
jelmermaxb: welcome to ~bzr :-)00:23
maxbThanks :-)00:24
maxbI vaguely recall some "how to package for the PPA" documentation somewhere?00:24
lifelessoh hai there00:26
maxbah, Martin has sent me the link00:44
pooliehi maxb01:05
pooliei might have had the wrong name about /staging01:05
poolieor perhaps we only talked of it and didn't actually create it yet01:05
maxbI guess that gary was intending to use the beta ppa as a staging area just because it already exists, and isn't currently occupied by later versions01:06
poolieit was 2.1-proposed i was thinking of01:06
poolieso how about if we create a 2.2-proposed in ~bzr?01:06
maxbwell, I'd be in favour of a non-versioned name, either proposed or staging01:06
poolieok, so ~bzr/proposed?01:06
maxbsounds good to me01:06
pooliethat's roughly consistent with the meaning of proposed in ubuntu, aiui01:07
poolie(it may already be checked for consistency but it's close)01:07
maxbclose enough, yes01:07
poolieok i'll create that01:09
maxbDo you know if there is any standard regarding packaging branches for the plugins?01:10
pooliei don't think it's entirely standardized, but it would be good to make it so01:11
poolieand/or document what is done now, into that document01:11
pooliealso we should look at moving the packaging branch names on lp into the package branch namespace, ie01:11
maxbThat would make them more obvious, yes01:12
* maxb sets a dependency of bzr/proposed -> bzr/ppa01:16
lifelessmaxb: are you aware of add-apt-archive (IIRC) - adds dependent ppas automatically01:43
pooliei didn't know it did that01:51
lifelessit should, if it doesn't I have a version I wrote that does01:51
pooliemaxb in some ways we shouldn't have that dependency01:51
pooliewe'll get better testing without it01:52
poolieif we first copy everything into the proposed ppa01:52
lifelessanyhow, for clrity, I'm neither for or against01:52
lifelessjust adding data to the mix01:52
maxblifeless: Interesting data point, but we can't rely on everyone adding the PPA doing so via add-apt-archive02:09
pooliei agree, but what conclusion do you draw from that?02:10
maxboption 1 is to build our own subvertpy and dulwich. option 2 is to have jelmer or people he adds to ~subvertpy and ~dulwich build the packages in those PPAs, and copy them into the ~bzr ppas02:12
maxbbased on jelmer's response, we pick option 102:13
maxbI've just realized the conversation was about * maxb sets a dependency of bzr/proposed -> bzr/ppa02:18
maxbWhereas I was interpreting it as being a response to my email02:19
maxbIt seems that the lucid version of add-apt-repository does *not* chase PPA build-dependency links02:21
poolieno, it doesn't02:21
maxbthe changelog of the maverick version doesn't mention anything like that either02:23
pooliei don't think it should02:25
poolieand there's probably no easy way for it to do this02:25
poolieon the whole i think we should copy those packages into our ppa02:25
pooliei don't think add-apt-archive exists on old ubuntus02:25
poolieand people are likely to have the habit of just configuring things manually02:26
pooliewhich will give them dependency errors02:26
poolieit may also make it a little easier to check consistency when we promote things from proposed to released02:26
pooliewe might want a dependency on testtools and subunit too02:26
pooliei wonder if you can script the copying through an api?02:26
pooliewould be nice02:27
maxbpoolie: Yes, you can. I have a script which I use to promote completed builds from mercurial-ppa/staging-foo to mercurial-ppa/foo02:31
* maxb removes dependency of bzr/proposed -> bzr/ppa again, since I think I'm convinced that's reasonable02:47
poolieok updating the backport branches now02:49
pooliehm so our packaging-dapper, at least, is not related to the current maverick packaging branch...02:50
* maxb has copied python-testtools into bzr/proposed02:52
maxb(for hardy - karmic)02:53
maxbIs dapper still worth the effort?02:53
pooliemaybe not03:20
poolieit uses a different python packaging system so it's going to be a bit annoying03:20
pooliei'm confused anyhow, because dapper is already EOL03:22
maxbpoolie: dapper is EOL on the desktop, but not on the server until the release of Nefarious Nundu or whatever03:24
poolienatty narwhal fwiw03:25
poolieok, so it may still be supported for server security releases, but perhaps it's not worth doing further non-security updates03:27
