38
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kenvandinepitti, did you lose the indicators or is the icon just missing?13:42
pittikenvandine: I lost them; they aren't in ps ux13:42
kenvandinepitti, that was broken for unity on friday, but fixed on friday too13:42
pitti$ ps ux|grep indic13:42
pittimartin    1940  0.0  0.4 364736 15652 ?        S    08:12   0:00 /usr/lib/indicator-applet/indicator-applet-session --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet_Factory --oaf-ior-fd=3313:42
pittimartin    1946  0.0  0.1 144896  5512 ?        S    08:12   0:00 /usr/lib/indicator-me/indicator-me-service13:42
pittimartin    1948  0.0  0.1 143720  5500 ?        S    08:12   0:00 /usr/lib/indicator-session/indicator-session-service13:42
pittimartin   25303  0.0  0.0  14144   884 pts/2    S+   14:42   0:00 grep --color=auto indic13:42
kenvandinerun that13:42
kenvandinewhat does it say?13:42
pittikenvandine: and if I run /usr/lib/indicator-messages/indicator-messages-service, it just finishes with13:43
pitti(process:25306): libindicator-WARNING **: No watchers, service timing out.13:43
pitti** (process:25306): WARNING **: Shutting down service!13:43
pittiwell, there's more output of course13:43
kenvandineyeah, but not useful13:43
kenvandinenot a known issue... please file13:43
pittikenvandine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/478830/13:43
kenvandinei'll get ted to look at it when he shows up :)13:43
pittikenvandine: ok, will do13:43
pittiI'll try it in a guest session, too13:43
kenvandinepitti, unity or desktop?13:44
pittikenvandine: standard maverick alpha-3 gnome13:44
pittiplus daily updates13:44
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seb128pitti, what issue do you have?13:55
pittiseb128: message and sound indicator don't start13:56
pittithey just claim there are "no listeners"13:56
seb128pitti, do you have an indicator applet?13:56
pittime-menu and session indicators work13:57
pittiseb128: yes13:57
pittioh, wait13:57
seb128pitti, session is another applet13:57
pittiindicator-applet-session != indicator-applet13:57
pittiI thought it was all just one13:57
pittihm, how did I lose it?13:57
seb128it might have crashed13:57
seb128and you didn't click on reload13:58
seb128there was a crasher friday13:58
pittiright, some days ago it kept crashing13:58
pittiyippie, it's back13:58
pittithanks, and sorry for the confusion!13:58
* pitti hugs seb12813:58
seb128or you were typing when it crashed and dismissed the dialog13:58
* seb128 hugs pitti13:58
pittinow rhythmbox has a broken icon in the soud indicator, but that I can live with :-P13:59
seb128right, that's due to the libindicator changes13:59
seb128but that was a crash or that :p13:59
pittiso session and me indicators are not "quite" indicators?14:00
seb128they are14:00
seb128they are not applications indicators14:00
seb128they are system indicators14:01
seb128the first ones are equivalent to gtkstatusicons the second ones are applets rather14:01
seb128pitti, the applets are tweaked to load specific indicators14:03
rickspencer3good morning all14:03
seb128hey rickspencer314:03
seb128how are you?14:03
kenvandinegood morning rickspencer3!14:03
seb128hey kenvandine14:03
kenvandinehey seb12814:03
seb128kenvandine, can you update your libgwibber spec to postpone the apis you will not get this cycle?14:04
kenvandineseb128, i think that is done14:04
kenvandinethere aren't any with a milestone left14:04
seb128well they still show on http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-desktop-team.html14:04
seb128you have 31 workitems remaining14:05
pittihey rickspencer314:05
seb128which is almost as many as everybody else added in the team ;-)14:05
kenvandinei guess that shows all of them, even without a milestone14:05
seb128yes since the spec is milestoned for maverick14:05
kenvandinei'll specifically mark them all as postponed then :)14:05
seb128to be fair a quite amount of those items are the gwibber testsuite as well14:06
seb128but those a small items and you have time for that14:06
rickspencer3this New App thingy jumped the rails14:10
pittirickspencer3: indeed..14:26
rickspencer3pitti, I don't actually think many people are going to use it in Maverick, so I think all will be well eventually14:26
pittirickspencer3: seems the main point of dispute is why not to use backports14:27
rickspencer3pitti, well, there are two parts14:27
pittiI don't think backports is the right answer here, since those packages aren't meant to be part of Ubuntu, but it keeps coming back14:27
rickspencer3the implementation (use backports)14:27
rickspencer3but the other part is related but separate14:28
rickspencer3do we really want to stretch to do more reviews of apps, and why change at all?14:28
