
=== ian_brasil___ is now known as ian_brasil
DanaGSay, any new news on getting dkms for powervr?04:43
DanaGBeagleboard, specifically.04:43
rcn-eeone of the linaro kernel guys pinged me about it last week.. (his dvi display wasn't working) but he has some questions on my sgx module patches..04:45
DanaGIt really sucks that TI is so uptight about their graphics... they should take an example from nvidia, of all people.04:46
DanaGIt's also confusing... for an Ubuntu beagleboard, do I need psp-sdk?04:46
DanaGoh yeah, and thanks for the new setup script -- setup_sdcard.sh04:47
DanaGThough, one improvement: it needs to "inhibit" automount as gparted does, or sometimes you get "Can't reread partition table".04:48
rcn-eeumm.. TI can't do anything about it..  By licenseing the core from imgtek (first mistake), TI has some rights, but imgtek makes the rules..04:48
DanaGOr TI should at least make the build script not phail.04:48
DanaGAnd even when inhibited, the error still sometimes happens.04:48
rcn-eedo you know anyway to in inhibit, other then going into gconf and turning it off?04:49
DanaGIt's probably a dbus call.04:49
DanaGor udisks --inhibit04:50
rcn-eeinteresting, i'll give that a try tomorrow.. hopefully in time for the 10.04.1 image, thanks DanaG04:53
DanaGah, and when I tried to deploy btrfs, I got lack of fsck.btrfs.04:54
rcn-eeyeap, i've seen that too... i even added btrfs-tools to the default roostock image, thinking that would help, but no.. (even alpha-3)04:56
DanaGArgh, stupid wireshark...04:56
DanaGI try to type "usb0" in capture interface box, I get:04:57
DanaGAnd wlan0 is ub0s04:57
DanaGAnd eth0 is eh0t04:57
DanaGNote: I think the udisks call to inhibit runs only as long as the udisks command is running.04:58
DanaGSo, you may have to background it, then kill %something later.04:58
rcn-eeyeap, that's the way it looks in the man page..04:59
rcn-eeDanaG, what's weird, the package btrfs-tools contains 'fsck.btrfs' http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/i386/btrfs-tools/filelist kinda weird it isn't found at boot..05:03
DanaGIt must not end up in the initramfs, then?05:03
DanaGARGH, stupid EEM.05:04
DanaGI see packets of type 0xbc59 from ff:ff:d6:e3:b3:a005:04
DanaGthat's not a valid MAC address!05:04
DanaGargh, and TI's mirrors are dog-slow...05:08
DanaG160 KB/sec on a connection that can do 500-600.05:08
DanaGWait, maybe it's wifi fail, or Charter fail.06:00
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
cooloneydoes anyone still meet this issue with Maverick on Beagle?07:58
cooloney[    2.557128] mmc0: error -110 whilst initialising SD card07:58
amitkcooloney: known bug that mathieu is working on08:00
lagcooloney: Are you hitting it?08:02
rsalveticooloney: I guess this was fixed with latest update08:03
lagcooloney: rsalveti: amitk: bug 59194108:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 591941 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "SDHC card not recognized (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 70)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59194108:04
cooloneyamitk: yeah, i guess so08:04
cooloneylag: i just hit that08:04
cooloneyrsalveti: i tried latest maverick kernel in our tree08:04
amitkrsalveti: lag: I don't consider that revert a 'fix'. It is a workaround at best :)08:05
lagMathieu and Robert are working on it08:05
rsalvetiyeah, true, they are still working on it08:06
cooloneyok, understood, thanks, bros08:06
lagamitk: Agreed, hence the present tense of my previous statement :)08:06
cooloneyi just wanna test the kexec things on maverick08:06
rsalvetithe bug that got fixed is the mtd one08:06
lagcooloney: Either do this:08:07
lag# CONFIG_SND_SOC is not set08:07
lagor turn off CONFIG_PREEMPT08:07
rsalvetiwell, time to get some sleep08:08
cooloneyrsalveti: good night08:09
cooloneylag: so that's config patch from Mathieu?08:10
lagcooloney: ?08:11
cooloneylag: i saw some discussion about the CPU_IDLE in the LP thread08:13
cooloneybut failed to find the CONFIG_SND_PCM stuff08:13
lagcooloney: Ignore CPU_IDLE08:14
lagI just turn off CONFIG_PREEMPT08:14
lagcooloney: Wait one08:14
cooloneylag: ah, i saw that, rcn-ee posted in his message08:15
cooloneylag: ok, let me disable PREEMPT08:15
lagcooloney: Do you know where it is?08:15
lagKernel Features -> Preemption Model08:16