mkanatAll righty, I do believe that it is loggerhead time.03:29
pooliespm, meet mkanat03:29
spmheya max! how goes?03:30
mkanatspm: Heya! :-)03:30
mkanatspm: I seem to have consistently had difficulty getting things simply by requesting them in bugs.03:30
pooliegetting things?03:30
poolieoh asking for debug info03:30
mkanatpoolie: Data, logs, information.03:30
pooliespm may feel he has difficulty getting fixes by requesting them in bugs :)03:31
mkanatIt seems to me that asking in the bug system ought to be the Right Way....03:31
spmmkanat: the logs you were after in the most recent? that'd be a pure timing problem. we've all been in Madrid for the past week - I'm only back at work today myself03:31
mkanatspm: Yeah. Okay.03:31
mkanatspm: I just want to make sure that the LOSAs are actually seeing my requests when I make them.03:31
mkanatspm: In the past I had to ask mwhudson for stuff.03:31
pooliei'd like to know that you're unblocked, that you're working on something pretty useful, and that the improvements are actually getting landed into production and data on their success or failure loops back03:32
spmbut also, bugs aren't wonderful *for us* as a "pls do X" thing. Mainly as we're automatically subscribed to so many across multiple projects; that the sheer volume overwhelms. tehre's no way we can easily filter the noise from real stuff.03:32
mkanatpoolie: Well, I have other things to work on, on loggerhead, while I wait for that data.03:32
mkanatspm: Perhaps Launchpad needs a Requests system.03:33
poolieright, i don't mean to to imply you're blocked altogether03:33
poolieuse Answers03:33
poolieassigned to canonical-losas03:33
mkanatpoolie: Okay, if that works, I can do that.03:33
spmthat works03:33
pooliemaxb, since jaunty EOLs in October perhaps we shouldn't update it03:33
* poolie sees maxb's mail03:34
maxbpoolie: I suggest we not put particular effort into it if it would be specially difficult, but if it's just one more time around a loop in a script, let's do it03:34
spmmkanat: part is you're (personally) in a kinda funky space being an external party. So yeah, answers will work per poolie's suggestion; or 'ping losa' in here to get stuff more urgently; or email losas@c.c as an alt/headsup that you've asked for something.03:36
mkanatspm: Okay.03:37
spmpoolie: tho I believe you may have access to the logs on devpad as well? certainly they should be synced there.03:38
pooliethe loggerhead logs03:38
poolieoh ok03:38
* poolie looks03:39
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SpookyETHello. I'm looking for the command that generates a graph like git log --graph.03:51
rubbsSpookyET: IIRC there is no command line grapher, you could look at qlog but you'd need qbzr installed.03:56
rubbsI could be wrong though03:56
SpookyETrubbs: qbzr is a pain to compile on mac.03:57
rubbsoh, yes I could see that03:57
rubbsis there no installer for bzr explorer for the mac? (sorry i have only tried windows and linux)03:57
SpookyETrubbs: To clarify, the dependencies are a pain. I remember trying the HG version, but I don't think it's called qHG. There is, but it looks alien on Mac and not that stable.03:58
SpookyETCuteHG. Compiling pyqt, qt4.... it's a pain to get right.04:00
poolierubbs: i thought it was included in the bzr installer? imbw04:03
pooliemaxb, hardy package sent to the ppa04:04
pooliei can never decide if it's less trouble to build locally and faff about with chroots, or to send it straight to the ppa and wonder what will eventually happen04:04
mkanatjam: There's no 0.3 branch of meliae...do I just pull from trunk to get 0.3 from bzr?04:04
pooliein this case i tried the second, and it was rejected :/04:05
pooliedue to being in quilt format04:05
SpookyETI would like to see one more workflow added to bzr, branching inside the same directory like git/hg. Yeah, I know you can checkout and switch like SVN, but that's not the same thing.04:29
mkanatSpookyET: I think that's a design decision difference.04:48
mkanatSpookyET: bzr has repos, instead.04:48
SpookyETmkanat: The unit of measure is the repo in git/hg. The unit of measure is the branch in bzr. Shared-repos is for space saving, the branches are still separated by physical folders.04:49
