
KE1HAAnyone here from the Desktop-Testing-Team, as I've a question regarding the main page markup.05:45
aramorning all!07:58
KE1HAgood morning ara. Quesiotn, what happened to the 201015.1 ISO, I saw you were testing a few, then they disappeared08:07
KE1HAsri, I should clarify that, for 10.04.1 testing that is.08:12
araKE1HA, they are respining08:46
araKE1HA, a new build is going to appear real soon08:46
KE1HAara, ok, no worries, have pleanty to do on other projects in the mean time :-)08:50
=== davmor2_ is now known as davmor2
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czajkowskiGood morning11:00
aramorning czajkowski11:08
czajkowskiara: would you know anyone who I can poke re bug #605041 guy was ranting about it on identi.ca yesterday, did give out to him over his not polite comment on the bug so he did leave a better comment on it.  Guess he's a bit frustrated11:12
czajkowskiara: sprinting this week ?11:12
ubot4`Launchpad bug 605041 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "High usage of the cpu - up to 100% (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60504111:12
davmor2czajkowski: point Riddell at it, it is kubuntu based after all11:12
czajkowskisee it says Kubuntu but also Ubtuntu11:13
czajkowskiso I'm a little confused11:13
czajkowskiI also hate rudeness espeically on bugs. no need for it after all11:13
araczajkowski, he already apologized11:14
davmor2czajkowski: My install x is using 2% so it's his system/kubuntu that is at fault more likely is the ati driver11:14
Riddellbugs in X and firefox aren't really my domain11:14
czajkowskiara: aye he got an earful from me last night over it, then I said I'd try and see who could help11:15
araczajkowski, RAOF is maintaining X this cycle11:21
araczajkowski, you can talk to him at #ubuntu-x11:21
czajkowskiara: thanks11:22
chirguThe URL for the 20100816.1 (lucid) image is http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lucid/daily-live/20100816.1/ not http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20100816.111:57
KE1HAchirgu, That's for Maverick, not 10.04.111:59
KE1HAThe Lucid Build are showing up now: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lucid/daily-live/20100816.1/12:00
arachirgu, true, the problem is that the links on the tracker are built automatically thinking on the development release12:05
arachirgu, I will add a note to the tracker so people know12:05
chirgujup, but the link in the e-Mail goes to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/info/4424 and there the wrong url is set (second url in my last msg)12:05
arachirgu, yes, yes, I know12:07
arachirgu, but there is nothing we can do12:07
arachirgu, I added a message to the tracker12:07
arachirgu, is that good enough?12:07
KE1HA:-) It's all good :-)12:09
KE1HAAnyone using the Startup Disk Creator (USB) .. very fast installs.14:22
KE1HAAnyone testing ISO's on Intel i8xx series chipests ?15:02
bladernrKE1HA:  No and No from me... :-)15:18
bladernrHow many of you are NON-US based doing ISO testing of 10.04.1?15:18
KE1HAbladernr, tnx, seems everyone is too busy testing to talk :-)  Im got a Dell i8xx box I'll test after Im done with all the others, hopefully they've fix the issues.15:25
bladernrNP... wish I could help but I've got a different chipset... and I know what you mean :-) it's like field day, only quiet15:26
KE1HAI only have the one Laptop that has the issue, but in the ubuntu channel there's been loads of issues reported, as well as in launchpad Answers.15:28
KE1HASo far though, all seems to be going really well.15:28
bladernrhrmmm, did you ask in that channel if those who are complaining could test the isos and find out?15:29
bladernrand yeah, I've only found a couple minor bugs so far...which is expected, and a GoodThing[tm]15:29
KE1HA:-) .. Oh man, come on, it's tough enough fer us to help them get it installed, they get rather irate :-)15:30
KE1HAI tell ya what, I like this USB-Key Installer, it's very fast for this sort of testing.15:30
