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glaucousI'm having a problem that (Kubuntu 10.04 KDE 4.5 x64) plasma-desktop gets very slow from time to time. It's very slow at responding (task bar etc), and sometimes it goes away after a while. But what always works is restarting (pkill and start plasma-desktop). Is this a known problem?01:26
glaucousMight be a problem with Xorg as well, since its CPU usage goes up to around 22-25% (1/4 of a quad core CPU), and drops when I restart plasma-desktop01:32
glaucousComposition turned off.01:33
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aboudreault_hi ppl01:52
aboudreault_what's the proper driver to install in kubuntu lucid with an ati card^01:52
harmandeephi guys02:13
harmandeepnewbie here02:13
harmandeepi m not getting how to open man page for ulimit command02:13
harmandeepi had tried # man ulimit02:14
harmandeepbut that opens Section 3 of ulimit02:14
harmandeepwhereas i m looking for ulimit (1 )02:14
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ner0xDo I need anything special to use OpenOffices wizard for faxes?03:35
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Khaotichas kubuntu been updated?05:14
luis_hello good night everyone i just installed few hours ago kubuntu10.4 the problem is that evrytime i reboot i get a bad screen resol 800x600 instead of keeping 1024x768 can somebody help me to fix this please???05:17
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dfdfggghow many time do I need to wait before ban on one channel will be shut down?05:55
dfdfggg(may be without "DO"?  how is right in english ???    )05:56
dfdfgggHELLLLOOOO!!!   ANYBODY IS HERE????????    OR IS ALL DEAD?05:58
bazhangdfdfggg, which channel05:59
dfdfgggbazhang )))   #cakephp05:59
bazhangdfdfggg, that has nothing to do with kubuntu .  try  in #freenode05:59
dfdfgggbazhang   but   tell me....   Was I right???   DO or not DO ???06:00
bazhang!ot | dfdfggg06:00
ubottudfdfggg: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!06:00
dfdfggg"How many time do I need to wait before ban ...?"06:01
dfdfgggbazhang   aha?06:01
bazhangdfdfggg, please stop. that has nothing to do with kubuntu06:01
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noaXessgood morning06:11
noaXess145 packages are allways blocked... when will that be fixed? any idea?06:11
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phoenix_when i try to run gyachi, its not starting, i am getting an error "segmentation fault". but when i run with root previleges, it runs fine. but i dont want to give root previleges to gyachi. help please.06:23
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amichairI'm running rsync to copy a directory recursively to another machine (ntfs), but although progress looks normal, no files are being written (only empty directories). What can be wrong?07:13
well_laid_lawnamichair: do you have ntfs-3g installed?07:14
well_laid_lawn!info ntfs-3g07:14
ubottuntfs-3g (source: ntfs-3g): read-write NTFS driver for FUSE. In component main, is standard. Version 1:2010.3.6-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 64 kB, installed size 240 kB07:15
well_laid_lawn^^ says you should07:15
amichairwell_laid_lawn: it's built into kubuntu for several versions now, no? otherwise how would ntfs be working?07:15
well_laid_lawnamichair: there is a ntfs kernel driver that only allows read access07:15
well_laid_lawnneed ntfs-3g to write07:16
amichairInstalled: 1:2010.3.6-1ubuntu1, Candidate: 1:2010.3.6-1ubuntu107:16
well_laid_lawnk :]07:16
well_laid_lawnthat was my guess :]07:16
amichairnote that I'm not getting a copy error, it goes through the normal progress percentages etc.07:16
amichairalthough at the beginning there was a single 'filed to set times on' a directory07:17
corpsicleim having some issues with my audio device07:17
amichairfailed, that is07:17
corpsiclethe login and logout sounds i can hear07:17
well_laid_lawndoes rsync need a recursive option -r or similar?07:17
corpsiclebut apps are not making any sound at all07:17
