
ulyssesAmarok 2.3.2 won't be in Maverick?00:07
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ScottKWhen is it planned for release?01:40
ScottKIs there a 10.04.1 release announcement planned?01:40
ScottKryanakca: ^^^?01:40
ScottKryanakca, Riddell, whoever has access: I can't seem to get auth to make a 10.04.1 release announcement for kubuntu.org.  I think we ought to have one.02:34
ryanakcaScottK: Pong02:57
ScottKryanakca: 10.04.1 release just happened so all the kubuntu.org download links are broken.02:58
ryanakcaScottK: New website still only works under Konqueror. Do you have the new username / password?02:58
ryanakcaScottK: newz2000 and I are working on that02:58
ScottKryanakca: I don't.02:58
ScottKOK.  Great.02:58
ryanakcaScottK: see /msg02:59
ScottKYep.  I'll work on an announcement.02:59
ryanakcaScottK: Download page should now be up to date.03:06
ScottKCool.  I'll do an announcement then.03:07
ScottKI can confirm that.03:07
ryanakcaScottK: Alright, will there be any updates to the ports?03:07
ScottKI'll check.03:08
ryanakcaScottK: Thanks03:08
ScottKryanakca: Published.  Feel free to improve it.03:16
ScottKRiddell: ^^^03:16
ryanakcaScottK: Thanks. If you hear back on the ports, you can update the link or send me an email and I'll take care of it in 6 or so hours. Until then, I'm off to bed :)03:18
ScottKryanakca: OK.  Thanks for the help.03:18
ScottKPorts are less urgent in any case....03:19
ScottKtwedented too.03:20
ryanakcaIf you're distributing the text elsewhere, I've updated the announcement to fix a typo (s/do/to) and added a missing 'are'. In any case, really off to bed, thanks for writing the announcement :)03:23
ScottKryanakca: I'm not.  Thanks.03:23
ScottKActually I'll send mail.  Thanks again.03:23
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu and KNR 10.04.1 released | Maverick Feature Freeze in Place | Kubuntu, making your PC friendly | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo
ScottKWould someone who has ops in #kubuntu update /topic there.03:26
macocan do03:26
macowhat should i update it with?03:26
macooh the released thing?03:26
macouh is there a url to replace the kubuntu.org 10.04 released link?03:26
ScottKIt'd be nice if someone who was subscribed to the Kubuntu user's list would write there too.03:27
ScottKIt's pretty basic though.03:27
macook updated03:28
valorieno pictures!03:32
valoriefor the Amarok release too -- no screenie03:32
ScottKRiddell can do a proper release announcement when he wakes up.03:39
ScottKThat or ryanakca.03:40
ScottKThat's what you get from me on a "why didn't someone else have this taken care of, OMG, I better do something" basis.03:40
valoriethanks for what you do, ScottK03:41
ScottKYou're welcome.03:41
valorieapachelogger: natty narwhal look for ya - http://doctormo.deviantart.com/#/d2wn1ey03:56
ScottKSomeone on planet.ubuntu.com please blog about Kubuntu and Kubuntu Netbook
* ScottK is too tired.04:06
* valorie ain't on ooobuntu.com04:07
ScottKJontheEchidna could do it.04:07
nixternalahh, there is the amarok beta :)04:08
nixternalScottK: I will do it04:08
ScottKnixternal: Thanks.04:08
macoi can do it04:10
macooh wait04:10
macoim too slow04:10
ScottKmaco: More than one is great.  I just wanted to make sure it was at least one.04:10
macoRiddell's still connected?  the server hosting his shell just went down....04:11
ScottKNo.  He's not.04:11
ScottKJust hadn't timed out yet.04:11
macooh there we go :P04:11
macoi was about to PM him / sladen on here to tell them "hey muse is down" but then realised they're both shell'd to here from there..04:12
nixternaltask completed04:16
nixternalmaco: after a few posts have hit the planet, do a post again04:16
nixternalI covered pk.o and p.u.c04:17
