
=== Cimi_ is now known as Cimi
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
Cimidavidbarth: I would move the deadline for the RGBA style property support in murrine after 27th august11:34
Cimibefore the 27th, I hope cody will send me patches for the widget ordering11:35
Cimiand the resize gripper11:35
davidbarthCimi: hi11:46
davidbarthCimi: the argb style prop s not critical, but what's blocking to choose the name (as it seems the rest of the code is here already)?11:50
davidbarthCimi: widget ordering, how critical is that for the theme? cody was not really keen on changing that at this point in the release11:50
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Cimidavidbarth: it is not critical11:58
Cimiit's just better :)11:58
Cimiwith that change, the theme will definitely look better11:58
klattimerdavidbarth: do you know of any possible dbusmenu bugs which might cause strange race conditions?12:00
davidbarthklattimer: hi13:13
davidbarthwhat kind of side-effect are you getting?13:13
klattimerwell, if the ibus icon is passed through libindicator into the notification area it works, if it's in the indicator-applet it doesn't13:14
klattimerthrowing a dbus error which looks like a race condition13:14
davidbarthpassed thru lib as opposed to the indicator? i don't follow you13:15
klattimerwell, if you don't have the indicator applet on the panel13:15
klattimerit puts an icon in the status area instead13:15
davidbarthah ok13:15
davidbarthand? (re-reading)13:16
klattimerso the only difference being the existence in the indicator applet or the notification area, one works, one doesn't13:16
davidbarthso libindicator is not properly propagating the icon13:16
davidbarththe old systray works, not the new indicator one, right?13:17
klattimerlet me explain again13:17
klattimerstarting a patched ibus-daemon without an indicator applet in the panel, puts an icon in the systray (albeit incorrect, but that's a bug in the way icon picking works)13:17
davidbarthnormal fallback mode for libindicator13:18
klattimerstarting ibus-daemon with an indicator applet, will cause the indicator to throw a dbus error on selecting the input method engine13:18
klattimeryou can see the bug report here; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/56403413:18
ubot5Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list.index(x): x not in list (https://launchpad.net/bugs/564034)13:18
klattimercomment #38 has the dbus message in it13:18
klattimerwhen I tested this on friday things were working13:19
klattimerso an update between then and now has caused the problem13:19
davidbarthklattimer: and i guess that breaks around line 201 in __set_im_icon13:21
klattimeraround 520 in __im_menu_item_activated_cb13:22
davidbarthah really?13:22
klattimerthe set_im_icon stuff works perfectly13:22
klattimeryep... when calling focus_ic.set_engine(engine)13:22
davidbarthi don't see the connection between the engine and anything gtk that could trigger a signal and force libindicator to push a change across the bus13:24
klattimerdavidbarth: neither do I13:26
klattimerso, I'm currently thinking that it's some kind of dbusmenu slowness or another race condition13:26
davidbarthhmm, there seems to be a reference to engine.icon and engine.longname somewhere in this panel.py module13:26
davidbarthright, set_im_icon(engine.icon)13:27
davidbarthso even if it's not pushed immediately, it's the link13:27
davidbarththe callback somehow triggers a signal that sends an update across dbus13:27
davidbarthbut why does it break, no ideas so far13:28
klattimerbut why would it generate an error in dbus saying there's no engine13:28
klattimerit makes no sense13:28
klattimerand also, why would it work fine in the systray but not in the indicator-applet13:28
davidbarththe log of changes is here: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-application/trunk13:29
davidbarthbecause of a change in API13:29
davidbarththe change broke the ABI13:29
davidbarthif you have elements that are not packaged you're relying on, you'd better make distclean and re-autogen.sh13:29
klattimerright I'll give that a go13:30
davidbarththat's the most probable reason to me so far13:30
