
kosaidpohello guys01:02
kosaidpoim using pidign is there any way to bookmark some room for a re-use ??01:03
zkriessekosaidpo: you mean save the room so you can re=join it with ease?01:04
kosaidpozkriesse: yess : D01:05
zkriessekosaidpo: Ok so go to the Pidgin menu01:05
zkriesseClick Buddies -> Add Chat01:06
zkriesseIt should have your IRC account filled in already if it's the only one you use, and then put in the channel or channels you wish to join in that chat example01:06
kosaidpoyou mean the the menu of this window from where im tlkin to you or the main window of pidigin01:07
zkriesseThe main pidgin window01:08
kosaidpook let me test it i guess i find it01:08
kosaidpozkriesse: okay tnx it works01:11
kosaidpo: D01:11
kosaidpozkriesse: btw another problem on lubuntu when im off the internet icant test my php script on chromuim but i do on firefox so weird any idea what may cause that01:12
zkriessekosaidpo: ah the lubuntu issue...PhillW already answered that in the lubuntu email list01:12
zkriesseBut you should ask that in #lubuntu not here01:12
kosaidpoyeh i kno01:13
kosaidpoit ddidnt wokr that removin cache  tip01:13
kosaidpocan i DM you ?01:13
zkriesseYou may pm me yes....although support questions are better asked in the channel so all can assist01:14
zkriesseBut if it's private than you may01:14
kosaidpozkriesse: no since you said i cant ask question related to lubuntu infact i had this problem also when i had ubuntu01:16
zkriesseYou can ask man....just remember that most here will be using ubuntu not Lubuntu...I'm saying that its better to ask in #lubuntu01:17
zkriesseand you can pm me..i have no problem with that...01:17
pointydrip1is there a text editor that has an autofill feature like that of the terminal?01:44
kosaidpopeace out01:47
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isiahlinux gave me super powers! Saved my butt the first two weeks at work02:18
pedro3005isiah, :)02:23
isiahyo pedro300502:24
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tcrawleyWhich channel should I use for Ubuntu netbook questions ?05:04
zkriessetcrawley: #ubuntu should be fine...and here is cool too05:09
tcrawleyI have tried to install the latest version of Ubuntu Netbook  Remix on my Asus 1005HA without success05:11
tcrawleyThe installer hangs just before the disk partition screen05:11
tcrawleyI already have an Eeebuntu installation on the machine.05:12
tcrawleyI select the US Keyboard and then the installer just hangs05:12
zkriesseHow long does it hang up for?05:12
tcrawleyIt stops responding. The ball stops spinning. I haven't allowed it to timeout.05:13
tcrawleyI usually windup rebooting05:13
tcrawleyThe CD stops being read05:13
tcrawleyCan the ball stop spinning as part of the installation?05:14
zkriesseIt might...i've not installed UNR before though05:14
seidostcrawley, your only option may be to try a different version.  I'm not sure anyone is knowledgeable enough to fix your bug, outright.05:19
seidostcrawley, check the forums, google, and if that doesn't work you could create a bug and wait, and while you wait work on some other project.05:19
diannaorei was wondering if someone could help me get some software installed, I used synaptec package manager to mark them and I applied that but they don't show up in the add/remove software06:24
pedro3005which software?06:26
diannaoreblackberry sync software namely barrybackup-gui06:26
Mohan_chmldiannaore, is that application running?06:27
diannaoreno i cant find it to open it, all i did was mark it in synaptec and apply it, then i went to add/remove software but couldnt find it. Is that the general procedure for installing software?06:28
pedro3005diannaore, did synaptic download & install it?06:29
diannaoreyes as far as i know, is there a way to check?06:30
Mohan_chmldiannaore, yes and do one thing, get back to synaptic packet manager, and search for the same application and check whether its installed06:30
diannaoreyea I think it is installed, when i select the installed tab on the left it does show up06:31
Mohan_chmlhmmm type the exact name of the application in terminal and hit enter06:32
diannaoreit says command not found06:33
Mohan_chmlyou entered the same name as the name you saw in synaptic?06:33
