
wgrantyofel: Everything should be running OK again.00:29
wgrantyofel: Problem identified, and bug filed.00:29
* yofel hugs wgrant00:30
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
MTecknologyUnder "Destination PPA:" for copying/rebuilding packages for a different series - what's the point of having "This PPA" an option?05:35
MTecknologyIt can't be done..05:35
MTecknologyOr is it just me?05:36
MTecknologyok.. I can do it in one ppa - but not another05:36
SpamapSMTecknology: its for copying between different series05:48
SpamapSMTecknology: so you can just copy your maverick package ot lucid for instance, and it will rebuild w/ lucid's libraries05:49
micahgSpamapS: no you cannot, you can't have the same version twice in teh same archive05:49
SpamapSErr.. you sure?05:50
SpamapSI thought it was in the same "archive+series"05:50
micahgSpamapS: no, you can't "upload" the same version twice, so when it would get rebuilt in another series it would fail to upload05:51
SpamapSso why does that option exist.. seems rather silly05:53
SpamapSIf you have "This PPA" selected, it shouldn't allow you to choose Rebuild.05:53
wgrantSpamapS: Right. But there's no JS to disable the option.06:04
wgrantCopying to another series with binaries is fine.06:04
wgrantAnd often done.06:04
MTecknologywgrant: that's what I'm trying to do06:07
MTecknologywgrant: https://edge.launchpad.net/~mtecknology/+archive/sysapps/+copy-packages06:08
MTecknologywgrant: copy Lucid->Maverick06:08
micahgMTecknology: are you copying exinsting binaries?06:09
MTecknologymicahg: ya06:09
wgrantMTecknology: Does it not work?06:10
wgrantThere is a bug where in some obscure situations after a copy, further copies will be impossible.06:11
micahgwgrant: maybe that's it, it seems like it was copied once already06:11
MTecknologyThe following source cannot be copied:06:11
MTecknology* lal 1.1-0ppa2 in lucid (binaries conflicting with the existing ones)06:11
wgrantMTecknology: Did one of the builds in the original series fail?06:11
wgrantOr does the new series have more architectures (eg. lpia?)06:12
MTecknologywgrant: It's been so long I can't remember..06:12
MTecknologywgrant: I'll assume that's what happened06:13
MTecknologywgrant: Don't you love me? I have to be about the biggest thorn in your side..06:13
wgrantDon't worry, there are much larger ones :P06:13
* StevenK waves06:13
StevenK(At wgrant, specifically)06:14
wgrantGET OUT OF MY SIDE!06:14
MTecknologyI upgraded to 10.10 - and wiped all the extra mackages it wanted to isntall. It's a laptop - if I ever get over 600 packages installed on it I get antsy06:15
MTecknologyMy custom kernel makes things wanna work that much better06:15
MTecknologycody-somerville: heya, how ya been?06:17
cody-somervillenot too shabby06:17
cody-somervillewent for a run tonight06:17
cody-somervilleneed to buy new running shoes :(06:18
MTecknologysounds like a fun time06:18
MTecknologyI miss being able to run. I can finally take brisk walks again06:19
StevenK% dpkg -l | wc -l06:19
MTecknologydoh.. I need to install less06:20
MTecknologyswoody: you know dpkg -l adds a spiffy header, right?06:20
StevenKMTecknology: Which is about 3 lines, and?06:20
StevenKGiven the number of packages is over 2,100, an extra 3 lines doesn't affect it much06:21
MTecknologyStevenK: looked like 5 to me06:21
StevenK*About* 306:21
* StevenK beats MTecknology with a stick of semantics06:21
MTecknologyStevenK: You apparently don't know me "that" well yet06:22
MTecknologyStevenK: I have 598 installed. I'd have a lot less if I didn't compile things, use cvs, git, bzr, and a few other heavy utilities06:22
MTecknologyThis is the only system I have - it's a laptop - I Like to keep it light06:23
MTecknologybuild-essential is actually a pretty small package for what it does..06:23
MTecknologyok.. beddy bye time06:24
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harpreethi every one08:21
harpreeti had a problem in logging in to lanuchpad, so i reported it (by clicking on the "https://login.launchpad.net/FClnWqj37rhpBCZd/+decide" link at the bottom of the page), it logged an issue in canonical, now i have recieved a mail in respoce to the issue, and i want to update it with screenshots.08:24
harpreetSo the question here is how to see that issue again , i mean the link i am not able to search it.08:24
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loolbigjools: Heya, can you help creating a sparc build record for glib2.0?  I've removed the Pas entry, but Launchpad doens't create missing build records when that happened10:32
bigjoolslool: I don't have any way of doing that, the easiest route is to upload a new version10:34
bigjoolswe have a script that adds builds for PPAs, you could file a bug to extend it to use for Ubuntu10:35
loolbigjools: lamont mentioned a script which would do that, but said it was creating way too many build records10:35
