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Hobbseecody-somerville: yes05:21
Hobbseea few days late, i suspect05:21
superm1yay contentless pings from 2 days ago05:22
ajmitchgood to see that you're still alive though05:25
* Hobbsee quickly dies05:26
ajmitchoh dear05:27
pittiGood morning05:28
ajmitchmorning pitti05:28
RAOF'Tis a pitti.  Hello!05:32
pittihey RAOF, how are you?05:33
pittiis it just me, or is resuming very crashy in maverick these days?05:33
RAOFDepending on what you mean by “very”, I think it might be just you.05:33
pittiI either get kernel freezes or X crashes05:34
RAOFI mean, resuming for me has failed once or twice over the last month, which is I think _slightly_ more frequently than in Lucid.05:34
RAOFBut it's difficult to tell at that frequency.05:34
pittiok, then I'll have a closer look next time05:34
pittislangasek: the upstart SRU has had lots of verification, and I haven't heard about regressions, so for the sake of 10.04.1 I'm fine with releasing it early05:51
slangasekpitti: right; there seem to be a number of other SRUs that also need processing if we're to use the current ISOs for .1, I'm working on verifying the samba fix now05:52
pittislangasek: d-i is fine, I asked cjwatson to copy this (since it needs some manual fiddling)05:56
pittiso that leaves scim, xorg-server, and casper AFAICS?05:57
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pittislangasek: I'll test casper05:57
slangasekpitti: ibus-anthy, libvirt?05:57
pittioh, we carry libvirt, too? ok05:58
slangasekI don't know for sure; it's in main05:58
slangasekfar too much manual effort to check these things05:58
slangasekyes, libvirt is on the server CD05:58
slangasekerm, so is sane-backends, which is verification-failed?05:59
slangaseknot on the server CD, it's on alternate06:00
slangasekand on desktop :(06:00
pittislangasek: right, we can't move sane, I'm afraid06:00
slangasekwhich means we need to punt it and respin06:00
pittislangasek: we could remove it from -proposed and rebuild test CDs?06:01
* pitti removes06:01
pittigood time, 2 mins before publisher06:01
slangasekpitti: hmm, sane-backends still in -proposed, an hour later07:12
pittislangasek: trying again, checking LP this time07:13
slangasekpitti: saw your follow-up to 591207; what do you think we should do with casper?07:13
pittislangasek: ^ this claims that it was removed already, hmm07:14
pittislangasek: ibus-anthy verified (moving to -updates now), casper causes some trouble07:14
pittislangasek: not sure why my dist-upgrade failed, but it gets a little further with the -proposed version07:14
* pitti checks hte USB stick whether initramfs was updated/untouched/destroyed07:15
pitti-rw-r--r-- 1 martin martin   9837789 2010-08-16 07:47 initrd.lz07:16
pitti-rw-r--r-- 1 martin martin    413696 2010-08-16 06:03 initrd.lz.new07:16
pittislangasek: followed up07:17
pittislangasek: so the net result of all this is that it's now writing an additional broken file to the USB stick :/07:17
pittislangasek: my gut feeling is that we should pull it from -proposed, since we have to respin anyway; this would avoid the new broken file07:18
pittislangasek: what do you think?07:19
pittislangasek: hm, I also removed ifupdown from -proposed (standard cleanup), and it's still published07:22
* pitti wonders whether there's something wrong with removals in general07:22
slangasekpitti: the casper bug seems like a rather bad one to not have included in .1, but it wasn't milestoned, so yeah, I guess we should pull it07:42
slangasekpitti: can I leave it to you to figure out why -proposed removals aren't working, and respin the world once you have that figured out?  I'll mark the images appropriately in the tracker07:42
pittislangasek: yes, that's fine (so that you can go to bed now :) )07:43
slangasekeither way, I need to get some sleep, yeah; so if you can't get to it today, I'll look at it myself in the morning07:43
pittislangasek: if it still doesn't get removed in 20 mins, I'll prod soyuz guys07:43
slangasekack, thanks07:43
pittislangasek: ah, got removed now08:06
dholbachgood morning08:21
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pittislangasek, cjwatson: I copy d-i to -updates, so that the alternates will be ok; we still need to copy the netboot bits, though08:37
pittikirkland: could you give the proposed .deb in bug 571093 some testing? we need to move it to -updates soon08:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 571093 in multipath-tools (Ubuntu) "[SRU] multipath + libvirtd eats away more memory over time" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57109308:40
