
=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
ScottKrobbiew: Sorry.  So it was.  I was looking at when it way accepted, not when it was uploaded (my mistake).01:28
slangasekScottK: kubuntu-netbook i386, armel+* built; i386 posted to the tracker, armel doesn't have a spot there03:45
ScottKslangasek: Thanks.  I didn't expect armel to make the tracker (It wasn't there for the release either).03:46
* slangasek nods03:46
Riddellafter accepting a new linux ABI version from new queue should I be changing the seeds?10:49
cjwatsonRiddell: only if you also change the installer11:19
* Riddell wonders why ubufox is in lucid-proposed New queue when the binary is already in lucid12:08
Riddellcjwatson: can I close bug 374900 or is it still pending somehow?13:25
ubot4`Launchpad bug 374900 in faac (Ubuntu) "Libfaac not LGPL (affects: 19) (heat: 128)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37490013:25
cjwatsonI don't know13:27
cjwatsonsorry, my mental state on this is two months old13:27
* Riddell moves lame to universe13:42
bdrungRiddell: thanks for processing (all?) ubuntu-archive bugs14:23
bdrung\o/ lame in universe14:23
Riddellwe've had someone else process New and some syncs recently, means I finally have a chance to get to the bottom of the pile14:24
bdrungRiddell: i processed ~100 (or even more) sync requests with ack-sync / syncpackage14:31
Riddellwhat's syncpackage?14:31
bdrungRiddell: wow. you haven't heard of it?14:32
RiddellI won't know unless you remind me what it is :)14:33
bdrungRiddell: ubuntu-dev-tools (maverick) -> man syncpackage14:33
mathiazslangasek: robbiew: what's the status on 10.04.1?14:33
bdrungRiddell: isn't the name self explaining? it takes a dsc from debian and prepares a changes file for ubuntu14:33
mathiazmarjo: hi!14:34
mathiazmarjo: does anyone in your team have access to an ESX server?14:35
Riddellbdrung: so if non archive admins can just upload syncs themselves, why do archive admins have anything to do with the process?14:37
bdrungRiddell: it was discussed on the mailing list14:38
bdrungRiddell: by using syncpackage we reduce the workload for the archive admins14:39
Riddellbdrung: which list?14:40
Riddellbdrung: well yes, so why isn't the workload for the archive admins reduced to zero?14:40
bdrungRiddell: ubuntu-devel@14:41
cjwatsonRiddell: because there's a fundamental danger in having this done client-side14:41
bdrungRiddell: because the process wasn't changed and some people use the "old" process.14:42
cjwatsonif somebody screws up their sync client then we have no way to repair it short of uploading a new version which is desynced again14:42
Riddellcjwatson: so if it's dangerous why is it done at all?14:42
cjwatsonbecause (a) nobody listens to me (b) I didn't want to get in the way too much; pick your favourite answer14:42
cjwatsonthe correct fix for this process is to have an API call in Launchpad, which I've been trying to get added for some time14:42
bdrungcjwatson: once we have this in the launchpad API, i will update the syncpackage script14:43
cjwatsonsure - that's just why I don't want it to be standard process until then14:43
bdrungcjwatson: will this API support sponsoring syncs?14:45
cjwatsondon't see why not, it would be "copy this version of this package from this suite into this other suite"14:46
cjwatsonthe somewhat odd Launchpad name for this process is "native source syncing" if you want to search for progress on it14:47
bdrungcjwatson: do you have a lp for me?14:47
cjwatsonnot off the top of my head ...14:47
cjwatsonthere is actually a syncSource method already, it's just broken in a few important ways (I filed bugs)14:48
persiaIt's blocked on two things: 1) actually running the update jobs to get true changelogs and copyrights into librarian, and 2) applying the security model to the sync API call.14:50
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* Riddell moves mplayer to universe15:59
highvoltageRiddell: what changed? licensing or ubuntu policy?16:15
* Riddell does the empty archive admin bugs list dance16:20
bdrungRiddell: empty? i count two: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive16:28
Riddellempty of the ones that are going to be processed today at least16:29
Riddellthat one needs mvo around I think16:29
bdrungRiddell: thanks for working on it and getting it shorten.16:30