bladernryeah, usb-creator is pretty slick.  Do you have windows?15:31
KE1HALOL.. say again, Win What ?15:32
bladernrthe ISOs come with usb-creator.exe to allow you to create the USB sticks from within windows. That used to be broken (it was during Lucid beta and I don't know if it ever got fixed and I don't have windows right now to run...15:32
KE1HANo, Only have one Windows box, and thats' the Dell D400 that Ubuntu-Desktop falls over on during install.15:32
KE1HAAll the rest of my hardware, workstations, servers, media boxes all of them are UB-10.04 now.15:33
bladernrall you have to do is boot windows, pop a lucid CD in, browse it and run usb-creator.exe (its the windows version of what you're using in Lucid)15:33
bladernrheh... I have a windows laptop that I bought for Wubi testing, but I'm sharing it with my wife, and it's currently in the US while I'm in the UK, so no windows for me either.15:34
KE1HAOh, yea, no worries, I burn them from my Workstation, All my ISO's are on a Big LVM, that doubles for the Test box wiht VirtualBox.15:34
bladernrI actually have win7 on this system for photography on this machine, but I can't risk a wubi bug blowing my partitions away on this one... :(15:35
KE1HAthat's the only thing, apart from Cloud that I cant really test, and I dont have a thin client either.15:36
bladernryou're using VBox, right?15:36
bladernryou can do LTSP with VMs...15:36
fader_You can test the thin client software without dedicated thin client hardware ;)15:36
KE1HAVbox on one Workstation, Native Installs on another workstation, and native Installs on my second Laptop/15:37
bladernrI've done it... your LTSP server VM has to have two NICs, but IIRC the config wasn't too difficult. You just create a second VM with no hard disk and set it to Boot from LAN15:37
KE1HAOh, right, I'll check into that, never though about doing it VM to VM15:37
fader_At a guess you don't even need two NICs if you virtualize the whole setup... you can create virtual NICs15:38
fader_Though at that point I'm not sure how valuable the test is ;)15:38
KE1HAI've got 2 GB Nics on both Workstations, although one is used fer my main connection, I suppose I could always disconnect fer a while to test it.15:38
bladernrno, you do15:39
bladernrfader_:  ^^ if your host VM only has one, you have to go into the server and reconfigure a lot of stuff and rebuild the images...15:39
bladernrif your server VM has 2 NICs to start with, most of the config is automagic15:39
jibelpedro_, hello, are you testing desktop-i386 oem ?15:39
fader_bladernr: Any reason you can't run the host itself on a VM?15:40
* bladernr spent hours in #ltsp trying to debug that15:40
fader_(Idle curiosity)15:40
bladernrOh, you can, but your host VM has to have 2 NICS15:40
KE1HAWell I could always put a spare nic in the box, as both my nics are on the MB anyway.15:40
fader_bladernr: Right, we're on the same page then... I thought you were saying you had to have two *physical* NICs, but I think we're both saying you can virtualize it and have two virtual NICs15:40
* fader_ still thinks the physical network test case is more valuable.15:41
bladernrnah... just two "NIC"s... and yeah, evil minds think alike15:41
KE1HAI like this OEM install, has lots of potential.15:41
bladernrfader_:  if marjo will let me expense a 16 port gigabit switch and some PCI nics :-)15:42
pedro_jibel, yeah I'm doing that test15:43
bladernrKE1HA:  it does... it's a nifty pre-config tool.15:43
pedro_jibel, in fact i've just finished it15:43
KE1HAI addded some things, and removed some things just to see if it worked, works well.15:44
jibelpedro_, Is case uoi-002 exactly what you experienced or does the test case needs an update ?15:45
KE1HAso bladernr for the LTSP, when I create a blank VM, how do I add 2x NICS ?15:46
pedro_jibel, well the only extra thing i do is to install an application, do the prepare for shipping to end user, restart and check if that app is correctly installed there15:47
pedro_jibel, besides that i've following the same test case15:47
