
=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
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* abogani waves!07:55
* apw yawns08:30
* smb wonders whether he should give apw virtual coffee. :)08:30
* apw looks blearily at his real tea08:31
RAOFSee, there's your problem.08:31
jk-RAOF: lol08:31
RAOFTea is very sensitive; looking blearily at it can only result in tears!08:31
apwthe trade off is the risk of dropping the tea in my lap due to tiredness induced incompetance against the restorative effects of the contents ...08:40
smbAt least you would be awake then08:41
RAOFDropping tea in your lap would certainly provide a temporary buff to attentiveness.08:41
jk-apw: on the other hand, that would wake you up08:41
jk-snap * 208:41
smbthree minds one thought08:41
apwthats not the kind of awake i approve of08:41
jk-it's the kind of slapstick we approve of, though08:42
RAOFYou haven't been fitted with the special Canonical underwear I take it then?08:42
smbActually, wasn't that fortified on the opposite side only? :-P08:45
JFoapw, should I be showing you guys any kino bugs or do we care about those?09:43
apwkino ?09:43
JFoone sec.09:44
JFobug 629009:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 6290 in baltix (and 1 other project) "DV capture over Firewire is broken (no rights for /dev/raw1394) (affects: 41) (dups: 10) (heat: 306)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/629009:44
JFodoubt it has to do with us but there was a legacy team group subscribed to the bug09:45
JFoI've unsubscribed it09:45
JFobut I have no clue what kino is09:45
apwJFo, i would guess its a codename ... but given the age of that bug we are not interested anyhow, its like dapper time isn't it ?09:46
JFoyeah, I think they need to open a new bug09:46
apwoh its an app, but the age is the key here i ithink09:46
apwif they are reporting on that one ... i'd get a fresh one opened09:47
JFowill read through it then and decide what is needed09:47
ograit the typical DV capture tool 09:47
JFothanks :)09:47
ograand is the one app that always exposed the brokeness of the FW stack09:47
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ograJFo, given that there are recent comments from users that it is fixed for them, i'd set it to fix released no matter how old it is09:48
JFok, that was what I was thinking too09:49
apwJFo, i think that bug can just be left alone09:50
apwits mostly (in this year timeframe) about switching to the new firewire stack and that being a good thing09:50
JFoapw, ok09:50
JFoyeah saw that09:50
apwas we have done that in maverick i suspect it is fixed in maverick from the user perspective, but not 100% sure how to be sure09:50
JFojust not sure who is responsible for kino09:50
apwas if it was we could close it there09:50
apwJFo, as it seems to be an app, not us :)09:51
JFomy thoughts exactly09:51
ograapw, its a kernel prob09:51
JFoit was the reason I had no issue removing that group subscribe09:51
apwogra, if its a kernel problem then it should be filed against the kernel09:52
apwogra, can you elucidate on the problem? as noone in the bug seems to be helping me09:52
ograapw, and if the new firewire stack fixes it i'D close it, else it stays open forever09:52
ograapw, its the permissins of the firewire device09:52
ograwhich i thought the new firewire stack fixes09:53
apwas in the the unix permissions or something deeper09:53
ograunix permissions and something deeper :)09:53
apwso it might be worth asking for testing on maverick as the stacks are switched09:53
ograthe permissins are only set that way because its the only safe way09:53
ogra(by design)09:54
apwand if its a kernel problem it should have a kernel task so we can close that Fix Released on Maverick, and Won't Fix (you have a workaround) on Lucid09:54
ograi would ask the last three commenters if they use maverick09:55
ograand if so, close it09:55
apwJFo, ok read the whole bug and it does seem to be a case of, old kernel stack has no sane permissions model, new stack does.  old stack therefore is prevents access without being root, new should not10:09
apwtherefore .... will add linux tasks for lucid and maverick and close this in maverick kernel side10:09
JFosounds god to me10:10