amichairwell_laid_lawn: no, I'm running rsync -avP, and it's going through everything recursively as far as progress is shown (they are many large files)07:17
corpsiclei had it working yesterday by either reinstalling the drivers ( realtek ), restarting the laptop, reconfiguring pulseaudio, restarting pulseaudio07:18
corpsicletoday none of these work07:18
corpsiclein any combination or order07:18
amichairexcept the target dir on the other machine remains empty07:18
corpsicleanyone have any ideas07:18
well_laid_lawnamichair: I'm not a user of ntfs or rsync so maybe ask again in a bit if noone else knows now07:19
amichairwell_laid_lawn: ok, thanks07:19
well_laid_lawnnp ;]07:19
corpsicleive used rsync but i didnt have any problems so i guess im not very useful either07:19
well_laid_lawncorpsicle: sounds like you have pulseaudio issues - I don't know how to sort pulse out sorry07:20
corpsicleyes i would think so too07:20
troopperiWhere im able change kopete default browser konqueror to firefox?07:20
corpsicleim starting to think pulseaudio is a piece of s**t >_<07:21
corpsicletroopperi: default apps or something in the control panel07:21
well_laid_lawncorpsicle: some folk remove pulse a;together to stop hassles they have..07:21
corpsicletroopperi: system settings -> default apps07:21
corpsiclewell_laid_lawn: remove ... im not sure what pulseaudio does really ?07:22
trooppericorpsicle: thnx :)07:22
well_laid_lawn!info pulseaudio07:22
ubottupulseaudio (source: pulseaudio): PulseAudio sound server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.9.22~0.9.21+stable-queue-32-g8478-0ubuntu14 (lucid), package size 623 kB, installed size 4460 kB07:22
well_laid_lawncorpsicle: as I see it pulse is like a middleman btween your apps and the sound they can produce07:23
well_laid_lawnworks fine here without it07:23
corpsicleso is it the component that makes several apps share the same audio device ?07:23
corpsiclewhat youre saying is i can just remove pulseaudio from my system and its happy days07:24
well_laid_lawnmore or less yes afaik - I'm no audio expert07:24
corpsicleright, ill try it07:24
corpsiclei cant get any worse ^_^07:24
corpsicle( famous last words )07:24
well_laid_lawnheh luck :]07:25
corpsiclewould you think id need to restart the os after removing ?07:25
corpsicleheh, it works fine after removing07:25
corpsicleim going to read up on pulseaudio07:25
corpsiclesee what the hell its supposed to be good for07:25
well_laid_lawnI would recommend making sure to remove the config files with pulse and at least logging out/in07:26
well_laid_lawnpackage managers mostly have the option to remove config files with the app07:27
otto__how can i view the http request that konqueror sends?07:52
well_laid_lawnI wonder if starting konq in konsole with the verbose option and a redirect to a file would give you that07:55
well_laid_lawnman konq might even show a log option07:55
egonwhi all, I'm back with my kio_file.so problem... "Unable to create io slave klauncher" after updating Lucid with the KDE SC 4.5 debs... jettisoned the /tmp, rebooted, even tried a fresh account... the kio_file.so is installed, but simply not 'recognized'... the whole desktop is now just broken as KDE as well as non-KDE software cannot open files, or HTML streams, or whatever... I'm desparate and don't want to have to reinstall Kubuntu alltogether...09:28
egonwwhat can cause this messed up KDE configuration that it cannot find these slaves? any ides very much appreciated!09:28
well_laid_lawndo you know where the file kio_file.so is - is it n the right place?09:44
well_laid_lawnwhere is it meant to be?09:44
well_laid_lawnsince it can't be found09:44
egonw /usr/lib/kde4/kio_file.so09:45
well_laid_lawnhow did you do the upgrade to KDE SC 4.5 ?09:45
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.09:45
egonwadd the kubuntu ppa, apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade09:45
egonwI already tried reinstalling the debs which contain the kio .so's09:46
egonwbut that didn't help either :(09:46