pedro_jibel, why, is not working for you?15:48
KE1HApedro_, that's what I did, did the test proper, then did one with changing apps then ship it and loo to see if it kept them.15:48
pedro_KE1HA, right, works fine here as well15:50
jibelpedro_, yes it's working it's just that I don't have OEM Configuration (temporary user) on the top right (I have the me menu and the system menu)15:51
KE1HAAre you doing the Kubuntu version ?15:51
KE1HAI couldnt' find the bugger for a long time on that one.15:51
jibelpedro_, and in case of kubuntu there is no me menu nor system menu at all on the top right.15:52
KE1HAExactly, was way lost on that one fer a while.15:53
davmor2pedro_: you should need to do that it should be installed automatically15:54
davmor2jibel: on kubuntu it's different all together and no cases got written15:55
jibeldavmor2, okay. well, I can proceed with oem-config anyway, marking as 'Passed'15:57
KE1HAIm gonna have to zsync some more images, about out of tests fer these twoo.15:58
bladernrKE1HA:  in VBox, after you create the vm, you just highlight the one you want and click the details tab then click on the heading Network15:58
bladernrit'll let you add multiple NICs15:59
bladernrsame way you change ISOs before starting the vm15:59
KE1HAOh, that's easy enough, I dont even look at that tab normally, will check it out.15:59
bladernrOh yeah... you can add anything you want there... I've created VMs before with multiple disks and set up RAID arrays as well16:01
KE1HAOh, not that's something I may look into as I dont have a real HW RAID system to play and learn on.16:03
KE1HAUbiquity is definitely slow on my laptop :-)16:04
bladernrnah.... multiple virtual hard disks... create two or three SATA virtual disks (files) via VBox and attach them all to the VM16:05
bladernrthe downside is that you may not run into bugs that only occur on actual hardware RAID, but you can at least create RAID and play with it.16:06
KE1HAYeah, Drivers are the pain with HW RAID, it's its natively supported, your good, if not, it's a bit tricky.16:07
bladernrOh I know... tested REAL RAID for years at IBM... heh.... lots of fun stuff... thankfully most of it *usually* worked :)16:08
KE1HAIm gonna go set up fer the LTSP thing, see how that goes.16:08
bladernrif you run into snags, I still have my thinclient VM so I can help a bit... and you can jump on #ltsp, they're pretty helpful (if they're there)16:09
KE1HAYeah, Im ok ""normally" with LTSP / PXE boot, as I built many HPC clusters, but just not in VM :-)16:10
KE1HAso we have a ubuntu-ltsp channel as well ?16:11
bladernrKE1HA:  no... just #ltsp16:12
bladernr(there may be a ubuntu- but #ltsp is the "official" one)16:12
KE1HAthere probably going to need a ubuntu-ltsp if the server certification really gains ground, as the big clusters are all abt ltsp / pxe.16:14
KE1HAAnd raw writting to disks to bypass the File System.16:14
KE1HAwell i386 OEM Passed :-)16:15
KE1HAI know one thing, after using the ALT cd's like this, I dont think I'll ever use the Normal CD's fer installation.16:23
bladernrcrud... what's the component for the KDE installer in the live env?16:24
KE1HAwe need to edit / work on a few ofn the Test Docs, a few things are out of order.16:26
bladernrdid anyone answer my question about what package the Kubuntu live installer is? I killed xchat16:28
KE1HANo they didn't.16:28
davmor2live installer is still ubiquity but I think it's ubiquity-kde16:29
KE1HAisn't it the deb-installer?16:29
davmor2bladernr: ^16:29
bladernrKE1HA:  d-i is the alternate installer (text)16:29
bladernrdavmor2:  thanks... I'll try that16:29
bladernrI do enough Kubuntu testing I should know this by now :(16:29
KE1HAYeah, if it's from the Desktop CD or installed form the Desktop there all Ubuquity, the normal one though is the deb-ins isn't it?16:30
KE1HAd-i  .. that's what I thought.16:30
davmor2bladernr: you're right :P16:31
KE1HAKDE has gotten to the point wehre I have a hard time just navigating around in it these days.16:32
