
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 470 bans)00:09
bazhang* [digitaldoll] (~olskolirc@c-98-236-8-71.hsd1.pa.comcast.net): olskolirc  getting an earful for being stuckup because I would not give him/her a windows7 activation key04:17
bazhangand removed instead04:17
bazhangA|pha seems to be giving nonsense "advice"05:02
mneptokbazhang: quotation marks are dangerous.05:03
bazhangmneptok, hehe05:03
Jordan_UHamlin in #ubuntu07:36
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 533 bans)07:52
gordugh so ubottu pounces on us now?09:44
jussigord: ?09:46
jussigord: how long is it since you set a ban? :D09:46
Flanneljussi: I assume "please review your $WEEK-OLD-BAN" in queries once you say something09:46
jussiFlannel: yeah, but its been there for months, so it must have been a while since he set a ban...09:47
jussibefore the current one ;)09:47
gordaugust 8th09:56
jussigord: yeah, it bothers you a week after, just so you dont fire and forget10:02
ikoniaplease please stop that10:07
gordi don't mind them in here jussi, i don't however enjoy being pinged personally10:08
ikoniaI don't like them in here10:08
ubottuThe operation succeeded.10:47
popeyMicrosoftTeam seems to be trolling in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-uk10:48
popeyposting links to youtube videos claiming they're getting redirected to them10:48
ikonianot again10:53
popeyis this a known person?10:56
popeyi looked in the bantracker, couldn't find the nick10:56
popeyhmm, MicrosoftTeam is coming from the same address as sarah3211:03
popeyirclogs/freenode/#ubuntu-uk.log:22:22 -!- sarah32 [~alice@79-71-117-203.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving]11:03
popeyirclogs/freenode/#ubuntu-uk.log:10:32 -!- MicrosoftTeam [~Bill@79-71-117-203.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-uk11:03
popeyirclogs/freenode/#ubuntu-uk.log:12:21 -!- sarah32 [~alice@212-139-216-241.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-uk11:07
popeyirclogs/freenode/#ubuntu-uk.log:11:02 -!- BillClinton [~frank@212-139-216-241.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-uk11:07
ikoniapopey: don't know if he's ever been banned for it11:09
ikoniapopey: certainly seen someone with similar nick and similar rants recently11:09
popeyi note they're careful enough not to push the buttons too much in #u11:09
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !is <alias> love-#ubuntu-offtopi11:23
rwwI was trying to poke at "love-#ubuntu-offtopic aliases: is <alias> love-#ubuntu-offtopi", in case anyone was wondering that that ^^^ was about :\11:24
marienz_my connection should be fixed now, and I'm now around to pull the plug if it isn't11:33
marienz(and thanks for setting a ban I could evade, since I don't have unban on this channel :)11:40
rwwWadeee in #ubuntu appears to be a human attempting to fail the turing test.11:46
ubotturww called the ops in #ubuntu (Wadeee)11:48
ubottu[Mercury] called the ops in #ubuntu (Wadeee)11:49
* rww salutes jpds 11:50
* Pici yawns13:12
ubottuIn #ubuntu, jordi_margalef said: ubottu/Dr Willis, the problem is that I could use my main DVD-RW until yesterday. Not it seems that has given up working, even on boot -it doesn't load ubuntu 10.04 from the liveCD.13:56
ikoniaplease can someone stop the bot from doing that14:22
ikoniajordi_margalef: hi there, how can we help14:22
nikowhy not +C #ubuntu ?14:22
ikoniano idea, council ?14:23
Picitry it14:23
jordi_margalefikonia, I was on #ubuntu and they redirected me here. I 'm having problems with one of my DVD drives. Now it doesn't read or recognize/mount any CD or DVD.14:23
ikoniajordi_margalef: do you know why you where redirected ?14:24
bazhangwhat does +C do?14:24
ikoniastop ctcp14:24
ikoniaor "messages"14:24
ikonianiko: will probably know the official answer14:24
jordi_margalefNot really. It was the bot from #ubuntu (ubottu). It's not a "redirection" but perhaps a recommendation?14:25
