
DaskreechAnyone tested last nights daily live?00:00
apacheloggerRiddell: I can do audio with vlc backend00:09
Riddellmm hmm00:10
Riddelldantti_work: "Remover" -> "Remove" or "Uninstall"00:11
Riddellmaybe that's already translated00:12
Riddell"Export Installed Package List..."00:12
Riddell"Install Package from List..."00:12
danttiRiddell: k, thanks, and yes that was translated... btw after upgrade to qt4.7 kvirc get's dam slow after some time01:55
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ScottKSomeone should merge kdelibs from Debian.04:04
* ScottK is far to tired.04:04
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debfxapachelogger: indeed, it needs to pass the -- ... as the last parameter08:46
apacheloggerdebfx: I am not sure how we can ensure that08:47
apacheloggerpossibly something closer to dh_builddeb 08:47
apacheloggerdantti: so, I have a tray item saying there are updates, then I click it and the updater starts, since I just booted I click the check for new updates button, it does stuff and kaboom ... my update list is empty :(08:49
* Nightrose fluffles apachelogger08:51
* apachelogger fluffs Nightrose08:57
apacheloggerphonon-gst does srsly nasty shit08:57
apacheloggerand that is responsible for it being the only backend to work with qtwebkit videos08:57
apacheloggerin a qtwebkit context the videowidget will not have a parent and without a parent any widget will feel unwilling to paint stuff08:58
apacheloggerphonon-gst is of gst, xine and vlc the only backend to implement logic that allows painting even if no direct parent is available08:59
apacheloggerNightrose: I fixed phonon-vlc bugs btw :P09:00
apacheloggerdantti: and the deatils button is broken (it does not do no nothing)09:03
valorieapachelogger: ALL the bugs?09:04
apacheloggerthere are more? :O09:05
valorieI can recompile and Amarok won't crash anymore?09:05
apacheloggerthere is a crash?09:05
valoriemy hopes are dashed09:05
apacheloggerwell, I observed a crash indeed when playing a video and quitting rekonq09:05
valoriecrashes on quit09:05
valoriewhich is so odd09:05
* apachelogger supposes something does not get cleaned up properly inside the backend09:05
valoriesometimes, a minute later!09:05
apacheloggervalorie: well, amarok takes its time to quit ... which is really the odd thing :P09:06
valoriesaves layout and playlists and such09:06
valorieright, it's rather pokey09:06
apacheloggersince the layout is only a qbytearray dump and the playlist is probably not 1 million entries long I do not see what takes so long  :P09:08
apacheloggerI mean, clearly it ought to be saving and cleanup and whatnot, but it just seems a bit odd that shutdown would take so long09:08
valoriesome people do have half a million in their playlists09:09
valorieoddly enough09:09
valorieand you just can't talk them out of it09:09
* apachelogger is going to buy a dell studio 7 with core i509:09
apacheloggervalorie: that will never change ^^09:09
valoriewell, mostly they are 1609:09
valorieand have been "doing that forever"09:10
valorieso there is hope09:10
apacheloggerno no09:10
valorieif they grow up09:10
apacheloggerin 5 years time there will be new users who are 16 :P09:10
apacheloggerseee that is the vicious circle of making babies :P09:10
valorieby then, maybe they will have discovered dynamic playlists09:10
apachelogger5 years ago we told people not to load their entire collection into the playlist09:11
apacheloggerand apparently little changed since then ^^09:11
valorieor the music will be beamed directly into our brains09:11
apacheloggervalorie: imagine the quality!09:11
valoriewith lasers!09:11
apacheloggerthat is certainly unhealthy09:11
valorieonly if you LOOK09:11
apacheloggerlike those radio waves09:11
apachelogger~~~~~~ <- radio waves09:11
* valorie shudders in fear09:12
valoriethe fillings in my teeth are picking something up!09:12
apacheloggeroh my09:12
apacheloggerOH MY09:12