lanoxxi have merged a bzr branch into my local working copy, how can i go back to the master branch?08:41
lanoxxhow can i switch branches in bzr?08:41
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pittilanoxx: check it out separately, or overwrite your local copy with bzr pull lp:<mastername> --overwrite08:42
lanoxxpitti, if i overwrite it, then i need to check out the other branch again right?08:44
pittilanoxx: if you need both branches, it's generally easier to just keep them checked out separately08:44
lanoxxpitti, how do i check them out seperately08:46
lanoxxpitti, sorry i have not much experience with bzr, im use to git08:46
RAOFlanoxx: You *can* use “bzr switch” in pretty much the same way as “git checkout”, but it's probably not what you want to do.08:47
HobbseeScottK: you around?08:49
lanoxxRAOF, can i check out the master branch again and then switch between my current branch and the master branch?08:49
RAOFlanoxx: The way I generally deal with it is to have one directory per branch.  So, you have your current tree, which is a branch of trunk with another branch merged in.  If you wanted to keep that branch, and also get a checkout of the master branch, you'd go up a directory and run “bzr branch lp:whatever”08:49
lanoxxRAOF, ah ok. i will do that08:49
RAOFlanoxx: You can, with a little set up, make it so that you switch between branches in the same directory.  It's probably much less effort to just have one directory per branch :)08:50
RAOFIf you're going to do that, then “bzr init-repo .” in the directory containing your branches is a good performance optimisation to do.08:50
lifeless--no-trees too08:50
RAOFlifeless: I wasn't thinking of the bzr switch dance there :)08:51
lanoxxdoes bzr have an option like format-patch?08:51
lanoxxor should i just use bzr diff?08:51
RAOF“bzr bundle” does a similar thing to format-patch.08:52
RAOFMan.  “buffers” is one of those words that just get more and more weird the longer you stare at them.08:52
lifelessRAOF: bzr send please, not bundle08:53
RAOFlifeless: Ah, sorry.  -EHAZY.  bzr send attaches a bundle, right?08:54
ograpitti, vala seems to have landed in universe (breaking a rebuild of libindicate on armel)08:57
pittiogra: hm, that was called vala-0.1008:57
pittiand was in NEW08:57
pittiwe now have two different vala versions as it seems; I asked Robert about it, but I'm not clear yet how the final result should look like08:57
ograhmm, k08:58
pittioh, the source is still vala?08:58
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* pitti checks08:58
pittiogra: promoted09:00
* ogra hugs pitti09:00
ogranow there is only zeitgeist that breaks image builds left :)09:01
pittiogra: already promoted this morning09:02
ograah, cool09:02
pittihehe, did anybody look at a Debian bug today?09:27
ubottuDebian bug 582113 in gsfonts "gsfonts: dropping defoma, introducing update-gsfontmap" [Wishlist,Fixed]09:28
pitti17 years birthday?09:28
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seb128why do people want every crack in the universe to go in Ubuntu10:10
seb128I will no reply on the list, seems there is already lot of noise in that discussion10:11
Laneyit is called universe ;-)10:11
pittiTBH it's what we wanted to in warty, but I agree that we need to stop doing this10:11
seb128well, that's one of the complain we get atm10:11
pittiLaney: so it's a matter of definition, I guess10:11
pittiuniverse == all stuff you can find, or universe == some sanity/maintenance involved10:11
seb128quality is not egual and people misjudge ubuntu on some of the broken things they find10:11
seb128we should lower the number of sources in the official archive and improve quality10:12
Laneymaking this stuff more visible in s-c isn't going to cause people to think it's not part of Ubuntu though10:12
seb128we should not aim at pushing every crack application nobody will keep working on 6 months later in universe10:12
seb128well it's easy to message that this entry is not ubuntu10:12
seb128and why people keep arguing to use backports10:12
seb128that just doesn't work10:12
pittiLaney: we certainly get some responsibility, but it's a matter of presentation IMHO10:12
pittipeople don't blame Apple or Google for every broken Android/iPhone app either10:13
seb128backport require the source to be the same in the new distro10:13
seb128ie you can't enable build using new gdbus or whatever10:13
pittiwell, maybe they do, but at this point we can't help it any more10:13
