
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, chrisbuntunerd said: ubottu: it's realy is a bot00:32
ubottuduffydack called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()01:12
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 477 bans)02:01
ubottuIn #ubuntu, blackMatrix said: ubottu: that history about APT is cool btw :-)02:58
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:24
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:24
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:24
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:24
h00khas anyone seen genii lately?05:33
mneptokno. try install LAMP.05:34
* h00k facepalms05:34
h00kwell done. I lol'd. Alone in this hotel room.05:35
h00kas I tether from my droid downloading a debian iso. how cool am I.05:35
mneptokusing CDMA? not very. :P05:46
h00k:D yeah... :(05:46
* mneptok was amazed that NYC has allowed cell phone repeaters in the subway system05:47
h00kbut AT&T coverage sucks here05:47
h00keven worse.05:47
h00kNorthern Wisconsin.05:47
h00kT-Mobile is actually almost non-existent here05:48
mneptokoh, so you use CDMA. Can Detect Moose Attenuation.05:48
h00k:D Not quite moose down here, occasionally you hear about the phantom moose people report05:49
mneptokwarning! moose can kill your car WITH THEIR MINDS!05:51
FlannelMy walnuts!05:51
h00khttp://dnr.wi.gov/org/land/wildlife/Elk/ apparently we do05:52
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ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 482 bans)12:21
bazhanggos was doing the exact same thing in #ubuntu as 'madrid' at least we got him out of the support channel16:05
ikoniaI've not seen madrid for a while16:08
bazhangits gos, now in -ot16:08
ikoniais madrid actually gos ?16:09
bazhangmadrid!~madrid@    * [gos] (~gos@ sergi16:10
bazhangseem to match16:10
ikoniaI'm sure I banned madrid in #ubuntu16:10
bazhanggot him out of #ubuntu , he was doing it earlier16:10
PiciIsn't gOS that weird linux distro?16:11
bazhangikonia, just kicked16:11
PiciBut the ips match, so nevermind.16:11
ikoniabazhang: I don't see a ban in #ubuntu, I must have just kicked him16:11
bazhangikonia, yep16:11
bazhangwith the comment : troll elsewhere16:11
ikoniaI remember now16:11
bazhanga week ago to the day16:12
ikoniasuch a waste of time, not going to allow any more of his crap16:12
bazhanghe's got the link already to stop flash storing his history16:13
ikoniaback in #ubuntu now, I'll keep an eye open16:15
ikoniagood eyes bazhang16:15
bazhang* [mrdk] (~marduk@ marduk16:45
bazhang<mrdk> How to uncompile java gcc into ghc piped thorugh xterm in bash via vb.NET (and I want the god damn makefile for it)16:46
gnomefreaki just woke up from a nap and that looks wayyy to difficult16:47
ubottubazhang called the ops in #kubuntu (mrdk)16:51
ikoniathanks bazhang16:51
bazhanghe seems to want to hit all the channels16:52
ikoniaof corse16:52
elkyWhoa, where do I get me some of whatever the hell he's on?16:53
ikoniacan we PLEASE stop the bot doing that17:07
=== maco2 is now known as maco
bazhangthe ban list is filling up thing?17:08
bazhangah the weekly reminders17:08
ikoniano, ubottu messaging the channel for check this ban17:08
ikoniaI didn't realise making the bot do things like this was a free for all17:09
bazhangit does it for my comments as well17:09
ikoniaI'll put my bot in there that messages the time every hour,17:09
ikoniathat's pm17:09
ikoniathat was discussed on the mailing list as I recall17:09
ikoniahowever messaging the entire #ubuntu-ops channel is not good17:09
bazhangI got one for -ot saying review your ban17:09
bazhangwhich is odd, considering I never ban there :)17:10
IdleOnebazhang: yeah those are in /msg but in here we get /notice from ubottu17:10
IdleOnefor supposed bans17:10
bazhangIdleOne, weird, not seen them17:10
ikoniafloodbot bans17:10
ikoniabazhang: do you have ctcp messags disabled17:10
IdleOnebazhang: you ignoring NOTICES?17:11
bazhangoh right I /ignore ctcp and such17:11
bazhangIdleOne, yep17:11
IdleOnethat's why17:11
jussithe noticing the channel does have a point, in that it doesnt appear in channel logs.17:55
jussiikonia: it doesnt appear on irclogs.ubuntu.com, so we dont get all those IPs posted to the wep.17:56
ikoniawhy does it need to message anyone ?17:56
jpdsCan we just make it stop?17:56
ikoniathat would be my request17:57
IdleOnewhat is the reasoning behind noticing the channel?17:57
Picijussi: We discussed it during the IRCC meeting as well.17:57
jussioh dear. this was decided a long time ago, when we implemented everything else. there was a discussion then also, just I hadnt gotten around to implementing it.17:58
ikoniaI missed that discussion, sorry17:59
jussiwhy is it such a big issue? bans get looked after.17:59
PiciNotices for one are annoying.17:59
ikoniawhy is it such a big issue to disable it17:59