diannaoreyea the name under the package column i entered barrybackup-gui06:34
Mohan_chmlthats weird... pedro3005 still hooking up?06:35
pedro3005try barrybackup06:35
diannaoreoh there it goes... success!06:36
Mohan_chmldiannaore, have a nice day (:06:36
diannaorethanks u206:36
Mohan_chmlpedro3005, good job =]06:36
Mohan_chmlpedro3005, sup?06:37
pedro3005not much06:37
pedro3005I was looking over some Erlang today06:37
pedro3005cool stuff06:37
Mohan_chmlokies... carryon06:38
diannaoreis there a way to get that app to show up in my applications menu?06:40
pedro3005diannaore, sometimes it takes restarting GNOME. if it's still not showing up, make a shortcut06:42
diannaorehow do i make a shortcut? sorry i'm new06:42
pedro3005diannaore, right click on Applications, go to Edit Menu. click on new item06:43
diannaorecool thx again06:44
pedro3005After finding the subdirectory you want it in, of course06:44
diannaorein general is there a way to know the exact name of the app that might be different than what is showing in synaptic? (like in this case)06:49
pedro3005diannaore, you can use apropos for searching in commands06:50
diannaoreso in this case for example how would i find the exact name of the app of barrybackup-gui using apropos?06:56
pedro3005apropos barry06:59
pedro3005diannaore, apropos is really just a search feature for all your commands07:00
diannaorethe thing is i had no way of knowing to look for solely "barry" or "barrybackup" with the info given to me from synaptic, is it just a guessing game and i should just try different possibe things? the only info synaptic gave me was barrybackup-gui07:03
pedro3005that's exactly why apropos is useful. it'll search for you07:03
diannaoreif i type "apropos barrybackup-gui" nothing happens07:04
pedro3005diannaore, leave out the -gui07:09
diannaoremy computer has front sd card, I plug in a card and it lights up but the card doesnt show up on my desktop, how can i download the files off my sd card?07:24
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shredder12hi sebsebseb12:16
sebsebsebshredder12: hi12:17
harrisonAnyone here good at file system recovery?15:05
harrisonSomeone tried to help me yesterday but he/she didn't know the answer.15:07
ubuntuhello help in bootloader16:08
harrisonWhats the problem?16:08
ubuntuwhen i used a Windows Vista ...to solved a Grub Rescue...     i use a bootrec.exe /fixmbr  then my Dell boot only ...o Dell windows and return again..16:10
harrisonRephrase please.16:11
ubuntuwhen  press power on my dell laptop...then boot only a Dell windows and return again ...16:11
harrisonIs this a Wubi or a standard install?16:11
harrisonWhat version of ubuntu are you running?16:12
ubuntuWhen I encounter the problem of Grub Rescue.....ok I follow the method to use OS of Windows Vista for repair  and then i used in command prompt   bootrec.exe/fixmbr...16:12
ubuntuthe latest version of ubuntu 10.0416:12
harrisonAfter the POST screen do you get the grub menu?16:13
ubuntuafterwards when I restart my dell laptop.......only the Dell Windows start up then restart automatically16:13
ubuntunothin saw a Grub Menu16:13
ubuntuonly Dell Windows appear seconds then restart automatically nothing I saw a Grub Menu...16:14
ubuntuany solution about this...16:15
harrisonDid you try reinstalling the windows bootloader?16:15
ubuntuno i never reinstalling windows bootloader ...I used only a Windows vista using a command prompt and type a bootrec.exe/fixmbr thats all16:16
ubuntuthen this is what happen to me in Dell start up...appears in seconds and suddenly restart automatically..16:17
harrisona windows vista recovery disk or the installed operating system?16:17
ubuntuonly a windows recovery disk....16:17
ubuntuonly a windows recovery disk....cd disk16:17
harrisonOkay I know that know.16:18
ubuntuany solution about my problem16:18
harrisonThe command you ran apears to have reinstalled the windows bootloader16:19
harrisonAnother thing, What is "Dell start up"?16:19
harrisonI am getting there.16:20
ubuntui donot know...I only follow the method of using a recovery disk of Windows vista and type a command prompt there16:20
harrisonTo a sulution.16:20
ubuntuDell start up only pop up then it is restart automatically again again again and again16:20
