
ChrisWoollardI think I should now call it a day.00:07
ChrisWoollardI could sit and read the entire manual and would probably still find the odd error. I just don't have time/00:08
godbykChrisWoollard: I hear ya.  Thanks for your help.00:10
godbykI'm running it through spell-check now and fixing a few final spelling errors that I find.00:10
godbykUnless someone finds other bugs, I'll probably release it when I'm finished with spell-check.00:10
ChrisWoollardI look forware to having a look at the finished article in the morning :)00:10
ChrisWoollardok. I have a couple of comma splices i have found00:12
ChrisWoollardgrep is a wonderful tool00:12
godbykyeah, it is nice.00:12
godbykI wrote a python script a while back to find common errors.00:13
godbykIt comes in handy.00:13
ChrisWoollardI think i will leave the one in the license.00:14
godbykYeah, we're not allowed to fix bugs in the license text.00:14
godbykI've tried before.00:14
godbykLawyers complained. :)00:14
MuscovyOh dear. XD00:14
ChrisWoollardi have a couple of others though00:14
=== aprilg1 is now known as aprilg
ChrisWoollardI have now fixed all the comma splices. :)00:23
MuscovyI'm going a little nutty from scrolling through the manual. :|00:23
MuscovyI read it in random chunks, but I figure I've read it the equivalent of twice.00:24
godbykChrisWoollard: you're going nuts on those comma splices!  nice job! :)00:26
ChrisWoollardgrep is wonderful :P00:26
ChrisWoollardThere should, hopefully, be none left.00:26
godbykYou're just checking for 'however'?00:27
* ChrisWoollard checks to see if his name is in the editors credits :)00:28
godbykMake sure it's spelled correctly, too. ;-)00:28
ChrisWoollardIt is :P00:30
ChrisWoollardAnyway. Bed time. Have fun.00:32
ChrisWoollarddon't work too hard00:32
godbyksee ya!00:33
dakersee ya ChrisWoollard00:33
MuscovyI found a bug, the ss tag of the Empathy account setup screenshot is "ss:e-mpaty-new-account-local".00:33
godbykMuscovy: I just fixed that one.00:34
ChrisWoollardAfter you have released. Are you going to sort of the maverick branch?00:34
MuscovyOh good. :D00:34
godbykgood catch, though.00:34
MuscovyI turned on spellcheck and I'm scanning the pages.00:34
ChrisWoollardWhat do you use for spell check?00:36
MuscovyJust gedit in this case.00:36
ChrisWoollardDoes Vi have a spellcheck :)00:36
godbykI'm running through aspell.00:36
godbykChrisWoollard: Sure. :set spell00:37
ChrisWoollardHmmm, Yummy00:37
ChrisWoollardThat is cool.00:37
ChrisWoollardAnyway I will stop playing now. Laters everybody.00:38
MuscovySee ya.00:38
MuscovyQuestion, are we capitalizing "internet"?00:38
godbykMootBot: Yep.00:39
godbykI just fixed all the lowercase internets.00:39
godbykI still don't know what the proper spelling/form is for 'MeMenu' or 'Me Menu' or 'Me menu' or whatever.00:40
godbykOn the wiki page for it, it's spelled different ways.00:40
MuscovyI think it's CamelCase.00:40
MuscovyHmm, the main site uses "Me Menu", and that's the main name on the wiki.00:41
godbykyeah, I don't know that there's a canonical spelling.00:44
ChrisWoollardJust another quick thought. Can you do a search for  occurences of "apps" and change it to applications.00:44
MuscovyFor Maverick, I'd like to see the mix of applications/programs removed. I filed a bug a while ago, but I thought it was too opinionated to just do.00:49
godbykChrisWoollard: I don't see any occurrences of 'apps'.00:50
godbykMuscovy: We'll look at it for Maverick. I think it's too pervasive of a change to make for lucid-e2 at this stage.00:50
godbykokay, I've finished running the .tex files through aspell.00:52
godbykIt looks like we're consistently using MeMenu at the moment, so I'll leave that as is.00:52
Muscovygodbyk: Goodness, a bit of a change to make NOW. XD01:01
godbykWhat change?01:01
MuscovyApplications/Programs usage.01:02
godbykoh, right.01:02
godbykyeah, that's why we'll hold off. :)01:02
godbykFresh PDFs up at http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/builds/screen.pdf and http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/builds/print.pdf01:02
