
RiddellGuest29483: only that libqtassistant has gone so you can't use apps which use that00:02
Guest29483Riddell, what are some commond examples of apps that use libqtassistant and are they show stoppers?00:09
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ShinkaI apparently played too much with alsamixer, and now Skype won't work (I can hear, but not speak). Is there a way to reset alsa-mixer ?00:23
ShinkaI found the command sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset 0 but it doesn't work on Kubuntu00:23
k4everhi all. i was using gnome for some time.  now i'm back to kde. i like the antinspect xscreensaver. i have kscreensaver-xsavers installed, but it does not show all of the xscreensavers (to included antinspect).  is there a way to get kscreensaver to recognized this screensaver?01:14
cmaginak4ever: I might have an answer for you in just a second01:28
cmaginak4ever: The antinspect screensaver is part of the kscreensaver-xsavers-extra package, however even after installing it I am not able to see any of those new screensavers. I'm very familiar with the kscreensaver bits, but I will see what I can do.01:32
cmaginaI'm not very...01:32
cmaginafamiliar that is01:33
k4everok, i appreciate your help01:33
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k4everalso is there a way to show video thumbnails in dolphin?01:50
cmaginainstall kffmpegthumbnailer01:51
cmaginaAnd then be sure to enable it in dolphins settings01:51
cmaginaThere must be a list stored somewhere containing all of the available screensavers, but I have been unable to find it thus far.01:52
k4everthanks, installing now01:53
k4evercmagina:  thanks! the plugin works great01:56
cmaginak4ever: Good to hear it.  You might want to submit a bug on the screensaver issue.  It seems the kscreensaver-xsavers-extra package pulls in the other screensavers but does not get KDE to see them.01:57
wea0Hi, I just upgraded from karmic to lucid. Now there is an animated effect in the panel's task manager, whenever applications change their places. How can I turn this animation off?01:57
k4everok, thanks for your help.  i'm going to sleep now.01:57
cmaginawea0: I am not sure. A quick look didn't show anything obvious. I wish I had time to help more but I must take off.01:58
xaemonichi guys i realy want to host a fserv irc i used to have one in windows back in the day and would like to know if their is any good fserving irc cliants for kubuntu02:13
xaemonicu know where it pops up a msg and displays my links so ppl can acess my files02:13
xaemonichow do i install a fserv script into my xchat irc..02:23
fundacionhola a todos02:54
wea0Hi, I just upgraded from karmic to lucid. Now there is an animated effect in the panel's task manager, whenever applications change their places. How can I turn this animation off?02:55
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=== maco changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 10.04.1 released: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-and-kubuntu-netbook-10041 | KDE SC 4.5: http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-45 | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IRC/Guideines | Maverick/10.10 support in #ubuntu+1
VeinJuapt-get install nmap04:05
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ilya-xcan somebody help me troubleshoot why I'm frequently seeing the outline and shadow of what seems like the "Folder View" widget on top of my desktop wallpaper, when the widget is disabled and  there's no trace of this widget at all other than its shadow outline? this is visible 90% of the time, even after reboots04:50
ilya-xI'm on KDE 4.5.0, by the way04:51
ilya-xI just took a screenshot of it with wallpaper removed and background set to white:04:54
igor_hello world!05:08
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Roasteddoes anybody know how I can move the min max close buttons tot he left?07:37
buckfastWhy do I have 142 blocked updates?07:41
smoophwhat are you trying to update and how?07:42
buckfastKpackageKit is showing under Software Updates that I have 142 blocked updates07:43
buckfastIt seems like it's blocking the new KDE 4.507:43
buckfastbecause most of them are kde applications07:44
buckfastso, noone hasn't got a clue as to why this is happening07:49
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buckfastShould I do a07:57
buckfastsudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:57
buckfastok, no answer I guess08:18
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DarkriftXdoes anyone know why the kde update manager always seems to close itself and stop working? its done for this for the last 3-4 major versions for me (few years now) and i always have to resort to apt-get updating instead of it doing it auto.09:25