lagChange it from Desktop to Server08:16
lagcooloney: Do you have a working kernel uImage that USB is proven to work with?08:17
lagcooloney: In fact the .deb would be more helpful08:17
cooloneylag: oh, haven't try USB much this time08:19
lagWould you mind?08:19
amitklag: could you try low-latency desktop for the pre-empt model. I noticed that Nokia ship with that enabled so their driver is tested in that environment08:20
cooloneylag: need i test it on omap4 panda or omap3 beagle?08:20
lagamitk: I've just looked, and that's what we have enabled at the moment - when did that happen?08:21
amitklag: I did ask Mathieu to try that out in response to his patch on the list08:21
lagcooloney: 408:22
amitkso that doesn't work either?08:22
lagamitk: I haven't tried08:22
* amitk is off to meet Tony08:22
lagamitk: I'll do so now though (neither of my boards work properly, so I may as well)08:22
lagamitk: Say hi from me :)08:23
cooloneylag: will test it later.08:26
lagHey npitre09:33
GrueMasterHey lag.09:34
lagMOrning GrueMaster09:34
lagHow's Oxford?09:34
GrueMasterSame as Oregon, just older.09:34
lagGrueMaster: I was there over the weekend Saturday was a bit drizzly, but Sunday was really nice09:35
GrueMasterYou should have stopped by.  I got here Saturday.09:35
lagGrueMaster: I was at a festival - I was in no state to be meeting colleagues :)09:36
lagGrueMaster: I should mention that it was a Cider Festival :)09:37
GrueMasterMore the reason to find me.09:37
lagGrueMaster: :)09:37
lagSo, what can I do you for?09:38
GrueMasterNothing really.  Just saying hey.09:38
lagGrueMaster: Ah, good morning09:38
lagGrueMaster: What's the plan for today?09:38
GrueMasterDid you say you needed to test something on panda?09:38
lagNo, I need a replacement09:39
GrueMasterI'm in the CoP QA meeting, but also have my omap hw.09:39
GrueMasterBut I would need an email from David before I could leave you with my es1.09:40
lagGrueMaster: Well if you have some spare cycles, feel free to test this: http://people.canonical.com/~ljones/usb-stopped-panda/09:40
lagThe USB on my Panda has stopped working09:40
lagI think it's hardware09:40
GrueMasterok, I'll pull it now and try it later this morning.09:40
lagExcellent, thanks09:41
GrueMasterDid you try rebooting with Alpha 3 image?09:42
lagI've tried Alpha 3, yes09:44
GrueMasterI hope this isn't another hardware killer patch from the kernel team.09:45
lagGrueMaster: It's more likely to be a userland issue09:47
GrueMasterogra: Have you noticed the reason for the image build failures? It appears that we are hanging on unity missing a package that exists in a ppa (from what I could find).09:48
GrueMasterlag: PLBKAC09:49
ograGrueMaster, have you noticed that tonights images have built ? :)09:49
GrueMasterNo, missed that.  Last email Ihad said fail.  Will pull immediately (but I believe oem-config is still bad).09:50
ograthe package was stuck in universe, pitti fixed that yesterday09:50
* ogra is just done with pulling, gunzipping already 09:50
lagGrueMaster: DYJMTUY?09:50
lagMy sentiments exactly09:51
lagDid You Just Make That Up Yourself?09:51
GrueMasterProblem Lies Between Keyboard and Chair.09:52
GrueMasterSD I/O is slowwwww.10:04
ograNCommander, could you put http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-mobile-assigned-bug-tasks.html on the meeting agenda ?10:10
ogra(as a standing item)10:10
NCommanderogra: can you add it yourself? my internet connection is really crappy, and the wiki VERY slow10:13
NCommanderogra: what's the usual window manager when UNE 2D is runnign?10:16
NCommanderogra: and what draws the bar at the top?10:16
ograwith maximus attached10:16
NCommander(and what starts metacity)10:16
ograthats gnome-panel10:17
ogragnome-session starts metacity10:17
NCommanderogra: seems I have an issue with gnome-session then :-/10:17
GrueMasterNCommander: panda is still updating.  Hopefully done soon.10:17
NCommanderogra: what tells gnome-session then to start UNE or normal GNOME? env variable?10:17
* DanaG still wants texture_from_pixmap on ARM... =/10:18
ograwell, gdm actually10:18
ogragconf defines whats running in the session10:18
DanaGAnd I wish that "panda" weren't so impossible to find online.10:18
ograDanaG, they are not sold yet10:18
NCommanderogra: ok, that makes sense. I'm trying to trace why I'm having a launcher failure10:18