harrisonThe best way I see it go to help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 (I think that is the url) and closer to the bottom there is a section on reinstalling grub2.16:22
ubuntuno grub menu appears ...only Dell Start Up windows appear in a few seconds and it it restart automatically16:22
harrisonyou need a live cd or a live usb.16:23
ubuntuok when i use this ubuntu cd live....i cannot see my hardisk....or any partition hardisk.....what this mean this....16:23
ubuntui used already a ubuntu cd live now....16:23
harrisonAre you on a live cd right now?16:23
ubuntuyes i 'am now using a live Cd...16:24
harrisonOkay, Go to system -> Administration -> Gparted Let that start and it should show what the hard drive looks like.16:25
ubuntuok i saw there...but not on my file and folder menu16:27
ubuntuok  i saw there in Gparted...16:27
harrisonIs it started?16:27
harrisonOr starting?16:27
ubuntuthere is already a sda1 ....sda216:28
ubuntusda5 and sda6...16:28
harrisonWhat are the filesystem types?16:29
pointydripis there a way to get prerelease updates for individual project git repositories?16:29
ubuntuok wait16:29
harrisonpointydrip: rephrase please.16:30
paultagpointydrip: there are things called recipies that might be what you're looking for16:30
ubuntusda1 - ft16     sda2 unknown   sda3  extended   sda5  unknown    sda6  fat3216:31
paultagpointydrip: you can automate .deb builds of git bleeding edge, if that's what you're talking about16:31
pointydripwell I keep trying to install lemonpos but it downloads as version 0.9.1 but there is a bug fix in 0.9.316:32
ubuntuharrison where is the filesystem here...16:32
harrisonubuntu: It appears that you don't have any linux partitions but there were some there before.16:32
paultagpointydrip: ahha. One sec16:32
pointydripI need to be able to have it updated automatically (not from .deb) and the author mentions that 0.9.3 rc2 is prerelease16:33
ubuntuyes it was have a linux deleted before....this is appeared already16:33
paultagpointydrip: we don't have a 0.9.3 release in Ubuntu16:33
paultagpointydrip: one second.16:33
harrisonubuntu: Rephrase please.16:34
paultagyeah pointydrip, nothing.16:34
paultagpointydrip: might have to wait until after 10.1016:34
ubuntui mean.....i deleted accidentally so ....here is the fdisk -l  here...16:35
ubuntuharrison any help please16:36
harrisonWhere is the fdisk -l?16:37
harrisonI am thinking of a solution.16:37
ubuntu/dev/sda1   -- dell utility    /dev/sda2-- hpfns/ntfs       /dev/sda3 w95 ext'd(LBa)        /dev/sda5 hpfs/ntfs   /dev/sda6  unknown16:39
harrisonokay, Open a terminal and type 'sudo apt-get install testdisk'16:40
harrisonTell me when that is done16:40
ubuntuok it is downloading16:41
ubuntuok completed  any next method...16:42
harrisonyes, now type 'testdisk'16:42
harrisonNote: don't type the quotes if you already knew that good for you.16:43
ubuntuok it is testdisk 6.11 data recovery utiltiy16:43
harrisonokay hit enter.16:43
ubuntutestdisk needs 24 lines to work16:43
harrisonenlarge the terminal16:43
ubuntuyes ...enlarge the terminal16:44
harrisonOkay, what screen are you on?16:44
ubuntuok  in ubuntu@ubuntu: prompt16:46
harrisonAre you in testdisk?16:46
pointydrippaultag: okay thanks for checking, I'm going to try testing with the .deb package for now16:46
ubuntuok i type now testdisk16:47
paultagpointydrip: sure16:47
ubuntui saw the create   append   and no log...what next16:47
ubuntui enter create16:48
harrisonhit enter16:48
ubuntuok it responds16:48
ubuntuok i saw continue and quit16:49
ubuntuwrite access for the media is not available16:49
ubuntutestdisk won't be able to modify it16:49
harrisonQuit for now and then type 'sudo testdisk'16:50
ubuntuyou may need to be root to have a write access16:50
harrisonDoes it say sudo anywhere in the list of options?16:50
ubuntuok i enter sudo testdisk   i saw create append and no log....what next16:50
harrisonNevermind what I said before16:51
harrisonselect your hard drive16:51
harrisonthen continue16:51
ubuntuok  i select eh disk hardrive  what next    i enter16:52
harrisonone moment here please16:52
ubuntuproceed or quit16:52
ubuntuok it shows hiddden sectors are present        then    i saw continue.......... can i enter continue16:53