mkanatSpookyET: Right, but the effect is the same, it's just a different layout.04:49
mkanatSpookyET: Perhaps what you want is shelves, which exist.04:49
SpookyETmkanat: No quite if have to take paths into account.04:50
mkanatSigh. Fedora still ships a debug python. I'm going to have to run Ubuntu in a VM to debug this loggerhead memory problem.04:51
lifelesslets shortcut this04:51
lifelesswe're adding in-workspace branches as an optional core feature eventually04:51
lifelessthere are already plugins that offer this04:51
mkanatOh, okay.04:51
lifelessand that said, you shouldn't need to take paths into account04:51
SpookyETmkanat: Why not compile a python in your home dir?04:52
lifelessthings like 'switch' look in .. appropriately anyway04:52
mkanatSpookyET: It will take me just as much time to install Ubuntu as it will for me to compile my own python in a custom location and install every module I need to run both loggerhead and meliae.04:52
pooliemkanat: do you know of vm-builder?04:54
poolieit's quite nice04:54
mkanatpoolie: I don't, but the KVM tools in Fedora work really well.04:54
* mkanat reads up on vm-builder, though.04:55
SpookyETlifeless: Think configuration files, virtual hosts.... It's much easier to change the contents of the same folder to test a feature than to configuration files for apps and servers.04:59
mkanatSpookyET: I think that shelves will do what you want now.05:00
mkanatSpookyET: But I've never used them, so I could be wrong.05:00
SpookyETmkanat Shelving is for other things. Let's say you did some changes. But, now you need to fix a bug. You shelve your changes. Fix the bug, commit. Unshelve your changes. It's for a small things. Using shelves as branches is not advisable.05:02
lifelessSpookyET: sure. I know some folk find switch just fine for that with branches elsewhere05:05
lifelessSpookyET: like I say a) we're going to do it and b) what we have is the basis for it anyhow05:05
SpookyETlifeless: I believe you. I understood.05:05
lifelessjelmer is a key person doing this stuff05:06
lifelessif you want to help out05:06
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pooliemaxb: can you tell me where that ppa-copy script lives05:35
SpookyETGood night.05:46
pooliejelmer (if any) is bzr-git actually in a ppa atm?05:51
poolienm, it's in ~bzr of course, i just misread it05:53
mkanatspm: Also, can you tell me whether or not the system was swapping at the time of the hang?05:56
spmmkanat: no it wasn't. it was purty much bsns as usual; ~ 1Gb RSS in the process; everything *looked* fine; just wasn't working. :-/05:57
mkanatspm: Okay, good to know that we have multiple bugs.05:58
mkanatBefore, I kept getting various different descriptions of the same bug. :-)05:58
mkanatHahaha, I can't debug this memory leak in my VM, because Firefox gets too big.05:59
pooliehi spiv, what's new with you?06:55
spivCatching up on old TODOs, mainly.  I started looking at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/593560, because its tagged UDD, but found the immediate thing to do (disable accel trees by default) had actually already been done for another bug.06:58
ubot5Launchpad bug 593560 in Bazaar "Slow performance for many operations on the gcc code import branches (affected: 1, heat: 3)" [High,Confirmed]06:58
pooliemm, one of those bugs where it's likely to stay kinda-open06:59
poolieperhaps we should either reprofile and identify the next biggest thing, or say that fixing hardlinking fixed it06:59
pooliei've been updating ppas07:00
poolieit's a bit annoying07:00
pooliemany possible snags07:00
spivI merged up 2.0->2.1->2.2->trunk, was a bit surprised at how many fixes hadn't made it into trunk yet.07:01
pooliethanks for that07:01
spivI kinda wish we could instruct PQM "merge this to 2.x, then merge up to 2.x+1, etc, then trunk"07:01
spivBecause as a human I have to wait for PQM to commit the merge to 2.x before I can start the next step.07:02
spivBut NEWS conflicts and the difficulty in improving PQM would make that annoying to do.07:03
spiv(And the news_merge plugin often fails to help with cross-release merges)07:04
pooliewell, it's not written anywhere that we absolutely have to use pqm07:05
pooliebut perhaps the pragmatic thing is to just make a bot that merges up every day, or every week, and complains if they fail?07:05
poolielp uses that07:05
poolies/merges/asks pqm to merge07:05