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* kiwinote is delighted at the thought that multitouch may actually work. Time to test it out!14:49
seb128pitti, do we have retracers atm or are they still down on db corruption?14:58
pittiseb128: still down, I'm afraid14:58
seb128rickspencer3, the issue with backports is that it doesn't work, you can only backport the current unstable version14:59
seb128you don't want to ship unstable series to stable users14:59
rickspencer3seb128, well ...14:59
pittirickspencer3: backports is not just implementation, it's an incompatible concept IMHO14:59
seb128like maverick version use new glib apis etc14:59
rickspencer3I think the root of the problem is inadequate communication on my part14:59
rickspencer3it's a moot point now, the implementation is done14:59
rickspencer3(for Maverick)15:00
seb128not really a miscommunication I think15:00
seb128Laney had the same concerns at UDS15:00
rickspencer3seb128, well, jono followed up with Laney quite a bit afterward15:00
rickspencer3but in hindsight, I should have triggered this discussion on ubuntu-devel after the implementation decisions were made15:01
rickspencer3some of the problems are not about the specific implementation, though15:01
rickspencer3some of the objections are about changing the very nature of universe15:01
rickspencer3I thank Laney for his reasoned and well written summary, along with his willingness to help in Maverick15:02
seb128not easy to define what ubuntu is or should be15:03
seb128ie a platform only or aiming at distributing any software you can get15:04
seb128pitti, did you see my retracer question before?15:23
pittiseb128: i answered 12 secs after that; they are still down, I'm afraid15:24
seb128sorry I missed that reply somewhat15:24
seb128pitti, still due to that db issue?15:25
seb128pitti, do you understand what's going on?15:25
seb128did the db got corrupted? do we have any backup or way to regenerate it?15:25
pittiseb128: argh, no, it's something else this time15:25
pittiImportError: No module named launchpadlib.errors15:25
pittiseb128: apparently some python modules were upgraded, and something interacted badly with p-central/support and symlinks15:26
seb128those are not using a local checkout?15:26
pittiseb128: last time that happened I purged and reinstalled the affected packages15:26
pittiseb128: no, they are using the maverick packages for launchpadlib etc.15:26
pittiseb128: local checkout is just for the "outside" crash-digger and python dupe detection15:26
seb128pitti, if you tell me what to do I can have a go at it15:27
pittiseb128: log into the chroots, try python -c 'import apport', this shold trigger the ImportError15:27
pittiseb128: then keep reinstalling python-launchpadlib, python-lazr* and what not until it works again15:27
seb128will have a try, thanks15:28
pittiand once it works, apt-get clean and save15:28
pittiseb128: merci15:28
seb128de rien ;-)15:28
pittiseb128: could still be the db issue underneath, of course15:28
pittiseb128: I already dumped and recreated it, so it must be something in the actual data; might be a sqlite bug, not sure15:28
pittiwe might need to remove a malformed dup db entry or so15:28
seb128ok, I will let you know if I figure something15:28
pittiright, amd64 retracer crashed on db15:29
pittioh, it's right in init_duplicate_db()15:29
pittiso it sohld be reproducible locally15:29
pittidamn bug15:29
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dobeydid the xorg driver abi change recently?15:36
dobeyit would appear so :/15:38
seb128dobey, yes, a week ago or so15:42
seb128dobey, why?§15:42
dobeyseb128: because i just upgraded and x wont start15:43
dobeynvidia driver is apparently incompatible :(15:43
seb128seems the xorg-edger has a newer version which work, that's from IRC discussions the other day15:49
seb128check maybe with #ubuntu-x15:49
dobeyseb128: i'd be happy to just downgrade X for now, but i just get 'release not found' when i try to :(15:56
devildantekiwinote: got time?16:02
kiwinotedevildante: yep16:02
devildantekiwinote: I wasn't able to reproduce your bug, but I did found another bug :p16:03
kiwinotedevildante: aha, which one did you find?16:03
devildantekiwinote: when clicking on "use this source", it wasn't set to not sensitive, so you could still click on it!16:03
devildantekiwinote: I just fixed it now :)16:03
kiwinotedevildante: hm, that seems to be the opposite of the bug I had16:04
devildantekiwinote: yeah :p16:04
kiwinotedevildante: can you push the branch?16:06
devildantekiwinote: of course!16:06
kiwinotedevildante: thanks, then I can attempt to work out how we can both experience the opposite bug ;)16:06