well_laid_lawnit's just that you mentioned "after updating Lucid with the KDE SC 4.5 debs"09:47
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egonwwell_laid_lawn: just a sanity check... what's the exact version number I should have for kdebase?09:49
well_laid_lawnegonw: in kde4.5? - I wouldn't know09:49
Torchegonw: on a shell, what does "kioclient cat 'file:/<some file that exists>'" give you?09:52
Torchegonw: be sure to turn on debug output with kdebugdialog first09:52
egonw$ kioclient cat 'file:///home/egonw/foo.tmp'09:53
egonw<unknown program name>(9252)/ ClientApp::doIt: Creating ClientApp09:53
egonwkioclient(9252) KSharedUiServerProxy::KSharedUiServerProxy: kuiserver registered09:53
egonwkioclient(9252): couldn't create slave: "Unable to create io-slave:09:53
egonwklauncher said: Error loading 'kio_file'.09:53
FloodBotK2egonw: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:53
Torchegonw: anything after this:09:54
Torch[10:53:18] <egonw> klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_file'.09:54
Torchegonw: do you have /usr/share/kde4/services/file.protocol ?09:54
Torchegonw: pastebin it please, just to make sure it looks valid09:55
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:56
egonwTorch: http://gist.github.com/52900809:56
Torchegonw: looks fine09:56
Torchegonw: sorry, no more ideas. if you already tried a new user, there's nothing else i can think of to check right now. you could ask on #kde09:58
egonwok, thanx!09:58
howlymowlyhi guys. i just found out there is no kivio, yet in the repositories on kubuntu 10.04?10:47
howlymowlyso... why is that :)?10:47
Lekensteynlet me c10:47
LekensteynYou're right, there's no for 10.0410:48
Torchhowlymowly: kivio isn't yet ported to kde410:49
Torchhowlymowly: or, well, it is. but not fully. in any way, there are no releases for KDE410:49
howlymowlyTorch: so..  is all that's required someone compilingit and build a deb package for the repositories?10:50
howlymowlymaybe I could do that ^^?10:50
Torchhowlymowly: no. someone would have to finish coding the kde4 version.10:50
Torchhowlymowly: the koffice dev team is extremely short on manpower10:50
howlymowlyahh ok, i c but they really do an impressive job :)  i like koffice better thatn oo.org :)10:51
howlymowlymaybe I should get familiar a little bit more with the kde libs so I could occasionally help them out :)10:53
howlymowlyTorch: there is just one thing: kivio was present in karmic.. but karmic also had kde4 running..  or are there some additional dependencies with kde 4.4?10:55
howlymowlyin lucid..10:55
Torchhowlymowly: if it was in karmic, it was the kde3 version10:55
howlymowlykk.  i c10:55
benedict hi @ all! I`m using Blueman and I get a "Connection attempt failed" if i wanna connect to my bluetooth headset. Blueman seems to find the headset but does not connect. Do you have any suggestions on this case? Or is there a possibility to debug it? Where are the logs saved?11:03
howlymowlyso...  is there some repository which allows me to install the 1.6x stable series of koffice instead of the new version?11:06
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bigjoolsHi.  I did a kmail search of my Trash folder and it pops up an error dialog "Searching of folder Trash failed, The server returned: Error in IMAP command UID SEARCH: Missing '"'11:40
bigjoolsthat also now happens every time I move a message to Trash :(11:40
CruelCoketried kubuntu, it failed to boot11:43
glaucousI'm having a quite big problem here, I can't boot into kdm. Nothing happens, I have no-gui-boot so that I see all that happens. Programs and so on seem to start (fancontrol), but kdm doesn't. I tried recovery mode, which works, but when trying fauksafeX it just goes black for a few seconds then back to the menu11:49
glaucousAnd when I go to root prompt and type "kdm", I get to the user boot sequence and then it hangs.11:50
glaucousKDE 4.5, it have worked for days11:50
glaucousNow when I boot it actually seems to boot into the login screen (without gui..), but the screen flashes, a few green spots, and then I get to tty2 text login11:56