apacheloggerphonon is a silly rabbit09:12
apacheloggeralso phonon-vlc is a silly rabbit too since I need to jump through a couple of hoops to get thins working09:13
valorieooo, fun!09:14
apacheloggeroh my lord09:17
apacheloggeryou know, it is quite mind warping that gst, xine and vlc use commpletely different architectural ways to paint a video09:17
valoriedoesn't diversity make for a strong code base?09:18
valorielike in nature, you know09:19
apacheloggernot if they need todo the same crap :P09:19
Riddellapachelogger: spooky enough, in Konqueror the HTML5 video works fine but the audio doesn't appear09:20
apacheloggerRiddell: with gst?09:20
Riddellwith xine09:20
apacheloggerRiddell: with khtml?09:22
apacheloggerkhtml uses Phonon::VideoPlayer I think09:23
apacheloggerwhereas qtwebkit use the GUI of webkit and backs it up with a custom combo of Phonon foo for playback09:23
apacheloggerwhich is the reason the videowidget doesnt have a parent widget ;)09:24
agateauRiddell: ping09:31
agateauRiddell: I attached a link to the proposed patch for bug #61872709:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 618727 in plasma-widget-menubar (Ubuntu) "Konqueror Icon Takes Up Space with menubar" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61872709:31
agateauRiddell: do you think it can go in?09:32
Riddellagateau: yes I think it should09:38
RiddellI can do that later09:38
agateauRiddell: great09:38
debfxagateau: does the gnome implementation of statusnotifieritem just ignore setOverlayIconBy*()?09:39
agateaudebfx: yes it does, among other things :/09:39
debfxso as long as amarok calls setIconByName() once it's fine?09:39
agateaudebfx: yes09:39
agateaudebfx: gnome impl does not support overlay, passing icons by data or tooltips :/09:40
debfxoh well, at least we can drop the amarok patch with the new beta09:43
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apacheloggerdell's website is rather crappy I must say12:05
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shadeslayerRiddell: did you see new post in rekonq ML ?12:36
shadeslayer3 days to FF :P12:37
shadeslayer3 weeks to final release of 1.0 12:37
Riddellshadeslayer: not read it yet, but I should yes12:37
* shadeslayer hunts for rekonq bugs 12:43
* apachelogger hunts for qtwebkit bugs12:45
apacheloggerRiddell: what do we do about rekonq btw?12:46
apacheloggerpeople I have talked to all said it was too unstable12:46
apacheloggerand I must agree12:46
Riddellapachelogger: what problems do you have?12:47
apacheloggercrashingness in general12:47
RiddellI find it suitably stable now12:47
apacheloggerrandom crashes, some in flash, some elsewhere12:47
apacheloggeralso I find the addressbar very hard to use ... though that might be because I am used too much to chrome12:48
Riddellthe issues I have with it are comments on launchpad bugs giving an error, crash on tags on kubuntu.org, flash creating an empty window12:48
Riddellthe addressbar doesn't update the urlbar if you press the down key, that's been fixed.  I believe the favicons for search engines are being fixed12:48
debfxRiddell: does rekonq crash when opening http://maps.google.com/ ?12:50
Riddelldpm: translations day on friday?12:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: works for me too.. ( maps.google )12:55
shadeslayerand i definitely need to code in ctrl+enter support :/12:55
debfxfor me rekonq crashes on several websites, backtrace is always similar to the one in https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24782512:55
ubottuKDE bug 247825 in general "rekonq crashes every time I open google maps" [Crash,New]12:56
shadeslayerdebfx: ill looksie at it12:56
shadeslayeralthough i have no video @ youtube... just sound.. i haz the flash12:56
shadeslayerdebfx: try with rekonq 0.5.5512:58
Riddellhe did12:58
debfxI even built a new qtwebkit weekly snapshot12:59