bladernrheh yeah... I don't know why I keep testing it... I can't stand the UI ;-)16:32
* bladernr is masochistic16:32
KE1HAMan, Live Session o 512MB of RAM is not a good thing.16:40
fader_KE1HA: 1G is minimum system requirement for the desktop releases16:41
* fader_ got a bug invalidated because of that. ;)16:42
KE1HAindeed, it runs, but swap is gettign nailed pretty hard.16:42
KE1HAOnvalid bug, not enough RAM, man, that's harsh :-)16:43
fader_Yeah, that's what sent me back to the wiki to learn the requirements increased a couple of months ago... d'oh16:45
fader_I guess overall it's a good thing -- I set up one VM to be the bare minimum system to catch bugs like that16:45
KE1HAI suppose so, if you need the lighter weight version, XUB is great for Low resource boxes.16:46
KE1HAHow is the Migration Assistant different from the guided re-size version, looks the same to me.16:48
KE1HAOh man, "Select Non-English Lang fer Install" this is going to be fun ;-)16:50
bladernrwho is starslights?16:51
KE1HApass, no idea16:52
bladernrKE1HA:  migration assistant only works if you have a windows install and user data in there (IE bookmarks, some MP3s etc...)16:52
bladernrstarslights opened a bug against the Kubuntu live session, tagged his test case with it, then deleted it. :(16:52
KE1HAAhh, ok. will let sombody else do thsoe Language ones then.16:52
arabladernr, https://launchpad.net/~starslights16:53
KE1HAI need to DL an i386 ALT cd now.16:56
bladernrara:  thanks :-)16:57
KE1HAbladernr, I didnt see those bugs you reported, interesting.17:04
bladernrwhich ones?17:04
KE1HAthe casper one's17:04
bladernrthey're in the messages during shutdown.  They've been there forever17:05
KE1HAOh, I see Maybe I should re-run them then.17:05
bladernrthey're easier to catch in the alternate installer since it doesn't throw that colored splash screen up instead of messages17:05
KE1HALMAO .. Nevermind, I didnt see them cuz they are on the Desktop CD .. LOL.. I've not ran them yet :-)17:06
KE1HAI ran the ALT's first, but did't notice them there though.17:06
KE1HAbladernr, when you say sprinting, what does that mean ?17:08
bladernrwe're all running through a city carrying laptops and battery backpacks17:10
KE1HAGat out, Really?17:10
fader_50km/day, minimum17:10
davmor2he forgot for a week17:10
KE1HAI doubt that, that's allot of Miles :-)17:10
fader_We're in great shape17:11
bladernrwe're very healthy17:11
KE1HAI hear people say it allot, jsut dont know what it is.17:11
fader_KE1HA: sprinting is getting together face to face to get work done17:11
fader_Generally there's a set goal to get done17:11
bladernrKE1HA:  what fader says... since we all work remotely, it's a chance to meet up in person and get things done that are easier in person.17:12
KE1HAOh, ok.. where I used to work, that was the worst thing to do :-) .. never got anything accomplished in those big meetings :-), except generating allot of action items :-)17:12
fader_KE1HA: Hmm, now that you mention it...17:12
KE1HAara, are you still around, Im about to do the ALT-AMD64 rescue, and you reported a bug, and said Testing Maverick A3, is that correct ?17:15
fader_Hey folks, everybody make sure you're grabbing the 10.04.1 images and not testing maverick, as it looks like at least some of the image links on iso.qa.ubuntu.com are pointing at maverick17:16
KE1HAor did you see the same bug as when we did the A3 testing, as I remember that from A3 also.17:17
KE1HAYeah, the Lins are busted.17:17
KE1HAara said the trasker was set for development testing.17:17
KE1HAShe put a note on the Main Tracker Page.17:18
KE1HAWe should be going here for the images: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lucid/17:18
fader_KE1HA: Yep, I see that now.  (And ara just let me know that as well... obviously I'm not paying enough attention ;) )17:19
KE1HANo worries.17:19
KE1HAHey ask her about that Bug on ALT-AMD64, rescue17:19
fader_KE1HA: I'll ping her :)17:20
araKE1HA, the bug is also in Maverick, I didn't report it now, just point it to it17:20
araKE1HA, i will add a comment to th ebug17:20
