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aragood morning!09:09
KE1HAGM ..09:23
araMorning KE1HA09:24
KE1HAJust about done, doing KDE and Netbook now. You still in meetings today?09:24
araKE1HA, yes, all week09:31
KE1HAFun Fun :-)09:32
bladernrKE1HA:  how'd LTSP go?09:37
bladernrara:  suggestion on what to file bug against decrypting the LVM on -server?09:37
bladernrafter install, on the running system09:37
arabladernr, yes, what happens09:38
bladernrevery time you type a single character when entering the password, the terminal prints a line of output saying: Unlocking the disk /path/to/disk09:39
bladernrminor issue, but annoying09:39
araplymouth, I guess09:40
bladernrmmmkay... works for me :)09:40
KE1HALTSP, not going so well. Dont know if it's a config issue on my end or not, so I'm test everything else first then go back to it.09:40
bladernrI'll see if I can set mine up again this afternoon... I've got everything set up, just need to install the OS and see what happens.09:41
KE1HAOther than that, and Ubuquity being seriously slow on my i386 box, things are going nicely.09:41
KE1HAI tried to reproduce that charter map bug, but still not seeing it.09:41
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KE1HAI think I may have got it bladernr I need to look when I'm done running these two current tests, but I didn't set the Boot-Order on the Think Client.10:05
bladernrKE1HA:  yeah, you have to set boot order (or at least hit f12(vbox) when it boots to get the boot menu10:10
bladernrI'm installing it now for 32bit.10:10
KE1HAI think I know what it is, booting the server now.10:11
KE1HAWell, the Client lis looking for the server now, but getting a Could not read Boot Medium.10:12
bladernrhrmmm... mine's still installing the server.10:14
KE1HAThe CLient is at least Broadcasting now, PXE-5310:14
KE1HAThr other thing that odd is, the LTSP server, cant get to the Internet.10:17
bladernryou may be using the wrong NICs... maybe.... I don't know.  I noticed, though, that the installation of the LTSP server was trying to use my internal NIC as the primary instead of hte external facing one.10:20
bladernrso it could be that LTSP dhcp is listening on the wrong network port10:20
KE1HAYeah, something is a miss, still googling it and playing with Settings. I would thing the Server eth0 needs to be NAT in order to get an IP address.10:21
KE1HAit's about the get the Big-Delete Key :-)10:28
KE1HAits about to get :-)10:28
KE1HAI can't even get the Server to Connect to the Internet normally, this install is hosed/10:29
KE1HAGuess what, Got it to work.10:35
KE1HABut the server, still cannot connect to the internet.10:35
KE1HAWell, I dont know, the LTSP Thin-Clin booted, and and Im logged in there, but neither can get to the Net, so need to get that one sorted.10:40
davmor2KE1HA: can you ping the server from the client if not then there is an issue with the setup of eth1 on the server side10:41
bladernrweird, I just installed LTSP and didn't get dhcpd10:41
bladernrso I'm re-installing just to be sure I didn't muck it up10:42
KE1HAThn Client Boots, and I logged into then Thin-Client, it's the server that can't connect outbound.10:42
davmor2bladernr: 32bit or 64bit?10:42
KE1HASo the LTSP Server & Client are workign together, it's the server now working on the Host netowrk now.10:43
davmor264bit needs to have a mod in /etc/lstp/dhcp.conf you need to mod the i386 to amd64bit10:43
davmor2amd64 sorry10:43
KE1HAOh man, I'll just install 32bit :-)10:44
KE1HAIs that Mod on the Server dhcp.conf ?10:44
bladernrdavmor2:  wasn't that bug fixed last time around?  I went around with stgraber and others when I did 64bit LTSP tests for Lucid10:44
bladernrKE1HA:  it's that bug I showed you yesterday10:44
davmor2bladernr: NO10:44
bladernrdavmor2:  sigh...10:45
davmor2it's a won't fix situation10:45
davmor2they are looking at it for later versions10:45
bladernrThis bug was fixed in the package ltsp - 5.2.1-0ubuntu710:46
bladernrltsp (5.2.1-0ubuntu7) lucid; urgency=low10:46
bladernr  * Fix multi-NIC support in d-i plugin. (LP: #376933)10:46
KE1HASo should we pull the LSTP tests off if we know there gonna fail for 64bit?10:46
bladernr  * Fix wrong arch on non-i386 in dhcpd.conf (LP: #203954)10:46