dpmRiddell, I hope yes. I hadn't said anything because I've been trying to start the process to generate a full language pack. Last week there was a problem with the exports and this week there was a bug in LP that has just been cherrypicked today. The full export is running, and should be finished by the end of today or early tomorrow. After that, langpack-o-matic should package the translations and upload the new language packs. Let me re-check with pit13:12
dpmti if Friday is still ok or it might be too tight.13:12
shadeslayerdebfx: seems to work for all of us @ #rekonq :(13:13
shadeslayerany specific steps to reproduce? or just opening maps.google crashes it13:13
Riddelldpm: ok13:16
debfxshadeslayer: just opening maps.google.com crashes rekonq13:20
Riddelldebfx: how's the amarok packages doing?13:37
debfxRiddell: it's ready, I pushed it to bzr and ninjas13:39
Riddellso what PPA to put it in I wonder13:40
RiddellNightrose: when is release due?13:40
NightroseRiddell: in a few hours13:41
Nightroselet's say in around 4 to 513:41
RiddellNightrose: can I upload to our archives now to make sure it's ready in time?13:42
sheytanNightrose are you talking about amarok in 4-5h? :D13:43
* sheytan likes new stuff :D13:43
dantti_workapachelogger: about the systray problem, when the updater opens does it have updates?14:03
apacheloggerdantti_work: aye14:03
dantti_workis that a yes ?14:04
dantti_workso, what do you think the problem is? 14:04
dantti_workif when it opened it had updates that's why the systray showed up14:05
dantti_workafter you refreshed the list got empty?14:05
apacheloggerso supposedly the actual list refreshing goes wrong ... because if i close the window and open it again the list is populated properly again14:06
dantti_workapachelogger: hmm well I've done several changes in kpk that might have fixed that since here it works fine..14:11
dantti_workapachelogger: can you try building last svn?14:12
* dantti_work refreshed the list several times and still got the updates list..14:13
debfxshadeslayer: after deleting all rekonq config files, it doesn't crash anymore :o14:21
freglin the ppa with kde 4.5 the qt is missing assistant. that blocks the update in the gui.14:32
amichairshadeslayer: is the s-p-k fix ok? should I  nudge someone to merge it?14:37
shadeslayerim yet to check.. i dont know where the frickin deb went14:37
shadeslayerfregl: free for a folderview patch review?14:38
freglfolderview? I never touched that stuff14:38
debfxfregl: what packages depend on it? it has been removed from the qt 4.714:39
fregldebfx: no packages, I had it installed before, so now the upgrade was blocked because it was not available any more I guess14:40
shadeslayerwrong Frederik i think14:40
Riddellfregl: libqtassistant has been removed by upstream14:40
freglRiddell: upstream... uhh... ok14:41
freglwell, I just wanted to let you know that for me the upgrade was blocked. doing it the preferred way with aptitude works of course14:41
freglfor me personally it's no issue, just seems weird14:43
Riddellfregl: yes, Qt not really keeping to their binary compatibility promises14:44
freglRiddell: so the lib is gone, but assistant is still there? ok. I have never even used that thing... still interesting14:47
Riddellright, it uses the new QtHelp library I think14:47
debfxRiddell: do you know if the assistant compat library is abi compatible?14:49
Riddelldebfx: different SONAME I think14:50
Riddellso we'd need to recompile all the rdepends to support it in lucid, I don't think it's worth it14:50
freglRiddell: debfx: is there stuff depending on this lib? is this a real issue?14:51
Riddella few scientific apps, presumably you have one installed if your upgrade got blocked14:52
apacheloggerdantti_work: same thing with trunk14:52
dantti_workhmm weird let me check the code14:53
debfxRiddell: it has the same soname14:54
JontheEchidnaSo, now that install-package is gone it looks like there is nothing keeping gdebi-kde on the CD. However I don't think that aptcc can do .deb installation yet...14:55