spivI understood :)07:05
spivThat would probably be a good start.  Hopefully it would show my concerns about NEWS to be too pessimistic.  I guess the main trouble is when there's a new release on one of the series.07:07
pooliewe could split out separate news per series07:08
pooliethen it'll just be an update into NEWS-2.207:08
* poolie wonders if it would be too crazy to have a bzr builddeb option that directly uploads into a ppa07:08
poolieor maybe there is one07:08
spivYes, a more machine friendly structure would help a lot.  (And ease implementing policies like "when merging from earlier series, copy new NEWS entries from that series into the latest release of this series")07:09
vilahi all !07:10
spivvila: hey!07:11
pooliespiv i think i'd rather just have the release say "this includes all changes from bzr 2.0.8, 2.1.x, 2.2.y, etc"07:11
pooliebut, either way07:11
pooliehi vila,07:11
vilaspiv: hey ! Nice patch for parallel=fork ! I haven't replied yet but while my earlier attempt was different, I think your patch is simpler even if it doesn't address corner cases unlikely to be encountered,07:12
spivvila: I was about to ask if you'd seen it07:12
pooliehow was your holiday?07:12
vilaAs long as the CPU is/are pegged, I think simplicity beats purity :)07:12
vilapoolie: just... great07:12
spivvila: there's an interesting side effect too — I don't seem to get "can't start new thread" problems with the new partitioning07:13
vilaspiv: luck07:13
vilaspiv: it also depends on how many processes you use07:13
spivvila: possibly because the more even sharing of threads across processes helps stay under the limit we were hitting07:13
vilaspiv: yes, and spreading the leaking tests07:14
spiv(well, "more even" assuming thread-leaking tests occur in clumps, as is the case atm)07:14
vilaspiv: yup, but I still like to resubmit my fixes on the subject :-D07:15
spivPlease do :)07:16
spivThis is just avoiding the symptoms a little better, not fixing the problems that cause them :)07:16
vilaspiv: indeed ! And certainly avoiding them more robustly than just using --parallel=fork07:17
vilameh, I meant, just slicing the whole test suite07:18
spivvila: implement --isolate=fork? ;)07:18
lifelessspiv: from subunit import donealready07:18
spivlifeless: I know, but there's no CLI glue in the bzr test runner for it :P07:19
vilaspiv: how many cores do you use ? (More precisely what does python -c 'from bzrlib import osutils ; print osutils.local_concurrency()' says for your PC ?)07:23
spivvila: 407:23
vilaspiv: ok, so any bad balancing is impacting you more than me (8). Quick tests shows that your patch is more effective than the previous version but still leaves a single (or two) process running in the end (instead of 8)07:25
vilaspiv: my patch was avoiding that to the cost of forking more processes, so on the overall, I'm not sure it can beat yours for the total elapsed time07:26
spivI think it's hard to beat my patch if we determine the partitions ahead of time and without any idea of how long each test takes.07:27
vilaspiv: anyway, as said above, simplicity wins so I'm very happy you addressed the problem :D07:27
spivA more dynamic allocation of tests to the subprocesses could do better.07:27
vilaspiv: yup, my patch tried to address that by partitioning only some of the tests and as soon as one process ends, started a new one with part of the remaining tests07:28
vilaspiv: so, more forks with their associated costs07:29
vilaspiv: your patch is not in 2.2 right ?07:30
spivI don't think so... but see http://pastebin.com/MEbk2TAy ;)07:33
spivIn theory you could dynamically allocate tests without more forks if the subprocesses didn't need to know their list of tests in advance.07:34
spivBut whatever you do to improve it will be more complex than my patch ;)07:35
GaryvdMHi james_w.07:36
GaryvdMjames_w: You said I must speak to you to change the qbzr ubuntu branches to pull from the debian branch and/or the upstream branch.07:36
GaryvdMI would really like to do that.07:37
vilaspiv: yup, it wasn't itching enough before your patch, I don't think it will now :)07:37
pooliespiv/lifeless, what do we normally do to upgrade trunk import branches?07:41
pooliecreate a new import and make that the focus?07:41
lifelessI like to upgrade in place07:41
