
kim0stas: hey there .. how are ya12:40
staskim0: hey12:41
stasgood, whats up12:41
kim0got a little question12:41
kim0basically .. I have no control over when the side bar shows12:41
kim0It shows on the posts page only12:41
kim0How do I change that12:41
stasyou want it to appear on pages too?12:42
kim0stas: it'd be ideal if that were configurable with the widget context plugin ?12:42
kim0stas: I was it to appear on the front page which is not the posts page12:43
stasthe initial idea was to not use sidebar on pages, so you will need to comment a line of code in functions.php and modify 2 lines of CSS12:44
stasbut that's up to you, I don't want it changes12:44
kim0I understand12:44
stasimho there's enough navigation stuff even on pages12:45
stasif you want i can show you the lines12:45
stasyou need to modify12:45
kim0yes please do12:45
kim0a diff would be great :)12:45
stasSee functions.php line #137 and #14712:46
stasmodify the if() argument to true12:46
stasthat should show up the sidebars12:46
kim0what's is_home()12:48
stasthe blog page12:48
stasit checks if this is the blog page it shows sidebar12:48
stasin css12:48
staslook at lines12:48
stascomment them and leave a single line where #container is 650px;12:49
stasshould work12:49
stassame for #content12:49
stasor you can remove them and modify line #82, #8312:50
staschange the width12:50
stasthats all12:50
stasthats in style.css12:50
* stas brb food12:50
* stas back13:03
kim0stas: the php is working fine .. css is not .. I commented lines 84-93 and basically not sure what 2 other lines to put13:10
kim0so right now the right bar starts after the page is finished13:12
kim0stas: oh I edited lines 82,83 as you said .. now it looks fine ..13:14
kim0I made the width 640px .. not sure what the optimal value would be ?13:14
staslines #82, #83, put width from the commented lines13:15
kim0ah 650px then .. thanks13:15
kim0css is totally not my thing :)13:16
kim0stas: is there any example on using the "slider" javascript code in your theme .. I wanna play with it13:42
=== MTeck is now known as MTecknology
staskim0: try this uri13:43
stasits my local machine13:43
staskim0: checkout the footer13:47
stasbasically this website uses all the theme features13:47
kim0stas: so the 5 js loaded in the <head> are not needed for me ?13:49
stas3 of them are required13:50
stasjquery, corners and loco.js13:50
stasfancybox is my plugins script13:51
stasso ignore it13:51
stasso there are 4 js one of them is slider13:51
kim0stas: is that slider code something standard ?13:53
kim0or did u code it urself13:53
stas!google nimo slider14:27
ubot4`stas: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:27
staskim0: http://nivo.dev7studios.com/14:28
=== daker_ is now known as daker
newz2000hi, did I miss anything good?17:30
newz2000I'm seeing great progress on the countdowns17:48

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