godbykIf you don't notice any problems with them, I'll start uploading them to the website and lulu.com01:03
godbykDoes anyone else want to take a look at the manual before I upload it to lulu.com and our site?01:07
MuscovyI'm taking a quick look.01:08
godbykMuscovy: Okay, cool.  Just give me a holler when you're finished (or if you have questions, etc.)01:08
MuscovyI'm done, nothing seems blazoning wrong, godbyk. :D01:11
godbykI'll upload it to the site then.01:12
godbykHey, daker.01:12
godbykJust in time for the fireworks. :)01:12
MuscovyYou're probably still working on the site stuff, but the main download button links to e1.01:20
godbykyeah, I was just looking at that.01:20
godbykI'll probably have daker fix it when he gets a moment.01:20
MuscovyI guess you just have perms for the pdf directory?01:22
godbykI have permissions for all of it.  But I don't want to edit the button and break it for anyone trying to download the Greek or German version of e1.01:23
godbykI haven't looked through the php code entirely yet to know what effect it'd have.01:23
godbykOkay, lulu.com copy is up: http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/getting-started-with-ubuntu-1004---second-edition/1228470601:36
MuscovyThe Lulu book is a really good idea. I bet it would cost twice as much in paper and ink to print at home.01:42
godbykhaving a nice bound copy is cool, I think.01:47
godbykHey, daker. Did you get my email?02:37
humphreybcgodbyk ping05:08
humphreybcyou busy?05:08
godbyk-androidhumphreybc:  pong05:08
zkriessehey humphreybc05:09
humphreybcandroid keyboard still giving you grief I see :P05:09
godbyk-androidGimme about 15 minutes to finish this tv show, then I'll be free. :-)05:09
godbyk-androidYour nick wasn't in the dictionary, apparently.05:10
godbykhumphreybc: okay, I'm back now. what's up?05:27
godbykhumphreybc: ping05:34
humphreybcwent to the supermarket06:01
humphreybcwhat's happening with e2?06:01
MuscovyIt's out.06:01
humphreybcI should announce it on the planet then?06:02
MuscovyOh, the front page link still doesn't link to e2. :|06:02
MuscovyI'd probably wait until daker updates the page.06:02
godbykhumphreybc: no, don't announce it yet.06:03
godbykwe have to wait for daker to update the website.06:03
godbykthe print/lulu link is okay, but our site has to be updated still.06:04
Muscovye2 is now giving 404s from the downloads page.06:07
godbykUntil daker gets the site updated, you won't be able to download it from there.06:12
godbykHe's asleep now. He'll resume working on it when he wakes up, I think.06:12
MuscovyThis must be a proud moment for you, Ben.06:24
godbykhumphreybc: OT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU2dZz18P0c06:25
humphreybcMuscovy: ?06:26
godbykhumphreybc: Wonder how NZ and the US compares.06:26
humphreybcgodbyk: Good thing I'm not an Australian.06:26
zkriesseWhat up guys06:27
humphreybc"And 60% of Americans think the Sun revolves around the Earth"06:27
godbykHey, zkriesse. Not much.06:27
godbykhumphreybc: lol.  wouldn't surprise me in the least.06:28
zkriesseoh hai godbyk06:28
godbykzkriesse: I see how it is: I'm just an afterthought.  Thanks!06:28
* zkriesse sees godbyk and runs to him, gives him a manly hug and a beer06:29
zkriesseThere, is that better?06:29
godbykMuch, thanks!06:30
humphreybcokay, gotta go to a lab now06:36
humphreybcbe back alter06:36
humphreybclater, even06:36
godbykI'm going back to tv. :)06:36
ChrisWoollardgodbyk: How is it going06:44
godbyk-android2ChrisWoollard: manual released. Waiting for daker to eagle up and fix the website though.06:50
thorwilgood morning!07:56
thorwilgodbyk: sadly it's java, but it could be a head-start for USLC: http://enterprise.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Features08:13
ChrisWoollardgodbyk: What happened to our release?08:26
godbyk-android2ChrisWoollard: manual released. Waiting for daker to wake up and fix the website though.08:27
godbyk-android2thorwil:  cool08:27
ChrisWoollardIs it available on lulu yet?08:28
ChrisWoollardgodbyk: How come the version on lulu has 2 coverpages?09:45
godbyk-android2The first is a half title page.09:45