pooliehttp://code.edge.launchpad.net/postgresql is all still in 1.19 format07:41
pooliedoesn't that disrupt other branches stacked on it?07:41
lifelessbut recoverably - they can be upgraded independently (unless they are woefully damaged as per bugs spiv has worked on recently)07:42
pooliethey can be upgraded too separately, or we need to ask people to do them separately?07:42
lifelessthere's no automatic around those upgrades that I'm aware of07:43
lifelesssome folk just make a new import07:43
lifelesslargely its been the consumers of the branches choices, so far.07:43
* mneptok consumes lifeless and belches erotically07:59
lifelessmneptok: I don't think that means what you think it means08:03
Crovax-31Hi, I'm trying to create a bzr repository from a git one09:19
Crovax-31but I don't find a good way to use git-bzr09:20
Crovax-31or bzr-git09:20
lifelessjelmer: this ones yours I think :)09:20
jelmerCrovax-31, what doesn't work exactly when you try bzr-git?09:20
Crovax-31hum, I used easy_install to get it, and "bzr: ERROR: unknown command "git-import""09:21
jelmerCrovax-31, easy_install doesn't work for bzr plugins as far as I know09:22
Crovax-31I tryed to copy the egge in ~/.bazaar/plugins/git09:22
jelmerCrovax-31: can you try putting the branch/directory in ~/.bazaar/plugins/git ?09:22
jelmereggs don't work for bzr plugins (that's the reason easy_install doesn't work, too)09:22
* Crovax-31 is french what do you mean by putting the branch/directory in ~/.bazaar/plugins/git, unzip the last tar.gz?09:24
Crovax-31bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AttributeError: 'InterLocalGitNonGitRepository' object has no attribute 'fetch_refs'09:28
Crovax-31the plugin seems to be installed ^^09:28
jelmerCrovax-31: Yeah, unfortunately that's a known issue - "bzr branch" should work though, or a more recent revision of bzr-git09:29
Crovax-31I'm using the lastest release09:30
Crovax-31ee, how to use bzr branch specifying git for a local repo/folder09:30
jelmerCrovax-31: Just specify the URLs as you usually would09:32
Crovax-31so if my repo is ./docs I'll put?09:33
jelmerCrovax-31: if your bzr repository is at ./docs, e.g. use "bzr branch git://foo/host ./docs/trunk"09:34
Crovax-31great, thanx a lot it works09:35
=== jelmer_ is now known as jelmer
GaryvdMpoolie: Are you still up? Got some questions about the ppa.11:37
metaperlI am trying to get bazaar 2.1 or greater for unbuntu, but dont see a link here - https://launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive/ppa14:18
jelmermetaperl, that PPA has bzr 2.114:19
metaperljelmer I dont see a link though....14:19
jelmermetaperl: what sort of link are you looking for?14:19
metaperlI want to download a .deb and install via dpkg14:19
maxbjelmer: I don't suppose you remember why dulwich Build-depends: python-support (>= 0.90) ?14:20
metaperlhow would adding something to /etc/sources.list lead to this bzr overriding the one in standard ubuntu?14:20
metaperloh now i've clikcedon the tech details link14:21
maxbmetaperl: The file is /etc/apt/sources.list. apt will use the highest version of a package available across all configured sources14:21
jelmermaxb: Mainly because that's a version of python-support I knew worked.14:21
metaperlmaxb thanks I didnt know that14:21
aj-dnegi'm using bzr to hack on an svn repository (no branch layout). after some upstream changes have been made i merge them into my local branch with bzr merge and obviously can't push. rebase seems to do nothing even though i have a branch/merge in my history but not on the server. the other option is to merge back in (and lose the individual commits) but i don't want to have to make a separate trunk checkout just to do that. can i do it directly? bzr merge only w14:22
aj-dnegorks on the current folder...14:22
aj-dnegdid that all get through ^^?14:22
jelmeraj-dneg: rebase will only rebase your local branch onto new revisions on the server side14:22
jelmeraj-dneg: merge and rebase don't mix very well. perhaps try uncommitting the merge and then rebase ?14:23
aj-dnegi'd rather not undo several revisions14:24
aj-dnegi would be ok to just do a merge, at least my repo keeps the individual commits then14:24
aj-dnegis there some way i can do bzr merge --branch svn://whatever/ .14:24
aj-dnegor do i really have to make my own local branch of svn://whatever/ first14:24
