
=== kai_62656 is now known as BDC-kracker
=== BDC-kracker is now known as kracker[BDC]
=== nUboon2Ag is now known as nUboon2Age
KE1HAcody-somerville, are you around, have a question about the ISO you tested 20100815.104:59
=== evilbug_ is now known as evilbug
xubuntu000dopes ubuntu tweak work with xubuntu?08:41
xubuntu000nevermind I'm so silly no it doesn't :)08:42
xubuntu000does anyone really chat in here :s08:43
knomexubuntu000, yes, you've been in just 5 minutes.08:44
xubuntu000just used to other chan's that have text flying08:44
knomexubuntu000, many ubuntu-related "tweaks" work in xubuntu, considering they are not gnome-related08:45
xubuntu000my main question really should have been how do i clean old kernels so my grub doesn't detect them08:46
knomejust uninstall them from synaptic08:46
knome(or any other package manager)08:46
KE1HAuname -r  then clean all but that one, then it's recommended you keep a safe default as well.08:47
xubuntu000I am install xubuntu now first time ever. I am just switching from ubuntu after a few years08:47
xubuntu000ok thank you :)08:47
KE1HAif your not building modules / packahes, you cna probably get rid of kernel-headers as well.08:48
KE1HAThere's a hot too for it, hold on BRB08:48
xubuntu000i was only asking about ubuntu tweak becuase the ubuntu soft centre08:49
KE1HAHree's on, but be carful not to remove your existing kernel: http://www.foogazi.com/2008/07/02/quickzi-how-to-remove-older-kernels-from-ubuntu/08:49
xubuntu000tht helps a lot thankyou08:50
KE1HAAnd another one using Package Manager: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/10/17/remove-ubuntu-kernels-you-dont-need/08:50
xubuntu000thankyou :)08:51
KE1HARe: Ubuntu-Tweak as knome said, if its not Gnome specific, Tweak works.08:51
xubuntu000thats good to know :08:53
xubuntu000be back soon my install finished a little while ago time to reboot finally :D08:54
KE1HABecareful removing Kernel Images, you can bust things in a hurry if you delete the wrong File.08:54
PoserI am back :)08:57
Poserwas ubuntu00008:57
KE1HAPoser, I did a test install earlier today, using the Startup Disk Creator + 2GB USB Key, man, the install was much faster than CD or HS ISO's09:02
KE1HADownloading the needed files was about the same, but the rest, "seemed" to go allot faster, I didn't actually time it though.09:03
Poseryes usb is faster :) I use multiboot iso have my win7/ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu and modified ideneb on it09:07
Posermy cd-rom is so slow loading linux takes longer then windows7 from dvd09:08
PoserI like XFCE looks kind of like gnome09:09
PoserI just don't like the Quit button's icon09:10
KE1HAYep same here. DVD/CD rom slow as a dog.  I installed a command line only, then added XDM first, then later GDM + xfce4 an lxde works really fast on the old lappy.09:12
well_laid_lawnthis is linux - everything is changeable...09:12
KE1HAIf I were to go wiht a signdle Desktop, like xfce or lxde, i'd use xdm, easy, fast + no frills.09:13
KE1HAYeah, its amazing what you can do once you put your mind to it.09:14
KE1HAnever-ending options, no many at times :-)09:14
Poseri never used lxde or xdm09:14
KE1HAI hadn't either, that's why I tried it. Gonna have a go at a pure FluxBox install as well, see how that pans out.09:15
Poseri remeber a long time ago using redhat linux I had to config everything but forgot a lot since i stopped using it for a few years09:15
Poserjolicloud is lightweight but it's to cluttered or me09:16
KE1HAsuo apt-get is a Gud-Thing :-)09:16
KE1HAI think, of the light weight desktops, xfce is pretty hard to beat, especially if you install all the packages.09:16
Poserif I wanted simple I'd be on my google os partition :p09:16