seb128or you need to start tweaking your packaging to have different builds in backports10:13
seb128that makes no sense10:13
Laneyanyway I think that maintaining stuff in universe is something we are terrible at too10:14
Laneynot arguing for that10:14
seb128I think we should clean universe10:14
pittiwell, terrible -> it's a manpower issue10:14
pittiit's a helluva job10:14
Laneysure, of course10:14
seb128we are just lying when we pretend to be able to maintain that amonth of softwares10:14
seb128we should aim for better quality10:14
Laneyluckily we don't have to actively maintain most of it10:15
seb128I'm not sure why people want to turn universe to get as many crack non maintain as we can10:15
seb128still there is lot unmaintained in debian as well10:15
seb128or upstream10:15
LaneyI think there's a lot of scope for us to improve the automated QA10:15
Laneypeople seem to work well when there's lists10:15
seb128we should perhaps be agressive in clean things which rot10:16
seb128or are buggy10:16
Laneythe binary removal thing which happened in Lucid was a good idea IMHO10:16
Laney"fix this stuff or it won't be in the release"10:16
seb128well why fighting the noise10:17
seb128we could probably make a list of issues on all those packages nobody use10:17
seb128but wouldn't we spend efforts in a better way trying to improve what users actually run10:17
Laneyapart from the 5 or 6 people that it's absolutely essential for10:17
seb128rather than fixing un-used packages to be compliant with new policy or whatever10:17
seb128or build softwares that didn't change for 3 years to build with a gtk update10:18
seb128session restart brb10:19
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diwicHi, I have some trouble trying to build a package with pbuilder (with arch=i386 on an AMD64 machine)10:32
diwicthe error message is "linux-headers-2.6.32-24-generic is a virtual package"10:32
directhexdiwic, is your pbuilder up to date?10:43
cjwatsonLaney: ubuntu-cli-mono-dev> yes, it should - done10:50
Laneyoh, ubuntu-dev, yeah —­thanks!10:50
cjwatsonsuperm1: EFI> this thing called "holiday" ... I'm still tracking it, only reason it didn't land earlier was that I had problems getting 64-bit GRUB to boot my test machine, so I'll be getting back to that this week10:51
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pittihey cjwatson, welcome back! had a nice holiday?10:52
cjwatsonpitti: I've copied d-i/lucid-proposed to -updates now (pending next publisher run); FWIW the procedure has been documented in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration#Special%20case:%20debian-installer%20updates for a while11:00
pitticjwatson: ah, thank you!11:00
Riddellpitti: are you the force behind the mysterious appearance of lucid .1 images?11:17
pittiRiddell: yes; we need to respin due to some failed SRUs11:17
pittisee discussion with slangasek here this morning11:17
cjwatsonpitti: yep, much less frazzled now :)11:22
cjwatsonpitti: FWIW am respinning lucid server now - it broke on a locking issue I hadn't previously thought of, now fixed in bzr11:23
diwicdirecthex, hmm, interesting point, I should probably add lucid-updates and lucid-security to my pbuilder...11:23
pitticjwatson: ah, thanks11:23
cjwatsonvery rare locking issue though - it only happened if two parallel builds completed at almost exactly the same time11:23
pittiI'm respinning kubuntu desktop lucid, then the set should be complete again11:24
cjwatson(so I haven't bothered rolling out the fix yet)11:24
pitticjwatson: marked server for rebuild in the tracker11:25
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cjwatsonpitti: my respin was only based on the assumption that it was already rebuilding, and that somebody wanted the previous build this morning to succeed :)11:34
pitticjwatson: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/lucid/daily/20100816.2/ looks like your respin?11:35
pittiit has the reverted sane-backends, so it's good11:35
pittiand reverted casper, too11:36
baptistemmhi there11:36
cjwatsonpitti: yes11:36
pitticjwatson: added to tracker; I'll add kubuntu desktop once they finish, then "the world" is rebuilt11:37
gesercould a core-dev please give back: shotwell rrdtool. Both are in reality DEPWAITs and resolved now.11:38
baptistemmheh, seb128 updated bluez for maverick previous week11:40
baptistemmwhy didn't he merged from debian ?11:40
diwicdirecthex, do you know how to add lucid-updates and lucid-security to the lucid chroot?11:48
directhexset a pipe-delimited value for OTHERMIRROR in ~/.pbuilderrc, and run "pbuilder update --override-config"11:49
