
micahgchrisccoulson: let's chat in the morning about thunderbird00:53
chrisccoulsonhi micahg00:53
chrisccoulsonwhat did you want to chat about?00:54
micahgchrisccoulson: hi, well, steps left before the update00:54
chrisccoulsonok, cool00:54
micahgchrisccoulson: but I'm not feeling too well, BTW, enigmail in PPA00:54
chrisccoulsonok, thanks. and i hope you feel better soon00:54
micahgchrisccoulson: thanks, ended up working through it today, but can't do much extra stuff00:55
chrisccoulsonyeah, no problem :)00:55
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* Milos_SD-aWay is Away, Reason: ( Spavam ... ) | Since: ( Monday, August 16, 2010. 22:13:47 ) Xlack v2.101:14
* Milos_SD-aWay is back ( Away 1 min 52 secs )01:16
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micahgMilos_SD-aWay: stop spamming the channel01:16
micahgMilos_SD: stop spamming the channel01:16
Milos_SDhow is one line spam? :)01:17
Milos_SDand I did /away reason... but that script did the announce01:18
micahgMilos_SD: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/479155/01:18
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alexbodnhello friends10:52
alexbodni've previously made a script to checkout and debuild bluegriffon, a website editor with xulrunner-2.0-dev from ubuntu ppa. the program builds (apparently correctly) but it doesn't show anything. tell me please how to proceed: upload files etc.10:56
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fta2chrisccoulson, asac, jdstrand: for chromium 6 in lucid, i also need libvpx (NEW), as it needs the ffmpeg codecs 0.6 for which libvpx is a mandatory build-deps. is that possible?14:00
jdstrandfta2: it is technically possible, but please coordinate with chrisccoulson14:02
chrisccoulsonfta2 - we had to do it for the recent firefox update too14:02
jdstrandit sounds like a lot of regression testing will need to be done on anything that uses ffmpeg codecs14:02
fta2jdstrand, it's not system ffmpeg, it's a multi-threaded private copy14:03
jdstrandso then a new libvpx comes in which nothing in the archive would use? that sounds safe enough14:05
fta2jdstrand, i think so. it would be possible for me to use system ffmpeg *iif* we enable threading in it.. which i agree would mean lots of regression testing in tons of other apps. that's not what i'm requesting here.14:16
fta2perhaps we can do that in maverick (iirc, debian does it in unstable), or in m+114:17
jdstrandmaybe, though it sounds like chromium could just up their requirements once maverick is released and we'd have to use a private one anyway14:26
Dimmuxxfta2: any plans to make chromium look more like a native app by default? Like including the ubuntu lighttheme extensions in some way14:26
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, how are the chromium updates built at the moment? are they built in -proposed and copied to -security?14:32
chrisccoulsonor built in the security PPA?14:32
jdstrandchrisccoulson: they are built in ubuntu-security-proposed, then pocket copied to -proposed and follow the normal SRU process from there. when they are deemed acceptable they are pocket copied to both -updates and -security14:37
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, ok, so that's fairly similar to what we do already for mozilla. i wasn't sure if we could upload new packages to -proposed or not14:41
chrisccoulsonurgh, daily builds are broken on amd64 for everything on all releases :-/15:37
alexbodni've made a script to checkout and debuild bluegriffon, a website editor with xulrunner-2.0-dev from ubuntu ppa. the program builds (apparently correctly) but it doesn't show anything. tell me please how to proceed: upload files etc.16:27
gnomefreakis tb31 using the, damn just blanked16:36
gnomefreakthe same thing that 2.0 -> 3.016:37
gnomefreakprofile merge?16:39
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ftaDimmuxx, do you mean enabling the "system title bar and borders" by default?17:23
Dimmuxxfta: no the scrollbar still looks weird with that17:28
DimmuxxI'm talking about that17:29
ftaDimmuxx, the scrollbar is a webkit widget, it's not gtk. hence, it's themable with css only.17:30
ftaoh, the extension. iirc, extensions have no system path17:30
Dimmuxxyes I know that but it looks wrong and most users probably doesn't know about that extension17:30
ftaat least, last time i checked, but maybe there's a way now17:31
Dimmuxxand if chromium gonna be default sometime in the future it should probably look more like a native app17:31
ftathat's no longer the plan.17:32
ftaat least, last time i heard17:32
ftabut i've been kept in the dark for this whole story so who knows17:33