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slangasekara, Riddell: it appears there are some tests outstanding for both Ubuntu and Kubuntu desktops for 10.04.1, is someone covering wubi + migration assistant?18:03
Riddellmigration assistant isn't relevant for Kubuntu18:05
RiddellI can't do wubi18:05
slangasekyes, only wubi is outstanding for Kubuntu18:06
davmor2slangasek: sorry on sprint can't help out no windows18:07
slangasekmaybe I'll just take a USB stick down to the coffee shop today and hand it to random people and record the results18:08
slangasekthat wasn't really a serious suggestion, I was hoping someone here had a better idea ;)18:16
araslangasek, I'll try to find someone for Wubi18:16
slangasekara: thanks18:17
araRiddell, can you cover Wubi in Ubuntu as well?18:22
araRiddell, we don't seem to find anyone18:22
Riddell18:05 < Riddell> I can't do wubi18:23
araRiddell, ah, sorry, I thought you said "I can do wubi" :D18:23
Riddellunless canonical let me expense a windows computer :)18:23
ScottKRiddell: It will be tomorrow before I can do Kubuntu Netbook tests (and I can't do wubi either).  If you knew of someone willing to test it, it would be helpful.18:26
slangasekrobbiew: the single wubi test we've gotten so far failed with bug #613288 - possibly a regression in a later release of wubiL18:26
ScottKActually it's way more tested than when I looked last.18:26
Riddellmaybe later tonight I could if still needed18:27
* Riddell out18:27
ScottKslangasek: Looks like Kubuntu Netbook is done except wubi as well.18:27
slangasekScottK: ack18:27
robbiewslangasek: perfect :/18:27
* robbiew looks at bug 61328818:28
marjorobbiew: i suspect we would run into the same bug #613288 for ubuntu18:28
cjwatsonI suspect that it depends on the version of Windows18:28
cjwatsonbeyond that I have zero idea what might be going on; at the moment I have no Windows system, following disk replacement18:29
cjwatsonif we have to address it, ISTR that OEM have some folks with Windows expertise, and perhaps we could pull somebody in18:29
robbiewI don't see it getting fixed anytime soon though18:30
robbiewas in for today's release...and I'm not too keen on holding up 10.04.1 for wubi18:31
slangasekrobbiew: needs more analysis; if it's not-a-regression and specific to some newer version of windows, we should release as-is.  If it's a regression in wubi (has wubi revved since 10.04?), we might be able to roll back to an earlier wubi release and do an ISO-only respin.18:31
slangasekrobbiew: hum, I think wubi is fairly critical to have right on the CDs18:31
* ScottK can imagine a /. headline for delaying due to wubi.18:32
* robbiew sees if he can borrow his wife's windows machine....18:33
slangasekas opposed to shipping a broken wubi and having a /. headline for that? :)18:33
ScottKWell sure.  It's one of those can't win situations.18:34
robbiewslangasek: so what do we need to test...and older version of wubi?18:34
slangasekrobbiew: first, we need someone we can work with who can reproduce the original issue as described18:35
slangaseksince the test report was from a community member we don't have contact with18:35
* robbiew will try to reproduce18:35
* ScottK suggests amending robbiew's job title to include "... and wubi tester."18:39
* robbiew starts the install of Windows XP...Portuguese version...don't ask18:40
* robbiew also grabs the wife's dual-boot netbook18:43
nigelbPortuguese.  Sweet.18:45
slangasekfeedback from #ubuntu-testing: <KE1HA> Just FYI, all those users on the bug report have Vista or Later Windows Boxes, they all have that dreaded UIC ot UAC whatever it is that malfunctions everything.  I disabled it forever on Vista when I used it, else ran into stuff like that all the time.18:52
slangasekah, but KE1HA has just reported that it also fails on XP18:54
robbiewslangasek: whew...as I don't have Vista or Win718:55
cjwatsonhm, so wubi was changed18:56
cjwatsonin a rather odd way ...18:56
cjwatsoncjwatson@lillypilly:/home/evand/public_html/wubi/lucid$ ls -l18:56
cjwatson-rwxr-xr-x 1 evand warthogs 1469477 2010-04-26 18:06 wubi-r189.exe18:56
cjwatson-rwxr-xr-x 1 evand warthogs 1467844 2010-07-08 17:55 wubi-r190.exe18:56
cjwatsonlrwxrwxrwx 1 evand warthogs      13 2010-07-08 17:56 stable -> wubi-r190.exe18:56
cjwatsonrevno: 19018:56
cjwatsoncommitter: Colin Watson <cjwatson@canonical.com>18:56
cjwatsonbranch nick: trunk18:56
cjwatsontimestamp: Wed 2010-06-30 11:45:57 +010018:56
cjwatson  Bump to 10.10.18:56
cjwatsonso I'm guessing that maybe that was accidental18:56