IdleOneare the floodbot bans not auto removed?17:59
ikoniaI like the point on it now showing up in logs17:59
PiciIs it such a big deal to make them regular messages?17:59
ikoniaI hadn't considered that17:59
PiciIdleOne: No, they aren't.18:00
IdleOneok then18:00
jussiif we dont do something that the FB's bans are not looked after then someone has to do something big,18:00
ikoniaI thought we manually checked the floodbot bans ?18:00
PiciI do.18:00
ikoniaI do also, not as often as I should, granted18:00
jussiikonia: yes, we do. and this just makes it easy to remember to do that.18:00
jussi(as they come up)18:00
ikoniaI don't think it does18:01
funkyHatI'm not really sure why it's a problem for the bot to send notices anyway :/18:01
ikoniaI'd rather just have it done once a week / month by people18:01
ikoniarather than review each floodbot ban18:01
jussiI mean I can redirect the notices to some other channel, but then you would need to be there also...18:01
ikoniaor not18:02
ikoniajust ask people to check the floodbot bans more regular18:02
jussiikonia: point is, we did. and again. and again. and again... you get the point?18:02
PiciNotices display inconsistantly across clients.18:02
funkyHatSo do normal messages ;D18:02
ikoniajussi: I know what you mean, but most people are just ignoring the messages or getting annoyed with them18:02
ikoniafunkyHat: the logging is a good reason not o18:03
PiciThen it shouldn't remind here.18:03
funkyHatikonia: I think you have my meaning mixed up18:03
jussiI really dont see why its such a huge issue. but, I can, and will turn it off if there is a better solution presented.18:04
jussifor the record, I dont think that notices are annoying, but yeah.18:05
ikoniahow about turn it off and we'll look at a solution18:05
ikoniadoes anyone know roughly how many floodbot bans that need clearing down get logged a week ?18:08
ikoniawhat about an automated script that removes floodbot bans a week old ?18:08
jpds /cs clear #ubuntu bans18:09
ikoniaHmmmmmmm, perhaps not18:09
ikoniaany other better suggestions ?18:15
PiciHow about it remind people in -ops-monitor with normal messages?18:15
IdleOneWell now that I know that the bot doesn't remove those bans I don't mind the reminder so much but something other then a /notice might be good18:15
jussibans, imho, need to be reviewed...18:16
ikoniaI thought flood bot bans where just supposed to be temporary - non perm18:16
ikoniaam I wrong on that ?18:16
jussino ban is permanent18:17
ikoniawell, ok "long term"18:17
ikoniaI thought the floodbots where supposed to just be short term18:17
jussibut the bots ban for a variety of reasons.18:17
jussiincluding ctcp's to the channel18:17
PiciWe set +C18:18
ikoniaahh good point18:18
ikoniajussi: what sort of reason would require a review ?18:18
ikonia(I don't know all their patterns - sorry)18:18
ikoniacould we do something such as make the ban message part of the reason then remove (automate) certain bans with known "ok" reasons18:19
jussiIm sorry, got a small emergency here. bak in a while18:19
ikoniaeg: short term quiets18:19
ikoniago sort it out18:20
Picijussi: You may want to take a look the log for the IRCC meeting this past weekend, we discussed changes to the bot behavior.18:20
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1521 users, 4 overflows, 1525 limit))18:55
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1512 users, 3 overflows, 1515 limit))18:55
Picimneptok: Do you just watch for these types of questions?18:59
mneptokPici: no, caught it cycling through channel windows.19:00
=== IdleOne is now known as NattyOne
=== NattyOne is now known as IdleOne
IdleOneI've got from jaunty to natty19:49
IdleOnealthough natty is not exactly a cool nick :/19:49
PiciI keep thinking of Natty Ice19:50
PiciBecause of the release name, not because I like cheap beer, which I don't.19:51
mneptokNatty Dread20:19
ubottuIn #ubuntu, vershan said: ubottu is there any way to check why an ubuntu live cd is not booting 10.0.4 - server boots up fine20:26
=== IdleOne is now known as Narwhal
=== Narwhal is now known as IdleOne
IdleOnesorry bout the nick changes20:27
=== IdleOne is now known as Narwhal
Narwhalhaha yeah20:30
Narwhalnhandler: took NattyNarwhal20:30
Narwhalhe sucks for that lol20:30
Narwhalbut was nice enough to drop this one for me20:33
NarwhalNFSW a little ^^20:44
mneptokif that triggers a NSFW warning, you need a new employer. ;)20:46
NarwhalI meant the lyrics in the song20:47
Narwhalsome may find it offensive20:47
mneptokno one has the right to never be offended. and if the word "balls" offends you, life in this world is going to be extremely offensive to you every day for the rest of your life. :)20:49
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 548 bans)21:32
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 488 bans)23:23

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