DimmuxxI know that too but who knows what happens in the future. It was just an idea17:33
chrisccoulsonfta / Dimmuxx - it's still the plan to have chromium as default, but just not this cycle ;)17:34
Dimmuxxit's always not this cycle for everything ;)17:35
Dimmuxxwill rgba be in maverick or is it maverick+1 now? :P17:35
ftaDimmuxx, i need to figure out that "policies" vs "preferences" thingy in chromium, to see what's the best way to tweak the default install17:35
chrisccoulsoni've no idea, i'm not the right person to ask about rgba ;)17:35
ftaDimmuxx, and that extension is distro specific, ie, it's for lucid but it looks weird on maverick17:36
Dimmuxxyeah and it needs to be changed for every theme too but at least the light themes could get special treatment imho17:37
gnomefreakpeople like Ambiance theme :(17:38
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: it is default in UNR isnt it?17:39
chrisccoulsongnomefreak, not for maverick17:39
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: oh17:39
gnomefreakdid mozilla ever upgrade the nightly tester tool for 4.0?17:41
micahggnomefreak: nightly tester tool seems unmaintained17:42
gnomefreakmicahg: that would explain that17:43
micahggnomefreak: what issue were you having with 3.1?17:44
micahgchrisccoulson: seems like some bad code landed or all the amd64 buildds are messed up17:45
chrisccoulsonmicahg - it's the builders17:45
gnomefreakmicahg: none yet i just want to know if it uses the same profile manager(not sure of the name) like the thing from 2.0 -> 3.017:45
chrisccoulsonwe've just been talking about it on #ubuntu-devel17:45
chrisccoulsonthey think they're i386 builders ;)17:46
chrisccoulsonso all the amd64 builds are failing17:46
micahgchrisccoulson: ah, good :) nothing for me to fix17:46
micahggnomefreak: migration assistant?17:46
gnomefreakimport wizard17:46
gnomefreakyes thats it17:46
micahggnomefreak: yes, but it should be more conservative17:46
gnomefreaknot import wizard17:46
gnomefreakmicahg: i just dont want to lose the set up for 3.0 incase 3.1 fails at some point17:47
gnomefreakand 2 -> 3 dumped the 2.0 conf17:47
micahggnomefreak: well, the thunderbird-3.1 uses a copy, thunderbird in maverick will replace 3.017:47
* gnomefreak using nightlies of tb 30 3117:48
gnomefreaki was kind of hoping they would use separate profiles like ff is doing17:48
gnomefreakif 3.1 breaks i want to beable to run 3.0 without having to do much. i dont recall if renaming profiles worked17:49
gnomefreaki guess i will look at nm.pl in the next few days17:51
micahggnomefreak: they are, but I"m going to switch thunderbird nightly to 3.1 soon17:51
gnomefreakmicahg: oh17:52
micahg3.0 will probably be EOL soon17:52
micahgas will 2.017:52
gnomefreakso no fall back if 3.1 breaks17:52
micahgthe current .debs in maverick I guess17:52
gnomefreakif 2.0 isnt EOL than i would explect 3.0 to be around a while17:52
micahg2.0 isn't EOL because they haven't pushed the major update yet, should be this week, I expect an annoucement early next month if there are no issues with the MU17:53
micahgchrisccoulson: I remember asac not wanting to have an alternative war17:58
* micahg needs to get TB 3.1 in maverick//stable PPA soon as people are getting anxious...18:02
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i can revert it if you think it might cause an issue, but it seems strange that we set the link for firefox to the lowest priority18:06
micahgchrisccoulson: as asac put it and I'm paraphrasing, the priority system is an outdated broken way of managing the default browser, there are better mechanisms in place18:06
gnomefreakepiphany is broken in Lucid too it seems18:07
micahggnomefreak: what do you mean broke?18:07
gnomefreakmicahg: the extensions-more wont install18:07
gnomefreakepiphany-extensions-more is not 2.30 so you get broken packages18:08
gnomefreakepiphany-extensions: is 2.3018:08
gnomefreaksame bug in Maverick  at least it was a week ago18:09
micahggnomefreak: sounds like a reason for a fakesync SRU :)18:09
micahgmaverick is up to date now18:09
gnomefreaknot sure why they released Lucid with it like this18:09
fta*sigh* Bug 61919318:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 619193 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "Please update chromium-browser in Maverick and Lucid (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61919318:10
micahggnomefreak: probably underused18:10
gnomefreakLTS shouldnt have these types of issues IMHO18:10
micahggnomefreak: we have 15k+ packages, can't get them all right :-/18:10
micahggnomefreak: we only have 176 devs that can upload for all those packages18:10
micahgfta: is it stable yet?18:11
ftamicahg, that guy wants beta, we follow stable18:11