cjwatsonwould it be worth trying a rebuild with .../wubi/lucid/wubi-r189.exe rather than .../wubi/lucid/stable?18:56
slangasekcjwatson: likely - though does wubi need an update for the point release, period? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PointReleaseProcess says it does18:57
cjwatsonI don't see how that commit could have caused this bug, but since it's wrong for lucid anyway then it seems worth giving a backout a go18:58
cjwatsonoh, I wonder if there is a branch18:58
cjwatsonah, never mind, I think this was r190 on lp:~ubuntu-installer/wubi/lucid18:58
cjwatson"Bump Ubuntu and Kubuntu to 10.04.1."18:58
cjwatsonthis doesn't leave me with any more idea of what's going on19:00
cjwatsonare we sure that the XP failure has the same error message?19:00
slangasekKE1HA, cjwatson; cjwatson, KE1HA. :)19:01
cjwatsongod, I really don't want to be on the hook for wubi19:01
cjwatsonfor one thing I don't have a build system set up for it19:02
KE1HAHello all, Im just downloading the Wubi.exe binary now.19:02
slangasekshould we ring ev?19:02
cjwatsonit might be a plan19:02
marjoslangasek: yes, please19:02
cjwatsonis he on inaccessible-holiday or merely on holiday?19:02
slangasekcjwatson: in any case, I have to dive out for the next 15 minutes for a phone call; can you do the needful? :)19:02
robbiewI don't know19:02
KE1HAI;ve got them two logs now if you want them.19:03
KE1HAgoing to upd the bug 1st19:03
cjwatsonI'll SMS him now19:03
marjocjwatson: thx!19:03
cjwatsonsent, can't guarantee anything19:06
KE1HAOk, all done posting to the Bug.19:08
* cjwatson wonders if dding the backup of his Windows partition into a fresh partition in a VM will result in anything usable19:09
cjwatsonmy guess is a big fat no19:09
aramine too :D19:09
KE1HA1st questoin, what is a Metalink ?  that's what it can't get fer some reason, the url to the ISO or somethign ?19:10
KE1HAWhile you guys are looking that over, Im going to try the standalone version.19:10
cjwatsonKE1HA: er, that sounds like a different error from the one we were seeing on Windows 719:11
cjwatsonmetalink is a download manager file format19:11
KE1HAYes, I thought so too.19:11
cjwatsonplease file a fresh bug19:11
KE1HALet me try the standalone verson first here.19:12
cjwatsonyour problem will actually magically resolve itself once 10.04.1 is released properly19:12
KE1HADoes this thing really need 17GB of space ?19:13
cjwatsonthe reason you're seeing it now is that wubi's set of metalink URLs haven't been updated for the new locations for lucid daily builds following lucid's release19:13
cjwatsonso KE1HA's test is actually confirmation that XP does not suffer from bug 61328819:13
KE1HANow that makes since.19:13
cjwatsonwait, no it's not, it doesn't get far enough for that19:14
KE1HAIm trying the Standalone, I expect it will fail on the metalink as well. But I dont know if bug 613288 happens before or after the metalink.19:14
cjwatsondon't bother with standalone, not interesting19:14
cjwatsonlet me install a really cheesy temporary hack19:14
marjocjwatson, davmor2 here I've said I can possibly head home from the sprint tomorrow and hit this on my windows boxes there19:16
marjocjwatson: and i support this idea, as necessary19:16
robbiewmarjo: I'd like to release 10.04.1 today if at all possible19:16
marjorobbiew: +119:16
robbiewI'm running a test now19:17
cjwatsonI'm putting some HTTP redirects in place so that the old daily download URLs work19:17
robbiewWindowsXP though19:17
cjwatsonKE1HA: could you please try your XP test from CD again, with no changes?19:17
KE1HAUsing the same Image i originalyl burned ?19:18
cjwatsonyes, the 10.04.1 candidate image19:18
KE1HArr ok19:18
cjwatsonI have caused the metalink URLs built into it to work19:18
cjwatsonnobody is to look too hard at how. :-)19:18
KE1HAAren't these metalinks hard coded in the API ?19:19
KE1HAOr does it go fetch some data forst19:20
cjwatsonthe metalinks are URLs; it fetches from them19:20
cjwatsonI control the server on which those URLs are hosted and so can make them work19:20
KE1HAOh, I see you out the re-direct on your end, got it.19:20
KE1HAso it's gonna go fetch from the same place, only to be re-directed.19:21
cjwatsonthis should hopefully get you past the previous error and then we can find out whether you're encountering the same bug as people are seeing on Windows 719:21
cjwatsonsince it happens after fetching the metalink19:21
KE1HAAh, that's what I didn't know before, which one happed first.19:21
