
holsteinhey merc03:03
merchey, is this a ubuntu help channel03:03
holsteinmostly for ubuntustudio related packages03:03
holsteinwhat up?03:03
merci have an totally unrelated questions, sorry im in wrong place03:04
holsteinmerc: go ahead03:04
holsteinits usually slow in here03:05
holsteinis it audio related?03:05
holsteinmerc: it can be brutal in #ubuntu03:05
holsteinyou can try #ubuntu-beginners03:05
merci have two wifi cards both connected to networks with intenet access03:05
holsteinor your local ubuntu channel03:05
holsteinmerc: OK03:05
mercwill i get more speed03:06
merccan it use both at same time03:06
* holstein might be able to send you to the right place at least :)03:06
holsteinmerc: i dont think so03:06
holsteinthats a good question03:06
holsteinpulling in twice the data or something like that03:06
holsteinbut yeah, i dont think so03:06
mercis it possible?03:07
* holstein never tried03:07
holsteinthat might be one of those things you just have to try for yourself03:07
holsteini would try your local channel though03:07
holsteinif your not already involved03:07
mercyah i figure it out. thanks03:08
merci will figure it out i mean03:08
merclater bud03:08
holsteingood luck :)03:08
=== Kbuzz_ is now known as Kbuzz
rocker9455Hi, I'm having troubles installing studio with wireless23:16
holsteinrocker9455: hello23:16
rocker9455I couldnt manage to setup wireless working during the install23:16
holsteinyou have ubuntustudio installed?23:16
holsteinand you got no wireless?23:16
rocker9455Currently, no ;)23:17
holsteinrocker9455: can you get internet wired?23:17
rocker9455Er, not really23:17
rocker9455I dont think i have any ethernet cables around23:17
holsteinyou can put the disk in23:17
holsteinand your going to have to search for a few .debs23:17
* holstein looking...23:17
rocker9455Thats fine23:17
holsteinin the disc structure23:19
holsteinunder /pool/main23:19
holsteinthere are lettered directories23:19
holsteinlook in G23:20
holsteinand see if you see something like gnome-network-manager23:20
holsteinthere will be a few dependacies you'll have to find as well23:20
holsteinim pretty sure23:20
rocker9455Could only fine gnome-nettools23:21
* holstein doesnt have the actual ubuntustudio disc...23:21
holsteinrocker9455: hmmm23:21
holsteini think you alread have that23:21
rocker9455in w though23:21
rocker9455i have23:21
rocker9455wireless tools23:21
rocker9455and wireless-cda23:21
rocker9455anbd wpasupplicant23:21
holsteinwhat about in n23:21
rocker9455(my network is secured with wpa2-psk)23:21
holsteinor network manager23:21
rocker9455Yep, i have network manager23:22
holsteinrocker9455: you probably dont need the supplicant though23:22
holsteinrocker9455: thats the one23:22
rocker9455and i have network-manager-applet23:22
rocker9455i take it thats teh gnome applet?23:22
holsteinjust click on23:22
holsteinand get whatever dependancies that asks for23:22
holsteinand that should do it23:22
holsteinrocker9455: i think you'll need to restart23:23
holsteinor at least log out and back in23:23
rocker9455that looks like it will do the job23:23
rocker9455i will install studio tomorrow and have a go23:23
rocker9455thanks for helping me out, i really appreciate it, studio looks perfect for my needs23:23
rocker9455btw, I heard ubuntustudio is low on members23:23
rocker9455I'm more than happy to try and help23:23
rocker9455though i can't program ;)23:24
holsteinrocker9455: are you on the mailing list?23:24
rocker9455nope, not at the moment23:24
holsteinthats where most of the dev talk happens23:24
rocker9455i hadnt thought to sign up23:24
rocker9455i'll sign up now23:24
holsteinand there is #ubuntustudio-devel23:24
rocker9455ah excellent :)23:24
rocker9455Joined the user/dev lists23:28
holsteinrocker9455: :)23:28
rocker9455"    *        Install just what you really need to record audio from a standard Ubuntu Hardy, Intrepid or Jaunty install, if you don't want to install full Ubuntu Studio. Professional sound cards and Firewire setup are explained "23:29
rocker9455sounds like it could do with updating, we're nearly on 10.10!23:29
holsteini think there is a new page somewhere too23:29
ubottuTo install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation23:29
holsteinthats a link from that page23:30
holsteinand its current23:30
holsteini think ubuntu has wiki overload ;)23:30
holsteinits challenging to keep track of and update all the information23:30
rocker9455I can see why that is, a new release every 6 months23:31
rocker9455its not exactly a slow update process to say the least!23:31
rocker9455Though i would assume the majority is fairly applicable to the newer releases23:32
holsteinthe ubuntustudio meta packages all have the same names23:32
holsteinsince hardy at least23:32
rocker9455well thats good23:34
rocker9455though i was more referencing the instructions to setup JACK and whatnot23:34
holsteinyeah, thats kinda changed23:35
holsteinits hard to have a definitive how-to though23:35
holsteintends to be hardware specific23:35
holsteinanother fun community23:35
holsteinlots of smart folk there23:35
* holstein is google-ing mevio23:38
holsteinso im going to say no.. ;)23:38
rocker9455when i googled podshow thats what it came up with :S23:38
holsteindownloadable audio-cast :)23:39
rocker9455ah cool23:39
rocker9455I am off now, thank you very much holstein, it has been a pleasure speaking to you23:45
holsteinrocker9455: :)23:46
holsteinsee you around23:46

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