davidbarthklattimer: btw, do you have everything you need for the rest of the keyb patches? like icons?13:31
klattimerdavidbarth: the existing icons are being used atm13:31
klattimerI've found that I need to produce a very long list of icons13:31
klattimerif we're going to theme them13:31
klattimera good start would be the m17n icon list I already sent you13:32
davidbarthbut design has it too, need to check when they can get back to you13:32
klattimerI'm starting to think that ibus is going to miss the release of maverick13:33
klattimerthe code is unpredictable a lot of the time :/13:33
davidbarthalso, i wanted to mention a new change request for g-p-m, to update some strings and logic for displaying the time remaining for a battery13:33
davidbarththat's "Change the battery strings that are too long in the menu: TODO" in https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/dx-m-indicator-power13:34
davidbarthand the strings definitions are at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BatteryStatusMenu#Items13:35
klattimeris there a bug report?13:37
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
davidbarthklattimer: i'm looking for it, but the gpm bug list is, errr, impressive13:40
davidbarthmpt: ping? i'm almost sure you had a bug to change the menu strings to something more compact for the power indicator (referring to the "strech limo" of status strings or something)13:42
klattimeroh great... I've somehow managed to lose my filesystem entirely :/13:42
klattimerthankfully it's a vm13:42
davidbarthklattimer: kernel issue?13:42
klattimerno the disk strangely went into read only mode, so I rebooted the vm13:43
klattimerand now apparently there is no /sbin/init13:43
klattimerwhole FS is gone13:43
mptdavidbarth, I don't remember there being a bug report about it.13:43
davidbarthmpt: ok, i'll open one for that then; at least getting that string properly fixed before it's too late13:44
davidbarthmpt taking https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BatteryStatusMenu#Items as the reference13:44
davidbarthCimi: i've pinged ronoc, asking him to join this channel13:51
davidbarthCimi: part of the sound menu widgets do come from the IDO lib (lp:ido), like the scrub bar13:52
CimiI would like to add small rounded corners for the cover art13:54
Cimiand maybe13:54
Cimifixing the "player"13:54
ronocCimi: hi14:08
ronoci hear you are interested in working onthe sound menu14:09
CimiI found some bugs14:09
ronocCimi, yes it is a work in progress,  todays release should fix some of those14:10
ronocwhich bugs in particular14:10
Cimifor example14:10
CimiI guess below the playe14:10
Cimithere's a squared area14:11
Cimifilled with the menu bg color14:11
davidbarthklattimer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/61981614:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 619816 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Battery status line too long (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Medium,New]14:11
klattimerdavidbarth: yeah I saw that come in14:11
ronoccimi: fixed in this release 0.4.014:11
Cimironoc: that does not work with the new menus we have in maverick14:11
Cimimaybe I should just need to wait14:11
davidbarthklattimer: watch out, there are string changes, but i guess there is also some of the algorithm to check to see if the time intervals (<12h, >, calculating) can match the different strings14:12
davidbarthklattimer: they make sense from a user point of view, but that may not be the code/HW reality; i haven't checked yet14:12
ronocCimi: I think it would be best since I have not released in 3 weeks because i was waiting for mpris2 to stabilize, most UI quirks have been resolved. Nice to haves can come next once all functional stuff is resolved. The next week or two will be working on integration bugs with the clients who are at present moving over to mpris214:13
Cimiwill wait then14:15
davidbarthCimi: so i think you should work from the indicator-sound source branch today if you want to adapt the theme14:15
davidbarthCimi: or wait for tomorrow's release14:15
Cimiwait tomorrow :)14:16
davidbarthCimi: if you're into indicators, the datetime one would need some love to get the calendar styled better i think14:16
