
stefandebackerdoes anyone has a solution for the following strang problem. When I add a user in my edubuntu, everything goes well except the location of "documents, music, etc..." is wrong. it links to the wrong user12:22
alkisg1getent passwd user12:22
alkisg1What does this tell you?12:22
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg
stefandebackerthe name of the user is: test3. when i do the command it gifs: test3:x:1007:1007,,,:/home/test3:/bin/bash12:24
alkisgOK. Next, sudo cat /home/test3/.config/user-dirs.dirs12:26
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:27
alkisgAnd finally, ls -lha -R /etc/skel12:27
stefandebackerthe first command: everything links = "$home/..."12:28
stefandebackerbut "Bureaublad" works correct12:30
stefandebackersecond command. All the files are own by systeembeheerder:systeembeheerder which is the user I have used to make the skel with12:33
alkisgstefandebacker: use the pastebin to paste those files / commands12:33
alkisgSee above, I wrote the link to it.12:34
alkisgIf you messed with /etc/skel, that's probably the cause of your problems12:34
stefandebackerdo you want everything, it seems to be quiet a lot12:36
stefandebackerwhat I did was: set de user settings like i wanted them, and then copied everything from the home/systeembeheerder folder to /etc/skel12:37
alkisgTry moving your old skel and create a new empty one, and then create a new user and see if that new user has the problem12:37
alkisgThat's not good practice12:37
alkisgThat's why then all your new users point to the same user12:37
stefandebackereverything seems to work fine, just the links of Documents and music, enz...12:37
stefandebackerwhat's a better methode?12:38
alkisgUsing sabayon12:38
stefandebackeri tried that, but had some problems12:38
stefandebackerdo you think i can fix the links in gnome?12:38
alkisgYou'll find other problems too. Sure, you can solve them one by one, but it'll be a constant headache.12:39
alkisggrep -r "systeembeheerder" /etc/skel12:39
alkisg==> you need to remove all references for that12:39
stefandebackerdid you get the past on past.ubuntu.com?12:41
stefandebackerdo i understand it correctly: i have to remove all files I get with: grep -r "systeembeheerder" /etc/skel12:42
alkisgNo, I didn't get the paste, you need to also paste the URL here12:42
alkisgNo, don't remove those files. Those are the files that have a problem, but you need to fix each problem manually.12:43
alkisgBy deleting those files you just delete all the customizations you made12:43
alkisgJust use sabayon, the method you're trying to use isn't a good one.12:43
stefandebackerso would it work if i change /etc/skel/.gtk-bookmarks which has: file:///home/systeembeheerder/Documenten12:46
stefandebackerin file://$home/Documenten12:46
dgroosoops -- meant to ping alkisg on THIS channel...15:40
alkisghey dgroos15:43
dgroosincredible you sch-scripts!15:43
alkisgHeh, I don't think the channel matters much... sch-scripts uses ltsp anyway :)15:43
alkisgTo translate the interface, you'd need to change the sch-scripts.glade file15:43
alkisgYou can do that with the glade3 editor15:44
dgrooseven though it's greek to me, I'm liking this program better than italc which, at its best, worked slowly and buggy.15:44
alkisg(sudo apt-get install glade; glade-3)15:44
dgroosnot to say that I didn't appreciate it, of course, as it helped out in class.15:45
dgroosI really like how snappy it is.15:45
alkisgWhen I finish my phd I'm going to properly internationalize sch-scripts, but unfortunately for the next 2 years I won't be able to give much time to it15:45
dgroosI'll download glade-3 and get started!15:45
alkisgBugs are there, of course, but I like the backend much more than the italc backend15:45
dgroosfor sure.  The only think I've had an issue with so far is unlocking a screen.  Is that just me?15:46
dgroosAlso, as you predicted, it does work via NX on my desktop.15:46
alkisgdgroos: ah, if you lock the screen twice, it doesn't unlock anymore. Known bug, fix committed but not released15:47
dgroosI'll remember that.15:47
alkisgAt the end of september I'm going to give a week to sch-scripts, so any feedback you give till then will be put into that new version15:48
dgroosHow would you like me to submit the feed back?15:48
alkisgYou can file bugs here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/sch-scripts15:49
alkisgYou can ask questions here: https://answers.launchpad.net/sch-scripts15:49
alkisgWe don't have a dedicated mailing list (we using a generic #linux.sch.gr list for all linux subjects related to education in greece) so if you want you can also mail me directly at alkisg at gmail15:50
alkisgMost sch-scripts devs also hang out at the #linux.sch.gr irc channel15:51
dgroosgreat thanks, and suggestions should go where--in bugs.launchpad, no?15:52
