
=== emma is now known as em
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kermiachi seb128, I know you're extremely busy atm but did you get a chance to test the gedit hook mate? bug 58225309:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 582253 in gedit (Ubuntu) "Apport hook for gedit (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58225309:05
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stanley_robertsohi all10:06
stanley_robertsoGuys.. I remember.. there is a weblink to request for a mentor for ubuntu bugsquad.. but i lost the link.. can somebody let me know the link10:07
yofelstanley_robertso: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors10:22
nigelbyofel: shortcut, poke vish :p10:26
* vish pokes nigelb ;p10:27
stanley_robertsoThanks yofel .. i have placed my request now10:41
stanley_robertsoNot sure.. who will be looking into it10:41
JFothat reminds me10:53
JFoI haven't sent an update to the list about my excellent mentee10:53
vishstanley_robertso: did you read the wiki yofel gave you? ;)11:07
stanley_robertsoyes vish11:07
stanley_robertsoi went through it.. and then applied for membershiop .. anything that i missed ?11:07
vishstanley_robertso: the "How to request a mentor" section?11:08
stanley_robertsoI followed the same.11:08
vishstanley_robertso: read again :)11:08
nigelbvish: re: that trackpad bug11:12
nigelbthe person complaining has probably never used a notebook and used a place where copy & paste isn't allowed.11:12
vishnigelb: trackpad! me?11:12
nigelb(or ctrl +V is disabled by default)11:12
vishnigelb: oh that..11:12
* nigelb used putty for sometime11:13
vishnigelb: if you see the comments, i'm totally confused by the bug... i just reverted the status..11:13
nigelbvish: ah, ok11:28
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nigelbpedro_: you around?14:20
nigelbfluxbox has like 14 bugs and the maintainer wants to work with us on clearing them14:20
nigelb(the debian maintainer)14:20
pedro_nigelb, yes14:20
paultagheyya nightwish14:21
paultagOh shucks nigelb *14:21
nigelbpedro_: meet paultag.  He's the debian maintainer of fluxbox.14:21
pedro_nigelb, 9 New, 3 Confirmed, 1 Incomplete and 1 Fix Committed14:21
pedro_hello paultag!14:21
paultagheyya pedro_ :)14:21
nigelbis it big enough for a hug day or we just get down and dirty?14:22
nigelbpaultag: Option A, you can look at the bugs and suggest what we need to do.14:23
nigelbOption B, you can talk to jcastro and get bug control access.14:23
pedro_nigelb, isn't having a lot of bugs for a bug day, I'd go ahead and triage those with some bugsquad help ;-)14:23
nigelbpedro_: seems reasonable to me.  I'll sit down tonight with paultag on those.14:24
paultagthanks pedro_, nigelb :)14:24
nigelbJust 14 bugs, should take only an hour or so to figure out14:24
pedro_paultag, if you have some instructions for debugging that'd be great as well so our community members can help you to triage the bugs there too14:24
pedro_and we can also put the product in the adopt a package list14:24
paultagpedro_: sure. I can note the status they should be on the bugs, and then have someone blast through. I don't mind spending time on it14:24
nigelbpaultag: You mail the bug squad list asking for help btw.14:24
paultagnigelb: :)14:24
jcastrowho needs bugcontrol?14:25
nigelb(and offering help with the debuging)14:25
jcastroI just happen to be in there14:25
* nigelb hugs jcastro 14:25
paultagOh heyya jcastro14:25
nigelbpaultag: Its your lucky day!14:25
paultagnigelb: any day with jcastro is never my lucky day14:25
* paultag hugs jcastro 14:25
paultagjcastro: thanks :)14:25
nigelbjcastro: paultag is the upstream maintainer for fluxbox and he wants bug control.14:25
nigelbThere are some 14 bugs or so and he's recently pushed a new release of fluxbox :)14:26
paultagthanks jcastro :)14:26
* nigelb hugs jcastro again14:27
nigelbjcastro: back from vacation?14:27
devildanteeveryone: shouldn't the [MIR] Banshee bug not be on the list of the bug day?14:54