Riddellbigjools: no immediate ideas I'm afraid, please report a bug and I'll ask around11:57
benedicthi! I ve got a further question. Is there a tool or a programm that is able to migrate guests of a vserver onto a "normal" system?12:09
Torchbenedict: if it's linux a file-by-file-copy will work12:11
benedictTorch: Yes it is linux ;) But i thought that there is a solution more elegant12:13
Torchbenedict: what could be more elegant than that?12:14
benedictok, youre right^^ copy paste is really mighty ^^12:17
egonwTorch: I might have a clue... kde-config is not available... that used to be in the package kdelibs4c2a, but there is no 4.5.0 equivalent...12:17
Torchegonw: kde-config is a kde3 tool12:18
Torchegonw: the kde4 equivalent is called kde4-config.12:18
egonwoh... that would explain it is missing too... what's the kde4 equivalent?12:18
Torchegonw: but it should not be required for ioslaves to work.12:19
egonwok, that one I do have :)12:19
egonwTorch: I was looking at http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/KIO_Slaves/Hello_World12:19
Torchegonw: but that page also mentions kde4-config exclusively12:20
egonwindeed... :( major event of temp dyslexia12:20
egonwTorch: what should the value look like?12:22
Torchegonw: heh. don't worry.12:22
egonwit actually points to my $HOME/.kde/lib/kde4 which does not exist12:22
Torchegonw: the output of kde4-config? it should point to there kio_file.so and kio_file.protocol are installed12:22
Torchegonw: huh? that sounds odd.12:22
Torchegonw: it should have the global one too12:23
egonwTorch: it does12:23
egonwand it's the right place too12:23
Torchegonw: then all is fine12:23
egonwTorch: do you spot anything unusual here: http://gist.github.com/529467 ?12:23
egonwmaybe the slave not found is just a side effect...12:24
Torchegonw: maybe. but kioclient from the shell did not work... that's pretty strong evidence there's something wrong with KIO12:24
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glaucousIs there a way to check most recent updates? My problem happened after reboot, and I'm quite sure there were some updates that day.12:30
Riddellbigjools: oh and let me know the bug number12:31
glaucousWhat's the best way to "repair" Kubuntu without losing programs and settings?12:47
jussiglaucous: what happened that it needs repair?12:54
glaucousjussi: I think KDM has stopped working. - A small post here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9729569#post972956912:55
jussiglaucous: aticonfig --help12:55
jussiperhaps that will give you some joy, reconfiguring the graphics card12:56
glaucousjussi: Hopefully that is the problem. It worked yesterday, so something has changed..12:56
jussiglaucous: oh, and before you do12:57
jussirun: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:57
glaucousjussi: I've done that once since KDE 4.5, but I guess I can check it again12:57
jussiglaucous: yeah, give it a go, just to make sure12:58
glaucousNope, no updates12:58
glaucousaticonfig sure has an insane amount of options12:58
jussiok, try reconfiguring the graphics, but Im not certain by any means that will help.12:58
Torch(it might help to check why X does not start in /var/log/Xorg.0.log)12:58
jussiTorch: good point12:58
glaucousI will, hang on12:59
glaucousAll of the logs are empty13:00
glaucousI did cat syslog | grep kdm . A lot of "X server died during startup"13:03
glaucousAnd "Failed to start X server. Starting failsafe X server."13:03
glaucousAt every boot13:04
glaucousaticonfig --initial should reset xorg.conf, which it does. But it doesn't solve anything.13:15
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glaucousWhat other reason could there be for X server not being able to start?13:31
bigjoolsRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/+bug/61920213:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 619202 in Ubuntu Website "Redirect /employment to webapps.ubuntu.com/employment" [Undecided,Won't fix]13:38
