
Quaxirglassresistor, heh00:00
macoRabbitbunny: are you trying to configure a static ip?00:00
aeon-ltdraven: you don't your router & isp assign your ips, unless you meant local00:00
macoraven: ^00:00
macoRabbitbunny: sorry00:00
ravenmarco right00:00
br4inp4inger channel?00:00
macoraven: you're talking about your /internal/ ip, right?00:00
ravenmaco right00:00
glassresistor[thor]: nm its actually just byobu-conf00:00
macoraven: /etc/network/interfaces is where you can setup a static ip00:00
macoraven: there's a man page with the syntax;  man 5 interfaces00:01
macoraven: would tell more, but ive never actually done static, so.... have to refer you to the manpage00:01
[thor]glassresistor: nice.. i just recently found the joys of byobu hehe.. i spent 20mins or so figuring out what all the readouts were.. and trying to memorize their color combos..00:01
dsnydersaeon-ltd, trism, AArgh!  It was showing in System>Preferences>Appearances all along.  I just didn't recognize it from the thumbnail.00:02
* dsnyders hangs his head in shame.00:02
So_ConfusedI have Ubuntu installed on a separate partition on my macbook. Is it odd that they BOTH show up in my routers dhcp client list even though I booted in Ubuntu?00:02
Quaxirglassresistor, which one is right input method? "libstatnet" or "/proc/net/dev", both of them show network-card and some bandwith :S00:02
glassresistor[thor]: spent some time making a pretty sweet purple color combo, b4 lucid came up still haven't updated my laptop00:02
nimbioticshello everyone. Which is the file i need to edit in order to open a shared folder in a windows pc? TIA!00:03
Jordan_USo_Confused: Routers often cache DHCP leases, sometimes for days or weeks after the machine in question has disconnected.00:03
headkase314cesc, you still there and making any headway?  I'm now home on my own machine! hooray! ;)00:03
erUSULnimbiotics: Places>Connec to serve or Places>Network>windows network00:03
glassresistorQuaxir: i don't have libstatnet but i think it probably just polls that file so it doesn't matter00:04
So_ConfusedJordan_U: cool beans.... ty00:04
Quaxirglassresistor, ookey.. I'll stick with "/proc/net/dev" thingy then00:04
Jordan_USo_Confused: You're welcome.00:04
glassresistoranythink a faster netbook 1.6atom with 2gigs can reasonbly handle medium sized postgres databases?00:04
adi11hi all. when i try to play youtube video on totem it gives me this: Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file.00:05
adi11anyone know what this is about?00:05
erUSULglassresistor: a netbook as DB server ???00:05
headkase314adi11, is it a downloaded .flv file?00:05
cesc headkase314  no I just gave up for now... I switched off that pc which makes a lot of noise... and just woking on my ubuntu 10.04 right now. I'll continue tomorrow.00:05
glassresistorerUSUL: not as a server, as a dev box00:05
adi11its a youtube video trogh totem media player00:05
Jordan_Uadi11: Is there another user who recently was watching a youtube video? If you're grabbing the video from /tmp you may have grabbed another user's file.00:06
headkase314cesc, good luck then.  I hope someone can help you soon!00:06
adi11its not a downloaded file in pc00:06
nimbioticserUSUL: a few days ago i was instructed to modify a file so i could access this share, just cant rememeber which one it is, cause none of the other methods have worked for me00:06
glassresistorerUSUL: so one user, i could have the db run on server at home but i don00:06
Jordan_Uadi11: You're using the youtube browsing plugin?00:06
glassresistor't wanna kill my offices bandwidth for data dumps and the like00:06
headkase314adi11, you are trying to play a video directly from the youtube website?00:06
erUSULnimbiotics: maybe was /etc/fstab ? to mount a windows share on boot ?00:06
cescheadkase314,  I think is a matter of perseverance. Sooner or later I'll find the solution.00:06
nimbioticserUSUL: thats is, thatnks!00:07
opijerUSUL, are you an op or staff for #ubuntu?00:07
adi11totem media player has a plugin to play youtube video through totem00:07
erUSULopij: no00:07
headkase314cesc, yes - it will probably be you come online sometime and by chance there will be someone who knows the exact method!  So, don't give up!00:07
adi11its like streaming video from youtube with ttem00:07
ravenhow to write a vbox vdi image to a real hdd?00:07
adi11but it gives me thi: Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file.00:08
adi11it used to work fine in other version of ubuntu00:08
adi11im on lucid now00:08
cescheadkase314, for sure. Here I always find people prone to help other people. Very helpful channel this one.00:08
erUSULraven: use quemu-imag to convert to raw image? then dd to final destination ( a partition ) ? sunno if it would work00:08
adi11is it just me who have this?00:09
headkase314adi11, youtube recently had a change in the web-pages that broke downloading programs.  Do you know if your totem received an update recently specifically for that issue?00:09
Jordan_Uadi11: It looks like a bug, youtube probably changed their URLs a bit recently breaking the plugin.00:09
headkase314cesc, ;) :)00:09
Jordan_Uadi11: No, I just tried it and it's happening to me also (was working for me recently, in 10.04)00:09
adi11so every body cant watch youtube video through totem? or its just me?00:09
adi11is there a workaround00:10
Oershockwave flash 10.1 r82 works fine in Firefox00:10
erUSULadi11: i got the same error. Jordan_U is probably right00:10
Ashfire908My server uses DHCP to get an IP but it's not taking it properly.00:11
adi11i dont want to play youyube through FF cause the cpu goes crazy00:11
br4inp4ini got a network problem, the network-manager wont find any network cards, and wicd wont start anymore, i tried to configure my PC with wlan, the connection is still over cable. any ideas?00:11
adi11and my 2005 celeron d cant handle it00:11
adi11totem was the solution00:11
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/00:12
erUSULadi11: i think theere are ff extensions to open yt videos on local media player00:12
Quaxirglassresistor, any good programs for some fancy statistics about server? connections (and start/end -points), maybe bandwith (which bwm-ng hangles though)?00:12
swc|666lame http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/FrontPage?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=remove&titlesearch=Titles00:12
adi11erusul: how is it called00:12
glassresistorQuaxir: what do you want to know?00:13
opijwhere do you file a bug report?00:14
Piciopij: http://bugs.ubuntu.com00:14
Jordan_Uadi11: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/609855 It's fixed in the latest development version of totem apparently, but the fix hasn't been backported to Ubuntu's package yet.00:14
glassresistoropij: whats your bug, look for duplicates first00:15
Quaxirglassresistor, hm.. a bit googling made :D, is awstats any good?00:15
adi11thanks Jordan00:15
Jordan_Uadi11: You're welcome.00:15
anubishow do i list installed packages? and how do i check which services are running?00:17
=== pauljw_vm is now known as pauljw
erUSULanubis: dpkg -l | grep ^i00:17
anubisthanks :)00:17
anubiswanna do some spring cleaning :P00:18
erUSULadi11: can not find right know ... download ( with unplug) and play later ?00:18
br4inp4inanyone could help me with my network problem?00:18
adi11ok thanks erusul. i will check it on FF addons :) thanks00:19
soreau! anyone00:19
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:19
br4inp4inthat is what i made, but no one answered yet00:19
=== neutrino is now known as tar-
evonhello, is amount ram that "system reports" the same amount of ram that ubuntu will use to run the system? for example if it reports 6gb ram it will use all 6gb?00:20
rhonda_i am running ubuntu, how do i load ubuntu on a memerot stick to load on my desktop...the cd rom is shot?00:20
evonrhonda unetbootin00:21
evonrhonda or use another ubuntu system to create a boot usb to install00:21
carlosgaldinoHi, I'm using the internet now and many times the browser(Chrome) redirects to  directnicparking.com. Does someone know why or how is possible happen this?00:21
erUSULevon: yes00:21
evonrhonda USB startup disk creator00:21
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carlosgaldinoI was trying to go to twitter.com and this happened and also when I try some other pages00:22
usr13Is the Belkin F5D7000 a fully supported Wireless NIC?00:22
Oercarlosgaldino, are you on ubuntu ?00:22
carlosgaldinoOer: yes00:22
evonerusul. thanks. i was asking because my windows installation is not detecting it even though it's 64bit.  I wanted to make sure it was not a hardware problem. thanks again00:22
carlosgaldinoOer: I'm using lucid00:22
anubiserUSUL: any way of listin running services? like torrentdaemons etc?00:23
erUSULanubis: ps aux will list all running processes.00:23
cescI was using a little app to shutdown my ubuntu after some time ............ it's called GShutdown but it never worked. I usually go to bed listening to some podcasts and I used gshutdown to shutdown my pc after 2 hours for instance.... but the computer was always ON the following morning. Any ideas on how to fix this?00:24
erUSULanubis: "sudo service --status-all" may be more handy00:24
Jordan_Ucarlosgaldino: According to their site they offer free DNS, so wherever you are connecting to the internet probably uses them for DNS.00:25
anubisand then sudo kill service?00:25
Jordan_Ucarlosgaldino: You can use openDNS instead.00:25
anubishow do i view the entire list though, cuz it's bigger than my screen00:25
anubis"buy a bigger tv"00:25
=== HexBoot is now known as Hexiboot
Picianubis: pipe it into less/more00:26
carlosgaldinoJordan_U: I'll try using openDNS or maybe the Google's too00:26
anubiswhat do you mean`?00:26
erUSULcesc: maybe using at is enough? sudo at "now +2 hours" <enter> shutdown -h now <crtl + D>00:27
headkase314anubis, command | less00:27
gballyI'm having a terrible time finding files downloaded by firefox.00:27
macogbally: they're not on your desktop?00:27
ronyhello,i m new in linux.00:27
gbally.deb files, chrome00:27
macogbally: how about ~/Downloads ?00:27
headkase314anubis, that is "command" | <- shift + the key above Enter then "less"00:27
swc|666so how does one remove a service from upstart?00:27
Hexibootfreash man00:27
Oergbally extra > downloads00:28
gballyanyway of conducting a search similar to that on windows00:28
headkase314anubis, use the arrow keys in less to scroll and the q key to quit00:28
anubisheadkase314: got that :P00:28
amiritehow do i search for a pkg with apt00:28
erUSULamirite: aptitude search string00:28
headkase314anubis, ok covered it thorough though ;)00:28
cescerUSUL, should I type the hole sentence "sudo at "now +2 hours" <enter> shutdown -h now <crtl + D>" in terminal window that way?00:28
carlosgaldinoJordan_U: can you tell me the google dns? i can't reach that page, every time i'm redirected to directnicparking.com00:28
anubisty ;)00:29
ronywhich os is very best zorin or mint?00:29
headkase314welcome ;)00:29
amiriteerUSUL: that doesn't show package versions00:29
erUSULcesc: no <enter> is press enter key at that point. <crtl + D> is a combo00:29
amiritehow do i search and know what package version is going to be installed00:29
erUSUL!version | amirite00:29
ubottuamirite: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »00:29
Picirony: We only support Ubuntu here, if you'd like to discuss other OSes, I suggest ##linux00:29
cescerUSUL, oh ok00:29
k23carlosgaldino, and
Jordan_Ucarlosgaldino: and
jay_I need to create a file, and save it to a location where I need permission to do so- how do I do this?00:30
erUSULamirite: aptitude search --format "%p %V" string00:30
amiritedoes installing with apt-get install automatically install dependences?00:30
Hexiboothi,some one tell me it's chinese Ubunter's irc,is,n it?00:30
headkase314amirite, yes if available00:30
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk00:30
carlosgaldinoJordan_U: k23 thanks. do you know if is  it possible to the router be infected by a virus?00:30
erUSULamirite: sorry  is --> aptitude search -F "%p %V" string00:30
Hexibooto ,thanks00:30
Jordan_Ucarlosgaldino: It's possible but unlikely.00:31
Hexibooti just want to know it00:31
erUSULjay_: a text file? use « gksudo gedit /path/to/file »00:31
ronyhow can i learn terminal command for ubuntu?00:31
erUSUL!cli > rony00:31
ubotturony, please see my private message00:31
carlosgaldinoJordan_U: ok. I think it might be this.00:32
Hexiboot!cli > rony00:32
ubotturony, please see my private message00:32
opijcan anyone help me with my lubuntu system00:33
anubis!cli > anubis00:33
ubottuanubis, please see my private message00:33
erUSULopij: just ask ?00:33
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:33
rhonda_can i run UNetbootin in ubuntu....it seems to an exe. file?\00:33
jay_erUSUL, that lets me edit an existing one only? I need to make a file from scratch and put it into a location00:33
ronyprivet massage? explain00:33
gballyits not in downloads00:33
gballyits not in extra downloads00:33
_Tinman_hello all00:33
erUSULjay_: if the file does not exist it will be created the time you save it00:34
Hexibootuse wine00:34
erUSUL!info unetbootin00:34
ubottuunetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 408-1ubuntu0.10.04.1 (lucid), package size 234 kB, installed size 700 kB00:34
rhonda_i have never used wine before?\00:34
erUSULrhonda_: sudo aptitude install unetbootin00:34
_Tinman_I'm on the ubuntu 10.04 live cd, can't mount smb shares from the terminal, but it works from the gui... any idea?!00:34
headkase314rhonda_, use: System > Administration > Startup Disc Creator instead00:34
mast`anyone knows a good tool to keep track of running/jogging times, distances and whatnot?00:34
headkase314rhonda_, or what erUSUL said00:34
erUSULmast`: a spreadsheet ?00:35
_Tinman_if something is mounted from the gui, is there an entry for it on the filesystem ?00:35
erUSUL_Tinman_: ~/.gvfs/00:36
Hexibootxchat 已经是最新的版本了。00:36
maco!cn | Hexiboot00:36
ubottuHexiboot: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk00:36
Pici!zh | Hexiboot00:36
_Tinman_erUSUL,  thanks00:36
headkase314_Tinman_, usually the mount points for them are in /media00:36
erUSUL_Tinman_: no problem00:36
mast`erUSUL, I guess. I was looking for something a bit more... complete though. Kinda like the nike running website. Not really important though, I was just curious00:36
LinuxGuy2009When I install a random package such as "OpenArena" within Synaptic package manager all the dependencies are downloaded and installed as normal. However when I try to select the games main package within APTonCD in order to make a reporisitory CD of it, it doesnt select all the dependencies. I have made sure that "auto-select dependencies" is enabled. Does this mean that APTonCD has a bug or some other problem?00:37
Guest83340Am I able to update/change from ubuntu 10.04 to mythbuntu 10.04 without doing a fresh install?00:38
erUSULGuest83340: install the mythbuntu metapackages00:38
erUSUL!find mythbuntu00:38
ubottuFound: gtk2-engines-mythbuntu, mythbuntu-common, mythbuntu-control-centre, mythbuntu-default-settings, mythbuntu-diskless-client (and 10 others)00:38
R3cur51v3I'm trying to use apt-get over a SSH using the SOCKS proxy option. I already have the SOCKS proxy working (I'm using it right now in my web browser). I'm using tsocks to get apt-get to recognize the proxy. I think tsocks is configured properly, and I have nothing but nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf, but I'm still getting a name resolution error. What could I be missing?00:38
headkase314!info mythbuntu-desktop00:39
ubottumythbuntu-desktop (source: mythbuntu-meta): The Mythbuntu standalone system. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.59 (lucid), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 powerpc)00:39
cescerUSUL, pressing ctrl+D when in terminal inside at doesn't get out of that window00:39
headkase314Guest83340, mythbuntu-desktop is the metapackage to install.00:39
rhonda_i can not unmount my usb to format, says it busy?00:39
Guest83340ok i am new to *nix so i am a little unsure what to do..so i can just apt-get the metapackage?00:40
erUSULcesc: but you get back to the shell promt; right?00:40
headkase314Guest83340, sudo apt-get install mythbuntu-desktop00:40
=== Camaro_09_ is now known as Camaro_09
erUSULGuest83340: yes. or use synaptic00:40
Guest83340ok thank you i am going to try that now00:40
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto00:40
headkase314does mythbuntu use a different desktop manager that needs to be chosen in the gdm session manager?00:41
cescerUSUL, No.. I'm in at> shutdown -h now00:41
cesc then I press ctrl+D and it doesn't go back to shell promt.00:41
Muellicesc: FWIW: Next time, go with sudo shutdown -h 120 ;-)00:41
R3cur51v3I'm trying to use apt-get over a SSH using the SOCKS proxy option. I already have the SOCKS proxy working (I'm using it right now in my web browser). I'm using tsocks to get apt-get to recognize the proxy. I think tsocks is configured properly, and I have nothing but nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf, but I'm still getting a name resolution error. What could I be missing?00:41
kosiiniso what's the choice for burning CDs after Brasero? I can't seem to select the speed in Brasero and I wasted a CD because of that00:41
erUSULcesc: sorry press enter. and do crtl + d on an empty line00:41
Dr_Willisheadkase314:  last i used it. there was a specific mythbuntu (mythtv) session. but in theory you can just run Mythtv from any session/window manager and it should work00:41
erUSULcesc: you can put several commands in at00:41
rhonda_<i am trying to format usb stick...it says its busy...how do i format?00:41
Muellirhonda_: unmount it first.00:42
headkase314Guest83340, see Dr_Willis above00:42
erUSULrhonda_: umount it ?00:42
cescerUSUL, thanks00:42
queuetip_i installed a lamp server just using apt-get install lamp-server, but i need to reconfigure php to have cURL, how can i do that without having to download the php source and recompile?00:42
rhonda_how , it wont let me00:42
rhonda_says its busy?00:42
Piciqueuetip_: install the php5-curl package.00:42
macorhonda_: right click, safely eject00:42
Muellirhonda_: sudo umount -l /dev/sdb1 or whatever your pendrive is00:42
queuetip_pici: thanks00:42
erUSULrhonda_: find out who/what is using it « sudo lsof /mount/point/ »00:43
Guest83340downloading now00:43
cescerUSUL, being @ at> and pressing ctrl+D doesn't go to shell promt.00:43
rhonda_i am so lost?00:44
gballyHow do i conduct a search like in windows?00:44
erUSULcesc: works here00:44
gballyI need to find the folder mozilla firefox downloads to00:45
headkase314gbally, Applications > Accessories > Search for files.00:45
Muelligbally: it's probable ~/Downloads or ~/Desktop00:45
cescerUSUL, bizarre then.00:45
erUSULaplications>accesories>search files00:45
Oerlocate <filename>00:45
gballynot downloads nor desktop00:45
Muelliwell Oer. Thank only works if a) slocate is installed and b) updatedb ran.00:45
Muelligbally: press Ctrl+Y in firefox to bring the download widget up, then rightclick your download and "open folder".00:46
rhonda_says the volume is busy00:46
Muellirhonda_: sudo umount -l /dev/sdb1 or whatever your pendrive is00:46
rhonda_i cant unmount my usb stick00:46
gballynope, can't find anything00:46
gballyrhonda, tried umount00:47
Muelligbally: press Ctrl+Y in firefox to bring the download widget up, then rightclick your download and "open folder".00:47
Muellirhonda_: sudo umount -l /dev/sdb1 or whatever your pendrive is00:47
headkase314gbally, what are you trying to find?00:47
gballychrome .deb file downloaded by firefox00:47
toxewHi everyone00:47
Dr_Willisrhonda_:  close any programs accessing teh usb thing.00:47
sacarlsongbally: did you look in firefox preference>genererl>download00:47
zagabarFor some strange reason, mutt has changed the editor it uses for mails from nano to some strange "joes own editor". How can I revert it? I haven't consciously changed it to this.00:47
headkase314gbally, see Muelli - does that work?00:47
erUSULgbally: run in terminal --> « find ~/ -name '*.deb' -print »00:48
gballyit downloaded and I can't run it in the gui. I tried clicking in firefox open with gdebi but it doesnt work00:48
Dr_Williszagabar:  it may be using what ever the EDITOR variable is set to00:48
erUSULzagabar: check your VISUAL or EDITOR env variables00:48
Ober7gbally: < Muelli> gbally: press Ctrl+Y in firefox to bring the download widget up, then rightclick your download and "open folder".00:48
gballypreferences - i stated desktop, but its not there00:48
zagabarDr_Willis, erUSUL: I just set the EDITOR variable to "vi".  No change.00:49
gballyand ober7, i've done that. everytime i select open location, it asks with what file..instead of showing me the location00:49
erUSULzagabar: also the alternative for editor « sudo update-alternatives --config editor »00:49
headkase314gbally, redownload it and take note of where it's going - try to put it in ~/Downloads00:49
rhonda_says the file system is busy and wont erase00:49
headkase314gbally, under Edit > Preferences in Firefox you can set the download location or make it ask you for every download.00:50
_Tinman_I'm on the ubuntu 10.04 live cd, mounted a remote smb share and can access it from the current user - but can't access the share from root account... any idea?!00:50
glassresistorim having an issue with the bootdisk mounting my swap on harddrive so i can't format it00:50
headkase314gbally, just looked in firefox, the download settings are under the General tab00:50
gballyheadkase, i've done that. i've selected desktop, but its not there.00:50
zagabarerUSUL: Yeye, that solved it. Thanks. Any idea on how it could have magically changed to joe?00:50
rhonda_Kingston DT 101 II: PENDRIVE    is what its cALLED00:51
erUSULzagabar: during joe installation i guess. it may have precedence over vi and nano00:51
charmergood evening all00:51
=== HexBoot is now known as Boot
headkase314gbally, do you have your desktop icons hidden?  If so they won't show although it will still be in Places > Desktop00:51
zagabarerUSUL: I don't ever recall installing joe.00:51
_Tinman_the reason I need access from root, is because I try to clone the hdd to the remote share, i.e., dd if=/dev/sda of=/remote/smb/share/clone.img00:51
gballywell i see 3 files there, so it should not be hidden00:52
erUSULzagabar: well; someone did. i do not think is a requeriment of any other package00:52
_Tinman_dd seems to need root to access /dev/sda00:52
maco_Tinman_: makes sense00:52
gballywhy does it ask me what file i want to use when i select Open File Location in the firefox downloader00:52
headkase314gbally, edit firefox preferences so it asks you where to download it then save to /home/yourUserName/Downloads and then when the download is complete go to Places > Downloads00:53
maco_Tinman_: since itd be reading bits of files that belong to everybody00:53
_Tinman_maci, indeed, the problem is that root can't access the remote smb share00:53
maco_Tinman_: manually mount the remote share as root rather than using the normal user's gui way of mounting00:53
headkase314gbally, if you are opening it it will be stored in /tmp and if you close firefox before installing in gdebi then gdebi will lose the file because firefox will clear its /tmp files on exit00:53
sacarlson_Tinman_: on the same computer?00:54
glassresistoranyone know how to umount swap or keep if from being mounted by the livecd?00:54
gballyaaah headkase you may have a point00:54
aeon-ltdglassresistor: swappoff -a00:55
headkase314gbally, try again and post results ;)00:55
_Tinman_sacarlson, yes00:55
charmergood evening all00:55
Karen_musing alacarte, how can I add a menu entry for "ssh -l karen domain.com" .   I added it like that, and it is not smart enough to pop up a gnome-terminal.   I tried "gnome-terminal ssh -l karen domain.com" and it doesn't pop up either :(00:55
glassresistoraeon-ltd: on the boot command or in the shell?00:56
aeon-ltdKaren_m: gnome-terminal -e "ssh -l karen@domain.com"00:56
gballyshall do00:56
aeon-ltdglassresistor: in a terminal00:56
cescerUSUL,  maybe we have different keyboard layouts and CTRL+D works differently from each other... damn it.. now I don't know how to exit to shell promt.00:56
zagabarerUSUL: That is really strange then... I am the only root and I have never heard of the joe editor before so I can't have installed it if it is not a requirement. :S00:57
aeon-ltdglassresistor: you might need sudo00:57
erUSULcesc: crtl + c ?00:57
Karen_maeon-ltd, , thank you00:57
cescerUSUL, no it doesn't work00:57
aeon-ltdKaren_m: your welcome00:58
erUSULcesc: crtl + d is universalyy EOF end of file in many unix commands00:58
glassresistoraeon-ltd: thanks ill try it00:58
cescerUSUL, so I don't know what's going on here.00:59
Picicesc: make sure that you don't have caps-lock on.00:59
rhonda_how do i go in terminal as root?00:59
erUSULcesc: neither do I...00:59
erUSUL!rootshell | rhonda_00:59
ubotturhonda_: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)00:59
cescPici, no caps-lock is off01:00
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Picicesc: Did you use any quotes in your command? perhaps its a waiting for a close quote.01:00
cescPici, no I did not use any quotes at all01:01
headkase314gbally, you still here?01:02
cescerUSUL, Pici here http://paste.ubuntu.com/478582/ you can see what I typed so far....01:03
cescbut I'm unable to exit to shell promt01:03
cescit doesn't work for me prince_jammys01:04
headkase314cesc, don't you want to say "sudo shutdown at now +2..."01:04
erUSULcesc: are you using screen or some other software that could capture the keys ?01:04
_Tinman_thanks all! problem solved :-)01:05
cescerUSUL, no that i'm aware of.01:05
bladeHi dont know if any one help i have been using aircrack for a while now with an alfa but im trying to get my built in wirless card to work does any one know a page i can goto ive look every were and nothing seems to work i have a atheros 5007eg01:05
Dr_Willisblade:  the aircrack homepage/forums perhaps?01:05
cescheadkase314, sudo shutdown at now +2 hours would work as well?01:05
Dr_WillisI though aircrack only worked with specicic chipsets also.01:06
bladeDr_Willis, tryed but no joy01:06
headkase314cesc, I think that is what you are trying to do.. Can someone else confirm too?01:06
hikucesc: why not use cron to have your system shutdown in 2hrs? or schedule it with the shutdown command? man shutdown01:06
headkase314cesc, in a console try "man shutdown" and that will tell you all about it's options.  Quit "man" with the q key and use arrow keys to scroll text.01:07
ceschiku, cron is an app?01:07
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hikucesc: cron is similar to windows at command01:07
Picicesc: the shutdown command itself probably does exactly what you need.01:07
hikucesc: man crontab01:07
headkase314cesc, "man" is the (man)ual command, works for practically all programs.01:07
gballyheadkase, no change01:08
cescthanks guys.01:08
gballyshould i reinstall gdebi01:08
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headkase314gbally, edit firefox preferences so it asks you where to download it then save to /home/yourUserName/Downloads and then when the download is complete go to Places > Downloads01:08
headkase314gbally, once you go to where you downloaded it you can double-click it and gdebi will come up then you can install Chrome.01:09
hikucesc: your welcome01:09
headkase314gbally, firefox download preferences are Edit > Preferences, General tab.01:09
Guest5319i appreciate this is a very lame questiom but i could really use someones help. Anyone using the rotating screensaver in lucid 10.04 64bit and can they show how01:10
esHello, how can I remove a package without making apt to remove also the package that depends on it?01:10
Guest5319rotating cube i mean screensaver01:10
Guest5319i want to use it or presentation screen01:11
glassresistorthanks you swapoff01:13
sacarlsones: as far as I know that is the default, when you apt-get remove somepackage,  the libs installed and other things still stay.01:13
Ober7es try dpkg -r package01:13
jlwHi, I'm having a problem with grub2. When I try to boot into Windows 7 via Grub2, it tells me "error: no such partition." fdesk -l tells me my Windows partition is on /dev/sda1 and that's what Grub2 is pointing to, so I'm at a loss.01:13
essacarlson: nope it pretends to remove it01:13
jlwfdisk, that is.01:13
sacarlsones: wait no I'm wrong01:14
n-iCeAnyone using chrome here?01:14
headkase314n-iCe, I have it installed but recently went back to firefox01:15
sacarlsones: I didn't get it.  no not sure you want to do that?  it would break stuf01:15
sentrymencoder stop working and I need help01:15
Guest5319im using chrome love it01:15
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n-iCeheadkase314: why? had problems? the thing is I cannot select a chrome window to show always in active.01:15
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Ober7chromium here01:15
essacarlson: i know but i'm in those special circumstances01:15
Guest5319its how you can break tabs out and put them back in great feature01:15
n-iCeAnd flash crashes sometimes01:15
Ober7es: try dpkg -r package01:15
headkase314n-iCe, I'm not sure I understand you - can you rephrase that differently?01:16
Guest5319sorry im vhromium too01:16
esOber7: actually i was looking man for the purge option01:16
esOber7: of dpkg01:16
n-iCeheadkase314: right click, and select always on top, you know what I'm talking about?01:16
sacarlsones: then just remove the files that were installed in the package off the disk I guess.01:16
Ober7purge is only for comfiguration files, wont make a difference01:17
headkase314n-iCe, ok that should not be a Chrome specific issue but rather a issue in your desktop manager.01:17
n-iCeheadkase314: I don't think.01:17
n-iCecan you select it in chrome?01:17
esOber7: thanks it works anyway01:17
Guest5319anyone rotating cube screensaver?01:17
Guest5319i need to get it to work01:17
Guest5319anything that rotates the cube automatically01:18
headkase314n-iCe, hold on I think I have to switch to gtk window borders...01:18
n-iCesolved it.01:18
sentryneed help with mencoder\01:18
n-iCeheadkase314: why did you back to firefox?01:18
headkase314n-iCe, solved?01:18
n-iCeyeah, the windows as it does not allow to use the option, clicking on the bar window does.01:18
headkase314n-iCe, because I'm using the beta version of Chrome and sometimes it doesn't update the screen fully.  I switch back and forth - right now with firefox..01:18
headkase314n-iCe, solved?01:19
n-iCeheadkase314: yes01:19
headkase314n-iCe, ok awesome +1 for you! ;)01:19
richardhey guys anyone here using ultimate ubuntu01:20
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tennesseanyes... 2.601:20
bazhangrichard, not supported here01:20
Guest37377I just installed 2.801:20
bazhang!ultimate > Guest3737701:20
ubottuGuest37377, please see my private message01:20
Guest37377liking it thus far01:20
headkase314!ultimate | Guest3737701:20
ubottuGuest37377: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition01:20
n-iCeultimate ubuntu? never heard about it.01:21
headkase314n-iCe, neither have I but I know the ! command for it ;)01:21
Guest37377its a nice distro it looks01:21
Guest5319can you rotate the compiz cube automatically in ultimate ubuntu?01:21
Guest37377I have not yet tested it01:21
bazhangGuest37377, its unsupported and offtopic here01:21
glassresistorultimate ubuntu?01:22
tennesseanUbuntu Ultimate is not supported whatsoever, cannot update01:22
tennesseanit just looks pretty, ut don't try to update it01:22
sentryI need help with mencoder, i had it working and now it does not work01:22
tennesseanthat would be like being stuck on Breezy Badger01:23
sentrydoes anyone know of mencoder01:23
Guest5319if your gfx are working great why upgrade01:23
headkase314sentry, what, if any, error message are you getting?01:23
glassresistorwhat would be the fastest cp command?01:23
tennesseansentry:   devede is the program that mencoder uses01:23
bazhangsentry, yes. ask a more detailed question01:23
mbostwickhello, my gf is running ubuntu(she is in anther state), and I am trying to make her wireless work in kde, the network manager is not working properly with ubuntu network manger. I am looking to set up her wireless to work(I am connected through a reverse ssh tunnel on the Ethernet through gnomes network manager), dose anyone have any advice on how to get her wireless up and running and continue to run ?01:23
glassresistoror other recursive hidden file copy term command01:24
sentryit keeps telling me that it was interrupted by user01:24
kyenteimbostwick: How about the application wicd?01:24
mbostwick(continue to run I meant to say persistently run, so that if she restarts it will still works )01:24
sentryor sometimes it will say it was a faulty disc01:24
tennesseanDVD+R's are awful.... use DVD-R's for best for burning in Ubuntu01:25
headkase314sentry, if you are re-encoding .vob DVD files you should always copy them to the hard drive first for reliability.01:25
mbostwickkyentei: do you know if gnomes network manager will use wicd for the backend ?01:25
kyenteimbostwick: No, they'll probably replace eachother.01:25
zelrikriandoI am having trouble connecting to shared folders over wifi01:26
headkase314sentry, anyway Ubotto doesn't know about it but there is a program called dvd::rip in the repositories that always works well for me01:26
headkase314!pm | sentry01:26
ubottusentry: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:26
sentryi tried dvd::rip , no success01:27
arquebusanyone know how I get the close/minimize buttons on the left side of the window back to the right side in Lucid?01:27
headkase314sentry, always best to stay public chat in case someone gives you a bad command.01:27
Piciheadkase314: you need to use !info if you want information about a specific package, !commands only work if we've added them specifically.01:27
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side01:27
arquebusk, thx baz01:27
bazhangarquebus, ^^01:27
headkase314!info dvd::rip01:27
ubottudvdrip (source: dvdrip): perl front end for transcode and ffmpeg. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.98.11-0ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 1356 kB, installed size 2992 kB01:27
headkase314Pici, thank you!  Brain fade...01:27
headkase314sentry, do you have libdvdcss2 installed from medibuntu?  You will need that for encrypted DVD's?01:28
blackMatrixhi all. this seems a bit stupid but do I really need antivirus and spywares for ubuntu ?01:28
sentryhave thtat installed01:28
bazhang!virus > blackMatrix01:28
ubottublackMatrix, please see my private message01:28
sacarlsonzelrikriando: does the wifi work can you use the internet?  what are you using for file shareing samba?   maybe try use ssh instead.01:29
sentryIt was working fine and then BOOM it stop working properly01:29
Ober7!virus > Ober701:29
ubottuOber7, please see my private message01:29
zelrikriandosacarlson: yes01:29
headkase314sentry, so to confirm: you are attempting to convert DVD's into a computer-video format using mencoder?01:29
blackMatrixthanks bazhang01:29
sentryyes; rip to harddrive01:29
headkase314sentry, right on.  My experience is dvd::rip in the repositories works good - you just need to make sure you have libdvdcss2.  Sorry, I can't really help with mencoder.  Perhaps someone else can join in?01:30
zelrikriandosacarlson: not sure how to setup a ssh server01:30
sacarlsonzelrikriando: apt-get install ssh01:31
sentryhow do I uninstall or reinstall a program in terminal?01:31
headkase314sentry, "sudo apt-get install <program>" or "sudo apt-get remove <program>"01:32
sentrywhat is the propre command; i am still trying to be better at terminal01:32
Ober7sentry: man apt-get01:32
sentryalright let try remove01:32
bazhang!manual | sentry please have a read01:32
ubottusentry please have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:32
sentryI am still a noob, but i am trying01:33
coffeelordHello, does anyone use a Logitech M305 wireless mouse with Ubuntu? I am unable to get it working.01:33
headkase314sentry, to instal dvd::rip -> "sudo apt-get install dvdrip"01:33
zelrikriandosacarlson: how to set it up though01:34
Ober7sentry: there is also Syanaptic package manager01:34
Visineis there anyway for something that runs in the background that prints out what you're doing in the gui, and what it would look like in the terminal?01:34
Visinelike when I install somthing in software manager, it shows me what it's doing behind the scenes?01:35
sentryI have dvd::rip01:35
sacarlsonzelrikriando: try places>connect to server>service type ssh01:35
headkase314sentry, ok awesome!01:35
isaiahow can i add samba to a group and run it as a user ?01:36
sentryi tried dvd::rip but i could never get a dvd to rip01:36
headkase314sentry, I found that dvd::rip would copy the files to the hard drive fine then hang, closing it and restarting it then it would continue normally from there.  That was an older version however: I do not know if this still happens with Ubuntu 10.04's version.01:38
gballystill around headkase?01:38
kyenteiPeople... what's this with dvd::rip? Why not simply just dd or cat /dev/sr0 to a file?01:38
headkase314sentry, specifically it would hang on making the thumbnails so closing it and restarting you would then have the files on your hard drive and it could continue.01:39
gballyi continue to re-download google-chrome .deb on firefox, and it continues to not show me the location01:39
headkase314gbally, yup! how goes the battle?01:39
gballyall i want to do is have it work.01:39
gballydownload chrome and run01:39
kyenteigbally: then copy the download link, open a terminal and type in "wget LINK"01:40
gballyyes, i know that possible, yet I want to have the GUI work01:40
headkase314gbally, can you go to Tools > Downloads in firefox and open the location from there?01:40
gballythe location i have stated in the firefox preferences is desktop. desktop is blank.01:40
gballyother files are visible on desktop01:41
gballyjust not any downloads01:41
zelrikriandosacarlson: connect to what server?01:41
sacarlsonthe one you want to connect to01:41
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headkase314gbally, is there a single period (.) before the file name? If so it will be hidden but it really shouldn't be that - I'm grasping at straws here..01:41
kyenteigbally: Open your desktop in nautilus then. You could be hiding your icons.01:41
zelrikriandothat s ok, something is working now01:42
gballyif I go to tools and downloads, i can have the file run from there, yet when i choose gdebi as the opener - nothing happens.01:42
sacarlsonzelrikriando: do you know the ip address of the computer you want to connect?   maybe look at this it's old but almost the same http://thanhsiang.org/faqing/node/11401:42
sentrywhat is command for updating a file01:42
headkase314gbally, give me a second with google01:42
gballyif I select open containing folder, it too brings up the OPEN with option, which is odd.01:42
gballyi really want to know where the files are downloading to , i tried "Locate google-chrome" but it returns with nothing.01:44
headkase314gbally, you should be downloading the .deb file and are you downloading the correct architecture?  Are you 32 or 64-bit and are you choosing the matching .deb file?01:44
gballyi'm on 32. architecture is right, and that should not be an issue in terms of finding the file or selecting open location in the download bar01:45
headkase314gbally, if you are 32-bit and downloading the 64-bit file gdebi may be failing silently when trying to open the file or vice-versa if you are 64-bit and opening a 32-bit file?01:45
Ober7gbally: try locate debfilename.deb01:45
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sentrywhat is gwibber?01:46
headkase314gbally, choosing open with gdebi should work as long as you don't close firefox before installing it in gdebi.  I'm at a loss to why gdebi is not handling the file.01:46
Daekdroomsentry, a small program that handles social networks like twitter, facebook01:46
sentrywhat do it have to do with mencoder?01:46
gballycan't find the file01:47
gballylocate returns nothing01:47
headkase314gbally, have you tried to save the file to somewhere other than "desktop"?01:47
isaiais there a posibility to make samba run as user : "www-data" for example, and if yes how do you do that ?01:48
mintypucan any one help me to use terminal viewer client01:48
gballyno I have not.01:48
jk_gbally, try "sudo find / -name google* -print" and see if that does anything. "locate" uses an index that may not get rebuilt until tomorrow morning's cron.daily run.01:48
kyenteigbally: Just use wget now.. please.01:48
gballybut i believe the solution may lie in the fact that not even selecting open file location is working01:48
headkase314gbally, try to save it to your "Downloads" folder then when downloaded go to Places > Downloads01:48
headkase314kyentei, do you have a complete command line for wget?01:49
sacarlsongbally: after you changed you firefox download directory you downloaded the file you wanted again?01:50
kyenteiheadkase314: let me get you one with the .deb file of chrome included. THat's required, right?01:50
headkase314kyentei, ;) hoping the effort could be distributed across multiple people! :p01:51
gballyyes, i downloaded the file over 20 times now01:51
kyenteiheadkase314: 64 or 32 bit?01:51
kyenteiheadkase314: wget http://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb01:52
gballyRight now i'm using wget which is downloading now. I'm also going to attempt to download with the choice menu of where i want to save the file to.01:52
headkase314kyentei, 32 bit yup that's the line!  Thank you very much!01:52
gballyin firefox01:52
headkase314gbally, see kyentei's line just above01:52
sacarlsongbally: maybe we should take a look at what you have set your download directory to by going to firefox >edit>preferences>general  and hit the keys alt print-screen-request01:53
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gballyi'll do that. oddly the find request worked.01:54
gballyit saved to tmp.01:54
sacarlsongbally: then send us that image so we can see where you are saving your files01:54
hiexpoif install fluxbox in on my gnome desktop what will it change ?01:55
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hiexpowill it remove what i already have01:55
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tonsofpcsI'm having issues with opensshd...01:55
tonsofpcson connection attempt: debug2: fd 3 setting O_NONBLOCK01:56
tonsofpcsdebug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent01:56
tonsofpcsRead from socket failed: Connection reset by peer01:56
gballyi took a prntscrn how do i get the file?01:56
tonsofpcsthis looks the same from localhost?01:56
gballysorry, sound retarded but i'm new to this system01:56
tonsofpcsgbally: what do you mean by "took a prntscrn" ?01:56
sacarlsongbally: I thought you already found the file so I guess we don't need it?  or are we still looking for it?  I thought you found it in /tmp01:56
decoscreen shot01:56
gballyi've also realized that, when i went back in to change the location, it wouldnt allow me to select Desktop as the download location.  I could only force it once I right clicked and selected show hidden files. Then i was able to reselect DeskTop as the download location01:57
gballyyou wanted a print screen correct, to take a look at my desktop?01:57
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:57
IdleOnegbally: you can upload it to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and then give the url01:58
sacarlsongbally: I didn't want the desktop I wanted a shot of firefox on the preferences page but I think you got it already fixed up01:58
gballymy question was after the print screen. does it autosave to a location, or how do i get ahold of the shot?01:58
headkase314gbally, it'll save to your - wait for it - desktop ;)01:59
IdleOnegbally: it should open up a window and ask where to save it01:59
m_a_r_kanybody here know how to fix apt package version problems?01:59
jk_gbally, it puts the image on your clipboard. you have to create a file and paste it in, or as ubottu said just paste it into the tinyurl area.01:59
sacarlsongbally: well you you want to share it with us idleone has showed you the place to go to send it http://tinyurl.com/imagebin02:00
headkase314gbally, if the file exists in /tmp you can also go there using nautilus and double-click it there.02:00
n-iCeisaia: ask here02:01
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gballyi have it copied to clipboard, now where would i get the file to send to imagebin02:01
jm2my wireless worked fine, until we put in WPA.. Now I can't get to it. Do I need madwifi? I've tried Network Manger, and WICD and some command prompt. unsucessfuly02:01
Hollow`PointHave anyone tried installing Sharp AR153e printer on their ubuntu?02:01
gballyi've also realized that, when i went back in to change the location, it wouldnt allow me to select Desktop as the download location.  I could only force it once I right clicked and selected show hidden files. Then i was able to reselect DeskTop as the download location02:01
gbally<gbally> you wanted a print screen correct, to take a look at my desktop?02:01
jm2I have atheros ar5001 wireless card using ath5k02:01
sacarlsongbally: we no longer need it you found the file.02:02
headkase314!manual | gbally when you've got chrome installed fine then check this out too02:02
ubottugbally when you've got chrome installed fine then check this out too: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/02:02
sacarlsongbally: just open it with nautilus02:02
gballyheadkase. sorry, for the trouble, how do i run nautilous02:03
headkase314gbally, go to: Places > Home02:03
IdleOnegbally: what version of Ubuntu are you running?02:03
gballyi dont have a places..02:03
mintypuhelp with using terminal server client02:03
gballyi'm on backtrack02:03
Hollow`Pointi have a problem installing a printer on my ubuntu 10.0402:03
IdleOnegbally: type /join #backtrack-linux for support02:04
headkase314gbally, then on the left pane choose "File System" then double-click /tmp then you will be in the location of google chrome, find the package and double-click it.02:04
IdleOnewe don't support backtrack here02:04
gballythanks headkase02:04
headkase314gbally, you're welcome good luck! in #backtrack-linux!02:05
xanatoshi every body02:05
Hollow`Pointi have a problem installing a printer on my ubuntu 10.04.02:05
IdleOne!hi | xanatos02:05
ubottuxanatos: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:05
gballyin regards to why firefox is not allowing me to select desktop as the download location unless i select show hidden files first. any ideas?02:05
gballythe channels empty...02:05
xanatosso, any one know where I can find the xorg.conf, I searched under /etc/X11 but i have not any luck02:05
xanatoshi IdleOne & ubottu02:06
Hollow`Pointxanatos, i have the same problem02:06
IdleOne#backtrack-linux would know02:06
Barnabasxanatos, on late versions of ubuntu there is no xorg.conf per default02:06
Barnabasxanatos, Gnome configures your display02:06
xanatosso how I can modify my display02:06
Barnabasxanatos, what do you need to modify?02:06
robertzaccourCan anyone recommend a cheap printer thats guaranteed to work in Ubuntu OOTB? I'm having trouble with my HP Deskjet D1660 and having to use windows 7 atm for my printer to work02:06
coz_xanatos,  which video card do you have ?02:06
MitigationElfAnyone know how to make my monitor work with Ubuntu? Just installed Ubuntu on my HP Touchsmart and the monitor does not work correctly02:06
xanatoshommm, let me see02:07
coz_robertzaccour,  any of the epson priters should work02:07
coz_xanatos,  in a terminal  copy and paste     lspci | grep -i vga02:07
robertzaccourcoz_: every single one of them really?02:07
gballyheadkase, the channels empty and a few seconds after joining i was banned?02:07
robertzaccourcoz_: if thats the case i'll get on amazon and order one02:07
sacarlsongbally: I'm not sure about why you can't use desktop but I would set the download path to /home/gbally/download   gbally=you_unix_account_name  the name you see in the top right of your screen02:07
IdleOnegbally: that is because you are running irc as root02:08
test34robertzaccour, http://www.linux-drivers.org/printer_scanner.html02:08
xanatoslet me see, because actually I'm in other laptop :P02:08
coz_robertzaccour,  I have had no issues with most of the current epsons  from about 4 years ago til now02:08
coz_robertzaccour,  hold on though let me find a link for priters and ubuntu02:08
IdleOnegbally: there is a reason why on the backtrack site it says that it is NOT for beginners02:08
robertzaccourcoz_: which one do you use? if its cheap i'll order that one02:08
xanatosI'll be back, change to the laptop problem02:08
gballyi know, its not recommended to run on root02:08
robertzaccourcoz_: oh ok thanks02:09
IdleOnegbally: not only is it not recommended but it gets you banned from the support channel you need to get into02:09
gballyshould i change the run setting for irc02:09
robertzaccourI wanna hurry up and get win 7 off here lol hope i can return the hp one from wal mart02:09
gballyor log out and log in as a new user02:09
coz_robertzaccour,  epson stylus photo r200... its old but working well02:09
IdleOnegbally: not running irc as root is a start.02:09
robertzaccourcoz_: oh ok great :) as long as its guaranteed, works, and efficient on ink :)02:09
coz_robertzaccour,   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrintersEpson02:09
gballyone last question and i'll be out of your hairs.02:10
coz_robertzaccour,    https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters02:10
sacarlsongbally: logout and into the user of choice would be my pick02:10
gballyhow do i create a new user with admin rights02:10
gballyhow do i create a new user with admin rights02:10
jk_robertzaccour, I just installed an Epson Stylus NX305 all-in-one, cost $50 at Office Depot, and everything worked right out of the box.02:10
test34gbally, add him to the sudoers02:10
coz_robertzaccour,   efficient on ink is another matter all together:)02:10
sacarlsongbally: system>administration>user groups  create a new user and hit all the boxes02:11
coz_robertzaccour,  hp lazer jets  work well also but of course they are much more expensive02:11
headkase314gbally, good luck!02:11
coz_robertzaccour,   but check out those links I gave you02:11
gballyhonestly, appreciate your time02:11
MitigationElfHow do I make my integrated monitor on my HP Touchsmart work correctly?02:11
olskolirccan someone say my name please?02:11
headkase314olskolirc, checking your colors? ;)02:12
=== sburjan` is now known as sburjan
olskolircyes headkase314 :-)02:12
robertzaccourcoz_: ok thanks02:12
=== dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk
olskolircim on lucid using nvidia 6100 on xchat and it won't let me use xchats transparent backgrounds any help?02:13
xanatoshi I Back02:14
sacarlsonolskolirc: did you install the nvidia proprieatary drivers?02:14
olskolircjust what was in the repository sacarlson02:14
robertzaccourdo kodak printers work OOTB?02:15
olskolircoh look theres adamx02:15
olskolirci haven't seen his text in ages02:15
headkase314olskolirc, you went to System > Administration > Hardware Drivers for them?02:15
olskolirci used jockey-kde headkase31402:15
sacarlsonolskolirc: System>administration>hardware drivers02:15
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olskolircill look under system02:15
xanatoswell this is all my lspci02:15
xanatosit has the video and display info :P02:15
headkase314olskolirc, ok that confirms proprietary drivers.02:15
coz_xanatos,  ok you have an intel video chipset02:16
olskolircoh im on kubuntu02:16
coz_xanatos,  the driver should be already installed02:16
coz_xanatos,   what is the issue  other than no xorg.conf?02:16
sacarlsoncoz_ but does the default nvidea let you have transparant background?  maybe that's a compiz thing?02:17
robertzaccourhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecommendedHardware is this link pretty reliable?02:17
coz_sacarlson,  sure with compositing on  either compiz or matacity's compositing02:17
coz_sacarlson,  i would suggest compiz for that however02:17
coz_sacarlson,  and I would suggest also the nvidia_current  driver02:18
xanatoswell the controller is already loaded, but when I tried to change the resolution is when I have problems, I have 1449x900 resolution actually,02:19
xanatosI don't know if I can use a better resollution02:19
sacarlsondid you hear that olskolirc,  looks like you need compiz too for what you want02:19
coz_xanatos,  ok  is the resolution you have now  comfortable to work within?02:19
xanatosnop, I see all the windows too big02:20
robertzaccourit seems the cheap ones are the ones to stay away from using Linux02:20
robertzaccourprinters i mean02:20
coz_xanatos, I see02:20
headkase314olskolirc, I don't know kubuntu very well but I think compositing is what you need, in kde is that kwin?02:20
olskolircyes headkase314 its kwin02:20
headkase314!info kwin02:20
ubottukwin (source: kdebase-workspace): the KDE 4 window manager (KWin). In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu14 (lucid), package size 46 kB, installed size 132 kB02:20
coz_xanatos,  ok I know too little about setting resolutions for intel  I would assume it is no different however I have been spoiled by nvidia  so I am sure someone here can help with that  , however... if not  go to the ##linux channel or  #ubuntu-x  channel02:21
xanatosbefore I just modify the xorg.conf file :P02:21
olskolirccompiz bores me02:21
olskolirci have compiz though02:21
headkase314olskolirc, ok that's my limit for being able to help you.. ;)02:21
coz_xanatos,  you can generate an xorg.conf still I believe02:21
olskolirci just took my desktop wallpaper and used that for my background now i just have to gimp it darker :-P02:21
Barnabascoz_, you can02:21
olskolircthanks headkase31402:21
coz_Barnabas,  i thought so02:21
xanatosI'll try02:21
headkase314olskolirc, you're welcome, good luck!02:21
coz_Barnabas,   perhapts you can walk xanatos  through that procedure..yes?02:21
xanatoscoz_ so thanks a lot02:22
Barnabasxanatos, what is the max resolution of the display you want to use ?02:22
Barnabasthats the first02:22
xanatosBarnabas well, I don't know if I can use more than 1440x900 actually02:23
Barnabaswhats the make of the laptop02:23
xanatosit is a Dell Studio 1702:23
robertzaccourhey yall this one here http://www.amazon.com/Deskjet-F340-All---One-Multifunction/dp/B000VCCXRK/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1281921777&sr=1-1 is listed on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecommendedHardware so does that mean it works in Ubuntu?02:23
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Alazareanyone know how to run multiple graphic cards under ubuntu lucid? i have an oboard nvidia an a pci-e nvidia02:24
robertzaccourlooks like a great deal, just wanna know if my link source of compatibility is reliable or not. if anyone knows please let me know thanks02:25
coz_Alazare,  ah  mmm... I have not attempted this  with multiple cards but let me check hold on02:25
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Barnabasxanatos, I think it is possible to go way way beyond that http://www.dell.com/us/en/home/notebooks/studio-1747/pd.aspx?refid=studio-1747&s=dhs&cs=1902:25
headkase314Alazare, sometimes you BIOS will disable the onboard adapter if it detects a PCIe adapter, have you gone into your BIOS to see if settings related to that exist?02:25
Alazareheadkase314:  see i have it working under windows xp02:25
xanatosBarnabas let me see02:26
headkase314Alazare, ok that's a good first step!02:26
coz_Alazare,   yes headkase314  is correct... generally if pcie card is installed it will default to that and turn off onboard nvidia02:26
Barnabasxanatos, it was made with 3 displays and if yours is not a touch screen, it is one of the first two02:26
IdleOneRobertf: HP's are very well supported in Linux02:26
IdleOnerobertzaccour: ^^^02:26
coz_headkase314,  but I will listen in just in case :)02:26
robertzaccourIdleOne: not the one i got02:26
headkase314coz_, I just ruled out perhaps one thing - still open for anyone to proceed!02:26
Barnabasxanatos, I think the standard is 1600x90002:26
xanatosnot, is not touch screen02:27
Alazarecoz_:  headkase314  if i enable the primary as the onboard in xp, i can also use the external long as my drivers installed under xp, now the problem underlinux is im using noveou driver because the linux nvidia driver newest 256 i belive and older dont display my movies properly in the nvidia version of xinerama, 1 big monitor02:27
coz_robertzaccour,  did you chech those links I gave you for printers and ubuntu??02:27
wissemcan't boot Gparted :s02:27
wissemany help plz02:27
coz_Alazare,   you have dual monitors?02:28
econdudeawesomeHey all, got a question. I built minitube from source, and when I want to run it I type in ./build/target/minitube -- the problem is when I put the same command on a launcher on the desktop, I get an error. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?02:28
headkase314Alazare, I'm not familiar with nvidia - but now as a base to start with someone else you know that the physical hardware for both are enabled.02:28
robertzaccourhey coz_ this one here http://www.amazon.com/Deskjet-F340-All---One-Multifunction/dp/B000VCCXRK/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1281921777&sr=1-1 is listed on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecommendedHardware so does that mean it works in Ubuntu? and yes i got the links but found a link that has a one thats listed in the link on amazon thats cheaper02:28
Jordan_Uwissem: Do you have an Ubuntu LiveCD? The GParted LiveCD is not supported here, but the Ubuntu liveCD is (and it contains GParted).02:28
coz_Alazare,  ah ok you would have to change a setting in xorg.conf once the nvidia_current driver is installed  but the problem is that it will also maximize windows acroos all three monitors  however... let me check online for setting up 3 monitors02:29
Flannelrobertzaccour: HP printers should all work with Ubuntu just fine.02:29
Alazare1 hdmi 65inch dlp tv, 1080 1920, 1 720p 19inch 1280 x 720 and 1 4:3 19inch 1280x102402:29
OrosHi :)02:29
robertzaccourFlannel: mine doesn't02:29
wissemyes Jordan_U , i have one02:29
robertzaccourFlannel: mine is an HP Deskjet D166002:29
hhasseyIs there any way to be able to issue the command poweroff on a terminal without having to use sudo?02:29
hhasseyI mean if I use the icon it will not ask for a password, but to me it is funnier to do it by command.02:29
wissemhow can i access the Gparted from ubuntu live cd?02:29
Jordan_Uwissem: System > Administration > GParted02:30
rwwFlannel: some of the newer ones have issues, actually. HP's overall quality has gone downhill over the last few years :(02:30
coz_Alazare,  as far as I am aware you would have to use  xgl  to set this up ..unfortunately xgl is not longer developed or supported but I will continue to check02:30
Dr_WillisAnyone with smore more Samba Insight then me. care to explain why sometimes when o connect to a machine. (via windows) it returns  me to a login/password dialog where it adds  SERVERNAME/willis   Instead of my user name of 'willis' ?   i never have figured that out02:30
rwwhaving said that, I have a D7460 that works awesomely over wifi02:30
Orosquick question? :) is there any way to recover a system that have been phucked up by using the live cd or entering some of the folders from the system that is on the computer?02:30
econdudeawesomewissem it may not be installed on the livecd, iirc. But you can install it if you have internet connection: sudo apt-get install gparted (sudo password will be blank)02:30
wissemi have the 10.04 ubuntu live cd , am i going to find it Jordan_U ?02:30
Dr_WillisOros:  a live cd could of done ANYTHING.. so  theres no quick and easy way.02:31
coz_Alazare,  did you check here   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo02:31
Dr_WillisOros:  to be safest - backup imporntant data, and reinstall.02:31
hhasseyDr_Willis: I had the same problem, and discovered that the windows I was using was a versioin that only supported X amount of machines connected at the same time, after that I got the same message02:31
FlannelOros: just "entering" the directories from a liveCD shouldn't have done anything to the computer, so if that's all that was done, you've got something else going on02:31
econdudeawesomeHey all, got a question. I built minitube from source, and when I want to run it I type in ./build/target/minitube -- the problem is when I put the same command on a launcher on the desktop, I get an error. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?02:31
wissemwell can i just install it here then ? econdudeawesome02:31
Orosok, i allready reinstalled 2 times today ^_^02:31
jm2any one use WPA for wireless?02:31
hhasseynow we are fewer people on the office, and have never had it again!02:31
robertzaccourcoz_: that other link i found as you saw had one of those on amazon for real cheap. is that other link i fould a reliable one?02:32
olskolircThink IRC will have have audio/video chat like Paltalk?02:32
econdudeawesomejm2: yes02:32
wissemyes jm202:32
econdudeawesomeolskolirc: probably not. Try finch/pidgin02:32
Jordan_Uecondudeawesome: Are you using the full path in the launcher?02:32
econdudeawesomeJordan_U: I think so. hmm, that's actually a really good idea--let me check02:32
olskolircthanks econdudeawesome02:32
coz_robertzaccour,  it should be yes... as i said I know epson is supported for the most part and nearly all of hp   gateway probably not much02:32
Alazarecoz_: nVidia TwinView (two outputs on one card, a single desktop split across two monitors. 3d/video stuff works seamlessly across both).02:32
jm2my atheros 5001 worked until we put in WPA.. I've tried several things and can't get it connect.02:32
Orosno i'm running backtrack4 and i wanted to make changes to the drivers to the network card. and then i screwed up, it won't even boot up :p02:32
coz_Alazare,  right that I have here02:33
linux-djhi guys thanks for the awesome 10.04 i can finnally leave windows for good02:33
rwwOros: Backtrack4 isn't supported here. Try #backtrack-linux.02:33
coz_Alazare,   I have not ever tried ...nor do I have the equipment at hand for dual or more video cards... I have seen up to eight  and even 20 or more montirs with ati  and  6 monitors with nvidia02:33
Orosok, kewl. didn't find anywhere else to turn but now i know. thx :)02:34
opijrww, is lubuntu supported?02:34
econdudeawesomeJordan_U: worked like a charm. I'll be glad when I move beyond asking such newb questions :-D02:34
coz_Alazare,  howevr the mulitple monitors with nvidia all used xgl02:34
econdudeawesomeopij: no, but a lot of us run it02:34
OrosIt sais that i'm banned from there but i haven't been there before, weird :S02:34
rwwopij: no idea, I haven't looked into it02:34
coz_Oros,  from which channel?02:35
linux-djhas ubuntu got a package yet to make me coffee in the morning02:35
Oroswell, on the bright side. i got ubuntu too ;)02:35
Orosthe backtrack channel02:35
hhasseyIs there any way to be able to issue the command poweroff on a terminal without having to use sudo?o02:35
opijrww, it seems everyone either doesnt know or a the few people that do know say it is supported02:35
olskolircOros i got that on Efnet last night from room to room and never been there02:35
coz_hhassey,  mmm probably not   but sudo init 0 will power down  and init 6  a restart02:35
Oroshhassey.. halt?02:35
hhasseyI wil try halt...02:36
Orosit will shut it down i think02:36
hipitihophhassey, you'll find repeating questions doesn't get you very far. The reason people don't answer is not because they are ignoring you but simply don't know the answer to your question02:36
hhasseybus as a general question is there a way to define which commands need sudo and what others do not???02:36
econdudeawesomeopij: you can try #lubuntu02:36
coz_hhassey,  also if that happens  and no one is answering you could try a channel like ##linux02:36
jm2hhassey - modify the /etc/sudoers file for the user02:36
Oroswhat does sudo? is it like admin rights?02:36
Orosor installing?02:37