debfxif it is just the code from qt 4.6.3 it should be compatible14:55
Riddelldebfx: mm, I guess you could make symbols files and compare14:56
JontheEchidnaWe should probably add it back to the seed, even if gdebi-kde is lacking in maintenance :(14:56
Riddelldantti_work: aptcc can't do .deb installation?14:56
dantti_workRiddell: not yet, as you said you use deb something (fogot the name) I didn't work on adding this14:57
dantti_workyes gdebi-kde14:58
dantti_workit's quite complicate to resolve .deb dependencies libapt does not handle that14:58
JontheEchidnawe'll have to add it back to the CD seeds for 10.10. It used to be pulled in as a dependency of install-package, but that's gone now14:59
JontheEchidnaI can get on that14:59
Riddellthanks JontheEchidna 14:59
JontheEchidnaOh, I'm also giving libdebconf-kde0 a symbols file so that we can build KPK against it15:00
JontheEchidnawell, so that we can MIR it15:00
JontheEchidnaand then get KPK to build against it15:00
ScottKTesters needed for http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-netbook/lucid/daily-live/current/ - I'll work on it too, but not until tomorrow.15:08
debfxRiddell: two symbols are missing: _ZGVZ13qvariant_castI8QVariantET_RKS0_E3vid@Base and _ZN5QListI7QStringE13detach_helperEv@Base15:08
dantti_workapachelogger: can you try applying this patch on KcmKpkUpdate.cpp to see if it fixes your issue?15:09
debfxthey don't appear to be relevant, but i'm not a c++ expert15:09
apacheloggerdantti_work: what patch?15:09
apacheloggerthough generally, yes ^^15:09
dantti_workapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/K913eRwR  oops :P15:09
apacheloggerdantti_work: worky worky15:13
apacheloggerdantti_work: btw, sometimes the "stuff is going on" icon does not go away15:13
dantti_workapachelogger: hmm well that might be a problem that I have no idea of how to fix that in packagekit-qt15:14
dantti_workapachelogger: what happens is that QtDBus proxies loose it comunication and don't reconnect again...15:14
apacheloggerthat is odd, usually they should just reconnect I think :S15:15
dantti_workyup, gtk-proxy works :P so they should too15:15
dantti_workbut I need to make sure it's not a missusing15:16
CIA-61[libqapt] jmthomas * 1164714 * trunk/kdereview/libqapt/utils/qapt-batch/qaptbatch.cpp Mirror InitError handling improvements from Muon in qapt-batch15:16
freglhm, 4.5 upgrade went well. except that I ended up not having kdebase-workspace-bin installed, bit unfortunate but probably my bad15:24
debfxSput: quassel 0.7 beta has some word-wrap issues, sometimes it puts the last char of a word in the next line15:26
yofeldebfx: known, our qt version is too old15:28
debfxhopefully they release 4.7 RC soon, this is really annoying15:33
Riddellfregl: can you install it now?15:40
freglRiddell: yeah, it works all fine, it's just that I had kubuntu-desktop not installed, so nothing depended on it. that meant I didn't have plasma...15:41
debfxRiddell: I tested a package from lucid that uses qt assistant15:46
debfxit works fine on maverick, do you mind if I add a transitional package?15:47
AnAntcould someone comment on LP #619073 ?15:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 619073 in keurocalc (Ubuntu) "Please merge keurocalc 1.0.3-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61907315:48
fregldebfx: thanks for taking care of that stuff15:49
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Riddellhi AnAnt 15:51
RiddellAnAnt: I think the patch should be kept, Office is the wrong place for that programme15:53
RiddellI'll comment15:53
Riddelldebfx: go ahead15:54
Riddelldebfx: hang on, on maverick?15:55
Riddellfregl's problem is in lucid15:55
freglRiddell: well, I don't have a problem really... you can say people activating the ppa are on their own15:56