yofeldevildante: no it shouldn't, can you remove it from the list please?14:55
devildanteyofel: okay :)14:56
devildanteyofel: done :)14:57
devildanteyofel: np14:58
devildanteeveryone: is banshee-dbg enough to have a good backtrace?15:05
yofelwell, you'll need the debug packages of the used libraries too15:05
devildanteyofel: thanks :)15:07
abhijitkermiac, ping15:07
devildantehi abhijit :)15:07
abhijitdevildante, hello I have one doubt15:07
devildanteabhijit: what is it?15:07
abhijitdevildante, i need to submit one bug about suound. bug is whenever i am in fullscreen game - any game - e.g. beneath stell sky, mary any then at that time fn + and fn - and fn <mute> these three functions key dont work.15:08
abhijitdevildante, so question is which is the package to submit bug against?15:09
abhijitmaryo, freecol, wideland any application or game which go to fullscreen15:09
abhijitdevildante, ??15:10
devildanteabhijit: I *think* this is a known bug, lemme search15:10
abhijitdevildante, ok15:11
pedro_guys if you have an identi.ca account or twitter, help out to spread the word about next bug day ;-)15:16
paultagpedro_: when is it?15:16
pedro_Thursday 19th August15:16
paultag( and do you have a link to the announcement )15:16
paultagthanks pedro_ :015:16
paultag:) *15:16
pedro_I've sent some announcement, wait a sec15:17
paultagthanks yofel :)15:18
pedro_if you can digg it too http://blog.qa.ubuntu.com/node/10015:18
devildanteabhijit: didn't find it, I think you could file a bug against xserver-xorg (not sure)15:19
devildantethanks pedro_ :)15:19
abhijitdevildante, not sure! :-(15:19
yofelabhijit: maybe ping crimsun_ - he should know more15:20
abhijitcrimsun_, ping15:20
abhijityoasif, ok15:20
abhijitpedro_, you know?15:20
yofelmight be something in SDL, at least I think I reproduced that once15:20
devildanteyofel: yeah, I suspected that as well15:20
devildanteyofel: I'd say also SDL, since apps that go full-screen like firefox and chromium aren't affected15:21
abhijitdevildante, yoasif hey i am talking about full screen fire fox etc15:22
nigelbyofel: dan has sorta decreased his ubuntu sound involvement (just FYI)15:22
abhijityou guys got the difference between any other aps fullscreen and a game's fullscreen?15:22
nigelbyofel: though he does sponsor from time to time15:23
yofelnigelb: I know, but he still knows a hundred times more about audio than I do...15:23
abhijitdevildante, yoasif when we go to game fullscrenn we only have control over to game only not the windows behind it15:23
devildanteabhijit, nigelb, yofel: *all* functions keys doesn't work when fullscreen, btw15:23
nigelbyofel: hehe, agreed.  There is #ubuntu-audio-help too.  Not sure how many people are in there.15:23
abhijitdevildante, no15:23
abhijitdevildante, brightness function key work for me15:23
devildanteabhijit: yes, but without the bubble, so I think it should be that the game/SDL captures those hotkeys15:25
yofelI can't mute/unmute in warzone fullscreen, but brightness change works fine15:25
abhijitdevildante, bubble? you mean notification? then yes brightness key work but withouht notification15:25
devildantethe thing is, on my ncomputer, if15:25
devildantethe thing is, on my computer, only brightness works when fullscreen, not the other function keys15:26
abhijitdevildante, yoasif tell me on thing. suppose now i just submit a bug for sdl so later someone find that its not sdl bug then we will change package. is that ok?15:26
nigelbyes, it is.15:26
nigelbWe do that all the time.15:26
devildanteabhijit: yeah :)15:26
abhijitnigelb, devildante ok now i submit15:26
yofelabhijit: btw, I'm yofel, not yoasif..15:26
devildanteyoasif :p15:26
abhijityofel, :D15:27
abhijitpackage sdl dont exist on my ubuntu? :-o15:27
abhijitdevildante, yofel nigelb ???15:27
yofelthere is libsdl1.2debian/-pulseaudio/-oss/-alsa/... choose one15:28
devildanteabhijit: libsdl1.2 is the source package15:28
nigelbyou can only file on a binary package15:28
abhijiti see15:28