davmor2KE1HA: if you can connect and ping the server then there could be an issue with dhcp10:46
bladernr  * Add dependency on a plymouth theme so we have a splash.10:46
bladernr -- Stephane Graber <stgraber@ubuntu.com> Sat, 10 Apr 2010 20:15:10 -040010:46
KE1HAYeah, Thin Client Boots Properly, and I am able to get to the Thin-Client Desktop, that parts work'en. But on the Server, It can't get conneted to the Net.10:46
bladernrdavmor2:  KE1HA's LTSP is fine as far as LTSP goes.  His second NIC on the LTSP server isn't getting out on the network.. that's a different network segment and should be getting it's IP from VBox... not sure why it's not.10:47
KE1HAbladernr, Let me go look at the dhcp.conf on the server.10:47
bladernrKE1HA:  what if you open a terminal, do a ifconfig and see if your outbout NIC even has an IP10:48
bladernrif not, try running dhclient on it10:48
KE1HAOk, let me check that.10:48
bladernrKE1HA:  you MAY have to manually assign an address for that outbound nic too, since LTSP is running dhcp as well10:49
KE1HAwhat's that command to run dhcp  .. is it jsut dhcpclient ?10:52
bladernrthat looks right... IIRC 192.168 is the external VBox LAN and 10. is the LTSP LAN (it's been a while)10:52
bladernrto run the server or the client?10:52
KE1HAto gat an IP10:52
bladernrserver is dhclient ethX10:52
davmor2KE1HA, bladernr:  That might be the issue the default setup is for eth1 in and eth0 out.  So unless it's magically reset itself that might be the issue10:53
bladernrdavmor2:  yeah, that's what I was thinking... my last one was trying to use the wrong NIC as well during install.10:53
davmor2so eth1 is the link to client and eth0 is interweb10:53
davmor2KE1HA: what is the ip address assigned to the client10:54
KE1HAI shut it off, let me fire it back up again.10:54
KE1HALooks like
KE1HABut, when i'm on the Thin Client Log in screen, Im seeing a IP address10:58
KE1HAeth2 has the same IP address
davmor2KE1HA: That's the issue then you also shouldn't have 2 eth ports on the client that might be confusing networkmanager10:59
bladernron mine, eth0 is 10.X and eth1 is 192.168.x and it worked first time11:00
KE1HAlet me shutdown the Thin Client and server  BRB11:00
davmor2bladernr: Yeah but it's still eth 0 and 1 KE1HA is eht 1 and 2 which might be the issue11:01
KE1HAI dont understand that either11:01
bladernrdavmor2:  doh11:01
davmor2KE1HA: try running the client with only one nic11:01
KE1HAThe Client only has one NIC already11:02
KE1HAThe Server has two Nocs11:02
davmor2KE1HA: not according to the image you just posted11:02
KE1HA:-)  I know I dont understand it either.11:03
KE1HAOn VBOX, LSTP-Server, Adaptor one, set to NAT, Adaptor 2 set to Internal.11:03
KE1HAOn the Client, Adaptor-1, Internal.11:04
KE1HAAnd that's it.11:04
KE1HANow, on my main Box, when I do ifconfig, I get eth0 and eth111:05
KE1HALet me try annother VM, ans Iv'e got like 10 of them.11:05
KE1HAOn a standard UB-ALT-AMD64 Install, I get eth0 also.11:07
KE1HAIn VM that is.11:07
KE1HABut the IP address is
KE1HAand that's the only VM running, Im gonna fire up another one and see if it gets
davmor2KE1HA: yeap don't worry about numbers too much the nat can set it up as whatever it wants.11:09
KE1HAOk, EDUB-DESKTOP, etho, but oddly enough, it too says
KE1HAping localhost11:10
KE1HAmaybe that will work11:10
KE1HAJust kidding.11:11
KE1HAI dont know what's causing it.11:11
KE1HAand whywould Two seperate VM's have the Same IP address ?11:11
KE1HAwhile running concurrently?11:11
KE1HAAnd both those VM's can get to the Internet no problem.11:13
KE1HAI dont really need 63bit, 32 is fine, but would like to figure out why this version ins't work'en11:16
KE1HAoosp dont need 64bit11:16
KE1HAbladernr, I'm going to install a 32-Bit version and see what the results are.11:22
bladernrI just did 32bit and it worked out of the box... so hopefully you'll see the same thing.11:23
KE1HAYeah, if it does, then we'll know somethign up wiht 64-bit.11:24
KE1HAIt only takes a couple minutes to install.11:24
bladernrI'm almost done installing 64bit too... have it up in a few11:25
KE1HAOk, durting you server install, did you Pick eth0 for the metwrk adaptor ?11:28
KE1HAAnyway, I just picked eth0 as the main NIC>11:28
bladernrI pick the first one that's listed11:31