macoand when i do mine itll go to p.u-w.c and.... hmm... linuxchix, wfs, linux planet, i think theres another but cant think of it04:20
macowell p.u.c too obviously04:20
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Riddellagateau: konqueror patch not perfect, it appears on the wrong side of the search bar plugin http://muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/konqueror.jpeg11:53
RiddellI wonder how that worked in KDE 3 days11:53
agateauRiddell: isn't it beautiful that way?11:54
agateauRiddell: just kidding11:54
Riddellgood enough for me to upload11:54
agateauRiddell: can you unlock the toolbars to check if the search bar is in its own toolbar?11:54
Riddellagateau: it's all part of the location toolbar11:55
agateauRiddell: ok, should be fixable then11:56
Riddellso maybe something needs added to the rc file to say "merge plugin bits here"?11:56
agateauRiddell: that's it11:57
agateauRiddell: I assume I placed my action in the wrong position11:58
agateauRiddell: weird, the location bar as no merging bits in it12:02
agateauRiddell: maybe that's the reason it's appended actually12:02
Riddellagateau: if I add in the <Merge/> that fixes it12:03
agateauRiddell: yes, just tried it12:07
agateauRiddell: will update the MR12:07
Riddelldoes konqueror even have a maintainer now?  I suspect nobody is going to look at that merge request12:10
agateauRiddell: I am afraid so12:12
agateauRiddell: That's why I added David12:12
agateauI talked to Maksim Orlovich, but he was not really fond of the idea12:13
Riddelllast I heard David doesn't do khtml/konq now since the world is moving away12:13
agateauI think he is trying to keep konq alive, maybe with webkit backend12:13
agateauhe was looking at some konq mockups from kde-look during akademy12:14
shadeslayerdoes anyone have experience with kdesrc-build?12:16
Riddellagateau: uploaded12:17
Riddellapachelogger: includes your lack of previews  /me cries12:17
apacheloggerRiddell: pardon?12:18
Riddellturned off previews in dolphin, it makes me sad12:19
apacheloggerohhh :(12:19
* apachelogger says "there there" and taps Riddell on the shoulder ^^12:19
Riddellmaybe I should change to nautilus, it does previews fine12:19
apacheloggerit also does have api to enhance preview capabilities with easy plugin stuff12:20
shadeslayerRiddell: we have a patch for bug 596926 on b.k.o12:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 596926 in k3b (Ubuntu) "k3b crashes on clicking Settings > Configure k3b" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59692612:21
Riddellshadeslayer: awooga12:21
shadeslayerdo you want me to package it?12:21
shadeslayeror wait for it to be approved by upstream12:21
* apachelogger is now phonon developer :P12:21
shadeslayerapachelogger: lulz12:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: do you run kde svn?12:22
apacheloggerI only wanted html5 :(12:22
apacheloggershadeslayer: no12:22
shadeslayerOOo behaves so much better in windoze :/12:23
shadeslayerand in gnome too12:23
apacheloggerkde svn?12:23
apacheloggerI am not sure kde svn behaves in gnome 12:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: open office  :P12:23
Riddellshadeslayer: yeah go ahead12:24
shadeslayerof course KDE svn will pwn gnome12:24
shadeslayerRiddell: alrighty12:24
shadeslayerjust need to clean up my report first :P12:24
ghostcubeis there any possibility to get kmenu into cairo-dock as launcher or so?12:24
Riddellthat sounds gnomeish12:25
* apachelogger finds that name silly :S12:26
debfxapachelogger: have you already fixed all phonon-vlc bugs? :p12:38
debfxso it doesn't crash anymore and amarok doesn't randomly stop after playing a track?12:45
ghostcubeRiddell: yeah cairo-dock is more gnome than kde :)12:59
ghostcubedamn i cant get kdemenu classic to be called by dbus13:14
ghostcubei dont get it -.-13:14