ikoniajordi_margalef: the bot recommended you join this hannel ?14:25
niko+C (block CTCPS) a  This mode blocks the sending of CTCP commands to whole channels.14:26
jordi_margalefIt said "Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops.  Thank you for your attention to detail" :-$14:26
Picijordi_margalef: The bot suggested that because you said something to it that made it think that you were making a factoid edit.14:26
ikoniathanks Pici14:26
Picijordi_margalef: You addressed the bot and used the word 'is', it thought you were defining a new factoid.14:27
jordi_margalefPici: factoid?14:27
Piciubottu: no foo is baz14:28
ubottuI'll remember that Pici14:28
ubottufoo is baz14:28
Picijordi_margalef: If theres nothing else, we like to keep this channel free of idlers. See the /topic14:31
bazhang noeu (~ner@Hitler.didnt.KillJe.ws can remove?14:42
jussibazhang: could ask first, but if no response, absolutely14:43
bazhangjussi, immediately said : <noeu> wow rude, what's the problem officer?  when asked to change it14:46
jussibazhang: heh. I assume you pointed to guidelines?14:46
* jussi wonders if ikonia is around?14:47
bazhangjussi, still in PM getting abuse14:47
jussibazhang: see what you can do, if no go, then a remove :)14:47
noeuhello I have been abused by bazhang. He removed and banned me from #ubuntu14:48
noeuI do not find my hostname offensive14:48
noeuit's not offensive to talk about Adolf Hitler, and saying he DIDN'T harm people = not bad.14:48
noeuwould you rather I change it to "HE KILL JEWS"?14:48
noeuno, right now it's nice and respectful14:48
bazhangnoeu, you were asked politely to change it14:48
noeuI can't14:49
noeuunder what terms do you require it changed14:49
bazhangthen you wont have access to ubuntu channels14:49
noeuwhy is it banned from ubuntu channels14:49
bazhangnoeu, it is extremely inflammatory and offensive14:50
noeuno it isn't. explain?14:50
bazhang!guidelines > noeu14:50
ubottunoeu, please see my private message14:50
noeuI know the guidelines and I didn't violate any14:51
noeuexplain to me how talking about jewish people and hitler in a non-violent terms in my hostname is offensive14:51
noeureally, explain to me how you think that talking about hitler in a non-violent form is of any violation of the ubuntu irc guidelines?14:52
bazhangnoeu, this is not a debate. if you choose not to change it then you wont have access.14:53
noeuwow rude14:53
noeuwhy dont you tell me why14:53
noeuI just want to help ubunttu users14:53
bazhangI saw none of that14:53
noeubecause i just joined, fuckwit14:53
noeunow im mad14:53
noeuur hasseling me for no reason14:54
noeuim of jewish discent and i have no problem with talking about hitler14:54
bazhangnoeu, once you change it to something more acceptable you can help as much as you wish. Until then I suggest you answer questions in the ubuntuforums.org14:55
noeuexplain why you consider it unacceptable please14:55
noeuyou're avoiding my question14:55
noeuwhat guideline do you think it violates and how?14:55
gnomefreakother people do have a problem with it.14:55
* gnomefreak one of those others14:55
noeujust because it doesn't suit your hugbox doesn't make it offensive or violating your guideliness14:56
noeuwhatever, fuck ubuntu then, im going to go back to arch14:56
gnomefreaknoeu: some of my family was involved14:56
noeupeace nerds14:56
gnomefreakbazhang: sorry about that14:57
jpdsInteresting FQDN.14:57
bazhanggnomefreak, thanks, was reading up on the code of conduct and guidelines14:57
bazhangwe have !badident but nothing for that particular situation14:57
PiciHm. I'm surprised we do?14:57
PiciThat was actually two diferrent sentences.14:58
ubottuUnfortunately, your irc client has been configured with an ident containing an objectionable word. We don't allow such objectionable idents into our main channels as it offends a lot of people. Your ident is not your nickname. Once you've changed your ident, please disconnect from freenode and reconnect. You will be automatically let back into the channel you tried to join.14:58