alvinShouldn't there be a warning about bug 615902 then? (The blocked upgrade) After all, KDE 4.5 is news on kubuntu.org15:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 615902 in Kubuntu PPA "Upgrade to KDE SC 4.5 blocked" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61590215:59
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Riddellalvin: that bug seems to be a confusion of several issues, many of which should be fixed16:04
alvinI thought as much. Will these issues be fixed for Lucid as well?16:06
Riddellalvin: many are fixed I should say16:09
Riddellqtassistant is the main one left and that's upstream's fault and doesn't affect many people16:09
alvinAptitude why (etc...) tells me that libqt4-assistant is installed because of kubuntu-desktop (who recommends printer-applet -> python-kde4 -> python-qt4 -> libqt4-assistant)16:14
Riddellalvin: python-qt4_4.7.3-1ubuntu2~lucid1~ppa2 from the PPA removes the dependency on libqt4-assistant16:19
dantti_workRiddell: is that related to qtassistand having a weird style? (seems like a broken CSS)16:21
Riddelldantti_work: I would guess that's related to changes during the porting of qtassistant yes16:23
alvinRiddell: I was using aptitude... Now I see that apt-get doesn't complain about blocked upgrades anymore. (now trying)16:24
RiddellNightrose: is there a release schedule for amarok?16:26
NightroseRiddell: final of 2.3.2 at the end of the month - beyond that no16:27
Riddellthat's the version I care about16:27
Riddellso my thinking is we should clear the beta PPA of the 4.5 betas, put amarok 2.3.2 betas in there for maverick and lucid, when 2.3.2 final comes out we can consider it for feature freeze exception in maverick16:28
Riddelldebfx: how does that sound? ^^16:28
shadeslayerhttp://imgur.com/fg1hM : rekonq fix when kget is not installed ;)16:31
debfxRiddell: sounds good16:31
shadeslayernow all i have to do is display a Warning there to install KGet16:32
Riddell"warning, kget can mess with your download experience"16:33
* Riddell has never seen the point of kget16:34
shadeslayerhehe :P16:34
shadeslayerRiddell: in the current behaviour you can check those boxes and the user  will think that KGet is already installed16:34
debfxRiddell: in lucid and maverick so we have a clean upgrade path on both16:40
Riddelldebfx: what what?16:41
debfxadding a libqt4-assistant transitional package16:41
Riddellin theory maverick shouldn't need it, the packages will depend on the new package16:43
RiddellI may be being overly optimistic about apt's abilities though, so yes you may as well16:44
Riddelldebfx: where did debian/patches/kubuntu/08_fix_handbook_install_location.diff comes from?  should it go upstream?16:44
debfxRiddell: from me, already reported it to Nightrose16:49
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eMyllerdid you see ofirk lately?17:09
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Riddellonly briefly late at night17:13
shadeslayereMyller: hes not on gtalk as well... 17:18
eMylleri talked to him last night17:19
eMyllerthanks :)17:19
QuintasanDid someone ping me17:36
Riddellno but it's nice to have you anyway :)17:36
QuintasanRiddell: Hi there17:37
neversfeldeoh, feature freeze, why did I missed that :)17:38
neversfeldeany complaints about kdevelop in the backports ppa?17:39
shadeslayerneversfelde: for mav?17:42
neversfeldeshadeslayer: for lucid17:42
shadeslayeroh.. who cares about lucid anymore :P17:42
* shadeslayer is all for mav17:42
RiddellNightrose: anything I should be doing to put this amarok beta through testing?17:44
sheytaneMyller he will be here in the next 2 days :)17:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: lol.. ubuntuone-kde icon fixed its self17:48
Riddellneversfelde: no complaints so I guess it's all good17:50
neversfeldegreat, I uploaded it very early in the morning and went on a vacation after it :)17:51
debfxis there a schedule for kde 4.5.*?17:54
Riddelldebfx: nope17:56
NightroseRiddell: sorry was on the phone17:57