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ghostcubeok guys who can answer my question about calling kmenu by dbus? anyone here or better asking in plasma?13:35
ghostcubecause there must be a way to do this13:36
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txwikingerAnybody has an idea why the /etc/acpi/lid.sh script would respawn several times a minute?13:58
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dantti_work:D 5th position :P https://bugs.kde.org/weekly-bug-summary.cgi14:25
shadeslayerdantti_work: nice :P14:28
shadeslayernew release named Natty Narwhal14:29
shadeslayerghostcube: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/47814:30
ghostcubeshadeslayer you may know how to call kmenu by dbus?14:31
ghostcube-.- noone can tell me how or if it  is possible14:31
shadeslayerghostcube: does it have registered dbus interface?14:31
ScottKryanakca: dvd links should still point to 10.04.  AFAIK we didn't respin those.14:31
ScottKRiddell: ^^^14:31
ghostcubeshadeslayer: good question14:32
ScottKRiddell: Please make a better release announcement.  What's there now is my "Oh no, need one now" version.14:32
ghostcubehow is kmenu called in general ?14:32
ghostcubein 3.5 it has been dcop14:32
shadeslayeri haz no idea... you can list them dbus interfaces tho14:33
shadeslayerghostcube: qdbus | grep foo14:33
shadeslayeri think its org.kde.klauncher14:33
ghostcubeshadeslayer: hmm, ok have to check later still at work14:34
shadeslayerghostcube: if thats the one then use QDBusInterface14:35
shadeslayerlike for KGet we have : QDBusInterface kget("org.kde.kget", "/KGet", "org.kde.kget.main")14:35
JontheEchidnaI don't think kickoff has a dbus interface14:35
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: whuts KLauncher?14:35
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JontheEchidnaa launcher for KDE applications14:36
JontheEchidnavia dbus14:36
ghostcubehmmmm 14:36
RiddelllScottK: download link added, I think it's all good otherwise14:36
shadeslayerghostcube: no idea then :(14:36
ghostcubeyeah, me too ;(14:36
ScottKRiddell: Cool.  Can you fix the dvd download links on the download page (apparently we own that now - a much part of last night's excitement).14:36
ghostcubehow does kmenu work if i choose kemnu classic and hit the button what is then called ?14:37
ghostcubecan i check this somehow?14:37
shadeslayerghostcube: go through its source?14:37
ghostcubeoh kmenu classic is only plasmoid?14:39
JontheEchidnaghostcube: it removes the plasmoid via libplasma calls and adds a new one14:42
JontheEchidna(the new one being the menu/non-kickoff menu)14:43
ghostcubeso this is miore tricky than only one line dbus :)14:43
dpmRiddell, shall we announce the Kubuntu translations day? Friday is getting closer14:45
shadeslayerdpm: we have a translations day? :P14:46
Riddelldpm: oh yes sorry, I'll do that now14:48
dpmcool, thanks :)14:48
Riddelldpm: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/431314:55
dpmThanks Riddell, let me blog about it in a bit14:57
ScottKRiddell: Where are we on getting the updates policy approved in KDE?  Now that 10.04.1 is out of the way might be a nice time to push KDE 4.4.5 to -proposed.15:02
RiddellScottK: I've utterly failed to get round to pushing it upstream15:03
Riddellalthough the guy who objected last time said he didn't remember why he objected when I asked at akademy so maybe he'll continue not to remember :)15:03
ScottKMaybe give it another push then?15:03
ScottKIt seems to mostly document current practice anyway.15:04
shadeslayerScottK: i think kmymoney is done.. will show it to debian first :D15:08
ryanakcaScottK: fixing15:53
ScottKryanakca: Thanks.15:53
ScottKryanakca: There's a mail to reply to on kubuntu-devel when it's fixed.15:54
shadeslayerdebfx: you were working on the kpk fix right?16:15
