
pooliewhat to do today? reviews maybe?00:06
AfCpoolie: go for a walk outside. It's sunny. Go figure.00:25
poolieit is a lovely day here00:31
lifelessits pea soup here00:31
lifelesscouldn't see across the valley before00:32
lifelesscouldn't see 20 meters even00:32
* AfC → coffee00:36
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
pooliehi spiv?01:45
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
spivpoolie: good morning01:46
spivjames_w: thanks for releasing bzr-builder 0.4 with the nest-part instruction!01:47
james_wspiv: thanks for writing it!01:47
pooliespiv, what do you think about merging https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mbp/bzr/224373-2.2-ftp-response/+merge/32731 into 2.2 vs trunk?01:48
poolieperhaps just trunk is better01:48
spivI wonder how long before Launchpad has the new bzr-builder.01:48
james_wprobably not this week01:49
spivpoolie: Hmm, the risk seems pretty smal01:51
spivpoolie: especially given that e.g. http://cr.yp.to/ftp/stor.html says "A typical server accepts MKD with code 250 if the directory was successfully created"01:54
spivpoolie: so I'd be comfortable with landing that in any/all stable series (after fixing to invoke _setmode for the 250 case, I guess, but even without that it seems to be strictly an improvement)01:56
fullermdSo, what's up with bzrtools?02:40
poolieyou tell me,02:41
pooliedoes trunk pass or fail with 2.2?02:41
fullermdWhat 2.2?02:41
pooliedoes it just need to be packaged?02:41
fullermdLatest version is 2.1.002:41
poolieand does that work with bzr 2.2?02:41
fullermdI dunno.  'bout the only thing I use is multi-pull, and it seems fine.02:41
fullermd(trunk, that is.  2.1 bleats at least, no idea about working)02:42
pooliecomplains about being possibly out of date?02:43
fullermdYah.  Only when you run a bzrtools command at least, so I haven't bothered trying to patch it away in the port build.02:44
fullermdIt doesn't strike me that the API has moved all that far, so I'd offhand WAG it _works_ OK.  But still.02:44
poolieit probably will02:54
pooliemkanat: hi?02:55
mkanatpoolie: Hey hey.02:55
pooliehey there02:55
pooliespm had an interesting loggerhead bug for you to work on02:55
pooliei can't remember if i gave you the number last week02:55
mkanatpoolie: No, I don't think you did.02:56
* poolie looks02:56
pooliespm: hi?02:59
pooliemkanat: bug 61724902:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 617249 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "codebrowse responding to debug requests; 500 erroring on everything else (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61724902:59
mkanatI'm almost sure it's going to boil down to some scalability problem, but can't know until I investigate.03:02
mkanatOne CPU on one machine is never going to scale to Launchpad size.03:02
pooliecould you investigate? :)03:02
mkanatpoolie: I can, and I just asked for the data I need, in the bug.03:03
poolieright it seems very likely to me that we want multiple processes, both for stability and robustness03:03
* mkanat nods.03:03
fullermdOh, perforce.  Thank you so much for making fundamental design decisions that make it completely impractical to offer anonymous access...03:21
spivpoolie: could I get a quick review of http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~spiv/bzr/merge-2.1-into-2.2/revision/5078?  It's related to your symlink fixes.  Without that fix a merge of 2.1 into 2.2 fails (because 2.2's wt.iter_changes calls self.conflicts calls self.list_files, which is the method that patch changes)03:32
spivI think it would be valid to backport that to 2.1 and 2.0, but I'm not sure that it affects people much.  Maybe a 'bzr ls' would trigger it?03:34
pooliehi spiv04:29
pooliespiv, that seems reasonable to me04:33
pooliebiab, rebooting04:33
vilahi all !08:19
lifeless  hi vila08:21
pooliehi vila, welcome back!08:24
vilapoolie, lifeless : Thanks !08:26
vilahmm, babune almost all red expect for gentoo and lucid, quite expected though :)08:27
poolieeven maverick and other ubuntu releases?08:33
vilaI haven't setup a maverick slave yet, but other releases are red yes, I'm checking why08:35
poolievila, i wouldn't want you to spend a huge amount of time getting it green again08:35
poolieit's kinda good but i'm not convinced it's been a really good value for us08:35
pooliei'm not quite sure where the cutoff would be08:37
vilaLooks like transient failures. Let's see how it goes tomorrow before worrying about it08:38
jmlI'd like to make a working tree that has another branch (tree?) merged into it, in order to test a script I'm writing. How would I do that most easily using bzrlib?12:01
maxbWouldn't it be trivial to do it via the command line?12:02
jelmerjml: tree.merge_from_branch(other_tree.branch)12:03