robbiewcjwatson: so I ran the wubi.exe file and it is currently downloading the iso19:22
KE1HAIm on three KB's here, and can't type to begin wiht so excuse the typo's :-)19:22
cjwatson07-20 10:52 DEBUG  Distro:   checking Ubuntu ISO C:\ubuntu\install\installation.iso19:22
cjwatson07-20 10:52 DEBUG  Distro:     wrong size: 2003522560 > 90000000019:22
KE1HAIt went Past the Fetch, it's Downloading, Slow, but it's on its way.19:22
cjwatsonalso suspicious from your log, but never mind if it seems to be working now19:23
cjwatsonnot sure why it's downloading if you're running from a CD19:23
KE1HAI dont know, says downloading lucid-desktop-iso.19:24
KE1HAIts funny, cuz I can see all the folders it needs on the disk19:24
KE1HAIndeed, this has got at least 2h 20m to DL it says.19:25
cjwatsondid you actually boot from the CD you burned?19:26
cjwatsonor did you just run wubi.exe from it?19:26
cjwatsonoh, wait, if you booted from it it would boot into Ubuntu, duh. ignore me.19:26
KE1HANo, opened it in Windows explorer19:26
KE1HAYou may as well take a break, this is gonna take a while. Which Mirror did you re-direct me too ?19:27
cjwatsonsame mirror, just a different URL on it19:28
cjwatsonRedirectTemp /daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-i386.metalink http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lucid/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-i386.metalink19:28
KE1HAIs US west-cost mirror ?19:28
cjwatsoncdimage.u.c is London19:28
KE1HAAhh, thats why so long to DL. Im in MT. Near Idaho.19:28
cjwatsonthere aren't many mirrors of daily builds19:29
KE1HAanyways, enjoy dinnrer, we've got 2hrs 15mins to go :-)19:29
KE1HAflippen windows, I DL this in 20 / 30 mins with zsync on my workstation.19:30
robbiewcjwatson: slangasek: I was able to successfully install to a WindowsXP machine using the wubi.exe file from the daily19:32
slangasekrobbiew: ok19:33
KE1HAIs that the Wubi binary DL, not the one included on the image?19:34
slangasekbladernr, ara: do you know if any of the wubi testing at release time was done against Vista?19:34
slangasekKE1HA: "from the daily" -> the one included on the image19:34
robbiewslangasek: skat can test against vista ;)19:34
robbiewis downloading the iso now19:34
araslangasek, davmor2 says yes19:35
KE1HAYeah, I don't knwo what it's DLing, the ISO is already there, thats kinda daft.19:35
KE1HAWhy it's*19:35
robbiewslangasek: Win7...not Vista, but still should be a useful test19:36
marjorobbiew: davmor2 says he tested w/ Vista19:38
marjoat release time19:38
robbiewmarjo: ack...skat is testing with Win719:38
marjorobbiew: ack that19:38
* robbiew spoke too soon...the wubi install completed...and launched the ubuntu install...which completed, but fails to boot :/19:45
davmor2cjwatson would it help if I went home? if so robbiew can sanction my fuel cost right :)19:47
slangasekrobbiew: hmmm, probably an unrelated bug?19:47
slangasekwhat's the failure?19:47
davmor2robbiew did it drop straight into grub shell?19:48
KE1HAI though Wubi was like LiveCD but fer within WonDoze ?19:48
KE1HAIt doen't actually mess wiht the MBR right ?19:49
robbiewdavmor2: no..I get a weird error message....I'll try to catch it19:50
davmor2KE1HA no it  installs the image to virtual  drives inside  windows.19:50
slangasekKE1HA: it injects Ubuntu into the boot process; I don't remember if it installs to the MBR, or if it sets itself up as a boot target from within the NT loader19:50
robbiewdisclaimer: this machine is dual-boot...so I boot into windows..then try to boot into Ubuntu...if that makes a difference19:50
robbiewdavmor2: ^19:51
davmor2grub for windows19:51
KE1HAi see.19:52
davmor2slangasek, robbiew I can get home in 1 hour 30 to 2 hours but I would like to be back tomorrow if you guys sanction the fuel bill I'll drive home and back it'll cost you 50 quid19:55
KE1HAOk, while we wait, how does the LiveCD boot process differ from the Wubi Boot Process, or is that what is used on the live boot?19:56
slangasekKE1HA: the liveCD boots from CD, Wubi boots from the hard drive19:57
slangasekdavmor2: I hold no purse strings :)19:57
davmor2I have the advantages of knowing what it should do and windows 98 xp vista and win 719:57
robbiewdavmor2: I don't have that authority19:58
SpamapSI have a Dell mini10n here with a fresh install of Windows 7 .. would that help to test wubi?19:58
robbiewSpamapS: yes!19:58