ograNCommander, which session do you try ?10:19
NCommanderogra: both UNE and UNE 2D10:19
ograUNE will just hang hard10:19
NCommanderI get netbook-launcher-efl to pop up, but nothing else10:19
ogradont try that10:19
NCommanderUNE starts 2D10:19
ograit doesnt10:19
DanaGI don't even mean to buy... I just mean to find pictures!10:19
ograif it does thats a bug you should talk to the desktop team about10:19
DanaGUnless it's under NDA. :(10:19
ograGrueMaster, no change with oem-config in todays image :(10:21
DanaGLiterally all I can find for "omap4 panda" are the kernel patches for "add support for omap4 panda".10:21
ograi'm out of debugging ides :/10:22
NCommanderogra: on what?10:23
DanaGSay, if I were to take the GL ES apps source from the TI SDK, could I use it with the Mesa GL ES?10:23
ograNCommander, for the oem-config issues10:26
GrueMasterogra: I'll see if I can tweak with it a bit this week.10:26
NCommanderogra: ouch. I can confirm however that using the normal UNE session and not UNE 2D still causes the 2D launcher to stop10:26
NCommanderogra: can you please poke the casper bug for me?10:27
ograNCommander, if the papaerwork on the bug is done :)10:27
ogra(remember i asked you about an additional task)10:27
NCommanderogra: bah, I thought you were going to add that :-P10:28
ograright, thats the reason why i asked you :P10:28
NCommanderogra: ok, so starting the 2D launcher causes gnome panel to startup in desktop configuration, and not "normally" for UNE 2D10:29
NCommanderogra: and the 3D session starts the 2D session san panel10:29
ograyes, thats a known bug10:29
ograthe 3D session shouldnt start a launcher at all10:29
ograonly the two unity panels10:29
NCommanderogra: is the 2D session known to be broken?10:29
ograbut they wont start up if you dont have proper GL support10:29
NCommanderI don't think it should be showing a normal gnome-panel10:30
ogra<NCommander> ogra: ok, so starting the 2D launcher causes gnome panel to startup in desktop configuration, and not "normally" for UNE 2D10:30
ogra<ogra> yes, thats a known bug10:30
DanaGargh, stupid PowerVR... not only are their drivers closed-source... even their freaking demos are closed-source.10:30
* NCommander hits his head10:30
NCommanderogra: so what's the fix :-)?10:30
DanaGSo you can't compile any GL ES stuff for non-PowerVR stuff.10:30
ograNCommander, oem-config needs to work again so i can move on :P10:30
DanaGOr at least, there's no GL ES glxgears!10:30
DanaGAnyway, off to bed I go nowz.10:31
ograNCommander, we have a -settings package but no settings in it yet10:31
NCommanderogra: but this worked in lucid!10:31
ograto set these up i need a working session10:31
ograGNOME changed a lot10:31
NCommander.oO(we should have used KNE)10:31
* NCommander ducks10:31
ograand the setting package we shared with the 3D launcher is gone10:31
ograbecause of unity10:32
NCommanderogra: paperwork done :-P10:32
ograi'll upload before the meeting10:32
* GrueMaster votes +1 for KNE10:35
ograseems /var/lib/dbus/machine-id exists and is wrong on the images10:55
ograso dbus doesnt start and it tears down oem-config with it10:56
* ogra tries to prove that theory now10:56
* GrueMaster is still waiting for Alpha 3 -> current updates to finish.10:56
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NCommanderogra: I'll look at ubuntu-netbook-2d-settings sometime this week if you want, since I need to ASAP for Marvell :-/11:04
ograi'll do it as soon as i can get a working session11:04
NCommanderogra: fair enough11:04
ograits not that it blocks anything from working11:04
* NCommander must admit he feels exhausted today11:05
* ogra guesses you will enjoy the team call this week :P11:05
ograhmm, so there is no such dbus file in the plain images11:06
ograi wonder why dbus doesnt start then11:06
GrueMasterDid you compare with A3?11:07
NCommanderogra: maybe it missed its bus to work11:08
* NCommander runs11:08
ogra_cmpcGrueMaster, no, nothing to compare here11:09
lagogra_cmpc: bug 60548811:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 605488 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "BUG: scheduling while atomic: mmcqd/46/0x00000002 (affects: 1) (heat: 132)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60548811:33
lagogra: How big should the swap file be?11:33