KE1HAAndriod :-)09:17
Poserlol that too ;)09:17
Poseronly have that via vmware09:17
KE1HAwell, back to work, Im working on Test-Cases for Xubuntu, man, there's allot for them needed/09:17
Posergood chatting with you09:18
KE1HAYou too. will be around just reading the mail.09:18
Posertrying to config xubuntu so I'll be busy for a while09:18
Posermuch better after having chrome installed :)09:21
Sysichromium has bad adblock09:22
Poserchrome vs chromium i use chromium mostly but don't notice a differance between the two09:22
Sysichroumium is open source09:23
Sysiavailable on repositories iirc09:23
PoserI do know that :) just for normal use doesn't seem to be differance09:23
Sysiso use the open one :)09:23
Poseri use chromium usually anyways :)09:24
KE1HAYeah, FireHog is terrible these days. it used to be sweet, but they've boated it to no end now.09:29
Sysii still like firefox09:29
KE1HAI like chroumium too, pretty fast.09:29
Sysinot without adblock09:30
KE1HAI like the Features of FF, but man, you have to tweak it do death to get the speed back09:30
KE1HAEpiphany is pretty quick fer just a simple browser.09:31
Poseri like google chromium :)09:31
Posercan't go back to ffox anymore :p09:31
KE1HAIyeah, chroumium looks really nice.09:31
Poserrebooting be back shortly09:32
KE1HADo chromium have a PGP decrypt function like FirePGP ?09:32
Poseroh there it is :)09:39
KE1HASo it does have one ?09:39
Poserdid I miss something?09:40
Posertempted to instal haiku again :p09:42
KE1HAMaybe so, do you know if Chromium has a PGP decrypt funciton like FirePGP ? I want to try Chromium on Xubuntu so test how well it performs against FF09:42
Posernot sure if that helps09:45
KE1HAMaybe that Ecrypter/Decrypter, will have a look at that tnx.09:49
PoserWell off to bed here I should be on tomorrow again :)09:50
Poserubuntu pgp for chromium install09:51
Poserthink thats more what you are looking for09:53
KE1HAPoser, tnx, that's a good link. I'm doing ISO-testing today, but will dive into that one tomorrow fer sure.13:05
Manaoswhats the default ubuntu video driver?16:06
Manaos(i have nvidia card if this means anything)16:06
Sysinouveau for nvidia16:06
Manaosisnt it vesa?16:06
Manaoswhich is generic16:06
Sysithere are all in kernel16:06
Manaosand what is chosen in my case16:07
Sysivesa is an option, nouveau should be default16:07
Manaoswhen i use the livecd and right after the instalation16:07
Sysinouveau is best open16:07
BelseruskHi. What is a 'notebook upgrade bay'?18:20
BelseruskSysi: Thank you. :-)18:27
HeroOfTimethere are some apps that are not integrated with xfce and look like shit, is there any way to fix that?19:07
Raggshi all, is there an easy way to apt-get  a highmem kernel?21:11
Sysisudo apt-get update && apt-get safe-upgrade ? :P21:12
RaggsSysi: are you asking me?21:13
Sysiyes, how new do you want?21:13
Raggsi dont care if it is newer, would like it to use all the ram i have though21:13
Sysioh i misunderstood, sorry21:14
Sysiaptitude install linux-image-generic-pae21:16
Raggsnice, ty21:16
Raggshaving 4G of ram it is nice to be able to use most of it21:16
Sysiit does use most of it21:17
Sysiif you'd have 6gb or more i'd really recommend 64bit (or pae)21:17
Raggspae should work ok21:18
Raggsafter it is installed that is, in live usb atm21:19
johnny_Hi all!22:21
johnny_How do I get access to my /Archie1 and /Archie2 partitions that I created when I installed Xubuntu 10.04?!  Currently I can only read it and not able to create folders nor files towards it!!!22:24
johnny_Looks like I'm not getting an answer to my question here tonight....  I'll try again later!  Maybe!!?22:40

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