abhijityah i first written ubuntu-bug sdl. now i written libsdl1.2debian-alsa and now it worked. now submitting it15:30
nigelbgreat :)15:30
abhijityofel, devildante nigelb can you just mark my bug as afffect to you?15:33
devildanteabhijit: which bug?15:33
abhijitdevildante, this sound one15:33
devildantewhich bug number?15:33
abhijitdevildante, yofel nigelb https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsdl1.2/+bug/61925615:33
ubot2Ubuntu bug 619256 in libsdl1.2 (Ubuntu) "Function keys wont work in fullscreen game (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]15:34
devildanteubot2 is slooow15:34
ubot2Factoid 'is slooow' not found15:34
abhijitbut it is intelligent!15:34
devildanteubot2 intelligence15:34
ubot2Factoid 'intelligence' not found15:34
abhijitdevildante, yofel nigelb can someone please mar this as confirmed?15:35
devildanteabhijit: okay15:35
abhijitdevildante, thanks15:35
devildantedone :)15:35
devildanteabhijit: can you search for it upstream and file a bug if there isn't already one there?15:36
abhijitdevildante, upstream where?]15:37
devildanteabhijit: libsdl upstream: http://bugzilla.libsdl.org/15:38
abhijitdevildante, but wer not clear yet about if it is sdl bug or not?15:40
devildanteabhijit: I think the sdl guys could determine this15:40
abhijitdevildante, ok15:41
devildantebut search for the bug first15:41
abhijityofel, nigelb can you please that bug as affect to you?15:41
abhijitdevildante, does this bug addresses my fullscreen issue?15:45
abhijitdevildante, http://bugzilla.libsdl.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67015:45
ubot2bugzilla.libsdl.org bug 670 in events "Multimedia keys and dead keys no longer working" [Normal,Waiting]15:46
devildanteabhijit: yes, now link it to the launchpad bug (do you know how to do that?)15:48
abhijitdevildante, no i dont know how to do that?15:49
devildanteabhijit: click on "also affects project"15:50
abhijitdevildante, ok15:50
abhijitdevildante, yes clicked new page opened15:50
abhijitdevildante, now added that bug link right?15:51
devildanteyes :)15:51
abhijitdevildante, now tell me. in this way only launchpad people will know that this bug is there in upstream. but how sdl people will know that a bug is reported downstream in launchpad?15:52
devildantegood question15:53
devildanteabhijit: you have to register to the bugzilla first15:53
abhijitdevildante, i am registered in bugzilla too!!! :D15:54
devildanteabhijit: which one? (they are several bugzillas, and they don't share the same users)15:54
abhijitthis info is new to me15:54
abhijitdevildante, i dont remember exactly now but abiword,openoffice15:57
devildanteabhijit: so, you need to register to the libsdl bugzilla15:58
abhijitdevildante, ohhh15:58
abhijitdevildante, done.16:03
abhijitnow i am logged in.16:03
devildanteabhijit: in the bug page, you should see a "URL:" text entry. Put the launchpad bug link there16:04
abhijitdevildante, ok16:04
abhijitdevildante, i just done. you just crosscheck if i done correctly http://bugzilla.libsdl.org/process_bug.cgi16:07
devildanteyou mean http://bugzilla.libsdl.org/show_bug.cgi?id=670 :p16:07
ubot2bugzilla.libsdl.org bug 670 in events "Multimedia keys and dead keys no longer working" [Normal,Waiting]16:07
devildanteyes, good job16:07
devildantenow, we just have to wait for the devs to fix this :p16:08
abhijiti am totaly confused16:08
abhijitdevildante, i cant see the link which i submitted. where it gone?16:08
abhijitdevildante, oh sorry i can see it now :D16:08
abhijitdevildante, yah the main step - to wait!!! :D16:08
devildanteyofel: could you triage abhijit's bug?16:09
devildanteyofel: priority medium16:09
* abhijit will be glad!!!16:09
devildanteyofel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsdl1.2/+bug/61925616:10
ubot2Ubuntu bug 619256 in libsdl1.2 (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Function keys wont work in fullscreen game (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:10
abhijityofel, ping16:12
njinpedro_: hello16:23