KE1HAThat's what I picked, eth011:33
KE1HAMan, KDE can be painfull :-)11:48
araKE1HA, ssshhh (we know that but we don't say out loud :D)11:50
KE1HA:-) sri11:50
KE1HAbladernr, same problem with 32-Bit, only difference is, I have eth0 and eth1 on this build, but still can't get to the Ine.12:12
bladernrdo both addresses have IPs?12:19
bladernrerrr... do both NICs have IPs...12:20
bladernrping -I ethX www.canonical.com12:20
KE1HALet me look BRB12:21
KE1HAeth0 =    eth1
KE1HAI can't ping out to anything,. I trided sudo dhclient -r then start it gaing, it gets the IP's but can't get out.12:23
bladernrReally, just don't worry about it.  It's a VM/VBox issue, not a LTSP issue.12:23
KE1HAIt's annoying :-)12:24
bladernrif you can boot the thinclient and log in on that, you're good.12:24
bladernrheh, yeah, I imagine so12:24
KE1HAYeah, the Thin Client boots.12:24
KE1HAThat worked on 64-Bit also.12:24
KE1HAGlad the Docs do say, then browse to the Inet, i'd really be tweaked then :-)12:26
KE1HADon't say12:26
KE1HAbladernr, so should I Pass on both the 32 / 64 bit versin os the LTSP? they both booted fine once I have VBOX setup, only issue I can see is the outbound Internet.12:39
bladernryes.  The network issue is yours.... I've installed both 32 and 64bit and do not have internet issues (using VBox too)12:39
bladernrso it's something with your VM config or something...12:40
bladernrbut it's not a greater issue with LTSP12:40
KE1HAYeah, I need to figure that one out.12:40
KE1HAOk, I'll put pass on them then.12:40
KE1HAara, the rescue bug 613510 is on the KDE ALT cd's too.12:46
ubot4`Launchpad bug 613510 in rescue (Ubuntu) "Rescue mode shows more partitions that those that are available as root partitions (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61351012:46
araKE1HA, OK, I have seen that cjwatson already triaged the bug12:48
KE1HAyes, I saw that just then, well at least they know.12:49
KE1HAbladernr, where is the Kubuntu-Netbook ISO hiding at  ?12:59
davmor2KE1HA: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-netbook/lucid/daily-live/14:01
KE1HAI found it davmor2 TNX .14:05
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KE1HAEveryone at the Pub already ? :-)17:20
KE1HAAre you at the sprint as well davmor2 ?17:28
KE1HAWhere abouts are all the meetings taking place ? I lived in York for about 8yrs.17:29
davmor2Oxford for this one17:31
KE1HAdavmor2, do you all use a works for scheduling, like work-week 32,33,34 etc or is it straight calendar events ?17:57
KE1HAUse a work week schedule .. .. ..17:57
davmor2KE1HA: we just make it up as we go along ;)17:58
KE1HA:-)  ok17:58
slangasekhi, is there anyone around today who can help with wubi, migration-assistant testing for the 10.04.1 point release?18:16
araslangasek, some of us are sprinting this week in Oxford, with little access to hardware18:19
slangasekso I've gathered :(18:19
araslangasek, I just finished the iSCSI test and it failed, maybe cjwatson can have a look to the logs to see if he quickly spots the error18:20
araslangasek, bug 61935318:20
araKE1HA, do you have Windows in any of your machines?18:24
KE1HAOnly on an i386 D400 Laptop (XP), but I could always install Vista, I have a copy of that & key somwhere.18:25
araKE1HA, the XP would work18:25
KE1HAWhat ya need?18:25
araKE1HA, can you help us testing Wubi?18:25
KE1HAOhhh, that's scary :-)18:26
araKE1HA, those are the testcases that haven't been covered18:26
araKE1HA, why?18:26
KE1HADoes that mess with the MBR at all, in any way ?18:26
KE1HAIn not, sure I can hav a go at it.18:26
KE1HAIf Not.18:26
araKE1HA, here you have a nice explanation on how that work:18:26
araslangasek, can you answer that question? ^18:27
slangasekI think wubi does install to the MBR18:27
slangasekit just doesn't repartition18:27
KE1HAIt looks ok, which CD has Wubi ? I've not tested it before.18:28
araKE1HA, the desktop CDs18:28
KE1HAIf this Nukes my MBR Im flying to Oxfora ara :-)18:28
KE1HAOk, i'll have a look at it.18:29
KE1HAI can only do i386-desktop is that ok ?18:30
arano it just installs inside windows it doesn't touch your mbr as such lucids is fine18:30
arathat was davmor2 who answer18:30
arahe's the wubi expert18:31
araKE1HA, and, yes, it is better than nothing, thanks18:31