lagGrueMaster: ?11:36
GrueMastersawp file?11:38
GrueMasterI think swap is currently turned off.11:39
lagogra said this bug only appears when swap is on11:39
GrueMasterOh, that one.  Make a swap file == ram size.11:39
lagWell ...11:40
lagOnly 256MB works11:40
lagShall I use that?11:40
GrueMasterI guess.11:40
lagOr the actual 512MB11:40
GrueMasterso, you are checking an omap4 bug on an omap3 system?11:42
lagGrueMaster: So it is!11:43
lagActually - I'm not11:43
lagI am on Panda11:43
lag(things get confusing when you're working on both boards at the same time)11:44
GrueMasterthen my previous reply counts.11:44
lag(I am doing the correct thing) :)11:44
lagWhich was?11:44
lagGrueMaster: How can I reproduce this bug?11:57
ogra_cmpclag, just reboot, the messages about swapping should show up in dmesg12:04
GrueMasteryep.  Should see it as soon as the system mounts swap.12:06
lagogra_cmpc: GrueMaster: Should I still be able to see it whilst using a rootstock rootfs?12:14
GrueMasterI don't know.12:18
ogra_cmpcsince its a kernel message the rootfs shouldnt matter12:19
ogra_cmpcthough it might only happen if the system actually uses swap12:20
lagWell here's what I do get12:20
lagogra_cmpc: Should I write an application which uses lots of memory?12:20
GrueMasterLanch une.12:33
ogra_cmpclag, looks o so far, just start a desktop session and use firefox for a while or something12:40
lagogra: I can't12:41
lagogra: No USB12:41
lagGrueMaster: ping13:58
* persia starts a meeting in #ubuntu-meeting14:02
rsalvetiogra: any change to sponsor me at bug 619026?14:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 619026 in pybootchartgui (Ubuntu) "pybootchartgui gives ZeroDivisionError when parsing the tgz file generated by a beagleboard (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61902614:36
rsalvetiwas testing ureadhead yesterday but found out that I couldn't generate the bootchart file on beagleboard14:36
ograwell, you can copy the tgz over to an x86 machine and generate the png there14:37
rsalvetiand about ureadahead I'll just disable it if you run on systems with less than 512, doesn't change a thing at the bootchart14:37
rsalvetiogra: that's what I did14:37
rsalvetiogra: but the bug is inside pybootchartgui14:37
rsalvetiit's not using the mmcblk device while generating the bootchart14:38
ograah, right14:38
ograi'll sponsor it after the meeting14:38
GrueMasterogra: /sys/devices/system/cpu/ showscpu0 & cpu1. Checking further.14:55
GrueMasterKind of slow, still updating (from yesterday).14:55
ograare you sure it just doesnt scroll off the screen or so ?14:55
rsavoyeogra: ever heard of the Sharp PC-Z1 NetWalker ?14:56
GrueMasterwhat scroll off the screen?  I have an HDMI monitor here.14:56
GrueMasterrsavoye: I think persia has one.14:56
ograrsalveti, persia had one for a while14:56
ograrsavoye, indeed14:57
rsavoyeit ships with 9.04, I but I heard you can;t upgrade due to driver problems14:57
persiaI used to have one, but I dropped it in the sink.  It's a lovely machine, and I am tempted to get another almost every week.14:57
rsavoyeI just want something that's stable :-)14:57
persiaA few folks have looked at the kernel patches, but untangling what needs to be applied to current kernels (some parts are upstream) seems yet to be resolved.14:57
persiaThere's no git tree available, so it's just a huge monolithic patch to dig through.14:58
rsavoyesomebody said they were running 10.04 on one, but just never upgraded the kernel14:59
GrueMasterInteresting.  Jaunty was armV5  (iirc). Lucid+ is armV7.15:01
rsavoye800Mhz sounds nice too15:01
GrueMasterogra: On the panda,  /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu[01]/online are both 1.  I assume this means they should be on.15:02
persiaGrueMaster, It's i.mx51x, so it can do v7, but who knows how stable the userspace/kernel interface is in that configuration :)15:04
persiarsavoye, My critique of the netwalker is only that I don't like the keyboard that much (the 'a' key is in the wrong place, to my mind), and that the screen doesn't lay flat (or convert into tablet mode).  Beyond that, it's lovely (even running jaunty), and there is some upstream kernel support, so you might join the several folks trying to get newer kernels there.15:06
GrueMasterYes, I know.  I was refering to the images.15:06