SpamapSwill start the process after the server team meeting19:58
robbiewSpamapS: thnx19:59
KE1HAIm abt 1/2 way though now. watching the cows come home.20:01
SpamapSrobbiew: where is the 10.04.1 wubi download?20:07
robbiewSpamapS: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lucid/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-i386.iso20:07
robbiewyou'll need to use the ISO version20:07
robbiewthis is the release candidate ISO20:07
robbiewwubi.exe is on there20:07
SpamapSright, downloading now20:08
=== ara_ is now known as ara
SpamapSdavmor2: can you at least share with me what it should/shouldn't do since I have a windows 7 box here (and 4 minutes left on my download)20:24
davmor2SpamapS: so there is a guide I'll grab you the link in a minute.  Basically you boot windows, insert the cd, nice menu pops you, you select install inside windows, type in a password, it sets up the virtual drives inside windows, copies the parts of the iso it needs then installs the windows side of stuff20:26
davmor2you then on boot get windows for20:26
davmor2or ubuntu option20:26
davmor2choose the ubuntu option, this then does an automated ubiquity install20:27
KE1HAHere's the one ara gave me: http://blog.cyphermox.net/2010/06/wubi-installing-ubuntu-inside-windows.html20:27
davmor2SpamapS: you then have a full ubuntu install inside windows20:28
davmor2SpamapS: does that help?20:31
SpamapSdavmor2: sure, do I have to burn the CD, or can I just run wubi after mounting the iso?20:36
davmor2SpamapS: Helps if it is from cd as it would give a more realistic result but at this time anything that works is good20:37
SpamapShaving trouble actually finding the optical drive.. so I'm running it from the iso directly for now20:45
skat_Spamap5, I'll burn a CD then.20:47
davmor2robbiew: at this point it's getting to late in the day for me to go home,  if there is an issue and cjwatson needs to fix it that will mean respinning all the live cd's in which case it ain't happening till tomorrow.  At which point I'll go home and kill all the iso in the morning and come back for the afternoon.20:48
robbiewdavmor2: ok20:49
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davmor2ara: did you eat?20:52
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* SpamapS reboots20:55
aradavmor2, yes21:00
davmor2SpamapS: talk to us, please21:04
* skat_ reboots too...21:05
SpamapS384% verifying configuration was a little weird..21:06
SpamapSbut its in the "Calculating files" stage21:06
SpamapSand now "Copying files..."21:06
davmor2yeah it is a liitle21:06
SpamapSdavmor2: is that a new bug?21:07
skat_on splash screen when its working on config it says welcome to 10.4 LTS,  shouldn't that be 10.4.1?21:08
davmor2SpamapS: no that's an old bug that they can't do much about currently21:08
SpamapSah ok. :)21:08
SpamapSI never paid this close attention to the install. :)21:08
davmor2SpamapS: it only does it on wubi, in the normal installer it does need to register the 100%'s for partitioning, formatting etc21:09
slangasekskat_: ideally yes, but I don't think we synchronize those messages with the point release21:09
SpamapS60% copying files21:10
skat_slangasek, cjwatson - install from CD with candidate via WUBI is working on Vista 7 - Dell Inspiron N501021:11
SpamapSskat_: I thin its reasonable to just show major versions in splash screens and installers. .1 is more important in an "About" screen, bug report, or release notes type situation.21:11
skat_Ubuntu had never been installed on this system before, so its a clean install.21:11
davmor2skat: it needs to get all the way through the windows part of the install then the linux part and then reboot into the fully installed system21:12
slangasekskat_: ok, then it really sounds like the issues people are having are a corner case and not a regression - thanks for testing!21:12
skat_davmor2,  yes.   it did.21:12
SpamapSI'm at configuring hardware.21:12
slangasekskat_: can you record your results under the appropriate test on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all?21:12
robbiewshe may not have an account there yet21:13
skat_just point me at what I need to do, and I'll try.. ;)21:13
slangasekI bet it's faster for her to create an account than for someone else to retest, though :)21:13
SpamapSI've got an iso testing account, will register my results there too as soon as it completes.21:14
davmor2skat: just click on login create an account once that is done give me a ping I can talk you through the rest21:14