Nightroseput it trough testing in what sense?17:57
debfxRiddell: you're right, apt handles the qt assistant transition fine (lucid->maverick)17:58
RiddellNightrose: well it's playing music nicely, anything else I should be testing?18:03
NightroseRiddell: ah hehe18:03
Nightroseyou have a collection?18:03
Nightroseand see if last.fm is there18:03
RiddellI do18:03
Nightroseok then you should be ok i think18:04
Riddelllast.fm is there, it successfully tells me I need to pay when I try to play a stream18:04
Riddelleven though I can listen through the lastfm application for free18:04
Nightrosejep that's supposed to be that way18:06
Nightroseyay for music industry18:06
Riddellooh Amarok Theme is nice18:07
Nightroseaway for a bit18:09
RiddellAmarok building now in beta PPA for lucid and maverick18:10
* Riddell out for a bit too18:10
shadeslayerwhut theme?18:12
ScottKshadeslayer: How's kmymoney going?18:13
shadeslayerScottK: i contacted debian and they said that i can package it for debian as well, since we have no ubuntu specific changes we can then sync it18:14
ScottKSpeaking of Debian....18:14
ScottKshadeslayer: kdelibs needs a merge from Debian.  Up for it?18:14
shadeslayerill start on it in about 30 mins.. need to finish this report first18:15
shadeslayererm.. cant :(18:15
shadeslayerand now i haz full blown power outage ^_^18:17
shadeslayerScottK: can it wait till sunday? :P18:21
ScottKshadeslayer: Yes18:21
shadeslayerif its not taken up till then, then ill merge it18:21
nigelbScottK: didn't you have intel 855?18:22
ScottKnigelb: No.  865.18:22
nigelbScottK: did you get the normal live cd working?18:22
ScottKIt's also ~100 miles from where I am right now.18:22
ScottKI didn't try Maverick with it yet.18:23
ScottKIt works ~fine on Luicd.18:23
ScottKIt's not as stable as I'd like, but not horrible and kwin compositing even works.18:24
Quintasanshadeslayer: I can take the merge18:33
QuintasanScottK: ^18:33
shadeslayersure feel free to18:34
ScottKQuintasan: Great.18:34
shadeslayerim overloaded with $WORK :P18:34
nigelbScottK: um, I put in lucid, I can't get in.18:42
ScottKnigelb: 845/855 support is somewhat spotty.  It varies a lot depending on exactly what versions you have.18:43
ScottKI'd ask in #ubuntu-x.18:43
nigelbScottK: I'm running karmic for now.  But its xubuntu and i want to move to kubuntu lucid.18:44
ScottKGenerally Lucid is better for Intel than Karmic (my 865 machine needed some PPA package to work at all on Karmic)18:44
nigelbWhat's happening is compiz being enabled by default thingy.18:46
* nigelb needs to sit with this lappy for a day.18:46
nigelbI'm too busy doing stuff with it to fix it.18:46
nigelbThere is a ppa with a fix.  But I can't get to some place where I can access a terminal to get it.18:46
ScottKOdd.  kwin is pretty good about shutting itself off if it's causing problem.18:46
ScottKBoot to rescue mode with networking?18:47
nigelbI see the plymouth screen and then nada.18:47
nigelbI thought hat was a windows thing?18:47
ScottKThat's probably X crashing.18:49
apacheloggerNightrose: Quintasan is treating me badly and threatens me!!!!!!!!!19:26
Quintasanapachelogger: :<19:26
* Nightrose looks at Quintasan19:27
Nightroseyou don't do that!19:27
* Nightrose whistles19:27
QuintasanWho is threatening who apachelogger?19:27
* Nightrose goes back to amarok releasage19:27
QuintasanNightrose: but he spams my channel :<19:27
NightroseQuintasan: he's apachelogger - he's allowed to do that19:28
Nightrose(i think)19:28
apachelogger90% of the stuff i say is either flood or spam or both19:28
QuintasanNo, they do not make sense19:28
QuintasanBut triggerring a endless loop which resulted in endless repetition of "Hello" is :P19:29
Quintasanis spam :P19:29
apacheloggerIt was not repetition!!!!19:29
apacheloggerit was variation thereof19:29
QuintasanBut the sense was the same19:30
Quintasanapachelogger: doesn't matter now, get back in there or no cookies and fame for you19:30