rsavoyepersia: I have an old Sharp 3200, same teeny keyboard15:06
persiaThe way the super-special-sharp-installer for those works, one has to make a mess of the images anyway, which makes it less important.15:07
GrueMasterDoes the raw Jaunty image work?15:07
rsavoyeas much as I'd love to jump into the kernel patches, I need to finish my current ARM hacking first15:07
persiarsavoye, Not at all.  the SL-C3200 has a *much* better keyboard.15:07
rsavoyepersia: oh no! Course I was considering using it as a build slave mostly15:07
ograGrueMaster, nope, missing kernel patches15:07
persia(and is ergonomically better overall: pity that form-factor wasn't used in the more recent devices)15:07
persiaOh, as a buildd slave, just install pbuilder on top of the sharp remix, and have at it.  Nothing blocking there.  no need to fiddle the kernel.15:08
GrueMasterHmm, interesting.  /proc/cpuinfo only shows one proc, but top shows both (one is barely awake).15:18
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GrueMasterIt does seem to be passing the load back & forth.15:18
ogra_cmpcthats how its supposed to work15:20
ogra_cmpchtop is better than top btw15:20
GrueMasterI just found it odd that /proc/cpuinfo only showed one proc.15:21
ogra_cmpcare you sure its not scrolled offscreen ?15:23
GrueMasterIs what scrolled of screen?15:27
ogra_cmpcthe cpuinfo output15:29
GrueMasterIt only fills a quarter of the screen.15:30
GrueMasterif that15:30
GrueMasterok, now I see it.  Very weird.15:32
lagogra: How are rootstock's commands compiled? (which toolchain)15:45
prpplaguelag: a little elf writes down the list of commands and then spends straw into binary code15:49
lagprpplague: Okay, I'll cut to the chase15:49
lagprpplague: My cross-compiler is a little out of date and I need another15:50
* prpplague isn't familiar with rootstock operations15:50
prpplaguelag: i use OE and codesourcery for my cross-compilers15:51
lagprpplague: I'm trying to cross-compile a little program to use up lots of memory - but if I compile it dynamically I receive "file not found"15:52
lagprpplague: If I try it statically I receive "illegal instruction"15:53
prpplaguelag: that sounds odd15:53
prpplaguelag: mind if i give it a try?15:53
lagI have chopped it (all the way) down to a hello world - same result15:53
lagDo you want me to send you the binary?15:54
prpplaguelag: sorry i ment try compliling the code15:55
lagprpplague: That's my point - it does the same for hello world15:56
lagIt must be the compiler - the code is sound15:56
prpplaguelag: what is command line you are using to cross-compile the source?15:56
lagarm-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc <-static> -o use-memory-arm use-memory.c15:57
ogra_cmpclag, rootstock is a script15:58
prpplaguelag: after you compile it, issue the command: file use-memory-arm15:58
lagDone that15:59
prpplaguelag: that should give you some basic info about how the binary was compiled15:59
lagI did it already15:59
prpplaguelag: all that info looks good?15:59
lagI have to go (meeting) will you be here in a bit?15:59
prpplaguelag: yea all day15:59
lagSort of15:59
=== Termana_ is now known as Termana
GrueMasterogra: upgrading from Alpha 3 to current seems to fail somewhere.  Just rebooted (finally), and it is locked up.  Will dive into, butthought you would want to know.16:09
ograGrueMaster, awesome, then its not oem-configs fault as i suspected16:10
GrueMasterasac: I am having trouble getting to a point where I can test banshee for you.  Will let you know when I can get past these issues.16:10
ograGrueMaster, just dont upgrade, apt-get install banshee on a plain A316:11
GrueMasterogra: X isn't even starting.16:11
asacGrueMaster: ok. let me know16:11
ograit should only upgrade banshee related packages then16:11
asacthanks for the update16:11
ograGrueMaster, try startx on a tty16:11
ograsee what it tells you16:11
rsavoyeI wonder if I can debug thumb2 code on an i.mx51x...16:12
GrueMasterogra: Total lockup.  need to modify kernel cmdline to get serial out first.  No prompt available.16:13
GrueMasterNot even getting numlock or capslock.16:14
ograthats ES1 ?16:14
ograsmells like kernel16:14
ogramount the boot partition, there are .bak files of kernel and initramfs16:15
