
jevidlhmm. Actually, I may have gotten it somewhat by accident.00:00
jevidlI managed to get it to assemble, and then I was able to mount it00:00
tobeoer: ok thnx00:00
yashi-songer: i would go with a gnome alternative like fluxbox or xfce... the problem is even firefox needs more than 256mb ram00:00
mrgenixusLeemp: you might want to look at the permissions on the device in 'computer' and reset the device permissions, but the key issue is that you'll need direcories to be 'excecutable'.00:00
Four2zerowhen i try to connect to my win-machine using my ubuntu machine i not able to access the the network...?00:01
songeri could cahnge firefox00:01
Leempmrgenixus: It is NTFS iirc00:01
mrgenixusLeemp: if you're using fat32 or ntfs, you're probably stuck, and hsouldn't worry so much about it00:01
Leempmrgenixus: Actually it is screwing with another application, so it is a problem. :(00:01
mrgenixusLeemp: windows filesystems don't conform to RWX permissions00:01
Leempmrgenixus: Crud.00:01
mrgenixusLeemp: 'another application?' ?00:01
yashi-songer: sure you could but the alternatives arent better..you need flash which is damn hungry..to cut a long story short.. imo the pc might work as a server but it would be a pain to work with it00:02
mrgenixusthune3: I don't think the grub problem is rellevant, I'm working around it00:02
tupiYesterday i had a suddenly power shutdown at my house and when i select the ubuntu at grub all i get is that animation of ubuntu lucid lynx that means the system is being loaded, but then nothin happens, the animation just never end. Anybody knows what to do?00:02
Leempmrgenixus: An application i use.00:02
mrgenixusI could try using m-a to reinstall the driver, instead of jockey --do you suppose it matters00:02
songerso i would install xubuntu  ? but it has gnome?00:03
K-RichHi all... I am trying to make it so all my users can run 2 commands: mount --bind /dev/bus /proc/bus and umount -l /proc/bus   .... i'm thinking i can do this in the /etc/sudoers file.... but i'm not sure on the syntax.... can anyone help me with this?00:03
yashi-songer: xubuntu is ubuntu with xfce instead of gnome so it would be a better choice, yes00:03
mrgenixusLeemp: without knowing the nature of the hangup you're having, I can't suggest a workaround -- perhaps, if you only need to access the files on linux, you can create a virtual disk on the device inside a file, format it ext2, and mount it for better results?00:03
Jordan_Umrgenixus: Do you have the grub-pc package installed?00:04
mrgenixusJordan_U: indeed00:04
mrgenixusJordan_U: relevance?00:04
Leempmrgenixus: Nah, seems too complicated.. i guess i need to just figure a way to reformat my external hd. Ugh. It has 3 TB of data on it and i can't store it anywhere lol00:04
K-Richsomething like: ALL ALL = NOPASSWD: mount --bind /dev/bus /proc/bus, umount -l /proc/bus   ????00:05
mrgenixusK-Rich: it would be easier to configure fstab to allow that00:05
Jordan_Umrgenixus: Your earlier question about your grub.cfg not being updated when a new kernel is installed.00:05
songeryashi-,  what about kubuntu?00:05
stealfalcon_can sum 1 help me00:05
stealfalcon_hey gordon are you a coder00:05
cesc_xubuntuI need help with my usb wireless adapter on xubuntu. It's an Alfa Network AWUS036H that I use with no problems on another machine with ubuntu 10.04. But on my xubuntu 10.04 it's not working. Any ideas?00:05
ilovefairuz!details | stealfalcon_00:05
ubottustealfalcon_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:05
K-Richmrgenixus: well, i have to undo it, thus the umount, i can't leave it mounted or other devices seem to fail00:05
mrgenixusJordan_U: as I say, I think I can work around that by booting manually and google suggests that I run 'grup-update', which I have done, but not tested, but will probably bring my grub config up to date00:05
Jordan_Umrgenixus: It's update-grub.00:06
ilovefairuzcesc_xubuntu: pastebin: lshw -C network00:06
Domei get internt connection but its not working. im using live cd00:06
ilovefairuz!paste > cesc_xubuntu00:06
Domeplz help00:06
ubottucesc_xubuntu, please see my private message00:06
tobeExecute sh start.sh. In linux you first need to add execution permissions to the files start.sh and configure.sh to do this execute the following commands.. it doesnt do anything....00:06
tobehow do i do the above00:06
Dr_WillisDome:  tell the channel how you get internet.. asking for 'help' over and over.. tends to get you iognored00:06
Four2zerowhen i try to connect to my win-machine using my ubuntu machine i not able to access the the network...?00:06
mrgenixusK-Rich: if users can mount something, they can unmount it; just add the users keyword to the appropriate lines in fstab00:06
Dr_Willistobe:  you dont need it to be executable for sh whatever.sh00:07
mrgenixusK-Rich: youre sudo approach looks pretty good too.00:07
winterweavercan someone please help me remove some rogue packages from my system without damage? See my thread here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9727829#post9727829 ... please note I have already tried both ppa-purge and ubuntu-tweaks gui to purge it. But these packages just wont go away, and i need the default ubuntu ones back00:07
ilovefairuzDome: it's better that you install the system and get all the latest updates, live cd has outdated packages00:07
Dr_Willistobe:  chmod +x foo.sh   then ./foo.sh  will work.00:07
K-Richmrgenixus: i only want to allow that command though, no other mount commands00:07
Dr_Willistobe:  or 'sh foo.sh' should work00:07
tupiYesterday i had a suddenly power shutdown at my house and when i select the ubuntu at grub all i get is that animation of ubuntu lucid lynx that means the system is being loaded, but then nothin happens, the animation just never end. Anybody knows what to do?00:07
Aemaethso would "exec sh script.sh" allow separate dash commands to run simultaneously?00:08
mrgenixusK-Rich: create a scrip in /usr/local/scripts, and name it -- 'swap-bus' and you can add the script to sudoers, IIRC00:08
Dr_Willistupi:  try the TEXT option at teh grub menu to disable teh slpash screen so you can see any messages00:08
=== vjm is now known as thevjm
mrgenixustupi: stop asking the same question00:08
mrgenixusI can't suggest anything based on the one you're spamming00:08
Dr_WillisAemaeth:  i never mentioned 'exec'        thats normally only used in scripts.00:08
K-Richthanks mrgenixus.... i'll try that00:09
Dr_WillisAemaeth:  chmod +x foo1.sh  foo2.sh  to make them both executable..00:09
tupimrgenixus im not flooding. Im just repeting the question since its not on the screen anymore. Is there a problem?00:09
hiku!repeat > tupi00:09
ubottutupi, please see my private message00:09
mrgenixustupi: you're not flooding.  You're either not responding to the suggestions people are making, or you're asking a question no one is answering. You should ask your question differently if the answers don't solve the problem00:10
Dr_Willistupi:  try the TEXT option at teh grub menu to disable teh slpash screen so you can see any messages. 'edit' the grub menu at bootup, and replace the 'quiet nosplash00:10
mrgenixus!repeat > mrgenixus00:10
ubottumrgenixus, please see my private message00:10
Dr_Willistupi:  try the TEXT option at teh grub menu to disable teh slpash screen so you can see any messages. 'edit' the grub menu at bootup, and replace the 'quiet nosplash' with  just 'text'00:10
p1und3ranyone have any idea of how i can make nm-applet work again? this is gunna annoy the crap out of me00:10
tupiDr_Willis ok!00:10
songerwhich one is the most lighter, xubuntu or xubuntu?00:10
rwwsonger: xubuntu00:11
Dr_Willissonger:  i would say xubuntu.. :)00:11
hikusonger: kinda the same eh?00:11
Dr_Willissonger:  lubuntu is lighter. still.00:11
tobeDr_Willis: foo.sh is exactly wut i need to put?00:11
cesc_xubuntuilovefairuz, here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/479124/00:11
tupimrgenixus relax, im trying to get a answer. Im not bothering nobody, so lets take care of our own business.00:11
Dr_Willistobe:  no... you need to think and loook and apply.. and use whatever YOUR .sh file is named..00:11
tupiDr_Willis ill try to do that. Thanks!00:11
samrobertsonger, upgrade the ram, now a days every thing require more ram that 256.00:12
mneptoktupi: please allow at least 10 minutes or so before repeating a question.00:12
tobeDr_Wllis: i did i put my file and it said this bash: ./openbravopos-2.30-linux-x64-installer.bin: cannot execute binary file00:12
songeryes, but the pc isn't mine00:12
Dr_Willistobe:  then you dident do it right.. or its currupted.00:12
Dr_Willistobe:  chmod +x openbravopos-2.30-linux-x64-installer.bin   , then ./openbravopos-2.30-linux-x64-installer.bin00:13
ilovefairuzcesc_xubuntu: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up && sudo iwlist wlan0 scan00:13
cristianhi,  I have a problem whit ubuntu 10.4,  I put sudo chmod 777 *, and all me files change his atributs, and now I can not use sudo any more00:13
Dr_Willistobe:  ls -l openbravopos-2.30-linux-x64-installer.bin       to see its permissions00:13
cristianson bady can help me to fix this problems?00:13
Dr_Williscristian:  did that in what directroy exactly?00:13
cristianall the directory00:13
cristianthis is the problem00:14
Dr_Williscristian:  that dosent make sence.. 'all what directroy' ?00:14
cristianall files in the computer change00:14
p1und3ranyone know if how i can resolve this: http://pastebin.com/94RYL7Xi maybe it's related to my nm-applet problem?00:14
mneptokcristian: that was an extremely bad idea. why would you do that?00:14
ilovefairuzcristian: why did you do that??00:14
mneptokp1und3r: what is the nm-applet problem?00:15
Dr_Willischrisbuntunerd:  you dident use the -R or -r option did you?00:15
cristiani don't put atention in this moment  i write sudo chmod  777 *00:15
cristianthere some way to fix it ?00:15
stealfalcon_can sum 1 help me00:15
yashi-mneptok: its the networkmanager applet which gnome uses00:15
p1und3rmneptok: it now refuses to start on bootup, i have to open a terminal and run nm-applet to get online, it IS in startup applications00:15
fidelixHey, how do i copy a folder to another and overwrite recursively?00:15
tobeDr_WIllis i could kiss you...........00:15
Dr_Williscristian:  heres my / listing - use a live cd or recovery mode and set the permissions back.. IF you used the 'recursuve' option..id say its time to reinstall..00:15
Dr_Williscristian:  http://pastebin.com/2mpexRrV00:15
mneptokp1und3r: remove and re-add the notification area to the GNOME panel00:15
DASPRiDtobe, please, take a room :P00:15
mneptokyashi-: yeah, i know what nm-applet is00:16
Dr_Willistobe:  it worked when you dident make typops on the filenames?00:16
Dr_Willistobe:  the TAB key is your friend.. hit it often. :)00:16
p1und3rmneptok: ok i'll try that brb ill get knocked offline00:16
cristianok, thaks I will that in this moment00:16
songernow it hs xp , but i told to  my friend that linux is better but i'll tell him hi need to upgrade ram00:16
yashi-mneptok:  sry stopped reading before i reached the end :X00:16
sailendrawxdownloader is not working for me00:16
Dr_Willissonger:  that thing sould be 2x faster in xp with more ram also..00:16
tobeDr_Willis: i have been working on this feakin program for 3 days straight like 23 hours total... im understanding linux now... this is the first one i actually install00:16
selig5songer: try fvwm-crystal, works for me on a 256 RAM computer with ubunu 10.0400:17
samrobertsonger, since you are only telling him, then simply tell him this also.00:17
Dr_Willistobe:  rember 'case senexitive' and use the tab key...00:17
tobeDr_WIllis: it was a combination of typos and skipping steps and case sensitive and doing the wrong file.. thank you so much...00:17
Dr_Willistobe:  yes.. you have to be exacting and concise :)00:17
C_OkieThanks guys00:18
cesc_xubuntuilovefairuz, here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/479129/00:18
songerhi has no mony but i'll install some diestro00:18
Dr_Williscomputers are funny that way. :)00:18
mneptokDr_Willis: wives, too00:18
chrisbuntunerdubotty: I thought you moderatyed ubuntu-offtopic.00:18
ilovefairuzcesc_xubuntu: looks like it's working fine, what network manager are you using? NM or Wicd?00:18
rwwchrisbuntunerd: Ubottu, as her name implies, is a bot.00:18
p1und3rmneptok: same thing, notification area is there, nm-applet needed to be manually started00:18
tobeDr_Willis: one last error says i have to be the <super user> how do i do that00:18
Dr_Willis!sudo | tobe00:18
ubottutobe: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo00:18
Dr_Willistobe:  sudo COMMANDTORUN00:19
mneptokp1und3r: right click the notification area. remove it from the panel. then re-add it.00:19
samrobertsonger, there are other distros out there, google it.00:19
cesc_xubuntuilovefairuz, how do I know this?00:19
tobeDr_WIllis:  thnx again00:19
p1und3rmneptok: that is what i just did, and then restarted my computer to see if nm-applet would start on boot and it didn't00:19
Dr_Willis!manual | tobe00:19
ubottutobe: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:19
songeri know samrobert but i want some opinions00:19
songerif you don't mine00:19
Dr_WillisBBL.. wife needs rebooted..00:19
ilovefairuzDr_Willis: cristian: the /etc/sudors file require specific permissions to work, you'll have to boot the livecd and use chroot with visudo to get it working again00:20
sailendrahey can some one listen to me00:20
tobeDr_willis: sorry sorry for noobness00:20
ilovefairuzcristian: are you using the live cd now?00:20
samrobertsonger, that will be off-topic don't you think :)00:20
selig5songer: Puppy Linux is an easy to use distro for low rescource computers...00:20
p1und3rmneptok: it's not just the notification, nm-applet is not running when i get in to X00:20
p1und3rmneptok: yet it is in startup applications00:20
songerthaks, samrobert for your interesting in help00:21
p1und3rmneptok: and my user has correct permissions because i can run "nm-applet" and get online00:21
ilovefairuz!details | sailendra00:21
ubottusailendra: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:21
chrisbuntunerdubottu is bot00:21
yashi-plund3r: are you using always the same router?00:21
cesc_xubuntuilovefairuz, I have on top right corner NetworkManager  Applet 0.8 . I'm wired connected to the internet, my usb wireless connected to usb port as well.00:21
p1und3ryashi-: i am wireless, and use different access points at work and home00:22
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ilovefairuzcesc_xubuntu: what you click on it, you don't see a list of available wireless networks?00:22
yashi-p1und3r: ok then a configuration via wpa_supplicant isnt a solution00:22
p1und3ryashi-: i don't understand00:23
yashi-p1und3r: what happens if you write nm-applet into the rc.local00:24
p1und3ryashi-: nm-applet is an application to manage my network connections, and it refuses to start on boot00:24
cristianyes, i am in other machine and i reboot ubuntu with cd live00:24
ilovefairuzyashi-: rc.local is not for GUI applications00:24
p1und3ryashi-: i haven't tried that yet because there must be a problem if it's not working the ubuntu way00:24
ilovefairuzp1und3r: delete the entry in startup applications dialog and add a new one00:24
* mrgenixus is sorry if people wree asking me clarifying questions -- I had a little emergency here -- was AFK00:24
yashi-ilovefairuz: you are right..:X00:25
soreauyashi-: Use sys>prefs>startup apps for user programs and rc.local for processes that will be run as root00:25
p1und3rilovefairuz: ok that was my next step, let me try that00:25
cesc_xubuntuilovefairuz, yes I can see some now. Does that means it's fully working ? Because before I disconnected the wired internet connection, went to the terminal window, typed iwconfig and wlan0 was like this...00:25
soreauyashi-: nm-applet is a user program00:25
yashi-soreau:are you sure?00:25
cesc_xubuntuwlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:off/any00:25
cesc_xubuntu          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=20 dBm00:25
cesc_xubuntu          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off00:25
cesc_xubuntu          Power Management:off00:25
FloodBot2cesc_xubuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:25
soreauyashi-: Yes. See startup applications, it should already be there.00:25
C_OkieWhat's the difference in the stuff you'd burn as an ISO and just burning as a image file?00:26
ilovefairuzcesc_xubuntu: that means it's not connected to any wireless access points/networks, that's normal, it takes time to scan networks00:26
ilovefairuz!hi | sailendra00:26
ubottusailendra: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:26
cesc_xubuntuilovefairuz, then I tried to put the wireless adapter in mode monitor entering iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor and I got an error00:26
soreauC_Okie: You always want to burn image to disk, not as a file. The iso is the raw data image00:26
sailendraiam unable to open wxdownloader can u help me00:26
yashi-soreau: i deleted it, its useless for me...but i remember that i had to start it via sudo nm-applet otherwise it didnt work00:27
chrisbuntunerdbye tizbac00:27
soreauyashi-: The only reason it didn't work is because you ran it as root (with sudo)00:27
chrisbuntunerdbye tizbac00:27
C_OkieIE infra recorder vs iso recorder disk imag to a cd vs iso image to a dvd00:27
soreauyashi-: It probably screwed up your permissions and from then on, you could only run it as root00:27
ilovefairuzcesc_xubuntu: you don't need to do this at all for it to scan networks, monitor mode reduces the functionality of the card to ONLY monitor wireless packets, won't connect to any networks00:27
yashi-soreau: that might be :)00:28
ilovefairuzsailendra: how did you install it?00:28
soreauyashi-: You'd have to reset whatever files are owned by root in ~/00:28
soreauyashi-: set them back to $USER00:28
sailendraiam running ubuntu 10.04, i installed wxwidgets  after that i installed it00:29
C_OkieIs using infra recorder vs iso recorder to burn to a cd vs DVD ( iso ) make a difference00:29
ilovefairuzsailendra: wxwidgets or wxdownloader? did you use software center?00:29
sailendraby directly sh installation from termianal00:30
Four2zerowhen i go to places and choose network and select my win7-machine then a pop-up appears then i insert the username and password ....it will not give access...?00:30
Aemaethi just ordered some open source pizza from linux00:31
p1und3rilovefairuz: re-adding it to startup applications didn't work either ;/00:31
sailendrawxwidgets is a framework like thing for that download manager00:31
tupiHi guys, last night i'd a suddenly power shutdown and i cant pass by ubuntu splash screen, so i disabled the splash at the boot parameters and got it: "init: eucalyptus-network (lo) main process (704) killed by TERM signal", and thats the last message the terminal gives me, then i cant boot the front end. Any idea?00:31
ilovefairuzp1und3r: is it enabled? (tick the checkbox to the left)00:31
p1und3rilovefairuz: yeah i'm not that new00:31
p1und3rilovefairuz: im usually pretty good, but this is really strange00:32
ilovefairuzp1und3r: what happens you when type this in a terminal? nm-applet --sm-disable00:32
soreautupi: Try booting into recovery mode, drop to a root shell and run 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade'00:32
p1und3rilovefairuz: ** (nm-applet:1592): DEBUG: old state indicates that this was not a disconnect 000:33
tupisoreau by dropping to a root shell u mean "ctrl + alt F1" and log in as root?00:33
p1und3rtupi: sudo su00:33
p1und3rtupi: usually on ubuntu u cant log in as root unless u enabled that00:33
tupip1und3r ¬¬ im booting the system man.00:34
soreautupi: No, in this case I mean select Recovery Mode from your boot menu, then it should boot to a screen that lets you select a root shell00:34
cesc_xubuntuilovefairuz, I'm going to unplug my wired connection... coming back in a few minutes. Thanks..00:34
tupisoreau ok. But i already tried to boot with recovery mode and didnt got that option of log in as some user.00:34
tupisoreau actually, the recovery mode returned the same "init: eucalyptus-network (lo) main process (704) killed by TERM signal" error00:35
soreautupi: I somehow doubt that's the actual problem even though it's the last message00:35
xtra_can anybody helpme with a little sound problem on a laptop asus with hda intel card...00:35
tupisoreau me too00:35
MrBuyLucku need some luck? go to http://www.buyingluck.com00:35
soreautupi: Does the system lock up at that point or what happens?00:35
headkase314!ask xtra_00:36
soreauMrBuyLuck: Do not spam here00:36
headkase314!ask | xtra_00:36
ubottuxtra_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:36
p1und3rilovefairuz: any fresh ideas? :( this little thing is gunna kill it for me00:36
tupisoreau yes, the system lock's up at that point. After that i got nothing more, just a black screen.00:36
headkase314!hi | xtra_00:36
ubottuxtra_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:36
xtra_i plug my earphones and it worked perfect but the voice on the laptop still works00:36
soreautupi: Ugh, that sucks. Do you know how to boot a live cd and chroot into the filesystem?00:36
StewLinhello, i just installed ubuntu using wubi, and when i boot to ubuntu it gives me a no  root file  system message, can anyone help me ?00:37
p1und3rilovefairuz: is there anything about nm-applet in /tmp, ubuntu's fsck said it found drive errors in tmp, then this problem happened after00:37
headkase314!details | xtra_00:37
ubottuxtra_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:37
p1und3rilovefairuz: i wouldn't think so but i can't think of anything else00:37
i2ccan someone help me? when I boot ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop, all I get is a black screen until I get to my desktop, why don't I get the purple ubuntu logo?00:37
tupisoreau i know how to boot a live cd, but the part of "chroot" to a filesystem i have no clue.00:37
MrBuyLuckis it all not working? i know what u have to do!! go to http://www.buyingluck.com00:37
ilovefairuzp1und3r: lsof | grep nm-applet00:37
Four2zerowhen i go to places and choose network and select my win7-machine then a pop-up appears then i insert the username and password ....it will not give access...?00:38
ZykoticK9MrBuyLuck, please stop.  OPs?00:38
soreautupi: Ok, it tells you how to do it in the grub guide which I will reference, but just use the chroot part and where it says run grub commands, you can run any other commands as if you were booted into that partition00:38
soreau! grub2 | tupi00:38
ubottutupi: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:38
mattwj2002hi guys00:38
p1und3rilovefairuz: lots of output that i know nothing of, what am i looking at here00:38
mattwj2002I need help badly!00:38
MrBuyLucksorry, just though u needed some help :P00:38
tupisoreau right. I'll try. Thanks!00:39
mattwj2002how do I permanently need to change my $PATH!00:39
=== mab is now known as Guest72862
mattwj2002I am on the wrong path haha00:39
ilovefairuzp1und3r: pastebin00:39
xtra_i'm running kubuntu 10.04 and I've got the same problem with ubuntu 10.04 with this laptop when i try to listen everything with earphones it hears from 2 places the laptop phones and the earphones i want to silent the phones when i plug my earphones ...00:39
Four2zerowhen i go to places and choose network and select my win7-machine then a pop-up appears then i insert the username and password ....it will not give access...?00:39
xtra_sorry for my english i'm from spain ...00:39
mac9416mattwj2002, probably add a PATH= line in ~/.bashrc00:40
p1und3rilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/fKD4cuY200:40
mac9416!hi Guest7286200:40
mattwj2002I couldn't find anything :(00:40
Guest72862Can you use Internet on live cd00:40
mac9416!hi | Guest7286200:40
ubottuGuest72862: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:40
soreautupi: no problem. First thing I would try to do is run apt-get update/upgrade but not too sure about what might have happened exactly. The other thing you can do in the live session is run fsck on the file system (maybe do that first)00:40
mac9416Guest72862, yes, absolutely.00:40
xtra_i've googled for long time and i had no answer to it00:41
Guest72862Im having a problem00:41
Guest72862My driver is good, connected in the net but I cannot browse websites00:41
opijif you have an encrypted /home/, do you only need your sudo password to transfer that same /home/ to a new flavor or do you need some other password?00:41
mattwj2002!trouts the room00:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:41
opij!trout the room00:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:42
winterweavercan someone please help me remove some rogue packages from my system without damage? See my thread here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9727829#post9727829 ... please note I have already tried both ppa-purge and ubuntu-tweaks gui to purge it. But these packages just wont go away, and i need the default ubuntu ones back00:42
mac9416Guest72862, how do you know you are connected? What error do you get when you try to browse?00:42
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
headkase314xtra_, This link should apply -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9680614&postcount=7 HOWEVER DO NOT DO IT as it is written.  Wait until someone else replies with the proper word for your computer that appears after the "model="00:42
cesc_xubuntuilovefairuz, I'm already connected wirelessly.00:43
ilovefairuzcesc_xubuntu: so all worked then? that's good00:43
p1und3rilovefairuz: shud i try to fix broken installation with cd or something?00:44
opijif you have an encrypted /home/, do you only need your sudo password to transfer that same /home/ to a new flavor or do you need some other password?00:45
p1und3ropij: i think u need to unlock the partition with the encryption passphrase, but im not sure 100%00:46
opijp1und3r, i don't know what it is. how do i obtain it in the event that i do need it?00:46
headkase314xtra_, repeat (bookmark this link?) | This link should apply -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9680614&postcount=7 HOWEVER DO NOT DO IT as it is written.  Wait until someone else replies with the proper word for your computer that appears after the "model="00:46
p1und3ropij:u dont thats the whole point of it00:46
p1und3ropij: do some more research because im not 100%, but i dont think u can "obtain" the passphrase easily00:47
opijp1und3r, what? :/00:47
Oergood manual to recover etc00:47
chutteCan you connect to the Internet with the live cd00:47
opijOer, thanks but I have an encrypted /home/00:48
opijchubby, yes00:48
opijchutte, yes00:48
samrobert_chutte, got any doubt ?00:48
chutteMy wireless connection is good00:49
chutteBut I cannot browse the net00:49
p1und3rchutte: wuts the browser say00:49
p1und3rchutte: are you able to resolve hostnames?00:50
Niglopwhat is the piece of malicious code called again? looks something like this: ~(;{:};)` etc etc, just random ascii chaaracters?00:50
jrennerHey everyone I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.04 Server on a box that has a RAID1 configuration for my HDD and I receive an error every time I try to format a partition. I tried using a 9.10 Desktop CD to format first and then use it but the install required a format. (That technique had worked for installing 10.04 Desktop). So I'm at a loss as to what to do. any help?00:50
p1und3rchutte: then check your DNS settings, on both you router and machine00:50
chutteThe browser said address not found00:50
mac9416chutte, what is your test site?00:51
p1und3rchutte: does this work:
headkase314xtra_, are you still there?  I think I can walk you through those instructions creating backup files - as it's just text files to be edited and a restart - so they can be copied back.00:51
p1und3rilovefairuz: did u ever check that pastebin?00:52
ilovefairuzp1und3r: yes, anyhow, try, sudo apt-get install --reinstall network-manager-gnome00:52
chutte_Hi again00:52
chutte_I still get a unable to connect00:53
p1und3rchutte: so u saw the website00:53
djznis it possible for a corrupted ext3 filesystem to fake a bad block in samsung's ESTools diagnostics utility???00:53
jrennerany help guys?00:53
chutte_How do I check DNS settings on ubuntu00:54
clusty_i am curious why won't gnome mount samba out of the box00:54
clusty_it does not ask for user/pass, but just complains it cannot mount the share00:55
=== chutte_ is now known as chutte
jrennercan I please get some help?00:56
glaucoalguem do brasil00:56
clusty_jrenner, what's the matter. shoot00:56
jrennerI'm trying to install member:Ubuntu 10.04 Server on a box that has a RAID1 configuration for my HDD and I receive an error every time I try to format a partition. I tried using a 9.10 Desktop CD to format first and then use it but the install required a format. (That technique had worked for installing 10.04 Desktop). So I'm at a loss as to what to do. any help?00:57
jrenneroops that member:ubuntu was a copy past error00:57
headkase314jrenner, which you don't have the cloak of.00:58
chutteHow can I edit network settings00:58
clusty_jrenner, fake raid or real raid ?00:58
jrennerhardware raid. the real kind00:58
clusty_jrenner, so module gets loaded?00:59
clusty_as in you can see the disk ?00:59
ryoohkihow do i tell upstart which services to start and to remove unwanted services from starting now?01:00
chutteHow cam o edit network settings that will fix the disability of browsing01:00
evonfor some reason my grub 2 is really laggy. it's takes a long time to switch between boot options. anyone know how to fix this?01:00
hiexposup all01:00
clusty_jrenner, i got no clue. i just installed on my raid partition. it worked without a single glitch01:00
jrennerhuh really?01:01
clusty_jrenner, what sort of error are you getting?01:01
headkase314xtra_, are you still there?  I think I can walk you through those instructions creating backup files - as it's just text files to be edited and a restart - so they can be copied back.01:01
clusty_jrenner, i got myself an intel raid card01:01
opijif you have an encrypted /home/, do you only need your sudo password to transfer that same /home/ to a new install and flavor or do you need some other password? Also, how would you go about transferring /home/ to a new install?01:01
chutteIs there no way?01:02
clusty_chutte, your question is very broad. describe your problem01:02
jrennerclusty_: "Failed to create a file system -- The ext4 file system creation in partition #1 of Serial ATA RAID jmicron_RAID0 (mirror) failed"01:02
roddHi I have a vaio notebook and have just installed ubuntu 10.04, however when loading linux i get no screen, any ideas?01:02
clusty_jrenner, gparted ?01:03
jrennerummm gparted isn't in the ubuntu server disk01:03
chutteI get Internet but I cannot browse any wesbites01:03
jrennerat least to my knowledge01:03
clusty_jrenner, so can you boot the regular desktop GUI CD ?01:03
clusty_maybe try to partition it like that01:04
clusty_and then just install it01:04
p1und3rilovefairuz: well when i dropped to tty1 and stopped x, did the reinstall network-manager gnome, it threw back HDD I/O errors01:04
clusty_chutte, got DNS ? got IP ?01:04
evonfor some reason my grub 2 is really laggy. it's takes a long time to switch between boot options. anyone know how to fix this?01:04
jrennerI tried that but then the install said that it has to remove system files in order to install01:04
chutteHow do I obtain I and DNS01:04
dxtrhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/ <- What is Lucid-updates there?01:05
ilovefairuzp1und3r: what's your hard disk brand?01:05
clusty_jrenner, so basically it forces you to format ?01:05
Flanneldxtr: you mean "what does it mean by lucid-updates"? or "where can I find lucid-updates on that page?"01:05
dxtrFlannel: What does it mean :) Sorry01:05
clusty_you cannot just delete partitions create new ones using the desktop CD, and then reboot with server and just install01:05
p1und3rilovefairuz: i dunno the brand of the hdd but it's an acer laptop01:05
jrennerclusty_: yup. I think I could get around it if I used advanced install but I have no idea how to get it to detect my cd drive using advanced01:06
roddanyone running ubuntu on a vaio notebook?01:06
clusty_jrenner, advanced as in alternate ?01:06
chutteHow do I obtain DNS and ip for network connections01:06
p1und3rilovefairuz: tryig to find details on it, it's an acer aspire 6920G01:06
Flanneldxtr: No problem :)  basically, "lucid-updates" is updated packages in lucid, so newer versions (5.4.2 instead of 5.4.1 perhaps) of things in the repositories.  There's also lucid-security, which is updates, but security specific ones01:06
jrennerumm nope on the server cd you can select advanced mode01:07
dxtrFlannel: Oh, cool. So if I want more recent versions I'll go with lucid-updates?01:07
opijif you have an encrypted /home/, do you only need your sudo password to transfer that same /home/ to a new install and flavor or do you need some other password? Also, how would you go about transferring /home/ to a new install?01:07
dxtrFlannel: Oh, nevermind01:07
jrennerclusty_: here i'll format the disk and then load up the installer and we'll see if you have any idea what to do01:07
Flanneldxtr: well, you go with lucid *and* lucid-updates (and lucid-security).  This is almost certainly already enabled for you, so just use your package manager and it'll happen automatically01:07
dxtrI see I'm using it :P well then, some package maintainer is lazy!01:08
DasEiopij: the copying of /home is same, and of course you also need the key for the crypted part01:08
opijDasEi, how do you obtain your key?01:08
hiexpoopij,  backup home and do a fresh install01:08
DasEiopij: when you set the crypt up, you have to set it01:09
opijDasEi, i didn't set it01:09
opijDasEi, i just did the auto setup01:09
hiexposup DasEi01:09
opijDasEi, how do i obtain it01:09
cesc_xubuntuilovefairuz, yes thanks for your help.01:11
Dr_Willisopij:  if you dident set up the encrypted home.. then its not encrypted..01:11
opijDr_Willis, i DID encrypt my home01:12
opijhow do you obtain your original encrypted home folder passphrase if you already are logged in?01:13
ilovefairuzcesc_xubuntu: you're welcome01:13
DasEiopij: I think you speak about EncFS, done at setup, that's handled by a kernelmodule and will be found again in a fresh installation01:13
headkase314Is there any draw-back of upgrading the ALSA sound-system to the latest source-based version (http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page <- Version 1.0.23) from Ubuntu 10.04's shipped Version of 1.0.21 using this guide -> http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2010/05/02/upgrade-alsa-1-0-23-on-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04/ <- the guide is verified to work.  I have ALSA chosen as a non-default setting in "gstreame01:14
headkase314r-properties" under the Audio Default Output choice.  ALSA Works fine so PulseAudio is not in use on my system with this setting?  Any drawbacks or should I do it?  I'm thinking I will regardless but would like to know if there is something I'm overlooking.  Waalll of text.  Sorry.01:14
FloodBot2headkase314: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:14
=== Milos_SD is now known as Milos_SD-aWay
FireFreekI'm trying to install torrentflux-b4rt on ubuntu server 8.10, and i'm trying to log into phpmyadmin but it wont take my password(it's the ONLY password i used during installation)01:14
Licuadorawhere is the ubuntu off topic?01:14
ilovefairuzp1und3r: you'll need to download a disk check cd/iso from the hard disk manufacturer and run it01:14
opijDasEi, i need to copy my old home folder to a new installation. i want to change to a new flavor01:14
* Milos_SD-aWay is Away, Reason: ( Spavam ... ) | Since: ( Monday, August 16, 2010. 22:13:47 ) Xlack v2.101:14
DasEiopij: yes, just do in a seperate partition, get the blkid of it and set fstab to it, pastebin of you current fstab ?01:15
p1und3rilovefairuz: ok thanks man i appreciate all your help01:15
LicuadoraHAve you seen the video on youtube "Why linux desktop (still) suks"01:16
opijDasEi, im sorry but i dont know what you're talking about at all01:16
hiexpoopij,  i told you how back up home and do a fresh install safest way   > you have a usb stick ?01:16
DasEiopij: can also do so at setup of fresh install01:16
thune3headkase314: is there any benefit to doing so? "if it ain't broke..."01:16
C_OkieI have a 150 gb drive which I want to have four partitions, one for windows xp with sp2 ( recomended 1.5 gb but im going + for services) and Ubuntu  (not sure recomended size) and then a bigger data partition for win and a partition ofor ubuntu what should the size for the os of Win and Ubuntu be? 10-15 win / ? Ubuntu01:16
=== Milos_SD-aWay is now known as Milos_SD
DasEiopij: sudo apt-get install pastebinit01:16
opijhiexpo, how is that?01:16
DasEiopij: pastebinit /etc/fstab                   <<give url here01:16
LicuadoraC_Okie still uses Windows01:16
coraxhere is a question ... does n e body know of a television program in which ubuntu has been mentioned ...or any documentary about ubuntu ...that would be available on the internet i.e. YouTube ?01:16
opijDasEi, why do you want me to pastebin something?01:16
LicuadoraAnywho.. wheres ubuntu off topic?01:17
FlannelLicuadora: #ubuntu-offtopic01:17
hiexpoopij,  copy all files from home to a usb stick easy01:17
DasEiopij: to get an idea of your current setup01:17
LicuadoraFlannel: thx01:17
opijDasEi, will what hiexpo said work?01:17
C_Okielooking it up :)01:17
DasEiopij: yes01:17
petriborgHi I was trying to add the XBMC PPA from https://launchpad.net/~team-xbmc via the instructions found here http://wiki.xbmc.org/?title=HOW-TO_install_XBMC_for_Linux_on_Ubuntu_with_a_minimal_installation_step-by-step which worked flawlessly on my 10.04 box on my 9.10 box the repo gets added but when I do an "apt-get update" it is never in the list and not listed in the repo sets in Synaptic under "Origin" - any suggestions would be welcom01:18
delawarerunning 10.04.  odd symptoms sometimes on bootup.  for example, i have shut down button on upper left bar and it won't show red it'll be grey and unresponsive.  also have cpu frequency applet on top bar and that also will not be responsive to changing settings.  then when i go to shut down the laptop the only way it will shut down is by holding power button for 5 seconds to force hard off.  if i don't it just jumps to the change user01:18
delawarescreen and won't let me shutdown.  anyone have any ideas as why ubuntu is doing this?01:18
DasEiopij: can also save from the opened home to an external and just copy back01:18
DasEiopij: use rsync -r -P instead of copy01:18
wedwoC_Okie, they will both run comfortably in 6G01:18
skumarai forse install this for testing. sudo dpkg --force-architecture -i avast4workstation_1.3.0-2_i386.deb. how to uninstall this package/01:18
wildmanI'm having a lot of these lately: geeqie-standard[3474]: segfault at 4 ip b69bbad8 sp bf9092c0 error 4 in libfreetype.so.6.3.22[b6973000+71000], mediatomb[2704]: segfault at 4a4235a2 ip b68a800e sp b1a7b430 error 4 in libavcodec.so.52.20.1[b676c000+52f000], any ideas?01:18
headkase314thune3, my system is non-critical I have a USB Hard Drive with a power-button for the many times I reinstall my system.  I can go from format to fully refreshed with the notes I've kept.  So, with that: I'm an update junky.  I treat this system like you shouldn't and have gotton very efficient in reinstallation so it gives me the option of making mistakes.  Learning not to make them with helping others is my next01:18
headkase314 step!  Any drawbacks anyone?01:18
FireFreekI'm trying to install torrentflux-b4rt on ubuntu server 8.10, and i'm trying to log into phpmyadmin but it wont take my password(it's the ONLY password i used during installation). Can someone help me install torrentflux-b4rt01:19
opijDasEi, cool. what does rsync -r -P do and in what setting would I preform it?01:19
DasEi!info rsync01:20
ubottursync (source: rsync): fast remote file copy program (like rcp). In component main, is standard. Version 3.0.7-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 332 kB, installed size 684 kB01:20
glassresistorim trying to get the temperature off my radeon card01:20
DasEiopij: it's an advanced algorithm, faster, more reliable, -r for subfolders , -P for progress01:20
DasEican also pause n resume, see man rsync01:20
FireFreekHow do you see what processes are currently open01:21
glassresistorbut without anyluck aticonfig --od-gettemperatrue says no layout found in xorg01:21
DasEiglassresistor: lm-sensors is your friend then01:21
glassresistorDasEi: been trying that01:21
hiexposystem monitor01:21
glassresistori just installed k10temp manually for my cpu but my gpu still doesn't show up01:21
FireFreekhiexpo: in terminal01:22
C_OkieIs OS made so it works well with partiioning unlike windows where systems files ( DLL hell - my fucking opengl drivers , DX SDL apps etc) and docs and settings arer stored01:22
DasEiglassresistor: install, detect, used an utility to show it ?01:22
C_OkieIt has a /home dir01:22
IdleOne!language | C_Okie01:22
ubottuC_Okie: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:22
glassresistorDasEi: ran sensors-detect didn't help01:22
DasEiglassresistor: ic01:22
petriborganyone having problems with the PPA repos? one of mine doesn't seem to be loading anymore01:22
hiexpoFireFreek,  ya u can01:22
C_OkieWell, are Linux people do dll heck01:23
headkase314I really hope my next visit does not revolve around: "my alsa doesn't work"01:23
C_Okieare they DUMB enough to01:23
hiexpoFireFreek, u have a pnel?01:23
C_Okie\Debug works good !01:24
bryan__which is the best CAD software in Ubuntu?01:24
DasEipetriborg: not ppa, but others01:24
glassresistoraticonfig --list-adapters01:24
glassresistor* 0. 01:00.0 ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series01:24
glassresistor* - Default adapter01:24
hiexpobryan__, best01:24
linxehC_Okie: ?01:24
bryan__or better?01:24
C_Okieyou dont know dll heck01:25
linxehC_Okie: I dont use windows01:25
hiexpothat oops01:25
petriborgDasEi - your deb repos are broken?01:25
C_Okieof course, you musnt have system01:25
linxehC_Okie: but no, linux doesnt suffer from it. and neither does a properly managed windows system01:25
DasEipetriborg: I'm just re-checking01:25
linxehC_Okie: now stop trolling and run along01:25
delawarerunning 10.04.  odd symptoms sometimes on bootup.  for example, i have shut down button on upper left bar and it won't show red it'll be grey and unresponsive.  also have cpu frequency applet on top bar and that also will not be responsive to changing settings.  then when i go to shut down the laptop the only way it will shut down is by holding power button for 5 seconds to force hard off.  if i don't it just jumps to the change user01:25
delaware[20:18] <delaware> screen and won't let me shutdown.  anyone have any ideas as why ubuntu is doing this?01:25
glassresistorbrb restart01:26
hiexpodebs broken01:26
jrenner@clusty_: thanks for the help man, the advanced install worked albeit it was a lot harder01:26
bryan__FreeCAD is good choice in ubuntu , isn't it?01:26
hiexpo i don't think so01:26
Dr_Willisbryan__:  or qcad01:26
hiexpocad for what ?01:26
Dr_Willis!info qcad01:26
ubottuqcad (source: qcad): professional CAD system. In component universe, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 1228 kB, installed size 3980 kB01:26
C_OkieWell, can I ask, does't the os need to store a lot of stuff where the OS files are and it will grow01:26
linxehC_Okie: if you keep installing stuff, sure, you will use more space01:27
Dr_WillisC_Okie:  my big systems i see that / rarely gets above 10gb..01:27
bryan__thx, i try it01:27
linxehC_Okie: linux doesnt store dlls in applications directories like windows though. it has a sensible naming scheme for shared libraries01:27
petriborgDasEi - my other repos, medi, google, and ubuntu main are all working properly, i only use one PPA, XBMC, and it completely hosed up right now01:27
hiexpodebs are fine01:28
nimbioticsguys, using ubuntu 10.04, I'm having troubles trying to share a NTFS partition. Nothing has worked so far and it seems like samba is not properly installed, even though I just reinstalled. Hpw can I check if samba service is properly installed?01:28
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:28
=== headkase314_ is now known as headkase
Dr_Willisnimbiotics:  in the users home dir. right click on the 'Public' directroy and share that..  see if that works01:29
C_OkieAnd the whole directoey of "my stuff - mydocs", doesn't this go along with where the OS stores important files ?01:29
C_OkieThis is my last question sorry01:29
linxehC_Okie: eh ?01:29
collabranimbiotics: system-config-samba has worked well for me in setting up linux samba servers,... if you have a GUI01:29
Dr_WillisC_Okie:  Huh? In linux the users stuff are all in their /home/USERNAME   the actual  Name of the dirs dont matter much01:29
linxehC_Okie: user files have nothing to do with OS files01:29
=== headkase is now known as headkase|clone
DasEipetriborg: yes, the german security repo seems down, another works fine now01:31
C_OkieBut windows expects stuff to be in C:\My Docs\ME\.... which would be on the partition with the OS, If i didn't want to have the os partition grow, I cna move where it recognizes this directory?01:31
linxehC_Okie: you can have anything on any partition in linux01:31
Dr_WillisC_Okie:  its not c:\my docs.. theres a 'users' layout now in windows..    You can easially in linux put /home/ on its own partition, or even on a NFS share..01:32
linxehC_Okie: you can simply mount or create symbolic links to point at different directories if you want to move things onto a different partition01:32
petriborgDasEi - hm, i see, but i don't think the PPA is "down" per say, but the output from apt-get doesn't make sense its like its *ignoring* my xbmc ppa01:32
Dr_WillisC_Okie:  time to read up on 'mounting filesystems' :) theres lots of neat tricks you can do.01:32
MasonBOk, i created a partition and tried installing ubuntu and i keep getting a root file system error01:33
MasonBCan anyone help01:33
DasEipetriborg: whole line from sources.list ?01:33
petriborgDasEi - i never see Hit http://ppa.launchpad.net/team-xbmc/ppa/ubuntu/ lucid/main Translation-en_US etc like I expect01:33
petriborgjust a sec01:33
petriborgdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/team-xbmc/ppa/ubuntu karmic main01:33
gballyQuick question, how do i look into a flash drive via the shell?01:33
THE_chr0nikHey whats u[p01:33
petriborgDasEi -- deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/team-xbmc/ppa/ubuntu karmic ma01:33
MasonBshould i just make the partition the active drive and reboot and install from disk?01:33
=== headkase|clone is now known as headkase314
Dr_Willisgbally:  should be mounted somwe where in /media/01:34
linxehC_Okie: you can mount filesystems this way in Windows too btw (in recent versions anyway)01:34
Dr_Willisgbally:  so cd /media/whever01:34
gballywell, it appears blank01:34
Dr_Willisgbally:  it may be blank then?01:34
gballyno, files are there. I can see them in GUI01:34
Dr_Willisgbally:  check output of mount command.. see that it is mounted.01:34
Dr_Willisgbally:  you in the wrong /media/whatever location then.01:35
gballythere are only two locations, both are empty01:35
gballywhat should my mount command consist of mount the USB correctly?01:35
Dr_Willisgbally:  check out put of the mount command..01:35
DasEipetriborg: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa01:36
Dr_Willisgbally:  sudo mount /dev/sdXX  /media/MAKEADIRECTROYFIRSZT01:36
Dr_Willisgbally:  if the file manager can see it.. its mounted somwwhere.01:36
DasEipetriborg: sudo apt-get update01:36
gballywhere is it mounted then??01:36
DasEipetriborg: complains about missing key ?01:36
Dr_Willisgbally:  use teh 'mount' command.... as ive said... it shows ALL mounted filesystems01:36
bryan__i tried Qcad01:36
Dr_Willisgbally:  just type mount  .... and look at the output01:36
DasEipetriborg: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys >>Number-from-apt-here<<01:37
petriborgDasEi - no it doens't complain at all but there is no xbmc in the apt-get update list01:37
michael_ok i finally got this far01:37
mrgenixusfwiw -- fixed video issues by reinstalling driver -- apparently grub-mkconfig is not being run by kernel package scripts01:37
bryan__but it can't open *.dwg files.01:37
michael_i am new to ubuntu and need help01:37
Dr_Willis!manual | michael_01:38
ubottumichael_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:38
petriborgDasEi - yeah seems like the instructions from http://wiki.xbmc.org/?title=HOW-TO_install_XBMC_for_Linux_on_Ubuntu_with_a_minimal_installation_step-by-step -- which as of like a few weeks ago worked for me everywhere, but tonight something happened and its all busted now01:38
michael_hmmm i am not sure what is wrong but when i installed it01:38
michael_ my main log in is custom and not admin01:38
psycho789hey guys how do i save my pitivi project as an avi01:38
maze1gbally, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB01:38
Dr_Willismichael_:  that made no sence 'custome not admin' ?01:39
michael_and i can not access my root directory01:39
Dr_Willismichael_:  you mean / or /root ?01:39
michael_it says that i am not the owner of it01:39
Dr_Willisyes to what?01:39
michael_ooo root01:39
petriborgDasEi - maybe i can clear stuff out and re-add it somehow?01:39
Dr_Willismichael_:  you may be confused as to how ubuntu handles 'root' access.01:39
Dr_Willis!root | michael_01:40
ubottumichael_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:40
michael_that is possible01:40
Dr_Willismichael_:  what is possible? be a bit more verbose and concise... we are having to guess as to what you are meaning.01:40
DasEipetriborg: strange thing, I just ran it myself, it also fetched the key, but no entry in my sources.list01:40
opijhow do you remove a directory, all it's sub directories and folders?01:40
Dr_Willisopij:  rm -rf dirtodelste01:40
petriborgDasEi - ok so it isn't just me01:40
michael_no worries01:40
petriborgDasEi - something must be fucked up on the server01:40
=== randomusr is now known as Guest38484
michael_in my file system01:41
michael_i do a properties on it01:41
hiexpo!language > petriborg01:41
ubottupetriborg, please see my private message01:41
michael_just the one that says root in  it01:41
delawaremichael: gksu is the gui version of sudo01:42
psycho789hey im trying to save my pitivi file in avi format but render project is greyed out. anyone know why? cant find an answer01:42
hiexpogksu is dangerous to new users01:43
delawareyes it is01:43
Dr_Willisnew users using sudo when they dont know what they are doing.. are dangerous to ubuntu :)01:43
linxehsadly they are dangerous on windows too, but nobody tells them :(01:43
michael_make senes01:43
michael_and right now i think i am very dangrous :)01:43
michael_I do know that my hard drive has serious issues01:44
Dr_Willismichael_:  so far ive not really seen you state an actual issue.01:45
hiexposudo won't let u do to much harm though01:45
Dr_Willisgksudo is just a wrapper to sudo..  that sets a few env variables..    its no more or less dangerous tjhen sudo/gksudo01:45
boss1210sup room01:45
DasEipetriborg: something is wrong there, you seem right, keyserver is ub, but not the subdirs of the ppa server http://pastebin.com/iqN9SxKp01:45
michael_hey boss01:45
psycho789hey im trying to save my pitivi file in avi format but render project is greyed out. anyone know why? cant find an answer01:46
michael_I am very new to ubuntu and have disk issues could somone please private me if you have time01:46
Dr_Willispsycho789:  save it to some other format. then convet it.. avi is a container.. not a codec..01:46
DasEimichaeljust stay here, fsck problems ?01:46
michael_oh ok01:46
Dr_Willismichael_:  best to keep it in the channel. and state what the issue is.  so far its just sounds like you dont understand how linux works.01:46
hiexpoDr_Willis,  - true01:47
michael_when i do a file brows01:47
michael_and i check out the properties of my root directory01:47
psycho789Dr_Willis:  cant save it to any video format. i can only save it to project format01:47
DasEimichael_: then ?01:47
Dr_Willismichael_:  you mean / or /root ? dident i ask that earlier?01:47
qweruserdel: user ross is currently logged in01:47
edjuHow to get drive icons to show on the desktop in Kubuntu Lucid?01:47
qwerhow do i solve this problem?01:47
hiexpo!linux  > michael_01:47
ubottumichael_, please see my private message01:47
petriborgDasEi - ok well good to know, i've said something in the xbmc channel but no one is alive there out of some near 200 ppl, so i guess just must wait until someone realizes it and fixes it :(01:47
qweri tried killing all processes that were owned by ross01:47
RambJoehow do i know what drive my mbr is on, with grub 201:48
Dr_Willismichael_:  theres no need to be messing with /root/   and / is the system directory.  Not really much need to be messing with that either unless you know what you are doing.01:48
RambJoei wanna install burg :D01:48
linxehqwer: failing everything else, reboot and dont log in as ross01:48
michael_i see this under permission "you are not the owner"01:48
DasEimichael_: right, root is01:48
michael_is that something wrong ?01:48
Dr_Willismichael_:  yes.. you are NOT the owner..  its iowned by root. not your user..01:48
nimbioticsWhen I go to System Monitor->Processes I don't see nothing that reminds me of samba or samba: Does it mean the samba service is not running? TIA!01:48
linxehmichael_: no01:48
nimbioticsDr_Willis: Shouldnt I be able to see my own shares when I go to Places->Network->Windows Network?01:48
michael_oh ok01:48
clustymichael_: your shit is in /home/<your username>01:49
Dr_Willismichael_: ----> .  so far its just sounds like you dont understand how linux works.01:49
DasEimichael_: no, that's a proteection liar of linux01:49
Dr_Willisnimbiotics:  should be able to.01:49
clustyunless you are config-ing, you don't care about anything else01:49
Dr_Willis!manual | michael_01:49
ubottumichael_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:49
michael_ok so i did not break anything01:49
Dr_Willismichael_:  you may want to read that ubuntu manual..01:49
DasEimichael_: it's done so, that regualar user(s) can't damage the system01:49
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo01:49
hiexpogoogle what is linux and why01:50
michael_next i believe this is a serious isue and olnly bying a new hd will fix01:50
nimbioticsDr_Willis: Any ideas of what might be wrong with my system/installation?01:50
DasEimichael_: have you got fsck issues ?01:50
linxehmichael_: what is a serious issue ?01:50
clustyany clues why i can't mount a SMB FS from gnome ?01:50
Dr_Willisnimbiotics:  not really. hard to tell.01:51
clustyi can see shares, but dbl clicking them throws an error window01:51
DasEiclusty: out of the dust / is inverted to  \  for smb01:51
bryan__where is the lx-viewer deb package?01:51
clusty..informative error window actually01:51
clustyDasEi: i can browse them01:51
Dr_Willisclusty:  try hiting ctrl-L and entering smb://SERVERNAME/sharename01:51
clustyso i am not typing01:51
DasEi!info lx-viewer | bryan__01:51
ubottubryan__: Package lx-viewer does not exist in lucid01:51
Dr_Willisclusty:  or try by the ip# instead of SERVERNAME01:51
qwerlinxeh: yeah, thinking about it01:52
michael_i have tons of bad sectors01:52
clustyDr_Willis: ok. trying now01:52
Dr_Willismichael_:  time to buy a new HD then.01:52
michael_reallocated sector count is so very high01:52
Dr_Willismichael_:  keep the old one in a USB enclosuser for junk storage.01:52
delawaremichael: umm yeah time to brick that hdd01:52
bryan__how can i open .dwg files?01:52
michael_65543 sectors01:52
delawarethrow it out!01:53
DasEimichael_: don't sell on ebay!01:53
michael_yeh i figured when i saw number it was bad01:53
cesc_xubuntuilovefairuz, are you still there?01:53
arrabioany spanish here?01:53
michael_i am amazed i can run anything on this  computer01:53
DasEi!es | arrabio01:53
ubottuarrabio: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:53
ilovefairuzcesc_xubuntu: yeap, checking, wait01:53
corey__I having some problems getting my gamepad to work, does anyone know much about this?01:53
delawareif i saw 1 bad sector on a hdd it's trash to me.01:54
cesc_xubuntuilovefairuz, ok no problem01:54
michael_ok that was all for now thank you all very much01:54
DasEidelaware: most new hd's come so ..01:54
Guest38484I understand different distro's have specific startup functionality for programs and processes. Could someone tell me what it's called in ubuntu?01:55
delawareDasEi:  really?  my 160GB and 320GB external are free from bad sectors.01:55
hiexpoGuest38484,  grub201:56
Dr_WillisGuest38484:  you mean to startup apps on login?01:56
hiexpoafter 8.1001:56
DasEidelaware: when they get produced, there are sparesectors, you'll never get a glance of, because few are bad from the factory, is what I wanted to point to01:56
clustyDr_Willis: ctrl-l trick worked. negative points for ubuntu not recognizing it's own server shares01:56
Guest38484Dr_Willis, yes01:56
clustyeven mac-os did a better job at figuring things on the fly01:56
Dr_Willisclusty:  its more of a name->ip wins issue i belive01:56
clustyDr_Willis: not really01:57
delawareDesEi: ah okay01:57
Dr_Willisclusty:  i have had identical issues with windows machines.. ip works.. name dosent..01:57
clustyi have the [homes] way of sharing enabled01:57
DasEidelaware: modern hd's have an inbuilt mechanism to sort them out, the count you see is just when it's reached to the "userspace01:57
clustyso i gotta write smb://server/<user>01:57
Dr_Willisclusty:  for HOMES i always have to enter the users name   thats a security type feature i belive01:57
hiexpoGuest38484,  oops sorry misunderstood01:57
clustywhile the dumb net browser is trying to connect to smb://server/homes01:57
Dr_Willishomes by default is not 'browseble' i recall. so it dosent show all users.01:57
clustywhich is a bogus share01:57
psycho789whats a good video editing software for linux01:58
clustyDr_Willis: mac is asking for password01:58
Dr_Willisclusty:  read up in the samba-docs package. it explains it i recall.. i looked it up a few years back01:58
clustyand figuring out the real share01:58
DasEipsycho789: handbrake01:58
Dr_Willisclusty:  'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME' and create a samba password01:58
hiexpopsych787,  i like deeveedee01:58
delawarepsycho789: kdenlive01:58
nimbioticsGuys, using ubuntu 10.04, it seems like the samba service is not starting. What can I do? TIA!01:59
corey__I'm trying to get my gamepad to work, what exactly is /dev/input/js0 do?01:59
Ober7psycho789: pitvi is bundled w/ ubuntu01:59
clustyDr_Willis: did that and it worked automagically on os x. now i figured out to get it working also GUI in ubuntu01:59
Ober7handbrake is an encoder afaik01:59
clustyCLI mounting is getting boring01:59
Guest38484hiexpo, do you know what it's called?01:59
delawareOber7: correct02:00
DasEi nimbiotics:/etc/init.d/ samba start            outputs ?02:00
Ober7thx delaware02:00
clustynimbiotics: did you install samba ?02:00
=== warriorforGod is now known as warriorforGod|m|
Dr_Willisclusty:  i recall entering the hostname/ip in my /etc/hosts file.. of course i tend to access a share once.. then bookmark it.02:00
cystic850i saw a dock for ubuntu in a youtube video.. it had a little penguin walking across it. what is that called so i can download it?02:00
Dr_Willisclusty:  you could mouint them from fstab if you want them to always mount02:00
corey__what is /dev/input/js0 for?02:00
timmywhat would be the best type of partition type to use if I want to make a partition that would share files between windows 7 and ubuntu on the same computer?02:00
clustytimmy: ntfs02:01
Dr_Williscorey__:  thats the joystick device.02:01
nimbioticsDasEi: bash: /etc/init.d/: is a directory02:01
xanguacystic850: docky, docky 2, cairo dock, avant, so many docks02:01
lellethe cli thing before x starts lists some wireless errors, where can i find the log?02:01
clustynimbiotics: sudo /etc/init.d samba restart02:02
nimbioticsclusty: it is installed, but thats abaout all I know about it, it doesnt seem to be running02:02
DasEi nimbiotics:  sudo           /etc/init.d/samba start            outputs ?02:02
clustyor services samba restart02:02
hiexpoGuest38484,  what > what is called02:02
psycho789ober7, thanks but pitiviti doesnt work correctly02:02
delawarewho's good with wine under ubuntu since no one is alive on the wine channel?02:02
psycho789dasei, delaware: thanks ill try those02:02
clustynimbiotics: do a "ps auxw| grep smb"02:02
Guest38484hiexpo, I believe it's something like a startup manager for ubuntu02:02
nimbioticsclusty: bash: /etc/init.d: is a directory02:02
clustynimbiotics: and see if you get a PID for smb/nbm02:02
Guest38484hiexpo,  that's what I was asking before02:03
clustynimbiotics: man. copy paste what i wrote02:03
corey__Dr_Willis, I'm using dolphin (a gamecube emulator) and trying to get the gamepad (a gc controller plugged into an adapter) to work. Do I need to point dolphin to use /dev/input/js0?02:03
clustynimbiotics: sudo /etc/init.d samba restart02:03
Guest38484But for programs and processes02:03
corey__Dr_Willis, or is it more complicated than that?02:03
Chotaz`Anyone there knows anything about VBA, I know this isn't a VBA channel, but I need urgent help on the subject and everyone at the proper channel is idling, if you don't mind helping me,please pvt.02:03
nimbioticsclusty: sudo: /etc/init.d/samba: command not found02:03
DasEiclusty : would be sudo service samba restart , if recognized by upstart02:04
Am4nocystic850:sounds like Cario Dock02:04
Dr_Williscorey__:  thats about all i did when i tested out dolphin and used their config interface to configure the device.02:04
DasEinimbiotics: samba installed at all ?02:04
Dr_Williscorey__:  dolphin dident work all that good.02:04
hiexpoGuest38484,  it is startup applications    go to pref > startup applications sorry02:04
thune3Guest38484: i'm not sure what you are looking for. system start is done with upstart (/etc/init/*) and sysv init (/etc/init.d) scripts. gnome-session-properties controls login session scripts System->Prefs->Startup Applications02:04
DasEinimbiotics:sudo apt-get install samba02:04
Chotaz`Anyone there knows anything about VBA, I know this isn't a VBA channel, but I need urgent help on the subject and everyone at the proper channel is idling, if you don't mind helping me,please pvt. VBA as in Visual Basic for Excel Macros.02:04
nimbioticsit is, i reiinstalled a while, just in case. Should I uninstall and install again?02:05
=== uRock_ is now known as wunning_wabbit07
clustygood. this channel is good if you are feeling suicidal and undecided if you should end your days02:05
clustyit's gonna push off the cliff02:05
nimbioticsDasEi: It is, i reiinstalled a while, just in case. Should I uninstall and install again?02:05
clustyor encourage you to pick the guns and start sooting random people02:05
corey__Dr_Willis, its working well for me, I just want to use my gc controller. I try to tell dolphin to use js0, but nothing happens. Do you think I need some sort of driver for my adapter?02:05
Guest38484thune3, thank you that's what I was looking for02:05
meowsusWhen a network location is mounted, where can it be accessed within the filesystem?02:05
DasEinimbiotics:no, but then it'll be in /etc/init.d/ , just cd there and have a look02:05
cystic850http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvfRpmqKRbs in that video there is a little dock with a penguin running across it but i dont know what its called02:06
DasEimeowsus: just on the mountdir02:06
hiexpothune3,  - what was he looking 4 ?02:06
jribmeowsus: ~/.gvfs/02:06
DasEimeowsus: mount                  in trml shows al mounted drives02:06
delawarecystic850:  go into your compiz settings and find it.02:07
meowsusjrib, DasEi Thank you both!02:07
dexii'm having trouble finding a working keylogger (disclaimer: it is not for any nefarious purpose, only legal tracking) I've tried lkl, logkeys, and vlogger, but I can't make any of them work :(02:07
cystic850ok, i didnt know it was part of compiz i thought it was a third party dock.. i downloaded docky but its not quite it02:07
delawaredexi:  lkl will work.  google is your friend.  enough said on shady subject.02:08
RambJoeE: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'libattr1'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)02:08
nimbioticsDasEi: installing newest version02:09
OceanSurfHello.....is there an Ubuntu & Vbox expert here who would be willing to walk me through this: http://plumnash.com/it/virtualbox-enhancement-for-opening-winxp-applications/     Ideally we video conf/talk over Skype.02:09
RambJoei get that when ever i try to install something02:09
DasEinimbiotics: gg02:09
dexiwhy is everyone so afraid to talk about keyloggers :-/02:09
mintypuHi I downloaded a movie the expendables and it is asking me for a pass it has a file that says Get password here!.url but when i try to open it I only see some text can any one help me out with this02:09
DasEinimbiotics: sudo  apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade02:09
MarkRichhello, I'm installing the tracker search tool 0.8.15 for gnome un ubuntu 10.4.  I've used synaptic to install it & it lauches but there are no menu options to configure it.  The only thing listed are files, folders, etc on the left hand side.  But there are no menu items.  I've removed & reinstalled it multiple times.  I've also installed it along with the tracker-utils packages & it still does the same thing.  Then I removed i02:10
MarkRicht & used apt, which gives the same results.  Any idea what this might be? thanks, Mark02:10
linxehdexi:  I have absolutely no idea......02:10
sacho!warez | mintypu02:10
ubottumintypu: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o02:10
* linxeh rolls eyes02:10
Am4nocystic850, yep thats Cairo Dock, they should have a ppa. here is home page. http://www.glx-dock.org/02:10
delawaremintypu:  you downloaded a screener movie off of a torrent site and are having problems opening up an illegal file.  go look for help elsewhere.02:10
progesteroneQuestion: Is there any commands that I can use to extract all types of tarball files such as .tar.gz, tar.bz2, .zip?02:11
linxehmintypu: I didnt realise that sites you paid for movies would password protect the download ?02:11
dexilinxeh do you know how to properly use lkl?02:11
IdleOneok let's drop the illegal movie comments please02:11
linxehprogesterone:    for x in *.tar do; tar xf $x; done02:11
hiexpoprogesterone,  its not a script its and app that does that02:12
linxehhiexpo: you can easily script that02:12
hiexpoyah script an app sure02:12
cystic850which setting in compiz controls how the top window becomes transparent when you mouse over another window?02:12
delawareIdleOne:  just protecting the channel.  dropped.02:12
Pici!info unp02:13
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (lucid), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB02:13
headkase314Hooray! It worked and solved an issue.  I just switched over to HDMI for my output device and it has speakers.  With id Software games like Doom 3, Quake 4, ... I would get a "Broken Pipe" error in their console outputs and not be able to get sound using any method.  With the new ALSA 1.0.23 I updated to from stock ALSA 1.0.21 the "Broken Pipe" no longer appears in Quake 4 and is reduced to a warning in Doom 3 an02:13
headkase314d HDMI audio now works with both.  +1, my system is as much ALSA as it can be - watch update-manager for ALSA packages and uncheck now.  It's just good for games.02:13
harmandeepGuys , newbie here ...02:13
ubottuFiles with ".tar.gz", ".tar.bz2" or ".tgz" extensions are compressed archive formats, similar to ZIP files. See !tar for extracting them. Some of these files contain programs in source code form; see !compile for getting them to run.02:13
IdleOnedelaware: yup I know and it is appreciated :)02:13
delawarecystic850: search on youtube for compiz and there's a chick that will show you show to get around many of the settings in it.02:13
progesteronehiexpo linxeh Thanks02:14
AndorinSo my mother's computer has this odd problem. When I start it up, we get the BIOS screen, then several seconds of a blinking cursor, then a message that goes by too fast to read, then a totally black screen. However, the "login" sound plays, and Pidgin runs on login like usual because I see her sign in. I can press Ctrl+Alt+F1 and such to get to terminal windows, which work fine, but nothing for a GUI- even when I boot from a USB stick.02:14
DasEi!details | harmandeep02:14
ubottuharmandeep: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:14
Chotaz`Anyone there knows anything about VBA, I know this isn't a VBA channel, but I need urgent help on the subject and everyone at the proper channel is idling, if you don't mind helping me,please pvt. VBA as in Visual Basic for Excel Macros.02:14
DasEiAndorin: tried to backup xorg.conf (if any) and reconfigure graphics ?02:15
harmandeep i m not getting how to open man page for ulimit command02:15
linxehhiexpo: if you really wanted to, you could script it in perl or python without using an app02:15
harmandeepi had tried # man ulimit02:15
harmandeep but that opens Section 3 of ulimit02:15
hiexpocystic850,  nixie pixel02:15
harmandeepwhereas i m looking for ulimit (1 )02:15
DasEiharmandeep: man ulimit02:15
Jordan_UChotaz`: Try ##windows02:15
headkase314And I built (./configure && make) in folders in my /home so I'm just going to archive that up and put it on the USB hard drive.  If I reinstall I just have to pull up the bookmarked-guide to follow through and fast issue just a sudo make install with this made folder structure.02:15
AndorinDasEi: Reconfiguring graphics via the command line isn't something I know how to do, sadly02:15
Piciheadkase314: man 1 ulimit02:15
harmandeepmine system is Ubuntu Lucid x6402:15
harmandeepman 1 ulimit doesn't works02:15