apacheloggerI do not need no cokies nor fame no more19:31
apacheloggersoon I will get my own documentary film19:31
QuintasanOooh? :>19:31
QuintasanNo cookies, are you really sure?19:32
apacheloggernow I wonder how rekonq worked before todays upgrade19:32
apacheloggerodd enough19:32
* Quintasan takes the tray with cookies from kubotu as soon as he arrives19:32
apacheloggerkubotu has a sekrit warehouse19:32
apacheloggerno dice getting there19:32
apacheloggerwe tried19:32
apacheloggerhe apparently has endless supplies of beer there19:32
apacheloggerwhich is a very good reason to try getting there19:32
QuintasanNo wonder you are sometimes not making any sense :P19:33
apacheloggerit is just because I am so old and wise19:33
apacheloggerI have seen you cannot even imagine19:33
QuintasanI will keep diplomatic silence here19:34
apacheloggerNightrose: phonon is made out of madness, I demand insanity to go to war with phonon!19:34
QuintasanTherefore I herby delegate apachelogger to declare war on Phonon19:35
Quintasanapachelogger, I bestow upon you the title of Warrior of Insanity!19:35
debfxmake love, not war!19:36
apacheloggerone can say about gst a lot of things19:36
apacheloggerbut it certainly supports a shitload of codecs19:36
Quintasan+1 on that19:36
Quintasandebfx: It's not possible with Phonon19:36
QuintasanPhonon has crossed the line of madness long ago19:37
apacheloggerwhat the firefly19:37
apacheloggerwhy do I have a billion ~/.cache/virtuoso_*.ini files?19:38
apacheloggerand what are they19:38
apacheloggerand why do they not get cleaned up19:38
apacheloggerand why and when and where19:38
Quintasanapachelogger: ^19:38
apacheloggerQStateMachine ftw!19:39
debfxdo you seriously expect virtuoso to just work?19:39
Quintasandebfx: +119:39
apacheloggerI expect it to not take a dump in my .cache dir and then not clean up19:40
QuintasanWhat you expect and what takes place are usually two different things19:41
QuintasanWell, do not blame me for that. I did not invent Virtuoso19:43
QuintasanNor did I invent that stupid indexing in KDE19:44
* shadeslayer has met one of the co-contributors of Nepomuk19:44
shadeslayerhe said its going to improve lots19:45
shadeslayerlets see :P19:45
QuintasanI'm eagerly awaiting it to do so19:45
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
yofeltxwikinger: still have bug 449252 ? I haven't seen that in quite a while19:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449252 in apache2 (Ubuntu) "SSL pass phrase dialog can't read input" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44925219:58
neversfeldeso Natty Narwhal ?19:58
macogoogle define:natty tells me it means dapper or jaunty19:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449252 in apport (Ubuntu) "[karmic][beta] apport-kde spawns many processes " [Undecided,New]19:59
macoi wonder if sabdfl is having fun with a thesaurus19:59
macoyofel: i havent seen it in a while either. it used to spawn 70-200 processes for me19:59
sabdflheh. it's wild over here in the isle of man :p20:00
yofelmaco: right, for me too, but it behaves good since  a while ago, so if possible txwikinger should close the bug20:01
nigelbsabdfl: haha.20:02
txwikingeryofel: I don't remember. Have to look in the details. I have a couple of bugs spawning lots of processes20:03
txwikingerAh that one... Haven't seen it for a while.. and it was a karmic beta20:06
* txwikinger subconscience is still trying to find the association between the Isle of Man and a thesaurus20:23
dantti_workkdeinit4 is the one that calls kded isn't it?21:10
apacheloggerdantti_work: calls?21:40
apacheloggerdantti_work: you mean starts?21:40
apacheloggeryo fdo21:40
dantti_workapachelogger: yup21:40
apacheloggerdantti_work: yeah, that is kdeinit421:40
fdohi i have questions about the kde pythin bindings21:41
dantti_workit seems so, it's just that a kpackagekit bug report was on kdeint4 but looking at the top of the report I saw kded...21:41