Jordan_UOros: Likely someone using the same nick as you are currently using, or your ip, was trolling in that channel. Or maybe you're not actually banned but it just requires you to be registered with nickserv.02:37
Flannelopij: Supported by whom?02:37
opijFlannel, supported in this channel02:37
Orosok, i'll change username and try again02:37
robertzaccourwait a sec02:37
linux-djwhy dosent sudo make me coffee work02:37
Orosdon't know how to change ip, forgot =/02:37
hhasseyI will take a look at that file02:37
coz_Alazare,  you probably have seen this   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DWzuIreDGA  and the web page   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88416102:37
Flannelopij: It is.  However you're more likely to find better LXDE (and the assorted other things) support in #lubuntu02:37
robertzaccouri found a link where a user said his hp deskjet d1660 works well in pclinuxos 2010 but not in ubuntu. can this be true?02:38
Flannelopij: Just due to the window manager differences (the same thing goes for kde and #kubuntu)02:38
linux-djmaybe its sudo apg-get coffee02:38
sacarlsonOros: ifconfig ethx
opijFlannel, can i ask you a quick question in #ubuntu-offtopic02:38
Flannelopij: Always02:38
Orosok, thx sacarlson :)02:38
catatafishdo any ubuntuforums mods hang out on irc?02:38
zcat[1]linux-dj, sudo make me a sandwich http://xkcd.com/149/02:39
coz_Alazare,  also ...even though this is ati and not practical you might want to look at this video    http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NzUyNQ02:39
Jordan_Ulinux-dj: sudo only helps with *local* permissions issues, it can't help you if you need to controll a remote person/machine. Unfortunately your local machine appears to be too lazy to make coffe on its own :)02:39
Alazareill have to take a further look into this another time02:39
robertzaccouri found a link where a user said his hp deskjet d1660 works well in pclinuxos 2010 but not in ubuntu. can this be true?02:40
rwwyyanzq: Something we can help you with?02:40
robertzaccouryyanzq: yes to me??02:41
hipitihopanyone familiar with checkinstall ? I have done 'sudo checkinstall' and 'sudo checkinstall make cd-sounds-install' and 'sudo checkinstall make cd-moh-install'. Does this create a single package with both options or am I creating a new package reconfigured only with latest option ?02:41
zcat[1]robertzaccour, totally, support for various hardware differs widely by distro02:41
coz_ok its getting late for me ... I am probably off for the night unless I cannot sleep...be nice ..do well ./..night all :)02:41
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linux-djanyway back to seriousness whats the ubuntu equivilent of a shortcut to a folder and how do i do it02:41
robertzaccourzcat[1]: oh ok thanks i'll give pclinuxos a try then02:41
zcat[1]eg none of my hardware works in gnewsense ;)02:41
hipitihoplinux-dj, see symlinks02:42
mast`linux-dj, ln -s02:42
zcat[1]usually it's just a matter of configuring something though.. if it can be made to work in pclos, getting it to work in any other distro should be possible too02:42
ring1to create an encrypted usb drive with cryptsetup, do i need to create a partition on the usb-drive first?02:42
robertzaccourIf it works in this distro I won't have to buy another printer or keep using win 7 :)02:43
Barnabashipitihop, just do a checkinstall in the folder with the make / configure file02:43
Barnabasthe rest is automatic02:43
hhasseyring1 have you seen Truecrypt?02:43
noobuntuhi, how do I set a gdm theme?02:43
hipitihopBarnabas, I have run the above as individual runs02:43
Barnabashipitihop, provided you have the compile prerequisites of cause, but the configure step should sort that out02:43
xanguahhassey: in the new gdm version (incluided in ubuntu 9.10. 10.04), you can't02:44
zcat[1]robertzaccour, try looking through synaptic, there's a bunch of packages for HP printers that aren't installed by default...02:44
Barnabashipitihop, checkinstall will make a deb pkg for you02:44
noobuntuxangua: eh :/02:44
yeabeanHello I ' m here !  anyone chat with me ?02:44
Barnabasinstall that by double clicking it when the compile is done02:44
ring1hhassey, i've seen and used it, yes. but i want to use luks this time02:44
robertzaccourzcat[1]: i know none of them worked in Ubuntu, thats why I'm using win 7 right now. hopefully pclinuxos2010 will be fine, installing it now :)02:44
randomseedlinux-dj, if you left click in nautilus on the folder you want to link to it gibes you the option Make Link02:45
keithI'm planning on installing Xubuntu 10.04 on an older Gateway E-3400. I increased the RAM to 512MB and it still has the 20GB hard drive. Is this likely to work?02:45
hhasseykeith, yes it should work02:46
headkase314keith, that should meet the minimums fine02:46
hipitihopBarnabas, yes .. but what is it doing when I run it again with the extra parameters ... it seems to do the right thing and even download additional tar.gz stuff, so I am assuming it creates a new package each time02:46
hhasseyI had ubuntu 9.04 on 512 MB02:46
Barnabashipitihop, it should prompt you for a package name and description ?02:46
Barnabasit does here02:46
allguruis there a software for ubuntu, that help tomake livestream with my videocam in my website?02:46
hipitihopBarnabas, yes it does that. I think I am not explaining myself well, let me try again02:48
hipitihopBarnabas, I ran teh first time with 'sudo checkinstall' and it went through its motions and finished saying I can remove the package anytime via 'dpkg -r xxxx' ...02:49
Barnabashipitihop, thats should be ok then? You should be able to find that pkg in synaptic02:50
hipitihopBarnabas, .. but then reading further install docs, which said you should also consider 'make cd-moh-install', so I ran checkinstall again this time with 'sudo checinstall make cd-moh-install'02:50
bathacidanyone here know any mmo's kinda like guild wars and wow that run natively on linux no wine emulation?02:51
Barnabashipitihop, try to check synaptic and see if the pkg is installed - then check info to see what files it installed02:51
hipitihopBarnabas, second run also went through similar motions, this time downloading additonal tar.gz files and completed the same way...02:51
xanguabathacid: try http://www.playdeb.net/ & http://www.ubuntugames.org/02:52
pilhello - I have a problem with my Lucid ubuntu - whenever I work with openoffice or abiword which is like openoffice for writing pdfs, everything locks up and it leads me to power down my gear and power it up again - I am even thinking about switch to fedora because of that . I dont know where to look in my ubuntu for what causes the problem... I bought a new samsung with nvidia graphic card just for ubuntu but the problem driving me crazy - it is like windows fr02:52
pileezing... what should I do? :(02:52
opijif i follow the instructions on this page http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde is there any chance i could lose personal settings or files like firefox plugins, bookmarks, irssi scripts, documents or anything else?02:52
hipitihopBarnabas, so what I'm not sure of if I run again with further make parameters, like 'sudo checkinstall make cd-sounds-install' does the latest get added to the previous, or do I somehow have to specify both lots of make arguments02:53
=== xangua is now known as b0rreguito
Barnabashipitihop, if there is a configure step you should never have to in any build, since that step analyze your system and configure accordingly02:54
linux-djhey guys am i just crazy or does it seem like with the launch of ubuntu one music service and with ubuntu being so user freindly now that they might be getting ready to go public with this and market towards the average user02:54
Barnabasif a prerequisite is missing the configure step should fail02:54
hipitihopBarnabas, yes there is a configure step, but these look like additional options, let me find actual instructions to see what you make of them02:55
bathacidxangua: i went to that site and found a game when i tried to download it says that there was no package for it do i need to add something to the third party list or what?02:56
pilI guess everyone is busy :(02:56
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xanguabathacid: i mean go on those sites and search like games02:57
bathacidyea i found a game that i liked02:58
bathacidbut it wont let me install because the package isnt found02:58
pilplease someone read my question above * I dont wanna spam it.. I really need help... please...02:58
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
xanguaaan playbed¿ you need to install the .deb file they provide you to add the repository bathacid02:58
=== olskolirc is now known as digitaldoll
hiexpoor playeb repos02:59
Jordan_Ubathacid: http://www.playdeb.net/updates/ubuntu/10.04/#how_to_install02:59
darthpenguinhey guys. I'm looking for some help with syncing my android phone with rythmbox. anybody know how I can do that?03:01
pilhello - I have a problem with my Lucid ubuntu - whenever I work with openoffice or abiword which is like openoffice for writing pdfs, everything locks up and it leads me to power down my gear and power it up again - I dont know where to look in my ubuntu for what causes the problem... I bought a new samsung laptop with nvidia graphic card just for ubuntu but the problem driving me crazy - it is like windows freezing... what should I do? :(03:01
bathacidsick tyvm for the help with playdeb very easy to follow03:02
hipitihopBarnabas, worked it out, I need to specify both in one run i.e. 'sudo checkinstall make cd-moh-install cd-sounds-install'03:03
pilok - never mind...:P03:03
Barnabashipitihop, super03:03
charley__is there anyway to pass a usb device to a virtual machine using VirtualBox?03:04
pilI NEED HELP!!!...Please Somone Help Me...03:04
jmad980!ask | pil03:05
ubottupil: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:05
caoanroad4800hey guys. my apt-check is eating up my CPU as nearly 100% each time since i start my ubuntu 10.04. any ideas ?03:05
Jordan_U!helpme | pil03:06
ubottupil: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude03:06
pilubottu:  hello - I have a problem with my Lucid ubuntu - whenever I work with openoffice or abiword which is like openoffice for writing pdfs, everything locks up and it leads me to power down my gear and power it up again - I dont know where to look in my ubuntu for what causes the problem... I bought a new samsung laptop with nvidia graphic card just for ubuntu but the problem driving me crazy - it is like windows freezing... what should I do? :(03:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:06
xangua!repeat > pil03:06
ubottupil, please see my private message03:06
caoanroad4800hey guys. my apt-check is eating up my CPU as nearly 100% each time since i start my ubuntu 10.04. any ideas ?03:06
Jordan_Upil: First of all, you should always try to avoid actually pulling the plug.03:07
Jordan_U!sysrq | pil03:07
ubottupil: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key03:07
=== easter_egg is now known as Ayrton
hipitihopBarnabas, thanks for your time03:08
Barnabashipitihop, np03:08
Jordan_Upil: How much RAM do you have? Does it freeze up immediately? Can you give a more detailed description of what happens?03:08
caoanroad4800hey guys. my apt-check is eating up my CPU as nearly 100% each time since i start my ubuntu 10.04. any ideas ?  i use 2.6.32-23-generic kernel and gnome03:09
MuraliRunning Windows 7 (Enterprise) on VMWare player in Lucid is bringing the system to a really slow crawl!  Can anyone throw some light on why this happening?  This is a Dell XPS - Core i7 with 4GB RAM (32-bit Lucid).  I have dedicated 1.5GB RAM for the VM. TIA.03:09
caoanroad4800Murali, that's just what happens to my laptop each time i run win7. The only way to avoid it is not to run VMWare :)03:10
Murali:) yup, but my company has given me the VMWare images... Cannot run this in VirtualBox..Can I?03:10
BiggFREEThe same here about VMWare on Windows 7. Avoid it !03:10
pilJordan_U: it happens often - first I thought it happens because of OpenOffice because whenever I work with openOffice, it freezes then I installed the Abiword which is like OpenOffice but the freezing thing happened again - I don't know it it is because Compiz because normally what I know of freezing things are because of graphical stuff-by the way I have 4 GB Ram - it is a damn powerful samsung laptop03:11
BarnabasMurali, yes virtualbox is compatible with vmware images03:11
BarnabasMurali, if you will se a performance improvement is more doubt full03:11
MuraliAh.. Thx Barnabas, will try to run using VirtualBox... I assumed that Windows 7 might 'bark' at activation when I do this..03:11
BarnabasMurali, It may03:12
allguruis there a software for ubuntu, that help tomake livestream with my videocam in my website?03:12
BarnabasMurali, but not more than wmware I think03:12
MuraliBarnabas, anyway worth a try.. Will report back...03:12
hipitihopMurali, I actually used a vmware tool to rip an installed windows xp to a vm file, which I am now running under virtualbox as a vmdk03:12
allgurui mean a webinar03:12
pilJordan_U: where should I look in in order to see what causes the freezing in ubuntu?03:12
Jordan_Upil: Does it freeze immediately and without any previous symptoms that you've noticed?03:12
Muralihipitihop, which tool is that?03:12
_genuser_hello people03:13
Jordan_Upil: Do you have another computer?03:13
hipitihopMurali, sorry too many moons ago, something from vmware I had to download03:13
caoanroad4800Murali, i suggest u turn off gnome-do before openning vmware or virtualbox. it does speed up a little bit for virtual image03:13
pilJordan_U: yes my sis has a PC with windoze Xp why?03:13
Muralicaonanroad4880, thanks for the tip, will try that too03:14
Jordan_Upil: You can try connecting via ssh, often it's just X (the GUI) that has crashed, and ssh will allow you to examine the situation while it's still crashed.03:14
caoanroad4800hey guys. anybody has experience about apt-check or update-notifier's high CPU usage ?03:14
pilJordan_U: how can I connect with ssh? Just give me a link which explains it will do - I dont wanna bust your b*lls about it...03:15
Jordan_Upil: "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" to allow remote login via ssh, then use putty to actually log in via ssh from windows: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/03:17
thune3caoanroad4800: other than turning it off or setting a longer check interval, i probably don't have a suggestion. But how long is CPU usage elevated?03:18
pilJordan_U: thanks alot - you are my savior03:18
pilthanks so much03:18
Jordan_Upil: You're welcome.03:19
cobelloyhi how do I configure xserver in ubuntu/gnome?03:19
Jordan_Ucobelloy: What are you trying to configure specifically?03:19
caoanroad4800thune3, i have to "sudo pkill apt-check" it every 10 min maybe. it auto restarts every time .... not it's eating my 98% cpu usage03:19
caoanroad4800thune3, now the output of "sudo top" is  4724 simon     39  19 65040  25m 3704 R   96  0.7  30:33.97 apt-check03:20
caoanroad4800thune3, how to sett a longer check interval for apt-check then ?03:20
cobelloyJordan_U, I dont have an xorg.conf file that I can edit, and I dont think i am using correct intel driver03:20
cobelloyi dont know how to drop to console to do dpkg-recofigure either03:21
Jordan_Ucobelloy: Xorg is pretty smart now and while you can still create an Xorg.conf manually and it will be used, I doubt that is the problem. The only likely issue with choosing a driver would be KMS vs non KMS, which is actually not an Xorg configuration.03:22
thune3caoanroad4800: that sounds broken then. The settings (you can get there several ways), System->Admin->Software-Sources updatesTAB.03:22
Jordan_Ucobelloy: What problem are you having specifically with the default setup?03:22
IngForiguaGood evening03:23
cobelloyJordan_U, i dont know what kms is, the crux of the problem is that there is no 3d acceleration at the moment03:23
cobelloyJordan_U, lspci -v says driver is i915, but have 945 chip03:23
caoanroad4800thune3, thanks. i've turned off the "auto update" option during your suggestion. and i'll wait to see if it works ....03:24
blackMatrixhi everyone...its me again. is there any other detector aside from lm-sensors...my laptop is heating up and I couldn't get this lm-senors app to work. please help03:28
cobelloyJordan_U, can u suggest anything? how can I turn off X and get console to do a dpkg-reconfigure?03:29
Jordan_Ucobelloy: Can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?03:31
headkase314blackMatrix, turn your laptop off bring it into the shop and get them to replace all the fans.  - really if it's overheating there's something wrong with the hardware.03:31
AndrewMC!hi abhijain03:32
abhijaini dont know hoe to compile c program on command can any pne help me03:32
headkase314blackMatrix, the heat sinks could be clogged with dust and you won't know unless you open it.  And laptops are all custom so getting the proper replacement parts could be difficult.03:32
cobelloyJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/eGpBxnVb03:32
headkase314blackMatrix, also the battery might have issues, do you have a spare battery you can put into it for a while?03:33
abhijainAndrewMC: ?03:33
AndrewMCabhijain~ you may want to ask over at ##c03:34
mudnicktrying to set up Boston BA745 speakers, new Ubuntu user03:34
blackMatrixheadkase314: does that mean I have to try clean it up by opening the back03:34
mudnickDo I need to adjust settings on my soundcard?03:34
AndrewMC!details | mudnick03:34
ubottumudnick: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:34
Funhousehi there, so i installed, ubuntu, latest version, then apache, now when i try to open index.html in var/www/ its read only? what can i do to remove this?03:35
headkase314blackMatrix, you should not do anything unless you absolutely know what you're doing.  If you don't you should bring it into your local computer repair shop.03:35
blackMatrixheadkase314: I think it should be pretty straight forward...but I was more looking for apps that can show you temprature of cpu03:36
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mudnicksure. running 10.4. I just hooked up these speakers, I get no sound.03:36
headkase314blackMatrix, overheating is a classic sign of dust-clogged heatsinks.  They'll only be able to tell in the shop when they open it03:36
mudnickI dumpstered these speakers, but they appear in perfect condition, power on, all cords connected correctly03:37
Jordan_Ucobelloy: Can you pastebin the output of "glxinfo"?03:37
headkase314blackMatrix, the problem with just blowing the dust out of the heatsink is that the dust gets in the fans and ruins the rotors so the fan needs to be replaced.  I don't know what your laptop issue is but I do know that overheating is bad(tm).  Do you have proper ventilation on the bottom of the laptop?  Is it on a hard-flat-surface (should be) or on a soft surface it sinks into (should not be)?03:38
mudnickAndrewMC: any suggestions?03:38
mudnickubottu: ?03:38
Funhouseis it possible to login as root?03:39
Jordan_Ucobelloy: It appears that Xorg is at least trying to load the "intel" driver, which is the correct driver for a 945G.03:39
pmp6nlHey, does anyone know if Ubuntu can index ntfs or windows files?03:39
Jordan_U!root | Funhouse03:39
ubottuFunhouse: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:39
cobelloyJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/wN29W9vs03:39
xomphi, anyone have any suggestions for a color picking program for ubuntu? much like the colorpicker application for windows? I have some elements I need to know what their color codes are :(03:39
mudnickLooking for help in setup of Boston BA 745 speakers. New ubuntu user, 10.403:39
cobelloyJordan_U, why does it identify as i915 tho when 945G is one of the listed chips?03:40
Jordan_Ucobelloy: "direct rendering: Yes" Means you have 3D acceleration.03:40
cobelloyJordan_U, is there an easy way to check its working?03:40
FunhouseJordan_U thank you but, why is it when i try to open the index.html file in apache2 folder, it says permission denied?03:41
xanguaxomp: have you looked at the software center¿03:41
mudnickLooking for help setting up speakers Boston BA745. New ubuntu user03:41
xompxangua, well not knowing what to look for is a bit more cumbersome don't you think?03:42
AndrewMC!patience | mudnick03:42
ubottumudnick: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.03:42
Jordan_UFunhouse: You probably don't have read permission as your user. You can run "gksudo gedit /path/to/file" to open the file as root.03:42
xompxangua, besides, I'm not sure the software center accepts search strings in the form of questions heh03:42
=== eric is now known as Guest80885
Jordan_U!permissions | Funhouse03:42
ubottuFunhouse: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions03:42
henry_i need help03:42
henry_i want...03:43
brian_how are you doing03:43
FunhouseJordan_U how do i make it that the user i created can access all files?03:43
mudnickubottu: i guess when you asked me for details, I expected some sort of response upon providing them03:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:43
digitaldollhey can I be admin here?03:44
Jordan_UFunhouse: First please read the link from ubottu which can explain permissions better than I can. Then come back if you still have any questions.03:44
headkase314Funhouse, when sudo doesn't do the job then you need to rethink your approach to the problem.03:44
Funhouseheadkase314 sudo does the job but do i need to do that everytime? and can i sudo from gui?03:44
cobelloythere used to be a way to activate the root account so you could log in with it didnt there?03:44
digitaldollhi ubottu03:44
digitaldollubottu has bad manners :-(03:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:45
headkase314Funhouse, no user should have full access to the filesystem.  What is it, in detail, you are trying to do?03:45
pmp6nlubottu: index ntfs03:46
cobelloyJordan_U, glxgears gets around 4000 frames/5sec - is that good or bad performance?03:46
headkase314Funhouse, sudo is required any time you need to do an administrative task.  You use sudo each time.03:46
Funhouseok thank you headkase314 and Jordan_U03:46
headkase314Funhouse, you're welcome!03:46
Jordan_Ucobelloy: That's fast enough to suggest you have 3D acceleration, beyond that glxgears is a poor benchmark03:46
piljoin #fedora03:47
dexiMy uploads are stuck at 0 kb/s for some reason... uploads always work on windows. Does anyone know what might cause this?03:47
cobelloyJordan_U, is there a better test?03:47
Jordan_Ucobelloy: All intel cards use the "i915" kernel driver.03:47
cobelloyoh OK03:47
dexioops, i am specifically referring to torrents, sorry ^03:47
nietoyfaceHellooo people!!!03:48
headkase314dexi, is UPnP enabled both in your router (if you are using one) and if so in the torrent client as well?  This only applies if you go through a router.03:48
cobelloyJordan_U, thanks, I will try to change the memory allocation of the chip that might improve performance03:48
headkase314dexi, UPnP = Universal Plug and Play03:49
KjeldorPidgin always hangs when I load it, why is that?03:49
dexiheadkase314, I do go through a router, yes, would that change between windows and linux? I have tried it both ways on here and no result either way. I unfortunately don't have electronic access to the router :-/03:49
headkase314dexi, the router probably has UPnP enabled because you seed on xp, under Ubuntu the first thing to check is if your torrent client has UPnP enabled, do you use Transmission?  That I have installed so I can look to see where the setting is..03:50
xanguaKjeldor: if you are refering to msn account, it takes time to conect03:51
KjeldorYM xangua03:51
dexiheadkase314, i've checked, i saw where it was, tried with it on and off in transmission, i also tried using qbittorrent. also, just for clarification, i seed on 7, not xp.03:51
Kjeldoronce its connected, 5 seconds later, it hangs03:51
headkase314dexi, regardless of whether it solves your issue directly UPnP should be enabled in your torrent client, that's all I can think of at the moment.  And sorry, 7 - gotcha, not xp ;)03:52
xanguaKjeldor: no idea, i don't use it; you cold also update it with the instructions at http://www.pidgin.im/ or ask and give more details in #pidgin03:52
dexiheadkase314, Well, it is, haha. it's weird because i swear it was uploading the other day... and it's not that I don't have anyone trying to download, theres plenty. and I have connections :-/03:54
dexiheadkase314, actually, im sure it was working before because transmission is reporting my "total ratio" as 1.3103:54
headkase314dexi, which client do you want to use?  Transmission or qBitorrent?03:54
BloodySpadeHttp://CoderLegion.com/index.php - Linux forums coming soon03:55
dexiheadkase314, transmission03:55
rwwBloodySpade: don't advertise here, please03:55
headkase314dexi, k give a minute03:55
BloodySpadek rww03:56
dexiheadkase314, thanks03:57
dexirww, hello03:57
vol7ronhey all, i was wondering if anyone has got the directory tree to work in Lucid x6403:57
progre55hi people! does setfacl work on ubuntu?03:57
vol7ron(padre app)03:57
i-slitazdepend you03:58
progre55I'm trying to setfacl on a file, but it says operation not supported..03:58
vol7ronI'm reading: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/padre/+bug/485012, but I don't know if the bug has been fixed yet03:58
headkase314dexi, see this link -> https://trac.transmissionbt.com/ there are various support options there including IRC forums dedicated to transmission.03:58
dexiheadkase314, cool thanks03:59
headkase314dexi, you're welcome, good luck!03:59
pmp6nlAnyone know how to index an ntfs file sysem?04:00
thune3pmp6nl: what do you mean, what sort of ouput product are you seeking?04:06
=== DareDevil is now known as DareDevil0
North_Italian69how to verify if all dependencies are satisfied?04:07
thune3North_Italian69: apt-get check04:07
pmp6nlthune3: Hello, well beagle does not seem to be indexing my ntfs partition where I share files with windows.  I would like to be able to search for them04:07
DareDevil0Hi is there anyway to assign a physical interface to the virtualbox?04:07
thune3North_Italian69: sudo apt-get check04:07
North_Italian69thune3: this chek for all system?04:08
thune3North_Italian69: it checks for broken dependencies for the whole system (all installed packages)04:09
thune3pmp6nl: ok, lemme look...04:09
pmp6nlthune3: thanks04:09
North_Italian69thune3: it takes 1 second to check. i don think that has checked all system04:09
gimmickless_10.04 server issue here. fairly fresh install. cannot ping pass-protected router after getting PSK.04:10
digitaldollanyone have a vista  home 32 bit activation key please?04:10
digitaldolli lost mine04:10
=== syd is now known as |Syd|
bazhangdigitaldoll, no stop asking04:10
headkase314digitaldoll, "lost"04:10
Funhouseok so04:11
Funhousesudo -i04:11
digitaldolllol yes "lost"04:11
Funhouseis my answer i guess04:11
North_Italian69the dependency check on -apt-cache- is different?04:11
bazhang!piracy > digitaldoll04:11
xisorshadowhi can anyone answer a couple of questions?04:11
ubottudigitaldoll, please see my private message04:11
digitaldollI only asked once bazhang04:11
digitaldolli own the disk i lost the key don't call me a pirate!04:11
bazhangdigitaldoll, stop asking.04:11
bazhangdigitaldoll, that has nothing to do with Ubuntu.04:11
digitaldolli only asked once pay the fuck attn bazhang04:11
Maser!op shy04:12
gimmickless_wrong channel, digitaldoll.04:12
umandigitaldoll: Ask in #windows04:12
xisorshadowim new to ubuntu, how do i install ati drivers? and is flash already installed and working?04:12
headkase314Funhouse, sudo interactive is pretty close to root so you should be avoiding that unless you have a good reason too...04:12
bazhanguman, uh no04:12
abhijit_DareDevil0, ask in #vbox04:12
abhijit_!ati | xisorshadow04:12
ubottuxisorshadow: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:12
=== abhijit is now known as Guest71481
umanbazhang: I was kidding04:12
=== abhijit_ is now known as abhijit
psycho789what command empties the trash04:13
xisorshadowwow that seems complicated04:13
psycho789im a noob04:13
thune3pmp6nl: i'm not an expert, apparently you can use "beagle-settings" to add realtime update areas, or http://beagle-project.org/Static_Indexes static indexes. If this is an always mounted drive, i guess either option is ok. Feel free to ask again. "How do i get beagle to index my ntfs partition?"04:14
gimmickless_psycho789: rm -Rf ~/.Trash/*04:14
psycho789gimmickless, thanks04:15
KukuNutxisorshadow: sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-radeon isn't complicated04:15
gimmickless_there might be a trash icon in the bottom right corner as well. I've got one in 10.0404:15
xisorshadowi have no idea what you just said04:15
xisorshadowso ya it is lol04:15
KukuNutxisorshadow: then it's complicated04:16
bathacid1any have a idea what i should do for a ubuntu server i just bought some blade servers i have one set up as a dns and i have 2 other blade server trying to think what what to do with them04:16
pmp6nlthune3: I had added the directory in the settings area and it still doesnt index.  I will look into static indexes, unless you know of some other indexing/searching option.  Thanks04:16
headkase314xisorshadow, what is the model of your ati card?04:16
=== corey is now known as Guest3641
xisorshadowradeon 587004:16
xanguaxisorshadow: ubuntu already comes with opensource drivers for ati, if you want 3d acceletarion you might want to try fglrx: sudo apt-get install fglrx04:16
=== ed is now known as ECT88
xisorshadowdo i need 3d acceleration or whatever?04:16
gimmickless_bathacid1 - wish I knew. I'm having a bitch of a time connecting to a pass-protected router myself04:16
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headkase314and you are Ubuntu 10.04?  32 or 64-bit?04:16
xisorshadowummm i used wubi and its 10.04 64 bit kubuntu04:17
headkase314xisorshadow, ^04:17
Guest3641Hello could i get some help with getting a pc controller (gamepad) to work?04:17
bathacid1router what kind?04:17
r3snoi am likely asking a stupid question, how do you enable 'universe', i check the source and its not commented out. is there another step?04:17
sacarlsonbathacid1: maybe you can help the FBI to crack encrypted files with the extra cpu power you have (just kiding).04:17
gimmickless_linksys wrt160n04:18
xisorshadowwhat should i do first as far as learning linux?04:18
ilovefairuzr3sno: what makes you think it's disabled?04:19
bathacid1i was thinking about a domain controller but i dont really want to put my computer to network log in's04:19
headkase314xisorshadow, ok - go here -> http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx and download the appropriate driver04:19
ilovefairuzxisorshadow: install ubuntu, read the manual, play around04:19
headkase314xisorshadow, this will be the "proprietary" driver to install04:19
tensorpuddingr3sno: If it's there and not commented out, and you've done an aptitude update, it should be available04:19
ilovefairuz!manual | xisorshadow04:19
ubottuxisorshadow: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:19
sacarlsonxisorshadow: play with it google it.  click all the applications04:19
r3snoilovefairuz: im trying to add the xbmc ppa, and after refreshing i cant get it to install. the instructions say to enable universe, so imagine is missed it04:19
xisorshadowwill doing anything in here break my windows?04:19
Dhanican i use more than 1 wireless in ubuntu? i have a built in Broadcom & D-Link dongle i can only use Broadcom at this moment & looking forward to enable dlink aswell. Any suggestions?04:20
bchyndsI need some help getting Ubuntu 10 working properly on my G5 ... particularly issues with windfarm_core04:20
ilovefairuzr3sno: what error do you get when trying to install ?04:20
sacarlsonxisorshadow: oh and in most application there is help at the top04:20
gimmickless_xisorshadow: unless you're playing in window's partition, you won't break anything04:20
ilovefairuzxisorshadow: not likely04:20
r3snoilovefairuz: the package isnt found04:20
bchyndswhen I modprobe windfarm_core, I get a no such device error04:20
ilovefairuzr3sno: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list04:20
headkase314ilovefairuz,  xisorshadow is wubi, does that make a difference for proprietary drivers?04:20
opijcan anyone please tell me how to browse samba files on lubuntu?04:21
ilovefairuzDhani: yes you can, have you actually tried ?04:21
tensorpuddingxisorshadow: there are reports of wubi breaking the boot manager, but they're rare and it won't delete any of your files or anything04:21
Guest3641Hi guys, I've got a 3in1 Magic Joy Box gamepad adapter but it is not recognized when i plug it in, is there a package I need to install in order to get this to work?04:21
xisorshadowbreaking it after its already installed and booted?04:21
ilovefairuzheadkase314: makes zero-difference when it comes to software04:21
tensorpuddingxisorshadow: if you reall want 0 risk, you can run Ubuntu in a virtual machine.04:21
randomseedxisorshadow, grab yourself an older used cheap computer and install Linux so you can break it repair it and break it again and not worry whether it will wreck your good box04:22
headkase314ilovefairuz, thank you.04:22
thune3North_Italian69: maybe i'm misunderstanding what you are trying to do, or what you are seeing that is worring you.04:22
bathacid1if i set up a samba server will it show up like a nas?04:22
headkase314xisorshadow, still got that link to download the proprietary ati driver?04:22
Dhaniilovefairuz, i've tried but i can only get my Broadcom working... i have no idea how to enable dlink04:22
nimbioticsHello everyone. I'm trying to share a folder using shares-admin but its not leting me share thru samba even though its installed. Any ideas? TIA!04:22
headkase314xisorshadow, ok, download the correct file by filling in the menu options.04:22
ilovefairuzDhani: plug in it, pastebin: lshw -C network04:22
sacarlsonopij:  try Places>Network04:22
bathacid1xisorshadow: what that yes for me or someone else?04:22
digitaldollim back bitches :-)04:23
bazhangdigitaldoll, watch the language04:23
ilovefairuzbathacid1: it will show up when browsing network for sharing windows machines, a NAS could share by other means as well not only smb04:23
ilovefairuz!language | digitaldoll04:23
ubottudigitaldoll: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:23
North_Italian69thune3: i wold like to check the entire os for missing dependences04:23
tensorpuddinghmm, that should be family-friendly04:24
digitaldollI'm not interested in having ubottu's kids either!04:24
Dhaniilovefairuz, do i need to install proprietary driver for dlink?04:24
j_ayen_greenrunning lucid, and using deja dup. it runs daily, but crontab -l doesn't list the cron job, and gnome-schedule shows no jobs04:24
jessieQuestion:  RUnning 10.04.  I added a second drive, and I can mount it using places.  However places includes the NOSUID option during mount.  Where do I go to change this behavior04:24
bathacid1if i installed a samba server on a server that already has dns functions will that cause problems?04:24
North_Italian69i user - apt-cache unmet- i gives a bg outpout04:24
G`Karhey I was wondering... is there an xsane-gimp package for Ubuntu?04:24
condonthe compiz channel seems to be dead tonight... anyone who's updated from 8.04 to 10.04 and can help me get my cube back?04:25
ilovefairuzDhani: i'm not familiar dlink but it depends on the particular chipset you have, as i have said, pastebin lshw -C network and check system > administration > hardware drivers for any related entries04:25
thune3North_Italian69: there are three levels of dependencies: depends, recommends, and suggests. Suggests are not installed in ubuntu by default like the others. apt-cache unmet is probably showing suggests.04:25
sacarlsonj_ayen_green: It might run cron in another user account like maybe root or other that is setup at install04:25
tensorpuddingcondon: you have the compiz control program installed right?04:25
tensorpuddingcondon: it should be under the Desktop section04:26
j_ayen_greensacarlson: i'm issuing crontab -l in root... and running gnome-schedule logged into root04:26
r3snoilovefairuz: heres my source.lst http://dpaste.com/229468/04:26
xanguatensorpudding: in terminal> compiz --replace > what does it show¿04:26
xanguasorry, condon*04:26
condonturned off all the settings that seemed to have conficts04:26
condonhold on xang, will pastebin it04:26
xanguawait, is compiz running¿¿04:27
ilovefairuz!who | condon04:27
ubottucondon: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:27
j_ayen_greenjust want to change the time of day deja dup runs, but it has no option for that, and I can't find its crontab04:27
thune3North_Italian69: "apt-get check" or if you want "apt-get -s -f install" will show you if anything is bronken and needs to be installed.04:27
sacarlsonj_ayen_green:  and see no cron jobs there?  do they run?  look in /var/log files to see what cron jobs have been run04:27
nimbioticsHello everyone. I'm trying to share a folder using shares-admin but its not leting me share thru samba even though its installed. Any ideas? TIA!04:28
tensorpuddingcondon: in the config menu you need to enable the desktop cube and rotate cube ones04:28
ilovefairuzr3sno: you probably did not the ppa correctly because there are no entries for it04:28
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condonhow do I use !tab?04:28
tensorpuddingcondon: enabling the cube requires disabling the desktop wall extension which is on by default in 10.0404:28
Dhaniilovefairuz, okay i will.. & 1 more thing. is there any way i can extend my WiFi signal because when i logged on to windows, i can get a good wireless reception but the signal is too low in ubuntu. is there any workaround for this? Thanks for your help.04:29
headkase314!tab | condon04:29
ubottucondon: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:29
j_ayen_greensacarlson: yes, it runs daily around midnight, but crontab -l only shows the anachron daily, weekly, monthly entries, and the files in those directories don't appear to be related, and the anachron entries don't show up in gnome-schedule04:29
bazhangcondon, type two or three letters of a nick and hit tab key04:29
Guest3641This may be a vague question but how can I get my gamepad to work?04:29
r3snoilovefairuz: i enter: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc04:29
condontensorpudding the settings are correct, that's not my issue04:29
j_ayen_greeni'll check the log04:29
ilovefairuzDhani: try adjusting the laptop orientation, but other than this, it's probably a driver issue04:29
opijcan anyone please tell me how to browse samba files on Lubuntu?04:29
r3snoGuest3641: install drivers? configure buttons? plug it in? who knows where one should start04:30
condonxangua: that pastebin's coming, I start compiz in command but it crashes to fallback window manager04:30
sacarlsonj_ayen_green: try crontab -l in your user account.  also in /var/log you should see each time that a cron tab has run in any account04:30
ilovefairuzopij: not familiar with lubuntu but search software center for a samba browser04:30
North_Italian69thune3: im making a pastebin to show the output04:30
r3snoopij: you need to setup the samba system to share a folder, etc04:30
opijr3sno, i did04:31
r3snoopij: restart samba?04:31
Guest3641r3sno, could you point me toward some drivers?04:31
A|pHAI am having issues with Thunderbird , my accounts are all synced but nothing is showing any suggestions ?04:31
condonxangua: http://pastebin.org/52954104:31
r3snoGuest3641: not sure, i can. i know nothing of your situation outside of "its not working"04:31
opijyes i did that all a long time ago. the only thing that changed was that i changed ubuntu flavors from Ubuntu to Lubuntu04:31
condonxangua: tried reinstalling different nvidia components, but every time, it results in that error04:32
headkase314!who | opij04:32
ubottuopij: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:32
opijr3sno, yes i did that all a long time ago. the only thing that changed was that i changed ubuntu flavors from Ubuntu to Lubuntu04:32
r3snoopij: i dont know the specifics of lubuntu sorry04:32
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ilovefairuzj_ayen_green: it uses duplicity as a backend for backups, check around it man pages, i don't use it.04:32
r3snoilovefairuz: when i issue the add ppa command, its seems to add without issue04:33
ilovefairuzr3sno: pastebin the output from the add ppa command04:33
Guest3641r3sno, I've got a 3in1 Magicjoybox, it lets you use your xbox/GC/ps2 controllers as pc gamepads. I plug it in and it seems like it is unrecognized04:33
r3snoilovefairuz: http://dpaste.com/229474/04:33
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j_ayen_greenilovefairuz: ok. no joy in the syslog other than it saying it will run anachron.daily.   i'll look for man pages04:34
progre55hi people! does setfacl work on ubuntu?04:34
progre55I'm trying to setfacl on a file, but it says operation not supported..04:34
hasek79what is the best graphic editor? something that i can change the size of the png.04:34
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thune3North_Italian69: the more I look at apt-cache unmet, the more I'm getting confused...waiting on your pastebin...04:34
ilovefairuzr3sno: append "/ppa" to the end04:34
slinkeeyIs the Upload/Download feature disabled in the default Quixplorer installation in freenas?04:35
condonhasek79: there are many, but all in all, I prefer GIMP.  Relatively simple, minimilistic.04:35
North_Italian69thune3: sorry but the server is slow04:35
ilovefairuzhasek79: the gimp is very powerful04:35
hasek79ok thanks ill try it04:35
slinkeeywrong room04:35
condonhasek79: but has many features for many other things if you need them later.04:35
r3snoilovefairuz: no such improvement and the output was the same04:35
nimbioticsHello everyone. I'm trying to share a folder using shares-admin but its not leting me share thru samba even though its installed. Any ideas? TIA!04:36
ilovefairuzr3sno: try apt-get update and install ?04:36
bathacid1i know you sudo apt-get install samba smbfs but can you install samba with out internet?04:37
r3snoilovefairuz: the only app the comes up from install is "sudo apt-get install xbmc-ppa-keyring"04:37
r3snobathacid1: if its not already installed, unlikely04:37
Dhaniilovefairuz, now i'm logged in to UE2.704:37
ilovefairuzbathacid1: you can't install anything from repositories without the internet04:37
fishcookeri want to set timer how long the compiling process will end?04:37
fishcookerhow to make it happen?04:37
ilovefairuzDhani: and what is that?04:37
ilovefairuzfishcooker: use: time commandhere04:38
bazhangDhani, ubuntu ultimate?04:38
A|pHAHelp with thunderbird not displaying mail ?04:38
trollboyso everyso often, my GUI locks hard... no keyboard response, ctrl+alt+bckspce doesn't work, no mouse, and any video is frozen.  however I can ssh in with no problems04:38
trollboyhow do I track down what's locking my machine?04:38
Dhaniilovefairuz, i've done what you told me, now what? do you need the output from the terminal?04:38
r3snoA|pHA: more details would be helpful04:38
condontrollboy: could be any of a countless number of things unfortunately.  overtasking the system, conficting installs, etc...04:39
A|pHAyes all my accounts are synced but nothing displays04:39
ilovefairuzr3sno: check  sources.list again, add manually if not present: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/team-xbmc/ppa/ubuntu lucid main04:39
condonwithout some kind of command line output of what's causing it, you'r have to do a lot of troubleshooting.04:39
A|pHAI cant check my mail04:39
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ilovefairuztrollboy: pastebin: lshw -C display04:39
groudi have a problem i have partition on my hard drive that is used to reinstall windows but i have tried to use gparted to split the partition that is being used by windows xp but the other partition the installation partition in not messed up how to i reinstall windows????04:40
r3snoA|pHA: could be incorrect settings, user error. you havent said enough to help me help you04:40
ilovefairuzcondon: it's often  a display driver issue04:40
ilovefairuz!details | A|pHA04:40
ubottuA|pHA: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:40
A|pHAi do not believe it is ID10t or PebKac04:41
r3snothanks ilovefairuz :)04:41
A|pHAI am running 10.4 tls04:41
thune3North_Italian69: i've sampled a half-dozen apps where 'apt-cache unmet', shows an unmet "Depends". These packages, the ones that say they have unmet Depends,  are *not* even installed on my system. "apt-cache policy <packagename>".04:41
r3snorww: :P04:41
ilovefairuzA|pHA: write it all all on one line04:41
A|pHAI have all 3 email accounts synced and running fine now when I go to check my mail it is stuck on the start page04:42
condonCan someone look at a pastebin of my compiz command line output and help me troubleshoot?04:42
nimbioticsHello everyone. I'm trying to share a folder using shares-admin but its not leting me share thru samba even though its installed. Any ideas? TIA!04:42
ilovefairuzgroud: are you logged in the live cd?04:42
z340Anyone know a good place to get documentation info on vsftpd logs?04:42
r3snoA|pHA: its processing?04:42
seidoswhere can I get help with audacity?04:43
A|pHAcorrect but it stays on the home page for some reason04:43
ilovefairuz!details | seidos04:43
ubottuseidos: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:43
seidosI can't find the place to select line in or microphone in the Audio I/O "tab".04:43
n-iCehow to repair a hard disk in ubuntu04:43
egrossDoes anyone know of a guide on how to start scripting for wmii-3.5?04:44
ilovefairuzn-iCe: describe what happened it detail04:44
trollboyilovefairuz, sorry rebooted again04:44
trollboyshould I do it now, or when ssh'ing in from another box?04:44
ilovefairuztrollboy: ssh, so that wouldn't get locked out04:45
trollboyI mean WHILE its locked out, or now?04:45
A|pHAit says determining what messages to index and does not let me use the get mail option in Thunderbird04:45
r3snoilovefairuz: manually adding the ppa to sources.list and doing update, still hasnt done it :-/04:46
egrossDoes anyone know of a guide on how to start scripting for wmii-3.5?04:46
ilovefairuzr3sno: pastebin sources.list04:46
r3snoA|pHA: which version of thunderbird? 3.x?04:46
ilovefairuztrollboy: now04:46
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tensorpuddingWhat does aptitude use for resolving dns domainnames?04:47
egrossdoes anyone here know anything about wmii?04:47
ilovefairuz!who > A|pHA04:47
ubottuA|pHA, please see my private message04:47
r3snoilovefairuz: http://dpaste.com/229478/04:47
tensorpuddingI have the most intense and obnoxious difficulty getting it to resolve the main Ubuntu archive address.04:47
Dhaniilovefairuz, yes Ubuntu Ultimate Edition 2.7 x6404:48
tensorpuddingI think it fails about 95% of the time.04:48
tensorpuddingI have no other DNS-related difficulties at all.04:49
ilovefairuzDhani: you did not do the pastebin04:49
inzi1985Has flash been crashing alot for anyone on ubuntu 10.04?04:49
tensorpuddingdig and ping resolve the same domainname without any trouble04:49
Dhanii get an error command not found04:49
ilovefairuzinzi1985: flash crashes alot by default lol04:49
tensorpuddingI find it hard to believe then that is the fault of my ISP's DNS.04:50
ilovefairuzDhani: sudo apt-get install lshw04:50
ascheelI have a dual boot setup, Win7 and Ubuntu 10.04.  The time is inconsistent between the two operating systems.  It's 9:50pm where I am, but Windows says it's 3:50am.  If I fix the time in Windows, my Linux bootup says it's 6 hours earlier (opposite of what it is now).  Any ideas?04:50
inzi1985ilovefairuz: any idea how to fix it.04:50
egrosscan someone point me towards a guide to start writing shell scripts? I want to use them for wmii, but I believe they are the same as any shell script.04:50
ilovefairuztensorpudding: try: dig arstechnica.com and see how much it takes04:50
Dhaniilovefairuz, it says the package already installed and no longer required04:50
tensorpuddingit was nearly instantaneous04:50
r3snoascheel: ive had similar aproblems, i can only guess its a bios issue04:51
ilovefairuzinzi1985: no idea, flash is proprietary/closed-source and is pretty horrible04:51
ireduxascheel: I thought Win7 handled time zones correctly... do your two OSes think they are in different zones?04:51
zcat[1]is the DNS in /etc/resolv.conf your ISP's server or your router's IP? Some rotuers have a broken DNS proxy and screw with linux04:51
ascheeliredux: the TZs are both set to Mountain time (-7) and that's what's confusing04:51
ilovefairuzDhani: dpkg -L lshw ... where is the binary residing ?04:51
tensorpuddingzcat[1]: It is the router DNS.04:51
A|pHA!who >r3sno04:52
ubottur3sno, please see my private message04:52
zcat[1]tensorpudding, probably that's the problem then04:52
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tensorpuddingzcat[1]: But why would it affect aptitude but nothing else?04:52
r3snoA|pHA: why are you whoing me?04:52
Dhanii have this04:52
inzi1985ilovefairuz: is there any alternative to flash on ubuntu, that crashes less?04:52
FloodBot3Dhani: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:52
bazhangA|pHA, please stop that04:52
khamarascheel reboot into your BIOS and make sure the time is set correctly there also, and check AM/PM too04:52
ilovefairuzA|pHA: just use the nickname infront of your line04:52
ilovefairuz!paste | Dhani04:52
ubottuDhani: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:52
thune3North_Italian69: i think "apt-cache unmet" is broken and should be disregarded04:53
ilovefairuzDhani: so how come the command is NOT found? it's in /usr/bin/lshw04:53
zcat[1]tensorpudding, it's pretty unpredictable.. just set everything to the ISP's DNS directly (change the DHCP in the router if you can) or point it to ;)04:53
ascheelkhamar: come to think of it, it's off exactly how much it is when compared against GMT so I think you're onto something04:53
bazhangDhani, this is Ubuntu Ultimate?04:53
ilovefairuztensorpudding: use a caching dns server on your localhost, i use dnsmasq04:53
hasek79how do you install different login screen themes?04:53
hajmolaanyone know how to enable side-tabs in chromium-browser?04:53
Dhaniilovefairuz, i'm logged on as root, i try again04:53
Dhanibazhang: yes it is04:54
ilovefairuzbazhang: do they use different repos?04:54
egrossdoes anyone know of a guide to start scripting for wmii?04:54
zcat[1]ilovefairuz, I use bind9 for mine.. no such thing as overkill ;)04:54
bazhangDhani, that is not supported here04:54
khamarascheel you need to fix it in the bios screen, then I recommend using ntp for keeping them close to actual time after boot.04:54
bazhang!ultimate > Dhani04:54
ubottuDhani, please see my private message04:54
Dhaniaw... hurt my feeling...04:54
ilovefairuzzcat[1]: bind makes the internets roll04:55
bazhangilovefairuz, no idea, but definitely not supported04:55
ascheelkhamar, yeah going to.  I'll figure it out, I was just hoping someone else had seen this.  Thanks a ton04:55
Dhaninvm... i just want to give it a try04:55
ilovefairuzhasek79: you can't do this, yet04:55
ireduxkhamar does https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime : Multiple Boot Systems Time Conflicts apply to Ascheel's problem?04:55
ascheeliredux: reading it now04:55
bathacid1is it fine to go to 10.10? or is there problems?04:55
hasek79what do you mean yet?04:56
ilovefairuzhajmola: chromium doesn't have side-tabs like firefox04:56
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Dhaniok... i also have Ubuntu & Kubuntu & i am also facing same problm.04:56
bazhangbathacid1, #ubuntu+1 for Maverick support and discussion04:56
hajmolailovefairuz, no addons or workarounds?04:56
ilovefairuzhasek79: the program controlling the login screen doesn't support themes yet, but it's being worked on04:56
* Aiya greets04:56
hasek79oh ok04:56
r3snoilovefairuz: any  more ideas? on the xbmc ppa issue?04:57
ilovefairuzhajmola: search the addon side, i haven't tried any04:57
ascheeliredux: I think you nailed it.  One is using UTC and the other is using GMT04:57
ilovefairuzr3sno: what package are you trying to install ?04:57
ascheeliredux: That's why when I fix the time in one OS, the other gets hosed by the same time difference.04:57
hajmolailovefairuz, yeah, I just checked, didn't seem to return any hits04:57
inzi1985has anyone compared lightspark to adobe Flash04:57
ascheeliredux: you rock, my friend.04:58
A|pHAilovefairuz: you think it could be an issue with PGP ?04:58
khamariredux I agree, good find.04:58
robertzaccouris it important to have a swap partition?04:58
r3snoilovefairuz: i just want it to work. :)04:58
ilovefairuzinzi1985: lightspark implements only a subset of what adobe flash does, barely comparable04:58
robertzaccouri'm not so sure i need one04:58
AiyaHi All.I have a question.Im using laptop and its has build in bluetooth and its works fine in windows.I did install ubuntu netbook remix edition so the bluetooth is no longer working.How do I trooubleshoout and fix it so I can use bluetooth in ubuntu.Thanks04:58
ilovefairuzr3sno: what's the package name?04:58
r3snoilovefairuz: xbmc04:58
A|pHAAiya : Bluetooth is dangerous04:59
Guest3641I'm having trouble getting my gamepad to work, ive tried inputattach but it gives an error, can anyone help me get my head around this?04:59
Dhanianyone know irc help server/channel for Ultimate Edition?04:59
ilovefairuzrobertzaccour: if you have lots of ram (say 4+ gigs) it's not really that crucial but it's a good fallback04:59
AiyaA|pHA: I need it to transfrer files and datas to my phone04:59
ilovefairuzDhani: check their website04:59
bazhang!irc > Dhani search here04:59
ubottuDhani, please see my private message04:59
hatgAiya: He's right, Bluetooth means danger04:59
Dhaniilovefairuz, thank you.04:59
nimbioticsI'm trying to share a folder using shares-admin but its not leting me share thru samba even though its installed. Any ideas? TIA!04:59
Aiyahatg: how do you say it?.I can keep it off so it will be?04:59
A|pHAAiya: There is way better ways of doing that are you using a blackberry ?05:00
robertzaccourok thanks ilovefairuz05:00
ilovefairuzAiya: i don't know about netbook edition but i use bluetooth fine in standard edition, type this in a terminal: hcitool dev05:00
AiyaA|pHA: Im using laptop05:00
inzi1985thats unfortnunate..05:01
Aiyailovefairuz: Hold one let me try05:01
A|pHAAiya: Disable Bluetooth on your phone and your Pc in the BIOS05:01
ilovefairuzA|pHA: bluetooh is NOT dangerous if you configure it correctly like any other program, stop spreading misinformation05:01
A|pHAUm okay05:01
Aiyahcitool dev05:01
hatgAiya: Can't help with Blackberry, i do file transfer with Nokias or Iphones or HTC05:01
A|pHAIts extremely dangerous where would you like me to begin05:01
mneptokAiya: why not use a USB cable?05:02
Aiyahatg: Im using laptop not smart phone.05:02
ilovefairuzA|pHA: begin in #ubuntu-offtopic05:02
r3snoA|pHA: begin at the end05:02
LibertyZerohasek79: Although themes are not supported yet, you should be able to change the basic appearence using the GDM2 configuration tool: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=135802605:02
mneptokA|pHA: Bluetooth is dangerous like the web is dangerous. follow best practices and it's fine.05:02
alketis there any software which i can check my hard disk for any error ?05:03
Aiyamneptok: I have only 3 ports and each on of it is connected to 1TB external hard disk.I not able to transfer larger data if use hub thats why I need bluetooth.05:03
A|pHAlol k F00ls05:03
ilovefairuzr3sno: strange, seems package is not in the repo!05:03
r3snoilovefairuz: hehe05:03
mneptokAiya: why not disconnect a drive temporarily?05:04
r3snoilovefairuz: is ubunutu against xbmc now?05:04
r3snoerr, canical05:04
Aiyailovefairuz: when type the command its devices:  then notting...I think its fails to detect the device I guess so.So how do I make it to detect05:04
mneptokalket: fsck05:04
ilovefairuzr3sno: no likely, i just use totem lol05:04
egrossdoes anyone here know anything about wmii?05:04
ilovefairuzegross: i use it05:04
Aiyamneptok: I cant its all runs 24/705:04
alketmneptok, how to use it ?05:04
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mneptokalket: "man fsck"05:05
egrossdo you know of any guides on how to start writing scripts for it?05:05
mneptokalket: without knowing your partitons and filesystem types, i can't say more.05:05
alketok mneptok thank you05:05
hiku!hi user_05:05
alkethi user_05:05
hiku!hi | user_05:05
ubottuuser_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:05
egrossilovefairuz: do you know of any guides on how to start writing scripts for it?05:06
ilovefairuzegross: it uses p9 filesystem-based  interface to the application, it's rather unusual for applications on gnu/linux, have you checked the website?05:06
doctorZeusIs there an easy way to make nautilus default list view all the time opposed to icons05:06
ilovefairuzdoctorZeus: edit > peferences > first thing!05:07
ilovefairuz!hi | waliahmad05:07
ubottuwaliahmad: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:07
hikudoctorZeus: yes, choose "edit>prefs>"05:07
egrossilovefairuz: I have looked at it briefly, is that where I could find most of the documentation for p9 and scripts?05:07
doctorZeusi was just testing you guys..05:08
ilovefairuzegross: you don't need to know much about p9 itself (it's rather simple to use) but it's HOW wmii exposes itself using it, no api doc?05:08
doctorZeushehe. thanks, I really did look.05:08
ilovefairuzwaliahmad: hello, how may we help you?05:09
hiku!ask | waliahmad05:09
ubottuwaliahmad: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:09
waliahmadokay...youtube wont work...i need to install adobe flash player, but it wont let me...05:09
ilovefairuz!flash | waliahmad05:09
ubottuwaliahmad: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash05:09
abhijit!details | waliahmad05:10
ubottuwaliahmad: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:10
waliahmadim running version 8.0405:10
Guest3641I'm having trouble getting my gamepad to work, ive tried inputattach but it gives an error, can anyone help me get my head around this?05:10
egrossilovefairuz: is there an api doc?05:11
xanguawaliahmad: download the deb file from adobe's web05:11
waliahmadi tried doing that05:11
ilovefairuzwaliahmad: enable the partner repository in software sources05:11
waliahmadbut it wont work05:11
waliahmadi did that too05:11
ilovefairuzxangua: that's not needed05:11
r3snoilovefairuz: any ideas what to do?05:11
alketwaliahmad, try google chrome, as I heard it come with its own flash if im right05:11
zcat[1]waliahmad, how did you try to install flash? The usual way is via the flash-nonfree package...05:11
r3snoabout the package being "kick/banned" from ubuntu? ilovefairuz05:12
xanguailovefairuz: it is if he want's the lates flash plugin what's the latest version hardy repository has¿05:12
ilovefairuzwaliahmad: open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:12
`AssassinIf my battery info isn't in /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state where else might it be?05:12
waliahmadi d that05:12
ilovefairuz!info flashplugin-nonfree hardy05:12
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 18 kB, installed size 164 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)05:12
waliahmadbut then it asks for a password05:12
ilovefairuzwaliahmad: so enter your password05:13
waliahmadbut i wont let me...05:13
rwwr3sno: There hasn't been a package named 'xmbc' ever, that I can see.05:13
=== kjeldor is now known as Kjeldor
ilovefairuzwaliahmad: are you entering the password correctly?05:13
yeabeanHow to install Quicktime4 on ubantu ? Who can help me ?05:13
rwwoh, that's because I fail at reading.05:13
r3snorww: yea, its xBmc ;)05:14
waliahmadwell, it's not letting me enter it. i try too, but nothing is being typed up...05:14
rwwoh, wait, no, when I spell it right it's still not there.05:14
r3snorww: im following this guide: http://wiki.xbmc.org/?title=HOW-TO_install_XBMC_for_Linux_on_Ubuntu_with_a_minimal_installation_step-by-step05:14
ilovefairuzwaliahmad: that's normal, just type and press enter05:14
yeabeanI 'v got the Quicktime4.tar.gz205:14
xanguaif you want to play quicktime files install ubuntu-restricted-extras yeabean05:14
ilovefairuzwaliahmad: it's for security05:14
FiReSTaRThey guys.. is there a package for ubuntu that will help me set up my speakers (basically play a sound only on the front left and i keep plugging them in until i figure out which one is the front left, then do rear right etc etc etc)?05:14
rwwr3sno: that guide talks about adding some PPA. Ubuntu has nothing to do with the contents of them; they're unofficial...05:15
ilovefairuzyeabean: where did you get that file?05:15
waliahmadthank you05:15
Niglopis there a way I can make vlc my default instead of mplayer05:15
r3snorww: that i understand, but nothing is working. and i cant get anything to recognize the install05:15
yeabeana good and big software web station05:15
ilovefairuzNiglop: right click on the file, select properties05:15
ilovefairuzyeabean: write the exact url you found it in05:16
Niglopilovefairuz» I mean for every file, not just one specific05:16
xanguaNiglop: clic in the video file>properties>open with>select vlc05:16
yeabeanOK waiting a moument please05:16
ilovefairuzNiglop: well, no easy way to do it for all supported files05:16
ilovefairuz!language | Niglop05:16
ubottuNiglop: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:16
Niglopis it safe to remove mplayer then?05:16
Niglopit was an acronym..05:17
ilovefairuzNiglop: yes05:17
ilovefairuzNiglop: i know what it is.05:17
r3snorww: so the short story, is im just out of luck05:17
yeabeanCan you see it ?05:17
Niglopif somebody knows what it abbreviates, im sure it wont offend them05:17
ilovefairuzyeabean: yes, hold on05:17
xanguayeabean: no, and there is no quicktime for linux05:17
yeabeanThank you05:17
shushekhello! am trying to install 8.04 but the monitor is keep flickering at the installation screen. other wise its okay.. wht to do05:17
rwwr3sno: short story is that you should try #xmbc or #xmbc-linux, they'd be more likely to know, since it's their PPA by the look of it05:18
egrossI have a script that gets a value from a .xml page on the web. It is somewhat slow,  thought because I use wget to get the .xml page. Is there something that would just output the source of an .xml page into the terminal?05:18
rwwr3sno: with correct spelling, that is05:18
zcat[1]egross, lynx --source05:18
egrosszcat[1]: thanks05:18
zcat[1]or wget -O come to think of it.. ;)05:18
r3snorww: i already asked :( response is slower then #ubuntu-server /me ducks05:18
yeabeanI can download it05:18
zcat[1]umm wget -O- I think...05:18
waliahmadits still doing that05:18
egrosszcat[1], what does that do?05:19
ilovefairuzyeabean: link not working05:19
kyoI have only one audio application, if I hear music I can not hear the audio of the games. etc. ..05:19
yeabeanxangua can't you ?05:19
egrosszcat[1]: what does that do?05:19
zcat[1]wget -o (output to..) - (the terminal)05:19
waliahmadi type in sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-nonfree05:19
waliahmadand then i click enter05:19
waliahmadthen i type in sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:19
zcat[1]Gah, -O I mean capital O05:19
yeabeanMaybe diferent country , so^05:19
waliahmadand it still wont work05:20
egrossk thanks05:20
xanguakyo what ubuntu version¿05:20
psycho789when i do rm -rf ~/.Trash/* it doesn't delete the trash05:20
kyoxangua: 9.0405:20
ilovefairuzwaliahmad: does it get installed?05:20
shushekat the time of installayion is the monitor is keep flickering i cant see anything.. how to fix it. am using an asus board with amd 2600+05:20
rwwubottu: trash | psycho789, gimmickless_05:20
ubottupsycho789, gimmickless_: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash05:20
ilovefairuzwaliahmad: copy and paste the text that shows up in terminal to a pastebin05:21
zcat[1]waliahmad, sudo apt-get update, then try again.. perhaps?05:21
ilovefairuz!paste | waliahmad05:21