bigjoolsummm no ubottu13:38
BluesKajhey all13:39
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Solow_I just installed kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu, and it looks GREAT I really love it14:12
Solow_One small detail thouh... I keep getting errors about bookmarks...?14:12
Solow_I just chmod 777 -R ./home/wesley/.kde/*14:17
Solow_worked like a charm14:17
starslightshello to everyone, i have updated my system today (Lucid LVM 10.04 64 ) and was a pretty big update, after rebooting, most applications like Dolphin, konsole, and many more take 10 to 30 second to start if it their can14:27
starslightsmy question are that for the moment only the konsole still unable to start and i see a processus named "konsole", it is the konsole  (terminal) ?14:28
starslightsif yes , i will kill it and restart the konsole, but i prefear to be sure before, thanks in advance14:29
ajeetHello Guys14:31
amichairIs there a way to see the entire konsole command history (instead of going one by one pressing up)?14:31
ajeetToday Ubuntu 10.04.1 is going to release14:31
ajeetWhen will it be announced ?14:31
ajeetAny Idea?14:31
ajeetAs per http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=ODQzMA14:32
ajeetit will release today14:32
ajeetI am waiting since morning14:32
tranquilwatersamichair: should be in ~/.bash_history14:32
Tm_Tajeet: why you're waiting?14:32
phoenix_hello everyone14:33
starslightsah yes, it was the right processus and worked now but still seriuosly bugged, sad14:33
ajeetJust want to test it14:33
ajeetIts my Hobby14:33
amichairtranquilwaters: nice, thanks14:33
ajeetI test all new releases14:34
ajeetand make it in blog14:34
Tm_Tajeet: ah, it's just 10.04 with current updates (:14:34
amichairtranquilwaters: I was hoping there a command where u can just select a line from the list, but this is almost as good14:34
tranquilwatersamichair: np14:34
ajeetBut 10.04 is bad14:34
ajeetwith wifi14:34
ajeet9.10 ..is what I love to work14:34
ajeetEsp GRUB2 sucks !!14:35
starslightsyep, like Tm_T say, it's just the new big update, without it work flawlessly :D14:36
phoenix_i think 10.04 is better14:36
Solow_how do I check what version I have?14:38
Solow_of kubuntu desktop14:39
starslightswhat i wait, is the new kernel , it must fix this time the HDMI conflict in the kernel and for that i am impatient :)14:39
phoenix_Solow_: uname -v14:39
Solow_it says14:40
phoenix_Solow_: try uname -r14:40
Solow_#39-Ubuntu smp date14:40
phoenix_Solow_: you want the kernel version or kde version , or kubuntu version14:41
Solow_uhm, I have ubuntu installed, just installed kubuntu-desktop14:42
Solow_So I guess I want to know the... kde version?14:42
gvandeweyerhi, may sound as a dumb question but here i go: where is user management in kubuntu lucid ?14:43
gvandeweyerok, found it, nevermind...14:43
gvandeweyeradvanced tabs to the rescue :-S14:44
phoenix_Solow_: open any kde application example dolphin, in the help menu click about kde14:44
Tm_Tstarslights: rather, 10.04.1 is just uptodate 10.0414:44
Solow_I really like it :)14:45
Solow_It just, messes up firefox14:45
starslightsTm_T:  hum sorry, i don't have get you, i am on 10.04 , i just make the traditional update14:45
phoenix_Solow_: whats wrong with firefox14:46
Solow_phoenix_: it's called namoroka?14:47
Tm_Tstarslights: so you have what 10.04.1 is, its just new cd image with the updates you have already installed14:47
phoenix_Solow_: namoroka?14:47
starslightsah ok, i understand what youmean, the new package was commited in this one , thanks for your explain14:48
Solow_phoenix_: yes.14:48
tranquilwatersgvandeweyer: in kde4.5 the control center is rearranged and all back on one page ;-) Did you know you can search with the text box at the top of the control center? it helps me find stuff when i forget where some setting is14:53
phoenix_tranquilwaters: the search is not very effective14:56
tranquilwatersphoenix: ok I can agree with that, you do need to know the title of the category you are looking for14:59