araKE1HA, commented17:21
KE1HAOk. TNX17:21
KE1HAmust be allot of people testing, lots of ISO's done already.17:34
araKE1HA, cool :)17:38
KE1HAbladernr, for LTSP, after installing the first system, and creating the non-priv user, how do you boot the think client from the VM ?17:38
bladernrcreate a second VM, but don't give it a hard disk...17:39
KE1HAOk, do I need to set the IP addy on that one to look fer the other one ?17:40
bladernryou shouldnt17:41
KE1HAOk, Im creating both now.17:41
bladernrthe LTSP server should be running DHCP17:41
KE1HABut only in VM right? not gonna hack off my router am I /17:41
bladernrno... only in VM.  I run the whole thing VM to VM17:41
bladernrVM1 (LTSP Server Install): 1 SATA HDD, two NICs (believe me you WANT to give it 2 NICs)17:42
KE1HA:-) good Cisco Routers dont like Dual DHCP servers on their network :-)17:42
bladernrVM2 (ThinClient) just needs one NIC and no HDD17:42
bladernrand I'm using hardware terms interchangably.  NIC = virtual network card in the VM config, HDD = virtual disk file17:43
KE1HAOk, So the Server Needs NICS, makes sense, then the CLinet No HD and 1x NIC17:43
KE1HAThen fire up the server, then the client.17:43
bladernrYeah... Now, on the ThinClient, set the NIC to "Internal Network" and on the LTSP VM, set ONE of the NICs to "Internal Network"17:44
bladernrthat will make them use the VBox internal network and the packets will never exit your system17:44
bladernrThe default for NICs, IIRC is NAT, which WILL put them on your network... though I'm not sure if incoming DHCP requests from the physical LAN will actually get through.  It's just easier to set them to "Internal Network" so it all stays virtualized.17:45
KE1HASri, I nuked xChat somhow :-)17:47
KE1HAOk, On the LTSP-Server, the Second NIC is set to Internal ?17:48
araKE1HA, just replied to your syntax question email17:48
KE1HAOk thank you.17:48
bladernrKE1HA:  yeah, that's how I set mine up... NIC1 = NAT, NIC2 = Internal Network17:49
KE1HAgot it.17:50
bladernrBy the way, when you set them to Internal Network, give them the same name (you'll see what I mean when you configure them in VBox manager17:50
KE1HAYeah I saw that when I set the SVR NIC17:50
KE1HACalled it ISO-TEST17:51
KE1HABuilding the Server Now.17:51
KE1HAara, confirmed, I've got 3 /dev's as well showing up in rescue mode.17:58
araKE1HA, OK, thanks17:59
bladernrKE1HA:  that's a lot of devs...18:12
KE1HAyeah, it's supposed to be /dev/sda1 but all three were showing up.18:13
KE1HAHere's the server builds at ?18:13
KE1HAWhere is ..18:13
KE1HAAll Im seeing is Desktop and Alternate ISO's18:14
bladernrclick on ubuntu-server/lucid/daily-live/18:17
KE1HAAhh, not under Lucid, ok18:17
bladernrsorry, there's the full link18:17
KE1HAFound them, TNX I was looking under Lucid.18:17
bladernryeah, the Lucid/Maverick dirs point to ubuntu/*18:18
KE1HAthey dont make a standard and alt of that do they ?18:18
bladernr?? nah... server uses d-i18:19
KE1HAjust server AMD64 and server i386 right?18:19
KE1HAYeah, that's what I thought.18:19
KE1HAI have done allot of server installs on 10.04, set mine up on 8.04 and wll that was a long time ago :-)18:20
KE1HAhave Not Done18:20
KE1HAthe LTSP server takes a good while to install.18:21
KE1HAI really like this zsync, I've not gotten any bad MD5's since I started using it.18:23
KE1HAbladernr, is there a way to lock a CPU core to a given VM?18:37
bladernrgood question.  I'm not sure if VBox supports CPU affinity or not, honestly...18:38
KE1HASimilar to Windows affinity?18:38
KE1HAI just watching the Installs going on, and it's pretty random as to which one it pulls from.18:38
bladernrhrmm... google says no...18:39
bladernryeah, that's the way they natively run.  I know Xen will allow processor affinity, and I assume KVM does as well.18:39
KE1HAbit of a bummer, 4 cores and can't isolate them, I dont think you cna in VMware ware either, but not sure.18:40
bladernrreal fun, though, is using a multi-noded setup (8 servers = 128 cores) and watching a process bounce across servers18:41