diwicdirecthex, OTHERMIRROR="lucid|lucid-updates|lucid-security"? I mean, that's not exactly a mirror11:51
pittislangasek, cjwatson: all lucid CDs rebuilt and added to tracker; they picked up the failed SRU rollbacks11:51
directhexdiwic, no, that's not a mirror11:51
diwicdirecthex, I'll read the manpage11:51
diwicdirecthex, and come back if I still have a question :-)11:52
directhexdiwic, OTHERMIRROR="deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-security main restricted universe multiverse|deb http://mirror.ox.ac.uk/sites/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-updates main restricted universe multiverse" is more mirror-flavoured11:52
diwicdirecthex, hey it seems to be working and you saved my day :-)11:55
directhexdiwic, the --override-config flag is needed for any changes to your mirror variables to actually be set11:55
diwicdirecthex, I wrote it as OTHERMIRROR="deb $MIRRORSITE $DIST-security $COMPONENTS" though, out of lazyness :-)11:55
directhexdiwic, i could not guarantee that you had those vars defined11:56
diwicdirecthex, anyway thanks for the help :-)11:56
arapitti, are Ubuntu 20100816.1 images ready to test? or are we waiting for .2 ?11:57
pittiara: all images ready to test and on the tracker11:57
arapitti, thanks11:58
pittiara: kubuntu desktop and server are .2, rest .111:58
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shadeslayerdholbach: around?13:22
dholbachshadeslayer: just about to head out for lunch - how can I help=13:22
shadeslayerdholbach: can you retry kdenetwork?13:23
shadeslayerplease :)13:23
dholbachshadeslayer: almost anyone could have clicked that button for you! :)13:23
shadeslayerthe other builds failed because libsrtp wasnt in main, i64 builds because it was moved when it built13:23
shadeslayerdholbach: i know, i dont know who else is allowed to push that button tho :P13:24
cjwatsonanyone who can upload a package can retry it13:25
dholbachshadeslayer: done13:27
shadeslayerdholbach: thanks :D13:27
* dholbach → late lunch13:27
shadeslayercjwatson: the package was sponsored :P13:27
pittishadeslayer: retried13:28
shadeslayerlol.. :D13:28
pittishadeslayer: NB that ia64 and sparc will be removed soon anyway13:28
shadeslayerpitti: thanks anyways :D13:28
shadeslayerpitti: dont care about them ^_^13:29
pittisomeone beat me to it anyway13:29
shadeslayerjust noticed that i64 built13:29
pittiah, dholbach13:29
shadeslayerpitti: most packages on sparc are ftbfs anyways :/13:30
shadeslayerthey need special love13:30
StevenK*sparc* needs special love13:31
cjwatsonshadeslayer: that doesn't change the accuracy of my statement ...13:33
shadeslayercjwatson: i can retry the build ? really?13:34
cjwatsonthat means you can't retry.  but you said "I don't know who else is allowed to push that button", and I told you13:34
cjwatsonyou can't upload the package yourself, so you can't retry it yourself13:34
cjwatsonbut anyone who could have sponsored it for you could also have retried it13:34
shadeslayergot it now .. anyone who can upload can retry13:34
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superm1cjwatson, ah okay, i was just a little worried it wasn't there at FF, i wasn't aware you were on holiday for a while.  cool, hope it was a good time off :)13:54
apwis there an approved way to remove a PPA and un-upgrade all the packages?   i see xorg-edgers has a ppa-purge thingy that does it.  should something akin to that be available to mirror apt-add-respository ?14:01
pittiapw: ppa-purge is in universe now14:07
apwpitti, so it is, thats better than nothing14:08
ScottKHobbsee: Around now.14:13
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ahasenackhey guys, do you know when 10.04.1 is scheduled to be released? Is it tomorrow?14:32
pittiahasenack: if all goes well, yes14:33
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ahasenackpitti: thanks14:33
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akgranermdz, do you have 5 mins right quick?14:36
mdzakgraner, sure14:37
hallyngeneral bug question - when i have a bug that's reported as affecting 3-5 projects, is it normal to change the priority/status for each project?  Or just one, bc that's enough info?14:59
hallynand also, is marking it invalid against a particular project considered ok (if it has nothing to do with that package)?14:59
bigondo you think that gobject-introspection could be updated to the version in experimental? 0.6.15~git20100713-1 ?15:15
bigonthis version is needed for gnome-shell15:15