OceanSurfHello.....is there an Ubuntu & Vbox expert here who would be willing to walk me through this: http://plumnash.com/it/virtualbox-enhancement-for-opening-winxp-applications/     Ideally we video conf/talk over Skype.02:15
AndorinBut again, this happens when we boot into a live environment too, which suggests something weird with the hardware to me.02:15
MarkRichhello, I'm installing the tracker search tool 0.8.15 for gnome un ubuntu 10.4.  I've used synaptic to install it & it lauches but there are no menu options to configure it.02:15
MarkRichThe only thing listed are files, folders, etc on the left hand side.  But there are no menu items.  I've removed & reinstalled it multiple times.  I've also installed it along with the tracker-utils packages & it still does the same thing.  Then I removed it & used apt, which gives the same results.  Any idea what this might be? thanks, Mark02:16
headkase314Pici, sorry ulimit?02:16
harmandeepcan anyone using Lucid x64 confirm this >>>02:16
switch10_Andorin: did you try booting to an older kernel?02:16
Piciharmandeep: You need the manpages-posix package installed.  You may also want to grab manpages-dev while you're at it, if you're often looking for that kind of stuff.02:16
almoxarifeI have a script in a folder in my home folder, I want to create an icon for same, I have managed to get the icon and script to run, the problem is that it does not seem to be recognizing the folder where it started, what am I doing wrong?02:16
DasEiAndorin: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:16
DasEiharmandeep: http://tinyurl.com/ynqfel02:17
Andorinswitch10_: No, I booted from an .iso of Lucid I downloaded when it first came out.02:17
delawareanyone able to help me with wine?02:17
harmandeepalthough i has searched and found that ulimit is a bash builtin ,,, and as so  # man bash   gets me  ulimit help02:17
kindofabuzzI notice that the 64bit iso says amd64, is it for Intel 64bit also?02:17
Jordan_UAndorin: Try adding the "xforcevesa" kernel parameter ( hold shift during boot to get to the grub menu, 'e' to edit the entry, ctrl+X to execute the edited entry )02:17
AndorinDasEi: Are you keeping in mind that this happens on a live environment too, so it may not be an issue with the installation?02:17
DasEidelaware: yes..02:17
xanguayes kindofabuzz02:17
almoxarifekindofabuzz: yes, worked for me02:17
DasEiAndorin: oh, that's strange then, video adapter broken maybe ?02:18
kindofabuzzxangua almoxarife : thanks02:18
DasEidelaware: first, did you install latest wine ?02:18
st__hi guys is there a way to foramt the disk so it has same I.D.?02:18
AndorinDasEi: Yeah, that'd be unfortunatel. If it's a hardware problem there's very little I can do.02:18
Ober7harmandeep: that (3) is the man revision i guess, this is the amnual yo are looking at02:18
Jordan_UAndorin: Is it a black screen or a turned off monitor?02:18
headkase314Oh, and - the sound preferences indicator from stock Ubuntu controls the volume and hardware selection as you would expect - even change output device while something is playing with no hiccups.02:19
augdawgst__ what do you mean?02:19
Jordan_UAndorin: Do you know if the monitor gives usefull error messages when you try to use an unavailable resolution?02:19
DasEiAndorin: checked the syslog already  ? and also /etc/X11/Xorg.0.log ?02:19
PiciOber7: No, that is the section of the manpage.  Different stuff goes in different sections.  '5' contains configuration files.02:19
harmandeepOber7: are u referring revision = section ?02:19
st__i mean what I just said02:19
Piciharmandeep: I can confirm that man 1 ulimit is in manpages-posix, as I have that installed here.02:20
headkase314Now to disable the onboard audio in the BIOS and I'm done.02:20
noobomletI'm having trouble getting dhcp to update dns. dns is accepting updates, tried it with nsupdate. static assignments are updating (i see them in the db. file), but regular leases aren't. I have ddns-domain ="domain"; and ddns-hostname = binary-to-ascii(10, 8, "-", leased-address);02:20
noobomletin the subnet definition02:20
augdawgst__ i think just rename it the same thing after you reformat it02:20
delawareDasEi:  send pvt msg02:20
harmandeepok thanks ... but i just need small info ... will do it with bash man page ....... thanks guys and Pici for info02:20
DasEidelaware: not received; why ?02:21
st__I.D. = UUID for Grub02:21
st__can I format the disk so it stay the same?02:21
DasEiPici: good hint' didn't know that (manpage-posix)02:22
delawareDasEi:  idk.  oh well.  yes have newest version via ppa.  let me strip off two errors off of wineboot and see what you can make of them.02:22
DasEidelaware: which app ?02:22
delawareDasEi:  err:winedevice:ServiceMain driver L"prodrv06" failed to load02:22
DasEidelaware: which app you want to run in wine ?02:23
delawareDasEi:  rr:module:import_dll Library SCSIPORT.SYS (which is needed by L"C:\\windows\\System32\\drivers\\prosync1.sys") not found02:23
st__delaware, wine has limited hardware emulation02:23
delawaredasEi:  trying to run colin mcrae 2005.  racing game.  has gold/[;atnium rating, installs but keeps on saying it needs a reboot when trying to run exe02:23
mawstdelaware, so simulate reboot02:24
hiexpoubotu what is wine02:24
delawaremawst:  you do that by wineboot correct?02:24
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:24
corpseHey, not sure if this is a ubuntu problem or not, but i just got a 16mb connection today. When i hook it up via ethernet I can get up to 38mb on speedtest.net. now when i connect via wireless i get around 6mb02:24
DasEidelaware: ic, wine is supported in #winehq , and for the last error I'd try to get the missing *sys from a windows site02:25
Dr_Williscorpse:  wireless would be a bottleneck02:25
falckonwhat do i do when i get this message? dpkg: error processing language-pack-en (--remove): Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstall it before attempting a removal.02:25
=== Gabrielo is now known as Guest18291
Guest18291hi all02:25
AndorinJordan_U: It actually seems to sometimes be a black screen and sometimes a switched-off monitor02:25
st__falckon, remove that package manually from /var/lib/dpkg/status file02:25
nophis_I installed Subtitle Editor but when I open the program reports a message saying I don't have a H.264 and MPEG4 AAC decoder. Which package should I install to fix this?02:25
delawareDasEi:  yup thanks, too bad they're all zombies in that channel that never talk.02:25
AndorinJordan_U: And no, I don't know about useful error messages02:25
corpseDr_Willis: it should not drop my rate that much though, thats over 30mb bottleneck02:26
AndorinDasEi: I will check that in a bit02:26
DasEidelaware: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72462402:26
Dr_Williscorpse:  and is it wireless b/g/n ?  I dotn even know what the theoritical max speeds are for wireless these days02:26
st__nophis_, try gstreamer-plugins-*02:26
cescilovefairuz, are you there? maybe busy anwering other questions... on multiple chats..?02:26
st__how can I format the disk so it's UUid would stay the same?02:27
Guest182918------D  - - -   (())02:27
corpseDr_Willis: I am on a g, I should get a theoretical 54mb02:27
i2c\hello everyone can someone please help me http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9727981#post972798102:27
panopticalthats only if your router is connected to a 54mbit connection or better02:27
panopticalwhich it probably isnt02:27
falckonst__: thanks, that did it :-)02:27
DasEidelaware: the pplatinum/gold was for hardy, possible it won't work no more02:28
brandinimy android won't automount when I plug it in and turn on storage, how do I make it mount?02:28
OceanSurfQuestion: I have my Ubuntu Desktop folder as Shared Folder in my WinXP vbox vm.  That shared folder which is the x: drive on the WinXP guest is also desigated as the Windows Desktop in the WinXP registry.  Thus I see all my Ubuntu desktop files and folders...on my WinXP desktop.  The problem is that only the files work...if I click a folder...it does not open.  Any idea how to increase the permissions or fix this?02:28
Ober7thx delaware02:28
superlouHey folks, did anyone else have today's update break their audio?02:28
Guest18291where can download sexy theme on ubuntu, for example I want to see tits instead of - apps, places and sys...02:28
rich__I would like to run multiple operating systems.  I have recently gained interest in virtual machines and was thinkin about running vmware with windows and ubuntu on top.  Will I get the same performance as if I partitioned my hard drive?02:29
Dr_Willis!themes | Guest1829102:29
ubottuGuest18291: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy02:29
corey__I looking for some help with my joystick/gamepad. jscal is giving me a "segmentation fault"?02:29
=== Aias is now known as Alias_Angelus
bazhangGuest18291, thats not appropriate for here. keep it family friendly02:29
st__i2c\, something happens during the boot, like mismatched swap partition ID02:29
panopticalcorey__: you could have bad ram segments02:29
Dr_Williscorey__:  that app is a bit old. so may not be reliable. I recall a joystick test/config tool at teh getdeb web site i played with the other day02:29
brandinimy android won't automount when I plug it in and turn on storage, how do I make it mount?02:29
panopticalyeah, or the app could be bad02:29
st__i2c\, plus, 1gb is more than enough for vista02:29
delawareDasEi:  darn, thanks anyways02:30
st__rich__, why would you install Windows in virtual machine? do it vice-versa02:30
corey__panoptical, what does ram segments have to do with my joystick though?02:30
i2c\st__: it was very slow and awful and I wanted to try linux, so can I fix this to get my boot screen back?02:30
MarkRichhello everyone, I'm installing the tracker search tool 0.8.15 for gnome un ubuntu 10.4.  I've used synaptic to install it & it lauches but there are no menu options to configure it.  The only thing listed are files, folders, etc on the left hand side.   But there are no menu items.  I've removed & reinstalled it multiple times.  I've also installed it along with the tracker-utils packages & it still does the same thing.  Then I02:30
MarkRich removed it & used apt, which gives the same results.  Any idea what this might be? thanks, Mark02:30
rich__I was under the impression that it worked that way.02:31
panopticalcorey__, the app has to load itself into ram, but if it tries to load into a place it doesnt have permission to load on, it produces a segmentation fault02:31
st__i2c\, check your fstab for invalid UUIDs, you may know them fro your partitions by using 'blockid'02:32
OceanSurfQuestion: I have my Ubuntu Desktop Folder as my Shared Folder in my WinXP virtual box vm.  That shared folder which is the x: drive on the WinXP guest is also desigated as the WinXP Desktop in the WinXP registry.  Thus I see all my Ubuntu desktop files and folders on my WinXP desktop.  The problem is that only the files work...if I click a folder on the WinXP desktop...they does not open.  Any idea how to increase the02:32
OceanSurfpermissions or fix this?02:32
DasEidelaware: fetch an up-to-date one from here : http://appdb.winehq.org/02:32
rich__What would be better performing then ST?  Virtual with windows and Ubuntu or partition hardrive?02:32
i2c\st__: could you tell me the exact command for doing that? I'm relatively new to linux]02:32
st__rich__, windows installation with Ubuntu in vm; or partition if you need your sound and 3d graphics in Ubuntu too02:33
delawareDasEi:  up to date what?02:33
DasEidelaware: game02:33
st__i2c\, sorry i don't have a linux available at the moment02:34
i2c\do you have teamviewer? you could connect to my machine02:34
DasEidelaware: a game that has platinum/gold status with lucid, not a 4 years old distro02:34
bazhangi2c\, the command is sudo blkid02:34
nophis_st__, H.264 still missing, I didnt install the dbg packages. Or I need them?02:34
delawareDasEi:  but i love that game!  and the newest one that came out is too graphics intesnse for my 3+ yo laptop gpu02:34
rich__The reason for these questions, I use ubuntu daily, but, I am wanting to get more in to pc gaming and I want to have windows for gaming.02:34
bazhangrich__, then dual boot02:35
st__nophis_, no, they are for crash troubleshooting02:35
Dr_Willisrich__:  gaming in virtualbox - will be limiting..02:35
i2c\ok I have 2, ext4 and swap02:35
i2c\gaming in virtualbox is almost impossible02:35
Dr_Willisrich__:  what games are you wanting to play anyway?02:35
rich__virtualbox <VMware02:35
bazhang!fstab > i2c\02:35
ubottui2c\, please see my private message02:35
DasEidelaware: consider dualboot, I still keep xp for gaming reasons, too02:35
rich__COD mostly.02:35
Gerrini need the gnome panel reset code, can anyone help me out02:35
bazhang!panels > Gerrin02:35
ubottuGerrin, please see my private message02:35
Dr_WillisCall Of Duty? an old game like that should work in wine id think..02:35
rich__COD modern warfare 202:36
i2c\I doubt it would work in VB, probably wine idk though02:36
i2c\I tried mw2 and got it to work on my desktop actually in wine02:36
Dr_Willisrich__:  I would say dual boot then. for  best performance02:36
i2c\but the text was all garbled, didn't know how much ammo I had left, how many kills I had, etc02:36
delawareDasEi:  I have thought about that, but i think i need to upgrade my hd first.  160GB just isn't enough anymore when doing video editing in ununtu to sacrifice hd space for winblows.02:36
banishedrich__: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1834802:36
MarkRichHi, I'm installing the tracker search tool 0.8.15 for gnome un ubuntu 10.4.  I've used synaptic to install it & it lauches but there are no menu options to configure it.  The only thing listed are files, folders, etc. on the left hand side.  But there are no menu items.  I've removed & reinstalled it multiple times.  I've also installed it along with the tracker-utils packages & it still does the same thing.  Then I removed it02:36
MarkRich& used apt, which gives the same results.  Does anyone know what this could be? thanks, Mark02:36
DasEiDr_Willis: there are few versions, the last ones are very ressource-hungry, up to two could work in wine I guess02:36
Dr_WillisWith a lot of the Online games. they got the Punkbuster and other anti cheat stuff that can also cause issues in wine.02:37
DasEidelaware: might be right, or a second hd02:37
Dr_WillisDasEi:  yea. I got the old ones..  somewhere.. in a box.. :)02:37
stuardohi everyone.... where can I ask questions about banshee?  It's reading all my folders as media folter (ie the Video folder)  I just want it to scan the Music folder... How can i fix that?02:37
corey__Dr_Willis, Okay I found that utility you were talking about, and I found out that /dev/input/js0 is my keyboard for some reason! how can i change this?02:37
rich__I am trying to avoid having 2 seperate machines but it is looking like I may have to get another02:37
st__stuardo, I believe it's in Options02:37
Dr_Williscorey__:  js0 = joystick. how are you determing its your 'keyboard' ?02:37
delawareDasEi:  is it even worth it to boot off an external usb hd into xp or would it be too slow?02:38
asanir22Is it possible to choose or change default kernel during ubuntu installation process?02:38
=== emma is now known as em
stuardost__: negative, I already set it to read only my Music folder as library... but it doesn't care02:38
Dr_Williscorey__:  a fancy gamepad could in fact be a joystick and keyboard.. and even mouse...02:38
Redcl0uddoes anyone have a clue on what would cause the ubuntu software center to not fully load?02:38
rich__thanks for the info guys. night.02:38
st__asanir22, no02:38
i2c\a file is corrupted redlcl0ud?02:38
DasEidelaware: usb 2 and a capable harddrive, possibly sata, that will do02:38
corey__Dr_Willis, I ran that utility, it told me that the name of my keyboard was on js002:39
i2c\can you uninstall and reinstall it using sudo apt?02:39
delawareDasEi:  Cool thanks!02:39
st__asanir22, you will need "alternate installer" in "experet mode"02:39
OceanSurfQuestion: I have my Ubuntu Desktop Folder as my Shared Folder in my WinXP virtual box.  That shared folder which is the x: drive on the WinXP vm is also desigated as the WinXP Desktop in the WinXP registry.  Thus I see all my Ubuntu desktop files and folders on my WinXP desktop.  The problem is that only the files work...if I click a folder on the WinXP desktop...they do not open.  Any idea how to increase the permissions02:39
OceanSurfor fix this?02:39
DasEidelaware: what are the specs of the desktop box ? and anyway, 2005.. that was not that hungry software02:39
asanir22st__ how to enable alternate installer?02:39
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal02:39
Redcl0udi2c\, I haven't tried doing that but I am still slowly learning more about ubuntu while I use it02:40
DasEiasanir22: ^02:40
delawareDasEi:  i forget off the top of my head02:40
i2c\I don't know if you can reinstall it using command line, maybe someone more knowledgeable than me can chime in?02:41
Gerrinnot able to get that panel reset code to work for some reason02:41
AndorinCould a broken video adapter stop gnome from displaying on the monitor, but allow anything else (BIOS screen, grub menu, terminal window) to display?02:41
Dr_WillisWith Suspend/Hibernate..    one is 'to ram' other is to 'disk'  - Its 'suspend to ram' right? and Hibernate is 0 power.. saved to disk? or am i backwards?02:41
stuardost__: found it.. thank you :D02:41
corey__Dr_Willis, so what can I do to get my gamepad to be js0?02:41
Redcl0udeverything else runs with no problems02:41
xomp_anyone know why the folks that were in charge of the wifi icon in ubuntu got a bit dislexic with their online/offline icons? heh when I'm online I get the "Wifi is offline" icon, and when I'm offline I get the "Wifi connected" icon. This is a new install..02:41
Dr_Williswindows uses the term 'sleep' and 'hibernate' dosent it..  hibernate = suspend?02:41
Ober7Dr_Willis: ur first statement is t02:42
st__xomp_, is your system in English?02:42
Dr_Williscorey__:  unplug it.. see if /dev/js0 vanishes..  plug it in.. see if it comes back.. every game pad i have is /dev/input/js# buy default02:42
xomp_st__, yes02:42
Ober7suspend = ram02:42
AndorinBecause when I start this computer running Lucid, everything goes okay except I get just a black screen when it's time for gtk to run.02:42
Dr_WillisOber7:  Ok. :) they seem to want to change the terms every so often.  i rarely use the features. but its nice to try every so often and see if they work.02:42
Gerrincan anyone help, cant get the panel reset code to work02:42
i2c\when you put your system in suspend do active programs continue to run? I'm assuming not02:42
st__hibernate is suspend-to-disk02:43
AndorinNow, this happens in a live environment too, like off a USB drive, so I really don't think it's an issue with the current Lucid install. What I'd like to know is whether this is a hardware issue./02:43
Dr_WillisOber7:  got a new laptop. :) time to see if ubuntu does hibernate/sleep/suspend/goes comatose now with those features02:43
blackMatrixhi all. whats the difference between synaptic package manager and ubuntu update manager under administration ? im confused02:43
elkcloneAndorin: it should take you to gnome desktop wtf.02:43
Ober7i2c\: no02:43
corey__Dr_Willis, I tried that, js0 doesn't go anywhere after unpluggin and plugging back in02:43
delawareDasEi:  ecommended 2ghz, 512mb, 3GB, geforce 8xxx02:43
Dr_Willisi2c\:  it wouldent be suspended then .. would it.. :)02:43
Andorinelkclone: Well, the login sound plays, and Pidgin runs automatically on login like normal (I can see this computer sign in)02:43
xomp_st__, any particular reason you wanted to know if my system was in english? heh02:44
i2c\well, the monitor can shut off? :)02:44
Andorinelkclone: So I assume the system is running fine; there's just a problem with displaying it02:44
DasEidelaware: uups02:44
Dr_Willisi2c\:  monitor off - is another option if thats all you want.02:44
st__xomp_, it could be translation error then :)02:44
Dr_Willisi2c\:  my screensaver does that after 5 min automatically02:44
elkcloneAndorin: what install is it. and what os is it dual booted with ?02:44
zelrikriandois there a serious video editor for ubuntu02:44
st__how can I format the disk so it's UUid would stay the same?02:44
ivanhi, is there any way to make fsck serial instead of parallel? parallelism made it into 10.04, and it makes fsck about 20x slower for me, because I have three partitions02:44
xomp_st__, well it's not textual but rather the graphical icon representation itself02:44
Andorinelkclone: It's Lucid, and it's not dual-booting.02:44
Dr_Willisst__:  you can set the UUID with the tune2fs command aferwards if you want to.02:44
delawareDasEi:  huh?02:44
elkcloneback up data?02:45
DasEidelaware: that's quite huge for 2005 game I think02:45
Dr_Willisst__:  tune2fs --help --> the -U option02:45
elkcloneand boot off disk02:45
st__ok i'll try it02:45
bazhang!br | jimthemalformed_02:45
ubottujimthemalformed_: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:45
Dr_Willisivan:  it shouldent be doing partitions in parallel i thought.. only extra hard drives..02:45
elkcloneAndorin: can you boot off disk and back your data up?02:46
xomp_st__, if it would help here is a screencap of the dislexic wifi icon thing http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/4174/screenshotdyk.png02:46
ivanDr_Willis: they're definitely all on one hard drive; there's a ticket on launchpad saying it was enabled even for partitions on the same drive, with the rationale that with ionice it won't be slower (but this is a lie)02:46
Andorinelkclone: Probably. I can boot from the disk and get the command line, but that's it.02:46
delawareDasEi:  yes it is, very intense off road rally race game.  i have everything except the gpu, i only have a geforce go 6150 which will run the graphics at medium level for good fps02:46
Dr_Willisivan:  never noticed. I always set teh 'check after X mounts' differently for every partition. so  i never need to check more then 1 at a time.02:47
Ober7Andorin: is ur card nvidia?02:47
elkcloneAndorin: yah just get in there and make a backup of data and do a reinstall.02:47
DasEiOber7: yes02:47
ivanDr_Willis: ah, I recheck them all the time because ext4 has trashed my data before02:47
delawarelater all, time to video some lightning...02:47
AndorinOber7: I don't know.. let me check.02:47
ivanext4 fsck is very fast, except, uh, if you do fscks in parallel02:47
DasEiAndorin: it is , an onboard02:47
Dr_Willisivan:  ive had more hard drive failures then i have ext4 failures.. :)02:47
elkcloneAndorin: if you feel lucky you could run update manager from terminal. just google it.02:47
DasEiAndorin, Ober7, sorry, nick-miss02:47
Andorinelkclone: What would that do for me?02:48
blackMatrixvery confused about the concept of synaptic package manager and ubuntu update manager02:48
elkcloneit might update the buggness and a reboot sometimes its preventative maintence that is neglected and a simple update provides a fix to default settings.02:48
xomp_st__, I may just make a "ur doing it wrong ubuntu" image macro with my snapshot and post it on websites lol02:49
Dr_WillisblackMatrix:  the update manager just basically runs 'sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade'02:49
Dr_WillisblackMatrix:  the package maanger can do that.. and let you install other packages you tell it to.02:49
st__xomp_, I would check if it is a known bug first02:49
blackMatrixah, that clears up a bit for me. thanks Dr_Willis02:50
=== hagebake is now known as hagabaka
Dr_WillisblackMatrix:  the update manager i also think handles the dialogs telling you theres updates.. but i rarely use it.02:50
Dr_WillisblackMatrix:  about once a week i do the update/upgrade thing.02:50
blackMatrixso they both use the apt-get binary ?02:51
corey__Dr_Willis, I tried that, js0 doesn't go anywhere after unpluggin and plugging back in02:51
AndorinOber7: Nope, not an nvidia02:51
NixGeekHi everyone, I was wondering if I could have some help with proftpd02:51
elkclonemissing vid driver perhaps.02:51
Andorinelkclone: Your solution implies that there's something wrong with the current installation of Ubuntu, but once again, this happens when booting from disk -as well as- when booting from USB drive.02:52
elkcloneoh ok02:52
AndorinI have doubts that a reinstallation would fix it.02:52
blackMatrixDr_Willis: do both use apt-get command ?02:52
elkclonehardware issue then02:52
NixGeekmabey the iso you downloaded is corrput, did u check the hashes?02:52
asanir22anyone know how to manually choose kernel during "expert mode" installation of ubuntu server? (sure it's possible)02:52
AndorinNixGeek: It's the same .iso I've been using since Lucid came out, so no.02:53
st__asanir22, there is a stage for it02:53
asanir22cant find it st__02:53
elkclonetime to twist one sit back and relax m8te.02:53
asanir22it doesnt bring that stage02:53
|enigma|does python support windows 702:54
|enigma|cus I didn't see windows 7 installer02:54
* elkclone pulls out Andorin's video card and cleans the contacts. 02:54
st__|enigma|, sure it does02:54
Andorinelkclone: It's an onboard graphics card02:54
st__|enigma|, it's just an interpreter02:54
Dr_Willis!apt | blackMatrix02:55
ubottublackMatrix: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)02:55
elkcloneoops .. with chip puller. gently. hehe.02:55
corey__Dr_Willis, Alright, i ran jstest --event /dev/input/js0, it prints: Joystick (Microsoft Microsoft® Digital Media Keyboard 3000) has 37 axes (X, Y, Z02:55
st__asanir22, strange, I remember it to be there; had you chosen 'expert mode' on boot screen?02:55
AndorinSo. Hardware issue? If so, is there anything I can do about it?02:55
vmf007supertuxkart crashes before I can start playing. in ubuntu 10.0402:55
NixGeekWhen I access my ftp (proftpd managed with gadmin-proftpd). I can delete/rename stuff in the top directory, but when I go into a sub directory, I get 550 permission denied.  Any ideas?02:55
blackMatrixthanks Dr_Willis ubottu02:55
* elkclone begins rubbing feet on carpet in wool socks to generate a charge. 02:56
asanir22st__ yeh off course, it's in expert mode02:56
corey__Dr_Willis, But even so, shouldnt i get a js1 or something when I plug it in?02:56
Ober7Andorin: dont think so because bios is displaying, no startup ssytem speaker beeps etc02:56
tyler_dI am running one nic(staticly coded through /etc/network/interfaces) and another which is dynamic and not configured through there... I am running apache, which is unresponsive(bound to the static ip)02:56
ring0is it possible to adjust the volume notification from the top right to top left?02:57
AndorinOber7: No, the system is running normally as far as I can tell, but nothing related to the GUI displays on the monitor.02:57
vmf007supertuxkart crashes before I can start playing. in ubuntu 10.0402:57
asanir22st__ how would you google for that, I failed googling02:58
elkclonevmfoo7: awww02:58
Ober7Andorin: can u get a virtual terminal? ctrl alt f2 etc?02:58
AndorinOber7: Yes, I can.02:58
vmf007thats what my son said elkclone02:58
blackMatrixubottu: that history about APT is cool btw :-)02:58
elkclonevmfoo7: just give him your xbox ffs.02:59
Ober7Andorin: im stomped really, hope some1 can help us02:59
NixGeekWhen I access my ftp (proftpd managed with gadmin-proftpd). I can delete/rename stuff in the top directory, but when I go into a sub directory, I get 550 permission denied. Does anyone have a fix for this?03:00
Ober7Andorin: did u try # service gdm restart03:00
DasEiNixGeek: set the proper permission for it, see man chmod03:00
AndorinOber7: I suppose I could try it. Lemme boot & such.03:01
vmf007is there an IRC for supertuxkart?03:01
=== nick_ is now known as Guest7435
corey__Dr_Willis, But even so, shouldnt i get a js1 or something when I plug it in?03:02
Ober7Andorin:  and if its a laptop, did u try to unplug it, remove battery wait for 15sec and power it again?03:02
=== dmex is now known as dmex2010
AndorinOber7: Oh, boy, got an error message. Uh... "Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; dadadada" and no it's not a laptop.03:03
katovmf007, my son likes supertuxkart03:03
Ober7Andorin: u root?03:03
vmf007cool, any idea where to get help with crashes?03:03
NixGeekDasEi: thanks, I didn't even have to do that, i just chenged my proftpd name and group to my login name and group and wala!03:03
Ober7!br | ubuntu_03:03
ubottuubuntu_: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:03
AndorinOber7: Ok, went through as root03:03
AndorinOber7: Looks like my monitor turned off...03:04
AndorinOber7: Switching back to tty1 turned it back on03:04
AndorinOber7: And still nothing on the GUI.03:04
katovmf007, they have a page at http://supertuxkart.sourceforge.net03:05
vmf007thanks kato, I'll give it a shot03:05
mickeeeyhow to install sea monkey ?? help03:06
xanguasudo apt-get install seamonkey mickeeey03:07
mickeeeythank you.03:07
corey__My /dev/input/js0 is my keyboard for some reason, how to i fix this to make it my actual joystick?03:08
xomp_heh so gimp has no cursor in which you can use to move an image around with on a canvas?03:08
philosophiahi - does anyone connect their ubuntu desktop to their hdtv via hdmi cable?03:08
* philosophia having some video problems03:08
McLinuxphilosophia: yes03:08
AndorinAlright. I guess this is a hardware problem. Where can I go online to get help with one of those?03:09
McLinuxphilosophia: are you using ATI graphics card?  I had to plug it in VGA first, and install properietary drivers03:09
evoka0hi, I've conected to hdmi03:09
cystic850i am loving 10.04.. i have used linux before but I think this time i will keep it for good03:10
danielchesive recently switched from kde, and im having trouble with the clock, its in american format, how do i switch it to rest of the world data fromat?03:11
ring0what's the name of the package, which is responsible for volume notification on the top right? something like notify?03:12
Ober7Andorin: hope u find a solution, goodluck03:12
DasEidanielches: have got the time in you panel ?03:12
DasEidanielches: right-click it > paces03:12
DasEidanielches: under settings03:13
trismring0: indicator-sound03:13
McLinuxring0: gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor?03:14
trismring0: or do you mean the popup bubble? that's notify-osd03:14
ring0trism, i mean the black box fading in and out03:14
trismring0: yes, that is notify-osd03:14
=== nick__ is now known as nickdab
ring0trism, McLinux, thanks for helping out03:15
ring0except for volume and mails notification, is there any need for notify-osd?03:16
mast`if that's even possible, since the rotation is constant03:17
Gump#ubuntu, ever since i installed some updates a couple months ago, my audio out port has stopped working. (audio works perfectly fine still). i just assumed the audio out port was broken, but i just installed windows and the port still works under windows03:18
trismring0: many apps use it, but there isn't necessarily any need for it, it just notifies you when other apps need your attention or have new information03:18
Gumpwhat could cause an audio out port to stop working in ubuntu?03:18
McLinuxring0: notify-osd is used by many GNOME apps to send notification to the user through that type of pop-up.. but i don't think it's strictly required...03:18
DasEiGump: checked alsamixer for out being unmuted ?03:18
DasEiGump: alsam also at install /update automutes03:19
DasEiGump: sudo apt-get install alsamixergui && alsamixergui03:19
Gumpk thanks03:20
corey__My /dev/input/js0 is my keyboard for some reason, how to i fix this to make it my actual joystick?03:21
ring0trism, McLinux, if i try to purge it, it wants to remove deluge, gnome-power-manager and some other packages. i guess, i'll have to stick with it, since i don't want to miss deluge ;) do you know if there's a config-file from notify-osd somewhere to switch off the volume notification?03:21
saxonI've got a problem with Wubi.  When I try to load Ubuntu, it takes me to a limited GRUBonDOS menu, and I don't know how to load Ubuntu from there.03:21
zhobbswhat repo is the jdk in?03:22
blackMatrixhi all. is there a way to send files from terminal to another laptop sitting next to me and they are under the same wireless network ?03:22
urlwallacesaxon does the menu list 2 boot options?03:22
saxonThe menu list, after you hit escape, has two boot options, but neither do anything.03:23
ali_zhi,all , i want to know that which version of ATI official driver is in my Ubuntu system, i just see the package name is xorg-driver-fglrx-2:8.660-0ubuntu403:23
htrujilloblackMatrix: Have you trued SCP?03:23
Jordan_Usaxon: What version of Ubuntu did you install?03:24
kindofabuzzI shared my downloads folder so I can transfer some stuff to a Windows 7 box. windows can see the share, but when i put my user name and pass in i get access denied. is this a samba problem or windows problem? anyone know a fix?03:24
saxonI have 10.0403:24
ali_zblackMatrix: use scp03:24
blackMatrixthanks htrujilo ali_z: I will read about scp03:24
urlwallacesaxon what version of windows?03:24
glassresistoranyone know how to boot up the livecd without a gui?03:24
McLinuxkindofabuzz: is your Windows 7 box participating in a domain? Sometimes your username needs to be "COMPUTERNAME\username"?03:25
dexiis anyone willing to help me try to make lkl output? it accepts my starting command but the file stays blank03:25
McLinuxkindofabuzz: where COMPUTERNAME is your PC name...03:25
glassresistori just need to fsck but its getting stuck on xorg or something can't see behind the splash03:25
saxondaniel, Vista03:25
glassresistoralso fsck hasn't worked on any machine i have had running lucid yet03:25
glassresistorwell fsck on autoboot03:26
kindofabuzzMcLinux: yeah just thought about all that. Yeah on the 7 box it says laptop\<name>, do i need to change anything? i know nothing about windows 703:26
Jordan_UAndorin: Did you ever try xforcevesa?03:26
ironfoot495Hello I have a problem with the booting of my second sata drive.It's a new install 10.04 and this the third time I've tried to boot it without any success.03:26
Gumpguys, my audio is not working at all now apparently. what software changes could cause the audio to stop working all together?03:26
ironfoot495Can someone help me with this?03:26
Jordan_Uironfoot495: What happens when you try?03:26
glassresistorgrub2 also has no alternate boot options which seems bad03:26
ali_zGump: pulseaudio , if you are using GNOME03:27
McLinuxkindofabuzz: to clarify, you've set up a share on a separate machine that is running W7 and you want to connect your Ubuntu system to that share?03:27
Jordan_Uglassresistor: What do you mean by that?03:27
ironfoot495Jordan_U: It says not support03:27
Gumpali_z, what should i do? update it?03:27
ironfoot495no such disk!!!03:27
Jordan_Uironfoot495: What is the exact message?03:27
kindofabuzzMcLinux: no i want W7 to connect to the Ubuntu share03:27
ali_zGump: did it worked?03:27
ali_zif did, try to re-install03:28
ironfoot495first it say no such disk then it says not supported.03:28
urlwallacesaxon I know I had problems with Vista and wubi but not with win 7.  If you havnt uninstsalled the wubi from windows and reinstalled ubuntu with wubi sory I dont know beyond that03:28
ironfoot495and hangs.03:28
glassresistorJordan_U: on boot b4 i started using lucid i could boot into recovery modes and old kernels etc.03:28
Jordan_Uironfoot495: Are all of your drives showing up in the BIOS?03:28
Gumpali_z, sorry. high as fuck right now :/ so wait, open pulseaudio?03:28
phoenixandthorhey guys, I'm having trouble with broadcom-wl and conky03:29
Jordan_Uglassresistor: Ubuntu hides the menu by default, hold shift during boot to see it.03:29
ironfoot495I will send you a copy of the fdisk -l I think so ? I have to turn it off to go check.03:29
h00k!language | Gump03:29
ubottuGump: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:29
glassresistorJordan_U: well i need to run fsck either way, never had this many problems with fsck on boot b403:30
corey_My /dev/input/js0 is my keyboard for some reason, how to i fix this to make it my actual joystick?03:30
phoenixandthoranyone know how to get info from NetworkManager into conky?03:30
ali_zGump: first, try to run 'sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio start'03:30
McLinuxkindofabuzz: Try checking this fix -- see "Best answer" http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/75-63-windows-samba-issue03:30
ali_zGump: look at the output03:30
saxonI've got a problem with Wubi.  When I try to load Ubuntu, it takes me to a limited GRUBonDOS menu, and I don't know how to load Ubuntu from there.03:30
Gump"PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions"03:30
kindofabuzzMcLinux: will do. thanks03:30
Gumpali_z, "PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions" is the output03:31
Niglophow can I either A) turn video ts DVD files in an ISO or B) burn video ts DVD files to DVD?03:31
Jordan_Usaxon: Ubuntu 10.04 doesn't use grub4dos. Are you sure that's the version of Ubuntu you installed, or alternately are you sure it's not a grub2 shell?03:31
saxonJordan, that's what it said at the top of the menu screen03:31
ali_zGump: oh , then, try to run 'sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart'03:32
saxonI just need a command from the grub> line to reload03:32
phoenixandthorI can't get get conky to properly report network info when using the broadcom wl driver03:32
=== sam_ is now known as sinusoiddstairs
htrujilloNiglop: do tou already have the ts folder or need convert video first?03:32
Jordan_Usaxon: Then you must not have installed Ubuntu 10.04, or maybe you have it left over from an old install. Check what version of Ubuntu you actually installed.03:32
kindofabuzzMcLinux: actually that's the link i was looking at earlier. but i can't find the Local Security Policy. why does windows have to be so difficult? :)03:32
glassresistorso after fsck it get mountall: Filesystem has errors03:32
Gumpali_z, it gives the same return no matter what i type in03:32
Niglopyeah htrujillo I already have the ts folder03:32
saxonJordan, I upgraded to 10.04 under Wubi03:33
glassresistorthen modprobe FATAL Error inserting padlock_sha03:33
glassresistorNo such device03:33
saxonI know it is, as I update every 6 months.03:33
Jordan_Usaxon: Ok, an upgrade from a previous version makes sense.03:33
Jordan_Usaxon: What version of Ubuntu did you install initially?03:33
corey_Ive got a problem with /dev/input/js0, its reading as my keyboard, but I want it to read my joystick, how can i do this?03:33
McLinuxkindofabuzz: Ask Bill.  I recall trying this with Vista months ago. Do you have a local security policy icon in the Administrative Tools folder in the Control Panel?03:34
htrujilloNiglop: use Brasero and create a DVD video project, then drag de ts folder and burn at minimun speed03:34
Niglopok thanks htrujillo03:34
saxon9.04 was installed initially, upgraded to 9.10, then to 10.0403:34
ilovefairuzsaxon: are you in a grub shell? does it say grub:sh> or grub:rescue> ?03:35
saxonit just says grub>03:35
kindofabuzzMcLinux: no, that's the problem. it's so stupid that there are different versions of windows03:35
saxonit offers to hit tab, then it shows a mess of commands.03:35
ilovefairuzsaxon: ok type: ls  and write the output hee03:35
ilovefairuzhere *03:35
McLinuxkindofabuzz: yeah.. home premium?03:35
Jordan_Uilovefairuz: It's grub4dos, so it won't have ls.03:36
saxonI'd have to reboot to get to that command line, as far as I know03:36
ilovefairuzhow did this get installed ..03:36
Jordan_Uilovefairuz: Before Ubuntu 9.10 grub4dos was used with wubi (with the transition to grub2 which can do this natively, wubi was also transitioned)03:37
RedXIIII want to change the format in which the debug locals window displays data (visual studio 2010). Can anyone PM me? Its private.03:37
ali_zGump: it seems that it's normal03:37
kindofabuzzMcLinux: I guess. just messing with it until Ubuntu 64 is downloaded so i can delete this crap03:37
ilovefairuzJordan_U: ah, I see03:37
ACProdig1-LT 03:37
McLinuxkindofabuzz: You might have to resort to editing the settings in the Registry if you're confident.  Googling will help you find the answer.03:38
trelaynehey all, I've tried a bunch of ways to add a picture to an audio interview that doesn't change slightly when going from frame to frame on vimeo. Does anyone have a how-to link on how to do on ubuntu?03:38
ali_zGump: if you run aplay, could you get some sounds?03:38
ilovefairuzJordan_U: so the command set is the same as grub 1.x?03:38
kindofabuzzMcLinux: yeah, screw it, W7 is about to be gone anyways03:38
saxonIs there a way to get your files moved over from wubi to windows, while in windows, and just delete, and reinstall?03:38
ali_zGump: run 'aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Side_Left.wav'03:38
Jordan_Uilovefairuz: grub 0.X (the last release of grub legacy was 0.96)03:39
Gumpali_z, no, no sound03:39
OerRedXIII visual studio under wine ?03:39
codygmanDoes ubuntu send a system message of any sort when it goes idle? I'm trying to detect when a user goes idle in ubuntu with python and dbus.03:39
Jordan_Usaxon: Not easily, but it can be done fairly easily from a liveCD03:39
glassresistoris there something i can do to force the lucid boot cd to not start x or a splash screen03:39
RedXIIIOer: under windows. I'm having trouble getting information over other means03:39
ali_zGump: then, use 'sudo ' to run03:39
* RedXIII tried #windows and #programming and #linux03:39
Oersorry this is ubuntu support RedXIII03:39
saxonWould a 10.04 Live CD work?03:39
Jordan_U!alternate | glassresistor03:39
ubottuglassresistor: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal03:40
Jordan_Usaxon: Yes.03:40
ali_zGump: if also no sounds, i guess that the ALSA driver has problem03:40
ilovefairuzsaxon: can you join IRC from another computer?03:40
RedXIII=/ alright.03:40
OerRedXIII,  join #winehq ?03:40
saxonfairuz, not possible.03:40
Gumpali_z, no sound. what does it mean that the alsa driver has problems?03:40
ilovefairuz!tab | saxon03:40
ubottusaxon: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:40
ironfoot495Jordan_u:  http://pastebin.ca/191858903:40
glassresistorJordan_U: thanks but dont have a blank cd, well mabye i do hum03:40
McLinux!tab | helloworld03:40
ubottuhelloworld: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:40
ali_zGump: alsa is the sound driver by default03:41
Jordan_Uglassresistor: It's possible to boot the LiveCD without starting the GUI, but very difficult to actually install after that.03:41
ali_zGump: it has problem, which means it could not drive the sound card normally03:41
glassresistorJordan_U: don't need to install just fsck03:41
saxonOK, when I have the live disc booted, how do I access my wubi files from the live disc ubuntu?03:41
ilovefairuzglassresistor: press shit to get to the grub menu, press e to edit the line, remove "quiet splash", press enter and b to boot03:42
Gumpali_z, understood. im gonna try and update the driver03:42
ali_zGump: when you run aplay, what is the output info03:42
glassresistorilovefairuz: press shift*?03:42
Gumpali_z, output is "Playing WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Side_Left.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Mono03:42
codygmanDoes anyone know of a download manager that allows you to choose to only download while idle?03:42
ilovefairuzglassresistor: yes03:42
ali_zGump: OMG, the result shows that the alsa driver is working03:43
Jordan_Uglassresistor: Hold shift during boot and select the recovery mode option.03:43
Jordan_Uglassresistor: In the actual install rather than the LiveCD03:43
Gumpali_z, :/ nothing is muted, i checked03:43
Gumpthe sound seems to have coincided with installing the alsa mixer gui03:44
Gumpi uninstalled it though, and still no audio03:44
Gump*the sound disapearing03:44
Gumpok i found the problem with my internal speakers03:45
Gumpthe audio out port is still "broken" though03:45
Gumpthe speakers make a split second of sound when plugged in and then it cuts out03:46
Gumpbut the port works under windows03:46
jgcampbell300hello ... does anyone know of a way i can reinstall ubuntu from remote or ssh ... something like that from network ?03:46
Niglopmy dvd isnt showing up, do I have to mount it?03:46
ilovefairuzGump: group your words on one line03:46
=== ad4m is now known as McLinux
glassresistorJordan_U: let boot it boot picked the recovery mode hit edit, im running the server btw, im confused as to what im suppose to do now03:47
BiggFREEHow can I use wubi ? What is it exactly ?03:47
chrissharp123jgcampbell300: are you asking because you don't have physical access to the machine?03:48
Jordan_Uglassresistor: Nothing to edit, just select recovery mode.03:48
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.03:48
jgcampbell300i do now but i will be traveling soon03:48
BiggFREEOer,  Thanks03:48
jgcampbell300and i want to be able to use my test server ... some times i need to start over and reinstalling ubuntu is the only way i know to get everything back to default03:48
bluntsHey, I had a question. I'm using ubuntu on a preinstalled dell machine, I upgraded to a different monitor but any time I go to its native resolution it offets the image ot the right and I can't seem to get my xorg to idenitfy it properly. Still thinks its a 19inch HP monitor ;(03:49
blunts2.6.31-22-generic #61-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 28 01:57:06 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux03:49
jgcampbell300so any ideas ?03:49
glassresistorJordan_U: ok now it says UNEXPECTED INCOSISTANCY run fsck manually, ..., FS has erros : / then modprobe: FATAL error inserting padlock_sha No such device03:50
glassresistorhas said that for both recovery kernels03:50
etherealite_Whats the best gui ftp app in the ubuntu repos?03:50
John502help me03:50
Jordan_Uglassresistor: And you are not dropped to a shell?03:50
McLinuxblunts: maybe your xorg.conf has a position set for your default monitor03:50
Jordan_U!best | etherealite_03:50
ubottuetherealite_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:50
glassresistorJordan_U: no im not03:51
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd03:51
glassresistorJordan_U:  thats the problem03:51
bluntsIs there any way I can change the identifier for the monitor? I thought I did it in XORG but regardless its thinking its the 19inch hp03:51
DasEiblunts: nvidia card ?03:52
Jordan_Uglassresistor: Ok, boot the liveCD. Press any key with the first 5 seconds (when there is a keyboard = accessability symbol at the bottom of the screen) to get a boot menu. Press f6 to change kernel parameters, add "text" to the kernel parameters.03:52
bluntsI Just hopped on the computer, so I'm not sure its one of these pre built dells03:53
chrissharp123jgcampbell300: not really... I mean, it's possible, but you'd probably need more equipment like a KVM switch or something03:53
DasEi!who | blunts03:53
ubottublunts: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:53
DasEiblunts: I saw you; lspci in trml lists your hardware03:54
ironfoot495Jordan_u:  I'm  back yes they are listed in the bios.03:54
bluntsubottu: mybad03:54
bluntsATI Technologies Inc RV370 [Radeon X300SE]03:54
DasEiblunts: ubott.. is the channe ro-bot03:54
bluntsDasEi: ATI Technologies Inc RV370 [Radeon X300SE]03:54
DasEiblunts: no we got it, well with this I don't know about displaydetection as nvidia offers03:55
FloodBot2John502: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:55
DasEiJohn502: stop thet, or be removed03:55
Jordan_Uironfoot495: Could you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt ?03:55
bluntsDasEi: Hmmm... Well what tool does ubuntu use to like configure this?03:55
Oer!language | John50203:55
ubottuJohn502: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:55
bluntsDasEi: Video settings03:55
FloodBot2John502: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:56
DasEiblunts: you where right to go xorg.conf,  sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:57
DasEiIdleOne: are you around ?03:57
bruenigwhat up brohams03:57
DasEiblunts: give url here03:59
=== shyam is now known as Guest13252
Guest13252Hi i am new ubuntu user ... trying to setup my ipod with gtkpod ..but i get the error "Ipod import Database failed" .. entry length smaller than expected...any idea04:00
glassresistorJordan_U: so i booted hit f6 which pulled up a other options menu hit exit typed  text after Boot Options04:02
glassresistorand it boots from the local disk04:03
Jordan_Uglassresistor: You had the boot from first hard drive option selected, you want the "Try Ubuntu without any modification to your computer" options04:03
Jordan_Uglassresistor: You'll also probably want to remove the "splash" option.04:04
glassresistorJordan_U: ok will try again04:05
ironfoot495ok wait one04:07
ironfoot495Jordan_u: Ubuntu Pastebin       Paste from irondfoot495 at Mon, 16 Aug 2010 23:06:19 -030004:07
progesteroneQuestion: Which FTP clients do you use on Ubuntu?04:07
Jordan_Uironfoot495: Please post the URL here.04:07
=== kochii is now known as blackMatrix_NY
ironfoot495oh ok sorry04:08
etherealite_progesterone filezilla04:08
progesteroneetherealite_ Thanks04:08
etherealite_To get dual monitors setup properly with my newish ATI video card, do I need to get the proprietary drivers installed?04:08
DasEietherealitewhich ati ?04:10
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama04:10
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead04:10
=== nuboon2age_ is now known as nUboon2Age
etherealite_xinerama is dead04:11
DasEietherealite_ :see above04:11
albertowhen I have any browser (chrome, firefox, etc) I'm unable to play any sound/video on any other application, when I close the browser all start to work again. The last thing that I did was upgrade the alsa driver, any clue on what could fix this? thanks in advance. PS: I don't know if somehow reconfiguring pulseaudio would help, I've tried reinstalling it but nothing seems to work.04:12
=== rww is now known as robertwall
ARGGGwho here is linux pro?04:13
uchobbyI am having trouble getting X to work with my 1920x1200 monitor, Ive tried several adjsutements in the xorg.conf file, based on web sites offering help. Still dont have something that works, am at 1600x1200 now04:13
edbian!ask | ARGGG04:13
ubottuARGGG: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:13
DasEietherealite: you're right, time to remove the factoid, idk for aticards04:14
ARGGG!ask edbian04:14
uchobbyIs there a place where I could find the settings for the xorg.conf file for a 1920x1200 momitor?04:14
edbianARGGG, Are you confused? :)04:15
Blue1edbian: always04:15
DasEiuchobby: if you give me few minutes, I'd generate one for you04:15
edbianBlue1, ha04:15
=== z is now known as Guest16178
Blue1edbian: decided to tackle ircd - but will try some brain numbing tv for a break04:16
DasEiuchobby: lcd or standard ?04:16
Guest16178hello all, what can i do here?04:16
edbianBlue1, TV is nice in that way isn't it?04:16
bobailsnewbie need help here ..i am installing wubi on an intel dual core laptop running win7-64, but the wubi is automatically downloading amd64.iso04:16
edbianGuest16178, You can ask us questions and we'll try and answer them :)04:16
Blue1Guest16178: anything but pr0n04:16
bobailswill it be a problem?04:16
Guest16178how do i have a name?04:16
Blue1edbian: set brain in neutral04:17
bobailsor should i just grab the i386.iso version myself?04:17
edbianBlue1, :)04:17
robertwallGuest16178: type /nick newnamehere04:17
=== Guest16178 is now known as rockman
rocodebobails, amd64 is the 64 bit edition. It will work on your 64bit processor.04:17
bobailsrocode: thanks04:17
tarikkhey there.. im using 10.4.. i wanna put the bottom panel to the right side of the screen.. but the icons are all messed up and the images are wrong... is there anothe rsolution?04:18
rockmani am the hero rockman ,robert too04:18
edbianrockman, Do you like Ubuntu?  Do you have a question about it?04:18
bobailsbtw, what's the difference between wubi and a true win7/linux dual boot? is one way better than the other?04:19
rockmansince 1998,i use it for years04:19
ali_hi all, i downloaded a source of one package('apt-get source *'), then how could i rebuild the source package?04:19
rocodetarikk, did you increase the width of the bar to adjust for the width of the icons and text?04:19
Blue1bobails: well wubi runs under windows - a dual boot win/linux - linux doesn't run under windows04:19
uchobbyDasEi, Samsung T260, H30-81 V56-75 1920x1280@6004:20
rocodebobails, you will have better performance running in a dual boot scenario, as Ubuntu will not be running as a guest operating system.04:20
rockmanwhere are you edbian?04:20
bobailsblue1: i am more concerned about performance loss04:20
edbianrockman, I'm in VA  (is that what you mean?)04:20
tarikkrocode, yes i did.. the background image is tile'd accross the whole bar.. and the the buttons are wrong etc.04:20
Blue1bobails: dual boot04:20
edbianlinux_inferno, Hi04:20
bobailsrocode: thanks for confirming that04:20
Blue1bobails: i run windows in a virtual box - it works - but slowly04:21
guampaBlue1: yes it does under colinux or a vm04:21
rocodebobails, by default, Ubuntu will attempt to install side by side with Windows 7, and you will just choose which one you wish to boot into at startup.04:21
edbianBlue1, zombo?04:21
rockmanVA? where? in usa?04:21
Blue1edbian: biggest time waster on the net...04:21
rocodetarikk, how are the buttons wrong?04:21
edbianBlue1, ha ha ha04:21
edbianrockman, VA = Virginia.  Yes in the US04:22
Blue1edbian: ;-p~04:22
bobailsrocode: you are saying i can just burn a ubuntu CD, and try install it on my win7 lap, it will offer dual boot option?04:22
linux_infernoDo I need to add a subnet to my network to be able to netboot server1 from share1 and server 2-5 from share 204:22
edbianrockman, This is ubuntu support.  Do you have an ubuntu related question?04:22
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glassresistorJordan_U: it booted in text mode now im getting a constant list of i/o and squashfs errors04:22
rockmanO,i'm in china,Xchat is like the ICQ?04:22
ironfoot495Jordan_u sorry it took so long got caught up in the red tape.04:22
Jordan_Uglassresistor: Bad burn or bad drive.04:22
glassresistorpossibly both04:23
glassresistorthats what i figured04:23
ironfoot495Jordan  _u: http://paste-bin.com/view/22c6650f04:23
ironfoot495View Raw04:23
ironfoot495    google_protectAndRun("ads_core.google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad); 04:23
edbianrockman, It is.04:23
FloodBot2ironfoot495: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:23
=== uchobby is now known as uchobby_AFK
rocodebobails, burn the ISO to the disk. Windows can do this just by double-clicking on the iso file. Then, insert the disc and restart your computer. If your BIOS is setup properly, it will boot from disk, and Ubuntu will give you the option of installing or running as a live cd.04:23
rockman<edbian, is there chinese support?04:23
yagreorhola... se habla español???04:23
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:23
edbianrockman, yep ^^04:23
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:23
Jordan_Uglassresistor: Maybe a motherboard issue affecting both the CDROM and hard drive connections.04:23
Blue1yagreor: !es04:24
Blue1!es | yagreor04:24
ubottuyagreor: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:24
tarikkrocode, do you want a screenshot??04:24
rocodetarikk, that would be helpful.04:24
rockmanubottu,how do i find them?url? does wine support internet games?04:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:24
Jordan_Uironfoot495: Are you running Ubuntu 9.10?04:24
tarikkrocode, ok cool just a minute :)04:25
keith1Got a ? I was testing to see if an older Dell Inspiron 1501 would accept Edubuntu (I want it for a laptop for my son) and I selected try before install. I did notice while it tried to boot that there was a wireless firmware error. It suggested I got to a website to upgrade drivers. Is this something I should prepare for upon installing it fully?04:25
Jordan_Uironfoot495: Nvm, I can see you have both 9.10 and 10.04 from the boot info script output.04:25
=== Thornton is now known as TheAnswer
edbiankeith1, You should make sure you have a wired internet connection on install.  Then there is a good chance the wifi drivers will be installed when the OS is installed.04:25
rocodekeith1, after you install, you can get the latest firmware updates and apply them without having to connect from system itself.04:26
linux_infernoCan anyone help me with a networking/netbooting issue?????04:26
rocodelinux_inferno, what seems to be the issue?04:26
keith1I understand. I can do a wired connection. I've just had the most problems with Ubuntu on Dell laptops04:27
glassresistorJordan_U: well cdrom is usb and hdd is sata04:27
robertwallkeith1: If you install the 'b43-fwcutter' package after installation with the ethernet connected, it should fetch them.04:27
linux_infernorocode my roommate has a share on x.x.2.2 and netboots a system. I want to netboot my system off x.x.2.20 Can i do this?04:28
linux_infernorocode or do I need to set up a share on another subnet like x.x.4.204:28
keith1thanks RobertWall I'll do that04:28
rocodeYes you can. You won't have an issue using the same subnet.04:29
DasEihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/479212 , uchobby04:29
rockmanOMD! silence only there04:29
DasEihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/479212 , uchobby_AFK04:29
Jordan_Uironfoot495: Ironically, it appears that Ubuntu 9.10, which is installed on sda1, installed grub to the mbr of sdb.04:29
edbiankeith1, Dell ships laptops that come with Ubuntu pre-loaded.  You really shouldn't have any problems.04:29
rocodeedbian, Dell discontinued that program, IIRC.04:29
edbiankeith1, If you're having a lot of problems with the wifi be sure to look at the tail end of dmesg.  It usually gives a helpful hint :)04:30
linux_infernoHow would I go about accomplishing this rocode. I was following this  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto04:30
edbianrocode, Too bad :(04:30
keith1Yeah I did notice that but this was an older Dell, and I was curious if that would apply in this case04:30
rockmanquestion, does wine have a default direct_X dll links?04:30
DasEietherealite_ :still around ?04:30
Jordan_Uironfoot495: Which install can you currently boot, 9.10 or 10.04?04:30
rocodeedbian, IIRC, they discontinued non-server linux. There was a big pooha on slashdot a couple of weeks ago about it.04:31
ry0nI had the power fail while I was resizing Partition A to Freespace B. The two changed orders in the partition table but B is still there and the same size and A is unmountable. gpart hangs after the first partition. am I hosed?04:31
edbianrockman, keith1: http://www.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/ubuntu?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs&~ck=anavml04:31
oscurochuI am trying to boot ubuntu 10.04 x64. everything *seems* to work fine, i hear the ubuntu login sound after some time, but my monitor goes to sleep shortly after selecting "try ubuntu" on the boot screen. i have an nvidia onboard video card04:31
DasEiry0n: a little, least04:31
DasEiry0n: is there data you still need ?04:31
rocodelinux_inferno, just make sure both of your subnet ranges do not interfere with each other.04:32
keith1Those sneaky Dell people preloading Ubuntu. bet that saved them some $$04:32
ry0nDasEi: eh, enough to spend hours but not enough to spend money? It's not important data but I'd rather not lose it if I can manually rebuild the partition table some way.04:32
ireduxed, etc latest news I could find was July 26 this: http://www.itworld.com/open-source/115316/calm-down-dell-not-throwing-ubuntu-linux-out04:32
rocodekeith1, they charged extra for the laptop to come with linux, IIRC. I ended up buying mine with windows and reformatting.04:32
ry0nand the two partitions appear to be still there and unchanged.04:33
linux_infernorocode Thanks, Ill look deeper into that04:33
rockmanother question ,I haver a internal graphic card and i buy a nvidia 7300 ,but cant setup ,got a black screen ,how to do ?04:33
oscurochuany help getting my video card working on the ubuntu x64 live CD??04:33
ironfoot495looki these pastebin wont let me have a url whats going on hyere??????04:33
tarikkrocode, here is the ss http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=ose740&s=404:33
DasEiry0n: ok, then you need another running ubuntu (live cd least, better usb or such), and then have to run testdisk, that can take a long time, depending on drives size04:33
keith1thanks for the links. I'll read up on it04:34
Guest34267I have a question04:34
tensorpudding!ask | Guest3426704:34
ubottuGuest34267: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:34
rocodetarikk, what system theme are you using?04:34
rockman10.10 doesnt support nivia04:35
ry0nDasEi, hrm, testdisk might succeed where gpart failed? I hadn't checked it out, but it sounds like they do similar things.04:35
rockmani mean old nvidia cards?04:35
tensorpuddingtestdisk can restore partitions that exist but do not appear in the partition table04:35
zhihongyeHi, does somebody know how to move "system menu" and "position menu" to "Application menu".04:35
rocodeoscurochu, what seems to be the issue?04:35
DasEiry0n: nah, that's a complete different tool04:35
bonez2046DasEi: testdisk helped me a recover a hozed disc once.. it's powerful04:35
DasEi!info testdisk04:35
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.11-1 (lucid), package size 1510 kB, installed size 4672 kB04:35
ry0n!info gpart04:35
ubottugpart (source: gpart): Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1h-11 (lucid), package size 36 kB, installed size 104 kB04:35
Guest34267I connected my evo 4g to my laptop running Ubuntu and it shows up in the disk utility but it will not show up on the desktop so I cannot access the files on it. How do I get it to show up on the desktop like normal? Thanks I am kind of new to ubuntu04:35
rocodeGuest34267, go to places, select the device, mount it, and it will appear on your desktop.04:36
DasEirockman: like which ?04:36
oscurochurocode: I try to boot the ubuntu x64 live CD, and my monitor goes to sleep shortly after the boot screen. After a minute or two, i hear the ubuntu startup/login sound. i tried pressing alt+f1, and my monitor still remains sleeping04:36
tarikkrocode, default one.. ambiance04:36
rockmandasei, 7300GT04:37
Guest34267it will not show up in places04:37
rocodeoscurochu, enter your monitors control panel and disable sleep on lack of input detection.04:37
ry0nThanks for the program suggestion, but I do think it sounds like what gpart does, since they both scan partitions and try to build a new table.04:37
DasEirockman: supported under 10.04, and also propitary driver woks fine on that04:37
Guest34267but in the disk utility it shows up as "HTC Android Phone"04:38
KuroganeAny1 knows if i'm connected to vpn i get slow conection to internet?04:38
bsmith093when i login from sleep where ist asks fro my password, it accepts then lets me back in, goes back to sleep after about 1.5 secs and i enter my pass again and its fine? running lucid04:38
oscurochurocode: it wont let me access the menu, everytime i press the menu button it goes to sleep04:38
rocodeGuest34267, does it show up under "Computer" as a device?04:38
Guest34267it shows up in the disk utility just not the computer04:39
rockmanDasEi:why cannt setup? is it useful to setup without nvidia card then put it on?04:39
oscurochurocode: i even tried unplugging the cable. this monitor sucks.04:39
rocodetarikk, give me a second. Checking it on mine.04:39
tarikkrocode, cool thanks04:40
DasEirockman: can be workaround, but why ? what happens if you try to install ?04:40
rockmanwhen internal and nvidia both on PC04:40
rocodeoscurochu, sound like. Let me see if I can find any similar issues. Can you give me your monitor make and model?04:40
miles_who are you?04:40
ironfoot495jordan_u: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/479206/04:41
rockmanDASei: when they both on PC ,will show black screen i when setup04:41
Guest34267My Evo only shows up in Disk Utility it will not show up in Computer, any help?04:41
rocodemiles_, we are the collective AI known as the "Ubuntu Community". We are coming. Expect us.04:41
Jordan_Uironfoot495: I've seen it.04:41
Jordan_Uironfoot495: Which install can you currently boot, 9.10 or 10.04?04:41
DasEirockman: bios set correctly ?04:42
DasEirockman: you can choose there which card should be primary04:42
miles_sorry ,this is my first time chatting here.04:43
rockmanDasei:bio set nidia on use ,is correct?04:43
rocodemiles_, no issue. This is the support channel for Ubuntu.04:43
=== dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk
oscurochurocode: i just turned my computer off and then on. every time the display changes, the monitor's menu will disappear, the only way i can access the menu is if i am recieving signal from a video card, but as soon as the signal changes, the menu disappears and i have to reopen it. so now i have it on the ubuntu boot screen while i tinker with the settings. what kind of fucking idiot makes a menu inaccessible for any reason at all?? i 04:44
DasEirockman: I assume you got an onbard, too, in bios you set which card will be the primary04:44
rocodetarikk, I can't seem to reproduce that error with the tiling. Could you tell me what you did? Did you just change orientation?04:44
rocodeoscurochu, sounds like a poorly designed monitor.04:45
oscurochurocode: its an hp vs17e04:45
rockmanDasEi,I turn off the internal,only nvidia inuse04:45
=== 15SAAOZYO is now known as Lost-in8
DasEirockman: yes, for installing04:45
DasEirockman: you can in the later bring it back and use as dualhead04:46
Lost-in8I am unable to unlock gdmsetup with "sudo gdmsetup" the unlock button when clicked does nothing. please help04:46
Guest34267My Evo 4G will not show up under computer. It will only show up in disk utility can anyone please help me?04:46
razz1anyone using vdr with xine, I can watch DVB-T fine but struggling to configure xvdr plugin, I am trying this for the first time, any help appreciated04:47
Lost-in8This is with 10.04, i38604:47
oscurochurocode: ok, now it says no input siganl, instead of going to sleep. i think i got it figured out.04:47
DasEiLost-in8: hehe, ubu doesn't like you, well : call gdmsetup without root, then it works04:47
rockmanDasEi:i encounter this problen since 8.04, you means install with internal card and put on nividia after setup?04:48
oscurochubut it still wont let me access the menu without a signal from the video card. oh well, now what?04:48
Lost-in8DasEi: did already.... didn't work either04:48
Lost-in8DasEi: would it be ok to not have a /etc/gdm/gdm.conf?04:48
rocodeoscurochu, do you have another monitor you can test? Because if it is a actual ubuntu display issue, that would be interesting.04:49
DasEirockman: that's strange behaviour then, with the bios correctly set, yes, you can also install via onboard, then install driver for 7300, then put card in04:49
oscurochurocode: yeah ill go get it04:49
blackMatrix_NYhi all. Is there a method to see which command spawned of a certain processes that I see under ps04:50
DasEiLost-in8: it's /etc/init/gdm.conf04:50
Lost-in8DasEi: oh ok cool, ty04:50
miles_who can help me to download some programs used in this system?04:50
Lost-in8DasEi: so...any other ideas?04:50
Lost-in8DasEi: is there anyway to "reset" gdm without gdmsetup?04:51
DasEiLost-in8: ideas in what ?04:51
bazhangmiles_, try the software center and have a look at the ubuntu manual04:51
rockmanDasEi:u mean i must install 7300 driver before put it in? can do it without card?04:51
Lost-in8DasEi: with my gdmsetup not letting me unlock it to change settings04:51
bazhang!manual | miles_04:51
ubottumiles_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:51
_chunCan anyone help me with pulseaudio, specifically where I find the "source name/index" for use with "pactl set-source-volume"04:51
rocodemiles_, what programs are you looking for? You can find the complete package selection under the Software Center.04:51
DasEiLost-in8:  call gdmsetup without root, then it works04:51
DasEino sudo infront04:51
Lost-in8DasEi: I did that already and it "didn't" work04:51
miles_much thanks04:52
rpinzonanyone know how to get working an external hdd using eSata connection? do i need to install something?04:52
Lost-in8DasEi: wait.... now it worked....wth!04:52
oscurochurocode: both monitors say no signal04:52
Lost-in8DasEi: thanks DasEi04:52
ry0ndancing frog bug04:52
rocodeoscurochu, what is your video card spec?04:53
DasEiLost-in8: see the doc, have fun :)04:53
rocodeoscurochu, are you attaching this to your laptop, or box?04:53
oscurochurocode: nvidia, not sure which model or chipset (or however its is determined)04:53
oscurochurocode: box.04:53
=== Crip is now known as Rubi_c0N
rocodeoscurochu, is this a second monitor or the only monitor attached?04:53
DasEirockman: yes, can, then shutdown, put card in, setttle bios, reboot04:54
oscurochurocode: i've never had a problem with 32-bit ubuntu, just x64.04:54
tarikkrocode, sorry got dropped. im using dual monitors that could be the issue04:54
oscurochurocode: i have tried two different monitors now, i only have one video card btw.04:54
tarikkrocode, the screenshot only shows the right side04:54
Nautilussomeone mind helping a nix noob a little?  I want to grep files in the current dir for 'rounded'.  eg:  grep rounded *css   ?04:54
DasEirockman: to get the modules in kernel, a reboot is needed anyways after driver and header install04:54
abhijitcant access pen drive after gparted formated it. urgent help please?????04:55
rocodeoscurochu, are you sure your system is 64bit?04:55
oscurochuNautilus: ls | grep rounded04:55
DasEirockman: the nvidia homepage gives detailed intructions and the latest driver04:55
oscurochurocode: yes, i ran gentoo x64 just fine04:55
POloser-hello. i run hardy. do-release-upgrade will work only after 10.04.1 release? when it's planning?04:55
DasEiabhijit: choosed wrong fs ? size of it ?04:55
oscurochurocode: plus everything seems to startup fine, i even hear the ubuntu startup sound you hear after logging in, the only problem is the monitor (that i know of)04:55