tranquilwatersphoenix: but i think 'User' would help14:59
phoenix_tranquilwaters: ya14:59
tranquilwatersphoenix: the search can definitely be improved though. However, i must say i do like the popup-menus, they are quite helpful14:59
tranquilwatersoverall kde does get better with each new update :D15:00
phoenix_have you people seen this , a guy has tattooed the ubuntu symbol. http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/173415:00
tranquilwatershehe I would never do that15:02
tranquilwatersthough I can appreciate the story behind him15:02
tranquilwatersafter all, the buntu logo has more meaning that most tribals-on-butts :P15:02
phoenix_tranquilwaters: its good know that someone likes and understands the concept of ubuntu15:04
tranquilwatersphoenix: I agree :-)15:19
saju_mI want to calculate resource utilization(n Float) of Virtual Machine15:20
saju_mbased on cpu, memory, disk and network and set a score(in Integer)15:20
saju_mbased on that.How can i do that.I have cpu, memory, disk and network15:20
saju_mutilization (float value). Have any idea about this calculation?.15:20
FloodBotK2saju_m: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:20
tranquilwatersphoenix: I still think his tattoo would have looked nicer if it was just a bit smaller :P15:20
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phoenix_saju_m: are you trying to make a benchmark application?15:28
FloridaGuyi can install kdebase4 4.5.0 in ubuntu and use 300 + mb ram...in mandriva the same setup and only be useing a 160 to 250 mb ram ! why is that ?15:53
FloridaGuysame number of packages15:54
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solowHow come my desktop files dont show up on my desktop?15:56
mrdkHow can I remove KDE from ubuntu?16:49
mrdkDo I need to use rm /r /f?16:49
mrdkor do I need to compile the coreutils using GHC instead of GCC?16:50
mrdkbtw I can recommend the movie Satan's School For Lust16:51
mrdkoh shit, wrong channel16:51
mrdkI mean the last message16:51
bazhang!ops | mrdk16:51
ubottumrdk: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, apachelogger, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger16:51
killin1a4How would you change the plymouth graphical boot color gradient16:54
Riddellkillin1a4: the source is from kubuntu-default-settings16:56
killin1a4I have edited "/lib/plymouth/themes/kubuntu-logo/kubuntu-logo.script" and ran "update-initramfs -u"16:56
killin1a4lines 167-168 i think16:56
killin1a4still no change16:56
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killin1a4I have successfully changed the logo, and would like to to change the blue-black gradient to grey-black16:58
killin1a4any help would be greatly appreciated, I'll idle here, maybe someone can help17:00
RiddellI would apt-get source kubuntu-default-settings; edit lib/plymouth/themes/kubuntu-logo/; debuild and dpkg --install the .deb17:00
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VeinJuHey guys, I need to know what is the adress web of the official kubuntu repository ?17:44
jussiVeinJu: packages.ubuntu.com17:54
VeinJujussi, thanx !17:57
Peace-:) hi channel18:00
jussiVeinJu: yw18:00
solowHow come my desktop files dont show up on my desktop?18:21
Torchsolow: add a folder view widget18:22
solowNah I like it this way, I get all frustrated if my desktop is full of crap18:22
solowI just wanted to know how it's done18:22
rorksolow: rightclick > desktop activity settings > activity > folder view18:26
solownice :D18:26
solowI must say I love it18:26
solowIt's so clean, simple18:26
rorkso is mine: empty :)18:27
solowNo files filling up my desktop18:27
solowminimal icons in the taskbar18:27
solowjust the favorites18:27
solowI dont know if you're a programmer18:27
solowbut this is really useful for me.18:27
jhutchins_ltWho keeps files in their desktop folder anyway?18:27
solowI'm working on this machin 18/718:27
solowjhutchins_lt, I do. Don't feel like ordering everything18:28
solowBut I just love it. It keeps my mind clear18:28
solowinlike, jolicloud, and the god awful gnome ubuntu18:28