dobeyseb128: ah, seems telling the server to ignore abi works16:07
devildantekiwinote: pushed! it's the fix-use-source one :)16:10
kiwinotedevildante: great, was just looking at it16:11
vishdevildante: did you see mpt's comment..  maybe we can rename update-manager as well this cycle? ;)16:14
devildantevish: yes, I've seen it16:15
devildantevish: I think we should16:15
devildantevish: yay, more work to do!16:15
vishdevildante: when is mvo coming back? i guess we cant do it without him ;)16:16
* vish forgot..16:16
devildantevish: meh, he said he'll be in vacation for a week16:17
devildantempt: ping - do you think we should rename update-manager as well for this cycle? (looking for opinions)16:18
and471devildante, why is that?16:19
mptdevildante, I don't see a problem with it, but I'm not familiar with how package renames relate to the various freezes16:19
devildanteand471: mpt suggested to rename update-notifier to software-updater-daemon because we want to rename update-manager to software-updater in the future16:20
and471devildante, mpt, I can see the reasoning but I wonder whether this should be for maverick+116:21
devildantempt: np, was just looking for opinions - but we'll have to ask mvo once he returns16:21
and471seb128, could you clarify? <mpt> [...]but I'm not familiar with how package renames relate to the various freezes16:25
seb128and471, why do you need to rename something?16:25
devildanteseb128: <devildante> and471: mpt suggested to rename update-notifier to software-updater-daemon because we want to rename update-manager to software-updater in the future16:25
and471seb128, I'm just the messenger :)16:25
seb128and471, is that the source name or the ui one?16:25
and471seb128, sorry I don't understand16:26
seb128does it make any practical difference?16:26
devildanteseb128: well, the UI one, but we could do both16:26
seb128and471, do you want to rename the tarball or is that changing UI strings?16:26
and471seb128, ah now I understand16:26
and471seb128, sorry :)16:26
seb128well ui and string freeze is next week16:26
seb128so you can still do that16:26
vishmpt: and471: devildante:  Bug #618723  ;)16:31
ubot2vish: Bug 618723 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/618723 is private16:31
vishdevildante: its public , but the bot is stupid ;p16:32
devildantefail means fail, admit it vish :p16:32
vishdevildante: lol!16:32
and471devildante, do you want to work on it? I am currently updating some shotwell stuff but if you want I can do it afterwards16:33
and471mpt, wow those mockups look good - is anybody making it happen?16:33
devildanteand471: I'd want you to do it, I don't know enough u-m code to know if I won't break something16:34
mptand471, which mockups?16:34
and471mpt, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdateHandling16:34
* and471 realised his question to mpt was a bit general XD16:34
mptand471, devildante has done a couple of parts. I'm not aware of anyone else working on it.16:34
and471devildante, you have a branch?16:34
devildanteand471: some of it is already in trunk16:35
and471devildante, oh are you not starting from scratch?16:35
devildanteand471: the software-properties part is in the updates-redesign branch, but FF has passed16:35
devildanteand471: I mean that I worded on some of it, and it has been merged in trunk16:36
and471devildante, and the mockups under https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdateHandling#Launching16:36
micahgchrisccoulson: seb128: the work item for translation permission I think was for including translations that upstream doesn't have through LP16:36
devildanteand471: I think we're pretty close to what's in there16:37
and471devildante, close to starting or finishing :)16:37
devildanteand471: there remain a couple of bits, but that will have to wait for 11.0416:37
devildanteand471: finishing16:37
and471devildante, and where is that stuff?16:38
devildanteand471: oh, wait nvm16:38
devildanteand471: the big part in there is that it's not in a separate dialog16:38
seb128gra, kenvandine just conflicted with pending rb changes uploaded to the ppa16:39
devildanteand471: everything is occurring in the main window (in the mockups)16:39
and471devildante, yup16:39
kenvandineseb128, whoops16:39
seb128kenvandine, no worry I will merge when ronoc is ready with the mpris2 changes16:40
devildanteand471: this is gonna take some work, because as of now, the install backends are the one to display GUI related to transactions16:40
seb128kenvandine, thanks for doing some sponsoring ;-)16:40
and471devildante, so for those mockups I spoke about, has any work started on them?16:43
devildanteand471: no, and likely won't be until we're approaching the 11.04 cycle16:44