jmlmaxb, yes, but I'm not spawning a process for this.12:04
jmljelmer, thanks.12:04
jmlis there a similarly convenient way to clone a branch?12:13
jmlbranch.bzrdir.sprout, it seems12:14
weigonhmm, a bzr pull or a13:38
weigonhmm, a bzr pull on a stacked-branch doesn't update the workingtree ?13:38
weigonI really have to run bzr update to update the working dir ?13:39
weigonI created the branch with:13:41
weigonsrc_b.bzrdir.sprout(dst_branch, stacked=True).open_branch()13:41
weigonwhere src_b is a branch.Branch.open(src_branch_url)13:41
jelmerweigon, only if the workingtree is colocated13:48
jelmerweigon: you're doing a "bzr pull" as command, or using the API?13:48
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weigonjelmer: using the bzrlib14:00
jelmerweigon: in that case, call pull() on workingtree, not branch14:01
weigonah, thx14:01
weigonjelmer: *doh* makes sense :)14:01
RobOakesIs anyone aware of a step-by-step tutorial for bzr builddeb?  I've configured things as explained here (http://jameswestby.net/bzr/builddeb/user_manual/), but I'm just getting an error.15:56
RobOakesError: Must supply file_id or path.15:56
james_wRobOakes: from what command?15:56
RobOakesI have no idea what file_id or path it's referring to, though.  (Running in merge mode).15:56
RobOakesbzr builddeb15:56
james_wRobOakes: please run again with -Derror and pastebin the traceback15:57
RobOakesjames_w: Here is the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/uD1xnc6V15:58
james_wRobOakes: please file a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-builddeb15:59
james_wRobOakes: what does an ls of your bzr branch look like? Is it "changelog control copyright rules" etc?15:59
RobOakesIt just shows the debian packaging files (control, copyright, ...)  Unfortunately, the project is complicated, so there are a lot files.16:01
james_wRobOakes: and you have a debian/ directory there too?16:02
RobOakesNo, just a symlink to the debian directory.  The article I was reading suggested this as a workaround for some packaging systems.16:02
RobOakesShould say symlink to the current directory.16:03
RobOakesAnd, removing the symlink fixed the problem.16:03
james_wRobOakes: "bzr add" of the symlink should work too16:04
RobOakesOkay, that's good to know.16:05
RobOakesThank you very much for the help.16:05
james_wRobOakes: please file that bug, as it shouldn't crash in that situation16:06
RobOakesI am doing that right now.16:06
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
dashi have a bzr branch that originally used loom; it's at lp:~washort/+junk/modules20:07
dashi can't find a way to unloomify it for consumption by people without the plugin20:08
dashexport-loom doesn't do anything20:08
dashis there something i'm missing?20:08
jamdash: did you ever run 'bzr record' ? That might be necessary before 'bzr export-loom' works. (I'm just guessing, though)20:16
dashjam: well it gets worse, this is branched from somebody else's loom branch20:16
dashon which 'bzr record' was never run20:16
dashi guess i could go ahead and do it, that might make a difference20:17
jamdash: bzr init new-branch; cd new-branch; bzr pull my-loom-branch ?20:17
dashworth a shot20:17
quotemstr1How do you set a branch's parent branch?20:21
james_wquotemstr1: "bzr pull --remember" I think20:21
quotemstr1Ah, okay. I was trying to find some git-like configuration entry.20:22
quotemstr1Works; thanks.20:22
GaryvdMquotemstr1: It's not really recommended, but I often just edit .bzr/branch/branch.conf20:23
quotemstr1That was my backup plan.20:23
jelmerGaryvdM: hi20:34
jelmerGaryvdM: did you see my bug report earlier about test failures in the qbzr testsuite?20:34
GaryvdMHi jelmer20:34
GaryvdMjelmer: Yes. I have landed a fix that fixes the bug on new versions of qt, but breaks old versions of qt (<=4.4)20:36
jelmerwell, that should take care of it for me I guess...20:36
GaryvdMAnd then I discovered that the test is missing a whole bunch of things that It should be testing....20:37
GaryvdMSo I still need to put some effort in to it.20:37
GaryvdMThanks for the report20:37
jelmernp :-)20:42
jelmerI'm trying to get 'bzr selftest' to pass on my local machine and that's harder than it should be ...20:42
pooliejelmer: urk, what kind of thing is failing? plugins or core?23:15
jelmerpoolie: various plugins23:17
jelmermainly adapting tests that have never been tried against particular plugin classes23:17
jelmerpoolie: the recent control dir work I did was inspired by this23:19
pooliemaybe we can get vila to run some of these plugins in babune, when they're close to being green, and then keep them cleaner23:19
lifelessjelmer: thank you for doing this23:19
lifelessjelmer: Its what I've been dreaming of :)23:20
jelmerlifeless, glad to hear it :-)23:29
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