hoarei guys18:38
hoareI have a 7z file18:38
hoarebut Ark says that there is nothing in it18:38
=== trevor is now known as trevor__
hoareI cant see anything in it w/ ark18:38
hoarehowever 7z l file.7z18:38
hoarehas contents18:38
pendocksomebody please tell me how to stop kpackagekit updating packages18:40
pendockit wont stop18:40
pendockI made a mistake and its downloading from the wrong server18:41
pendockIf it continues its going to kill my download limit18:41
pendockbut it wont stop18:41
pendockthis is terrible18:43
KomiaPoikai installed kubuntu 10.04 on a macbook, but it doesn't seem to find the airport. any quickfix for this?18:44
ironbeardneed help adding someone to the sudoers file in kubuntu 10.04. is there a simple way about this?18:45
Piciironbeard: Add them to the admin group.18:47
ironbeardah, okay. i guess i confused admin with root.thanks18:48
Piciironbeard: The admin group is listed in sudoers, its easier to add a user to the group than it is to add them manually to sudoers.18:49
ironbeardsweet, thanks18:50
solowIs it possible to add my own file to favorites/18:55
solowA links18:55
ironbeardsolow: which version do you have?18:58
solowironbeard, I've created a tool in bash, which I wish to run from an icon, added to the favs.19:00
ironbeardsolow: at one point they fixed it so you could drag and drop icons in the favorites menu, but before that i recall having to edit config files... try dragging an icon from another menu.19:00
solowI dont even know how to run the command directly19:00
solowironbeard, it just re-orders the current favorites19:01
ironbeardsolow: hmm, not sure. sorry19:01
progre55Hi people! For the second day now I keep getting a weird message saying "Cound not start 'KTTSD'". Is it anything serious?19:01
ironbeardim noobish though, so maybe someone else can help19:02
rorkprogre55: KTTS is the KDE Text To Speech System: http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Text-To-Speech If you can read well it shouldn't be much of a problem I'd say19:04
progre55rork: but still it's kinda annoying.. it disables all my panels unless I click "ok" =)19:06
rorksolow: open kmenueditor and make a new item anywhere in the menu. Give your shell script as command (e.g. /home/usr/myscript.sh), you may want to set "Run in terminal" under the advanced tap19:06
rorksolow: then rightclick the icon in the menu and click add to favourites19:07
solowrork, nice work-around.19:07
James147progre55: you might have told the clock to speak the time :)19:08
progre55James147: oh yeah, I just remembered )))19:09
progre55James147: but why doesnt it work?19:09
James147progre55: because kttsd failed :)19:09
progre55is there anything else I need to install?19:09
condonJust installed some updates and my volume control disappeared (even after restart)  How do I get it back?19:09
KomiaPoikai installed kubuntu 10.04 on a macbook, but it doesn't seem to find the airport. any quickfix for this?19:09
condonkbuutnu 10.04\19:09
James147progre55: last time i tryed kttsd i spend 1/2 a day trying to get it to work and then it broak the next day...19:10
solowI accidentaly clicked remove this task launcher....19:10
progre55James147: lol :D then I'll just give up ))19:10
solowHow do I get it back?19:10
rorkcondon: does Kickoff > Applications > Multimedia > KMix get it back?19:10
rorksolow: rightclick the menubar, add widget, application launcher19:11
progre55oh, kttsd is not even installed apparently ))19:11
James147solow: the "Task manager"? right click the desktop or panel > add widget > search: "Task Manager" > drag it back to where you want it19:11
solowLooks about right, just different19:12
James147progre55: not sure that its current state is, but in 4.4 it wasnt very stable at all... i am gona wait till 4.6 and try it again then19:12
solowNow the open programs have borders, before removing them they didnt19:12
solowah fixed!19:12
solowthanks a LOT19:12
=== ulf is now known as Guest86232
dhqi need help with 5.1sound in my laptop19:41
dhqi have 3 front 3.5mm ports19:41