alkisgSure, and I'll just tag them as wishlists if applicable.15:52
dgroos1trying to install glade gave me a heap of warnings--help? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/479435/15:55
alkisgUrm, and finally it gets installed or not?15:58
alkisg(it's not a very stable program, so save often, but usually it gets the work done)15:59
dgroos1alkisg: sure, and looks like it did.  I'll find out.16:03
dgroos1alkisg: ping17:22
alkisgdgroos1: pong17:55
dgroos1I used glade-3 to edit copies of executeCommand.glade and sch-scripts.glade.17:56
dgroos1I reinserted them back in their original places and sure enough the menu names of the main window are now in English.17:57
dgroos1However, I changed a lot more than that but see no other changes.  What did I miss?17:58
alkisgI'm not sure what you mean there. E.g. you changed 20 menu captions, and only 10 of them are actually changed?17:58
dgroos1Let me find an example...17:59
dgroos1In glade, I opened sch-scripts.glade.  In the Widgets menu I selected 'mainwindow/vbox1/miClients/file and changed the "Label:" to "_File" and looks like it worked.18:03
dgroos1I then scrolled down, changed 'mainwindow/vbox1/toolbar/tbWakeOnLan to "WakeUp" but I don't see where that change took effect when I restarted sch-scripts.18:05
dgroos1Actually, I scrolled through every menu item in the Widgets and changed every label I saw in Greek to English.18:05
dgroos1but I don't see effect anywhere.18:07
dgroos1Maybe the menu lists were already in English, on second thought, and I didn't effect any change in the workings of sch-scripts?18:12
alkisgdgroos1: can you send me your updated .glade file to check?18:16
dgroos1sure, via e-mail or...?18:17
alkisgpastebin would do, i guess..18:19
dgroos1opened the file with gedit, pasted it into pastebin, tried to save and got the message that "PHP and other web scripts are not allowed" so wouldn't save.  I'll e-mail or is there a trick...?18:23
alkisgdgroos1: try ltsp.pastebin.com18:24
dgroos1OK got rid of the > at the start of the first two lines and it posted at: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/479502/18:25
alkisg@(#*$&(#*@ I need to sign on to launchpad to download it as plain text... my god I don't think I"ll use paste.ubuntu.com again :)18:26
dgroos1:)  I'll re-load on the ltsp.pastebin...18:28
dgroos1and the other file is: http://ltsp.pastebin.com/utqBwBK518:28
alkisgNah ok I got it, it's just stupid how ubuntu pastebin works18:29
dgroos1just in case... http://ltsp.pastebin.com/7A0fac3J18:29
alkisgdgroos1: you didn't translate any of the menu items, though - only the main menus...18:30
alkisgFor example: Clients » Συνεδρία » Εκκίνηση needs to be translated to Clients > Session > Wake on lan - or something like that18:31
zerothisBoth ed/x/ubuntu 10.04 freezes after splash. Low-graph mode freezes on its warning dialog. Early versions work fine18:44
alkisgzerothis: for generic ubuntu questions, try #ubuntu18:46
alkisgYou'll get more answers there18:47
alkisgIt's probably a problem with your graphics card and you could try nomodeset as a kernel parameter or something18:47
dgroos1ah, is that the: Κλείδωμα οθόνης in the xml file?18:55
alkisgdgroos1: no idea, why don't you do it from glade-3?18:56
dgroos1Yes, trying but can't find anything that I haven't translated.  How do I find it?18:56
alkisgClick on the clients menu so that it opens, and then click on some submenu, and change its label from the properties to the right18:57
dgroos1Not sure how I missed it.  I'll do these and give a try.  Thanks!18:59
highvoltagemhall119: hey, are you around?19:21
dgroos1alkisg: Looking at the .glade file with gedit looks like I changed most things except the 'tooltiptext'.  Where do I find that?19:37
dgroos1Yes, just tested and all menu stuff is in English!  The mouse-over text still isn't translated.19:39
alkisgdgroos1: select a menu item, and then click the Common tab on the right19:41
alkisgThe tooltips are there19:42
dgroos1OK and can't see where to change the Greek words at the top of the list of users box or the word at the top of the box below that (say groups, maybe?)19:43
alkisgSome of the words might be in the source code so they cannot be easily changed (unless you change gui.py)19:44
alkisgI'm talking to the other devs in #linux.sch.gr to see if someone has time to properly internationalize at least the UI of sch-scripts...19:45
dgroos1That would be awesome, for sure.  What is left besides the translations I'm doing?19:48
alkisgAdding internationalization support means to add the infrastructure for .po files19:49
alkisgIt's a big change, and I don't have the time for it now, but I hope others do have the time...19:49
alkisgNow, the way you did it, your .glade file will be overwritten on the first sch-scripts update19:50
dgroos1You folks have really made quite a program here--at least rivals iTALC if not having even more features.19:50