rockman<DasEi> :thanks ,i will try it04:56
ry0nIf I update my system with "apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade" out of habit instead of using the tool is it going to brick my OS eventually?04:56
bazhangry0n, that wont change versions04:56
rocodery0n, no. The tool is simply a graphical UI for that command.04:57
bazhang!dist-upgrade | ry0n04:57
ubottury0n: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.04:57
bazhangry0n, /msg ubottu upgrade for how to change versions04:57
Nautilusoscurochu: thanks but that doesnt find anything either. I know 'rounded' exists in the files04:57
=== Bridge| is now known as Bridge|A
rocodetarikk, from what I can gather, the tiling issue is related to the window widget.04:57
abhijitDasEi, 2gb pen drive04:57
DasEiPOloser-: http://tinyurl.com/34n4hpe04:57
ry0nthanks bazhang, rocode04:58
DasEiabhijit: formatted to which fs ?04:58
ironfoot495jordan_U is there a cure ?04:58
Nautilusoscurochu: oh, I added a * and it works04:58
oscurochuNautilus: rounded exists in the files, or in the directory?04:58
abhijitDasEi, i forgot it now. but mainly ntfs or fat3204:58
Nautilusoscurochu: in the files04:58
rocodeoscurochu, did this occur before or after installation?04:58
DasEiabhijit: these small ones often just suppport fat32, or fat 16 even04:59
POloser-DasEi: thanks. need to wait a little.04:59
oscurochurocode: im attempting to boot the ubuntu x64 live CD, so i havent even installed it yet.04:59
abhijitDasEi, what should i do now?04:59
DasEiabhijit: run gparted again and use another fs04:59
rocodeoscurochu, that's odd. It shouldn''t be dumping you to the livecd portion without giving the option of install/livecd. Which version is this?04:59
abhijitDasEi, gparted cant detect it.04:59
ry0nHoly crap, I think testdisk just succeeded where gpart failed.05:00
DasEiabhijit: make new partitiontable, first (msdos)05:00
Jordan_Uironfoot495: First run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" from within 9.10, and make sure that grub is set to be installed to /dev/sda rather than /dev/sdb (do *not* select any partitions). That should also add 10.04 to the grub menu, then you should boot 10.04 and run the same command but select sdb.05:00
abhijitDasEi, how?05:00
DasEiabhijit: sudo fdisk -l      shows the drive ?05:00
Jordan_Uironfoot495: That way the two installs won't be stepping on each other when there are grub upgrades.05:00
tarikkrocode, i see. but does the show desktop icon and rubbish bin normally get this big? the open windows.. they keep changing sizes get fat then thin when you open more05:00
ironfoot495ok will do05:00
tarikkrocode, it looks stupid lol.. not sure if this is just with me05:01
rocodetarikk, try disabling the expand option in the panel preferences.05:01
oscurochurocode: on the 10.04 x64 live cd, it doesnt appear to give you the option. it shows some sort of splash screen, then continues to boot the live CD. now if you press a key (i pressed an arrow key), then the menu appears. i have only tried the livecd portion of the livecd.05:01
abhijitDasEi, no it only shows sda. not my pen drive which is sdb or sdc05:01
DasEiabhijit: so it might be broken then05:01
DasEiabhijit: try lsusb05:01
rocodeoscurochu, try doing a straight install without livecd boot05:01
gundashi all, is there a way to setup commands to run i.e. exports, shell scripts when ubuntu server starts and also when it shutsdown / reboots ?05:01
tarikkrocode, tried it umm.. its a little neater but the tiling is still there.. but its good enough i think05:01
tarikkrocode, thanks!05:02
Jordan_U!boot | gundas05:02
ubottugundas: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto05:02
rocodetarikk, I am trying to find a solution to the tiling. I think it relates to how the windows widget builds its alpha for each individual item.05:02
menaany one can help me in this05:02
DasEigundas: few, most common is /etc/init  or in the file rc.local05:02
rocodemena, please ask your question on one line. Thank you.05:02
DasEigundas: or cronjobs05:02
gundasDasEi: how about shutdown.reboot ?05:03
abhijitDasEi, it shows in lsusb but name is wrong. its transcend but it shows alcor corporation05:03
menai wanna install backtreak tools to mine meue05:03
Blue1gundas: startup System/Preferences/Startup Applications or you can try rcconf05:03
ry0ndoes cron know about shutdown and boot or is it just based on the clock?05:03
oscurochurocode: same result, screen goes blank. not sure if this is suppose to happen, but i highly doubt it.05:03
DasEigundas: also works, just with this commands in a script05:03
gundasBlue1: on server05:03
abhijitDasEi, ??  :-o05:03
Blue1gundas: rcconf05:04
gundasBlue1: thanks05:04
DasEigundas: you can write a script which then is called by cron05:04
Rubi_c0NDoes anybody have experience setting up GNU w/ Thunderbird in 10.4 TLS ?05:04
rocodemena, backtrack is a specialist distribution that is packaged with a custom version of several of those security tools. However, you can find the individual tool list from the backtrack website and go to each tools website to download them.05:04
DasEiabhijit: lsusb   finds it ?05:04
Blue1Rubi_c0N: yeah05:04
gundasyou can run a cron when a pc reboots?05:04
abhijitDasEi, it shows in lsusb but name is wrong. its transcend but it shows alcor corporation05:04
abhijitDasEi, yes lsusb finds it05:04
menaany one wanna help me tp install backtreak tools to my ubuntu05:04
Blue1gundas: sudo crontab -e05:04
Rubi_c0NBlue1: need help05:04
ry0ndid someone tell oscurochu to try switching vtt?05:04
rocodemena, I just answered your question.05:05
Blue1Rubi_c0N: private message ok?05:05
DasEiabhijit: sudo apt-get install pastebinit05:05
gundasBlue1: does rc.local run even when a user hasn't logged in?05:05
abhijitDasEi, i have pastebintit05:05
abhijitDasEi, what should i pastebinit?05:05
HPtwhiteok im trying to use a wireless adapter. when it tells me i need to put in a new line on the bottom of the modulation configuration file and type in code: then two line breaks then ndiswrapper do i literally put it in like that or just ndiswrapper? (ex: http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Networking/NdisWrapper_The_Ultimate_Guide)05:05
DasEiabhijit: re-plug the usb ,          dmesg | tail | pastebinit05:06
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:06
menasudo apt-get install pastebinit05:06
Blue1gundas: afaik yes, but I haven't tried it.05:06
abhijitDasEi, ok05:06
menaE: Couldn't find package pastebinit05:06
oscurochury0n: what do you mean05:06
DasEimena: which distro ? live cd ?05:06
abhijitDasEi, http://pastebin.com/viCUprfn05:06
menaubuntu 10.405:06
ry0noscurochu, ctrl+alt+1 or whatever05:07
DasEimena: are you on live cd ?05:07
oscurochury0n: you mean tty?05:07
=== dgtlchlk is now known as dgtl|screen
DasEi!info pastebinit05:07
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-1 (lucid), package size 22 kB, installed size 404 kB05:07
menano i install on hard desk05:07
blackMatrix_NYanyway to find out the command that kicked of a process ?05:07
oscurochury0n: yes, i did try that btw.05:08
abhijitDasEi, i give you link.05:08
ry0noscurochu, yeah, it was probably a dumb suggestion though. I was just wondering if you had tried it.05:08
DasEimena: so pastebinit will be there, sure no typo ?05:08
menathis massage show for me05:08
DasEiabhijit: so least it's not broken, try sudo fdisk -l  again05:08
abhijitDasEi, ok05:08
ouyesHOW does ubuntu support SSD05:09
DasEimena: sudo apt-get install pastebinit05:09
abhijitDasEi, this is output of fdisk -l http://pastebin.com/ZxYQQt71 it only shows my primary internal hdd - sda but it dont show my pen drive which is either sdb or sdc  ??? help????05:09
oscurochury0n: its only a dumb suggestion if it is completely unrelated to the problem, for instance, telling me to try using a different wireless device, that would be a dumb suggestion because my monitor not working has nothing to do with wireless devices.05:09
menaxppresp3@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install pastebinit05:09
opijno packages or dependencies of any kind are kept in /home, right?05:09
menaReading package lists... Done05:09
menaBuilding dependency tree05:09
menaReading state information... Done05:09
menaE: Couldn't find package pastebinit05:09
FloodBot2mena: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:09
oscurochuDasEi: its supported in the kernel.05:10
menaoky sorry05:10
oscurochuDasEi: any OS with kernel level support of SSD can support SSD.05:10
DasEioscurochu: nick miss ouyes: HOW does ubuntu support SSD  :)05:10
tucemiuxabhijit, the first step is to figure out where is your device05:10
DasEioscurochu: I know that , hehe05:11
abhijittucemiux, and how to do that?05:11
oscurochuDasEi: then i dont understand your question.05:11
DasEioscurochu: tell ouyes, who asked  :)05:11
abhijitDasEi, you gave upon me? :'(  :'(05:11
ouyesDasEi,  nick miss ouyes? what do you mean?05:12
tucemiuxsudo lshw -C disk05:12
tucemiuxabhijit, sudo lshw -C disk05:12
DasEiabhijit: no, but seems like the partiton table has been damaged, so it won't get found anymore05:12
abhijittucemiux, ok05:12
abhijitDasEi, reinstall ubuntu?05:12
DasEiabhijit: what ? cause a lost pendrive ?05:13
opijno packages or dependencies of any kind are kept in /home, right?05:13
Vigo_Or repair it.05:13
rocodeDasEi, erm, okay. Ubuntu supports SSD because the Linux kernel supports SSD. SSD is supported at the kernel level by a specific set of instructions that handle the use of a SSD device. (vague answers are the best for vague questions)05:13
tucemiuxopij, no -- unless you installed somewhere in there yourself, "/home" contains your personal files05:13
abhijitDasEi, yes i want that pen drive. i dont have money to buy new one!!! :( : '(05:13
DasEirocode: again, you'r on a nick-miss, it was ouyes that asked05:13
HPtwhiteok im trying to use a wireless adapter. when it tells me i need to put in a new line on the bottom of the modulation configuration file and type in code: then two line breaks then ndiswrapper do i literally put it in like that or just ndiswrapper? (ex: http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Networking/NdisWrapper_The_Ultimate_Guide)05:13
abhijittucemiux, two entries shown for sdb and sdc05:13
rocodeDasEi, my mistake.05:13
ouyesDasEi, I want to buy a light lap and improve its mobility(work well in a moving state), so I have to change to ssd, I doubt that ubuntu have good supports for ssd media.05:14
abhijittucemiux, DasEi i found it. its disk sdc and it shows in lshhw -C disk05:14
tucemiuxabhijit, so you can most likely mount one of those, I try to find out if theyre being mounted already: "sudo fdisk -l"05:14
rocodeouyes, Ubuntu supports SSD very well, because Linux supports SSD, and was the first to support SSD.05:14
tucemiuxabhijit,  ready for step 2?05:14
abhijittucemiux,  no its not mounted05:14
DasEiouyes: but you followed the answers and now know ssd is well supported05:14
abhijittucemiux, yes ready05:14
Vigo_HPtwhite: What flavor or version?05:15
ArchiteuthisI was wondering what command to use to update CLamAV05:15
rocodeArchiteuthis, 'freshclam'05:15
rocodeWill download the latest definitions.05:15
Architeuthisok, thanks05:15
tucemiuxabhijit, create a mount point for your device, say "/media/pendrive", you have to chown the mount point to yourself either now or after you mount it: sudo chown username:username /media/pendrive05:15
tucemiuxabhijit, let me know when youre ready for step 305:16
abhijittucemiux, can you give me step by step instruction? i dont kow how to do that05:16
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DasEiabhijit: sudo mkdir /media/pendrive05:16
abhijitDasEi, done05:17
DasEiabhijit: sudo chown -R $USER /media/pendrive05:17
DasEisay hello to tucem..05:17
abhijittucemiux, hello05:17
tucemiuxDasEi, its not mounted yet so dont need -R, maybe after it's mounted then he should chown it05:17
tucemiuxabhijit, follow DasEi 's directions05:17
abhijitDasEi, tucemiux chown: missing operand after `/media/pendrive'05:18
abhijittucemiux, ok05:18
=== uchobby_AFK is now known as uchobby
DasEiabhijit: typo ?05:19
abhijitDasEi, no i use tab key05:19
pgpkeysCan someone explain to me how I would track down what is generating these messages?  File descriptor 3 (pipe:[633248]) leaked on lvs invocation. Parent PID 23256: /bin/sh05:19
tucemiuxabhijit, do it the easy way: sudo chown myusername:myusername /media/pendrive05:19
DasEiabhijit: I don't think we'll be able to mount it, as partiton table seems broken05:19
abhijittucemiux, DasEi that worked05:20
pgpkeysoccasionally it pops up when typing in the terminal, othertimes when large text is flowing (such as during an update)05:20
abhijitDasEi, that worked username:username worked05:20
Vigo_HPtwhite: NDIS , WICD or an actual driver for Hardware?05:20
abhijitDasEi, no solution? so what shoud i do with that pen drive now? :'( :'(05:21
DasEiabhijit: the lshw,  which one was the pendrive, sdb1 or sdc1 ?05:22
abhijitDasEi, sdc05:22
tucemiuxabhijit, last step, mount it, im not sure how to do that since I dont know how what partition type your pendrive uses, you typically mount a device like this: sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom --- sudo mount [/dev/pendrive_device_name]   /media/pendrive_mountpoint, you have to specify a format somewhere05:22
DasEiabhijit: make that sure, else we might kill another drive05:22
nimbioticsGuys, for the last 24hrs ive been trying to share a ntfs partition from my ubuntu pc without luck. I cant even see the my own shares, let alone the other PCs on the network. Can some please help me? TIA!05:22
abhijitDasEi, yes it is sure sdc05:22
tucemiuxabhijit, you have to use "sudo fdisk -l" --- make sure you dont use anything that's already mounted05:23
abhijittucemiux, it tells that unkknown device05:23
abhijittucemiux, yah05:23
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.05:24
DasEiabhijit: sudo fdisk /dev/sdc05:24
* abhijit is scared!05:24
abhijitDasEi, unable to open /dev/sdc05:25
* dexi is trying to find SOMETHING productive to do before bed... any ideas?05:25
ry0nnimbiotics, did you try connecting via IP?05:25
abhijitdexi, fix my pen drive?05:26
uRockdexi, dishes05:26
DasEiabhijit: sudo apt-get install testdisk05:26
nimbioticsry0n: i've troed everything but witchcraft :/05:26
* pgpkeys breaks out the wiji bouard05:26
dexiabhijit, uRock, dishwasher (not the machine :p) -- Whats wrong with it?05:27
abhijitDasEi, done. installed.05:27
HPtwhiteVigo: I think its for an actual driver (im a n00b)05:27
rocodenimbiotics, sudo apt-get install goats-blood?05:27
DasEiabhijit: sudo testdisk05:27
DasEiabhijit: new log05:28
abhijitDasEi, it takes me to some prompt05:28
abhijitDasEi, ok i selected create new log05:28
DasEiabhijit: darn sdc listed there ?05:28
nimbioticsrocode: E: Couldn't find package goats-blood05:28
abhijitDasEi, no05:28
HPtwhiteVigo_: I think its for an actual driver (im a n00b)05:28
Vigo_HPtwhite: We all are, some just never admit it, What is the dongle? like Broadcom, Aeros or something?05:28
rocodenimbiotics, that was a witchcraft joke. ignore me.05:29
nimbioticsrocode: LMAO!!!05:29
HPtwhiteits a d link EUA 234005:29
nimbioticsrocode: :D :D05:29
abhijitDasEi, sdc is not there. only my primay hdd is there05:29
ry0nit says something about OSS package names that it seemed believable, perhaps?05:29
DasEiabhijit: scroll down, quit05:29
bingrailedhello! just installed wubi ubuntu on my win7 laptop and jumped in here from chatzilla! so far so good05:30
abhijitDasEi, yah. quited.05:30
DasEiabhijit: looks quite bad05:30
abhijitDasEi, :(05:30
rocodebingrailed, good to hear! =)05:30
bingrailedQuestion: what irc client do u guys recommend?05:30
* abhijit needs a pen drive.05:30
DasEiabhijit: sudo dd if=/dev/null of=dev/sdc05:30
ry0nBitchX has the best name.05:30
rocodebingrailed, it depends on preference. I am partial to xChat, but there are several others.05:30
bingrailedryon: no doubt about that :)05:30
HPtwhiteand theres something i found that said to use ndiswrapper with the windows xp driver for it05:30
pgpkeysi'm addicted to my irssi, but thats me.05:30
DasEiabhijit: sudo dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sdc        ,typo above05:30
abhijitDasEi, dd: opening `/dev/sdc': No medium found05:31
ry0nI use xchat, as the above. People like irssi?05:31
pgpkeysi've never been known to be stable05:31
abhijitDasEi, yah i corrected that typo05:31
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:31
Rubi_c0Npgpkeys: LOL05:31
HPtwhiteso i unzipped it and put the inf, bin, sys, etc in a folder on the desktop and ran some commands from the terminal05:31
_chunCan anyone help me with changing application specific volumes from the terminal?05:31
Vigo_HPtwhite: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported05:31
bingrailedryon: supposed someday i get a job, it's kinda hard to say: i use bitchx and I love it05:32
visitor1hi people, i have two old hdd installed on my xubuntu 10.4 machine, i need to mount them manualy, i would like to automount them at boot, what do i need to add into fstab? they are ntfs05:32
Rubi_c0Npgpkeys: lets just use md6 and rsa3 ;)05:32
Vigo_HPtwhite: Here is the DLink page:> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsDlink05:32
ry0nbingrailed, in that case use goats-blood05:33
pgpkeysrubi_c0n ~ all over an RS23205:33
bingrailedthanks, guys! i am getting xchat then05:33
DasEiabhijit: sudo hdparm -z /dev/sdc05:33
abhijit re-reading partition table05:33
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HPtwhiteVigo_: Tn im    an       ok nw...auff s popinu lol05:33
Rubi_c0Npgpkeys: ROFL05:34
DasEiabhijit: sudo fdisk -l05:34
linux_opIm looking for a light weight distro that can boot from usb and has the 'make' command in its bash05:34
pgpkeysuhh in its bash?05:34
abhijitDasEi, sdc not listed in fdisk -l :(05:34
DasEilinux_op: try headless install and later install icewm05:35
DasEiabhijit: sudo mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdc105:35
Vigo_HPtwhite: It happens: also here:> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper05:35
linux_opdasei: oww god want something precompiled05:35
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels05:35
linux_opim on pmagic atm05:35
abhijitDasEi, mkfs.vfat 3.0.7 (24 Dec 2009) /dev/sdc1: No such file or directory05:35
DasEiabhijit: sudo mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdc05:36
pgpkeyslight weight, but he wants kde05:36
abhijitDasEi, mkfs.vfat 3.0.7 (24 Dec 2009) /dev/sdc: No medium found05:36
linux_opI just want something lightweight05:36
DasEilinux_op: kde is the heaviest head05:36
linux_opcan be jwm, blackbox..05:36
nimbioticsWhy is it that i cant see my own pc when i go to places->network? furthermore, when i click on windows network, i get error message: "Unable to mount location. Failed to retrieve share list from server". What can be wrong?05:36
linux_opoww man05:36
linux_opwill I ever find a light weight usb distro that has the make command =((05:36
abhijit!lubuntu | linux_op05:37
ubottulinux_op: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu05:37
ry0nI would assume there are lightweight development distros, but I could be wrong?05:37
DasEilinux_op: but you can use any base and alter it later to your needs05:37
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD05:37
MasonBOk, does anyone know how to make the WIFI in ubuntu work05:37
linux_opdo most or all ubuntu dirivatives use debian?05:37
Rubi_c0NMasonB: yes05:37
linux_opI know that at least 3 do05:37
MasonBPlease tell me05:37
DasEi!unetbootin | linux_op05:37
ubottulinux_op: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:37
ry0nMasonB, I must, since it worked out of the box?05:37
rocodelinux_inferno, Ubuntu itself is derived from debian.05:37
MasonBI didn't use the box05:37
pgpkeyslinux_op ~ since ubuntu is itself derived from debian, the answer would most probably be yes05:38
Rubi_c0Ntyon : LMAO05:38
ry0nlinux_inferno, ubuntu is a subset of debian05:38
Omen_20why is searching ubuntu so slow? Windows search blows it away.05:38
Vigo_linux_op: Yes.05:38
DasEiabhijit: looks we are through with linux board-tools, next would be specialized data-recovery tools05:39
abhijitDasEi, ohhh. how to find that toools?05:39
Vigo_linux_op: Are you looking for a real lightweight system based on Ubuntu/Debian?05:39
linux_opcan any1 please tell me how to add the make comand to a distro?05:39
ry0nOmen_20, I would assume because windows searching is based on an index it builds in the background?05:39
DasEiOmen_20: it's not, once the db is set up05:39
AzMooHi guys, in other distros I can add a scsi hard-drive to a running machine and run: rescan-scsi-bus.sh to find the drive. I can't seem to find that in ubuntu. Have they replaced it with anything?05:39
linux_opoww I would so appriciate it05:39
Vigo_linux_op: This is  #offtopic05:40
pgpkeyslinux_op ~ sudo apt-get install make make-doc05:40
DasEiOmen_20: try sudo updatedb (will take time once) and then locate05:40
HPtwhiteVigo_: thanks; looks like ive got some reading to do :P05:40
visitor1hi people, i have two old hdd installed on my xubuntu 10.4 machine, i have to mount them manualy, i would like to automount them at boot, what do i need to add into fstab? they are ntfs05:40
rocodelinux_op: Try getting sudo apt-get install build-essential05:40
h00klinux_op: your question might be better suited for #linux as it's not Ubuntu specific05:40
ry0nlinux_op, you could try something like "linux from scratch"05:40
Vigo_HPtwhite: Yes, learning is part of the fun!05:40
Rubi_c0NWho is having wifi issues ?05:40
DasEivisitor1: sudo apt-get install pastebinit05:41
HPtwhitei am05:41
h00k!who | rocode05:41
ubotturocode: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:41
DasEivisitor1: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit05:41
h00kbah, I meant !ask | Rubi_c0N05:41
Rubi_c0NHPTwhite: whats your make of your wifi card05:41
DasEivisitor1: give url her05:41
DasEivisitor1: give url here05:41
Vigo_Rubi_con: HPtwhite is,was.05:41
rocodeh00k, don't worry. I will take the reminder. =)05:41
ry0nMasonB was having wifi problems05:42
Rubi_c0NIts like a crackhouse in here05:42
h00krocode: hah :)05:42
h00krocode: sorry05:42
abhijitDasEi, ??05:42
ry0nRubi_c0N, in what way? I've not been in many crack houses.05:42
TriciaIs it possible to install Ubuntu onto a device without booting into the normal installer?05:42
rocodeRubi_c0N, this is off peak. During peak, we have about 15 questions a minute.05:42
rocodeTricia, have you looked at diskless install?05:43
Rubi_c0NThis is great05:43
Triciarocode: nope. I'll look at it05:43
=== nimbiotics_ is now known as nimbiotics
ry0nrocode, I'm actually surprised there isn't some sort of triage system with multiple channels.05:43
DasEiRubi_c0N: It's quite calm atm05:43
HPtwhiteRubi_c0N: WUA-2340 RangeBooster G USB Adapter05:43
pgpkeysirc is starting to remind me more and more of free-range aol rooms05:43
DasEiabhijit: no more ideas, sorry05:43
rocodery0n, actually, we have multiple channels for spills.05:43
abhijitDasEi, in my vista it detects my pen drive but it cant access/modify/format/show its partitino. when i double click on pen drive it tell me that first insert medium in Removable disk (E)05:43
abhijitDasEi, :'(05:44
* abhijit is crying05:44
rocodery0n, when we get a new release, we can get up to 20,000 users.05:44
* abhijit is planning to steal DasEi 's pen drive!05:44
ry0nabhijit, you have tried the drive on other computers, yes?05:44
ry0nI mean, I assume so.05:44
DasEiabhijit: why that ?05:44
abhijitry0n, not another computer. in this same computer with vista05:44
abhijitDasEi, joke05:44
ry0nuh, couldn't it be a problem with the port or the controller then?05:45
Ritleeok here's a fun one for the scripters out there, how do i delete ALL but one word from a line, when the word's position is not known? ie awk '{ print $# }' will not suffice05:45
abhijitry0n, may be05:45
HPtwhiteRubi_c0N: i just did the lsusb thing and am not sure what im looking for. Vigp_ gave me a link and my device isnt there so im guessing its not supported anymore, but the lsusb sees it as a dlink and i ran across an i guess older page that said it was compatible (dont have url any longer)05:45
Rubi_c0NHPTwhite: mount05:45
ry0nHrm, I think the first thing I'd try is a known good usb port.05:45
DasEiTricia: like a netboot ?05:45
Triciamm. no05:45
TriciaDasEi: more like, I'm on ubuntu now, I have a hard drive connected via USB, and I want to install ubuntu on that (so I can put it in a computer later)05:46
Rubi_c0NHptwhite: go to ralink site05:46
HPtwhiteRubi_c0N: sorry im a newb do i just type that in? dmesg?05:46
HPtwhiteok and what am i looking for there05:46
DasEiTricia: ic, could use vbox for that05:46
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: how new is your USB adapter05:47
HPtwhiteRubi_c0N: its an older one. ive had it a couple years. only does G05:47
RitleeDasEi: netbootin should do what you want, or there's another program that comes w/ lucid05:47
TriciaDasEi: hm. That might just work.05:47
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: hmm google your make then look it up on backtrack forums , has it worked before ?05:48
DasEiRitlee: tell tricia, but that will not be same like normal install, and usbcreator is there, too (just startmedium)05:48
Rubi_c0NG should work off the distro05:48
HPtwhitenot on linux, just winblows05:48
Rubi_c0NMore like everybody in the world see through windows05:49
HPtwhiteyeah i found something on it and i went to follow the instructions and it gave me an odd message...ill see if i can find it again05:49
Vigo_linux_op: still here?05:49
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: K05:49
DasEiabhijit: you can try gparted live cd or oter datarecoverytools, but for now, we tried what was possible without "forensics"05:49
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: worst comes to worst you might have to recompile it somehow off a firmware download05:49
abhijitDasEi, ok. thanks for your time tough.05:50
ry0nDasEi, what about a known good USB port? I mean, he's only tried it on one port on one computer?05:50
RitleeDasEi: oh heh now i see05:50
DasEiRitlee: it'as funny this day, you're the third doing so :)05:50
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: go to free software center05:50
nimbioticsWhy is it that i cant see my own pc when i go to places->network? furthermore, when i click on windows network, i get error message: "Unable to mount location. Failed to retrieve share list from server". What can be wrong?05:51
DasEivisitor1: ??05:51
HPtwhiteRubi_c0N: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/D-Link_WUA-234005:51
RitleeDasEi: heh been a while since i have been on IRC05:51
DasEinimbiotics: smb.conf not altered05:51
HPtwhiteRubi_c0N: thats what i was talking about with weird error on the link05:51
Ritleeok here's a fun one for the scripters out there, how do i delete ALL but one word from a line, when the word's position is not known? ie awk '{ print $# }' will not work because the words position that i want can change within the line05:52
nimbioticsDasEi: How can I fix that?05:52
DasEiRitlee: happens to me , too, like in in more then two conservations, but let's stay topic05:52
HPtwhiteRubi_c0N: i went to software center and got ndiswrapper05:52
DasEinimbiotics: gksudo gedit /etc/smb.conf05:52
DasEinimbiotics: gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf05:53
willwhhowdy folks - how do I do a copy of a dir from one user to another - and assign owner/permissions to the new user?, like: cp -r ~/somedir /home/someuser/somedir - with "someuser" having owner / perms05:53
ry0ngksudo? I don't have to use EXPORTs? woah.05:53
DasEi!gksudo > ry0n05:54
ubottury0n, please see my private message05:54
willwhcp -r ~/somedir /home/someuser/somedir && sudo -l someuser && chown somedir/   ----something like that?05:54
willwhseems a bit overly complex for something I would've thought fairly simple :)05:55
DasEiwillwh: sudo chown -R someuser ~/somedir /home/someuser/somedir05:55
HPtwhitesry mt05:55
willwhah, ty05:55
willwhman chown and I'd not be asking the question05:56
* willwh slaps himself05:56
willwhthx for the prompt05:56
ry0noh, chown can move? dang.05:56
DasEiwillwh: problem can be that all files in there are owned by someuser then, even if before it was different05:56
willwhDasEi: yes - that primarly what I want in this case05:56
Zelozelosis there a way/program to use a web cam as a security cam05:56
DasEiwillwh: better use rsync, which can bring permissions, too05:56
DasEiwillwh: so there you go05:57
willwhno need :)05:57
willwhone time copy05:57
TriciaDasEi: hm. don't think it's going to work. Don't think you can use real harddrives as virtual drives with virtualbox. (unlelss I'm mistaken)05:57
ry0nZelozelos, zoneminder?05:57
Zelozelosill check it out ty05:57
willwhoh - anyone got a nice guide for configuring mpd?05:57
DasEiTricia: which size has the exterrnal /internal05:58
TriciaDasEi: what+?05:58
willwhpresumably - if symlinking some ~/Music dir - I will need to give mpd user perms to read?05:58
nimbioticsDasEi: dont know what else to put in there. workgroup is right, usershare owner only is set to false and I've got at least one share: [mymedia] ///comment = My media & Documents ///read only = yes ///locking = no /// path = /media/My Media /// guest ok = yes05:58
DasEiTricia: the gigabytes05:58
TriciaDasEi: 60G05:58
DasEiTricia: which size has the exterrnal /internal05:58
Zelozelosry0n, looks like what i ws lookin for thank you05:58
TriciaDasEi: I'm not sure what you mean05:59
Ritleeok here's a fun one for the scripters out there, how do i delete ALL but one word from a line, when the word's position is not known? ie awk '{ print $# }' will not work because the words position that i want can change within the line05:59
ry0nZelozelos, No problem, have fun.05:59
TriciaDasEi: external HD is 60GB.05:59
DasEinimbiotics: browseable yes, uncomment wins.. http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/samba_server05:59
* Zelozelos is gonna catch that possy thats messin w his cars now!05:59
DasEiTricia: and the internal ?05:59
TriciaDasEi: I have 23G free.06:00
ry0nRitlee, you want a document that consists of the same word over and over again with lots of space around it?06:00
DasEinimbiotics: after altering, saving, got to restart samba to take effect06:00
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: What did NDIs wrapper do for you06:01
nimbioticsDasEi: thanks for the link, hope it works06:01
Ritleery0n: lol no i want to pull ONE word out of a line,06:01
TriciaRitlee: okay, how do you know which word?06:01
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: did it crack wpa2 enterprise TKIP Mschap version 2 ;)06:01
willwhRitlee: in to what?06:01
ry0nyeah, that's what I was wondering. Which word?06:01
RitleeTricia: starts with S0 and has one more number ie S0106:02
DasEiTricia: so could set up a virtual hd with 10 gig, afterwards boot live in vbox and then dd it over (also can mount the vdi, might be easier), then later expand again on the 60  gb06:02
ry0nwouldn't that be a task for grep, not awk?06:02
Ritleewillwh: if i can get it to output into anything i can manipulate it in to what i need06:02
nimbioticsDasEi: hmmm you never told me the link was in ... german?!06:02
willwhyeah - grep will just print the line where it is exists06:02
DasEinimbiotics: oh sorry, getting tired, second06:03
Triciathere's the -o flag06:03
Ritleery0n: grep displays the whole line that has the expression, i want the "Word" that contains the expression, not to whole line06:03
willwhegrep, yah06:03
RitleeTricia: -o with which command?06:03
DasEinimbiotics: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html06:03
willwhman egrep ( -o, --only-matching       show only the part of a line matching PATTERN)06:04
HPtwhiteRubi_c0N: i have no idea what u meant by that lol. i used to have it on wpa-psk2 personal TKIP06:04
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
thomson1one thing i've never been able to grasp is correctly partioning a drive to dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu06:04
DasEinimbiotics: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba06:04
willwhthomson1: there isn't much to understand really06:04
DasEithomson1: just ask06:04
willwh2 partitions is fine06:04
Ritlee-o with egrep hmmm06:04
Ritleei'll try that ;)06:04
ry0nthomson1, the problem isn't the partitioning, it's not having windows overwrite grub, right?06:04
nimbioticsDasEi: thanks!06:04
willwhRitlee: let me know if you want a simple bash script for iyt06:05
DasEinp, bitte06:05
willwhI just use a little script all the time, so I can paste what I am looking for in to the terminal06:05
thomson1well, it's mainly understanding what partitions i should have and their size06:05
thomson1there seems to be a lot of conflicting information about it06:05
Ritleewillwh: WOOT! ty got it :D06:05
willwhnp :)06:05
willwhglad I could help06:05
DasEithomson1: swap is orientated on the ram the box got06:06
Ritleei've been googling this for about 5 hours now lol06:06
willwhreally? :( ouch06:06
ry0nthomson1, I suppose because of how you will use them. You could always sequester each OS on like their own 10gb partition and then leave the rest as a FATxx filedump.06:06
Ritleeresearching under 'sed' and 'awk' but to to avail06:06
Ritleethank ya'll06:06
DasEiry0n: I wouldn't06:07
willwhRitlee: pm :)06:07
DasEithomson1: size of the drive ?06:08
ry0nDasEi, yeah, but dual booting implies that you're not sure which OS you're going to use perhaps, if you're *not sure* how much space to give to each.06:08
thomson1DasEi: 320 GB06:08
DasEiryon: but then use ext3 least, for it's journaling and fsck-functions06:09
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: I was joking with you06:09
DasEithomson1: so can go with 20GB for each OS, and do the rest in ext306:09
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: are you up and running06:09
HPtwhiteo lol06:09
ry0nmounting your ext3 data dump under windows requires a 3rd party util though, doesn't it?06:09
HPtwhiteno im not....i still havent figured out what im supposed to do this is all greek to me06:10
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: really06:10
DasEithomson1: ext3 is well supported under win with a little addon, and home can be moved to all or a part of the storagepart later06:10
HPtwhiteRubi_c0N: i can tell you what ive done so far if that helps........06:11
ry0nI wasn't saying fat was a better fs, just that both of his OSs would read it out of the box.06:11
DasEithomson1: just keep in mind the hd supports only 4 primary partitions06:11
Rubi_c0Nry0n : use Acronis if security is not an issue06:11
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: shoot06:11
willwhry0n: I have to agree06:11
willwhif unsure - fat filestore06:12
willwhotherwise - you'll have a lot of questions/issues in future06:12
DasEithomson1: linux can boot from all partitons, whereas windows, least the recent ones, demanded a primary ,idk for 706:12
ry0nI got in the habit of formatting drives for solely sata to fat for interoperability. This was mostly when ntfs support in debian was minimal.06:12
ry0nehr, data not sata06:12
DasEithomson1: you are aware of primary/extended/logical ?06:13
thomson1DasEi: yeah06:13
DasEifine then06:13
HPtwhiteRubi_c0N: i put the drivers in a folder on the desktop....i installed ndiswrapper....i ran some commands in terminal like sudo ndiswrapper -i ~/Desktop/Drivers/file name here and then something or another for a module putting ndiswrapper at the end of the file and saving it so it will startup06:13
abhinav_singhi am using vsplit in vi to view two files on same screen..please tell me how to switch between files06:13
DasEiry0n: if avoidable, there are lots of good reason to use a journaling fs06:14
DasEialso defragmentation06:14
thomson1although, maybe i should buy another hdd because i kinda want to keep the partition setup i hvae on this one06:14
HPtwhiteRubi_c0N: and then restarted hoping it would boot up. i also configured the wireless settings to my SSID and MAC of my router setting for DHCP automatic06:14
ry0nDasEi, yeah, I mean, my behavior is solely due to microsofts posture about interoperability. It has little to do with the merits of relative file systems. I've not had many dual boot machines though.06:15
HPtwhiteRubi_c0N: i ran the lsusb commands and found the device in the list...im lost from there06:15
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: ok06:15
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: you went way to deep into that06:16
ry0nthomson1, hard drives are cheap as all get out. It's kind of silly not to have more tb that you know what to do with as an end user.06:16
HPtwhiteRubi_c0N: when i say linux n00b i really mean it :(06:16
DasEiry0n: datarecovery, defragmentation, speed, filerestrictions, ownership.. could become and endless talk, reall' no fat3206:16
APERSONis there a way to have totem remember to hid the video controlls?06:16
HPtwhiteRubi_c0N: lol ok just tryin to be thorough06:16
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: me too its all good thats how you learn ;)06:16
ry0nAll of those advantages dissolve if the user decides to never boot ubuntu again though and only use their windows partition.06:17
DasEiry0n: no, that's not right06:18
HPtwhiteRubi_c0N: yeah once i get past this ill need help fixing my sound (all staticy garbled and volume goes up and down on its own), finding a linux equivalant of DVD shrink and how to install it (found some dox, but says something about other prerequisites and i dont know how to check if i have them) and something to burn the backup files from it. once i get that figured out ill be on my path to...06:19
HPtwhite...learning lol06:19
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: Im not daddy day care06:19
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: jk06:19
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: sounds like you have a bad kernel06:19
DasEithomson1: another view worth is encryption of course, there you would want to keep each OS with it's storage alligned06:20
diannaoreis there a ubuntu noob channel?06:20
Rubi_c0Ndid you check your MD5 checksum06:20
HPtwhiteRubi_c0N: lol not sayin ya are. one step at a time. as soon as i get this figured out im calling it a night...work in the mornin06:20
DasEi!hi | diannaore06:20
ubottudiannaore: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:20
ry0ndiannaore, feel free to ask your question here.06:20
DasEidiannaore: yes , there is, let me look06:20
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: what dpes lsusb read06:20
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: copy paste06:21
DasEidiannaore: just ask here, it's ubuntu-beginners06:21
HPtwhiteumm which part?06:21
HPtwhitei cant im on a different machine because i have no internet06:21
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: usb ciso dual band yata yata06:21
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: do you know how to run virtual machines06:22
HPtwhitenot particularly no06:23
ry0nI used to work in a virtual machine shop. I'm a virtual mechanic.06:23
lshaolihi  大家好06:23
HPtwhitelawlz ry0n06:23
Rubi_c0Nry0n: yea ? whats your flavor ? oracle , vmware , Vpc , or V2 ?06:24
DasEiabhijit: pm you ?06:25
HPtwhiteBus 001 Device 009: ID 07d1:3a08 D-Link System Predator Bootloader Download Device Descriptor...does that help?06:25
ry0nRubi_c0N, heh. It was actually just a joke, sorry. Although I have used vmware and vpc bothe personally and in the former case professionally. But not for anything interesting.06:25
=== DemonicDroid is now known as DemonDroid
ry0nI just think "virtual machine" is comedic if you read "machine" as something other than "computer". Like a virtual chipper shredder or extruder.06:26
ry0nI also did a bunch of POS contracts and no one besides me found the dual nature of the intialism hilarious.06:26
Rubi_c0NRy0n: LOL06:28
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: on it one sec i need a drink06:28
phoenix_when i try to run gyachi, its not starting, i am getting an error "segmentation fault". but when i run with root previleges, it runs fine. but i dont want to give root previleges to gyachi. help please.06:28
coz_ry0n,  POS as in Point of sale?06:29
ry0ncoz_, yeah, it was all old IBM 486s and pentium 2s.06:29
hariomHow to find which process is running on which port and ip? including localhost06:29
coz_ry0n,   on linux?06:29
ry0nrunning scales and cash registers and hand scanners and the like.06:29
ry0nI have no idea about the OS, I just did hardware. Sorry.06:30
Rubi_c0Nry0n: ROFL06:30
Rubi_c0Nry0n: 96 BOD06:30
ry0nIt was a board swapping and soldering job mostly.06:30
coz_ry0n,    right understood....oh ok  I was wondering if you tried any of the linux POS software... I have found a nice one     openbravo  java based06:30
DasEihariom: top, better htop06:30
HPtwhiteRubi_c0N: is it ok if i PM you in a minute with the terminal info so i dont flood the room and you can answer in channel? im on a windows machine using chatzilla and i dont have anything like pastebin here06:30
ry0ncoz_, no, sorry. But it sounds interesting. I might have to look into it was well.06:31
DasEihariom: and ip I assume you mean id , pid06:31
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: np hope your using a proxy06:31
hariomDasEi: no, IP:Port06:31
hariomalong with process which is running on it06:31
HPtwhitemeh? for what? so u dont get my ip address?06:32
DasEihariom: trafshow or etherape06:32
Rubi_c0NHPtwhite: just fucking with you , windows box irc usually = FUCKED06:32
HPtwhiteo lol06:33
=== Sam_Fisher is now known as Guest93261
IdleOne!language | Rubi_c0N06:33
thomson1maybe i should just buy a laptop and run ubuntu on that06:33
ubottuRubi_c0N: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:33
ry0nOkay, a question. I am trying to use testdisk to recover a partition that was hosed by an interrupted resize in gparted. After the deep scan, it shows the partition three times with the same contents listed when I hit "p". How do I tell which is the good one?06:33
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:34
phoenix_how to run a program with a particular style06:34
coz_phoenix_,  particular style?06:35
HPtwhiteRubi_c0N: okiez brb smoke time and drink refill06:36
phoenix_coz_: i forgot the command , something like xyz --style -human"06:36
coz_phoenix_,  oh mmm let me check06:36
Jordan_Ury0n: An interrupted resize is likely not actually a good candidate for fixing with testdisk.06:37
coz_   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121927706:37
coz_phoenix_,    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121927706:37
ry0nJordan_U, does this imply that it's a good candidate for fixing with something else?06:37
ry0nI was growing it to fill unallocated space. So the files should have ended up *somewhere*.06:38
phoenix_coz_: its not that one06:38
Jordan_Ury0n: I doubt that the partition table was actually changed, so you just have a filesystem that's half resized. I don't know what the best tool for fixing it is, but I don't think you should change the partition table as that could lead you to accidentily overwrite data06:38
ry0nI'd be fine with mounting it readonly06:39
=== Rubi_c0N is now known as G1bs0N
Jordan_Ury0n: What filesystem?06:39
ry0n(sheepishly) ntfs06:39
Jordan_Ury0n: Since you were growing it rather than shrinking it I think that makes it more likely to be recoverable, since existing files / metadata likely didn't have to be moved.06:40
ry0nI was just growing it to fill up unallocated space in gparted, so yeah, nothing should have had to move. Although, the empty space was before it, not after it.06:41
ry0nI dunno if that makes a difference.06:41
HPtwhiteRubi_c0N: im back06:41
Jordan_Ury0n: It does :(06:42
Jordan_Ury0n: Do you have the log from gparted?06:42
ry0ndid it make one? I wasn't here when the power failed.06:42
coz_phoenix_,   I have no idea then...however if you remember the command let me know :)06:43
Jordan_Ury0n: Ahh, I thought it was a software error rather than lost power.06:43
phoenix_coz_: when i try to run gyachi, its not starting, i am getting an error "segmentation fault". but when i run with root previleges, it runs fine. but i dont want to give root previleges to gyachi.06:43
coz_phoenix_,  how did you install this?   you may have to change its permissions06:44
ry0noh, sorry, no. Power failed while I was growing an ntfs partition to fill empty space in front of it in the partition table. The partitions are still there with their proper sizes (I think) but they switched places?06:44
coz_phoenix_,   I am sure someone can help I have to get to bed ....I am really exhausted and cant think clearly06:44
phoenix_coz_: i compiled it from source06:44
phoenix_coz_: good night06:44
coz_phoenix_,  ok   do you have link   let me google06:44
phoenix_coz_: dont strain yourself06:45
ry0nThis is why I was assuming that testdisk might help, since the partitions are still the same, they've just switched places in the p. table and neither is mountable.06:45
coz_phoenix_,  no problem let me check out the source06:45
ry0nSo I would naively assume the data is still there but just the partition table is hosed?06:46
phoenix_coz_: thank you06:46
coz_phoenix_,   you realize this is a few years old yes?06:46
coz_phoenix_,   do you have vsion 1.1.71?06:46
mneptokphoenix_: what does Gyachi do that Empathy does not?06:46
phoenix_coz_:i have the latest version 1.2.10-106:47
phoenix_mneptok: voice talk , video cam06:47
coz_phoenix_,   you didnt install this via the ppa?06:47
phoenix_mneptok: yahoo chat rooms06:47
phoenix_coz_: i downloaded the source from sourceforge and compiled it06:48
coz_phoenix_,  ok  I am trying to find that version hold on06:48
Jordan_Ury0n: Switched places?06:50
GuyCanada computers and such06:50
* willwh slaps GuyCanada with maple syrup06:51
thune3ry0n: what is the current state of the partition table? It is OK to have a partition bigger than the filesystem that occupies it. If you just had unoccupied space, and there is something to be recovered from the filesystem, you should just be able to set the partition to be as big as it was + free space. All this assumes you didn't fsck.06:51
phoenix_coz_: i think i found the problem06:51
coz_phoenix_,  what is it?06:51
GuyCanadamaple syrup attacks are unwarranted06:51
coz_phoenix_,  and I cant find that version on sourceforge  but again I cant think clearly :)06:51
phoenix_coz_: the owner of the binary is root, how to change it to mine06:52
coz_phoenix_,  the easy way is to gksudo nautiluls...maneuver to to bin  and right click and change permissions06:52
phoenix_coz_: ok06:52
willwhGuyCanada: certainly not, I'm living in victoria - we're practically brothers.06:53
coz_ok I have to go06:53
GuyCanadalol, except we couldnt possibly be further away. im in nova scotia06:53
GuyCanadawillwh ^06:54
mneptokGuyCanada: you could be in Labrador ...06:54
willwhah indeed :) well, I'm from Edinburgh.06:54
willwhso... we are practically brothers06:54
* mneptok adds an "eh?" for authenticity06:54
willwhI moved out here about 3 years ago, got permanent residency granted last year06:54
willwhthe west coast suits me, I think.06:54
robertwallubottu: ot06:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:55
GuyCanadaeast coast is where its at, lets engage in gang violence to prove who is right06:55
willwhsee you in ot06:55
GuyCanadaedinburgh, that sounds very english06:56
logan_Hi all06:57
willwhhello logan_06:58
logan_hey is anyone using wine????06:59
GuyCanadanot at the moment, but06:59
logan_I am having some trouble with it06:59
=== Maruk8D is now known as Shanity
willwhlogan_: what's the problem?06:59
willwhor rather, what are you trying to do?06:59
logan_whenever I am opening any application say yahoo msngr on it, the application stops responding after some time07:00
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
willwhdon't use yahoo messenger07:01
willwhwww.pidgin.im :)07:01
AndymanDoes anyone here have vmware server 2.0 running on a Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS host?07:01
logan_after that I even tried a game I was playing on windows07:01
logan_prince of persia Two thrones and again after sometime it stopped responding07:01
logan_I am a bit confused07:02
logan_what to do07:02
willwhWell - not used wine much myself - if I need to run a windows application (read: game) - I use windows07:02
GuyCanadayeah wine is far from a perfect solution. only thing i use it for is voice programs for games, vent TS etc07:03
GuyCanadanot exactly relaible07:03
willwhlogan_: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=5612&iTestingId=1316207:03
logan_hey thanx willwh07:05
willwhlogan_: you know how to use a terminal?07:05
logan_I work on byobu alot07:05
willwhlocate wine | grep log07:05
willwhfind where it writes it's error log / log - and start from there07:06
willwhit probably crashed for a reason07:06
willwhI have 2 boxes under my desk, win7 gaming rig, and ubuntu server on a headless box07:06
willwhlaptop also runs ubuntu07:07
Jordan_Ury0n: Stop leaving :)07:07
logan_I see all the stuf now07:07
ry0nJordan_U, Sorry, was setting up and testing my auto-joins in xchat.07:07
willwhargh xchat :p quassel ftw.07:07
* Blue1 is lazy and uses pidgin07:08
MasonBOk, i don't have ndiswrapper installed on my ubuntu and i just downloaded a copy but don't know how to install it07:08
Jordan_Ury0n: How far into the resize do you think it was before you lost power?07:08
MasonBCan anyone help me?07:08
Dude-Xwhich java should i install just to run a boring jar07:09
Blue1MasonB: usually (I don't use ndis I am on a 64 bit system) - - sudo dpkg -i <packagenamegoeshere>07:09
Jordan_UMasonB: Have you tried connecting via ethernet then going to System > Administration > Hardware Drivers?07:09
ry0nJordan_U, I actually have no idea. it was very early when I left (like 8% of the bar, still verifying or whatever) but I came back hours later and the system had rebooted.07:09
MasonBI don't have ethernet Jordan_U07:09
Jordan_UMasonB: ndiswrapper is rarely actually needed.07:09
Blue1MasonB: sudo dpkg -i <packagename>07:09
Jordan_Ury0n: Can you fit a full drive backup somewhere?07:10
MasonBso enter the name of the package of the ndiswrapper i downloaded?07:10
Jordan_UMasonB: Don't install ndiswrapper yet.07:10
Jordan_UMasonB: What wireless chipset?07:10
XxcvfxXhow do i get a usb wireless card to work with ubuntu because i try connecting with the one i have and its not working07:10
MasonBAll i know is that i have a broadcom 802.11 b/g WLAN card07:11
ry0nJordan_U, size of physical drive or size of data on drive/07:11
Jordan_Ury0n: Size of physical drive.07:11
ry0nHrm, I don't think I have 500gb free all in one place.07:11
ry0nI could back up the entirety of the two partition involved?07:12
Blue1ry0n: usually i just backup /home/ and /etc/07:12
Blue1XxcvfxX: sorry never dealt with usb wirelss07:12
willwhXxcvfxX: are you able to see wireless networks?07:12
ry0nJordan_U, what would that do for me if I could though?07:12
willwhyou're not giving us much info07:12
G1bs0Nback 2 wireless07:13
willwhok, can you open a terminal and type, lsusb | grep -i wireless07:13
Jordan_Ury0n: It would mean that you could try possibly destructive fixes without worrying too much.07:13
ry0nHold on, what does the (c)opy feature in testdisk do?07:15
ry0nholy crap. no way07:15
XxcvfxXk now what?07:15
willwhXxcvfxX: ?07:16
XxcvfxXthe thing someone told me to type07:16
Jordan_Ury0n: For a resize "to the left" testdisk may actually help. If you set the partition start back to where it was then the superblock might still be there and the filesystem might be still mountable. I don't know what the likelyhood of that is though.07:16
=== Andorin is now known as AK|offline
Blue1Jordan_U: big if.07:17
willwhXxcvfxX: that was me, what was the problem?07:17
Jordan_UBlue1: I know :(07:17
XxcvfxXit didnt say07:17
willwhok, just 'lsbusb '07:18
ry0nI hardly believe it, but the (c)opy feature in testdisk seems to be pulling files off the unmountable partition and dumping them in home?07:18
=== sebi_` is now known as sebi`
willwhry0n: hoooray?07:19
XxcvfxXk heres what it showed, martin@martin-desktop:~$ lsusb07:19
XxcvfxXBus 001 Device 002: ID 148f:2070 Ralink Technology, Corp.07:19
XxcvfxXBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub07:19
ry0nehr, perhaps it's just recreating the directory structure?07:19
ry0nI dunno, it's still sort of amazing.07:19
ibrahim-kasemplease tell me what is the Novell Moonlight plugin ??07:20
ry0noh, it's recreating the directory structure and the files but the files are all unreadable.07:20
G1bs0NXxcvfxX : type iwconfig07:20
G1bs0NXxcvfxX : type iwlist07:20
tasslehoffare there any alternatives to gtkterm and minicom?07:21
Blue1ibrahim-kasem: http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/Novel-Moonlight-Download-37840.html07:22
XxcvfxXit returned this, martin@martin-desktop:~$ iwconfig07:22
XxcvfxXlo        no wireless extensions.07:22
XxcvfxXeth0      no wireless extensions.07:22
XxcvfxXwlan0     IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:off/any07:22
XxcvfxX          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=9 dBm07:22
FloodBot3XxcvfxX: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:22
XxcvfxX          Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off07:22
willwhsoftpefia should be shot in the face07:22
G1bs0Nso your good07:22
willwhibrahim-kasem: http://www.go-mono.com/moonlight/07:23
G1bs0Nwhat is the issue07:23
G1bs0NXxcvfxX : /etc/init.d/networking start07:23
ibrahim-kasemBlue1, thank you07:23
Blue1ibrahim-kasem: you are welcome - hope that helps07:23
hariomHi, I am facing a strange problem. I have a TCP/IP server running on my localhost on a defined port. I am trying to connect it with my client application but getting message like refusing connection. WHat could be the problem?07:25
=== brainproxy_ is now known as brainproxy
hariomWhen I run server, I can see different ports opening on localhost using trafshow tool07:27
smwhariom, do you use iptables or any other firewall software?07:27
XxcvfxXG1bs0N: what do i do with that?07:27
vivek312need help on bootloader..07:27
hariomsmw: yea firestarter07:27
smwhariom, have you checked it?07:28
hariomBut I don't think, firewall affect anything on localhost07:28
smwhariom, my guess is that it setup default deny07:28
G1bs0NXxcvfxX : what is your goal07:28
hariomIt was working yesterday with firewall on. Iet me try by turning it off07:28
vivek312my bootloader shows many options...!!07:29
smwhariom, my guess is that firestarter allows localhost to connect anywhere. But the client can't.07:29
XxcvfxXG1bs0N, to get my wireless card to work07:29
hariomclient is also running on localhost and connecting to lcoalhost07:29
jubobahow can I run a program in a specific display (using dualhead, two separate X screens)07:29
jubobain fluxbox: how can I run a program in a specific display (using dualhead, two separate X screens)07:29
smwhariom, ok07:29
smw!who | hariom07:30
ubottuhariom: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)07:30
hariomubottu: sure. will do that07:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:30
vivek312ubottu can u help ?07:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:31
vivek312ubottu,my bootloader shows many options...!!07:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:31
vivek312ubottu: my bootloader shows many options...!!07:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:31
ry0nubottu, how do I make *her* notice me?07:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:31
willwhvivek312: remove some kernels07:31
GuyCanadaubottu calculate pi07:31
vivek312willwh: can u tell me how?07:32
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".07:32
G1bs0NXxcvfxX : /etc/init.d/networking start07:32
G1bs0NXxcvfxX : /etc/init.d/networking start force reload07:32
timemachine3030Question: in 10.04, running dual monitors. how do I swap which monitor has the menu bars / panels? (nvidia drivers)07:33
vivek312willwh: can u explain??07:33
G1bs0NXxcvfxX : ifup wlan007:33
yacc30849 andreas   20   0 3142m 2.0g 8936 R   61 26.9  22:57.26 pidgin             <= this can't me right, 3G size and 2G resident?07:33
G1bs0NXxcvfxX : ifup wlan107:33
neil_dI have a new laptop :) ... I have installed 10.04 :)... I am trying to get it playing DVDs ... I have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras plus mplayer mencode and vlc... I have run the /usr/share/doc/libdvdread/install07:33
willwhvivek312: http://jaypeeonline.net/tips-tricks/howto-remove-old-ubuntu-kernels/07:33
willwhfor example07:33
* neil_d oops 07:33
valetudois this the right place for ubuntu iphone sync? just need to know how to add videos07:33
neil_dand the install css script but it isn't playing.07:34
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neil_dI keep getting errors from libdvdread07:35
Jordan_U!pm | MasonB07:35
ubottuMasonB: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.07:35
valetudohow do i add video to iphone with ubuntu07:35
BSanders84Hello All!07:36
valetudodo i have to get itunes?07:36
vivek312willwh: Thanks....07:36
smwvaletudo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone might help07:36
MasonBOk, how do i get my wireless working without using NDISWrapper07:37
Jordan_UMasonB: First download these files and put them onto your Desktop in Ubuntu using a flash drive: http://jordanu.dyndns.org/b43-firmware-lucid.tar.gz http://jordanu.dyndns.org/b43legacy-firmware-lucid.tar.gz07:37
valetudok thanks07:37
smwvaletudo, most people here probably don't have an ipod...07:37
well_laid_lawn!iphone | valetudo07:37
ubottuvaletudo: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod07:37
MasonBSave those to a flash drive Jordan?07:37
morphlesis there a way to boot ubuntu (posibli by editign grub entry in grub menu) into kinda emergency/single user mode, that would have root filesystem mounted readonly or not mounted at all, and would that mode have dd available?07:38
smwMasonB, can you plug into the network?07:38
MasonBi don't have a home connection07:38
MasonBi use wifi07:38
XxcvfxXG1bs0N, wireless networks still dont show up07:38
Jordan_UMasonB: Yes.07:38
MasonBok, now once they are on the desktop what do i do?07:39
MasonBInstall them?07:39
smwMasonB, are you sure you have a broadcom wireless chip?07:39
MasonBI have broadcom BCM43xx07:39
G1bs0NXxcvfxX : your out of range or07:39
yaccmorphles, well, the option 1 should boot you into init level 1, but no idea if that applies with modern distros anymore. "init=/bin/sh rw" added to the kernel cmdline should give you the shell as "init process" and rw mounted root fs, again no idea how it interacts with initrd ;)07:39
G1bs0NXxcvfxX : its a driver configuration07:40
AndymanHi, did anyone here install vmware sever 2.02 on Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS?07:40
smwMasonB, the easiest way is to find a place to plugin and run the hardware driver manager.07:40
mrpinkyHi, I accidentally "remove from panel" my volume control, how can I get it back?07:40
G1bs0Nandyman: ya07:40
smwMasonB, or install b43-fwcutter (but that still needs internet to install)07:40
morphlesyacc: well i need root o not be mounted or to be mounted readonly :) since i winat to copy hdd image of whole drive containing root filesystem07:40
Jordan_UMasonB: You open a terminal and run "sudo tar -C /lib/firmware -xf Desktop/b43-firmware-lucid.tar.gz; sudo tar -C /lib/firmware -xf Desktop/b43legacy-firmware-lucid.tar.gz"07:40
AndymanG1bs0N: Did you get it working properly? I managed to install it using raducotescu's script but I cannot reach the guest from the host.07:41
XxcvfxXG1bs0N, im right next to my router07:41
XxcvfxXG1bs0N, and it still dosent show up07:41
G1bs0Nandyman: yea I am having issues try a fresh install07:42
G1bs0NXxcvfxX : its the driver07:42
G1bs0NXxcvfxX : or the usb adapter i have the same issue with one of mine07:43
G1bs0NXxcvfxX : try iwlist wlan0 frequency07:44
mrpinkyHi, I accidentally "remove from panel" my volume control, how can I get it back?07:44
AndymanG1bs0N: Fresh install of vmware or Ubuntu? Ubuntu was installed a month ago and is up-to-date. I reinstalled vmware several times because I cannot reach the guest.. It seems the virtual network switch isn't working properly.07:44
yaccmorphles, well, do you use LVM?07:44
MasonBJordan_U: will that make my Linux able to use wireless internet?07:44
Blue1mrpinky: private message okay?07:44
yaccmorphles, then replace rw with ro07:44
Jordan_UMasonB: Hopefully, yes.07:44
mrpinkyBlue1, of course :)07:45
MasonBi be right back07:45
XxcvfxXG1bs0N, k now what?07:45
Jordan_Umorphles: Any reason you can't use a LiveCD?07:46
morphlesyacc: lvm as in? dunno probably not, if that requires any special steps07:46
yaccmorphles, btw, it's not nice, but as long as the system is idle (single user mode), you can do a backup with a mounted root fs => on restore the kernel will do just a log replay, no problem => the critical thing is that the fs needs to be idle through the whole backup.07:46
morphleswell whe place where ill be copyng images migth not have cdroms07:46
yaccmorphles, well the normal installer does not create it.07:46
G1bs0NXxcvfxX : type iwlist07:46
G1bs0NXxcvfxX : type iwlist look at options07:46
morphlesthose are quite oldish pcs at school that likely have thier cdroms broken :)07:46
yaccmorphles, LVM would allow you to do a consistent backup on a running system by doing a snapshot of the root filesystem logical volume ;)07:46
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morphlesand it would do to where? network?07:47
yaccmorphles, without LVM you need to get the system idle enough that nothing is writing to the fs for the whole time of the backup, ...07:47
yaccmorphles, LVM just creates a snapshot, what you do with that "other" block device is up to you.07:47
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morphlesbut i doubt those pcs have enough ram and or hdd space well the have only one hdd that is fully used07:48
yaccmorphles, so you can create /dev/vg00/root_fs_snapshot that is a consistent atomic snapshot of /dev/vg00/root_fs and you can than backup that.07:48
yaccmorphles, well, what are you trying to do?07:48
prakashhi any one there ?07:48
morphleswell i have hdd that has to be duplicated to severl pcs07:49
Krowten:) hello07:49
G1bs0Ndam 1337 people in here07:49
morphlesas in fully07:49
ibrahim-kasem guys do you know how to wvdial ? or gnome-ppp ?07:49
morphleswith dd if=/dev/sda07:49
FloodBot3G1bs0N: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:49
morphlesso im probably stuck with livecds :)07:49
G1bs0NThe ubuntu channel is at 133707:49
yaccmorphles, using what media? network? external USB hdd? DVDs?07:49
morphlesmost likely i connect empty/unprepared drives to system having prepared drive07:50
morphlesi cant relly on the network there07:50
XxcvfxXhow do u create ur own chat channel?07:51
morphlesXxcvfxX: you should google irc 101 maybe? :)07:51
MadpilotXxcvfxX, if you /join a channel that doesn't already exist, it gets created as you join it. It'll vanish as soon as it's empty again.07:51
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well_laid_lawnXxcvfxX: type /j #XxcvfxX   and see07:52
yaccmorphles, well than just use a live cd, copy /dev/sda to /dev/sdb or whatever, mount it, and fix /etc as needed (you do not want all boxes to come up with the same hostname or say the same static IP), ...07:53
morphleswell its dhcp to ips shouldnt be problem07:53
=== flashkidd_ is now known as flashkidd
neil_dI have a new laptop :) ... I have installed 10.04 :)... I am trying to get it playing DVDs ... I have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras plus mplayer mencode and vlc... I have run the /usr/share/doc/libdvdread/install/install-css.sh ... both mplayer and lsdvd report an error like "libdvdread: CHECK_VALUE failed in /buid/buildd/libdvdread-4.1.3/src/ifo_read.c...." can anyone help?07:54
Jordan_Uneil_d: Are there any io errors in dmesg?07:55
gsedejhi! Have Kubuntu 10.04. VLC is not supposed to run as root. How to open file on my mounted sshfs?07:59
neil_dJordan_U: maybe this is important I have several '[sr0] Add. Sense: Media region code is mismatched to logical unit region'08:00
AerecJust installed ubuntu for the first time08:01
AerecNo idea what im doing...is this the right channel to get some help?08:01
neil_dJordan_U: as this computer boots windows 7 maybe it has set the region of the DVD to an incorrect value.08:03
yaccAerec, just ask, ...08:05
skumarai'm using acer 4741z. just install ubuntu lucid amd64. ubuntu did not detect the wifi. iwconfig says no wireless extension. somebody help/08:06
gopher2x can someone suggest a chat room where i can get general help using make for a C (not c++) program?08:07
skumarai'm using acer 4741z. just install ubuntu lucid amd64. ubuntu did not detect the wifi. iwconfig says no wireless extension. somebody help?08:07
morphlesgopher2x:  try googlin make tutorial08:07
morphleswill be more usefull08:08
Aerecno clue where to start yacc...I cant even figure out how to install software08:08
Aereccant even find software I downloaded08:08
yaccAerec, well, with Linux you usually just don't download software and install it, you use the software management tool.08:09
Aerecthe synaptic package manager?08:09
yaccSo in the Ubuntu menu you should have a point like Software, e.g. synaptic ;)08:09
Aerecya I found that08:09
Aerecclicked on xchat08:09
Aerecit installed some files I think08:10
Aerecno idea where to find xchat if it did install08:10
yaccAerec, the point is, with Linux you've got basicall the following sorts of software: packages prepackaged for your distribution, source distributed packages that you need to compile/install and the last one would be 3rd party binary installers, which are usually seldom.08:10
yaccAerec, press Alt-F2 and type xchat [Enter]08:10
yaccAerec, it will give you an error if you have it not installed or start xchat.08:11
Aerecoh nice08:11
yaccAerec, I'd expect it to be in the Internet group of the menu, btw, ...08:11
Aerecthat worked08:11
Aerecwhat would be the same as windows c drive? or is ubuntu completely different?08:12
piaocni  got an Intel 5100agn Wireless card and i want to change its MAC address to 0000000000e4 automaticly when ubuntu starts and before it searches and connects to the network  , what should i do...08:12
yaccAerec, one of the issues that make Linux support such a pain is that it by default translates itself, so I cannot tell you the exact strings you have to look for, because my Gnome uses German strings, ...08:12
yaccAerec, Unix/Linux has no concept of drives.08:12
yaccAerec, In Unix you have the filesystem and "partitions/drives" can be mounted somewhere, ...08:13
ry0nmaybe they mean "physical disk" when they say drive.08:13
yaccAerec, so if you have say a Windows C: on the box, I'd expect it somewhere in /media/ to be mounted.08:13
yaccry0n, still, Unix has no concept of "drive letter" as CPM/DOS/Windows ;)08:14
ranjanHi all is there any problem with the plymouth of ubuntu lucid??? In my laptop sometimes it doesnt shows the plymouth at all.08:14
yaccAerec, so your home directory is usually in /home/USERNAME08:14
piaocnso no one can help....08:14
morphlesunix way is better :)08:14
yaccAerec, software is installed under different prefixes (/, /usr, /usr/local or /opt) depending upon a number of properties, but you do not care usually, because the PATH is setup so that it will just find the program as needed.08:15
yaccmorphles, well modern Windowses can also mount devices onto some directory.08:15
earthmeLonpiaocn /etc/network/interfaces.  research hwaddress08:15
morphlesthey have that ability but thats not default :)08:16
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AerecI tried to view youtube08:16
Aerecsays I need flash08:16
yaccAerec, in Gnome all devices (e.g. Windows partitions, USB storage devices, ...) should show up as icons on your desktop, just double click on them.08:16
yaccsynaptic => search for flash08:16
morphlesbut the thing that makes me dispise windows most is registry, and its kinda sad for me that gnome is trying something very much like registry :(08:16
morphleseverything is file ftw  :D08:17
yaccmorphles, well, I switch from time to time, when I cannot fathom Gnome or KDE anymore to something like ion3 ;)08:17
morphlesi used to be big fan of fluxbox, well still amd, but iuse kde :)08:18
yaccmorphles, that's not completely true, in some ways, e.g. SysV IPC does not follow the "everything has a file handle" philosophy, but yes, ...08:18
morphlesalthough kde is in sory state on ubuntu :(08:18
Aerecthnx for the help yacc...im liking Ubuntu a lot more then win7 now :)08:18
loxsis there some meta-package to install all that is needed to compile programs?08:18
earthmeLonloxs build-essential08:19
earthmeLonloxs and if you need something to edit files in, try geany08:20
yaccmorphles, basically ioctl is the syscall that kills somehow the everything is a file dream, ...08:20
loxsearthmeLon, no, thanks, I have Emacs :D08:20
Aerecwhere can i view the current system resource usage?08:20
ibrahim-kasemdid you try installing nokia pc suit using wine ??08:20
morphleshm im not too familiar with ioctl08:20
neil_dI think "windows 7" might have changed the region of my DVD drive in my new laptop :(  how can I find out what region it is now set to?08:20
yaccAerec, why would you care?08:21
yaccAerec, there are probably a number of GUI apps for this somewhere in the Gnome menu, but it's usually really not an issue.08:21
GuyCanadai think the region stuff goes beyond software. i dont think u can jsut up and change it. at least without a lot of effort08:21
etherealiteRegion doesn't even matter08:22
GuyCanadanot that i know anyhting about it but if it were so easy everyone would be switching their dvd regions to places where its easy to pirate dvds id imagine08:22
GuyCanadaagain. i know litterally nothing but thats my thinking08:22
yaccAerec, plus "resources" in the Windows sense there aren't any. There are stuff like CPU load or memory usage, and especially this is often misinterpreted => free memory on a Linux box as such is bad => much better to use it for cache, ...08:22