shadeslayerTm_T: pokes16:25
shadeslayerwhere do i modify the install path for kde nightly, so that it installs in /opt/kde16:26
shadeslayeror /opt/nightly/kde16:26
debfxshadeslayer: nope, is it broken?16:45
shadeslayerdebfx: yeah, select best server doesnt work16:45
* shadeslayer wonders who asked him to test bzr16:45
apacheloggerdebfx: the crash is apparently related to pulse not being thraedsafe16:59
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shadeslayerhow would one go back one commit in git?18:33
shadeslayernot actually revert the commti18:34
shadeslayerbut take a step back18:34
yofelshadeslayer: well, the previous commit would be 'HEAD^', afaik checkout will uncommit the changes so you still have them as a diff, while reset will rever the commit completely18:46
yofelreset will uncommit the changes and reset --hard will completely revert the commit18:47
yofelgit checkout will revert to the previous commit and detach you from the branch you are on18:47
shadeslayermaco: btw i think for GRE, uni's also accept a Scale and your percentage18:51
shadeslayeryofel: lets see18:52
shadeslayeryofel: works :D18:57
yofelgood :)18:57
shadeslayerthanks :D18:58
shadeslayerim off to sleep anyways... cya19:00
shadeslayerScottK: ive mailed mark to review kmymoneypackage, waiting for his reply19:01
shadeslayeralso package is uploaded here : http://mentors.debian.net/cgi-bin/sponsor-pkglist?action=details;package=kmymoney19:01
Tm_Tshadeslayer: yes?19:04
shadeslayerTm_T: oh i had a cmakekde question, but was solved by people in #kde-in ;)19:04
shadeslayerwanted to ask where cmakekde installs files and did i need to change KDEDIRS var to install it in /opt19:05
shadeslayernow kdelibs is 85 % done19:05
sheytan_Hey guys19:23
sheytan_is the new kpk already in maveric?19:24
sheytan_if yes, can i get nighty builds from somwhere? ;)19:24
shadeslayersheytan_: its in maverick19:24
shadeslayerbut no nightly builds for lucid19:24
sheytan_shadeslayer i mean maveric nighty builds ;)19:25
shadeslayeroh....no for those too19:25
sheytan_coming soon maybe?19:25
shadeslayermaybe we will provide those with neon :D19:25
shadeslayernot entirely sure :P19:25
sheytan_sure, if you will, share it via identi.ca to let us know ;)19:27
shadeslayerwho was asking for rekonq build?19:27
yofeloxymoron I think19:27
yofeland anyone could make dailies for kpk using recipes :P19:28
shadeslayeroxymoron: page now works, just requested a build for lucid, maverick seems stuck, says : No suitable builders19:28
shadeslayerhttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rekonq/+recipe/rekonq-daily/+build/1095 << rekonq lucid build19:29
sheytan_No one backported bluedevil and libbluedevil to lucid still?19:30
shadeslayeri dont think so19:30
sheytan_It should be a part of KDE SC19:31
sheytan_in kdelibs or something ;D19:31
shadeslayeranyways.. im off to sleep :D19:35
shadeslayercya tmmrw19:35
* Quintasan is going to burn down his ISP HQ's19:51
QuintasanJontheEchidna: can you point me to pot files for muon and qapt?20:02
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/l10n-kde4/templates/messages/kdereview/20:03
QuintasanJontheEchidna: Thanks, I shall do it this week.20:08
jussiJontheEchidna: is muon in mav yet?20:13
JontheEchidnajussi: yep20:13
jussiooh... /me goes to install20:14
oxymoronshadeslayer: Thanks <320:49
apacheloggerRiddell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/screencasts/qtwebkit-video-vlc.ogv21:02
Riddelllapachelogger: you can now get your anime fix? :)21:26
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dantti_workwow! :D 4th https://bugs.kde.org/weekly-bug-summary.cgi and kpk has now only 17 bugs opened22:50
Riddellldantti_work: you're on a roll!23:05

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