GrueMasterNo.  Had to reboot a couple times during the upgrade process (thought it had locked up)  New kernel came up fine.16:15
ogracopy them around so that you boot the .bak files16:15
GrueMasterI know the process, but I doubt it is the kernel.16:16
ograwell, do you see the same on an omap3 board ?16:16
GrueMasterI haven't had a chance to try this on omap3.  The time it takes is painful.16:17
persiarsavoye, Should be able to do so: the core supports it16:24
rsavoyecool, I've tempted to buy one so I can stop sharing a C4, which is insanely slow16:25
rsavoyepersia: since you have one, is the keyboard worth it, or is the tablet one better ?16:26
GrueMasterogra: old kernel locks.  Now trying with serial console.16:26
persiarsavoye, Depends on what you want to do with it.  The tablet one is uninteresting to me (I don't want only a tablet at that size/weight).  I complain about the keyboard, but I'm seriously considering getting another one.16:28
rsavoyefor me it'd mostly be an ARM build slave, I don't like netbooks generally16:29
rsavoyethe only other difference is the mmc size, but I could add a bigger one myself16:29
persiaThat would involve soldering :)16:30
rsavoyeouch. one has 4GB, the other 8GB16:31
rsavoyemaybe an external USB drive...16:32
prpplagueGrueMaster: i'd really like to see some info on how to get the ubuntu builds working with distcc or ice to improve native compiles16:33
prpplagueGrueMaster: you guys got anyone working on that?16:34
GrueMasterThe only one that did that I know of is NCommander, but he's probably out atm.16:34
prpplagueGrueMaster: yea i asked, he only used ice once to do a couple of small compiles16:35
persiarsavoye, As a buildd slave, you *definitely* want an external drive, preferably rotary (otherwise you go through a heap of flash)16:35
GrueMasterYou could always setup an NFS share.16:35
rsavoyeUSB2 drives are cheap these days, or I could just mount space off another machine16:35
* prpplague has been experimenting with a fpga design that emulates nand flash but uses an external SATA drive16:36
rsavoyeI use NFS on my XM board, which unfortunately is useless still for doing builds :-(16:36
rsavoyesomehow I think I shouldn't hold my breath for the XM kernel fixes...16:36
GrueMasterI have a NFS share for builds and nfs-root, but not enough systems to try this with.16:36
rsavoyebut it's impossible to run GDB on a C$ when somebody else is running linpack and whetstone tests...16:37
GrueMasterrsavoye: they should be out soon.16:37
rsavoyeGrueMaster: this week ? :-)16:37
rsavoyeI'm in a crunch for time unfortunately16:37
GrueMasterI don't know, I only test them.16:37
prpplagueGrueMaster: other fun items on my todo list, research multi-framebuffer support in ubuntu16:37
rsavoyel'll gladly test them too :-)16:37
GrueMasterprpplague: Same here (if someone will send me a blaze).16:38
lagprpplague: Hola16:38
prpplagueGrueMaster: or panda16:38
prpplaguelag: hey16:38
lagprpplague: Where were we?16:38
GrueMasterI only have one monitor per system.16:38
prpplaguelag: you did a file command on the resulting binary16:38
GrueMasterAnd 5 in my office is getting tight.16:38
prpplagueGrueMaster: hehe16:39
lagprpplague: Working: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.16, stripped16:39
prpplagueoh that reminds, me i need to check on that HDMI switcher we ordered16:39
lagprpplague: Mine: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.4.3, not stripped16:39
lagprpplague: Note the Linux version and SYSV tags16:39
prpplaguelag: ahh yea16:40
GrueMasterprpplague: If you get that working, it would greatly help my test environment.16:40
lagI've also tried stripped and static binaries16:40
lagprpplague: Also, did you test the kernel I sent you?16:40
prpplaguelag: yea looks like your cross-compiler is out of date16:41
* prpplague tries to remember about testing the kernel16:41
prpplaguelag: been swamped with a release, let me check my notes16:41
prpplaguelag: not seeing it in my notes or email, which email address did you send it to?16:43
lagI didn't, I gave you a people.canonical.com address and you downloaded it :)16:47
lag<prpplague> 19:23:03> lag: pulling now16:47
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prpplagueahh right, sorry16:47
lagprpplague: So it was 3hrs from now on Friday :)16:48
prpplagueno i haven't had time to test16:48
lagprpplague: Do you still have the link?16:49