and471devildante, see when I look at hem I really want to start on it :)16:44
devildanteand471: go for it, just keep in mind you'll have to maintain your branches16:44
and471devildante, sure, I won't be able to do the apt/backend stuff but PyGTK and I are good friends :)16:45
devildanteand471: oh, and leave me the "expanded updates" bit, I too wanna work on it :p16:45
asacRiddell: there? can you upload qws again (it was rejected by jdstrand saying that we should produce it from normal qt sources) and state that you want a separate source until we are confident we can ship all from one source?16:45
kenvandineseb128_, can you sponsor lp:~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/maverick/libgwibber/ubuntu ?16:45
and471devildante, are you able to do the apt/backend stuff?16:45
seb128_kenvandine, ok16:45
kenvandinethat is needed for the indicator-me port16:45
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
kenvandineit also drops gir-repository :)16:46
asacRiddell: if you say you dont want it in the archive at all its fine. we just need to know ;)16:46
devildanteand471: yeah, I think for now, we just have to separate backend from gui16:46
Riddellasac: I can do yes16:46
and471devildante, definitely16:46
asacRiddell: so this reject wasn't coordinated with jdstrand?16:46
and471devildante, I might start on that when I have finished this shotwell stuff so vish stops bugging me XD16:47
Riddellasac: he rejected it, I want it in the archive, and this is my prefered way since it means the package doesn't cause me any hassle, although I can understand his view for sure16:47
devildanteand471: okay :)16:47
asacRiddell: maybe add a line to changelog "acked and sponsored by: Riddell" ? ... just so that archive admins see its official?16:47
asacor approve on your own ;)16:47
asacor seb128 is a good click through approver too ;)16:47
asacRiddell: thanks!16:47
Riddellasac: I'll file a bug and point the changelog at it16:48
asac_ok thanks Riddell16:51
Riddellasac: I'll put your name down for an ack too :)16:51
vishand471: shotwell!!!! ;p16:52
asac_Riddell: i can also upload the package so you can approve ;) lol16:52
asac_what a mess16:52
asac_i am reading the irc log now16:53
and471vish, yes sir....16:53
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and471vish, I have done the stuff upstream, tomorrow I shall give you a list of icons that still need to be done (can be done for next cycle) so that I can bug you about it now :P16:56
seb128kenvandine, hum, you have upload rights for gwibber but not libgwibber?16:56
seb128kenvandine, can you ask cjwatson to give you those?16:57
kenvandinelibgwibber is still in universe16:58
kenvandinei figured it would change when that goes to main16:58
seb128gwibber is not using it?16:59
and471devildante, for these morphing windows, do we need to do some magic, or are we just hiding and showing?16:59
kenvandineseb128, no16:59
seb128oh ok16:59
kenvandineseb128, it depends on gwibber... a future version of the gwibber UI will require it16:59
seb128ok, kick session restart then call17:00
seb128ok, makes sense17:00
dobeykenvandine: you convinced segphault to rewrite the UI in vala or something? :)17:06
devildanteand471: that's the problem, I don't know, ask mpt17:08
and471devildante, as if by magic ^ :)17:09
kenvandinenot yet :)17:10
kenvandinedobey, ^^17:10
mptdevildante, I'm looking at your add-ons branch again now17:10
devildantempt: <and471> devildante, for these morphing windows, do we need to do some magic, or are we just hiding and showing?17:10
devildantempt: thanks :)17:10
mptand471, ask bratsche. I think the code for morphing windows lives in libido now.17:10
mptah, bratsche isn't online17:11
and471mpt, hehe I was looking for him and came to the same conclusion17:11
devildantempt: libido?17:12
seb128dobey, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/61828517:12
ubot2Ubuntu bug 618285 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Typo in one translatable string (affects: 3) (dups: 2) (heat: 24)" [Undecided,New]17:12
mptdevildante, https://code.launchpad.net/ido17:13
and471davidbarth, hi, did any code ever come of this? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/dx-karmic-morphing-windows17:13
devildantempt: it's in C, so I dismiss it :P17:14
devildantempt: what do you think of the add-ons branch? could you accelerate the ffe process? (just asking)17:16
mptdevildante, for something without add-ons, "Total size:" correctly shows up all the time. But for something with add-ons, it shows up only when I check/uncheck the checkboxes.17:16
tedgand471, lp:ido17:17
devildantempt: isn't this the correct behavior?17:17