loolI'll upload a new version then   :-/10:35
bigjoolslool: I'm not sure what lamont is referring to10:36
bigjoolsah that10:36
bigjoolstalk about the sledgehammer approach ...10:37
wgrantWell, it used to the The Way.10:37
wgrants/to/to be/10:37
bigjoolsyeah and it shared a lock file with the old slave scanner!10:38
wgrantThere's still more code there that I need to delete :(10:38
bigjoolswe need to delete the security upload stuff too10:38
wgrantI was wondering if we wanted to preserve mixed upload support at all.10:39
wgrantI guess not.10:39
bigjoolsit's totall redundant10:39
wgrantI guess that even means that the build creation logic can be put out of its misery.10:40
bigjoolswgrant: regarding the bug about resume trigger, URGH.10:42
bigjoolswgrant: handleTimeout should not be trying to reset the builder10:42
bigjoolsbecause it'll get reset the next time we try and dispatch anyway10:42
wgrantbigjools: But we won't dispatch unless it's available, will we?10:43
bigjoolsnotice that it just fails non-virtual builders10:43
bigjoolswgrant: it's still available isn't it?10:43
wgrantbigjools: This is the case where it's not responding.10:44
wgrantWe want to make sure it's not completely dead before we try to dispatch to it.10:44
bigjoolsso it might be a brownout, the next dispatch will try and reset it *asynchronously*10:44
wgrantYes, it's probably not a completely sane way of doing it.10:44
wgrantBut it's not entirely wrong either.10:44
bigjoolsand if that fails we mark it down10:45
lamontbigjools: I kind of came to the conclusion that it was a bit of a sledgehammer12:41
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paultagHey Launchpad. Is there any way I can be set to the bug supervisor for ubuntu/+source/fluxbox? I'm a co-maintainer, and the only ubuntu guy, I'd like to manage the bugs ( since the maintainer does not )14:05
paultagPTS -- http://packages.qa.debian.org/f/fluxbox.html14:05
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gmbpaultag, It's not possible to set the bug supervisor for a source package; that's inherited from the distribution.14:10
paultaggmb: I was afraid of that :) -- is there any way to set that field to a team and override or something? I just hate to not be able to close bugs that I fix / won't fix :)14:11
gmbpaultag, Well, it's inherited from the distro and the distro's bug supervisor is the Ubuntu Bugs team. If you were a member of that team you would have the necessary permissions.14:12
paultaggmb: OK. Thanks :)14:13
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czajkowskiOmahn: :)16:03
Omahnczajkowski: Hello! :-)16:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 489142 in cacti (Ubuntu) "All scripts in /usr/share/cacti/cli have a wrong path to the include directory (affected: 3, heat: 30)" [Medium,Confirmed]16:04
OmahnI would like to mark that bug as fixed since Lucid and then indicate that earlier releases still have an issue. Do I achieve this by setting status to 'fix released' and then using 'nominate for release' to show the versions that still have the bug present?16:05
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czajkowskino LP admins?16:15
OmahnI'm sure someone will answer eventually :-)16:15
OmahnI think I've found the answer to my question: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates?highlight=%28nominate\+for\+release%2916:20
czajkowskimrevell: my dear are we all confirmed?16:26
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mrevellczajkowski, PM17:13
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* czajkowski hugs mrevell 17:37
Green00000i have a question of deleting my launchpad-account.18:19
Green00000i deleted my account, but the login is just active.18:20
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xnoxdo daily builds trigger only on changes in the base branch or *any* of the branches which are part of the packaging?19:02
xnox(my recipe has "packaging" as base with "upstream" code nestted in subdirs)19:03
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nhandlerHmm...Can anyone help me confirm another strange chromium + rosetta potential bug? Simply go to https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/classbot/trunk/+pots/classbot and check if the columns show a — or a 0. Chromium shows a —, but my iPod touch showed a 019:39
paultagHey LP. I'm playing with recipes. my debdir is set up for 3.0 quilt, and I think that's wrong. What should it be set up to do?19:45
paultagpbuilder failure here -- http://pastebin.com/8XF19Rve19:45
shadeslayerpaultag: wrong file path?19:49
shadeslayerline 1019:49
shadeslayerfix your rules19:49
paultagshadeslayer: it's not calling autogen19:49
paultagshadeslayer: because I think it's not in 3.0 format and it wants it to be done manually19:50
paultagshadeslayer: path is right, but out of order19:50