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well_laid_lawnDarkriftX: tried starting it from konsole to see what errors are produced?09:33
DarkriftXno but its always after a few days-weeks when it dies09:33
DarkriftXi was hoping maybe there was a known issue with a fix09:33
well_laid_lawnnot something I've seen mentioned here before...09:34
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wespJust did a fresh install of Kubuntu, no flash audio, no skype audio (assuming no audio period) except for the log in/log out audio, those work09:49
wespThe initial install, skype audio & mic worked fine, after installing nvidia drivers and rebooting, is where the problem occured09:50
rorkwesp: did you check kmix and set all the volumes up?09:57
wesplol i can hear now09:58
wespwhat about09:58
wespmic, I cant get mic on the volume bar09:59
wesplol and i feel pretty bad @ turn it up09:59
rorknp at that, we've all been there :)09:59
wespWhat about turning the mic up? well10:00
wespunmuting it?10:00
wespthat option i cant make active in kmix10:00
well_laid_lawnF4 in alsamixer10:00
well_laid_lawnfor capture cards10:00
wespwheres alsamixer?10:01
rorkor Settings > Configure Channels, then add the microphone channels to kmix10:01
well_laid_lawn!info alsamixer10:03
ubottuPackage alsamixer does not exist in lucid10:03
well_laid_lawn!find alsamixer10:03
ubottuFound: alsamixergui, gnome-alsamixer10:03
well_laid_lawnor open konsole and type   alsamixer10:03
rorkalsamixer is part of alsa-utils10:05
well_laid_lawnthnx :]10:06
bigjoolshi.  Does anyone know how to stop kmail scrolling to the top of the message list every time I delete one of them?  I have my list sorted ascending so this is seriously annoying :(10:25
bigjools(this is 4.5 BTW)10:25
sushilchadoes anyone have idea about ssh... that if a GUI application be run on remote computer over ssh ?10:31
well_laid_lawnyou can use vnc over ssh - it's in the man page and10:32
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX10:32
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sushilchawell_laid_lawn: btw, what i actually wanted to do was.. run ktorrent whenever i want on remote computer and shutdown my own computer10:34
well_laid_lawnwhy not use a cli torrent client like rtorrent?10:34
well_laid_lawn!info rtorrent10:34
ubotturtorrent (source: rtorrent): ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent from rakshasa. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.6-1 (lucid), package size 397 kB, installed size 1308 kB10:34
sushilchai know ktorrent can be controlled by web10:34
sushilchawell_laid_lawn: but to control it via web, at first it shud be running :)10:35
sushilchartorrent probably doesn't have all the features like ktorrent... however let me explore about it.. thanx for suggestion10:36
rorksushilcha: you can start gui applications from the commandline by just typing their name, you may have to have some X-server running though10:37
rorkand many kde programs can/could be controlled from the commandline with dcop10:37
sushilcharork: with simple ssh it wudnt run10:37
sushilcharork: ktorrent requires Xserver.. and of course Xserver is running in remote computer10:38
sushilchabut if i do ssh -X .. then Xserver from mycomputer is gonna be used.. in that case.. if i shutdown my computer the application is gonna exit as well10:39
well_laid_lawntry x11vnc - it can use the root desktop10:39
well_laid_lawnI think rtorrent with a web gui would be what you're after10:40
sushilchayes that is a solution for what i seek10:40
sushilchabut lets look beyond torrent...10:41
sushilchajust if we can launch any application requiring Xserver in remote computer itself :)10:41
well_laid_lawntry x11vnc - it can use the root desktop10:43
sushilchawell_laid_lawn: ok.. but what if i shutdown my computer? will the program continue to run.. anyway i'll try to explore that myself too :)10:44
well_laid_lawnsince it uses the root desktop it doesn't matter what any other comps do when you reconnect it will show the same root desktop10:45
funcrushhi all. I wanna convert from ogg to mp3. anybody know a program working well?11:18
technogeekKUBUNTU rocks11:45
technogeeki just reacently uninstalled all windows in my home and all 10 pcs are running linux11:46
technogeekhelo room11:46
technogeeki guss no one wants to talk11:47
technogeekhi rork11:47
howlymowlyhi everyone.. did anyone get akonadi to work correctly with a google account?11:47
howlymowly--> i can successfully import my contacts, but many have errors and didn#t import phone numbers, emails etc...11:47
rorkI guess most are not watching these minutes and it's officially a tech support channel, for other topics there's #kubuntu-offtopic :)11:48