and471tedg, thanks, mpt, devildante, I think I found it in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~canonical-dx-team/ido/trunk/annotate/head%3A/src/idomessagedialog.c17:17
tedgand471, You kinda need to do the work with IDO as it has the timeline in it as well.  Which you'll need to do the animation.17:17
devildanteand471: meh, I did nothing17:17
and471tedg, so we need libido? can we not just do an incremental size_request?17:18
mptdevildante, how would it be? :-) It's showing less information, by default, for something with add-ons than for something without.17:18
tedgand471, Yeah, that's what you want to do, but the timeline makes it both simple and runs in the idle loop nicely.17:19
and471tedg, ah okay :)17:19
and471tedg, can we access this from python?17:19
tedgand471, Uhm, there's no reason, but I don't think someone has setup introspection in IDO yet.  It's on the TODO list.17:19
tedgI mean, there's no reason you couldn't -- just work needs to be done.17:20
dobeyseb128: i'll bug people to get the fix in for the release this week17:20
seb128dobey, thanks17:20
and471tedg, you reckon it will be done by 11.04?17:20
bilalakhtarkenvandine: Thanks a lot for the upload!17:20
kenvandinethx for the patch :)17:20
devildantempt: "Total size" shows for me if there is addons - but only when the app is installed (does it make sense to include the removal size of the app?)17:20
seb128kenvandine, do you have libgwibber python bindings?17:21
mptdevildante, ah, sorry, my mistake17:21
tedgand471, Oh, definitely.  Too many Vala and Python programmers that'll kill us if we don't :)17:21
and471tedg, hehe :)17:21
kenvandineseb128, no... but i have tested with introspection17:21
kenvandineseb128, works well :)17:21
seb128kenvandine, I'm a bit nervous with introspection abi changing still though17:21
kenvandinethere is even a python example in libgwibber which uses it17:21
and471devildante, mpt, I will try to do some preliminary work on the gui side of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdateHandling#Launching17:21
devildanteyou better do it, tedg, or it will be a personal affair :p17:21
devildanteand471: go for it :)17:22
kenvandinei had generated python bindings but dropped them when pygi got merged into gobject17:22
and471devildante, mpt, and when we get libido python bindings for 11.04 I shall hook them in hopefully17:22
devildanteand471: all right!17:22
and471devildante, mpt: tedg promised me personally (even if he didn't realise it) XD17:22
mptdevildante, ideally I'd like installed items to show "Total size: {Y} on disk ({Z} available)", but that's not critical for merging17:22
kenvandineseb128, i could pretty easily bring that back17:22
kenvandinebut would prefer not17:23
seb128kenvandine, doesn't seem worth the effort17:23
seb128I guess introspection changes should not lead to client changes17:23
kenvandinei wish mono could use introspection17:23
seb128just rebuild of the typelibs17:23
seb128let's see how that goes17:23
kenvandinewhich is a pain... but not code changes17:23
devildantempt: You haven't learned your lesson, have you? :p like mvo and I said, there is no way we could count the total size if it spans on different partitions (just saying)17:23
mptdevildante, that information is from the package. Synaptic already displays it17:24
devildantempt: I meant if the user has /usr, /opt, /, /var ... partitions. We can't know if we'll have enough space on them17:25
seb128kenvandine, bug #611263 about the icon btw17:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 611263 in rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store "Ubuntu One in Rhythmbox - both the Music Store and the 'Link to a song' function have the same icon (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61126317:25
mptdevildante, ok, I'll remove the "{Z} available"17:25
mptdevildante, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter?action=diff&rev2=423&rev1=42217:29
seb128kenvandine, should I just sponsor libgwibber for now until that's sort with cjwatson?17:30
devildantempt: thx :)17:30
kenvandineseb128, yeah17:31
kenvandineseb128, please do17:31
mptdevildante, in the screen for Accessories > ACE, the Qcomicbook add-on has an extremely long label17:31
devildantempt: oh god!17:32
mptdevildante, can you ellipsize it just before the "("?17:32
devildantempt: wait, I got some idea ;)17:32
mptdevildante, e.g. "Qcomicbook is a view for comic book archives (cbz, cbr ... (qcomicbook)"17:33
devildantempt: so you want me to stop at a specified number of characters?17:34
mptSo that (a) the package name is always visible, and (b) the screen doesn't scrolls horizontally17:34
mptscroll, rather17:34
