
zkriesseakgraner: ping01:02
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akgranerbecause I kept getting kicked out of the wiki then the etherpad decided not to work  - grrrr I started adding links for issue 20718:13
akgranerso if someone wants to start work on it you can18:14
akgranerI am almost finished with issue 206  - sigh18:14
akgranerbut it will go out today  - thank goodness18:14
* nigelb hugs akgraner 18:17
akgranernigelb, thanks :-)  I know this is a test...18:18
akgranerI just know it - someone has a since of humor18:18
akgranernigelb, you know something like "God is testing me" :-P18:19
akgranerhey can someone post this on the Fridge please - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2010-August/000747.html18:48
nhandlerakgraner: Yep18:48
akgranernhandler, if you look at the last bug day announcement it should be easy to just copy and paste the new information18:48
akgranernm  you know what you are doing :-)18:49
akgranerinternalkernel, ping19:40
akgranerok I have to add the in this issue and UWN will be ready19:42
nhandlerGreat job akgraner19:42
akgraneranyone want to volunteer to check it for spelling errors and hotlinks19:42
akgranernhandler, thanks19:43
* nhandler goes to post sabdfl's announcement on the fridge19:43
akgranerI was going to ask but you beat me too it19:44
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=== NattyOne is now known as IdleOne
nhandlerStory is up. I also added a new category forit19:50
akgraneryou rock!19:51
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=== Narwhal is now known as IdleOne
=== IdleOne is now known as Narwhal
akgranerThe new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here:21:02
akgranerit's still too long but since 207 is started on the googledoc hopefully we can get ahead of the game this week21:03
akgranerwho is going to grab which sections?21:04
akgranerjust so I can check with you all during the week and know how to plan accordingly21:04
akgranerthe summaries only need to be a couple sentences21:04
akgranerand you can use the RSS feed summaries if they make sense to include them21:05
Pendulumakgraner: awesome job!21:14
akgranerPendulum, thank you  - and thank you for all your help!21:14
Pendulumyou're welcome :)21:15
nigelbI've grabbed loco news for 207.21:15
scott_evakgraner: I'll have upcoming meetings & events done early21:57
akgranerscott_ev, thanks21:57
akgraneralso leave the LoCo events21:57
akgranerleave off the LoCo Team meetings21:58
akgranerscott_ev, you can't read my mind :-)21:59
akgranerwe are getting ready to move those to another calendar this week  - so we can go live with the new Fridge site and all that good stuff21:59
scott_evI must miss out on a lot, I didn't know there was going to be a new fridge site22:04
internalkernelakgraner: ding...22:10
akgranerinternalkernel, dong22:10
internalkernelhows it...22:10
akgranerinternalkernel, can you take ownership of In the Press this week22:10
akgranerI've already started posting some things to the googledoc22:11
akgranerI need to update the wiki pages now and get things posted to the Forums and fridge22:11
internalkernelyeah, that should be doable...22:11
akgranerok thanks  - I'll touch base again on Thursday to see how goes everything ok?22:11
internalkernelmy life is still basically upside down, but more and more is comng together... I should have enough spare time to sift through my feeds22:11
akgranerholstein, can you look at the in other news this week22:12
internalkernelthat sounds good, I'll probably need a nudge or perhaps a kick on thursday22:12
akgranerPendulum, rocks the ITB sections22:12
akgranerhighvoltage, can you do the Planet sections this week?22:13
akgranerI'll update the wiki's now so everyone can see it coming together for next week22:13
Pendulumakgraner: do you have a list of places you tend to check for ITB? can you e-mail it to me if you do?22:17
Pendulum(I have a few in my feed reader, but not a huge number)22:17
akgraneryep let me finish updating all this and I'll send them to you22:19
holsteinakgraner: im in22:26
holsteinwhere is the 'working directory' ?22:26
holsteinthe ietherpad?22:26
akgranergoogledoc  - I'll move everything I have so far over in just a few minutes - just posted issue 206 to the forums22:27
* holstein is on it :)22:28
highvoltageakgraner: yep yep!22:42
akgranerthanks y'all22:42
highvoltageakgraner: could you start the 207 page so long? do you have a template you usually copy and paste it from? I could do that too I guess22:43
akgranerhighvoltage, yep one sec22:43
akgraneryou'll see it in just a second22:43
highvoltageok great22:44
akgranerok links and summaries have been added to Issue 207 on the googledoc, the ietherpad and the wiki23:00
akgranerhope that gives everyone an easy start23:00

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