
Sarvattknittl: probaby fallout from nvidia-96,173 and fglrx having been forcibly removed from jockey for now because they dont work00:03
RAOFGood morning.00:07
RAOFasac: Good gallium for 965, for Maverick?  No.00:08
RAOFEven though you're not here.00:08
Sarvattprobably not maverick+1 either00:08
RAOFNot unless someone wants to devote some resources to it.00:10
RAOFGah.  Stupid UTC+1000:10
RAOFYou wake up just as the people looking into the bug you're after go to sleep00:10
ajmitchRAOF: yay for mondays? :)00:10
* RAOF is disappointed that Adobe's DNG converter doesn't process the lens distortion data into it's nice, documented format.00:16
knittlmorning. how do i find out which graphics driver is currently in use?08:50
RAOF /var/log/Xorg.0.log will tell you what drivers have loaded, and which one(s) are in use08:51
knittlthanks RAOF 09:03
knittlin maverick i get an error/warning message on boot09:06
knittlconflicting fb hw, disabling generic driver09:06
knittlsomething like that. is that ok?09:06
RAOFThat's not a warning, and it's expected.09:06
knittlAug 16 09:52:18 kbook kernel: [   16.914621] fb: conflicting fb hw usage nouveaufb vs VESA VGA - removing generic driver09:07
knittlok :)09:07
RAOFC'mon.  Fix the server crash, fix the server crash!09:12
knittldoes standby work for you?09:13
RAOFEven on my nouveau laptop.09:13
RAOFUrgh.  It won't fix the server crash until it compiles!09:14
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
czajkowskiRAOF: are you about ?11:23
czajkowskiRAOF: just wondering if you could possibly look into/comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/60504111:25
ubot4`Launchpad bug 605041 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "High usage of the cpu - up to 100% (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:25
gordthese nvidia 2d performance regressions on anyones radar? was only happening to me a few weeks ago but noticed a few others coming forward too. i know its kinda hard with binary drivers =\11:45
tseliotgord: ??12:10
tseliotgord: if you file a bug report about it, I'll tell Nvidia about it12:11
gordtseliot, ever since around the end of last month, nvidia binary drivers have been suffering some huge 2d performance issues. 3d works fine, but just drawing a gtk window or switching tabs or anything is painful. makes xorg cpu usage go crazy. its hard to define though and doesn't seem to affect everyone12:11
gordtseliot, will do12:11
tseliotok, thanks12:12
RAOFgord: I thought that was fixed with the new cairo upload?13:37
RAOFIt certainly fixed it for the nouveau drivers :)13:37
* RAOF goes back to sleep13:37
Sarvatthttp://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=14 is the support forum for nvidia where the people who can actually fix the blob post in case it helps15:30
Sarvattjust looking through the first few pages it seems like 2D has regressed a ton on the GPU's that can't do trapezoid acceleration on 256.xx15:32
Sarvattaka i dont see anyone on a gt200 or newer (or ion) complaining about 2D performance. the new cairo disabled server side gradients unconditionally and that was something the blob accelerated, I wouldn't be surprised if that caused even more of a performance hit and that was uploaded aug. 4th15:39
tseliotaah, so it's the issue with cairo. Now it makes sense15:44
gordSarvatt, my desktop at home has a gtx260 that has 2d performance issues15:47
Milos_SDSarvatt, 15:48
gordits just that it has a quad core i7, so you don't notice it. its only when looking at top and seeing xorg go crazy you notice. i would assume a lot of other people on gt200's have good cpu's like that taking the brunt of the performance problems15:48
Sarvattgord: does nvidia-settings -a PixmapCacheRoundSizeKB=16000 help any?15:49
seb128ideally the cairo changes would be on some drivers only15:49
seb128if somebody want to work on that ;-)15:49
Milos_SDI think there is a but with new libpixman package that was sent today15:50
seb128if filter on known buggy drivers15:50
Milos_SDnotify-osd bubble is not showed as it should15:50
gordSarvatt, not on this machine (9600gtm), can't say about my desktop until i am home 15:50
Milos_SDhere is the screenshot: http://www.glowfoto.com/viewimage.php?img=16-060157L&rand=5836&t=jpg&m=08&y=2010&srv=img515:50
Sarvattits really a problem with the blob hitting software fallbacks way too often not really cairo15:50
Milos_SDis there a way to downgrade that package to previuse one?15:52
SarvattMilos_SD: do you have it in /var/cache/apt/archives/ still?15:53
Milos_SDno I don't :(15:53
SarvattMilos_SD: amd64 or i386?15:55
SarvattMilos_SD: let me know if it works correctly again when you downgrade please15:57
Milos_SDok, but it was this version: libpixman-1-0 (0.19.1+git20100722.bf125fbb-0ubuntu0sarvatt~lucid) to 0.19.1+git20100815.8a5d1be1-0ubuntu0sarvatt~lucid15:58
Sarvattoh you mean in xorg-edgers!15:58
Sarvatti just updated it in maverick too and thought you meant that :D15:59
Milos_SDin xorg-edgers for lucid15:59
SarvattMilos_SD: http://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pixman/16:00
Sarvattgrab it quick because it only stores the latest 2 versions and i'm about to update it again so the 0722 will go away :)16:00
Milos_SDSarvatt, thanks16:02
Milos_SDI'll try if it works16:02
Milos_SDmaybe the new version will work after you update it :)16:02
Milos_SDSarvatt, it works now16:03
Milos_SDthanks :D16:03
Sarvattpossibly, they stopped supporting alpha maps with alpha maps completely and then added some handling to it if it happens just after i updated it yesterday16:04
Sarvattits uploading now16:05
Milos_SDyes, it happened after that update16:05
SarvattMilos_SD: what GPU do you have and what driver are you using btw? I can't reproduce it on intel16:07
Milos_SDSarvatt, Nvidia 7600 GT PCIe and 256.44 drivers16:08
Milos_SDin that screenshot compiz is on16:08
Milos_SDbut if I use only metacity, that part of notify-osd is darker then other part of it16:08
Sarvattyay so more 2D brokenness with the blob? :)16:09
bjsniderthe 7k cards have significantly older hardware than 8k and newer16:09
Milos_SDSarvatt, but it worked ok before that update today/yesterday :)16:10
bjsniderthe blob is basically optimized for 8k and newer16:10
Sarvattyeah but it's not broken on nouveau or intel for me so it might have broken something they didn't expect that the blob uses I'm thinking16:10
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
czajkowskiRAOF: are you up ?20:34
jonohi all22:07
jonomy X is seg-faulting - http://pastebin.com/gUmYb3Xv - I just wanted to check if this was a known issue22:07
jono(in Maverick)22:07
jcristauthat's out of date maverick22:08
jcristauis it reproducible with the latest version?22:08
jcristaucould be fixed by the patch in <yunk4nrtdoi.fsf@aiko.keithp.com> if so22:10
czajkowskiJust wondering if anyone could comment on bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/605041  someone was talking about it yesterday on identi.ca and looking for help 22:11
ubot4`Launchpad bug 605041 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "High usage of the cpu - up to 100% (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:11
jonojcristau, I just did  dist-upgrade22:11
jcristauyour log says xorg-server 2:
jcristaubut, xorg-server | 2: |      maverick | source22:12
jonojcristau, hmmm22:12
jonohow do I upgrade it?22:12
jonojcristau, when was that published?22:15
jcristaui have no idea22:16
jonoit is weird that I have an old package22:17
jonojcristau, ok I managed to install it22:20
jonoit was in my apt cache but not installed22:21
jonoso I installed it and it still segfaults22:21
jcristautime to try that patch then22:21

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