prpplaguelag: negative, but i did pull it16:49
lagrsalveti: ping16:49
* prpplague sees it16:49
lagprpplague: So your cross-compilers ...16:50
lagprpplague: Are they binaries? Or do you have to build them?16:50
prpplaguelag: the codesorucery is binary, but when i use OE it builds it from source16:50
lagAre they both free?16:51
prpplaguelag: yea16:53
prpplaguelag: there is a learning curve for OE16:53
lagprpplague: I just hit that link as you sent it :)16:53
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lagjayabharath: Hi Jay16:55
mopdenackerthere's a learning cliff for OE ;-)17:11
lagmopdenacker: :)17:12
lagCS is on its way :)17:12
ogralag, talk to hrw, we have the distro gcc packaged as cross compiler17:13
lagogra: In our repos?17:13
ograeither in the repo or in a linaro PPA17:13
rsalvetilag: pong17:14
lagOkay, he doesn't seem to be in at the moment17:14
lagrsalveti: Can you test a kernel for me please?17:14
lagrsalveti: http://people.canonical.com/~ljones/usb-stopped-panda/17:14
rsalvetilag: yep17:14
lagrsalveti: Thanking you!17:14
rsalvetilag: oh, about the usb issue you found on your board?17:14
lagI'm fairly sure it's my board17:14
lagrsalveti: Yeah17:15
mopdenackerrsalveti: I'm testing your 903.7rsalveti2 kernel with the alpha3 preinstalled images on my Panda17:15
rsalvetimopdenacker: nice, did it work?17:16
mopdenackerrsalveti: not completely. It's not exactly the right resolution setting. At least we can see something and read the screen, but lines look interleaved.17:17
rsalvetimopdenacker: hm, ok, i think it should set 640x480 if it can't recognize it correctly17:18
rsalvetimopdenacker: you're testing with dvi, right?17:19
mopdenackerIn graphics mode, the screen is split in 2 vertical parts.17:19
mopdenackerrsalveti: I connected the hdmi output of the Panda to an apparently DVI-D monitor.17:19
rsalvetimopdenacker: ok17:20
mopdenackerrsalveti: let me show a picture (takes a bit of time to open my phone and take the sd card out)17:21
rsalvetimopdenacker: it'd also be interesting to see your boot log, with omapdss.debug=1 and your edid17:22
rsalvetito get the edid install the package read-edid and run parse-edid /sys/devices/omapdss/display0/edid17:24
lagmopdenacker: That is a known issue17:24
lagmopdenacker: Which monitor do you have?17:24
lagrobclark: ping17:25
rsalvetimopdenacker: but he is testing my kernel17:25
rsalvetilag: but he is testing my kernel17:25
rsalvetilag: with robclark's patches for better dvi support17:26
lagrsalveti: Does your kernel have robclark and mythripk's patches?17:26
robclarklag: pong17:26
lagrobclark: You have a customer --^17:26
rsalvetilag: yep17:26
lagrsalveti: Coolio17:26
mopdenackerrsalveti: here's the picture: http://free-electrons.com/tmp/IMG_20100817_181722.jpg17:26
lagmopdenacker: robclark should be able to help :)17:27
lagrobclark and I have seen this before17:27
rsalvetilag: http://gitorious.org/ubuntu-experimental/kernel-maverick/commits/rsalveti-ti-omap417:27
robclarkmopdenacker: if you haven't already, could you post bootlog and EDID...  I'll look in one minute17:27
ograGrueMaster, so for me its definitely dbus related, if i get to the shell after oem-config failed i can see dbus not running, it fails to start due to the file /var/lib/dbus/machine-id already existing, if i delete that file and start up dbus (service dbus start) the system hardlocks17:28
GrueMasterI'm retrying on beagle now.17:28
ograthough i would still blame the kernel, dbus shouldnt be able to lock up the system hard17:29
mopdenackerrsalveti, robclark, I can already share the bootargs that work: omapdss.hdmicode=35, omapdss.hdmimode=0. I'll reboot to get the bootlog.17:30
robclarkahh, sorry, back..17:30
robclarkmopdenacker: this looks like the issue w/ framebuffer resize..17:30
rsalvetirobclark: could be17:30
ogramopdenacker, looks like you should use two mice17:30
robclarkunfortunately rsalveti was having problems with one of those patches, and I haven't had time to debug yet ;-)17:30
rsalvetirobclark: for now I'm just skipping it17:31
mopdenackerogra: good idea. We have 2 hands, why shouldn't we use 2 mice ;-)17:31
robclarkfwiw rsalveti... what I suspect might be needed w/ that second patch, is an acquire_console_sem() before the fb_set_var() calls (in omapfb-main.c in size_notify()) and a release_console_sem() afterwards..  although that seems a bit ugly to me17:33