cjwatsonslangasek: corner case> agreed, more or less ...21:14
skat_davmor2,  okie.21:14
slangasekskat_: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/user/register to create an account, then once you're logged in you pick the image from the list that corresponds to what you've actually tested, then drill down into "wubi" and record your test as a success21:14
cjwatsonskat_: do file a bug about the bogus message, we should fix that for .221:15
marjoskat: ara can also help you or will record your results for you21:15
davmor2cjwatson: which one?21:15
cjwatson21:08 <skat_> on splash screen when its working on config it says welcome to 10.4 LTS,  shouldn't that be 10.4.1?21:15
davmor2the 384%21:15
cjwatsonI think there's already a bug about the stupid percentage21:15
cjwatsontedium incarnate to track down though :-/21:15
davmor2there is I filed it21:15
SpamapSI got a grub menu.. which is not mentioned in the testing steps21:16
SpamapSbooted, logging in21:16
davmor2SpamapS: it is in the original I think21:16
cjwatsonthe grub menu is supposed to be there21:17
cjwatsonI think21:17
SpamapShearing drums21:17
SpamapSOnce at the Windows Boot menu select Ubuntu again and press Enter21:17
SpamapSAt the login screen type in your user name and press Enter21:17
SpamapSthats from http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/DesktopWubi21:17
SpamapSother than that grub menu, looks good21:17
robbiewgrub menu is expected21:18
araskat_, let me know if you need anything21:19
robbiewTime to kick the tires and light the fires!21:20
SpamapSOk, well wubi works then on my Dell Mini1012 from pre-installed Windows 7 starter21:20
davmor2SpamapS:  wdi-002  step5 I think you'll find the menu is there21:20
cyphermoxwubi was working for me from the CD on a Toshiba Tecra A1021:20
skat_ara,  davmor2,  have created account,  now figuring out.... how to log it...21:20
cyphermoxsorry it took so long, windows wouldn't recognize the wifi or eth device, so I couldn't start wdi-00421:21
cjwatsonI have a fix for the issue that required an HTTP redirect workaround, but am leaving wubi bzr the hell alone until we're done with .121:21
araskat_, are you logged in?21:21
robbiewcjwatson: amen to that21:21
robbiewcjwatson: I can burn through the change summary, assuming you figured out how to work around that python error I was getting21:24
SpamapSIs there anything else I can do?21:25
cjwatsonrobbiew: oh, I forgot about that21:26
* cjwatson goes to poke21:26
robbiewSpamapS: nah...I think that was the last verification we needed21:27
cjwatsonmaybe I should just use python3 for lucid-updates.py :P21:28
cjwatsonI bet launchpadlib isn't set up for it21:28
marjoSpamapS, cyphermox, skat_, KE1HA: thx for all your help testing at the last minute21:28
SpamapSnp. :) My wife will be thrilled that I finally replaced dumpy old windows 7 on her netbook with lucid. :-D21:29
marjoSpamapS: this was a great excuse to do so21:30
slangasekrobbiew: "last verification" - are we not testing wubi across all images?  there are 4 desktop images total that I'm expecting to be in 10.04.1, each of which has a wubi test case21:30
robbiewslangasek: I thought the others passed...grrr21:30
slangasekrobbiew: we had had a total of one test which was the failure; the only successes are the ones we've just heard about in this channel in the past couple of hours, and I'm not sure which images they were done on21:31
robbiewSpamapS: skat_: I'm assuming you both did Ubuntu i386, correct21:32
SpamapSyes i38621:32
robbiewcyphermox: your test was i386 as well21:32
skat_robbiew,   yup did the one you pointed me at ;)21:33
marjorobbiew: the missing wubi testing are: kubuntu desktop amd64, kubuntu netbook i386, ubuntu desktop amd6421:34
robbiewskat_: you do the Kubuntu i386?21:35
robbiewcould you21:35
davmor2no m-a tests either21:35
cjwatsonrobbiew: (testing my fix, sorry, it takes a while to churn through all the language-pack .changes files)21:35
robbiewcjwatson: no worries21:36
davmor2marjo, robbiew: Migration assistant hasn't been tested either on Ubuntu 32bit or 64bit21:36
robbiewdavmor2: ack...I'll  test those in a virt machine now21:37
davmor2robbiew: needs Windows to migrate against21:37
robbiewdavmor2: yeah...I know ;)21:38
davmor2robbiew: I'm just taking nothing for granted right :)21:39
skat_robbiew,  download full, burn image, and repeat?21:39
davmor2skat: yeap21:39
davmor2robbiew: is someone able to test the 64bit wubi too?21:40