ChrisWoollardwhy does it need it?09:46
ChrisWoollardI expected the first page to be the nice colour one09:46
godbyk-android2It doesn't *need* it per se.09:47
godbyk-android2In the printed version, there is no color.09:47
ChrisWoollardSo, the one that Lulu has is a different version to the one that will down from ubuntu-manual.org?09:48
ChrisWoollardis the cover of the printed one not colour?09:48
godbyk-android2Yes. There's a print version and an on-screen version.09:48
godbyk-android2The cover is in color.09:49
godbyk-android2But the interior is not.09:49
ChrisWoollardOk. I have ordered my print one. So i will see then09:49
ChrisWoollardWhen is Dakar likely to update the website?09:54
ChrisWoollardNo pressure of anything :)09:54
godbyk-android2No clue.09:57
thorwilChrisWoollard: i'd love to have a few sharp photos of the printed manual09:57
godbyk-android2thorwil: you could always order a copy. :-)09:58
ChrisWoollardIt is really cheap09:59
godbyk-android2Less than $10.09:59
thorwileven with shipping?09:59
ChrisWoollardIt isn't too bad09:59
godbyk-android2Try the FREESHIP code.10:00
ChrisWoollardI payed about £4 for shipping10:00
ChrisWoollardGreat. Thanks for that :(10:00
thorwilstill a bit much for what would be dead weight after taking the photos10:00
ChrisWoollardI am sure some photos can be arranged, whenever it turns up.10:01
dakergodbyk, ping11:08
dakergodbyk-android2, ping11:12
ChrisWoollardhey dakar11:15
nisshhdaker: ??11:19
dakerwhat i can say ?11:20
nisshhdaker: say what you think about my contributions to the manual team11:20
nisshhand anything else you think is appropriate11:20
ChrisWoollardDid you author poarts of the manual?11:27
nisshhChrisWoollard: yea, the command line chapter and the glossary and index11:29
nisshhalso i am the lead of the Dev manual11:30
ChrisWoollardTry, I am a member or that team11:30
ChrisWoollardIf we would have know about your meeting. I could have helped more.11:40
nisshhChrisWoollard: yea, well i got home and found the email announcing the meeting had been sent out about an hour ago11:41
nisshhso i got no more notice than you guys11:41
nisshhi was hoping humphreybc and godbyk would be around11:42
humphreybci'm around11:42
humphreybcfor a bit11:42
ChrisWoollardAt least now we know now, so we can write some testimonials.11:42
nisshhplus there were 4 others who i do contributions with that could have been there11:42
nisshhhumphreybc: just had my membership meeting lol11:42
nisshhforgot to ping you11:42
humphreybcoh right11:43
nisshhgot 2 votes even though it went badly11:43
nisshhhumphreybc: the email announcing it got sent to me about 40 minutes before it started11:43
humphreybcoh right11:43
nisshhso i got home saw it and was like "SHIT!"11:43
ChrisWoollardAt some point, I want to got for membership also. If you feel like writing anything nice in advance. Feel free ;)11:44
ChrisWoollardNissh: I will write something for you11:45
nisshhChrisWoollard: yea, i will, although like you, i dont know alot about your contributions :)11:45
nisshhChrisWoollard: cool11:45
ChrisWoollardBug fixing / editting the manual. Trying to sell Ubuntu to anybody and everybody!11:46
nisshhChrisWoollard: there we go, your first testimonial :)11:53
thorwilnisshh: just came back. 2 votes? does that mean a Yes or a NO in the end?12:09
nisshhthorwil: have to get 3 only got 2, but the meeting was called about an hour before it happened, and then i got home about 10 minutes before it starte :)12:10
thorwiloh well12:10
nisshhbut theres always next meeting12:11
nisshhi should be more organised then too12:11
thorwilyeah, just wanted to say: you should know how to make it, next time, now, at least12:12
ChrisWoollardnisshh: I have written something nice about you.12:27
nisshhChrisWoollard: cool, thanks :)12:31
ChrisWoollarddaker: Have you made e2 live on the website yet?13:32
dakerChrisWoollard, well godbyk is not here13:33
dakerand i don't know what to do13:33
dakerthe synchronisation script is not working13:33
nisshhwasnt e2 supposed to go live yesterday?13:34
ChrisWoollardit is on lulu.com13:34
* nisshh shurgs13:34
