
alkisgdgroos1: a better way to disable dnsmasq (instead of dpkg-divert) is to change /etc/default/dnsmasq so that it has ENABLED=001:50
dgroos1alkisg: thanks, got it.02:23
alkisgGood morning10:00
alkisgMeeting today?15:40
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg
dgroosright--in 3.5 hours?16:33
highvoltagedgroos: yep!17:59
highvoltageEdubuntu meeting in 2 hours.17:59
highvoltageEdubuntu Meeting Time!19:56
highvoltage(oh, almost, anyway :) )19:56
highvoltagealkisg, alkisg, dgroos, dinda, HedgeMage, jussi,jussi, mhall119, pleia2, stgraber, vmlintu: meeting-in-2-minutes-ping :)19:57
highvoltage(will be in #ubuntu-meeting)19:57
alkisgty :)20:01
alkisg!info gnome-nanny maverick20:15
ubottuPackage gnome-nanny does not exist in maverick20:15
alkisg!info nanny maverick20:17
ubottunanny (source: nanny): Parental Control System. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.29.4-0ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 740 kB, installed size 2124 kB20:17
dindaThe entire July edition was dedicated to using open source20:50

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