yaccAerec, but WindowsXP users complain usually that all the memory is taken rather quickly, ...08:23
etherealitepretty sure that if all your doing is playing movies with Linux, then region doesn't matter at all.08:23
yaccAerec, but in fact that's a good thing.08:23
BSanders84normally you can only change your region like 3 or 4 times i believe...08:23
earthmeLonDVDBurning/playing is still affected by region, eh?08:23
Simeon_HI hate cyberlink so much08:24
etherealiteunless your using commercial DVD playinga and burning software, I don't see what the problem is08:24
Aerecneil_d you can download DISC info and it will tell you what region ur drive is08:24
etherealitedon't use cyberlink, its awful.08:24
Simeon_Hhas anybody ever gotten powerdvd linux to work in lucid?08:24
etherealitewhy would yo uwant to?08:24
Simeon_Hwell I'm $50 poorer now08:24
Simeon_HI don't even remember why I bought it08:25
etherealiteSimeon_H I don't see how your making such a big deal out of a non issue.08:25
Simeon_HI was probably drunk08:25
morphlesthose region codes are retarded...08:25
Simeon_Hbut I bought it08:25
Simeon_Hand I want the software I paid for to work08:25
etherealitesoftware you never should have paid for08:26
etherealiteor use08:26
Aerecwow, think I just fell in love with ubuntu08:26
loxsearthmeLon, build-essential didn't install aclocal, automake, autoconf08:26
Aereclooking at this system monitor, my cpu isnt going over 2%...windows7 I would run about ~30% with the same amount of windows open08:28
yaccetherealite, region code nowadays is implemented in the DVD hardware, so it applies to Linux too, sorry, complain to Hollywood ;)08:28
earthmeLonloxs.  Im pretty sure build-essential (sudo apt-get install build-essential) will install those.  You can check the build-essential package page08:28
Simeon_Hnero linux was certainly worth the money though08:28
etherealiteyacc you mus be kidding me08:28
yaccetherealite, nope, the fact that it's done in hardware has been mandated nowadays for quite some time, ...08:28
yaccetherealite, so some people end up with having multiple DVD drives.08:29
skumarai'm using acer 4741z. just install ubuntu lucid amd64. ubuntu did not detect the wifi. iwconfig says no wireless extension?08:29
Aerecyacc If I wanna uninstall something what would I do?08:29
yaccetherealite, well, I personally dislike hardware media anyway, prefer to rip it to my dreambox, anyway.08:29
yaccAerec, synaptic08:29
etherealiteyacc, so you can't rip the image at all without proper region?08:29
Simeon_Hif you're talking about the region coding it is possible to reflash your drive08:29
Simeon_Hwhich will at least reset the counter08:30
Aerecdvd reagion killer08:30
Aerecunlock ur drive08:30
yaccetherealite, yeah, it all depends slightly on the hardware, not every vendor implements it as hardcore, but yes.08:30
Simeon_Hand usually you can downgrade to RCP108:30
yaccSimeon_H, that depends upon the drive.08:30
Aerecdvd region* killer08:30
etherealiteoh man, this is very saddening08:30
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Simeon_Hor if you're handy with a soldering iron like me you can probably modchip it somehow08:31
yaccetherealite, not really, the sad part is that with a 100mbit cable connection, dvds start to be so yesterday, ...08:31
etherealiteyacc who has 100mbit in the usa08:31
neil_dAerec: how do I download DISK info?08:31
morphlesand movie companies wonder why people go the way of "piracy"08:31
yaccetherealite, well, what shall I say, in Europe you can usually only get it in cities, ...08:31
etherealiteyacc can you steal it like in the USA?08:32
yaccetherealite, e.g. my dad in the suburbs can get only 50mbit or so.08:32
robertwallubottu: ot08:32
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:32
robertwallubottu: piracy08:32
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o08:32
skumarais this ubuntu support channel?08:32
Aerecgoogle it neil_d08:33
Aerecur using widows right?08:33
Simeon_HI reserve my right to make backups of my dvd's so I can carry them around without worrying if they get damaged08:33
skumaragot anyone know how to enable wireless in laptop?08:33
Simeon_Heven if I don't legally have that right08:33
Aerecassuming u are since u said "ur windows7 changed something"08:33
morphlesskumara: id say if it doesnt work right out the box chances are good it will hardly work08:33
morphlesor will at least need good deal of tinkering08:34
skumaraoh .. boy. i just bought this laptop!!!08:34
=== babu is now known as babu__
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Aerecskumara most laptops have a key with a blue Fn on it or some other lettering and another key like one of the Fkeys will toggle the wifi08:34
techwizrdIs there any way I can remap a drag right-click to emulate a scroll wheel? My bamboo pen tablet has no scrolling functionality and it's quite irksome. Any ideas?08:34
yaccSimeon_H, don't want to kill your dreams, but see the copyright EU directive and the DMCA, you have no right to break DRM systems just to backup.08:34
abhijithiyaaa!!! :)08:35
Simeon_Has I said, I don't care if I don't have the right, I still reserve it08:35
Simeon_Hplus I'm not covered by either of those laws08:35
Blue1is there a port that needs to be open in my router to do irc file transfers?08:35
morphlestechwizrd: probably there is , in linux ther is a way for almost anything:D but i dont know how one goes about doing that08:35
babu__whenever i tried to modify the tag using easytag,it shows an error as the file may be read-only,don't have permission to edit the file......wat to do08:36
morphlesBlue1: i suggest googlgink irc dcc08:36
skumaraAerec, that icon u said enable my bluetooth, but it does not enable wifi. in windows that button bring up a menu that can enable both bluetooth and wifi.08:36
neil_dAerec: I have been using google for the last couple of hours... It seems the the DVD vendor Matshita might be enforcing region encoding in the firmware.08:36
Blue1morphles: no, I new client wont fix it - we've tried it with xchat and pidgin 0- no worka08:36
morphlesBlue1:  im not suggesting new client...08:36
skumarais the any way we can reconfigure the Fn button function?08:37
morphlesdcc is protocl witch is used to send file over irc08:37
Aerecneil_d -> http://discinfo.rpc1.org/08:37
morphlesgoogle about it and youll find port needed08:37
morphlesi guess08:37
morphlesbut im not sure08:37
FloodBot3morphles: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:37
techwizrdmorphles: I was thinking I could edit my xorg.conf, but the relevant options only apply to /dev/input/mice, not /dev/input/wacom.08:37
Blue1morphles: sorry that is beyond my knowledge level then08:37
abhijitfrom the first day of my ubuntu i have used this scheme: default account for admin purpose and new standard non-sudo accoutn for me for day to day use. is it the recommended way? or i just use the default admin account as my day to day purpose account?08:37
abhijitsuggestion ^^08:37
Aerecthat will tell you what region you are on, if you need to you can use DVD Region Killer to unlock the drive08:37
Simeon_Hmaybe, just maybe if I recompile python2.5 from source and break everything powerdvd will work08:38
etherealiteHey, I've got a dual head system, both systems have completely different aspect ratios. Therefore there is a large amount of non-visible desktop area. Is there a way I can keep my self from dragging windows into this area and loosing them?08:38
babu__pls reply for me08:38
abhijitsuggestion pleas?08:39
morphlesBlue1: enter "irc dcc port forwarding" in gogloe without (") and read first link, should give you an idea, althoug its about mirc i think youll be able to handle that ;)08:39
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Blue1morphles: I will have to research it - I have never seen googlgink08:40
morphlesBlue1: what i meant is first result of search08:41
morphlesabhijit: your ways is not bad :) but i wouldnt worry too much of using sudoing account as default, but using other user is safer08:42
abhijitmorphles, yah08:42
blue-frogtrying to restrict login hours for the user "test". Added   ssh;*;test;Al0900-1000    to /etc/security/time.conf  and added    account requisite pam_time.so  in /etc/pam.d/common-account  (I also tried in /etc/pam.d/login). I even rebooted the computer afterwards. The user "test" can still ssh while the time restriction should occur. What am I missing?08:43
Aerecis there a good video converter for ubuntu?08:44
abhijitAerec, mobile media convertor08:44
morphlesAerec: tryy searching for mencoder gui or frontend i guess08:44
Blue1morphles: wa kari masu.  domo08:44
morphlesBlue1:  :D08:45
yaccAerec, that depends, you start with avidemux08:45
Kangarooohello whats the name of programm that every 20-30 comp startups makes filesystem check?08:45
yaccAerec, there are a number of commandline tools that are quite useful if you need to do batch converting, ...08:46
robertwallKangarooo: fsck08:46
yacc(e.g. mencoder that can play almost anything as mplayer and encode it)08:46
morphlesyeah mplayer mencoder are super programas :D08:46
Kangarooorobertwall: can u tell me also package name? tryd finding using whereis fsck didnt helped08:47
Aereceh accidently closed irc...I missed the answer if anyone responded, whats a good video converter for ubuntu?08:48
robertwallKangarooo: Depends on the filesystem you're using. What are you trying to do that's prompting these questions?08:48
morphlesdoes ubuntu still dont have ability to fetch dist upgrade packages using torrents?08:48
abhijitAerec, mobile media convertor08:48
morphlesAerec:  or some gui / frontend for mencoder08:48
morphles or just mencoder if you can handle it :D08:48
Aerecmobile? does that deal with just mobile formats?08:48
abhijitAerec, it deals with all formats08:49
Kangarooorobertwall: i want to post bug report about programm that runs on every20-30 startup checking filesystem i have ext408:49
robertwallKangarooo: e2fsprogs08:49
yaccAerec, avidemux is okay for some stuff too.08:49
Kangarooothx robertwall08:49
morphlesso is there any way to fetch packages needed for distribution upgrade using torrents?08:50
Ichatwhen i want to connect to  smb shares on windows 7 professional  -  its seams that i cant connect to the shares most of the time ...    givving me a dbus error ...  i allready de-installed MSN-Live (all components).  but to no luck.. i seam to be able to list al shares but mounting them fails. i worked before but now i doesn't ...  any tips where to look would be helpfull i guess.08:51
robertwallmorphles: nope. The only supported way to upgrade from one version of Ubuntu to another is with the upgrade tool, which only supports direct downloads.08:52
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade08:52
Ichatcant you upgrade from cdrom??08:52
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abhijitIchat, you can08:52
ikoniaIchat: you can if you use the alternative cd08:52
Ichatwell torrent the ISO mount it and upgrade than - right?08:53
morphlesbut it will be just part of packages as i understand08:53
abhijit!alternate | Ichat08:53
ubottuIchat: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal08:53
PaxI screwed up my video on startup.  I'm in recovery mode right now, but the only option that works is "run Ubuntu in low resolution mode for one session".  Preferences -> Monitor won't let me change resolution.  How can I get Ubuntu to redetect graphics?08:53
morphlesPax:  whats your video card?08:53
PaxATI Radeon 1800XL All-In-Wonder08:55
Ichatpax,  removing xorg.conf  could do the trick   -08:55
morphlesPax: well i have no expirience with ati so i cant help08:55
PaxIt WAS working, but I messed up my configuration.08:55
morphlesPax: maybe you have beckup?08:56
Pax-lchat Just remove xorg.conf, then reboot?08:56
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Ichatif it doesn't work ati uses its own configuration... in that case  removing xorgs config file first and uninstalling / reinstalling the ati driver should do08:57
Pax'morples No backup I know of.08:57
morphlesno need tyo reboot i think, just sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart08:57
PaxWhere is xorg.conf?08:57
Ichat(remember if uninstalling ati driver.... to 'make it completely removing it (thus WITH the conig files)08:58
morphleshm Pax how did you mess up your config while not knowing where xorg.conf is?08:58
Ichatmorphles:  -  gui :)08:58
morphles :)08:58
morphlestrminal ftw :)08:58
PaxWas trying to resize Ubuntu bigger, and WinXP smaller.08:59
Ichat$   /etc/x11/xorg.conf   (i think)08:59
yaccmorphles, well, I'd guess that the upgrade tool does internally an apt-get dist-upgrade too, after fixing the configuration files, so you can probably use apt-torrent as a source. OTOH, why do you care? *g*08:59
morphlesyacc: i have quite slow net connection, and torrents are much more flexible :)08:59
Ichatyacc:  - is there an apt-torrent :$ - lol really???09:00
yaccmorphles, well, torrents with a slow net connection are still slow.09:00
yaccIchat, yeah, although I never managed to set it up, ...09:01
morphlesbut they are better at resuming09:01
morphlesspeed managment etc09:01
Aerechow do u do the cube rotation effect?09:01
yaccIchat, I can live well enough with a locla mirror.09:01
yaccmorphles, not really.09:01
morphlesAerec: you need compiz09:01
AerecI have it set up already...just dont know how to actually do it09:01
yaccmorphles, http can easily resume and apt does use the Range header.09:01
PaxHmmm, no /etc/x11/xorg.conf   - do have xorg.conf.failsafe09:01
morphlesAerec: check configuration, and see what are the bindings, if its enabled it most likely is ctrl+alt+mouseclick and drag09:02
yaccmorphles, and TCP has builtin bandwidth management that torrents don't have, well with torrents it partially depends upon your client.09:02
morphlesyacc: i just basicly runt upgrade tool trhour severl days?09:02
morphlesrun it then cancel then run it again nex day, all should be well?09:02
yaccmorphles, well the upgrade tool first downloads all needed packages, and then it does apply the packages.09:03
soreauPax: Can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log from the failed session?09:03
blue-frog*;*;test;!Al0900-1000  works  but   ssh;*;test;!Al0900-1000  does not (meaning test can ssh).  An idea?09:03
yaccmorphles, actually not sure about that, but if the upgrade tool gets aborted, the worst that can happen is that you will need to run apt-get dist-upgrade yourself, ...09:03
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morphlesor best i take my pc to may gf, she has awsome connection :D dlding will be doen in no time :D09:03
yaccmorphles, define awesome ;)09:04
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morphles 10Mbit i think :)09:05
morphlescompared to my ~1Mbit :D09:05
Jigalhow to install java6openjdk?09:05
morphlesJigal: probably as any other stuf? using synaptic09:05
Jigalmorphles, found it $ sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre09:06
babu__whenever i tried to modify the tag using easytag,it shows an error as the file may be read-only,don't have permission to edit the file......wat to do09:07
yaccJigal, that's just the cmdline equivalent of synaptic09:07
Aerecone of the keybindings is <super>e09:07
Aerecwhat is that?09:07
Ichatyacc:  -  i never understood why  torrent isn't used  for dist-upgrade  and  new iso releases   - i can emagin that some poeple rahter not have to pay for upload, but it would be usefull for download speeds of it was made harder for people to NOT choos http/ftp downloads.09:07
yaccIchat, that's not really true.09:08
yaccIchat, torrents work only good for stable files.09:08
yaccIchat, because most users have a much bigger down-pipe.09:08
morphlesyacc: but most user wont be downloading packages all the time while they could seed for much longer09:09
yaccIchat, hence for "new files" where 99.999% of the users want to fetch it, you won't have much better download rates than the average upload rate of all interested peers, ...09:09
morphlesevent if every user just givs 5KBps if you have 100k users its quite some :09:09
yaccmorphles, well, actually most users will want to have the upgrades ASAP => so you'll be usually in "initial seeding" mode which is slow.09:10
yaccmorphles, just take any random file from a tracker, that is new and has only one seeder and see how fast you can download.09:10
morphleswell upload could be not capped while user is also downloading packages09:10
morphlesyeah i know09:10
fourcolorshi, I just installed a ubuntu server and am setting up passenger, just wondering where I should be putting my passenger.config file (Best Practices wise that is009:10
morphlesbut original seed would be on couple of ubuntu servers09:10
fourcolorsalso are there any special commands I should know about09:10
morphlesand could give enough of start boost09:10
morphlesit wouldnt be some poor person with 10Mbps  upload :)09:11
yaccmorphles, as I have a 100/10mbit connection, I often download such files with 50KB while uploading with >500KB/s to other peers => good for the ratio, but not as fast as a dedicated distributed server network (which is what Ubuntu mirrors amount to).09:11
Ichat5kb per user, would still be 5% overall increase in speeds,   - it would offload the servers for quite a bit..     - without costing to mutch.09:11
Ichatnote any mbit saved on the ubuntu servers  save cononical money...... cash better spend on the devolopment of new code for the next version09:12
yaccIchat, again, torrents are used for CD/DVD images which are relatively longliving. deb packages OTOH, often can change multiple times daily, ...09:12
morphlesyeah i think i stand correct yacc seems to be very correct :09:13
yaccIchat, but Ubuntu is not delivered mostly from Canonical, it's delivered mostly from mirror servers that are usually sponsored by somebody else.09:13
fam_Can we have a short thread in german here?09:13
ikoniaplease use ubuntu-de for german chat09:14
Ichatyacc, thats why i talked about distupgrades and  iso only - those are  big packages  and everybody wants them at teh same time09:14
yaccBut distupgrades are dynamic too.09:15
yaccand isos are done already via torrents.09:15
yaccdist-upgrade is dynamic.09:15
yaccIf you do and distribution upgrade it will upgrade to the newest versions of the relevant packages.09:15
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ZERO_COOLNo HDMI output from laptop?09:17
Jigalhello trying to instal java6openjdk but it is installed already but lib/tools.jar isn't there09:17
Jigalwhat to do09:17
mikebeechamguys...how stable is Maverick at the moment?  I'm thinking of upgrading, but not sure if I should09:18
abhijitis basket no more developed?09:18
trijntje!+1 | mikebeecham09:18
neil_dAerec: well that program doesn't seem to run on windows 709:19
abhijit!10.10 | mikebeecham09:19
ubottumikebeecham: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:19
trijntjethanks abhijit09:19
abhijittrijntje, :)09:19
mikebeechamabhijit: then that answers the question :D09:19
abhijitmikebeecham, yes. :D09:19
mikebeechamjust in time for my birthday though, which should be a nice surprise...I hope09:19
ZERO_COOLLucid Lynx no HDMI output from laptop with a Radeon HD 3200M?09:20
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Gangrelcan someone help me with my wireless card? its levelone WNC-301 pci suddenly it vanished from the network manager09:23
morphlesGangrel: sudenly? as in after update or as in after i accidently swirch off wireles switch? :)09:24
Gangrelmorphles after desktop restart09:25
dr770hello I just installed a new ethernet card and ubuntu lucid doesnt see it with network-manager09:25
Gangreland it is as it doesn't exist09:26
morphles weird maybe driver didnt load for some reason, i dont have any other ideas09:26
Gangrelmorphles any idea?09:26
Gangrelbtw how can i see my devices ? i mean what is the command for the terminal09:27
morphlesnot realy, try reboot once more if it persists tyr asking someone else, or looking at dmesg and such09:27
ibrahim-kasemI am trying to install nokia software updater using wine but it is blocked !09:27
Ichatibrahim-kasem:  -  id recomend,  running from inside windows (xp)  ....  you can install xp in for example  virtualbox..09:29
ibrahim-kasemIchat, I only have ubuntu now09:29
ibrahim-kasemIchat, you are right virtual box is much better or installing it on another windows machine but that option is not available09:30
Ichatin that case youd be better of  going to a nokia service point09:31
abhijitwho uses basket?09:32
ibrahim-kasemIchat, this will cost me 14$ I'd rather updating my software online hahah thank you.09:32
yessir_turanHi, how can i install vi 7.3 on ubuntu?09:33
yessir_turan*vim 7.309:33
Ichatibrahim-kasem:  in that case you could aways download a  trial version (of windows) from say   the pirate bay ;) )09:33
Ichatmost (new) versions of windows support a  30day non activated trial period09:33
trijntjeIchat, please dont discuss those topics here09:34
Ichattrijntje,  its not illigal09:34
Ichatas long as you dont use, pirrated  licence keys or sutch.09:34
lost_and_unfoundgreetings all, what is the best way in terminal to check diskspace usage per partition ?09:35
trijntjelost_and_unfound, sudo fdisk -l09:35
lost_and_unfoundtrijntje: sorry, I meant disk usage09:36
trijntjeIchat, thats debatable, its not like you can go to microsoft.com to download I trial, as far as I know09:37
Ichattrijntje looking for the weblink now,  .....09:38
Ichatits there or it used to be there ... -09:39
lost_and_unfoundi have gone thru multiple df / du commands... my / is full and i cannot seem to find a simple application / command in CLI to show me which directory is the space hog. The /home/ is also being processed in the du command that makes troubleshooting a bit more complex to find the culprit09:39
endrihi i use slim and xfce. how can i change the system language? i want different languages for different users... maybe some command line...09:39
trijntjeIchat, well there used to be a win7 beta/rc that was free to download09:41
ikoniaguys - this isn't an ubuntu issue, can you please take it to ##windows09:42
Ichatsorry mate your right09:42
trijntjeill stop talking too ;)09:43
ikoniathanks guys09:43
Hey_nekenHi, I've bought a new Dell R610 server (2x xeon 5520 16gb) and made a 10.04 server installation. I've serious performance problems with KVM. Is there any known bug related? (i've searched on launchpad and got nothing)09:44
ikoniaHey_neken: make sure virtualisation on the cpu is enabled in the bios09:45
Hey_nekenikonia, it is09:45
ikoniaHey_neken: what sort of performance issues are you having, visual performance issues, or physical processing in the vm issues09:45
Hey_nekenikonia, processing09:46
ikoniaHey_neken: can you give me an example ?09:46
Hey_nekenjust to compare to the old server (a xeon 3302) i created a new vm with 1 cpu and 512 on each server and the old server with 9.04 is 6x faster09:46
Hey_nekeninstalling ubuntu09:46
ikoniaok - forget the install routine, can you give me an example of it struggling with processing09:47
Hey_nekenikonia, made a cp of a vm from the old to the new server. a vm with a mysql server on it and the app cry at start time on the new server09:48
ikoniaplease explain better than "cry"09:48
Hey_neken10times slower09:48
ikoniaHey_neken: ok - so please explain how you know that is processing09:49
abhijitwho uses basket?09:49
Hey_nekenikonia, the same VM on a newer and faster machine is slower, what else can it be?09:50
ikoniaHey_neken: it can be many things,09:50
ikoniaHey_neken: hence why I'm asking how you know it's processing09:50
hateballIs there a way to tell Nautilus which iocharset to use when doing a cifs.mount? I need to specify utf-8, which works via CLI but that requires root to mount.09:51
Hey_nekenikonia, they are in the same network attached to the same switch; the same VM has been used to test the same app on the same version; on the 10.04 install I've no other "big" process running, its a fresh install with minimun gnome to user virt-manager09:51
ikoniaHey_neken: ok, so monitor the processors in the virtual machine AND on the host at the same time while you are working/having problems, see if there are any differences in behaviour, or any corolation, that can guide you as to where there are potential issues09:52
Hey_nekenikonia, ok, will09:53
ikoniaHey_neken: got to shoot off now.09:53
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bytesaberany macbook users?   my /sys/class/backlight/ is empty09:57
bytesabertrying to get my brightness controlls back09:58
bytesaberi can modprobe hal_nvidia_bl but there is no device for it to connect to09:58
Funhousei love ubuntu09:58
Funhousewindows is a thing of the past now09:58
ibrahim-kasemwhy there is always new versions of ubuntu in short time ?? 9.10 > 10.04 and now 10.10 ?09:59
ibrahim-kasemi mean in two months 10.1009:59
wurlingtoncuz ubuntu rawks10:00
sachoibrahim-kasem: the short release cycle keeps ubuntu up-to-date with the latest software, for example. You are not really required to upgrade...ie you could just jump from LTS to LTS10:01
wurlingtonsacho, its cuz ubuntu rawks k10:01
wurlingtoni didnt even know there was a 10.10 though, im still on 10.0410:02
sachoWell, there isn't, yet. 10.10 is in development and scheduled to be released in october(that's what the .10 means)10:02
wurlingtonwhat is the length of time from 10.04 to 10.10?10:03
wurlingtonis it the six months?10:03
bobthemilkman6 months.10:03
wurlingtoncool, then all is on schedule10:04
bobthemilkmanUbuntu is released every 6 months, in April (04) and October (10), hence the X.04 and X.1010:04
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bobthemilkman10.04 was released in April 2010. Quite an interesting numbering scheme.10:04
younderWhen running World of Warcraft (WoW)) under wine the sund intermittently cuts out. I get it back for a while if toggle between system default/default in the sound menu. Anyone know a fix for this?10:06
wurlingtonwhat is this s/sund/sound/ thing? i have been seeing a lot of similar activity10:06
wurlingtonis there a glitch in the matrix10:07
well_laid_lawnit's called regex10:07
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wurlingtonahh, gotcha10:08
younderit means subsitute sound for sund. Thus correcting the spelling mistake in the statement above10:08
well_laid_lawnregex=REGular EXpression10:08
alesando you know of a *working* rdate server?10:09
wurlingtonyea, gotcha younder , well_laid_lawn , thanks10:09
alesanI cannot find one that works with rdate -s10:09
younderalesan, find a what?10:10
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lost_and_unfoundhttp://pastebin.org/567700 - having disk usage issues on '/' any suggestions how to narrow down the search or better tools to manage this better ?10:11
younderI got a boot issue as well. Get a warning on startup program?? wont load. I suspect the primary boot partion is damaged and that it is booting from the seconady (backup) boot partion. How can I get the primary boot partion reinstalled? (After correcting for any damaged sectors..)10:13
jimlovell777I was recently given a media center PC that uses a 64 bit dual core AMD CPU. The computer has less than four gigs of RAM. I've tried 6 flavors of Linux, some Ubuntu, Fedora, etc... All run in low graphics mode to install and never boot fully again. I know this is a hot button issue but am I losing a noticeable amount of performance by installing the 32bit version of Ubuntu? It seems to have better support, right?10:14
qUaNtiC_hi i finally found the driver for my internet key, but i need to install it manually without using any automatic software, how do i do that?10:15
collabrajimlovell777: I've been running kubuntu since 10.04 and I have had no stability or support issues.10:16
collabrajimlovell777: sorry i'm running the 64 bit edition10:16
Guest28233kubuntu 10.04 is having some issues with me too10:16
younderjimlovell777, Well 32 bit is of course slower than 64 bit.. It also uses less RAm. But 4 gigs should be plenty.10:16
Guest28233its working slow in my pc10:16
younderjimlovell777, Anyhow 64 bit should be well supported by now.10:17
collabrai love kubuntu 64 bit,... never have had any problems or issues...10:17
jimlovell777collabra: Yea I've been using Ubuntu and other versions of Linux exclusively for years with no problems I couldn't solve. This one computer seems to be an exception to the norm.10:17
younderjimlovell777, If you do find a program compiled for 32 bit get the source and recompile it. ./configure should usually do all the configuring automatically.10:18
collabrathis system, for me, has been the most stable system i've used,....10:18
jimlovell777collabra: I might give kubuntu a try, it did just occur to me I've been trying mostly gnome based distrobutions.10:18
billy_Network:   Card-1 RaLink RT2561/RT61 rev B 802.11g driver rt61pci v: 2.3.010:18
billy_           Card-2 Realtek RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller driver r8169 v: 2.3LK-NAPI at port d00010:18
younderjimlovell777, so you cot the usual: :./configure && make && make install10:19
collabraeven windows couldn't be as stable as this machine10:19
collabranever have i had any sort of freeze or hang or problem10:19
youndercollabra, even windows.. :)10:19
collabrathe worst i've had happen is my mouse freeze for 10 to 20 seconds,... but it has always recovered,... from everything i've put it through10:20
collabrawindows could NEVER run the heavy data intense apps i've used10:20
dabukalamif a package "predepends" another package, what does that mean?10:21
youndercollabra, Oh you have the hardware misconfigured. The hand is caused by two devices using the same interrupt.10:21
collabraguaranteed windows would slow down or even hang at some point,... if windows was put through the things i've put kubuntu through10:21
VP1how to format a usb disk in Ubuntu 9.0410:21
tarelerulzAny of you every have movie you download not work after while? They are all rar so that have something to do with it. also on ntfs . anyone10:21
collabrayounder,... you haven't followed what i've said,... I've no problems or issues.10:22
joschiVP1: choose the filesystem and run `sudo mkfs.$FS /dev/$partition-on-your-usb-drive`. e. g. `sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdd1`10:22
VP1joschi: thnx, but there should also be a GUI tool, isn't it?10:23
brijithmachi all, I cannot kill a process. please help10:23
SirGranttry kill -910:24
joschiVP1: there probably is, but I'm not a gui kind of guy ;)10:24
younderVP1, well there is no usch thing as a usb disk. Merly a disk connected to usb which will be automounted.10:24
younderVP1, man mkfs.ext410:25
younderbrijithmac, 'ps  aux | grep <program name>' and then kill -p PID10:26
younderbrijithmac, where PID is the 4 digit punber returen by the 'ps..' command10:27
Lupin`Hiya, does anyone know a good way of reducing image sizes in Ubuntu? I've got quite a fed large images that I'd like to take down to, say, VGA resolution - but I'm not sure of the best way to do it10:27
younderLupin, use the gimp10:27
llutzLupin`: convert (from package imagemagick)10:28
Lupin`llutz: is that particularly difficult to do?10:28
younderllutz, yes, that's a good command line option.10:28
llutzLupin`: no10:28
sharkzzanyone can help..10:29
llutzLupin`: convert -resize 640x480 pic.jpg smal_pic.jpg10:29
sharkzzi have problm with dpkg-reconfigure gdm...10:29
brijithmacyounder:please see  http://pastebin.com/fxA85xiQ10:29
younderLupin`, you will have to decide if you want a crop (Cut out a bit) or shrink.10:29
sharkzzcan tell me how to view?10:29
dr0idhow can I have IE7 or IE8 on ubuntu ?10:29
llutzLupin`: if you want batch-resizing, use  a for-loop10:30
Lupin`younder: shrinking would be fine, I think10:30
Lupin`llutz: is there any way to do it for all the images in a folder?10:30
collabrayounder: oh,.. you meant the temporary stall with my mouse,,,?   It happens maybey once a week for ten seconds,... And always while my cpu's are pegged at 100 percent,... but if you want a testimony,... my cpu's are often pegged a 100percent and i still have full control of my machine.  :)10:30
younderbrijithmac, root      1656  0.7  3.4  83104 69696 ?        Sl   10:05   2:01 ruby script/server -e production10:30
younderbrijithmac, kill -9 165610:31
brijithmacyounder: -9 ?10:31
younderbrijithmac, that third entry in the table is the program ID (PID)10:31
llutzLupin`: for pic in *.jpg; do convert -resize 640x480 "$pic" _$pic;done10:31
brijithmacyounder: so kill -9 8310410:32
brijithmacyounder: will do it for me, rt ?10:32
Lupin`llutz: so how do I actually enter the command, then?10:32
steltWill 'windows7 multi-touch screens" work in Maverick Meerkat ?10:33
brijithmacyounder: sudo kill -9 1656 worked for me..10:33
younderbrijithmac, right after the owner PID is the second entry10:33
younderbrijithmac, try a ps and see the top line10:34
llutzLupin`: ? that was the command to resize all jpg in a folder.10:34
TendencyDrivenHello, for some reason my Ubuntu live CD won't detect any HDD's.10:34
brijithmacyounder: Ok  thank :)10:34
younderbrijithmac, erm ps aux10:34
LekensteynTendencyDriven, are you sure? What does sudo fdisk -l give?10:34
younder(from a BSD background with that sonos 3 etc from my youth)10:35
TendencyDrivenLekensteyn, it's blank.10:35
llutzbrijithmac: read about pgrep/pkill10:35
TendencyDrivenAnd lshw picks up no HDD's either.10:35
Lekensteynrun "sudo dmesg", it might have more information. Use pastebin10:35
dabukalamif a package "predepends" another package, what does that mean?10:36
dr0idhow can I have IE7 or IE8 on ubuntu ?10:36
wurlingtonprolly you have to install it before dabukalam10:36
wurlingtonlike a dependency10:36
dabukalamwurlington: but it's already been installed...10:36
Lekensteyndr0id, you can't, unless you use an emulator like Wine10:36
LekensteynA better solution would be VirtualBox10:37
Lekensteynassuming you're testing websites10:37
dr0idI have Virtual Box but that makes my box slow10:37
wurlingtoni duno dabukalam10:37
dr0idyeah, I just need to test websites...10:37
dabukalamdr0id: you a web developer?10:37
LekensteynHow many RAM do you have?10:37
dr0idquad core10:37
Lekensteynthat shjould be enough10:37
dabukalamdr0id: *sigh of relief*10:37
LekensteynI'm running a bare bones WiNXP 90MB :p10:37
dr0idLekensteyn: hey10:38
dr0idthe first week of virtual box ose use was fantastic10:38
dr0idbut gradually it started making my system slow10:38
pure_hatedr0id, I use the ie tab in chrome for we site testing10:38
dr0idand now whenever I switch on virtualbox, it pretty hangs my box10:38
dr0idie tab in chrome ?10:38
LekensteynA friend of my was having troubles with multiple cores too10:38
pure_hatedr0id, Its a add on /extension10:39
TendencyDrivenLekensteyn, http://pastebin.com/ii5JzcqD10:39
dr0idpure_hate: that renders websites as in IE ?10:39
Lekensteyndr0id, try installing Guest additions10:39
dr0idLekensteyn: have those already10:39
pure_hatedr0id, yes10:39
dr0idpure_hate: fantastic :)10:39
dr0idjust tell me where can I get it ?10:39
dr0iddabukalam: what happened? sigh of relief ?10:39
pure_hatedr0id, https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/hehijbfgiekmjfkfjpbkbammjbdenadd10:40
LekensteynWhat about this: http://browsershots.org/10:40
TendencyDrivenEpic link.10:40
dr0idLekensteyn: sucks :P10:40
LekensteynOk :p10:40
dr0idalso I need to continuously change code and see the result10:40
dr0idso that won't work10:40
dr0idinfact browserlabs from adobe is DAMN better than browsershots10:40
dr0idalso this one is good -> http://ipinfo.info/netrenderer/10:40
dr0idbut as I said you, I need to do it realtime...so change the code, refresh and see the results heh :)10:41
dr0iddabukalam: hello ?10:41
dr0idwhat did you mean ?10:41
LekensteynTendencyDriven, I can't see any HDD being detected :/10:42
youndersomeone ought to write a python script that displayed a bomb in the system bar. you click the bomb , the cursor turns into a bomb. You move it over the frozen window. Click again. A boom sound comes. The window ge't killed.10:42
TendencyDrivenLekensteyn, any suggestions of what I should do?  I'm trying to install Ubuntu (newest) to my 80GB HDD (just installed) but I have a 500gb in there as well...10:42
LekensteynA fresh HDD from the shop?10:43
qUaNtiC_so can anyone help me installing this internet key? i found the driver but i need to install it manually and i dunno how to do that, can someone help? thanks10:43
younderLekensteyn, 50-100$ nop10:43
TendencyDrivenLekensteyn, not straight from the shop but it's been used before and I tested it.10:44
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LekensteynOkay, is the HDD visible in other OS's on the machine?10:44
TendencyDrivenLekensteyn, In W7 both are visible.10:45
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dr0idthe chrome extension was for WINDOWS ONLY10:46
TendencyDrivendr0id, makes sense.  It just uses the built-in web browser control to save you having different windows open.  Your best bet is Wine or Virtualbox10:46
dabukalamdr0id: I meant I would have been worried if you weren't a webdev and wanted to actually use IE7/8 on ubuntu... :P10:46
dr0idI c10:46
dr0idI thought you had some project for me lol10:47
ironi tried to configure my grub2 to load the "last booted os". and i found in the manual that you could enter GRUB_DEFAULT=saved. i even did sudo update-grub. but it does not work.10:47
dr0idwhy doesn't the world gets rid of IE and Microsoft and eventually WINDOWS? :(10:47
ironi got it to work with GRUB_DEFAULT=6, but its not the same10:47
ironis there any reason why it is not working for me?10:48
Lekensteynhave you run 'update-grub' as root?10:48
ironi should state that i booted windows 710:49
irondont know if this matters10:49
LekensteynI think that does10:49
ironso it works only for linux?10:49
LekensteynI've seen a line 'savedefault' or something in ubuntu10:49
ironyeah that was grub 110:49
ibrahim-kasemhow can i chabge the login window in lucid 10.04 ?10:51
Lekensteyniron, have you set "SAVEDEFAULT=true" in /etc/default/grub ?10:52
Lekensteyntry that10:52
ironi will try that10:52
ironok :)10:52
Lekensteynit's stated in the community wiki10:53
artinfriedenMy panel doesn't show the apps anymore, how can I get them back there please?10:53
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monzoartinfrieden: rightclick on panel -> add to panel...10:54
monzochoose windowlist10:55
monzo ibrahim-kasem: it's not so simple anymore, I am trying to find out myself.10:55
monzoso far, the only thing I've found is disabling the user list10:55
artinfriedenmonzo: amazing thanks big time!10:56
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GobBLUTHAm I missing a step for setting up Ubuntu Desktop as a RAID1 system?10:56
GobBLUTHThere's no option for configuring software raid in the installer a la Debian.10:57
ibrahim-kasemmonzo, yes ur right and i can't find out why this complex10:58
BromaxSuxhi i cant get flash applets to receive my keystrokes (only mouse events) [[ ubuntu 10.04, kern 2.6.32-24 generic, ff3.6.8, flash ]]11:00
monzoibrahim-kasem: It looks like it is taken from 10.04 because I can find it for older versions11:00
monzoI did find a package that gives the option for a non-Ubuntu-edited Gnome, but have no idea if GDM is changed by that package11:02
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owd95someone that now a good cpu stress application in ubuntu?11:10
icerootowd95: cpuburn11:11
owd95iceroot: thx11:11
_YOO_HOO_HI, I'm new to Linux world, I have ubuntu 8.04 and I noticed that I don't get the newest version of softwares I download via software manager. I'm wondering how can I get the latest versions without downloading the source code and compile it my self. Thank You!11:14
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babu__how to extract the rar file..11:14
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free11:15
ibrahim-kasemI get this error everytime i try to update the system http://paste.ubuntu.com/479325/11:15
icerootbabu__: unrar filename11:15
WXZhow can I schedule tasks in ubuntu?11:15
WXZsystem scheduler is being a dick11:15
iceroot!cron | WXZ11:16
ubottuWXZ: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm11:16
erUSULWXZ: gnome-schedule11:16
WXZurl wasn't working iceroot11:16
icerootWXZ: man cron11:16
WXZerUSUL: yeah, "gnome-schedule" that's what I'm using11:17
monzoWXZ: use crontab -e if you want to do it as non-root11:17
WXZit doesn't do recursive tasks so well11:17
icerootWXZ: and the first url is working fine11:17
erUSULWXZ: if it is a fire once task use at if it si something periodic cron11:17
RudyValenciaDoes anyone know why blackjack is no longer in Ubuntu?11:17
WXZok @ USUL11:17
erUSULWXZ: what is recursive task ?11:17
icerootRudyValencia: apt-cache search blackjack11:17
WXZrecursive/periodic << same thing11:18
RudyValenciaThere isn't a blackjack game anymore since GNOME games removed theirs11:18
monzoibrahim-kasem: look for new gpg-keys11:18
RudyValenciaI checked on packages.ubuntu.com11:18
stevieGhey i need help turning my wireless card on in ubuntu, it is turned on with fn+f1 in windows but this isn't possible in ubuntu, there is no physical switch11:19
icerootRudyValencia: recursiv != periodic11:19
icerootRudyValencia: sorry wrong nick11:19
icerootWXZ: recursiv != periodic11:19
behelithi! i've edited typesizes.h to increase maximum number of open FDs. however, installing httperf with apt-get does not seem to honor this change. anything cached or something?11:19
WXZwell yes, I know11:20
ibrahim-kasemmonzo, how can i do that ?11:20
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts11:20
WXZbut in this case, it practically is11:20
_YOO_HOO_How can I get the latest version of softwares without upgrading my system (Ubuntu 8.04)?11:20
erUSULstevieG: maybe you can use rfkill « sudo rfkill unblock all »11:20
monzo_YOO_HOO_: upgrade to 10.04 for the newest versions of software11:20
erUSUL!backports | _YOO_HOO_11:20
ubottu_YOO_HOO_: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging11:20
monzobackup first, just in case11:20
WXZ* * * * * tomboy --open-note "New Note 48" # JOB_ID_1, see I opened up cron -e11:20
_YOO_HOO_thank you11:20
WXZand it's already in there11:20
WXZbut it's not firing11:20
erUSULWXZ: you need to export display11:21
WXZexport display?11:21
stevieGerUSL: nothing is being displayed using rfkill since ive restarted laptop11:21
erUSULWXZ: DISPLAY=:0.0 tomboy --open-note "New Note 48"11:21
monzoibrahim-kasem: check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Authentication%20Tab11:22
stevieGerUSUL: it did show that the wireless card was hard blocked not soft blocked but now nothing is displayed11:22
monzo(and the rest of that page)11:22
WXZwaiting 40 seconds11:22
ibrahim-kasemmonzo, okay thanks again11:22
erUSULstevieG: what wifi card is this ?11:22
erUSULWXZ: cron was not designed to run graphical apps btw11:22
stevieGerUSUL: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)11:23
WXZerUSUL: but the command works fine when it's not "periodic"11:23
WXZ* * * * * DISPLAY=:0.0 tomboy --open-note "New Note 48" # JOB_ID_1 doesn't work either11:23
erUSULWXZ: as i said is handled by a different program --> at . which is easier to use11:24
stevieGerUSUL: i tried resolving issue yesterday for 6 hours and then magically it worked, i have since restarted my laptop and it is not working, enable wireless is no longer visible in network manager, the wireless still works in windows however11:24
erUSULstevieG: what laptop is this ?11:24
stevieGfujitsu siemens amilo li 273511:24
WXZif it is a fire once task use at11:25
WXZ"(06:17:28 AM) erUSUL: WXZ: if it is a fire once task use at"11:25
WXZdid you mean the other way around, if it is periodic use at?11:25
erUSULstevieG: lsmod | grep fujitsu11:25
icerootWXZ: at = once, cron = always11:25
WXZyeah, I'm using cron, because this is a task which I want repeated11:26
erUSULstevieG: do you get any output ?11:26
WXZit's just not firing11:26
stevieGerUSUL  no output11:26
erUSULstevieG: sudo modprobe fujitsu-laptop11:26
icerootWXZ: use absolut paths on cron11:26
erUSULstevieG: try that11:26
icerootWXZ: that is wrong * * * * * tomboy --open-note "New Note 48"11:27
stevieGerUSUSL: WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.11:27
stevieGWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/amilo_special_keys.modprobe, it will be ignored in a future release.11:27
WXZiceroot: how would I find out the absolute path of tomboy?11:27
icerootWXZ: that is correct * * * * * /path/to/tomboy --open-note "New Note 48"11:27
erUSULWXZ: iceroot good point /usr/bin/tomboy11:27
icerootWXZ: type "which tomboy"11:27
WXZerUSUL: thanks11:27
erUSULWXZ: "which tomboy"11:27
WXZand thank iceroot, that's a useful command11:27
monzoerUSUL: thanks for at, didn't know that one11:27
erUSULstevieG: did you try installing ndiswrapper ?11:28
stevieGyesterday i did yeah11:28
erUSULmonzo: no problem11:28
WXZ30 seconds.11:28
erUSULstevieG: so maybe it worked with ndiswraper ?11:28
stevieGmaybe but i dont know how,11:28
WXZand nothing :\11:29
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu11:29
WXZ* * * * * /usr/bin/tomboy --open-note "New Note 48" # JOB_ID_111:29
erUSULWXZ: use both things the DISPLAY and the full path11:29
stevieGerUSUL: typing ifconfig no longer displays wlan011:30
WXZ* * * * * DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/tomboy --open-note "New Note 48" # JOB_ID_111:30
WXZerUSUL: ?11:30
SkyNetMasterhi, any suggestion for reading on how to create "bulk-install" script that can be used after new installiation11:30
erUSULstevieG: sudo modprobe iwl394511:30
jpdserUSUL/iceroot: Why does cron need the full PATH?11:31
stevieGerUSUL: WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.11:31
stevieGWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/amilo_special_keys.modprobe, it will be ignored in a future release.11:31
erUSULjpds: env vars are not set up. so no $PATH11:31
Parsihas anyone knows how to run .sh file in DSL linux?11:31
erUSULjpds: if instead a oneliner you are doing a script for cron you set up PATH ( restrictive ) at the beggining11:32
llutzjpds: you can defince crons PATH in crontab (PATH= ...)11:32
Parsi'sh [filename.sh]' returns "can't get the number of the available blocks on the system" error11:32
WXZstill didn't run11:32
WXZI'll try with permissions11:32
WXZ* * * * * DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/tomboy --open-note "New Note 48" # JOB_ID_1, unless you meant * * * * * /usr/bin/tomboy --open-note "New Note 48" # JOB_ID_1 DISPLAY=:0.011:32
monzostevieG: modprobe fsam7400, source: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1036744.html11:33
erUSULWXZ: run this « xhost +SI:localuser:$USER » in a terminal; try again11:33
BlackDalekI need help building a game from source - Excalibur:Morganas Revenge. I think I have all the requirements. It says I need to install AlephOne first. I think that was successful, although I am not sure where it installed to. Now the EMR game's install instructions ask that you edit the Makefile to specify the location of the alephone executable - I can't find this, so I don't know the location.. yet it seems to exist be11:33
BlackDalekcause I don't get "command not found" when I type alephone into the terminal. HELP ME!! I don't know how to proceed...11:33
erUSULWXZ: as i said cron was not designed to run graphical apps11:33
erUSULstevieG: does wlna0 appear now ?11:33
WXZso I have to look for an alternative basically?11:33
geirhaWXZ: I recommend using gnome-schedule to run graphical apps in cron11:33
WXZI am/was using gnome schedule11:34
erUSULWXZ: no; but it is more cpmplex that it needs to11:34
WXZI'm writing the crons via the terminal11:34
erUSULWXZ: no; but it is more complex that it needs to11:34
WXZbut they ARE showing up in g-schedule11:34
stevieGerUSUL: wlan0 appears when i type iwconfig not when i type ifconfig11:34
geirhaIt sets DISPLAY for you if you specify it is an X app11:34
WXZok, I set it to x-application11:35
WXZhave to wait a minute though11:35
erUSULstevieG: and can you use it now ? « sudo ifconfig wlan0 up && sudo iwlist wlan0 scan »11:35
geirhaWXZ: And now crontab -l is showing some python stuff and xwrapper.py, right?11:35
WXZyes PYTHONPATH:=wejrlkwjer11:35
stevieGerUSUL: no such device11:36
WXZnope, still didn't run11:36
WXZ* * * * * PYTHONPATH=::/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gtk-2.0/:$PYTHONPATH /usr/bin/python /usr/share/gnome-schedule/xwrapper.py c 1 # JOB_ID_111:36
geirhaWXZ: You need to wait more than a minute.11:36
erUSULstevieG: no typo ?11:36
BlackDalekhelp ! how do I find the location that the alephone executable was installed to?11:36
WXZok, well it's set to run every minute11:36
stevieGerUSUL: nope tried it a few times11:36
geirhaWXZ: It could take a minute for cron to notice the new cronjob11:37
erUSULBlackDalek: dpkg -L packagename | grep bin11:37
WXZalright, well I'll come back in 2-311:37
WXZsee if anything pops up11:37
stevieGerUSUL: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan -> wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down11:37
erUSULstevieG: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up11:37
stevieGSIOCSIFFLAGS: No such device11:38
monzoerUSUL: stevieG: sudo iwconfig wlan0 up instead of ifconfig?11:38
BlackDalekerUSUL, that tells me alephone is not installed? but if I type "alephone" into a terminal, it runs.... what's up with that?11:38
erUSULstevieG: try rfkill now... « sudo rfkill unblock all »11:38
monzoBlackDalek: which alephone11:39
stevieGmonzo: sudo iwconfig wlan0 up11:39
erUSULBlackDalek: the name of the package does not match the name of the binary. « which alephone  »11:39
stevieGerUSUL: tom@tom-laptop:~$ rfkill list11:39
stevieG0: phy0: Wireless LAN11:39
stevieGSoft blocked: no11:39
stevieGHard blocked: no11:39
FloodBot3stevieG: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:39
monzoerUSUL: what kind of quotes do you put around commands?11:40
erUSULstevieG: really dunno maybe ndiswrapper is interfering ...? « sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper »11:40
stevieGtom@tom-laptop:~$ sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper//WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.///WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/amilo_special_keys.modprobe, it will be ignored in a future release11:41
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erUSULmonzo: do not know the name. AltGr + z x gives them in my spanish keyboard11:41
erUSULstevieG: try « sudo ifconfig wlan0 up » again ?11:42
stevieGerUSUL: still no such device11:42
BlackDalekerUSUL, I do not know which alephone. I installed AlephOne from http://sourceforge.net/projects/marathon/ because I am trying to install Excalibur Morgana's Revenge and the instructions for that told me I have to install AlephOne first....11:42
erUSULstevieG: :( i'm sorry but i think i can not help further; dunno why it does not work11:42
stevieGi think that ndiswrapper has interferred and also i have tried windows wireless drivers with the windows driver and i think that may have caused a problem, should I just reinstall uubuntu?11:43
monzostevieG: no11:43
monzojust uninstall (of deactivate) ndiswrapper11:43
lupin_can you speak polosh11:43
WXZgeirha: nope, didn't work11:44
robertwallubottu: pl | lupin_11:44
ubottulupin_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:44
stevieGmonzo: how?11:44
monzoDid you just install ndiswrapper?11:44
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monzook, sudo aptitude remove --purge ndiswrapper11:44
stevieGmonzo: done11:45
BlackDalekANyone got a .deb file of AlephOne Marathon or Excalibur MOrganas Revenge?11:45
WXZthis is frustrating, because it worked in karmic11:45
geirhaWXZ: Should have worked. No idea why it didn't. :/11:46
monzostevieG: sudo modprobe fsam7400, read more at: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1036744.html11:46
WXZit works as a run-once task :s11:47
stevieGmonzo: being very new to ubuntu im finding a bit overwhelming, sorry if i get a bit frustrating :)11:48
TheBaseI want to use ffmpeg to encode a video with aac. The standard repository version of ffmpeg (and libavcodec-extra-52) doesn't come with libfaac support. I saw that the libavcodec-extra-52 on Medibuntu has the libfaac but I couldn't find ffmpeg in the Medibuntu package list. What can I do now? Do I need the ffmpeg source package?11:48
monzostevieG: no problem, it is a bit hard sometimes11:48
WXZapparently this isn't a new issue11:49
WXZcron doesn't like tomboy11:50
monzostevieG: don't give up though, once you get around to the fun stuff, the OS (Ubuntu) will stay out of your way and help where possible11:50
erUSULTheBase: install the lib? libavcodec-extra-5211:51
WXZis there a way I can make cron send a command with a parameter to terminal though11:51
erUSULTheBase: or just enable the medibuntu repo an do an update11:51
WXZsomething like terminal --command="tomboy open-note New Note 48"11:51
TheBaseerUSUL, what about the --enable-libfaac ?11:51
TheBasedon't I have to recompile ffmpeg with that?11:51
stevieGmonzo: :) thanks, just tried modprobe fsam7400 and got this result//WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.//WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/amilo_special_keys.modprobe, it will be ignored in a future release.//FATAL: Error inserting fsam7400 (/lib/modules/2.6.32-24-generic/kernel/ubuntu/fsam7400/fsam7400.ko): Operation not permitted11:51
quibblerTheBase-> you can find  ffmpeg in synaptic11:52
BlackDalekHELP! Anyone know how to get this - http://sourceforge.net/projects/emr3/ installed and working ????? I get this so far.... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/479335/  - I think this may be because I cannot work out where I installed AlephOne to...11:52
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monzostevieG: did you use sudo?11:53
monzoas in sudo modprobe ...11:53
TheBasequibbler, yes. I already have it installed. the --enable-libfaac option is what's worrying me. Anyway I'll upgrade the libavcodec from the Medibuntu first and see what happens11:54
stevieGmonzo: rfkill list is now showing the wlan as 0 rather than wlan011:54
stevieGmonzo: oops ill try that modprobe business again11:54
stevieGmonzo: yeah i did use sudo :/11:54
monzoreboot to see if all the ndiswrapper-stuff disappears11:55
monzoand then sudo modprobe...11:55
stevieGmonzo: ok, seeyou soon :)11:55
mungojerryany news on 10.04.1 - supposed to release today?11:56
youndersudo su root && passwd root  root ; me be damned11:56
youndermungojerry, released a long time ago11:57
youndermungojerry, most of us are running it11:57
mungojerryyounder, really? .1 update to 10.04?11:58
prakashyea am also using 10.04.111:58
Iraklishi all fellows! i am having some trouble with my laptop. i am having a fat32 partition, i extracted there the iso, install syslinux, copy the text.cfg to syslinux.cfg, install grub on mbr11:58
youndermungojerry, avoid minor updates11:58
Iraklisi use the chainloader to boot syslinux but when its boot ubuntu11:58
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Iraklisi got an error init: line 711:59
Iraklisit cannot read from cd11:59
mungojerryhmm.. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule says 10.04.1 today11:59
Iraklisis there any boot option for root?11:59
mungojerryi'm about to upgrade from 9.10 but thought i'd get the .1 instead of 10.0411:59
prakashIraklis, i suppose no11:59
prakashdid u tried upgrading the grub >?11:59
stevieGmonzo: hi again, got the same result with sudo modprobe fsam740012:00
Iraklisthe grub only chainloads t syslinux12:00
robertwallmungojerry: 10.04.1 is just 10.04 with updates applied.12:00
Iraklisso syslinux boot the system12:00
stevieGmonzo: am i missing something? do i need to install fsam7400?12:00
logan_wolfHey i have a question12:00
mungojerryrobertwall, yes, i notice my work PC has 10.04.1 but no iso released yet?12:00
logan_wolfHow can I scan my memory card using ubuntu12:01
TheBaseAwesome. Just upgrading libavcodec-extra-52 with the Medibuntu version did the job.12:01
youndermungojerry, I suggest you wait a month and wait unil the bugs have been worked out.12:01
robertwallmungojerry: The update that makes 10.04 systems identify as 10.04.1 came out a few weeks ago, because 10.04.1 was originally supposed to come out a few weeks ago.12:01
mungojerryif i wait a month i'll probably end up installing maverick beta ;)12:02
robertwallyounder: considering that 10.04.1 = 10.04 + lucid-updates + lucid-security, there's really no point in waiting...12:02
mungojerryi wonder if 10.04.1 is a bit cleaner since some bugs are "xxx package does not need to be in the installation"12:04
younderin ubuntu program center (or whatever it is called in your language) change to 'Updates' -> 'Updates with long support'12:04
robertwallyounder: 10.04 to 10.04.1 is not a distribution upgrade, so that setting doesn't apply.12:05
Solow_Is there a way to re-install ubuntu, while keeping my applications and files intact? so just re-install ubuntu itself. or "reset"12:06
younderrobertwall, what?12:06
younderrobertwall, explain that to me please.12:06
CitKaneHi, is anybody else experiencing freezes in CD ripping on Lucid? This happens to me, especially when ripping offline and on multiple computers.12:06
robertwallmungojerry: the ubuntu-meta source package hasn't been changed since 10.04's release, so no12:06
mungojerryok robertwall, thanks for the info ...i;'ll stick with the 10.04 cd + large update then :)12:07
mungojerrythansk too younder12:07
robertwallyounder: 10.04.1 is simply an updated ISO containing packages that have been published in lucid-updates and lucid-security since release. 10.04 systems receiving updates properly automatically reversion to 10.04.1. The setting you mentioned only covers actual new releases (e.g. 10.04 -> 10.10, or 10.04 -> 12.04)12:07
weed37hey guys need some help with gparted12:08
younderrobertwall, so to make it short and sweet the major updates happen once every 6 months. And I have set it to hold on to it and just acept security updates?12:09
stevieGmonzo: hey, root@tom-laptop:/home/tom# sudo modprobe fsam7400//WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.//WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/options, it will be ignored in a future release.//WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/amilo_special_keys.modprobe, it will be ignored in a future release.12:09
ZweiHi, in vim and emacs, I'm able to start parallel sessions on the same file. Can I do this with gedit?12:09
tensorpuddingstevieG: please don't paste multi-line stuff in here12:09
robertwallyounder: setting that setting to "Updates with long support" means you're not going to get prompted about distribution upgrades until the next LTS (in two years). Whether or not you get security and recommended updates is covered by the "Ubuntu updates" section on the same tab.12:10
youndertensorpudding, looks like a simple 4 liner here12:10
robertwallyounder: whereas setting it to "Normal releases" will prompt you when 10.10 comes out12:10
tensorpuddingZwei: i don't think gedit allows you to have more than one open instance12:11
Zweitensorpudding: Ah, thanks. Back to vim I go...12:11
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younderRobertwall, thank god. After two reinstalls this year the last thing I need is another. (I did it right)12:12
tensorpuddingZwei: why do you need this?12:12
robertwallyounder: hah, yeah, I'm sticking with 10.04 for a while too :)12:12
weed37do you guys have a gparted help chan ?12:12
Zweitensorpudding: When dealing with a long file, sometimes I need to view two parts of the same file at the same time.12:14
anymoushello, is there a ubuntu-udev channel?12:15
Zweitensorpudding: In gedit, I can open one instance in read/write mode and the rest in read-only mode. But that doesn't give me the flexibility to edit the parts I want if I'm currently on it in the read-only section.12:16
ilovefairuzanymous: no, ask here12:16
ilovefairuzweed37: what's your issue with gparted?12:16
anymousilovefairuz, ah thanks12:16
ilovefairuz!hi | sebsebseb12:16
ubottusebsebseb: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:16
sebsebsebilovefairuz: I don't like that factoid!12:16
weed37any chance i can pm u ilovefairuz  plz12:16
ZweiAlso, editing the read-write file has the consequence that all the r-o files have this "The file has been modified, would you like to re-load the file?" sign. If I click yes, the file re-loads and go to the top of the file.12:17
ilovefairuzweed37: it's preferable that you ask technical questions in channel but, you may pm.12:17
Zweis/r-o files/r-o instances of the file/12:17
CitKaneSurvey please - yes/ no will do: Is anybody else having intermittent problems with CD ripping in Lucid, especially when ripping while offline?12:20
caggewhat is the name of a c++ channel ubuntu12:20
robertwallcagge: ##c++12:21
caggejoin ##c++12:21
yashi-hi, is there a good commandline partitionmanager? man fdisk says dont use me...man parted says the same :?12:21
ilovefairuzyashi-: cfdisk12:22
caggeHow do i join12:22
caggekid of new with irc12:22
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ilovefairuzcagge: /join ##c++12:22
robertwallubottu: br | Guest6530312:23
ubottuGuest65303: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.12:23
anymousif i start a VM with kvm and nfsroot device nodes like /dev/sda /dev/sdb are not created, / is mounted rw, i'm runnin udevd with --debug, and log-priority=debug. the RUN rule is evaluated but if I add a SYMLINK, then neither the RUN nor the SYMLINK is evaluated. this is under Lucid.12:23
icerootjpds: because cron doesnt have PATH by default12:23
caggeno dosnt work12:23
ilovefairuzcagge: works fine for me12:24
caggedoes anyone know howto hide cursor with c++ on unbuntu12:24
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icerootcagge: ##c++12:26
somethingintereshi all, I have an HDAV1.3 Deluxe sound card. Works like a treat most of the time, then sound stops working. After this happens loading a music file or some such in totem, vlc etc causes the app to either lock up (totem) or play but with no sound (VLC). Restarting pulseaudio and alsa processes fixes it. Any ideas?12:27
prodigelhi all. What ports/interfaces/ip's are involved when I run mysql -u root?12:27
ilovefairuzprodigel: it invokes mysql client to connect (as MYSQL USER root not THE REAL root) to the server running on localhost through a unix socket file12:29
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prodigelilovefairuz, if connecting to a socket it means it's not using the network at all? I'm trying to catch that traffic with tcpdump, and nothing shows up12:30
ilovefairuzprodigel: no tcp/ip network traffic, yes12:31
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prodigelilovefairuz, my problem is that I've implemented iptables+ulog+mysql but probably through recursion ulog blocks all mysql opened ports. Any idea how could I identify ulog's conections to mysql from the same host to avoid logging them also?12:34
GhostlyI am curious can i make quick launcher for a shared location, i have tried one with smb://location but every time i reboot i have to manually set it up again any advice?12:35
VP1how to format a usb disk in Ubuntu 9.0412:36
ikoniaGhostly: you need to put the samba mount in your fstab to automount at boot, as smb:// will only work on authenticated (mounting it is the easy way) shares12:36
ikoniaVP1: use gparted12:36
VP1how to?12:36
ikoniaVP1: launch it from the applications menu12:37
Dr_WillisGhostly:  i just bookmark the smb:// share once i connect in nautilus to easially get back to it.12:39
barfoo365Hi all, whenever I create a samba share from a folder in my home directory I am unable to access it.  Create one from a folder anywhere else and its fine.  Anyone any ideas?12:39
Dr_Willisbarfoo365:  sounds like a permission issue on the parent directries.12:40
barfoo365Dr_Willis : Thats what i'm thinking but I have run chmod 777 on them.  I was thinking more along the lines of a samba specific permissions issue?12:41
ilovefairuzprodigel: it probably uses a tcp connection, try: netstat -pant, to see all open tcp connections12:42
Dr_WillisYou really DONT need your /home/username to be '777'12:42
Dr_Willismy home --> drwxr-xr-x 103 willis    willis     4096 2010-08-16 21:55 willis12:42
barfoo365Dr_Willis : The folder is /home/username/sharefolder12:42
ikoniamove it out of your home dir12:42
midhasmy home is, too, not 777, just 700, and works finde12:42
prodigelilovefairuz, thanks. I'll try that12:42
barfoo365Ikonia, I could just move it I guess12:43
Dr_WillisI did notice that it made the share that i set to allow all, allow guests full access to (just now as a test) mode 77712:44
barfoo365The post at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=936571 seems to have solved the issue I am having, but it doesn't really elaborate on the solution much12:44
Oeri like SWAT, to configure smb.conf12:44
Dr_WillisI find swat annoying and old.. :) but ive read theusing samba book in the past.. so i sort of know enough to not need swat these days12:45
Dr_Willis!info samba-doc12:45
ubottusamba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.1 (lucid), package size 7825 kB, installed size 16104 kB12:45
barfoo365I originally used webmin to administer samba, now i'm diggin in the smb.conf with nano instead12:45
phlak_userbarfoo365: you could use swat also12:46
phlak_userbarfoo365: this link might help --> http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/05/how-to-easily-manage-samba-with-swat-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/12:47
glaucousIs there a way to reinstall Ubuntu/Kubuntu without losing programs and settings?12:50
erUSUL!clone | glaucous12:50
ubottuglaucous: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate12:50
WXZerUSUL: do you have any other suggestions about my cron problem?12:51
erUSULglaucous: and backup your home folder and maybe some of the files in /etc/ if you modified them12:51
glaucouserUSUL: Ah, thanks12:51
erUSULWXZ: no; sorry. gnome-schedule did not work ( with geirha suggestion)?12:51
WXZcan I get cronjob to send a command to terminal though?12:52
glaucouserUSUL: Perhaps you know, is there a way to view most recent updates done?12:52
WXZsomething like terminal --command="command"?12:52
Dr_WillisWXZ:  I imagine its possible. but not very common12:52
erUSULglaucous: synaptic has a log in File>histori log or some such12:52
WXZthat's the only work around I see12:53
Dr_WillisWXZ:  the 'openvt' command Might let you do that.12:53
Dr_WillisWXZ:  that could send info to a Console..12:53
WXZreading docs on it12:54
phlak_userWXZ: does the command have to run in a terminal (meaning foreground?)12:54
phlak_userWXZ: ok so is it possible that you get crontab to execute a command and send the output to notification area via libnotify?12:55
WXZI don't know what the notification area is12:55
Dr_WillisOk this is weird..I have a little NAS 'gizmo' that shares 2 hard drives to the network via samba. (it actually runs linux)   I go to network:/// in the file manager.. it shows 'Windows Network' AND it shoes the 'NAS'    How can it be showing up there?12:56
phlak_userWXZ: top right hand corner of panel in Gnome Session12:56
WXZok, nevermind12:56
WXZphlak, I'm trying to send a "command" to the terminal12:56
WXZas a workaround for cron not communicating well with tomboy12:56
phlak_userWXZ: are you trying to launch tomboy through a script that cron will execute?12:57
WXZphlak_user: yes, I'm trying to get a note to pop up12:57
WXZlong story short, it doesn't pop up12:58
phlak_userWXZ: wouldnt it be easier to use the Tomboy D-bus interface to do this?12:58
phlak_userWXZ: like this article says --> http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2007/09/using-the-tomboy-d-bus-interface.ars12:58
WXZso write a python script12:59
WXZand launch that python script?13:00
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phlak_userWXZ: yes13:01
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WXZthat's the last resort13:02
eyedolI'm trying to do a post request that does file upload -- image via curl command line13:03
FlynsarmyI did a sudo apt-get install sqlite3 but now it says 'bash: /usr/bin/sqlite: no such file or directory'. ideas?13:03
icerootFlynsarmy: dpkg -S sqlite313:03
benuntuhi i have a simple screen session running, works well, i want to create a shell script which attaches to it runs a command and detaches via a cron13:04
benuntuis this possible13:04
Flynsarmyiceroot: thanks13:04
eyedoldoing this doesn't see the variables I pass to the URL curl -F "task=report&incident_title=Test&incident_description=Testing+with+the+api.&incident_date=03/18/2009&incident_hour=10&incident_minute=10&incident_ampm=pm&incident_category=2,4,5,7&latitude=-1.28730007&longitude=36.82145118200820&location_name=accra&person_first=Henry+Addo&person_last=Addo&person_email=henry@ushahidi.com&resp=xml&incident_photo[]=@funny.jpg" http://somedomain.com/api13:04
eyedolany ideas ?13:04
phlak_usereyedol: http://curl.haxx.se/docs/httpscripting.html13:06
phlak_usereyedol: passing variables is like so -->  curl -F upload=@localfilename -F press=OK [URL]13:07
eyedolphlak_user, its the exact syntax i'm using13:07
eyedolbut it misses sending the variables13:08
phlak_usereyedol: you probably need to url-encode the data using --data-urlencode <data>13:09
eyedolphlak_user, let me try that13:09
phlak_user!hi| dubey13:10
ubottudubey: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:10
dubeyi am using Acer Asire 5740, and installed ubuntu 10.4, Everything is working fine except brightness13:10
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dubeybrightness controller works fine with no effects at all13:11
phlak_userdubey: you mean if you set the effects to "none", brightness works?13:12
dubeyphlak_user : no, I means when i press hotkey to change brightness, it show the status but actual effect doesn't happens13:13
phlak_userdubey: ah13:13
phlak_userdubey: does it work if you hold down fn key and use the right or left arrow keys in the bottom right corner?13:15
icerootis there a way to use dd on a 80GB hdd (which contains 10GB data) so the image will be 10GB and not 80GB? atm i am using dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/mnt/foobar  and foobar is 80GB13:16