dantti_workthanks btw21:41
fdois anybody here who is familiar with this?21:42
Riddell** testers needed for Amarok beta, maverick and lucid https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/beta21:42
fdopythin -> python21:42
Riddellfdo: go ahead and ask21:42
fdoi want to write a kio but i cant find any tutorial for kde421:43
fdohi Riddell21:43
fdoRiddell: the tutorials on the kde sides (and python) are for kde321:44
QuintasanRiddell: is lichts still available?21:44
RiddellQuintasan: it got reinstalled for lucid.1 testing, I can turn it back on if you need it21:44
QuintasanRiddell: would be nice, I want to copy some recipes over21:44
Riddellfdo: I don't know I'm afraid, quite possibly that never got ported to KDE 421:44
Riddellfdo: pykde maintainer sime isn't on the channel, so I think you need to ask on the kdebindings mailing list21:45
RiddellQuintasan: what was your user name?21:45
Riddellor what user name would you like?21:45
fdook thanks on the kde sides this irc is on top :o)21:45
fdoRiddell the maintainers name is sime?!21:46
QuintasanRiddell: my username was michal21:46
Riddellfdo: that's his irc nick21:46
Quintasanit could be quintasan now :P21:46
fdoRiddell: thanks ... Have a nice day!21:46
macofdo: my experience with pykde & pyqt is that docs are few and far between, and the thing to do is read the normal C++ docs then mentally translate them to python syntax since the APIs are the same21:47
fdohi maco21:47
fdomaco: i have read (the last 2 weeks) all i could find, but i dont know how i compile my script21:48
fdomarc: the tutorial was for kde321:48
RiddellQuintasan: she's up21:48
macofdo: better off using a c++ kde4 one as itll at least have the right function names and such21:49
QuintasanRiddell: username is michal, right?21:49
RiddellQuintasan: yes, with quintasan@nightwalker ssh key21:50
fdomaco: i found a blog entry from the rubby side ... and he is used exec=krubypluginfactory21:50
Quintasanit asks me for password21:50
macofdo: to run a python script you just type "python" before its name21:50
fdomaco: im not good at cpp21:50
macofdo: im not saying /write/ c++, i'm saying /read/ it and use it to write python21:51
fdomaco i want to use it as a kio21:51
macoi dont know any C++ but thats how ive done all the pykde ive had to do21:51
macotutorials for pykde4 are not common. you need to just look at normal, c++ kde4 examples and docs, then mentally turn it into python21:52
fdoi had written my class and all needed functions and now i know how to place the files but how do i compile this ...21:52
macoyou dont compile python21:52
macoits interpretted21:52
fdoi have seen on kde3 ... they use make21:52
maco(ok so it has a JIT compiler, but since its JIT you can ignore it)21:52
macomakefiles can do ANYTHING21:53
macothey're /just/ scripts21:53
fdoyes i know but how does kde use it 21:53
macoin kde4 land, CMake is used instead of autotools21:53
macoand im really not sure what the point is in a python app. the only use ive had for distutils (python's setup.py stuff) is in cases where i had a .ui file to compile to a .py file for a gui, but you wont have that for a kio21:54
fdomaco: this is my first step -> http://www.arnorehn.de/blog/2010/07/and-the-bindings-keep-rocking-writing-ruby-kio-slaves/21:54
* maco didn't think anyone really used ruby on the desktop21:55
fdoi reimplemented it in python but: exec=krubypluginfactory didnt work21:55
macoof course not, thats for ruby...21:55
macoalexandria (book organiser for gnome) is the only thing ive seen done in ruby, and it crashes *constantly*21:55
fdosorry yes21:55
fdois used exec=kpythonpluginfactory ;0)21:56
QuintasanRiddell: bingley bingley beep, check priv :)21:57
fdoRiddell: the kde bindings channel ist #pyqt?22:00
fdoRiddell: on freenode22:00
fdoRiddell: i found it myself22:02

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