shadeslayerpaultag: pastebin rules file19:50
paultagshadeslayer: sec. it's a mess19:50
shadeslayerquickly im going to drop dead any sec now :P19:51
paultagshadeslayer: http://pastebin.com/iAVTUAKF19:51
paultagshadeslayer: that's from my upstream builds. Works fine when I do it by hand :)19:51
shadeslayermy god....19:52
shadeslayerPACKAGE = fluxbox << new for me19:52
shadeslayersee this is precisely why i use KDE :P19:52
paultagshadeslayer: yeah yeah yeah. I've been meaning to fix it. In all fairness it works fine :)19:52
paultagas seen on http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/fluxbox.git;a=blob_plain;f=fluxbox-1.1.1%2Bgit20100807.0cc08f9/debian/rules;hb=ea395692f5426b541a08c49cfc0c1226472eb8eb <-- ;)19:53
shadeslayerso it works for debian19:54
shadeslayerbut not on LP ?19:54
paultagshadeslayer: yes, but from what I can see, since it's in src3, it looks for the orig.tar.gz, fails to find it and borks19:55
paultagshadeslayer: it looks like it's falling back on 1.0 and might require explicit calls, but I was wondering if this was just the way I've been seeing it, or if it actually is19:55
paultagshadeslayer: also note it's recipes off a few git branches19:55
shadeslayerno idea19:56
paultagOh wtf19:56
paultagthe build farm is throwing a different error19:56
paultagthanks for your help shadeslayer19:58
shadeslayerpaultag: whut help? :P19:58
shadeslayeri didnt do anything :)19:58
shadeslayeranyways im off to sleep, so ciao19:59
yofelshadeslayer: afaik recipes only accept '3.0 (native)' as source format, (quilt) requires a .orig.tar.* which native doesn't create20:06
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flacostemorning lifeless20:26
jelmeryofel, shadeslayer: Yeah, we don't support non-native packages just yet (see https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/SourcePackageRecipeBuilds)20:35
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lifelesshi flacoste21:18
flacostehi lifeless, on the phone21:19
lifelessflacoste: de nada, just replying to your hi earlier ;)21:20
bilbo-the-hobbitcan someone help me here ?21:41
bilbo-the-hobbiti try to merge a team that i am owner with my profile because its easier21:41
bilbo-the-hobbiti succeded one time with another be can't remember how ?21:42
ahasenackhey guys, I reset the password for a private ppa I have access to and got a new one. That was more than 10min ago. Now both passwords (the old one and the new one) work, not just the new one21:42
maxbbilbo-the-hobbit: You definitely cannot merge a team with a person21:52
bilbo-the-hobbitmaybe i explain wrong but i'am the debian maintener of the gosa/goto package suite in debian and was able to merge the two set under my21:53
bilbo-the-hobbitlaunchpad account21:53
bilbo-the-hobbiti want to do the same with the ofed packages for whom i'am also responsible21:53
bilbo-the-hobbitlook at my page21:54
maxbbilbo-the-hobbit: Sorry, I don't understand what you're trying to do? Is there some page in Launchpad you can point to as an example?21:54
bilbo-the-hobbityes its fusy for me also ;-)21:54
bilbo-the-hobbitthis is my page21:54
bilbo-the-hobbityou can see that in the email you have both mine and gosa-pkg21:55
bilbo-the-hobbiti want to do the same for this group21:56
bilbo-the-hobbitso i can see all my package in one place21:56
maxberm... what does the email address have to do with seeing packages?21:56
bilbo-the-hobbiti remember that when i take the ownership of the gosa-pkg i got presente a page asking if i wanted to merge21:57
bilbo-the-hobbitbut not in the case of pkg-ofed .. or maybe i have done something wrong this time21:57
maxbI think it is wrong and confusing to have the team email address gosa-pkg@oss.gonicus.de associated with a person21:58
bilbo-the-hobbitits easier for me21:59
maxbWell, it's still a misrepresentation of the truth22:00
bilbo-the-hobbitmaxb: ????22:00
maxbIt's not your email address, it's a team email address22:00
* bilbo-the-hobbit doing the packaging on debian so its me22:00
maxbIt's factually incorrect22:00
bilbo-the-hobbitplease just tell me if i can do what i need or not ...22:01
bilbo-the-hobbitok moving ....22:09
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
lvhhey. I'm reading https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/Karma, but I don't understand why karma for a new project appears to cap out at 10022:26
lvhhow does that work?22:26
wgrantlvh: It doesn't. What suggests that?22:26
lvhI have my own little pet project, I did a bunch of stuff, got to 100 karma very quickly, added some extra blueprints and a bug, and I'm still at 100 karma.22:27
lvhMaybe it's just taking long to update?22:27
wgrantIt's meant to be updated daily, but it's possible that something's gone wrong and it's happening less frequently at the momnet.22:28
lvhAha. Okay, thanks.22:28
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