dubeyphlak_user: no13:16
phlak_userdubey: oh ok13:16
Dr_Willisiceroot:  Not via just dd13:17
abhijit 13:17
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Dr_Willisiceroot:  there are some drive image tools out that can just archive the actual data. not the whole disk. So would be smalller13:17
Dr_Willisiceroot:  but somthing seems backwards here.. perhaps we are confused as to what you are doing.13:18
icerootDr_Willis: but i need the disc-dump which i can boot directlys, so maybe i have to pipe the output of dd into zip or something like that13:18
Dr_Willisiceroot:  even ziping it wont make it smaller.. UNLESS you 'zero out the  free space' so its all 0's  thus compresses better.13:18
icerootDr_Willis: i have to copy a windows-xp image from a hdd (80gb hdd) on a 30gb hdd and the data from win xp are 10gb, rest is zero13:19
icerootDr_Willis: i guess the missing 70gb are zeros13:19
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Dr_Williseven if the drive is mostly empty. dd will dd the rest of the drive.. it WONT be all zeros Unless you zero out the free space.13:19
Dr_Willisiceroot:  one 'way' would be to resize the HD down to 10gb or whatevver size you can shrink it to.13:20
icerootDr_Willis: hm ok, i think best way is to search for a bigger hdd for the disc-dump13:20
icerootDr_Willis: resize without a backup is a bad idea for this important image13:20
_Deko_Good day I am having a problem it is wireless all the time asking for password not think the network connects more13:20
oDeskhello, quick Question please,   how to mv file.ext efe/fefe/fefe   where efe/fefe/fefe  is new directories i want to create at the same time while moving the file ?13:21
Dr_Willisalso dd'ing a whole drive instead of a parition will be a little harder to 'mount' the image file.. if thats what you want to do with it.13:21
dubeyany help ?13:21
* Dr_Willis notices he has more then 80gb in wallpaper and icons.. :) heh.13:21
icerootDr_Willis: the whole drive is one partiton (dev/sda with mbr and /dev/sda1 with the 80gb data)13:21
Dr_Willisiceroot:  yes.. but what are you going to do with the image after you dd it somewhere?13:22
coz_dubey,  you want to adjust the gamma?13:22
icerootDr_Willis: i am saving it on a storage and if i need to role the windows xp back i am just dding the image back to the 80gb hdd13:22
coz_dubey, I didnt scroll back far enough maybe... let me scroll back tobe sure13:23
dubeycoz_ : not only gamma, overall brightness13:23
Dr_Willisiceroot:  there are some other tools out there for partion imageing like that.. that are smarter and more efficient.13:23
Dr_Willis!info partimage13:23
ubottupartimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.8-1 (lucid), package size 276 kB, installed size 968 kB13:23
phlak_useroDesk: I dont know how using the mv command; but with the mkdir -p /efe/efe/efe you can create the directory structure and then use mv13:23
ibrahim-kasem I get this error everytime i try to update the system http://paste.ubuntu.com/479325/13:23
Dr_Willisiceroot:  i think that one would not image the empty part of the hd. thus be a lot smaller image file.13:24
icerootDr_Willis: i will have a look at it, thanks13:24
Dr_Willisiceroot:  and theres others I recall. but i rarely use the things13:24
oDeskphlak_user: there should be some a way13:24
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning13:26
coz_dubey,  the brightness applet ...if this is gnome...doesnt work?13:27
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dubeycoz_ :  what does it means ?13:28
coz_dubey,   are you using gnome?13:28
dubeycoz_ yes13:28
bcroomhey, I know I need to add "wins" to my /etc/nsswitch.conf file to get WINS lookups to work, but do I need to also install any additional packages for it to work?13:28
coz_dubey,   right click the panel...Add to Panel....look for birghtness applet13:28
MaMoUsis there an application for ubuntu that Gives u IP Address Details??13:29
kjeldorCan I partition my disk now while running UBUNTU? I plan to do a clean install of Win7, and then re-install UBUNTU so I have dual-boot. But first, I have to partition my disk first! Any suggestions how? I have a bootable USB disk with WIN7 installer in it13:29
phlak_userMaMoUs: simplest way is to right click on Network Manager and click on Connection information13:30
dubeycoz_ : tried, but no effect13:30
phlak_userkjeldor: you can boot off the livecd/usb and then do this13:30
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.13:30
oDeskmv file.ext  folder/folder/file.ext    there should be some way to create the folders that doesn't exist at time of moving, i want to move mass number of files in different folders and i only have the path to the new location as string13:31
kjeldorphlak_user I already have UBUNTU installed, I want to partition my disk first before installing win7, and then UBUNTU13:31
coz_dubey,   mm I dont  use laptops  but  this  "may"  help ...certainly i cant gurantee it and it is an older post ...    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2877962#post287796213:31
phlak_userkjeldor: i understood that; but you need to boot off a usb/cd to partition the drive13:32
kjeldorI use the UBUNTU CD for partitioning my HD?13:32
kjeldorBut I am gonna install win7 first, before UBUNTU13:33
phlak_userkjeldor: you can partition with Ubuntu CD and then boot off the Win7 and install (I dont know enuff about win7 to say if can help partition)13:34
babu__is there any applcn to tag the mp3 files13:35
jf1976hi all, can anyone point me in the direction of the log for poweroff and reboot ?, im trying to find out why my machine reboots at least once a day for no reason, thanks13:35
bazhangbabu__, easytag amongst others13:36
babu__i have installed tat applcn..but whn i'm trying,error in tagging the file..wat tat means13:37
wwwwwwwwwwwwww!restricted formats13:37
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:37
phlak_user!mp3info | babu__13:37
edwin___I tried to install ubuntu at home in an old AMD driven machine. Installation finished OK using the alternate 9.1 live disk but it seems to have problems opening the graphics environment13:37
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phlak_user!info mp3info | babu__13:38
ubottubabu__: mp3info (source: mp3info): An MP3 technical info viewer and ID3 1.x tag editor. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.5a-1 (lucid), package size 28 kB, installed size 92 kB13:38
jf1976babu__: i use rapid evolution for mp3/dj stuff including key bpm etc, its java based run on mac and windows, never tried it under Ubuntu13:38
sacarlsondo we have a package in ubuntu to  test one of these usb flash drives to verify the 2gb drive has the full 2gb.  like a pattern test or image compare to fully test a disk partition?13:38
SyntheadI can't write to /sys devices:13:39
Syntheadecho 2 > bConfigurationValue13:39
Syntheadbash: echo: write error: Invalid argument13:39
Syntheadhow can I get around this?13:39
Synthead(this is as root)13:39
abhijit!enter | Synthead13:39
ubottuSynthead: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:39
BluesKajhey all13:39
edwin___Sorry, is there anybody able to give me a hand with this? I tried to install ubuntu at home in an old AMD driven machine. Installation finished OK using the alternate 9.1 live disk but it seems to have problems opening the graphics environment13:40
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal13:40
monzoedwin__: what is the message?13:40
Oeredwin___, install gnome or kde manually ?13:40
phlak_user!hi | bingbuntu13:40
ubottubingbuntu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:40
edwin___monzo: the problem is that the machine starts booting but then nothing happens it seems to be a graphics problem13:41
Shurakaianyone here who knows what i need to look for when i want a "cd /v/l/" to expand automatically to "cd /var/log/"?13:41
BluesKajsacarlson, the usb stick device indicator should show the capacity13:41
babu__how to install mp3info in ubuntu13:41
monzohold down shift while booting, should give bootmenu13:41
abhijit!tab | Shurakai13:41
ubottuShurakai: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.13:41
bazhangbabu__, synaptic package manager13:42
ranjanShurakai, aliasing13:42
monzobut first try alt+F213:42
abhijitbabu__, sudo apt-get install mp3info13:42
bazhangbabu__, you should really have a read of the manual13:42
bazhang!manual | babu__13:42
ubottubabu__: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:42
edwin___I cn access the calssical GRUB menu and can also start the machine in safe mode and then logon as a user13:42
sacarlsonBluesKaj: I have purchased 2 fake usb flash that had 1/10th the space it had on the package.  I just got a new one that has 7 day waranty if I can show it is the same.13:42
edwin___but can not get the gnome desktop13:42
ranjanbabu__, sudo apt-get install mp3info13:43
phlak_useredwin___: install gnome-desktop13:43
monzohave you used aptitude before in ncurses-mode?13:43
phlak_user!info gnome-desktop13:43
ubottuPackage gnome-desktop does not exist in lucid13:43
monzoit's gnome13:43
bazhangphlak_user, ubuntu-desktop13:43
abhijitwow!! gnome is not in lucid!!! :D :D lol13:43
babu__is there also need to install id3x tag editor along wit mp3 info for tagging the mp3 files13:43
phlak_userbazhang: ah yes tx :)13:43
monzoedwin__: sudo aptitude13:44
sacarlsonBluesKaj: I mean the ones I already had showed when mounted had space but after writeing didn't return the original contents13:44
edwin___so, you say i shoud install gnome from the console13:44
edwin___yes, but i thought the desktop was installed by default13:44
monzo\/ and type gnome-core13:44
bazhangbabu__, install whatever you wish and try them out13:44
babu__i installed both id3 tag and mp3 info..now how to tag the mp3 files13:44
monzoisn't alternate is a text-based alternative?13:44
bazhangmonzo, ncurses based13:45
edwin___I didnt know13:45
monzolike it said above13:45
sacarlsonBluesKaj: I just want a quick way to verify that the usb flash has what it states it has when mounted13:45
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal13:45
siva_hi all13:45
monzoit means dat there is no desktop ( I think)13:45
edwin___I see. my problem was with graphics since the first time13:45
bazhangmonzo, no live mode, install only13:45
edwin___taht was the r4eason why I couldn use the regular lice cd13:46
babu__pls reply13:46
edwin___live cd13:46
bazhangbabu__, try them out.13:46
dsnydersHi all!  I just went to edit /etc/resolv.conf, but it says not to.  Where do I add name servers?13:46
phlak_user!patience | babu__13:46
ubottubabu__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.13:46
monzoeasy way to get graphics: sudo aptitude install xorg and a desktop, on older hardware: jwm or xfce ofr lxde13:46
marekw2143hi, which interned radio player do you use :)?13:46
siva_i just now installed ubuntu 10.04 64bit in my laptop. but flash player in firefox is not wroking, i cant able to install 32bit also. any one plz help me13:46
KE1HAmonzo, and in whatever distro you pull that's what desktop you'll get, except server, then you can pick with one you want.13:46
phlak_userdsnyders: in the network manager13:46
BluesKajsacarlson, if the usb are fake, then they'll show whatever the capacity is , maybe not the advertized size but the real size.13:46
monzoKE1HA: thanks13:47
siva_i just now installed ubuntu 10.04 64bit in my dell n5010 laptop. but flash player in firefox is not wroking, i cant able to install 32bit also. any one plz help me13:47
abhijit!flash | siva_13:47
ubottusiva_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash13:47
edwin___well i will try installing the desktop at home after work13:47
phlak_user!repeat | siva_13:47
ubottusiva_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.13:47
edwin___thanks a lot13:47
bazhangsiva_, dont repeat so quickly13:48
SwedeMikesiva_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins13:48
dsnydersphlak_user, network manager... interesting... where is that?13:48
bingbuntuhow do i know my nick has been registered?13:49
sacarlsonBluesKaj: no that's the problem I had last time when I pluged it in it said I had 2gig so I wrote to it but when I needed to read the pictures the files were just all zero's .  I later ran a tester in windows to see that they had only real storage from 0 to 100 meg bytes  then all data turned to zero.  so I need a way to test to see that the new one will not have the same effect before the warantee runs out13:49
phlak_userdsnyders: if you are on the gnome-desktop, its on the top right corner13:49
bazhangbingbuntu, please ask in #freenode13:50
sacarlsonsacarlson if not maybe I will have to write one.  but mine will be very slow and take alot of disk space since I will write it in bash or ruby.  so speak now or make me start to write something that will take about 2 hours to test a 2 gig usb flash drive.13:50
somethingintereshey gents, is there a way to make it so that I can copy direct into my apache server /var/www?13:50
dsnydersphlak_user, I tried using that yesterday to change from dhcp to static addressing.  It didn't seem to work.13:52
siva_swedeMike: ya i have tried it it is not working for me http://pastebin.com/QVMnqSNg can u suggest me :(13:52
phlak_userdsnyders: works for me13:52
sacarlsonsomethinginteres: just drag and drop with nautilus to your /var/www page13:53
SwedeMikesiva_: try the supported way with 32bit flash instead.13:53
KE1HAyou need ia32-libs also, I'd use the package-manager13:54
siva_SweddeMike: i cant understand, can u send me the link13:54
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matiuHey guys, I need to extract just the rtl8187 kernel module from linux-image .. on my system .. is there an easy way to do it ?13:54
dsnydersphlak_user, Odd? There's only one field for dns server.  Where do you put secondary server addresses?13:55
phlak_userdsnyders: use comma13:55
kimi_dhi everone!13:56
matiuHi kimi_d13:57
matiuso I screwed my rtl8187 on my friends laptop13:57
kimi_di want to ask about my hdd. disk utility from ubuntu writes that i have few bad sector to my hdd. what should i do now ? ubuntu can ignore these sectors or it writes up on them ? :(13:57
bingbuntunewbie here ... just installed ubuntu and registered my nick. Hi every113:58
matiutrying to upgrade it .. how can I get an original version :(13:58
Sangeethi'm a newbie to ubuntu... Best place to learn stuffs, basics in main...13:58
matiukernel module ..13:58
KE1HAmatiu, ever thing you want to know about UB-Kernels, and probably much more: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev13:59
prodigelhi all. I have a simple set of iptables rules that should monitor and log into mysql - using ulogd - connections from and to the server. The problem is that the first ulogd mysql connection triggers a recursive set of connections that block my mysql server. How can I make such a rule to prevent ulogd localhost mysql connections from being logged?13:59
matiumy theory is that the kernel module I want is zipped up in the linux-image...deb on my system somewhere13:59
SangeethKE1HA : Kernel development is my field of interest too... Please tell me the ways to begin too...14:00
dsnydersphlak_user, Okay, I entered the static address, the network mask, the name server addresses.  However, it would not take the gateway address, and the apply button is greyed out.14:00
KE1HASangeeth, Line-1 on the previous link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/FAQDeveloper14:00
houserockr1hey guys, is it possible to install kernel 2.6.35 for lucid (10.04)? are there any precompiled versions in repos? the kernel ppa only has a version for maverick, would that be ok, too?14:01
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guampahouserockr1: i'm running it from a ppa, wait i'll look it up14:01
luka_hey ppl need some help around audio settings14:02
guampahouserockr1: http://ppa.launchpad.net/kernel-ppa/ppa/ubuntu14:02
guampa(lucid main)14:02
Dynamic_FailsCould someone help me install mjpg_streamer on ubuntu?14:03
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luka_anyone willing to help?14:03
houserockrguampa: thx, but i can only find kernels for maverick14:03
houserockrguampa: are all future kernels in the maverick branch?14:03
gentooxerluka_: just ask what you need to know and someone will answer14:03
glaucousWhen installing ATI proprietary drivers. What's the difference between standard installation and "generate distribution specific packages"?14:04
guampahouserockr: mm my apt line is deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kernel-ppa/ppa/ubuntu lucid main14:04
guampai've installed it from there14:04
houserockrk, lets see ...14:04
luka_gentooxer, it's complicated it would be better in pm14:04
abhijit!sound | luka_14:05
ubottuluka_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:05
abhijit!pm | luka_14:05
ubottuluka_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.14:05
prodigelSorry for the repost. I think my first post was trimmed somehow: I have a simple set of iptables rules that should monitor and log into mysql - using ulogd - connections from and to the server. The problem is that the first ulogd mysql connection triggers a recursive set of connections that block my mysql server. How can I make such a rule to prevent ulogd localhost mysql connections from being logged?14:06
erUSULglaucous: i guess that the later produces deb files you can remove if needed more easily14:07
glaucouserUSUL: But since ATI actually has an uninstallation SH script, that shouldn't be a problem?14:07
erUSULglaucous: well it can be argued that debs are cleaner but anyway. your system your choice :)14:08
Piciprodigel: You may want to ask in #iptables , and maybe #ubuntu-server as well.  #ubuntu tends to be more desktop oriented.14:08
prodigelPici, Thanks ;)14:08
ascheelis there a way to enable verbose logging for nautilus?  Any time I open a nautilus window for a directory, it's blank for about 5 seconds and I would like to determine what I've done to cause it to bog down.14:09
jpdsascheel: Probably an external share.14:09
ascheeljpds, I don't have any external shares, though.  Not even anything mounted in .gvfs14:10
kimi_di want to ask about my hdd. disk utility from ubuntu writes that i have few bad sector to my hdd. what should i do now ? ubuntu can ignore these sectors or it writes up on them ? :(14:11
ranjanany solution for the delayed plymouth in ubuntu with nvidia restricted drivers??14:12
ascheelkimi_d: replace the drive, IMO.14:12
erUSULkimi_d: the drive itself ignores those sectors, if the sector count grow are is hight it can be a sign of a dying drive ( buy new one and backup ASAP )14:12
luka_is there anyone willing to help me around audio settings pm me14:13
erUSULkimi_d: the drive itself ignores those sectors, if the sector count grow or is very hight it can be a sign of a dying drive ( buy new one and backup ASAP )14:13
BluesKajkimi_d, if your hdd has bad sectors , linux will ignore them as bad an d won't write to them14:13
kimi_d BluesKaj: i read that. but i thinkimg : if ubuntu flags thosebad sectors, after format will lose this flags. am i right ? so after format it can not know where was the bad sectos ? :( so this is another problem ?14:14
BluesKajhehe , I 've had the same message for over a yr on my hdd , but the sectors are still not used because they are redetected during formatting14:15
BluesKajkimi_d, read above14:16
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BluesKaja bad sector stays "bad" in my experience , kimi_d14:17
kimi_d BluesKaj: hmm.14:18
kimi_d BluesKaj: but windows can do that ?14:18
icerootkimi_d: no14:18
BluesKajkimi_d, you might get sector count arroe message tho14:18
gentooxerkimi_d: you harddrive will try to map the defect Sectors to spare sectors14:18
kimi_d iceroot: im stupid. sorry. windows can not do anythink...14:18
gentooxerkimi_d: but I would get a new HD as soon as posible14:19
kimi_dgentooxer: so there is no problem if there are bad sectors on my hdd ? (except my old datas)14:19
gentooxerkimi_d: If there are only a few it should be OK14:20
philinuxkimi_d: Bad sectors are remapped by the HD itself.14:21
kimi_d philinux: so this is not ubuntus feature ?14:21
gentooxerkimi_d: no it's a hardware feature14:21
ibrahim-kasemubuntu login logo becomes big and ugly after activating nvidia drivers !!14:21
philinuxkimi_d: No. Ubuntu is using software to interogate the drives SMART data14:21
kimi_dgentooxer: ok. thank you everyone!...14:22
gentooxerkimi_d: did you get the SMART output?14:22
thrillERboyHi ubuntu acts weird, when I place cursor on any text input field, it automatically types periods14:22
thrillERboyIts not the keyboard14:22
kimi_dphilinux: "interogate the drives SMART data" i dont know what you mean. sorry for my english.14:22
luka_hey can someone explain me how to redirect sound to blue jack on sound card... I tried with alsamixer and in sound settings but nothing14:22
philinuxkimi_d: read para 2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_sector14:22
ascheelMy folder windows (nautilus) take about 5 seconds to display.  It bogs down for about 5 seconds before anything displays.  Is there a way to enable debugging to see what's taking so long to load?14:22
kimi_dgentooxer:  what is smart out ?14:22
philinuxkimi_d: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.M.A.R.T.14:23
gentooxerkimi_d: it's a HD selftest feature14:23
luka_hey can someone explain me how to redirect sound to blue jack on sound card... I tried with alsamixer and in sound settings but nothing14:23
kimi_d gentooxer: ok. i understand. so i will not do anythink now. im safe at least now.14:23
philinuxkimi_d: How many bad sectors are being reported by the disk utility14:23
gentooxerkimi_d: you can get the SMART information with the tool  smartctl14:23
kimi_dphilinux: 2714:24
philinuxkimi_d: Two utilities in Ubuntu. System>admin>disk utility or from synaptic gsmartcontrol14:24
kimi_dit says warning on "reallocated sectores count"14:25
Sangeethi'm interested in contributing to the open source community... mysql  is favourite... How to?..:-(14:25
kimi_ddisk utility i know it. i have opened it now.14:25
philinuxkimi_d: ok well keep an eye on it. What's the Threshold number14:25
jrib!contribute | Sangeeth14:26
ubottuSangeeth: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate14:26
jribSangeeth: if you want to help with mysql specifically, try their irc channel14:26
microsofthi everyone14:26
kimi_dphilinux: no a noumber like this. but smart status is green . but writes a few bad sectors on this hdd.14:26
philinuxkimi_d: If it's green thats ok14:27
Sangeethjrib : Do you know the exact name of the channel?..14:27
kimi_d philinux: if it is red ?14:27
arvind_khadriSangeeth, #mysql14:27
jribSangeeth: I'm guessing #mysql?14:27
sacarlsonwell I found a solution to my usb flash drive capacity verification.  I just loaded a full set of iso files that I had until the usb flash was full and ran k3b cd burner with I setup to burn each file from the usb flash that returns the md5 checksum of each file.  I went and compared this value with what I put on the disk and this time the usb flash is GOOD!!  so I"m happy it's not a fake usb flash this time.14:27
sorin7486hey microsoft :))14:27
microsoftguys i need to ask why when i play hd clips my cpu is used in about 65% and when i play normal clips it use 1% of my cpu14:27
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microsofthow to sort it out?14:27
gentooxermicrosoft: what application do you use to watch it?14:28
_Deko_good morning my wireless keeps asking for password every time and does not connect anyone know help me?14:28
Dynamic_FailsIs there a way to make your network settings in /etc/network/interfaces to come up automatically?14:28
microsofttried my different ones vlc gnome player the same is if im wotching on youtube14:28
microsoftlow resolution is ok14:28
microsoftbut when play hd cpu is on fire14:28
guampaDynamic_Fails: put an "auto the_interface" stanza in it14:29
Sangeethdoes anyone know the chatroom of mysql guys?..14:29
_Deko_good morning my wireless keeps asking for password every time and does not connect anyone know help me?14:29
gentooxermicrosoft: youtube uses flash and you CPU has to compile every pixel14:29
tmos_Deko_ set it to auto14:29
robyromaniahello, i want to talk to some real pro regarding some driver that needs to be compiled in lucid, which has some problems with the linux headers14:29
Dynamic_Failsguampa, I have auto in the file, but it still doesn't work14:29
gentooxermicrosoft: so you need more CPU Power for more pixel14:29
Oermicrosoft HD films use more cpu, 65% is not bad14:29
microsoftgentooxer,  but the same is when i play clips from desktop14:29
ascheelmicrosoft: you have a cheap video card or do not have the proper drivers installed14:30
sorin7486Sangeeth http://forge.mysql.com/wiki/IRC14:30
Dynamic_Failsguampa, also is there a way to have an interface set up so if something ends up being connected it will come up automatically?14:30
ascheelmicrosoft and gentooxer, good video cards WILL help out with video, including flash.14:30
microsoftascheel, i have ati hd485014:30
microsoftcpu q900014:30
_Deko_someone help me please14:30
microsoftand all drivers are corect14:30
arvind_khadrirobyromania, what is the problem that you face ?14:30
guampaDynamic_Fails: you want to connect an interface after another goes up?14:30
microsoftfrom ati site and they work with lucid14:30
_Deko_someone help me please14:31
robyromaniaarvind_khadri:  my problem is, that i was trying to compile the acerhk module. i've installed the source package from the repository and tried to install it with module-assistant. i've got some serious errors14:31
ascheelmicrosoft: then the players you're using are not taking advantage of it.  I do not know if that's the case anymore, but ATI was less than awesome in Linux.14:31
ascheel_Deko_: you have to ask a question before anybody can help.14:31
ascheel!ask | _Deku_14:31
ubottu_Deku_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:31
robyromaniaarvind_khadri, i've done exactly the same thing in karmic, and it worked flawlessly14:31
philinux!question | _Deko_14:31
ubottu_Deko_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:31
_Deko_ascheel good morning my wireless keeps asking for password every time and does not connect anyone know help me?14:31
ascheel!wireless | _Deko_14:32
ubottu_Deko_: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:32
_Deko_had already asked14:32
robyromaniaarvind_khadri, after that i've tried all sorts of stuff: i've downloaded the driver, tried to compile it, but it didn't work either14:32
jungleberrykid@Deko: what type of wireless is it?14:32
BluesKajjungleberrykid, the @ doesn't work on irc14:33
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj
robyromaniaarvind_khadri, i've read in the forums, that you need linux-source-2.6.32 package. i've installed it, unpacked it, and pointed the location in the driver Makefile to it14:33
microsoftascheel,  i use compiz full everything 3d and u know what? it use nothing of my cpu about max 1 to 5%  just the one problem is when im watching hd clips from youtube or desktop the cpu is going to 65% and when i do the same in win 7 it doesnt use cpu14:33
_Deko_jungkeberrykid wireless laptop14:33
ascheelmicrosoft: then the players you're using are not written to take advantage of ATI video cards14:33
robyromaniaarvind_khadri, it compiled the driver module, but at "make install" it had new errors, also with the kernel and headers and so on14:33
gentooxermicrosoft: compiz uses your GPU not CPU14:33
BluesKajjungleberrykid, just the person's nick and it will highlight14:33
Oermicrosoft you use a software decoding, that could explain the cpu usage.14:34
ascheelmicrosoft: Let me look around for you14:34
ascheelgentooxer: so do HD videos if the player supports it14:34
Oermicrosoft 65% is not bad ?14:34
microsoftits bad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!14:34
microsoftits linux!!14:34
microsoftnot windows14:34
microsoftand when i play hd in win 7 it use 5% of my cpu14:34
robyromaniaarvind_khadri, i've compiled the module manually in karmic, and tried to add it in lucid: i've copied it in //lib/modules/2.6.32-24-generic/extra and tried to add it with modprobe, but it said invalid module format14:34
jungleberrykidDeko, paste the output of the following command here... "lshw -C network | grep product"14:35
KE1HAmicrosoft, If you feel the player you using is not doing what You "think / feel" is should file a bug report. Its working, but just not to a perceived expectation, and a non-relevant comparison, I don't understand why you think this is a problem.14:35
ascheelmicrosoft: just stand by a minute.14:35
microsoft<KE1HA> its problem do you know why?14:35
gentooxerascheel: that wasn't the point14:35
microsoftcuz on youtube 45% of clips are in 1080p14:35
Oermicrosoft, use a videotool like vlc 1.1.2 that could use hardware decoding.14:36
microsoftoer will it help with youtube too?14:36
Oermicrosoft, you can open any url in vlc.14:36
KE1HAmicrosoft, I would recommend filing a bug resport if you feel 65% usage it too high on a given applicaiont.14:36
robyromaniaarvind_k, are you still there?14:36
storm_zenLast night I used PGP full disk encryption to encrypt the disk from inside a Windows partition.  ( As the software is meant to do. ) ... the problem is that now I can't boot into my usual Lucid environment.  I'm not sure how to fix this.  Grub2 is complaining and listing a UUID ( I can't see what the entire error message is because it is going off the screen. )  .. how do I fix this?14:36
glaucousWhat was that command so that you could backup/mirror folders and  so on?14:36
benjgvpsIf I were to make a startup script to say, start game server like Garry's Mod, how would I make it so I can access that server with screen?14:36
Dynamic_Failsguampa, well I have my normal wired interface set up with vlans that I want to be able to come up automatically, but i also have a usb device that comes up as eth2 when it is plugged in because it does IP over USB, and I would like the settings I have set up in the /etc/network/interfaces to come up automatically when it comes up14:36
guampamicrosoft: you can try downlading the clip and playing it with vlc to see if it gets better14:37
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arvind_krobyromania, yes, it says so, as kernels are different, you need to compile it again for lucid14:37
Quantum_Ionmicrosoft, Yeah and all you tube flash videos are loaded into the /tmp directory so all you have to do is wait until the video is downloaded switch into /tmp folder and rename the Flash video to Flash.flv and you can use ffmpeg to turn the flv video into an mpeg14:37
microsoftguampa>  i just said when i play hd from you tube cpu is high the same when i play hd from destop cpu is high14:37
storm_zen( Oh, I should probably mention that the Lucid partition was installed from the alt disk with an encrypted partition. )14:37
robyromaniaarvind_k, did you read everything i wrote?14:37
ascheelmicrosoft: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI    Try using the non-free (as in speech) driver.14:37
KE1HAmicrosoft, or to validate your findings, have a friend test that file, and compare results.14:37
arvind_krobyromania, yes14:38
robyromaniaarvind_k, i've compiled for lucid, but i has some problems with the headers. i guess that they've made some major modifications from karmic to lucid14:38
gentooxerQuantum_Ion: but the he needs the cpu to transcode ...14:38
robyromaniaarvind_k, but it has*14:38
Quantum_Iongentooxer, okay I missed that part14:38
robyromaniaarvind_k, that's why i've wanted to talk to someone pro14:38
guampaDynamic_Fails: post_up is perfect for that. for example add a line in the eth0 section (assuming eth0 is your wired interface) like "post-up ifup vlanXX; ifup other_iface" etc14:38
ascheelgentooxer: you're missing the point here.  His GPU can handle video processing, assuming it's a supported codec (which flash is)14:38
arvind_krobyromania, of course, there would be changes, do you have the headers installed?14:39
robyromaniaarvind_k, yes14:39
guampaDynamic_Fails: or call a script that ups several ifaces, etc14:39
ascheelgentooxer: the issue is finding out why the video players are not passing that duty off to the GPU and are instead relying on the CPU14:39
robyromaniaarvind_k, everything, even the sources of the kernel14:39
bingbuntuhello! does java come preloaded with standard ubuntu? thx14:39
robyromaniaarvind_k, and i've pointed the makefile to them14:39
Quantum_Ionbindi, No14:39
guampaDynamic_Fails: sorry it was post-up not post_up. check the man page for "interfaces" it's all there14:40
arvind_krobyromania, what error message do you get, paste the exact message when you try to compile it on Lucid. Please dont use enter as a punctuation mark.14:40
bingbuntuquantum: talking to me?14:40
Quantum_Ionbingbuntu, It is best to get the Java from the Oracle site and install it14:40
ascheelThe GPU is MADE to handle playing both 3D and video, but if the player doesn't, or doesn't know HOW to interact directly with the GPU, then the only thing it can do is use the CPU, which is why Windows is playing it.  ATI doesn't like the FOSS community so their drivers suck for it.14:40
robyromaniaarvind_k, it should have worked with module-assistant, it's the straightest way14:40
Quantum_Ionbingbuntu, yeah14:40
robyromaniaarvind_k, ok, wait14:40
bingbuntuquantum: what about searching ubuntu software center?14:40
arvind_krobyromania, paste it on pastebin14:40
robyromaniaarvind_k, give me a link please14:40
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:40
Quantum_Ionbingbuntu, No it is best to get the Java from Oracle it runs 100% on Ubuntu Linux14:41
arvind_krobyromania, http://paste.ubuntu.com14:41
robyromaniaarvind_k, ok, it's processing now14:41
bingbuntuquantum: got it14:41
robyromaniaarvind_k,  the only problem is at make install14:41
arvind_krobyromania, paste the error you get. with the commands you use, what happens at the end of ./configure or whatever is used to do the configure14:42
Quantum_Ionbingbuntu, http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/linux/whatsnew/index.html14:42
robyromaniaarvind_k, http://paste.ubuntu.com/479411/14:42
robyromaniaarvind_k, it has no configure14:42
robyromaniaarvind_k, i guess, kernel drivers don't have configure14:42
robyromaniaarvind_k, but i think, the solution is in some hidden package, that needs to be installed, or something like that.14:43
TenPhilcan someone tell my how to get the text to display correctly, screen: http://www.flickr.com/photos/46728050@N05/4901370292/lightbox/14:43
arvind_krobyromania, did you check the README ? what is the card model ?14:43
guampa!cn | administrator_14:43
ubottuadministrator_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:43
c3lbingbuntu: works14:44
robyromaniaarvind_k, it's not for the card, it's for the led and the button for enabling wireless14:44
Quantum_Ionbingbuntu, http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html14:44
robyromaniaarvind_k, i've read everything, and done it as written14:44
MrokiiIs there a way to change the standard blue-color that Ubuntu/Gnome uses for links, like in the Help Centre? Through some config-file?14:44
SomelauwHow could it be that my ubuntu is slow?14:44
Quantum_Ionbingbuntu, The Oracle Linux version of Java is more advanced14:44
robyromaniaarvind_k, but why do they add some source package to the repos, if it doesn't compile with module-assistant?14:45
SomelauwBoth Firefox and netbeans are slow.14:45
c3lQuantum_Ion: isnt it closed source too?14:45
bingbuntuquantum: thanks!14:45
sipiorSomelauw: and by "slow", you mean?14:45
Quantum_Ionc3l, I think so14:45
SomelauwAnd my computer isn't really old or anything.14:45
robyromaniaarvind_k, it works so flawlessly with karmic.. in 5 minutes it was done, everything.14:45
arvind_krobyromania, could you point me to the documentation?14:45
Quantum_IonSomelauw, How much RAM does your computer have ?14:45
robyromaniaarvind_k, what documentation?14:45
c3lSomelauw: do you have any process eating cpu or so? look in top, or maybe htop is easier14:45
Somelauwsipior, for example: You start typing and it takes a while before they are visible on the screen14:46
arvind_krobyromania, from wherever you are doing this.14:46
Quantum_IonHe probably has under 4GB of RAM is FireFox and Netbeans are that slow14:46
arvind_krobyromania, what is the name of the package? from where are you downloading it ?14:46
robyromaniaarvind_k, from synaptic14:46
robyromaniaarvind_k, it's arcerhk-source14:47
cescGuys, I use xchat version 2.8.6. Latest version is 2.8.8 but update manager (ubuntu  repositories) doesn't offer the possibility to upgrade to 2.8.8. It is safe to add xchat official repo to my source list?14:47
OerSomelauw, these tweaks do speedup FF > http://www.ubuntugeek.com/speed-up-firefox-web-browser.html14:47
SomelauwQuantum_Ion, Mem:          3929       1689       2239          0        156        89414:47
Quantum_IonI tried running Eclipse under less then 1GB of RAM and Eclipse kept crashing14:47
robyromaniaarvind_k, i've downloaded it and tried to install with module-assistant14:47
arvind_krobyromania, then why are you compiling it ?14:47
Somelauwc3l, only dropbox is always running14:47
robyromaniaarvind_k, because module assistant gives me errors14:47
yashi-Somelauw: looks normal14:47
robyromaniaarvind_k, and it's not normal14:47
Somelauwc3l, and all defaults14:47
Quantum_IonSomelauw, The minimum nowadays is at least 2GB of RAM14:48
robyromaniaarvind_k, that i get errors with module-assistant14:48
Quantum_Ionor else your modern computer will just crawl14:48
robyromaniaarvind_k, so i tried to compile manually14:48
robyromaniaarvind_k, like here: http://www.edbl.no/karmic/amilo_1718_wireless_in_ubuntu_9.10.txt14:48
yashi-Somelauw: btw. i have the same problem after waking my pc from standby...i cant even properly use the terminal14:49
robyromaniaarvind_k, are you familliar with module-assistant?14:49
arvind_krobyromania, just give me a moment14:49
Oercesc the xchat ppa gives 2.8.8 only for Macerick 10.10 > https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat14:49
babu__is there any room for mysql14:50
c3lSomelauw: thats strange, whave version are you running and how long have you had the issues?14:50
c3lQuantum_Ion: wtf? 512 is enough by far, unless youre running some heave fancy DE14:50
Picibabu__: Oddly enough, #mysql14:50
SomelauwMy terminal acts normal, it has more to do with GUI's like firefox and netbeans.14:50
c3lsorry language :(14:50
jacks__10.04.1 today?14:50
Somelauwc3l, 10.04.0114:50
crazydiamondHi. Knows anybody what to do if apache2 and mysql don't starts during boot process? Logs are clear and I can start them manually by "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start" (and the same for mysql)? I'm on 10.04.14:50
c3lSomelauw: I suggest turning of all evil compositing and fancy shiny stuff14:50
bingbuntuwould there be any problem if i install java-32 on an ubuntu-64? thanks14:51
Somelauwc3l, that's just dropbox.14:51
c3lSomelauw: you use gnome or kde?14:51
robyromaniasburjan, salut, ma poti ajuta cu o chestie?14:51
tmosNo, 32-bit will work with no problem14:52
SomelauwCompiling and stuff all runs fast. Only when I type an adress or when I wait for autocompletion it takes 5 sec or something.14:52
Somelauwc3l, gnome14:52
c3lSomelauw: do you use any graphical effects? compositing as its called. such ass effects when you minimize a window or similar?14:53
acegiakguys my laptop sound worked on 9.10 but on 10.04 in the sound preferences I've only got dummy out14:53
acegiakthe input appears to be working14:53
SomelauwIt's not as bad as windows where I have to wait 15 minutes before my desktop appears (that happens after 2 years or something)14:53
Somelauwc3l, I use the default graphical effects.14:53
babu__how to rename the tag of six songs with same album and composer...pls give cmnd14:54
c3lSomelauw: if your computer is quite old and weak hardware wise, I suggest using some lighter DE than gnome and kde, looka at lxde maybe, or just use a wm without a DE, but that might be a bit more complex14:54
c3lSomelauw: turn all the fancy stuff off :)14:54
arvind_krobyromania, did you do make before make install ??14:54
robyromaniaarvind_k, yeah, i did that14:55
acegiakanyone able to help me with my sound problem?14:55
robyromaniaarvind_k, it took 4 hours or so to compile14:55
arvind_krobyromania, does it run fine, you dont get any errors on it??14:55
robyromaniaarvind_k, on compiling, no14:55
Somelauwc3l, it's not old and I have no fancy stuff except default stuff. All programs run fast and booting is very fast too. Only firefox and netbeans sometimes freeze for a few seconds.14:55
robyromaniaarvind_k, but i had to modifiy the makefile to compile14:55
robyromaniaarvind_k, and install linux-source-2.6.3214:56
abhijit!sound | acegiak14:56
ubottuacegiak: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:56
robyromaniaarvind_k, and point the Makefile there, because i didn't work (it was pointing to the headers, but gave errors)14:56
robyromaniaarvind_k, that's why i'm asking what the problem with the headers is in lucid14:56
acegiakthanks abhjit14:56
c3lSomelauw: hmm, well as some one else statde it sounds like not enough ram. if you run firefoxa lone, does it still cause troubble?14:56
=== TenPhil_ is now known as TenPhil
Somelauwc3l, "alone"? No other applications opened? Only one tab? What do you mean?14:57
c3lSomelauw: exactly14:57
crazydiamondHi. Knows anybody what to do if apache2 and mysql don't starts during boot process? Logs are clear and I can start them manually by "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start" (and the same for mysql)? I'm on 10.04.14:57
arvind_krobyromania, what is the model of your laptop?14:58
robyromaniaarvind_k, fujitsu-siemens amilo li 171814:58
babu__how to rename the tag of six songs with same album and composer...pls give cmnd14:58
gosHi, if i have adware tracking cookie on linux how can remove it?14:59
KE1HAcrazydiamond, checkconfig or update rc.d14:59
c3lbabu__: youll need some software to easy handle id3 tags14:59
crazydiamondthanks. I'll check this out14:59
dariopnchello everyone! question: is there a way to set my online status (within empathy) from CLI?14:59
ikoniadariopnc: no, it's a gui tool14:59
dariopncthanks ikonia!14:59
storm_zenLast night I used PGP full disk encryption to encrypt the disk from inside a Windows partition.  ( As the software is meant to do. ) ... the problem is that now I can't boot into my usual Lucid environment.  I'm not sure how to fix this.  Grub2 is complaining and listing a UUID ( I can't see what the entire error message is because it is going off the screen. )  .. how do I fix this?15:00
c3ldariopnc: if you like chatting from the terminal I suggest using irssi as irc client and bitlbee to get your IM (msn, google talk, jabber icq etcetc)into irssi15:00
Somelauwc3l, right now I have only one tab open.15:00
SomelauwIt's still slow15:00
fake51hi guys. Need help with bind9 - I've installed ubuntu server 10.04, installed bind9 and set a nameserver and forwarders for it15:00
fake51I'm getting slow responses, that don't seem to hit the cache15:00
SomelauwBut the tab I have open is google images. Maybe that is the problem.15:01
Somelauwc3l, now it's fast again.15:01
fake51then I run screen on the box, and the cache works great (response time 0ms)15:01
gosHi, if i have adware tracking cookie on linux how can remove it?15:01
dariopncc3l: thank you for the suggestion but i'm trying to interact with empathy to change the login status15:01
arvind_krobyromania, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=118017015:01
crazydiamondAnd can I fire the same process that runs on boot and writes all the lines with [ OK ] and [fail]?15:02
fake51anyone with an idea why the cache for bind9 is only hit when I run screen and not when running normally?15:02
c3lSomelauw: strange, well its got to be something with firefox. try fixing it the ugly way, completly wipe firefox and reinstall it :)15:02
c3lSomelauw: I have no ideas otherwise sorry15:02
gosHi if i have adware tracking cookie on linux how can detect it and remove it?15:02
fake51gos, use your browsers options to clear cookies15:03
robyromaniaarvind_k, i've been through that. those steps are for karmic. i have no problems in karmic, it goes much easier than in that post15:03
quilbyanyone here?15:03
quilbywhere is xorg.conf in ubuntu 10.10?15:03
arvind_krobyromania, its for lucid15:03
quilbyits not in /etc/X1115:03
mindlossanyone know anything about setfont? i've got a weird problem15:03
Somelauwc3l, well thanks for your ideas.15:04
robyromaniaarvind_k, the posts are so old..15:04
arvind_krobyromania, sorry, dint see that15:04
gosfake51 its adware tracking cookie hidden that is not removed by the cleaner firefox15:05
storm_zenWhere is a good place to ask a question about encrypted partitions not booting?  In particular, /dev/disk/by-uuid seems to be missing.15:05
fake51gos, a cookie is a browser thing15:05
mindlossi used setfont on one of my virtual (ctrl+alt+f4) terminals to change the font, and now my typing is getting randomly replaced by underscores -- the actual letter typed is the same, but it displays on the screen as an underscore. any idea how to fix this, or reset things?15:06
KE1HAstorm_zen, I think you just asked in a good place. If anyone knows the answer they will speak up Im sure.15:06
Piciquilby: xorg.conf has been optional for a few releases now.  Maverick questions belong in #ubuntu+1 though.15:06
quilbypici: ok thanks15:07
gosfake51, adware tracking cookie is injected into the flash player15:07
fake51gos, find your flash players tmp directory then, most likely place for it15:08
bazhanggos, that is not an ubuntu issue, but an adobe one; go to their website and set it there15:08
XpistosIs there a way I can create a .txt file of all the software i have installed?15:09
arvind_krobyromania, file a bug15:09
jribXpistos: why...?15:10
guampaXpistos: dpkg --get-selections > textfile.txt15:10
KE1HAdpkg -l >> Installed-Files.txt15:10
robyromaniaarvind_k, what? i don't get it15:10
=== ahmed_ is now known as dodo
abhijitguampa, wow!! thanks ! i also needed that!!! :D15:11
arvind_k!bug | robyromania15:11
ubotturobyromania: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:11
robyromaniaarvind_k, ok, thanks for the time15:11
abhijitguampa, and any way to just read that file again and install from it?15:11
gosbazhang ,Aware the tracking cookie "is a threat for linux or only  work  with windows?15:12
arvind_krobyromania, np. couldnt be of much help15:12
guampaabhijit: later you can do "dpkg --set-selections < textfile.txt" and "apt-get dselect-upgrade" to install them all again15:12
bazhanggos, all flash. not an OS specific issue, so not ontopic here; as I said, go to adobe website and fix it there15:12
venikjava is not working properly in ANY of my browsers15:13
Nijverheidon a ubuntu server, I change /etc/motd with sudo, but it keeps changing it back to the original >_> how do I stop it from doing this?15:13
sipiorvenik: have you installed the plugin?15:13
venikI have Icedtea15:13
abhijitguampa, just can you tell me what the apt-get dselect-upgrade will do?15:13
llutzNijverheid: http://www.electrictoolbox.com/changing-default-motd-debian-lenny/15:14
Xpistosguampa: thanks. It wasn't auto completeing so i thought it was going to work15:14
llutzNijverheid: should work on ubuntu too15:14
venikwhich plugin do I need?15:14
Nijverheidllutz: cheers15:14
guampaabhijit: it will install all the packages selected by the previous "dpkg --set-selections"15:14
abhijitguampa, ok15:15
sipiorvenik: icedtea6-plugin, i believe15:15
Nijverheidllutz: thing is... it's not even rebooting and the motd changes15:16
Nijverheidwhich is what is throwing me15:16
gosbazhang, the adware tracking cookie Can violate your online privacy also with Linux or Windows only?15:16
venikcan't find icedtea*15:17
yashi-gos: cookies work everywhere15:17
bazhangvenik, enable partner repo15:18
sipiorvenik: what does "apt-cache search icedtea" report?15:18
bazhang!partner | venik15:18
ubottuvenik: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »15:18
bazhang!java > venik15:18
ubottuvenik, please see my private message15:18
gosYashi then I'm super polluted by the adware tracking cookie using linux and I have no tools to remove it15:20
bazhanggos, I already told you what to do15:20
plitterHey, when i mount a heroes of might and magic 3 iso cd all the filenames ends with ;1 is there a way to change that?15:20
gosbazhang where is for linux a ccleaner or a superantispyware or similar for linux?15:22
bazhanggos, join me in #ubuntu-offtopic and I'll give you the flash link15:23
bazhanggos, no spyware for linux15:23
KE1HAThere's no need really :-)15:23
abhijitguampa, ok15:24
gosbazhang but if i have adware traclking cookie ....15:24
storm_zenLast night I used PGP full disk encryption to encrypt the disk from inside a Windows partition.  ( As the software is meant to do. ) ... the problem is that now I can't boot into my usual encrypted Lucid environment.  I'm not sure how to fix this.  Grub2 is complaining and listing a UUID ( I can't see what the entire error message is because it is going off the screen. )  .. how do I fix this?15:24
KE1HAgos, go to ubuntu-offtopic  bazhang is there to talk to you15:24
KE1HAstorm_zen, I saw ur post earlier, is this a widows ap, or linux app that did the PGP encrypt?15:26
KE1HAor in other words, how did you encrypt this partition.15:27
storm_zenPGP Desktop, a Windows program.15:27
storm_zenKE1HA: ... but not a partition encryption... a full disk encryption..15:28
KE1HAstorm_zen, ok, and you encrypted the partition Post UB installation ?15:28
storm_zenI encrypted the disk post encrypted Ubuntu installation.15:28
KE1HAstorm_zen, I need to think on that one fer a bit, but I dont think you'll get through the encryption layer with a bootloader, but could be wrong.15:29
storm_zenKE1HA: Would such a thing change the UUID of the partition?  That seems to be my issue.15:29
storm_zenKE1HA: I had Karmic running successfully Linux encrypted partition + PGP Desktop full disk encryption on top of it.15:30
acarrSome help..?  :) I recently left the gnome world for kde... however, I can not seem to get KDE to remember my video settings.  I have read forum after forum and tried fix after fix.  Any suggestions?  I have 2 25 inch acers.  I am running kubuntu 10.04.  I have a nvidia gs 7200.15:32
KE1HAstorm_zen, I'm not familiar with the app your referring too, I've not used it, nor can I see a reason for it, but that's here nor there. Can you use this windows app to remove this encryption ?15:32
storm_zenKE1HA: In theory, yes.  But that's not my first choice:  It's a 10 hour commitment to do so.15:33
SangeethI'm using my college's wifi to connect to internet... I must give username and password for every session of any browser... Thus, it is not possible for me to update through terminal... Is there a way that i could enter the username and password of my wifi connection in the terminal...15:33
arvind_kSangeeth, use tabbed browsing15:35
acarrSome help..?  :) I recently left the gnome world for kde... however, I can not seem to get KDE to remember my video settings.  I have read forum after forum and tried fix after fix.  Any suggestions?  I have 2 25 inch acers.  I am running kubuntu 10.04.  I have a nvidia gs 7200.15:35
KE1HAstorm_zen, I can't tell you how Grub2 is reacting to the encryption layer, I just don't, and to try and fix this from within the Linux environment, make cause all sorts of issues. Many things have changed from Karmic to Lucid.15:35
krishhey guys, my empathy doesnt show userlist in irc15:36
krishin channel15:36
Kai69How i can change a channel? O_o"15:36
=== emc_ is now known as emc
venikI followed the instructions in the wiki, but Java still does not work.  If I boot Windows on this machine, it does work-- no hardware problems here15:37
jellowKai69:  /join #channel15:37
Kai69thanks ^^15:37
bazhangvenik, you enabled partner repo?15:37
storm_zenKE1HA: I wasn't looking to make any changes other than config changes.  I wanted to see if I could figure out a way to manually boot into the partition... to start, where is it getting the UUID that is in the error message?15:37
storm_zenKE1HA: I tried booting into rescue, but blkid returns nothing.15:38
KE1HAstorm_zen, My recommendation would be to go to the PGP Windows people and ask them how to fix the problem, as you asking Linux folks to understand what a Windows app is doing to a Linux machine :-) wow that's interesting.15:38
felicityhey, am new to ubuntu, how can i install the dina font?15:38
manu__download the ttf font and open it15:39
felicitymanu__: how?apt-get install ttf?15:39
BlaDe^‎Hi guys, I have gnome-media and gnome-media-common installed but I need gnome-media-profiles >= 2.8   and can't find it anywhere--- any ideas?15:39
storm_zenKE1HA: I'm not asking linux folks to understand PGP desktop... I'm asking which part of the boot process is out of synch on a linux machine.  Where is the broken connection?15:39
manu__google the font that u want and just open it15:40
felicitymanu__: i need a fail hat :( thanks15:40
manu__what is fail hat15:40
felicitymanu__: lol, a fail hat, as in "fail", for being silly15:41
KE1HAstorm_zen, it seems the root cause was the secondardy encrypt, beyond that Im out of suggesitons.15:41
manu__i just installed some ttf fonts by just opening them15:41
storm_zenKE1HA: Fair enough.  Is there a channel for grub2?15:41
NikieHello ! Anyone there ?15:42
manu__im here15:42
KE1HAstorm_zen, not a ubuntu channel no, seach the channel listing fer grub.15:42
Nikiehey manu_15:42
CraHanjoin /#fpn15:42
manu__hi niki15:42
venikbazhang-- partner repo does not seem enabled.  How do I do that (and why)?15:43
CraHanguess that was a / short of what it had to be :)15:43
NikieI'm new to Linux.. I've encountered problem with wireless network15:43
BlaDe^does anyone know where I can get gnome-media-profiles?15:43
venikI take it back-- it IS enabled15:43
manu__no idea friend.I am using wired network15:43
storm_zenHow do I get a channel list on empathy?15:43
Nikie@Manu - It has detected the wireless network but is not getting connected15:44
bazhangvenik, to get the sun-java6 plugin for your browser, which is what I thought you wanted15:44
jooflHey guys i'm trying to completely purge my system of nvidia drivers so that i can install new ones and "sudo apt-get purge nvidia-*" returns a long list of packages and then "E: Couldn't find package nvidia-*"15:44
NikieAnybody there who can assist me with the problem...15:44
abhijit!tab | Nikie15:44
ubottuNikie: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.15:44
abhijit!wifi | Nikie15:44
ubottuNikie: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:44
manu__bye guys15:44
bazhangvenik, once you enabled it, you updated the sources list, right? sudo apt-get update ?15:44
jooflIf anyone can help could you pm me?15:45
bazhangjoofl, just ask here15:45
jooflI just did.15:45
Mbear10.04 CUPS doesn't start at boot time.  I have to use BUM to start it.  Any ideas? Thx15:45
venikIt mentions a bunch of things, Cacao, etc.15:45
Nikie@ubottu - apologies ! I didn't get you15:45
venikit seems to be there15:45
bazhangvenik, you want the sun-java6 plugin15:45
Xyhhello, I am having a weird (to me) problem with permissions set on samba share, that is: I needed to make a share that users will be able to write to (eg. they work from lesson etc.), and they wont have the right to remove it, and also it can't be red by others etc. I used samba create mask switch for tht share and set up it like this: create mask = 0111, which does the job. I also added standard admin users for the share, and here is wwhere it beg15:46
Xyh<Xyh> ins: I can read the file as domain admin, but can't delete it. From the linux server I can do it without a problem. I am using ebox 1.4.2 with Samba 3.4.15:46
venikI think I do have the sun java6 plugin, but java is still misbehaving.  I am on a 64 bit machine15:46
jooflI need to completely remove my nvidia drivers to install new ones from the site but they just wont remove, gives me E: Couldn't find package Nvidia*15:46
jooflAnd i've done this before, that's why i'm confused15:46
venikapt-cache search icedtea15:46
venikicedtea6-plugin - web browser plugin based on OpenJDK and IcedTea to execute Java applets15:46
bazhangvenik, icedtea are not the ones you want15:46
venikthat is one of the lines I get15:46
venikso tell me which ones I want15:47
bazhangjoofl, just open up package manager and remove from there15:47
abhijit!hi | Meraxupypr15:47
ubottuMeraxupypr: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:47
jooflThey're not listed in the package manager because i installed them manually last time15:47
bazhangvenik, the sun-java6 one, remove the icedtea15:47
VCooliojoofl: then apt-get also doesn't know about it15:48
KE1HAGo to the web-site and read them, dont just install things, that'w how you get into jams like this.15:48
jooflSo how do i go about removing it?15:48
Nikie@ubottu - Thank you da ! I'll go through the doc n get back to you if it doesn't work15:48
lucas-arghello, i have a problem with my laptop (HP dv6) when i switch from AC to battery and from battery to AC the system does not recognize that change and gnome power manager doesnt either...  i dont know how to fix this if theres any fix for it...?15:48
bazhangvenik, well you went outside package management (not a wise choice for video drivers) so you cannot use apt to remove them15:48
abhijitNikie, ubottu is bot. see what happend when you type 'abh' and then press tab key15:48
SangeethHi all... I am using the wifi connection in my college... It needs the username and password given specifically to me, every time i open the browser... But, I can't use the connection for updating in my terminal... Is there any way in which i can enter my username and password in the terminal?.. Please help me...15:49
=== peter__ is now known as PeterT`
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jooflHow do i remove manually installed nvidia drivers15:49
RainRaintrying to install a minimise to tray application like kdocker or alltray - when i use the software centre it gives me an error and someone said that the best way to install was if one gets this error was to download the .deb package but there doestn seem to be on on either of those sites - what about the terminal how would i install it from there - any help appreciated15:49
=== PeterT` is now known as peter__
venikok-- removed  icedtea15:50
VCooliojoofl: I asked google, it says: sudo sh NVIDIA* --uninstall15:50
peter__I've set everything up in compiz to try out the rotating cube, but it just doesn't seem to work (I'm using Ubuntu through a virtual machine)15:50
VCooliojoofl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual#Uninstalling%20the%20Driver15:51
Meraxupyprwhat is best way to share folder on windows, so i could connect from ubuntu (i need it for rsync)? windows share wont work, as connection via internet using hostname (i don't care about privacy)15:51
Sangeethplease help me...15:51
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venikicedtea was the problem-- now things work fine.  Thanks a lot!15:52
KE1HAjoofl, Consult the README that comes with the Nvidia Drivers, they have comments on driver removal.15:52
bazhangvenik, welcome15:52
lucas-argno idea about battery issue?15:52
Sangeethwildbat: remember me?..15:53
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abhijitlucas-arg, what happend?15:53
arvind_kMeraxupypr, samba15:53
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Nikie@ubutto - This stuff is too technical...15:54
lucas-argabhijit: when i switch from battery to ac or ac to battery gnome or what ever the power manager is, does not recognize that switch...15:54
abhijitNikie, can you read me?15:54
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abhijitlucas-arg, ohh15:54
VCoolioRainRain: sudo apt-get install alltray    if an error paste.ubuntu.com and share the link15:54
Nikieabhijit - Ya15:55
abhijitNikie, ubottu is bot. see what happend when you type 'abh' and then press tab key15:55
Sangeethplease help me... Is there any option to give the username and password for a wifi network in the TERMINAL...15:55
abhijitNikie, can you read me now? i just said that ubottu is bot.15:55
Nikiebot ?15:55
shayaknychey all, i'm hoping someone could point me in the right direction. I've followed the instruction on various websites on how to set up a vpn server on my ubuntu 10.04. It appears to be set up correctly, but for some reason, I cannot connect with my windows 7 machine....any ideas?15:55
abhijitNikie, robot15:55
abhijit!bot | Nikie15:55
ubottuNikie: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins15:55
bazhangSangeeth, whose wifi network? what are you trying to do?15:55
Nikieoops ! I'm very new to this chat..15:56
Fratershayaknyc: What are you trying to connect? FTP? HTTP?15:56
KE1HAabhijit, doesn't work always, there's other abh folks here.15:56
geirhaubottu is its own favorite?15:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:56
shayaknycFrater: no, i'd like to be able to VPN tunnel in to my ubuntu machine at home. I can ssh just fine, but am interested in making the VPN work15:56
abhijitKE1HA, hmm15:56
shayaknycFrater: I've followed the instructions here: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-pptp-vpn-server-with-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html15:56
RainRainVCoolio: thanks - that worked15:56
NikieAbhijit, can you help me with my problem ?15:56
FraterBtw, hi all :) Question: Is anyone aware of the issues with IPSEC/PLUTO when running 2.6.30+ kernels with the KLIPS module compiled? It keeps crashing on me with a [3496905.773643] BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at (null)15:56
D-Chymera1hi guys, I need some kind of web app with which I and others can edit texts over the internet and which keeps all versions of the texts and also allows forking (ie. somebody modifies a text and continues from there, but somebody else continues from before that modification) could you help me out? I believe this would be someting like the apps used to manage code by foss projects15:57
KE1HAabhijit, Like this person - abhijeet,15:57
microsoftguys do know you can buy win7 home premium for 30$15:57
babu__i,m blocked from the specific channel...how do i enter to it..15:57
microsoftbabu_ change ip15:57
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bazhang!ot | microsoft15:57
ubottumicrosoft: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:57
abhijitKE1HA, yah i got it. issue is not how may abh starting nick are there. issue is letting him know how to use tab key15:57
Sangeethbazhang: Actually, i got a wifi network at college and i'm given a separate login and password... So, whenever i open the browser after connecting to wifi, i have to enter the username and password...15:57
microsoftbazhang> why ubuntu is better thaan win 7 ?15:57
microsoftdo you know ?15:58
KE1HAabhijit, I do it all the time, send things to wrong people Whoops :-)15:58
BlaDe^Hi, I'm getting No package 'gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10' found   however   gstreamer0.10-plugins-base is already the newest version.              --- What shall I do?15:58
abhijitNikie, you first read that link given by ubottu carefully. if not understood then ask your question with details in one line here and wait. if anyone knows they will answer.15:58
bazhangmicrosoft, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic15:58
Fratershayaknyc: So any error messages or the likes? Whats the tunnel name, whats the output of 'pon tunnelname'15:58
abhijitKE1HA, :)15:58
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Nikieabhijit, I've kind of quickly gone through it....but it's too techno...15:58
Sangeethbazhang: So, i can't update through terminal as i don't login into the network with my username and password... Is there any ways to enter my username and password at terminal...15:58
babigenerichi guys, I have set up Samba4 on ubuntu 10 and bind9 is setup as primary dns server, I have another primary dns server running on windows 2003 r2 which contains all the correct dns settings, is there a way to migrate the dns entries from windows to ubuntu on bind915:59
RainRaininstalled alltray but it's not working - when i click on the new icon which it creates in the tray nothing happens15:59
shayaknycFrater: I'm not sure I understand what you're asking15:59
Meraxupyprarvind_k, thx, but i need make share on windows, not linux15:59
Nikieas said, I'm new to Linux & ubuntu. Infact, this is for the first time i'm using ubuntu..:-s15:59
abhijitNikie, cant help. its linux. if you help yourself then only others will be able to help you.15:59
bazhangSangeeth, its browser based? then I would guess not15:59
scampbellBlaDe^: Are you trying to compile something against it, you need to load the -dev package then.15:59
shayaknycI'm currently in Windows 7, and am trying to VPN into my ubuntu machine (which I am SSH'd into)15:59
Guest39752hi all!  every time i use apt-get install he wants to configure  zephyr-clients  but i like to remove it from apt ... whats the solution?15:59
abhijitNikie, if you are new then its very necessary for you to learn. dont tell others to do your homework15:59
BlaDe^ah okay scampbell16:00
Nikieoops ! homework ?16:00
Sangeethbazhang: Ya...whenever i open the browser i have to enter the username and password... IS there any way that i could update through the terminal...16:00
scampbellbabigeneric: make your bind server a slave to ms server, tell ms server your linux server is allowed zone transfers.  Bring up bind and query and name.  Bind will bring copies of the dns over, change the domain in bind from slave to master.  You're done.16:00
NikieI've gone through the ubuntu forums..n posted a few threads..n entered here to seek some guidance..16:00
bazhangSangeeth, I'd say no. try to contact your school network admin16:00
jellowGuest39752: sudo apt-get remove zephr-cli* --purge ?16:00
abhijiti am loosing my tempor now. so i set him on ignore for some time now.16:00
KE1HANikie, there are allot of New User Information sources besides the IRC channel, if you'd like to read up on things we can provide you with the right links.16:01
BlaDe^scampbell:  sudo apt-cache search gstreamer0.10-plugin | grep dev doesn't return anything16:01
BlaDe^there's good/bad/ugly etc but no dev16:01
scampbellBlaDe^: one sec, lemme look what they called it16:01
BlaDe^there's base-apps too, is that what I want?16:01
Fratershayaknyc: Well, you have the server and the client side. What is the error message on the client when you try to connect. What does the logfiles say on the server after you tried to connect.16:01
shayaknycFrater: checking now16:02
babigenericthanks scampbell thats what i was wondering if it is at all possible to do that so all i need is to change the line in the zone file from slave to master16:02
NikieI just would like to you to understand the problem i've encountered, n help if you had already come across this scenario before..16:02
scampbellBlaDe^:  apt-cache search gstreamer | grep dev   shows me libgstreamer0.10-dev16:02
NikieThat's all !16:03
BlaDe^scampbell:  I have that already16:03
scampbellbabigeneric: yep, once you got the copy it's yours.16:03
babigenericonce the zone has been updated16:03
Sangeethbazhang: Why?..  Is there any way?..16:03
Nikieso, you could help me..anyway, thank you for your time !16:03
BlaDe^plugins must have a different dev package but I don't know which one16:03
bazhangSangeeth, from the terminal? no.16:03
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SangeethHi all... I need some support at connecting to a wifi network... Some one help please...16:03
scampbellBlaDe^: sorry,  libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev  but if you do that apt-get search gstreamer | grep dev  you'll see it and others that you may run into needing.16:03
Sangeethbazhang: :(16:03
babigenericScampbell you are fantastic a million thanks16:04
bazhangSangeeth, I just told you you cannot; why are you still asking?16:04
shayaknycFrater: Error 800: The remote connection was not made because the attempted VPN tunnerls failed. The VPN serber might be unreachable. If this connection is attemtpting to use L2TP/IPsec tunner, the security parameters required for IPsec negotion might not be properly configured16:04
BlaDe^okay thanks a lot scampbell!16:04
shayaknycFrater: but I'm not trying to use LT2Sec16:04
KE1HANikie, I don't know, I missed what your exact problem is?16:04
shayaknycFrater: L2TP*16:04
Sangeethbazhang: Enthusiasm, agony :(16:04
Fratershayaknyc: And you did of course check the configuration is the same for the security things, and you also made sure the pptpd is running and listening for incoming calls, right?16:05
yeabeantranslation software for free . name ,just tell me . more16:05
bazhangyeabean, translate.google.com16:06
NikieKelha - Initially when i installed ubuntu 10.04 on virtual Machine, it was able to detect the wireless network and got connected to it automatically...However, when i've installed ubuntu as a dual OS, it has detected the wireless network but is not getting connected.16:06
yeabeanubuntu can install16:06
shayaknycFrater: as far as I know, the server is running fine, how do I go about checking to make sure it works? is there a way to log in locally from commandline?16:06
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NikieKelha, Appreciate your time !16:06
arvind_kyeabean, its a site16:06
yeabeanyes i know16:06
bazhangyeabean, open firefox, go to the site16:06
yeabeanbut i want software16:06
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bazhangyeabean, search in synaptic package manager16:07
Frater shayaknyc: NNNNNGH. I hate PPTP and i have to get an IPSEC Tunnel working myself, iam afraid i can not give you enough attention to fix this (even tho i had exactly that recently).16:07
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shayaknycFrater: no worries...thanks for your help...if you could even point me in the right direction, I'd be MUCH obliged16:07
hareldvdjust downloaded a package using apt-get install --download_only package. Where is the file?16:07