dutchieit is tuesday everywhere now, so we're officially late :)13:34
ChrisWoollardi have bought mine already13:34
dakeryes it's late13:34
ChrisWoollardApparently they only think that is outstanding is the ubuntu-manual website13:35
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj
dakergodbyk, ping15:17
=== daker_ is now known as daker
dakergodbyk, ping17:26
=== sonicbadger is now known as ChrisWoollard
godbykdaker: pong19:15
dakergodbyk, is the autosync working ?19:15
godbykdaker: It should be. I've seen no error reports on it today.19:15
godbykdaker: It says it's at rev 104 right now.19:16
manualbothttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/revision/104 | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual -r 10419:16
godbykrunning bzr pull manually...19:16
godbykdone. nothing new.19:16
dakergodbyk, oki19:16
dakergodbyk, pull then sync pls19:21
ChrisWoollard_It's nice that you are both here together now :)19:39
jenkinsevening all19:45
godbykhey, jenkins19:45
jenkinshows godbyk?19:46
godbykjenkins: daker's on it. he's fixed the download page, but still has to work on the front-page download button.19:46
jenkinssorry whats broken/wrong/in progress?19:47
* jenkins has been at work all day19:47
godbykah, the website links to e219:47
jenkinsi see makes sense19:48
ChrisWoollard_When you have finished, does anybody feel like filling in my testimonials page? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/cwoollard19:49
dakerand me too19:51
* godbyk doesn't want to be left out! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KevinGodby19:51
godbykI'll work on everyone else's later this evening.19:52
* jenkins needs to sort his page out before the testimonials can be added19:52
godbykI have to go do some paid work first.19:52
godbyk(Unless someone wants to pay me for a testimonial... ;-))19:52
daker0,001$ per word19:53
ChrisWoollard_I have taken note of all those links and will write something nice for all of you.19:56
godbykdaker: It won't be a very nice testimonial. ;-)19:56
dutchieooh ooh ooh: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/dutchie19:57
ChrisWoollard_Is that another one?19:57
jenkinsI was amazed they use the gimp at work20:22
* jenkins has to get a clean lithian and do a few other bits before quickshot will have a proper debian rules file20:41
jenkinshmm quickshot needs a man page20:56
dutchie\o/ another format to learn#20:56
jenkinslol dutchie21:03
vish  hmm , #ubuntu-testimonials!!!!21:03
jenkinsany one do xml? do i put #!/usr/bin/xml at the start of a file21:03
jenkinssweet :) what about for .png 's how do i do those ?21:04
jenkinsit sounds a silly question but the lithian is moaning about them and that is a fix for it apparently21:05
brandonjno #! line in xml..21:06
jenkinsthanks brandonj I jsut got an error and was about to ask21:06
brandonjthat is only for scripts that need an interpretor.  no such thing as /usr/bin/xml ;)21:07
jenkinsany ideas for .ui files?21:09
jenkinsno worries they are xml21:10
c7pcongrats for the second edition guys :D keep up the good job !21:31
jenkinsflan_: ping21:39
jenkinsc7p: is it out21:39
dakerjenkins, yes21:39
jenkinso nice well done every one21:39
c7pi checked the logs and the site, and yes it is21:39
jenkinsI did not see an e-mail, how do i tell its the second eidtion on the website? there is no name on the title page21:40
jenkinsis the site ment to appear different in anyway?21:41
dakeri think godbyk is waiting for me to get everything done before he send the e-mail21:41
dakerjenkins, http://ubuntu-manual.org/download/10.04e2/en_US/screen21:42
c7pcu guys21:43
jenkinsI see but the site its self does not give that yet for me I assume that is right?21:43
c7pthe next meeting is on 23 or 22 of this month ?21:43
jenkinsI have no clue21:43
c7p22nd at 2000UTC21:45
dakerjenkins, we are still running the old site21:45
jenkinsthanks c7p21:46
c7pcu then I hope you don't forget send the mail to ML21:46
jenkinsdaker: thats ok then just wanted to make sure you knew :)21:46
dakermake sure the second edition appears on the list21:47
jenkinsit does indeed21:49