jelmeraj-dneg: You would have to make your own local branch of svn:// first.14:25
aj-dnegso i have two branches, upstream and local? :S14:26
maxbgah. git on hardy lacks the --bare option to init, scuppering the dulwich testsuite14:27
jelmermaxb: I'd ignore the testsuite for hardy in that case14:27
jelmernewer revisions of dulwich no longer depend on git-core14:28
maxbhrm. actually the suite is broken even on karmic14:35
maxbprior to lucid, git init did not take a directory positional argument14:36
* maxb shelves temporarily to ponder14:37
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aj-dnegis there some way to generate a list of patches, one per-revision in bzr?15:38
LeoNerdI'm not sure I get the question...15:49
LeoNerdYou mean like  bzr log   ?15:49
jelmeraj-dneg: bzr log -p ?15:49
aj-dnegjelmer: that's pretty much it -- thanks :)15:53
aj-dnegjelmer: actually i just found bzr send, even better!15:55
thropehello - whats the situation with keyword expansion? I would like to have the current revision automatically included in a document like with svn keywords16:29
jelmerthrope, see http://launchpad.net/bzr-keywords16:33
fullermdUnchanged from some time ago; PoC.16:33
fullermdProof of Concept16:33
fullermdIt's not really usable in any practical sense.16:33
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
marsHi everyone, I have a question about removing a symlink from a source tree17:28
jelmerhi Maris17:28
marsHi jelmer17:29
marsthe symlink points to ../thefile17:29
marswhich is obviously not versioned (it is branch parent directory)17:29
marswhenever I try to run 'bzr rm thesymlink', bzr says "No WorkingTree exists for "file:///home/mars/launchpad/qa-tagger/.bzr/checkout/"17:30
marsfile:///home/mars/launchpad/qa-tagger/.bzr/checkout/ is the shared repository full path17:30
jelmerand "bzr root" works as expected, printing the root of your working tree?17:31
marsyes it does17:31
jelmerI think this might be an open bug17:32
marsI may try overwriting the symlink, committing, then removing17:32
jelmeris thefile a branch by any chance?17:34
marsno, it is not.  It is a regular file.17:35
jelmermars: you might try removing the file before running "bzr rm"17:35
marsjelmer, I tried that as well, and it did not work.  I may have had to use 'rm thelink; bzr rm ../thefile' instead of 'rm thelink; bzr rm thelink'17:37
marsjelmer, I just overwrote the symlink with a plain old file, committed that, then removed it.  Works.   Thank you for the help.17:37
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metaperlexcuse the amateur question, but when I want to update a bazaar repo that I downloaded via bzr branch http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/r/emacs/trunk  ... what do I type?19:00
dash'bzr pull'19:00
metaperloh ok thanks19:00
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
mkanatCan a commit have multiple parents?20:07
dashmkanat: sure, in the case of merges.20:08
kyanHello! I'm a bit of a noob to bzr, but now I'm on a linux box and have it installed. When I type bzr push lp:~info-futuramerlin/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.93, I get bzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:~/info-futuramerlin/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.93": No such person or team:  . What should I do about that? Thanks!21:22
dashkyan: are you sure what you typed starts with "~info" and not "~/info"?21:23
marienzmy first guess is actually that your shell did odd things to that ~21:23
marienzI'd try quoting the entire url21:23
dashoh true.21:23
kyanSame error.21:23
kyanAt https://code.launchpad.net/~info-futuramerlin/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.93, it gave what I typed.21:24
kyan@dash: Oh, now I get what you're saying.21:25
kyanI typoed....21:25
kyanStill not working. This exchange was rather wordy, so: http://pastebin.com/rU5sVuv221:26
dashlaunchpad doesn't know about your ssh key.21:27
kyanOk... I added one the other day.21:27
kyanDid I do something incorrectly in adding it?21:28
kyanI generated it with a different computer. Should I make another one?21:32
rubbsdo you have the cooresponding key on this computer?21:33
kyan(I assume you mean the files in ~/ssh21:33
kyanI mean ~/.ssh21:34
rubbsyou need the private key in your .ssh dir21:34
kyanOk I guess I'll make a new one.21:34