arvind_khareldvd, probably in your home folder16:08
hareldvdarvind_k, I was lucky. found it in /var/cache/apt/archives16:08
guampahareldvd: /var/cache/apt/archives16:09
Nikieharldvd, home folder or guess in your downloads directory16:09
KE1HANikie, sri but Im not a wireless expret, but for these guys to help they will need the Wireless card information etc.16:09
Fratershayaknyc:  Hm, i ran into the following problems.... IPTABLES blocked GRE ports (needed for PPTP). PPTP server was not started (ps aux | grep pptpd). Masquerading in IPTABLES; if you use it, has to be configured correctly...16:09
NikieYep, i can provide that..:)16:09
j_ayen_greenrunning lucid. this morning, the screen was black, and I couldn't get a response. It's running in vbox, so after about 45 minutes, I just shut it down. It turns out that it was doing a full backup, because I had forgotten to mount the network drive where the backups are kept, so it was treating the mount point as a local directory, found no interim backups, and so began a full. Is there some...16:10
j_ayen_green...way to get a response when something like that is going on, a linux version of ctl-alt-del?16:10
nEw2bei am getting locale error how to fix that LANGUAGE UNSET ; LOCAL ALL UNSET error16:10
shayaknycfrater: my iptables are configged properly (i believe) and pptpd is running :(16:10
NixieHey :)16:11
NixieI need some help here, can I get any support here16:11
Nixie? :)16:11
j_ayen_greenask the question, not if you can ask a question16:11
scampbellj_ayen_green: trick for the future.  Remove all permissions on the mountpoints (when they aren't mounted).  chmod a-rwx /mountpoint.   When mounted it will have whatever permissions the media wants, when not it's untouchable so that sort thing stands right up instead of hosing all your disk space.16:11
`oieh what is the best distro on the earth and.. on the moon?16:11
LoRez`oi: seriously.16:12
Pici`oi: If you're expecting any other answer than Ubuntu, then you should be asking in ##linux, not here.16:12
scampbellNixie: just ask your question and we'll see if someone here knows how to help you.16:12
NixieIn dockbarx nautilus doesn't show up :) how can I make it show up, nautilus shows up in default window list, what do I Need to do?16:12
Pici`oi: And even then....16:12
j_ayen_greenscampbell: thanks, great tip. aside from that, when a process like that is running and linux won't respond..is there a way to force some response?16:12
ranjanHi all my Ubuntu machine fully updated is not showing the plymouth :( and sometimes it shows for just a split second. any workaround??16:13
scampbellj_ayen_green: my guess is that you ran out of disk space for crucial needs, it's very difficult for me to guess the exact situation.  My flailing attempt would be ctrl-alt-f1 for a text screen and see if I can unfsck things from there.16:13
NixieIn dockbarx nautilus doesn't show up :) how can I make it show up, nautilus shows up in default window list, what do I Need to do to make it show up in dockbarx?16:14
Oerranjan your pc boots too fast ? i don't have a solution for that.16:14
OerNixie dockbar use compiz, do you have compiz enabled ?16:14
ranjanOer, if that was the situation i would be happy ...but here booting is also slower :(16:15
lukahey guys need some help here around sound settings?16:15
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NixieOer, of course other applications work in dockbarx :)16:15
bazhangluka, installed pavucontrol padevchooser yet?16:15
j_ayen_greenscampbell: no, wasn't out of disk space...I'm only using about 10 gig out of 50. I was watching the process monitor in windows (the host) while this was going on, and it was a lot of disk action, the occasional network action (reading a different networked drive that it includes in the backup) and about 80% cpu...so it was active, it was a matter of the screen saver wouldn't respond and clear16:15
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lukabazhang, no... what's that?16:16
bazhangluka, pulseaudio settings devices16:16
BlaDe^Has anyone tried Chrome OS? I want to dual boot it but I don't have a USB stick and all the guides use one, can it be done without? I have the img files16:16
ikoniaBlaDe^: chrome OS isn't anything to do with ubuntu16:17
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BlaDe^no but I want to make the partition and install it in ubuntu16:17
ikoniaBlaDe^: ok - it's nothing to do with ubuntu16:17
ikoniaBlaDe^: you can use gparted to make a partition though16:17
BlaDe^okay thanks16:18
lukabazhang, I need to redirect sound from my notebook speakers to line in jack 'couse my line out jack is dead16:18
bazhang!gparted > BlaDe^16:18
ubottuBlaDe^, please see my private message16:18
scampbellj_ayen_green: Don't know, the evidence given was that a backup process was writing to the wrong place and your system became unresponsive.  I've seen the  screen saver and X in general lock up hard for disk space issues before. If that's not the case for you then we are just playing darwinian pool :)16:19
lukabazhang, any idea?16:19
bazhangluka, I'd suggest trying with those first16:20
scampbeller, darwinian pool:  You are given a pool table with the balls in the pockets you must tell us how they got there .16:20
eNew usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed16:21
lukabazhang, ok I installed it but dunno how to set it16:21
eNewhow can i solve this&16:21
eNewplease help16:21
bazhangluka, right click add to panel and adjust there16:21
scampbellj_ayen_green: I can say that in the specific case of the locked screensaved it's goign to be extremely difficult to get around that if it's failed.  It's designed just for that.  Personally, I don't allow screen saver or screen locks to happen on my servers as a matter of safety.16:21
j_ayen_greenscampbell: well, it's that it was backing up what is 20% of the total disk space available, so I don't know how that could have filled it.  I shut down the host, rebooted, and then received a fail message on the mount, because the mount point now had files in it, a good share of the full backup, and the deja dup gave me a popup saying the backup had failed for unknown reasons. I presume...16:22
j_ayen_green...based on the activity that it was still cruising along doing the backup, and that had the system pegged16:22
NikieKe1ha, i've wireless card info...16:22
OneMillionDollaris there a way to check how many time someone try to log on to my ubuntu pc ?16:22
OneMillionDollaris there a log recording this ?16:22
Seveas-trainOneMillionDollar, /var/log/auth.log16:22
Seveas-trainOneMillionDollar, and /var/log/daemon.log for ssh16:23
unimatrixIs there a way to force nautilus to always sort folders by name? Like how Windows file browser behaves by default ?16:23
nEw2belocale unset error need fix in 10.0416:23
dmaxxneed some help here 2 with the directions...what channal is it best 2 go 2 if i need help with linux itself ?16:23
aeon-ltddmaxx: #linux maybe?16:23
lukabazhang, dunno where are setting for choosing output jack16:23
stercorDoes Ubuntu have a GUI for firewall management tool?16:24
aeon-ltdstercor: gufw16:24
scampbellj_ayen_green: likely so.  It's just terribly difficult to debug a situation like that, you can comb the logs for evidence of the issue but if some resource exhaustion occured there a pretty good likelyhood it didn't make it to the logs anyway. :(16:24
eNewHow to fix /usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed? How to install these modules&16:24
Nikiewireless network detected but not getting connected..16:24
stercoraeon-ltd: hanks16:24
dmaxxi must have a invite it say aeon-ltd16:24
aeon-ltdstercor: your welcome16:24
Nikiefolks any help..?16:24
RainRaincant get alltray working - can anybody help me - i have it installed but it just wont do what it's supposed to16:24
hareldvdHow do I force download of a package if the package is already up to date?16:25
profxavierhareldvd, what package and why ?16:25
trismhareldvd: aptitude download package_name; will download it to the current directory if that is what you want16:25
j_ayen_greenscampbell: I've noticed in the past that the photo slide show screen saver sometimes just sits there black, and that it's sometimes slow to respond to a mouse click, to clear itself. I wonder if the system being pegged like that and the screen saver having (presumably) a very low priority was a fatal situation16:25
scampbellj_ayen_green: that's one form a resource exhaustion.  Perhaps a message queue got stuffed by the backup software trying to complain about the situation, I could make up others but they're all without evidence :(16:26
dmaxxanyway i have manages 2 cloned wrong driver into a the drive i was gonna to clone with g4l and now the HDD is wiped from info and is replaced with the g4l itself,i kind of need it get bk as i have 5 year of work there xD16:27
nilsa5stercor: ufw firewall has a gui install it with: sudo apt-get install gufw16:27
carandraugHi! I'm writing an extension for firefox. Since it I'm writing it from the ground up, is it possible to write it in a way to make it compatible (or easy to port for) with Google chrome. has anyone attempted to do do something like this? Any link for a web page about it?16:27
scampbellcarandraug: I don't think the #ubuntu channel can tell you much about that. Perhaps ask in a firefox channel about such programming.16:27
stercornilsa5: I've installed gufw.  Is that the one you mentioned?16:28
j_ayen_greenscampbell: could be. I'm of the opinion for some reason that the backup software was having no problem, since it had already created numerous full backup volumes and had plenty of disk space left, but that I just couldn't get to the desktop because of the screen saver being in the way16:28
nilsa5stercor: yes16:28
carandraugscampbell, thanks. I asked ubuntu-app-devel but got no answer there. I'm so used to look only into the ubuntu community that it never ocurred me to ask firefox16:29
scampbellj_ayen_green: You would certainly have a better feel for it they I would from this distance :)   I stand by my statement that screen savers don't belong on servers.16:29
abhijit!caps | luka16:29
ubottuluka: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.16:29
flomasterI am getting this error when trying to run  sudo apt-get update   sudo apt-get upgrade   my pastebin>>>>> http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/0gqU9XF616:29
j_ayen_greenscampbell: well, you have my vote now. i'll look for a desktop slideshow instead of the screensaver :)16:30
doodomhi everybody16:30
dmaxx.... still need some advice here u know -_-16:30
luka#ubuntu guys i need help for redirecting sound output to line in jack (blue one) because line out jack(green one) is dead. it's lower case, will someone answer now?16:30
nilsa5stercor: you can try firestarter instead(its a another firewall): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Firestarter16:30
dmaxxtought firestarter is not that good option after what i mean-_-16:31
lukaanyone? I asked in lowercase o.O that's important16:31
dmaxxyo luka stand in line/?/16:32
scampbellluka: line in is for input, line out and speaker out would be for output.  Both line out and speaker out are likely outputting by default, however, line out is a signifcantly lower voltage.  You might try alsamixer to ensure the individual volumes are turned up but line out and speaker out or not interchangable electronically.16:32
Quantum_Ionlol@stand in line16:32
lukascampbell, with windows I managed that with realtek hd audio manager16:33
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwis there an easy way to switch between network interface settigns?16:33
dmaxxnooow that is answer,could some pretty pretty please with cherry on top give a little lost guy like me a little help maybe?16:33
j_ayen_greenscampbell: so what's ctl-alt-f1 do? I just did it, to try, and the screen went blank and asked for a login, which I gave, and now it's just sitting there16:34
scampbellluka: then try alsamixer, if the voltage is sufficient for your need fine, just wanted you to be aware of the electronic issue there.16:34
BluesKaj!ask | dmaxx16:34
ubottudmaxx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:34
scampbelldmaxx: If you have a disk image perhaps you can mount it on another system.  I don't use ghost so I don't know what it put on the backup disk really.16:35
j_ayen_greenscampbell: ah, now I appear to be at the command ine16:35
dmaxxi know that without u  blue gonna tell the bot 2 tell me xD16:35
lukascampbell, man... i just want my speakers play when i turn them in blue jack16:35
Oerluka laptop ?16:35
lukanot notebook speakers but those real one with subs16:35
lukaOer, yes16:36
scampbellluka: you can change in the individual volumes of the various outputs on your sound card up and down with alsamixer.   why not give it a try?16:36
dmaxxwhat i mean scampbell i need 2 find a way 2 get bk all the files and stuff that a clone software whave removed,any good software for that??16:36
duffydackisnt today 10.04.1 day?16:36
Friarhow do I know if TRIM is working with my SSD? I upgraded to 2.6.33 kernel, and I have changed my fstab file.16:36
Oerluka, there are some issues with laptops with no line out working.16:36
dmaxxexcept testdisk???16:37
scampbellj_ayen_green: ctrl_alt_f1 switches you to the text screen, no gui at all.  ctrl-alt-f7 (or 8 depending on your installation) will take you back to the graphical.16:37
lukascampbell, i did but only notebook speakers work...16:37
R\PeacemanI am desperate, and searching for someone who can help me with permissions in ubuntu, (ProFTPD and Samba)16:37
j_ayen_greenscampbell: ah! thanks :)16:37
scampbellj_ayen_green: be aware that a locked screen saver will disallow that action so you can't get out of it that way. another reason why I think screensavers are bad.16:37
lukaOer, thaks man you made my day16:37
Oerluka did you google ubuntu + laptopname + laptop typ  + line out ?16:38
threefoxCan someone remember me how to mount windows desktop on ubuntu?16:38
abhijit!permissions | R\Peaceman16:39
ubottuR\Peaceman: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions16:39
blackMatrix_NYhi all. I have inserted some aliases and variables in /home/<my-username>/.profile but it is not recognizing it even after I logoff and logon. Is there something Im missing ?16:39
elitexrayUbottu , do you get paid for this job?16:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:39
bazhangelitexray, its a bot16:39
BluesKaj!volunteeers | elitexray16:40
toterdoes anyone have a link to download the new ubuntu font/16:40
kikela1hello, i have a problem with empathy. I entered the password but the server answer what is a registred nikname. How i can send the password to identify ?16:40
prakash-567hi am new to IRC can any one tell how to connect to the other IRCservers ? most of them are denying my host.16:40
Akashaahi, I've just upgraded from karmic to lucid lynx on an asus a6000KM laptop. I've managed to get the wifi up, and seemingly everything works fine. I just can't reboot if I stop the system.16:40
pedro__hi... i'm experiencing some trouble after the ubuntu upgrade the xorg... it seems that i can use my gpu and my computer is getting very hot...16:41
betoboa tarde a todos16:41
BluesKajwe're all volunteeers elitexray...nobody here gets paid afaik16:41
bazhang!br | beto16:41
ubottubeto: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:41
djznwhen is 10.04.1 out16:42
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jpdsdjzn: Sometime today.16:42
djznjpds: but it is for sure today...right16:42
jpdsdjzn: Most likely.16:42
djznjpds: good!!! been waiting weeks16:42
prakash-567hi am using a new ubuntu distro called pinguyos16:43
prakash-567its awesome16:43
bazhangjpds, already got it here16:43
mrdkHow to uncompile java gcc into ghc piped thorugh xterm in bash via vb.NET (and I want the god damn makefile for it)16:43
djznbazhang: what do you got there16:43
navneethHi 10.04 user here... I'm not able to group windows using compiz for some reason. Can someone help?16:43
bazhangprakash-567, thats not supported here, hence offtopic16:43
bazhangdjzn, 10.04.116:43
djznbazhang: where did you get the iso16:43
sipiormrdk: that was quite a string of gibberish.16:44
tseugHi, I'm testing a program in a terminal.  How can I enter a "newline" in the terminal?  Pressing the Enter key submits my text.  Is there a key combination like Ctrl+Enter, or something, to make a newline?16:44
bazhangdjzn, not the iso. just apt-get upgrade16:44
djznbazhang: i am not talking about updates.... i am talking about installing it in 40 machines... without having to do anything16:44
Seveas-trainsipior, impressively almost-coherent though :)16:44
sipiorSeveas-train: perhaps he works in management16:44
mrdksipior: no, really not16:44
mrdksipior: my brother wanted to know16:44
bazhangdjzn, ah, then what jpds said16:44
kiamowhat torrent clients do people recommend?  transmission is causing my system to freeze :(16:44
mrdksipior: help me16:44
Seveas-trainah, the brother argument....16:44
bazhang!torrent > kiamo16:45
ubottukiamo, please see my private message16:45
mrdksipior: plz16:45
mishaHi folks. I'm running LL, and on a regular basis my system hangs. It just quits responding to everything (network contacts, too), and the only way to fix the problem is a reboot through the power button. I've poked around in syslog for some solutions to the problem, but found nothing out of the ordinary. Any other log or similar place I should go to, to get som hints to the roots of the problem?16:45
milkoI have a problem when I want to install ubuntu 10.416:45
sipiormrdk: you might try using coherent language. that will make it easier for both of us.16:45
navneethtseug: \ and then hit Enter16:45
abhijit!details | milko16:45
ubottumilko: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:45
milkoI have my disk with the partitions, but the ubuntu installar doesn't recognize these16:45
mrdksipior: isn't my question sophisticated enough for a toilet cleaner like you?16:46
Seveas-trainmrdk, you get linker to thwirble the objectcode and then it's a matter of degrubbing the results with a preprocessor16:46
milkothe strange thing is that when I open nautilus16:46
yashi-misha: are you using a notebook?16:46
milkoall partitiones are there16:46
bazhangmrdk, thats enough16:46
mrdkSeveas-train: I guess that'll work, that might be the correct way to do it16:46
sipiormrdk: classy. you didn't actually understand your question, did you?16:46
milkoubottu, abhijeet ^16:46
mishayashi: Nope, a "normal" computer. I suspect the fancy Nvidia-graphics-card...16:46
mrdkbazhang: no you DIDN'T16:46
Vigo_misha: Have you tried ifup and ifdown16:46
Seveas-trainbazhang, could you be a dear and remove the nuisance?16:47
typhon_Just wondering has anybody tried installing the latest distro onto a dell 745?16:47
sipiorbazhang, could you do the honours?16:47
mishavigo: No, what does those tool do?16:47
Vigo_misha: They are just network resets, one moment,,,,16:47
Seveas-trainahh, ikonia stole it16:47
yanick_hi, process-monitor does not show the "real" memory usage; in the resources tab, I see that there is 3.7GB of RAM used, +759MB SWAP, but the processes tab shows that the biggest process (Chrome) uses not even 800MB, and all other are less than 200MB. .... I'm confused16:48
NikieHi there, help on wireless network problem...any experts ??16:48
bazhangNikie, give us a lot more details16:48
Seveas-trainyanick_, how much ram is used as filecache?16:48
yanick_it doesn't add up16:48
Seveas-trainyanick_, what is the output of 'free -m'16:48
mishavigo: OK. Well, the system hangs *completely*. Keyboard/mouse doesn't react, and so on16:48
Vigo_misha: here is one page on it:> http://www.ubuntu.com/search/google-appliance/ifup16:48
milkoubottu, abhijeet: with gparted I got "unallocated"16:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:48
Nikiebazhang - Initially when i installed ubuntu 10.04 on virtual Machine, it was able to detect the wireless network and got connected to it automatically...However, when i've installed ubuntu as a dual OS, it has detected the wireless network but is not getting connected.16:48
yanick_Seveas-train, hold on... severe system lag :(16:48
OpenSourceCodeDoes anyone know good font to use on ubuntu 10.04 Ambiance?16:49
mishavigo: Thx, I'll have a peek. But, as I said, it seems to be more than a network error.16:49
typhon_Has anybody tried installing the latest Distro on a Dell 745? When I try it gives me a black screen but I can install the netbook edition....16:49
navneethcould I get some help on compiz, please? I have the group and tab windows plugin enabled, but the thing doesn't work when I select windows16:49
yanick_Seveas-train, it shows 3060 total, 3923 used, 37 free, 0 shared, 10 buffers, 136 cached16:49
bazhangNikie, lspci  to paste.ubuntu.com please; also the output of ifconfig , then give us the URL; dont paste into channel but to that website16:50
bazhangnavneeth, try #compiz16:50
undecimWhat command would I use to mount a thumb drive without root privs?16:50
Seveas-trainyanick_, pastebin full output please16:50
Vigo_misha: That page also covers that, the ifup/down are system calls, they also may assist in locating the error or dropped packets.16:50
undecimAs if I had clicked on the drive from a file manager?16:50
navneethbazhang, that place is quieter than a graveyard16:50
bazhangnavneeth, then be patient16:50
xanguanavneeth: then read the compiz wiki16:50
yanick_Seveas-train, http://pastie.org/109793116:51
navneethxangua, did that too... the instructions are pretty clear, and I have used this feature before... but for some reason, in a new installation where plugins-extra was not installed until an hour ago this feature is not working16:52
Seveas-trainyanick_, of your 3.9gb used, 3.7 is used by the os to cache files. This is good.16:52
OpenSourceCodeAnyone know good wallpaper for Ambiance theme?16:52
mishavigo: Mmm...ok...I'll have a look. Should an error situation result in some log entries?16:52
undecimWhat command does Nautilus use to mount drives without root privs?16:52
dmaxxdo someone know a better software then testdisk 2 use 2 recover a formatted/wiped HDD??16:53
Nikiebazhang - http://paste.ubuntu.com/479464/16:53
Vigo_misha: That is the next step to look into, yes.16:53
yanick_Seveas-train, oh yeah? my system is lagging as hell as soon as my hd starts spinning and writing like crazy for 30 seconds every 5 min and the mouse stops moving, etc.16:53
yanick_this is GOOD?16:53
Seveas-trainyanick_, the moment an application needs the memory, those files are removed from the cache.16:53
Seveas-trainyanick_, this is not the reason of your disk spinning like hell. That is something else16:53
mishaWhich logfile would be closest? As I said, syslog just ends without any mention of any problems...16:53
yanick_Seveas-train, the biggest app open are Chrome and Netbeans... how can they use 4GB of RAM??16:53
remotedmaxx, a magnifying glass16:53
bazhangIntel Corporation PRO/Wireless 5100 AGN Nikie and ifconfig shows wlan016:54
dmaxxremote????? whoot??16:54
Seveas-trainyanick_, they are not. Most of your memory is actually unused, so linux uses it to cache recently used files this makes your system considerably faster. Try to find out what is running during your periods of lag and what it is doing.16:54
bazhangNikie, you have an unencrypted wifi spot to test on?16:54
dmaxxis that really a software??? >_<16:54
yanick_Seveas-train, the system is fine until it goes in screen saver mode (screen locked), then everything starts to get sticky, slow and laggish16:54
remotedmaxx, i admire your originality16:54
Vigo_misha: Network Interfaces, should be16:54
Seveas-trainyanick_, that looks more like you have enabled opengl screensavers while using an intel or old videocard16:55
mishavigo: I had a quick peek at ifup/dn but can't immediately figure out how they would detect a complete system crash...16:55
yanick_Seveas-train, my video card is an ATI Radeo HD 367016:55
FriarIs it possible to delete your swap partition and add it to your main one? I have 4GB of RAM and haven't used swap in a LONG time. I don't think so anyways. I long ago set my swapiness to 0.16:55
Seveas-trainyanick_, or some screensaver that insists on loading gigs of photos16:56
yanick_Seveas-train, my system is a Dell Studio XPS 16 , so I'd say pretty recent hardware, there shouldn't be any lag....16:56
cole_how to set the login windows backgroud in ubuntu 10.0416:56
Nikiebazhang - No :(16:56
Vigo_misha: I only suggested those as an alternative to a system boot, and those sys calls may help find the error.16:57
yanick_Seveas-train, yeah... that should be more like it, even though all I see for pictures are the gnome color test one all the time :/16:57
OpenSourceCodehow can I reduce resolution of wallpaper from 1920x1600 to 1024x768 without losing picture capacity16:57
yanick_are = is16:57
Seveas-trainyanick_, just use 'blank screen' as screensaver. You're not looking at it anyway :)16:57
candreaFriar: I would not recommend removing the swap partition (although is possible). Are you having problems of space on the disk?16:57
cole_anyone can help me ?16:57
mishavigo: OK. Well, the problem is that I can't do *anything* with the computer. The mouse and keyboard is dead, it just lacks responding :(16:57
xanguaOpenSourceCode:  use gimp16:58
ojiihi everyone16:58
Seveas-traincole_, install gdm2setup16:58
undecimWhat command replaces devkit-disks in 10.04?16:58
cole_thank you16:58
=== _NG is now known as _ng
Nikiebazhang - but, i can change the settings so that any user can access without having to enter the password ? Is that ok ?16:58
ojiiI know ubuntu has the UbuntuOne store but it really doesn't have any artists I like in it. I'd love to actually buy music but I can't see how I can do this on linux. Is there any way I can buy itunes music on linux/ubuntu?16:58
Friarcandrea, I have a 30GB SSD, so I'm kind of tight....also, I don't know if I have anything in a recycle bin. My wife kept putting pictures on the SSD when I told her to used the external HDD for that becasue we simply do not have the storage space. We take a lot of pictures.16:58
abhijitcole_, https://launchpad.net/gdm2setup16:58
cole_oh no,my version is 10.0416:58
yanick_Seveas-train, aawww... but they are nice looking and makes Ubuntu look cool :P yeah. I'll try to use the blank screen only and see if the problem persists. However, I think it is a -1 for Ubuntu; the fact that it get's laggy with OpenGL screensavers...16:59
bazhangNikie, that is what unencrypted means16:59
cole_there is no gdm2setup16:59
abhijitcole_, i gave you the link16:59
Seveas-trainyanick_, did you install the closed source driver for your ati card?16:59
bazhangojii, check the appdb and join #winehq16:59
yanick_Seveas-train, yes16:59
bazhang!appdb | ojii16:59
ubottuojii: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:59
yanick_Seveas-train, I activated the thrid party repos and insalled it17:00
ojiibazhang, I'm aware of wine, but that's not what I call a solution17:00
Seveas-trainyanick_, err, it's not in a 3rd party repo...17:00
yanick_Seveas-train, or do you mean did I download it from the ATI site ?17:00
bazhangNikie, once that is done, then sudo dhclient wlan0 to test17:00
Seveas-trainyanick_, no, from the 'restricted' repo17:00
MACscrDo you foresee issues with using debs in lucid, but werent created for karmic? Was going to use this ppa for the dcc-client, etc. http://ppa.launchpad.net/jonasped/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/d/dcc/17:00
yanick_Seveas-train, then yes, sorry I meant restricted17:01
bazhangojii, that or use virtualbox with windows, there is not a linux version of iTunes, nor will there ever be17:01
CopyWriterhello all17:01
Nikieya..i understood...:) I'll do it..17:01
candreaFriar: to remove the swap you'll have to both delete the partition and remove the reference from /etc/fstab17:01
Nikien ping u back...17:01
CopyWriterquick question does anybody else find 8.04.4 more stable than 10.0417:01
ojiibazhang, :(17:01
abhijit8.04? :-o   nooooo17:01
bazhangMACscr, could work, but completely at your own risk and unsupported when/if it breaks17:02
CopyWriterwhy i'm asking is i'm thinking of going back17:02
CopyWriterto 8.04.417:02
Friarcandrea, will deleting the partition allow me to have the extra 2GB of space?17:02
icerootCopyWriter: 8.04 is more tested and fixed then 10.04 because its older and still supported17:02
CopyWriteror should i just stick to 10.0417:02
histo_CopyWriter: 8.04.4 will have more testing and bug sqaushing done.17:02
candreaFriar: yes, but first you'll have to resize your "main" partition too17:02
ajsiecould someone explain what RSA keypair is all about?17:02
=== histo_ is now known as histo
yanick_ajsie, Google RSA17:02
FriarI see...so I have to unmount swap before I can do it...candrea.17:03
candreaFriar: you can also resize your swap to e.g. 500 MB17:03
abhijit!google | yacc17:03
ubottuyacc: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.17:03
CopyWriteri love the 10.04 lts release but it's a paiin to configure my wireless drivers17:03
abhijityanick_, that was for you ^^^^17:03
Seveas-trainajsie, or look on wikipedia for "public key cryptography"17:03
CopyWriterpropriety hardware driver doesn't detect it17:03
yanick_abhijit, good to know17:03
candreaFriar: to modify partitions you'll have to use a live cd17:03
aj00200ajsie: its a form of asymetric key encryption. Its a rather indepth topic, so you should google it.17:03
CopyWriterbut in your opinions guys which would you choose the 8.04 lts or 10.0317:03
CopyWriteri mean 10.0417:03
FriarCandrea. Thanks for the help. I'm not sure I want to risk it at the moment. I have heard that people can sometimes have problems changing partitions...like losing everything.17:03
histo!poll | CopyWriter17:04
ubottuCopyWriter: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:04
bazhangCopyWriter, dont poll here17:04
CopyWritersorry about that guys17:04
Vigo_ajsle: They are for Authentication17:04
CopyWriterdid it without even realizing17:04
=== _ng is now known as _NG
MACscrbazhang: think it might be better just to get the packages from the developers and compile it?17:04
CopyWriterdidn't mean to offend anyone17:04
bazhangMACscr, certainly safer17:05
aeon-ltdCopyWriter: whats the point of asking?, neither maintain your own ubuntu :)17:05
candreaFriar: to try to save more disk space have you tried using the Disk Usage Analyzer?17:05
yanick_ajsie, basically, RSA is an encryption algorithm that uses a private key to encrypt data and use a public key to be able to decrypt it17:05
* CopyWriter scratches his head, trying to figure out how to ask bestbot17:05
Friarcandrea, I have not. what is that/17:05
ajsieyanick_: i think u got it wrong17:05
ajsieyanick_: public key to encrypt and private to decrypt17:06
=== LouisJB_ is now known as LouisJB
Intnzmouse and keyboard hangs during installation of ubuntu 10.04 .what to do ?17:06
candreaFriar: it's a tool that you can access from Applications→Accessories17:06
yanick_ajsie, something like that17:06
ajsieread it in wiki =)17:06
lukaszgHi! Can I install Ubuntu 32bit on the notebook with the i3-330M processor ( http://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?id=47663 ) ?17:06
CopyWriteryes figured iti out17:06
Seveas-trainIntnz, use a different keyboard :)17:06
ajsieyanick_: ive got 2 files: id_rsa  id_rsa.pub17:06
mishaDoes anyone here have any experience with the nvidia-drivers. I'm suspecting those for causing my system to hang...17:06
bazhanglukaszg, sure17:06
ajsieso the first one is private and the second one is public?17:06
Intnzseveas-train :and mouse?17:06
candreaFriar: if you have more users on your computer, tell it to scan the entire filesystem17:06
hans_ajsie: thats right17:06
aj00200!anyone | misha17:06
ubottumisha: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:06
ajsiehans_: okay17:06
lukaszgbazhang, thanks! :)17:06
candreaFriar: it will show you which files/folders occupy more space17:06
icerootlukaszg: yes, also you can use the amd64 version17:06
bazhanglukaszg, how much ram17:07
lukaszgbazhang, 4GB17:07
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Friarcandrea, I've never tried it. I'm looking right now...do kernels take up a big portion of the disk? can I remove old ones?17:07
misha:) Is the nvidia-driver unstable?17:07
=== acarr_ is now known as acarr
bazhanglukaszg, then install the linux-generic-pae package to get all 4GB in use17:07
gnomefreakmisha: not in lucid17:07
lukaszgiceroot, , i do not like amd ;)17:07
=== maco2 is now known as maco
gnomefreakmine works in Lucid at this time17:07
acarr Heya!  Kubuntu:10.04 ---> KDE , NDvIDIA 7200gs, 2 acer 25 inch monitors... Everytime I restart kde I lose multimonitor config.  I have read forums and tried most fixes. Please advise! :)17:08
candreaFriar: you can safely remove old kernels (if you are sure that the new one works OK), but it won't save much space17:08
icerootlukaszg: amd64 has nothing to do with amd cpus, its also for intel cpus17:08
Akashaahi, I've just upgraded from karmic to lucid lynx on an asus a6000KM laptop. I've managed to get the wifi up, and seemingly everything works fine. I just can't reboot if I stop the system.17:08
mishagnomefreak: And it works?Did you install it manually, or was it the one that installed automagically?17:08
CopyWriterbestbot is a repository of wisdom17:08
gnomefreakalways keep 2 kenrels around17:08
lukaszgbazhang, the notebook is here: http://www.samsung.com/pl/consumer/pc-peripherals-prtinters/ultra-mobile-pc/r-series/NP-R580-JS0APL/index.idx?pagetype=prd_detail&tab=specification17:08
gnomefreakmisha: i used jockey-gtk (also know in the menus as hardware drivers17:09
mishagnomefreak: Which version do you have?17:09
CopyWriterlater guys17:09
tatofoohello, I want to find out an IP from a computer name, I've used nslookup but it's not working since my DNS server isn't telling me the IP, how else can I do it? or do I have to setup my own DNS somewhere?17:09
Friarcandrea, I am pretty sure...I just updated to 2.6.33 for the TRIM support. I have a file that is 1GB called bootchart. It is in /var/log and it says there are 382 items in it....17:09
milkowhat means if when I run gparted I got the message "can't have overllaping partitions"?17:09
gnomefreakmisha: nvidia-current: Installed: 195.36.24-0ubuntu1~10.0417:09
acarrnormally, the ping command will resolve an ip address from a domain name.17:09
Seveas-trainmilko, that you're trying to make 2 partitions occupy the same space17:09
acarrtatofoo: fyi17:09
Nazdravianyone have any experience with a good bluetooth manager for tethering to an iphone for kde 3.x?17:09
aj00200tatofoo: do you mean a domain name? Like get the ip for google.com?17:10
mishagnomefreak: Yeah, same as me :( I'm just fumbling around in the dark with this system of mine.17:10
=== em is now known as emma
hans_tatofoo: you can use ping17:10
acarrtatofoo:  normally, the ping command will resolve an ip address from a domain name.17:10
tatofooif I do 'ping COMPUTER01' it's telling me 'ping: unknown host COMPUTER01'17:10
lukaszgbazhang, so, do you think that ubuntu 32bit will be works fine on it?17:10
tatofooand we are on the same network17:10
Friarcandrea, my disk usage also says that I only have 14GB on /. So I am clearly missing something...cause my df command gives this for sda: 25540128   2424776  92%17:11
candreaFriar: mh, bootchart file should be an image containing some information about the boot17:11
sipiortatofoo: is the name you are trying to resolve from one of your own domains?17:11
bazhanglukaszg, of course, just install the pae package I mentioned17:11
milkoSeveas, my problem is when I want to install ubuntu17:11
candreaFriar: if you don't know what bootchart is, you can safely remove this file and the 'bootchart' package17:11
Chillancehow do run adobe air apps? (adobe air 2 is installed)17:11
aj00200tatofoo: what do you need the ip for?17:12
lukaszgbazhang, ok, thanks you very much17:12
bazhanglukaszg, welcome17:12
tatofoosipior: yah, I looked up in /etc/resolv.conf and they both have the same domain17:12
acarrtatofoo:  If you are trying to ping a system on your own network with a computer name of "computer01" you will either need a hosts entry in your /etc/hosts file or the ip address / mac address to contact the device....17:12
NasderNew user, installing ubuntu on my notebook and I am unsure on how to partition it, 250gig. 2 gig swap, 40Mbyte boot, how big should I make root and home with the remaining 248ish Gigs?17:12
Friarcandrea, I remember doing something about it when I first got my SSD to see the boot time. It seems like every boot has saved a file though.17:12
candreaFriar: can you please give me the usage of /, given by "df -h"?17:12
milkoSevas_afk, with the live cd the partitions are showed with nautilus17:12
milkobut these are not recognized by the installer17:13
bazhangNasder, boot should be a bit bigger, at least 100MB, although I use 250MB17:13
spvenskohello, stupid question but probably easy to answer - could i run a 64 bit ubuntu vm within a 32 bit ubuntu host OS?17:13
tatofooaj00200: I want to administer remotly some computers and they have their IP dynamically assigned, changing it to static is not an option :(17:13
* jwheare_local sdflj17:13
tensorpuddingtatofoo: Try getting DynDNS.17:13
tatofooacarr: MAC address :O! can I specify it in /etc/hosts instead of the IP?17:13
Nasderbazhang, I'll correct that then, should I split root and /home 50/50?17:13
microsofthow to check what wifi drivers are loaded to my system ?17:14
bazhangNasder, 20-30GB for root, then the rest for a separate home partition17:14
Friarcandrea, I may have just screwed things up....I did sudo apt-get remove bootchart....I dont know what my command line is doing now.17:14
candreaFriar: yes, for this reason bootchart eats a lot of space -- if you no longer need it remove both the packages and the files in /var/log/bootchart17:14
_BEASTmicrosoft: ?17:14
bazhangNasder, way too large, even if you install the entire repo17:14
tensorpuddingtatofoo: If they're behind a NAT, you'll need to setup port forwarding.17:14
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aj00200tatofoo: Ummm. You might want to look at using nmap to scan your entire network and get their names, but I forget the option to do that17:14
thelearnerhello people!17:14
abhijit!hi | thelearner17:15
ubottuthelearner: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:15
acarrtatofoo:  o17:15
acarrtatofoo: no17:15
bazhangmicrosoft, lsmod ? what chipset do you have?17:15
thelearnerhi abhi17:15
milkocan somebody help me?17:15
microsofti have wifi device and i know lucid come with different drivers already installed so i want to know what drivers are loaded17:15
candreaFriar: can you paste the output of apt-get on http://paste.ubuntu.com , please?17:15
Nasderbazhang, thanks!17:15
acarrtatofoo: Do you have the mac address of the machine you are trying to reach?17:15
abhijit!ask | milko17:15
ubottumilko: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:15
bazhangmicrosoft, could you paste.ubuntu.com the output of lspci and ifconfig please?17:15
acarrtatofoo: also, is the machine on the same subnet as the machine you are trying to reach it from, or, do you have a static route setup if it is not?17:16
tatofooacarr: yes, I use it already for wake on LAN, can I get the IP from it?17:16
milkoI don't know why, but when I want to install ubuntu 10.4, the partitions are not recognized... but the partitiones are showed in nautillus17:16
tmosHey guys, how do I find out the host address of my printer?17:16
tatofooacarr: same subnet17:16
Friarcandrea, too late....I removed the bootchart folder and contents and it used up the buffer on my terminal.17:16
acarrtatofoo: dhcp?17:16
acarrtatofoo: or static ips17:16
Friarcandrea, well, here's to hoping that I can still boot next time I start my computer.17:16
aj00200tmos: is this a network printer?17:16
tatofooacarr: dhcp, static is not an option17:16
tmosYes aj17:16
acarrtatofoo: what is the ip of the machine you are on?17:17
microsofti cant give u my ifconfig cuz there is to much private info17:17
NasderSo it's good when set as, 200Mbyte root, 2 Gbyte swap, 20Gig Root and the rest (225ish Gig) for /home17:17
bazhangmicrosoft, just tell me if it shows wlan0 or the like then17:17
microsoft<bazhang> yes it show wlan017:17
abhijitmilko, just try this it is not guranteed solution bu try it go to gparted from ubuntu livecd and make a partition blank on which you want to install ubuntu and then try installing it17:17
aj00200tmos: let me see if I can find how to do this. I did something similar recently17:17
tatofooacarr: and the other is
Friarwell candrea, thanks for the help. I appreciate it. I have to get dinner ready.17:17
bazhangmicrosoft, and pastebin lspci please17:17
SyntheadI have a USB Multitech ZBA modem that doesn't get properly probed under a clean Ubuntu 10.04.  In Arch Linux, it works, and this is the output: http://codepad.org/aHa6gbH1  What should I do to get it to work?17:17
tmosOk aj thanks17:18
acarrtatofoo: but you dont know the ip of "computer01"17:18
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milkohow can I fix the problem "can't have overllaping partitions" with gparted?17:18
vicpengbazhang: /boot  100M  / 20G /swap 2g   the rest for /home17:18
bazhangvicpeng, this is Nasder ?17:18
microsoft<bazhang> but i can do for example modprobe rt2870sta and i know device rt2870 is no connected but the driver is loaded but how to check that this driver is loaded or get list of lodad drivers cuz for example why i type lsmod it show me connected devices and the drivers those devices use at the moment17:19
Nasderbazhang, I reckon he pinpointed it to you as I just threw it out there.17:19
aj00200tmos: Is this printer already setup for printer sharing with a windows network?17:19
tatofooacarr: right now I know because I looked at it, but let's say, I shut them down and power them tomorrow (asumming there is not only one machine but 50 now) I won't know the IP of all of them, so that's why I was asking the NAME -> IP thing17:19
bazhangNasder, okay you saw he said about the same then17:19
microsoftbut that doesnt mean that this are all loaded drivers17:19
microsoftthere maybe more loaded but not in use17:19
tmosYes it is working with Windows 7 on my other box17:19
SyntheadAny thoughts about the USB modem?17:20
Akashaahi, I've reinstall grub using http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275 point 13. At startup it reports "Error: file not found", but it still manages to boot. How can I make sure that grub will work for sure?17:20
aj00200tmos: then you should eiter be able to get the hostname from there, or use the "Windows Printer via SAMBA" option in the printer setup page. You might need to install samba first "sudo apt-get install samba"17:21
aj00200!samba | tmos17:21
ubottutmos: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:21
acarrtatofoo: you can pole your dhcp server17:21
acarrtatofoo: is it your dhcp server?17:21
R\PeacemanI am desperate, and searching for someone who can help me with permissions in ubuntu, (Samba)17:21
tmosOk , I will have a go now, thanks17:21
aj00200tmos: no problem17:21
aj00200R\Peaceman: you may also want to ask in #samba17:21
Syntheadthis channel is so useless17:22
R\Peacemanaj00200 thx17:22
bobo123Synthead: no, not allways ;-)17:22
aj00200Synthead: why do you say that?17:22
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tatofooacarr: :O how would I do that?17:22
bobo123ahev anyone here playes Glest? is it supposed to be like 320x200 or is there something I can do to make it run in like 800x600 or so?17:23
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bobo123since it is 3D-vector graphics I suppose it is not dependent of a certain resolution, but there are no settings for that in the games setting....17:24
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candreabobo123: I've never used Glest, but I've found this page on the web: http://glest.org/glest_board/index.php?topic=4601.0;wap217:25
MaRk-Ibobo123: hit "alt+enter" while in game17:27
babu__how to install skype in ubuntu10.0417:28
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iceroot!skype | babu__17:28
ubottubabu__: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga17:28
Nikiebazhang, http://paste.ubuntu.com/479478/17:29
NikieHere is the output !17:29
R\PeacemanSomeone who can help me with my samba share, got permission problems17:30
sipiorR\Peaceman: you'll have better luck if you supply the channel with a clear description of your problem.17:31
flixilHello, I just installed ubuntu and seems to freeze randomly. Even when not logging in and using a terminal (but with gdm running). I don't see grub at the beggining. Freezes really quick without giving time to do much. I got freezes on the installer as well, but in the end I was able to install ubuntu by trying several times. I use ubuntu gnome am64 the new stable one. Thanks17:31
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flixilBy terminal I mean tty1 or tty2 and so on...17:31
oCean__Nikie: I think bazhang is not online. What was your question? The output shows you got an ip address on your wireless interface..17:32
toterDoes anyone have access to the font for Ubuntu's Logo? Any link to download? Geez... it's easier to compile the kernel than to have access to this font...17:32
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kmicinskiHey all, when installing openoffice I keep getting an error of "short read in buffer_copy" in an OO debian package.17:32
Nikieocean, oops ! thank you for the update, herez the recap...;)17:32
Some_Persontoter: That's because there is no font. IIRC, it's just a custom logo17:32
Nikieocean, Initially when i installed ubuntu 10.04 on virtual Machine, it was able to detect the wireless network and got connected to it automatically...However, when i've installed ubuntu as a dual OS, it has detected the wireless network but is not getting connected.17:33
R\PeacemanI've set up an samba share, and added a directory to share. The directory also includes 2 hard drives that is running on a another computer that I've mounted. The problem is that when I try to create a folder och upload a file from my computer, I get a message "no permissions" but when I am in putty and dir into the directory, I am allowed to create a folder and so on.17:33
toterSome_Person: http://design.canonical.com/2010/07/the-ubuntu-font/17:33
toterThere is a font17:33
toterand it's new17:33
toterand it's impossible to get17:33
oCean_Nikie: but the dhclient command seems to have connected!17:34
njainflixil: you have sufficient hardware required by ubuntu version you are installing17:34
econdudeawesomeDoes anyone have a console music player besides music on console (MOC) they recommend? It appears the MOC for meerkat in lubuntu is broken.17:34
Nikieocean, he asked me to run the commands and give him the output17:34
NikieThat's the output...17:34
hikuR\Peaceman: does samba have permissions to write to the mounted disks? who owns the mount point?17:34
xangua!mpd | econdudeawesome17:34
xangua!info mpd17:34
ubottumpd (source: mpd): Music Player Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.15.4-1ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 174 kB, installed size 508 kB17:34
Syntheadbobo123, aj00200: there are over 1500 people in this channel and I've yet to get a reply to any problems I have posted in here, ever17:35
R\PeacemanI've put all permissions to 777, and I am able to create folder and so on when i am using ssh17:35
iflemaecondudeawesome mplayer and mpg321 to name two....17:35
econdudeawesomexangua: package is "mpd" (is in apt-get install mpd?)17:35
candreatoter: the Ubuntu font is currently in beta, and only Ubuntu Members can access it, sorry17:35
Nikieya..true..earlier when i was using encrypted connection, it was not getting connected...he asked me to use unencrypted connection..so, i had disabled the password encryption..n u can see the dhclient connected17:35
oCean_Nikie: ok, the output frm the dhclient command gave you an actual ip-address on wlan0. If you would do a 'ifconfig wlan0' at this point, it should show that there is an ipaddress. Can you connect to internet(sites) now?17:35
econdudeawesomexangua: iflema: do you recommend these over MOC in general also, or because my particular install is crapping out ;-) ?17:35
R\PeacemanI just dont get why I cant do it when i am using my own computer, literally speaking I am using the same user? because I log into the share with the ubuntu username and password?17:35
Syntheadbobo123, aj00200: I understand that all our time here is a donation to the community, and I respect that, but I am an active supporter of the community too17:36
Nikieya..without password encryption..17:36
hikuR\Peaceman: when you try to write over the samba mount, are you logging in? is it prompting you for username/password, or did you set the default permissions so that anyone can write to it?17:36
totercandrea: it's just a font... I don't understand the difficulty in trying to get it...17:36
flixilI don't have even time to install ssh-server or stop gdm using the console. Is there a way to start without X if there is no grub?17:36
flixilThe system is a fresh instalation17:36
iflemaecondudeawesome your install is not supported here ;)17:36
sipiortoter: deal with it until it is publicly available.17:36
xanguaecondudeawesome: well mpd has terminal and gui inferfaces17:36
toternobody has a freaking website so I can download this font?17:36
Some_Persontoter: Seems odd that they would release it as a closed beta. I thought ubuntu was all about open-ness17:36
R\PeacemanI've tried both, to mount a windows share and put in the login information and i've tried without logging in, nothing is working17:36
Nikiehowever, when i'm encrypting, I'm not able to connect..( to restrain others 2 us my network i protected with password)17:36
oCean_Nikie: indeed. What could help (not sure if you already tried) is go to menu System > Preferences > Network Connections and remove the current wireless setup and then add it again17:37
xanguatoter: wait until maverick relelase17:37
econdudeawesomeiflema: I know ;-) Just looking for some advice. MOC is the shiznick and I'm sad it bricked (as far as a program can brick)17:37
toterI am going to become a Ubuntu Member, download this font and provide everybody with a link17:37
flixilnjain, yes, the computer is one year old17:37
hikuR\Peaceman: can you pastebin your smb.conf for me17:37
Nikieoh ! okai...I've not tried it..17:37
oCean_toter: "becoming a member" is not something done very easily17:38
Cryophil1toter: sudo apt-get install ttf-ubuntu-title17:38
iflemaecondudeawesome this channel is for released versions of Ubuntu, #ubuntu+1    for 10.10  and Lubuntu is not supported here.17:38
toteroCean_: I don't care... I'll try just to get this font17:39
bobo123candrea: thanks. now I changed /home/ubuntu/.config/glest/glest.ini and it works. I wish the games started in at least 800x600 by default and had a setting for it in it settings screen though :-)17:39
njainflixil: one year doesn't matter17:39
toterCryophil1: yeah... thank you... but that's not the NEW font17:39
njainjust check the speifications17:39
oCean_toter: yeah, but becoming a member requires extensive "proof/documentation" on your contributions to ubuntu (-community)17:39
candreatoter: well, I actually don't know why it's not available to everyone... probably on #ayatana you'll get more answers17:40
hiku!pastebin > R\Peaceman17:40
ubottuR\Peaceman, please see my private message17:40
hikuoCean_: isn't part of that "proof" logged for #ubuntu =).17:40
njainapache2 doesn't execute a simple cgi script17:41
njainis it apparamor blocking it?17:41
candreabobo123: if you want to, you can open a feature request here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glest/+filebug17:41
njainhow do I find out.17:41
gossedu972quelqun parle francais ??17:41
toter!fr | gossedu97217:41
ubottugossedu972: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:41
bobo123Synthead: hehe... some problems are harder than others I guess. what is what you need help of, perhaps I know something. (and I don't think all 1500 people are at their computer.... and I guess some people have some automatic that beeps them when someone asks a bout a certain keyword about their application is written)17:42
SyntheadI have a USB Multitech ZBA modem that doesn't get properly probed under a clean Ubuntu 10.04.  In Arch Linux, it works, and this is the output: http://codepad.org/aHa6gbH1  What should I do to get it to work?17:42
candreaflixil: are you sure the amd64 version is the right one for you? also, are you using some unusual hardware?17:42
Syntheadbobo123: I'm sorry to be such a critique :/  that was rude of me17:42
bobo123candrea: ok I go there. perhaps I should ask for the feature that the text font is increased when resolution is larger too. in 1024x768 the text is too small otherwise.17:44
candreabobo123: yeah, feel free to open a new bug report for each issue you find ;-)17:45
BrixSatif i want to run an iptables command every time pc starts where should i put it?17:46
Spaztic_OneHey, I'm in a bit of a pickle.... I was using teamviewer when it stopped responding, and now most of linux is frozen.17:46
guest__BrixSat /etc/rc.local17:46
candreaBrixSat: do you want it to run when you boot the computer, or when you log in into your account?17:46
BrixSatthanks guest__17:46
BrixSatcandrea:  when i boot the pc17:47
Andre_Gondimis it possible to insert ubuntu server in usb?17:47
candreaBrixSat: then rc.local is the right place (like guest__ suggested)17:47
bobo123Synthead: ohh... I don't know much about usb-modems... haven't seen any such actually but I talked with someone in australia that tried to use some usb 3G-mobilephone-modem with win98 before... I wasn't much help there either though :-/17:47
LibertyZeronjain: If I  recall correctly you can only execute cgi's in /usr/lib/cgi-bin by default. Maybe you want to ask in #ubuntu-server.17:48
njainLibertyZero: thanks, I got that fixed.17:48
JackomoLightecho _harri_17:49
bobo123Synthead: if noone here know perhaps you can ask at #ubuntu-beginners too.17:49
Spaztic_OneHere, let me elaborate, I can move the mouse, but cannot click. I can change workspaces, but can't alt-tab to other windows in a workspace. I was able to start chatzilla and join irc using the keyboard.17:49
Spaztic_Onethere is also a menu that is stuck open17:49
candreaSpaztic_One: does this happen every time you switch on the computer? or does it happen when you do something special?17:51
Spaztic_OneI was using teamviewer when it stopped responding17:51
Spaztic_Onethis is the first time it has happened17:52
bobo123Spaztic_One: I guess perhaps some application have 'stolen' your mouse and are not releasing it... what happens if you remove the mouse and insert it in the computer again after som seconds?17:52
Spaztic_OneIts hard to remove a touchpad >.>17:52
Spaztic_OneMight add, I am using a laptop and Ubuntu 10.0417:53
IdleOneThe right ctrl key doesn't release the mouse?17:53
candreaSpaztic_One: is teamviewer still running?17:53
Spaztic_OneCoincidentally, I do have a mouse hooked up and tried that, and nothing changed, probably due to the fact that the touch pad never gets disconnected17:53
Spaztic_Onecandrea: yes, sort of. Its greyed out and non-responsive, with a dropdown menu that is on every workspace17:54
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candreaSpaztic_One: that must be the problem17:54
bobo123Spaztic_One:  if nothing else works, you can press ctrl-alt-F1 to get a textmode console and there kill teamviewer with pkill teamviewer  or ps to find the number and kill that number17:54
candreaSpaztic_One: do you know how to use tty?17:55
guest__killall blah17:55
bobo123(and ctrl-alt-F7 to get back to graphic screen after)17:55
Spaztic_Onedo I need to use a full blown textmode console, or can I just use the terminal?17:56
candreaSpaztic_One: if you can open the terminal, you can use it17:56
bobo123Spaztic_One: yeah normal terminal window works fine allso17:56
amanita_Spaztic_One: just run xkill then click on the app that you want to kill17:56
guest__amanita_ can't click   heh17:57
Spaztic_OneYEah, short cut for it still works.17:57
pierre_im running ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop and have a strange problem17:58
luisthow do i install python-pykickstart on my ubuntu 10.04??17:58
pierre_i cant watch youtube/streamed videos when ive connected my TV to it17:58
pierre_i can only watch in small screen cant use fullscreen17:58
Spaztic_OneBut no, I don't know how to use tty17:58
pierre_any idea what to do?17:58
pierre_ubuntu 10.04 ....17:59
candreaSpaztic_One: no problem: if you use a terminal, you don't need a tty17:59
amanita_Spaztic_One: if you are in a terminal sudo apt-get install htop then run htop18:00
guest__need ?     hmmm      we don't need computers at all.18:00
amanita_spaztic_one: it will help you to kill processess.18:00
reggipierre_: do you know if you have the drivers for your video card installed?18:00
pierre_regular movies works etc18:00
pierre_and drivers are installed for everything18:01
reggijust youtube in full screen doesn't work pierre_?18:01
Spaztic_OneSo, I need to get htop to be able to list running processes to kill them?18:01
pierre_ANY streamed video via browser18:01
Cheeryhow to set smbd workgroup?18:01
pierre_works on normal but not fullscreen18:01
guest__Spaztic_One no.    there are several ways to list processes18:01
reggipierre_: is this a new installation of ubuntu?18:01
candreaSpaztic_One: not necessarily, you can also just use "killall teamviewer"18:01
pierre_reggi: didnt work on my old one either18:02
pierre_reggi: ive had the installation for 3-4 months tho18:02
dewmanis anyone familier with how to configure amanda for 10.04?18:02
reggipierre_: which browser are you using?18:02
m4dv0yhi there18:02
guest__Spaztic_One if you know the name of an app you want to kill just run    killall <name>     or you can search for the name with things like "ps"  which is already installed18:02
Spaztic_OneWhat is one that lists processes because it can't find a process called teamviewer18:02
Spaztic_Oneand ps only lists two items18:03
reggipierre_: do you have chromium?18:03
pierre_nah getting it18:03
guest__Spaztic_One "ps ax"18:03
reggipierre_: ok18:03
candreaSpaztic_One: ps x18:03
luisthow do i install python-pykickstart on my ubuntu 10.04??18:03
candreaSpaztic_One: or, since you can't use the mouse: ps x | less18:04
Spaztic_Onethanks, was just about to ask how to only display one page at a time18:04
guest__luist apt-get install <blah>     if you have the package you can use   dpkg -i <path/to/blah>18:04
Bisahello folks, Im trying to solve some problems with my hard drives and usb disks - am I assuming that erasing fstab and restarting enables me to get a fresh start so to speak or will this totally break the mounting of my devices?18:04
luistguest__: its not in the repos and i dont have the package18:04
guest__Spaztic_One heh.  you can scroll up in the terminal too...18:05
guampaanyone using nx?18:05
guest__luist then find the package and go from there.18:05
luistguest__: where can i find it? any deb package is ok?18:05
MiketheMagiCatHi.  Can someone help me? I had Ubuntu installed on my computer. I also have Windows Vista (which I hate). But today it would not let me go online. It said there was a broken link. I could not find it. I uninstalled it. I installed Download Ubuntu Desktop Edition 32 bit. And then it told me when it finished downloading to choose a program to open it up. I chose Internet Explorer. Now I can't find the18:05
MiketheMagiCatMiketheMagiCatprogram anywhere on the computer, or in my files. I also tried loading it on to my usb flash drive, and it didn't work. Is there a phone number to call for support for Linux products. I am a beginner and an idiot.18:05
maitrey<maitrey> Hi,  I have formatted my usb and then there was the permissions problem. I have used the "chown" message in terminal, but now I can't copy anything on it from another computers. How shall I give the permissions to all the computer/users?18:06
maitrey<maitrey> <maitrey> thanks18:06
candreaSpaztic_One: once you have found the pid of the process (the number in the leftmost column), type "q" to exit from less18:06
guest__luist where... python.org ???   any .deb ok... no.  use one that is compatable with your other packages (python)18:06
schoremhi all18:08
pgpkeysI'm getting a bunch of errors   .: 5: Can't open /scripts/functions18:08
Spaztic_Onecandrea, can't scroll when the mouse doesn't work, or at least I don't know how to via the keyboard18:08
pgpkeyswhen update-grub is run from packages like linux-image18:08
guest__luist dpkg will warn you if there are dependancy issues.   and you can take action to correct that18:08
candreaSpaztic_One: if you're using less, just use the arrows of the keyboard18:09
pgpkeysi get the errors right after cryptsetup runs (even though I'm not using an encrypted config)18:09
guest__Spaztic_One page-up  button   or maybe   shift+page-up18:09
yashi-Spaztic_One: just put |less behind the command18:10
jacob_Hey guys18:10
pgpkeysit looks like its occuring right after cryptsetup adds the information to the initrd image about the resume device candidate(s)18:10
oCean_Spaztic_One: or, just search for a pattern: ps axuw | grep team18:10
Spaztic_OneI was talking about scrolling when not in |less18:10
jacob_anyone willing to help me with something?18:10
guest__Spaztic_One me too18:10
pgpkeysPlease ask SICCO questions :) Specific, Informative, Concise, Complete, and On-Topic. This means we need a description of the problem, it's symptoms, ect ect. Without this information, we can not assist you since we can not troubleshoot a problem if we have no info regarding what it should be doing and is not.18:10
oCean_jacob_: just ask your question in the channel please18:10
luistguest__: python.org wont give me this package :P18:11
Spaztic_Onebut either way, pkill teamviewer and pkill <pid> didn't nuke the program18:11
pgpkeysdamn. thought i'd disabled that trigger permenantly18:11
candreaSpaztic_One: use "kill -9 <pid>"18:11
jacob_My external hard drive will not connect to ubuntu, it is the only problem i seem to have, its a 500gb WD elements external HDD, any other USB devices and external hard drives seem to work except this one18:11
oCean_luist: why would you need it? Whoever told you you need it, can't they provide the package?18:11
Spaztic_OneThanks guys18:12
yashi-jacob_: what do you mean? auto mount doesnt work? or doesnt ubuntu detect it?18:12
jacob_ubuntu seems to detect it, the auto mount does not work18:12
insigne_algum brasileiro ?/18:12
Pici!br | insigne_18:13
ubottuinsigne_: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:13
luistoCean_: ill take a better look... i need it to build a livecd image to install meego on a virtual machine18:13
candreaSpaztic_One: glad to know that your problem is solved :)18:13
yashi-jacob_: so you can mount it manually?18:13
jacob_i beleive i have been told to try this but it didnt work18:13
jkivI tried installing something with dpkg and it failed... but when I use apt-get, it references the file I tried to dpkg and fails to do what I want it to do: "E: Couldn't find package openoffice.org3.2-debian-menus_3.2-9502_all.deb"18:13
jacob_i was on Linux forums, i can give you the link if you wish18:13
rowan_hi i need help18:13
yashi-jacob_: you can see all harddrives which ubuntu found via sudo fdisk -l18:14
IdleOnerowan_: ask and someone will help if they can18:14
Spaztic_OneIn retrospect, it probably would have been easier to simply ask how to locate/identify and kill a program using the terminal only. I was about 99% sure that it was teamviewer that was causing the problem18:14
yashi-jacob_: then try sudo mount /dev/harddrive name(something like sdc1) /add the folder where you want to mount it18:15
xanguajkiv: not a good idea install packages from other distros18:15
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jacob_Okay i will try this and report back18:15
guest__who broke eject ?    it doesn't work when things are mounted other than /media   ???18:15
jkivxangua, trying to do http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1404156 on 9.04.  Last step failed.  Trying to back out.18:16
scampbellguest__: it won't eject if the mount is in use, it works fine for me from manual mount points though.18:16
rowan_i have a network drive being shared by windows network and today when i sign in i get some thing on my desktop called "drive letter"onmedion.volume and in my places it is called x-nautilus-desktop: f on medion.volume however when i go to open this network drive it opens up alot of windows with the folder manager but you can stop them with xkill. Eventually they go but i cant view any of my files or places18:17
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yashi-guest__: use umount instead of eject :/18:17
rowan_but you can't stop them*18:17
jacob_so i should do something like this?18:17
jacob_jacob@jacob-laptop:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda3/media18:17
guest__scampbell hmmm   i have to use umount because eject complains about blah not being under /media   ;/18:17
xanguajkiv: just extract the deb and install it, make sure to first remove openoffice from repository18:18
djbeenie_im getting fed up with the sound on my ubuntu, it works some days and somedays it does not18:18
guest__yashi- pfft    yeah   umount and then manually open the tray18:18
uberjdjbeenie_: the more you use it the easeir it becomes18:18
rowan_i have a network drive being shared by windows network and today when i sign in i get some thing on my desktop called "drive letter"onmedion.volume and in my places it is called x-nautilus-desktop: f on medion.volume however when i go to open this network drive it opens up alot of windows with the folder manager but you can't stop them with xkill. Eventually they go but i cant view any of my files or places18:18
rowan_apparently this bug was meant to be solved by the latest update18:19
yanick_Seveas-train, ...hmm... if my memory is mostly free, then I would like to know why I just watched my hd scratch for over 2 min straight after I switched from Netbeans to Chrome ?18:19
rowan_i checked and i have them all18:19
scampbellguest__: Hmm, I just mounted a dvd to /mnt and ejected it. guess I'm of no use :(18:19
rowan_any ideas guys?18:20
jkivxangua, doing so failed.  I'm trying to revert.  apt-get, for some reason, wants the location of the failed .deb.18:20
jimboI wish to make an empty .deb package that simply brings in other packages as dependencies.  Is there a name for this so I can learn how?18:20
yanick_I have a core 2 duo with 4GB of RAM, Netbeans ans Chrome is open, but yet simply opening a terminal takes 30 seconds.18:20
yashi-jacob_: are you sure it is sda3? sda is the name of the hard drive the numbers behind it represend the single partitions...im just wondering because sda is my primary device (internal)18:20
djbeenie_is there a way to re-start alsa, this was easy to do in gentoo.  /etc/init.d/alsa restart18:21
rowan_i have a network drive being shared by windows network and today when i sign in i get some thing on my desktop called "drive letter"onmedion.volume and in my places it is called x-nautilus-desktop: f on medion.volume however when i go to open this network drive it opens up alot of windows with the folder manager but you can't stop them with xkill. Eventually they go but i cant view any of my files or places18:21
yanick_top is not reporting the same thing as system-monitor18:21
jacob_it might be just sdb18:21
guest__yashi- yeah  sda is usually the boot device18:21
yashi-jacob_: type sudo fdisk -l it lists all devices you have18:22
jacob_Yeah it must be /dev/sdb because its the only 500gb there18:22
guest__there ya go18:23
yashi-jacob_: ok now you have to mount the device for example sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb118:23
pierre_reggi: tried with chrome, didnt work i still get the video on my laptop instead of the TV18:23
yashi-there has to be a folder in media called sdb118:23
pierre_reggi: even tho i have the browser on the TV screen not the laptop18:24
guest__sdb if it's not partitioned18:24
jacob_its not partitioned18:24
djbeenie_anyone know how to restart alsa?18:24
yashi-jacob_: you should do that before mounting it18:24
jkivxanga, got it. I was in the dir with the .deb... Doing a wildcard openoffice* had it thinking it was a file satisfying the wildcard.18:24
guest__yashi- do what before mounting it ???18:25
jacob_Why? and this is what i get, : jacob@jacob-laptop:~$ sudo mount /dev/sdb/media/sdb        mount: can't find /dev/sdb/media/sdb in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab18:25
rowan_Help Me Please18:26
rowan_i have a network drive being shared by windows network and today when i sign in i get some thing on my desktop called "drive letter"onmedion.volume and in my places it is called x-nautilus-desktop: f on medion.volume however when i go to open this network drive it opens up alot of windows with the folder manager but you can't stop them with xkill. Eventually they go but i cant view any of my files or places18:26
TyphIs there any way to fix the bug where clicks constantly go "through" the title bar you're clicking on?18:26
guest__heh jacob_ missing a space between device and mountpoint18:26
yashi-jacob_: you have to put a blank between the /dev/sdb<->and the mount folder18:26
jimbojacob_: /dev/sdb is the device.  /dev/sdb1 is the first partition on the device.  You only mount partititions.18:26
guest__jimbo no   wrong.  you only mount file systems.   you don't mount partitions18:26
RainRainwhat do people do for scheduled backups on ubuntu - have been using the very powerful cobian on windows for the last year but i cant seem to find anything like it on windows ( GUI and scheduled and network backups ) .. thanks18:27
jimboAlso guys I don't think it's beneficial to name mountpoints after partition names.  They can change, and then things get very confusing.18:27
jimboguest__: fair enough18:27
jimbobut filesystems exist on partitions18:27
guest__jimbo you can have a file system without a partition18:27