robclarkat least w/ my kernel, I get some backtraces because of a callback that is called indirectly from fb_set_var() which is expecting console lock to be held17:34
rsalvetirobclark: oh, ok, makes sense17:34
robclarkmy theory is that on your kernel that somehow causes a more severe result than just warning msg17:34
rsalvetirobclark: probably, as the screen seems to be fine but it stays with just a black screen17:35
rsalvetilag: installing your kernel17:35
rsalvetilag: what's the difference?17:36
lagrsalveti: Cheers buddy17:36
rsalvetilag: 2.6.34-903-omap4 (root@tangerine): working fine with my usb17:43
rsalvetimy / fs is in a usb hd :-)17:43
rsalvetilag: any other test?17:44
lagrsalveti: Nope, thanks :)17:45
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rsalvetilag: http://people.canonical.com/~hrw/ubuntu-maverick-armel-cross-compilers/ for linaro cross compiler17:49
rsalvetiI'm using it here, works fine17:49
rsalvetijust don't compile u-boot with 4.5 hehe17:49
rsalvetiogra: did you had time to look at the pybootchartgui bug?17:51
mopdenackerrsalveti, robclark: here's the bootlog. Unfortunately, there are module loading errors because I couldn't install the package (board not fully booted yet)17:52
rsalvetimopdenacker: you can install the package using qemu, with your sd card at your host pc17:52
rsalvetior just copy the kernel modules17:52
robclarkk, will look in a few minutes... in a call again :-(17:53
rsalvetimopdenacker: can you also get the edid from it?17:53
mopdenackerrsalveti: how can I get it? I don't see it in the boot log...17:54
rsalvetimopdenacker: adding omapdss.debug=1 to the boot args would help also, so we can get more information from the display driver17:55
rsalvetimopdenacker: after login, get the dmesg output17:55
mopdenackerrsalveti: ah, right! Thanks17:55
rsalvetiso you can get the debug lines from the kernel17:55
mopdenackerNot sure I will get to a command line. I'll copy/paste the serial console.17:55
rsalvetimopdenacker: to get the edid, install the package read-edid and run parse-edid /sys/devices/omapdss/display0/edid17:56
rsalvetimopdenacker: you can change the boot.scr from your sd card17:56
rsalvetiand add the command line argument you want17:56
mopdenackerrsalveti: right.17:56
rsalvetimopdenacker: put your sd card at your host, mount the first partition and you'll see the boot.scr17:57
rsalvetimopdenacker: dd if=boot.scr of=boot.script bs=1 skip=7217:57
rsalvetithen edit boot.script17:57
rsalvetiand run mkimage -A arm -T script -C none -n "Ubuntu boot script" -d boot.script boot.scr to generate the boot.scr again17:58
mopdenackerrsalveti: thanks, I already have these details on OMAPpedia.17:58
rsalvetiok :-)17:58
mopdenackerand I already have done this.17:58
mopdenackerAnyway, thanks for the dd tip to create the boot.script file. I didn't think of this.17:59
mopdenackerThis is a kind of "uboot dump-image" command ;-)17:59
mopdenackerrsalveti: sorry, I really gotta go now. Is the EDID the only thing you need?18:00
rsalvetiedid and dmesg with omapdss.debug=118:00
rsalvetiwith this we can check what went wrong18:00
mopdenackerrsalveti: good! Thanks a lot! I'll be away from my board tomorrow, but you will have these on Thursday.18:02
rsalvetimopdenacker: np :-)18:02
rsalvetilunch time18:04
ograrsalveti, uploaded18:09
rsalvetiogra: nice, thanks :-)18:09
GrueMasterogra: not dbus. Just started running A3 on beagle.  Upgraded kernel & reboot ok.  Upgraded dbus & reboot ok.  Will look at other packages in am.18:27
GrueMaster"May" be apparmor.  will look tomorrow.18:27
GrueMasterI have a list of package upgrades.18:28
GrueMasteranyways, beer time.  My peers are calling me.18:28
npitrelag: hey!18:34
rsavoyeyour peers or your beers are calling you ? :-)18:41
DanaGSay, anyone know of a packaged browser that runs on directfb, or qt-embedded?19:10
DanaG... and supports css and javascript.19:10
rsavoyeopera mini ?19:12
DanaGWell, I'd be rendering local files.19:14
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DanaGah, and say, where's nmcli?19:24
armin76suihkulokki: agreed19:55
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rsalvetils -l20:36
rsalvetiargh :-)20:36
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