rubbsyeah, probably a good idea. you can have multiple ones on the site21:34
lifelessor you can copy it from the other machine21:34
rubbsthis too ^21:35
kyanI'm 'push'ing that again.21:37
kyanelwa@gozog-desktop:~/dev/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.93$ bzr push "lp:~info-futuramerlin/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.93" Enter passphrase for key '/home/elwa/.ssh/id_rsa':  bzr: ERROR: Target directory lp:~info-futuramerlin/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.93 already exists, but does not have a .bzr directory. Supply --use-existing-dir to push there anyway.21:37
kyanShould I use --use-exsisting-dir?21:38
rubbsif you are just pushing and updated version of the same branch then yes you can do that. keep in mind that if history is different, it will be overwriten IIRC21:38
lifelessdid you make the branch via the web UI ?21:38
lifelessthen yes, use --use-existing-dir21:39
lifelessmaking branch via the web UI causes that21:39
lifelessthumper: ^ :)21:39
* thumper sighs21:39
lifelessI know you know21:40
thumperyes, redoing the register branch page has been on a TODO list for ages21:40
lifelessbut I'd really love to just remove that field from the form21:40
thumperlifeless: that is the plan21:40
thumperlifeless: and to have general push instructions isntead21:40
lifelessis there anything particularly hard about it ? I mean, could *I* do it ?21:40
thumperwe should do some proper UI design21:41
lifelessthat too21:41
thumperI'd like to have the same form do foreign mirrors too21:41
kyan_It's gotten stuck with Fetching revisions:Inserting stream21:44
kyan_What does that mean?21:45
lifelessits pushing21:45
kyan_Ok ... must be pretty slow since it says '0KB/s'.21:46
kyan_Is there a way to see its status?21:47
kyan_BTW, in case you're curious, what I'm doing is releasing my calculator program as floss, and uploading old revisions.21:49
lifelesswell, it looks like you're having some internet connection trouble21:50
lifelessthe push does need to send a fair amount of data the first time21:50
kyan_Ah! It says 'created new branch'. I guess that's good.21:51
kyan_Seems to have worked!21:51
kyan_I'm uploading my oldest version now. Thanks for your help!21:55
kyan_Ok... still problems.21:58
kyan_When I pushed the previous version 0.91 it seemed to succeed but when I looked at it via the web interface there were no revisions.21:58
kyan_elwa@gozog-desktop:~/dev/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.91$ bzr push "lp:~info-futuramerlin/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.91" --overwrite bzr: ERROR: Working tree "/home/elwa/dev/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.91/" has uncommitted changes (See bzr status). Use --no-strict to force the push. elwa@gozog-desktop:~/dev/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.91$ bzr status added:   Calculator_ALL0_91.zip   Calculator_exe0_91.zip elwa@gozog22:00
kyan_fo-futuramerlin/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.91" --no-strict Enter passphrase for key '/home/elwa/.ssh/id_rsa':  No new revisions to push. elwa@gozog-desktop:~/dev/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.91$22:00
kyan_Still, there's nothing there. Any ideas?22:01
lifelessbzr st22:02
kyan_elwa@gozog-desktop:~/dev/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.91$ bzr st "lp:~info-futuramerlin/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.91" nonexistent:   lp:~info-futuramerlin/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.91 bzr: ERROR: Path(s) do not exist: lp:~info-futuramerlin/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.91 elwa@gozog-desktop:~/dev/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.91$22:03
kyan_elwa@gozog-desktop:~/dev/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.91$ bzr st added:   Calculator_ALL0_91.zip   Calculator_exe0_91.zip elwa@gozog-desktop:~/dev/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.91$22:04
kyan_Hmmm, doesn't seem to be doing much22:04
lifelessthat says you have added a file22:04
lifelessbut you haven't committed it22:04
kyan_How should I commit it?22:04
lifelessbzr commit22:04
kyan_'push' didn't work.22:04
lifelessI note that you're adding zip files22:05
lifelessthis is a bit unusual22:05
lifelesswhat are you trying to accomplish here?22:05
