
mattgriffinhi everyone. we had some problems with the Ubuntu One Music Store where all users in the US, UK, Germany, and the rest of Europe were being routed to the World store. This is now fixed. Sorry for the delay.01:00
mattgriffinPlease follow our Status page for any other updates: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status01:00
duffydacknow for some decent music.01:08
duffydackah..Black Label Society - Order Of The Black    thats what I`m talkin about..  I`m sold..01:10
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duanedesignubuntu one streams music to your phone in 10.10. Cant wait :)05:57
* ajmitch would like it to just finish transferring music to my laptop first :P06:00
ajmitchI need to kick it into finishing the download of the final song of this album somehow06:01
ajmitchyay, killing the syncdaemon got it to move a bit06:04
duanedesignajmitch: /1206:05
ajmitchyeah, I doubt that /12 will help me :)06:05
duanedesigni have to do that at least once a day06:07
duanedesignas i change windows in irssi06:07
ajmitchtypical :)06:09
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mandelmorning everyone09:17
duanedesignmorning mandel09:25
mandelduanedesign, morning :D how are you doing?09:26
duanedesignmandel: been working on the problems at projecteuler.net. I find them a lot of fun09:27
duanedesigntaking a break from that though. Trying to get some U1 bugs triaged.09:28
mandelduanedesign, they are indeed, I've done a couple of them in several langs to see the diff09:28
mandelduanedesign, nice! you are our community hero ;)09:28
duanedesigni enjoy it. It is a great project.09:29
mandelduanedesign, I think so too and it should be getting coolers as we progress09:30
duanedesigndefinetly. I saw beunos blog post about the streaming music.09:35
mandelduanedesign, yes, that is going to be great... well If i had a decent 3g connection in spain09:38
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duanedesignmorning rye09:55
ryeduanedesign, morning!09:55
ryeajmitch, hi!10:01
duanedesignrye: do you have any guess as to what we could suggest as the next step for this user. bug 61692510:03
ubot4`Launchpad bug 616925 in ubuntuone-client "problem with the "Add this computer" phase in joining (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61692510:03
ryeduanedesign, hm, ipv6? localhost resolving to ::1 ?...10:04
ryeare we still using http://localhost?10:06
rye        callback_url = "http://localhost:%s/?nonce=%s" % (10:08
ryeduanedesign, but firefox switches to ipv4 if ipv6 fails, or i remember dreaming about that10:10
duanedesignrye: i think that is correct10:11
ryecan a system live w/o localhost?10:17
ajmitchno, you need localhost for a lot of things10:23
ajmitchso it'd be unlikely that it'd be due to that, but the output of 'ifconfig lo' could be useful to see to test10:24
ryeajmitch, no, i mean in case localhost is not resolved to, will the system work, ok, asking the user to provide his /etc/hosts and oauth-login.log since either something is crashing or something does not reach something else10:29
duanedesignwould ping localhost help10:41
duanedesignoop, you already commented :)10:41
duanedesigngoing to get breakfast. I'll bring virtual doughnuts for everyone \o/10:43
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ryeduanedesign, http://files.lappyfamily.net/ubuntuone/ - ubuntuone-client installed on my server, that folder is my /home/rtg/Public folder, requires pretty trivial source patches to get rid of gnome-keyring... etc13:30
duanedesignrye: i have been meaning to do that..13:31
duanedesignsince [C]ardinalFang mentioned mentioned it one day13:32
duanedesignrye: that is cool13:32
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Chipacaajmitch: ping15:21
Chipacaajmitch: aquarius. aquarius: ajmitch.15:21
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aquariuser, hi15:33
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ryedavon, hi!19:07
davonhi rye19:07
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ajmitchChipaca: you pinged?20:39
Chipacaajmitch: me? *shocked* nevah!20:39
ajmitchabout 5 hours ago when I was happily in bed :)20:39
Chipacaajmitch: the trademark issue related to getting Ubuntu One into Debian has moved forward a chapter or three, and should be close to resolution (I have images of people squabbling over the wording of "yes")20:40
ajmitchah, useful :)20:40
Chipacaajmitch: I wanted you and aquarius to meet because he's our designated "3rd-party devs" go-to man20:40
Chipacaajmitch: at least on paper :-p20:40
ajmitchwe've briefly met on irc before, but thanks for the heads-up :)20:41
Chipacaajmitch: but anyway: if the issue isn't wrapped to my satisfaction this week, I'll be upset20:41
ajmitchthe debian-legel thread didn't seem to come to much, but it'll be useful to have something to put into debian/copyright to satisfy the ftpmasters' needs20:42
ChipacaI think the debian-legal thread was pretty clear: we need to put out a statement that is clear about the trademark use of "ubuntu one" for debian and downstream from there, at the very least20:43
ajmitchI'm guuessing that there'll still be some rapid client development for maverick even though we're past feature freeze?20:43
Chipacamost of it bugfixes20:43
Chipacathankfully :)20:43
Chipacabut we know no other kind of development20:44
ajmitchnothing earth-shattering & disruptive like new packages, new ways of logging in, etc?20:44
Chipacaajmitch: ummm........ nope20:51
dobeywe're going to upload a completely new client 2 days before release in october20:51
Chipacaoh, yeah20:51
Chipacathere is that20:51
dobeybecause it just wouldn't be the same if we didn't20:51
Chipacait's written in haskell20:51
Chipacaas soon as it passes all the tests, we'll switch20:52
dobeyyeah, we had to wait for the rewrite in Go until 11.0420:52
ajmitchoh god, 'natty narwhal' :)20:53
ajmitchdobey: as long as it's not php-gtk20:53
dobeyno, swe're switching to fltk20:54
Chipacaajmitch: my brain refuses to remember the existence of that which you mentioned20:54
dobeywe need something fast, and light20:54
dobeyi don't think there are fltk bindings for vala20:55
ajmitchwhy use a toolkit when you can just run on X directly?20:55
Chipacaalso, vala can't be fast and light20:55
dobeywhy use X?20:55
Chipacayou say vala, I remember the valaquenta, and my brain freezes20:55
dobeyChipaca: i don't know, Claudia Black isn't a very big girl.20:56
Chipacathere were *reasons* that jrr didn't publish that! you hear me? *reasons*!20:56
dobeywell, being an oil baron in Dallas is a hazardous job apparently20:57
* Chipaca hands the WTF garland to dobey20:58
Chipacadobey: well done, sir20:58
* ajmitch is almost confused20:58
duffydackservers down or something?22:13
ajmitchnot sure if it's down, but u1sdtool reports the syncdaemon as still WORKING_ON_BOTH 5 minutes after dropping a 2k file into ~/Ubuntu One22:31
ryeajmitch, there is a server update being performed right now, so the clients may take longer to reconnect.22:41
ryebtw, when everybody is updated to maverick users and servers will be much happier due to the fact that server rescan will take around 2 seconds22:42
* ajmitch will upgrade the laptop one day, honest22:42
ajmitchthen again, I still have a laptop at home on hardy :)22:43
duffydackI just put a 185k file in my sync`d pictures folder, it didnt really get anywhere... I removed it, and put it back and its ok22:43
ryepublic files are now accessible to Internet Explorer users, bug #595119 is fixed properly (not the hack I proposed)22:55

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