abhijitvish, ping16:28
abhijitcharlie-tca, ping16:38
abhijitcharlie-tca, can you traiage my bug report?16:39
abhijitcharlie-tca, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsdl1.2/+bug/61925616:39
ubot2Ubuntu bug 619256 in libsdl1.2 (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Function keys wont work in fullscreen game (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:39
abhijitcharlie-tca, as deviladante suggested importance to medium?16:40
sinurgehow do u take care of a bug report that might be kinda a wishlist - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/61298816:40
abhijitcharlie-tca, thanks!16:40
ubot2Ubuntu bug 612988 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "[nautilus] shows ubuntu-one ribbon in each folder (affects: 7) (dups: 2) (heat: 48)" [Undecided,New]16:40
charlie-tcaNice job16:40
charlie-tcasinurge: we don't16:41
sinurgek, thanks16:42
charlie-tcaIt is marked as an opinion already in the main package, and the developers will decide for maverick16:42
abhijityofel, ???16:42
abhijitanyone can just mar that report as affect to you?16:43
paultagabhijit: why would someone do that if it does not affect them?16:43
abhijitpaultag, i am requesting anyone to reproduce the condition and mark it. i am not saying to mark directly16:44
abhijitshould i ask this person to do ubuntu-bug lernid so that we will have more info?16:47
ubot2Ubuntu bug 610447 in lernid "Lernid crash in Session (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]16:47
sinurgei think you can write that, and in addition mark the bug as incomplete.16:51
abhijitsinurge, ok16:51
vishabhijit: pong16:52
abhijitvish, should i ask this person to do ubuntu-bug lernid so that we will have more info?16:52
abhijitvirtuald, https://bugs.launchpad.net/lernid/+bug/61044716:52
ubot2Ubuntu bug 610447 in lernid "Lernid crash in Session (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]16:52
abhijitoh sorry16:52
abhijitvish, ^^16:52
sinurgeabhijit:installing lernid, let me see if ic an reproduce the same bug16:53
abhijitsinurge, yah sure16:53
vishabhijit: thats an upstream bug , we cant set status for it16:53
abhijitvish, no no not status16:53
abhijitvish, i feel that bug is incomplete. shoulk i ask that person to do ubuntu-bug lernid? so that we will have more info?16:53
vishabhijit: i dont know about lernid ;)16:54
abhijitvish, ohhh okk np :)16:54
abhijitsinurge, that bug is not reproducable for me16:55
sinurgesame here16:55
abhijitsinurge, yah16:56
njinhello to all, just a curiosity, what mean this ( tags:   added: kj-triage )17:06
stanley_robertsohi all17:07
abhijitstanley_robertso, :)17:07
stanley_robertsohi abhijit17:07
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ashamshello all17:09
stanley_robertsohi ashams17:09
sinurgeevening/afternoon everyone17:10
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bdmurraynjin: the bug was programmatically triaged by the kernel janitor17:11
sinurgeabhijit: u did not mark that bug?17:12
abhijitsinurge, i was waiting for you!!!17:12
abhijiti mean i was waiting for you to mark it sinurge17:13
njinbdmurray: thanks17:20
yofelabhijit: sorry, went swimming, and I marked that bug as affecting me right after you filed it17:31
abhijityofel, thanks :)17:32
MiketheMagiCatHi. Can someone help me? I had Ubuntu installed on my computer. I also have Windows Vista (which I hate). But today it would not let me go online. It said there was a broken link. I could not find it. I uninstalled it. I installed Download Ubuntu Desktop Edition 32 bit. And then it told me when it finished downloading to choose a program to open it up. I chose Internet Explorer. Now I can't find the18:02
MiketheMagiCatMiketheMagiCatprogram anywhere on the computer, or in my files. I also tried loading it on to my usb flash drive, and it didn't work. Is there a phone number to call for support for Linux products. I am a beginner and an idiot.18:02
MiketheMagiCatIf someone could email me about this I would apprciate it.  bloderme@yahoo.com18:09