apwand actually in lucid too, as we are not going to change the default there10:10
JFosince the new stack is Mav only yes?10:10
apwwill close that won't fix, but wth the appropriate comments about the workaround to switch the stack10:10
diwicOut of curiousity, I run Lucid on one machine here but with the Maverick backport kernel, am I running 1) the old FW stack 2) the new FW stack 3) some weird combination10:11
JFodiwic, the maverick backport kernel is not supported on desktpo ;)10:12
JFowhat is with my spelling to day?10:12
diwicJFo, it does exist in the generic flavour though10:12
JFoexist yes....:)10:12
diwicJFo, and so far it has been working better than the Lucid one, graphics-wise10:13
* JFo picks on diwic 10:13
=== diwic is now known as diwic_afk
jk-hey JFo10:47
JFoheya jk- 10:48
jk-JFo: saw your update on 584812; just waiting for feedback from Jerone..10:50
* JFo goes to look10:51
JFoah yeah10:51
JFowanted to get the guys to take a look at it too during the weekly chat10:51
JFowould you rather I wait on that jk- ?10:52
jk-apw knows about it, once it's been tested I'll forward the config change to k-t for review10:52
JFosince I see that you have a test build that may take care of it10:52
JFomay just want to put on the hot list10:52
JFogood deal :)10:52
apwbug #58481210:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 584812 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 4 other projects) "uinput kernel module is not loaded automatically (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58481210:56
* apw has seen that yes10:57
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* smb needs to run some errands. bb later15:03
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bjf## Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting15:24
bjf##      agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting15:24
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pgranertgardner, lag: call in 10...15:52
lagpgraner: ack15:52
lagpgraner: Mumble?15:52
pgranerlag, yep15:52
JFopgraner, I completely forgot to schedule myself15:53
pgranerJFo, dooh!15:53
tgardnerpgraner, ack15:53
pgranerJFo, we can do it next week when your back15:54
JFoapw, you still around?16:24
JFosmb are you around?16:30
JFoin the event that you are. would you have a look at bug 54609116:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 546091 in linux (Ubuntu) "10.04 Installer doesn't properly detect 9240 MegaRaid SAS Controlers (affects: 8) (heat: 72)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54609116:32
JFothink that could be caused by an old driver?16:33
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smbJFo, Now yes16:37
ogasawaraJFo: around for much longer today?16:40
JFoa bit yes :)16:41
JFowant me to try to attend the meeting?16:41
ogasawaraJFo: nah, was hoping you could spam a small set of bugs for me16:41
JFoI may be able to indeed :)16:41
ogasawaraJFo: which would then clear off one of your work items... "post CFT to lp bugs using an ubuntu/ driver"16:41
ogasawaraJFo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.searchtext=rtl8192se16:41
JFoI don't remember that one16:42
JFobut I'd be happy to16:42
ogasawaraJFo: In the most recent Maverick kernel I uploaded yesterday (linux-2.6.35-16.22) I'd updated rtl8192se16:42
* JFo worries he missed subscribing to the BP16:42
JFoogasawara, cool16:43
ogasawaraJFo: so if you could just spam those bugs asking if they could test with the latest 26.35-16.22 kernel that'd be awesome16:43
JFowill do16:43
JFowhat BP is that item in?16:43
ogasawaraJFo: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kernel-maverick-ubuntu-delta-review16:44
JFoyep, I missed subscribing to that one16:44
JFofixed now16:44
JFothank you :)16:44
ogasawaraJFo: that last bug in that last might not be relevant, so you could maybe skip that one16:45
=== amitk is now known as amitk-afk
smbJFo, scanning through that bug sounds like they would need a completely updated driver, yes. I would say its would be a candidate for lbm but they need that for installation. tgardner, pgraner anyone of you got hw that uses the megaraid_sas driver?16:49
tgardnersmb, not me16:49
tgardnersmb, is this a regression, or just a new version of the card ?16:50
smbtgardner, I would say a new version16:50