skat_davmor2, ok - starting download now then....21:40
robbiewdavmor2: does she need to uninstall Ubuntu from the windows side first?21:40
davmor2robbiew:  nope the windows side installer will do that21:40
davmor2detects that there is already a version on the system and removes it then triggers the install21:41
robbiewdavmor2: hmm...I don't now (re 64bit wubi).../me hunts for a 64bit XP CD21:42
davmor2robbiew: you don't need 64bit xp21:42
cjwatsonrobbiew: try lucid-updates.py from the same URL again - my test hasn't completed though, it's just taking too long21:42
cjwatsonbut you might have faster internet than me21:42
robbiewdavmor2: oh cool21:42
davmor2robbiew: you only need 64bit capable cpu21:42
robbiewcjwatson: ack21:42
robbiewI have that21:43
robbiewthought the test needed wubi ran on a 64bit XP installation21:43
davmor2robbiew: no it just installs 64bit ubuntu on the system.21:43
KE1HAFinally, 2h 11m 0.335 mins later, its work'en :-)21:47
marjoKE1HA: are you able to test with kbuntu netbook i386?21:49
davmor2marjo, robbiew, slangasek: is there no une for .1?21:51
KE1HAwell, yes and not, I spoke too soon. I can get to the Boot Option mention, but after the Plymouth splash, it's all locked up, but that's a different bug, nowt to do with Wubi.21:51
robbiewdavmor2: correct, as UNE was not an LTS21:51
davmor2robbiew: thank god for that21:51
KE1HAI should have known better, this is the whole reason UB is not on this laptop to begin with.21:52
marjorobbiew: cyphermox is trying to help out w/ ubuntu desktop amd6421:54
robbiewmarjo: perfect21:54
cyphermoxmarjo, hey, I chose kubuntu!21:55
marjokubuntu desktop amd64, i meant21:55
robbiewmarjo: EVEN BETTER!21:55
* robbiew stops his kubuntu 64bit ISO download21:55
cyphermoxah, it's downloaded now, thx for zsync21:56
aralong life21:56
marjoyeah zsync!21:57
cyphermoxthere may have something to give to the pipes in the office here, but I'm sure it's 95% zsync :)21:57
marjocyphermox: can you please go ahead and start download of ubuntu desktop amd64 on the side?21:59
marjocyphermox: thx22:00
cyphermoxthis should go even faster, citron should already have it22:00
marjocyphermox: nice22:00
cyphermoxany reason amd64 would bomb on a 32 bit windows?22:00
davmor2cyphermox: no the install should run exactly the same22:02
robbiewcjwatson: FYI...got pass the previous issue...seems to be rolling along now22:02
cyphermoxdavmor2, thx, that's what I thought22:02
marjocyphermox: you may as well go for "kubuntu netbook i386" if you've got the pipes, zsync, hw, windows22:02
cyphermoxmarjo, I only have one windows machine -- ran the install for vista this morning/early afternoon22:03
davmor2cyphermox: the only thing that windows actually provide the install is an ntfs partition and away to start the install22:03
marjocyphermox: ack22:03
KE1HAIs anyone doing Migration pm UB-Desktop-AMD64 ?22:03
marjoKE1HA: no, go for it! thx22:03
davmor2KE1HA: that's another one against windows22:04
KE1HAIt just says resize the drive with the slider, I dont see Windows anywhere on the page, where's it say for Windows?22:06
davmor2KE1HA: it's designed to run against windows that's what it migrates from properly22:07
KE1HAOh, ok, well bugger, I just installed a 20GB VM so I could resize it :-)22:07
KE1HAWell things are looking pretty spiffy at this point I'd say.22:10
marjoKE1HA: good to hear22:11
KE1HAI could not reproduce either of the red-bugs today when I tried.22:12
marjoKE1HA: which images did you test with? did you report your results at: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/ ?22:22
KE1HAI testes with 20100816.1 and 16.2 ... yes, I got though about 60 of them or so.22:23
cjwatsonrobbiew: oh good22:24
KE1HAOver all, the only bugs I saw were minor, and certainly not show stoppers like this Wubi thing was.22:25
marjoKE1HA: ack & thx22:25
cyphermoxis there a good reason to re-test wdi-004 with multiple flavours?22:40
cyphermoxso far kubuntu desktop amd64 is good w/ wdi-00[123]22:40
cyphermoxwdi-004 is downloading and using the standalone wubi instead of the one from the cd22:41
KE1HAI would think so, Win7 FS is diff than Vista and XP, and then there UAC and all that noise on Vista.22:42
KE1HAwith XP comming in the easiest I'd say.22:42
cyphermoxKE1HA, no, I mean flavours of Ubuntu :) e.g. Ubuntu, Kubuntu, etc.22:42
KE1HAOh... SRI man, Im a bit knackerd at the moment :-)22:43
robbiewcyphermox: the only difference is that wubi has to download the iso22:44