* nigelb pokes pedro_ 18:49
nigelbpedro_: were you able to get around to be blog post?18:49
pedro_nigelb, having in a draft , one sec19:10
penguin42pedro_: If you get a chance can you look at bug 598780 - I've written a fairly long analysis of what I think is happening there19:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 598780 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) "Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to load type module: (null) (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59878019:15
pedro_penguin42, i'll look at it in a bit, thanks for filing the report btw19:17
simarashams: hi19:21
simarashams: finally19:21
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nigelbyay! http://blog.qa.ubuntu.com/node/10119:35
kiwinotehi! I have been pointed to bug 618855 by the reporter (it was their first time filing a bug), but I don't have permission to view it. Does anyone know what sort of a bug this is (ie it must be something more than just a private bug)?19:36
ubot2kiwinote: Bug 618855 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/618855 is private19:36
nigelbdevildante, vish, yofel, and others: http://blog.qa.ubuntu.com/node/10119:36
micahgkiwinote: probably needs retracing19:36
nigelbkiwinote: looks like I can't see it either.19:36
nigelbMaybe its not in the ubuntu project?19:37
micahgthat could be too19:37
vishkiwinote: easiest would be to ask them to subscribe you to the bug19:38
kiwinoteok, thanks everyone, that subscribing does sound the easiest19:38
penguin42nigelb: Thats good - Ubuntu often picks up stick for not contributing19:42
nigelbpenguin42: Yep, that's what we're trying to reduce.19:42
penguin42nigelb: Although similarly I don't know when it becomes visible that it was an ubuntu fix; i.e. if we fix something, that gets pushed up to debian and that gets pushed to the original project I wonder what the chances are that it will keep its attributions19:43
nigelbpenguin42: That shouldn't be our concern.19:44
micahgpenguin42: most people will keep the original attributions when pushing up a patch19:44
penguin42nigelb: What happened to the Review queue in June ?19:44
vishnigelb: thats 30 done on that day, or the week?19:44
nigelbOur concern should be that we aren't holding a patch that was in our bug tracker that fixes a *big* issue.19:44
nigelbpenguin42: from since we started, its gone down from 1903 to 1481.19:45
nigelbSlow but steady19:45
nigelbvish: week.19:45
vishnigelb: hmm, wasnt the target 20 per day? or something higher?19:45
penguin42nigelb: Oh it's just the graph shows it as a big upwards movement in June19:45
nigelbNote that we get patches every day, so progress that can be tracked is very slow.19:45
nigelbvish: it was 20.  We need more help :(19:45
vishnigelb: stop talking now! review a bug! :D19:45
penguin42nigelb: We have to be a little careful with bugs with patches; it's like I posted a workaround patch to a bug but put big hairy screeamy warnings on it saying it was voodoo code and someone who actually understood it should look at it; it's still marked as a bug with a patch19:45
* vish jumps on lp too! ;)19:46
nigelbvish: good idea.19:46
nigelbpenguin42: We let the upstream decide.19:46
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penguin42nigelb: Well it depends as the one who wrote the patch I wouldn't want it upstreamed19:47
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penguin42It's commented that way to stop anyone thinking it's supposed to be19:47
nigelbpenguin42: Well, I see it this way.19:47
yofelpenguin42: that is unreasonable, we should keep our differences from upstream as small as possible19:48
nigelbI try the patch to see if its working first.19:48
nigelbIf it isn't, we tag it patch-needswork.19:48
penguin42yofel: My point is it works, and I wouldn't even push it into the release never mind upstream; because I know it needs someone to look at it properly - it might break other cases worse and I know it's not good19:48