rubbskyan_: if you are uploading source, best to keep it uncompressed, bzr will compress the history for you.22:05
kyan_@rubbs: ok. I was just uploading the old files. Sorry. I'll upload those again.22:06
rubbsJust to clarify commit will place the changes you made to the local history, push will then push your history updates to the remote branch. This is why you much commit before pushing ;)22:06
kyan_After unzipping them.22:06
kyan_Ohhhhh. Thanks. As I said, I'm quite a noob to this :-)22:07
rubbskyan_: that's probabaly better. Bzr will know how to compress that better, most VCSs don't do well with binaries.22:07
lifelessif you want to upload old releases22:07
rubbskyan_: np, we all were there at one point.22:07
lifelessyou can use the releases facility, which works with zip files/tarballs that sort of thing22:07
rubbsoh I didn't know about the releases facility.22:08
* rubbs looks that up22:08
kyan_Lifeless: what is the releases facility?22:08
lifelessin launchpad22:08
lifelessyou have 'series'22:08
lifelesseach series has milestones22:09
lifelessand milestones can be 'released'22:09
lifelessafter they are released you can attach changelogs, release notes and downloads to them22:09
kyan_what is a series?22:09
kyan_what are milestones?22:09
kyan_(sorry I'm not more familiar with the terminology)22:10
kyan_Still more problems: elwa@gozog-desktop:~/dev/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.91$ bzr commit "lp:~info-futuramerlin/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.91" Committing to: /home/elwa/dev/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.91/                                   aborting commit write group: PathsNotVersionedError(Path(s) are not versioned: lp:~info-futuramerlin/futuramerlin.com-calculator/main0.91) bzr: ERROR: Path(s) are not versioned: lp:~inf22:15
kyan_just running 'bzr' says that 'bzr add' will make them versioned.22:16
kyan_I ran bzr add22:16
kyan_and then it gave me the same error when I tried to commit it.22:16
jelmerkyan_: you can't commit to a remote location22:18
jelmerkyan_: You'll have to commit locally and then push your changes.22:18
kyan_Um, ok... so just run bzr commit?22:18
rubbsyou do all your changes locally first, the only thing you do to remote branches (usually) is push and pull22:19
rubbsthere are exceptions of course, but for our purposes now, always do stuff locally, and make the remote a "mirror" of your local branch by pushing to it.22:19
kyan_While committing it it opened nano and should I type sthg now?22:19
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kyan_rubbs: thanks. That makes sense.22:19
rubbsyes, I believe when it opens nano it's asking for a commit message22:20
rubbsI usually commit like this when it's just a short message $ bzr commit -m "My short commit message"22:20
kyan_Ok. Thanks.22:21
kyan_Did that and pushing it.22:22
rubbsgood, initial pushes take a while, but subsequent ones should be quicker22:22
kyan_Is that because subsequent ones just send a diff?22:23
rubbsmore or less22:24
rubbslittle more, but it won't send info the remote system already has22:24
kyan_BTW, my reason for using zips has something to do with the 22mb vs 3mb filesize difference... :-P22:32
lifelessbzr will pack tighter than zips22:33
lifelessif you do 10 zips you'll have 30 mb22:33
lifelessif you put the original source in bzr without zips, and did 10 commits, you'll have 3mb22:33
rubbsexactly bzr will require a larger amount up front but down the road the savings will be quite worth it.22:33
lifelessrubbs: it shouldn't require more up front either22:34
kyan_Also, is it possible to do this pseudonymously or anonymously?22:35
rubbsoh right, I was thinking with a working tree22:35
rubbskyan_: well pushing would require an account on lp, but anyone with bzr could branch from it IIRC22:35
kyan_I was just wondering b/c launchpad seems to have used the wrong pseudonym.22:36
kyan_(my personal pseudonym rather than my development pseudonym{22:37
rubbsof that I'm not sure what happened. I'd help out, but I have to go now sorry.22:43
rubbsgood luck with everything, and continue to ask questions if you have them. Someone will answer22:43
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-bbl
=== wilx_ is now known as wilx

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