ubottuwaliahmad: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:21
yeabeanplease check this link : http://voxel.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/heroines/quicktime4linux-2.3-src.tar.bz205:21
zcat[1].. just to be sure the indexy thing is up to date05:21
yeabeanHello  any body here ?05:21
zcat[1]also apt-get install --reinstall will save you having to uninstall it each time05:22
ilovefairuz!patience | yeabean05:22
ubottuyeabean: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.05:22
r3snorww: i found some random repo that has xbmc in it. i guess its not safe but it works05:22
kyoI have only one audio application, if I hear music I can not hear the audio of the games. etc. ..05:22
psycho789rww, thanks05:23
SupertankerHow can I troubleshoot my desktop's standby issues? When I suspend-to-RAM, my drives shut down but my fans and power light stay on--the system doesn't come out of its sleep, and I have to force it to reboot by holding down the power button. Suspend-to-disk doesn't seem to work any better.05:23
hikuyeabean: what about quicktime?05:23
egrosszcat[1]: I tried wget -O, but it still seems to go slow, will it always take some time to do this, or is lynx quicker?05:23
psycho789rww, so do I do rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/*05:23
SupertankerWhere should I start?05:23
yeabeanOk  I don't know  I 'm trying05:23
hiku!ask | yeabean05:24
ubottuyeabean: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:24
zcat[1]egross, well, you could try, but I think they'll both be about the same05:24
egrosszcat[1], ok, thanks05:24
condonAny compiz experts willing to take a look at a pastebin?05:24
ilovefairuzyeabean: downloading to check it, what are you trying to do? just to watch quicktime movies?05:24
waliahmadokay its in the pastebox05:25
ilovefairuzwaliahmad: paste the address of the page here05:25
nimbioticsHello everyone. I'm trying to share a folder using shares-admin but its not leting me share thru samba even though its installed. Any ideas? TIA!05:26
yeabeanno  I want to play a movie style .rmvb but diferent codes in it .05:26
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ilovefairuzwaliahmad: the address of the pastebin page, look at the address bar05:26
yeabeanso ,  mplayer can not play the video ,just have sound05:26
ilovefairuzyeabean: did you install ubuntu restricted extras ?05:27
ilovefairuz!hi |  Mimishaa05:27
ubottuMimishaa: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:27
F2Zhello everyone, i am currently in the progress of installing Teamspeak 3 server on ubuntu 10.4, by following a online tutorial: http://robert.penz.name/296/howto-install-teamspeak-3-server-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid/ and it states that i need to create a init.d file with pasting the content after executing can anyone elaborate what needs to be done so i can move on.05:27
yeabeansorry I don't care05:28
ilovefairuzwaliahmad: that's very abnormal, does installing any other applications work? also try, sudo apt-get update05:28
ilovefairuzyeabean: you don't care about what?05:28
waliahmadyeah, other ones do05:28
waliahmadjust this one doesnt05:28
ilovefairuz!codec | yeabean05:28
ubottuyeabean: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:28
digitaldollF2Z you have an init.d in /etc maybe it wants you to point to it05:29
rwwpsycho789: yes05:30
digitaldoll!mediabuntu |olskolirc05:30
Funhouseanyone have google earth crash for them in 10?05:30
yeabeanI mean .I don't know05:30
prince_jammysF2Z: ''sudo gedit /etc/init.d/teamspeak'' , copy the stuff from #!/bin/sh all the way down to the 'sudo' line, and save it.05:30
F2Zdigitaldoll: so do i just do " cat > /etc/init.d/teamspeak05:30
F2Zand move on05:30
prince_jammysF2Z: err, 'gksudo gedit /etc/init.d/teamspeak'05:30
prince_jammysF2Z: you could use cat, paste the stuff, and then ctrl-d when you're done.05:30
digitaldollyou might want to make a soft link F2Z with: ln -s /to/the/directory/that/team/speak/requires05:31
ilovefairuzyeabean: open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras05:31
yeabeanThere is a Readme.txt . tald me :05:31
yeabeanQuicktime for Linux requires a built copy of of libmpeg3 in a directory next to itself.05:31
yeabeanThis is used for the mp3 interface.05:31
yeabeanYour directory structure should thus be:05:31
FloodBot3yeabean: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:31
yeabeantype "make" in the libmpeg3 directory.05:31
yeabeantype "make" in the quicktime directory.05:31
egrossdoes anyone know of a good place to learn regex that works well in sed?05:32
yeabeancan you see ?05:32
ilovefairuzyeabean: as far as i can see, it's not a player05:32
condonAnyone know why my compiz will not start... using fallback window manager and there are no errors in the output...05:32
digitaldollsudo ln -s /etc/init.d F2Z05:32
prince_jammysegross: 'man grep' describes BREs, basic regular expressions, as used by sed.05:32
ilovefairuzegross: regex is like a language by itself, there are books on it, search google05:32
yeabeanIs'n t  it ?05:32
digitaldoll<ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about mediabuntu <<< stupid bot05:32
egrossprince_jammys, thanks05:32
ilovefairuzyeabean: no, it's a software library05:33
yeabeanjust like K-codes?05:33
ilovefairuzyeabean: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras05:33
prince_jammysegross: if you search online, make sure you're reading about BREs. Most online stuff talks about PCREs, or perl regexes.05:33
ilovefairuzyeabean: that command is like k-codecs05:34
egrossprince_jammys, what are BREs?05:34
yeabeanyeah ,  what ever , I want it05:34
condonanyone know what will cause compiz to launch fallback window manager?  No errors reporting in command line.05:34
prince_jammysegross: Basic Regular Expressions. sed has its own irc channel, btw, ##sed.05:35
drichertI'm hearing interface sounds when I click buttons in awesome wm. Where do I disable?05:35
yeabeanThe problem is I can install it05:35
egrossprince_jammys, thanks05:35
ilovefairuzyeabean: it's NOT a codec, it's code used for writing programs05:35
yeabeanno  It is a media player from Apple . which company very famous05:36
bazhangyeabean, not its not05:36
trimyet, it co-works with a slave factory05:37
xanguayeabean: there is not quicktime for linux, how many more times do i have to repeat it for you to understand¿05:37
ilovefairuzyeabean: quicktime is the name for many things, not just a media player05:37
bazhangmplayer and the like will play those fine yeabean05:37
yeabeanOk ,  I just want to play my video .Which can played in05:38
trimmplayer can play anything05:38
xanguayeabean: we have already told you to install restricted-extras to play quicktime files05:38
ikeysudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras   @ yeabean05:39
ikeyIf you want a frontend try gmlayer or use smplayer05:39
trimhow about kmplayer?05:40
ikeydepends if you fancy pulling in all those deps or not05:40
yeabeanI will try @ ikey05:41
Jordan_Uxangua: ilovefairuz: Just for reference, this is the project he's talking about, (and it's not a player): http://heroinewarrior.com/quicktime.php05:41
ikeyThen again yeabean if you're happy with using Qt I'd say go the full mile and install VLC05:42
ikeyHaving smplayer + VLC is a good combination in my experience05:42
ilovefairuzJordan_U: i see, it's obvious from the docs included that it's just a library05:43
F2Zthank u digitaldoll05:43
F2Zand prince_jammys05:43
Funhouseany of you guys use wine?05:43
ikeyUsed to. Issue?05:43
egrossi haven't had many good experiences with wine05:44
yeabean40% did05:44
prince_jammystry beer.05:44
bazhangFunhouse, checked the appdb and joined #winehq yet?05:44
bazhang!appdb | Funhouse05:44
ubottuFunhouse: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help05:44
yeabeanI don't clear What I want to drink . but i kown I was so poor  .even had no knowleage05:46
ilovefairuzyeabean: what's your native language?05:46
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bazhangyeabean, not wine the drink05:46
yeabeanOh expo05:46
bazhang!wine > yeabean05:47
ubottuyeabean, please see my private message05:47
ilovefairuz!cn | yeabean05:47
ubottuyeabean: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:47
yeabeanoh . you're genus05:48
=== dgtlchlk is now known as dgtl|screen
indrora_under Lucid, how do I make GLX apps work with the nVidia binary driver?05:48
condonAny ideas what will cause compiz to launch the fallback window manager?05:48
indrora_I get a "Cannot create GLX"05:48
egrossis there an irc client that has powerful key-bindings that makes it easy to use without a mouse (like Conkeror)05:50
abhijitegross, xchat05:50
ilovefairuzegross: weechat!05:50
prince_jammysirssi, if you don't care that it be an X client.05:50
Moon_Doggyi want to be able to connect to ssh with my phone but my machine refuses connection (probly b/c i need to let it allow my phone access) how do05:50
indrora_irssi or BitchX05:50
trimbitchx never dies!05:50
indrora_it doesn't05:51
yeabeanOh what a pity . ubuntu-cn is dos'nt work now05:51
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:51
bazhangyeabean, sure it does05:51
ilovefairuzyeabean: write: /join #ubuntu-cn05:51
bazhangyeabean, you never joined it05:51
yeabeanI 'm not sure . but your link is imposeble05:52
ilovefairuzMoon_Doggy: are you trying to connct FROM phone or TO phone/05:52
bazhangyeabean, #ubuntu-cn works fine05:52
abhijityeabean, type this included in double inverted quma witout quma : "/j #ubuntu-cn"05:52
Moon_Doggyilovefairuz, no from phone to server05:52
ilovefairuzyeabean: type this here and you'll join the:       /join #ubuntu-cn05:52
bazhanghe's in05:53
stercorFlannel: ted here.  The problem, which my son fixed, was that the USB drive was formatted as an NTFS drive.  It worked perfectly when we formatted as vfat.05:53
ilovefairuzMoon_Doggy: can you ssh from a normal machine?05:53
yeabeanoh , I join05:53
Flannelstercor: Always good to hear.05:53
Moon_Doggyilovefairuz, yea if its connected to the network05:53
indrora_Anyone know to make the nvidia X driver work properly with GLX? I'm getting an error trying to run glxgears or compiz.05:53
stercorFlannel: :-)  And thanks for all your help!  It was not easy for either of us.05:54
ilovefairuzMoon_Doggy: have you tried using the client on phone with another ssh server?05:54
ilovefairuzMoon_Doggy: the client could be buggy or broken05:54
Core357does anyone know why an init.d script wont execute on startup but will run if it is run first thing from that directory??  ubuntu 10.0405:55
egrossilovefairuz,  how do i get weechat?05:56
Core357after boot05:56
ikeyBeing in init.d isnt enough to make it run05:56
ikeycheck man update-rc.d05:56
tensorpuddingUbuntu uses Upstart now05:56
Core357i did update-rc.d script defaults05:56
awhippoHello. I need help with my Wireless Network Card05:56
awhippoPlease PM05:56
indrora_Upstart is fail.05:56
ilovefairuzegross: sudo apt-get install weechat05:57
Core357yeah I was looking at the upstart stuff too.05:57
tensorpuddingso it might depend on more than just it being set to run at start using init.d, I do not know05:57
egrossilovefairuz, I mean, how do I run it from the terminal?05:57
Core357how do you add it.  just make a conf file??  i cant find how to add it to startup05:57
egrossilovefairuz, or start it from the terminal05:57
ilovefairuzegross: weechat-curses05:57
mneptokCore357: Ubuntu uses a combination of SysV init and Upstart. make sure you update init after adding the service.05:58
awhippoCan anyone help me?05:58
ilovefairuzCore357: what are you trying to accomplish? if you want to run a command on boot, add it to /etc/rc.local05:58
Core357mneptok:  update init ?05:58
mneptokawhippo: please just ask your question on-channel05:58
ilovefairuz!details | awhippo05:58
ubottuawhippo: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:58
Core357ilovefairuz:  yeah it's super simple05:59
awhippoI need help with adding my wireless connection, like I can connect via ethernet but not wireless. I am new to ubuntu, still learning. I have Realtek RTL8191SE.05:59
mneptokCore357: sudo update-rc.d05:59
ilovefairuzCore357: just add commands to /etc/rc.local05:59
ilovefairuzCore357: no need to write an init script06:00
ilovefairuzawhippo: pastebin: lshw -C network06:00
Core357interesting.  thanks I'll look at that06:00
awhippoWARNING: you should run this program as super-user.06:01
awhippo  *-network06:01
awhippo       description: Ethernet interface06:01
awhippo       product: RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller06:01
awhippo       vendor: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.06:01
FloodBot3awhippo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:01
awhippo       physical id: 006:01
ilovefairuz!paste | awhippo06:01
ubottuawhippo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:01
yeabeancn no bady can give me appinoin06:02
billybigriggeris the wine ppa not working for anyone?06:03
ilovefairuzawhippo: post the address of the pastebin page here06:03
ilovefairuzawhippo: sudo ifconfig eth0 up && sudo iwlist eth0 scan06:04
F2Zokay i got ts3 server up and running and am able to connect via lan address but not through my public ip, did i miss something ?06:04
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
ilovefairuzawhippo: oh sorry, replace eth0 with wlan006:04
ilovefairuzF2Z: did you configure port forwarding in your router ?06:05
yeabeanI even can't do anything anymore06:05
abhijit!ask | yeabean06:06
ubottuyeabean: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:06
connermcdDoes anyone here use mupen? How can I grab my mouse while inside the emulator?06:06
ilovefairuzyeabean: what's your problem?06:06
ikeyconnermcd, you dont.06:06
bazhangyeabean, rmvb had nothing to do with quicktime06:06
awhippoThey are showing up now, Thank you.06:06
yeabeanwho to play the film with video06:06
connermcdwell that's disappointing06:06
ikeyconnermcd, if the emulator is running and fullscreen you wont have mouse control06:06
connermcdikey what if it's not fullscreen06:06
ikeyconnermcd, I found using mupen64 for Windows inside Wine works better than the native Linux build06:07
ilovefairuzyeabean: type this in a terminal : sudo apt-get install vlc06:07
ilovefairuzyeabean: then right-click select open with vlc06:07
abhijit!details | yeabean06:07
ubottuyeabean: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:07
Guest20355this is egross, im I just got on weechat and I don't know how to use it yet. Are there config files I have to edit to change my name and such?06:07
bugalooguys... I have a problem with hibernate on my HP laptop... if I run the "hibernate-disk' command on terminal, it works fine, but using hibernate on the gnome menu or when the battery is low, hibernate just turns my computer off. Does anyone know how to fix it?06:07
connermcdikey how much of a resource hog is it in wine?06:07
ilovefairuzGuest20355: their websites has  docs06:08
ikeyconnermcd, I used to run it on a 434MB RAM machine with an ATI x300 chip06:08
ikeyhad no issues06:08
Guest20355ilovefairuz: kk thanks06:08
zuscan i run ubuntu on a 2 gig thumbdrive?06:08
connermcdikey thanks for your help man - i'll give wine a try06:08
ikeyone last thing connermcd06:08
ilovefairuz!requirements | zus06:08
ubottuzus: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu06:09
zusor is there a smaller light version for that?06:09
ikeybit of a bug if you like06:09
abhijitzus, 4 gb is min req06:09
connermcdwhats up06:09
zusilovefairuz,  thanks06:09
ikeyconnermcd, Make sure status bar is showing when you start the ROM (CTRL+S) or the video window wont realize properly06:09
ikeyconnermcd, Then hide it when the rom starts (CTRL+S) to stop it flickering06:09
ikeyOnly bug I experienced06:09
`Assassinzus, there's a minimal install download.06:09
zusabhijit,  thanks06:09
connermcdikey ok thanks06:10
ikeynp. have fun :P06:10
`Assassinzus, I wouldn't recommend xubuntu. Lubuntu is easy to install and very lightweight.06:10
LibertyZeroikey, connermcd: you know about mupen64plus? http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/06:11
ikeyLibertyZero, he just left06:11
billybigriggeranyone here having a problem with the wine ppa?06:11
zus`Assassin,  im lookin to use the thumb drive as the root so i can use my  20hdd & 40hdd as a home06:11
ikeyLibertyZero, Unfortunately the Windows build using p64 .dll plugins works better than native Linux build06:11
ikeySo put it in wine its ok06:11
`Assassinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD This is where you can find the minimal Ubuntu download, zus.06:12
LibertyZeroikey: mupen64plus works perfectly for me .-)06:12
ikeyLibertyZero, glad to hear it ^^06:12
SargunIs there a way to disable network manager for a specific interface/device/card?06:12
zusthanks ill bookmark it i only have the 2gig drive  atm..06:13
abhijitSargun, you can comment that device06:13
yeabeanThank you [ ilovefairuz]   you got it  . The problems has salved now06:14
ilovefairuzyeabean: you're welcome06:14
Sargunabhijit, comment the device?06:15
hendaushelp please06:15
abhijithendaus, ask please06:15
hendausalt+f2  doesnot work why?06:15
yeabeanbut what vls is ?06:15
abhijitSargun, in network interface file if you put that device in comment i.e. # then it will ignore it ?06:15
abhijit!vlc | yeabean06:16
ubottuyeabean: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs06:16
Sargunabhijit, where is the network manager config file06:16
hendausabhijit,  alt+f2 cannot work from my keyboard and the others also , why06:16
Muralihendaus, open up your "Keyboard Shortcuts" and see if you have an entry for Alt+F206:16
abhijithendaus, dunno ask to channel in general06:16
ardnewi accidentally made a typo using rm -r on a directory and deleted something i diidnt intend to delete06:16
ardnewcan you guys recommend any software for recovery06:16
Sargunardnew, that sucks06:16
hendausMurali,  ok let me see06:17
xanguahendaus: do you have gnome-panel running¿06:17
abhijitSargun, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-networking-configuration-using-command-line.html06:17
Sargunardnew, http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html06:17
abhijit!cn | wanma06:17
ubottuwanma: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk06:17
opijhow do you restart samba06:17
hendausMurali,  show the panel run applications ... alt+f206:17
ardnewSargun: will that work for ext4 too06:17
abhijitopij, http://www.ubuntux.org/how-to-start-restart-stop-samba-from-the-command-line06:17
Sargunabhijit, that's not NM06:18
hendausxangua,  how can i know gnome panel running?06:18
Sargunthat's /etc/network/interfaces06:18
xanguahendaus: well......do you have a PANEL in your desktop¿06:18
abhijitSargun, it is.06:18
hendausxangua,  yes applications places system.. that is?06:19
Muralihendaus, does your keyboard have some kind of "F-lock" key?  Some keyboards have a 'function' key to activate F*06:19
peepingtomhendaus: In terminal, run "ps aux |grep panel"06:20
abhijit!id | cazaz06:20
ubottucazaz: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia06:20
=== amano is now known as Guest65769
peepingtomhendaus: That would tell you if gnome-panel is running. Sometimes it's "running" but you can't see it06:20
ardnewSargun: jesus  fuck, i guess im just biting the bullet on this one06:20
hendausmurali no06:20
scriptwarlock!language | ardnew06:20
ubottuardnew: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:20
opijabhijit, that method's not workin06:21
abhijitopij, dunno. cant help06:21
hendauspeepingtom,  hendaus   1254  0.0  1.1  45264 17468 ?        S    Aug15   0:09 gnome-panel06:21
=== amano_ is now known as th3sk3ptic
ardnewscriptwarlock: is it "jesus" or "fuck" that i should avoid usiing06:22
Core357<ilovefairuz>:  so I've added the command to the rc.local but it still wont run.  it is simply "vncserver"  I've made the file executable also. I also tried "exec /usr/bin/vncserver &".06:22
North_Italian69how to install automatically the unmet dependencies listed by "apt-cache unmet"? Those are the mine many many http://paste.ubuntu.com/478678/06:23
scriptwarlockardnew: both are unnecessarry06:23
bugalooguys... I have a problem with hibernate on my HP laptop... if I run the "hibernate-disk' command on terminal, it works fine, but using hibernate on the gnome menu or when the battery is low, hibernate just turns my computer off. Does anyone know how to fix it?06:23
abhijitNorth_Italian69, sudo apt-get build-dep06:23
abhijitNorth_Italian69, sudo apt-get build-dep <package>06:24
hendauspeepingtom,  yes it shows several lines06:24
peepingtomhendaus: That means gnome-panel is running, alt+F2 should work for you. alt+f2 calls gnome-panel to launch the Ubuntu equivalent of the "run" dialog from Windows06:24
ilovefairuzCore357: you didn't say it was vnc.. that requires X.. what package did you install ?06:25
Core357ilovefairuz:  ah   vnc4server06:26
hendauspeepingtom,  i hit ctrl+f2 several times and its not working06:26
North_Italian69abhijit: thank you for answer me. if you see my log, are 300 at east. so i need something that do automatically the task06:26
peepingtomhendaus: Yes that is because you see an entry for a bunch of the "applets" on the panel. Sorry I don't have any more advice for you!06:26
peepingtomhendaus: It's ALT+F2, not ctrl06:26
hendauspeepingtom,  yes sorry alt+f2 is not working06:26
indroraOkay how do I make the nVidia Drivers stop giving me a "glXCreateContext failed" message every time I try to run glxinfo? I'm on lucid and this problem is aggrivating me to hell.06:27
indroraIt worked in 9.1006:27
abhijitNorth_Italian69, thats automatic06:27
North_Italian69abhijit: i mean automatic for all unmet dep pkgs06:28
abhijitNorth_Italian69, dont know06:28
hendausxangua,  it is not working alt+f206:29
North_Italian69abhijit: dont worrie06:29
North_Italian69dont worry06:29
ilovefairuzCore357: what's the exact command you used?06:30
Core357ilovefairuz: vncserver       thats it06:31
hendaushelp please,why alt+f2 doesnot work?06:32
scriptwarlockhendaus: it should unless some of your keyboard keys are damaged06:32
=== sburjan is now known as sburjan`
abhijithendaus, http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=759410906:33
hendausscriptwarlock,  no coz no key work?06:33
ilovefairuzCore357: but the package doesn't install such a command!06:33
scriptwarlockhendaus: what excatly is your problem?06:33
mneptokhendaus: is this a laptop?06:33
hendausmneptok,  no pc06:33
corigoI'm doing a dist-upgrade, but it is failing on the latest kernel due to a "device full" error. I seem to remember there's a folder that holds old kernels that I can clear out to fix this?06:33
mneptokcorigo: use Synaptic.06:34
hendausscriptwarlock,  in the morning i work on alt+f2 but now it is not working06:34
corigomneptok for what?06:35
Core357ilovefairuz: yeah totally.  it sets up the server. I can connect to it...carbonsrv@carbonsrv:~$ vncserver06:35
Core357New 'carbonsrv:1 (carbonsrv)' desktop is carbonsrv:106:35
Core357Starting applications specified in /home/carbonsrv/.vnc/xstartup06:35
Core357Log file is /home/carbonsrv/.vnc/carbonsrv:1.log06:35
FloodBot3Core357: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:35
ilovefairuzCore357: type: which vncserver06:36
pheonixmananyone there to help me about g2ipmsg..?06:36
mneptokcorigo: to remove older kernela06:36
Core357ilovefairuz: /usr/bin/vncserver06:37
* Visine switched from windows to ubuntu this weekend and fell in love06:37
ilovefairuzCore357: try: file `which vncserver`06:37
hendausabhijit,  no solution :<06:38
abhijithendaus, hmm06:38
Core357ilovefairuz:/usr/bin/vncserver: symbolic link to `/etc/alternatives/vncserver'06:39
heyboywhich is the best web browser for Lucid, apart from Mozilla?06:39
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:39
n-iCeheyboy: chrome!!06:39
heyboyI tried epiphany, but it keeps crashing06:40
abhijitheyboy, chromium06:40
heyboythanks guys06:40
rhandom2trying to use Rhythmbox import to import files from ~/Downloads/folder/ into Rhythmbox on Maverick Meerkat, but nothing happens. Rhythmbox help will not open.. Am I using import the wrong way?06:40
abhijit!10.10 | rhandom206:40
ubotturhandom2: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+106:40
rhandom2ok will got there. Thanks06:41
trimis there 10.10?06:41
trimi am using 10.04 LTS06:41
abhijittrim, no there IS not. there WILL be.06:41
Steve132So, I installed evdev by accident06:42
Steve132and it broke my joystick configuration06:42
Steve132and now I can't remove it06:42
Steve132without removing my xserver.  What kind of bizarre dependancy system allows you to NOT have evdev installed but once its installed you can't remove it?06:43
Steve132I'm about 10 seconds away from reinstalling06:43
Steve132but I feel like its a little insane that I have to reinstall my OS just to remove an optional component06:43
R136a1i did the last apt-get upgrade and now flashplugin is not recognized by the webpages i browse i am using ff and chromium06:44
Steve132anyone have any thoughts?06:44
scriptwarlockhendaus: does alt-f1 works?06:44
hendausscriptwarlock,  no06:44
scriptwarlockhendaus: you mean both left and right alts are mot working?06:45
abhijitmot :D06:45
hendausscriptwarlock,  yes :(06:45
R136a1any help would be appreciated06:45
scriptwarlockhendaus: alt left brings down menu and right gives you the manual06:46
Jordan_USteve132: It's installed on my machine and I've never installed it. But it looks like you're running into the fact that xserver-xorg depends on xserver-xorg-input-all *or* xserver-xorg-input-706:46
hendausscriptwarlock,  maybe something locked06:47
hendausscriptwarlock,  coz none of the two alt works06:47
scriptwarlockhendaus: what can you see on your keyboard whortcut on preference>keuboard shortcut06:47
scriptwarlockhendaus: keyboard shortcut06:48
kalaanyone got experience making emerald themes?06:48
pheonixmanis there some other channel for g2ipmsg..?06:48
pheonixmanhello anyone in the channel..?06:49
Jordan_Upheonixman: No.06:49
hendausscriptwarlock,  alt+f2 for show panel running application...06:49
pheonixmanJordan_U, thank you man, now would you help me..?06:49
Steve132Jordan_U: sorry, you're right, evdev is installed by default. Maybe something else caused my problem06:49
Steve132Basically, I used to play games with my joystick just fine...but after installing evdev-dev (long story why I thought I needed this) when I plug in my joystick it takes over mouse control06:50
Steve132and I can't play games because I can't open them06:51
Steve132or keep focus06:51
Visinewhen this is all done I want to know what games you play on ubuntu ;x06:51
scriptwarlockhendaus: ok give me a minute06:51
Steve132when the mouse is going everywhere06:51
hendausscriptwarlock,  ok06:51
Steve132and it never did this before, even just a few hours ago06:51
kalaVisine:  gbrainy is nice game06:52
Jordan_Upheonixman: Since it appears to be a japanese chat client you may get better support in #ubuntu-jp06:52
scriptwarlockhendaus: xev | grep keycode and paste what it says06:52
kalais there ubuntu for estonia too?06:52
scriptwarlockhendaus: xev | grep keycode and press the alt f206:52
* Visine googles gbrainey06:53
abhijitVisine, maryo,freecol,freeciv.wideland,0ad06:53
kalavisine: check applications-games06:53
Steve132Visine: Tremulous, VegaStrike, SuperTux, SuperTuxCart, Liquid Wars, UrbanTerror, Chromium, Wesnoth, and a couple others.  On that list, Wesnoth, UT, and SuperTux are my faves.  I use an XB360 controller for supertux and it rocks06:53
Steve132at least I used to06:53
Steve132but now I can't and its frustrating06:53
pheonixmanJordan_U, is there any other alternative to ipmsg..?06:53
Visinehow do you get your 360 controller to talk to your pc?06:53
Visineblue tooth or?06:53
Jordan_Upheonixman: I have no idea.06:53
Steve132visine: its wired06:53
Visineoh ok06:53
Steve132I don't actually own an xbox06:53
amiritehow do i add something to the rc runlevels06:53
Jordan_Upheonixman: Do you speak japanese?06:53
amiritelike if i want to automatically start something in init.d06:54
Steve132I just wanted a gamepad and it was the only one in the store06:54
amiritehow do i add that script to the startup06:54
pheonixmanJordan_U, no06:54
Visinei just converted to ubuntu on friday, I just bought crossover like 28 seconds ago06:54
amiriteessentiall how do i do rc-update add foo default in ubuntu06:54
Steve132anyway, on topic: any help?06:54
Visineabout to install so I can get office06:54
hendausscriptwarlock,  state 0x10, keycode 64 (keysym 0xffe9, Alt_L), same_screen YES,06:54
pheonixmandoes anyone here know an alternative for g2ipmsg.?06:54
amiritehow do i rc-update in ubuntu06:55
amiriteand how do i rc-status06:55
amiriteany help06:55
FloodBot3amirite: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:55
prince_jammysamirite: 'man update-rc.d'06:55
Jordan_Upheonixman: "apt-cache search ipmsg" brings up xipmsg06:55
scriptwarlockhendaus: pressing alt only does it displays something?06:56
pheonixmanJordan_U, when do we use this command "apt-cache search"..?06:56
scriptwarlockhendaus: i mean on the keycode06:57
sacarlsonamirite:  cool link that helps too http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-manage-services-with-update-rc.d06:57
hendausscriptwarlock,  state 0x18, keycode 64 (keysym 0xffe9, Alt_L), same_screen YES06:57
shreymechsearch files and folders stopped working in ubuntu06:58
Jordan_Upheonixman: apt-cache search is for searching for packages in the terminal. If you prefer a GUI try Applications > Ubuntu Software Center06:58
kalawhats the best torrent client for linux?06:58
Jordan_U!best | kala06:58
ubottukala: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:58
scriptwarlockhendaus: so your alt key is working06:58
shreymechkala,  Deluge i think ??06:58
kaladunno with my modem transmission is downloading slow06:58
trimyou have to tweak your tcp.ip first06:59
Jordan_Ukala: Probably an issue with port forewarding rather than with any specific client.06:59
trimif you knew hoe to do it...06:59
Steve132So, yeha, anyone know how to disable joystick mouse emulation?06:59
kalaits such a wierd usb modem06:59
shreymechhi all ! search files and folders stopped working in ubuntu , not returning any result even if the file exists06:59
trimhahaha, it's insecure to connect by usb interface... because...07:00
Surlent777hey guys...I am curious as to why, when I run initramfs -u, it tells me that "cryptsetup" is saying that my swap partition, /dev/sdb6, has "more than one resume device candidate". That seems to defy all logic.07:00
hendausscriptwarlock,  ok so why alt+f2 is not working and also alt+f107:00
peepingtomSurlent777: "cryptsetuP" is likely saying that because you set up an encrypted swap partition, does swap still mount?07:02
Surlent777peepingtom: I don't recall ever encrypting it. =/ I am not sure if it mounts or not, honestly. GParted seems to still see it as a plain swap and I can turn it on and off without any messages from GParted07:02
kalaanyone got experience making emerald themes?07:03
Surlent777peepingtom: In fact, just now I told it to format it as swap and then tried again...same message =/07:03
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scriptwarlockhendaus: let me see if xmodmap can help you07:04
xwindows-clientsthemes are a fun exercise in creative graphic arts07:06
Surlent777peepingtom: I've also noticed that sometimes the system doesn't boot up, and when I look behind the Plymouth splash (Alt+B) it tells me that same thing and then asks me to either press enter or type the path to the resume image, but accepts no keyboard input anyway. It's rather annoying. Any idea on how I can resolve this?07:06
lunksHi, what can I do if a program which uses KDE (or qt3, not sure. It's DBDesigner 4) runs with font size really, really small?07:06
xwindows-clientshey anyone know why its not good to install flash in a browser?07:06
chipdipson# Appears as ANNA07:06
peepingtomSurlent777: well I don't know much about this, but "more than one resume device candidate" probably means that you have more than one swap partition. So, my understanding is that Swap is Swap, it isn't specially formatted as encrypted swap or unencrypted swap. you can write encrypted or unencrypted files to it. So I imagine that you either have more than one swap partition, or that because swap can either be mounded as encrypted or unencryp07:07
shreymechhi all ! search files and folders stopped working in ubuntu , not returning any result even if the file exists07:07
peepingtomSurlent777: this channel is kind of dead at this time because lots of smart europeans are sleeping, you'd probably have better luck with a theorough google search ;)07:07
Surlent777peepingtom: I am fairly certain that I only have one swap partition =/ That and Google hasn't been very useful so far =/07:08
peepingtomSurlent777: also thanks for the heads-up with alt+b, i've been booting with the "quiet" option because I need that output sometmes07:08
Surlent777peepingtom: Not a problem. I found it on accident trying to do a REISUB07:09
chipdipson# Appears as ARMANDO07:09
hendausscriptwarlock,  i change from the keyboard shortcuts alt+f2 to alt+s and it works07:10
bazhangchipdipson, disable that please07:10
scriptwarlockhendaus: so change then the previous alt-f5 as your refresh key07:10
Seveas-trainchipdipson, the 90's called. They want their crappy microsoft chat back. Use a real irc client please.07:11
lunksWhat can I do if a program which uses KDE (or qt3, not sure. It's DBDesigner 4) has a really, really small font size everywhere?07:11
scriptwarlockhendaus: to alt-207:11
chipdipson(#G010E010M1) hahaha07:11
chipdipson(#G410E910M1) what's it doing?07:11
shreymechfck no body is replying :(07:11
peepingtomSurlent777: Well, my understanding is that when you hibernate a machine, it dumps the memory to the swap partiton, so that's probably wat it means by "more than one resume device candidate"07:11
chipdipson(#G810E:10M1) on this end it's extremely hilarious07:11
chipdipson(#G010E010M1) sorry to break up your support discussion07:12
peepingtomSurlent777: of course I may be completely wrong and it writes the memory to the hard disk, but i'm pretty sure it uses swap07:12
Seveas-trainchipdipson, on this end you are really annoying. Quit it.07:12
bazhangchipdipson, stop it.07:12
Surlent777peepingtom: That was my understanding too. I never use Hibernate because it has always been unreliabe07:12
scriptwarlockhendaus: interchanging alt's doesnt matter as long as your only using the keyboard07:13
Surlent777peepingtom: I tried going to suspend and back but that didn't do anything. You'd think redoing the partition would fix that but apparently not. Maybe I need to be in a live cd to do that?07:13
scriptwarlockhendaus: but anyway seems you got it now and have a nice day :)07:13
Surlent777peepingtom: properly I mean07:13
rwwoh joy, another MS Comic Chat user.07:13
ty2uhi everyone, can someone please tell me why it says "64-bit - Not recommended for daily desktop usage" on the desktop download page?  isn't that the one i should get if i have a 64 bit laptop?07:14
bazhangshreymech, chipdipson last warning07:14
peepingtomhendaus: I have an idea, you should try using one of those "virtual keyboards" like onboard07:14
Seveas-trainrww, feel like going jerkcity on their ass?07:14
hendausscriptwarlock,  thanx dude :)07:14
Seveas-trainty2u, there are some things (like flash) that don't work properly on 64 bit07:14
Surlent777ty2u: It's there as a warning simply because some things can get a little funny, like Flash07:14
hendauspeepingtom,  how?07:15
ty2uahh, ok.  i think flash is ok these days.  thanks07:15
trimeven on iphone07:15
shreymechbazhang, sorry dude.. but  i don't know what that code do..???? i just saw chipdipson doing that..???07:15
Surlent777ty2u: I happen to run 64-bit with excellent results. It just might take a little work once in a while on your part, and if you ever download a deb with i386 in the name you'll have to install it with the command line07:15
peepingtomhendaus: I cant believe youre still in this channel ;) but run "onbard" in terminal07:15
Surlent777ty2u: which is not hard to do, incidentally: sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture /path/to/deb/file07:16
Seveas-trainonboard, not onbard :)07:16
trimubuntu has two directories called lib64 and lib3207:16
peepingtomhendaus: erm actually there's no Fnum keys on onboard so that idea's dead ;)07:16
peepingtomunless someone knows how to show the f keys07:16
shreymechhi all ! search files and folders stopped working in ubuntu , not returning any result even if the file exists07:17
Seveas-trainFn keycombinations are handled by the keyboard itself07:17
Surlent777shreymech: judging from rww's comment that funny # stuff may be a string that only MS Comic Chat puts out and presumably uses to tell other MS Comic clients to modify the "comic" in some way, would be my guess07:17
peepingtomYeah I just thought that since most keyboards are USB and don't have those fancy ps/2 interrupts or whatever that ther was a way to do it virtually07:17
rwwSurlent777: your hypothesis is accurate07:18
shreymechSurlent777,  man my revious problem..?? files and folder one07:18
Surlent777rww: Awesome. Good to know.07:19
Surlent777shreymech: I'm afraid I don't know enough about how Nautilus works to advise you much on this =/07:19
Seveas-trainshreymech, use locate in the terminal :)07:19
shreymechSurlent777,  what is a MS comic chat07:19
hendauspeepingtom,   ok i open onboard but there is no showing the f1 f2 .. till the end07:19
shreymechSeveas, but GUI is fast.. i need to search alot of files.. terminal is tiring in that case07:20
Surlent777shreymech: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Comic_Chat07:20
shreymechSeveas,  my GUI is not working07:20
shreymechSurlent777,  so can u do that # magic to me..??? i want to experiene that07:21
trimmy gui can run glxgear in 15000+ fps07:22
peepingtomcomic chat loks wildly entertaining07:22
Surlent777shreymech: I cannot, as neither of us use that chat client.07:22
shreymechSurlent777, than how come i was creating problem by that # command..????07:22
Surlent777shreymech: It was not a problem, it was just seen as annoying by your fellow users, who no doubt justifiably consider it "spam"07:23
Jordan_Ushreymech: By contributing to filling the channel with non support related messages.07:23
shreymechJordan_U, okk Surlent777 ok07:23
peepingtomSurlent777: did you see the bug repots on launchpad for your cryptd swap thinger?07:24
Surlent777peepingtom: I07:24
Surlent777peepingtom: I've seen quite a few. Not sure what to make of them yet.07:24
Spyzerhi all, i just installed windows 7 over ubuntu and then through live cd got my ubuntu back07:25
Spyzerwindows 7 is not showing in the grub list07:25
ikeyTried running sudo update-grub ?07:25
Spyzerinstead the old entry of windows xp profesional(which no longer exists)07:26
Spyzergrub2 yes07:26
trimeverybody hates it07:26
rwwi don't07:26
Surlent777I use BURG07:26
peepingtomSurlent777: Well with the file  /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume it points to a UUID, a partition to resume from. Do you have that file? maybe it's complaining because you haven't specified which swap partition the ram is dumped to upon hibernation?07:26
Spyzerthanks one more question, I am on a lan07:26
Spyzereverything is fine on ubuntu that is i can ping other systems07:27
Surlent777peepingtom: Can you refresh me on how to find UUIDs?07:27
peepingtomSurlent777: Like the installer normally takes care of that for you, but perhaps you moved your swap partition and the uuid changed?07:27
Spyzerbut in windows it doesn't ping anything(if u can help, please tell)07:27
* ikey would say use blkid07:28
peepingtomSurlent777: run "blkid"07:28
Surlent777peepingtom: thanks. Interestingly, the UUID in /etc doesn't match what I have here07:29
Surlent777peepingtom: safe to assume I should replace it?07:29
peepingtomSurlent777: I bet!07:29
Surlent777peepingtom: changing it and changing it back give me the same error message, but with the corresponding UUIDs07:30
navetzhi, I am trying to do sudo aptitude upgrade but i am getting this message: http://pastebin.ca/1917970 , can someone tell me how I can install all these things?07:31
Spyzeris there any way to check my lan card driver info in ubuntu07:31
Surlent777navetz: the Kubuntu PPA seems to slooowly push out packages as it sees fit, apparently after enough people complain about dependency problems, or as they're discovered. When this happens, I usually just wait it out and eventually it usually fixes itself07:32
peepingtomSurlent777: You know I just checked it and my /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume doesnt correspond to my swap parition either07:32
navetzSurlent777: ah I see, thanks07:32
Surlent777peepingtom: seeing that, I will keep it at the original value and move on07:32
peepingtomSurlent777: But I do use an encrypted swap partition07:32
Surlent777peepingtom: Again, I don't remember doing this =/ I just reinstalled; surely I would have noticed such a thing, right? I only told it to do a private directory I thought?07:33
ty2ucan i dd the iso onto a usb disk?07:34
ty2u*usb stick07:34
Surlent777ty2u: Ubuntu comes with a USB boot-disk maker07:34
Jordan_Uty2u: No.07:35
HamlinLOL! $($decode(JGZpbmRmaWxlKC4sKiwxLHNjaWQgLWF0MSAuYW1zZyBMT0whICQhY2IoMSkgfCAucGxheSAj/SBwZXJmb3JtLmluaSk=,m),2)07:35
Surlent777peepingtom: My /etc/fstab looks a bit...interesting. Care to take a look?07:38
peepingtomhonesly I am not a smart user, but sure! post it to pastebin and ill let you know what stuff it has that mine doesn't07:39
MeXTuXI'm trying to record my desktop but the playback of the output video is too fast :( this is the command I'm running --> recordmydesktop --on-the-fly-encoding --v_quality 63 --v_bitrate 2000000 --s_quality 10 --full-shots --fps 20 --freq 48000 --buffer-size 65538 --no-sound --windowid 0x40000b4 --no-wm-check07:39
peepingtomSurlent777: ours are identical except for the uuids07:40
Surlent777peepingtom: even the comments?07:40
CalinouMeXTuX: try to change the fps number...07:40
Surlent777peepingtom: I reinstalled by installing over my old install07:40
simon_b1hi guys!!!07:40
Calinouit *may* work07:41
MeXTuXa lower number?07:41
Surlent777peepingtom: I figured it was all good because Ubuntu usually starts and Windows has been fine07:41
jgcampbell300hello, I am trying to figure out how i could open firefox with say 6 tabs all diffrent address with one click ?   anyone help ?07:41
ronyhello,i m new in linux07:41
Surlent777jgcampbell300: search the Firefox extension gallery07:42
simon_b1i want to reset mine internet modem every 12 hours… since the modem can be controlled over web interface - is there a possibility to control (restart) that modem thru some script that would give commands to modem web interface?!07:42
ronyi want to know about terminal command07:42
IdleOne!cli | rony07:42
ubotturony: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro07:42
Surlent777rony: also see www.commandlinefu.com for a large collection of console tricks. Be careful and read them before trying any07:43
ronyhow can i learn about terminal command07:43
Surlent777rony:  man intro07:44
Surlent777rony: type that into terminal^07:44
jgcampbell300umm is firefox extension gallery the addons ... or something diffrent ?07:44
Surlent777jgcampbell300: yes07:44
Surlent777jgcampbell300: the add-ons07:44
jgcampbell300ok thanks again07:44
peepingtomSurlent777: well yeah comments are different but I only use Ubuntu. So if this really bothers you, this can be fixed the "windows way" by complete reinstall instead of understanding the problem. You can jst boot to a liveCD, mount your partitions, move everythign into a single folder at / , reinstall and then slectively moving stuff back. much faster than using an external hard drive, just don't format when you install ;)07:46
Surlent777peepingtom: I just reinstalled and don't want to again. Surely there must be a different solution, and some day I will discover it. In the mean time, I have my first day of community college tomorrow and must sleep. Thanks for your assistance.07:47
peepingtomyup no07:47
=== neutrino is now known as tar-
ronyok thanks07:50
esma_17I read from "disk utility" that i have a few bad sectors on my hdd. Can we learn if the bad sectors are on the same area (at least at the moment) with my data or free space ?07:55
simon_b1i want to reset mine internet modem every 12 hours… since the modem can be controlled over web interface - is there a possibility to control (restart) that modem thru some script that would give commands to modem web interface?!07:55
Funhouseholy crap! wine is awesome! goodbye windows!07:56
tensorpuddingI guess it's surprising that Wine can run any Windows programs at all, so maybe it is amazing07:57
peepingtomsimon_b1: do you have a separate router07:57
AiyaI have enable the cube effect and Its working fine.I only can make 4 windows in a straight line and also switch by rotating but I cant view it as cube.Please tell me shortcut or how to set it.Thanks07:58
awantii want to learn Ubuntu server perfectly. So any one can help me. How to learn this07:59
IdleOneawanti: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/index.html08:00
muraliplease helpme. i am new to kubuntu. whenever i use a webbrowser and opens a web page which contains high resolution pics. my computer slows down and eventually becomes unresponsive08:06
kalawhats your computer specs08:06
kalaalso whats the deafult web browser of kubuntu?08:07
=== Datenkonzept is now known as muns
ibrahim-kasemI get an error message when updating please tell me whats the problem http://pastebin.com/GudeicZA08:11
blackMatrixhi all. how do i turn-off joined/left messages on my irc chat08:11
Ghostlyfor some reason only the grub command line show up when I boot after i ran the update tool, i ran boot info tool and got http://filebin.ca/hegtk/RESULTS1.txt08:12
rwwblackMatrix: which IRC client are you using?08:14
eztopno one here will help with kubuntu problems :=/08:14
blackMatrixrww: im using empathy chat08:14
eztopI installed lubuntu and no one helps with that one either08:14
blackMatrixor is there a command i can run to disable it08:15
zambai've configured an openvpn connection through network applet.. but the connection is greyed out..08:15
Illuminatushow was the AND for grep. I mean to do this -> cat file | grep aaa | grep eee    just with one grep08:15
rwwblackMatrix: ah, no idea then. I haven't found Empathy to be usable for IRC chat, so...08:16
blackMatrixrww: oh ok08:16
joe__i want to now how to use exe file in ubuntu08:16
Calinoujoe__: install wine08:17
Calinoulook in the software center, then type "wine" in search, simply08:17
muraliKala: I am sorry. I have got internet prob here for a while. so couldnt reply u.08:19
ibrahim-kasemwhy do i get this on updating ? http://pastebin.com/GudeicZA08:20
muraliKALA: I got the same prob while using any browser firefox, konquorer. also i am using Gnome desktop08:20
AngryParsleyis there a command in the terminal that does the equivalent of double-clicking on a file? OS X uses "open" for this but I haven't found an equivalent on linux08:21
enzotibIlluminatus: grep -E 'aaa.*eee|eee.*aaa' is a ugly way08:22
geirhaAngryParsley: xdg-open08:22
AngryParsleygeirha: ahhhh you rock08:22
rwwIlluminatus: I note that that's a useless use of cat. grep -E file 'aaa.*eee|eee.*aaa'08:22
AngryParsleythat was exactly what I wanted. thanks08:22
muraliplease helpme. i am new to kubuntu. whenever i use a webbrowser and opens a web page which contains high resolution pics. my computer slows down and eventually becomes unresponsive08:22
kalamurali: I really dunno08:23
kalamurali: same thing with live cd?08:23
muraliKala, Thank u for responding.08:23
muralikala, i never tried with live disk08:24
zkriessemurali: What's up? I just popped in08:24
jdbmurali: how big are there pictures? what kind of internet connection do you have?08:24
jdbmurali: which browser do you use? did you try with another one? Konqueror/Firefox/Chrome08:25
muralijdb: May b there the resolution of the pics is more than 1024*768. My internet speed is 500kbps08:25
linux_ophi Im on parted majic and trying to install gcc compiler can anybody help?08:26
jdbmurali: which kind of pc are you working on?08:27
jdblinux_op: what has pm to see with gcc?08:28
PHPzombHi. Is there a command to find out if a pc is 32bit or 64bit?08:34
dotaniti1uname -a08:34
muralijdb: i am working on desktop08:35
PHPzombdotaniti1: Linux dell-desktop 2.6.27-10-generic #1 SMP Wed Nov 26 03:14:38 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux08:36
somethinginteresI need some help getting read/write access to my new hard drive - says I don't have permission to copy to it/read its cotents - thanks08:36
rwwPHPzomb: the architecture there is "i686", which is a 32-bit architecture.08:36
psycho789is there a program that opens rar files in linux08:36
PHPzombdotaniti1: Thanks. What architecture does 64bit use?08:36
rwwPHPzomb: amd64, also known as x86_6408:37
PHPzombrww: thanks08:37
=== I_am_q is now known as RogProg
rwwPHPzomb: or rather, that's the most common 64-bit architecture these days08:37
fancybitbad latecy...08:40
RogProgKinda like win 7,...    have dualboot win7 ubuntu08:40
fancybitlatency- -08:41
muralijdb: I tried with frirefox, konquorer08:41
RogProgfdisk /mbr    (more boot ram?)  :)08:41
RogProgWill crash you windows08:42
RogProgWhy is captain picard bold?08:42
fancybitkonquorer what?08:43
geirhaRogProg: mbr - master boot record08:43
RogProgBecause he wants to boldly go where noone has gone before08:43
rwwubottu: ot | RogProg08:43
ubottuRogProg: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:43
RogProggeirha: Know08:43
fancybitfdisk /mbr is only usable for microsoft I think08:43
RogProgYes,...  undocumented command08:43
fancybitthere is a proj called dos4grub, I haven't test it for chain to grub08:44
fancybitseems it's not so easy08:44
dumnuthi, i want to hear an audio file, which application do i choose?08:44
fancybitmusic box seems good.08:45
Odium`dumnut, - I like audacious08:46
Odium`dumnut -> http://audacious-media-player.org/08:47
dumnutthank-you for answer fancybit and Odium`, i listen to http://rense.com news analysis08:49
c3lwhy cant I reattach a detatched screen if I login to the user with su user fro another user account, i.e beeing logged in as foo, then su bar and trying to reattach bars screens, it wont work, why?08:50
mgolischc3l: whats the error message?08:51
Odium`holycrap, xchat doesn't have word-wrapping all of a sudden.08:52
geirhac3l: screen preferrs that you own the terminal you attempt to attach to. the #screen channel may have some more information on that.08:52
mgolischc3l: and to properly get the users environment id suggest using su - username, to start a login session as that user08:52
lost_and_unfoundgreetings all, my /dev/mapper/server_root is 96% full, this mounts to / where can i look for the files to remove and free up disk space ? thanks08:54
lost_and_unfoundthe /root is empty, I cannot seem top find the location of this mount08:55
mgolischwhat mount?08:56
c3lmgolisch: "Cannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/6' - please check." su - user doesnt work either, though the terminal then is /det/pts/9 :P08:56
fancybithow should I mount my ntfs patitions on system startup?08:56
fancybitwhich script should I edit?08:57
mgolischc3l: youll need to modify the permissions of that terminal then to allow the user to access it08:57
mgolischfancybit: /etc/fstab add an entry for it there08:57
lost_and_unfoundmgolisch: the / mount, it is 96% full, where can I look for the files that is filling up this space ? /root is empty, /tmp is a few kbs, /var/log/ is about 300M.. stiff not amounting to the 6.9GB used08:58
geirhac3l: If you have ssh installed, do ssh user@localhost   ssh will allocate a new pseudo terminal.08:58
dotaniti1hello to all, When tring to load the XP part. i have a blinking cursor and system halt. any ideas?08:59
mgolischlost_and_unfound: you could try to clean the apt archive cache using apt-get clean09:00
geirhalost_and_unfound: In CLI, I usually use: sudo du -x --max-depth=1 -m / | sort -n09:00
carelessmgolisch - cd  / ; du -smh *09:01
c3lgeirha: ah yeha that solves it, ugly though :)09:01
geirhalost_and_unfound: And then work myself down the directory tree by replacing / with the directory that uses most space.09:01
dotaniti1Is someone can assist with my blinking cursor problem?09:02
lost_and_unfoundmgolisch: the apt-get clean did free up about 200MB, thanks.09:02
carelessmgolisch - remember the * will not show the hidden files09:02
=== RudyValencia- is now known as RudyValencia
Suit_Of_Sablesdamn... htop shows 40 instances of the 'pommed' command each eatting up 1-2% of the CPU. something must be wrong right? is there another alternative for backlight, and audio function key controls on a mactel running linux?09:03
geirhacareless: shopt -s dotglob;  # then * will also match "hidden" files.09:04
lost_and_unfoundgeirha: I have looked at that option as well, I am just a bit confuzed as the mount point '/' does not really seem to have a dedicated ares where the files are located.. the other partition I have here has more than 400GB still available09:04
carelessgeirha: good one.09:04
geirhalost_and_unfound: Most of the space is probably used under /usr, or possibly there's some large logfile in /var. How much space does / have in total?09:05
geirhalost_and_unfound: And is /home a separate partition?09:05
lost_and_unfoundgeirha: / = 6.9GB, /var = 300MB, /tmp = 174K, /home = separate partition with 450GB free09:06
abhinav_singhi am having a folder called images ....in that folder there are 1000 of images of different sizes......i want to resize them as 150 * 150 .....is there any way to resize them in one go or i will have to resize them one by one?   please help me09:06
carelesscan anyone recommend a better irc program to crappy xchat.09:07
=== zobbo_ is now known as zobbo
lost_and_unfoundabhinav_singh: look at image magick, there are varous scripts and howto's to achieve what you would like to do09:07
geirhalost_and_unfound: sudo du -hsx /usr # probably most of those 6.9G there then09:07
abhinav_singhlost_and_unfound where to find image magick?09:08
careless`oi - cheers i'll try it.09:09
lost_and_unfoundabhinav_singh: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&q=imagemagick+ubuntu&aq=f&aqi=g3g-s1g6&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=09:09
dotaniti1how can i recover windowsxp partition?09:09
sidhI would need some help configuring triple head with ubuntu 10.04 LTS and nvidia IGP + nvidia pci express GPU09:09
geirhacareless: No, bitchX is no longer being maintained. Try irssi09:09
lost_and_unfoundgeirha: nope, /usr only 700MB big ... will search more through the dirs... thanks for the help09:10
alkemannhow do I uninstall an application I can not find in the software center? (netbeans)09:10
Janshi ?09:10
mercury_Hi ^_^09:10
geirhalost_and_unfound: sudo du -x --max-depth=1 -m / | sort -n  # This really should tell you. It shows sizes in mebibytes09:11
RemnHey, what's the offtopic channel?09:11
geirhaalkemann: How did you install it?09:11
* Jans Yardim edecek turk warmi ?!??!! :)09:11
alkemanngeirha: i thought with the software center, but maybe apt-get? i dont really remember09:13
geirhaalkemann: aptitude search '~i netbeans'09:13
fancybitAudacious seems like the amp09:13
fancybitcool ui09:14
alkemanngeirha: nothing09:14
geirhaalkemann: Then it's not installed as a deb package or through apt09:14
alkemanngeirha: ok, maybe i installed through their website? how do I get rid of it?09:15
geirhaalkemann: If I remember correctly "installing form the website" means you download a zip-file that you just unpack somewhere in your homedir, then run the netbeans binary inside that dir09:16
geirhaalkemann: So to "uninstall" it, you just remove that directory09:16
alkemanngeirha: i sudo installed it, it's in /usr/local09:17
ty2uso im trying to put the live cd iso on a usb stick from in suse.  I can't do it. I tried their suggestion using "Imagewriter" but that didn't do it.  any ideas?09:18
ELREYjust wondering.. there was this little program which would allow to hear in one tcp port and redirect it to another ip port09:19
ELREYnot iptables09:19
ELREYbut i forgot its name09:19
enzotibELREY: netcat?09:19
geirhaalkemann: http://netbeans.org/community/releases/68/install.html#uninstallation09:20
john38hey i got a question09:20
minihydrai wrote a little shelscript that uses sudo, to my surprise script just executes without asking for password... what a hell?09:20
john38im set up on a router to share internet connection if i setup WP2 TKIP+AES encryption will other people on a network be able to access my internet connection09:21
geirhaty2u: Use UNetbootin09:21
ty2uthanks =)09:21
alkemanngeirha: ok thanks. i guess I could have found that. so apps that doesnt appear in aptitude or software center will hopefully have a seperate uninstall shell script09:22
john38im set up on a router to share internet connection if i setup WP2 TKIP+AES encryption will other people on a network be able to access my internet connection09:22
geirhaalkemann: Yes, if you install something without using apt or dpkg, you should take a note of how it can be uninstalled.09:23
ELREYnetcat! that is09:23
ELREYty !09:23
dotaniti1is there ubuntu dist for sharp zaurus?09:24
well_laid_lawnnetcat ftw!09:27
john38im set up on a router to share internet connection if i setup WP2 TKIP+AES encryption will other people on a network be able to access my internet connection09:28
Solow_What language are .sh files programmed in? I'd like to create a file that executes a set of commands for me in the terminal.09:28
well_laid_lawnSolow_: mostly bash09:28
well_laid_lawnis a hole in the ground09:28
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
trijntjejohn38, if you mean WPA2: no, unless you give them the passphrase09:29
Solow_well_laid_lawn: so, i just stick in the commands? I'd like to 'sudo chmod' and it'll return the question for my password, i cant seem to do this in php, so i'd like to call a file via php, that executes the commands...09:29
well_laid_lawnSolow_: there is a very good readme file in /usr/share/doc/netcat09:30
well_laid_lawnabout the middle is what you want Solow_09:30
=== vaibhav is now known as Gst_newbie
Solow_well_laid_lawn: root@SolowCloud:/usr/share/doc/netcat# ls                       changelog.Debian.gz  copyright09:31
well_laid_lawnnetcat is how I transfer files on the lan09:31
Solow_I think that wasnt meant for me09:31
john38thanks trijntje09:32
Solow_now I'm really confused09:32
well_laid_lawnSolow_: sorry it used to be there - I'll paste mine if you want09:32
CMYKsalve a tutti09:33
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:33
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »09:33
well_laid_lawnCMYK: try  /list   and look in the freenode tab09:34
nebulahelp me ...09:34
nebulaFailed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/c-korn/vlc/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found09:34
nebulawhy ?09:34
nebulanew ppa ?09:34
Solow_Is there a way to make my command pass in the password for sudo?09:35
rwwnebula: because that PPA doesn't exist09:35
nebularww, new ppa ?09:36
korst3nhow do i change the way alt-tab remembers the last app in gnome?09:36
rwwnebula: I have no idea what you're asking; consider using sentences.09:36
Four2zerohey all, im having some trouble with getting permissions to work on a specific directory that i would like to have. it's currently set to: drwx ------- and use this command: sudo chown -R 775 /opt/ts3/logs09:37
Four2zerobut it did not work.09:37
=== James is now known as Guest68193
dlandauFour2zero: I suppose you intended to use chmod instead of chown.09:38
Four2zerooh...used the wrong cmd.09:39
Four2zerowill try.09:39
Four2zerodlandau is this correct: sudo chmod 755 /opt/ts3/logs09:41
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=== careless1 is now known as careless
Four2zerothe white X is still there and i still can't access and view the files ?09:44
abhinav_singhi have installed imagemagick  but i am not able to open it.....09:45
=== mercury_ is now known as [Mercury]
yeabeanwho can help me to install quicktime09:53
BaconHi please I'd like to know how I can build a debian package with options that allow me to prompt for user's information while using dpkg to install the package09:54
yeabeanmake[3]: *** [bits.lo] 错误 109:54
yeabeanmake[3]:正在离开目录 `/home/yeabean/下载/quicktime4linux-2.3/thirdparty/faad2-2.0/libfaad'09:54
yeabeanmake[2]: *** [all-recursive] 错误 109:54
dotaniti1Is someone know ubuntu dist. for the zaurus device?09:55
pk__i am a system admin and dont want my users to start windows from grub without a password09:56
pk__can i do that?09:56
pk__or can i disable windows permanantly?09:56
pradeephello everyone09:57
pradeepgood morning09:57
=== cardboard_box is now known as cntrational
rocket16What is the command to start weechat? Typing "weechat" doesn't work in VC.09:57
kr2000hello everyone09:58
BaconNo one for a .deb packages answer? ^^09:58
pradeeppk__, edit your menu09:59
pradeeppk__, i meant your grub menu just add a comment before windows or reduce the time for grub09:59
pk__where is the grub.conf10:01
Jordan_Upk__: set GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true in /etc/default/grub and run "sudo update-grub" to remove the windows entry, and make the grub menu hidden by default (though still accessable by holding shift).10:02
Jordan_U!grub2 | pk__10:02
ubottupk__: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub210:02
kuttan_*ALERT* If anybody has lots of problems with INTEL_HDA based sound card. Do try hda-analyzer script from alsa-project . It sorts out the issue. when everything fails *END*10:06
pk__can i set a password for a menu entry in grub?10:08
ikoniapk__: no,10:08
Baconpk__: you can set a password for the whole bootloader :o10:08
ikoniathats only to edit the boot loader10:09
ikonianot menu's within grub10:09
Baconsorry to repeat myself but if someone can advise me how to build a .deb in order to prompt informations to the user while installing the package with dpkg10:15
Bacon(software that I'd like to package need some users information like ip adress, etc)10:15
glaucousA question about SVN. Is it possible to check with a command if there's a new SVN version up? Right now I just use svn update and make, which takes a long time, and sometimes there isn't even a new version10:16
rocket16Hello all10:16
Baconglaucous: you mean a new version of the sources on your svn? i suppose that a svn checkout can inform you10:16
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
isbricnew bug? -> http://pastebin.com/j4pHGecm10:19
glaucousBacon: Hm no, that just downloads all of it again. Although I think I can do it with a script by saving the revision number10:19
isbriclucid arm10:20
blinki've just downloaded conky "a package"10:21
blinkhow can i fully install it?10:21
isbricdo anyone else get the same error?10:23
well_laid_lawn!info conky | blink10:24
ubottublink: conky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.0-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 31 kB, installed size 68 kB10:24
blinkwell_laid_lawn: thanks. I actually installed it but it's not working. now trying the Synaptic Package Manager10:25
blinki found it, it is marked in green. but nothing10:25
silv3r_m00nI will need to reinstall windows , how shall I get back grub after that ?10:25
Baconblink: you have to configure it i don't remember if there's a default conkyrc10:25
Baconsilv3r_m00n: you can install it again from a liveCD10:25
silv3r_m00ntutorial ?10:25
Baconsilv3r_m00n: or make a copy of your LBR10:25
Baconsilv3r_m00n: MBR10:25
silv3r_m00nhow ?10:25
blinkBacon: how? I am always having difficulties with packages10:26
Baconsilv3r_m00n: emm i know a good resource to save your MBR but its in french10:26
Baconblink: google for "configuring .conkyrc"10:26
Microsoftgood morning everyone10:26
davide_ /msg Beast-X-422 XDCC SEND #410:26
devuntgood dinner :p10:27
Baconsilv3r_m00n: the liveCD option worked for me : just boot on the liveCD after having install again windows, mount your linux partition, chroot in it, and then aptitude install grub10:27
=== Microsoft is now known as MicrosoftTeam
Baconsilv3r_m00n: the MBR copy works because when you reinstall windows, it just erase your MBR to a new and fresh one, but unconfigured with grub10:28