vishpenguin42: the easiest you can do is just forward patches upstream .. to where they belong19:49
penguin42vish: that would be wrong if the original author had said it wasn't ready for release19:49
yofelpenguin42: well, we want upstream to review the patch because they know the code best?19:49
penguin42yofel: No, I know it needs a proper fix from upstream, my code was just a hack which seems to work - I *know* it needs a proper fix19:49
vishpenguin42: do note , once reviewed , it needs to be uploaded as well , so the sponsor must be really dumb to upload a  "voodoo code"19:50
yofelso, upstream might still want to apply it while they work on another fix19:50
vishpenguin42: which we are spared since the sponsors are chosen carefully ;)19:51
penguin42yofel: Oh yeh I'm sure no one would look at my patch and push it upstream since it's got big scray comments in saying it's voodoo code - but I'm just saying just to take care that the people writing a patch might know it's not the right thing to release it; in that case it would be right to forward the bug upstream with a note saying there was a work around19:51
simarashams: there??19:52
vishpenguin42: imo, if the patch can just be forward , let the upstream decide if they really do want that voodo19:53
penguin42vish: My point was to violently disagree with that!  If the original author of something thinks it's horrible and shouldn't be put into a release I think their view should be respected19:54
vishpenguin42: then why are they submitting the patch?  [i'm now confused with the question]19:55
penguin42(Interestingly in the case of the bug in question - bug 605686 - someone else who obviously understands stuff a bit more included a patch after mine - but put it inline instead of as a patch - and it all seems to have gone quiet19:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 605686 in linux (Ubuntu) "nointremap needed - Blocked an interrupt request due to source-id verificiation failure (affects: 1) (heat: 133)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60568619:55
micahgpenguin42: well, sometimes a patch is only needed by us and not usable upstream and they'll reject it, or the level of hack is acceptable for us due to a problem it solves19:55
penguin42vish: Well I submitted it because it was a work around that worked for me and might be useful to others19:55
penguin42micahg: Yeh indeed; my objection was purely to the thought that a patch should be upstreamed even if the original author didn't think it was right19:55
vishpenguin42: so why cant this workaround be done upstream? even if it is a stop gap?19:56
vishpenguin42: upstream might like it.. :)19:56
ashamssimar: hi, are you still there19:56
simarashams: ya :))19:56
micahgpenguin42: also, upstream might suggest how to make it better and you can create a better patch19:56
penguin42vish: It was one of those things that was patching something hideously complex (interrupt mapping) that frankly I haven't got a clue about but managed to hack around19:56
ashamssimar: how is your day?19:56
simarashams: at last, actually i have some temporary internet probems19:56
simarashams: just fine ..19:57
ashamssimar: it's fine19:57
penguin42vish: Sticking a thumb in a leaking ditch might stop a flood, you wouldn't want it included in the design19:57
simarashams: :))19:57
simarashams: did you read the new documents that I sent you through mail19:57
vishpenguin42: imo, it might not be perfect now, but it can be perfected by upstream.. it might be a new idea. [i havent seen your patch though]19:57
penguin42vish: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/51999685/intremap-hack.patch19:58
ashamssimar: I was sick in the last days, I didn't finish them yet! :((19:58
simarashams: Do you think that you are in a position to start triaging the touchpad bugs or should we wait??19:59
simarashams: In the other case I hope you can clarify some doubts19:59
vishpenguin42: maybe we should send it to Linus? ;)19:59