PiciI was going to say that I'm surprised that we didn't have to kick him from here.14:58
jayneI'd call it "behaviour meant to deliberately bring upon a person harassment, alarm or distress"14:59
bazhanghttp://freenode.net/policy.shtml#offtopic  jayne thanks15:00
jayneor to use Ubuntu's guidelines, "Be respectful" "Be considerate" esp. re a community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened15:02
* gnomefreak busy15:12
elkyWhat the lol?15:15
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 537 bans)15:24
bazhangpretty unpleasant slang15:57
PiciWhat was it?15:57
PiciI can't seem to translate it.15:57
IdleOneif you are referring to vati fa na zuppa it translates to " go make yourself a soup" sorta like telling someone to go play in traffic16:16
IdleOneI don't understand why he took offense to you though16:18
IdleOneall you did was try to offer a helpful hint16:18
bazhanghe doesn't like any sort of criticism or direction16:18
IdleOneis he not looking for help?16:18
bazhangnot afaict16:19
IdleOneI been reading emails so not paying attention to the convos in #u16:19
Piciboth bons and eztop have been walking the offtopic line.16:20
IdleOneand the reason you were not able to translate is that it is written phonetically16:20
PiciIdleOne: Its Austrian?16:27
IdleOneTo me it reads Italian16:27
IdleOneand google seems to want to agree16:27
PiciI thought it was too, but google didn't want to translate.16:27
IdleOnebut it is phonetic so google is having a hard time16:27
jpdsThere's a language called Austrian?16:27
IdleOneThey speak German16:28
jpdsIdleOne: unmöglich.16:28
IdleOnePici: You are welcome to confirm my translation with ljl but I suspect it is a regional "curse in front of kids" way of telling to F off16:29
ubottuIn ubottu, io said: !m00 is n. Word used largely on IRC to express boredom, excitement, apathy, happiness, insanity, or in place of a response which is expected.17:43
ikoniaI'm going to ask bitchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to change his username, as it's not really something we'd allow (unless someone disagrees)17:53
jussiikonia: got a sec?17:53
jpdsikonia: Oh I thought you were screaming there at first.17:56
ikoniamaybe I am17:59
Picibtw, io said to ignore his factoid request, which you all probably did anyway.17:59
jpdsPici: Potentially.18:00
IdleOnefactoid? what factoid? I didn't see no factoid18:08
IdleOneoh that, yeah ignored18:09
ikoniathat hcl list is really badley maintained18:38
ikoniaI wonder if there is anyone at canonical who would pickup maintaining it from an official point of view18:38
ikoniahardware compatability list18:38
ikoniait's a massive job to maintain it18:39
jpdsWhere is that?18:39
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:39
ikoniaand !laptop18:39
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org18:39
ikoniajpds: nice, didn't know about that, lets hit that up a bit in tha factoid18:40
ikoniaI'll put something together, that's much better than the hcl18:40
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 537 bans)18:42
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()19:45
IdleOnethank you19:46
funkyHatIdleOne: np :)19:59
mneptokthat channel should be called #ubuntu-off-medications20:06
* IdleOne took his pill this morning20:08
Picikubian: How can we help you today?20:57
kubianPici: can't join #ubuntu..why?21:00
Picikubian: I'm not seeing anything that should be hitting you, are you being redirected to another channel or21:05
PiciI'm out, I'm not sure whats affecting that guy.21:05
IdleOneis #ubuntu set to registered users only?21:09
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 537 bans)21:40
knomejpds, ?23:27
knomejpds, any news about the keyserver stuff?23:57

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