
=== kai_62656 is now known as BDC-kracker
=== BDC-kracker is now known as kracker[BDC]
zusis there any difference in file size or packages advantage, by installing the ubuntu studio packages vs individually?05:07
holsteini dont think so05:08
holsteinshould be the same zus05:08
holsteinjust easier05:08
holsteinto get the meta-package05:08
holsteinif its got the stuff you want in it05:08
zushi holstein  :)05:08
zusi found the mint KDE always been meaning to try it.05:09
bryan_r59good morning and day!07:18
holsteinhey bryan_r5907:18
bryan_r59Is ubuntu studio adequate enough within a virtual machine? i have plenty of ram to give it07:18
bryan_r59and i think most 3d modeling packages use system ram07:19
bryan_r59one more thing if it isn't too much trouble to answer: how much disk space would a beginner artist need for his ubuntu studio to be used to full potential?07:20
holsteinyou can try it07:21
holsteinbut i would say you need to run blender and the like on metal07:21
holsteinif you go the Vbox route07:21
holsteinyou can have the images grow07:21
bryan_r59yeah i am c hoose dynamic07:21
holsteinvideo files are stupid large07:21
bryan_r59oh good point :)07:22
holsteinand audio projects can take up space07:22
holsteinbut we usually record audio to a seperate HD07:22
holsteini would say 20GB minimum07:22
holsteinthat would be a comfortable place to get your feet wet07:22
holsteinbryan_r59: i think a wubi install would be much more adequate07:23
holsteinand just as non-permanant07:23
bryan_r59aight, i gave it 50 just in case. Also is it me, or does somehow having a better video card make the file size of images smaller?07:23
bryan_r59i mean on my host os07:23
holsteinnot sure about that07:24
bryan_r59the file format i save as in the same i am sure07:24
bryan_r59compression too07:24
bryan_r59but i see a huge difference in the generated file size, even on huge screen shots and stuff07:24
holsteini suppose something in the rendering could be different07:24
holsteinbut i would think that would be processor before graphics07:25
holsteinbut again, im just not sure07:25
holsteini havent really paid much attention07:25
* holstein is an audio guy07:25
bryan_r59Ok one last question. I have a Webcam that worked on my Windows 7 HOST OS, but since i switched to ubuntu 10.04 as my HOST, it can't detect is through VLC or CHEESE, and on the Windows GUEST it also cannot find it07:26
bryan_r59will ubuntu studio remedy this?07:26
holsteinbryan_r59: no07:27
holsteintheres not a whole lot of difference07:27
bryan_r59ok . then one more last question lol07:27
holsteinbryan_r59: if you go to synaptic07:27
holsteinand search ubuntustudio07:27
holsteinyou can see the meta packages that make up ubuntustudio07:27
holsteinthats really about it07:27
holsteinbryan_r59: there might be a package here and there07:27
holsteinbut mostly wacom tablet support07:28
holsteinthat kind of thing07:28
bryan_r59As an artist, what cam do you recommend as a webcam? i will go buy one now, if you have a recommendation07:28
holsteinnot webcams07:28
holsteinbryan_r59: just google07:28
holsteinand save you recipts ;)07:28
bryan_r59ttyl and ty07:28
holsteinwhen you run lsusb07:28
holsteinin terminal07:28
holsteindo you see the webcam?07:28
bryan_r59one sec07:29
holsteinwhat is the webcam?07:29
bryan_r59Bus 002 Device 004: ID 041e:403c Creative Technology, Ltd Webcam Live! Ultra07:29
holsteinbryan_r59: thats good07:29
holsteinthat you see it there07:29
holsteinyou should be able to get it working i would guess07:30
bryan_r59i will google further for that too then07:30
holsteingood idea07:30
holsteinlet us know ;)07:30
holstein:) *07:30
holsteinbryan_r59: sometimes its as simple as enabling the backports repository07:31
holsteinand installing a package07:31
bryan_r59i did so, but update manager and hardware drivers under administration found nothing to help07:35
bryan_r59thanks for the suggestion though07:35
bryan_r59might help later on07:35
holsteinhardware drivers is typically for proprietary extra drivers07:36
holsteinyou'll have to find the package07:36
holsteinIF thats what is needed07:36
holsteinim just guessing really07:36
holsteinit could be incompatible07:36
holsteinbut if you see it when you run lsusb07:36
holsteinthere is usually hope07:36
holsteinbryan_r59: good luck07:36
plotinoi have problem23:08
plotinowith audio23:08
plotinono midi audio in output using hydrigen23:08
holsteinhey plotino23:10
holsteinyou got other sound?23:10
holsteinplotino: you got JACK running properly?23:11
plotinowhen i start jack23:18
plotinoit stucks23:18
plotinosaying .... Starting23:18
plotinoand i have to kill ot23:18
holsteinwell i would start there23:19
plotinois there any conflict with pulseaudio?23:19
plotinoyou have procedure to follow?23:19
holsteingo to http://qjackctl.sourceforge.net/qjackctl-ss1.html23:19
holsteinthe first srceenshot is what you get when you launch jack control from the menu23:19
holsteinthen click on 'setup'23:20
holsteinthat will get you to the 2nd sreenshot23:20
holsteinplotino: is this an onboard soundcard?23:20
holsteinplotino: is this ubuntu lucid?23:22
holsteinis it a studio install?23:22