davidbarthCimi: ie probably removing the surrounding frame to integrate it seamlessly into the rest of the menu14:17
davidbarthCimi: i think only the month/year header should be decorated, whereas the rest should not14:17
davidbarthCimi: but you may want to double check that with chaotic first14:17
davidbarthCimi: or compare with his latest mockups14:18
chaoticdavidbarth: I'll upload the latest mockup for Cimi14:18
davidbarthchaotic: cool thanks; you're on all fronts ;)14:19
chaoticdavidbarth: ;)14:19
chaoticCimi: done14:19
Cimimaybe just removing the bigger fram14:21
Cimithe header is useful, because it is clickable14:21
Cimibut maybe it can be fixed14:22
MDC1is it possible to create a ppa directly from a launchpad bzr now?14:24
Cimichaotic: did you see the latest work I've done for the sound indicator? :)14:26
Cimilook at the slider14:26
Cimialso, I improved the rendering of disabled states for slider (mainly) and a touch at buttons too14:26
chaoticCimi: yes, it's looking much better - is that slider big enought o grab ;)14:27
Cimidavidbarth: the code for the calendar widget is in ido?14:30
Cimichaotic: on my netbook I can grab it14:30
Cimichaotic: the lower slider is small14:31
chaoticCimi: it is14:31
Cimibut you should speak with ronoc14:31
chaoticCimi: it's a scrubber - so I wonder if it should look a little different - I had intended that one to be round14:32
davidbarthCimi: it is, yes; idocalendar or something14:57
Cimiyeah improved btw15:00
Cimiok fixed the calendar for both themes15:09
klattimertedg: it seems my absolute filename patch to libindicator isn't released into the repos yet, can you tell me when I can expect it?16:40
tedgklattimer, Hmm, I believe that it is...16:49
klattimertedg: I'm upto date on the latest libindicator and testing the ibus patch once again16:50
klattimerand all I'm getting is the missing-image16:50
tedgklattimer, Oh, no.  So what happened is that cause another bug, which they then distro patched it to break things.16:50
klattimertedg: in ibus?16:50
klattimerI saw there was a distro patch in ibus which reversed some of my changes and broke others16:50
tedgklattimer, No, in libindicator -- basically there was an error case that hit a g_error now and shutdown unity :)16:51
klattimerthat's not great16:51
tedgTurns out people don't like it when their window manager shuts down :)16:52
klattimerno, I can imagine it sticks in their craw a little16:52
tedgSo I have a patch for that, we should release it.16:52
klattimercool, if you can do that, then I want to push my ibus packages to a ppa16:52
klattimerso I can get them tested quickly16:52
tedgkenvandine, Can we update the distro patch to be my branch?16:54
tedgkenvandine, Do you have time for some libindicator packaging?16:54
kenvandinetedg, sure16:55
tedgkenvandine, Do you want a release, or just update the distro patch?16:55
kenvandinea patch is fine16:55
kenvandineor... a release if it means no release tomorrow :)16:55
kenvandinecould kill two birds16:56
kenvandineif there is no more changes due16:56
tedgI can't imagine anymore...16:56
tedgSo let's just make a release.16:56
klattimerkenvandine: I need to sign a package but it's assuming someone elses email address17:02
klattimerwhat do I need to change in order to make it work with my key?17:03
kenvandineset DEBEMAIL env variable17:04
kenvandinebefore doing the dch17:05
kenvandineto get it right in the changelog, which is what it looks for when signing17:05
kenvandinedebsign -k<key>17:05
kenvandinedch creates a new version, in debian/changelog17:05
klattimeroh ok17:05
kenvandinedebsign -k<key> blah.sources17:06
* klattimer does that stuff manually for some reason 17:06
kenvandineto sign the package for upload, if it wasn't signed when created17:06
kenvandineuse dch -i :)17:06
klattimerI will in future17:06
kenvandinedch -i creates a new version17:06
Cimiiainfarrell: I've found a bug in your blog :-P17:17
iainfarrellhey cimi17:17
iainfarrellthanks :)17:17
iainfarrellin design or hungfu?17:17
Cimilook at the "team page"17:17
CimiThirteen heads are17:17
Cimibetter than one.17:17
Cimibut there are fourteen heads there :P17:18
Cimiunless your head does not count! ahah17:18

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