Baconsilv3r_m00n: so if you paste again the old MBR it'll just work fine normally10:28
silv3r_m00nin ubuntu 9.10 its grub 2 and I guess its different10:29
Baconsilv3r_m00n: but as I said the liveCD worked for me :)10:29
Baconsilv3r_m00n: different from what?10:29
Baconsilv3r_m00n: don't worry just install again grub210:29
Baconsilv3r_m00n: your ubuntu version won't change after having install windows10:29
=== jan is now known as Guest96915
=== RichiH_ is now known as RichiH
blinkBacon: actually found youtube videos. thanks anyway.10:30
Baconblink: on various ubuntu forums10:31
Baconblink: lol ok :) ho and one thing10:31
Baconblink: there's some topic which gather .conkyrc samples10:31
Baconblink: it can be interesting, to scroll many conky's functionalities10:31
pradeepdual home10:33
MicrosoftTeamguys i need a help!!!!!!!! when i try to open youtube.co.uk im always redirected to this page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FATsxFBkSO0 and i dont know why?? could you check it out pls and tell me how to sort it out ?10:35
bindi.. :|10:35
lea_je fais comment pour envoyer le lien de votre tchat a une copine sur xtchat10:40
MicrosoftTeamguys i need a help!!!!!!!! when i try to open youtube.co.uk im always redirected to this page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FATsxFBkSO0 and i dont know why?? could you check it out pls and tell me how to sort it out ?10:41
ty2uhi there, so ive tried unetbootin, it downloaded ubuntu live onto a usb key, the files are on there, but it won't boot.  i selected the device on boot but it doesn't boot it.  any ideas why?10:41
MicrosoftTeamty2u,  i use lili usb creator10:42
MicrosoftTeamtry it too i ever had any probs with it10:42
iflema!ot | MicrosoftTeam10:42
ubottuMicrosoftTeam: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:42
iflema!fr | lea_10:43
ubottulea_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:43
MicrosoftTeam<iflema> sorry my dear10:43
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Hover      10:44
GireiHello everyone.10:44
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:44
Hoverhow can i change the resolution of my tty1,2,3 etc? its only half the screen.10:44
wissemhi Girei10:44
ty2uMicrosoftTeam: well unetbootin is specifically designed to download the ubuntu iso and create a bootable usb disk so i dont understand why it doesn't work.  i am able to boot other isos off my usb. ill try lili, thanks10:44
GireiI haveprobably the most random question ever, because after four hours of googling, I never even seen it.10:45
Arcidiasty2u: unetbootin on what host?Windows or Linux?10:45
GireiWhen I play music on my laptop, it's streaming. In Rhythmbox and in Totem.10:45
GireiHow do I make it play it normally?10:46
Hoverxrandr doesnt work in tty1/2/3 etc10:46
wissemstreaming ?10:46
=== Core is now known as Guest96520
GireiIt can be halfway through the song and the progress slider stays at the beginning.10:47
Arcidiasty2u: have you tried usb-creator?10:47
GireiAnd if I pause it, it restarts the song.10:47
=== dmex is now known as dmex04
[Mercury]girei -: is the song sotred locally?10:47
erUSULGirei: happens with all your files ?10:47
[Mercury]girei -: sotred*10:47
GireiIt's all right here on my desktop.10:47
wissemtry re installing Rythmboc Girei10:48
erUSULGirei: if it is a streaming format without index or corrupted index it can give that symptons10:48
GireiIt's not rythmbox, though.10:48
GireiIt's all music players.10:48
erUSULGirei: if only happens with a specific file...10:48
GireiThen every song from every CD I own is corrupted.10:49
ty2uArcidias: is that from linuxliveusb.com ?  i am there looking but it seems to be an exe10:49
GireiAnd music I make with lms10:49
Arcidiasty2u: no, it's a package - try sudo apt-get install usb-creator10:49
erUSULGirei: totem and RB both use gstreamer. tried with vlc? or mplayer?10:49
Gireiis it a gstreamer problem, then?10:50
GireiI just double-click my music and listen while typing stuff.10:50
geemeeHi there. I am looking to setup a virtual ubuntu machine to act purely as a syslog server. I am wanting to log several devices. Any recommendations for software?10:50
erUSULGirei: may be. you can reinstall ubuntu-restricted-extras package ? or only the gstreamer-plugins-* packages10:50
GireiI'll try. brb10:51
sacarlsonGirei: try System>Prefered Aplications>Multimedia  select the application that is installed that you want to use to play music10:52
ty2uArcidias: well im on suse atm and seems it isn't in their repos.  i have tried Imagewriter, and tried to dd the image, eventhough someone said I couldn't, also tried unetbootin.  nothing is working for me with ubuntu but i can boot other isos on the usb key.10:53
Mrokiihello. Does anybody know about a native software like "Makagiga" (personal information manager) for Ubuntu 10.04?10:54
GireiThe only choices are Rythmbox and Totem10:55
sidhi try to configure triple head with 2 nvidia card on ubuntu 10.04, i tried with xinerama, at the beginig the 3 screens LEDs become powered on, but then i get a message that Xorg is in low res conf , and i have to check my xorg.conf file10:55
sacarlsonty2u: are you trying to install ubuntu with usb or run persistent from a usb boot of ubuntu?  if the first did you try this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick10:55
sidhbut when i grep EE (errors) in Xorg.0.log i get nothing, does errors could be stored in other file ?10:56
IrreducibilisOkay, I have the stupidest question ever, and I bet the answer is totally obvious.10:56
IrreducibilisWhere on my system is the user-dirs.dirs file?10:56
Kjeldoris it alright if i already have ubuntu installed, and then install win7 after?10:56
rwwGirei: some of the gstreamer codecs for MP3 (and various other formats, but people usually notice it for MP3) do that. I know gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg does; dunno if the other ones work better.10:57
IrreducibilisI cant find it anywhere10:57
sacarlsonsidh:  try all the files grep -r EE *10:57
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sidhsacarlson: it will be old ones isn't it ?10:57
ty2usacarlson: im just trying to boot off the usb key to check ubuntu out and make sure it works on my system.  i dont have any dvds left i dont think.  ill check that link thanks :)10:57
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IrreducibilisAnd yes I have tried google too10:57
Irreducibilisto no luck, as usual10:57
Kjeldoris it alright if i already have ubuntu installed, and then install win7 after?10:58
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IrreducibilisWhere on my system is the user-dirs.dirs file?10:58
sacarlsonsidh: you can use find  to filter newer files but I would have to google how to use find     like find | grep EE *10:58
rwwIrreducibilis: ~/.config/10:58
GireiIrreducibilis- Install Burg10:58
Irreducibilisrww, Yes, but where is "that"10:58
IrreducibilisI'm like totally new to linux here.10:59
rwwIrreducibilis: /home/yourusername/.config/10:59
Irreducibilisokay, one second10:59
rwwIrreducibilis: open file manager, go to your home folder, press ctrl-H to show hidden files, double click .config, voila.10:59
sacarlsonty2u: well I think the link I gave you will boot like a live cd only in this case live usb,  just any changes you make in your home at boot will be lost10:59
Irreducibilis... wow that was easy10:59
IrreducibilisThank you!10:59
Irreducibilisyou just saved me a headache11:00
Gireirww, I love you. I reinstalled the gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg and it works again!11:00
=== Thornton is now known as TheAnswer
Hoverso.. anyone has idea how to change the resolution of tty1/2/3 etc?11:01
skumaracan program created to i386 computer run in ubuntu AMD64?11:01
sacarlsonrww: cool I didn't know that hot key ctl-h  I was doing it the slow way with menus11:01
hariomHi, is there free music available with Ubuntu? Like sample files which can be played for any use11:01
GireiLook in the examples folder, hiriom11:02
ty2usacarlson: ok thanks, it gives a trick to try on there but i dont know if it will work or not.  cheers11:02
GireiSorry, it's /home/Examples11:02
GireiThis is in there...11:03
rwwactually, it's /home/yourusername/Examples, which links to /usr/share/example-content/ ;)11:03
sacarlsonty2u: it used to be easy,  I would think it still is11:03
hariomGirei: Is it on Ubuntu Desktop?11:04
hariomI am running server 10.0411:04
airtonixhariom, you won't find it then.11:04
hariomAnywhere online I can get that?11:04
GireiWell, while I'm still here, I guess I may be able to squeeze in 1more question...11:04
rwwhariom: sudo apt-get install example-content11:04
GireiAny way to put Linux on the Wii? ^^;11:05
IrreducibilisI'm back. Its not working.11:05
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IrreducibilisI'm trying to change the default location that cheese saves files into to a different hard drive11:05
GireiI love how IRC chats give away people's IP addresses.11:05
Irreducibilisand the program itself wont let me change the default directory, so I assumed that maybe changing the actual default would help11:06
Irreducibilisbut noooo11:06
IrreducibilisCan someone please help me change the location that Cheese saves files to?11:06
IrreducibilisI wish things were just simple11:07
sacarlsonIrreducibilis: what is cheese under graphics?11:08
IrreducibilisHey I think I got it...11:08
Irreducibiliswait a second.11:08
sacarlsonIrreducibilis: good then I won't install it11:08
IrreducibilisOkay, for some reason re-saving user-dirs.dirs fixed the problem.11:09
IrreducibilisThank you for your help :)11:09
airtonixIrreducibilis, do you understand why ?11:09
=== Stephen is now known as Guest79347
=== adante_ is now known as adante
zushas anyone used an RW-DVD  for burning an .iso then erased it to try another distro's live disc? has it worked well or are theyre any issue with erasing dvd or cd RW?11:14
fabioHi guys. I have a corrupted pen drive  (it got corrupted when unsafely removing it) When I insert it, ubuntu won't open it up or recognize it. Is there a way to fix this problem? Thank you.11:15
erUSULfabio: reformat it ?11:16
trijntjefabio, you can try to recover the data on it wit photorec11:16
trijntjeif nothing important is on it just format it again11:17
fabioerUSUL: Yes, reformat it. however it doesn't show up in gparted either :(11:17
fabiobut the red led on the pen drive is on so i know it isn't broken11:17
fabioit used to show up in gparted at least, now it's not showing up11:17
erUSULfabio: ?? do « tailf /var/log/messages » then plug the usb. paste the new output in a pastebin11:17
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:18
fabioAug 16 11:18:51 fabio-dellmini9 kernel: [  567.900168] usb 3-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 1811:19
fabioAug 16 11:18:52 fabio-dellmini9 kernel: [  568.516144] usb 3-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 1911:19
fabioAug 16 11:18:52 fabio-dellmini9 kernel: [  569.078689] usb 3-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 2011:19
fabioAug 16 11:18:53 fabio-dellmini9 kernel: [  569.600225] usb 3-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 2111:19
FloodBot3fabio: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:19
kj4evris anyone alive?11:20
fabioso i think it is recognized but not showing up for some reason11:20
trijntjekj4evr, yes11:20
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kj4evrok I just installed 10.04 on an old pos computer11:21
kj4evrnow I am tring to set up a ruby on rails11:22
fabioerUSUL what should i do now? Thanks :)11:22
erUSULfabio: use a pastebin. you where interrupted by the floodbots11:22
fabiowhat is a pastebin?11:23
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=== hiyalol is now known as hiya
robyromaniahi, is the acerhk module for wireless buttons installed in lucid?11:27
judgenIf i have ubuntu on one disk and would like to install it onto another physical disk, can this be done withouth a CD or DVD?11:28
fabioerUSUL: http://pastebin.com/L14vmC9C11:28
fabiois this correct?11:28
erUSULfabio: that's all you get ?11:29
fabiosadly, yes11:29
erUSULfabio: :/ it seems that it resets itself... broken hardware i guess11:30
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robybrasovanyone with acerhk driver here?11:30
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fabiodamn :S11:31
fabioTHNKS anyway11:34
fabiois there something else i could try? :(11:34
matt007hai all, any1 can help me about svn11:34
matt007i want to add - svn checkout http://perl-net-im.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ perl-net-im-read-only11:35
erUSULfabio: i dunno sorry11:35
JoeMaverickSetthow do i know that swap is working?11:36
HTChow i reinstall grub from live cd?11:37
intranutJoeMaverickSett: top11:37
[Mercury]Question: Suddenly my adobe flash plugin no longer works, in either firefox/chromium.11:38
JoeMaverickSettintranut: it says that i got like 6Gb of swap but none is used.11:38
intranutyour ram is more than enough11:39
ShishJoeMaverickSett: perhaps you have so much ram, swap isn't needed?11:39
matt007i want to add - svn checkout http://perl-net-im.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ perl-net-im-read-only11:39
matt007any1 help me11:39
Shishmatt007: add it to what?11:39
JoeMaverickSettShish: i got 2Gb of RAM. is that enough?11:39
intranuttype mem11:39
trijntjeJoeMaverickSett, I have 2 GB RAM and no swap usage11:39
matt007Shish: i want to learn ymsgr in perl11:39
matt007Shish: http://code.google.com/p/perl-net-im/source/checkout11:40
ShishI have 2GB RAM, ~500MB of which is free, no swap used; though this is having just booted and opened a couple of terminals11:40
JoeMaverickSetttrijntje: so, i got 2Gb of RAM and therefore my 6Gb of swap is not being used.11:41
trijntjeyeah, I would think so11:41
intranutJoeMaverickSett: my 1 gb is more than enough11:41
JoeMaverickSettso, swap is used only when there seems to be not enough space on RAM, am i right?11:41
Shishif you want to use it, open up any modern web browser and leave it on a javascript-heavy page overnight :P11:42
JoeMaverickSettintranut: oh! okie!11:42
trijntjeJoeMaverickSett, yes, because RAM is fast and Swap is slow11:42
JoeMaverickSettShish: i wouldn't try that! =D11:42
intranutthis is why Linux has became king11:42
JoeMaverickSetttrijntje: oh! okie! thanks.11:42
trijntjeyour welcome11:43
JoeMaverickSettthanks y'all for the quick reponses! \m/11:43
Wadeee intranut : if it's only in your LAN you can edit just host files11:43
airtonixintranut, it has ?11:43
Wadeee airtonix : it was languishing in my drafts folder for a long time, mostly-done11:44
airtonixWadeee, what was ?11:44
=== MasterCJ is now known as deoxxa
Wadeee airtonix : Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Michael_Cooper11:44
airtonixWadeee, wut ?11:44
Wadeee airtonix : If you are really worried about wasting time reviewing microdata why are you spending so much time on it?11:45
rwwWadeee: don't reply to this message11:45
* airtonix thinks he got trolled11:45
Arcidiasrww: do NOT read this message11:45
Wadeee rww : there has to be a host file11:45
=== pn is now known as gnilebein
Wadeee Arcidias : it was languishing in my drafts folder for a long time, mostly-done11:45
Wadeee Arcidias : I don't want anyone to connect to my unreal11:46
* airtonix suspects that wadee is a bot11:46
funkyweaselGood morning.  Which distribution and version of JRE should I use with Ubuntu Lucid Open Office 3.2?11:46
Wadeee funkyweasel : address? o.011:46
WickedWayzi think Wadeee is a bot11:47
funkyweaselWadeee: I do not understand your response.  Also, not a bot ;)11:47
Wadeee WickedWayz : try /etc/hosts11:47
Wadeee funkyweasel : address? o.011:47
WickedWayzaddress ??11:48
WickedWayzwhat address ?11:48
funkyweaselWickedWayz: I think it's a bot.11:48
Wadeee WickedWayz : or windows\system32\drivers\etc\11:48
Wadeee WickedWayz : I don't want anyone to connect to my unreal11:48
Wadeee corpsicle : HTML5 element on Android <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1711078/html5-video-element-on-android> ** HTML5 Video and degradation? <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1903779/html5-video-and-degradation>11:48
Wadeee funkyweasel : I would rather see those people make actual reasoned arguments for any objections than preempt their objections and lose out on the feedback11:48
corpsicleso, my kubuntu installation plays sound when i startup and shut down, but i cant get sound out of any applications, what gives ?11:48
rww!ops | Wadeee11:48
ubottuWadeee: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!11:48
Wadeee corpsicle : I do not know which phone connection belongs to11:49
Wadeee rww : like you can do something like that: " goog g" and type just g in your browser and connect to google11:49
Wadeee ubottu : Pursuing conformance solutions for the N-body gravitational system known as "the Web", and in general, collectively performing various acts of unparalleled hubris11:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:49
FloodBot3Wadeee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:49
Wadeee ubottu : it was languishing in my drafts folder for a long time, mostly-done11:49
Wadeee FloodBot3 : I would rather see those people make actual reasoned arguments for any objections than preempt their objections and lose out on the feedback11:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:49
[Mercury]!ops | Wadeee11:49
ubottuWadeee: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!11:49
Wadeee ubottu : or windows\system32\drivers\etc\11:50
Wadeee [Mercury] : I don't strongly care I think11:50
Wadeee ubottu : well, is your own host, you need to edit the host file of the machine you want to connect from11:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:50
tom453642356hello, i need help with Intel G45 graphics11:50
tom453642356i want to force it to use VGA11:50
tom453642356it currently defaults to dvi11:50
=== pn is now known as gnilebein
funkyweaselRecurring issue I have is that Open Office 3.2 crashes with a polite 'Due to an unexpected error, OpenOffice.org crashed' message.  I've tried removing and re-adding, resetting the userprofile, and checking a valid JRE is installed.11:53
[Mercury]Hey guys11:53
[Mercury]question for you, everytime flashplayer starts in fullscreen it immediately crashes11:54
[Mercury]with the following error11:54
[Mercury]Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":1.0"11:54
fourcolorshi, I would like to install a specific version of Ruby on my ubuntu machine via terminal. How can I install ruby 1.9.2 rc211:54
intranutLINUX Life made easy !!!!!! o.O11:56
joschifourcolors: follow the installation instructions on ruby-lang.org or use something like rvm (http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/)11:56
joschifourcolors: I'm not aware of any DEB packages for the ruby 1.9.2 release candidates but you might find some11:57
fourcolorsjoschi: ok looks like rvm it is11:57
cemhi all12:00
cemi have sound problem on  ubuntu lts12:00
=== cem is now known as Guest64928
corpsicleso, my kubuntu installation plays sound when i startup and shut down, but i cant get sound out of any applications, anyone know what could be wrong ?12:01
Guest64928how can i incrase my record voice on ubuntu lts ?12:01
Guest64928how can i incrase my record voice on ubuntu lts ?12:01
Guest64928i want to record my desktop i can record but i cant hear my voice how can i fix it ?12:03
baconplease i'm looking for some information about debian packaging. I'd like to know what to do to prompt users formation information while installing a home made .deb package12:04
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports12:04
erUSULbacon: #ubuntu-packaging12:04
Guest64928i want to record my desktop i can record but i cant hear my voice how can i fix it ?12:04
baconerUSUL: thank you12:05
ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.12:05
erUSULGuest64928: ^12:05
Guest64928i use recordmydesktop12:05
Guest64928i recorded but i cant hear my voice12:06
Guest64928its very very lower12:06
funkyweaselShould I use the Sun Java6 JRE for openoffice on Lucid?  Or just stick to default-jre?12:06
erUSULfunkyweasel: i would use default. why bother changing it if it works ?12:06
JonathanEllisI want to do a mailmerge in scribus. I found a script that may work at http://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/scribusmailmerge but I dont know how to get the files into Scribus. Has anyone else used this? Am I right in thinking I need to install a subversion tool to download the script? I tried asking in #scribus but nobody is in12:07
funkyweaselerUSUL: I do not know that it does.  Openoffice 3.2 frequently crashes.  Removing and re-adding OO has not helped resolve the issue.  So I am wondering if there is a 'recommended' JRE for OO?12:07
erUSULfunkyweasel: i would try with java disabled ( is used in only a few places DB's mainly)12:08
funkyweaselerUSUL: Nice one, reducing complexity is an excellent step.12:08
Goliathwhats the default opensource driver for ubuntu?12:09
Goliathvesa or nouveau12:09
corpsiclehey im not getting any sound in spotify, kubuntu is however making sounds when logging in and out. what could be the cause of this ?12:09
=== gnilebein is now known as pn
=== pn is now known as gnilebein
corpsiclenot getting any sound in any applications it seems12:10
Guest64928 when i m recording my desktop with gtk-recordmydesktop , my pc gonna be very slower , what can u say about it ?12:11
cmpsalvestrinicorpsicle try restarting pulseaudio, if that doesn't work try restarting the pc, if that doesn't work sudo dpkg-reconfigure pulseaudio12:12
Wipsterhi all /j #minicom12:12
Wipsterbother my bad12:12
VirusTBi neeed some serious hlep with my Ubuntu12:12
corpsicleive tried restarting the pc a number of times12:12
corpsicleill try reconfigure pulseaudio12:12
sebsebseb!ask |VirusTB12:12
ubottuVirusTB: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:12
VirusTBsebsebseb:  :) i was getting to that12:12
VirusTBi updated something on my sytem, and for some reason now my LAN internet doesnt wana work12:13
corpsiclecmpsalvestrini: still nothing =(12:14
WipsterI am using minicom with a ftdi usb to serial converter I can receive fine but sending keys doesn't work (works on windows), I have checked permissions on /dev/ttyUSB0 and I have made sure I am in the dialout group but nothing so far...12:14
fourcolorsis your .bashrc the same as your .profile file?12:15
corpsiclecmpsalvestrini: killing pulseaudio manually and restarting it and then the applications worked =)12:16
sebsebsebVirusTB  very rare sometimes updates brake stuff it seems,  and then you can't just revert the upgrade either, but probably next year and there will be a feature by default that will allow people to12:16
sebsebsebVirusTB how new is the install?12:16
fourcolorscan someone help me understand this? the difference between .profile and .bashrc ?12:19
sebsebsebcorpsicle: Kubuntu doesn't use Pulseaudio by default12:20
sebsebsebcorpsicle: it will starting with 10.10 though12:20
sebsebsebcorpsicle: also since your using Kubuntu you can try getting help here as well #kubuntu12:20
corpsicleok ill keep that in mind12:20
judgenHow do i disable the splash screens when running failsafe mode?12:20
judgenit keeps interrupting my operations12:21
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judgencan it be done from grub config?12:21
sebsebsebjudgen: the splash screens?12:21
sebsebsebjudgen: the boot up animation?12:21
rdw200169Wipster: wow, thats an interesting one if i've ever heard one... I have no idea...12:22
abhinav_singhi am trying to save this image as AC/DC.png but it is not saving...why so??? please help me....link of the image is this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:AngusYoung1.JPG12:22
judgensebsebseb: yes indeed12:22
sebsebsebjudgen: Grub 2 is well rather boring looking by default in Ubuntu,  just the black background and white text and such on it.  no theme by default12:22
sebsebsebjudgen: the boot up is Plymouth12:22
sebsebsebfor 10.0412:22
=== nibbler_ is now known as nibbier
judgensebsebseb: after boot into failsafe i get to the menu, then the other xsplash or whatever starts.. i need it gone so i can rescue my system.12:23
sebsebsebjudgen: which version are you on?12:23
topyliabhinav_singh: the shell sees that as "file DC.png in the directory called AC" and that directory does not exist12:23
sebsebsebjudgen: failsafe you mean the uhmm?12:23
Wipsterrdw200169, yeh I am totally stumped12:23
judgensebsebseb: rescue mode where you can repair packages and stuff.12:23
funkyweaselSadly, disabling JRE in OpenOffice has not stopped it from crashing once more. :(12:23
sebsebsebjudgen: ok thought you meant that12:24
sebsebsebjudgen: so yeah theres the normal boot option in that, and the recovery option or something12:24
sebsebsebjudgen: and then if you do the recovery option  or whatever it was,  you get text boot, if I remember correctly12:24
sebsebsebwhy are you in there anyway, whats the problem?12:25
judgensebsebseb: sudo and some other packages got broken i just need to repair them12:25
Wipsterrdw200169, well I guess it was my fault, apparently it was software flow control opps12:26
judgenwhen i get to the "this will install <number of packages> do you wish to contineu", the splash steals focus and i cant type Y12:26
sebsebsebjudgen: probably a command for that,  well sure there will be.  Also I would suggest leaving Plymouth alone in 10.04,  because they haven't exactly put it into the distro in a good way,  and as a result there have been many problems with it, for various people,  including myself on the other computer when it ran Ubuntu.12:26
rdw200169Wipster: at least it works now! ;)12:27
judgensebsebseb: i had the splash disabled before the update... so i know i can shut down that splash somehow.12:27
judgenbut as the grub-update overwrites my grub.cfg every time i do not remember what settings i used.12:28
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
judgenbut i need the other splash to be disabled as well.12:28
sebsebsebjudgen: uh Grub 212:28
sebsebsebjudgen: Grub 2 :(12:28
nogoubuntu = grub2 +ext412:29
judgeni know12:29
sebsebsebnogo: by default yep12:29
nogothen you are screwed12:29
sebsebsebnogo: uhmm?12:29
judgennogo: why?12:29
whoaskidoes anybody know how edit my .bashrc ?12:29
sebsebsebnogo: Grub 2 sucks12:29
nogodata exchange12:29
sebsebsebnogo: as a result quite a few distros still use the old version by default :)12:30
judgendo not be silly, this is rather pointless.. i just hit google... i know i have disabled them before through grub.12:30
sebsebsebjudgen: been a while since  I went into recovery mode, and can't just get that in my vm's of Ubuntu it seems.  and I no longer have a pshyical install, because of certain issues with 10.04.12:31
sebsebsebjudgen: however yeah, so theres like a kind of safe mode in Windows option for recovery mode if I remember correctly,  that would boot up Ubuntu?12:31
VirusTBsebsebseb:  how do i get ubuntu to auto mount a partition// HDD upon start up?12:31
sebsebsebVirusTB: messing around trying to get ethernet working,  won't be that easy,  I been there before once,  well  other computer  and ethernet woudn't work with 8.10,  and in the end I just put 9.04 on instead,  since  well 9.04 was already out12:32
tom5623456453i have issue with intel g45 graphics (or xorg)12:32
tom5623456453if intel graphics chip can't detect monitor edid, it assumes no monitor connected12:33
tom5623456453but i have kvm12:33
sebsebsebVirusTB: by the time I upgraded 8.04 on there to 8.10,  and  it woudn't work on Live CD either.  unless you know what exactly caused your problem,  it can be a bit tricky to sort out.  altough there are some log files12:33
tom5623456453how do i force intel g45 to always output to vga?12:33
VirusTBsebsebseb: where are the log files located?12:34
Arcidiassebsebseb: sometimes my network-applet cannot connect, but when I disable it, I am able to connect via pppoeconf12:34
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sebsebsebArcidias: well VirusTB lost their ethernet connection after installing some update for Ubuntu12:34
Arcidiassebsebseb: has he tried pppoeconf?12:35
mxtrhow can i tell my linuxbox to use one networkinterface for internet-connection and another just for lan?12:35
=== cesc is now known as cesc_ubuntu
cutiyarwhen i put the command to start ccpd it say fail , it make me mad12:36
caimhi I am trying to boot a custom xen dom0 kernel, and I get stuck at : gave up for root device. Common problems... -Boot args, -Check rootdelay, -Missing modules...12:38
manuel__i bought the wd my studio ext hdd12:38
JonathanEllisI'm trying to install a script into scribus. The script is at http://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/scribusmailmerge. I have copied the files to /usr/share/scribus/scripts/scribusmailmerge using sudo svn co http://tools.assembla.com/svn/scribusmailmerge /usr/share/scribus/scripts. So far so good. Now when I try to run ./setup.py I get the errors shown at http://pastebin.com/McmJ3ZBV. How do I install the missing modules?12:38
tomcullinanehi all i need help12:38
manuel__my problem is that there is a hidden area on the disk12:38
caimI set the boot parameter to dummy=dummy as I read this is a workaround to other problems with grub2.12:38
manuel__it is mounted as virtual cd and has wd software on it12:39
manuel__and is 600 mb big12:39
manuel__i want to remove that software12:39
JonathanEllis!ask | tomcullinane12:39
ubottutomcullinane: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:39
manuel__but the dev is mounted read only12:39
manuel__how can i remount with rw rights ?12:39
JonathanEllismanuel__: Can you please ask the whole question on one line. Otherwise its very difficult for anyone to read all of it12:40
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
tomcullinane:) OK here it goes: I have a fujitsu-siemens li2735, I have just installed ubuntu 10.04 and I am a newcomer to linux...On my laptop to turn the wireless card on a software shortcut is assigned for windows (fn+F1) this of course doesnt work on ubuntu could somebody help me enable the wireless card12:40
anodesnimanuel__, "mount -n -o remount,rw /"12:40
caimHas anyone tried to boot, a custom xen dom0 kernel (xen stable 2.6.32) and is having the same problem?12:41
ArcidiasJonathanEllis: have you tried installing the missing modules?12:41
manuel__i bought the wd my studio ext hdd my problem is that there is a hidden area on the disk it is mounted as virtual cd and has wd software on it and is 600 mb big i want to remove that software to get the space but the dev is mounted read only how can i remount with rw rights ?12:41
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ArcidiasJonathanEllis: IE sudo apt-get install mysqldb pypgsql pysqlite2 sqlite12:41
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:41
anodesnimanuel__, change "/" into the path to the device12:42
manuel__yes thanks that helped12:42
JonathanEllis!wireless | tomcullinane12:42
ubottutomcullinane: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:42
JonathanEllistomcullinane: Hope that helps12:42
manuel__grr it did not delete the stuff12:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:42
JonathanEllistomcullinane: See the info that ubottu told you12:43
tomcullinanethankyou :)12:43
JonathanEllisArcidias: Thanks. It was right in front of me. Doh!12:43
anodesnimanuel__, just repartition it if there is nothing on the drive12:43
manuel__as it is a hidden part of the hdd is there a way to make it visibale and format it with fdisk?12:43
JonathanEllisArcidias: I go on holiday and forget how to do things!12:44
manuel__anodesni, there is but it is mounted as sr1 and emulates a cd drive12:44
dom_domhi! sorry for interrupting but.. i'm trying to setup ubuntu server on ibm x3550 and im stuck with hard drive detection.12:44
ArcidiasJonathanEllis: I know how it is12:44
anodesnimanuel__,  I mean on the other partition, the actual file storage12:44
dom_domany one can help ?12:44
JonathanEllisArcidias: Unfortunately "Couldn't find package MySQLdb"12:45
ArcidiasJonathanEllis: I'll look into your problem12:47
erUSULdom_dom: http://webapps.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/200712-201/ <<< it is certified so it should work12:47
manuel__ok found it on the net need to do firmware update first12:47
dom_domerUSUL: i know, but its not:),12:48
ArcidiasJonathanEllis: do you have a readme file, containing the dependencies for scribus?12:48
erUSULdom_dom: maybe you have to manually instruct the instaler to load the SATA/SAS/RAID drivers ?12:48
ArcidiasJonathanEllis: or for the script, more like12:48
erUSULdom_dom: #ubuntu-server may be a better place to ask12:48
erUSULdom_dom: http://blog.fastmail.fm/2009/10/19/ibm-x3550-m2-or-x3650-m2-and-debianubuntu/12:49
erUSULdom_dom: ^12:49
erUSULpossible drivers12:49
dom_domerUSUL:  ok thx12:49
dom_domerUSUL: ok. i wait for you to end:)12:49
dom_domerUSUL: i'm trying to use megaraid_sas or mtpsas none of them worked12:50
erUSULdom_dom: i'm done. that blog post has an update with the three possible drivers you may want to check. mptsas and megaraid_sas12:50
dom_domerUSUL: i've check them before i've asked question here :)12:51
dom_domerUSUL: i consider irc as last place to ask ;)12:52
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ArcidiasJonathanEllis: http://tools.assembla.com/svn/scribusmailmerge/lib/README look here12:53
cutiyarwhen i put the command to start ccpd it say fail , it make me mad12:53
cesc_xubuntuHi there. I have a wireles usb adapter Alfa Network AWUS036H which works fine on my ubuntu 10.04 PC (It worked straight away without installing drivers), but on this machine with xubuntu it doesn't work. Yesterday I installed the Realtek drivers for chipset rtl8187L and after some problems compiling the source code I finally managed to install the driver successfully. But still doesn't work. Then I though I made a mistake because I reckon the chipset it12:53
cesc_xubuntu uses is rtl8187 without the final L. But I'm having problems compiling this driver, it gives me some errors and if someone could help me I would appreciate.12:53
light_Hi all, Just installed ubuntu 10.04 and the adobe flash plugin, videos play fine but when in full screen they are very jerky, anyone know how to fix this12:56
aeon-ltd!caps | artinfrieden12:57
ubottuartinfrieden: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:57
natrixnatrix89how do you set workgroup on samba?12:57
aeon-ltdnatrixnatrix89: its in the config file, if you meant the name of the workgroup12:57
airtonixnatrixnatrix89, easiest way for you is to use samba-admin12:57
airtonix!info system-config-samba12:58
ubottusystem-config-samba (source: system-config-samba): GUI for managing samba shares and users. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.63-0ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 568 kB, installed size 5860 kB12:58
natrixnatrix89airtonix: thanks12:58
natrixnatrix89but samba-admin is in terminal, right?12:58
airtonixnatrixnatrix89, no.12:58
JonathanEllisArcidias: Thanks. All of those packages could not be found except "sqlite is already the newest version." The readme for the script is at http://tools.assembla.com/scribusmailmerge/browser/lib/README12:59
airtonixnatrixnatrix89, install the package : system-config-samba, then run gksudo samba-admin13:00
natrixnatrix89airtonix: but which is the config file?13:00
natrixnatrix89i didnt find it in the man13:00
airtonixnatrixnatrix89, if you do not understand the concepts behind samba and what effects changing the settings have, then i do not recommend you try (yet)... but anyway the config file is at /etc/samba/smb.conf13:01
natrixnatrix89this      /etc/samba/smb.conf13:01
kyenteiEvery time I start my computer. it switches my sdb and sda around. So sometimes I don't get any errors mounting my /dev/sda6 to /home because my fstab says so, the other time I have to manually mount /dev/sdb6 to /home because the devices have changed.. or something.13:04
Dr_Williskyentei:  this is why the change4 to using UUID in fstab instead of /dev/sdXX method13:05
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)13:05
kyenteiDr_Willis: Okay, thank you13:05
aeon-ltdKartagis: hello13:06
Dr_WillisYou could even mount based on Label if you wanted.13:06
kyenteiDr_Willis: So in fstab, I just replace /dev/sda6 with UUID=1234567...13:06
Dr_Williskyentei:  itss odd that sda and sdb are switching. are they both internal HD's ?13:06
kyenteiDr_Willis: Yes. One's IDE and the other's SATA. It never happened before.13:07
Dr_Willis# /home was on /dev/sdb3 during installation13:07
Dr_WillisUUID=18acf0f9-d497-4400-b266-21d4d5c5137c /home           ext4    defaults        0       213:07
kyenteiDr_Willis: And it doesn't matter of which one I boot. (Both have grub installed on them)13:07
kyenteiDr_Willis: Thanks. :)13:07
Dr_WillisIDE drives ages ago were called by a /dev/hd## type name.13:07
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pk__i install openssh-server on my ubuntu lucid13:07
Dr_WillisWhen i boot a different HD via ther bios or menu. the drive i BOOT is 'sda' ive noticed13:07
pk__but it starts only when i logon to computer13:07
Dr_Willisthe otehrs move around13:08
tomcullinanei have iwlwifi.....ucode how do i install this? i am a newbie to linux13:08
pk__but i want to run it as soon as computer boots13:08
Kagapk__, i think the init.d script should launch at boot13:08
Dr_Willispk__:  It does start at boot up here.13:08
pk__yes it normally used to run when i used older versions of ubuntu13:09
pk__dunno why it is not doing it now13:09
pk__Kaga: what? init.d script?13:09
Dr_Willispk__:  what uuntu version you using.13:09
Dr_Willisssh in 10.04 is using upstart and /etc/init/  NOT /etc/init.d that i see13:09
Dr_Willis  /etc/init/ssh.conf13:09
pk__then how do i make it to start as service13:10
ikoniaDr_Willis: nice spot, I didn't notice it had been migrated to upstart13:10
PiciDr_Willis: Its more likely that networking is only starting when pk__ logs in.13:10
kyenteiDr_Willis: He could add it to /etc/rc.local .. :-P13:11
Dr_Willisactually it has somthing in BOTH directory13:11
pk__Pici : yes probab;ly13:11
Dr_Williskyentei:  it should be starting at boot.. thats how its supposed to default13:11
Kartagiswhat is the page that gives me the lines to add to modprobe.conf for listening with earplugs and cutting down speakers?13:11
tomcullinanei have a file called iwlwifi-3945-2.ucode that i need to install to get my wireless card working, could someone please help me install it as i am completely new to linux13:11
kyenteiDr_Willis: I know.13:11
kyenteiDr_Willis: Nothing wrong with it here either ;-)13:11
pk__may be i dont get my network started at boo ttime13:11
KartagisI think it was an alsa page13:11
Dr_Willispk__:  you have a /etc/init/sshd.conf and a /etc/init/ssh ?13:11
Dr_Willispk__:  THATS very likely13:12
kyenteiDr_Willis: That should not matter at all. It's listening on that port, not sending out any data.13:12
pk__i have this13:12
blinkwhat is a good source of applications such as Conky?13:13
bazhangblink, you need help configuring it?13:13
pk__in ssh.conf it is written ssh.conf13:13
pk__start on filesystem13:14
Picitomcullinane: You shouldn't need to do anything special for intel 3945 adapters to work, iwl3945 is part of the kernel.13:14
blinkbazhang: well, yeah. plus the tutorials out there is not what i am looking for. i found a specific conky setup i would like to set. here: http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Y2GLtfpQO-s/TFNDvhW4tAI/AAAAAAAAAcg/lq85dfxozcY/s912/my_gentoo_contest_2010.png13:14
Stanley_hi, i'm afraid im soo doomen :( I forgot my password, so i changed it using the recovery boot option and passwd username. Now i can't get into the system anymore.13:14
blinkbazhang: also I am tweaking my new ubuntu, that's why am looking for such applications.13:14
Dr_Williskyentei:  ive had to move some other servers back/down the chain in the past when networking was not 'up' fast enough13:14
Dr_WillisThers proberly some info in the ssh log files.13:15
Stanley_in /home/stanley i have a readme.txt and a shortcut... could anyone help me?13:15
tomcullinanehmm ok, my card has to be turned on by a software keyboard shortcut on windows, any idea on how to get it turned on on ubuntu 10.04, my laptop is fujitsu siemens li 273513:15
kyenteiDr_Willis: But it should only be listening right? Oh well, you can easily find out by typing "ps aux | grep openssh" when your pc has started but SSH isn't working yet.13:16
bazhang!ru | eeg313:16
ubottueeg3: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:16
sebsebsebStanley_: right, can you get into recovery mode though?13:16
bazhangwhoops sorry eeg313:17
Stanley_sebsebseb: yes i can13:17
sebsebsebStanley_: ok simple13:17
Stanley_i can also boot with another user13:17
sebsebsebStanley_: go into that get the root prompt13:17
sebsebsebStanley_: passwd your-username13:17
sebsebsebStanley_: and set a new password13:17
VirusTBwhere is  ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins  located? :S:S:S:13:18
VirusTBlol dumb questin i know, but how do i get to it13:18
sebsebsebVirusTB: hidden .folders in home13:18
pk__how to start networking at system startup?13:18
sebsebsebVirusTB: view > show hidden files and folders13:18
intranutStanley_: what happened13:18
VirusTBsebsebseb: gracias :)13:19
sebsebsebVirusTB: ok your welcome13:19
VirusTBlunch time, have a good day everyone!Bless13:19
Stanley_sebsebseb: while i was posting i found another way: logged in as a user. su stanley, then passwd and changed the password. Now i can boot and login as stanley, but all the docs etc are gone...13:21
sebsebsebStanley_: ok not sure13:21
tomcullinanemy wireless network card has to be turned on by a software keyboard shortcut on windows, any idea on how to get it turned on on ubuntu 10.04, my laptop is fujitsu siemens li 273513:22
Dr_Willistomcullinane:  you mean like fn-F2 or somthing on a laptop?13:22
tomcullinaneyup fn+f113:22
Dr_Willistomcullinane:  depends on teh laptop - those keycombos work for me on the one laptop thats has it set like that. however on some of my other laptops ive had to boot to windows turn on wireless.. and be sure to NEVER turn it off/hit the switch in linux. :)13:23
Stanley_if i hit the link, i get a window with Enter your login passphrase:13:23
pk__bihari ubuntu use karne lage kya?13:23
Jinxed-If I wanted to record a webcams attached to my network, be able to view them live from the network, and be able to store a buffer of a few hours for each camera, what would be the best way to do this with ubuntu?13:23
Stanley_I wrote that wodn while installing, but it's not working ;(13:23
biharipk__,  haa ? kyu ?13:24
bihariyes intranut13:24
Dr_WillisJinxed-:  how are the network web cams sending the info?  They special network enabled cams that have a web interface or what exactly?13:24
tomcullinaneDr_Willis: thats the thing though the card is always defaulted to off, so i have to turn it on each time, dont know why fujitsu didt think it was a good idea to have a physical switch13:24
blinkbazhang: so??13:25
Jinxed-Dr_Willis, the cams will be sending streams (udp, rtsp, rtp)13:25
Dr_Willistomcullinane:  on one of my laptops it looks like a switch but its actually just a button. :()  You may want to check teh forums.13:26
Dr_WillisJinxed-:  VLC should be able to capture it then. or perhaps streamtuner/streamripper13:26
bazhangblink, did you need a link to a tutorial or something along those lines?13:26
Dr_WillisJinxed-:  been wanting to get one of those for the wife. for a security camera for the front porch. :0 but too much $$$ for her.13:26
tomcullinaneDr_Willis: on a previous version of linux(9.10) someone online helped me write some sort of file (similar to a bat file in windows) and that managed to manually turn it on, but since formatting my laptop to windows 7 and now dual boot with ubuntu I can't find the same method :(13:27
wysekhi, does anyone have problems with starting pgadmin? I get http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/y3QF7t3e13:27
blinkbazhang: a step by step tutorial which gives me the ability to change it as liked.13:27
Jinxed-Dr_Willis, have you ever looked into zoneminder?13:27
Dr_Willistomcullinane:  so there was some script you made that used some commands to enable it..   and you dident jot down the commands. :()13:27
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5436679 blink this may help13:27
Dr_Willistomcullinane:  i always post such question/anssers in the forums - if for nothing else . i can always search formy own name and find it again. :) Or use the  UbuntuOne Notes feature to keep such info always there.13:28
blinkbazhang: tried that and didnt like it. thanks anyway. i'll surf the web.13:28
Dr_WillisJinxed-:  just looked at the store yesterday at a few of them.13:28
tomcullinaneDr_Willis: nope i had it saved on the desktop and then i messsed my laptop up and lost everything! haha thanks for the help anyway13:28
tomcullinaneDr_Willis thanks again see  you later13:29
Dr_Willistomcullinane:  at least you know it CAN be done.13:30
Kartagiswhat is the page that gives me the lines to add to modprobe.conf for listening to music with earplugs and cutting down speakers?13:32
KartagisI think it was an alsa page13:32
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.13:32
abhijithello! :)13:35
Gangrelis there any possibility to advance from 32bit to 64bit without formating?13:37
joschiGangrel: no.13:37
abhijitGangrel, no13:37
Gangrelahhh great :)13:38
Dr_Willis'reinstalling' is not the same as formating. :)13:40
GangrelDr_willis you mean?13:41
Dr_WillisGangrel:  You are going to do a reinstall.   You can keep your old /home/ partition and data if you wanted to.   the installer will want to format any / partitions you are using.13:42
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Dr_WillisGangrel:  of course you may decide going to 64bit isent worth the hassle also..  You will gain some preformance with 64bit.13:42
joschiDr_Willis, Gangrel: at least if his computer has enough memory13:43
joschiwith <2 GB it doesn't make much sense, IMHO13:43
Gangrelit is just that my laptop has 4gb ram and i7 cpu and runs better with 64bit softwares13:44
nogoi7 has everything you are dreaming, but, look at its tdp...13:45
Dr_Williswith exactly 4gb.. you may or may not get access to all 4gb..13:45
nogoi7 = anti-slient and anti-powersaving cpu13:45
nogohow comes?13:46
Dr_Willistheres lot of different i7's13:46
nogoit just eats 512mb for the built-in gpu13:46
Dr_Willissome are made with mobile/low power cioncumtion in mind..13:46
Gangrelwhy do i lose 1.1gb of ram?13:47
ikoniaGangrel: in what way lose ?13:47
nogoi7 is still expensive13:47
NET||abusequick poll: which is you favourite? Yakuake, Guake, Tilde, Konsole13:47
Dr_Willispart of the ram coule be for a video card.. or could be due to the other hardware devices taking some of it.13:47
Dr_Willis!poll | NET||abuse13:47
ubottuNET||abuse: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:47
Dr_WillisNET||abuse:  use what you like.13:47
nogoGangrel: are you running 32-bit ubuntu?13:47
Gangrelsystem monitor shows me a total of 2.9Gb of ram but i have 4Gb13:47
NET||abuseDr_Willis, hah, ok13:47
Gangrelnogo yes13:47
Stanley_so i messed up my system and found out i lost my files cuz i don't have my encryption passphrase13:48
NET||abuseDr_Willis, fair nuff so :P13:48
jordi_margalefhi all13:48
Stanley_now i need to configure everything again...13:48
Stanley_somewhere on my system are .encryption files which consumes diskspace, does anyone know how to delete them to regain diskspace?13:49
bullgardWhy is Synaptic 0.63.1 > select any package > Properties  >  tab »Dependencies« > list box »Provided_Packages« empty?13:49
fallenferreti need help13:50
=== emc_ is now known as emc
sebsebseb!ask | fallenferret13:50
ubottufallenferret: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:50
jordi_margalefI can't read dvd's13:51
fallenferretdoes anyone here know how to root and sideload apps on a samsung galxy s pohone???13:51
Dr_Willisfallenferret:  and this is ubuntu related how exactly?13:51
sebsebsebjordi_margalef: to play commercial DVD's you need libdvdcss2/3 installed13:51
sebsebseb!medibuntu | jordi_margalef13:51
ubottujordi_margalef: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:51
Dr_Willis!dvd | jordi_margalef13:51
ubottujordi_margalef: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:51
jordi_margalefno, I can read DVD's with one unit but not with the other. I've done all medibuntu, libdvdcss business13:52
Dr_Willisso its a matter of telling the video player to use the other drive.13:53
Dr_Williswith VLC  its got a File-> media -> open disk. menu item.. i tell it the proper /dev/sr#13:54
crunchbangHello.. I installed Ubuntu 9.04, and then I installed windows 7, but the Linux then disappeared. Im trying to make it able to load again, and I know its through the menu.lst from grub, but how do I figure out what hd it is?13:54
kyle_anyone know how to commandline start a 3G modem connection.13:55
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rousingi've installed kde and removed gnome desktop in my lucid install, kdm won't start automatically every time i have to run sudo service kdm start, how to make this automatic please ?13:55
Dr_Williscrunchbang:  watch out for grub1 and grub2 differances..  if you did a clean install of 9.04 you should be using grub2.13:55
crunchbangDr_Willis, its Crunchbang linux with 9.04..13:56
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sebsebsebcrunchbang: Dr_Willis  no 9.04 uses Grub1 by default13:56
sebsebseb!crunchbang | crunchbang13:56
ubottucrunchbang: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)13:56
Dr_Williscrunchbang:  normally first hd is hd0, first partition used tio also be # 0. BUT with grub2 it changed to 1. I think..13:56
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Dr_Willissebsebseb:  im off by a year? :) heh.. been so long ago.13:56
jordi_margalefubottu/Dr Willis, the problem is that I could use my main DVD-RW until yesterday. Not it seems that has given up working, even on boot -it doesn't load ubuntu 10.04 from the liveCD.13:56
Dr_Willisgrub1 >  hd0,0 - first hd first parittion.13:56
sebsebsebDr_Willis: been so long since what?13:56
kyle_anyone know how to commandline start a 3G modem connection?13:56
Dr_Willissebsebseb:  since i last used 9.04 :)  i cant rember its grub versions13:57
macokyle_: think you need wvdial13:57
Dr_Williscrunchbang:  so how many hard drives do you have?13:57
crunchbangDr_Willis, one for Linux, then a second for Win713:57
rousingany idea how to start kdm automatically when the system starts please ?13:57
sebsebsebDr_Willis: yeah 9.04 the last version to use the good Grub, ah well13:57
crunchbangDr_Willis, so I guess its (hd0,1) ?13:58
Oerjordi_margalef, maybe the drive is broken ?13:58
Dr_Williscrunchbang:  I mean Hard Drives.. not parittions.. if you have 2 actual hard drives.. the first one should be hd0 second hd113:58
sebsebsebrousing: install KDM,  tell it to use KDM,  and then KDM should just show when the computer is turned on or re booted13:58
crunchbangDr_Willis, only one harddrive :)13:58
rousingsebsebseb, i did13:58
Lord_RahlAny one know a good Ubuntu VPS host?13:58
rousingsebsebseb, i had ubuntu first then installed kde, removed ubuntu-desktop correctly.13:58
sebsebsebrousing: also you could also ask help with that in  #kubuntu since its the KDE Display Manager13:59
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rousingsebsebseb, i've tried to install gdm again and tell it to use kdm ans still kdm wont start automatically :(13:59
jordi_margalefOer. I don't think so because on Places > Computer, both units appear on the screen13:59
Dr_Williscrunchbang:    if you have 1 hd.. then whats the issue? Oh you need the PARITTION # then. :)   if its partitioned like windows, linux, swap. then linux would be on hd0,1 yes.13:59
rousingsebsebseb, almost inactive chanel, but thanks13:59
kyle_anyone had problems with E220 on ubuntu 10.413:59
crunchbangDr_Willis, No, its Linux, Swap, Windows I think13:59
Oerjordi_margalef, did you check de iso after burning ?14:00
Dr_Williscrunchbang:  check 'sudo fdisk -l'  output. :) actually the grub command line has a way to look also..14:00
Dr_Williscrunchbang:  first hd/parittion is hd0,0 then.14:00
jordi_margalefOer, what iso? Sorry, I'm very novice.14:00
sebsebsebrousing: ok good luck I guess, and KDM :)14:00
Quantum_IonDr_Willis, What is the name of that app that is like Apple iTunes but for Ubuntu Linux ?14:01
crunchbangDr_Willis, I figured it out.. Windows is hd0,214:01
Oerjordi_margalef, you tried to boot ubuntu from that dvd-drive ?14:01
rousingsebsebseb, thank you14:01
=== unix is now known as Guest81813
Quantum_IonDoes Apple iTunes run on Linux ?14:02
alt096hi all14:02
jordi_margalefOer, yes. I did. That is my main DVD drive. The one that would load from BIOS when there is a bootable disc14:02
Oercheck MD5Sum of the iso, jordi_margalef14:03
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:03
jordi_margalefOer, how do I do that?14:04
Quantum_IonLet me try installing "Banshee" they say its like the Ubuntu Linux equivalent of Apple's iTunes14:04
sihnuhttp://repo.or.cz/w/ncmpcpp.git how can i add this repository to my software sources?14:04
caimHi , I have been trying to boot a custom dom0 kernel on ubuntu, but I get stuck on : gave up for root device error, even when I try rootdelay=90 It can't find the / device. Did anyone experienced that ? I am using the git kernel
Oerjordi_margalef,  it is all in the link http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM14:04
Lord_RahlAny one know a good Ubuntu VPS host?14:04
daithifUbuntu forums down?  unable to log in14:05
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Picidaithif: Yes, they are having issues.14:06
nogodoes ubuntu have a forum?14:06
Oersihnu, maybe this page is any help > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Git14:06
daithifnogo: http://ubuntuforums.org14:06
nogoit's not official i guess14:07
Picinogo: It is.14:07
nogolinuxquestions can help you14:07
nogoon all distros14:07
Micke_Hello! I have problem. My wlan adapter (ar9285) shows up as disabled and there is no way of enabling it. (The "hardware" switch on the side of the computer (HP Pavilion DM3) won't work.) I've installed backports, didn't change a thing. Then I downloaded the latest driver and compiled it but the darn wlan card still won't turn on... suggestions would be much appriciated!14:08
nogohi, man14:08
fallenferretwhat is the proper way to ask for help on here14:08
Pici!ask | fallenferret :)14:08
ubottufallenferret :): Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:08
Quantum_Ionfallenferret, just ask the question14:08
BluesKajMicke_, is it a usb outboard wfi adapter?14:08
fallenferretk, well im getting a samsung captivate today from att and i cant seem to find any documentation on rooting and sideloading apps in ubuntu14:08
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fallenferretso i need to know if anyone knows how to do this14:09
soupdragonUBUNTU: malicious mongoose14:09
Oerfallenferret, samsung captivate is an GSM not running on ubuntu ?14:09
ahmad_hi all, I am trying to bind java rmi object to a name using "Naming.rebind("rmi://")", but I am facing an exception says "Connection refused to host:", anyone has an idea? thanks.14:10
Micke_It's internal for my laptop. The most annyoing thing is that it worked in win7 before I decided I wanted a proper OS =)14:10
hvralphaMIkce, is it working if you boot the live CD?14:11
Lord_RahlAny one know a good Ubuntu VPS host?14:11
nogogoogle+modprobe, i think14:11
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sihnuOer, isn't that guide how to install git server to your local computer?14:11
nogosihnu, are you a developer?14:12
bullgardWhy is Synaptic 0.63.1 > select any package > Properties  >  tab »Dependencies« > list box »Provided_Packages« empty?14:12
mariooliveirai instaled wireshark and did sudo wireshark.  the program is ok and working but i get this message in console Crit murrine_style_draw_box: assertion `height >= -1' failed14:12
Quantum_IonAnyone know how to start Ubuntu One Music Store from terminal ?14:12
Micke_I'll try booting a live usb (haven't got a dvd this little pc) and see if that works. ( I've used the reset to factory settings in bios but that didn't turn it on either.)14:12
mariooliveiraany ideas way  this is happening?14:12
Oersihnu, yes, howto make the source availabel on your pc.14:12
=== damn3d is now known as Morpheus
sihnuno, i just asked channel #mpd that how i can't fetch lyrics in ncmpcpp and I got answer that it's fixed in git. I asked what is git and I got the link I pasted before14:13
=== Morpheus is now known as Damn3d
Micke_I'll be right back on. Just as soon as I've booted the live disc.14:13
BluesKajMicke_ alt + f2,  gksudo gedit /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state , make sure networking is enabled14:14
albert_I have one small problem with ubuntu x386. Today morning i have started my PC and i saw that Reboot/shootdown swith is inactive, iv opened update manager and there was 4 language updates for gnome (2 my native updates and 2 english updates) native updates are unselectable ... and i cant install them. is that connected with button problem ? how to solve that problems ? PLS /q me if u know.14:14
sihnuperhaps he meant that it is fixed but the fix is not yet released14:14
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=== jakub is now known as Guest61174
enkarthi had delete wine from computer. but now i installed again. but i can not see the wine menu :( what should i do now ?14:15
BluesKajenkarth, alt+f2 , wine14:16
nebulathe best ftp cclient for ubuntu ..please help ?14:16
sacarlsonenkarth: why not use virtualbox with a real windows running inside ubuntu instead of the cripled wine install?14:16
enkarthBluesKaj:  i did it  and now ?14:17
iversnebula: ncftp14:17
albert_nebula: im using built in ftp client :)14:17
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:17
vintneri cant get video from utube or other flash based media using 10.04. ive installed adobe flash but still have issues14:17
BluesKajenkarth, did yuou get a drop down showing wine14:17
albert_nebula: if u mean ftp client for gnome.... or u want terminal one.14:18
Mbear10.04 CUPS won't start automatically on boot.  BUN says it's checked for auto-start, but I have to manually start it14:18
enkarthsacarlson: because i just use 2-3 programs with them. and also now i have to do the share setting (which i dont know) with ubuntu-virtualbox (windows). i dont want to do it. and i can not wait to open windows to use the program (for windows) just for a few minutes..14:18
Mbearthat should be bum14:18
bullgardWhat Ubuntu programs allow to edit a text using regular expressions?14:18
enkarthBluesKaj: i did not understand what you mena.14:19
enkarthBluesKaj: *mean14:19
jordi_margalefOer, none of the options of the link you told me have worked14:19
erUSULMbear: sudo update-rc.d cups defaults14:19
=== sam__490 is now known as sinusoid
BluesKajok enkarth , try wine in the terminal14:20
sacarlsonvintner: try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats14:20
Oerjordi_margalef, you daid, you have 2 drives, change the drive ?14:20
MbearerUSL update-rc.d: warning: cups stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (1)14:20
vintnerthanks sacarlson14:21
SevithIs there an easy way to prevent xmas fin and null scans14:21
ircleuseris there someone who knows the difference between ubuntu server and desktop?14:21
MbearerUSUL  update-rc.d: warning: cups stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (1)14:21
jordi_margalefOer, yes. I put the 10.04 liveCD on the unit that works already. The other does not recognize the disc14:21
ikoniaSevith: xmas fin and null ?14:21
enkarthBluesKaj: http://textsnip.com/6dcf2214:21
erUSULbullgard: search and replace via regex? all major ones should support it ( emacs vi ) or you can run the file through sed or ed14:21
sacarlsonenkarth: share setting?  samba not a big problem to share files with windows but with only 3 that you know will run with wine can't be too bad14:21
Sevithikonia, yeah...either one of the three is it easy to prevent them with kernal modifications? or is there a way14:21
erUSULMbear: if it is only a warning ignore it14:21
lellehow do i check the name of my battery? ie BAT0 but it conky script doesnt approve..14:21
ikoniaSevith: I have no idea what an xmas scan is14:22
sacarlsonenkarth: but for me 3 is never enuf I want it allllll14:22
bullgarderUSUL: Is Gedit a minor program?14:22
sinusoidmorning everyone14:22
ikoniaSevith: can you give more context to what you want14:22
Sevithikonia, scan with all tcp flags on..psh urg ask syn nul and fin14:22
MbearERUSUL OK, it says start/stop links for etc/init.d/cups already exist   ... I imagine it's updated them?14:22
nogoxmas scan is for win9814:22
enkarthsacarlson:  share settings: virtualbox-ubuntu. because yesterday i just try to do send a file from ubuntu inside to virtualbox for 3-4 hours but i cant :( ...14:22
Sevithikonia, i want to prevent scans with ALL flags on or just urg psh and rst14:22
ikoniaSevith: if you want to blog that, just use iptables14:22
nogoit's dead in y2k14:22
Micke_Allright I'm back on with ubuntu live usb hdd. wlan adapter is still disabled. I think that the "hardware" key on the side of the laptop don't register. Maybe I can issue the same command in a terminal?14:23
sacarlsonenkarth: you just forgot to talk to me14:23
erUSULMbear: then cups should start with the system... have you checked system logs ? /var/log/ /var/log/cups/ ?14:23
Sevithikonia,  :( Now i feel stupid...14:23
Sevithikonia, lol..14:23
enkarthsacarlson: i just want to use wine.14:23
ikoniaSevith: no need for that14:23
enkarthsacarlson: i want my wine menu back :D14:23
ikoniaSevith: easy answers are sometimes missed14:23
Sevithikonia, ill add into my firewall scripts i spose14:23
BluesKajenkarth, what happened when you did alt+f2 and typed wine in the runbox ?..was there a drop down box showing the wine app or.... ?14:23
sacarlsonenkarth:  I can't help you there sorry14:23
Sevithikonia, How to turn ping off? whats the echo 0 > where is this file at?14:24
erUSULbullgard: http://code.google.com/p/yare-gedit-plugin/14:24
enkarthsacarlson: no problem. thansk you!14:24
ikoniaSevith: oooh, that's /proc/sys/net/ipv4/$something14:24
ikoniaSevith: can't remember which one14:24
enkarthBluesKaj: nothing happened...14:24
=== xcv is now known as DaZ
nebulaalbert_, ftp client grafic ?14:24
Sevithikonia, Roger ill look around for it i was just tryin to find but i could14:24
Sevithikonia, couldnt*14:24
BluesKajenkarth, then wine isn'r installed properly14:24
ikoniaSevith: it's certainly /proc/sys/net/ipv414:25
enkarthi can opne the exe files properly.14:25
enkarthBluesKaj: i can open the exe files properly.14:25
Micke_On some laptops you can turn on a wlan adapter by pressing fn+f2 or something like that. Can I assign that command to another key combination? (Seeing as how my laptop only has a "hardware" key on the side that dosen't work.)14:25
BluesKajyeah enkarth , maybe so but it's abroken install14:26
Sevithikonia, icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts icmp_echo_ignore_all  :)14:26
Sevithikonia, Ty14:26
ikoniaSevith: nice find14:26
Sevithikonia, TY for help:)14:26
enkarthBluesKaj:  reinstall ?14:27
sacarlsonMicke_: yes I beleave there is but I I'm not the expert on doing it14:27
ikoniaSevith: welcome14:27
MbearerUSUL I've just had a look at the logs.  It loads cupsd.conf then repairs ownership and access permissions, then says "full reload is required"14:27
Angelionhi everybody14:27
nebula ftp client grafic ?14:27
Angelionmuch time?14:27
erUSULMbear: never encounter such an error; maybe there is a cups channel around here ?14:27
BluesKajenkarth, sudo apt-get purge wine , then install14:28
chronikwhats a easy way of streaming? mpd over lan? whats best to use..14:28
Micke_sacarlson: Do you have any suggestions on where to look for  it_14:28
erUSULnebula: filezilla or gftp14:28
MbearOK, will check it out, cheers14:28
sacarlsonMicke_:  here and google I guess14:28
j_dalmondWhoIs j_dalmond14:28
Micke_sacarlson: Ok thanks. :)14:28