harrisoncan't do anything else so yes16:53
ubuntui enter continue it shows       partition table type..........intel    EFI GPT   Mac   None   Sun  Xbox   REturn16:54
harrisonWhat computer are you using?16:55
ubuntuok i enter intel....it shows      analyse    advanced   geometry   options  mbr code  delete   quit......  I using Dell Laptop 152516:55
ubuntuok ..... it shows    disk /dev/sda  .....16:57
harrisondo a quick search16:57
harrisonare you using a windows os and ubuntu?16:58
ubuntuok i enter quick search        it is appear  answer yes if unsure...16:58
ubuntuyes dual os   1 for windows vista and 1 for ubuntu16:58
ubuntuok i enter quick search        it is appear  answer yes if unsure...16:58
harrisonabout searching for a partition make under vista?16:59
harrisonthen yes16:59
ubuntuthe terminal here shows      should testdisk search for partition created under vista....17:00
harrisontype 'y'17:00
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   03%17:01
ubuntuFAT16 >32M17:01
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   05%17:01
harrisonyou just did a deap search thats fine but it takes a while17:02
ubuntuok it is still counting...17:02
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   10%17:03
harrisonwhen it says 100% tell me what it says.17:03
harrisonhow big is the hard drive?17:03
ubuntudisk /dev/sda   160GB/149GiB    chs  19458 255 6317:05
harrisonit might take a while.17:05
elobeeHi, I would appreciate soom help with a login problem on ubuntu, if someone could take alittle time and read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9730516&posted=1#post9730516 to understand the problem and then help me it would be awsome17:12
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   47%17:14
philinuxelobee: Here's what should be in the .profile file http://paste.ubuntu.com/479477/17:16
harrisonubuntu: whats it up to now?17:16
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   53%17:16
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   53%    horrison17:17
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   57%    horrison -17:18
elobeethanks philinux, but how do I get that in my .profile file then? since i can't get into the graphical mode and still not such good navigating and doing stuff from the terminal apart from the basic stuff17:18
philinuxelobee: Either via the livecd or recovery mode using nano17:19
philinuxelobee: I wonder whats in there now?17:20
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   60%    horrison -17:20
harrisongood (by the way it's harrison)17:21
ubuntusorry  harrison....17:21
elobeeWhat u mean by livecd (u mean the install cd?) or recovery mode using nano? And btw how do u get to that GRUB menu?17:21
harrisonubuntu: its fine ;-)17:22
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   70%    harrison -17:24
harrisongood very good17:24
hobgoblinelobee: shift should get grub menu - recovery is second option usually - when you get to the root menu - root prompt17:29
harrisonubuntu: hows the weather in your part of the world? (while we are waiting)17:29
elobeehobgoblin: when should i click shift?17:29
hobgoblinthen edit the file with nano ~/.profile17:30
hobgoblinjust after the POST screen - keep tapping on the shift key17:30
hobgoblinso make sure you print out philinux's paste17:30
hobgoblinthen when you have done - Ctrl+X - then Y to save then Ctrl+X to exit17:31
hobgoblinthen exit from the root prompt with exit and then resume from the root menu17:32
elobeeI clicked shift during the whole startup of the computer and didnt get to any menu17:33
hobgoblinif you have an old system or at least an old grub try esc17:34
philinuxelobee: Probably better/easier to use the livecd and use copy and paste using firefox and gedit.17:35
elobeelive cd u mean fro what i installed from? in my case a usb17:36
hobgoblinmight be easier - just a lot longer lol17:36
elobeeand i don't get to any menu by clicking esc during the whole start up either...17:37
hobgoblinthen I would wonder if you are doing it at the right time17:39
elobeei clicked during the whole startup ntil i get to the login screen17:39
hobgoblinthen do it with the livewhatever17:41