ftaso it's not there yet18:11
micahgfta: right, so they guy's a little jumpy, don't worry about it :)18:11
micahgfta: you can make that the master bug for update to 6.0 when it becomes stable if you want18:12
gnomefreak6.0 isnt stable?18:12
gnomefreak7.0 in daily so i figured 6.0 would be stable18:13
ftachrisccoulson, what's the status of the permanent ffe for chromium? and does it include its deps?18:13
micahggnomefreak: beta, new major versions every 6 weeks now18:14
ftagnomefreak, http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/ppa-dashboard/chromium-daily.html18:14
ftaso stable is 5, beta & dev are 6, and trunk just jumped to 718:15
ftai assume stable will jump shortly18:16
gnomefreakmicahg: any chance we can get enigmail updated to work with tb31 before replacing 3.018:31
* gnomefreak going to test 3118:31
micahggnomefreak: I have it :)18:31
gnomefreakmicahg: cool18:31
micahggnomefreak: ppa:micahg/mozilla-test18:31
gnomefreakmicahg: thanks ill ad it18:31
micahggnomefreak: be careful as thunderbird version 3.1 is in there as well18:31
gnomefreakmicahg: im using nightly so should it still effect me18:32
micahggnomefreak: the only thing holding me back ATM from pushing to maverick is the upgrade isn't smooth.  I've been dogfooding it for almost a week now with no horrible issues (1 issue with closing, but that's known upstream)18:32
micahggnomefreak: there's a dependency loop somewhere and I haven't had time to figure it out yet18:33
gnomefreakseems 3.1 works fine recieveing mail i havent tried replying. micahg would it cause any problem by updateing 3.0 to 3.1 while i have 3.1 nightly installed?18:58
micahggnomefreak: no, but you should back up your 3.0 profile because it will upgrade it, also, you'll have to use aptitude since the dependencies aren't quite working yet18:59
gnomefreakmicahg: ok thanks18:59
=== fta_ is now known as fta
gnomefreakmicahg: thunderbird upgrade from your testing repo works fine no depends issues using apt19:33
micahggnomefreak: you must not have locales installed :)19:33
micahgright, that's the current issue, I have the common ones installed for testing19:34
micahgthere's no logical reason for there to be an issue as I didn't add any new conflicts/replaces19:34
micahgbut I'll look into it when I feel better19:35
=== fta_ is now known as fta
micahgfta: chrisccoulson: please don't retry the UMD amd64 builds from today so lamont has something to test with20:22
micahgfta: just don't click retry for the UMD amd64 builds :)20:23
ftaok, i won't, but the bot will auto-respin in ~7h20:24
micahgfta: that's fine, they'll be new builds20:24
BUGabundoey fta20:32
BUGabundolong time no see20:32
ftaadsl sucks20:34
BUGabundochanging isp?20:39
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chrisccoulsonmicahg - did you solve the tb-locales upgrade issue?22:40
micahgchrisccoulson: not yet, still under the weather22:40
chrisccoulsonok, no problem. i'll look at it now :)22:40
micahgchrisccoulson: cool, thanks22:41
chrisccoulsonmicahg - was there a specific language causing an issue, or can i reproduce it with any?22:41
micahgchrisccoulson: I think any, if not I can check my logs22:41
chrisccoulsonmicahg - hmmm, i managed to upgrade normally through update-manager with all tb-locale-* packages installed23:29
chrisccoulsonhmm, we need to update mozgest it seems23:30
micahgchrisccoulson: I guess I"ll downgrade and try to upgrade again and see what the issue is23:30
chrisccoulsonmicahg - ok, no problem. if it's not reproducible, i think we should just upload it once the other packages are ready23:30
chrisccoulsonif there really is an issue, we'll know about it soon enough23:30
chrisccoulsonbut we should get some good testing in maverick before the 3.1.3 release on sept 7th23:31
micahgchrisccoulson: k, I'll finish up adding the changelog entries later this week and push if everything looks good23:31
chrisccoulsoncool, thanks23:32
micahgchrisccoulson: why do we have to update mozgest? did they add more compatability in 3.0.3?23:32
chrisccoulsonmicahg - not sure. perhaps we just need to tweak the install.rdf23:33
* micahg wonders if the source has a more detailed changelog than teh website23:33
chrisccoulsonmicahg - whats the status with lightning too? i can work on that if you don't have time23:37
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah, haven't looked at it yet, if you have time, go for it23:38
chrisccoulsonok, i'll take a look at that tomorrow23:38
micahgchrisccoulson: I was going to take the TB packaging and change the mozclient + build options23:39
micahgchrisccoulson: I didn't build maverick packages yet :)23:55

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