enkarthBluesKaj: i re-intslaleed it but the same problems still. i will install playonlinux now.14:29
Sevithikonia, You recompile kernels alot?14:29
ikoniaSevith: when I need to14:29
sacarlsonMicke_:  took me like 10 secound to google http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/assign-custom-shortcut-keys-on-ubuntu-linux/14:29
Sevithikonia, Can you give me a crash course HOWTO ? Iv never done it14:29
Sevithikonia,  :(14:29
Angelion :(14:29
Angelion :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(  :(14:30
BluesKajenkarth,  if you didn't purge wine then a reinstall will just put the same broken app back in the system , some removing from var/log also helps14:30
BluesKajerr sometimes14:30
st2052i'm trying to setup up cherry st-2052 card reader with ubuntu 10.04 and am failing ... any help please?14:30
Micke_sacarlson: Thanks for the link, now I just have to figure out which command to assign to14:30
ikoniaAngelion: please stop that14:31
enkarthBluesKaj: it is good to remove all the var/log directory ?14:31
Sevithikonia, Also too how can i drop a packet with iptables with NO flags at all set? (NULL) ?14:31
Angelionikonia :D :D :D :D :D :D14:31
bazhang!ru | Angelion14:31
ubottuAngelion: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:31
BluesKajenkarth, NO!14:31
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BluesKajjust the wine folder14:31
ikoniaSevith: --with-tcp-reset14:32
BluesKajenkarth, just the wine folder in /var/og14:32
enkarthBluesKaj: hmm but you told me to clean now...14:32
enkarthBluesKaj: hmm ok.14:32
st2052dropped ... any help on cherry st2052 card reader and untuntu 10.04?14:34
StaleHello people, it is 6;33am in the morning.14:34
bullgarderUSUL: Thank you very much for your help.14:34
erUSULbullgard: no problem14:34
BluesKajenkarth, I told you to remove wine " from var/log "14:34
airtonixwhy does inkscape take so long to load?14:34
enkarthBluesKaj: ok. i will do it. but now it is isntalling the playonliux please wait for me! :(14:35
StaleMy question regards whether laptops and netbooks are of the same PC model design. Is this true?14:35
JonathanEllisI'm trying to install a script into scribus. The script is at http://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/scribusmailmerge. I have copied the files to /usr/share/scribus/scripts/scribusmailmerge using sudo svn co http://tools.assembla.com/svn/scribusmailmerge /usr/share/scribus/scripts. So far so good. Now when I try to run ./setup.py I get the errors shown at http://pastebin.com/McmJ3ZBV. How do I install the missing modules? I have tried sudo apt-get install 14:35
BluesKajenkarth, I kn ow nothing about playonlinux14:35
bullgardairtonix: It is a powerful program.14:35
Staleso the inkscape is a development program.14:36
bullgardStale: Their srchitectures resemble each other. Yes.14:37
Sevithikonia, Thx :)14:37
Milos_SDI have one little problem with compiz 0.8.6 and ubuntu notification bubble... when compiz is not on, notification is ok, but with compiz it is not showing complete bubble...  here is the screenshot: http://www.glowfoto.com/static_image/16-060157L/5836/jpg/08/2010/img5/glowfoto14:38
sacarlsonJonathanEllis: as you should have seen it said success at the botom of you log so I guess your good to go14:38
vintnersacarlson: im still getting an error occured message when viewing utube and also viewing this page.. http://www.wral.com/weather/7day/14:38
sacarlsonJonathanEllis:   maybe it will be missing some fuction you can add later14:38
albert_i have two small problems with ubuntu x386. Today morning i have started my PC and i saw that Reboot/shootdown swith (right side of upper bar) is inactive, iv opened update manager and there was 4 language updates for gnome (2 my native updates and 2 english updates) native updates are unselectable ... and i cant install them. is that connected with button problem ? how to solve that problems ? PLS /q me if u know something about this..14:39
sacarlsonvintner: that page you just gave works for me in ff14:39
vintnerim using ff as well. i can only view it in non-flash page.14:40
sacarlsonvintner: I run a custom compiled firefox version Namoroka/3.6.9pre14:40
sacarlsonvintner: maybe you didn't give me the page that gives the problem?14:41
JonathanEllissacarlson: Unfortunately, the script does not appear in scribus so I dont think its worked14:41
vintneryeah thats the page14:41
vintnerlet me dl that version of ff14:41
=== jackson is now known as Guest36187
StaleIf anyone would like to know, I have successfully dual-boot install Ubuntu on a desktop. That includes fixing the BusyBoxScreenofDeath.14:41
JonathanEllis!hello | jackson14:41
ubottujackson: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:41
sacarlsonJonathanEllis: I guess python is like ruby with it's own packages?  I don't  write python so not sure.  any one else?14:41
FlashDeluxe038hi there! ive got a problem, i want to use a bluetooth headset and i try to connect via btsco, but if i execute the command btsco -v macadress i get the error "Error: control open (hw:1): No such file or directory Error: Can't find device. Bail ". Can anybody help me? I think its a problem of a non loaded module (snd-bt-sco) but this module is not installed and i cannot find it in the kernel config either :(14:42
noeuFlashDeluxe038: did you try googleing it first?14:42
noeuit sounds like a common problem14:43
jordi_margalefOer, I've tried several times to find the md5sum. I can get the md5sum.txt with a lot of hashes but not the -i386.iso14:43
bazhang!google | noeu14:43
ubottunoeu: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.14:43
sacarlsonJonathanEllis: maybe this is the place to find the missing python packages? http://pypi.python.org/pypi14:43
FlashDeluxe038of course i did, i found nothing helpful14:43
Milos_SDI have one little problem with compiz 0.8.6 and ubuntu notification bubble... when compiz is not on, notification is ok, but with compiz it is not showing complete bubble...  here is the screenshot: http://www.glowfoto.com/static_image/16-060157L/5836/jpg/08/2010/img5/glowfoto14:44
Staleperpheral device problem. could be tricky.14:44
FlashDeluxe038one post said that it is a bug, but the post was from 2007 and my kernel is a little bit newer ;)14:44
Oerjordi_margalef, the md5sum is in this list > http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/14:44
Stale:Milos_SD All I see is a speaker picture.14:44
cptblodis it possible to run xbmc with hdmi and vga at the same time?14:45
cptbloderh, make s/xbmc/ubuntu14:45
Micke_I've just looked in Ubuntu Help Center under Wireless Troubleshooting with it stating: "Check to see if there is a hardware switch, some devices can be switched off from Windows and may need to be turned back on from Windows."  Can that really be true? Do I really have to install windows on my laptop to get the wlan card to work in ubuntu?14:45
JonathanEllissacarlson: Thanks. I will try that14:45
Milos_SDStale, that is a notification bubble ... you see it is not showed as it should be... :)14:45
nerdy_kidmy X server is using 451.8mb of memory according to kde system monitor, when i click memory details i see that the heap is using 443564kb of memory.  Does that include video ram and is it normal?  thanks!14:45
StaleMilos_SD: I see your point.14:45
KjeldorI tried to install UBUNTU into the memory stick, but failed due to small size, I proceded and installed it in my hard disk. Now how do I remove the files from my memory??14:46
StaleMicke_: I suggest dual booting, it could be helpful.14:46
abhijitKjeldor, you can just format it?14:46
Kjeldorformat the memory stick? how do i do that?14:47
abhijitKjeldor, is your memory stick plugged in right now?14:47
sacarlsonMicke_: I have had wifi cards that had nvm (non volitile mem) loaded at boot that was different from my linux.  for a time linux didn't load it and would only work if windows installed the mem first.  later linux had a way to load it also.14:47
vintnersacarlson: apparently im running that version or newer, however it is not custom compiled but just the original. is there any way to verify the packages for flash are installed correctly?14:47
abhijitKjeldor, hey and formatting will erase ALL data inside that memory. is that ok?14:47
abhijitKjeldor, now go to desktop and right click on icon of memory and click on format14:48
lost_is there a way to have pidgin shows contact cards ?14:48
nogoremember to clear mbr by formating14:48
nogothe mbr14:48
Kjeldorits the RAM where it was installed partly14:48
BluesKajMicke_, which wifi card is it ?14:48
gimmickless_what terminal command searches for wireless access points?14:49
abhijitKjeldor, i ddnt got you. no os 'install's  in ram.14:49
Micke_The thing is that I neither have a dvd player nor a windows install disc...14:49
Micke_Atheros 928514:49
Stalevintner: are you trying to run flash components on a internet browser?14:49
KjeldorWhen I tried to install UBUNTU for the first time, it selected the RAM, in the end, it said it doesnt have enough memory, so i selected the HARDISK14:49
iversgimmickless_: kismet is useful14:50
vintneryes, i cant view flash nor utube, whatever that is built in14:50
vintnerStale: here is an example of what i cant view http://www.wral.com/weather/7day/14:50
abhijitKjeldor, i think we both are getting confused. one thingi know for sure is no os 'installes' itlesf in ram? it just run live cd mode but thats another part. itss temporary14:51
Stalevintner: you are in luck, try the opera browser. That is the most powerful mainstream browser I ever used. Works well if you have the WineHQ working.14:51
sacarlsonvintner: what method did you use to install flash and what version did you install14:51
vintnerfrom the link you listed, i followed those directions for the 64 bit14:52
sacarlsonvintner: I find methods to install but can't seem to find a method to test an verify version14:52
StaleMicke_: Is the Atheros 9285 a Windows application?14:52
BluesKajMicke_,  can we establish what you've tried so far ?14:52
Kjeldoroh okey14:52
sacarlsonvintner: extra something?14:52
Cogito46Is there a way to turn off ACPI even if that option is not in the bios because my system don´t boot with acpi on14:53
gimmickless_ivers: any package available from a fresh install? trying to t-shoot why USB wireless card is active and not detecting.14:53
pranay_09hello, is it possible to update the local repository of karmic to lucid on my server14:53
Micke_BlueKaj: Ok, just give me a moment to type it up.14:53
vintneryeah the restricted extras14:53
gigasoftjnlp file look bad when started, anu help?14:53
pranay_09or do i have to download for lucid separately?14:53
vintnerand also the flashplugin-nonfree14:53
sacarlsonvintner: I found the way to test and I see I have flash 10 installed by doing a right click on the section running the flash in the browser14:54
sacarlsonvintner: so what version did you say flash is that you have?14:54
Stalevintner: You can use the windows version of the opera browser (flash already included) if you have the WineHQ. Do you need help installing WineHQ?14:55
airtonixStale, winehq is a website14:55
vintnerits the nonfree version14:55
BluesKajvintner, open your browser and in the url type "about:plugins14:55
=== eric is now known as Guest19203
sacarlsonStale: run a browser in wine?  there must be a better whay14:56
vintnerok blue14:56
airtonixsacarlson, use google chrome? it has flash included14:56
Staleairnonix: not just a website, it is a source where windows applications can be run in linux OS14:56
airtonixStale, show me.14:56
Oerpranay_09 yes, you can make your own mirror > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Debmirror   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Rsyncmirror14:56
* airtonix doubts stales words14:56
sacarlsonvintner: hear that airtonix said chrome will work.  I've used chrome in youtube.com when firefox crashed before.  I think I suggested that before14:57
Staleairtonix: that I will show, follow the (easy) instructions on this page. http://ubuntumanual.org/posts/243/install-the-latest-version-of-wine-in-ubuntu-the-easy-way14:57
Micke_BlueKaj: I've got a laptop (HP Pavilion DM3). The wlan adapter is atheros 9285. It worked in windows (the few moments I had windows on it that is). Installed Ubuntu 10.04 via a usb hdd (the laptop dosen't have a dvd player). Realised the wlan was disabled with no way of turning it on (the "hardware" key on the side of the computer dosen't work). Installed backports, still wouldn't work. Downloaded latest driver and compiled it, still14:57
iversMicke_: have you checked that your revision is supported and working ?14:57
airtonixStale, i think you are confusing the concept of a "repository" and a "program"... repositories are not "installed".14:58
Stalesacarlson: I know wineHQ might be heavy on the Ubuntu, but it works like a windows would, only difference is that it is free from wga.14:59
hullohello, I want to add nfs to a ubuntu 6.10 machine.  I know that it is dangerously out of date, but it isnt internet facing and I just want to set it up termporarily14:59
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Micke_ivers: the drivers install fine and the adapter shows up everywhere. I just can't turn/toggle/enable it.14:59
BluesKajMicke_ alt + f2,  gksudo gedit /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state , make sure networking is enabled14:59
hulloi dont have nfs-common or nfs-server installed on it14:59
airtonixStale, that guide is also for jaunty... wine has a proper ppa now.15:00
sacarlsonstale: if I want something free I just steal it15:00
sacarlsonstale: I have no ethics sorry15:00
Stalesacarlson: that is also another good idea.15:00
sacarlsonstale: I must be a bad influence look what I am teaching now!15:01
Stalesacarlson: I better watch what I type down.15:01
prizmWat's the best graphic card for light 3D gaming in WINE?15:01
Micke_BluesKaj: Nice find! the wireless was set to false there. How do I "refresh" that setting?15:01
atyzis there a difference between ubuntu lts and ubuntu gnome?15:02
prizmstuff like The Sims 3.15:02
prizmatyz: no, normal old ubuntu uses gnome15:02
overriderI did something stupid with setting my shell to something that does not exists while being root (chsh -s www-dev). I mean to modify the shell for user www-dev, but forgot one argument. Now, i cannot login as root anymore (nor sudo su) on any new shell i open (ssh login), but on the terminal i did the change on i am still logged in as root. What can i do to fix my missing shell? When i try to chsh -s bash it will prompt me for a password, no mat15:02
frxstremis there a program for viewing binary files in Ubuntu?15:02
pranay_09Oer; thanks, but i already have a local apt mirror on my server ,for karmic and i need to change to lucid , so just by substituting karmic for lucid in the apt-mirror configuration file will do?15:02
Staleairtonix: I think the guide also works for jaunty, Intrepid, and Hardy too.15:02
prizmand ubuntu LTS is just certain ubuntu versions with special support15:02
atyzprizm:  i know that, but i always thought lts was like long term service, so i figured it would stay 10.04 even when 10.10 came out?15:02
airtonixStale, i stopped using hardy 3 years ago.15:03
vintnerwell, everything works in opera15:03
vintnerproblem solved, thanks guys15:03
overriderok i manually edited /etc/passwd, its ok now, phew15:03
prizmversions are released like normal, just that LTSes have extended tech support15:03
atyzprizm:  thanks, i'm trying gnome now, always have used kde15:03
Stalevintner: no problemo, I will be back *drowns in molten lava*15:03
Micke_BluesKaj: Hmm that was for the networking applet, right? The adapter still won't turn on.15:04
sacarlsonvintner: very good15:04
airtonixStale, it's assumed that in this channel when you ask for help about ubuntu , that you are using the latest version (being 10.04)...unless you say otherwise when you ask for help.15:04
prizmWhat is a good graphics card that will get good framerates in games like The Sims 3 (normal mode) - I won't have compositing BTW/15:05
eztop10.04 is the latest version but full of bugs15:05
hvralphaMicke, did you set the false to true in the networkmanager.state file?15:05
airtonixeztop, is it ?15:05
Staleairtonix: sorry about being old, airtonix.15:05
eztopairtonix:  yes15:05
airtonixeztop, what bugs ?15:06
sacarlsonstale: if you don't want to upgrade try ubuntu 10.04 in virtualbox and try wine in there.15:06
eztopairtonix:  well, for one, hibernate doesn't work on my laptop15:06
sacarlsonStale: I just upgraded 8.04 to 10.04 3 weeks ago15:06
spasysheepis there a way to do a hard drive check on ubuntu - not on the file system but actually checking the hdd itself?15:06
airtonixeztop, works fine on my hp mini311 netbook15:06
eztopairtonix:   but, it does on debian sqeeze15:06
Micke_hvralpha: It was false changed it to true. Didn't help.15:07
eztopairtonix:   letting my laptop go to sleep results in a crash... screen goes white at the bottom... unresponsive and artifacts everywhere15:07
sacarlsonspasysheep: good question,  I'm not sure,  unless you just write a big file and compare it with what it was?15:07
BluesKajMicke_, what about NM , does it show a wifi option and wlan0?15:07
Picispasysheep: Either from system>administration>Disks (I thinks thats what its called) or manually by installing smartmontools.15:07
Stalesacarlson: that is also a good idea, but I will remember to use the Windows (wubi) version for Ubuntu 10.04.15:08
eztopI have debian and ubuntu partitions15:08
airtonixeztop, I rarely power my netbook off. it suspends fine.15:08
eztopI'm switching the ubuntu to a mint one to see if it's better15:08
sacarlsonStale: they are telling me NOT to use wubi15:08
hvralphaMicke, presume you did restart after changing the setting?15:08
sacarlsonStale: in virtualbox you can install ubuntu direct you don't need window to have virtualbox15:09
eztopairtonix:  I rarely power down too ... but, then I can't put the lid down in ubuntu or i have to reboot15:09
Micke_BluesKaj: The applet only shows "wireless is disabled".15:09
eztopairtonix:   so, I use debian more and recommend it15:09
sacarlsonStale: you can have as I do in virtualbox ubuntu 8.04, 9.10 , 10.04, 10.10 ....15:09
spasysheeppici: thanks15:09
bjorris there a way to disable local user accounts when using LDAP user accounts for authentication?15:10
guampaeztop: afaik you can set it up so it doesn't suspend when you close the lid15:10
sacarlsonStale: oh and also window xp, vista, window7,   all at the same time15:10
Stalesacarlson: I believe you are suggesting to use virtualbox?15:10
kyenteibjorr: What about don't have any, apart from root? ;-)15:10
=== alt096 is now known as Alt096
BluesKajMicke_, ok there is an alternative called wicd which might recognize the wifi adapter15:10
airtonixbjorr, not sure on this, but i think you need to play with pam configuration ?15:10
eztopguampa:  why?15:10
BluesKaj!wicd |  Micke_15:10
sacarlsonStale: they should hire me to seel it ah15:10
BluesKaj!info wicd15:11
eztopobviously, there's a fix15:11
RainRainupdated from karmic and lost my nice background image - it came with the karmic package and was of a walkway going down to the sea - anyone know where it is on the net ?15:11
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.0+ds1-2 (lucid), package size 39 kB, installed size 88 kB15:11
bjorrI have tried but the problem i have is sometimes it wants to use the local password and sometimes it uses the LDAP password15:11
spasysheeppici: it's an external drive connected through firewire, the disk utility doesn't seem to like it :/15:11
KjeldorWhat is a good lightweight system monitor?15:11
eztopdebian has it working15:11
drcode_hi all15:11
bjorrI have changed around common-password and nsswitch.conf15:11
drcode_is there light ubuntu for slow cpu?15:11
itmustbejjcan anyone tell me why up/down arrows don't scroll thru terminal command history and instead show "^[[A" and "^[[B"?15:11
drcode_I need it for media center15:12
Stalesacarlson: Isn't the WineHQ enough to try out the Virtual Box?15:12
bonstry ctrl + arrows15:12
Pici!es | huewarlos15:12
ubottuhuewarlos: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:12
eztopdrcode:  nope15:12
huewarloshay alguien por ahi?15:12
itmustbejjbons: no dice15:12
sacarlsonBluesKaj: Micke_: wicd worked for me with my rt73 wifi  I love it15:12
eztopdrcode_:   use lxde or xfce in debian15:12
BluesKajMicke_, did you see tyhe wicd info above ?15:12
kyenteiRainRain: You could install your old distro in a Virtual machine, then go to the wallpaper directory and save it to another location.15:12
bonsctrl + shift + arrow15:12
airtonixStale, virtualbox has nothing to do with wine15:12
shamezdrcode, have you tried lubuntu15:12
eztoplubuntu is a buggy mess15:12
eztopwith no support15:13
Micke_BluesKaj: ok I'll check it out (missed the first post you made)15:13
corpsiclewhats lubuntu ?15:13
sacarlsonstale: hay one step at time grass hopper15:13
itmustbejjbons yeah?15:13
KjeldorWhat is a good lightweight system monitor?15:13
RainRainkyentei: thanks - yes but it's not that important - i was just thinking it would be somewhere on the net15:13
kyenteicorpsicle: ubuntu with the lxde desktop environment.15:13
bonsctrl + shift + arrow15:13
kyenteiRainRain: perhaps some googling, of deviantart, if you do know the file name15:13
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BluesKajsacarlson, I had it working on my laptop with atheros driver on 9.10 , but NM on 10.04 worked out of the box so to speak15:13
eztopdrcode_:  lxde or xfce in debian is a good option15:13
eztoplubuntu is plagued with bugs that no one attends to15:14
BluesKajsacarlson, wicd that is15:14
kyenteiRainRain: You could even use a live cd and get your hands on it :-P15:14
guampaKjeldor: conky is the best15:14
etrisnantohello all15:14
RainRainkyentei: thanks15:14
eztoplubuntu is lxde + bugs15:14
Staleairtonix: that is good to know. I thought I must install windows on wineHQ, virtualbox on windows, and finally dual-boot Ubuntu10.04 on that windows.15:14
shamezkjeldor, have you tried sysmon15:14
bons!info rootstock15:14
ubotturootstock (source: rootstock): shellscript to create armel rootfs tarballs using a VM. In component universe, is extra. Version (lucid), package size 13 kB, installed size 72 kB15:14
itmustbejjbons: that scrolls up/down in the scroll bar, I mean actually browse the the command history as in previously used commands15:14
kyenteieztop: Is that so? Which bugs?15:14
shamezguampa, sometimes conky is kinda buggy15:15
eztopkyentel:  ongoing terminal windown title bar bug15:15
sacarlsonBluesKaj: I see some people that have perfect drivers that just need wicd it seems.  but I have seen some people that I tried to help that as you no longer work in 10.0415:15
Kjeldorill try conky, can anybody guide me thru to set it up?15:15
eztopkyentel:  hibernate bug i just mentioned15:15
guampashamez: could be, haven't had problems myself15:15
eztopkyentei:  crashes, browser crashes15:15
Alt096hi all15:16
eztopmany more15:16
kyenteieztop: As result of what? Firefox runs just fine on Lubuntu 10.0415:16
Alt096do you believe that ubu is stable under sun vm?15:16
Alt096i use w715:16
shamezguampa, there are some systems which dont comply with its ability of double buffering15:16
kyenteieztop: it's just ubuntu minimal with Lxde.15:16
sacarlsonBluesKaj: another solution for virtualbox  run your wifi in there on ubuntu 9.1 and share you conection with your new ubuntu 10.0415:16
guampashamez: such as?15:16
Oereztop stop calling all ubuntu distro's buggy, it is not true :(15:16
eztopkyentel:  yes, with bugs..15:16
eztopOer:  it is!15:17
cosmici am new15:17
erUSUL!hi | cosmic15:17
ubottucosmic: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:17
kyenteieztop: I'd like to see bug reports.15:17
BluesKajsacarlson, yes , I tried wicd with a belkin wifi usb adapter on a desktop we have in one of the far bedrooms , trying to save running cat5/6 thruout the house , but wicd connects to the router only , it can't get to the interner15:17
Alt096hi I am new15:17
StaleOer: but is free, yes.15:17
eztopOer:  I just described a bug with hibernate that debian doesn't have!15:17
shamezguampa, well i have an old pentium which doesn't work very well with conky..flickers all the time15:17
Gangrelis there a way to change xsplash and usplash on lucid?15:17
kyenteieztop: specific to your hardware ;-)15:17
eztopI have reported two bugs but not much response15:17
sacarlsonBluesKaj: that's how I got my canon printer to work in ubuntu 8.04 64bit,  they didn't have drivers for 64bit so I just shared the printer in virtualbox running ubuntu 8.04 32bit15:18
kyenteieztop: So it could very well be a kernel issue15:18
eztopkyentel:   I don't know15:18
guampashamez: tried disabling the double buffering?15:18
eztopkyentei:  if it is, then they don't care about hardware15:18
eztopkyentei:  kernel issue?15:18
KjeldorCan anybody help me set this up? http://conkyhardcore.com/screenshots/2009/by-crinos512/15:18
kyenteieztop: But if you prefer debian, by all means ;-) I still use debian sid on some of my machines. But there's no need for replying to every question here that whatever they ask includes bugs.15:18
Arcidias http://conkyhardcore.com/screenshots/2009/by-crinos512/15:18
Arcidias http://conkyhardcore.com/screenshots/2009/by-crinos512/15:18
eztop10.04 kernel is 2.6.32-5-686?15:19
guampashamez: anyway i'm talking nonsense, db is supposed to aleviate flickering15:19
Staleoptimum performance requires RAM, just letting people know about it.15:19
Jinxed-Does anyone know how to stream a webcam with ffmpeg over your network in ubuntu 10.04?15:19
kyenteieztop: 2.6.32-24-generic15:19
KjeldorCan anybody help me set this up? http://conkyhardcore.com/screenshots/2009/by-crinos512/15:19
eztopkyentei:  well, I have no choice but to use debian instead15:19
shamezguampa, have you ever tried having a terminal as wallpaper...15:20
cosmicis there anyone good at fortran ?15:20
ilovefairuz!info webcam-server | Jinxed-15:20
ubottuJinxed-: webcam-server (source: webcam-server): a tool to share webcam streaming in www-browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.50-4 (lucid), package size 56 kB, installed size 152 kB15:20
eztopkyentei:  well, if you download the iso and install, isn't it at 2.6.32-5?15:20
ArcidiasKjeldor: you need to replace everything in your .conkyrc with the one on this site15:20
eztopI should upgrade my kernel?15:20
kyenteieztop: I'm not so sure.15:20
ArcidiasKjeldor: then, copy the scripts into the hidden conky directory in your home dir15:21
eztopoh, wait, nevermind15:21
Kjeldoryes, how do I do that, Its my 2nd day using UBUNTU15:21
sacarlsonJinxed-: I'm not sure about stream but I like the package motion  it detects changes in images and posts them to a local web site15:21
guampashamez: to be honest, i dont know how it performs on an old pentium, but afaik it isn't the same with conky15:21
guampa(to embed a terminal)15:21
eztopthat's the debian kernel15:22
eztopanyway, are those large differences?15:22
Jinxed-ilovefairuz, do you have any more info on that package google i not being too helpful15:22
cosmicis there any good at fortran ?15:22
ilovefairuz!who | eztop15:22
ubottueztop: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:22
StaleKjeldor: Do what?15:22
kyenteieztop: Perhaps they are. Try 10.10 ;-)15:22
ilovefairuzJinxed-: why don't you install it and read the manpages?15:22
tomcullinanehi could somebody please help me install acerhk-0.5.3515:23
caimgrub2 is retarded I can't believe I spent 2 days trying to figure out the problem with it and it was a "return" between two  kernel parameters15:23
Picicosmic: This channel is only for Ubuntu support, try #fortran for fortran help.15:23
eztopkyentei:  really?15:23
ArcidiasKjeldor: the .conkyrc is in your home dir, open nautilus (file manager) then press ctrl+h so you see hidden files (everything in *nix based systems with a . in front is treated as hidden file)15:23
bazhangcosmic, in #fortran15:23
sacarlsoncosmic: wow old stuf havn't writen frotran since 198215:23
shamezcosmic, well is it related with java15:23
Goliathwhats the default video driver for ubuntu?15:23
cosmicPici: thanks15:23
kyenteieztop: Perhaps 10.10 works.. :-) who knows ;-)15:23
ilovefairuzJinxed-: after installation type: dpkg -L webcam-server  (to list its files)15:23
ArcidiasKjeldor: then copy the .conkyrc you downloaded from that site into your home dir15:23
Kjeldordont i need to install conky first?15:23
eztopkyentei:  I didn't think the kernel changes would be such that it would make a difference with hibernate15:23
ArcidiasKjeldor: I assume you have conky15:23
Kjeldornot yet15:23
Kjeldori have no idea how to15:23
shamezcosmic, what are you planning to do with that language anywayz its so ancient..15:23
ArcidiasKjeldor: hahah, then install conky - sudo apt-get install conky15:23
ilovefairuzGoliath: to find your display driver, type in a terminal: lshw -C display15:23
eztopilovefairuz:  sorry15:24
ilovefairuz!who | Kjeldor15:24
ubottuKjeldor: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:24
eztopubottu:  oops15:24
kyenteieztop: Well it's not just that the software is shutting down on your machine. It's very much hardware related, so it could easily be something in the 10.04 kernel and your hardware.15:24
StaleKjeldor: You do not need conky to install ubuntu.15:24
eztopkyentei:  maybe15:24
ArcidiasStale: wtf?!15:24
avi_hey guys, I've got a bunch of HFS+ (journaling disabled) partitions, and I can browse them in Nautilus and stuff. However, I can't write to them. Not even in gksudo+Nautilus.. Am I needing to do something else?15:24
eztopkyentei:  but, I reported what I thought was bugs...but not much attention given15:24
sacarlsoncosmic: you need to find an old fart like me with 3 times more brain cells.15:25
cosmicshamez: oh. it is one of my course next term15:25
eztopkyentei:  that's insulting15:25
StaleGoliath: Ubuntu has various RAM requirements.15:25
kyenteieztop: What's insulting?15:25
adminewbHelp? Earlier I'd been told to enable sharing of the internet connection from Network Manager; both interfaces are configured there, but I can't find where to link the two, to share one through the other.15:25
eztopkyentei:   the fact there is little attention given to the bugs15:25
Jinxed-ilovefairuz, do you know how to stream with ffmpeg by chance. The thing is Im trying to get it to work with zoneminder which takes an ffmpeg stream15:25
wildmanI'm having a lot of these lately: geeqie-standard[3474]: segfault at 4 ip b69bbad8 sp bf9092c0 error 4 in libfreetype.so.6.3.22[b6973000+71000], mediatomb[2704]: segfault at 4a4235a2 ip b68a800e sp b1a7b430 error 4 in libavcodec.so.52.20.1[b676c000+52f000], any ideas?15:25
eztopkyentei:  they're serious... not having a title bar for your console windows..that's pretty....BAD15:26
StaleGoliath: for instance, the Ubuntu 8.04.1 requires nearly 255 RAM15:26
cosmicsacarlson: sorry, i am not quite understand your mean.15:26
eztopkyentei:  and it gets worse if you try to move the terminal around15:26
kyenteieztop: Ah. Well there are not any software upgrades within a version release. So you can probably find these bugfixes in 10.10 ;-)15:26
sacarlsoncosmic: if you have to take obsolete languages I suggest taking asembly language if that was an option15:26
kyenteieztop: That's an option you can configure.15:26
ilovefairuzJinxed-: trust me, manpages are the way to go for this stuff15:26
Picieztop: Have you logged your bug?15:26
eztopkyentei:  I would like to try 10.10 but my optical drive is not working... can i boot 10.10 via usb stick?15:27
sacarlsoncosmic: I was just restating what other have said it's an old language let it die in peace15:27
Jinxed-ilovefairuz, alright the ffmpeg man doc is as long has the harry potter series15:27
eztopPici:  yes, I did15:27
kyenteieztop: Of course you can.15:27
tomcullinanei am new to linux and i'm having trouble understanding how to install acerhk-0.5.35, i have downloaded it and the folder contains an install file a .c file a .h file an install file and a installl file15:27
eztopPici:  both bugs although I perceive more15:27
kyenteieztop: if the default startup disk creator doesn't work, just use unetbootin.15:27
eztopPici:  but, the ones that were more serious for me15:27
cosmicsacarlson: oh. but i major in chemistry, not code15:27
kyenteieztop: Run it live, and test hibernate..? ;-)15:27
Oerah eztop, maybe your laptop is old and buggy ? not ubuntu ..15:27
eztopkyentei:  oooh, I don't like netbootin...never works for me15:28
ilovefairuzJinxed-: haha, yes, here's a tip to make it easier to read, alt+f2 and type: yelp man:ffmpeg15:28
sacarlsoncosmic: so they don't port the chemistry into newer stuf?15:28
shameztomcullinane, well try compiling15:28
kyenteieztop: Okay, well. that sure ain't a bug ;-)15:28
eztopOer:  it's old but hibernate should still work!15:28
tomcullinaneshamez: how do i compile15:28
eztopOer:   not paying attention to my chat? :)   hibernate works in debian15:28
prizmtomcullinane: You got the source code, you have to compile it into a program15:28
prizmtomcullinane: open a terminal.15:28
eztopI guess it could be kernel-related with ubuntu's kernel but still15:28
cosmicsacarlson: yes, my teacher told me that i should learn fortran wel15:28
tomcullinaneprizm: yeah opened terminal15:29
bazhang!ot | sacarlson cosmic15:29
ubottusacarlson cosmic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:29
prizmtomcullinane: type this:15:29
sacarlsoncosmic: wow speak of chemistry I should go off line with you to chat about hydroponics problems I have with my chemistry solutions15:29
eztopI think there's a few other usb apps that can create the live iso15:29
shameztomcullinane, cd in the folder using the terminal type ./configure then ... make && make install15:29
prizmsudo apt-get install build-essentials15:29
Picisacarlson, cosmic: Could we please stay on topic here, #ubuntu-offtopic awaits.15:29
eztopi'd like to try 10.10 to see if it's fixed15:29
Piciprizm: no s at the end of that.15:29
bazhangprizm, build-essential not an s15:29
tomcullinaneprizm: right15:30
prizmMy knowledge at building from source is rustier than a spoon.15:30
cosmicPici: sorry for my off topic15:30
sacarlsoncosmic: he (your teacher) must be an old fart like me.  he needs an upgrade15:30
SingAlongHow do I find the IP address of my router from ifconfig?15:30
eztopI'm building a desktop and I think 10.04 or 10.10 would work on that... I'll admit that but not an enthusiastic ubuntu user!   i feel bugs are neglected15:30
wildmanI'm having a lot of these lately: geeqie-standard[3474]: segfault at 4 ip b69bbad8 sp bf9092c0 error 4 in libfreetype.so.6.3.22[b6973000+71000], mediatomb[2704]: segfault at 4a4235a2 ip b68a800e sp b1a7b430 error 4 in libavcodec.so.52.20.1[b676c000+52f000], any ideas?15:31
guampaSingAlong: ifconfig lists the ip addresses of the interfaces of your machine, can't show interfaces of an external router15:31
airtonixSingAlong, ifconfig won't show you the ip addresses of other devices15:31
SingAlongguampa: oh.15:31
shamezsingAlong, are you in a class 'c' network15:31
cosmicsacarlson: maybe you are right15:32
SingAlongI'm tethering wifi from my phone and to share desktop using remote desktop I need to know the server's address (which is the address of the phone right)?15:32
ilovefairuzeztop: there's only so much "engineering bandwidth" to fix stuff, if you really need something, roll up your sleeves and get it done or pay someone to do it15:32
SingAlongshamez: now whats that? :P15:32
airtonixSingAlong, i suggest you investigate the use of either nmap or zenmap to discover or map out the ip addresses of your network15:32
jk_SingAlong: the others are right, but your router's address may be listed as the gateway address for the internal interface you're using.15:32
adminewbHelp? I'd been told internet connection sharing can be enabled from Network Manager; both interfaces are configured there, but I can't find where to link the two, to share one through the other.15:32
RogProgWhy does captain picard uses sunglasses15:33
shamezsingAlong, ok thats hard explaining google at your own time... your ip router might be thats my gues15:33
BluesKajSingAlong, if your phone is connected to the desktop , try route in the terminal15:33
eztopilovefairuz:  they can't look at it that it works in debian and use that as a guide?15:33
guampajk_: that could be the case if the machine has been autoconfigured with dhcp15:33
RogProgBecause he wants to cooly go where noone has gone before!15:33
Staleadminewb: hello. what is shared net connection?15:33
eztopilovefairuz:  I didn't think it would be a complicated issue...15:33
bazhangRogProg, please stay on topic15:33
cosmicit's my first time chatting in IRC15:33
ilovefairuzeztop: did you point that out to them?15:33
=== iqbal is now known as Guest14287
eztopilovefairuz:  yes... :-/15:34
eztopilovefairuz:  yes, I pointed that out15:34
FlashDeluxehi@all! Has anybody got experiences with bluetooth headset and can tell me how he connects to his/er headset?15:34
ilovefairuzeztop: what package is it?15:34
eztopilovefairuz:  I sent pastepins of the output ...whatever was requested15:34
adminewbStale: I'm sharing a wired eth0 connection over wireless ad hoc15:35
ilovefairuzFlashDeluxe: right-click on bluetooth icon, select add new device, complete the pairing with your headset, done!15:35
adminewbdid that answer?15:35
eztopilovefairuz:  I was suggested to try 10.10 ..and a daily build but i don't want to install it... I would try a live 10.10 though15:35
Staleadminewb: yes15:35
ilovefairuzeztop: what package is it?15:35
eztopI created a live cd on my desktop, it's a daily build installer.... but the cd wouldn't be read on my cd-rom in the laptop15:35
eztopilovefairuz:  which one?15:36
shamezeztop, did you make it bootable15:36
ilovefairuzeztop: that has the issue fixed in debian15:36
eztopilovefairuz:  one bug is the terminal titlebar15:36
Staleadminewb: it seems as if you wanted to connect networks, right?15:36
adminewbStale: yes what should I do?15:37
eztopshamez:  yes... that is my hardware, though... my laptop sucks! :'(15:37
FlashDeluxeilovefairuz: Ok, it does find my blackberry but it does not find the hedset :(15:37
ilovefairuzFlashDeluxe: what's the model of your headset? does it have a button to make it discoverable ?15:38
eztopilovefairuz:  the package is related to ehci_hcd15:38
ilovefairuz!hi | eztop15:38
ubottueztop: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:38
Staleeztop: I would blame the RAM15:38
itmustbejjbons: I noticed I am missing my .bash_history file in my home directory....15:38
ilovefairuz!hi | user_15:38
ubottuuser_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:38
itmustbejjbons: I think that is likely the cause of my issue15:38
ilovefairuzeztop: link to bug report?15:39
FlashDeluxeilovefairuz: its a plantronics voyager 835 and it doesnt have a button to make it discoverable15:39
shamezFlashDeluxe, have you installed all 'bluezutils' packages15:39
Staleadminewb: so are you trying to make a wireless internet connection? Sorry about my slow response, I don't know if you wanted to actually connect two LANs together.15:39
FlashDeluxeshamez: yes i have and i can find it with hcitool scan15:39
adminewbStale: yes I do15:40
bonsgood job15:40
bonswhy are u missing it?15:40
abstrakthi, what client should I use/install for VPN?15:40
bonsdid u check in your home?15:40
itmustbejjbons: no clue, just set up a new username and logged in and it was never there15:40
abstrakthas not made it clear to me15:40
abstraktmy sysadmin gave me a zip file with a folder called 'openvpn'15:40
itmustbejjbons: gunna try logging out/in to see if it creates it15:40
tomcullinaneis there a way to pause an irc15:40
abstraktthat has apparently the secure keys15:40
adminewbStale: in Network Manager I can get connection info showing both interfaces set up as expected; can't see where though to link them together with one default gateway on eth015:41
abstrakttomcullinane, no15:41
eztopI would like to do as suggested at the end of the bug report but the created dvd iso would not boot in my optical drive15:41
erUSULtomcullinane: define "pause"15:41
abstraktbut the openvpn website only has Ubuntu 8 and Ubuntu 915:41
gentooxertomcullinane: just scroll up15:41
shamezFlashDeluxe, what bout hidd --search15:41
erUSUL!find openvpn15:41
ubottuFound: openvpn-blacklist, ebox-openvpn, gadmin-openvpn-client, gadmin-openvpn-client-dbg, gadmin-openvpn-server (and 6 others)15:41
abstrakttomcullinane, that would go against all ideas of IRC, that's just kind of pointless15:41
eztopsome cds and dvds work, some don't... i would replace the optical drive but not worth it15:41
Staleadminewb: Maybe your can see if they are connected to the same network name.15:41
headkase314tomcullinane, scroll up then it won't autoscroll until you scroll back to the bottom.  If the window loses focus usually it will put a red line in the conversation where it last had focus.15:41
abstrakterUSUL, hrm, so should I install one of those?15:42
eztopif I can get my usb stick to boot 10.10, I could test it15:42
erUSULabstrakt: install network-manager-openvpn-gnome <<< that adds support to networkmanager15:42
abstrakti'm guessing maybe I should install gadmin-openvpn-client15:42
abstraktahh ok thx15:42
FlashDeluxeshamez: nothing :( doesnt find anything15:42
erUSULabstrakt: the network icon in the right corner15:42
adminewbStale: I don't understand15:42
tomcullinaneit keeps autoscrolling :(]15:42
itmustbejjbons: didn't work, I have .bashrc and .bash_logout but no .bash_history15:42
Staleadminewb: I usually see a network name for one LAN.15:42
bonstry this http://rubenlaguna.com/wp/2007/01/08/bash/15:42
gentooxertomcullinane: use an other client15:42
eztopilovefairuz:  anyway, if I have to abandon pursuing the issue... I'll let it go... I would like to help solve the bug but yes, my hardware is in bad shape15:42
abstrakterUSUL, oh and my GNOME panels are fairly heavily modified from the default15:42
abstraktso that icon may or may not be where you said it was :)15:43
erUSULtomcullinane: use a proper irc client... empathy is good for im but irc ...15:43
tomcullinanegentooxer: i will do in future :)15:43
utkanosquick q, is there an escape sequence during the initial install process of ubuntu 10.04 to see what its currently doing? having an issue on a laptop where it just shows the first graphic with the guy with his hands in the air and it stops there15:43
eztopcan I change the subject?   can I ask about graphics cards?15:43
shamezFlashDeluxe, try playing around with /etc/hcid.conf15:43
tomcullinaneerUSUL: i usually do and will do in future15:43
adminewbStale: eth0 is the only name referencing the wired ethernet15:43
erUSULabstrakt: is the network manager icon the one you use with wifi or wired15:43
utkanosdrive continues to seek but nothing happens15:43
abstraktah ok15:43
abstraktyeah so I have a wifi icon15:43
headkase314tomcullinane, xchat is good just make sure you install xchat and not xchat-gnome15:43
gentooxereztop: you could give it a try15:43
abstraktI use wifi... i can use wired too but right now I'm on wifi15:44
eztopI want to upgrade my video card... does 10.04 or 10.10 work with ati cards?   or should i stick with nvidia?15:44
tomcullinaneheadKase314: thanks :)15:44
eztopany ati owners here?15:44
erUSULabstrakt: well it can configure vpn connections too if you install the plugins15:44
FlashDeluxeshamez: woo :S That file doesnt exist?!15:44
headkase314tomcullinane, you're welcome.15:44
eztopgentooxer:  i'll try :)15:44
Staleadminewb: how about the wireless connection? Is the wireless connection connected to 'eth0'?15:44
abstraktok cool, yeah i just ran sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn-gnome15:44
abstraktand there is infact a VPN tab15:44
gentooxereztop: do you need glx?15:44
adminewbStale: no the wireless has its SSID but I don't think that's what you mean15:44
headkase314eztop, I'm an Ati Radeon HD 467015:44
eztopI use video a lot and I was wondering if hd 5000 cards work in ubuntu 10.0415:45
eztopheadkase314:  can you use vlc?15:45
eztopI was told there's tearing15:45
headkase314eztop, I have 10.7 proprietary drivers installed and VLC and all other tasks work as expected.15:45
utkanoshaving install issue where after it boots from CD and shows the man w/ hands in the air graphic at the bottom and just freezes, any way to escape out of it to see what its hanging on?15:45
sacarlsonaminewb: did you ever pastebin your route  and ifconfig   and iwconfig if wifi?  mabe I didn't look back far enuf15:45
eztopheadkase314: oh?15:46
shamezFlashDeluxe, my guess you have some bluetooth apps conflicting with bluezutils15:46
gentooxereztop: WoW in wine and ati doesn't work ...15:46
adminewbStale, in the Connection Information page, it gives wired tab for "Auto eth0 (default)" & "homenet" for the wireless; how are these names used?15:46
AiyaGreetings.Im now in ubuntu netbook remix edition.My laptop has build in bluetooth where i was able to use in my windows 7.How do I confiure it and turn on the bluetooth in ubuntu.Thanks15:46
headkase314eztop, I don't really use WINE, sorry.  Give a second.15:46
eztopgentooxer:  oh, i see... does wow and wine work with nvidia cards?15:46
judgenhow do i disable ubuntu from running X or gdm at startup?15:46
bazhang!nox | judgen15:46
ubottujudgen: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode15:46
eztopheadkase314:   I probably wouldn't use wine much either... just curious15:47
gentooxereztop: yes15:47
hmwOn my 9.10 Karmicm, I can't find the packet "astrolog" in my repos nor can I install a .deb (which I could install on my 9.04) - is there any astrology software for Karmic, that works "out of the box"?15:47
FlashDeluxeshamez: damn....how can i get rid of these tools? :(15:47
eztopgentooxer:  yes?  with any nvidia card?15:47
headkase314eztop, have you checked out this guide -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft15:47
Staleadminewb: the auto eth0/ethernet is just a name for the wired internet connection.15:47
utkanoshaving install issue where after it boots from CD and shows the man w/ hands in the air graphic at the bottom and just freezes, any way to escape out of it to see what its hanging on?15:47
gentooxereztop: I don't know if any card will work15:47
adminewbStale, right15:47
Milos_SDIs there someone here that mentain xorg-edgers PPA?15:47
eztopheadkase314:  no, not until you linked it ;)15:47
PiciMilos_SD: #ubuntu-x would be your best bet.15:48
headkase314eztop, ok hope the link is useful ;)15:48
eztopgentooxer:   why don't you know?!? ;-)15:48
adminewbStale, is there something I have to do in a terminal to link these 2?15:48
shamezFlashDeluxe, try 'apt-get --purge remove ' most of the blue* tools and reinstall bluezutils15:48
Staleadminewb: so everytime you use a ethernet cable, you get your wired internet with hardly any waiting.15:48
eztopheadkase314:  it will... at least, it is interesting to check out ;)15:48
gentooxereztop: I don't have all cards at home ...15:48
FlashDeluxeshamez: OK15:48
eztopgentooxer:  haha...15:49
RainRainfor some reason i cant find a simple way of having a shortcut to my <name> folder in home on my desktop - what am i missing?15:49
adminewbStale, er yes, why are we talking about waiting?15:49
Staleadminewb: as far as I know, I do not see a reason why I would link the two connections.15:49
eztopgentooxer:  I have a 7950gt in my desktop box15:49
abstrakterUSUL, ok I have configured my VPN connection in the network manager15:49
headkase314eztop, I actually have crossover games purchased and installed - but yet I still don't have any Windows games installed!  I'll get around to it sometime! ;)15:49
abstraktand now it appears in the list of VPN Connections when I click on my network icon in my panel/tray thing15:49
eztopgentooxer:  but, family computer died so not using the desktop at the moment15:49
utkanosanyone? heh15:49
gentooxereztop: I think nvidia is better15:49
abstraktbut, when I select that VPN connection essentially "nothing happens"15:49
abstrakti don't get a window, I don't get an error, I don't get an error window15:50
hmwRainRain: you could open the /home directory in Nautilus and use the middle Mouse button to drag your <name> folder to the Desktop and make "link here"15:50
adminewbStale, I want to link the two in order to share wired connection with other wireless clients15:50
eztopgentooxer:  probably15:50
abstraktjust... nothing15:50
abstrakthow can I troubleshoot my vpn connection?15:50
eztopheadkase314:  I'd probably use windows for games but...15:50
eztopheadkase314:  if I needed any ms software, i'd want to try wine15:50
headkase314eztop, if you need games then the ideal solution is a dual-boot - much less bleeping around.15:50
eztopheadkase314:  yes, agree with that15:51
bonsabstrakt wich vpn server/client are you using?15:51
sacarlsonaminewb: I think for simplicity what you want to do is bridge eth0 and wlanX  there is software to do that brctl  I think.  another solution is to route them as I do on my network, but that's just so I can filter out people I don't want.15:51
Aiyareetingss.I have install ubuntu in my laptop where at the beginning windows 7 already installed.Now how do I configure to make it ubuntu as my defult login when its came to dual boot menu(currently its will go to windows 7)...15:51
abstraktbons, openvpn15:51
eztopheadkase314:  i have a dual-boot now...well, triple boot on my laptop15:51
bonsare you calling it from commandline?15:51
MarkSSLet's say I have two Ubuntu partitions?  How do I delete one or get rid of it?15:51
eztopis there any grub problems with windows 7?15:51
adminewbsacarlson: sounds all right; see man page for brctl then?15:51
bonsMArkSS install gparted15:51
bazhangMarkSS, gparted livecd15:51
bonsif your partition is not active you can just install it15:52
RainRainhmw: yip that worked thanks - when i tried it with regular right click it said something about not being able to copy a folder onto itself ... thanks though15:52
headkase314eztop, I'm Ubuntu only on my only computer - I play some games, the id games that have native Linux clients - other than that most of my gaming is filled by my Xbox 360.  Getting a 360 solved needing games on my computer for me.15:52
abstraktbons, yes?15:52
bonsi did u a question15:52
eztopheadkase314:  i see..15:52
lost_and_unfoundgreetings, what is the best way to move or change the partition '/var' is located on? should i `ln -s /var /home/new-var-dir` ?15:52
abstraktbons, i answered your question15:52
sacarlsonadminewb: maybe look at this first https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConnectionBridge15:52
abstraktbons, openvpn15:52
bonsthe second one15:52
eztopheadkase314:  i can't afford the extra Xbox console though ;(15:53
adminewbsacarlson: thanks much for the link15:53
abstraktah, no I am not calling from commandline15:53
AiyaHow do I find out that which version of GRUB im using?15:53
abstraktnot right now, I don't know the syntax for that15:53
abstraktI was trying to launch it from the Network Manager panel applet15:53
eztopAiya:  should display when at grub screen?15:53
Aiyaeztop: how do i check it?15:53
abstraktbons, where can I find the syntax for launching openvpn from the commandline?15:54
bonsopenvpn depends only from your .conf files and the certificates and key files you created15:54
headkase314eztop, yup it is duplication of effort somewhat but for myself the ability to have only Ubuntu on my general purpose computer was a good trade - anyway we're getting off-topic, anything to respond with or just let it go for now?15:54
eztopAiya:   when your grub screen is coming up, doesn't it show the ver.?15:54
lost_and_unfoundAiya: grub --version15:54
sacarlsonabstrakt: man openvpn15:54
RainRainon the desktop i have "keep aligned checked" but i still have to keep pressing "clean up by name" to actually keep them aligned - how do i get this to work or is it a bug or something15:54
bonsabstrakt everything can be executed by cl... just type openvpn --help15:54
eztopheadkase314:  well, what topic do we want? :)15:54
lost_and_unfoundgreetings, what is the best way to move or change the partition '/var' is located on? should i `ln -s /var /home/new-var-dir` ?15:54
Aiyaeztop: Its does but now im already in ubunutu and dont tell me to reboot.Im sure there is command for it15:54
bonsit works also for all the rest15:54
Aiyalost_and_unfound: Thanks15:54
abstraktbons, ok well I have a zip file that my sysadmin gave me with the certs and a conf file. I set up a connection in the VPN network manager and selected my certs, but I didn't see anywhere to specify my conf file15:54
headkase314eztop, heheh - let's see who's day we can make better as the messages scroll by... ;)15:55
eztopAiya:  oh yeah, I forgot about that, sorry... haven't needed grub from CLI in a while ;)15:55
bonsopenvpn --config filename.conf15:55
Pici!who | bons15:55
ubottubons: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:55
RainRainooh - i just figured it - it IS keeping them aligned but the grid is so loose it;s useless - anyone know how to set the grid on the desktop15:55
eztopheadkase314:  yeah... well, since i am building a desktop, I was curious about video cards15:56
lost_and_unfoundwhat is the best way to move or change the partition '/var' is located on? should i `ln -s /var /home/new-var-dir` ?15:56
bonsvati fa na zuppa15:56
Micke_the wlan adapter shows up as *-DISABLED when I run "lshw -C network". I then ran "rfkill list" which returned "Soft blocked: no  Hard blocked: yes". The issue seems to be with the hardware switch being unavailible in linux.15:56
eztopheadkase314:  easier to ask here than wait for responses in the forums ;)15:56
Picibons: Excuse me?15:56
dattaI have this error popping up whenever I try to install something Check if you are using third party repositories. If so disable them, since they are a common source of problems.15:56
dattaFurthermore run the following command in a Terminal: apt-get install -f15:56
bonsi wrote after15:56
LucidGuyIs there an easier way to auto encrypt home directory then this ..https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedHomeFolder           Using Lucid.  Lubuntu prompted on setup which was nice.15:56
bonsjust forgot it15:56
sacarlsonlost_and_unfound: ya that sounds about right15:56
headkase314eztop, I've been Ati for 10 years and really like them but I always hear people recommend nvidia for Linux.  I've had no issues with Ati so I can relate that and have no experience with nvidia so you'll need another source for that information.15:57
AiyaWhen I wan to check the version of grub the result was  : aiya@ubuntu:~$ grub --version15:57
AiyaThe program 'grub' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:15:57
Aiyasudo apt-get install grub.I wonder how came i have dual boot without grub (windows 7 and ubuntu)15:57
itmustbejjbons: do you know where $HISTFILE variable is set?15:57
eztopheadkase314:  but, you have no tearing when watching videos?   I read that xv output is not usable...15:57
lap_dragon./join ##urbandictionary15:57
lap_dragonoops, disregard that15:57
dattaI tried to run sudo apt-get install -f but I receive this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/478892/15:57
headkase314eztop, yes sometimes there is tearing but I do not find it bothersome.15:57
bonsitmustbejj, i don't remember, i think if you read there you can do it15:58
sacarlsonlost_and_unfound: I do get it reversed sometimes and my link goes to ?  you can create links with nautilus15:58
BluesKajAiya, you have grub2 installed15:58
eztopheadkase314:  i'm looking at cards for around $100...so that allows some good older cards, 4870 used , even 4770 new and maybe one of the newer ones but a htpc card15:58
SingAlonghow can I access the localserver on my computer from another computer (connected via the same router)15:58
FlashDeluxeshamez: didnt work :( i removed everything related to bluetooth an reinstalled bluez-utils and bluez-compat15:58
Staleadminewb: A router has the capabilities to connect clients on either wired/wireless methods. Of course, if you wanted to use the computer as a bridge, you can connect ethernet cables between that computer to client to client and so on. As for making the computer as a wifi router, I have not seen any technology that makes the wireless NIC as a router or the computer as a transmitter.15:58
dattaany way to fix this issue with the error that is showing up here http://paste.ubuntu.com/478892/15:58
sacarlsonlost_and_unfound: after I create a link with nautilus I just cut an move the link where it's needed15:58
lap_dragonwhat is the file name for the manual? I know I downloaded it but I cannot find it15:58
AiyaBluesKaj: Are you sure.?But how came when I did the command its askes me to install first15:59
headkase314eztop, speaking of htpc (Home Theatre Personal Computer) my computer right now is hooked up to my HDTV in the living room via HDMI.15:59
bazhang!manual | lap_dragon this?15:59
BluesKajAiya, try the comand as grub215:59
ubottulap_dragon this?: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/15:59
utkanosgetting strange issue on a laptop, boots off CD but just hangs at the initial graphic, cd continues to seek but never boots to boot menu, any ideas?15:59
Aiyaaiya@ubuntu:~$ grub2 --version15:59
AiyaNo command 'grub2' found, did you mean:15:59
Aiya Command 'grub' from package 'grub' (main)15:59
Aiyagrub2: command not found15:59
FloodBot2Aiya: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:00
eztopheadkase314:  nice... well, i would watch movies on my computer for now... but, tearing is a big deal for me, though.. any major issues w/ video16:00
adminewbStale, looks as if my answers are on the network bridging page, thanks16:00
Guest14287life so good with ubuntu16:00
AiyaFloodBot2: Sorry16:00
Staleadminewb: your welcome.16:00
abstraktok much better, runnning openvpn from the command line actually gives me output :)16:00
BluesKajAiya, sudo update-grub16:00
lost_and_unfoundsacarlson: thanks, will give it a go16:00
bonsabstrakt, exctly16:00
sacarlsonutkanos: burn a new cd?  maybe check the cd see if it's corrupted16:00
bonsthats the way16:00
utkanossacarlson, CD works fine on other boxen16:00
headkase314eztop, the ability to watch video directly on the tv with VLC was the primary reason I hooked it up to the HDTV.  It works great.  Of course I'm sure nvidia also has HDMI options so both ati and nvidia are still to be considered for you.16:01
eztopheadkase314:  I used mythtv before but now just watch on vlc videos i have16:01
utkanosmd5 checks out, it doesn't seem like a media issue16:01
AiyaI have a question what excetly sudo means ?16:01
sacarlsonutkanos: I have disk that only work on one box.  some of my disk readers aren't so good but do read some disks16:01
slacker_nlAiya: super user do :)16:01
dattacan anyone help me at all with this error Errors were encountered while processing:  /var/cache/apt/archives/sp-auth_3.2.6~ppa1~lucid7_i386.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)16:01
AiyaBluesKaj: I have Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic16:01
utkanossacarlson, is there a way to escape the installer to see a log of whats happening16:01
abstraktAiya, it means "run this as the administrator"16:01
RainRainthe desktop icon grid is ridiculous IMHO ( way too fine and apparently no way to change it) - has anyone found any way of adjusting it or know anything about it16:01
Aiyaslacker_nl: Thanks16:01
MarkSSHow do I see which Linux partition I am currently on using GParted?  *slaps head*16:01
headkase314eztop, I have no experience with myth.   Played around with XBMC a bit a while back but yes - much simpler just to use VLC.16:01
Aiyaabstrakt: Okey16:01
dattaI have tried sudo apt-get install -f16:01
eztopheadkase314:  does your ati card have hdmi audio?16:01
abstraktis there a channel pastebin?16:01
dattabut that does not solve the problem at all16:02
bazhangabstrakt, paste.ubuntu.com16:02
dattaabstrakt: only paste.ubuntu.com16:02
eztopheadkase314:   mythtv was a headache...but, this was a while ago...it might be a bit easier now ;)16:02
headkase314eztop, yes and unlike nvidia it is integrated right on the graphics card and Ubuntu detects and uses it fine.16:02
BluesKajAiya, does grub show your windows partition ?16:02
eztopheadkase314:  I think ubuntu was at 8.10 or 9.04 when i used it16:02
sacarlsonutkanos: not that I know.  there might be a way to see more if you hold shift at boot and change kernel settings so you see the text as it boots to get a better idea what failed16:02
dattaabstrakt: it is up on the description of the channel16:02
AiyaCan Anyone tell where I can get the command or to learn the command all sometimes sudo get-Blablabal and sometimes get-apt-blablabla16:02
AiyaBluesKaj: yes it does.16:02
dattahow am I supposed to get out of this error? Errors were encountered while processing:  /var/cache/apt/archives/sp-auth_3.2.6~ppa1~lucid7_i386.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)16:03
utkanossacarlson, unfortunately i dont think its getting far enough for me to do that16:03
bazhangAiya, have a read of the manual16:03
bonsAiya, wo0oT?16:03
lap_dragonHow much danger is my OS in if I don't download some sort of virus protection?16:03
bazhang!manual > Aiya16:03
ubottuAiya, please see my private message16:03
slacker_nlAiya: man apt-get / man aptitude / man man ;)16:03
SingAlonghow can I access the localserver on my computer from another computer (connected via the same router)?16:03
bazhanglap_dragon, none really16:03
eztopheadkase314:  nvidia has some cards with integrated hdmi, don't they?16:03
sacarlsonutkanos: I asume it's a cd sector seek error but hard to say with no text to tell you16:03
Aiyabazhang: Thanks16:03
Aiyaslacker_nl: man what is that?16:03
slacker_nlAiya: you can google for it too :) man $command will give you plenty of results16:03
utkanossacarlson, agreed.. I will try to burn another copy I guess.. or perhaps usb stick16:03
lap_dragonAre there many viruses that are compatible with the ubuntu os?16:03
Aiyaslacker_nl: Thanks16:04
eztopheadkase314:  I'd like to get an ati card but if i get a used card, i can't send it back ;)16:04
bazhanglap_dragon, nope16:04
sacarlsonutkanos: other posibility it is a graphic driver problem when it gets as far as xserver16:04
headkase314eztop, I'm pretty sure with nvidia you have to pass through your audio from a separate card for the HDMI audio, with ati it is all built into the card - no other audio card needed.  I may be wrong with nvidia not having integrated audio though - need some research there.16:04
slacker_nlAiya: run man man, it will tell you :)16:04
bazhang!lnw > lap_dragon16:04
ubottulap_dragon, please see my private message16:04
BluesKajAiya, then you are all set , you can scroll down to your windows install and boot it as well when needed16:04
utkanossacarlson, doesnt even get to boot prompt though, it shows that strange graphic with what looks like a keyboard, an equals sign, and a stick figure16:04
eztopheadkase314:   oh, okay16:04
sacarlsonutkanos: ya usb stick that's sounds like a good move if you have a 2gig usb?  not sure how big you need16:04
AiyaBluesKaj: How do I set ubuntu as my primary(defult) os when its asking for options.Now is defult is windows 716:05
headkase314eztop, by pass though I mean you just have the extra step of plugging your audio output from a separate card into the nvidia graphics card - once done you don't think about it anymore.  But the big qualifier is do some research to confirm that.16:05
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bonsi don't get why we have to be cripty to nabs... i think they just need the right inputs16:05
sacarlsonbons: nabs?16:06
bonsi'm talking generally16:06
sacarlsonbons: newbees?16:06
abstraktok sweet, it seems openvpn has now connected16:06
bonsya wtever16:06
bonscool abstrakt16:07
bazhangbons, please stay on topic16:07
abstraktnow... what do I do? lol how do I use it? I tried doing a ping to one of the hostnames that should be availble to me, but no packet love16:07
bonsif the session is completed you should be able to cmmunicate16:07
AiyaThe menual that I download just now is stated ubuntu 10.04 but im using ubuntu netbook remix edition so the command will be the same?16:07
sacarlsonbons: no way for us to know what the asker already knows.  we asume to start that they know all and we just fill in the question16:07
abstraktbons, er... yah ok like how so? like what's an example command I should likely be able to run?16:07