rowan_i have a network drive being shared by windows network and today when i sign in i get some thing on my desktop called "drive letter"onmedion.volume and in my places it is called x-nautilus-desktop: f on medion.volume however when i go to open this network drive it opens up alot of windows with the folder manager but you can't stop them with xkill. Eventually they go but i cant view any of my files or places18:27
xangua!repeat > rowan_18:27
ubotturowan_, please see my private message18:27
yanick_I just closed every application exception system-monitor and x-chat... still 2GB or RAM used. what's using so much ram???18:27
rowan_i cannot see it18:27
yashi-yashi-: ps -aux18:28
guest__jimbo on this computer for example.  my root file system is on /dev/sda   there are no partitions18:28
yashi-yanick_: ps -aux18:28
jacob_so how should it be? could u correct it so i can copy paste just so i know im doing it right?18:28
rowan_how do i view them in xchat18:29
yanick_yashi-, "Please wait while the system is lagging trying to open web browser...."18:29
guest__jacob_ for q in sda5 sda4 sda3 sda2 sda1 sda ;do mount /dev/$q /mnt ;done18:29
rowan_how do i view private messages in xchat18:29
guest__jacob_ for q in sdb5 sdb4 sdb3 sdb2 sdb1 sdb ;do mount /dev/$q /mnt ;done18:30
yanick_yashi-, http://pastie.org/109816118:30
DeepThoughtsI just apt-get upgrade on my Ubuntu Server 10.04 and it installed an updated version of Samba. Now I'm unable to access my shares (not even from the server using smbclient). The error I see when typing ls in smbclient is the following: "NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED listing \*", does anyone have a clue what might have gone wrong?18:30
guest__jacob_ sorry   was thinking sda  not sdb   but you get the idea.   that will mount what ever is there...18:30
yanick_yashi-, http://pastie.org/109816218:31
wildc4rdevenin' all18:31
jacob_Im sorry but i dont understand where to start or stop copy pasting on that  =/18:32
yashi-yanick_: looks ok, its practically the same here.18:32
jacob_Lol very novice ubuntuer18:32
yanick_yashi-, ubuntu uses 2GB or RAM being idle??18:33
guest__jacob_   heh  the whole line execpt your nickname18:33
guest__jacob_   for q in sdb5 sdb4 sdb3 sdb2 sdb1 sdb ;do sudo mount /dev/$q /mnt ;done18:33
rowan_Guys i'm a noob i dont know how to view private messages in xchat18:33
ubuntufreakhi everyone, after a recent update in my Ubuntu 10.04 the font rendering is really poor even after changing the rendering it looks bad, anyway to change it ?18:33
yanick_yashi-, that's when I close everything that is running, if I have Chrome and Netbeans open, it jumps to 3.9GB used +1.1GB SWAP18:33
rowan_b5 sdb4 sdb3 sdb2 sdb1 sdb ;do sudo mount /dev/$q /mnt ;done18:34
rowan_* epure_ has quit (Quit: Leaving.)18:34
IdleOnerowan_: you should have a tab at the bottom or maybe on the left side of the window the is named ubottu18:34
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yashi-yanick_: hmm afaik the linux ram management is different it isnt really using it, it just uses what it has (i read that somewhere...)18:34
jacob_i get this18:34
jacob_jacob@jacob-laptop:~$ for q in sda5 sda4 sda3 sda2 sda1 sdb ;do mount /dev/$q /mnt ;done18:34
jacob_mount: only root can do that18:35
jacob_mount: only root can do that18:35
FloodBot3jacob_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:35
Spaztic_OneJust throwing this out there, but with firefox, dwarf fortress, and several misceleanous windows and text documents open, I am sitting right at 1 GB of ram, and 0 bytes of swap.18:35
yashi-yanick_: http://pastie.org/109816518:35
yanick_yashi-, that's what everyone tell me, however why, then, my hard drive is ALWAYS, constently writing stuff?18:35
rowan_how to restore ubuntu to an earlier time?18:36
jacob_http://paste.ubuntu.com/479505/ this is what i get18:36
yashi-yanick_: well it is curious that it uses the swap partition :/ that shouldnt be unless its necessary18:36
[R]brasileiros ?18:36
ubottuEntre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:36
=== [R] is now known as Guest80688
OpenSourceCodeUbuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat release date
yanick_yashi-, yep. On stackoverflow.com, I have been suggested to do : "sudo sysctl -w vm.swappiness=20" and it seems to improve a little (the default value is 60), what do you think?18:38
svm_invictvs-How do I kill X?18:38
svm_invictvs-Control+Alt+Backspace, right?18:38
PiciOpenSourceCode: Is there a question there?  Maverick discussion belongs in #ubuntu+118:38
yanick_svm_invictvs-, sudo service stop gdm ?18:38
yashi-yanick_: actually ive no clue :P i never had that problem18:38
OpenSourceCodeI'm just saying.18:38
guest__ffr <<< for Q in sd{j..b}{8..1} sd{j..b} ;do sudo mount /dev/$Q /mnt ;done >>> mount what ever is there in the sd? range.18:39
jacob_can anyone help me with the problem?18:40
yashi-yanick_: but imo its a ugly solution..it doesnt solve the real problem ...ubuntu shouldnt touch the swap partition at all18:40
younderWhen running World of Warcraft (WoW)) under wine the sund intermittently cuts out. I get it back for a while if toggle between system default/default in the sound menu. Anyone know a fix for this?18:40
=== AK|offline is now known as Andorin
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php18:40
IdleOneyounder: ##winehq18:40
yanick_yashi-, I chose Ubuntu especially so I don't have to hack my way around kernel issues (unlike other "compile-yourself" linux distros) so I have no idea how to find/solve this problem18:41
younderyanick_, lol. good luck. Never been there myself18:42
blackMatrix_NYhi everyone, is /home/blackMatrix_NY/.profile the place where you set command aliases and variables ?18:42
jacob_yashi- guest__ isnt responding could u help me again?18:42
yanick_blackMatrix_NY, .bashrc18:42
yashi-yanick_: me neither. the point is your ram isnt even used 100% but linux is using the swap partition already strange18:42
blackMatrix_NYyanic_: what's the difference between .bashrc and .profile ?18:43
blackMatrix_NYyanick_: what's the difference between .bashrc and .profile ?18:43
yanick_yashi-, or the RAM gets used really really fast, and I have to close everything to finally have some breathing room again18:43
guest__blackMatrix_NY or .bash_bashrc .bash_profile .bashrc .profile   or if you want system wide settings /etc/profile /etc/bash_bash*18:43
jubobaBlackBinary: bashrc is called when opening a terminal18:43
prince_jammysblackMatrix_NY: the former gets sourced everytime you start an interactive shell. the latter only gets sourced on login.18:43
jubobaprofile only when you login18:43
zerothisBoth x/ubuntu 10.04 freezes after splash. Low-graph mode freezes on its warning dialog. Early versions work fine18:44
jacob_Anyone going to help me?18:44
yanick_blackMatrix_NY, .profile includes .bashrc.18:44
jubobajacob_: what's your problem?18:44
svm_invictvs-yanick_: How am I supposed to do that without a terminal?18:44
yanick_svm_invictvs-, CTRL+T opens a terminal :)18:44
svm_invictvs-how do you switch to a terminal in Ubunto?18:44
dewmanis there any good backup programs that can write to dds that has a simple install and a nice gui?18:45
svm_invictvs-yanick_: Fromt he login screen?18:45
yanick_svm_invictvs-, CTRL+ALT+F1...F6 to select a terminal18:45
jacob_i am trying to manually mount my external had drive , guest__ was previously helping me with it and we got to trying to put this command in but i got the error that appears http://paste.ubuntu.com/479505/18:45
jubobasvm_invictvs-: CTRL ALT FX , where X in 1...1218:45
yanick_CTRL+ALT+F7 to switch to a graphical one18:45
svm_invictvs-Didn't work, weird.18:45
jacob_the external hard drive wont mount itself18:45
guest__ffr <<< for Q in sd{j..b}{8..1} sd{j..b} ;do sudo mount /dev/$Q /mnt ;done >>> mount what ever is there in the sd? range.   jacob_18:45
yanick_svm_invictvs-, sorry, CTRL+ALT+T18:45
guest__                                 ^18:46
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guest__jacob_ and the command "mount" will list what mounted.18:47
jacob_guest__ for that i i get this http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/4JHwYRHT18:48
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yashi-jacob_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28313118:48
younderwhat is thest way to get Unicode code-page 4 without stepping on any other program using unicode?18:49
younderneed mathML and the math symbols18:49
thune3jacob_: mounting 7 drives on /mnt directory will succeed but won't function (only the last drive mounted on mountpoint /mnt will be visable18:49
blackMatrix_NYguest__. bash_bashrc .bash_profile .bashrc .profile ... are they all found in ubuntu or only .bashrc ?18:49
guest__jacob_ and mount shows what ?18:50
prince_jammysblackMatrix_NY: ''ls -a /etc/skel''18:50
jacob_moutn shows this http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/BzqVsAX718:50
abhijit!mount | jacob_18:51
ubottujacob_: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount18:51
blackMatrix_NYyanick_: thanks I see the call to .bashrc in .profile18:51
yashi-jacob_: could you paste youre sudo fdisk -l?18:51
guest__blackMatrix_NY they are all used by bash if found   none of them are self generated.   i.e.  only what a particular distro sets up in /etc/skel/ is put in the users home by default18:51
cachedSorry if this is a stupid question, but what exactly does gnome *do*? Is there a good reason I can't get a decent graphical text editor on my server without installing at least hundreds of megs of other stuff (I'm looking at you, gnome,kde, and emacs)?18:52
guest__blackMatrix_NY so.  any one of them will work.   man bash for more info18:52
jacob_yashi- http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/EdwzsxMa18:52
blackMatrix_NYah, that clears up more dust. thanks prince_jammys: guest__: yanick_18:52
icerootcached: emacs has a gui without using the x-server imo18:52
icerootcached: and of course you dont want a gui or a gui text editor on a server18:52
cachediceroot: why not? for x forwarding?18:53
icerootcached: not a text-editor18:53
icerootcached: vimtutor18:53
guest__jacob_ line 16   sdb1 is mounted in /media   fuse18:53
yashi-jacob_: your external drive got a (working) partition ->sdb118:53
cachediceroot: as for emacs, sudo apt-get install emacs gives me this beaut: "After this operation, 127MB of additional disk space will be used."18:54
phillyji got a "kernel panic: not syncing vfs" message when I tried to boot into WUBI18:54
jacob_My external hard drive is only sdb i thought18:54
guest__yashi- working is questionable  but yes it's mounted.18:54
icerootcached: sudo apt-get install vim18:54
jacob_it isnt partitioned is it?18:54
phillyji had just installed some updates and restarted it18:54
guest__jacob_ it is partitioned.  who did it, we don't know.18:54
yashi-guest__: (working) ;)18:54
phillyjany ideas?18:54
guest__yashi- heh   yeah working....    like i should be...18:56
jacob_So how can i mount it so i can use it on linux then?18:56
AiyaI have a server so How do I configure it and make shells and give it to people so they can install bnc eggdrop.Thanks18:57
guest__jacob_ open your file manager and navigate to  /media/A6BA8F35BA8F00D318:57
cachediceroot: i'm fully aware of and have used vim, nano, pico. heck, i even used ed for a while for fun. but i've switched back to using gedit on my desktop since something graphical is occasionally nice, and would have liked to do the same with my server.18:57
jacob_thats my windows partition18:57
mneptokAiya: if you don't know how SSH works, you should probably not be providing shell accounts to eggdrop users.18:58
yashi-guest__: thats sda1 not sdb118:58
mneptokAiya: it's like saying "I have a new jet aircraft. Can someone tell me where the door is so I can break the sound barrier?"18:58
yashi-jacob_: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /home/jacob/usbdrive18:58
DarkSectoruname -r gives me this 2.6.31-22-generic However my updates show that I need to install EXACTLY the same kernel ? can anyone please explain this ?18:58
Aiyamneptok  : Im willing to learn.I just need some tutorial to make it18:58
mneptokAiya: learn *before* you give access.18:59
yashi-jacob_: that would mount it if you create the folder /home/jacob/usbdrive first18:59
Physicsloserguys could someone take me to a white board and help me witha physics packet18:59
Aiyamneptok  : How?18:59
frefrejojoi've an issue when installing gnuplot 4.4.018:59
jacob_okay ill give it a shot18:59
frefrejojoduring the make i've this error:18:59
Physicsloserjacob you will help me?19:00
frefrejojogcc  -g -O2  -L/usr/lib -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -L/usr/local/lib -o gnuplot_x11 gplt_x11.o gpexecute.o getcolor_x11.o -lX11  -lm19:00
frefrejojo/usr/bin/ld: i386 architecture of input file `getcolor_x11.o' is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output19:00
jacob_i really cant help u man lol19:00
frefrejojoit's weird seems like i've 32bits version of the lib x1119:00
frefrejojocan someone help me with this issue19:01
Picifrefrejojo: Is there a reason why you're installing gnuplot from source and not from the repositories?19:01
yashi-jacob_: did it work? to create the folder you can type: mkdir /home/jacob/usbdrive19:01
jacob_yahi- i get this http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/t4BTsFyY19:01
rickabillieWhen I try to use the startup disk creator, it always fails on 47%. 4gig mem stick, edubuntu (md5checked) tried using the live dvd startup dik creater also, same result, anyone have an idea of what to try next?19:01
DarkSectoruname -r gives me this 2.6.31-22-generic However my updates show that I need to install EXACTLY the same kernel ? can anyone please explain this ?19:01
frefrejojoPici yes i want the last version 4.4.0 (which have options for ploting "types" )19:02
frefrejojoand a manual install let you have the autocompletion also19:02
frefrejojo(with ./configure --with-readline=gnu for exemple)19:02
frefrejojoso yeah i've a to install it manually19:03
jacob_yashi- i know my external HDD is working perfectly aswell because it mounts on windows and i can save, delete, watch films and play music from it19:03
yashi-jacob_: 1.) you created the folder /home/jacob/usbdrive? if yes. eventually mount cant handle ntfs on its own(not sure, dont have ntfs) 3. your partitiontable is screwed19:04
yashi-jacob_: do you use the save remove function in windows when you remove the drive?19:04
jacob_safe or save?19:05
jacob_safe - yes    save - i dont know what you mean19:05
yashi-jacob_: ye safely remove19:06
arifovicAnyone help me to convert video file to 3gp?19:06
arifovicPV me.19:06
jacob_yes i do19:06
DarkSectoruname -r gives me this 2.6.31-22-generic However my updates show that I need to install EXACTLY the same kernel ? can anyone please explain this ?19:07
yashi-jacob_: well all i can do now is searching the net. i found this sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /home/jacob/usbdrive19:08
jacob_yashi- also on windows it shows that my external Hard drive doesnt have any partitions19:08
Kjeldorwhat are the best programs for UBUNTU out there?19:08
Ober7DarkSector: could you clearify on "my updates" synaptic? update manager? apt-get?19:08
=== jsurfer is now known as marcello
Slart!best | Kjeldor19:08
ubottuKjeldor: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:08
trismDarkSector: kernels have a minor version that isn't reflected in uname, dpkg -l linux-image* will give you the full versions19:08
SlartKjeldor: personally I think bash is pretty awesome19:08
DarkSectorOber7, update manager, synaptic, apt-get everything shares the same19:08
yashi-jacob: if it doesnt have a partition you couldnt use it. your drive has one 500gb ntfs partition19:08
arifovicHow to convert video files to 3gp?19:08
KjeldorSlart, what does BASH do?19:09
SlartKjeldor: it's the terminal enviroment.. the command line interface19:09
munimhey.. i just installed ubuntu 10.10 on my new laptop.. I can't change the LCD brightness using the fn+keys.. it shows the brightness change notification on the top right but the brightness doesn't actually change.. any ideas?19:09
DarkSectortrism, ok and how do I check which one is asking to be installed ?19:10
KjeldorSlart: other than that?19:10
Ober7DarkSector: or you could right click on the package to be update> properties and check the version differences19:10
DarkSectortrism, considering even the installed one has variant19:10
yashi-jacob: you should try search for cant mount ntfs partition or something like that. im sure you will find a solution this way19:10
trismDarkSector: update manager should tell you if you click on it, in the description (version something -> something else)19:10
SlartKjeldor: huh?19:10
KjeldorSlart: other than BASH..?19:10
DarkSectortrism, ah ok, lemme check19:10
SlartKjeldor: have a look at http://popcon.ubuntu.com , they have statistics of which packages people install.. the most common ones are probably pretty good19:11
OpenSourceCodeAnyone knows if you could play Call of Duty Black Ops on Ubuntu?19:12
Slart!appdb | OpenSourceCode19:12
ubottuOpenSourceCode: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help19:12
minimecarifovic: Try to use vlc and check the convert options.19:12
llutzSlart: 48 dash   vs   6055 zsh    :(19:13
DarkSectortrism, thanks for the info, the new version is being installed19:13
gsp2009hey folks... I am in a bit of a panic... is there a way to recover text from a temp dir if you edited a file in gedit and it corrupted?19:13
jacob_ok ill give that a shot, thanks for all your help19:13
aendrukWhat is the zenity --listen switch used for?19:14
* abhijit waves19:14
DarkSectorOber7, you too19:14
Slartllutz: I'm guessing you're a fan of zsh? =)19:14
prince_jammyswell, dash comes preinstalled, whereas you have to voluntarily install zsh.19:14
luistcan anyone help me with this: mic2 requires syslinux version >= 3.85, please update syslinux to 3.8519:15
luisti use ubunu 10.0419:15
Slartisn't sh symlinked to dash too? that should push up the usage count19:15
prince_jammysevery init script is run by dash19:16
trismaendruk: check out http://muzso.hu/2009/05/26/zenity-gtk-dialogs-for-shell-scripts it describes one usage anyway19:16
NikieOcean, thanks a lot for your help ! I'm online now....Am able to connect to wireless network now :)19:16
llutzSlart: so not always: " the most common ones are probably pretty good"19:16
Slartllutz: what do you mean.. debianutils isn't awesome? I'm shocked! =)19:17
jgcampbell300hello, I have spent about a week trying to get openchange server installed on ubuntu and I have been reading today about groupware ... the question i am coming up with is this ... what exactly is the difrence in something like an exchange server and something like Citadel or "groupware" ... from a glance it seems to be doing the same thing19:17
PupenoHow do I trigger the unnatended upgrades on Ubuntu (server)19:17
abhijitPupeno, try in #ubuntu-server19:18
aendruktrism: Thanks!19:18
KEROLiUKASAnyone here have ubuntu running on an Acer Aspire One 521?19:18
jacks__10.04.1 today?19:18
nitzejoin #ubuntu19:19
aeon-ltdnitze: uhhh. your already here?19:19
KEROLiUKASi installed it, and it was working fine, today i updated the BIOS, and the keyboard/touchpad stops working in ubuntu. any ideas?19:19
seekwillHello. I'm trying to install Ubuntu off a USB disk. Installation seemed to have been going well, but now it's trying to retrieve some files. I'm guessing it's coming off the Internet. But it's going reallllly slow and our Internet is generally really fast. Just wondering if there is a tcpip problem, would the installer just timeout and go to the next file, or prompt with some error19:20
aeon-ltdseekwill: (suggestion not solution) why don't you use the full iso instead of the network iso?19:21
luistcan anyone help me with this: mic2 requires syslinux version >= 3.85, please update syslinux to 3.85... im using ubuntu 10.0419:21
Oerseekwill, those last 3% depends on your internet speed19:22
thune3gsp2009: in Nautilus you can select View-> and check Show Hidden Files. The default setup of gedit keeps a previous version in filename~19:22
djznhow long until 10.04.119:22
LordDragonhey all19:23
gsp2009thune: so in /home/username?19:23
minimecluist: I cannot find any mic2 package in the repository. --> Innofficial package? What is 'mic2'?19:23
LordDragonis maverick a beta or something? im assuming lucid is the latest official release?19:23
thune3gsp2009: it keeps the previous version in the same dir as you keep the original.19:24
jacob_http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/8aMtsszG if anyone is out there that knows how to correct this, please help me lol19:24
gsp2009thune3 ok well this may be a prob. It was saved on an external usb device, then it was unplugged by my 4 year old before unmounting cleanly... nothing on the device... :(19:25
minimecluist: This is the 10.04 version of Syslinux... http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/syslinux19:25
llutzjacob_: do you have a windows pc? check that drive from windows19:25
arifovicKEROLiUKAS, try to not upgrade bios if not urgently.19:25
VCoolioLordDragon: yes (maybe even alpha still) and yes, lucid is latest stable19:25
LordDragonah ok19:25
KEROLiUKASarifovic, i know, but how do i roll back now?19:26
VCoolioLordDragon: maverick will be 10.10, due for october (hence, .10)19:26
KEROLiUKASi don't think they offer the original bios on the website19:26
LordDragonahhh cool :)19:26
LordDragoni only bring it up cuz it seems theres no easy way to install the latest vlc 1.1.2 in 10.04. only a much older version is available from the built in repos19:27
arifovicKEROLiUKAS, I have experience about upgrade or downgrade bios. Sorry...19:28
VCoolioLordDragon: check if launchpad.org has a repo, also the vlc site has instructions if I remember right19:28
arifovicKEROLiUKAS, I have no experience about upgrade or downgrade bios. Sorry...19:28
LordDragonVCoolio, all the vlc site says about latest vlc on 10.04 is "it must be manually installed"19:28
minimecLordDragon: There is a vlc ppa. I am using here19:29
LordDragonVCoolio, i went to launchpad.org and into the /videolan dir and it only has packages for maverick19:29
medflyI have issues with apt-get returning errors when trying to setup python-gmenu, is this a known issue? I keep getting this error in a lot of places: /usr/bin/python: relocation error: /usr/bin/python: symbol __realpath_chk, version GLIBC_2.4 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference19:29
LordDragonminimec, really? i been looking for one but been unsuccessful. dont suppose u have a link?19:29
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
thune3gsp2009: what do you mean nothing on the device? if you fsck the drive there is a very small chance that the /media/mntpoint/lost+found might still have some of the file.19:30
arifovicWhy Iriverter not start after installed?19:30
medflyI'd google, but this issue made firefox not work ;)19:31
minimecLordDragon: 'google' for ppa vlc korn19:31
seekwillaeon-ltd: Hi. Well, I tried booting off a CD but that didn't seem to work for some reason. Got a bad PBR message. But luckily I had a USB disk that I used previously for a LiveCD stuff, so I tried installing from that19:31
gsp2009thune3, thanks... I was doing that when you wrote... I am surprised I remembered... and JOY! I got it... just saved me a ton of work.. thanks for all your help.19:31
minimecLordDragon: http://ubuntu-tweak.com/source/c-korn-vlc/19:32
seekwillOer: Approx how much is it downloading at the last 3%? Our normal speed is 2+MB/second, and it's been going on for over 30 minutes19:32
Oerseekwill, does your router give any sign downloaden ?19:33
Gangrelcan someone help me set up wireless internet sharing from my desktop pc to my laptop?19:33
LordDragonminimec, i tried that. when i go there with my browser i get this:19:33
LordDragonNot Found19:33
LordDragonThe requested URL /c-korn/vlc/ was not found on this server.19:33
Oerseekwill, if not, you may skip and do this after reboot.19:33
=== gsp2009 is now known as gsp2009_away
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:33
minimecLordDragon: See that now... Hmmm... The account is not available I gues...19:34
VCoolioLordDragon: you could try this, but it will take some time http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1398119&highlight=vlc19:35
seekwillOer: Well, yes, but because I have other computers on the network I don't know who's who :)19:35
seekwillOer: Ok, thanks!19:35
wng-what is the fastest way to clone linux systems? I have 1 system i need to clone into 95 machines19:35
charmerhello all19:35
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:35
wng-no, i mean clone hard drives, not package selection19:35
cdm10wng-: http://ignatz.brinkster.net/cimages/cheader01.jpg19:36
bzrkwng-: dd19:36
Oerwng-, use dd ?19:36
wng-i figured dd would be slow19:36
cdm10wng-: but in more seriousness, there's dd, which can be kinda slow and ugly, but there's also partimage, which only copies the used parts of the drive.19:36
bzrkwng-: its not19:36
bzrkwng-: you can fiddle with the blocksizes and it will really go fast then19:36
aeon-ltdwng-: clonezilla?19:37
cdm10wng-: partimage is filesystem-aware, as is, I believe, Clonezilla, so it'll only copy used blocks of the drive, rather than all the zeroes or randomness that fills the rest of the drive.19:37
bzrkwng-: with 95 machines its probably worth looking into something more elaborate and powerful, like fai or preseeding or puppet19:38
medflyoh man, in trying to fix something myself, I think I've created a bigger problem :)19:38
=== Bridge| is now known as Bridge|A
minimecLordDragon: All the Howto's I find on the Net are referring to the 'korn ppa'... I don't know why that one is down now...19:39
lukaszgHi! Is there any application in linux to check the "Wear level" parameter in notebooks?19:39
Gunnihow do i share a folder from one ubuntu server to another19:42
Gunnikinda like windows file sharing19:42
LordDragonminimec, ahh bummer. like you, the c-korn has been the only source ive been able to find also. and its gone now it seems19:43
aeon-ltdGunni: look up samba19:43
Gunnii have to use samba?19:43
aeon-ltdGunni: you don't have to.19:43
Gunnii thought linux had their own folder sharing thingy19:43
bzrkGunni: there are tons of methods, if both machines are linux and you have an account sshfs is very simple19:44
Gunniah sshfs ofcourse19:44
medflyanyone? :-/19:45
Gunniwhat medfly19:45
medflyI have this recurring error with aptitude (as well as a couple of other things), and it also returns some errors :/19:45
medfly/usr/bin/python: relocation error: /usr/bin/python: symbol __realpath_chk, version GLIBC_2.4 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference19:46
=== IdleOne is now known as NattyOne
medflyI would google it and see if other people managed to overcome the same issues but it also happens when I try to start firefox :o19:47
=== NattyOne is now known as IdleOne
=== moayad_ is now known as moayad
_BEASTmedfly: what19:51
medflythis error: /usr/bin/python: relocation error: /usr/bin/python: symbol __realpath_chk, version GLIBC_2.4 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference19:51
Fujoorhey guys, is there anything like gnome-do for lxde?19:51
jacob_http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/0NhGHB5U Can someone tell me what to do next please to mount sdb119:52
VCoolioFujoor: try kupfer19:52
KomiaPoikawhat is the name of the package to get ubuntu driver for macbook airport? bcw43-fwcutter or something19:52
FujoorVCoolio: alright thanks19:52
_BEASTmedfly: I dunno on that19:52
FujoorVCoolio: does it start by default or do i have to do smt to make it autorun19:52
luistwhats the root password for livecd ???19:52
_BEASTKomiaPokia : have you tried Ralink ?19:53
VCoolioFujoor: smt? anyway, you need to add it to startup apps; http://kaizer.se/wiki/kupfer/19:53
FujoorVCoolio: thanks a bunch :)19:53
gary_inNYCIs there a way to make nautilus change its default behavior so that new window events triggered by links and applications are opened as new tabs in the current unfocused Nautilus window instead?19:53
_BEASTluist: try toor19:54
FloodBot4christopher: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:54
thune3luist: user:<empty> password:<empty>19:54
luistthune3: ?19:54
christopheris this linux?19:55
thune3luist: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD#Troubles%20with%20a%20LiveCD19:55
Picichristopher: Is Ubuntu linux? Yes.19:55
christopherlinux sucks you cant install anyting19:56
_BEASTGunni: agreed never played19:56
Picichristopher: Do you have a support question?19:57
thune3luist: i misread your question, sorry. there is no root password. you can sudo -i, or sudo <command> to run things as root.19:57
Gunnior just sudo su like i do ;D19:57
KEROLiUKAShttp://ubuntuaddict.com/all-variants-aspire-one-521-athlon-ii-neo-procesor-k125-installation-problem/ i'm having the same problem with the same hardware, anyone have any ideas?19:57
dewmanhow do i find my tape drive device?19:57
Gunnidewman ls /dev19:57
elkclonedewman: dumpster dive19:58
Gunnii thought tape drives were ancient and no longer used19:59
=== purplelint is now known as adamcn
Gunniheck i can go get a 2 TB cheap nowadays19:59
orospakrHi!  There's a help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com page somewhere that documents how to do what jockey does manually (ie., install the appropriate packages and set up the GL library redirection) with the proprietary drivers.  I had a link to it less than a month ago, and now 20 minutes of googling later I still can't find it.19:59
orospakrAny leads?19:59
ActionParsnipchristopher: ubuntu is a distribution of linux19:59
hikuGunni: I so wish that were true19:59
Gunnisata disk tbh19:59
juan__estoy muy interesado en saber como montar un sistema virtual en linux19:59
ActionParsnipchristopher: you can use software-centre to install stuff19:59
_BEASTjuan: que pasa20:00
Pici!es | juan__20:00
juan__i speakin espanic20:00
ubottujuan__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:00
guampajuan__: pregunta en #ubuntu-es20:00
skumarawhen sudo sensors-detect i get a message no Driver `k8temp' (autoloaded): Chip `AMD K8 thermal sensors' No modules to load, skipping modules configuration. Is there something wrong?20:00
_BEASTjuan_ : pkill -920:00
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.20:00
skumarai want to configure fan speed20:01
juan__i spanich20:01
skumaraActionParsnip, lm-sensors already installed.20:01
Gunnijuan__: #ubuntu-es20:01
Gunniclick it20:01
_BEASTjuan_ : we got that amigo20:01
ActionParsnipskumara: did you follow that guide?20:01
juan__i neec ayuda20:01
Shadow-777Hi all20:01
juan__i am in colombia20:02
itsux2buare ubuntu novice welcome here?20:02
_BEASTjuan_: AOL chat for tu20:02
gary_inNYCis Nautilus unable to open new windows as tabs when unfocused?20:02
juan__ ola lorenso20:02
CuDobhPlease... Firefox (any build) won't start for me in Ubuntu 9.10.. Help!20:02
Picijuan__: /join #ubuntu-es20:02
ActionParsnipitsux2bu: all are welcome as long as you are wanting Ubuntu support20:02
_BEASTShadow-777 : sup20:02
Shadow-777Can you help me with recover Win xp on Ubuntu?20:02
medflyCuDobh, same issue here20:03
ActionParsnipCuDobh: rename ~/.mozilla   is it ok then?20:03
juan__necesito saber que programa ontar20:03
Gunnirecover what shad0wgen20:03
Gunnistupid tab completion20:03
_BEASTShadow-777 : More info20:03
skumaraActionParsnip, lm-sensors was already installed in my laptop. i did not installed it.20:03
CuDobhActionParsnip: tried and no go...20:03
Picijuan__: escribe /join #ubuntu-es por español20:03
itsux2bui just installed ubuntu 10.04 server in virtualbox20:03
ActionParsnipCuDobh: tried the mozilla ppa?20:03
Gunniitsux2bu and?20:03
medflyCuDobh, do you get this error?: /usr/bin/python: relocation error: /usr/bin/python: symbol __realpath_chk, version GLIBC_2.4 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference20:03
_BEASTShadow-777 : No need to recover xp just get what you need an install ubuntu20:04
CuDobhAhh.. thanx ActionParsnip.. that the only thing I have not done yet..20:04
medflywhat is the mozilla ppa?20:04
ActionParsnipskumara: http://ubuntumanual.org/posts/127/how-to-control-fan-speed-lm-sensors-in-ubuntu20:04
ActionParsnipCuDobh: worth a shot20:04
medflyActionParsnip, what is the moziilla ppa?20:05
itsux2bui saw a message when ubuntu loaded about updates.. what do i do to update my ubuntu/linux programs?20:05
ActionParsnipmedfly: its a later build ofthe same browser20:05
medflyActionParsnip, how do I get it?20:05
medflyActionParsnip, I have an issue with firefox too :-/20:05
ActionParsnipmedfly: CuDobh: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade20:05
CuDobhmedfly: No.. it just says that it is already running though it is not really20:05
ActionParsnipfirefox sucks imho, but I know the PPA20:06
medflyoh, okay. thanks20:06
RummageOkay, so I have a problem which takes a lot of explanation. I have a post about it on the forums that has gone unanswered (Wireless issue):  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=972906720:06
goodnightNATTY NARWHAL is coming20:06
CuDobhThanx ActionParsnip.. copy-paste-save on that .. T20:06
ActionParsnipCuDobh: copy it and paste it to a terminal20:06
philsfMy sound applet does not appear in my netbook panel anymore. How can I re-enable it?20:07
minimecmedfly: the ppa some kind of messed up my installation, as ist fu.. up some xulrunner stuff...20:07
skumaraActionParsnip, u see action, this is my problem . when i run sudo pwnconfig , i get /usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed. but i am using awn applet to monitor my temp.20:07
CuDobhActionParsnip.: know will do it when I get to my own computer...20:07
ActionParsnipskumara: thats all I know dude20:07
minimecmedfly: I don't use it anymore!20:07
medflyit seems to be fetching a lot of stuff20:07
medflythis could go horribly wrong :P20:07
skumaraActionParsnip, how to reinstall lm-sensors?20:08
ActionParsnipphilsf: press ALT+F2 paste or type: gnome-volume-control-applet    press enter20:08
ActionParsnipskumara: sudo apt-get --reinstall install lm-sensors20:08
xanguaphilsf: add the indicator applet to the pabel20:09
=== Bridge|A is now known as Bridge|
philsfActionParsnip, thanks, the gnome one appeared, but this is not the one that used to appear20:09
philsfxangua, how do I do this?20:09
ShapeShifter499what gdm does ubuntu use?20:09
ShapeShifter499not gdm3 right?20:09
ActionParsnipShapeShifter499: it uses gdm20:09
vershanoh guys and girls serious  help required i cant seem to get ubuntu 10.0.4 live cd to boot up - ubuntu server 10.0.4 boots up fine - i downloaded the iso image from two different locations Please help me20:10
ShapeShifter499ActionParsnip, I know but not gdm320:10
ShapeShifter499ActionParsnip, right?20:10
ActionParsnipphilsf: then you need to find what volume applet you use, that program is the default applet for gnome20:10
ActionParsnipShapeShifter499: no, i guess thats the one for gnome320:10
philsfActionParsnip, I meant the indicator applet20:10
ActionParsnipphilsf: then right click the panel -> add item    then add the applet20:11
condonrunning ubuntu 10.04 and recently ran an update (reccomended by ubuntu) and my audio control is now missing from the panel and I have now sound (from speaker... may just be muted)20:12
condonhow do I get my audio control back...20:12
ActionParsnipvershan: did you MD5 test the ISO? Did you burn the CD as slowly as you could? Did you check the CD for defects?20:12
condontried KMix but that doesn't seem to have any effect.20:12
agrumanmy soundcard is detected with two different devices, and ac3 playback does not work on the default, aplay sound.ac3 opens, but does not play, aplay -D hw:0,0 sound.ac3 works (though device 2 is named iec958). How do i set hw:0,0 for ac3 as well?20:12
tantivFor some reason my ethernet card got "eth1" instead of "eth0"... is there a way to manually fix this?20:12
Gunnimd5 is outdated, unsecure and should never be used20:12
ActionParsnipcondon: are you using kde?20:13
thune3Gunni: it's fine as a digest20:13
ActionParsnipGunni: its better than no check at all, its sufficient20:13
condonActionParsnip: no, in Gnome... have issues with KDE20:13
Gunnii use sha1 for digesting ;D20:13
ActionParsnipcondon: then press ALT+F2 and run: gnome-volume-control-applet20:13
=== jsurfer is now known as mdesales
Bomboi installed ffmpeg on ubuntu but it cant find the x264 preset files, where can i find them?20:13
krabскажите почему хубунту не видит флэшку как исправить20:13
agrumanGunni, sha1 is compromised as well20:13
ActionParsnipGunni: md5 is fine20:13
Pici!ru | krab20:13
ubottukrab: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:13
Gunniwell what's not agruman20:14
vershanActionparsnip - i have checked the disks - i copied 10 disc thus far i even burned dvd at 3x20:14
agrumanGunni, :D20:14
prizmWhat package is the Look and Feel component of KDE4's control panel in?20:14
root___guys, i'm getting weird messages from the usb device20:14
prizmI don't want to bring the whole KDE 4 in.20:14
agrumanno alsa guru around ? :(20:14
vershanAction is it possible to run the cd from ubuntu its self I have ubuntu 10.1020:14
Shadow-777On windows I have problems With Viruses , and I have to Boot in safe mode , and use Kaspersky Remooval Tool , then I reboot my Netbook , And I can't Boot Windows XP , in all mods , I can boot only Linux . I haven't Disk With Win XP , and I have a netbook , what can i do in Linux for Save Windows?20:14
root___hub2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 220:14
ActionParsnipvershan: do they check when you use the "Check CD for defects"? or are you useing human eyes to test?20:15
root___at boot my mouse stopped working out of the blue20:15
ActionParsnipvershan: you may be able to, if some files have bit errors, it will cause issues20:15
Th3raid0rHello, I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and I am having trouble getting my Belkin F7D1101 running with my WEP (secured) network... I am using these instructions... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=973133320:15
=== root___ is now known as sheepz
RummageOkay, I guess I can simplify this. . . I have a basically clean 10.04 install which works natively with my wireless card: How do I get captive portal systems to work?20:15
SkajaHow Do I mount my mp3 player in ubuntu?20:16
vershanaction let me take that chance please20:16
ePirati need a litle help, i use the newest ubuntu and i want to autostart an command on startup, now i found the gnome startup manager, but how can i run more then one command ?20:16
thune3Skaja: what kind of mp3 player?20:16
vershanAction how do I do that20:16
Skajaeclipse 18020:16
agrumanePirat, sh -c 'cmds as a coomand; next command ....; last cmd'20:17
agrumanePirat, or do a script20:17
=== ara_ is now known as ara
ePiratagruman: i used the gui program... anyway i will try your method20:18
minimecthune3: http://live.gnome.org/Rhythmbox/FAQ20:18
Th3raid0rHello, I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and I am having trouble getting my Belkin F7D1101 running with my WEP (secured) network... I am using these instructions... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=973133320:18
agrumanePirat, yeah, that is meant for gui prog20:18
ePiratbut why sh -c ?20:18
agrumanePirat, you add sh -c '' as the command to start20:18
agrumanePirat, then you have a shell, and with that a lot more power20:19
jimboAny way to determine the install date for the OS?20:19
agrumanePirat, you can do whatever, use ; instead of endline20:19
minimecthune3: sorry... The story is about a .is_sudio_player file youhave to put in the '/' folder. google for it's content. You can define a /music folder and so on. I use that with my normal USB sticks too...20:19
medflyActionParsnip, it didn't work. getting the mozilla ppa. the problem is more than just firefox, too.20:20
vershanActionParsnip any other way to have this cd booted and installed20:20
condonActionParsnip: Sorry, alt-f2 doesn't seem to be working for some reason and accidentilly hit cntrl+alt-f2... any idea how to get back from that without rebooting in the future?20:20
ejcwebI've got a bunch of JPGs which are named like this: xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_12305_xxxx_x.jpg. I want to rename them so that I can just order them by the 4th number in the filename (the x's refer to other variable length numbers). Can this be done on the terminal?20:20
ejcwebWith a regex or something?20:21
jimboprobably, but easier with a short script if you know any languages20:21
jk_condon: ctrl-alt-f7 and if that doesn't work try ctrl-alt-f8...20:21
Piciejcweb: You want to remove everything but the fourth number?20:21
Th3raid0rHello, I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and I am having trouble getting my Belkin F7D1101 running with my WEP (secured) network... I am using these instructions... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=973133320:21
ejcwebPici: Yes.20:22
condonjk_: thanks man.20:22
condonjk_: you any good with sound in ubuntu?  Trying to get the little speaker back on my task bar up top to get sound back20:23
thune3minimec: i was just asking clarifying question to Skaja, please direct advice to Skaja.20:23
condonjk_: ran some ubuntu updates and it's disappeared and I have no sound.20:23
vershanis there anyway to check why an ubuntu live cd is not bootable20:23
gary_inNYCcan anyone set nautilus to open new windows as tabs when unfocused?20:23
jk_condon: unfortunately no; mine is flaky too!20:23
xanguacondon: add the indicator applet to the panel20:23
jimboejcweb: ls | sed -e "s/^.*_([^_]+)/\1.jpg/g;"   Try that.20:23
vershanubuntu 10.0.4 to be precice20:23
minimecthune3: ;) Skaja http://www.floccinaucinihilipilification.net/wiki/index.php/.is_audio_player_file_format20:23
condonxangua: how do I do that?20:23
jimboejcweb: if the output looks good, we can finish it off.20:23
minimecSkaja: sorry... The story is about a .is_sudio_player file youhave to put in the '/' folder. google for it's content. You can define a /music folder and so on. I use that with my normal USB sticks too...20:24
thune3Skaja: i'm having trouble determining if it is mtp or msc device. rhythmbox is supposed to work with it out-of-the-box. Have you plugged it in?20:24
xanguacondon: right clic in the panel> add> indicator20:24
Picijimbo: you could use the -nv switch for rename so it just simulates the action and doesn't actually do it.20:24
SkajaYeah its pluged in.20:24
RummageSo. . . no ideas on the captive portal thing?20:24
jimboPici: cool, ty20:24
xangua!panels | condon20:25
xanguaor just restore default panel setting20:25
ubottucondon: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »20:25
condonxangua: thank you20:25
Th3raid0rHello, I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and I am having trouble getting my Belkin F7D1101 running with my WEP (secured) network... I am using these instructions... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=973133320:25
agrumandoes pulseaudio respect asound.conf when confed with hal or udev?20:25
jimboPici: -nv doesn't appear to mean "dry run" in my man page.20:25
GneaTh3raid0r: first problem: WEP is not secure.20:25
ejcwebjimbo: That results in nothing being printed to the terminal.20:25
iversneither is the other types of encryption Gnea20:25
Picijimbo: -n seems to suggest 'no-act', that sounds like a dry run to me.20:25
Th3raid0rGnea: it may not be, but it isn't really mine, so i can't change it20:26
PiciOh, I suppose -v is moot there then.20:26
Skajaubuntu sees the drive but wont mount it20:26
vershanubottu is there any way to check why an ubuntu live cd is not booting 10.0.4 - server boots up fine20:26
agrumanivers, they are better20:26
ejcwebjimbo: If it helps, here is an example filename - 45904_462108091531_512571531_6406750_3474961_n.jpg20:26
luisthey... when im using LiveCD, how can i find out whats the /dev/XXX that has the real hd of my virtual machine?20:26
Th3raid0rGnea: I must work with what I have got, any Ideas?20:26
Picivershan: ubottu is a bot.20:26
jimboPici: may page says it means "no clobber" (don't overwrite existing)20:26
Picijimbo: odd.20:27
jimboPici: indeed.  10.04 stock20:27
=== IdleOne is now known as Narwhal
jimboejcweb: okay, just a sec.20:27
GneaTh3raid0r: the first order of business is to set it to open mode, with no security, and make sure you can connect to it that way20:27
=== Narwhal is now known as IdleOne
agrumanejcweb, the rename command has regexp support20:27
minimecSkaja: You mean... you stick the player to your computer, the filemanager sees it as device, but the rhythmbox or banshee player will not see it?20:27
jimboPici: oh, I was looking at the mv manpage.  I did not realize rename was anything more than an alias.  TIL.20:28
Th3raid0rGnea: My landlord won't like it, but I am doing that now20:28
SkajaLinux shows the drive but won't mount it20:28
xerox1i am using kile to write latex documents; now i would like to do a spell check; problem: the check does not know the latex-words like "begin"; is there a way to add all these words at once to the checker?20:28
GneaTh3raid0r: once you know that you've solved any issues with your wlan0, then switch it to WEP20:28
GneaTh3raid0r: just disconnect it from the internet until you have WEP working20:29
minimecSkaja: that is not a clear answer for me...20:29
=== IdleOne is now known as Narwhal
SkajaI can't get linux to mount the mp3 player20:29
GneaSkaja: what mp3 player?20:29
minimecSkaja: We are not talking about 'Linux'. We are talking about a mp3 player and some oftware. What software sees the device?20:30
SkajaNone of the software sees it20:30
minimecSkaja: So how can you say, 'Linux' sees it? Did you check dmesg?20:31
jimboejcweb: using rename would be the superior solution but as I already wrote it, I will give you this.  ls | sed -e "s/^.*_\([^_]\+\)_.\+_.\+\.jpg/\1.jpg/g;"20:31
SkajaLinux see a 8.2GB drive but wont mount it20:31
jimbowhat does `sudo fdisk -l` say20:32
minimecSkaja: OK. I have to guess, that you mean 'Linux'='Filemanager'. IS there an icon? Double click it?20:32
medflymaybe you need to, like, tell it to mount things?20:32
harovali1hi , I noted that resolv.con is now a directory. Where is correct to put an old-style resolv.conf file, and with which name ?20:33
minimecSkaja: You may have to put your password...20:33
opijcould anyone tell me how to install ubuntu using an old /home ?20:33
minimecSkaja: No. forget that last line ;)20:33
Skajafdisk dont display the mp3 player20:33
ejcwebjimbo: Great, thanks! That gives a list of all the files - so how would I actually make them adopt these new names?20:34
FelicityI want to make all the text including man pages green on my terminal. Which file do i have to edit?20:34
webczatIf i don't have ubuntu but i have linux, then how to put iso on the pendrive? i mean a full installer20:34
Some_PersonI have a working ubuntu system and would like to install ubuntu onto a different media. I do not have a CD handy to burn the ISO to, so is there any way I can install using my existing ubuntu installation?20:34
guampaFelicity: in the terminal options theres a green scheme20:35
opijwebczat, try #linux20:35
panfisti have an nfs share mounted that's owned by a user that's present on both the client and the server. i was wondering how did the system decide to pick this user as the owner and how come when i try to chown it, the chown command executes, but nothing happens, no warnings or errors either20:35
Felicityguampa, am using urxvt20:35
Gunnihow can i see CURRENT cpu speed?20:35
yashi-Some_Person: you can install ubuntu from a usb stick.. would that solve your problem?20:35
Some_Personyashi-: It would if I had one20:36
guampaups, then i dunno20:36
Some_Personyashi-: What I want to do is install maverick onto an SD card, but I have nothing handy to burn the ISO to20:36
luisthey... when im using LiveCD, how can i find out whats the /dev/XXX that has the real hd of my virtual machine?20:36
Piciopij: If you select manual partitioning during your install, then you should be able to choose your home partition for /home to be mounted at.  Make sure that you specify another partition for /  and that you don't format your /home.20:36
minimecSome_Person: No. You will have to download an iso file and put it on a USB stick You can create a boot Image on your stick20:36
Jordan_USome_Person: Yes, you can setup grub2 to boot the Ubuntu iso from your existing Ubuntu partition.20:37
thune3Skaja: it's really hard to tell what is happening. You should be able to start rhythmbox and plug it in, and then see it in rhythmbox. It would help to see "dmesg | tail -n 50" *after* you plug it in. Could you pastebin this output?20:37
panfistJordan_U wow since when is this possible??20:38
yashi-Some_Person: is it wise to install a distribution on a flashcard? they have limited writecycles :/20:38
Jordan_Upanfist: A few years IIRC20:38
guest__since grub220:38
Some_Personyashi-: I tested lucid in the same way20:38
Some_PersonJordan_U: I use grub120:38
skumarahow to find out my kernal version?20:39
medflyuname -a ?20:39
medflywith uname, anyway20:39
Jordan_USome_Person: Any reason you haven't upgraded?20:39
Some_PersonJordan_U: I find it easier to configure20:39
guest__Some_Person grub version 1.XX == grub2    grub1 == grub version 0.9920:39
sam_mulemade app link for irssi on taskbar, but dosn't work.  Whats the command line string for such function.20:39
Some_Personguest__: I know20:40
SkajaI just downloaded unetbootin.. that app see's my mp3 player20:40
minimecsam_mule: gnome-terminal -e irssi I guess20:40
guest__Some_Person grub1 == yucky     grub2 == yummy20:40
Some_Personguest__: What's so great about grub2?20:40
Jordan_USome_Person: It lets you boot from iso files for one :)20:40
lov255where do I find Removable Drives and Media Preferences?20:41
sam_muleminimec: Thanks mate. EASY !!20:41
corpsegrindrHi I am having some major problems with my wifi card. Its a Cisco AE1000. I can get it to connect here and there, but after awile it will disconnect and then I get "Bad Password" when I try to reconnect. The only thing i can do is reboot until it works again.20:41
guest__Some_Person for one thing it doesn't depend on a partition table or partition...   grub1 did.   it's more powerful.  more flexable too.20:41
Jordan_USome_Person: Also grub legacy hasn't had an upstream for over 4 years now.20:42
opijPici, do you have a guide i could look at?20:42
minimecsam_mule: I use the xfce4-terminal for my irssi. Like that I can configure special mouse gestures for irssi (xfce4-terminal) That is cool ;)20:42
lov255corpsegrindr I was having problems with the Cisco cards, I gave up and bought this Belkin USB Wireless and plugged it in and it worked right away20:42
guest__grub2 => lilo => grub1    imo20:42
Gunnihow can i see CURRENT cpu speed?20:42
lov255Can anyone tell me how to get Removable Drives and Media Preferences?20:42
minimecsam_mule: I use easystroke and configure special gestures for the terminal...20:42
Piciopij: Let me grab one.20:43
opijGunni, system monitor20:43
Jordan_USome_Person: Was there a particular problem you had trying to configure grub2?20:43
Gunniopij in ubuntu server, cli only20:43
itsux2buhow do i edit  ~/.xinitrc ?  i assume its a text file.20:44
panfisti have an nfs share mounted that's owned by a user that's present on both the client and the server. i was wondering how did the system decide to pick this user as the owner and how come when i try to chown it, the chown command executes, but nothing happens, no warnings or errors either20:44
opijwake up ubottu20:44
ZykoticK9lov255, open nautilus - then Edit / Preferences - Media tab20:44
Some_PersonJordan_U: You can't make a file you can feed to the Windows loader to load ubuntu20:44
luisthey.. i have a ubuntu liveCD in a virtual machine... how can i access the real HD of the machine? something like /dev/XXX20:44
brontoeeehow do i figure out what is taking port 80?20:45
LunaVoraxHi everyone !20:45
Gunniluist, check /media20:45
Jordan_USome_Person: It's not easy, and that file would need to contain grub2.20:45
lov255Thanks Zykotick920:45
Gunnior /mount20:45
=== Me is now known as Guest385
Gunnior /mnt20:45
LunaVoraxI'm looking for a software other than Cheese to record video with my webcam and then edit it with a software like OpenShot or such20:46
minimecbrontoeee: your http connection is useing port 80 like firefox ;)20:46
Some_PersonJordan_U: With grub1 you just dd the partition's bootloader, doesn't work for grub220:46
ZykoticK9luist, i doubt your VM will be seeing your actual HD (i could be wrong), good luck20:46
Piciopij: This is what you essentially want, except don't create a new parition for /home, use one you already have: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/installseparatehome   http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/images/createseparatehome07.png is how you'll want it to look in the end.20:46
Gunnihow can i see CURRENT cpu speed? (ubuntu server, cli)20:46
brontoeeeminimec, yeah, i mean web server is complaining that it cant listen on port 8020:46
remoteLunaVorax, what's wrong with Cheese?20:47
ZykoticK9Gunni, does "cat /proc/cpuinfo" help?20:47
unbkbl"cat /proc/cpuinfo"20:47
Jordan_USome_Person: That doesn't work for liveCDs, never has.20:47
Gunnino that shows actual speed20:47
Gunnii need CURRENT20:47
Gunnios can control speed20:48
minimecbrontoeee: That could mean, that a firewall blocks the connection. That could be on your computer, or even on your router, if there is one...20:48
VCoolioitsux2bu: yes, use what editor you like20:48
luistZykoticK9: why wouldnt it?20:48
LorgonJortleIs there a way to turn off compiz fusion when I don't want it, and then turn it back on and have all of the same things enabled? If I go under Preferences->Appearance and turn off effects, when I reenable them I need to reenable everything in the compiz manager, too.20:48
ZykoticK9luist, VM's don't typically see physical hardware20:48
PiciLorgonJortle: Install fusion-icon and run it, it puts a little icon in your notification area that you can use to toggle compiz.20:48
LunaVoraxremote, it records video in ogv(theora+vorbis) and apparently OpenShot dosen't want to handle such a format/codec right now (?!) ; But also I would like to be able to tweak the quality of the recording as the video are intended to be edited which mean recompressed.20:48
Some_PersonJordan_U: ???20:48
xanguaLorgonJortle: metacity --replace >for disabe it; compiz --replace >to enable it20:48
luistZykoticK9: not the physical hardware... the HD i set to the VM... it has a base HD and a cd driver... and im using the livecd image20:49
LorgonJortlePici: Alright, I think Cairo Dock has one. Thanks also, xangua. If the icon doesn't work, I'll do that.20:49
remoteLunaVorax, you can control the quality of the recorded video with Cheese20:49
unbkblGunni, http://www.waltercedric.com/component/content/article/193-technical/1481-setting-the-cpu-speed-of-your-linux-server.html20:49
=== CGUser919 is now known as Hzk
Gunnican i use that to SEE the speed?20:50
unbkblto see and to set20:50
ActionParsnipLorgonJortle: if you press ALT+F@ and run: metacity --replace     you can switch effects off20:50
Gunninice ty20:50
LunaVoraxremote, I can tweak the siez of the image, not the compression of the codec afaik20:50
remoteLunaVorax, ok use mencoder then20:50
opijthanks pi20:50
opijthanks Pici20:51
LunaVoraxremote, is it a webcam software ?20:51
Hzkwhat's up with the server 0.o20:51
Eqlzeranyone know the best twitter client for ubuntu?20:51
Jordan_USome_Person: If there is something you don't understand please ask a question, "???" means nothing to me.20:51
remoteLunaVorax, not specifically but it can record from a webcam to a file20:51
ActionParsnipEqlzer: there isnt a best anything in ubuntu20:51
ActionParsnipEqlzer: or for that matter, in life20:52
Jordan_U!best | Eqlzer20:52
remoteLunaVorax, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam20:52
ubottuEqlzer: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:52
itsux2buwhat is ~/   in   ~/.xinitrc ?20:52
ZykoticK9itsux2bu, ~ is shortcut to homedirectory20:52
Jordan_Uitsux2bu: /home/you/20:52
ActionParsnipEqlzer: there are numerous twitter apps, none are best. Just like there is no best web browser20:52
Some_PersonJordan_U: lol, but anyway, I'm just saying that with grub1, you can dd the partition's bootloader and feed that file to the windows bootloader to load grub. It doesn't work with grub2. And I didn't mention live CDs at all20:53
ZykoticK9itsux2bu, try "cd ~" (but "cd" by itself is faster in that particular case)20:53
itsux2buwhen i did   nano ~/.xinitrc   it said new file20:53
dknewbie to ubuntu20:53
dkneed help on getting around with the basic commands20:53
specialbatsIs there an open-source equivalent of Photoshop?20:53
ActionParsnipspecialbats: gimp20:53
m1ck3yspecialbats: gimpshop20:53
specialbatsIs it free of charge?20:53
ZykoticK9itsux2bu, .xinitrc isn't there by default - and won't be used by GDM btw, you'd need to use startx for that file to work i believe (i could be wrong)20:53
m1ck3yspecialbats: yes20:53
specialbatsAnd is there a version of it compatible with a Macintosh OS?20:54
Jordan_USome_Person: You can do that with grub2 also, I never said otherwise (though there is a more reliable way to do it, which wubi uses).20:54
specialbats(this is for my mother who is trying to avoid buying Adobe Photoshop for her Mac.)20:54
jimboOn a fresh ubuntu install a lot of standard sysadmin tools are missing.  Please help me with suggestions: nmap htop traceroute whois build-essentials sysstat vim-nox20:54
Some_PersonJordan_U: How do you do it with GRUB 2? My attempts have failed every time20:54
specialbatsanswered my own question. :320:55
m1ck3yspecialbats: I think it is possible, but i'm not sure how. You should check out their website http://www.gimp.org20:55
dkwell have u attempted using wine20:55
ActionParsnipjimbo: just install them from the repos20:55
dkvery good application sure for photoshop i guess20:55
sam_mulein irssi, when i uit and open again I have to change my nickname because someone else has the name.  Can i save this change.20:56
jimboActionParsnip: of course.  I am just trying to compile a list.  I'm making metapackages for all the machines I have to admin.20:56
aeon-ltdspecialbats: if your cpu isn't great your gonna have to settle for gimp, or dual boot20:56
aboodhi - i cont setup my hotmail email on evolution20:56
specialbatshttp://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/17629/gimpshop If anyone asks you again, here's a link to the download. :>20:56
ActionParsnipspecialbats: its a very very good alternative, people whos use is terribly ingrained with adobe tools wil say it sucks, when its actually vey able20:56
m1ck3yFor whatever reason, I cannot get through a full ubuntu 10.4 install without it crashing at the end. And then ubuntu works but crashes periodically. Has anyone else had / heard of this problem?20:57
minimecsam_mule: try /save20:57
jimboActionParsnip: so I have server-base, workstation-base, laptop-base, etc metapackages for each deployment.  It's annoying everytime I hop on a machine I need to support and there's no traceroute or whatever.  Trying to standardize that.20:57
ActionParsnipjimbo: cool, i'd throw in ssh too20:57
Jordan_USome_Person: I don't know the details but you can look into how wubi does it. grub2 contains code specifically to allow it to reliably be loaded from ntldr. The other option, installing grub to a partition is generally not recommended as it requires blocklists which are unreliable (but that shouldn't be a problem for a one time solution).20:57
aboodhi - i cont setup my hotmail email on evolution any help20:57
LunaVoraxok thanks remote20:57
Some_PersonJordan_U: I'm using winload (Vista/7 loader), not ntldr20:57
ActionParsnipjimbo: I have a setup script which guts the OS then installs a lot of stuff I need20:57
jimboActionParsnip: mind sharing?20:57
specialbatsOkay. I'm sure there's a tutorial and other references my mother can use, yes?20:57
Jordan_USome_Person: It's the same protocall.20:57
brontoeeeaccording to 'abyss web server' docs, one has to be sudo to open port 80, how does apache, lighttpd and others handle that? seems weird to run web server as root...20:58
jimboActionParsnip: I'm looking to do some gutting myself.20:58
Some_PersonJordan_U: Ok, I'll look into it then20:58
jimbobrontoeee: they bind to 80 and then drop to a non-root uid20:58
=== displayc is now known as display_
sam_mule. /save -- nope20:58
itsux2buadd following two commands to your ~/.xinitrc file:  setterm -blank 0 -powersave off -powerdown 0   xset s off  ..   i tried using  nano ~/.xinitrc   but said  new file.  instructions say add.. so shouldn't it already exist?  is there a linux equiv of autoexec.bat?20:58
sinequanonno si y me sale wl20:58
ActionParsnipjimbo: you could start with the minimal and build up. You can then use partimage to transfer the stock image to multiple PCs20:58
sinequanonhasta ahi no hay problema20:58
sam_muledo i need to load that file at startup of irssi20:58
aboodhow to setup my hotmail email on evolution any help20:59
brontoeeejimbo, ok, how to solve that with abyss?20:59
jimboActionParsnip: they're all different hardware/arch20:59
millertimek1a2m3hey I need some help with flash on ubuntu 10.04 64 bit20:59
millertimek1a2m3it doesn't play right20:59
jimbobrontoeee: solve what?20:59
brontoeeejimbo, i just need a simple development server on this machine20:59
jimbobrontoeee: I'd just run on a higher port then.  ANything >1024 doesn't require root to bind20:59
brontoeeejimbo, solve 'not running web server' as root20:59
ActionParsnipjimbo: hmm, not so easy then, similar hardware purchasing makes support much easier20:59
ZykoticK9millertimek1a2m3, clicking not working?20:59
brontoeeejimbo, ok20:59
millertimek1a2m3ZykoticK9, no, that's not it21:00
VCoolioitsux2bu: you can create the file and put those lines in; it will be run on each login; no autoexec.bat in linux21:00
jimbobrontoeee: the abyss webserver should know to drop root, even though you start it with root.  So it's not really "running as root" (assuming this about abyss.)21:00
jimboActionParsnip: yes indeed.21:00
millertimek1a2m3I have some problems with flash between how ubuntu handles what plays swf files and how the Ubuntu software center registers installed packages21:00
itsux2buno  1 file that i can put all my startup commands in?21:00
brontoeeejimbo, ic, let me try...21:01
pietro10I wonder21:01
kingropen_how i setup my hotmail on evolution21:01
pietro10[4:01pm] ubottu: Sorry, I don't know anything about accessibility21:01
VCoolioitsux2bu: yes, .xinitrc for example; or one script-like file that you put in startup apps21:01
ActionParsnipitsux2bu: you can put them in /etc/rc.local if the command needs running as root21:01
xanguakingropen_: http://lifehacker.com/5169684/hotmail-finally-enables-pop3-worldwide21:01
kingropen_في حد عربي هون21:01
ActionParsnipitsux2bu: you can put the command in your startup items if you use a desktop system21:01
pietro10What's the best way to get magnification without screen reading on Ubuntu 10.04? Google is only giving me old stuff (2007 or so)21:01
maco!sa | kingropen_21:01
ubottukingropen_: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية21:01
millertimek1a2m3ahah! found the problem21:02
minimecitsux2bu: that depends on the desktop-manager you use. In gnome there is a GUI tool 'startup applications'21:02
ActionParsnippietro10: compiz has a zoom feature21:02
itsux2buusing ubuntu server.. no gui21:02
pietro10ActionParsnip: but compiz decreases the size of the mouse cursor, which cancels whatever benefit i did have21:02
ActionParsnipitsux2bu: you can put scripts in ~/.kde/Autostart   if you use kde21:02
ActionParsnippietro10: set a larger mouse cursor then21:02
pietro10ok then...21:03
figure002hello. i'm having trouble getting my gpg key properly set up on my ubuntu desktop. in the past, i've successfully created and used this gpg key. i'm using thunderbird to save an encrypted draft message, but it keeps giving me this error: "gpg: [stdin]: sign+encrypt failed: secret key not available". how can i fix this?21:03
pietro10how do I get to compositing?>21:03
nubbewhen runnung K3b, I have gvfs-cdda interfering. it has to be terminated, anyone have any info on this? feels like I have had similar problems over the years on different computers21:03
guampai have an issue with compiz, it don't recognize the mouse cursors from gnome21:03
stealfalconi need help21:04
pietro10with what21:04
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz21:04
hJcI need help21:04
ActionParsnippietro10: you need to get 3D accelleration enabled, once that gets going it will be enabled bt default21:04
figure002!ask | stealfalcon21:04
ubottustealfalcon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:04
pietro10ActionParsnip: yeah I installed my nVidia drivers21:04
pietro10I just need to know how to get in it =P21:04
minimecitsux2bu: Could that be a solution?21:04
minimecitsux2bu: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/65946-launch-program-startup-how.html21:04
minimecitsux2bu: "start up scripts can be placed in /etc/rc.local (or maybe ) /etc/init.d/rc.local file ..."21:05
ActionParsnippietro10: if you run:  compiz --replace    it should enable, you can then run ccsm and configure stuff21:05
brontoeeejimbo, yeah, seems to be running under my user now21:05
hJcRecovering Ubuntu after Windows 7 install  - Need some guidance. Noob here. PM PLEASE21:05
ActionParsnip!grub2 | hjc21:06
ubottuhjc: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:06
itsux2buthx..  i'll go read21:06
hJcRecovering Ubuntu after Windows 7 install  - Need some guidance. Noob here. PM PLEASE21:06
stealfalconsome 1 help1!!!!!|21:06
hJcI know21:06
ActionParsniphJc: the uide will show how to reinstall grub221:06
pietro10stealfalcon: you're not asking.21:06
figure002!ask | stealfalcon21:06
ubottustealfalcon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:06
stealfalconok i shut down my pc and i can start it i had to use a live cd21:07
ActionParsniphJc: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-grub-2-after-reinstalling-windows-xpvistawin7   also that21:07
stealfalconi cant mount it21:07
cheipgood evening, someone knows package "flashplugin-nonfree" doesen't works after last upgrade?21:07
hJcThe uide ill show me ? What is the uide?21:07
pietro10stealfalcon: so let me get this straight21:07
minimecitsux2bu: http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/ remember to verify... These are rather old blog posts ...21:07
ActionParsniphJc: found that in 30 seconds, literally21:07
pietro10you can't boot your computer up?21:07
xanguahJc: there is also supergrubdisk2 http://www.supergrubdisk.org/21:07
stealfalconmy main hdd21:07
ActionParsniphJc: uide == guide21:07
hJcActionParsnip: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9731466#post973146621:07
riishow would you reccomend I disable bluetooth entirely in Ubuntu?21:08
pietro10ActionParsnip: well it doesn't look like ccsm is installed21:08
FremenBluegoto startup programs21:08
hJccheck out my thread21:08
ActionParsniphJc: the guide I gave, use method 221:08
FremenBlueand disable it riis21:08
pietro10or is that a differnet command?21:08
FremenBlueriis: goto system, preferences, start up programs, uncheck bluetooth21:08
riisFremenBlue: you mean "start-up applications"?21:09
FremenBlueriis: ya21:09
millertimek1a2m3I'm having trouble with the adobe flash plugin installer for ubuntu 10.04 64 bit21:09
ActionParsniphJc: if windows has killed grub, it needs reinstating using livecd21:09
pietro10found it21:09
millertimek1a2m3pause and play doesn't work at youtube.com21:09
riisFremenBlue: that is just the applet for managing bluetooth, not bluetooth it self21:09
hJcI'm following the UIDE you gave me21:09
FremenBlueriis: have u tried disabling it in BIOS?21:10
stealfalcongod damn it help me21:10
hJcLets hope i dont mess up windows21:10
pietro10stealfalcon: I asked you a question21:10
pietro10what is your problem? your statement was too vague21:10
millertimek1a2m3neither does the volume21:10
pietro10are you unable to boot up?21:10
milkohow can I modify the grub with ubuntu 10.4? I have installed windows xp after install ubuntu, but the classical menu.list is not more the way!21:10
stealfalconno i cant21:10
duffydackmillertimek1a2m3, what arch is your ubuntu and what version is your adobe flash21:10
riisFremenBlue: cant, it's just hooked up to USB internally in  my laptop. But yes, I have tried21:10
stealfalconi have to use a live cd21:10
pietro10stealfalcon: what happened when you tried to boot up?21:10
ActionParsnipstealfalcon: if you are booting to the livecd you don't mount it. You reboot the system and boot to that instead of the internal drive21:10
stealfalconum i got to the shell21:11
pietro10stealfalcon: ok let's try again21:11
pietro10without the livecd in the drive21:11
pietro10boot up21:11
stealfalconand i could only run cmds21:11
millertimek1a2m3duffydack: idk my version of adobe21:11
VCoolioriis: use bum to disable the automatic loading on boot, or the update-rc.d command or something like that21:11
pietro10what happens?21:11
FremenBlueriis: idk then, i would think maybe find the module that loads the bluetooth and then blacklist it is your next logical step21:11
ActionParsnipstealfalcon: did you md5 test the iso you burned? did you check the cd for defects? did you burn the cd slowly21:11
hJcmilko: grub2 uses another file then menu.list21:11
stealfalconi get some cmd thing21:11
millertimek1a2m3duffydack, I think my arch is amd6421:11
millertimek1a2m3duffydack, because I'm on an intel i521:11
stealfalconi allready had it on21:11
nimbioticsGuys, this is my 3rd day trying to share some devices using samba in ubuntu 10.04. On the ubuntu PC, I cannot see myself when I go to Places->Network and if I click on Windows Network I get an error message. On the windows PC, I can see the ubuntu PC, but when I click on it I get another error message stating that windows cannot find the computer. Please, please help me. TIA!21:11
Fujoorhey, anybody who knows how to autostart programs in lxde?21:11
stealfalconfor 2 months21:11