dgroos1I'd hoped that wouldn't be so...19:50
alkisgThanks - we'll be using it ourselves on our classrooms so we won19:51
alkisgwon't abandon it ever unless something better comes up19:51
alkisgUnfortunately I'm the main developer and I need to finish my phd so it'll be in 'low-maintainance' mode for the next 2 years...19:52
alkisg...unless the other devs can do more. I hope so :)19:52
dgroos1I'm very impressed with it, will give it a test in my classroom, and will e-mail out on the list-serves my experiences with it.19:55
dgroos1alkisg: here's the contents of sch-scripts.glade with all Greek translated to English with help of google translate and my best guesses of those :) http://ltsp.pastebin.com/1mrp0YU220:29
alkisgThanks dgroos1 :)20:29
dgroos1and the executeCommand.glade is fully translated in the already posted page above.20:30
dgroos1You're welcome :)20:30
dgroos1Also, thinking about it, it won't be much of a chore translating the new versions of these files when updated, I'll be able to reference my current copy and copy/paste.20:31
dgroos1How do I know when this will update or better said, what can I do to make sure that it only updates when I'm ready to update it?20:32
dgroos1Also, on a different question, since if have both stgraber's and your ppa in my sources, how will I/the computer, know which versions of ltsp files to update to?  Do I need to worry about this?  Are they the same versions?20:34
highvoltageit will use the package with the highest version number20:35
dgroos1hi highvoltage20:36
dgroos1So... if one person updates ltsp the other person's update would go on top of that...20:36
dgroos1so, they aren't branches, I didn't know.20:36
alkisgdgroos1: for example, I now have an updated gnome-session in my ppa, which fixes the problem with ltsp client reboot (they normally logout instead of rebooting)20:37
highvoltagehi dgroos120:37
alkisgIf an updated gnome-session lands on ubuntu-updates, then you'll lose that extra functionality until I put a newer gnome-session to my ppa again20:37
dgroos1alkisg: congrats! that was an annoying bug :)20:38
highvoltagealkisg: something like that. using ppa's (and especially multiple ppas with the same packages) come with some risk, which is why things should ideally go into -backports with PPAs just being something temporary. and where -backports can't be used, use some kind of official ppa for the project instead20:38
alkisghighvoltage: what risk? (except for unexperienced developers?)20:39
alkisgI can't put non-accepted packages to -backports... that's why we're using PPAs, for things that can't go to the official archives...20:40
dgroos1alkisg: what does this mean for me in a practical sense?  How should I manage my sudo apt-get update/upgrades?20:41
dgroos1If it's a bit complex it might be worth sending out to the mailing lists...20:41
highvoltagealkisg: I know, but it's possibly to get an unexpected upgrade and lose some improvements or changes20:41
dgroos1I think I might not be the only one unsure on this, as well as when to update the chroot, as well.20:42
highvoltagehmm, are we specifically talking about ltsp PPAs or PPAs in general?20:42
highvoltage(sorry I kind of picked up the end of the discussion there)20:42
alkisgdgroos1: our ppa aims at helping inexperienced teachers, so idealy you/they don't have to do anything. You might get a "loss of functionality" for some hours or even days until I upload a newer package, but that's about it...20:43
alkisghighvoltage: well, any PPAs, of course if they're maintained properly...20:43
dgroos1alkisg: so I just do a simple update/upgrade?20:44
dgroos1and do an ltsp-build-client20:45
dgroos1no need to go into the chroot?20:45
alkisgdgroos1: for the chroot, it's as usual with ltsp: you need to update it regularly20:49
alkisgE.g. if a security update to the kernel comes out, then the chroot needs to be upgraded, and ltsp-update-image/ltsp-update-kernels to be called etc20:50
alkisgThe same for sch-scripts, e.g. some times the sch-client script needs to be updated (but we tried to make it simple + rather stable, because we know many teachers won't update their chroots)20:51
dgroos1good to know.  Also, I just tried to 'shutdown' from the client and it just logged out.  Is that because I've not ever done an ltsp-update-kernels?20:53
alkisgYou didn't update your chroot after you installed our ppa to it20:54
alkisg(or maybe the server, don't remember...)20:54
alkisgTry it from inside the sch-scripts, it should be pretty easy20:54
alkisg(the chroot - for the server you do it as usual)20:54
dgroos1sch-scripts is SO quick!20:55
dgroos1I'll try these things upon returning this eve.  alkisg: Thanks for your work and your help.20:56
alkisgYou're welcome :)20:56

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