harmandeephi guys16:07
abstraktbons, I've got a few vhosts set up on my work computer...16:08
eztopheadkase314:  i will... i'd like a lcd tv some time16:08
harmandeepi m having problem with SOUND on UBUNTU Lucid ... issue is same as described here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=126810116:08
Jinxed-How do I change the membership for a folder16:08
abstraktbons, e.g. http://somesite.mydev/ and http://foosite.mydev/16:08
bonssacarlson, we should assume they know nothing16:08
Jinxed-I just tried sudo chown user16:08
Juss[USA] eztop : Some Democrats say the estimated billion dollar cost of a war with Iraq could be better spent at home. When he heard that, President Bush agreed and announced plans to bomb Ohio.16:08
Juss[USA] harmandeep : The crime problem in New York is getting really serious. The other day the Statue of Liberty had both hands up.16:08
harmandeepKernel Sound Modules had been removed by Realtek16:08
Jinxed-in the folder i want to change16:08
Juss[USA] Jinxed- : Today President Bush ordered an investigation into whether it is appropriate to have civilians with no experience running a Navy sub. Hey, how about an investigation into whether it's appropriate to have a civilian with no experience running the country?16:08
headkase314eztop, that's what I have: 32" 720p LCD HDTV.16:08
FloodBot2Juss[USA]: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:08
sacarlsonabstrakt: ok try at the command prompt $ls16:08
Juss[USA] abstrakt : I went into a McDonald's yesterday and said, "I'd like some fries." The girl at the counter said, "Would you like some fries with that?16:08
eztopheadkase314:   it would be nice but for now only a 22" screen for movies.... ;-)16:08
headkase314eztop, has a desktop resolution of 1360x76816:09
eztopheadkase314:   nice... those are a good price nowadays :)16:09
LucidGuyAnyone know what Ubuntu uses to encrypt home directory automaicly?  encryptfs?16:09
bonsabstrakt, once you are connected to the openvpn server, you should be able to communicate with the other hosts joined in the vpn16:09
headkase314eztop, here in Canada I paid $CAD 400.00 for it.16:09
BluesKaj!grub | Aiya16:10
ubottuAiya: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:10
eztopheadkase314:  I'm in canada too!  where did you buy yours?  what kind of store?16:10
BluesKaj!grub2 | Aiya16:10
ubottuAiya: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:10
abstraktbons, er... yeah, sorry to be so verbose but how? the openvpn output simply says Initialization Sequence Completed16:10
abstrakti don't get a command prompt16:10
headkase314eztop, I just went to WalMart and bought it.16:10
bonsand you are done16:10
Jinxed-!file permissions16:10
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions16:10
AiyaBluesKaj: Thanks16:10
abstraktI can open a command prompt elsewhere, but I am at the moment not clear on how to "get to" any of the other hosts?16:10
abstrakti've also got some lines that say e.g. /sbin/route add -net
headkase314eztop, the biggest thing you should look for in an LCD is the response time - 5 milliseconds or less is what you want.16:11
abstraktand and
bonsabstrakt, you have a new network interface and can communicate with the other hosts of the same network depending how your sysad configured, you can check your virtual interface running the command ifconfig or ifconfig tap016:11
abstraktam I going to need to know the IP address of the computers on the vpn?16:11
eztopheadkase314:  what brand is it?16:11
sacarlsonbons: It took me 3 days to get my openvpn to work the way I wanted.  there are so many combos of options16:11
abstraktahh, ok lemme ifconfig then, one sec16:11
bonsabstrakt, yes16:11
abstraktok I have tun016:12
bonssacarlson, seems just the case of a basic conf16:12
eztopheadkase314:   I researched them way back.... i ended up buying a sharp lcd 32" but brought it back cuz of stuck pixels16:12
abstraktwhich I assume stands for tunnel16:12
abstraktand that's running on the 172.16 subnet16:12
ilovefairuzAiya: you were asking earlier: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto16:12
eztopheadkase314:  that's when they were $100016:12
headkase314It is a "Haier" brand.  It wasn't a familiar brand for me so I purchased Wal-Marts 3 year electronics warrenty for $CAD 50.00 and did some googling on the brand after the fact and it turns or "Haier" has a good reputation.16:12
eztopheadkase314:  yes16:12
headkase314eztop, my screen has zero defects.16:12
sacarlsonbons: with me it was more than getting openvpn to work you need to setup the routeing around it the way you want the trafic to go16:13
ilovefairuz!hi | xtra_16:13
ubottuxtra_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:13
eztopheadkase314:   it's a walmart brand then... yeah, i am not so picky on brand anymore...sure sony/samsung might be among the best but for $400, I think it's good!16:13
Aiyailovefairuz: Thanks.I think i have read alot and memories since im new to ubuntu16:13
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:13
bonssacarlson, sure sacarlson, and the are a lot of different network configuration depending on what you have to do, the net structure and the crypt you need16:13
ilovefairuzAiya: bookmark the page and use it when needed16:14
headkase314eztop, the single biggest consideration when hooking up a computer, like said, is the response time: 5 milliseconds (ms) or less.16:14
ilovefairuzNickAlternativo: what's your question ?16:14
Aiyailovefairuz: How do I bookmark pdf?Is that possible?16:14
eztopheadkase314:  yes, 5ms response time is good... and i look whether the black screen is a rich black color because that seems to indicate (to me) how good the color might be16:14
xtra_some can help me ? I'm new to Kubuntu and I'm trying to enable kwin zoom effect ( magnifier or somethin like that) and I've got it enable but it don't works16:14
sacarlsonbons: you got it.  just when I got it to ping the other side I thought I was done16:14
bonssacarlson, but thats not the point, you see, we go back to my theme, we should try to make things simple for simple beginners, not think about how complex it can be... this is just unuseful16:14
eztopheadkase314:  yes, my lcd monitor is 2ms, I think16:15
headkase314eztop, I find my colors do seem richer on this tv compared to my monitor - not over saturated just richer.16:15
BluesKajAiya, check this out , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StartUpManager16:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:15
eztopheadkase314:  I only look at lg or samsung monitors unless the price is really low for another brand16:15
AiyaBluesKaj: Thanks16:15
headkase314eztop, yeah if the response time is too high you get "ghosting" of the images.16:15
ilovefairuzAiya: yes, add this before the address of the pdf: http://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://example.com/example.pdf16:15
Picieztop, headkase314: Could we please try to stay on topic here.  #ubuntu-offtopic exists for non-Ubuntu support chatter.16:16
Aiyailovefairuz: Thanks16:16
eztopheadkase314:  yeah, would need a new tv someday...i still have a crt tv and it has a line through at the top... when that tv dies, i'll look for a 32" lcd tv16:16
sacarlsonbons: I agree there should be some simple setup at least on the user side.  and why not the server too.  I can't argue that.  I should give you my work if you want to see my configs if it might help.16:16
ilovefairuzAiya: it's doc, not docs, sorry.16:16
headkase314Pici, ok - eztop I think we've covered it enough for now? Don't want to be !ot?16:16
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eztopheadkase314:  agreed!16:16
xtra_someone can help me with kubuntu effects please ?16:17
bonssacarlson, depends just on what you need, in this case abstrakt was just needing to run a preconfigured client, so i don't see where are you aiming too16:17
sacarlsonbons: how about you get yours working and give us a ubuntu package that just makes it work on eather a user or server?  I'll try to help you do it.16:17
sacarlsonbons: I got what I need I want to make you and abstrakt happy.16:18
bonssacarlson, an ubuntu package? what are you talking about?16:18
AiyaBluesKaj: Its really work.Thanks buddy16:19
ilovefairuz!es | juanga, xtra_16:19
ubottujuanga, xtra_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:19
juangaok hi16:19
bonssacarlson,  i dont need anything i was just helpin abstrakt16:19
jcookeDid the bootloader changes recently? I have two machines that are going straight past it without the chance to change boot flags.16:19
bazhangjcooke, grub2?16:20
BluesKajAiya, glad to hear it :)16:20
jcookebazhang, I think I just found it, need to hold shift16:20
bazhangjcooke, yep you can /msg ubottu grub2 for the wiki16:21
juangaxtra where are you from???16:21
ilovefairuz!grub2 > jcooke16:21
ubottujcooke, please see my private message16:21
ilovefairuz!ot | juanga16:21
ubottujuanga: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:21
AiyaHow do I record video my desktop ?16:22
bazhang!screencast | Aiya16:22
ubottuAiya: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.16:22
Aiyabazhang: Thanks buddy16:22
bazhangAiya, welcome16:23
headkase314Aiya, I find this one to be good -> "sudo apt-get install gtk-recordmydesktop" It will be under Applications > Sound & Video once installed.16:23
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Aiyabazhang:  This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates.16:24
Aiyaheadkase314: Thanks buddy16:24
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headkase314Aiya, you're welcome!16:24
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bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts Aiya works here16:24
Oerhere too bazhang16:24
IdleOnelink is good bazhang16:25
Aiyahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts. >Its has dot at back Sorry16:25
headkase314Aiya, you must have miscopied the URL, it's fine here too.16:25
OerAiya delete the . at the end16:25
Aiyayes i did it16:25
sacarlsonI run cheese this picture taker tool for web cam with my ID 0545:8080 Xirlink, Inc. IBM C-It Webcam .  it runs for a bit I see some pictures and about 30 secounds my computer locks up.  I thought just a glitch so I reboot try again and the same.  this was working in ubuntu 8.04 now using 10.0416:30
bonssacarlson, any output from it?16:31
sacarlsonya prity pics that moved before I took any pictures. but just on the screen none saved16:31
BKTech86is anyone in here good with wine, nobody in there is responding16:32
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headkase314!ot BKTech86 WINE is usually considered off-topic here.16:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:32
bonsno i meant from chees16:32
headkase314!ot | BKTech86 WINE is usually considered off-topic here.16:32
ubottuBKTech86 WINE is usually considered off-topic here.: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:32
sacarlsonBKTech86: we had a guy stale he wal playing with it.  not sure where he went16:33
bazhangBKTech86, check the appdb yet?16:33
tomcullinanei am trying to compile something and after i type make install it just hangs16:33
bazhangtomcullinane, compile what?16:33
Seveas-traintomcullinane, pastebin the last lines of the output16:33
headkase314BKTech86, bazhang there's only 179 people in #winehq - like BKTech86 said: not much to get responses from.16:34
BKTech86they're all saying nothing16:37
sebsebseb 16:37
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:37
headkase314BKTech86, if you are not using a version of WINE that has WINEtricks built in, see this page -> http://wiki.winehq.org/winetricks  Read about WINEtricks and that page also links to .deb files that are the latest version of WINE with WINEtricks included.16:37
bazhangBKTech86, ^^16:38
headkase314BKTech86, the .deb PPA it links to is for Ubuntu 10.0416:38
_Yang_anyone give the commands to install gcc??16:38
_Yang_i have the package downloadeed16:38
bazhang_Yang_, install build-essential16:38
remuI'm running Ubuntu 10.04. The system informs me that I'm running out of space. Disk Usage Analyzer tells me that a directory has a usage of 93.2 GB, but nothing under it is as large.16:39
headkase314_Yang_, "sudo apt-get install build-essential"16:39
_Yang_lemme try16:39
FloodBot2_Yang_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:39
sacarlson_Yang_: apt-get install gcc ?16:39
BKTech86headkase314, what is PPA?16:39
_Yang_sacarlson, it dont work16:40
bazhangBKTech86, personal package archive for things that are not in the repos16:40
sacarlson_Yang_: use headkase314:  that's better16:40
bazhang_Yang_, without the "" marks16:40
_Yang_i did. its updating16:40
bazhangBKTech86, or sometimes more up to date versions of software16:41
tomcullinaneI have the following files in a folder: acerhk.c  acerhk.h  AUTHORS  COPYING  doc  INSTALL  Makefile  NEWS  README, and i wish to compile them, i cd to the folder and type make and then terminal just hangs as does make install16:41
BKTech86thanks bazhang16:41
dattaI get this error when I am trying to install compiz: ompiz-gnome: Depends: compizconfig-backend-gconf (>= 0.7.4) but it is not going to be installed16:41
dattaE: Broken packages16:41
bazhangBKTech86, welcome16:41
dattaany idea how I can fix this? I have been dealing with this for a long time, please help16:41
dattaplease someone help me with broken packages16:42
soreaudatta: Do you have any output from this?  sudo grep ppa /etc/apt/sources.list16:42
baconPlease, when compiling occur while building a .deb files, the compiled files will be part of the .Deb package, right?16:42
dattasoreau: I get this output: # deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jason-scheunemann/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main # disabled on upgrade to jaunty16:43
dattadeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jason-scheunemann/ppa/ubuntu lucid main16:43
bacon(compilation due to debian/rules rules is used to build binary package, not source package, that's what i mean)16:43
soreaudatta: So its an upgrade plus you still have some ppas enabled. I suggest a clean install as a sure fix16:44
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dattaclean install for what?16:44
andrejhi. can you help me please? how I can choose another desktop on my ubuntu with my keyboard? I have 2. thanks16:44
dattasoreau: do I have to clean install ubuntu? there is no way other than that?16:44
soreauandrej: With compiz enabled, Ctrl+Alt+Right/Left arrows16:45
andrejsoreau...thanks :)16:45
soreaudatta: The other way is to fix your broken packages, which may be very simple or quite impossible depending on what all youve done to break it16:45
sacarlsondatta: you can try comment out the ppa line and apt-get update and see if it install then16:45
philinuxdatta: usually reinstall last resort. I just joined channel what exactly are the symptoms errors etc.16:46
soreaudatta: Yea the first thing would be to comment out that ppa, then run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade16:46
soreaudatta: See if it succeeds and go from there16:46
sacarlsondatta: no garantees just small glimmer of hope16:46
dattasoreau: what do you actually mean by commenting out?16:47
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lsatoloAlguém usando a distro 10.10?16:47
dattasoreau: I tried to install sopcast and that caused the break16:47
c3lhow do I allow a new user to play audio?16:47
sacarlsondatta: put a "#" in front of that line with ppa in it16:47
=== cfra is now known as christian_lappy
dattasacarlson: okay I will try that16:47
soreaudatta: Lines that start with # are ignored by the system and are called comments16:48
philinuxdatta or use admin>software sources and untick them16:48
dattaphillinux: was doing that16:48
soreauyea that is the easy way16:48
soreaubut it wont remove any packages16:49
Cluster_1is there a program similar to TVersity for ubuntu that I can stream media to my ps3 and xbox360?16:49
dattanow the error seemed to have changed Package libcompizconfig-backend-gconf is not available, but is referred to by another package.16:50
dattaThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or16:50
dattais only available from another source16:50
dattaE: Package libcompizconfig-backend-gconf has no installation candidate16:50
FloodBot2datta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:50
dattasorry for the flood16:51
soreaudatta: Look at the output of apt-cache policy compiz16:51
soreaudatta: Its probably that you have old packages lying around from the upgrade16:51
Cluster_1Would it be better to install WINE and try to run TVersity through that?16:51
LibertyZero!upnp | Cluster_116:52
ubottuCluster_1: To stream media to other UPNP aware devices (such as the Xbox, PS3, or iRadio) you need a UPNP server. See !info mediatomb for information regarding the MediaTomb package16:52
IdleOneCluster_1: check out mediatomb16:52
dattasoreau: this the output I get from apt-cache policy compiz http://paste.ubuntu.com/478916/16:52
sacarlsonCluster_1: I guess it's just a podcaster16:53
dattato me it seems compiz is installed, which was my initial goal16:53
baconcan someone explain me quickly how the debian/rules file is processed? is it a make command summoned in the dpkg-buildpackage routine?16:53
soreaudatta: Which version of ubuntu are you currently running?16:53
dattasoreau: 10.0416:54
Picibacon: #ubuntu-packaging would be a better channel to ask that in.16:54
_Yang_how do i open gcc now?16:54
soreaudatta: Now, you see the output of apt-cache? It says you have compiz from lucid repos16:54
frexubuntu 8.0.4 is based on debian 5.0 exactly? for all packages are same?16:54
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dattasoreau: this is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/478917/16:55
IdleOnesoreau: his pastebin shows he doesn't have compiz installed16:55
soreaudatta: You need to make sure you have no lucid repos enabled (grep lucid /etc/apt/sources.list) then run apt-get update and reinstall all compiz packages16:55
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_Yang_anyone help me installing gcc?16:55
IdleOne_Yang_: if you install the build-essential package it installed gcc also16:56
soreauIdleOne: Well he has lucid repos somehow from the upgrade16:56
IdleOnesoreau: he mixed repos?16:57
_Yang_but how do i open it??16:57
_Yang_IdleOne : How do i open it??16:57
soreauIdleOne: no idea. he just has lucid compiz candidate per apt-cache, in 10.04 (upgraded)16:57
Pici_Yang_: its a cli application, it doesn't have a graphical interface.16:57
_Yang_so how do i compile ??16:58
eztopi read that the gtx 460 works in wine16:58
IdleOnesoreau: sorry I haven't been following the entire thread so I am not sure what he is trying to do16:58
eztopimho, that's pretty pathetic that old ati cards won't even work in wine16:58
soreau<datta> soreau: I get this output: # deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jason-scheunemann/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main # disabled on upgrade to jaunty <-- IdleOne: His install has been around for awhile, it would seem ;)16:58
oCean_!compiling | _Yang_16:59
ubottu_Yang_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:59
Oereztop, where do you read that ?16:59
eztopOer:  on phoronix and newegg16:59
Oereztop, url ?16:59
c3lhow do I allow a new user to play audio?16:59
oCean_eztop: you better complain with the wine people (#winehq), this is #ubuntu17:00
dattasoreau: you mean the installation that I was following was just an workaround, it is from softpedia17:00
* Oer thinks eztop is looking for problems, not solutions17:00
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eztopOer:  huh?17:00
=== simey00irc is now known as xy
IdleOnedatta: what version of Ubuntu are you running according to lsb_release -a and what is it you are trying to accomplish exactly?17:00
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=== simey00irc is now known as xy
soreaudatta: Comment out any repos in your sources.list that arent lucid, then do apt-get update and reinstall all compiz packages17:00
=== xy is now known as simey00irc
dattaIdleOne: I am trying to install compiz into the system but I ended up with this error17:01
eztopOer:  I'm just saying what I read... what does it have to do with me?17:01
oCean_eztop: for one, you're mentioning it in the wrong channel17:01
IdleOnedatta: ok do what soreau just said first. need to get your system back to a sane state first :)17:01
dattaIdleOne, done with commenting17:02
eztopoCean_: why wrong channel?17:02
IdleOnedatta: now save those changes and run sudo apt-get update $$ sudo apt-get upgrade17:02
IdleOneeztop: it is not support related17:02
eztopoCean_:  I assume the nvidia cards would work in wine...would work in ubuntu17:02
frexwhich ubuntu version is same as debian 5 lenny? with everything?17:03
IdleOnechange the $$ to && datta17:03
oCean_eztop: #winehq is where wine support is, not here.17:03
eztopIdleOne:  well, I'm shopping for a video card... i want to minimize my support needs17:03
eztopoCean_:  oh, ok17:03
IdleOneeztop: this is not your personal google for me and tell me what to buy channel17:03
dattaIdleOne: done with that also17:03
IdleOnedatta: now sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager17:04
dattaIdleOne, thank you compiz fusion has been installed17:05
dattathank you soreau17:05
IdleOnedatta: welcome17:05
IdleOnedatta: now go forth and spin the cube :)17:05
soreauwobblith, thy windows17:06
BizzHi...I am on Ubuntu 10.04. Cannot play Youtube vids in Totem. I followed some steps of patching the plugin file but got this error :Hunk #1 FAILED at 337.17:10
Bizz1 out of 1 hunk FAILED — saving rejects to file ./youtube.py.rej17:10
piaocnso many  guys here17:11
piaocncan anyone one help me17:11
OerBizz what steps ? do you have an URL ?17:11
zkriesse!ask | piaocn17:12
ubottupiaocn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:12
BizzOer: http://linuxdesk.wordpress.com/2009/09/22/could-not-open-location-you-might-not-have-permission-to-open-the-file-totem-movie-player/17:12
piaocnzkriesse: ok,i'm using Empathy,but i dont know how to list all channels of freenode17:12
BizzOer: If you scroll down to the bottom of this link, you will notice an user "Elline" has mentioned the problem which am having17:13
zkriessepiaocn: Ah that's a command to run lemme see if I can remember it17:13
banishedthere is /list17:13
piaocnzkriesse: OK~17:13
piaocnbut it doesn't work, ubknown command17:14
Oerbizz can you post the ./youtube.py.rej file to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com  and give the url here ?17:14
piaocnunknown command17:14
Bizzapparently On ubuntu 10.04 does not have the youtube.py in /usr/lib/totem/plugins/youtube17:14
zkriessepiaocn: /msg alis help17:14
IdleOnepiaocn: Empathy may not support the /list command yet17:15
banishedpiaocn: you might want to use xchat instead17:15
pbxRunning the 10.04 from CD on a Dell Inspiron 4000. Video is sort of half-there. Any convenient way to remedy that?17:15
piaocnen, /list works weel in pidgin17:15
BizzOer: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/chi820RW17:15
banishedpbx: which graphics card?17:15
piaocnso how do i list all channels on Empathy.....17:16
pbxbanished: No idea. How do I find out?17:16
banishedpbx: lspci | grep VGA17:16
pbxbanished: How do I get to a shell? As I said, I'm running the installed from CD right now.17:16
pbxbanished: I'M RUNNING THE INSTALLER17:17
pbxbanished: There is no bootable system on the HD.17:17
banishedpbx: you could have also installed from the "Try Ubuntu" mode… - but you can go to a virtual termianl by pressing alt+ctrl+f217:18
Ober7pbx:go back all the way and run live cd "try ubuntu first", afaik there is no terminal in installer17:18
hoareguys how can I md5sum my cdrom under /media?17:18
banishedhoare: md5sum /dev/cdrom17:18
abhijit!md5 | hoare17:19
ubottuhoare: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:19
banishedhoare: or check first which cdrom is mounted there with mount17:19
hoarebanished: ok thanks a lot17:19
pbxbanished, Ober7: the alt+ctrl+f2 trick worked. ATI rage mobility M3 ZGP 2x rev 02. Now what?17:19
Oerbizz does the post #296 give any help > http://linuxdesk.wordpress.com/2009/09/22/could-not-open-location-you-might-not-have-permission-to-open-the-file-totem-movie-player/#comment-29617:19
gageHello everyone, I need some help using my jailbroken ipod touch on kubuntu, I've installed ifuse and libimobiledevice and it is still not showing up in dolphin17:19
md-llyrI've installed VirtualBox and set it up to open a Windows VM in Lucid Lynx. Do I need to install programs in the VM itself or can I run already installed programs from my Windows partition?17:19
phidahI just got a new Ubuntu box. Whenever I try to use the arrow keys when in insert mode vi inserts Cs and Ds. What's wrong?17:20
hoaremd-llyr: you have to install17:20
piaocnmd-llyr: you need to install in the vm17:20
soreaumd-llyr: You have to treat the vm install just as a rm install17:20
hoarebanished: I get a IO error upon md5sum. actually this is a windows 7 cd and when boot from it it says IO error too.17:21
banishedpbx: so that's a rather old model, they have still issues with KMS, you can disable it by adding radeon.modeset=0 to the kernel boot parameter (press shift when booting from cd to get the grub menue)17:21
md-llyrThanks very much hoare, piaocn and soreau!17:22
Naibhi, how can I install MESA-7.8 or newer for ubuntu?17:22
Naiblatest comes with 7.717:22
piaocnhoare: perhaps your CD drive is broken...17:22
piaocnmd-llyr: haha17:22
BizzOer: Can you please elaborate a bit, I am not quite clear what you mean by comment-29617:22
pbxbanished: "radeon.modeset=0", got it, thanks!17:22
hoarepiaocn: yeah I doubt from that. I dunno what to do in this case. I need to repair windows17:22
banishedhoare: well, then either the CD or the drive is defective17:22
baconPici: problem is that no one answers there :/17:22
baconubuntu-packaging is like dead17:22
explorealexi have been trying to add ubuntu in a friend's laptop.But when i insert the cd it directly shows a page asking for login name and password unlike the snapshots shown on the website. what do i do?17:22
OerBizz, in his commetn, he edit gksudo gedit youtube.py and replaces some lines17:23
inohIs ubuntuforums.org down or am I just locked out?  I am unable to login.17:23
explorealexnobody answering my question.:(17:24
banishedexplorealex: I don't quite understadn what you did - you started from LiveCD?17:24
Picibacon: You could try #ubuntu-motu as well.17:24
BizzOer: Indeed and I tried the steps as listed but apparently Ubuntu 10.4 does not have the "youtube.py" file, as noted by Elline at the bottom of the page17:24
wazzupis it possible to install ubuntu on a usb ?17:25
explorealex banished: no. I just booted from the cd. instead of showing me a page to ask for try ubuntu or install ubuntu, it showed me a page asking me for login name and password17:25
banishedexplorealex: um, where did you get the cd?17:25
aeon-ltdwazzup: yes17:25
banishedcan you log in?17:25
explorealex banished: i burned it from an iso file i downloaded. it worked just fine on my laptop. on his laptop this login screen came up. no i could not login even with "root" username. as the password was incorrect. i did not create a user name and password. so how would there be one.17:27
sunshineHi All17:27
banishedexplorealex: are you shure it booted from CD and not from the harddisk?17:27
sunshineMy first time with irc17:27
sunshinelol looks all techies here17:28
explorealexbanished:there was only windows on the hard disk. it would not be able to create a ubuntu gui.17:28
triliashi i have played today ubuntu netbook on my laptop but the interface is written by the only cube I can see it show if I can post here the url17:28
banishedexplorealex: so can you log in wuth the username "ubuntu"? are there any users to select?17:28
explorealex banished:i tried with only "root". what password do i give in case i use "ubuntu". and no there were no options to choose from.17:29
xangua!usb > wazzup17:29
ubottuwazzup, please see my private message17:29
baconPici: I will ! thank you17:30
banishedexplorealex: usually it doesn't have a password, but you should also see a list of all users - it's the Ubuntu Desktop CD, right?17:30
explorealexyes it is..that's why i am worried.:(17:31
banishedexplorealex: is it a graphical login promt?17:31
banishedor just text?17:31
explorealexbanished:yes. the same which we get on ubuntu which is already installed.17:31
banishedand it happens right after booting from CD?17:32
abhijitBizz, why did you send me ctcp time?17:33
abhijitwhy all of you are sending me ctcp?17:34
mayuniaHow do you put the counter strike in linux?17:36
rookswhen i install vbox guest additions, will it affect machine when deployed on real hardware with real graphics card? should i uninstall vbox additions then or will they only turn on if they detect that machine is inside virtualbox?17:36
abhijit!wine | mayunia17:36
ubottumayunia: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu17:36
christian_lappyguys, why the heck is the preempt kernel based on the server kernel ????17:36
christian_lappya server doesn't need 1000hz etc...17:36
christian_lappywhy isn't it calles low latency kernel ?17:37
christian_lappylow latency desktop kernel i meant17:37
rookswhen i install vbox guest additions, will it affect machine when deployed on real hardware with real graphics card? should i uninstall vbox additions then or will they only turn on if they detect that machine is inside virtualbox?17:38
headkase314!patience | rooks17:38
ubotturooks: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:38
rooksk :)17:38
rooksim spamming other # :P17:38
Slartrooks: try installing it on your real machine.. see if it works ;)   I'm guessing it checks specifically if it's running inside vbox but that's just a guess17:39
blackest_knightwhere do you go to discuss what a disaster mavericks netbook edition is ?17:39
ZolI love ubuntu<317:39
abhijit!10.10 | blackest_knight17:39
ubottublackest_knight: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:39
headkase314blackest_knight, "/join #ubuntu+1"17:39
headkase314!maverick | BlackBinary17:39
ubottuBlackBinary: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:39
headkase314!maverick | blackest_knight17:40
ubottublackest_knight: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:40
headkase314Sorry BlackBinary17:40
blackest_knighti saw it17:40
itmustbejjif echo $HISTFILE is returning blank, would that likely be because HISTFILE is being unset somewhere like /etc/profile?17:40
Slartblackest_knight: #ubuntu+1 will listen patiently while you describe how unstable the unstable beta of the next ubuntu version is =)17:40
banishedyou better file a bug report17:40
blackest_knightSlart not unstable just stupid17:40
blackest_knightwhy does it need a menu which has to be onscreen constantly17:41
blackest_knightwith icons too small to show what they are for17:41
blackest_knightand too long and with some apps getting prime position which you never use17:42
banishedyou can also file bug reports regarding usability17:42
Slartblackest_knight: sounds stupid enough to warrant a bug report.. if one doesn't exist already17:42
blackest_knightthanks banished i will do that17:42
stealfalconcan some one help me17:42
blackest_knighti didnt expect such a lousy interface i've had to use desktop interface now17:43
headkase314!ask stealfalcon17:43
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Slartstealfalcon: just describe your problem or ask your question17:43
headkase314!ask | stealfalcon17:43
ubottustealfalcon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:43
stealfalconum i read this artice17:43
stealfalconi have no idea how to do it17:43
stealfalconcan anyone help me17:44
rooksSlart, yeah, well, im in position that quessing will cost me few days work, so im not so keen on that :P17:44
headkase314stealfalcon, it's RDP or Remote DesktoP.  So you will need two machines, one running XP and the other running Ubuntu17:44
savidHi, I have an apple aluminum keyboard (a1243), and I need to map the  "fn" keys to behave as F1-F12 keys.   I tried using pommed and setting fnmode=2, but that doesn't seem to work.  Any ideas?17:44
headkase314stealfalcon, I'm not familiar with RDP just saying17:44
banishedwhere one of the two machines is just a virtual one17:45
Slartrooks: hang on.. I can give it a try on my laptop.. I don't need that for the next couple of days so I've got lots of time to do a reinstall17:45
headkase314!pm | stealfalcon Better to keep messages public so you don't get bad advice17:45
ubottustealfalcon Better to keep messages public so you don't get bad advice: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:45
stealfalconwell how can i disable server messages i hate it17:45
rooksSlart, yay, thx :)17:46
headkase314stealfalcon, which box are you getting the messages on: the Ubuntu box or the XP box?17:46
stealfalconi have ubuntu17:46
lellesometimes my mouse buttons stops working, ubuntu problem or because i bash the mouse on the table every times ubuntu gets on my nerves??17:47
headkase314stealfalcon, but for RDP you also need a separate XP box?17:47
OceanSurfI have  a WinXP VM running on Ubuntu. 10.04  I have setup a shared folder so my WinXP VM sees my Ubuntu Desktop as its own.  One problem:  If I try to access a folder on the destkop.....it does not allow me access..... .....way to fix this?   It only lets me access the files on the desktop...not the folders on it too.17:47
stealfalconi just want it to run games17:47
stealfalconits a ve server17:47
headkase314stealfalcon, ok, I see in that article the XP box is run in virtualization then you connect to it over RDP.17:48
banishedstealfalcon: I don't think the performance of a VM will be enough to run games17:48
headkase314!virutalizers | stealfalcon17:48
abhijit                                                           17:48
banished!wine | stealfalcon17:48
ubottustealfalcon: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu17:48
headkase314!virtualizers | stealfalcon17:48
ubottustealfalcon: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications17:48
stealfalconwine pol and crossover dont work17:48
bitchhhhhhh Hello, is there any way i could disable the root password prompt for some specific sudo commands? it's really annoying when you type the root password like 20 times/day17:49
headkase314stealfalcon, a virtual machine is not suitable for running games.  You should consider either WINE or a dual-boot with XP system.17:49
banishedstealfalcon: well, if the game is graphically demanding, a VM won't work either17:49
stealfalconits not its 2d17:49
banishedbitchhhhhhh: yes, it's possible, see http://www.ducea.com/2006/06/18/linux-tips-password-usage-in-sudo-passwd-nopasswd/17:50
arooni-mobilehey folks.  i hear a loud annoying beep (in any application), that comes out of my laptop's headphones whenever i hit backspace when theres nothing left to backspace.  how can i get rid of this?  ubuntu 10.0417:51
Slartrooks: downloading...17:52
sachaelif I close evolution are my accounts periodically checked for mail and shown in the indicator applet?17:52
bitchhhhhhhbanished, but i asked about specific commands, not turning off the root password17:52
bitchhhhhhhthat's just wrong17:52
=== adelcampo is now known as onetytwo
banishedbitchhhhhhh: just add the command, e.g.  bitchhhhhhh pew=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/apt-get update17:53
Arcidiassachael: yes17:54
bitchhhhhhhohh, hope it works, thanks banished17:54
banishedbitchhhhhhh ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/apt-get update - for running update without entering a password17:54
bitchhhhhhhsounds good\17:54
bastid_raZorbitchhhhhhh: razor ALL=(ALL)NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/aptitude   would be an example17:54
bastid_raZorbanished: you would not add the 'update' part. the command is apt-get17:55
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entecan anyone tell me how to disable shutdown/reboot for ordinary users?17:55
Arcidias!hi | ente17:55
ubottuente: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:55
enteArcidias: uhm.. what?17:56
panfisti have just completed a fresh install of lucid and i've customized my gnome environment. i want to add new users, but i want them to share the settings that i'm currently using, not the default settings...what can i do?17:56
abhijitente, http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/03/20/disable-shutdown-for-normal-users/17:56
Slartrooks: everything still works.. will see if it survives a restart17:56
abhijitente, http://wiki.soslug.org/wiki/disabling_shutdown_and_reboot_in_ubuntu17:56
rooksSlart, <317:57
enteabhijit: that's just what I found. it's from 2006 and does not work anymore.17:57
abhijitente, :(17:57
abhijitente, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148084517:57
Slartrooks: yup.. still works.. can't say I notice anything different17:57
enteI spent almost an hour googleing and another hour grepping the horrible dbus/hal/policykit mess for shutdown, reboot and so on17:57
rooksSlart, awesome, thx man :)17:58
sn3ipenarooni-mobile: Try this Alt+F2, type gconf-editor and find your way to /desktop/gnome/sound and turn off input_feedback_sounds17:58
Slartrooks: you're welcome17:58
inohhow do I pin karmic koala and firefox?17:59
beliwhen using jackd for audio recording with ardor2 other applications cant playback sound. is it possible to fix that?17:59
inohof hold17:59
enteafter I did not find anything, I decided to come here and ask17:59
inohas in keep them from upgrading to the new release17:59
erUSULbeli: use a player that can use jack for output18:00
nirvaana69which manufacturer makes webcams that are compatible with ubuntu18:00
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:00
enteabhijit: if I read that one correctly, it's about disabling the "do you really want to shut the system down" dialog18:00
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras18:00
abhijitente, :( cant help then.18:00
nirvaana69most of them mention windows as supported os18:00
erUSULnirvaana69: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras18:01
belierUSUL: hmm.....no other solution possible? systemwide?18:01
arooni-mobilesn3ipen, what directory?  i dont see /desktop/gnome/sound18:01
erUSULbeli: i dunno if there is a gstreamer support for jack. totemRB banshee and most gnome things use gstreamer18:01
lostmind01the ubuntuone music store keeps sending me to the wrong region (Europe instead of U.S.) how can i fix this.18:01
arooni-mobilesn3ipen, that is already turned off18:01
enteanyone else?18:02
belierUSUL: ok thanks, i try to set that up then18:02
belierUSUL: its just that no system sounds work anymore...18:02
erUSULbeli: that's expected. jack takes control of the sound hardware18:02
racquadhi guys, does anyone knows where can I find a good tutorial about headless installation of a ubuntu server?18:02
owd95how much better works nvidia in ubuntu then ati?18:03
aeon-ltdracquad: your gonna need a head to install unless you pre isntall to a hdd then move it to another pc18:03
abhijitracquad, try in #ubuntu-server18:03
racquadaeon-ltd, maybe it could work, but the device I want to install is a Lenovo NAS that maybe has raid onboard.18:04
racquadabhijeet, I will try, thanks18:04
racquadaeon-ltd, the thing is I don't know how it will work with the pre-install of ubuntu18:05
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kn100are there any screen recorders that don't leave artifacts on the video18:06
kn100I have tried using gtk-recordmydesktop but the resulting video is full of artifacts even though the quality is set at 100^18:07
BlueEaglekn100: I am just curious; which artifacts are you experiencing?18:08
abhijitkn100, istanbool?18:08
ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.18:08
kn100BlueEagle, I am recording snes9x18:08
kn100BlueEagle, and..i'll take a screenshot to show you18:08
OceanSurfI have  a WinXP VM running on Ubuntu. 10.04  I have setup a shared folder so my WinXP VM sees my Ubuntu Desktop as its own.  One problem:  If I try to access a folder on the destkop.....it does not allow me access..... .....way to fix this?   It only lets me access the files on the desktop...not the folders on it too.18:08
BlueEaglekn100: I am on a text-based console so unless it looks good with AALIB you'll need to describe it to me.18:09
kn100BlueEagle, uhh, well, lets say I go past a coin18:09
kn100part of that coin will remain on the video for a few seconds18:09
kn100it's hard to describe18:10
itmustbejjShouldn't chsh be permanent? Like if I set it, log out/in then it should still be set to what I changed it to right?18:10
arooni-mobilehey folks.  i hear a loud annoying beep (in any application), that comes out of my laptop's headphones whenever i hit backspace when theres nothing left to backspace.  how can i get rid of this?  ubuntu 10.0418:10
elitexrayDoes ubuntu have XVID MPEG-4 decoder for firefox?18:10
blendmaster1024elitexray, install mplayer or vlc18:11
erUSULarooni-mobile: disable the bell in terminal preferences18:11
blendmaster1024they should both have plugins that will have one18:11
elitexrayYeah they do, however, I want to stream movies off firefox.18:11
blendmaster1024what do you mean?18:11
arooni-mobileerUSUL, that works in terminal but not in other apps like xchat or firefox18:11
BlueEaglekn100: Well, given that you're running an emulator I would most likely blame it or more accurately the blitting in the original game. Ie. the coin is still there it is just painted over. However the screen recorder captures the screen without or before the covering tile is drawn.18:11
elitexrayyou can watch movies on firefox through xvid18:11
banishedarooni-mobile: system->settings->audio, there you can set and disable the 'warning noise'18:11
BlueEaglekn100: I would suspect that the coins in question are animated, are they not?18:12
kn100BlueEagle, thats the thing18:12
kn100when I'm playing the artifacts aren't there18:12
kn100it's only when the video is encoded18:12
arooni-mobilebanished, my sound theme is no sounds;  alert volume is down to 0 and set to "Mute"18:12
BlueEaglekn100: If the coins are animated, does the animation complete in the video before the coin disappear?18:13
kn100BlueEagle, it's not just the coins18:13
kn100it happens to non-animated elements too18:13
kn100mostly the walls18:13
kn100BlueEagle, this would be much easier if I could show you a screenshot18:13
slifhey guys, having some trouble setting the ulimit18:14
BlueEaglekn100: How does the walls stay in place?18:14
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DarkSector!in > DarkSector18:14
ubottuDarkSector, please see my private message18:14
bitchhhhhhh>>> /etc/sudoers: syntax error near line 28 <<<18:14
bitchhhhhhhsudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers near line 2818:14
bitchhhhhhhsudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting18:14
kn100BlueEagle, the walls move to the left, but the thick lines surrounding them remain in the same place for a a few seconds sometimes18:14
bitchhhhhhhhow do i open visudo if it's screwed ?18:15
yashi-hi, i had to reinstall my ubuntu but the wpa_supplicant.conf i used before wont work anymore :?!#18:15
bitchhhhhhhcan't open a gksudo nautilus using alt+f2 either18:15
sn3ipenarooni-mobile: It can also be your bios settings that is the problem18:15
hikubitchhhhhhh: use sudo pico/vi/joe/ (which ever you like) /etc/sudoers18:16
banishedarooni-mobile: is there a slide for beep in alsamixer?18:16
bitchhhhhhhhiku, i can';t use sudo command18:16
yashi-thats my wpa_supplicant.conf > http://pastebin.com/UkyhNLch18:16
bitchhhhhhhit's damaged18:16
YoJackwhat irc for debian packages?18:16
arooni-mobilebanished, yes beep was set at 100.  muted it and problem is gone18:16
BlueEaglebitchhhhhhh: Start the live-CD, mount the partition that contains the file and fix it before rebooting.18:16
banishedbitchhhhhhh: you might boot into recovery mode and edit it from there18:16
canthiswaitanywhere I can find vim 7.3 debs?18:16
philinuxbitchhhhhhh: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo18:16
hikubitchhhhhhh: oh ouch...sorry, didn't see that.18:17
headkase314bitchhhhhhh, go to System > Administration > Users and Groups18:17
patrickwHello, I'm having trouble with changing my public IPs for dchp in UEC (10.04).  I've searched and tried editing my eucalyptus.conf and done a "sudo restart eucalyptus-cc CLEAN=1" but I keep getting the public ips that I defined when I first installed UEC.18:17
headkase314bitchhhhhhh, select the user, click on Advanced Settings.  Give sudo rights there.18:17
OpenSourceCodeI found one old cd from 2001 with music18:18
BlueEaglekn100: Have you tried this with and without eye candy? (Read: Compiz and friends)18:18
sacarlsoncanthiswait: what's wrong with vim 2.7.2 that's in the repository?18:19
BlueEagleOpenSourceCode: Grats!18:19
banishedyashi-: why not using network manager?18:19
OpenSourceCodebut files are in .wav and 16 music is 745mb...how can I turn them into mp3 without losing rate18:19
kn100BlueEagle, I don't have anything other than xfce compositing18:19
kn100I can try turning that off18:19
BlueEagleOpenSourceCode: You cannot turn them into mp3 without loosing quality.18:19
beliOpenSourceCode: mp3 isnt lossless18:19
BlueEagleOpenSourceCode: FLAC however is a lossless codec.18:19
yashi-banished: because im not using gnome. (awesome)18:19
blendmaster1024mp3 can be lossless18:19
beliOpenSourceCode: you can use lossless codecs like flac or ape18:19
DaekdroomOpenSourceCode, FLAC has the very same quality as CD but is about 70% as big.18:20
OpenSourceCodehmm...I just want to reduce size of 745mb of 16 music...to like 50mb or something18:20
BlueEaglekn100: Since it affects the rendering of the desktop I would try that.18:20
blendmaster1024however you need an encoder that knows how to encode mp3 lossless18:20
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beliblendmaster1024: right, but than its not compressing like flac or ape18:20
banishedOpenSourceCode: use rythmbox and copy it there from the library, you can set FLAC if you really need it lossless, but ogg or mp3 should be sufficient with reasonable high bitrates18:20
wildc4rdevening all18:20
blendmaster1024OpenSourceCode, you'll need mp3 lossy. sorry.18:20
yashi-does anyone know what: No keys have been configured - skip key clearing means? (wpa_supplicant)18:20
OpenSourceCodethank you, banished18:20
OpenSourceCodeI will try that now.18:20
kn100BlueEagle, thanks :)18:21
Sid123how to play hd movies in lucid smoothly?(i have an 11 GB .mkv file)18:21
OpenSourceCodevlc player?18:21
isolat3dsh33phye, I have a wavecom GSM modem and I need to use it on Linux, any idea on how I can do this?18:21
OpenSourceCodeand good computer18:21
OerSid123, VLC 1.1.2 can do that18:21
canthiswaitsacarlson, you mean 7.2? nothing is wrong with it, but I'd like to use the features in 7.3 like the lua interface and persistent undo18:21
OpenSourceCodeit's so great that ubuntu community is so friendly...always someone ready to help18:22
rslifkaHey guys, having a bit of difficulty getting ulimit nofiles setting recognized18:22
rslifkaFollowed these instructions, to no avail: http://www.ubun2.com/question/433/how_set_ulimit_ubuntu_linux_getting_sudo_ulimit_command_not_found_error18:22
BlueEagleSid123: To play HD-movies smoothly you do need a sufficiently powered computer and graphics card.18:22
blendmaster1024OpenSourceCode, is that sarcasm?18:22
Sid123Oer:how to install that?18:22
blendmaster1024it would be if I said it, for sure.18:22
OpenSourceCodeblendmaster1024, no18:23
Slartrslifka: how are you configuring it? testing it?18:23
BlueEagleSid123: If you do not have the oompfh to run it smoothly with mplayer or vlc then you're left with the alternatives of upgrading the computer or transcoding the movie.18:23
Sid123<BlueEagle>i have a nvidia geforce 512 gr card and amd athlon processor18:23
blendmaster1024heh, I guess you just don't know the dark corners of the ubuntu community then.18:23
rslifkaSlart: Configured as per the link (enabled pam limits, modified limits.conf, rebooted)18:23
OerSid123, wait for the update, or use a PPA at your own risk > https://launchpad.net/~c-korn/+archive/vlc18:23
rslifkaSlart: Tested with ulimit -a, nofiles still says 102418:23
OpenSourceCodeand what are the dark corners then? :D18:24
banishedisolat3dsh33p: what happens if you plug it in?18:25
sacarlsoncanthiswait: well you can try the ppa https://launchpad.net/~vim-full/+archive/ppa18:25
blendmaster1024OpenSourceCode, #ubuntu-offtopic is one ... and it's where we should take this conversation18:25
Sid123<BlueEagle>but plays under windows smoothly(in kmplayer)18:25
Slartrslifka: hmm.. sounds correct to me.. odd18:26
crossglobeithey all18:26
crossglobeitclonezilla questions18:26
hiku!hi | crossglobeit18:26
ubottucrossglobeit: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:26
blendmaster1024!ask | crossglobeit18:26
ubottucrossglobeit: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:26
canthiswaitsacarlson, doesn't seem to be there but thanks!! I'm going to bookmark it.18:26
crossglobeitsomeone help me with clonezilla setup and config18:26
OerSid123, ofcourse your hardware need to be ready to handle such ,mkv resolution and transferspeed.18:27
banished!ask | crossglobeit18:27
sacarlsoncanthiswait: not there for what 64bit?  different ubuntu version?18:27
NeurotiquetteHow do I get to the task manager to kill a program that has locked up?18:27
crossglobeiti have a workstation in a domain environment that i want to clone over the network, how do i get the host server to broadcast so i can pxe boot the pc?18:27
blendmaster1024crossglobeit, ohh boy pxe boot :D18:28
* blendmaster1024 hides18:28
crossglobeitblendmaster1024, yea...18:28
banishedNeurotiquette: select the program and press the kill button18:28
headkase314Neurotiquette, Alt + F2, enter "xkill" without the quotes and when cursor changes to skull-and-crossbones click on frozen window.18:28
sworiginalNeurotiquette: or you can use the force quit applet18:28
crossglobeitblendmaster1024, to throw a twist in there, im in a static non dhcp environment18:28
crossglobeitthink i need another nic18:29
yashi-well i solved the wpa_supplicant problem... had to completely deinstall this f**kn network-manager bullshit !#%&!18:29
crossglobeitto broadcast from18:29
canthiswaitsacarlson, 7.3, this version was just released yesterday so it's probably impatient to expect a package to be ready so soon18:29
headkase314!language | yashi-18:29
ubottuyashi-: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:29
banishedyashi-: well, you can also use network manager with awesome…18:30
yashi-headkase314: sry i thought i wrote it family friendly :/18:30
rslifkaSlart: found another set of instructions that worked - http://posidev.com/blog/2009/06/04/set-ulimit-parameters-on-ubuntu/18:30
Sid123<Oer> but it plays under windows smoothly18:30
rslifkaThanks :)18:30
pete1hello, can anyone assist pls. I have a problem after installing 10.04 ok, then updating, the grb update and re boot stops me from booting into Ubuntu/WinXP, I get Grub rescue>18:30
sacarlsoncanthiswait: oh your right I saw a 3 in it thinking it was 7.3.  ya so compile it if you want it that bad.  vim is small can't take 2 min to compile18:30
headkase314yashi-, don't worry about me - I'm no an op.  But you don't want to get an op's bad attention.18:30
yashi-banished: network-manager produces lags (at least here) because it scans for networks all the time18:30
kn100I have a usb mic18:30
kn100where would that be under /dev/18:30
canthiswaitsacarlson, i probably will do that, thanks gain!18:31
banishedkn100: you could check dmesg output18:31
banishedkn100: it's an usb soundcard after all18:31
cesc_xubuntuHi there. I have a wireles usb adapter Alfa Network AWUS036H which works fine on my ubuntu 10.04 PC (It worked straight away without installing drivers), but on this machine with xubuntu it doesn't work. Yesterday I installed the Realtek drivers for chipset rtl8187L and after some problems compiling the source code I finally managed to install the driver successfully. But still doesn't work. Then I though I made a mistake because I reckon the chipset it18:32
cesc_xubuntu uses is rtl8187 without the final L. But I'm having problems compiling this driver, it gives me some errors and if someone could help me I would appreciate.18:32
banishedcesc_xubuntu: is your xubuntu machine maybe using an older ubuntu release?18:33
Dice-Manhello all18:33
cesc_xubuntuno I'm using the latest xubuntu 10.04 with all updates.18:34
Dice-Manare they some specifics brand which usually are compatible with ubuntu ?18:34
belicesc_xubuntu: not with the card, but maybe with the errors....use nopaste to paste its output18:34
ikoniaDice-Man: in what way, brands of what ?18:34
headkase314!who | cesc_xubuntu Hi!18:34
ubottucesc_xubuntu Hi!: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:34
Dice-Manikonia, laptops18:34
aeon-ltdDice-Man: lots of people reccommmend ibms but there quite expensive for a new pc just for linux18:34
Jinxed-Should a new ubuntu install on a machine see a ssd?18:34
ikoniaDice-Man: not really, however check the hardware components for compatability support18:35
Dice-Manoh ok18:35
cesc_xubuntubeli, I'm going to pastebin the output...18:35
banishedcesc_xubuntu: so what happens if you plug it in? dmesg?18:35
Dice-Manhcl laboratories18:35
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ikoniaDice-Man: what ?18:36
capletonhey, does anyone know if there is a lubuntu support channel?18:36
cesc_xubuntubanished, if I do a iwconfig right now.... it shows..18:36
cesc_xubuntuwlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:off/any18:36
cesc_xubuntu          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=20 dBm18:36
cesc_xubuntu          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off18:36
cesc_xubuntu          Power Management:off18:36
FloodBot2cesc_xubuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:37
Dice-Manwhat about compatibility with sony's laptops ?18:37
Dice-Mani planned to buy one18:37
Dice-Mani plan to buy one18:37
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org18:37
bandar my cam doesn't work18:37
ikoniaDice-Man: look at the hardware of the laptop you want to buy and see how compatible it is with linux, as I've said18:37
aeon-ltdDice-Man: i heard a few problems related to sound on some vaios but not a lot18:38
bandarany idea18:38
banishedbandar: which cam are you using?18:38
banishedusb cam? paste your lsusb output18:38
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bandarmy laptop18:38
banishedDice-Man: but it's highly unlikely that some notebook just "won't work", worst thing to happen is usually a broken standby18:38
sacarlsoncesc_xubuntu: looks broken to me,  I assume when essid is set to off/any that means any?  did you try iwconfig wlan0 essid "youraccesspointrealname"18:39
banishedbandar: paste output of lsusb18:39
banished!paste | bandar18:39
ubottubandar: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:39
capletonAre the prism42 (p54) drivers already compiled into the kernels that lubuntu uses?  I am trying to get a netgear WG511 wireless PC card to work.18:39
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bandarhow i dont know any thing i just put unbutu yesterday18:39
sacarlsoncesc_xubuntu:  also do yo see anything with iwlist wlan0 scanning ?18:39
banishedcapleton: it ises the standard ubuntu kernel - you can check if it's loaded by watching dmesg or checking lspci -k /lsusb -t18:40
banishedbandar: open a terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and type lsusb18:40
cesc_xubuntusacarlson, this usb wirless adapter works fine with my other pc with ubuntu 10.04 without installing any driver at all... but not with xubuntu 10.0418:40
sacarlsoncesc_xubuntu: well that's means the hardware must be working.  did you try scanning?18:41
banishedcapleton: according to http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/p54 it should be there for quite a while18:42
bandarand  banished18:42
c3lhow do I allow a new user to play audio?18:42
sebsebsebcapleton: #lubuntu18:42
headkase314c3l, go to: System > Administration > Users and Groups.  Select the use click Advanced Settings and give appropriate permissions18:43
banishedc3l: system->administration->user & groups, add him to the audio group18:43
cesc_xubuntusacarlson, I'm really noob on ubuntu, what do you mean by scanning?18:44
headkase314c3l,  * select the useR18:44
banishedsebsebseb: since it's the same kernel, there is unlikely a differnece18:44
capletonbanished, I was looking at that page as well.  I still can't get this card to work.  I got pcmia from synaptic, even tried ndiswrapper, but the card still isn't being detected.  Any ideas?18:44
banishedcapleton: is it a PCI or usb card?18:44
capletonsebsebseb, is that channel hosted on freenode as well?18:44
gazzwi86Hey all, new to Ubuntu, played briefly before but having a real go of it now!18:44
sebsebsebcapleton: yes18:45
bandarbanished i opened lsusb18:45
sacarlsonc3l: try System>Administration>User groups  advanced settings allow audio devices18:45
gazzwi86Just wondering if there is a plugin for qwibber for msn messenger!!??18:45
ubuntu-1004use the repositories of Brazil, and today I noticed new packages, plus there was no option to upgrade them to change to the main repository outside of Brazil, these packages were released to install, and addition of new packages appeared that they had in Brazil, the strange that the switch back to the repositories only Brazil, all packages have been released ... because some packages do not appear in the repository of Brazil?18:45
banishedso copy the text to http://paste.ubuntu.com18:45
capletonbanished, its a laptop pci card.  I mean, it's one of those old cards that you put into laptops, i think that's laptop pci?18:45
banishedgazzwi86: you could use pidgin instead…18:46
headkase314capleton, PCMCIA18:46
banishedcapleton: so pcmcia - what is lspcmcia telling you?18:46
econdudeawesomeWhat is the "Aptitude" score if I use aptitude?18:46
sacarlsoncesc_xubuntu:  as I stated before scanning at the command line with iwlist wlan0 scanning ?18:46
econdudeawesome% of success18:46
gazzwi86banished: whats that, twitter, fb, digg, msn, skype?18:46
capletonheadkase314, ha, thanks.  pcmica.  yes.18:46
gazzwi86im looking for something that can do the lot!!18:46
banishedgazzwi86: um, pidgin is a messenger for multiple protocols18:47
jibsUsing Ubuntu 9.10, trying to setup VPN, have installed pptp. still nothing. any ideas ?18:47
c3lheadkase314:  sacarlson I only have terminal access18:47
headkase314capleton, yup -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PC_Card18:47
sinisterstufwho knows how to add 3 e-mail addresses under 1 contact in thunderbird?18:47
headkase314c3l, I don't know how to help you exactly so address everyone!18:47
cannonfodderhey you guys, im trying to fix my earphone problem but when i follow this tutorial, i cant even find the alsa-driver folder https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/18431418:47
capletonbanished, ah, yes i need pcmciautils.  here I go!@18:47
capletonheadkase314, Thanks!18:47
cesc_xubuntusacarlson, just let me try it. I'll paste it for you18:47
sacarlsonc3l: ok you can change group settings in cli also I would have to google that18:48
bandari did send it then what banished18:48
cannonfodderwhy does my ubuntu have an alsa-driver folder?18:48
banishedbandar: so give us the link18:48
cannonfodderwhy doesn't my ubuntu have an alsa-driver folder?18:48
Ranjanhow to associate an icon with an .mhtml file type in ubuntu .. any help would be of great help ... thanks in advance18:48
headkase314capleton, you're welcome! ;)18:48
cannonfodderi need to fix my sound18:48
econdudeawesomewhat is aptitude score? If I have a score of 60, should I go ahead?18:48
jibsIs there any issue with setting up pptp vpn on karmic ?18:48
bandarbanished : http://paste.ubuntu.com/478969/18:48
banishedbandar: ok, can you also do lsusb -t please?18:49
sebellhello all18:49
c3lsacarlson: but what group do I have to add the user too? I have a user that is able to plau sound (the first user according to uid) and that user is not in group audio or similar18:49
capletonbanished, http://pastie.org/109594818:49
jibsAny help regarding setting up pptp VPN on Karmic Koala ? anybody pls ?18:50
banishedcapleton: ah, ok so lspci -k18:50
sacarlsoncannonfodder: best way to get help with hardware is to pastebin your hardware settings to use so we can see what you are working with to do this try lspci command at in a terminal18:50
gurkhali69hello can anyone tell me if ubuntu can be install bu mouting iso file in a directory ?18:50
banishedjibs: you can use network manager vpn setup18:50
headkase314gurkhali69, no that cannot be done.  You either need to burn a cd or put in on a USB device18:51
bandarbanished : yes18:51
cesc_xubuntusacarlson, iwlist wlan0 scanning returns.... wlan0 No scan results18:51
sebelltrying to install tor on lucid.  the instruction says to "add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list file:" and then lists the code.  my question is, how do I open and/or edit the file named?18:51
capletonbanished, http://pastie.org/109594818:51
banishedsacarlson: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list18:51
jibsbanished : tried that , installed the missing VPN packages also , but after setting up the account , when click on it , nothing happens.18:51
sacarlsoncesc_xubuntu: sound broken to me I guess you should give your hardware info to us the if it's usb then that would be lsusb18:51
erUSUL!gksudo | banished18:51
ubottubanished: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)18:51
sacarlsoncesc_xubuntu: make sure to use pastebin to give us the info18:52
cesc_xubuntusacarlson, ok just a sec and I pastbin it18:52
banishedcapleton: that's the same url18:52
maheanuuIaOra (hello to all) from Polynesia....  I just installed Ubuntu Studio and am trying to find the Skype download that I installed on Ubuntu Lucid but no joy with Studio18:52
sebellbanished: thank you.18:52
capletonbanished, oops, http://pastie.org/109595318:53
panfistif i want to use apt-mirror to host a local repository, do i have to specify the architecture (i.e. amd64) ?18:53
banishedcapleton: according to Kernel modules: p54pci, prism5418:53
capletonbanished, the final entry seems to be it.18:53
banishedit should be working18:53
headkase314erUSUL, thank you for educating me about gksudo.18:53
sacarlsonmaheanuu: you have to download skype from skype.com18:53
trismente: I think I figured out a solution: adding http://pastebin.com/zyy3bJpH to /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/10-disable-shutdown.pkla allowed me to disable shutdown ability for user test8 (it prompts a dialog asking for the admin's password); you could probably set the last line to "no" to completely disable the ability18:54
sacarlsonmaheanuu: skype has a deb file to install it goes easy18:54
banishedmaheanuu: get the .deb pakage or enable restricted & multiverse in packages sources in system->administration18:54
capletonbanished, iwconfig returns http://pastie.org/109596418:54
gurkhali69headkase314: thank you for your help18:54
cesc_xubuntusacarlson, here http://paste.ubuntu.com/478971/18:55
headkase314gurkhali69, you're welcome - recommend the burn a cd method.18:55
banishedcapleton: what is dmesg telling?18:55
ubuntu-1004use the repositories of Brazil, and today I noticed new packages, plus there was no option to upgrade them to change to the main repository outside of Brazil, these packages were released to install, and addition of new packages appeared that they had in Brazil, the strange that the switch back to the repositories only Brazil, all packages have been released ... because some packages do not appear in the repository of Brazil?18:55
maheanuuThanx sacarlson, I installed Studio yesterday and am trying to get my ducks in a row, I am the only linux user on this island and here knowledge is money and at present I am bankrupt <grin>18:55
erUSULheadkase314: yw :)18:56
gazzwi86Guys, im having some issue with the awn mac theme, i cant get a package that is recognised by 10.04 lucid18:56
capletonbanished, I dont use dmesg enough!  it says http://pastie.org/109596818:56