elobeei'm booting from the usb i installed from now, can I do something from here now and how do it do it then?17:42
hobgoblinping philinux ^^17:42
harrisonstill there ubuntu?17:43
philinuxelobee: Use the file browser to navigate to home and then ctrl h to view hidden files. Lets see whats in .profile first17:44
hobgoblinphilinux: they are new they might know to mount the partition ...17:45
hobgoblins/not know17:46
elobeein the .profile i find it's the same as to waht u linked, but I'm not logged in in my normal user now when i bot from the usb right?17:47
elobeeexcuse spelling errors..17:48
ubuntuharrison    it is green color all17:51
ubuntuharrison    it is green color all17:51
ubuntukeys  A  add partition   L load backup   T change type  P list files     enter : to continue17:52
ubuntufat16>32m plinux  p linux   l linux   l linux swap   l fat32 lba17:53
philinuxelobee: Ok. System Admin>disk utility.  Look for your hard drive and mount it.17:53
harrisondo you see [write] anywhere?17:53
ubuntuhello harrison are you here17:53
harrisonyes I am17:53
harrisondo you see [write] anywhere?17:53
ubuntuno write anyhere show here...17:54
harrisonI went and got some lunch.17:54
ubuntuok any suggestions here17:54
paultagubuntu: are you using fdisk?17:54
harrisonI remember now hit enter and then hit write17:55
harrisonhit enter and tell me what it says17:55
elobeeMount Volume?17:55
ubuntui still here in testdisk...where i go here continue17:55
harrisonWhat does it say?17:56
hobgoblinelobee: you need to navigate to the home in that mounted volume17:56
ubuntui'am still here date recovery utility... all green color....17:56
hobgoblinelobee: that is /home/username17:56
harrisonubuntu: at the bottom17:56
ubuntuit shows   A  add partition    L load backup   T change type   P list files    Enter: continue......what next harrisson17:57
harrisonubuntu: what does it say.17:57
ubuntuFAT , 49MB /47 MIB17:57
harrisonhit enter17:57
ubuntuit said to select a partition .........17:57
harrisonone moment17:58
ubuntufat16>32m plinux  p linux   l linux   l linux swap   l fat32 lba17:58
harrisonstill on the same page?17:58
harrisonor do you have a write option now?17:58
elobeehobgoblin & phillinux: navigated to /home/username in the mounted volume and and viewed .profile which is exactly the same17:59
hobgoblinexactly the same as what?17:59
ubuntuyess   same page here data recovery utility...    no appear write options here....17:59
ubuntuit show here   fat16>32m plinux  p linux   l linux   l linux swap   l fat32 lba17:59
ubuntuit shows   A  add partition    L load backup   T change type   P list files    Enter: continue......what next harrisson18:00
elobeethe data in it is exactly the same as the data in the other .profile that i had access to without mounting aswell as to the link phillinux posted18:00
harrisonand when you hit enter it says to select a partition?18:00
ubuntuafter 100% it is shows this...18:01
ubuntuit show here   fat16>32m plinux  p linux   l linux   l linux swap   l fat32 lba18:01
harrisonhit enter then18:01
ubuntuit is asking to select a partition....18:01
ubuntui select fat16>32m and i hit enter..is that correct18:02
hobgoblinelobee: open a terminal from Apps - Accessories then run mount - copy and paste it to paste.ubuntu.com - name in name box and then paste - you'll get a new url give me that please18:02
harrisonwhat is there to select?18:02
paultaghobgoblin: go to the start menu and open up my documents18:02
ubuntuthe partition to be selects are   fat16>32m    p linux     p linux   l linux   l linux swap   l fat32 lba18:03
harrisontry the l linux one18:03
ubuntuwhich of them to be select?     fat16>32m    p linux     p linux   l linux   l linux swap   l fat32 lba18:04
hobgoblinpaultag: it's empty?18:04
harrisontry the 'l linux' one18:04
hobgoblincept on the kde laptop behind me18:04
hobgoblinelobee: what's your username18:05
ubuntuok now i tried linux and it appear   [ quit ]  [ deep search ] [ write ] in p linux partition18:06
ubuntuok now i tried linux and it appear   [ quit ]  [ deep search ] [ write ] in p linux partition18:06
harrisonselect write18:06
ubuntuok is shows write partition table, confirm? Y ? N18:06