KE1HAOk, no worries. Am burning a CD now.18:31
araslangasek, KE1HA is also installing Wubi18:41
araKE1HA, we're trying to see if bug 613288 reproduces18:41
KE1HAIts really easy actually.18:44
KE1HAIt's doing it's thing. no troubles so far.18:45
KE1HAJust FYI, all those users on the bug report have Vista or Later Windows Boxes, they all have that dreaded UIC ot UAC whatever it is that malfunctions everything.  I disabled it forever on Vista when I used it, else ran into stuff like that all the time.18:50
araKE1HA, OK, thanks for that info18:51
araslangasek, ^18:51
slangasekah, thanks18:52
cyphermoxslangasek, do you still need help with wubi testing?18:52
slangasekcyphermox: yes, definitely - see iso.qa.ubuntu.com and take your pick :)18:52
KE1HAYep, same exact error, on XP18:53
cyphermoxok; it's going to be an hour or so though, time to install Windows on metal18:53
cyphermoxslangasek, ara; any particular test cases / bugs would require re-testing or so? so I know what version to install :)18:53
KE1HAMy error was "Cannot Download metalink and therefore ISO"18:54
cyphermoxKE1HA, I take it you did your tests on XP18:54
KE1HAIt jsut failed.18:54
marjocyphermox: yes; please http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/4424/1118:54
KE1HABut yes, the test was on i386 XP laptop.18:54
araKE1HA, can you comment the bug and upload your logs?18:55
ara(also mark the test as failed)18:55
KE1HAOk, need to find this log.18:55
slangasekKE1HA: if you have more time to help test, once you've uploaded your logs you could grab the stand-alone wubi.exe from http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/wubi.exe and see if the problem is reproducible that way18:56
KE1HASure, I've done all the others I can do I think.18:57
KE1HAIt actually gave me 2x error loges.18:57
KE1HAOn for Rev 189 and one fer 190, but that's the first time I've ever installed it, or tried to install.18:58
slangasekI don't understand that18:59
slangasekKE1HA: any chance you could join #ubuntu-release and talk to cjwatson about this?18:59
KE1HASure,, can I download the Wubi.exe directly to the XP Box?19:00
KE1HAOk, ubuntu release .. on my way.19:00
cyphermoxKE1HA, after installing wubi from the CD, did you get errors reading NTFS partitions when trying to boot to grub?19:41
KE1HAI've not made it paset the DL yet.19:42
cyphermoxyou didn't try the first case, wdi-001? that one is using the files from a CD19:42
KE1HAMine failed on the metalink file, that's cuz the release tree isn't populated yet, but I dont see why this is fetching another ISO, when it has one.19:43
KE1HAThey wanted me to Install-test it, so that's what I was doing.19:44
KE1HAI guess I could have Live-Booted as in case 00119:45
KE1HAIm new too Wubi - 1st today :-)19:45
cyphermoxKE1HA, the cd has a copy of wubi in its root... that's what I'm trying to test on Vista right now; but once it reboots, grub doesn't like the fact that the partitions are ntfs19:48
KE1HAyeah, that makes since, as NFS / EXT and NTFS dont play well together.19:50
cyphermoxnevermind, maybe that's not exactly what is happening19:50
KE1HAI dont understand the Boot-loader. Why woudl anyone need Wubi, if they had a LiveCD already?19:51
KE1HAI thought the idea behind Wubi is like a big EXE fer WinDoze19:51
cyphermoxKE1HA, yes, but some people might not be ready to use the liveCD to repartition and install, it's just a convenient way to install ubuntu alongside windows19:57
aramarjo, I will stay connected, in case some help is needed testing19:59
marjoara: thx!19:59
KE1HAHmm. right ok, from like USB or Downloaded file or something. I've seen allot of these Netbook guys / girls in the ubuntu support channel saying they have no CD on their Box etc.20:00
KE1HAcyphermox, other than this issue, I did not see any real show stoppers from an install standpoint. I could not test Cloud  or the language regressions / migrations though.20:05
cyphermoxKE1HA, it's my fault, I was testing the maverick image *facepalms*20:06
KE1HAWell, I would not have known abt this one if ara had not said something to me abt it.20:06
KE1HAand if the Intel i855 chipset problem was resolved, I would not have this box on Windows either :-020:07
KE1HAcyphermox, no worries though, there's still 4 hours left in "today" so, it will happen Im sure.20:09