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seb128the gobject-introspection in maverick is newer than that15:42
seb128it got 0.915:42
asacis anyone here who understands this gnome-sessio hack that uses X-Gettext-Domain or sometihng in .desktop file to select a specific gnome-session variant?15:53
asacseb128: ?15:53
seb128asac, the gettext domain is not for variants?15:59
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seb128asac, what do you call variants?15:59
asacseb128: efl vs unity vs plain gnome15:59
asacseb128: look at their desktop files. they all use "gnome-sessioN", but use a X-Gettext-Domain hack to choose which variant (e.g. xdg autostart dir)16:00
* sebner waves at asac :)16:00
seb128asac, hum, it's a hack from didrocks I think but he's away 2 weeks16:01
asacseb128: yeah i know thats why i wondered if anyone else knows about that. i wasnt able to spot the code that does that :((16:03
seb128it's probably in gdm16:03
seb128review the distro changes there16:03
asacalready did briefly ... let me look agian16:05
asacwow we have a bunch of patches ;)16:05
ebroderkaushal: Did you see someone already replied to your e-mail?16:06
asacseb128: dont see it there using grep16:06
asaclets look in gnome-session16:06
asacnot there either :/16:07
seb128asac, let me check16:07
asacit really feels like he is reusing some existing code ... otherwise he probably wouldnt have reused this awful Gettext thing ;)16:07
seb128asac, 15_default_session.patch in gdm?16:15
seb128asac, /etc/X11/Xsession.d/60xdg_path-on-session16:16
seb128asac, I don't think X-Gettext-Domain is used for the default session16:23
seb128asac, it's just the gettext domain for translations16:23
asacseb128: so in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/60xdg_path-on-session there needs to be GDMSESSION set to "efl" somehow ... how is that working?16:27
asaclet me look at 15_default_session.patch16:27
seb128asac, the etc change is changing the session parameter according to what you select in gdm16:28
seb128asac, it's not what selects the session though16:28
seb128asac, GDMSESSION has the value of the .desktop you select16:28
seb128ie une.desktop will have GDMSESSION=une16:29
seb128asac, those -une paths have special gconf keys and autostart etc16:29
asacseb128: thats strange because the efl .desktop is called "une-efl.desktop", but the xdg path is: xdg-efl ... so where is the une- stripped ;)?16:29
asacmight be i am just looking at old (not cleaned up conffiles) here16:30
asacseb128: kk ... all fine ;)16:30
asacstill feels hackish ;)16:30
* asac has to think about this to understand what this means for his uxlaunch plans16:30
seb128asac, /usr/share/gconf/une/mandatory/20_une-gconf-mandatory16:31
seb128asac, see that for example16:31
asacseb128: so to understand our efl session autostarts whatever is in /etc/xdg/autostart + /etc/xdg/xdg-une-efl/autostart ?16:32
seb128asac, you might want to set the wm and the panel to what you want use16:32
asace.g. both?16:32
* asac checks that too16:32
asacseb128: ok, but thos  /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/panel values etc are read by gnome-session, right?16:32
asace.g. if gnome-session starts with right XDG dirs all should be fine?16:33
asac(given that all the gconf stuff is also there)16:33
seb128asac, you don't use gnome-session?16:33
seb128asac, in the xsession.d16:33
asacseb128: we use it. thats why i think i dont have to bother about /usr/share/gconf/une/mandatory/20_une-gconf-mandatory that much16:33
seb128asac, ie it appends the path, so you get both yes16:34
asacseb128: yeah. all fine. i will come back if i end up with issues16:34
seb128asac, well what us uxlaunch?16:34
seb128us -> is16:34
seb128some sort of panel you want to run?16:34
asacseb128: replacement for gdm16:34
seb128oh ok16:34
asacthat doesnt have all the login stuff etc.16:34
asacjust a single user that auto logs in16:34
seb128why do you want to use that?16:34
seb128I guess you want to use lightdm next cycle16:35
asacseb128: probably. we dont have requirement to select a different session in UI nor do we want to display any log-in on our images16:36
asacand we want to be lightweight ;) ... might be we end up using gdm anyway. just wanted to try16:36
seb128asac, just export GDMSESSION then in your script ;-)16:37
seb128asac, we might switch to lightdm for ubuntu next cycle16:37
seb128asac, but that's for next cycle...16:38
asacseb128: is lightdm already in the archive?16:38
asaci am happy to feature non-production-quality software in linaro images ;)16:38
seb128asac, no, but robert_ancell has a ppa16:39