* penguin42 flippers vish20:00
micahgvish: IMHO, the kernel team should be the only ones upstreaming kernel patches20:01
ashamssimar: actually, I was thinking if You can assign me some bugs so you may check If I'm ready or not?20:01
vishmicahg: yeah , i dint offer to send it :)20:01
vishlol! "DANGER! Voodoo coding"20:01
penguin42vish: See, I was subtle!20:02
ashamssimar:  that I'm not sure If I'm really ready to start...20:02
vishmicahg: upstream folks dont even like "regular" users sending bugs , let alone patches ;)20:03
vishupstream kernel*20:03
micahgvish: I know, that's why I said it ;)20:03
penguin42vish: They can be OK if you send a good patch and send it to the right people20:03
vishpenguin42: if we send a patch they *hate* , they will ensure to trash the submitter :D20:05
penguin42oh yes20:05
simarashams: you should not be afraid to do20:05
simarashams: let me introduce you some bugs and lets triage them together.. :))20:05
vishFear is what you have to fear itself!20:06
simarashams: just a sec20:06
simarvish: Right :))20:06
simarvish: I'm happy to have another student .. cheers for that :-))20:07
ashamssimar: just a sec!20:07
simarvish: Happy to introduce many people to ubuntu :)20:07
vishsimar: yay!20:07
simarvish: :)20:07
vishsimar: you need not necessarily teach only about synaptics , if they want to do other bugs , you can just guide them with the bugs and get them familiar with the workflow..20:08
simarvish: ya but ashams says he'll be happy triaging something that i know and it will be a start and then he'll triage many others..20:10
vishsimar: cool!  was just mentioning it now, wanted to send that in the mail , but forgot :)20:10
simarvish: I will try, that my other student will triage something else.. n myself too ;)20:12
simarashams: Here is a list of all bugs that need to be touched ie New as you have read in documentation.20:13
simarashams: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New20:13
simarashams: just have a look20:13
simarashams: let me find some suitable one20:14
ashamssimar: ok20:14
simarashams: till then you would like to have a look here https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/56554320:16
ubot2Ubuntu bug 565543 in linux (Ubuntu) "Alps touchpad detected as ImPS/2 Generic Wheel Mouse(in VAIO E series) after the kernel upgrade (affects: 13) (heat: 82)" [Medium,Incomplete]20:16
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ashamssimar: well, it looks like a problem with the driver?20:22
simarashams: yes .. have you noticed how a triager intervenes a bug report.20:23
simarashams: how to greet at first..20:23
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=== Narwhal is now known as IdleOne
ashamssimar: I cannot understand what you say!20:28
simarashams: don't worry, take your time..20:28
=== IdleOne is now known as Narwhal
simarashams: leave it and keep it as a reference , just subscribe it using Subscribe in green at right ..20:29
simarashams: report after doing so20:29
ashamssimar: done20:29
simarashams: Now you can find this bug easily using launchpad in bugs section at you page and then subscribed bugs..20:30
ashamssimar: what did you mean with " how to greet at first.."?20:30
simarashams: can you find it20:30
simarashams: That how a triager greets and thanks for reporting bug that i did in my first comment..20:31
ashamssimar: yes20:31
simarashams: both things clear?20:32
ashamssimar: yes20:34
simarashams: we need to speed up. I have a class tomorrow at 8 and its 1 am here already.20:35
simarashams: see this  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/35537220:35
ubot2Ubuntu bug 355372 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "unstoppable scrolling synaptics touchpad (heat: 7)" [Undecided,New]20:35
simarashams: First subscribe..20:36
njinpedro_: are you around ?20:36
pedro_njin, hello , yes20:37
ashamssimar: yes I see it in my supscription list20:38
ashamssimar: and I got back to it!20:38