hobgoblinelobee: try this - if it gets an output can you paste it here please           ls -al /media/3e6d4397-6b1d-411b-8b93-90965824a895/home/elobee/.profile18:07
ubuntuok it is show the message      You will have to reboot for the change to take effect.............?18:08
ubuntuwhat next...18:08
harrisonhit the ok18:08
philinuxhobgoblin: Just had my tea. Any joy18:08
harrisonubuntu where are you now?18:09
hobgoblinphilinux: just about to have mine ... but no - just seeing what the permissions on the file are - seems to be the same at the moment18:09
ubuntuok       it shows again......[analyze]  [ advanced] [ geometry] [options] [mbr code] [delete] [quit]18:09
ubuntuok       it shows again......[analyze]  [ advanced] [ geometry] [options] [mbr code] [delete] [quit]18:10
harrisonI think we need to analyze again18:10
ubuntuok i enter now analyse18:10
elobeehobgoblin: http://pase.ubuntu.com/47949518:10
harrisonubuntu do a quick search18:11
elobeehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/479495 *18:11
ubuntuhere the appear here.....quick search18:11
harrisonhit that18:11
ubuntuok i  enter and counting     analyse cylinder....18:12
hobgoblinelobee: looks like it's owned by 1000 instead of you - mine is owned by me18:12
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   02%    harrison -18:12
elobeehobgoblin: ok, so what to do?18:13
hobgoblinelobee: just about to eat - get philinux or someone else to run through it please18:14
elobeeok, thanks alot18:14
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   09%    harrison -18:15
elobeeso does phillinux or someone else in here feel for helping me? :)18:15
harrisonelobee: I would like to but I am helping ubuntu here.18:16
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   15%    harrison -18:17
harrisonelobee: if ubuntus problem gets solved then I might be able to help you.18:17
harrisonubuntu: good18:17
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   20%    harrison -18:18
elobeenp, i'll wait in here and bump alittle now and then to see if someone else wakes up too18:18
harrisonelobee: that sounds good.18:19
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   27%    harrison -18:21
harrisonubuntu: good18:23
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   34%    harrison -18:24
harrisonI am going to get some tea I sould be back soon.18:25
hobgoblinelobee: done yet?18:25
elobeebeen waiting for someone who can help18:26
hobgoblink - you've not unmounted that partition have you?18:27
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   44%    harrison -18:27
hobgoblinok - run this one then - all of it - it is long18:27
hobgoblinelobee: sudo chown elobee:elobee /media/3e6d4397-6b1d-411b-8b93-90965824a895/home/elobee/.profile && ls -al /media/3e6d4397-6b1d-411b-8b93-90965824a895/home/elobee/.profile18:28
hobgoblinelobee: all one command to run in a terminal18:29
hobgoblinelobee: then patebin whatever result you get please18:29
harrisonubuntu: what is it upto now/18:29
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   47%    harrison -18:29
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   52%    harrison -18:31
hobgoblinelobee: you;ve gone quiet?18:32
elobeehobgoblin: chown: invalid user: `elobee:elobee'18:32
hobgoblink - bet you need to use chroot :( not something I've done much18:33
elobeewhat is chroot?18:33
hobgoblinpaultag: you there and available at all ?18:34
hobgoblinelobee: it basically mounts your install18:34
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   60%    harrison -18:34
hobgoblinubuntu: could you open a dialogue with harrison to give countdown :)  from your irc client /query harrison should do it :)18:35
hobgoblinelobee: I'll see if I can find someone to help you18:36
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   65%    harrison -18:36
elobeek, thanks for the help18:36
hobgoblinelobee: if no-one pitches up you can give the information to the forum in your thread - basically it appears that the .profile file is owned by 1000:1000 and not you18:38
paultaghobgoblin: yo18:38
paultaghobgoblin: I'm at work, what's up18:38
ubuntuanalyse cylinder   still  counting   70%    harrison -18:39
hobgoblink - trying to get someone to help elobee - owner is wrong on /home/user/.profile - chown gives user not know - thinking it needs chroot - but not something I'm too happy doing - not done it myslef18:40