seb128not sure if he wanted to upload it to universe this cycle16:39
seb128I think he does16:39
asacseb128: robert is lagging on vacation right now?16:40
asacor just timezone aka bed like weaknesses?16:40
seb128he's still there for 2 or 3 weeks16:40
seb128it's 2am for him16:40
asacright. thats a weakness ;)16:41
seb128so I guess he's sleeping16:41
seb128drop him an email maybe16:41
lfaraonebarry: re your message on16:43
lfaraonebarry: re your message on "Place for DDs and DMs to request syncs", you're talking about sort of a web interface to submittodebian?16:43
barrylfaraone: hi!  yep16:43
barrylfaraone: i don't know how feasible that is though16:44
lfaraonebarry: hm, that'd be interesting to write. would you know someone who'd want to design the UI for that?16:44
lfaraonebarry: well, we already have patches.ubuntu.com. We could pull from that and have a editor which would allow you to cherrypick from the diffs, with checkboxes or something, and generate a mail which LP sends to the BTS.16:45
barrylfaraone: the launchpad folks have good designers for this kind of thing.  we should put it on lifeless's radar.  i don't know enough about submittodebian; would you be interested in submitting a lp bug report on this?16:45
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lfaraonebarry: sure, I'll get on that.16:46
barrylfaraone: that sounds pretty good16:46
barrylfaraone: thanks!  send me the bug # and i'll ping lifeless (who's probably asleep right now :)16:46
* lfaraone 's just got a few things to finish up, but I'll get that done today.16:47
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kenvandinecjwatson, can you give ~ubuntu-desktop upload rights for libgwibber (currently in universe)?17:32
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cjwatsonkenvandine: done17:42
kenvandinecjwatson, thx!17:42
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cndcjwatson, some of us in #ubuntu-touch are having issues with our radeon laptops20:08
penguin42cnd: I'm curious what issues?20:09
* penguin42 runs a Radeon desktop20:09
cndwe've found a workaround by setting GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=text20:09
cndpenguin42, X never comes up20:09
penguin42ah that one20:09
cndyou might already know about it :)20:09
cndjust thought I'd mention it20:09
* penguin42 tries to find the bug number20:09
penguin42cnd: Bug 60561420:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 605614 in linux (Ubuntu) "[ATI] GPU lockup with gfxpayload=keep" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60561420:10
penguin42the failures you get from it can be a bit weird - mostly X not starting, but one boot it just failed all over with a random pile of apparmor errors and crud - I guess it's just a random corruption somewhere20:11
gesercnd: I just noticed that we have gesturetest and utouch-gesturetest in the archive. It looks like the later is the correct source package name we want to keep, right? If yes, could you please request the removal of the wrong one.20:37
cndgeser, how do I do so?20:42
cndand yes, utouch-gesturetest is the correct one20:42
gesercnd: file a bug against gesturetest requesting its removal and subscribe ubuntu-archive20:43
cndok, will do20:43
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penguin42Is there a right way to mark a bug that I think is a pretty serious regression in the current maverick alphas; I've done a nominated for maverick; it's bug 60408721:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 604087 in iscsitarget (Ubuntu) "iscsitarget fails with can't create a target 2 0" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60408721:13
penguin42using the (newer) debian package works, so in one way it's an easy fix21:13
jonois anyone having problems with maverick upgrades21:14
jonoI get a tonne of dependency issues21:14
jonoit looks like gconf is causing many of them21:14
prefrontali'm creating 32/64 bit packages, each of which depends on two other packages that i created. the 32 bit packages are all working, but on 64 bit I get "Depends: * which is a virtual package"21:15
prefrontal(aptitude gives that error output) it works fine on 32 bit, and i'm confused now..21:15
prefrontalyou can see the output here: http://pastey.net/13965621:16
prefrontalon 32 bit `apt-cache depends emergent' shows libodeemergent and libquarter as real packages, but on 64 bit it shows them as virtual21:19
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geserjono: I updated my maverick just a few minutes ago without any problems21:23