dakerso it's oki21:49
jenkinsit is now it was not 5 mins ago21:50
flan_jenkins, pong.21:51
jenkinshey flan_ did you see thorwills redo of one of his icons?21:51
flan_Probably not.21:51
flan_The only time I can be online is while I'm at work. :(21:52
flan_(So I don't go through chat-history)21:52
flan_I like that.21:52
jenkinsI think we need to make each desktop a differnt colour21:52
jenkinsso do i!21:52
jenkinsi does look a bit small at icon size21:53
jenkinsalso flan I am getting there on the debian rules file21:53
flan_I'll be spending much of my free time this weekend playing catch-up on server functionality.21:54
flan_But I might be able to help next weekend, fi you'd like.21:55
flan_If you're not already done.21:55
flan_And you probably will be.21:55
jenkinsI made the mistake of doing 10 days work with out a commit http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~quickshotdevs/quickshot/quickshot/revision/258 its a bit long. no help will be god. I am at work in the day now so have less time and need to learn loads of new stuff21:55
jenkinsI would like to learn not you do it all :)21:55
flan_I'll try to get the actual upload stuff working this weekend, then think about how to display it, since my notes got lost in the move.21:55
flan_I wouldn't try to do it all. :(21:56
jenkinsalso I was thinking of a python file that handled all the releasing of quickshot etc any thoughts?21:56
flan_...Though I do tend to work in isolation quite a bit.21:56
flan_What would it do?21:57
dakerjenkins, we should learn how to do local commit when we are offligne21:57
jenkinsI welcome the help, I would like to learn the how to my self as well.21:57
jenkinsdaker: not sure you can with bzr21:57
flan_Local commits are good.21:57
flan_Yep. It's exactly the same as a remote commit.21:57
flan_Only you omit the push.21:57
jenkinsflan_: well run one command and it releases the ubuntu version, rather than all the ones atm21:58
flan_You mean a build-script?21:58
jenkinseventually i would like to put all the distro release commands in there so that we don't need to remeber them all21:58
flan_Once we hit 1.0, we probably won't be maintaining the code very much beyond bugfixing and the occasional feature.21:58
flan_We probably won't be publishing new builds all thatf requently.21:59
jenkinsgood point . I was thinking of a plugin feture, I have no clue how to do it it would be a 2.0 so that projects could add functions at stages to do custom things22:00
ChrisWoollardWhen is the maverick branch going to get sorted?22:02
jenkinsChrisWoollard basically copy the files from lucid0e2 in and your away22:04
dutchiedefine "sorted"22:04
dutchie(what jenkins said)22:04
jenkinsthats my thoughts on how to start it22:04
jenkins I need to go to bed I have to be up at 6.15am to get to work in time to start crane training. silly commute night all22:06
ChrisWoollardI was just wondering when that is supposed to be happening.22:06
dutchiecrane training?22:06
ChrisWoollardgoodnight jenkins22:06
dutchiewhat are they letting jenkins do?22:06
ChrisWoollardtaht sounds cool.22:07
* dutchie runs for the hills22:07
jenkinsI will do now ChrisWoollard if you like22:07
jenkinsI am working on gas engines and they said it would be cool to do the training22:07
ChrisWoollardIf you want to / have time22:07
jenkinso hang on godbyk what of the make files etc need copying? all of it?22:08
ChrisWoollardthere isn't that much time until maverick.22:08
jenkinsdutchie: do I copy the po files?22:11
jenkinsgood thats what i did22:11
jenkinstitle pages any idea22:11
* jenkins goes for yes22:12
jenkinsok I am pushing the changes on mavrick brb going to make tomorrows luch22:16
jenkinsr765 pushed22:20
jenkinsI am not sure why I am doing this training it will be very rare if i need it. my boos said to do it22:21
jenkinshttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual/maverick/revision/765 you can blame me if it is wrong :) see you all tomorrow22:21
ChrisWoollardi want that background22:51
ChrisWoollardOoopppps, wrong window22:51

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