smbThree newer cards16:50
JFosm, thanks for looking16:51
tgardnersmb, I wonder if "we" are smart enough to build an ISO with the LTS backported kernel on it for testing. bjf?16:51
* smb really feels like sm today :)16:52
bjftgardner: "we" should be able to do that, yes16:52
tgardnerbjf, how is the alternate kernel selected? do you just replace the Lucid kernel?16:52
bjftgardner: yes16:52
bjftgardner: desktop is what i've been doing, not sure about server16:53
tgardnerbjf, smb: maybe we should get them to try the Maverick daily first in order to make sire its going to be a solution16:53
smbtgardner, There is a comment about Maverick a2 or 3 working16:53
tgardnersmb, ok. then they are going to have to wait until we have a Lucid point release with the Maverick kernel as an option16:54
* tgardner goes to snatch some breakfast16:55
smbYeah, someone mentioned 9.10 drivers from the vendor. Have not followed that but could be an option too if they have something newer16:55
smbhm probably not. looks a bit hackish16:57
tgardnersmb, it also won't solve their install problem, will it?16:58
JFoogasawara, spam complete16:59
JFosmb :)16:59
ogasawaraJFo: awesome, thanks.  I'll mark it off the blueprint.16:59
JFok, thank you :)16:59
smbtgardner, Only very sort of. Basically I think thy provide initrd and kernel plus modules for KArmic16:59
ogasawara## Kernel team meeting in one hour in #ubuntu-meeting17:01
smbtgardner, The difference between maverick and lucid is just a mere 1100 lines. If we get the right person the right hw we can sru it by rule #5 :-P17:03
pgranersmb, I don't have any hw for that17:09
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smbpgraner, ack, yeah its probably rather high end server stuff17:10
pgranersmb, yea I'm more low rent lol17:11
apwsmb, i wonder if they could make a USB stick with the updated kernel17:12
smbapw, Well if the installation offers the maverick lts backport they should be fine17:13
apwwell ... no as they can't see the disk to install it ... right ?17:13
smbRight, would require that kernel to be there for install... :/17:13
tgardnerapw, thats an interesting point17:14
apwthey'd need an image with that kernel actually on it, as a boot option17:14
tgardnerwe'll have to ask cjwatson if thats an option on the alternate installer17:14
apwmight be on the DVD images for instance17:15
ogasawaracnd: you've got a generic work item to "Work with Rafi and Stephane to import any post 2.6.35 multitouch driver code" is that still ongoing or can I mark it done?17:16
smbapw, The only other solution would be some sort of override mechanism to pull in certain lbm packages from the cd or dvd. But I guess thats even more not implemented17:21
apwpresumably they could make a USB stick on another machine, and chroot into it, and install the updated kernel17:22
apwso perhaps its a 'write a proceedure for it' problem ?17:22
apwsmb ^^17:24
smbapw, Hm its probably the same or similar to making some of our test cds. 17:25
JFoodd that the alternate CD worked but not the regular17:32
JFowell, it may not be that odd17:32
jjohansenogasawara: I've updated my work items let me know if I missed anything17:32
ogasawarajjohansen: will do, thanks17:33
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
ogasawara## Kernel team meeting in 5 minutes in #ubuntu-meeting17:55
cndogasawara, you can mark it done18:01
ogasawaracnd: yep, thanks18:01
cndthat work item became utouch :)18:01
cndits spawned way too many other work items...18:01
* tgardner lunches19:30
* jjohansen -> lunch20:14
* smb -> out20:15
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
bjfogasawara: thanks for handling the meeting, 15 minutes, nice!20:59
ogasawarabjf: np, was short and sweet today.21:00
ogasawarabjf: I sent you the mootbot bits, not sure if you really needed it or not21:00
bjfogasawara: thanks, don't use them but thanks anyways21:00
* ogasawara lunch21:22
=== bjf changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Maverick Kernel Version: 2.6.35 || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - August-24 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
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jj-afkback on in a bit23:11

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