geserprefrontal: and you built the library as 64bit packages too?21:24
jonogeser, think I have it fixed now, thanks!21:26
cjwatsoncnd: please bring it up with the kernel team - grub is triggering it, but they're kernel issues that we need to have fixed21:33
prefrontalgeser, they are built in a 64 bit virtual machine21:33
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cndcjwatson, ok, thanks21:38
cjwatsoncnd: (I'm willing to back out the grub change pre-release if need be, but I want to give the kernel team as much time as possible to fix things)21:39
cndcjwatson, whichever way is fine with me21:40
cndI just wanted to mention it in case you hadn't seen it before21:40
cjwatsonnot with me, I'd much rather the kernel got fixed because then I can do shiny boot graphics21:40
cjwatsoncnd: oh, I've seen it LOTS21:40
cjwatsonhad some long discussions with kernel folks at the sprint21:40
penguin42cjwatson: I guess it's most Radeon users?21:40
cjwatsonpenguin42: varies21:40
cjwatsonpenguin42: I can't make any quantitative assertions with any accuracy, and I suspect neither can you. ;-)21:41
penguin42cjwatson: Indeed21:41
geserprefrontal: I guess you put your debs into a repository (as apt-cache works). Did you update it with your 64bit debs?21:42
prefrontalgeser, yes, i use this command, essentially the same as is used for 32 bit: cd /usr/local/ubuntu && dpkg-scanpackages dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64 /dev/null | grep -v -E 'Depends:[^a-z]$' > dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64/Packages && gzip dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64/Packages21:43
prefrontalbut, i appear to have fixed the problem ;-)21:44
prefrontalsomehow i passed -arch i686 to 64 bit for the last 4-5 major ubuntu releases, and my packages always worked.. switched it to -arch amd64 and it now works21:44
cjwatsonpenguin42: iscsitarget> I'll deal with that21:59
penguin42cjwatson: Thanks21:59
cjwatsonthanks for raising it22:00
* penguin42 has a nice little kvm iscsi server/client test setup - one kvm guest iscsi boots off another kvm guest running an iscsi server22:00
* penguin42 should think of something crueller to do to kvm22:00
cjwatsonpenguin42: may take a little while, the packaging is broken in some ways and userspace doesn't work with kernelspace22:08
cjwatsonpenguin42: plus, has a security vulnerability open against it anyway22:08
cjwatsonpenguin42: so I think I'll ask the kernel team to bump to
penguin42cjwatson: There's also a bit of a mess in that we seem to have an iscsi kernel module in our kenrels, yet we still have an iscsitarget-source package22:08
cjwatsonpenguin42: I'm OK with that, it's been the case in the past and I can imagine it being a useful get-out sometimes22:09
cjwatsonpenguin42: having as much as possible provided in our stock kernel packaging is kind of deliberate22:09
penguin42cjwatson: Yeh I'm ok with it being in the stock kernel, I'm not sure keeping the iscsitarget-source package is a good idea - I initially filed a bug complaining that it wouldn't build, but it's just not needed if it's in the kernel22:10
cjwatsonI'd prefer not to introduce extra divergence from Debian22:10
cjwatsonthe less we diverge, the easier it is to merge22:10
penguin42ok fair enough22:11
cjwatsonhallyn: re bug 606068, if you work on this, please be sure to do so against lp:ubuntu/iscsitarget in bzr, and note bug 604087 for why it can't be uploaded straight away22:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 606068 in Ubuntu Server papercuts "[maverick] README.initiators missing" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60606822:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 604087 in iscsitarget (Ubuntu Maverick) "iscsitarget fails with can't create a target 2 0" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60408722:14
hallyncjwatson: hm, ok, thanks22:19
penguin42sorry, it was one of those days for a little flurry of bugs on the same package22:20
loollamont: Mind creating that build record for glib2.0/sparc?22:35
mathiazcjwatson: hi - where can I find the mkisofs command used to build the -server isos?22:37
mathiazcjwatson: I'd like to know which options are used22:38
lamontlool: meh. ok22:39
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cjwatsonmathiaz: you can extract it from lp:~ubuntu-cdimage/debian-cd/ubuntu, but it's tedious enough to extract it from the code that I just have it saved.  mkisofs -r -V 'Ubuntu 10.10 i386' -o foo.iso -cache-inodes -J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table /path/to/iso/tree22:42