hobgoblinpaultag: ^^ but I've also pinged the team channel so don't bother :)18:40
paultaghobgoblin: kk18:41
hobgoblinelobee: we'll give it a while and if no-one else can I will try to work you through it18:44
elobeeok, i'm about to post it in the forum aswell and see if someone there can assist me18:45
hobgoblinelobee: tell you what - have another go at booting the recovery mode - what version of ubuntu do you have18:46
elobeeI have ubuntu 10.0418:46
hobgoblinstraight install? not an upgrade18:47
elobeei downloaded it to my usb like two weeks ago from ubuntus site so i guess straight install18:47
hobgoblinok - so shift should work - as soon as BIOS has finished press shift repeatedly18:48
hobgoblinif it does not work we can try it elsewhere18:48
elobeedoes it matter which of the two shift buttons?18:48
hobgoblinno idea - I got it with the left one though untill I made the menu show18:49
elobeedamnit it said grub loading but then i clicked shift again and it went again so i try on more time18:49
hobgoblinyou need to be doing it by then :)18:49
elobeenow it said grub loading but went away after a short sec just as before, then i got to a loading screen where it checked for errors on my disk and then to the normal loading screen and then to the login screen18:52
hobgoblinelobee: try this one Ctrl+Alt+F118:55
hobgoblinthen login18:55
elobeeyep that work18:55
elobeeand thatä18:55
hobgoblinall logged in ?18:56
elobeeand that have i done before when i run the command i was recommened from the forum :P18:56
hobgoblinelobee: right now run this ls -al /home/elobee/.profile18:56
hobgoblinI just want to know if it says 1000 1000 or elobee elobee18:57
elobeeelobee elobee18:57
hobgoblink - so that is right then - I wonder where the 1000 1000 came from earlier - does ctrl+alt+f7 get you into gnome18:58
elobeesry had phonr18:59
elobeedon't know, how does gnome look?19:00
hobgoblinlike ubuntu :)19:00
elobeenope, alt ctrl f7 gets me in some text thingy19:00
hobgoblinlogged in still?19:00
hobgoblintry startx19:01
elobeewhen im in alt ctrl f7 im not in the normal terminal19:02
elobeeso dont now if im logged in19:02
elobeebut in alt ctrl f1 im still logged in19:02
hobgoblinif ctrl alt f7 has your username you are logged in19:02
hobgoblinif so do startx19:02
elobeei dont see any username or so in alt ctrl f719:03
hobgoblintry startx19:04
elobeeseems that i can run anything there19:04
elobeeshould i try it in alt ctrl f1?19:04
hobgoblinwhat does startx do19:06
hobgoblinbut yea try from f119:07
elobeefrom f7 it does nothing, nothing even happens and the only place i can type it is in blank rows,in f1 i get alot of text19:09
hobgoblinelobee: ok - well I am not sure then - I'd go back to the forum if no-one else comes along in here19:10
hobgoblinI'm off now - sorry not to be of much help19:10
elobeethanks anyway19:11
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ubuntu_hello harrison21:36
harrisonhow did things go?21:36
harrisonubuntu_ still there?22:32
stew[1]Hi, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 on my notebook using a USB stick and I can get to the main menu and chose to install, but after that the screen goes blank. I think the problem has to do with the Intel HD graphics in my laptop. Does anyone have any suggestions?22:38
chinceynuggetSo im getting a laptop for uni, and have come across ubuntu and kubuntu. What would people recommend, is either better than the other?23:31
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aveilleuxchinceynugget: Well the differences between KDE and GNOME (Ubuntu's primary graphical environment) is mostly cosmetic... There is a small performance difference (GNOME is a little better on resources but KDE looks better) but it's really what you like better.23:38
aveilleuxare mostly*23:38
aveilleuxchinceynugget: There's a very large and in-depth debate over which approach to a desktop environment is better, GNOME's or KDE's. I suggest you try them both and pick the one you like best ;-)23:39
chinceynuggetcheers lads!23:42
aveilleuxYou're welcome...23:43
=== [-slidinghorn-] is now known as slidinghorn

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