robbiewso should probably start it22:45
robbiewbut if the iso downloads and the reboot into the installer works..I would think that's a pass22:45
robbiewi.e. no need to complete the install as well...as that's the same as wdi-001 at that point22:45
cyphermoxrobbiew, indeed.22:47
cyphermoxok, I kept the pages open so I'll re-change to started and do that part once I'm done with ubuntu desktop amd6422:47
marjorobbiew: when cyphermox is done with his two tests, that should finish the untested wubi cases22:47
marjosince kubuntu netbook i386 is not a valid test case for 10.04.122:48
robbiewmarjo: still need skat_ to complete the Kubuntu i386 wubi22:48
marjorobbiew: ack22:49
robbiewmarjo: I just completed the migration assistant test...i386...pass22:49
marjorobbiew: please extend our thanks to your wife for lending the equipment22:49
robbiewmarjo: heh...she was using her Mac at the time anyway22:50
* robbiew just used virtual machine...easier 22:50
robbiewand if I mess something up...it's on MY machine ;)22:51
arawife/husband/partner datacentre is become more and more frequent in Canonical22:51
marjorobbiew: i almost killed my eeepc running virtualbox today22:51
robbiewara: :)22:53
robbiewmarjo: lol22:53
slangasekcyphermox: how is kubuntu amd64 wubi coming?23:06
araare we there yet?23:08
slangasekcyphermox: oh, I guess you're taking /both/ the outstanding wubi test cases... so.. how are /they/ going? :)23:09
slangasekara: did you and cjwatson have a chance to discuss bug #619353, or is that backburnered?23:11
=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
cyphermoxslangasek, almost done :)23:12
robbiewslangasek: testing migration assistant with Ubuntu Desktop 64bit now...had to download the ISO :/23:17
robbiew"UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 93: unexpected end of data" ugh...so maybe we don't need a change summary for 10.04.123:19
cjwatsonara: sort of looks like a network problem, from the logs - can't talk to ntp.ubuntu.com, fails to connect to the target at the network layer, and lots of chatter from dhclient ...23:22
cjwatsonhard to say though, guess I'll have to give it a try once I get my target working again23:23
cjwatsonrobbiew: there's a debug print commented out I think; if you uncomment that we might get an idea of where it's failing23:24
robbiewcjwatson: oh man...it took A LONG time to get through the k's :/23:24
cjwatsonyeah, I know :(23:25
cjwatsonhate python's unicode handling sometimes23:26
cyphermoxsomeone please remind me to rig the lab to do windows installs prior to maverick release... takes forever to test so many things with just one windows box :/23:26
cjwatsonit's one of the few unambiguously sucky bits of the core language.  fortunately better in 3, I'm told23:26
cyphermoxUbuntu Desktop amd6423:36
cyphermox^ pass23:36
cyphermoxfinishing up with kubuntu desktop amd64. I'm sure it's okay, but I messed up my password and couldn't get in, so I'm doing the install again23:37
robbiewcyphermox: doh!23:37
cyphermoxrobbiew, indeed.23:38
robbiewUbuntu 64bit migration assistant -> PASS23:40
aracjwatson, but the dhcp works, do you want me to test anything else?23:40
marjocyphermox: go easy there23:40
marjorobbiew: ack23:40
=== oubiwann-sick is now known as oubiwann
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
cyphermoxKubuntu Desktop amd64 wubi <--- PASS23:50
robbiewit's all on you now skat_....no pressure23:53
marjocyphermox: good man23:53
skat_robbiew, 88% of kubuntu ....  right now and counting..  ;)23:54
robbiewdidn't help her progress much that I gave her the wrong link earlier (to Kubuntu 10.10)...http://www.sadtrombone.com23:54
skat_has same 10.4 vs. 10.4.1 issue in the splash screens.23:55
marjorobbiew: you meant well23:56
robbiewskat_: um, yeah....we can live with that bug :P23:56
robbiewmarjo: perhaps....uuaahahahahahhaaaa!23:56
arammm, it is the first day I heard about sadtrombone and the second time today...23:57
marjoara: you haven't been hanging around jono much23:58
robbiewmarjo: more like hanging around the managers much...we have "issues"...lol23:58
skat_robbiew,  Kubuntu Desktop i386 WUBI ... pass  :023:58
marjorobbiew: i didn't want to tell ara that23:59
marjoskat_: thx much!23:59
* robbiew does the pom-poms icon *\o/* 23:59
marjorobbiew: i think that covers all outstanding tests, agree?23:59
robbiewmarjo: yes23:59

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