minimecmilko: Fist I would start ubuntu and do 'sudo update grub', then reboot. see what happens...21:12
duffydackmillertimek1a2m3, try this if you are 64bit using 32bit flash.  http://www.ubuntumini.com/21:12
millertimek1a2m3duffydack, is there any command to find out my arch?21:12
riisVCoolio: I installd bum and it had almost zero relavant services listed in it....maybe I used it wrong21:12
minimecmilko: ... in a console ;)21:12
aeon-ltdmillertimek1a2m3: uname -a21:12
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ActionParsniphJc: milko: it uses rub.cfg which is generated, so don't bother editting it, it's even chmodded so its not edittable21:12
FremenBlueriis: did you try blacklisting any bluetooth modules that ubuntu loads? if ubuntu can't load the driver then for all intents and purposes bluetooth is disabled21:13
dewmandoes anyone know anything about bacula?21:13
stealfalconcan anyone help?21:13
pietro10ActionParsnip: fff how do I reset Compiz's settings to the defaults?21:13
milkoActionParsnip, so, how I can restore the grub?21:13
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ActionParsnipnimbiotics: try pressing alt+f2   type: smb://servername/sharename   to access the share21:13
riisFremenBlue: Yeah I think I need to do that. Where to start?21:13
FremenBluemilko: there's a detailed page on ubuntuwiki for restoring all grub versions21:13
minimecmilko: Sorry I didn't read the question... ;) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows21:13
pietro10stealfalcon: ok "I already had it on for two months" doesn't quite communicate what happens21:13
ActionParsnipmilko: boot to livecd, chroot to the installed system and run: sudo update-grub21:13
pietro10turn the computer off21:14
FremenBlueriis: whenever i need to find something like that i use google.com21:14
milkothx minimec :)21:14
pietro10turn it on and take out the livecd21:14
pietro10what happens when it tries to go into the system?21:14
millertimek1a2m3duffydack, x86_64bit21:14
ActionParsnippietro10: you could rename the compiz folders, look in $HOME and $HOME/.config  maybe21:14
FremenBluepietro10: ya, uninstalling and reinstalling won't work because the config files won't change21:14
nimbioticsActionParsnip: "Failed to mount windows share."21:14
riisFremenBlue: sorry :) will google21:14
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: can you ping the server name?21:15
figure002hello. i'm having trouble getting my gpg key properly set up on my ubuntu desktop. in the past, i've successfully created and used this gpg key. i'm using thunderbird to save an encrypted draft message, but it keeps giving me this error: "gpg: [stdin]: sign+encrypt failed: secret key not available". how can i fix this?21:15
duffydackmillertimek1a2m3, mine is fine, but seems for some people youtube controls dont work... so thats supposed to be a 'fix'21:15
millertimek1a2m3duffydack, thanks!21:15
hJcACtionParsnip: stuck again. The guide says "Here assuming the Ubuntu partition is sda7,and /boot partition is sda6 (if you have a separate /boot partition)." I know what my boot partition is, it is /dev/sdb1/ But what is my /boot partition ?. ActionParsnip, could you take a look at my boot info script here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9731466#post9731466 and tell me what to input21:15
CarlFK1what is the bash command that given a pathname returns the file name?21:16
pietro10ActionParsnip: meh, forget it21:16
ActionParsniphJc: your boot partition is part of your linux partition, some folks like to have a seperate /boot partition but the default install uses one partitoin21:16
pietro10it only turned off Negative Image, which I don't need21:16
FremenBluefigure002: i had that problem before as well, the cause for me was a firewall blocking certain port traffic21:16
pietro10I could scale the mouse cursor up but the original size stays there, which is annoying21:16
Tenantryhi anyone know were I can get and old deb for skype? for hardy 8.04?21:16
VCoolioFujoor: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXSession#Automatically_start_some_applications_on_login21:16
FremenBluefigure002: if u are certain ur internet connection is not blocking it, then idk what the problem is21:16
duffydackmillertimek1a2m3, if all else fails, there is a 64bit flash thats been abandoned while they make a new/better version but its got some security flaw to it..21:16
hJci have no clue what to input now ActionParnsip21:17
hJcHave you been able to take a look at my HDD setup21:17
ActionParsnippietro10: theres xzoom too21:17
ActionParsniphJc: yes21:17
pietro10ActionParsnip: I specifically want the full-screen zooming, not an overlay though21:17
hJc:- D21:17
hJcDo i have a boot partition ?21:17
figure002FremenBlue: i just disabled my firewall, but still getting that error.. what it IDK?21:17
bpgoldsbI'm trying to find out what has an LVM LV open.  It's not mounted.  lsof /dev/mapper/vg0-lv1 shows nothing.  Any ideas?21:18
ActionParsniphJc: no, like I said, its part of your linux partition21:18
millertimek1a2m3duffydack, well crap that didn't fix it!21:18
pietro10ActionParsnip: oh I see, it's a separate option21:18
pietro10thanks though :)21:18
yoguhey guys does anyone knows which port does my keyboard uses to send the keystroke to kernel?21:18
FremenBluefigure002: sorry idk21:18
milkoActionParsnip, sudo update-grub2, right?21:18
figure002FremenBlue: i meant, what does "idk" mean?21:18
Tenantryhi anyone know were I can get and old deb for skype? for hardy 8.04?21:19
ActionParsnipmilko: sure21:19
millertimek1a2m3duffydack, oh wait... i didn't do it right21:19
hJcActionParsnip: grub-probe: error: Cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdb1.  Check your device.map.21:19
millertimek1a2m3duffydack, ok it worked!21:20
millertimek1a2m3thanks a lot!21:20
cheipthat's a problem with flashplugin-nonfree!!!!21:20
FremenBluefigure002: idk means i don't know21:20
SovereignIf i install flask from snaptic will it work for all browsers chromium and FF21:20
cheipthere is any developer here??21:20
duffydackSovereign, yes..21:20
BluesKajcheip,use flashplugin-installer21:20
ActionParsniphJc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows21:20
duffydackSovereign, flashplugin-installer21:20
Sovereignduffydack: thanks21:21
ActionParsnipSovereign: yes21:21
xanguayou can also install flash from !partner Sovereign BluesKaj21:21
figure002FremenBlue: ah ok, thanks anyway21:21
hJcCAnt you just tell me what to input21:21
hJcsince i dont understand ANYTHING of this21:21
hJcinstead of me risking to mess up something21:21
cheipBluesKaj, flashplugin-nonfree isn't a redierect to flashplugin-installer?21:21
hJcand i dont want to lose anything21:21
hJcyou know my setup21:21
hJcwhy not tell me21:21
ActionParsniphJc: all I will be doing is copying and pasting from the page21:22
Sovereignxangua: i dont know what that one is21:22
ActionParsniphJc: You should have backups if you dont want to lose anything21:22
BluesKajflashplugin-installer replaces flashplugin-nonfree, cheip21:22
hJcI have to a certain extend21:22
DrPoOhas anybody used unetbootin to create a bootable usb key with another OS distro on it (Lenny)??21:22
Sovereignflashplugin installer or the nonfree?21:22
hJcfucking guides21:23
hJcwheres the personal help uh21:23
FloodBot4hJc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:23
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millertimek1a2m3I'm having trouble with staying connected to a WPA network on ubuntu21:24
millertimek1a2m3I don't know what the problem is. I'll be streaming video, and it will just disconnect21:24
millertimek1a2m3It's getting REALLY old. and I'm being forced to use windows...21:24
figure002in thunderbird+engimal extension there's an option to sign my gpg key. should i sign my own key before i can use it so sign/encrypt stuff?21:24
ActionParsnipmillertimek1a2m3: when it drops, run: dmesg | tail    what is output?21:24
millertimek1a2m3ok thanks21:25
cheipBluesKaj, i already have installed flashplugin-installer, it doesen't works :D21:25
Tenantryim in skype hell, can anyone help. its only letting me use beta for mids. need old skype but cant find it anywere :/21:25
avishi Flannel21:25
sandkingis there a way to make Rhythmbox resume playing podcasts from previous place it was plyed?21:25
BluesKajcheip, doesn't work on what ?21:25
avi_hey there guys, is there a terminal parameter for "mv" that shows like a progress bar of how far the transfer is in?21:25
cheipchromium & firefox21:25
cheipwith youtube and wordpress21:26
ActionParsnipcheip: can you give the output of: lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf21:26
ActionParsnipcheip: use www.pastie.org   to give the output21:26
xanguacheip: did you restart your browsers¿21:26
VCoolioavis: http://github.com/yannicklm/pycp21:27
BluesKajcheip, open firefox , in the utl bar type about:plugins , see if you have flashplugin listed there21:27
VCoolioavis: sorry, was meant for avi_21:28
cheipBluesKaj, http://pastebin.com/eU4hcdQG21:28
BluesKajerr url21:28
cheipActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/eU4hcdQG21:28
macoavis: http://mepislovers.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2237021:28
cheipxangua, i've also restarted my computer :D21:28
avi_VCoolio, I didn't get it, I actually just had to restart my X. Could you please send again?21:28
VCoolioavi_: http://github.com/yannicklm/pycp21:28
Sovereigncheip: i installed flashplgin installer and it worked for Chromium FF and Opera21:28
Elninohelp guyz, can't connect nor access any wireless network on my system21:29
xanguacheip: did you install other flash plugin like Gnash or Swfdec ¿21:29
cheipSovereign, right now? With the last update?21:29
avi_VCoolio, Woah, cool. There's really no parameter to do this with vanilla mv?21:29
cheipxangua, no21:29
ActionParsnipcheip: try this: cd /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins; sudo ln -s /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so21:29
VCoolioavi_: no, not that I know of21:29
avi_VCoolio, Wow, that stinks. Well I'm adding the ppa for that thing, thanks.21:29
Sovereigncheip: it shpould be the latest update i just installed21:30
Sovereignit even works with youtube21:30
cheipActionParsnip, why i must create a link?21:30
blackMatrix_NYhi. Anybody know where tomboy notes or sticky notes store the notes ?21:30
cheipif I install from repostory, it MUST work!!21:31
ActionParsnipcheip: thats the chromium plugin folder, so you can copy the file there, or a symlink which uses no extra space21:31
minimecblackMatrix_NY: try .config/tomboy21:32
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BluesKajcheip, do you have the canonical partners and other sources enabled in your package manager ?21:32
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cosoalhelp me21:33
Elninohelp guyz, can't connect nor access any wireless network on my system21:33
ActionParsnipcosoal: you havent asked a question, so we cant21:33
macoavi_: gentoo's version of coreutils has -g, but not vanilla coreutils21:34
myndianI am having an odd problem since I upgraded from karmic to lucid. When using any of the TTY's, the characters "^@" randomly get thrown into what I am typing... I investigated this with showkey-s and got some odd results... pastebin here - http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ -- The problem does NOT occur under X, only in TTY.. and also, it is not the keyboard, I reinstalled karmic and it works fine... upgraded to lucid again and same pro21:34
avi_maco, Ah. Cool. Do you think this would work for mv and cp? http://clpbar.sourceforge.net/21:34
ActionParsnipElnino: what is the output of: sudo lshw -C network    use www.pastie.org to give the output21:34
cosoalheop me21:35
DrPoOHow can I install debian from ubuntu?21:35
minimecblackMatrix_NY: Sorry... It's .local/share/tomboy21:35
cosoalhelp me21:35
llutzDrPoO: use debootstrap21:35
ActionParsnipcosoal: ask a question, or we can't21:35
nichosis anyone using an HVR-2250 card? I seem to be losing it every time I reboot21:35
ActionParsnip!ask | cosoal21:35
ubottucosoal: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:35
cosoalnot ubuntu21:35
myndianmy bad on the pastebin.. http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/weZiv5yn21:35
blackMatrix_NYminimec: why does it have dlls and exe's ? Is there a better sticky notes. trying to stay away from windows related things :-)21:35
ActionParsnipcosoal: this is ubuntu only support, all other subjects are in #ubuntu-offtopic21:36
xanguablackMatrix_NY: are you talking about tomboy¿21:36
avisdoes amazonmp3 work with ubuntu yet ?21:37
avismy soul is not at ease unless you make it so21:37
blackMatrix_NYminimec: thanks found it in .local/share/tomboy :-)21:37
millertimek1a2m3ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/K3mWYfEM21:37
minimecblackMatrix_NY: What are you talking about? Where do you see any *.exe file in .config/tomboy or .local/share/tomboy?21:37
blackMatrix_NYyes xangua21:37
minimecblackMatrix_NY: np ;)21:38
ActionParsnipavis: http://blog.binarykatana.com/post/amazon-mp3-downloader-on-lucid/21:38
millertimek1a2m3ActionParsnip, you there?21:38
myndianCan anyone help with my above question? Or should I submit a bug report?21:38
ActionParsnipmillertimek1a2m3: ok then find out what reason 3 is21:38
xanguablackMatrix_NY: well it uses mono, you can try Gnote, it's virual identical but only uses c++; if is not in your repository here it is the PPA: https://launchpad.net/~gnote/+archive/ppa/+packages21:38
Cockroach_hat can i use to play a live m3u8 stream (designed for iphone)?21:38
blackMatrix_NYminimec: i saw them in /usr/lib/tomboy/addins21:38
ElninoActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/dW3MKZnn21:39
blackMatrix_NYthanks xangua: I will take a look at it21:39
xanguablackMatrix_NY: https://launchpad.net/~gnote/+archive/ppa21:39
ActionParsnipElnino: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:40
Oer!info m3u821:40
ubottuPackage m3u8 does not exist in lucid21:40
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sanguisdexis there a way to auto download required packages when using "apt-get source -b"21:42
millertimek1a2m3ActionParsnip, i found a link that says a new kernel will fix the problem21:43
OerCockroach_, VLC might do m3u821:43
minimecsanguisdex: does apt-get build-dep package-name do the thing?21:44
Cockroach_Oer seems to put the first segments in the play list, play those (with rough joins) and then stop, whereas it should continue new segments21:44
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sifteri am using ubuntu 10.04 netbook edition on my asus eee pc 900a, and there are "No network devices available"21:45
sanguisdexminimec: it should, I compleltey forgot about that21:45
OerCockroach, it is not open source i presume21:45
ristaloffhi, don't know if this is the place tio ask this, have really little time:  I'm using running ubuntu and yakuake. When I hit "tab" to autocomplete it won't work. It just makes a space... like in notepad. How to fix?21:46
sifterthe previous netbook version of ubuntu worked with my wireless card flawlessly, but it is not anymore21:46
sifteri am using ubuntu 10.04 netbook edition on my asus eee pc 900a, and there are "No network devices available"21:46
sanguisdexsifter: do you have a usb cdrom drive?21:46
sifteri used the usb live option to install21:46
sanguisdexsifter: did you use a USB or CD?21:47
sanguisdextry going into software sources21:47
sanguisdexand enableing the CD, then update your packages21:48
sifterjust check the box and click "revert"?21:49
myndianWell thanks for all the help, guys :)21:49
sanguisdexdo click revert21:49
sanguisdexjust close it21:49
Cockroach_oh no, i've forgotten my password. how can i log in?21:50
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sifter"You need a working internet connection to continue"21:51
apnCockroach, you can gain access to your /etc/passwd file, remove an x from behind the name, log in with no password, and change it.21:52
sifter"W: Failed to fetch . . . ."21:52
apnOr, if you have the root account set up, just log in to that and change the password from this point21:52
ActionParsnipCockroach_: boot to root recovery console and run: passwd foo     where foo is your login name21:53
sanguisdexsifter then you need to disable any other sources21:53
ActionParsnipapn: not necessary to edit files and potentially screw logins21:53
sanguisdexother then the CD21:54
ActionParsnipCockroach_: you can then reboot with: shutdown -r now    and log on, with the password you set21:54
apnsanguisdex: no cd necessary. single user mode works fine.21:54
PeskyJfunny thing - the touchpad on my laptop somehow has managed to disable itself under ubuntu and I can't turn it back on again21:54
mattishif im grepping a file for test. why does it show me lines that has test in without the dot ?21:54
Cockroach_how do i get into recovery mode21:54
mattishas it doesnt match ?21:54
apnActionParsnip: I've never expected Linux to be so touchy. Standard ways are better than unknown scripts / solutions. Obscurity is the key of stability.21:55
ActionParsnipCockroach_: hold shift at boot, select recovery mode then scroll down with cursor to the root option21:55
ActionParsnipapn: if theres a simpler way then use it is all I can say, allowing the system to modify its own files is a safer option for Linux virgins21:55
Cockroach_i swear i press esc to get to grub normally (this is a vm)21:55
ActionParsnipCockroach_: lucid uses grub2 which uses shift21:56
Cockroach_you know, just as i did it, i think i remembered my pw, but its too late now21:57
ActionParsnipCockroach_: if you havent ran the passwd command, you can simply reboot and retry21:57
Cockroach_i had, but i've rebooted and the login keyring isn't working with what i thought it was. how do i fix this\?21:58
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ActionParsnipCockroach_: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2010/01/16/reset-gnome-keyring-password-on-ubuntu/21:59
sanguisdexapn: but if he can't get his netbook online then he can see if the drivers are on the CD21:59
AviMarcuswhen I open a video in the movie player, it reuses the open movie window without asking me. Is there a way to have it open a new instance?22:00
lov255how do I get to the login manager?22:00
sanguisdexapn: if they are then he can make a custom PPA line for the USB drive and install from there22:00
siftersanguisdex there are still no network devices available22:01
thune3ActionParsnip: i was worried until i read that "reset" means "delete and start over, you loose all keys stored by keyring".22:01
sanguisdexsifter: try rebooting22:01
Oerlov255 logout22:01
ActionParsnipthune3: thats the only way I know too22:02
sifterrebooting sanguisdex, you said to "update packages" after doing the stuff in software sources, is there another place i need to go to do that?22:02
lov255anyone know how to get to the longin manager?22:02
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ActionParsniplov255: can you expand on that please22:03
thune3ActionParsnip: it's the way it should be, when I saw your link I was worried that there was some easy way to unlock the keyring.22:03
sifterstill no network devices available22:03
sanguisdexsifter: you were not prompted to relaoed the packages?22:03
sifteri was22:03
sifterand it loaded 6/622:03
sanguisdexand you rebooted?22:04
wedwolov255, what do you mean by the loggin manager"22:04
lov255I am reading a not so well written book on Ubuntu - it is talking about "login Manager - System Settings" menu22:04
sanguisdexsifter: then I am sorry but I cnat help you as the drivers for your NIC are not in the CD22:04
wrekthello. looking for advice on a stable parallel desktop envioronment to run within 10.04 so that I can practice my rosetta stone language sessions. any suggestions on FREE ones?22:04
wedwolov255, it may be talking abt an older version?22:05
lov255possibly better known as a Display manager?22:05
sifteri will have to manually install the driver?22:05
lov255No the book is on 10.0422:05
husimonhey does anyone have experience with using libvirt and kvm in ubuntu?  I'm trying to load up an existing qcow image and use bridged networking22:05
Oerlov255,  gnome-session-save --logout22:06
lov255it is poorly written - dose not tell you where to go or commands to use to get to where it is talking about - it says that this is found when you type in gdmsetup22:06
sanguisdexsifter: I would guess that you should do a search for 'ubuntu 10.04 NETBOOK MODLE "ERROR TEXT"'22:06
wedwolov255, display manager? absolutely no idea. maybe window manager?22:06
lov255Says that you should be able to change thge Aperance, font, background, shutdown, uders and convnience22:06
sanguisdexI am sure you are no the first to encounter that error22:06
aafuenteshttp://pastebin.com/4k5nvtUR <-- anybody can help me with this? (package system broken)22:07
wedwolov255 gdm = gnome desktop manager22:07
lov255awww how do I get to gdm?22:07
edbianaafuentes, Just off the top of my head.  sudo aptitude install -f22:08
thune3lov255: it would probably be easier if you explained what you are trying to accomplish, and then someone may be able to help with that. System->Administartion->Login Screen launches gdmsetup, but it doesn't do much.22:08
sifterthanks, sanguisdex22:08
wedwolov255 , it's called Preferences22:08
duffydackdisplay manager22:08
ZykoticK9lov255, gdmsetup has features gutted on new GDM22:08
edbianaafuentes, That command attempts to fix all broken packages.  Be sure to read what it wants to do and think about it before hitting yes blindly! :)22:08
dewmanany bacula users in here?22:08
ZykoticK9edbian, "sudo apt-get -f install"22:09
ZykoticK9edbian, sorry ;)22:09
edbianZykoticK9, Why not aptitude ??22:09
ZykoticK9edbian, same difference22:09
edbianaafuentes, sudo aptitude -f install22:09
edbianZykoticK9, Thanks22:09
magicianlordwhen installing the base system, i need to configure dual display resolutions using a GUI app. what ist he proper app to install to manage intel multi-monitor settings22:10
jacob_i have an external hard drive that will not mount onto ubuntu, i must have tried everything by now and i dont know what else to do, if anyone has any ideas please tell me22:10
edbianjacob_, Does your external show up in the output of sudo fdisk -l22:11
ZykoticK9jacob_, with the drive plugged in could you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l"22:11
edbianZykoticK9, Hey don't copy me!22:11
aafuentesedbian --> new output... same error  :S http://pastebin.com/wUXtz6v022:11
jacob_yes it does and ill just do that for you22:11
edbianaafuentes, Did you try removing it?22:12
aafuentesedbian, yep22:12
aafuenteswith aptitude, apt-get and dpkg22:12
jacob_http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/g3uzZ1RX Here you go guys22:12
jacob_My External HDD is sdb122:13
WXZI was trying to launch a tomboy note from crontob in root22:14
WXZI used gnome-scheduler and set it as an x-application22:14
WXZand I got this output in terminal22:14
aafuentesedbian, any Other guess from the top of your head? is it my package system broken forever?22:15
Jordan_Ujaykub: What is the output of "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/"?22:15
edbianaafuentes, Where did this package come from?  A special repo or something?22:15
WXZ** Message: pygobject_register_sinkfunc is deprecated (GtkWindow)22:15
WXZ** Message: pygobject_register_sinkfunc is deprecated (GtkInvisible)22:15
WXZ** Message: pygobject_register_sinkfunc is deprecated (GtkObject)22:15
aafuentesedbian sourforge navalplan22:15
ActionParsnipWXZ: use: sudo crontab -e   to cron as root22:15
WXZActionParsnip: I basically did22:16
jacob_just getting it for you Jordan_U22:16
WXZI just used gnome-schedule with sudo, which is just a graphical view of cron tab22:16
ActionParsnipWXZ: so do you get those messages when the job comes to running?22:16
WXZwhen I started it22:16
jacob_Jordan_U http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/7P4ged5q22:16
ActionParsnipWXZ: you should use gnome-schedule with gksudo, not sudo22:17
ActionParsnipWXZ: so you get the errors when you started the gnome-schedule app??22:17
edbianaafuentes, I think that package is written poorly.  I'm not sure how to remove it though :(  What command did you run to install it in the first place?  dpkg?  Did you download a .deb ??22:17
WXZI get "messages"22:17
WXZ** Message: pygobject_register_sinkfunc is deprecated (GtkWindow)22:17
AbuBadrhow to install .bin files??22:17
WXZlike that22:17
ActionParsnipWXZ: yes but WHEN do they occur?? 1. When the cron'd job runs, or 2. When you run gnome-schedule to setup the cron?22:18
ZykoticK9AbuBadr, typically you shouldn't.  but make the file executable by using "chmod +x $FILENAME" then run with "./$FILENAME"22:18
WXZwhen I run gnome-schedule22:18
aafuentesedbian, i tried dpkg -i package.deb ... then unmet dependencies, so i run apt-get install -f... then this nightmare began :(22:18
Jordan_Ujacob_: Any of the hints seem relevant? Can you use this drive/partition with windows?22:18
ActionParsnipAbuBadr: mark it as executable then run itin a terminal or double click it22:18
Bisaanyone able to assist me in shrinking my ntfs file system? (its been declared bigger then the device but ntfsresize wont touch it for some reason)22:18
edbianaafuentes, Can you sudo apt-get purge package    ??22:18
ActionParsnipWXZ: ok then use the command I gave and you wont get that as it uses a terminal based interface22:19
WXZI also do get an output each time a cronjob is run22:19
aafuentesedbian, nop :(22:19
ActionParsnipBisa: is the ntfs system a bootable win7 / vista partition??22:19
WXZwell, I don't really care about the errors ActionParsnip22:19
edbianaafuentes, I'm not sure then.  Sorry! :(22:19
aafuentesgee... :(22:19
WXZbecause they don't stop me from creating a new cronjob22:19
Jordan_UBisa: When shrinking a filesystem with ntfsresize you need to resize first, then change the partition table. Not the other way around.22:20
aafuentesthanks anyway edbian22:20
ActionParsnipWXZ: ok so where's the issue?22:20
edbianaafuentes, Good luck!22:20
WXZthis is just my problem from the morning, I can't get crontab to run "tomboy --open-note x"22:20
WXZI was just wondering if those messages relate22:20
BisaNo, its just my storage disk which I tried to get over here when swaping to linux after 16 years of windows :p (how do I add names without having to spell them)22:20
WXZI've tried cron -e, with display=::0.0 and without it22:20
jacob__Jorden_U i am back sorry internet went abit funny22:20
WXZI've tried using the full path of tomboy22:20
e_s-iOSI have a question. I'm installing ubuntu on my ext HD to boot from it, and I created a partition for the install, but it doesn't show up on the install list. Any tips?22:21
ActionParsnipWXZ: possibly, not sure. I don't really cron X based jobs, is there a switch it needs?22:21
WXZwell someone told me when I create the job in gnome-schedule22:21
wedwoBisa, type 3 letters and then Tab22:21
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwhow would i I find the Xth oldest file in a directory22:21
WXZI should set it to "x-application"22:21
BisaWXZ: cheers22:21
WXZbye bisa :s22:22
ubbuntuI just made a new partition for my home directory and copied everything over to it. Now, I cant start my system. On Ubuntu, it gives me some error message about permissions on the home folder and encryption and then it goes to a blank desktop that has absolutely nothing on it but wallpaper. On Lubuntu, I have only 2 options in my menu, run and logout, and in My documents there are two files, one says "My private desktop" and the othe22:22
ubbuntur is a README file. Could anyone help?22:22
WXZdoesn't cheers mean bye?22:22
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BisaWXZ: oh, not according to me :p I meant it as "thank you with a happy smile" :p22:23
WXZI don't believe I helped you though, lol22:23
aafuentesthanks edbian, i can't reinstall now :( i am in a very busy month22:23
ActionParsnipubbuntu: boot to livecd and chown the data to foo:foo   replace foo with your username22:23
BisaWXZ: u did, without you Id never have figured to use Tab :)22:24
ubbuntuActionParsnip, what?22:24
edbianaafuentes, I don't think you'll have to re-install.22:24
svm_invictvs-So I want to talk to a /dev entry that is basically a serial port.22:24
ActionParsnipubbuntu: if you don't have permissions, the data may need chowning to your user so you DO have access. You can do this in root recovery mode22:24
LinuxGuy2009Whats the deal with 10.04.1 point release? I read it was behind schedule and was going to be scheduled for today. This true?22:24
WXZwell yw then22:25
edbianaafuentes, Ask the channel in a different manner.  "Why can't I remove a package from my system?"22:25
ikoniaLinuxGuy2009: yes22:25
ubbuntuActionParsnip, i dont know how to do that22:25
svm_invictvs-Technically speaking, it's a USB masquerading as an RS232 port.  How do I talk to that entry to say set the baud and all that?22:25
LinuxGuy2009ikonia: Ok thanks22:25
svm_invictvs-is there a good serial terminal emulator available on Ubuntu?22:25
ActionParsnipubbuntu: boot to root recovery mode and run: cd /home; sudo chown -R foo:foo ./foo    replace foo with your usual username22:25
ubbuntuActionParsnip, that's it?22:26
ActionParsnipubbuntu: yes, this wil ensure all the data is owned by the right user22:26
lov255I am using 10.04, I would like to set a pause when loging in so that if someoen types in the wrong PW they have to wait like a min22:26
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Bisaany way, back to my ntfsresize problem, I'm not trying to change the partition, I want to shrink the file system as it is currently larger thent he partition (or should I indeed shrink the partition first then change the size of the file system?)22:26
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jacob__Anyone wish to help me with my External HDD not mounting, even a forced mount and it wont.22:26
headkase314ActionParsnip, ubbuntu , I believe the Control+Alt+t to launch a terminal then in the terminal type: "chown -R (username):(username) /home/(username)" with replacing all occurances of "(username)" with your username.22:27
aafuentesedbian, ill try...22:27
ZykoticK9lov255, a delay feature is already built into GDM i believe, after 3 attempts I believe it starts increasing wait time22:27
aafuenteshello ubuntu channel! why can i remove a package from my system?22:27
ActionParsnipsvm_invictvs-: http://pastebin.com/ke1A2Rer22:28
headkase314ActionParsnip, ubbuntu , ActionParsnip is that correct?22:28
minimecsvm_invictvs-: plug the usb device and check with 'dmesg' in a console, if the device is recognized. It should be someting like ttyS022:28
ActionParsnipheadkase314: if the user can launch a terminal, sure why not22:28
thune3LinuxGuy2009: "any day now" is my understanding: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-10.04.122:28
headkase314ActionParsnip, thank you.22:28
apnjacob__: absolutely. what is the file system on your HDD, and what errors are you receiving?22:28
Jordan_Ujacob__: Any of the hints seem relevant? Can you use this drive/partition with windows?22:28
ubbuntuActionParsnip, headkase314 i cant launch a terminal22:28
minimecsvm_invictvs-: minicom22:29
aeon-ltdaafuentes: are you using sudo?22:29
ZykoticK9thune3, 10.04.1 is already out.  use "lsb_release -a"22:29
Oeraafuentes, you can search & remove any package you like in synaptic22:29
tuxifiersvm_invictvs-: minicom22:29
ActionParsnipubbuntu: then boot to root recovery mode and do it there22:29
ZykoticK9thune3, it was released early actually (i see LinuxGuy2009 is already gone)22:29
LinuxGuy2009ZykoticK9: I just checked and dont see a point release for download.22:30
headkase314ubbuntu, does Control+Alt+F1 give you a login screen?  WARNING Control+Alt+F7 is needed to return to the graphical mode.  If you can get one of the "Virtual Consoles" you can login using your username to a console and then try that command.22:30
jacob__yes i can use it with windows22:30
jacob__also the file system is NTFS so it should mount fine22:31
ZykoticK9LinuxGuy2009, if you are looking for an ISO I really don't know what the deal with that is?  sorry.22:31
tuxifierjacob__: tried ntfs-3g ?22:31
svm_invictvs-minimec: Yeah, I know what dev it is.  It's /dev/ttySACM022:31
ColbyLudwigAnybody know how to solve graphics corruption?22:31
Bisajacob__ could have the same problem as I have perhaps? errounous partition table) just guessing22:31
Jordan_Ujacob__: Are you sure it's not a windows "dynamic disk"?22:31
ColbyLudwigwith an ATi Radeon x1270.22:31
svm_invictvs-The problem is that whenever I send data to it, the device doesn't make any sense of it.  in Windows when I connect the devie the exact same set of commands actually works.22:31
jacob__yes i am definatly sure22:31
jacob__its a 500gb WD elements external HDD22:32
minimecsvm_invictvs-: ok. It's nice to know that these adapters work... what manufactor is this?22:32
Jordan_Ujacob__: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo blkid"?22:32
svm_invictvs-minimec: Oh boy.  I'm not sure if I'm allowed to day.22:32
jacob__will do22:33
svm_invictvs-minimec: It's a phone.22:33
svm_invictvs-Spcifically, it's running a test kit for which I have written the kernl drivers for (on the phone).22:33
minimecsvm_invictvs-: use minicom or cutecom as terminal emulator...22:33
thune3ZykoticK9: i'm not sure i believe you, 10.04.1 download is nowhere to be found.22:33
chrissharp123aafuentes: try 'sudo dkpg -r navalplan'22:33
ZykoticK9thune3, "lsb_realease -a" on your own system22:34
gasullHi. I'm using ufw on Ubuntu 10.04. I'm trying to add rule iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags RST RST -j DROP but it's gone after reboot even if I run iptables-save. What am I doing wrong? Thank you.22:34
jacob__Jordan_U http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/yhRBDuna22:34
svm_invictvs-Can i pipe commands through to it from within a python script?22:34
ZykoticK9thune3, i'm not sure about the ISO stuff22:34
aeon-ltdgasull: uhhh ufw and iptables are 2 different apps22:34
ColbyLudwigAny idea22:34
thune3ZykoticK9: the point release livecd has not dropped as far as I can tell.22:34
gasullaeon-ltd, I know. I wonder if ufw is messing up my iptables.22:35
itsux2budoes a period (.) at the start of a file have a special meaning in linux?22:35
ZykoticK9itsux2bu, hidden file22:35
minimecsvm_invictvs-: I guess minicom is a kind of 'SwissArmyKnife', but I cannot answer your specific question.22:35
VCoolioitsux2bu: then it's hidden22:35
svm_invictvs-I see.22:35
jacob__Do i need any packages installed for NTFS?22:35
svm_invictvs-I also found setserial22:35
headkase314jacob__, ntfs works out of the box for me.22:36
itsux2bubut i see it when i do a ls -al22:36
Jordan_Ujacob__: Either you copied and pasted wrong, I'm very confused, or blkid is very confused. Likely 2 and 3 :)22:36
ZykoticK9itsux2bu, "ls -a" = show hidden(all) files22:36
minimecsvm_invictvs-: Setserial is only for the setup of the serial port. You don't need that I guess...22:36
VCooliojacob__: try ntfs-3g, install, then 'sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/existingfolder -t ntfs-3g -o user,rw' gives us errors if any22:36
chrissharp123itsux2bu: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/explain-linux-unix-dot-files/22:36
Jordan_UVCoolio: ntfs-3g is installed and used by default.22:37
VCoolioJordan_U, jacob__ ok, still, any useful errors on that?22:37
VCoolioitsux2bu: that's what the -a thing on ls does; show hidden files22:38
WXZI used gnome-schedule to create a recurrent task to run everyminute which was "tomboy --open-note New Note 48", I also did it with the full path of tomboy, I also tried setting the task to x-application (full path and not full path), << did all these things in root as well.. none of them worked22:38
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jacob__VCoolio how do i do this?22:38
Jordan_Ujacob__: Ahh, it was option 4, my browser was misrendering the page (refresh fixed it).22:38
thune3gasull: i think you need to add rule using ufw syntax, that way when ufw rewrites your iptables it will be there.22:38
VCooliojacob__: enter the sudo mount etc in a terminal, create a folder to mount to first (sudo mkdir /media/somefolder)22:38
chrisbuntunerdubuntu on hp 60 ?22:39
jacob__ahh okay Jordan_U and i have a folder to mount too and i have tried to mount it before22:39
avisi have a 25" monitor.  at 1920x???? it wont fill the screen after ATI driver install.  can anyone lend me a hand ?  perhaps catalyst control panel ?22:39
jacob__ill copy what happens when i try to mount22:39
Jordan_UVCoolio: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/7P4ged5q22:40
VCoolioWXZ: did you do DISPLAY=:0.0 command?22:40
shtoweravis: I use the catalyst control panel to control my screen resolution22:40
shtowerwhat happens when you open the catalyst control panel?22:40
aeon-ltdgasull: check in the actual rules file, also is the daemon started at boot?22:41
gasullthune3, thanks, I 'll try to rewrite it22:41
headkase314shtower, which mode of the two icons it provides: normal or administrative?22:41
gasullaeon-ltd, yes, I think so22:41
VCooliojacob__: hmm, try to check the disk for errors with a tool on windows, otherwise I don't know22:41
jacob__http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/7kA4zZaq Thats the error i get when trying to mount it22:41
shtowerheadkase: both are provided for me in the system > preferences menu22:42
jacob__i have done that and it says there is none22:42
headkase314shtower, you need to launch the "administrative" one to be able to change the resolution to another mode.22:42
shtoweryou can also access it from a console by typing amdcccle22:43
headkase314shtower, ok continue then - next thing?22:43
shtowerheadkase: I don't know why, but you do22:43
gasullthune3, aeon-ltd, it seems you cannot write a DROP rule with ufw.22:43
VCooliojacob__: it's complaining about a sector; it's not something on the ubuntu side I'd say, but I'm afraid I can't help debugging this, sorry22:43
WXZsorry vcoolio22:43
WXZI didn't see your message22:43
WXZyes I did do DISPLAY=:0.022:43
itsux2bui want to turn off screen blanking.. how do i find what file turns on screen blanking so i can comment it out.. ?22:43
shtowerheadkase, sometimes you have to reboot your computer for the changes to take affect....I found this to be the case when I downloaded the driver from the ATI website.22:44
aeon-ltdgasull: meh, just compromise, use iptables only22:44
gasullthune3, aeon-ltd, that iptables rule I'm trying avoids traffic shaping, BTW22:44
WXZtomboy --open-note "New Note 48" DISPLAY=:0.022:44
jacob__Okay =/22:44
hikuitsux2bu: try - setterm -powersave off -blank 022:44
itsux2bui search for that?22:44
hikuitsux2bu: no, you run it from a shell22:45
headkase314shtower, as installed mine will change to the new resolution and pop up a countdown-cancel window to confirm the new resolution without restarting.22:45
VCoolioWXZ: I tried gnome-schedule once, couldn't get it to work, used crontab -e ever since; it seems difficult, but isn't really; also root shouldn't be necessary22:45
VCoolioWXZ: no, DISPLAY= at the beginning22:45
M5800yoooooo wassaaaaap ubuntu frienss22:45
shtowerheadkase...that's what happens for me too.22:45
headkase314shtower, but when you do reboot does the new resolution "stick" or remain what you selected?22:45
WXZok, I did it at the beginning too22:45
jacob__I can get a copy paste of >chkdsk g:/f that i have run in windows earlier today if that would help22:45
gasullaeon-ltd, I'll do that. thanks22:45
shtowerIt sticks.22:45
WXZthe thing is, when you add a cronjob via gnome-scheduler22:46
WXZyou see it in cron -e anyway22:46
itsux2buhiku, how i run  that for every user?22:46
M5800anybody here knows how to fix installer display crash?22:46
headkase314shtower, so to answer your question: that is what happens when I open the administrative mode?22:46
WXZDISPLAY=:0.0 tomboy --open-note "New Note 48" right vcoolio?22:47
M5800As in I was installing 10.04 using the normal CD and also the Alternative CD. Both died onmy monitor halfway thru the intallation, randomly, no specific time22:47
chrissharp123!alternate | M580022:47
ubottuM5800: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal22:47
VCoolioWXZ: yes, if the tomboy part is right it's ok22:47
M5800It must be my machine because I installed it on my Laptop fine22:47
hikuitsux2bu: you can add it to "System->Prefs->Startup Applications"22:48
shtowerheadkase...that's what happens for me too.22:48
WXZit's right, I've tested it as a single task in scheduler22:48
shtowerheadkase...that's good then22:48
itsux2bunot using a gui22:48
headkase314shtower, do you have the Ati drivers installed from -> System > Administration > Hardware Drivers or did you install the driver from Ati's site?22:48
M5800installing video drivers have been tricky for me...22:48
VCoolioWXZ: last shot: what is the complete line in cron then?22:48
WXZdoesn't work with crontab -e either22:49
chrissharp123M5800: I'm suggesting that you use the alternate CD to install...22:49
WXZ* * * * * DISPLAY=:0.0 tomboy --open-note "x"22:49
headkase314shtower, or are you using the built-in Ati drivers?22:49
WXZ(just changed the note name, that note exists too)22:49
M5800chrissharp123: yeah i used the alternate CD too22:49
shtowerheadkase: I installed it from System -> Administration > hardware Drivers.22:49
chrissharp123M5800: sorry - missed your second post - don't know what to suggest - sounds like it could be two bad burns or a hardware issue (possibly CD-ROM?)22:50
laegwhat's the difference between deny and reject on the firewall 10.04?22:50
itsux2bulet me ask it another was.. when i want to run a command at startup for everyone in a non-gui server, what file do i put it in?22:50
VCoolioWXZ: five start can't be right, make it for example 01 * * * *  to do it every hour at HH:0122:50
M5800chrissharp123: hmms im not too sure about that because Ive used the CD to install on my laptop and it works fine. tried it the day after that22:50
WXZfive stars is every minute VCoolio22:51
headkase314shtower, ok because I installed from Ati's site.  A word of advice since I installed from Ati's site whenever an X-related update comes through "update manager" I get a broken desktop.  I need to uninstall the Ati site driver from a console (make note of that command when you install!) and reinstall the Ati site driver to fix the graphical X mode.22:51
hikuitsux2bu: you could place it in bashrc22:51
VCoolioWXZ: really, ok, then I'm done, sorry22:51
M5800chrissharp123: that's why it really puzzled me... is it even possible for the machine to reject the installation? coz it's an Acer22:51
WXZI know, because if I replace tomboy --open-note "x" with something different like echo "hi"22:51
WXZit works22:51
chrissharp123M5800: could be the CD-ROM drive... can you install from USB?22:51
WXZthanks VCoolio22:51
shtowerheadkase: yeah, I went through that.22:52
WXZwouldn't happen to know where cron output goes though, would you?22:52
islandfellowI just a few days ago install ubuntu on a Toshiba Satellite, which has a intel centrio duo inside with 1 GB ram and every now and again it freeze up, and i have to turn it off, any idea what may be causing this issue22:52
shtowerheadkase: do you know how to uninstall the driver?22:52
M5800chrissharp123: yeah good idea, have been thinking of that too... since you said it, I'll try it soon. But just FYI, i reformatted windows the same day too..22:52
headkase314shtower, since I installed the Ati site driver.  However that driver has the most current updates so I don't mind doing that on the occasion.22:52
M5800using the same DVD drive.22:52
laegwhat's the difference between deny and reject on the firewall 10.04? the documentation is patch, and seems to have left some words from this sentence - "The difference between deny and reject is that in the first case and ignores the second responds with a refusal."22:53
VCoolioWXZ: there is a log, somewhere in /var/log but don't know exactly22:53
M5800chrissharp123: yeah but I'll try the USB the next time...22:53
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WXZok, thanks22:53
unbkblislandfellow, i had the same problem in my centrino hp dv1000 u should try a system update, taht fixed my problem22:53
headkase314shtower, you would go to System > Administrative > Hardware Drivers again and "de-Activate" the driver.  This will deactivate the current proprietary driver from Hardware Drivers and enable the built-in Ati driver.22:53
M5800chrissharp123: thanks btw. I'll get back here if it still wont work. I really hate it when this happens... last time my old desktop too cant install ubuntu22:54
islandfellowunbkbl: ok will try that22:54
ubbuntuI just transfered my /home directory to a new partition. Now there is a completely new home folder but there is a file called "Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop" and a readme that tells me to run the command ecryptfs-mount-private I run this command and it asks me for a passphrase but I don't remember what it is. What should I do?22:54
chrissharp123M5800: good luck!22:54
headkase314shtower, and a reboot in there between deactivating the old driver and rebooted into the built-in22:54
bisa_anyone able to assist me with shrinking my ntfs file system? (ntfsresize is not working giving me http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/3S6xFKTj )22:54
jeffryhdoes anyone know what the default password for a machine created with ubuntu-vu-builder is?22:55
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords22:55
M5800chrissharp123: haha thanks. its actually my siblings' desktop... they dont know how to take care of windows well... so i thought of letting them feel the POWER OF UBUNTU (but basically ill have to set it up first lol)22:55
ubbuntuhiexpo, this isn't a password22:55
jeffryhugg fine i'll single user mode it22:55
jeffryhbut there should be a documented default22:56
hiexpooh ok22:56
M5800im off, cya... soon lol22:56
jeffryhfigured it out22:56
shtowerheadkase: thanks. When you say built in driver, do you mean the open source ATI driver that Ubuntu uses by default if no proprietary driver is installed?22:56
headkase314shtower, yes - exactly.22:56
chrissharp123bisa_: have you tried gparted?22:57
ubbuntucan anyone help please?22:57
bisa_chrissharp123, yes22:57
bisa_it wont let me touch the partition/filesystem22:57
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chrissharp123bisa_: can you explain that a little?  I'm not sure I understand :-)22:58
ubbuntuI just transfered my /home directory to a new partition. Now there is a completely new home folder but there is a file called "Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop" and a readme that tells me to run the command ecryptfs-mount-private I run this command and it asks me for a passphrase but I don't remember what it is. What should I do?22:58
shtowerheadkase: I was using that driver for a while. I found the ATI driver performed better.22:58
bisa_chrissharp123: well, basically Im in gparted, I try the resize/move option but it wont let me pull the handles to change anything22:58
shtowerubbuntu: is it asking for the root password?22:59
ubbuntushtower, no. It's asking for a *passPHRASE*22:59
headkase314shtower, that is correct the Ati proprietary driver does have excellent performance compared to the Open-Source driver at the moment.  However if you have older hardware often the Ati Open-Source driver is your only option.22:59
shtowerheadkase: I'm lucky there. My graphics card is pretty new.23:00
headkase314shtower, I only have a 4670 but it performs fine for what I want.  Pre- Radeon HD 2000 series - hardware is what must use the Open-Source Ati driver.23:01
shtowerubbuntu: hmmmm....does it tell you what the passphrase is for (user account, root account etc)?23:01
ubbuntuis  an encrypted home folder a feature of any other linux distros?23:01
ubbuntushtower, for my encrypted  home folder23:02
shtowerubbuntu: I think it is....I had the option when installing Ubuntu Server Edition a while ago.23:03
tesseracterargggg! gedit is driving me NUTS, not being able to have tabs for one type of document, and spaces for another. NUTS23:04
chrissharp123bisa_: have you seen this? it looks related http://gparted-forum.surf4.info/viewtopic.php?pid=21304#p2130423:04
ubbuntuI just transfered my /home directory to a new partition. Now there is a completely new home folder but there is a file called "Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop" and a readme that tells me to run the command ecryptfs-mount-private I run this command and it asks me for a passphrase but I don't remember what it is. What should I do?23:05
bisa_chrissharp123: lemmi check it out23:05
trelaynehey all, I'm trying to run tcpdump for debuggin purposes on my Ubuntu LTS 10.04 server but I keep getting the following error: pcap_loop: corrupted frame on kernel ring mac offset 94 .. Anyone know why that might be?23:05
itsux2buis there "reboot" version of this?   sudo shutdown -p now23:05
itsux2buoops..   -P23:05
ZykoticK9itsux2bu, "sudo shutdown -r now"23:05
itsux2buok.. thx23:05
hikutrelayne: have you tried wireshark?23:06
bisa_chrissharp123: yea kinda, but I couldn't really find any instructions there (google pointed me tot hat topic as well)23:07
trelaynehiku,  it's server only no X. I've tried with tshark and get a different error: tshark: cap_set_proc() fail return: Operation not permitted23:07
chrissharp123bisa_: sorry - I don't know what to suggest :-)23:07
shtowerubbuntu: I just did a quick search, and there is no way to recover the passphrase23:07
bisa_chrissharp123: np, thnx for trying tho :)23:07
hikutrelayne: did you run tshark with sudo ?23:07
gary_inNYCwhy is the share i created (right-click folder, sharing options, share folder checked) never working... what's the point if i have to edit smb.conf anyway?23:08
trelaynehiku,  yes.. but now I'm wondering if the user needs to part of a special group23:08
shtowerubbuntu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132068723:08
hikutrelayne: looks like it could be a libpcap bug...checking now23:08
thune3ubbuntu: it is in the keyring of the old system, but i'm not sure how that might help...23:08
trelaynethanks hiku23:09
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shtowerubbuntu: maybe if you put your home folder back where it was before.23:09
itsux2buso with an alias i could make a pwroff and reboot  commands?23:09
KingOfDosnice. all routes to ubuntu are broken23:09
KingOfDos80% packetloss23:10
shtowerubbuntu: that might allow you to access your data again.23:10
* KingOfDos kills Level323:10
hikutrelayne: what command are you running with tcpdump, I'll try to see if it happens to me here.23:10
hikutrelayne: also, what version of libpcap are you running?23:11
trelaynehiku: sudo tcpdump -s0 -i eth0 -w /tmp/output23:11
hikutrelayne: I have 1.0.0-6 libpcap installed right now.23:11
chrissharp123itsux2bu: no need to alias... "sudo halt" and "sudo reboot" already work ;-)23:11
hikutrelayne: ok same version. I'm running it now, and so far, no errors23:12
itsux2bubut i could even put the sudo in the alias23:12
trelaynehiku,  I'm wondering whether it's because my kernel does not support capture (it's a VM)23:12
hikutrelayne: oooo, yeah, good question.23:12
hikutrelayne: haven't tried running tcpdump from a vm.23:13
trelaynehiku,  that's probably the problem... but thank's nonetheless.. I guess I'll have to debug other ways... thanks again!23:13
hikutrelayne: anytime man, and good luck23:14
ImaLamerhow do i restart the pulseaudio server, it seems to have died on me23:14
j_a_v_i_e_rreinstall it23:15
j_a_v_i_e_rsave the music in a folder23:15
ImaLamerjust died for this session, i'm in the middle of a poker game so i want to avoid logging out23:15
ImaLameruggh j_a_v_i_e_r, you're way off23:15
lov255where can I donwnload pine at?23:16
minimecImaLamer: killall pulseaudio && pulseaudio in a console should do23:16
ImaLamerwhat music lol23:16
shumanImaLamer: sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart ?23:16
hikulov255: it's not pine anymore it's called "alpine"23:16
Seveas!info alpine | lov25523:17
ubottulov255: alpine (source: alpine): Text-based email client, friendly for novices but powerful. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.00+dfsg-6 (lucid), package size 2851 kB, installed size 6432 kB23:17
j_a_v_i_e_rtry to find reported bugs of pulseaudio on launchpad23:17
hikulov255: so run - sudo apt-get install alpine and your all set.23:17
lov255alpine will be start up commmand?23:18
hikulov255: yes23:18
j_a_v_i_e_rone noob question whats alpine?23:18
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hikulov255: you could also make an alias in ~/.bashrc to use the name pine instead =). thats what I did anyway23:18
Seveas!info alpine > j_a_v_i_e_r23:18
lov255oooops wrong terminal23:19
chrisbuntunerdubuntu: hey ubuntu how did you get the name23:19
chrisbuntunerdhey awe23:19
lov255can I run multipul screens in 10.04?23:19
hikulov255: like multi-monitor support? yes if your graphics card can support it.23:20
ubuntucan anyone please tell me how to use my old home partition in a new installation of ubuntu?23:20
j_a_v_i_e_rlov255, try to configure compiz23:20
rookslov255, im running dual monitor so i guess yes23:20
hikuubuntu: did you backup your old /home dir?23:20
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ubbuntuhiku, yes23:20
hikuj_a_v_i_e_r: compiz has nothing to do with running more than 1 monitor.23:21
rookslov255, system, preferences, monitor23:21
lov255no like have the enhanced the screen command so possibly I would be able to run multipul desk tops on one display - for instance one desktop would have a set of terminal windows and the next would have my firefox and instant messager up23:21
hikuubbuntu: ok then just copy over your data from old home to new one.23:21
j_a_v_i_e_rah, its about using an external screen?23:21
j_a_v_i_e_ryes, find it in system,preferences and monitors23:22
LorgonJortleAre there any debuggers that compare to Olly in Ubuntu?23:22
hikulov255: there is already a small app called "workspace switcher" that will do that for you.23:22
rookslov255, its in lower right corner, those 4 boxes are 4 desktops23:23
j_a_v_i_e_rclick in the button "detect monitors" when you have plugged in the external monitor23:23
lov255Thank you - I can sudo apt-get install workspace_switcher?23:23
xomp_hi, I have ubuntu 10 installed on my acer aspire one d260 and everything seems to be working good. Except I don't think the SD Card reader works at all. I have an SD card inserted right now and don't see anything mounted for it. Can someone help?23:23
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j_a_v_i_e_raspire one?23:24
j_a_v_i_e_ri have one too23:24
xomp_j_a_v_i_e_r, yeps23:24
j_a_v_i_e_ri cannot help you, sorry, i have never tryed with a card reader23:25
bisa_does anyone know of a simple (newb friendly way of editing partition tables for ntfs?)23:25
xomp_j_a_v_i_e_r, it's the built-in card reader on this laptop :/23:25
nimbioticsGuys, this is my 3rd day trying to share some devices using samba in ubuntu 10.04. On the ubuntu PC, I cannot see myself when I go to Places->Network and if I click on Windows Network I get an error message. On the windows PC, I can see the ubuntu PC, but when I click on it I get another error message stating that windows cannot find the computer. Please, please help me. TIA!23:26
hikulov255: it's already installed. are you using gnome as your desktop?23:26
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itsux2bufound instructions to turn off screensaver.. but second command gives a  ' unable to open display "" '23:26
itsux2busetterm -blank 0 -powersave off -powerdown 023:26
itsux2buxset s off23:26
bisa_j_a_v_i_e_r: been there, not working :p I'll try the live one tho23:26
CheticIn 10.04, how do I kill an application that has taken control over my mouse, and doesn't allow alt+tab etc?23:26
j_a_v_i_e_rinstall lswh and execute it23:26
j_a_v_i_e_rit,ll list your hardware and you search your card reader23:27
lov255hiku yes I am using GNOME - what is the command for it?23:27
j_a_v_i_e_rthen, with the model of card reader you search on internet23:27
gballywhat is the login command for IRC? Prior to registering a nickname, its requesting I login23:28
avisi'm supposed to do the following but i have a pae kernel linux-alsa-driver-modules-$(uname -r)23:28
SCD[Eire]gbally, register and THEN login23:28
j_a_v_i_e_rlshw is a very complete hardware lister23:28
hikulov255: right click the bottom bar and choose add to panel, then scroll down to the bottom and choose workspace switcher.23:28
j_a_v_i_e_ryoull find it23:28
SlartChetic: does ALT+F2 work? or CTRL+ALT+F1 ? (ALT+F7 to get back from that last one)23:28
nerdy_kidmy touchpad stops working in sdl apps randomly; when it does my touchpad settings utility's options are all grayed out and the utilty returns "VertEdgeScroll          = format mismatch (32)" when run from the commandline.  can anyone help?23:29
SlartChetic: CTRL+ALT+F1 will get you a terminal.. from there you can kill the application..23:29
gballyi did register. via the site. now I'm not able to follow through with the register command, as it tells me the name is already registered. Although I got the registration email with password.23:29
avishow do i fall back to defaut non-pae kernel ?23:29
CheticSlart: Actually ctrl+alt+f1 won't let me log in.. just has the blinking '_'23:29
avisi need alsa 8788 modules23:29
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avisand can't with pae using ubuntu-audio-dev repo23:30
SlartChetic: hmm.. no login prompt? that's odd.. even if you wait a while?23:30
CheticSlart: Especially if I wait a while!23:30
hikuChetic: try F4 or F323:30
SCD[Eire]nerdy_kid, try run an update. There should be a fix for that23:30
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Chetichiku: 1-6 and 8-12, same thing23:30
nerdy_kidSCD[Eire my system is up to date (running kubuntu lucid)23:30
hikuChetic: hmm, reboot I guess23:31
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hikuChetic: what app did this?23:31
SCD[Eire]Ok gbally the login with /msg nickserv identify "password"23:31
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gballyi did that with the password i the email. and it says wrong pass23:31
VilemaximHow do you get into grub at boot. I don't get a promt23:31
Chetichiku: yeah ctrl+alt+del in one of the ctrl+alt+f-screens was the ONLY way I could find to get ANY response from anything23:31
Chetichiku: dosbox, heh23:31
hikuChetic: hmm, ok never used it before. that is odd tho....23:32
SCD[Eire]nerdy_kid, have a look at http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/touchpad-doesnt-click-anymore-after-updating-to-current-732251/23:32
chrz0rhey could someone help me, i've just got the new ubuntu and im trying to get my WUSB54GC wireles USB card to work.. could someone help? What drivers should I use and how do I use ndiswrapper to install ?23:32
hiku!ndiswrapper > chrz0r23:33
ubottuchrz0r, please see my private message23:33
Chetichiku: thanks though23:33
hikuChetic: sorry man wish I could be more help.23:33
SCD[Eire]chrz0r, go to System->Administration->Windows Ireless drivers23:33
j_a_v_i_e_rhi have anyone tryed the dolphin wii emulator?23:34
gballyHere is the message i get from nickserv23:34
gbally-NickServ- Please log in before attempting to verify your registration.23:34
wedwochrz0r search ubuntu forums for the solution. it involves blacklisting 3 drivers which I can't remember off the top of my head (all 2800)23:34
acroporasCan anyone help me install ubuntu on a Dell Latitude e6510 with Intel HD Graphics card.  The live cd boots (can hear the welcome jingle) but the screen is blank.23:34
Chetichiku: np! but lol, realised I can ssh with my iphone or laptop and kill that sucker if it happens again23:35
nerdy_kidSCD[Eire thank you very useful link :)23:36
oxidkorhello everyone - my previous nick was pil and I was complaining about my X window freezing from time to time - this happened again a minute ago and I got the lspci -k output it is here ..  http://paste.ubuntu.com/479639/   -- could someone please look it up and tell me what was wrong with it...?23:36
MmikeDOMAI cant' remove file: root@buntor:~# rm -rf /mnt/autofs/silos23:37
MmikeDOMArm: cannot remove directory `/mnt/autofs/silos': Device or resource busy23:37
MmikeDOMAlsof and fuser show nothing23:37
hikuChetic: yea, now thats an idea23:37
avisdoes oss work in lucid ?23:37
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nsawI am trying to install the Ubuntu Server CD on a SunFire v40z with an USB keybord due to lack of a ps2 one. I can open the Bios with the usb keyboard, but if i try to install ubuntu i can not leave the language selection because the keyboard seems not to work during booting the ubuntu cd. I didn't find an option to enable usb keyboard support in the bios. Is there anoter install cd which skips the language selection?23:38
hikuMmikeDOMA: is /var/log/message reporting any errors?23:38
nsawi think if the kernel is loaded the usb keyboard will work23:38
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hikunsaw: how about legacy usb support in the bios?23:39
linxehnsaw: alt might ?23:39
linxehhiku: he said he couldnt find that...23:39
nsawhiku there seems to be nothing like this23:39
nsawalt might? What do you mean?23:40
oxidkorhello everyone - my previous nick was pil and I was complaining about my X window freezing from time to time - this happened again a minute ago and I got the lspci -k output it is here ..  http://paste.ubuntu.com/479639/   -- could someone please look it up and tell me what was wrong with it...?23:40
nsawalternate install?23:40
nsawmaybe i can give it a try23:41
Vilemaximanyone know how to get into grub at boot.23:41
lellei cant find beep media player x in the repo anymore... has it been removed?23:41
Vilemaximneed to pass form options, but I cannot figure out the key to kit to get a menu23:41
itsux2buin non-gui mode of ubuntu server, how do i find out what updates are available?23:41
minimecVilemaxim: left<shift> button23:41
hikunsaw: your v40z has usb support and it is in the bios. read - http://docs.sun.com/source/817-5248-21/chapter2.html#0_9111323:41
MmikeDOMAhiku, none.23:42
hikunsaw: most new servers by default have legacy usb turned off. all mine systems were... kinda dumb  I think.23:42
Vilemaximminimec, hmmm.. not working23:42
minimecitsux2bu: sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade23:42
nsawhiku i didnt find the option, i am going to have a look at your link23:43
Vilemaximminimec, nevermind... I starting hitting it like moris code and it worked23:43
hikunsaw: yea check it out. I'll keep looking around23:43
minimecVilemaxim: After the BIOS screen quicckly press and hold the left<shit> button. that should give you the grub menu.23:43
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nsawi wonder why i can run into the bios with the f2 key but not use it to install the cd. Normally if USB Support is disabled i couldn't enter the bios too...23:44
Vilemaximminimec, tanks23:44
hikunsaw: in the bios, go to the i/o device configuration menu. (thats from the docs).23:44
nsawbut maybe i find the option in the list. So for now the machine is of and the noise is much better at the time ^^23:44
nsawmachine is runnig and my ears are burning again :)23:46
hikunsaw: post hasn't completed thats why you are able to use the F2 to get access to the bios. once post is finished the bios disables the usb port until the host os is running and asks for it.23:46
jevidldoes anyone know if you can remove a disk label once it is set?23:46
nsawoh ok that seems to be the sollution23:46
p1und3ranyone know what to do about my line-in and internal mic not working on Sony VAIO ALC275 <-- known issues :|23:46
hikunsaw: your welcome23:46
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nsawIn deed i found the option, i wonder why i didnt see it a few minutes ago :)23:48
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lov255Setting up POP E-mail in Alpine - how do I put in the port that I need it to be set to?23:48
hikulov255: try - http://shakthimaan.com/installs/alpine-email-setup.html23:49
lov255Okay I am confused with setting up alpine - the option is for Inbox Path - do I have to set something different up for the "inbox" to get it to pull from my pop23:50
lov255Thank you hiku23:50
hikulov255: your welcome23:50
hikulov255: if your tryin to set it up with gmail check this link - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59696423:50
Sir_Konradwould it be possible to install Ubuntu on a bunch of different HDs and stick them into a bunch of different computers that have WAY different hardware? Or would Ubuntu revolt because I used a different machine to install the OS to the drive?23:50
twisted`yo, I changed the workgroup name for samba in /etc/samba/smb.conf but it won't change at all. Tried restarting/stop/kill/start... no difference. any idea?23:51
hikuSir_Konrad: should be ok. bigger question is. why would you want to do that in the first place.23:51
twisted`Sir_Konrad: should be able, generic kernel, generic sw23:51
H2Ohello everyone, i've got a problem with my newly installed ubuntu 10.04 on my comp. ... As soon as i get logged in and try to open an aplication the screen turns black, all i can see is the mouse pointer(frozen) and a frozen blinking cursor in the top left corner of the screen... i've got ati graphics...any idea anyone? please help23:51
twisted`hiku: easier to install usually23:51
p1und3rSir_Konrad: your config files would cause annoyances between hardware i bet23:52
hikutwisted`: lol custom preseed file (kickstart) even better23:52
Sir_Konradhiku: because if I start a computer repair business I could replace the HD and stick a new one in that was ready to go. I wouldn't have to stay at my client's location to install Ubuntu.23:52
gryllidawhere is terminal located in kde?23:52
hikuSir_Konrad: ok23:53
Riddellalt-f2 konsole23:53
quietoneWhen I choose Help->contents from epiphany, I get  "The requested URI "ghelp:epiphany" is invalid" How do I get to help?23:53
Sir_KonradI bet it would be better to just carry around a Live Ubuntu on a USB Flash Drive and install from there. It would be much quicker then doing it on CDs.23:53
lov255Trying to exit vi - :q is not working....any ideas?23:53
H2Ohello everyone, i've got a problem with my newly installed ubuntu 10.04 on my comp. ... As soon as i get logged in and try to open an aplication the screen turns black, all i can see is the mouse pointer(frozen) and a frozen blinking cursor in the top left corner of the screen... i've got ati graphics...any idea anyone? please help... it's driving me crazy23:53
H2Oi try to open the update manager23:54
H2Obut the system freezes23:54
hikuSir_Konrad: thats how I'd do it. and if you read up on preseed files, you could have a pre-setup installation all ready to go on a usb stick that does all the disk part stuff, and user account/password and what not.23:54
hikulov255: did you start vi with sudo?23:54
Sir_Konradright. I think that's how I'll do it. Then the config files would be prepared for that hardware.23:54
Sir_Konradthanks hiku. :)23:54
lov255hiku no I did not23:55
hikuSir_Konrad: yup. and your welcome23:55
hikulov255:  is this a file outside of $HOME that your editing?23:55
lov255I am just going to kill the terminal23:55
hikulov255: just type ctrl+z23:55
CryophileH2O: try an apt-get upgrade if you can23:55
hikulov255: and to force a vi exit you can use :q!23:55
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LorgonJortleI'm trying to install VMware workstation, and the terminal isn't doing anything...23:56
ldwingatehey can someone help me with a Freedroid RPG problem23:57
hiku!ask | ldwingate23:57
ubottuldwingate: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:57
LorgonJortleI've entered: sudo ./vmware-workstation-full-7.1.0-261024.x86_64.bundle  -- And it's just chillin' there.23:57
lellemy sound has just stopped working this day dont know exactly what, but the sound speaker icon has an x over it and doesnt change no matter what... ideas?23:57
ldwingateI am runnign linux mint 9 and i have installed freedroidrpg but when i go to launch the game it doesnt do anything23:57
UmlautBananaI have a problem with a linksys router; it's way too long to explain here, so here's the link to the forum topic: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=973151623:57
hikuLorgonJortle: did you chmod the file before running that command? chmod +x vmware-workstation-full-7.1.0-261024.x86_64.bundle23:58
ldwingatei can click the freedroidrpg icon all day but the game wont launch23:58
LorgonJortlehiku: Yes23:58
H2OCryophile could it be doing this because i installed the 32-bit version, but my processor is 64bit? or this doesn't matter at all?23:58
itsux2bui just did a    sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade ..  but three items "been keep back"  linux-generic-pae, linux-headers-generic-pae, linux-image-generic-pae.. anybody know why it didn't upgrade them?23:58
aboudreault_hi. I have a radeon x1400, which is relatively decent. Why fglrx doesn't support it anymore ?23:58
Cryophileit doesn't matter23:59
lelleldwingate: try run freedroidrpg in terminal and see if it gives you any error output..23:59
ldwingatei had it launched once once and i changed the scree resolution could that be the problem23:59
Cryophileim currently running 32bit on 6423:59
hikuLorgonJortle: are you running this from your local machine or a remote one via ssh?23:59
aboudreault_I'm reading: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Lucid_Installation_Guide#Installing_Proprietary_Drivers_a.k.a._Catalyst.2Ffglrx23:59
ldwingatelelle how do i run it in terminal im new to Linux23:59
H2O32 is more stable? or what.. i don't see the difference23:59
LorgonJortlehiku: Local x64 10.04 LTS23:59
TriciaHey, I'm trying to install ubuntu server on this hard drive I have. I don't have access to the rest of the hardware yet, just the harddrive. If need be I can use this computer, but I was wondering if it is possible to run the installer or something from within an already installed ubuntu.23:59
=== aboudreault_ is now known as AlanB

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