mptdevildante, ideally, stop at the edge of the window, no sooner and no later :-)17:34
devildantempt: is line wrap acceptable?17:34
mptdevildante, that would be better17:35
mpt(This is a bug in qcomicbook in that its description doesn't have a synopsis, but USC should cater for weird data anyway)17:35
mptoh, hang on, it *does* have a synopsis17:36
mptok, one bug at a time17:36
mptand471, great, thank you17:39
kenvandineseb128, libgwibber MIR bug 61875717:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 618757 in libgwibber (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libgwibber (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61875717:40
seb128kenvandine, you might want to ping asac rather ;-)17:41
kenvandineseb128, that was just FYI :)17:41
seb128thanks ;-)17:41
seb128libgwibber uploaded btw17:41
kenvandineasac, if you have the time... could you look at bug 618757 ?17:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 618757 in libgwibber (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libgwibber (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61875717:42
* kenvandine -> lunch17:43
mptdevildante, got it figured out?17:53
devildantempt: no, line wrap does strange things, and does not cater to the whole window18:04
devildantempt: do you know if there are many packages that are like this? If not, we should rather leave the code as-is and fix those packages18:07
mptdevildante, well, we're on the third level of bugginess here18:08
devildantempt: ?18:08
mptdevildante, the second level is that qcomicbook's synopsis is actually much shorter: it's only "qt viewer for comic book archives (cbr/cbz/cba/cbg/cbb)"18:09
mptdevildante, for some reason the code that calculates the add-on title is taking more than that first line from the description.18:09
devildantempt: in fact, qcomicbook as a separate app has the same summary/synopsis as when it is an add-on18:10
mptdevildante, you can see the same bug on the screen for Qcomicbook itself.18:10
mptSo, maybe you could leave fixing that for a separate branch :-)18:11
devildantempt: what is in fault: my code, the appdetails code, or a database typo?18:11
mptI don't know18:11
devildantempt: so I leave it as-is?18:11
mptFrom "apt-cache show" it looks like a perfectly normal package description to me.18:11
mptdevildante, the first level is that as far as I can tell, qcomicbook shouldn't be showing up as an add-on for ACE in the first place. :-)18:12
mptIt's not a Recommends: or Suggests: of unace18:12
devildantempt: but qcomicbook Recommends unace, and we search for reverse recommends (as per the spec)18:13
mptand its not marked as Enhances: unace18:13
mptdevildante, I don't think it says anything about reverse recommends18:14
davidbarthand471: hi, no sorry, not in Maverick, cody had some prototype running but didn't get enough time land that this cycle18:14
and471davidbarth, ok thanks, are we looking at maverick+1?18:16
devildantempt: "X is the only known package that Recommends A"18:16
mptdevildante, unace does not Recommend qcomicbook18:17
devildantempt: whoopsie, got it wrong18:18
devildantempt: so my implementation was wrong all along!18:18
devildantempt: it's fixed now, but I can't believe I'm stupid18:22
* devildante hides and cries :(18:22
* mpt hugs devildante 18:22
* devildante smiles and hugs back mpt :)18:22
mptdevildante, pushed your branch?18:24
devildantempt: pushed :)18:25
mptdevildante, the size calculation seems to be causing the whole window to seize up for ~2 seconds whenever I go into a software item screen18:29
mptIs there anyway to make it happen in the background or something?18:29
devildantempt: the problem is it's already in the background :P18:30
devildantempt: gobject.idle_add ftw18:30
mptdevildante, would it improve things to show "Total size: Calculating…" and then replace "Calculating…" with the size once it arrives?18:32
devildantempt: will test that18:32
devildantempt, what do you mean by "seize up"? (still have to perfect my english :p)18:33
mptdevildante, freeze, become immovable18:33
devildantempt: oh18:33
mptTry scrolling with the mousewheel as soon as you go into a software item screen, for example18:34
devildantempt: fixed :)18:37
mptdevildante, the only other problem I see at the moment is that there's not enough padding above the add-ons section.18:37
devildanteargh, you and your padding issues :p18:38
devildantempt: not enough padding? I would say there is too much! (or is it between the "Choose add-ons" label and the checkboxes?)18:40
mptdevildante, no, above the "Choose add-ons" text18:40
devildantempt: misunderstanding? I think there is enough padding18:42
mptdevildante, compare the red and green areas here: http://imgur.com/wr7cR18:43