mathiazcjwatson: great - thanks22:43
mathiazcjwatson: have the options changed over the releases?22:43
mathiazcjwatson: or they're quiet stable (since hardy+)?22:43
cjwatsonvery little22:43
mathiazcjwatson: great - thanks again22:43
cjwatsonI don't think those have changed since something like dapper22:43
cjwatsonor maybe even earlier22:43
cjwatsonamd64 likewise; other architectures are different and less stable in places22:44
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Jordan_UI'd like to make a proposal for simplifying the process of recovering grub after installing windows. What's the best way to go about this? Create a wiki page, create a blueprint, send a message to a mailing list?23:09
sladenrobbiew: just for future reference, it might be better to _link_ to the IRC meeting log URL (rather than attaching 100kB of HTML)23:12
robbiewit's only 100K...geez23:14
* sladen blinks23:18
geserrobbiew: while we are at that topic: would it be possible to attach a plain text version instead of HTML?23:22
sladenperhaps a plain text attachment and a link to  http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/08/16/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t18:00  for the HTML would do it23:25
sladentwo birds with one stone23:25
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jdongfellow archive admins... bringing up sagemath again; is it possible to simply remove a package from jaunty and karmic?23:36
jdongspeaking with the Debian maintainer and upstream, the package was in an utterly broken state when it was auto-synced from Sid, and upstream has been getting quite irritated with users finding this package and concluding sagemath is broken23:37
jdongI originally was thinking of doing a SRU, but the maintainer has no immediate plans to begin the undertaking of fixing the package23:38
cjwatsonafraid not - it would involve rewriting the Packages files in the release pocket which we try really really really hard not to do23:38
micahgjdong: why not upload stub packages23:38
jdongthat's what I was going to ask next23:38
jdongwhat's the next-most-preferred way of preventing users from installing the package?23:39
jdongmaybe better worded as "making upstream happier"23:39
cjwatsonI'm not sure, they all suck.  stub packages would be not entirely dreadful I suppose23:39
jdongstubbed in what way, install it and nothing shows up?23:40
cjwatsonempty package with suitable descriptiveness23:40
jdongyeah, I suppose that might be the next best compromise.23:40
ajmitchso people had had sagemath installed would get it replaced with this empty package23:40
micahgjdong: I just did empty packages for enigmail-locales (granted, I did a replaces on enigmail, but the emptiness is the same)23:40
ajmitchassuming that's what you wanted23:41
jdongmmm ok, I'll pass the word on to upstream and see if they want to proceed with that route23:41
ajmitchit'd be nice if there was some way in the package to tell users about what happened, maybe with the notifier or NEWS file that gets shown23:42
ebroderWhat about having /usr/bin/sage or whatever be a 2-line shell script that echos "This package sucks. Please go actually get sage from http://[...]"23:43
jdongcan we replace /usr/bin/emacs with "this editor sucks, please go actually get vim....23:45
ebroderOnly if we replace /usr/bin/vim with "this editor sucks, please go actually get nano..." :-P23:46
* ajmitch lights up some torches & finds the pitchforks23:46
jdong*groans* in other news, is there a "preferred" way of making an upstart job that starts as a non-root user?23:47
jdongyes yes, insert rant about how the daemon should drop root itself23:48
ebroderI think I filed a bug about that...23:48
jdongdoing a su hack is just simply ugly!23:48
ebroderbug 58694223:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 586942 in upstart "init: support dropping privileges" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58694223:48
jdongI guess for an internal-user package I'll just su it :)23:49
jdongwhile waiting for someone to do it correctly ;-)23:50
cjwatsonuse start-stop-daemon23:50
cjwatsonyou can just avoid using the features of s-s-d that are done better in upstart (like pidfiles)23:51
jdongoh okay23:52
jdongfor some reason I thought start-stop-daemon was a sysvinit-ism23:52
cjwatsonnope, it's a dpkg tool to supplement init systems with what packages actually need23:54
jdongok gotcha, I'll use that then23:55

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