jibsHas anybody had any luck setting up pptp VPN on Ubuntu 9.10 ?18:57
Piciubuntu-1004: I don't think we understand what you are actually asking.  Perhaps the folks in #ubuntu-br would be able to help you better in Brazillian?18:57
Solow_is there a way I can do vhosts instead of /path//to/vhosts.sh ?18:57
banishedcapleton: ah, there we go: Cannot find firmware (isl3886pci)18:57
capletonbanished, I don't know how to get the firmware :-/18:57
htrujillojibs: Use this help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1308808 for VPN in 9.1018:58
jibsthanks htrujillo, lemme try.18:59
bandarbanished:  my problem's when i work on amsn  and i open a webcam the program (amsn ) shut down and the net cut off  and i wanna find a place to open the webcam but i didnt , so it's a problem from my computer  or what ?18:59
sebellLOL ok, well now I have the file open...  how do I input code?  and more importantly, how do I create a backup of this file to restore if/when I screw up? :-p18:59
=== Ola is now known as Guest13809
banishedcapleton: install linux-firmware-nonfree19:00
cesc_xubuntusacarlson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/478971/   ask me more commands and I will pastbin them if you need to know more info about  my machine19:00
hikusebell, what editor are you using? if vi, when you have an open file, you can save the file to a different name with :w /path/to/backup/file19:00
banishedcesc_xubuntu: you could run lsusb -t to show the drivers loaded19:01
sacarlsoncesc_xubuntu: this is all I found so far all I know how to do is google http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146699219:01
cesc_xubuntubanished, ok I'll do it19:01
sebellhiku: I opened the file using gedit from terminal.19:01
MalaikaHmmm... I need help with Compiz. Anyone?19:02
banished!ask | maheanuu19:02
ubottumaheanuu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:02
banishedsorry maheanuu19:02
banished!ask Malaika19:02
AzureumHi guys, got a grub question...19:02
hikusebell, ok, then like notepad, choose file>save as> and then rename the file19:02
headkase314banished, not having much luck ;)19:03
MalaikaHmmm... ok19:03
headkase314!ask | Malaika19:03
ubottuMalaika: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:03
MalaikaWell, when I activate Compiz, it freezes my computer19:03
capletonbanished, Wow, I can't believe I didn't think of that!  Thanks banished, It's downloading now.19:03
banishedMalaika: which graphics card are you using?19:04
banishedMalaika: lspci | grep VGA19:04
Guest13809Question. I have a 5 year old laptop and want to start learning linux. Should I d/l the desktop version or the netbook version to run on that one?19:04
banishedGuest13809: how much ram does it have?19:04
MalaikaVGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)19:04
AzureumWith grub you can set it to install on mbr, which then points to stage 2 files elsewhere, can I install the stage files to a seperate drive than the one that stores the os's I have installed on the first drive?19:04
headkase314Guest13809, what are your hardware specifications for the laptop?19:04
Guest13809it has 2gb ram19:05
banishedGuest13809: that's plenty19:05
sebellhiku: ok, and then to restore it I'm guessing I would go back to that directory, delete the newly edited file, and restore the saved file to its previous name?  can I simply change the file extension to something like ".bak"?19:05
headkase314Guest13809, as Ubuntu 10.04 requires 256MB minimum while Xubuntu 10.04 is 128MB minimum19:05
Malaikabanished, I get an error message on terminal when I run compiz19:05
hikuGuest13809, you'll be fine running the desktop version19:05
banishedMalaika: so what does it say?19:05
hikusebell, sure.19:05
Malaikabanished, I can't paste it all here, I would be kicked for flooding. Lol19:05
banished!paste | Malaika19:05
headkase314Guest13809, yeah go with Ubuntu 10.04 you should be fine.19:05
ubottuMalaika: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:05
oledole2Q: How do I copy a full directory structure from /mnt/foo to /mnt/bar, keeping hard-links within /mnt/foo mirrored on /mnt/bar, but ensuring that there's at least one unique copy on /mnt/bar, ie no hardlinks between /mnt/foo and /mnt/bar sharing data?19:05
Guest13809ok, thank you for that answer...gonna go download...and in a day or two come back with about a million questions! ;)19:06
hikuGuest13809, ok, good luck and see ya later =)19:06
capletonbanished, is there any way to refresh it so that I don't have to reboot?  iwconfig still shows nill and dmesg I believe is old.19:06
sebellhiku: it says it could not save.  I don't have the permissions necessary.  guessing that would be sudo gedit /file/name in terminal?19:06
AzureumWith grub you can set it to install on mbr, which then points to stage 2 files elsewhere, can I install the stage files to a seperate drive than the one that stores the os's I have installed (on the first drive?)19:06
capletonbanished, nevermind, i just tried taking out and reinserting the card!\19:07
hikusebell, yea, for any file editing outside of your $HOME you will need sudo19:07
Malaikabanished, Ok, just posted it19:07
banishedcapleton: sure, just sudo modprobe -r p54pci && sudo modprobe p54pci19:07
pete1Hi Can anyone help. I am buggered! 10.04 updates updated GRUB and now I cant dual boot anymore. Just get this Error: No such device: grub rescue>19:07
pete1I have winXP on internal HDD and Ubuntu installed 10.04 on drive bay disk.. Can boot image from USB stick OK but I dont know what to do to get the MBR back??19:07
gazzwi86how do i remove an awn lauincher icon?19:07
ianwizard1hello, if my mouse were to not work when I boot, but start working again if I reboot, how might I fix this?   anybody know what might cause that?19:07
murlidharwhy is time being shown in indicator-applet ? can i remove that ?19:08
MalaikaI don't know what that output means19:08
erUSULoledole2: cp -a /mnt/foo /mnt/bar ?19:08
cesc_xubuntusacarlson, banished , here the new paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/478977/19:08
banishedMalaika: you have to give us the url of cause19:08
ianwizard1I've tried telinit down to 1 and then back up again, but it doesn't work19:08
pete1erUSUL, was that for me?19:09
AzureumCan grub be installed to mbr and then stage files be on a seperate drive?19:09
ianwizard1pete1: do grub-update, and then grub-install19:10
banishedcesc_xubuntu: and what is it saying on the machine where it works?19:10
xanguamurlidhar: are you using maverick¿19:10
ianwizard1pete1: don't even really need to install, just the update19:10
erUSULpete1: no it was for oledole219:10
murlidharxangua: no19:10
murlidharxangua: lucid.19:11
cesc_xubuntubanished, I going to the other machine where it works and I'll let you know19:11
pete1thanks ian.. grup-update says Unknown command... Do u mean once i load Ubuntu from the usb drive19:11
oledole2erUSUL: will that preserve hard-links on the destination? so that files a and b sharing data will share data on dest, but between a3 and a4, not between a1 and a2?19:11
FliyingNinjaI am a fliying ninja and I say hello19:11
antionidhi guys. finally got ubuntu running on my macmini 4,1 using the patched kernel founed here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Macmini4-1/Lucid but i'm having some trouble getting two displays to work :(19:11
banishedMalaika: well, this is obviously a bug in the driver, so no compiz for you :/ - maybe you have more luck in two month with 10.10, but with an intel chip that old it would have been rather slow anyway19:11
cesc_xubuntubanished, on the other machine I'm cesc_ubuntu19:11
xanguamurlidhar: then you surely added unity ppa¿19:11
htrujillojibs: did you solve the pptp issue? i did19:11
murlidharxangua: yes.....19:11
murlidharxangua: and i removed it too.19:12
xanguamurlidhar: just uninstall indicator-datetime19:12
AzureumCan grub be installed to mbr and then stage files be on a seperate drive? i.e; hd1,0 with the mbr being on hd019:12
murlidharxangua: ok .ty :)19:12
sebellawesome.  thank you hiku.19:12
hikusebell, your welcome19:12
xanguamurlidhar: how did you remove it¿ with ppa-purge¿19:12
Malaikabanished, isn't it possible to fix the bug?19:12
=== ianwizard1 is now known as IanWizard
murlidharxangua: i have ubuntu tweak installed.19:12
=== IanWizard is now known as Ian_Wizard
snoopyhey i need help with a loop script19:13
aruntomari was trying to install songbird on ubuntu 10.04, but on the download page it only have windows and mac installable's. has anyone else faced the same issue?19:13
banishedMalaika: wait, this might not be it - if you say freezing, what do you mean?19:13
ARGGGim having problems with my s-video out when i start my pc with the cable connected my monitor goes black and the tv will flicker but if i start my pc with out the tv (s-video) unconnected when i go in to display the tv isnt found what can i do to fix this annoying problem?19:13
murlidharxangua: if i click  on the mail option i get three choices. chat, set  up mail and pidgin19:13
Ian_Wizarddid the channel just die or something?19:14
savidsnoopy, good luck getting anyone to answer your question if they don't know what the question is.19:14
AzureumCan grub be installed to mbr and then stage files be on a seperate drive? i.e; hd1,0 with the mbr being on hd019:14
Malaikabanished, keyboard and mouse freezes, I have to restart the computer19:14
erUSULoledole2: checking... maybe you need to use cpio or pax19:14
savidsnoopy,  (in other words, don't ask to ask; just ask)19:14
=== ianwizard is now known as IanWizard
xanguamurlidhar: and then¿19:14
murlidharxangua: can i remove set up mail by simply removing the mail file in /usr/share/indicators/applications19:14
snoopyI want a loop script that directs to a folder and opens a .sh file19:15
murlidharxangua: i mean /usr/share/indicators/messages/applications/19:15
murlidharxangua: i mean /usr/share/indicators/messages/applications/evolution actually :$19:16
headkase314aruntomar, see -> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/08/songbird-for-linux-not-extinct-yet-debs.html19:16
snoopywell that helped19:16
trismmurlidhar: yes you can19:16
cryptkare there any problems with installing ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop at the same time?19:16
xanguamurlidhar: no idea, i really like indicators :D19:16
VCoolio!abs | snoopy, sorry, can't help with more, but:19:16
ubottusnoopy, sorry, can't help with more, but:: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/19:16
sebellonce your password has been input in a bash session for sudo, do you have to keep typing sudo for commands, or will it keep recognizing you as a superuser as long as that session is open?19:16
banishedMalaika: is there anything happening?19:16
murlidharxangua: yes i do too but i dun use a mail client. i use a web mail client :)19:16
Malaikabanished, excuse me?19:17
aruntomarheadkase314, thanx19:17
VCooliosebell: for some time, it expires19:17
headkase314aruntomar, you're welcome!19:17
murlidharxangua: actually i was thinkin if i could add applications like banshee to indicator applet19:17
capletonbanished, It's working!  thanks a lot.  I actually kind of enjoy problems like this because it makes me get to know more about linux!   btw, what is a good way for me to give back to the community?19:17
murlidhartrism: thanks :)19:17
Malaikabanished, shortly after I start compiz the computer crashes and I have to restart19:17
antionidi was able to install ubuntu on the macmini using a patched kernel found in the ubuntu wiki pages but im having some trouble setting up two displays using twinview. when i enable both monitors, one monitor shows nothing (looking like it didnt get a signal) and the other monitor has a black screen with just the mouse cursor.  If anyone can help, i will be eternally grateful <319:18
banishedMalaika: well, are window borders disappearing?19:18
VCooliocapleton: hang around here, answer if you know something; the same for ubuntuforums.org19:18
trismmurlidhar: yes you can add the name of any .desktop file to a file in that directory and it will add them to the indicator applet, but you won't actually get indications without some patches to the apps themselves19:18
Malaikabanished, no, it just crashes19:18
pete1IanWizard - how do i execute grub-update. I have booted a Ubuntu from USB19:19
capletonVCoolio, thanks.  will do.19:19
IanWizardpete1: go to a command line, and type grub-update19:19
banishedMalaika: did you change any effects or did it crash right away?19:19
murlidhartrism: hmm i just hope banshee did some work19:19
erUSULoledole2: mkdir /mnt/bar; cd  /mnt/foo ; pax -rw . /mnt/bar19:19
pete1cmd not found19:19
IanWizardpete1: but you should probably do os-probber first from live19:19
banishedpete1: sudo update-grub19:19
Malaikabanished, it crashes after a few minutes. I haven't changed any effects19:19
banishedMalaika: so it's running for a while?19:20
cesc_ubuntubanished, here you have the lsusb -t on my ubuntu machine where the usb alfa network wireless adapter is working fine http://paste.ubuntu.com/478979/19:20
murlidhartrism: so the icon that comes when i start rhythmbox is it related to indicator applet too ?19:20
pete1error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted)19:20
xanguaMalaika: chashes¿¿ you mean the screen frozes¿ ; what kernel/video card do you have¿19:20
trismmurlidhar: I'm not sure what that means19:20
loadedcan anyone help me out on editing grub?19:20
headkase314cesc_ubuntu, might want to post the xubuntu pastebin again so it's easy to find.19:21
banishedcesc_ubuntu: hm, it's the same driver after all - maybe there is some firmware missing?19:21
oledole2erUSUL: thanks!19:21
IanWizardpete1:  don't know on that one...19:21
trismmurlidhar: oh you mean the status icon for rhythmbox, yes that uses the indicator applet too now19:21
erUSULoledole2: you can use tar too ( its installed bt default pax is not )19:21
pete1hmm, ok, thanks I'll investigate grub update19:21
murlidhartrism: err sorry for my english :) i meant whenever we start rhythmbox its icon appears on the panel. is the icon anything related to indicator applet ?19:22
Malaikabanished, it runs for maybe 3 minutes. Lol19:22
murlidhartrism: oh u got me : )19:22
cryptkare there any problems with installing ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop at the same time?19:22
IanWizarddoes anybody know if os-probber write to the actual grub config, or just the template?19:22
erUSULoledole2: cd /mnt/foo ; tar cf - . | (cd /mnt/bar ; tar xf -)19:22
Malaikaxangua, yes, the screen freezes. It's a VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)19:22
cesc_xubuntuheadkase314, on my xubuntu http://paste.ubuntu.com/478977/19:22
IanWizardI'm without mouse, so I'm somewhat crippled19:22
mattisapunkcan i run ubuntu and windows on 1 laptop?19:23
banishedcryptk: no19:23
trismmurlidhar: adding the .desktop file for banshee to the indicators/messages/applications won't add it as its own indicator icon though, it will add it to the indicator messages menu, like empathy, evolution, gwibber, etc19:23
headkase314cryptk, the only issue I know of is you may have kde mouse cursors in gnome.  Other than that should be no issues.19:23
MalaikaI have searched for help on forums, but couldn't really find any help... that's why I'm here19:23
erUSULoledole2: or safer --> cd /mnt/foo && tar cf - . | (cd /mnt/bar && tar xf -)19:23
banishedmattisapunk: sure, you can install ubuntu besides windows if there is enough free space19:23
loadedMalaika: yes u can19:23
headkase314cesc_xubuntu, awesome - now the people helping you don't have to scroll as much ;)19:23
JC_Denton_my laptop has two graphics cards - one is integrated in the intel i3 processor. Does ubuntu automatically switch when the workload is too high for the integrated GC?19:23
murlidhartrism: oh19:23
trismmurlidhar: it would take patches to banshee to support that19:24
Malaikaloaded, sorry?19:24
banishedJC_Denton_: unfortunately not, it might even cause issues19:24
murlidhartrism: so the application should also apply the patches..hmmm.19:24
mattisapunkbanished: thanks. last question -- would i have to partition?19:24
Jinxed-Any idea why a new version of linux wouldn't see my ssd's?19:24
banishedmattisapunk: yes, but the ubuntu installer will care for that19:24
JC_Denton_banished, is there a way to set it to use the non integrated gc permanently?19:24
banishedJC_Denton_: if your BIOS offers that19:24
JC_Denton_banished, thanks19:24
cryptkI would alsi like to install xubuntu-desktop but when I select it it prompts to remove ubuntu-desktop...19:25
cryptkI would like to have all 3 sessions available...19:25
JC_Denton_banished do you know which gc it used by default?19:25
mattisapunkbanished: thanks a lot. ur da man.19:25
=== _NG is now known as _ng
loadedMalaika: u asked if u could run win and ubuntu in the same laptop19:26
loadedthe answer is yes19:26
TikiI switched from windows to ubuntu yesterday, and this morning I got a message saying I had almost run out of disk space It turns out there's this massive file .xsession-errors which is 107gb is this safe to delete?19:26
headkase314Malaika, just make sure to install WIndows *first*19:26
banishedmattwynne: glxinfo might tell19:26
Malaikaloaded, I didn't ask that, it must have been someone else. Lol19:26
=== panda is now known as Guest75119
erUSULTiki: yes19:26
cesc_xubuntubanished, when I installed ubuntu 10.04 my usb wireless adapter worked straight away without the need to install any drivers... on this machine with xubuntu 10.04 still not working. I installed realtek rtl8187L drivers ...was hard to compile them ... but once successfully done still there was no luck. Then I thought I had a mistake because the driver is really rtl8187 without the final L. I downloaded rtl8187 from realtek but I'm having problems to comp19:26
cesc_xubuntuile it. How would I remove the previous rtl8187L that I installed yesterday?19:26
MalaikaGee, I wasn't talking about Windows!19:26
erUSULTiki: you have to find out what is spamming the log19:26
erUSULTiki: or it will grow out of proportion again19:27
TikiI wouldn't know how unfortunately19:27
erUSULTiki: is a text file. zero it and after a while open it with a text editor19:27
banishedcesc_xubuntu: um, easiest way would be to boot an older kernel, assuming it didn't register with dkms (hold shift while booting to get to the grub menue)19:27
Guest75119Hello! I want to reinstall Ubuntu and I'm wondering if there is a way to have the programs I use automatically install - the idea being that I reinstall Ubuntu or install it on another computer and it's like it was?19:28
erUSULTiki: to zero it; in a terminal run « echo "" > ~/.xsession-errors »19:28
Malaikabanished, do you think it's possible to fix that?19:28
fililocohi where i can find a log with network errors ?19:28
trismmurlidhar: actually, someone already made those patches: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/04/how-to-add-banshee-indicator-applet-in.html they are even already in the repo19:29
murlidharoh jeez. ty trism :)19:29
loadedMalaika: srry for the mix up19:29
Malaikaloaded, np19:29
murlidhartrism: i wonder how i missed reading about it when it is alredy added in my google reader.19:30
banishedMalaika: what is written do dmesg when it crahes? there should be /var/log/dmesg.0 of your last boot19:30
kottur_Good day everyone. I´d appreciate if anyone would be so kind as to help me with this question: Is it possible to install Ubuntu Desktop Edition in a netbook(Lenovo ideapad S10-2)?19:32
xanguakottur_: yes19:32
Malaikabanished, http://paste.ubuntu.com/478989/19:32
Guest75119Ahh, I got distracted and missed if someone may have responded - apologies19:35
kottur_xangua: there is something about recommended minimum system requirements for UDE, it lists a card and display with 1024X700; my card complies, but I think the display is "smaller" than that. U think that  would be a problem?19:35
banishedMalaika: you might try the following: add i915.modeset=0 to the kernel parameters when booting (hold shift to get to the menue, boot with ctrl+x) and see if that's helping19:35
=== Guest75119 is now known as PandaLife
xanguakottur_: if you are a normal person, yes.........but if you are a gnome go ahead ;)19:36
PandaLifeWould it be possible to have all of my favorite programs install automatically after a fresh ubuntu install?19:36
headkase314!aptoncd | chrisbuntunerd19:36
ubottuchrisbuntunerd: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline19:36
chrisbuntunerdsudo apt-get install aptoncd19:37
banishedfililoco: /var/log/19:37
headkase314!info pandalife19:37
ubottuPackage pandalife does not exist in lucid19:37
headkase314chrisbuntunerd, what are you trying to do?19:37
chrisbuntunerdI meant I was talking to pandlife19:38
Malaikabanished, thanks, I'm gonna try that and I'll be back19:38
headkase314chrisbuntunerd, oops - my bad.  Sorry!19:38
chrisbuntunerdit's ooooooooookkkkkkkk19:38
fililocotks banished19:38
murlidharPandaLife: yeah aptoncd. i was searching for the name i forgot ]but thanks to chrisbuntunerd :)19:38
kottur_xangua: Thx, I´ll try to install it. Same thing should apply if I want to install Kubuntu, right?19:38
chrisbuntunerdthanks murlidar19:38
xanguakottur_: there is also a kubuntu-netbook19:39
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banishedbut I'd argue that KDE still has too many rough edges…19:40
=== Kasjopaja23 is now known as Kasjopaja
DocteurXI'm probably not the first to ask but does anyone has been able to login in to ubuntuforums.org lately?19:43
kottur_xangua: I actually don´t get what it the difference between Ubuntu Desktop Edition vs Netbook Edition in practical terms; I have a 24 inch display that I can connect to a netbook, and the netbook has 2G in RAM and 160G for hard drive, with a 1.60 Intel Atom processor. Therefore, I thought that the computer would be capable enough to run Desktop Edition. Pardon me if I am asking the wrong questions, I am very new to ubuntu and tryin19:43
headkase314DocteurX, I just went there fine - but I'm already logged-in cookie-wise19:43
xanguaDocteurX: better ask in #ubuntuforums19:43
gazzwi86Hey guys, has anyone seen a nice downloadable font set with Lucidia, Helvetica, times new roman, arial, comic sans etc19:43
kristjandoes anyone know if meerkat installer offers an option to encrypt home directory or do I still need alternate iso?19:43
q_a_z_stevegrr how do I free up the /var/lib/dpkg/lock when I had to force quit synaptic in 10.04 ?19:44
agrumanim having trouble with digital audio out, i can get aplay -D hw:0,0 ac3_or_dts_file to play it correctly but changing ubuntu audio settings to digital just mutes my audio19:44
xangua!maverick | kristjan19:44
ubottukristjan: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:44
DocteurXok, thanks19:44
kristjangazzwi86, install msttcorefonts19:44
agrumandoes lucid use alsa default?19:44
Jinxed-Should ubuntu just work with SSD's in raid 0 format for install on a fresh machine19:44
murlidharkatoen: netbook edition has a different user interface meant for small screens. that's all.19:45
ZykoticK9agruman, alsa + pulse audio by default yes.19:45
banishedagruman: it uses pulse audio19:45
blazeboyi need extreem help: i uninstalled RGBA Module, it installed nautilus, i reboot and then every time i login it returns to the login screen, i can't login, i pressed CTRL+ALT+F1 and logged in from command line and removed the source repo of RGBA Module, and installed nautilus but i can't login even after reboot19:45
blazeboyi need extreem help: i uninstalled RGBA Module, it unstalled nautilus too, i reboot and then every time i login it returns to the login screen, i can't login, i pressed CTRL+ALT+F1 and logged in from command line and removed the source repo of RGBA Module, and installed nautilus but i can't login even after reboot19:45
agrumanbanished, is it possible to set pulse to use alsa as sink?19:45
ePirati need help!!!! i use ubuntu 10.4 LTS and my software center doesnt start anymore, with error: ImportError: /lib/libgcrypt.so.11: undefined symbol: gpg_err_code_from_syserror19:45
maheanuuOK, downloaded and installed Skype on Studio and it went slicker than snot on a doorknob...   Thanx to those who lined me up19:45
murlidharkatoen: oopz sorry . wrong autocompletion ;)19:46
murlidharkottur_: netbook edition has a different user interface meant for small screens.19:46
rookswhen i login my alsamixer always shows speakers to 0, even tho i manually set it to 100, and then issue sudo alsactl store, it still sets to 0 on my next login, its on msiwind u100, any idea whats going on?19:46
murlidharkottur_: but since u said u use it on a 24 inch screen you would probably find the interface a bit odd .19:47
Jinxed-Should an SSD raid config show up in GParted in the live cd?19:47
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banishedagruman: that's waht it does by default afaik19:48
kottur_murlidhar: Thx :)19:48
murlidharmy pleasure19:48
agrumanbanished, ok, then i dont get why my setup wont work .. :(19:48
ePiratcan anyone help me?19:48
virtuosostevehave any of you guys installed arch linux?19:48
banishedJinxed-: it depends on your setup, maybe you need to install dmraid19:49
xangua!ot | virtuososteve19:49
ubottuvirtuososteve: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:49
maheanuuI was thinking (know that that is a really big mistake) all the doo dads for Ubuntu Studio would be there upon installation, and now I am headed out to find gimp and some video editors/rippers for DVD s that I need to back up and also other fun things...   I am really impressed with the quality of Studio so far19:49
headkase314!patience | ePirat repeat your issue every 5-10 minutes?19:49
ubottuePirat repeat your issue every 5-10 minutes?: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:49
andrew_is there a way to get k3b to work on karmic koala?19:49
Omen_20Hi does anyone know where I can get libtxc_dxtn ?19:49
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xanguaGuest83332: what's wrong with it¿19:49
rooksvirtuososteve, i did reinstall to ubuntu from arhlinux, on 3 systems recently, and im now headache free :)19:50
ePiratheadkase314, sry19:50
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Guest83332I want to use it to back up my movies as iso's and it says that it wont do it19:50
headkase314ePirat, no need to be sry, good luck!19:50
panfisti have tried to execute a umount command that has hanged for the last five minutes...how do i know if it's safe to remove my external drive?19:50
q_a_z_steve!anyone > !ePirat19:51
rookspanfist, lsof and see if something uses mountpoint19:51
maheanuupanfist, is it showing the drive still working or is it just setting there?19:51
panfistlsof /mount/point also hangs19:51
murlidharePirat: sudo dpkg-reconfigure software-center try this and try to start the software center again.19:52
panfistthe led on my drive is blinking but i think it always does that19:52
blazeboy_i need extreem help: i uninstalled RGBA Module, it unstalled nautilus too, i reboot and then every time i login it returns to the login screen, i can't login, i pressed CTRL+ALT+F1 and logged in from command line and removed the source repo of RGBA Module, and installed nautilus but i can't login even after reboot19:52
rookspanfist, anything relefant in dmesg?19:53
michael_helllooo everybody19:53
q_a_z_steveWhat is the difference between how synaptic works and how the Ubuntu Software Center works?19:53
banishedq_a_z_steve: software center looks fancier ;-p19:53
elkclonesynaptic=package manager19:53
ZykoticK9q_a_z_steve, just different interfaces to the same underling APT-mechanism really19:53
rooksq_a_z_steve, synaptic lets you harm yourself if youre not careful19:54
ePiratmurlidhar, same error... :-o19:54
elkcloneto unpack archived software. and do the make intalls19:54
Malaikabanished, I couldn't acess the kernel. How can I do that, please?19:54
q_a_z_stevethought so. Why provide both then?19:54
murlidharePirat: try reinstalling it maybe. and this time install it by sudo aptitude install software-center19:54
banishedMalaika: did you get to the grub menue?19:55
ZykoticK9q_a_z_steve, synaptic is in many distros - Ubuntu Software Center is ubuntu specific19:55
rooksq_a_z_steve, synaptic lets you harm yourself if youre not careful, software center is more consumer oriented19:55
Malaikabanished, yes19:55
rookswhen i login my alsamixer always shows speakers to 0, even tho i manually set it to 100, and then issue sudo alsactl store, it still sets to 0 on my next login, its on msiwind u100, any idea whats going on?19:55
banishedMalaika: end did you select the first entry with e19:55
maheanuuI have found that the software center doesn't always have all the bits and pieces required in an install available, and synaptic tells me what all I am going to need19:55
q_a_z_stevehow big is Ubuntu Software center, say if I wanted to not include it in an iso?19:55
murlidhar!info software-center | q_a_z_steve19:56
ubottuq_a_z_steve: software-center (source: software-center): Utility for browsing, installing, and removing applications. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.7 (lucid), package size 272 kB, installed size 1680 kB19:56
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panfistit seems to have finished execution before i finished looking through dmesg. there seems to be relevant info in dmesg but i'm not sure and i don't know what it means19:56
banishedq_a_z_steve: 1782kB disk space will be freed.19:56
headkase314q_a_z_steve, I think Ubuntu itself sits around 65GB.  That's *ALL* the packages not just what is installed on a particular machine.19:56
cryptkso, in my quest to get Gnome, KDE and Xfce all installed I am running into a problem with libsdl1.2debian19:56
elkclonein gnome snaptic is in the admin section of the menu. fyi19:57
cryptkgnome/kde need libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio, xfce needs -alsa19:57
q_a_z_stevek, cool thanks guys19:57
gridbagHow do i disable the .Trash-1000 folder in File Explorer?19:57
cryptkI am planning to isntall the -all package, but that breaks dependencies for ubuntu-desktop19:57
cryptkshould ubuntu-desktop depend on libsdl1.2-pulseaudio OR libsdl1.2debian-all?19:58
cryptkwouldn't that make sense19:58
Malaikabanished, that didn't work, nothing happened19:58
Malaikabanished, sorry, I'm new to Linux *blush*19:58
gridbagI want the Delete key to delete the file, not move it to ~/.Trash on my usb stick.19:58
Dice-Manoh sorry19:58
c3lgridbag: use rm :)19:58
murlidhargridbag: you always use Shift+Delete19:59
ZykoticK9rooks, are you using Ubuntu 10.04?19:59
headkase314gridbag, in Nautilus' preference you can enable a right-click-menu Delete command that bypasses Trash.19:59
banishedMalaika: you should be able to select an entry with e, then you get to a edit window where you go to the line that begins with linux, press the end button to get to the end of the line ad append i915.modeset=0, after that boot by pressing ctrl+x and see what happens ;-p19:59
ePiratmurlidhar, same error... i just reinstalled libgrypt too...19:59
murlidharePirat: did you install using aptitude or apt-get ?20:00
gridbagheadkase314, how do i get to that preference window?20:00
murlidharePirat: ok what error does it exactly give ?20:00
peggys_mousehow do i remove a program that was installed by running a program instead of using the package system?20:00
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Malaikabanished, thanks, I'm gonna try that!20:01
headkase314gridbag, in nautilus: Edit > Preferences, under Behaviour tab.20:01
ePiratmurlidhar, ImportError: /lib/libgcrypt.so.11: undefined symbol: gpg_err_code_from_syserror20:01
headkase314gridbag, you can launch nautilus by going to any item in your "Places" menu20:01
ZykoticK9peggys_mouse, you need to consult that programs documentation/support (it's not standard).  Good luck.20:01
gridbagheadkase314, okay thanks.20:02
peggys_mouseZykoticK9: thanks.20:02
headkase314gridbag, you're welcome!20:02
murlidharePirat: when do you get this error . when u open the software-center ?20:02
ePiratmurlidhar, when i want to start it with teminal, it gives the error20:03
ZykoticK9ePirat, what terminal command are you running?20:03
ePiratZykoticK9, software-center20:04
Jinxed-I'm trying to install ubuntu (32 bit) on my machine with 3 ssds, but when it gets to the part where it asks you to select a partition it doesn't see anything. Here is my lsmod: http://pastebin.com/LDrHswjT Here is my lshw: http://pastebin.com/cKYrrMUp ... any suggestions?20:04
ZykoticK9ePirat, try "gksu /usr/bin/software-center"20:04
ePiratZykoticK9, same error20:05
abhijitbye all :)20:05
ZykoticK9ePirat, can you pastebin the error for us?20:05
banishedJinxed-: you are using the Raid function of your bios?20:05
kottur_murlidhar: If I intend to use interchangeably both my large display and the small display (and let´s say that I install ubuntu desktop edition), would it be a problem running the desktop edition when using the small display?20:05
Jinxed-banished, how would i check that... ?20:06
yashi-i installed flash via apt (ubuntu x64) it works...once20:06
banishedJinxed-: well, if you didn't have set it up you are probably not doing it, I just thought since you said something about raid before20:06
splnetanyone know how to convert swf to flv?20:06
ePirathere the complete output http://pastebin.com/AhSzMpYw20:07
murlidharkottur_: no. and u can install that netbook interface in desktop edition by simply installing the package ubuntu-netbook-remix.20:07
banishedJinxed-: did you set your sata controller to AHCI mode in bios?20:07
murlidharkottur_: also you can use that UI while loggin in by choosing netbook remix session.20:08
Jinxed-banished, nope... what do i need to do20:08
murlidharkottur_: and when you using the large screen u can log into gnome session.20:08
asanir22I'm trying to install ubuntu 10.04 on an old 32 bit system(CPU celeron 1.7 256 MB Ram), during the installation(Base system installation) i get error on "linux-generic-pae"  kernel component and fails to install, any ideas?20:08
banishedJinxed-: when using SSDs this is very reccomended (it's generally reccomended when not using a legacy OS), just check your bios setup20:09
jiffehow do I disable apparmor in 10.04?20:09
banishedasanir22: 256mb is a bit few, are you using the alternate cd?20:09
jiffestill seems to get loaded even without the init.d script20:09
ylmfoswhats the time?20:09
Jinxed-banished, ok, i switched it to ahci mode... is it safe to save/restart?20:09
asanir22no, its x86 cd20:09
kottur_murlidhar: thanks again :)  I think I will install kubuntu desktop edition and then add the package of kubuntu netbook edition for the netbook interface.20:10
banished!time | ylmfos20:10
ubottuylmfos: Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)20:10
asanir22actually i'm trying to install server edition without GUI20:10
Jinxed-banished, I changed it in the ICH ATA Controller Configuration20:10
murlidharkottur_: yes if you like kde then it is always a better choice.20:10
headkase314asanir22, I think the LiveCD installer needs 384MB or RAM but once installed can get by with 256MB RAM.  Anyone confirm?  So the alternate installer cd you should try.20:10
banishedasanir22: so you are using the server cd`20:11
Jinxed-banished, should i restart and see if it is able to see the ssd's now?20:11
asanir22yes, server edition20:11
yashi-asanir22: and afaik the alternate cd wont work via usbstick you have to burn it20:11
banishedJinxed-: sure, mke sure to safe your setting20:11
asanir22is there any option to choose core in installer?20:11
banishedJinxed-: you might get in trouble when you have Windows XP already installed on this machine though20:12
headkase314asanir22, you are aware that the server edition does not come with any graphical environment at all by default?20:12
ePiratZykoticK9: strange, or?20:12
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yashi-im trying to install flash (ubuntu x64 10.04) i tried it via apt -> flashplugin-nonfree...it doesnt work i get: ERROR: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.. the funny thing, it works once :P after restarting firefox its dead20:14
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Jinxed-banished, no luck... im still stuck on step 4... it still doesn't see any of the ssd's20:15
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banishedJinxed-: and they do show up in BIOS20:16
guitar-maniachello! i try to change the rights of my folders, but all i get is the system saying i dont have the rights. i used sudo chmod *folder* 70020:16
Jinxed-banished, how would i tell if they show up in the bios?20:16
erUSULguitar-maniac: is the other way around20:16
banishedJinxed-: resp. the sata firmware right after your bios20:16
erUSULguitar-maniac: first permission last folder to apply it to20:17
banishedJinxed-: what's your dmesg output? do you have /dev/sd* ?20:17
guitar-maniacoooh ok.20:17
cryptkcan you mark one package and being able to satisfy a different dependency?20:17
MeXTuXI made a video file (ogv) with recordmydesktop. I want to add some audio but avidemux doesn't open the ogv file. Any suggestions??20:17
cryptklike if you have 3 packages, one is -alsa, one is -pulseaudio and one is -all, can you have the -all package marked as satisfying any dependency on the other two?20:18
Jinxed-banished, should i check this on the live cd20:18
banishedMeXTuX: you could try pitivi20:18
banishedJinxed-: sure20:18
banishedJinxed-: select "Try Ubuntu first"20:18
yashi-im trying to install flash (ubuntu x64 10.04) i tried it via apt -> flashplugin-nonfree...it doesnt work i get: ERROR: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.. the funny thing, it works once :P after restarting firefox it wont work anymore20:19
i2chelp! I just right clicked and removed the little envelope icon on my top task bar, and it removed that, my speaker button, and my battery icon!20:19
c3lI entered the commands to right align nicks found here http://irssi.org/documentation/tips , but only ny own nick is right-aligned, why is this?20:19
shsekwhat would cause 'sudo -u svn id' to show different groups than running 'id' from another place (SVN hook)? when I run it manually, I get 'uid=107(svn) gid=117(svn) groups=33(www-data),117(svn),118(trac)', but from the hook I get 'uid=107(svn) gid=117(svn) groups=33(www-data),117(svn)' - notice the missing 'trac' group. What could cause that ?20:19
c3lsorry wrong channel20:19
MeXTuXAre kino and pitivy made for the same purpose?? (apologiza for my english :) )20:21
ZykoticK9yashi-, in firefox try the address "about:plugins", what does it say about flash?  if anything.  good luck.20:21
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yashi-Zykotick9: Shockwave Flash 10.1 r8220:23
ZykoticK9yashi-, funny i have "Shockwave Flash 10.0 r45"20:23
jay_1having issues with my medion tablet in 10.04- pointer is sticking. Any help appreciated, please PM20:23
dagon666you guys know a place where I can download precompiled deb package of xbmc ? the team-xbmc repo for linux is down20:23
i2chelp! I just right clicked and removed the little envelope icon on my top task bar, and it removed that, my speaker button, and my battery icon! how do I get them back?20:23
ZykoticK9yashi-, I'm using ONLY the default Ubuntu repo version (ubuntu-restricted-extras one)20:24
bandar_banished : what i do after i type lsusb -t ?20:24
yashi-ZykoticK9: i didnt modify mine yet :/20:24
banishedZykoticK9: adobe has stopped support for 64bit flash, so you are stuck with an old version20:24
ZykoticK9yashi-, i'm on 64bit as well20:24
banishedbandar_: depends on what you want to accomplish20:24
bandar_i want my webcam work20:25
ZykoticK9banished, i've always used the 32bit version actually.  64bit one has a security issue to be aware of!20:25
yashi-Zykotick9: the funny thing is, it worked once...after firefox restart >dead20:25
cryptki2c, re-add the indicator applet back to the top bar20:25
cryptki2c, right click, add to panel, drag the indicator applet onto it20:25
banishedbandar_: can you post the link again?20:25
SnakkahQuestion. If I copy my /home folder, and reinstall Ubuntu, that would be the folder that contains all my settings and whatnot, right?20:26
i2ccryptk: thank you oh so very much!20:26
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ZykoticK9Snake_, /home/$USERNAME would have all user setting yes - BE SURE to copy hidden files - the ones starting with a .20:27
yashi-Snakkah: check the .config folder thats where the settings are stored. most programs store there settings there20:27
banishedbandar_: no, the -t one20:27
Jinxed-banished, ok im in the live version of ubuntu what should i check for now20:27
ZykoticK9Snakkah, see above.  Snake  sorry.20:27
erUSULSnakkah: user settings. system wide settings are kept in /etc/ mainly20:27
SnakkahSo /etc and /home?20:28
SnakkahFound .config file. Thanks.20:28
yashi-ZykoticK9: how did you install the flash plugin? theres also a flashplugin-installer :/ maybe i should try that one20:28
SnakkahOh, and...if I did this, I wouldn't end up having any broken packages or dependencies, would I?20:29
SnakkahI mean, if I coped /etc and /home and then recopied them after reinstalling Ubuntu.20:29
Jinxed-banished, i have sd1 which is my usb drive20:29
bandar_banished : http://paste.ubuntu.com/479023/20:29
yashi-Snakkah: im not sure if its wise to copy etc :/20:29
ZykoticK9yashi-, installing multiple flash plugins can certain cause problems (be careful, uninstall non-working ones).  I just use the one from ubuntu-restricted-extras which is the flashplugin-installer one.20:30
myrkhello, when I try to mount something (CDs, partitions, etc) it always says: "Unable to mount drive: No such file or directory" I've tried mounting as root but still no luck. Please help20:30
Snakkahyashi- , might it be wiser then to just reinstall all programs after reinstalling the OS?20:30
SnakkahThe reason I'm asking, btw, is because I want to test Arch Linux with my hardware. I'm not totally sure if I want to switch yet.20:30
SnakkahI've already used it in a VM20:30
banishedbandar_: and if you open cheese, nothing happens?20:31
yashi-Zykotick9: well i guess i took the wrong plugin then >.< ill try the other one20:31
yashi-Snakkah: im not sure about the etc folder. somebody else should answer that question20:31
SnakkahOkay then.20:31
SnakkahIs it wise to copy /etc to an external hard drive to save program settings?20:32
bandar_banished : yes nothing happens20:32
myrkcan someone please help?20:32
amanita_myrk: I can.20:32
myrkwhen I try to mount something (CDs, partitions, etc) it always says: "Unable to mount drive: No such file or directory" I've tried mounting as root but still no luck. Please help20:33
Dwade09Snakkah,  why not? try it and find out its the best you got till someone tells you yes or no, me i do not see the harm in it20:33
stinger05is there an install offline package available for ubuntu which would include all the necessary codecs for all sorts of multimedia (music and videos) ?20:33
banishedbandar_: is guvcview working?20:33
ZykoticK9Snakkah, your /etc probably isn't too big, you could make an archive for backup purposes if you ever wanted to refer to an old setting - but moving the /etc directly to a new system is probably not wise (due to different software versions)20:33
Jinxed-banished, what should i do after i get ther terminal open with the live version in order for it to see the ssd's?20:33
banishedJinxed-: dmesg20:33
amanita_myrk: try to make a directory then. What do you use in your mount line or fstab file?20:33
altharamyrk: the directory you are trying to mount to has to exist before you mount a device there20:33
elkclonestinger05: ussually best to get latest plugins online .20:34
elkclonemyrk: drop into cmd line and create the dir.20:34
myrkok what command do you use to mount?20:35
jordi_margalef1amanita_: i guess I've got a similar problem.20:35
bandar_banished : what is guvcview ?20:35
stinger05elkclone: i just want a package that would have all the codecs included... is there one available ?20:35
yashi-how do i completely remove flash? aptitude remove flashplugin-nonfree isnt the trick.... at least firefox still knows flash20:36
elkclonestinger05: not that I have seen yet.  check the ubuntu site.20:36
Jinxed-banished do i just type dmesg in the terminal at the home?20:36
elkclonestinger05: if there was a package it would soon be out of date anyway.20:37
* elkclone enjoys the steep and deep learning curves. 20:37
ZykoticK9stinger05, start with ubuntu-restricted-extras and if you need more move to Medibuntu's non-free codecs20:38
dandeeso i have a dell mini 10 laptop thats only booting to a blank screen after latest round of updates.20:38
stinger05elkclone: why not provide a package for each version distribution? wouldnt that be a good idea? :)20:39
elkclonestinger05: hard to keep up20:39
nalyd_relwofdandee: I am having similar issues, I have a Dell Dimension E521 which is doing about the same thing.20:39
ZykoticK9dandee, hold shift on boot and see if an older kernel is available, see if it works, if there is one.20:39
elkcloneopen source constantly changes and evolves.20:39
bandar_banished : i just download guvcview20:40
nanotubehey, how do i find out which agp mode is being used by the video card?20:40
* elkclone rushes off to get the latest wikileak. 20:40
mneptokstinger05: gstreamer-plugins-bad and gstreamer-plugins-ugly20:40
nalyd_relwofDoes any one know if Radeontool is required for the Radeon X1350 Pro?, it says it is for laptops and I think removing it could help.20:41
nanotubenvm, i grepped the xorg.0.log ;)20:41
stinger05mneptop: what packages are those for?20:41
mneptokstinger05: these will not include Flash playback, however. it's better to get the machine online and install ubuntu-restricted-extras20:41
mneptokstinger05: those *are* packages20:42
dandeeZykoticK9:  i held down shift, it said loading grub, and then still booted to the blank screen20:42
jordi_margalef1For a few hours, my DVD drive hasn't recognized any CD's or DVD's when I put them in20:42
Jinxed-Anyone know how to get an SSD to work with ubuntu... mine aren't showing up as I try to install20:43
Jordan_Udandee: nalyd_relwof: Could you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the output?20:43
dandeeZykoticK9: i would love too, but i cant even get a command line.20:44
ZykoticK9dandee, i'm affraid I don't know what to suggest.  Do you have a LiveCD you could try booting?  (from there you could chroot into your HD install, see !grub2 factoid for those directions) - but I really don't know why you're getting a "blank screen" right now, or have any suggestions :(20:44
mac_nick mac1020:45
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dandeeZykoticK9: i just dont wanna reinstall everything again, everything worked fin until that last round of updates.  lol20:45
ZykoticK9dandee, what version of ubuntu are you using?20:45
bandarbanished  : that program doesn't work  and the net cut off20:45
stinger05does ubuntu 10.04 come with its' firewall enabled by default ?20:46
ZykoticK9stinger05, no20:46
headkase314!ufw | stinger0520:46
ubottustinger05: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.20:46
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dandeeZykoticK9:  i love been n00b.  lol.  i wasnt pushing shift at right time.  lol  i have it reparing packages now. ty for your help20:48
dandeeZykoticK9: i can get root caommand line now too20:48
ZykoticK9dandee, glad you figured it out!20:48
dandeeZykoticK9:  well see how far we get...my gf is gonng be mad if i dont get this working.  lol20:49
SlartJinxed-: SSD's should work, just like any other hard drive.. I've got one in my machine right now and it shows up just like a regular hard drive20:49
bandaranyone know how 2 work webcam20:49
ZykoticK9bandar, does it work in cheese?  that's step 1 ;)20:49
Jinxed-Slart, My ssd's don't show up at all20:49
ZykoticK9bandar, sorry i can't help then - good luck.20:50
x23rhey! sorry for that sudden question, but is there a way to get a x-usermode on that freenode server?20:50
SlartJinxed-: what kind of setup do you have? just a regular motherboard with the SSD connected to a normal sATA port? no weird on board raid stuff?20:50
=== mac_ is now known as mac10
mgolischwhy are none of the policykit administration tools installed in lucid?20:50
winterweaverHow do I remove packages installed from a third party PPA, and revert back to the ubuntu default packages? see my post here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9726520#post972652020:50
headkase314!policykit | mgolisch20:50
xanguawinterweaver: use ppa-pirge20:50
jordi_margalef1bandar: what make and model is ti?20:50
headkase314mgolisch, ubottu doesn't know policykit, sorry that was my attempt to help! ;)20:51
bandargateway i guess20:51
winterweaverxangua, the big problem being that the PPA overwrote libgtk with it's own version.... I want to revert that back to the ubuntu default20:51
xangua winterweaverdo you have ppa-purge in your system¿¿20:51
headkase314winterweaver, you use ppa-purge - give me a minute to get some links20:52
winterweaverheadkase314, xangua: ah ok didn't know that will solve my issue. thx I found it in launchpad20:52
Jinxed-Slart, I have 3 ssd's connected to a Addonics 5x1 Interal stata port multiplier20:53
xanguawinterweaver: latest ppa-purge > https://launchpad.net/~nilarimogard/+archive/webupd8/+files/ppa-purge_0.2.7-1%7Ewebupd8%7Emavrick_all.deb20:53
xanguaagter you install it, run in terminal: sudo ppa-purge "ppa's name"20:53
justin4567897654hello, does anyone know a very fast linux distrobution that isnt ubuntu based20:54
headkase314winterweaver, http://www.webupd8.org/2010/08/ppa-purge-added-to-official-ubuntu-1010.html20:54
SlartJinxed-: then you probably need to look for a way to make that multiplyer work20:54
yashi-justin: lol very funny20:54
dandeeZykoticK9:  im gettint addscreen/screeninit failed for driver 0 ubuntu when i try to start xserver...i think this is a graphics card problem20:54
maco!ot | justin456789765420:55
ubottujustin4567897654: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:55
headkase314winterweaver, download ppa-purge by itself as a .deb package and install - don't add a random repository for it because you may pull in all sorts of stuff.  Link to just the .deb file is in the previous link.20:55
ZykoticK9dandee, i'd agree.  what version of ubuntu are you using?20:55
headkase314winterweaver, also the given link has instructions.20:55
Jinxed-Slart, it says os independted20:55
mac10anybody else have trouble running avast!?20:55
dandeeZykoticK9: 10.04 i just had it repair all my packages too, and it said that it could not repair the kernel20:55
winterweaverthx headkase31420:56
nimbioticsHello all. I need to share a NTFS partition with other Windows 7 PCs. Can someone please help me?20:56
headkase314winterweaver, you're welcome!20:56
ZykoticK9dandee, perhaps dkms failed to build your graphics card kernel driver or something.  What graphics card are you using?20:56
dandeeZykoticK9: poulbos20:57
dandeeZykoticK9: anyway to just take it back to stock?20:57
ZykoticK9dandee, is that a type/make of graphics card?  "lspci | grep -i vga"20:57
SlartJinxed-: well.. try connecting the drives, one by one, to a proper sata port and see if the BIOS picks them up.. if that works then you might want to focus on the multiplier.. if that still doesn't work you might need to see if the drives might be damaged20:58
ZykoticK9dandee, right no terminal -- SORRY20:58
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dandeeZykoticK9: VGA compatible controller:  intel corp system controller hub (sch poulsbo) Graphics Controller (rev07)20:58
yashi-ZykoticK9: ok i got flash running...now the firefox restart :P20:58
dandeeZykoticK9: got terminal workking.  :)20:58
ePiratZykoticK9, i will use synaptic instead20:59
dandeeZykoticK9 is there anyway i can tell it to rebuild the default xconf file so i can get graphics back?20:59
ZykoticK9dandee, oh right! - i though intel was usually well supported, you should check Launchpad for any poulsbo bugs perhaps?20:59
yashi-ZykoticK9: this sucks... how can it be.. one restart and in doesnt work20:59
justin4567897654does anyone have a suggestion on a fast linux distro thats easy to use20:59
ZykoticK9yashi-, do you have another browser installed?21:00
Slartjustin4567897654: why not ask in ##linux instead21:00
headkase314!ot | justin456789765421:00
ubottujustin4567897654: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:00
torchiewhat laptop house's machines is ubuntu more likely to work out-of-box on? ASUS or lenovo thinkpads?21:00
Picijustin4567897654: This channel is only for Ubuntu support, so you aren't going to get any non-Ubuntu suggestions.  Use ##linux for other linux distros.21:00
yashi-ZykoticK9: no but i could give it a try21:00
Jordan_Udandee: ZykoticK9: poulsbo has notoriously bad linux support unfortunately. Intel really dropped the ball with poulsbo.21:00
ZykoticK9dandee, IF you have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf move it to a different name!  and restart gdm.21:00
ewebCan anyone help me hook up my gigaware usb heatset for skype on The current Ubunutu disctro?21:01
dandeeZykoticK9 how to do that without gedit?21:01
Slarttorchie: it works nicely on my Asus machine.. no guarantees that all asus machines act the same though21:01
headkase314!ask | eweb21:01
torchieyeah I imagine U30JC is out of the question21:01
ubottueweb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:01
q_a_z_steveZykoticK9: if I used apt-get to install eggdrop IRC bot, where are my conf files now?21:01
ZykoticK9Jordan_U, thanks21:01
torchiesince it has the graphics switching21:01
torchieI was considering a thinkpad X series21:01
ZykoticK9dandee, can you open a terminal?21:02
ZykoticK9q_a_z_steve, i have no idea - i've never used eggdrop21:02
Mjukseli have problems, my wrt54g router wont load the web interface properly21:02
q_a_z_steveheadkase314: I must be losing it, I tried to grep for eggdrop.conf after apt-get installing it, and it came back with 0 results. :(21:02
hikuq_a_z_steve: I installed it yesterday as well and I had to create all my own config files.21:02
ewebGigaware USb headset Driver? IS there such a thing?21:02
dandeeZykoticK9 yeah21:03
headkase314q_a_z_steve, I think you are losing it because I have no idea what your talking about! ;)21:03
q_a_z_stevehiku: Really? I have a web link for a simple.conf, but not sure if it's up yet.21:03
dandeeZykoticK9 it says warning cannot open display21:03
ZykoticK9dandee, "ls /etc/X11" do you see xorg.conf21:03
dandeeyeah, its there21:03
ZykoticK9dandee, "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.orig"21:04
hikuq_a_z_steve: yea, I used that same config with eggdrop -m my.conf21:04
q_a_z_steveheadkase314: k, cool, just trying to grab some quick possibilites... Where do conf files usually go? I have /usr/share/eggdrop21:04
headkase314q_a_z_steve, i think it really depends on the program using the config file - different per program?21:04
Jinxed-Slart, how do you check to see if the BIOS can see your ssd?21:05
raubvogelIs there support for the RTL8188S usb wireless thingie in 10.04?21:05
q_a_z_stevehiku: so you just created /home/user/my.conf ?21:05
SlartJinxed-: see if it shows up when you boot.. you might need to disable any of those pretty boot up screens some BIOS's have though21:05
hikuq_a_z_steve: yea, then run eggdrop -m /home/user/my.conf21:05
headkase314q_a_z_steve, as in: some programs may store your configuration within hidden files and folders in /home while others may be in a system-wide folder - depends on program?21:06
hikuheadkase314: yea I thought the same thing, but after an eggdrop install, there are no hidden dirs or files for eggdrop21:06
q_a_z_steveheadkase314: The install page I'm using mentions system-wide, that you can at least start from.21:07
headkase314hiku, the only eggs I'm familiar with are Python .egg files, and you use easy_install from Python setuptools for them.21:07
q_a_z_stevedoes find | grep look in hidden or probably not?21:07
nicon`Hi all.21:07
nicon`Is there any option to install kde 4.5 on kubuntu 9.10?21:07
nicon`Tried to install it with ppa:kubuntu-ppa/staging repo.21:07
nicon`But can't see nothing new from kde in upgrade.21:07
FloodBot2nicon`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:07
hikuheadkase314: yea...21:07
ZykoticK9nicon`, you might want to try asking in #kubuntu21:08
nicon`ZykoticK9: thanks, but maybe some1 here tried?21:08
q_a_z_stevehiku: you installed 1.6.2 right?21:09
hikuq_a_z_steve: yea, whatever version was in the repos21:09
hikuq_a_z_steve: I'll try again on this comp and see what happens21:09
winterweaverheadkase314, ok... I have an obstacle... how do I know what the name of the original ppa was?21:09
Jordan_Uwinterweaver: apt-cache policy packagename21:10
mgolischhow do i disable shutdown/restart in gnome?21:10
dandeeZykoticK9:  so after typing startx, the x server started but it still just went to blank screen.21:10
ZykoticK9dandee, don't use startx -- "sudo service gdm restart"21:10
hikuq_a_z_steve: yup, 1.6.19+ssl21:10
yashi-ZykoticK9: i tried an alternative browser..chromium ..well it "works" more or less but the picture tears like hell21:11
ZykoticK9yashi-, but flash works21:11
hikuq_a_z_steve: are you following this - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=102804221:11
headkase314winterweaver, I know you can figure it out from System > Administration > Software Sources, and under the "Other Software" find the line for it.  I don't know how to convert that line to what ppa-purge accepts BUT once you find the line do a search on Launchpad to find that ppa - the text will be similar enough - and then get the exact ppa-line for ppa-purge there.  That's what I do!21:11
ZykoticK9yashi-, so at least you know it's a firefox issue and can perhaps narrow your search21:12
Doganhey people21:12
Dogananyone here?21:12
q_a_z_stevehiku: trying to decide http://www.egghelp.org/setup.htm or http://www.nubae.com/eggdrop-irc-bot-with-logging-to-website-121:12
Dogancan i ask a question about 64-bit desktop edition of ubuntu 10.04 lts21:12
dandeeZykoticK9:  restart: Unknown Instance21:12
headkase314winterweaver, Jordan_U I've never seen that command so maybe that's hopefull too!21:12
Dogancan anyone help me21:12
yashi-ZykoticK9: true, i guess i will delete the firefox config folder :/21:12
Doganplease ? :(21:12
knxvilleI get an error when trying to pick the Win7 partition: "grub bootmgr missing"21:12
ZykoticK9dandee, "sudo service gdm start"21:13
dandeeZykoticK9 still a blank screen...wtf21:13
ZykoticK9dandee, reboot perhaps?21:14
dandeeZykoticK9:  ill try it.21:14
ZykoticK9dandee, only really would apply if you had a kernel driver for graphics21:14
qwerhey guys, how can i tell how much socket memory my computer is using currently, the max as being defined by net.ipv4.tcp_mem21:14
Jordan_Uknxville: Could you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the output?21:14
dandeeZykoticK9:  blank black screen...21:15
dandeeZykoticK9: im using kernel 2.1421:15
Dogando you guys know why its not recommend for daily usage (64-bit version of ubuntu)?21:15
ZykoticK9dandee, i'm out of ideas - good luck man.21:15
Doganwhat happens if i use it daily21:15
IdleOneDogan: nothing bad, been using 64bit for months now21:16
Jordan_UDogan: Mostly problems with the flash plugin. Not everyone agrees with that message being on that page.21:16
Doganhmm thanks guy21:16
rooksDogan, i use 32 bit on 4bit systems because its more stable, as in no worries about adobe not releasing some plugin for 64bit flash, or sth21:16
Jordan_UDogan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website-content/+bug/58594021:16
ZykoticK9Dogan, it's a "web-site bug" see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website-content/+bug/585940 ;)21:16
rooksDogan, tho i also use cross compiler for windows and i dont want to engage myself in 644 bits yet21:17
hikuq_a_z_steve: because of permission issues and path issues I had to copy /usr/lib/eggdrop/modules to a dir in $home called eggdrop. I also put the .conf there and copied /usr/share/eggdrop/scripts then ran eggdrop -m simple.conf and all as fine21:17
sjefen6Why is refit requierd to make a dual boot on Mac's?21:17
Doganis adobe gonna release 64-bit flash for ubuntu?21:17
q_a_z_stevehiku: thanks, I'll watch for that. Just started messing with their simple.conf21:17
hikuDogan: doubt anytime soon21:17
ZykoticK9Dogan, not right now - question is offtopic for this channel however21:18
hikuq_a_z_steve: ok cool... good luck21:18
q_a_z_stevehiku: thanks for that link btw.21:18
SlartDogan: they say they are going to.. who knows how long we'll have to wait though21:18
hikuq_a_z_steve: np21:18
Dogani have 64-bit windows 7 and i think nothing will happens if i install 64-bit ubuntu21:18
Dogancause i can run flash without problems in this os21:18
thune3mgolisch: there is an gconf key (edit with gconf-editor) /apps/indicator-session/suppress_logout_restart_shutdown . I don't know if it will do what you want. And i think you have to login again for it to take effect.21:19
dandeeZykoticK9:  looks like x is working....its saying that /user/kernel/psb-kernel-source21:19
ZykoticK9Dogan, there are issues with Flash with any Linux.  And even more with 64bit flash right now.21:19
dandeeZykoticK9:  looks like x is working....its saying that /user/kernel/psb-kernel-source returned error code 121:19
RienzillaHey, I am using my mobile phone to give my laptop internet access (ubuntu 10.04). I'm impressed with the ease of setting it all up, but  I have one issue. The connection is made automatically as soon as my phone comes near the laptop. Since the connection is fairly expensive I would like to only connect it manually. How do I set that up?21:19
Doganhmm :(21:19
ZykoticK9dandee, i have no idea what that is, what it means, or how to help :|  ;)21:20
dandeeZykoticK9:  i guess ill ask my good friend google.  ;)  lol21:20
Doganthanks again for answering my questions. i think i will install 64bit even though it has problems with flash x_x21:20
Doganbye )21:20
canthus13How would I escape this so that it actually works properly?  alias foo='echo "It's a bar!"'21:21
Dwade09Rienzilla,  there should be a setting to untick that says something like, do not connect to this wifi automatically.21:21
Dwade09Rienzilla,  it should be under your network or under the wifi settings.21:22
Jordan_Ucanthus13: alias foo='echo "it'\''s a bar!"'21:22
canthus13Jordan_U: THanks.21:22
Jordan_Ucanthus13: You're welcome.21:22
Rienzillafor wifi I can find that setting21:23
ZykoticK9Jordan_U, nice bash-foo ya got there.  i'm impressed ;)21:23
ZykoticK9Jordan_U, escaping inside double quotes looks funny though21:23
headkase314Rienzilla, I'm not an expert but in the upper-right corner is the network manager: I think what you need is in there so when you are advertising your issue say that too?21:23
Rienzillai was talking about networkmanager yes21:24
Dwade09Rienzilla,  im not in ubuntu im in windows but whne i did run it, it was there when i did run it.21:24
definebytehow do i get frame handling working in elinks? every time i enable it (vt100 or linux) i get garbage around the screen. Anyone here use elinks successfully?21:24
Rienzillaand there is a new connection type in its dropdown as soon as the connection to the phone is made, but the connection itself cannot be configured, just turned off or on21:24
tsafeOne question21:25
Dwade09Rienzilla, then why not just turn it off when you leave the computer?21:25
tsafeHow do I get Internet on ubuntu (wireless)21:25
yashi-tsafe: whats the problem?21:25
Rienzillathe point is that it enables itself automatically when I turn it on21:25
Jordan_UZykoticK9: Just look at it as two single quoted strings,  'echo "it'   and    's a bar!"'   , with an escaped single quote in between them.21:26
Rienzillaand I want to prevent for example that ubuntu is going to download 50 megs of updates when I';m abroad or something like that21:26
Jinxed-How do i tell in my bios if it sees my ssd's connected with http://www.addonics.com/products/host_controller/ad5sapm.asp21:26
headkase314Dwade09, and it's expensive.21:26
yashi-tsafe: type iwconfig in a terminal21:26
headkase314!who | Rienzilla21:26
ubottuRienzilla: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:26
Dwade09Rienzilla,  ah ok,  and headkase314  yeah i know,21:26