njinpedro_: today i've  alp trecking with son's, i'm phisically destroyed.20:39
ashamssimar: so is there any triagging mistakes?20:39
simarashams: subscribe the new bug. I can't see you in subscribers list..20:43
simarashams: bug 35537220:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 355372 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "unstoppable scrolling synaptics touchpad (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35537220:43
ashamssimar: ok20:43
ashamssimar: yes I supscribed now, so you want to finish it, its ok!20:46
ashamssimar: if you're going to finish now, please tell me when to be here again?20:47
simarashams: wait a sec now20:47
ashamssimar: ok20:47
simarashams: change the status to incomplete..20:48
simarashams: This means you need to get information from the user, and you are triaging the bug20:49
ashamssimar: I'm sorry I need to go.20:49
simarashams: ok, we 'll catch tomorrow with the same bug ..20:50
ashamssimar: OK but when???20:50
ashamssimar: when?20:50
ashamssimar: please give me the exact time to be here?20:51
simarashams:  at 16:30 UTC20:52
ashamssimar: ok20:52
ashamssimar: bye now20:52
simarashams: see my time here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors20:52
simarashams: see ya20:52
ashamssimar: ok20:53
simarashams: gn20:53
devildanteunreviewed patches reduced to 1479! woohoo!21:09
vishdevildante: hey , are you working on the update-manager renaming?21:11
devildantevish: oh god, I forgot :p21:11
vishdevildante: needs to be ready before UIF ;)21:12
devildantevish: will start working on it now :)21:12
vishdevildante: yay! \o/21:12
vishdevildante: woah! maverick u-m is gonna rock!21:13
devildantevish: would a renaming make it rock even more? :p21:13
vishdevildante: rocker!  ?  ;p21:14
devildantevish: anyway, I got plans for this little guy (muhaha)21:14
devildantefor NN (insert joke about the version code)21:15
vishno one shall be spared:  > http://www.weebls-stuff.com/songs/Narwhals/ listen and get addicted too !21:15
devildantebookmarked :p21:17
yofelu-m is being renamed?21:17
yofel(I don't follow gnome things much ^^)21:18
devildanteyofel: it was a decision taken yesterday or the day before (I don't quite remember :p)21:20
devildantevish: I'm gonna put this link EVERYWHERE :p21:20
devildantevish: do you know the applications that uses update-notifier's gconf keys?21:28
vishdevildante: not sure.. maybe the indicator-session?21:31
vishnah not it21:31
devildantevish: I would like to rename the gconf keys as well21:31
vishdevildante: i would do that in probably two branches/commits.. in case it breaks something , we can revert easier21:33
devildantevish: yeah, you're right21:33
devildantevish: still, I'll rename the update-manager ones, as I think only the app itself uses them21:34
vishdevildante: cool!21:34
vishdevildante: we need an mvo! ;p21:34
jpdsa mvo.21:35
* devildante creates an mvo21:35
devildantejpds: why?21:35
jpdsdevildante: m is not a vowel, so it's an a.21:35
devildantejpds: wow, you're right - still, "an mvo" sounds cool :p21:36
astraljavaYeah, but only if you pronounce them together. If separately, it's an m-v-o.21:36
devildanteall right, I want everyone to include this in their quit/part message: http://www.weebls-stuff.com/songs/Narwhals/21:37
penguin42devildante: I'm sure those guys would do custom version21:41
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virusuyEvening 0/22:10
* penguin42 is confused by bug 428318 - one with a patch22:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 428318 in util-linux (Ubuntu) "unable to mount an ext2 partition by label or uuid, unbootable system (affects: 14) (dups: 2) (heat: 83)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42831822:12
penguin42I think the patch that is there is already in the util-linux 2.17.2 that it is in maverick, however I don't know if it actually fixes those guys problems22:12
penguin42and actually it sounds like it was probably in lucid22:13
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