cyphermoxKE1HA, what i855 problem?20:09
KE1HAThe Black Screen at & after boot.20:09
cyphermoxah, nice. do you have a bug number for that one, in case issues may be similar to the ones on i915 and others?20:10
KE1HAhave to try an nomodset to i915, noacpi, etc etc, none works on the mid-850's series chips.20:10
KE1HAHere's the Work-Around: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes20:11
KE1HAbut dont always work, and there's loads of people with that issue, or similar to it.20:11
cyphermoxthat somehow doesn't sound like the same bug20:12
KE1HAI can't even get to the Install screen, after initial boot from the CD, jsut locks up.20:13
KE1HATo be honest I dont know the real root cause, Im just pegging it this based on all the others having the same issue on i855's20:14
KE1HAHave a grep on Launchpad Answers go Black Screen, or Boot lock ups, there's loads of them.20:15
KE1HANot to say there all the same problem, but most complain the same way, "It Workes on 904/910 but then xyz on 10.04" all the same symptoms get explained.20:17
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KE1HAOne thing I've not tried is the Maverick Kernel, I may do that on a LiveCD ans see how it pans out.20:18
davmor2KE1HA: no that doesn't help test this issue at all :)20:19
KE1HAHmm, Im outta ideas on that one.20:20
KE1HABut this is the controller I have: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL and it goes nutty bonkers at bott / install.20:21
KE1HAI take that back, I've got the 855M20:21
KE1HAyeah, it's th 82855GM/GME20:22
njinhello to all21:01
njinhaw can i have a textual output of ubiquity during install ?21:02
davmor2njin: you can't really but there is a log you can read through after21:03
njindavmor2: thanks21:03
aranjin, during the installation is under /var/log/syslog21:04
aranjin, once installed, it will be stored under /var/log/installer/syslog21:04
njinara: then switching to console i can have it21:05
davmor2njin: no, you would need to run something like watch on syslog21:06
njinara: nano21:06
njindavmor2: nano /var/log/syslog21:07
njinara, davmor2: thanks21:08
cyphermoxoh, the irony. running into bugs and issues with Windows when trying to install Ubuntu >.<21:27
KE1HALooks like all is well again ara, back to desktop apps :-)22:17
araKE1HA, great22:34
araKE1HA, you're doing an awesome work, thanks a lot  :)22:48
KE1HANo worries, learning allot, especially abt installs :-)22:50
* charlie-tca thinks we teach with experience23:04
charlie-tcaThe more you do, the more you learn23:05
njinhello, i'm looking for a volounterous with two HD that can confirm bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/partman-auto/+bug/601344 reproducible in every images.23:26
njinon ubuntu20100816.1 bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/619495 (jokey don't start on installed OS) mdsum verified by zsync and CD verified by k3b.23:39
charlie-tcaThe jockey bug was reported in Maverick already, also.23:44
charlie-tcanjin: I will burn an image and verify the two hd bug23:45
njincharlie-tca: big!!!23:46
charlie-tcawell, as soon as I figure out which image he used23:46
charlie-tcawhat is?23:47
njincharlie-tca: if i remeber jockey's bug was in xubuntu23:47
charlie-tcastill a duplicate23:47
njincharlie-tca: i've tested only ubuntu 6423:48
charlie-tcaIt doesn't matter. the bug is still a duplicate if it showed up in maverick already23:48
njincharlie-tca: then i mark as duplicate.23:49
charlie-tcayes, and add the tag "lucid"23:49
njincharlie-tca: sorry, but the bug in xubuntu was in the liveCd, here is in the installed OS, in the CD works23:50
charlie-tcathe 2 hd bug needs to be noted in release notes.23:50
charlie-tcaJust tell the release manager23:51
charlie-tcaAll bugs found in testing are looked at before the release. If the image was already released, it can be fixed for 10.04.223:52
njinprobably is fixed in maverick23:53
charlie-tcaI haven't seen the announcement yet, so it should be okay to get it added23:53
njini need to verify a dup of another report of ara with three disk23:54
njinbut i'll do tomorrow, now it's too late for me. see you tomorrow, good noght23:55
charlie-tcagood night23:56

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