dhqi used to be able to use it before19:41
dhqbut after a fresh install of 10.04 it doesnt work19:41
dhq00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)19:41
ubottuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto19:43
=== IdleOne is now known as NattyOne
=== NattyOne is now known as IdleOne
solowwhere can i find the trash?19:51
well_laid_lawnin ~/.local/share afaik19:52
KomiaPoikawhat is the name of the package to get ubuntu driver for macbook airport? bcw43-fwcutter or something19:53
well_laid_lawn!find bcw4319:54
ubottuPackage/file bcw43 does not exist in lucid19:54
well_laid_lawn!find bcw43*19:54
solow!find fwcutter19:56
ubottuFound: b43-fwcutter19:56
solowwhy is my task bar screwed up :p19:57
solowthere are icons overlapping eachother everywhere19:57
otto___how do i get the source for konqueror?20:08
dhqneed help with 5.1 in my laptop20:12
solowI fixed it by rebuilding the entire menu from a panel o.020:13
=== IdleOne is now known as Narwhal
=== Narwhal is now known as IdleOne
=== IdleOne is now known as Narwhal
otto___how do i get info about where a package is installed?20:29
Piciotto___: dpkg -L packagename20:32
otto___apt-get uses dpkg right?20:33
Piciotto___: Yes.20:33
otto___how can i find the source code for konqueror-plugin-searchbar20:35
otto___i don't see any source files in the output from dpkg -L konqueror-plugin-searchbar20:35
otto___google doesn't seem to turn up much20:36
Piciotto___: source files?20:37
otto___the source code20:38
Piciotto___: The source isn't downloaded when you install packages.20:39
Piciapt-get source packagename20:39
=== Me is now known as Guest385
=== someone is now known as Guest18634
martijn81hi, i noticed that 10.04.1 would came out today. I wanted to help seed this iso for a while, but when will this iso be released? Thanks for your time...21:01
AyserHello, can anybody help me with my Kubuntu?  I am having some internet issues21:04
AyserIs anyone here that can help?21:05
AyserCan anybody help me?  I can't connect to the itnernet through Kubuntu21:08
fabbio84hi everyone21:18
fabbio84i have a problem with a partition, in ubuntu after i created a partition there's an icon to click, here in kubuntu after the creation where i should click?21:20
Riddell** testers needed for Amarok beta, maverick and lucid https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/beta21:42
myndianmyndian: I am having an odd problem since I upgraded from karmic to lucid. When using any of the TTY's, the characters "^@" randomly get thrown into what I am typing... I investigated this with showkey-s and got some odd results... PASTEBIN - http://paste.ubuntu.com/479580/plain - Can anyone help?21:47
=== root is now known as Guest12330
tuxifierRiddell: stored the link - I'll give it a try22:24
groenatorHello world22:29
groenatorIs any application like acronis for kubuntu, I know about clonezilla but I would like to use something else22:30
tuxifiergroenator: dd or ghost4unix22:32
groenatorok thank you, I will have a look22:33
tuxifiergroenator: I thing ghost4unix is what you want - is a live cd22:33
tuxifiergroenator: http://www.feyrer.de/g4u/22:35
groenatordoes it work for macbook, is like clonezilla?22:36
tuxifiershould work for everything - I tried wintendo (windows) and several unixes22:37
tuxifiernever tried apple don't know if hfs will work22:38
tuxifierit is late in germany - off for a nap22:39
groenatori have seen it just 1.44 mg file, so I am thinking to do a usb boot up, can I use a usb instead of CD22:43
aprendizalguien habla espaƱol22:43
manuel_que onda como estan?22:44
manuel_how are ya ppl?22:44
aprendizbien bien solo queria saber por ahora no tengo ninguna pregunta muchas gracias22:45
manuel_de acuerdo22:45
manuel_anyone here?22:50
manuel_how i can join to another chat hostings??22:53
Guest29483If i install the latest version of Kubuntu and want to upgrade to the latest version of KDE, are there any issues that I should be aware of?23:45
=== aboudreault_ is now known as AlanB

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