q_a_z_stevehiku: what did you do for "user file"?21:26
shsekwhat would cause 'sudo -u svn id' to show different groups than running 'id' from another place (SVN hook)? when I run it manually, I get 'uid=107(svn) gid=117(svn) groups=33(www-data),117(svn),118(trac)', but from the hook I get 'uid=107(svn) gid=117(svn) groups=33(www-data),117(svn)' - notice the missing 'trac' group. What could cause that ?21:27
hikuq_a_z_steve: the -m creates that and runs the bot. the nextime you run the eggbot you don't need to use the -m option21:27
q_a_z_stevewell so just leave those lines alone, as they are in simple.conf?21:27
hikuq_a_z_steve: yeah21:27
hikuq_a_z_steve: thats what I did anyway21:28
Dwade09im sorry Rienzilla , im not running ubuntu anymore and i do not have a live cd or vbox with it, or i would try to help you more.21:28
RienzillaDwade09: no problem, thanks21:28
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definebyteubottu: being a bot, you must use elinks right? x)21:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:29
headkase314Rienzilla, readvertise your issue like: "How do I keep the network manager from automatically connecting when the only options are either enabled or disabled.  I would like the default to be disabled on boot but it is enabled."21:29
Jinxed-!ubottu fix my bios settings so i can finally load linux21:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:29
Jinxed-!ubottu stupid bot21:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:30
tsafeThen what after21:30
tsafeI typed wconfig in terminal21:30
Dwade09Jinxed-,  having fun with ubottu ?21:30
yashi-tsafe: iwconfig21:30
riisHow should I manage services in ubuntu 10, seems there is no longer an official app for that?21:31
Jinxed-Dwade09, I would have more fun if it was able to tell me how to configure my stuff so i could load ubuntu21:31
yashi-tsafe: hopefully it will list your wireless card wlan0 or something like that21:31
tsafeThen whut else21:31
ZykoticK9!info bum | riis21:31
ubotturiis: bum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.2-1 (lucid), package size 83 kB, installed size 520 kB21:31
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yashi-tsafe: good, if you are using ubuntu why not using the networkmanager plugin? its the network button in the right upper corner21:32
riisubottu: does that manage upstart, sysv or both?21:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:32
ZykoticK9tsafe, it's wlan0 - zero not O21:32
TMMhi all! I have a question: The fonts in all my GTK applications look great, but in Firefox it seems to use less hinting. I compared by changing the font hinting style in xfce to 'Slight' and that is exactly the same as I see firefox do, but it seems unaffected by the settings in XFCE. I want the fonts in all the apps to be hinted 'medium' 'Slight' is blurry as hell :)21:32
Jinxed-CAN gparted see an unpartioned ssd?21:32
definebyteelinks, frame handling. dosn't work. any ideas?21:32
ZykoticK9riis, i sent you the message, it's not as good as the old services GUI but it's an alternative-of-sorts.  The "real" way is just to use command line management at the moment.21:33
yashi-tsafe: yep means it works? :/21:33
tsafeWhat after I see wlan021:33
riisZykoticK9: is that the sysv-rc-conf thing? I'm fine with cmd-line...21:34
definebyteok, i'll try the elinks channel :)21:34
yashi-tsafe: well ubuntu detects your wireless card so its just an easy software issue. youve got 2choices one 1.networkmanager(upperright corner on your desktop) 2. via wpasupplicant.conf21:35
ZykoticK9riis, that's for init stuff yes - which Upstart should be backwards compatible with i believe.  but i've had to rename scripts in init (not init.d) to disable stuff?  hopefully you'll learn better method ;)21:35
rafeisdamanfoshoare you having an issue detecting a wifi card?21:35
rafeisdamanfoshoi had the same issue yesterday installing ubuntu on my new computer.21:35
banishedJinxed-: why are you using a port multiplier at all?21:35
headkase314!ask | Rienzilla now would be a good time to readvertise your issue (every 5-10 minutes) and check out these forum links too!21:36
ubottuRienzilla now would be a good time to readvertise your issue (every 5-10 minutes) and check out these forum links too!: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:36
shade34321Hey! I was wondering if somebody could help me with the partition my hard drive  for my new ubuntu install please.21:36
rafeisdamanfoshoshade, i can help you21:36
rafeisdamanfoshowhat's the problem21:36
Jinxed-banished, because I have 3 ssd's connected21:36
TMMah, you have to make changes to /etc/fontconfig/21:36
headkase314!hi | Rienzilla oops, I think the links are in this line?21:37
ubottuRienzilla oops, I think the links are in this line?: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:37
banishedJinxed-: are you shure the port multiplier is working at all with them? Do they show up somewhere else? (Bios, windows)? - why not just using the sata ports on your mainboard21:37
shade34321I just want to partition it so basically it has a separate home parition so if i do a clean install of ubuntu later i don't lose all of my data21:37
shade34321mainly trying to make sure i give enough space to the ubuntu install21:37
Jinxed-banished, well im using pc 104 form factor so im guessing there weren't sata ports avaialble?21:38
banishedJinxed-: it came with the port multiplier?21:38
rafeisdamanfoshoshade-: by data do you mean the home folder21:39
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rafeisdamanfoshowhy not just back it up when you do a clean install?21:39
shade34321i installed ubuntu a while back and had a friend help me with it and he told me it was smarter to install it with ubuntu on one partition and then have the home folder on another...21:40
rafeisdamanfoshoi don't see why that would make any sense21:40
headkase314!who rafeisdamanfosho21:40
headkase314!who | rafeisdamanfosho21:40
ubotturafeisdamanfosho: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:40
Jinxed-banished, I was given the hardware, so im not sure... i'm really not that good with hardware21:41
AndyGraybealhow do i change the screensaver to a program, something like "gnome-session-save --logout"21:41
Jinxed-banished, im fried for today ill work on it tmr thx for ur help21:42
VCoolioAndyGraybeal: as in, create a launcher for it? or what do you mean?21:42
banishedJinxed-: try connect the SSDs directly to the mainboard, will save you a lot of trouble21:42
rafeisdamanfoshoshade34321: if i were you i'd just install it normally. otherwise to access your files you'd have to go to a mounted drive any time21:42
shade34321rafeisdamanfosho it's just something i was told...he gave me a reason ive just forgotten it21:42
rafeisdamanfoshoshade34321:if you want to do that you can just install it normally21:43
rafeisdamanfoshoshade34321: and then after that use gparted to make a partition out of your ubuntu partition for the home folder21:43
VCooliorafeisdamanfosho: if you have /home on a different partition it's just automatically mounted, nothing fancy; and if the system gets screwed you don't need the livecd to recover your files21:43
opijI was wondering, if I do a completely new install of Lubuntu and then use programs such as mplayer, Dolphin, Firefox, Azureus and Thunderbird, will I be defeating the purpose?21:43
headkase314shade34321, having /home on it's own partition means you can clean re-install / without losing the contents in /home.  However you must be certain the new install does not format /home when you do it.21:43
rafeisdamanfoshoshade34321: okay i see, never heard of that before but thanks. if it's automatically mounted then you should do that21:44
rafeisdamanfoshoshade34321: just use gparted after you install to make a new partition21:44
VCoolioopij: with dolphin, yes, a little, it will take qt and more kde libraries with it21:44
shade34321VCoolio that's what my friend told me at that time....anything particular i need to make sure that's what happens21:44
VCoolioshade34321: no, just do the partitioning right while (clean) installing21:45
opijVCoolio, would it be less memory intensive to use nautilus?21:45
rafeisdamanfoshoshade34321: yeah just be careful how you set things up initially21:45
VCoolioopij: NO, use pcmanfm or, in my opinion better, thunar21:45
opijVCoolio, i really would like something with previews21:46
DashkalAfter installing Kubuntu onto a Ubuntu system, how do I reset the startup splash screen back to Ubuntu's?21:46
opijVCoolio, thumbnails, i meant21:46
JuJuBee__My audio stopped working all of a sudden. Can someone assist?21:46
VCoolioopij: both are gtk applications; at least thunar can do previews21:46
opijVCoolio, thumbnails21:46
opijVCoolio, of videos21:46
VCoolioopij: yes, that's it21:46
rafeisdamanfoshoMy new install of ubuntu 10.04 will play sound through the speakers but not through headphones. Is there something I can do about this?21:47
tomcullinanehi i need help turning my network card on, it is usually turned on with fn+f1 on windows but this does not work on ubuntu, the wireless network card is installed on ubuntu just fine but i have no way of turning it on21:47
opijneither pcman nor thunar offer that21:47
tomcullinanethe wireless network card is supported by ubuntu21:47
rafeisdamanfoshotomcullinane: i had the same problem let me get you the link21:47
q_a_z_stevehiku: just tried to run $ eggdrop -m simple.conf and it gives me an error "invalid command name 'channel'"21:47
VCoolioopij: http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/thunar-plugins/thunar-thumbnailers/21:47
hikuq_a_z_steve: double check your config file for "channel" you might have a typo21:47
rafeisdamanfoshotomcullinane: btw what card is it?21:48
tomcullinanerafeisdamanfosho: intel wireless 3945 abg21:48
rafeisdamanfoshotomcullinane: do you have ethernet?21:49
tomcullinanerafeisdamanfosho: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan], and yup i'm using ehternet just fine21:49
opijVCoolio, does it only generate thumbnails for mpegs?21:49
VCoolioopij: no21:49
rafeisdamanfoshotomcullinane: and ubuntu recognizes the wifi card?21:50
fosstuxHi! I'm just trying to setup a laptop using pxe using my laptop as tftp server. I have been following http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/PXE-Installation to do this.21:50
fosstuxTftpd ist installed, the netboot is decompressed21:50
tomcullinanerafeisdamanfosho: yep its reconised, ive used a utility called rfkill and it has a hard block on the card which im assuming means that it is turned off21:50
VCoolioopij: this one is also cool http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70680021:50
opijVCoolio, have you used it? does it generate thumbnails for all video files?21:51
fosstuxDo I also have to have the iso somewhere handy?21:51
VCoolioopij: for avi, that's what I have21:51
rafeisdamanfoshotomcullinane: what happens if you right click on the network manager icon on the top toolbar?21:51
tomcullinanerafeisdamanfosho: it brings up a menu21:52
rafeisdamanfoshotomcullinane: is there something like networking disabled or anything like that?21:52
tomcullinanenope all enabled21:52
rafeisdamanfoshotomcullinane: hmm no clue then21:52
tomcullinane:D I've done it!!!21:52
fosstuxIs it possible to use a dhcp server on my rooter to use PXE?21:53
headkase314tomcullinane, how?21:53
tomcullinanedont ask how because ive been trying for about 6hours now21:53
mgolischfosstux: sure if it supports specifing the needed options21:53
tomcullinane: ^21:53
headkase314tomcullinane, :) ;)21:53
tomcullinanethanks all :D21:53
APJThere something wrong with the forums?21:54
headkase314APJ if you mean ubuntuforums.org then I believe so, pop over to #ubuntuforums21:54
APJheadkase314 okay thanks21:55
headkase314APJ, it appears no one can post.21:55
VCoolioopij: you should check what ffmpeg supports to know what file types can be thumbnailed, it's a lot21:55
TakatoriAnyone know how to switch between rooms on IRSSI?21:55
banishedTakatori: /join #room21:56
SlartTakatori: Alt+1, Alt+2 and so on21:56
shade34321do i need a boot partition?21:56
phaerTakatori: I think it was /window <num> or Alt+<num>. Don't use irssi anymore21:56
headkase314Takatori, "man irssi" in a console without quotes21:56
opijVCoolio, does thunar support smb21:56
TakatoriThankyou all21:56
banishedshade34321: normally not21:56
MasonBDoes anyone know what kind of wireless cards that Ubuntu supports?21:56
headkase314Takatori, welcome! ;)21:56
VCoolioopij: depends on the version, the newer one does, same goes for pcmanfm21:57
phaershade34321: You may need one if you encrypt your system, use lvm or if you have *many* partitions on your harddrive, for example.21:57
Guest5319anyone got the rotating cube screensaver to work in 10.04 64bit21:58
banishedMasonB: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported but the better question would be which /don't/ work21:58
shade34321phaer: I'm separating my home partition from the ubuntu partition...think i should make one for boot?21:58
klappii have a problem with nautilus, when i do "always open with" it opens with the old app next time21:59
VCoolioopij: if I remember correctly you need thunar 1.1, and pcmanfm2 0.9x21:59
=== pil is now known as oxidkor
banishedshade34321: if you don't use encryption of your system partition or other 'exotic' features, you don' need a boot partition21:59
Guest5319rotating cube screensaver 10.04 64bit anyone anyone21:59
shade34321ok...thanks banished21:59
headkase314shade34321, if you decide to make a /boot partition then choose ext4 as the file-system - don't choose btrfs or something weird like that.  The /boot filesystem must be in the kernel not loaded as a module and ext4 is in the kernel.21:59
MasonBOk, banished, which cards don't work21:59
MasonBI have a Broadcom 802.11 b/g WLAN card i think22:00
banishedMasonB: and it doesn't work?22:00
MasonBwell, i just tried the program from the CD22:00
MasonBDo i actually have to have Ubuntu installed for it to work?22:00
banishedGuest5319: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56717022:01
Guest5319rotating cube screensaver? anyone using it???22:01
Jordan_UMasonB: What program, System > Administration > Hardware Drivers?22:01
banishedMasonB: no, but maybe it needs some firmware22:01
Guest5319ooh thanks banished22:01
MasonBWhat's that mate?22:02
banished!firmware | MasonB22:02
banishedsome software running on the wifi card, you need it to use the card, but some firmware can not be included in ubuntu for various reasons, so you have to download it yourself22:03
MasonBSo my broadcom card should work?22:03
Guest5319nah it looks like no one has got the screensaver working on lucid22:03
banishedthere is a b43-fwcutter that does that job, best check dmesg and see if something is complaining about missing firmware22:04
Guest5319information is sparse on it to say the least22:04
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antonio_alguien me puede ayudar?22:04
banished!es | antonio_22:04
ubottuantonio_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:04
Guest5319ive been googling for a script on it for ages22:04
banishedGuest5319: you might ask in #compiz22:04
headkase314A little !ot but is there a quick command to tell when a specific user was last seen?22:04
Guest5319ahh cool22:04
banishedheadkase314: finger22:05
Guest5319thats even better thanks banished22:05
Guest5319didnt know there was a compiz channel22:05
headkase314banished, thank you!22:05
Guest5319ace byeeeee22:05
=== Runar is now known as Runar2
Guest5319banished how many people do you help per hour22:09
oxidkorhi - my X window sometimes freezes - what causes the problem? anyone has any idea about it? I am on Lucid btw22:09
tobeid like some help if any one can lend it22:10
Guest5319go for it i cant help you probably but i'll listen22:10
tobewell i was looking for a .BIN installer22:11
tobeif anyone knows whe i could get one22:11
tobeid appreciate it22:11
jgukis a bin installer22:11
oxidkorthe compiz causes the problem freezing my X window you think?22:12
tobejguk how do i use that as a .bin installer22:12
Guest5319you got lucid?22:12
tobei have lucid22:12
headkase314!who | tobe | Guest531922:13
ubottutobe | Guest5319: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:13
syslqtobe: congrats on lucid22:13
VCooliotobe: you don't need a bin installer, just run the bin file you have if that's the best way to install the app22:13
banishedtobe: what are you up to?22:13
syslqtobe: ./file.bin22:13
Guest5319yep should be inbuilt22:13
banishedoxidkor: which graphic card are you using?22:13
oxidkorbanished: it is nVidia -22:14
tobeim trying to install an opensource program but i cant get it to install22:14
Guest5319!tobe testing22:14
banishedtobe: you have to make the file executable before, right click on it->settings->allow execution22:14
banishedoxidkor: you have the driver installed?22:14
winterweaverJordan_U, headkase314; I'm having trouble removing the ppa with ppa-purge. I'm using the command 'ppa-purge -d lucid ppa:ricotz/testing' but it says the ppa does not exist, thought it says it cannot find a package list for the ppa22:14
oxidkorbanished: I left it to lucid to configure the driver...22:14
Guest5319or chmod +x file.bin22:15
headkase314Guest5319, just "tobe" with no quotes will do the trick and you can just type the first few letters and press the <tab> key to complete the name.22:15
banishedoxidkor: but you installed the nvidia driver using the driver tool?22:15
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Guest5319tobe chmod +x file.bin22:15
tobebanished: how do you make it executable22:15
Jordan_Uwinterweaver: Make sure that the ppa is actually enabled still in System > Administration > Software Sources.22:15
Guest5319headkase314 nice one mate22:15
headkase314winterweaver, one minute22:15
Guest5319headkase314 ive never known about that till now22:16
oxidkorbanished: no - can you help me how to do that if I may ask because it is driving me crazy...22:16
Guest5319arggg no one talking in compiz22:16
banishedoxidkor: just go to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers22:17
banished!patience | Guest531922:17
ubottuGuest5319: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:17
fosstuxSo I cold netboot the pxe image - but fail to reach the mirror servers. I tried the ip address of my laptop and of my router (where I have disabled dhcp)22:17
Guest5319banished sorry dude22:17
fosstuxBut what do I have to do to resolve the mirror server ip address?22:18
ytttgsomeone help me install build-esentials and linux headers-generic? im running ubuntu 10.04 that wont get on the internet22:18
headkase314winterweaver, that is here -> https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/testing/+index?field.series_filter=lucid without the "-d lucid" just: "ppa-purge ppa:ricotz/testing"22:18
headkase314winterweaver, without the quotes22:18
tobeGuest5319: i says that there is no such file>>......22:18
Guest5319tobe are you replacing file with the name of the file and in the correct location22:18
tobeGuest5319: i put this chmod +x openbravopos-2.30-linux-x64-installer.bin22:19
Slart!offline | ytttg22:19
ubottuytttg: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD22:19
oxidkorbanished: it is chosen the NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version current) [Recommended]22:19
ytttgwhat Slart?22:19
Guest5319tobe did you use tab to auto complete that22:19
Guest5319tobe dont forget case22:19
islandfellowgreetings all, I am new to ubuntu.  How do I unzip and install a program I downloaded, tried some tutorials I found around the web with no luck. the file is a tar.gz thanks22:20
headkase314winterweaver, sorry you need a "sudo ppa-purge <ppa>" are you using sudo?22:20
aeon-ltdislandfellow: in a terminal cd to the file then tar -xzvf "file name"22:20
Slartytttg: read what ubottu suggested to you about installing pacakges with a computer that isn't connected to the internet22:20
Guest5319tobe might need to put sudo in front22:20
tobeGuest5319: i copied and pasted so ....22:20
Guest5319tobe cant live without tab22:21
banishedoxidkor: it's also active?22:21
F2Zim have filezilla client installed on win7 and am trying to access, the ubuntu machine but when i type in the local ip address and user name and password...failed login22:21
oxidkorbanished: there is a green dot which I assume it is active...22:21
banishedislandfellow: um, just double click the file?22:21
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afromanhow do I make a hdmi control?22:21
VCooliotobe: navigate to the right folder too if you hadn't yet ( cd /folder/containing/binfile )22:22
oxidkorbanished: yes it says " this driver is activated and currently in use"...22:22
banishedF2Z: do you have a ftp server installed and running?22:22
tobeVCoolio: oh ok let me try that22:22
banishedoxidkor: hm, sounds good22:22
Guest5319tobe yeah tab wont autocomplete i your in wrong folder22:23
F2Zbanished: not on my ubuntu machine22:23
oxidkorbansihed: the X window freezes especially when I open Openoffice or abiword - those kind of programs22:23
Starmageahh.. hellow22:23
tobeGuest5139: ive been using ubuntu for about 2 months so i am super noob at this22:23
afromanhow can I control the tv from the pc via HDMI?22:23
xiongI'm trying to install Padre from the package manager. I get what looks like a good install but on run I get the error: "/usr/bin/perl: relocation error: /usr/lib/perl5/auto/Wx/Wx.so: symbol _ZN12wxSearchCtrl18SetDescriptiveTextERK8wxString, version WXU_2.8.2 not defined in file libwx_gtk2u_core-2.8.so.0 with link time reference"22:23
Starmageis there any way to install a gcc without root ?22:23
cesc_ubuntuI installed the incorrect driver and I want to uninstall it . How do I do this? I'm a complete noob in linux and ubuntu.22:24
VCooliotobe: in a terminal you're in ~ or /home/username by default, so go from there, e.g. cd Desktop to go to the desktop folder22:24
cesc_ubuntuI compiled it into kernel.22:24
cesc_ubuntunow I want to uninstall it.22:24
Guest5319tobe no probs got to start somewhere22:24
winterweaverheadkase314, Warning:  Could not find package list for PPA: ricotz testing22:24
F2Zbanished: i did installed filezilla -client onto my ubuntu machine22:25
winterweaverheadkase314, yes I am using sudo :)22:25
headkase314winterweaver, are you sure that is the correct ppa and that the ppa is still in your software sources?22:25
johnny_Hi all!22:26
johnny_How do I get access to my /Archie1 and /Archie2 partitions that I created when I installed Xubuntu 10.04?!  Currently I can only read it and not able to create folders nor files towards it!!!22:26
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headkase314winterweaver, try "sudo ppa-purge ppa:ricotz/testing/ppa"22:26
headkase314winterweaver, and to confirm: that ppa is for Gnome-Shell testing.22:27
crash2kwhy do i keep getting visual corruption in the system tray?22:27
yashi-i cant access my samba share from windows http://pastebin.com/Xj42hv7g22:28
tobeGuest5319: i cant get to the folder i put cd /home/dulce/desktop/openbravo and it says no such folder22:28
winterweaverheadkase314, yeah I realized that as I was going along. originally thought it was docky22:28
islandfellowaeon-ltd: tried to cd acidrip-0.14.tar.gz  which is the file, I get no such directory22:28
VCooliotobe: Desktop, not desktop22:28
headkase314winterweaver, did appending /ppa to the end work?22:28
aeon-ltdislandfellow: you cd to the directory its in22:28
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Guest5319tobe yeah get used to case sensitive22:28
oxidkorbanished: you think Lucid is not that stable in order to handling compiz?22:28
F2Zwhat's a good ftp server software to use22:28
winterweaverheadkase314, nope, same error :(22:29
tobeVcoolio: ahhhh case sensitive guest5319 just told me that earlier22:29
VCooliotobe: <tab> to autocomplete, remember? <tab> twice to see multiple options if there are more22:29
islandfellowF2Z: i would say filezilla22:29
banishedoxidkor: it should work fine - which card exactly are you using? (lspci | grep VGA)22:29
Guest5319VCoolio yeah cant stress tab enough22:29
crash2kdoes anyone else get visual corruptions in the system tray? :)22:29
F2Zfor ubuntu22:29
headkase314winterweaver, I know you need to use ppa-purge but I do not know why the line isn't working can you recap for everyone including the link to launchpad so others can hopefully join in?22:29
VCoolioGuest5319: exactly, and then smart like in zsh... awesome22:30
banishedcrash2k: only in the system tray?22:30
Guest5319oxidor i use compiz and its rock solid22:30
F2Zfilezilla server is not supported in linux22:30
crash2kwell also part of the show desktop icon22:30
F2Zonly for windows andm mac22:30
Guest5319oxidkor i use an nvidia 8800gts22:30
crash2kbut mostly the system tray22:30
winterweaverk thx anyway22:31
oxidkorbanished: I am not sure what it is really - it just came with the i5 samsung laptop - I personally chose this particular laptop because I knew that nvidia cards are good for ubuntu but I failed I guess... :)22:31
headkase314winterweaver, k say you have ppa-purge installed to when you re-advertise.22:31
banishedoxidkor: open a terminal with ctrl+alt+t and type it in22:31
banishedoxidkor: also some dmesg output might be interesting22:32
banished!paste | oxidkor22:32
ubottuoxidkor: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:32
afromancan anybody tell me how to control the tv via HDMI or vice versa?22:32
winterweaverheadkase314, yeah... I'm going to update the forum thread22:32
Guest5319afroman control the tv via hdmi what??22:33
headkase314afroman, HDMI is High Definition Multi-media Interface.  It is a cable and you should just be able to plug it and have it work?  What specific problem are you having with the connection?22:33
splnetI'm trying to install gnome-desktop-environment. I get "gnome-desktop-environment: Depends: fast-user-switch-applet (>= 2.22.0) but it is not installable" Any ideas?22:33
oxidkorbanished: what should I type in the terminal?22:33
splnetalso fast-user-switch-applet apparently doesn't exist22:33
banishedafroman: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HDMI22:34
jay_1I am following the wizardpen setup verbatum and am now stuck- I have no server layout line to edit22:34
afromanGuest5319; headkase314: throu the hdmi cable22:34
jay_1from the wiki*22:34
headkase314afroman, there is no "control" you just plug the cable.22:34
jay_1any tablet gurus around?22:35
afromanGuest5319; headkase314: all the connections are set correctly, but what I want is to turn off, play, next using the tv remote22:35
banishedoxidkor: lspci -k22:35
banishedafroman: I don't think HDMI can do that22:36
headkase314afroman, I don't understand why you just don't use the TV's remote for those functions and the computer's controls for it's functions?22:36
banishedafroman: do you want to controll the computer with the TV remote?22:36
headkase314afroman, you cannot control your computer using your tv's remote?22:36
afromanbanished: it is said that it would work on hdmi devices like blu ray player, etc... I'm not sure about pc22:37
headkase314afroman, are you even asking an Ubuntu question?22:37
afromanbanished: that's why I was wondering22:37
oxidkorbanished: the lspci -k output is here ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/479083/22:38
rooksanyone by chance want to volunteer for setting up my vm so it will authenticate against my school''s ldap server, and automount its home on login? :P i did it before, but not on ubuntu :P22:38
afromanI'm using ubuntu22:38
headkase314afroman, ok I'm confused if you like start over from the beginning with me or see what others say.22:38
banishedafroman: I don't think thats possible22:38
afromanheadkase314: it's possible to control it when using windows & media center22:38
headkase314afroman, that WIndows Media Center remote needs an Ubuntu driver if it's at all possible?22:39
johnny_Looks like I'm not getting an answer to my question here tonight....  I'll try again later!  Maybe!!?22:40
headkase314afroman, and does your computer have a built-in tv tuner that you would also use with Windows Media Center?22:40
banishedafroman: that's interesting - does anything happen in dmesg whe you plug it in22:40
afromanheadkase314: no tv turner22:40
banishedafroman: but your computer doesn't have an Ir receiver on it's own, does it?22:40
afromanbanished: no ir22:41
tobeVcoolio: ok now im in the right folder but now i dont know wut to do it wont let me do the start.sh22:41
headkase314afroman, how is the connection made when you are using WIndows?22:41
banishedjohnny_: which question?22:41
banishedoxidkor: well, so far everything looks fine - what exactly is going wrong?22:42
headkase314afroman, listen to banished over me.22:42
VCooliotobe: is there a README file? aren't there instructions on a website? if start.sh is the file, then either "sh start.sh" or "chmod +x start.sh" and then click it or ./start.sh22:42
headkase314afroman, ok that's beyond me - hopefully someone else can join in!22:44
oxidkorbanished: when I start writing in openoffice or abiword, after awhile, the X window locks itself up - everything freezes - also sometimes when I working in terminal - it automatically highlights everything and I cannot get out of there and at that monet it again freezes the whole X window...22:44
yashi-no matter what i try my samba shares cant be accessed from any other pc :/ here is my basic config http://pastebin.com/Xj42hv7g22:45
afromanbanished: never tried dmesg22:45
tejahie.....i have evolution for emails....but i cannot get the notification after i receive a email22:45
Dr_Willisyashi-:  can that pc access its own shares?22:45
tejaanyone plss help22:45
nimbioticsGuys, Using ubuntu 10.04, I'm trying to share a NTFS partition whuch I created using "Smaba Server Configuration Tool", allowing "Everyone" to see and write to this share. When I go to Places->Network and click on "Windows Network" I get error message "Unable to mount location. Failed to retreive share list from server." Neither can a Windows 7 PC see the share nor the ubunto machine. What...22:46
nimbiotics...can I do? TIA!22:47
yashi-Dr_willis: no it cant :/22:47
banishedoxidkor: are you still able to get to a virtual terminal then? (ctrl+alt+f2) you might have to regain keyboard controll by pressing alt+print+r first22:47
q_a_z_steve!anyone > teja22:47
ubottuteja, please see my private message22:47
afromanbanished: have U given up?;)22:47
Dr_Willisnimbiotics:  ive just right clicked on a mounted ntfs parittion and shared it as a user share befor.22:48
yashi-Dr_Willis: no it cant :/ *miss wrote your name22:48
banishedafroman: well, i didn't even know this was possible by now22:48
tejai have evolution installed for emails....but i cannot get the notification after i receive a email22:48
Dr_Willisyashi-:  You did backup the original samba config?  You did install the samba package?22:48
banishedafroman: but check dmesg when plugging it in, maybe it alredy gets registered22:48
oxidkorbanished: I am able to get a virtual terminal using ctrl+alt+f2 but I never done to regain keyboard control by pressing alt+print+r before22:49
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php22:49
headkase314!patience | teja22:49
ubottuteja: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:49
Dr_Willisyashi-:  you did give the users a samba password with 'sudo smbpassed -a username' ?22:49
yashi-Dr_Willis: yes its all installed and i can start/restart the service22:49
banishedoxidkor: then check if there is something in dmesg that could tell you what just happened22:49
Dr_Willisyashi-:  check the output of 'findsmb' and 'smbtree22:49
Dr_Willisyashi-:  check the output of 'findsmb' and 'smbtree' commands also. they should show all the shares on the lan22:49
yashi-Dr_Willis: no i didnt gave a password :/ never had to do that :?22:50
oxidkorbanished: print you mean PrintScreen button?22:50
nimbioticsDr_Willis: Could I be missing something, a driver, a library, an application?22:50
afromanbanished: apparently U can do wonders with hdmi... I hear U can also transfer files. but that's another story.22:50
afromanbanished: so U can't help?22:50
yashi-Dr_Willis: findsmb looks well. smbtree failes i guess its the password22:51
_Deko_boa noite22:51
Dr_Willisnimbiotics:  ive never used that samba server config too.  It seems to be not showing all the shares i got on my system. (not showing the user made shares it seems)  You did install and ruin the ntfs-config program and set to all  all users full access to the ntfs partitions?22:51
Dr_Willisyashi-:  enter your password or use smbtree -N22:51
_Deko_ql nome do pacote q ativa cubo22:51
_Deko_do ubuntu22:51
afromanbanished: I should have mentioned I'm not quite good in Linux... what am I supposed to do with dmesg?22:51
VCoolio!br | _Deko_22:51
ubottu_Deko_: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:51
Starmagemay i get some help here ?22:52
VCoolioStarmage: you might, but it requires a question22:52
banished!paste | afroman22:52
ubottuafroman: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:52
nimbioticsDr_Willis: not sure, let me check22:52
StarmageVCoolio well... is there any ways i can install a gcc without root password ?22:53
oxidkorbanished: in alt + print + r    the print button is PrintScreen button?22:53
banishedoxidkor: yes, but if you don't need it, don't do it22:53
Dr_WillisStarmage:  in theory you could install it in your users home.. but that will proberly be a LOT of work.22:53
MaartenI am looking for a RDP client that supports "Network Level Authentication", in other words the "more secure" option you can select in Windows 2008 R2 servers.... Its MS proprietary, so I am probably screwed right?22:53
oxidkorbanished: thanks so much for your help.... I appreciate it alot... thanks my man22:53
=== fredrik_ is now known as |friTTe|
banishedaxisys: it's actually also the SysRq button, on some keyboards it's printed on there too22:54
banished!sysrq | oxidkor22:54
ubottuoxidkor: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key22:54
StarmageDr_Willis man... try to understand my trouble... im almost stuck here... like a mortal when u had being a god in the past... im  using a pjirc... wich is a crap usefull tool for someone like me22:54
Starmageim on a lan using a modified ubuntu... without root... and there's no admin here to help me22:55
yashi-Dr_Willis: smbtree -N shows everything i shared22:55
Starmageits like a abandoned lan22:55
baxtertonI'm a new user, can someone pm me I am having some problems?22:55
Dr_Willis!manual | baxterton22:55
ubottubaxterton: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:55
=== florentin is now known as galaen
VCooliobaxterton: if you ask here there is more support to be expected22:56
StarmageDr_Willis now i was trying to install a bitchx... but without a compiler theres no way22:56
Starmageright... so i cant even play my games cuz i cant install anything here22:56
Starmageim getting sick of this machine22:56
Dr_Willisyashi-:  in the nautilus file manager. You can hit ctrl-L and enter the path to the Share like  smb://cow/public/22:57
Dr_WillisStarmage:  bitchx is outdated.. you may want to look into IRSSI or Weechat (i perfer weechat)22:57
Starmageso i really must know how to install a gcc without root22:57
tejai have evolution installed for emails....but i cannot get the notification after i receive a email22:57
Dr_Willisyashi-:  where COW - the name of the server. Instead of COW you can also try the ip# of the machine.22:57
banishedStarmage: well, you could get the .deb paket and extract it and hope all dependencies are alredy ther22:57
yashi-Dr_Willis: it says: cant mount folder22:58
Dr_WillisStarmage:  you would have to  find a allready compiled version, and exctract it to your home.. AND all teh libs and other support binaries it will need..22:58
j_dalmondguys, does anybody know, why after installation of enlightenment many apps come there with no icons?22:58
Dr_Willisyashi-:  you did use your server and share name? not mine? :) smbtree or findsmb showed them.22:58
tomatto_hi all22:58
yashi-Dr_Willis:  ^^ yes i can see the folder gits1 but i cant mount it22:58
Starmagewell... thanx22:58
Dr_Willisj_dalmond:  becuse elightnemt is a work in progress and lacking polish.22:58
tomatto_please, has ubuntu ftp client in gui?22:59
banishedStarmage: buildroot produces a portable gcc version, but there is a hen and egg problem…22:59
Dr_Willisyashi-:   server name is Gits1 ? or share name is gits122:59
frankI'm trying to get a driver for a webcam on a thinkpad z61t, any suggestions ?22:59
Dr_Willistomatto_:  the default file manger can do FTP22:59
yashi-Dr_Willis: server folder gits122:59
tomatto_Dr_Willis: how?22:59
j_dalmondDr_Willis: thanks a lot. is there a way to fix it?22:59
Dr_Willisyashi-:  so  smb:// works? try your actual ip, not
Dr_Willistomatto_:  places -> connect to server... is one way.23:00
VCoolioj_dalmond: ask in #e23:00
yashi-Dr_Willis: cant mount it: Failed to mount Windows share23:00
tomatto_Dr_Willis: can it remember connection?23:01
j_dalmondVcoolio, the problem is the #e says "cannot send to channel". *shoked*23:01
Dr_Willistomatto_:  Try it.. notice it has 'bookmarks' option...23:01
insulina_hello, I am trying to compile assimp project but I get this undefined reference to `gluPerspective' , I have glut mesa installed so I dont know why I get this error23:01
VCoolioj_dalmond: are you registered on freenode?23:01
VCoolioj_dalmond: #e is active right now, i'm in it23:02
headkase314insulina_, do you have the needed -dev packages installed?23:02
Dr_WillisStarmage:  in theory. IF you found a .deb of your irc client (bx, or weechat,) you could perhaps exctract the binaries to your home dir and run them from there.23:03
j_dalmondVcoolio, mmm... apperently not reg'ed ))). I though there's no need for registration23:03
StarmageIF i found23:03
tomatto_Dr_Willis: ok.thx for now23:03
VCoolioj_dalmond: some channels require that, apparantly #e does too23:03
Starmagethats not the case i guess23:03
Dr_WillisStarmage:  for weechat and irssi - that would be easy.. for BX.. no idea.. I dont use or reccomend BX.23:04
Starmagebtw... help Dr_willis and banished23:04
Simeon_Hwell that was a waste of $5023:04
insulina_headkase314: I think I do, it just says glut ...23:04
kikelaHi, rhythmbox failed to download a lot of podcast (lucid lynx x64) an idea ?23:04
=== dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk
j_dalmondVcoolio, thx so much, i'll try it now :-)23:04
mikelifeguardHow can I change the passphrase on my GnuPG and SSH keys from the command line?23:04
Simeon_Hpowerdvd linux doesn't work with ubuntu lucid :(23:04
VCoolioj_dalmond: workaround would be right click icon top left in title bar, hit 'create icon' and edit as you wish, but it shouldn't be too much apps without icons23:05
headkase314insulina_, if the package is called "glut" then you need to install another package called "glut-dev" to go along with it for compiling.  Beyond this tip there is not much help I can offer.23:05
Starmagei meant "thanx for the help"  Dr_Willis and banished23:05
VCoolioj_dalmond: that creates .desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications with icon indications23:05
pijuubuntu for ham radio23:06
j_dalmondVcoolio, well, more than half of apps r without.23:06
Dr_Willispiju:  there are ham radio apps in the repos i belive.23:06
pijuDr_Willis, yes23:06
pijuDr_Willis, there is a channel for Ubuntu-hams too23:06
j_dalmondVcoolio, thx again. i'll see if i'm not so stupid to do that ))23:07
baxtertonwhen I try to run my driver discs ubuntu can't find the autorun.exe, any ideas why?23:09
Dr_Willisbaxterton:  you dont use windows drivers in Linux normally./23:09
banishedbaxterton: obviously because it's not windows23:09
Dr_Willisbaxterton:  what are you trying to install exactly?23:09
Dr_Willisbaxterton:  theres no need to MSG me.. keep it in the chnanne;23:10
puffI fired up update manager, did check, then install all.  It appears to have hung while "unpacking replacement base-files".  Is there anything I should try before killing the process?23:10
Dr_Willisbaxterton:  #1 thing to rember linux is not windows...23:10
Dr_Willisbaxterton:  what Is your video card? and have you tried the system -> admin -> hardre drivers    tool yet?23:11
baxtertonmy mobo came with a disk with all the drivers on it23:11
Dr_Willisbaxterton:  and are you SURE they are linux drivers? they may be out of date if they are. and may allready be included in the repos..23:12
puffAh well, kill it is, then.23:12
baxtertonI just put it in and double clicked the icon when it came up on the desktop23:12
banishedbaxterton: your ubuntu came with a linux with probably all drivers in it ;-)23:12
baxtertonI'm a new user so I don't really have any idea how to use ubuntu23:12
Gazi11i0nany laptop recommendation fully supported with ubuntu ??23:12
Dr_Willisbaxterton:  start with the video card.. what IS your video card/chipset?23:12
Dr_Willis!manual | baxterton23:12
puffSo much for update manager being safer/more reliable than apt :-).23:12
Dr_Willisbaxterton:  bookmark that ubuntu manual page.. and read it sometime tolearn the basics.23:13
baxtertonit's a sapphire radeon hd567023:13
yashi-Dr_Willis: ok i made a discovery...it looks like i can mount some folders and some not :/ i checked the write/read rights23:13
banishedbaxterton: just use the hardware driver tool, it will care about that23:13
aeon-ltdGazi11i0n: eee pc? i don't think there is a notebook perfectly supported due to acpi issues23:13
Dr_Willisbaxterton:  and you have gone to 'System -> administartion -> hardware drivers' yet?23:13
baxtertonnot yet23:13
Dr_Willisyashi-:  yep - you have to watch out for the permissions/ownership of the directories.23:14
VCooliopuff: it's also much slower; go apt-get upgrade next time; go cli23:14
puffHm, killed update manager and ran it again, it said it couldn't upgrade all files, but offered me a partial upgrade.23:14
reff67dell inspiron mini10 netbook here everything works23:14
baxtertonso if I use that it will take care of all my hardware's drivers?23:14
banishedaeon-ltd: I'd highly doubt that, most notebooks work well23:14
baxtertonand update them all to the most recent versions?23:14
tobedoes anyone know how to install a .bin file?23:14
Dr_Willisbaxterton:  thats the TOOL to use for most 'fancy' drivers.23:14
puffI selected partial and it said it couldn't get a lock.  I'm guessing the lock-file is still lying around from the old upgrade manager.  Where is that, can can I just remove it?23:14
ZykoticK9puff, don't do "partial" upgrades.  it will break things.23:14
banishedbaxterton: yes, that's the idea23:14
Dr_Willistobe:  chmod +x foo.bin,  sudo ./foo.bin23:14
puffZykoticK9: Good point.23:15
aeon-ltdbanished: well but not 'fully supported'23:15
ZykoticK9puff, use "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" from cli instead23:15
Dr_Willistobe:  Depends on what the .bin is also....23:15
baxtertonis there a utility to update my bios too?23:15
Dr_Willistobe:  .bins are best avoided.23:15
puffZykoticK9: Where does the lock file live?23:15
Dr_Willisbaxterton:  that would be MB specific.23:15
ZykoticK9puff, partital upgrade = the only time i use aptitude23:15
yashi-Dr_Willis: well the home folder is an old one.. its on a seperate partition and i used it with other distributions before :/23:15
baxtertonI have the window open23:15
tobeDr_willis: its a point of sale program form sourceforge...23:15
Dr_Willisyashi-:  check its ownsdership/permissions and compare to ones taht work.23:15
baxtertonit shows my graphics card drivers23:16
puffZykoticK9: Do you know where the apt/upgrade manager lock file is?23:16
banishedbaxterton: well, there is indeed one, but I think you better use the update cd of your board manufacturer, maybe it can even do it from usb by now23:16
baxtertonrunning and in use23:16
Dr_Willistobe:  thats weird they distribute it as a .bin23:16
baxtertonhow do I run the disk though?23:16
Dr_Willisbaxterton:  so your video card should be working fine..23:16
ZykoticK9puff, not really - could you reboot?  if one locked up?23:16
baxtertonthat's what I've been trying to do23:16
Dr_Willisbaxterton:  run the disk.. short answer.. YOU DONT.23:16
puffZykoticK9: I could reboot, I guess, would that clean up the lock file?23:16
Dr_Willisbaxterton:  if you were installing a windows game.. that would be a different thing.. drivers for your MB.. you dont want to use whats on the disk23:16
tobeDr_WIllis: yea well they did and im stuck... so you say chmod +x <filename>23:16
andaingo to gentoo23:17
ZykoticK9puff, i believe so23:17
baxtertonI see23:17
Dr_Willis!permissions | tobe23:17
ubottutobe: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions23:17
baxtertonhow do I run a disk, period?23:17
baxtertonwhen I double click the icon it doesn't auto run, just opens the file browser23:17
Dr_Willisbaxterton:  I insert the game cd... then in a terminal.  'wine /media/CDROM/setup.exe' or whatever its cammed23:17
Dr_Willisbaxterton:  you run the 'installer' on the cd..  or whatever programs are on the cd.23:18
VCooliopuff: try /var/cache/apt, also man apt-get to check the fix command I forgot, doesn't always work though23:18
DomeCan i get wireless internet by using live cd23:18
baxtertongot it23:18
Dr_Willisautorun is a blight. :)23:18
banishedwell, if you have wine installed you don't really need to use the terminal, you can just select 'run with wine' in the context menue23:18
banishedDome: sure23:18
puffOh great.23:18
puffMy mom is ego-surfing me now.23:18
Dr_Willisbanished:  except that may not work on a cd..  it wanted the .exe to actually be 'executable' last i tried that.. and you may not be able to do that on a cd.23:19
puffAnd telling me about the cool stuff she's finding with my name on it :-).23:19
puffLet's hope she doesn't find some old usenet posts...23:19
puffVCoolio: Okay, will try that and check back here later with results.23:19
ZykoticK9banished, you might run into an issue with executable permission if you try running the executable directly from the cd - the terminal doesn't have the issue23:19
puffVCoolio, ZykoticK9:  thanks.23:19
Domei cannot select enable wireless, why?23:20
Dr_WillisZykoticK9:  hopefulkly they fix that odditiy in the next release.23:20
yashi-Dr_Willis: i copied the gits1 folder into another folder and shared that one...no i can access the parentfolder network and the gits1 folder itself ...crazy23:20
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, it's an upstream nautilus file/permission issue... not sure of details but believe it's a "won't fix" situation23:20
Dr_Willisyashi-:  the permissions of the parants also have to allow shareing..23:20
yashi-Dr_Willis: i guess it was a rights problem after all. thanks for your help :)23:21
Dr_WillisZykoticK9:  if you say so.. ive never really looked into it much.23:21
Domei cannot select enable wireless, why?23:21
nimbioticsUsing ubuntu 10.04, I'm trying to share a NTFS partition which I created using "Samba Server Configuration Tool", allowing "Everyone" to see and write to this share. When I go to Places->Network and click on "Windows Network" I get error message "Unable to mount location. Failed to retreive share list from server." Of course,neither can a Windows 7 PC see the share nor the ubunto machine....23:21
tobeDr_Willis: it just says that their is no such file. the install instructions tell me to download a .bin installer .... where would i get one..?23:21
nimbiotics...What can I do? TIA!23:21
andainuse nfs server23:22
banishedDome: which wireless card are you using?23:22
Dr_Willistobe:  no idea. its their directions...    if you have a .bin file in your dir you downloaded .. you need to run it..23:22
yashi-tobe: cant you execute the binfile itself?23:23
Dr_Willistobe:  be sure to use ./whatever.bin  and get the CaSE CoRReCt/23:23
Dr_Willistobe: inux command line hates typos. :)   also try the TAB key to complete filenames. be sure you are in the right directroy also23:23
Domebroadcom STA wireless driver23:23
C_OkieDoes Ubuntu let to explore the innings of a computer more, like other open source linux dist... or does the ease of ubuntu make much of the ability to edit stuff be negated?23:23
KikkyMonkHow do I delete a file named "x5 ÿ"Îáx+?sC{éU*?«.txt"    (don't ask how it got there)23:23
Domeon live cd23:24
yashi-C_Okie: it lets you look deeper than you want to :P23:24
banishedC_Okie: you sure can do anything you could do with any other linux distribution23:24
Dr_WillisKikkyMonk:  rm -- "x5 ÿ"Î?áx+?sC{éU*?«.txt"   perhaps23:24
C_OkieEven the Wubi version23:24
Dr_WillisKikkyMonk:  rm -- x5<TABKEY>      perhaps23:24
c3lC_Okie: its debian based, so its as open as debian, onyl difference is basically the set of packages its shipped with and the repos, and the community ofc23:24
banishedDome: have you also tried the other one? what is dmesg saying?23:25
ZykoticK9C_Okie, WUBI is great for "testing", but if you want a better experience I'd suggest dual-booting.23:25
tobeDr_Willis: yes im in the right dir... now it doesnt say anything it just moves to a blank command line no error message does that mean i did it right?23:25
Dr_WillisC_Okie:  its all linux underneeth you can dive under the hood and break stuff if you want. :)23:25
Dr_Willistobe:  commands in linux normally dont print anyt hing if they succede23:25
C_OkieDual bootings not that much mor difficult anywa correct23:25
Dr_Willistobe:  so you did a './whatever.sh' and it just returns?23:25
tobeDr_Willis: ok thnx now im one step closer23:26
yashi-C_Okie: install windows first than ubuntu23:26
C_Okie*more anyway23:26
Dr_WillisC_Okie:  i find it trivial to do. :)23:26
tobeDr_Willis: yes it just returns23:26
ZykoticK9C_Okie, dual booting "should" be very smooth with the installer.23:26
seymanHi, is there a way to make execution bit on for newly created files?23:26
C_Okieyashi-: k, Dr_Willis  true23:26
rdgthere's a serious bug in Ubuntu and I'm not sure what to file it under. When my computer screen locks.. it will not recognize my password.. I have to switch user back to myself23:27
Four2zerohi, i installed vsftpd on ubuntu so my win-machine would be able to access my ubuntu machine, however, im not able to write to the ubuntu-machine when uploading files, i have done the configuration properly stated in this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html23:27
Domeits loading23:27
rdgIt used to require about a week of uptime beofre this would happen, now it's happening more frequently23:27
nimbioticsUsing ubuntu 10.04, I'm trying to share a NTFS partition which I created using "Samba Server Configuration Tool", allowing "Everyone" to see and write to this share. When I go to Places->Network and click on "Windows Network" I get error message "Unable to mount location. Failed to retreive share list from server." Of course,neither can a Windows 7 PC see the share nor the ubunto machine....23:27
nimbiotics...What can I do? TIA!23:28
Domebanished: its activated but i cannot enable wireless23:28
yashi-nimbiotics: i had a similar problem...it was a rights problem i wasnt allowed to write there dunno was kinda strange23:29
ivan_japonesboa noite pessoal23:29
ivan_japonessou novo de linux23:29
banished!es | ivan_japones23:29
ubottuivan_japones: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:29
ivan_japonesinstalei o ubuntu 10.04, e estou com problemas de acpi23:29
banishedDome: paste dmesg23:29
banished!paste | Dome23:29
ubottuDome: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:29
tejahie....i want to setup exchange mails in evolution can any one help me plss23:30
ivan_japonesgood morning people23:31
nimbioticsbanished" ivan_japones needs help in portuguese23:31
nimbioticsyashi-: Thanks23:31
ivan_japonessomeone could help me with problems of ACPI?23:32
tejayashi:hie....i want to setup exchange mails in evolution can any one help me plss23:32
yashi-nimbiotics: np23:32
Four2zerohi, i installed vsftpd on ubuntu so my win-machine would be able to access my ubuntu machine, however, im not able to write to the ubuntu-machine when uploading files, i have done the configuration properly stated in this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html23:32
Four2zeroany help would greatful23:32
AemaethFour2zero, do you need it to be ftp?23:33
tejaanyone plss help me out23:33
ivan_japonessomeone could help me with problems of ACPI?23:33
Four2zeroyes....im not able to write to it23:33
Aemaethcause i would jsut run an apache server instead, mainly since i've had troubles with ftp on linux as well23:33
nimbioticsiva_japones" just send your question23:34
nimbioticsivan_japones" just send your question23:34
Four2zerocan i pm u23:34
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:34
ivan_japonesACPI does not know the values of acpi tools23:34
AemaethFour2zero, you could try filezilla23:34
nimbioticsUsing ubuntu 10.04, I'm trying to share a NTFS partition which I created using "Samba Server Configuration Tool", allowing "Everyone" to see and write to this share. When I go to Places->Network and click on "Windows Network" I get error message "Unable to mount location. Failed to retreive share list from server." Of course,neither can a Windows 7 PC see the share nor the ubunto machine....23:35
nimbiotics...What can I do? TIA!23:35
banished!patience | nimbiotics23:35
ubottunimbiotics: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:35
Four2zeroAemaeth, i do have filezilla installed on my win7, im trying to upload files to the ubu-machine23:35
nimbioticsbanished: sorry, not intentional23:36
Four2zeroI have installed vsftpd but with no write permission when uploading, even when configurating the .conf file for it23:36
Dr_Willisnimbiotics:  i never use that tool. i let my users right click and 'share' stuff23:36
banishedFour2zero: why not just using samba?23:37
banished!pt | ivan_japones23:37
ubottuivan_japones: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:37
Aemaethoh yeah, i forget what the server end was called23:37
Dr_Willisnimbiotics:  or i edit my smb.conf and add the share by hand.  a read of the 'using samba book' in the samba-doc package is handy :)23:37
mattt_Shouldn't installing libapache2-mod-php5, php5, and php5-common automatically modify my apache configuration to load the php5 module and associate content types with the appropriate extensions?  After the install, the php apache config files weren't moved from /etc/apache2/mods-available to mods-enabled.23:38
nimbioticsDr_Willis: i've tried both ways, should I remove the share i made thru the samba tool?23:38
KenBW2does anyone here know how to get hold of ndesk-dbus-1.0 as a deb?23:38
Dr_Willisnimbiotics:  check your smb.conf and see if its in there.23:38
Dr_Willisnimbiotics:  you may as well remove it. :)23:38
Dr_Willis!info samba-doc23:38
ubottusamba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.1 (lucid), package size 7825 kB, installed size 16104 kB23:38
C_Okiedamn computers23:39
Dr_WillisI can do the basics of samba stuff.. but these gui tools often just add another lauyer of confusion. :)23:40
hulloif uname -a shows i am running i686 do i need amd64 packages or i386 packages?23:40
C_OkieI set the boot order to the cd drive as the first but yet I have to hit a key to confirm I want to boot23:40
Dr_Willishullo:   x86_64    is '64bit'   you are the 386/32bit23:40
Aemaethin soviet OS key confirms YOU23:40
C_OkieWhy would I set the order if I didnt want to boot to a disk ( besides the fact you might not want to )23:41
Dr_WillisC_Okie:  why ask why...23:41
hulloso i386 packages are what I need?  thank you23:41
Dr_Willishullo:  for a 32bit OS - yes..23:42
nimbioticsDr_Willis: i did delete the share thru the samba admin tool, same thing ... Now ... why is it that whn I click on Places->Network->Windows Network; I get error message "Unable to mount location. Failed to retrieve share list from server"?23:42
jevidlso, I rebooted my computer to enable AHCI mode. My RAID array is no longer coming up. Both discs are still recognized, but it doesn't want to recognize the /dev/md1 (the array designation). Any suggestions on where to start?23:42
Aemaethwhen i'm having problems with file transfer i dump the folder in /var/www/ and let apache do the thinking23:43
tupiYesterday i had a suddenly power shutdown at my house and when i select the ubuntu at grub all i get is that animation of ubuntu lucid lynx that means the system is being loaded, but then nothin happens, the animation just never end. Anybody knows what to do?23:43
Domeim not using the ubuntu23:43
banishedjevidl: well, if you switched from Raid to ahci mode, no wonder your raid is no longer comming up - raid mode is just as fine as ahci23:43
mrgenixusmy grub configuration isn't automatcially updating when I instlal a new kernel via update-manager23:44
KenBW2C_Okie: i believe in Lucid they removed the need to press anything at boot23:44
mrgenixusI assume that there's a package that's supposed to mamange that23:44
mrgenixusand I can, if I know what it is, do a 'dpkg-reconfigure' on it to correct the issue, I suspect. I need to know how the system works, in order to do that23:44
mrgenixusany suggestions23:44
jevidlbanished: actually, it went from "Disabled" to "AHCI". I wasn't using chipset RAID. I am using mdadm for software RAID. So I doubt it has anything to do with the Chipset RAID setting. I suspect that perhaps it is being presented differently to udev and that the uuid may have changed, but I would like to confirm that the information is intact before I do something potentially damaging to the data.23:45
jevidlAlso, RAID is not as fine as AHCI when you would like to have hot swappable esata23:45
nimbioticsDr_Willis: The share is NOT in the smb.conf file ... How can I read the book you mentioned?23:47
tobeanyone: im trying to do <chmod +x start.sh> but it says there is no such file of directory... wut do i do?23:47
C_OkieUbuntu Desktop on a CD wont restrain the abilities though right, it's just when you have the try CD for wubi that is for "trying"23:48
p1und3rhas anyone else had their nm-applet not start up on boot after a fsck?23:48
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Benkinoobyi removed all language packages, but still i got 321 updates, and most of them are language packs... some1 encountered this problem too?23:49
tupiYesterday i had a suddenly power shutdown at my house and when i select the ubuntu at grub all i get is that animation of ubuntu lucid lynx that means the system is being loaded, but then nothin happens, the animation just never end. Anybody knows what to do?23:49
duffydackp1und3r, I notice my wifi not connecting regardless if I use NM or plain /etc/network/interfaces file.  If it takes too long to boot, my networking doesnt seem to start23:49
ilovefairuzp1und3r: some people reported it inexplicably disappearing23:49
thune3tupi: it's hard to tell. It might just be fsck running on "unclean" disks, but that shouldn't take more than a few minutes in an absolute worst case scenario. You could edit the grub boot line to remove "quiet splash" and see if you get any useful debugging information.23:50
duffydackp1und3r, I have to restart networking, or reboot23:50
p1und3rduffydack,ilovefairuz: my boot is still fast, but i get no connection unless i run nm-applet in terminal now23:50
p1und3rduffydack,ilovefairuz: i know i could just rc.local nm-applet but i rather know the problem :\23:50
duffydackp1und3r, fast?  mine isnt slow but any slower than normal (like fsck) and it fails to startup23:50
p1und3rduffydack: yeah but now i've restarted 6 times normall without fsck and it's still gone23:51
tobehas ANYONE installed OPENBRAVOPOS succesfully?23:51
duffydackp1und3r, and starting network-manager works?23:51
ilovefairuzp1und3r: check system > preferences > startup applications23:51
vatzecHey, folks. :-) I use Ubuntu on two desktops, one in one town, the other in another. Being a university student, I must have my stuff synchronized, so that I can work on projects while wherever. Due to the obvious number of applications used nowadays, I need to have 'em all synchronized. Do you know of any good desktop synchronization methods?23:51
p1und3rduffydack: network-manager is running on bootup, just not nm-applet23:52
fixxxermetI am pxe booting ubuntu from a NFS share.  Every time I reboot these (http://pastebin.com/tBEiRbmF) lines get added to /etc/fstab and then it fails to boot, saying "waiting" for those filesystems23:52
Domebanished: i get internt connection but its not working23:52
thune3mrgenixus: are these normal distro kernels? or custom/mainline kernels?23:52
duffydackp1und3r, ah.  not that that problem...23:52
mrgenixusyeah, this is the normal i386 kernel23:53
ryoohkii see "initctl" is like red hat's "service" command23:53
p1und3rilovefairuz: NetworkManager is in my startup applications "nm-applet --sm-disable" is that disable normal?23:53
ryoohkii see "initctl" is like red hat's "service" command, what is like "chkconfig".  i want to stop some services from starting but upstart starts them anyway23:54
mrgenixusryoohki: Ironically, service used to be redhat's 'service' command23:54
mrgenixusthune3: yeah -- normal kernel23:55
nimbioticsDr_Willis: How can I read the book you mentioned?23:55
bamrejjeejI have a problem with my wifi connection: I have dhcp disabled in my router, therefore I must set the IPs manually, I do this using the commands ifconfig and route, but the wireless device insists on keeping a self-assigned Ip, even when "ifconfig eth1" displays the ip I have set.23:55
Barriduswhat's the trick to force evolution calendar syncs with exchange?23:55
Barridus(i've set it up already and mail works)23:55
thune3mrgenixus: are you on legacy grub?23:56
Oercalibre can handle many types Ebooks23:56
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ryoohkimrgenixus: i'd like to do "chkconfig --list | egrep '3:on|5:on'" and then "service undesired stop ; chkconfig undesired off"23:56
songerhello how you doing23:57
Four2zerowhen i try to connect to my win-machine using my ubuntu machine i not able to access the the network...23:57
mrgenixusryoohki: soory -- don't know anything about that -- man pages?23:57
tobeANYONE..... how do you know whether your command was successful or not....?23:58
tupiYesterday i had a suddenly power shutdown at my house and when i select the ubuntu at grub all i get is that animation of ubuntu lucid lynx that means the system is being loaded, but then nothin happens, the animation just never end. Anybody knows what to do?23:58
mrgenixusthe only error I get on reconfigure is 'dpkg-trigger must be called from maintainer script' which doesn't really say what it didn't do.  I'm running grub2 AFAIK. I had to fix it a while back because of other issues ... I miss legacy grub. I knew how it worked, could use it to boot manually without having to consult the internets or swear a lot23:58
songeri have a computer with 256 ram if i install it Maverick Meerkat  it will run ok??23:58
Domei get internt connection but its not working23:58
ryoohkimrgenixus: thanks!  i found initctl( like sevrice) already but there seems to be no way to "chkconfig undesired off"23:58
mrgenixusthune3: ^^23:58
yashi-songer: what do you want to do with that pc?23:58
Domei get internt connection but its not working. im using live cd23:59
jevidlI had a software RAID array using mdadm. I enabled AHCI on my motherboard, and my drive assignments changed. My system still boots fine, but my RAID array no longer comes up since it is no longer /dev/sda1/ and /dev/sdc1, but should be /dev/sdb1/ and /dev/sdc1. Any suggestions on how to proceed? I would be ok bringing the array up in a degraded mode and rebuilding it, however I am having trouble putting my finger on those comma23:59
LeempIt seems that all the files within my external hard drive are set to executable, how can i change this? If i rightclick them and remove that setting in the file browser it is ignored and immediately reverted. Any ideas?23:59
mrgenixusryoohki: the simple answer would seem to be 'you can't do that23:59
songersurf the web listen music23:59
mrgenixusryoohki: usually, if it's something you can do, it will be documented23:59
mrgenixusLeemp: what filesystem is it?23:59
tobedoes anyone know how you know if a command you did was successful23:59
songeryashi- nothing heavy23:59
samrobertDome, simply re-connect again :)23:59
Oertobe no error is oke.23:59

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