holsteinor did you upgrade from standard ubuntu?23:23
plotinoit is a ubuntu studio new installl23:23
plotinothe card is SB Live Platinum23:23
holsteinrun in a terminal23:23
holsteinuname -a23:23
holsteingeneric, preempt, or realtime?23:23
holsteinor just paste the output here23:23
holsteinits not much23:23
holsteini use a soundblaster live23:24
holsteinas a coaster ;)23:24
holsteinso i dont get a ring on my desk from my beer glass :)23:24
* holstein kidding23:24
plotinoi have tried to start jack again23:25
holsteinit'll work23:25
holsteinplotino: dont start it yet23:25
plotinobut it freezed my desktop23:25
holsteinhit the stop button23:25
plotinoi dont get to open the shell :(23:25
plotinostop button doesn not answere23:25
plotinoit's like winzoz23:25
holsteinalt F223:25
holsteinor control alt F223:26
holsteinif not23:26
holsteinyou'll just have to restart i suppose23:26
holsteinbut we need to talk about those settings23:26
holsteinand run a few tests23:26
holsteinbefore starting JACK23:26
plotinoi recovered the shell23:28
plotinoso you have suggested me to setup jack as recommended in that site23:28
holsteinplotino: nah23:28
holsteinthats just for us to talk about23:29
plotinoah ok23:29
holsteinso we know we are looking at the same thing23:29
holsteinso run uname -a23:31
holsteinpast that here23:31
plotinoi launch the chat on the PC with ubutnu studio23:31
holsteintheres not much23:32
holsteinmany commands i mean23:32
holsteinjust a few more23:32
holsteinsudo adduser you audio23:33
holsteinmy username is holstein23:33
holsteini do23:34
holsteinsudo adduser holstein audio23:34
plotinoyou should be my user name , isnt it?23:34
holsteinprobably will say you already in that group23:34
holsteindo you have sound otherwise?23:35
holsteinsound works?23:35
holsteinwe'll skip running aplay -l then23:35
plotinobut i have always to set the correcrt output in pulse audio volume control23:35
holsteinrun jack control23:35
holsteinand click setup23:35
plotinoaplay -L23:35
plotinogives me an error23:35
holsteinaplay -l23:35
holsteinlowercase l23:36
plotinoah sorry23:36
holsteinaplay -l and arecord -l23:36
plotinono that's ok23:36
holsteinthose just let you konw what ALSA is able to use23:36
holsteinjust launch jack control23:36
holsteinclick setup23:36
holsteinand we'll both be looking at23:37
holsteinthe 2nd screenshot23:37
holsteinon the left side23:37
holsteinthere is a check box23:37
holsteinfor realtime23:37
holsteinUNcheck that23:37
plotinodone it23:37
holsteinthen in the bottom right23:37
holsteinyou see latency...23:37
holsteinwhat is that?23:37
plotino msec23:38
plotino69.7 msec23:38
holsteinthats probably cool23:39
holsteinyou probably want that to be 4410023:39
holsteinthere are 2 other settings that we tweak a lot23:39
plotinoyou think that it is quite low23:39
holsteinand periods/buffer23:39
holsteinplotino: its not low23:39
holsteinbut you'll be OK getting that with no realtime kernel and that SBlive23:40
holsteinthats probably do-able23:40
holsteinyou might be able to get that down to 20msec23:40
holsteinbut i wouldnt sweat it23:40
holsteinif you dont use soft synths23:41
holsteinor do any realtime effects processing23:41
holsteinwhat is that?23:41
holsteinand periods/buffer 3?23:42
holsteinthose are the 2 you should mess with23:42
holsteineverything else is going to be OK23:42
holsteinif you get an RT kernel23:43
holsteinyou just come in and check that realtime box23:43
holsteinsave and close23:43
holsteinand hit the start button23:43
plotinoi try23:44
holsteinwhat is the error?23:44
plotinocould not connect to jack server as client23:44
plotinooverall operation failed23:44
plotinounable to connect to server23:44
holsteinplotino: open the terminal23:45
holsteinand run sudo qjackctl23:45
plotinoi have to start the server?23:45
holsteinand try starting it23:45
plotinothe same23:45
holsteinso close that23:46
holsteinand lets go back to jack control from the menu23:46
holsteinand go to 'setup' again23:46
holsteinplotino: did you mirror those settings?23:47
holsteinpriority should be default23:47
holsteinnot 2523:47
holsteinserverpath should just be what it was default too23:48
holsteindriver should be ALSA23:48
plotinoi m checking23:48
holsteinnothing under paramapters should be checked23:48
plotinopiority is disabled23:49
plotinothe same is the default23:50
holsteinpriority should be default23:50
plotinocannot load driver module alsa23:50
plotinosays the log message window23:50
plotinoi cannot change priority23:51
holsteinplotino: just hit the down button23:51
holsteinit'll get around to default eventually23:51
plotinodown button?23:51
holsteintheres 2 buttons23:52
holsteinto the right of 'priority'23:52
holsteintiny buttons23:52
holsteinyou can paste your output there23:53
holsteinand i can give it a look23:53
holsteinall the error messages23:54
plotinoholstein, thank you very much but now  i have to go23:54
plotinoit's late in italy23:54
holsteinplotino: gotcha23:54
plotinoi hope to meet again to fix this issue23:54
holsteinwe'll get you rolling some other time :)23:54
plotinothanks again23:54
plotinobye and nice to meet you23:54

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