
micahgchrisccoulson_: so, good news and bad news, enigmail builds, but I still need -fshort-wchar06:41
micahgchrisccoulson_: and since I've used it for a few other mozilla apps (instantbird, weave) I think we might have a problem with the build system06:42
micahgchrisccoulson_: I'll talk to you about it in the morning my time06:43
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rsavoyeasac: around ?15:47
asacbusy searchng for something15:48
rsavoyejust a minor thing. we're about to switch to Git this week, so you'd need to change the import from savannah into Launchpad for Gnash15:49
rsavoyeI gave up trying to get the savannah admins to fix their bzr server side15:49
asacrsavoye: you already said so, yes.15:49
asacgive me the new git url please15:49
rsavoyegit://git.sv.gnu.org/gnash.git. I was just making sure everyone is informed before switching15:53
rsavoyeI'll be turning off our bzr tree in a day or so is the plan15:53
asacjdstrand: there?16:44
asacjdstrand: we will reupload qws now ... it was an explicit wish of riddell to have it in a duplicated source for now16:48
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jdstrandasac: I understand it was an explicit wish of Riddell's, but other archive admin's disagreed with that wish without a justification. I sent an email to the submitter. I think a massive code duplication needs to be tracked in a bug17:05
jdstrandasac: that bug should be referenced in the changelog so that people are aware of the issue17:06
jdstrandasac: it may very well be that it is the only thing we can do, but I feel pretty strongly that needs to be discussed and approved in a bug17:08
jdstrandit is almost 2 million lines of code...17:09
asacjdstrand: ok riddell opens a bug and uploads a again17:12
erawhat's the big deal about beta 5? is it finally gonna bring gecko up to par with webkit in terms of speed?17:54
micahgera: I think it's feature freeze17:54
* micahg isn't 100% sure though17:54
erai heard mozilla 2 was going to land with it17:55
micahgera: huh?17:55
micahgoh, yeah, maybe the new JS engine17:55
erawhy is firefox consistently behind though?17:56
micahgera: huh?  It's hard to be best in everything.  They have a much older and vast codebase than the otehr projects17:57
micahga lot of cleanup has gone into this release as well as tweaks17:58
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ftajdstrand, hi, when will chromium move out of lucid-proposed?19:21
jdstrandfta: it needs to get through the SRU process. I commented in the bug. the ubuntu-sru team may be waiting for more people to comment19:25
jdstrandfta: if you or others could comment in bug #612109, it might help19:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 612109 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "new upstream release: 5.0.375.125~r53311 (affects: 1) (heat: 271)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61210919:25
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Dimmuxxsince people are talking about chrome, any way to get h264 to work with the 6.0 beta?19:28
Dimmuxxit works in 5.0 but when I add the beta repo and upgrade it to 6.0 it doesn't19:29
ftai'm on it19:36
ftaDimmuxx, should work now20:30
Dimmuxxfta: yeah it works and webm support too, nice :)20:56
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nxvlchrisccoulson: ping22:33
chrisccoulsonhi nxvl22:33
nxvlchrisccoulson: i noticed that content/startpage.html has been removed from ubufox22:33
nxvlchrisccoulson: and i've a patch changing the default homepage, should i change the patch?22:33
chrisccoulsonnxvl - yeah, you'd need to change the patch22:34
nxvlchrisccoulson: what's the new location or file handling that?22:34
chrisccoulsonnxvl - ubufox sets the default start page preference to about:home, and the protocol handler in ubufox then constructs the correct URL depending on whether you're on/offline and which locale you're using22:35
chrisccoulsonso, you could either change the default preference22:35
chrisccoulsonor you could patch components/AboutHome.js in ubufox to construct a different URL22:35
nxvlchrisccoulson: the patch just changes the "var HOMEPAGE_ONLINE" variable22:37
chrisccoulsondo you mean HOMEPAGE_ONLINE_PREFIX?22:38
nxvlchrisccoulson: var HOMEPAGE_ONLINE = "http://start.ubuntu.com/9.04/";22:44
nxvlthat line22:44
chrisccoulsonnxvl, we might be looking at a different version of ubufox ;)22:44
nxvlchrisccoulson: that was in 0.7-0ubuntu122:44
nxvlchrisccoulson: i need to update this patch for 0.922:45
nxvlbut no clue how22:45
chrisccoulsonah, ok. in 0.9, that variable is replaced with HOMEPAGE_ONLINE_PREFIX22:45
chrisccoulsonwhich is set to the same URL ;)22:45
chrisccoulsonbut there is some other magic which appends to the search engine name to the end of the URL22:45
chrisccoulsonso, you get "http://start.ubuntu.com/9.04/Google or "http://start.ubuntu.com/9.04/Yahoo22:46
chrisccoulsoni have a feeling i actually patched that out of the jaunty version22:46

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