KE1HASystem monitor doesn't display correctly on the Process TAB18:41
KE1HASays 80-100%, but on the 4-Core Display, there not even half that.18:41
KE1HAYeah, at my old job we did real-time-regression on maxwell's eq's, and a stupid number of cores, it was cool to watch.18:43
KE1HAWe used a modified Ganglia Monitor.18:43
KE1HAOk, LTSP install complete.18:44
KE1HAbladernr, How do I add a user to the Fuse group ?18:47
bladernrin server... man useradd18:48
bladernrman usermod18:48
KE1HAOk, I knwo how then.18:48
KE1HAcreate them and -G18:48
bladernryeah, I couldn't remember if it was -g or -G for extra groups18:48
bladernrbeen a while since I did one18:48
KE1HAI thought it was something special fer the LTSP18:49
bladernrthe fuse group gets created during the install IIRC18:49
bladernrso you just have to create a user and add it18:49
KE1HAok .. the docs say use the user managment tool so will follow that.18:49
KE1HAOk, think client time, time to see how big a pig VM is for resources :-)18:52
bladernrin server?  there's a user management tool?  No X in server, yes?18:52
KE1HAYeah, when you add the user, same screen, manage groups. edit the group and add the user to the Fuse group.18:53
KE1HAthat's the user that will log in from the Thin client.18:53
KE1HAThis is done from the ALT CD not the Server CD18:54
KE1HAwhich installs the desktop.18:54
KE1HAOk, here goes Mr. Thin-Client :-)18:55
bladernrOh... yeah... crap.  Sorry...18:55
bladernrfor some reason I was thinking the Server ISO... sigh... jet-lag.18:55
KE1HAHmm, getting a Halt- can't read from medium.18:57
bladernrcheck on #ltsp and see if they can help you debug it (I ran into issues because I was running 64bit and there were no 64bit images built18:59
bladernrbut PXE works? you get the address and it at least tries to boot18:59
KE1HAHmm, same here. I may have to build 32Bit also.18:59
bladernrhold on a sec...18:59
KE1HANothing on the client's work'en, doent' look like its asking the server at all.19:00
KE1HAIf we cat it sorted, we shoud write a How-Too :-)19:01
ubot4`Launchpad bug 203954 in ltsp (Ubuntu) "amd64 server installation has wrong default dhcpd.conf (s/i386/amd64/) (affects: 3) (dups: 3) (heat: 13)" [Medium,Fix released]19:01
bladernrthat's similar to what I saw...19:01
bladernrif you're seeing the same issue as that, it's a regression19:01
KE1HAThe CLient is jsut failing to boot, no media found.19:02
KE1HAlet me have a read of this Bug.19:02
KE1HAOn the LTS-Server Install, I've not done any updates, maybe I should.19:03
KE1HANope, 5.2.1 is installed.19:04
KE1HAand that's what they said fixed the Bugg.19:04
KE1HAIm not a DHCPD guru, what's the command to see fi it's running ?19:06
KE1HAlooks like it from ps -aux | grep dhcpd19:07
KE1HAnvm, which dhcpd and whereis dhcpd are not found at all.19:08
araKE1HA, whenever you can, can you mark bug 613510 as confirmed in launchpad, please?19:10
ubot4`Launchpad bug 613510 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Rescue mode shows more partitions that those that are available as root partitions (affects: 1) (heat: 570)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61351019:10
KE1HAwill do.19:10
KE1HAWell, think this is a Fail on the test case.19:12
KE1HAUbless I've doen somethign wrong.19:13
KE1HAbladernr, I wonder if it has anything to do with the Client NIC Adaptor Type?19:14
bladernrif they're both set to Internal Network, and DCHP IS running on the LTSP server, then you should be good on that end.19:15
bladernryou can monitor logs (is it Syslog?) and look to see if the LTSP server is seeing the PXE/TFTP requests and such...19:16
bladernrthough if you're seeing can't boot medium, you're getting an address, and networking isn't the problem...19:17
bladernranyway, it's late here, and I gotta run...19:17
KE1HAYeah, there's somethign not right on the server, as Im unable to see the Internet from it.19:17
KE1HAOk, will TTUL19:17
drizzlehi all22:33
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