mptThey should be roughly the same height18:43
devildantempt: now I understand :p will work on it18:46
mptthank you18:46
devildantempt: now I reversed it :p http://imgur.com/4kkzU.png18:53
devildantempt: was doing some testing, sorry :p18:55
=== fta_ is now known as fta
mptdevildante, it's still USC's fault that it was showing that really long checkbox label. It should have been showing the title <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#software-title>, which in that case was "qcomicbook".19:01
mpt("cat /usr/share/applications/qcomicbook.desktop | grep Name=")19:02
seb128mpt, grep Name= ...19:02
seb128mpt, it's shorter to type ;-)19:02
mptyeah yeah :-)19:02
mptEverything I know about the command line I learned in 199619:03
devildantempt: got it, I was using app_details.summary instead of app_details.display_name19:04
kenvandineyay... ubuntuone-preferences segfault19:06
* kenvandine files bug19:07
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i have one very miserable daughter this evening19:07
kenvandinechrisccoulson: sorry to hear that!19:08
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, heh, that's ok ;)19:08
chrisccoulsonshe's teething atm19:08
kenvandinechrisccoulson: my 2 year old is wearing a big metal boot now... broken foot19:08
chrisccoulsonouch, that's not good19:08
kenvandineif that makes you feel better :)19:08
chrisccoulsonhow did that happen?19:08
kenvandinehe keeps saying his brother did it... not sure exactly19:08
kenvandinehe limped on it for 2 days but we couldn't find anything wrong19:09
kenvandinemoving it and pressing on it didn't seem to hurt at all19:09
kenvandineso we took him in for xrays, and sure enough it was broken19:09
kenvandineno pain though... apparently19:09
chrisccoulsonyeah, a similar thing happened to my younger brother when he was around the same age (although with his arm)19:10
chrisccoulsonwe noticed over several days he kept holding it, and crying when we laid him down, but he was still able to play ok19:10
chrisccoulsonthen we took him to the doctor's, where he had an x-ray that showed he'd broken his arm19:10
chrisccoulsonstrange ;)19:11
devildantempt: managed to do lot of padding in up and no padding in bottom, not good I presume? http://imgur.com/KxTfC.png19:16
mptdevildante, not really19:17
devildantempt: not really good or not really not good? :p19:17
mptnot really good19:17
devildanteargh :p19:18
mpt(hey, "really not good" would have been even worse)19:19
* mpt finishes reporting bug 61880319:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 618803 in qcomicbook (Ubuntu) "Comment= in QComicBook's .desktop file is too long (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61880319:20
=== fta_ is now known as fta
devildantempt: is this better: http://imgur.com/zXYsj.png19:27
mptdevildante, a bit -- more space would be even better19:28
devildantempt, up or bottom?19:29
devildantempt: is this better: http://imgur.com/h3Zpc.png19:42
devildante(please say yes :p)19:42
* devildante has now more chances to work in Canonical19:44
devildante(is it a true yes? I mean, I don't want to commit for nothing :p)19:45
kiwinotedevildante: yes, the padding does look a lot better now19:46
devildanteoh my! kiwinote was impersonating mpt since the beginning :p19:47
kiwinotedevildante: we still have the case when we have a one line description, but I think that that blocks on the screenshot positioning19:49
devildantekiwinote: ?19:50
kiwinotedevildante: if the main app has a description which is only one line long, then we get a massive gap between the description and the 'choose add-ons'19:51
kiwinotedevildante: but to fix that you would have to modify the screenshot positioning code, which is something you probably don't want to do ;)19:51
* devildante is relieved :)19:52
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
kiwinotedevildante: but as I can tell that you love working on padding, there is something else19:53
kiwinotedevildante: the addonstatusbar looks clamped between the total size and the version label19:53
kiwinotedevildante: some padding on each side of the statusbar would be nice ;)19:54
devildantekiwinote: imma gonna do it now :)19:54
kiwinotedevildante: by doing so much of it, you must getting good at it ;)19:56
* mpt -> home20:06
=== fta_ is now known as fta
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
devildantekiwinote: I finally fixed it :p21:53
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=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
rickspencer3RAOF, heya23:44
TheMusoHey rickspencer3.23:49
rickspencer3hey TheMuso23:49
RAOFrickspencer3: Good morinng23:59

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