howlymowlytechnogeek: for your next step i recommend trying to get akonadi to work correctly on all 10 pc's in your home ^^ that way you'd have full synchronization over all of them :)11:49
F15h3rhey, anyone knows how to auto mute laptop speakers on kubuntu 10.04 when headphones connected? i have Asus K52F ..12:08
phoenix__hello everyone12:14
otto__i get error:       Unknown CMake command "kde4_add_plugin".    when i try to cmake the konqueror adblock plugin12:18
Roastedhi there. why does amarok lock sound? If amarok is open and I open youtube, I get no sound. Very irritating.12:18
phoenix__otto__: what is the command that you used12:21
otto__svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/extragear/base/konq-plugins/adblock12:22
otto__cd adblock12:22
otto__cmake CMakeLists.txt12:22
phoenix__otto__: can you paste the cmakelist.txt here12:24
noGet prompt Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS tty1 then terminal . . . any idea how to fix?12:25
notried forums, no entries for kubuntu; tried restarting x, no go.12:26
otto__########### next target ###############12:26
otto__set(adblock_PART_SRCS adblock.cpp  adblockdialog.cpp )12:26
otto__kde4_add_plugin(adblock ${adblock_PART_SRCS})12:26
otto__target_link_libraries(adblock  ${KDE4_KPARTS_LIBS} ${KDE4_KHTML_LIBS} ${KDE4_KUTILS_LIBS})12:26
otto__install(TARGETS adblock  DESTINATION ${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR} )12:26
FloodBotK3otto__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:26
otto__########### install files ###############12:26
phoenix__otto__: tell me the cmake version, use this command "cmake --version"12:29
otto__phoenix: 2.8.012:30
noinstalling cmake now . . .12:31
nocmake would not install . . .12:32
phoenix__otto__: did you prepare the cmakelist.txt12:32
otto__phoenix: no12:33
otto__how do i do that?12:33
phoenix__otto__: did you prepare the cmakelist.txt12:33
nono. don't know how.12:33
phoenix__otto__: i think the cmakelist.txt is wrong, did you paste the entire cmakelist?12:34
phoenix__otto__: i will prepare a new cmakelist.txt for can you wait12:36
otto__i want to make the one that's already provided work correctly12:37
phoenix__otto__: the cmakelist.txt is incomplete. where did you download the file12:40
nikoslhello, i have installed ubuntu 10.04, but kept my old /home directory. now it seems plasma panels are all over the place due to some previous installation (i have used gnome for the past year or so). i tried deleting ~/.kde but it doesn't make it right12:42
nikoslany ideas how to completely restore kde default settings ?12:43
phoenix__otto__: are you trying to compile the plugin seperatly?12:46
ghostcubeneed help for calling kmenu classic directly by an dbus call13:12
ghostcubeis there any possibility to do this?13:12
Peace-ghostcube: i think yes13:16
Peace-you have to install something to chec qdbus command line13:16
ghostcubeoh cool, maybe you know hoe too?13:16
Peace-just a few moment13:16
ghostcubeyeah but i cant find kmenu like in earlier ways in dbus13:16
Peace-i have done qdbus call for kdialog13:16
ghostcubeoh cool13:17
Peace-just wait13:17
ghostcubeno prob13:17
ghostcubeiam here :D13:17
Peace-sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools13:17
Peace-there is how to close kde with qdbus13:18
Peace-look at my blog http://nowardev.wordpress.com/?s=qdbus13:18
ghostcubePeace-: ok, but i dont know how to kall kmenu cause i dont find it13:22
ghostcubehmmm must check this13:22
Peace-well you have to look :D13:23
ghostcubei looked and its not anymore in kickoff so maybe any idea wheere to check?13:23
Peace-i ma installing qdbusviewer13:23
Peace-i have no idea right now13:24
Peace-i have to see13:24
ghostcubehmm i will check later at home13:24
Peace-have oyu the line13:24
Peace-for kde 3?13:24
Peace-give me13:24
ghostcubedcop kicker kicker popupKMenu X,Y13:25
Peace-ghostcube: i have found this13:26
ghostcubeis this lancelot?13:26
Peace-i think no the classic menu13:26
ghostcubeyeah i read this too it shows an lancelot starter at the first post13:27
Peace-ah damn13:27
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Peace-noway ghostcube i can't find a soluton in few time13:34
ghostcubeyeah, no problem :) i will try later too13:35
Peace-ghostcube: asked on #kde?13:37
Peace-ghostcube: asked on #kde ?13:37
ghostcubehmm i asked on kubuntu-devel and now i try plasma but kde is good idea too :)13:37
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natmanhi samuel_13:52
samuel_My KDE was just updated to 4.5.0 and I don't have Oxygen Style. does anyone know how to solve this ?13:52
samuel_hi natman13:52
natmanyou using kubunt samuel_13:52
samuel_no I'm using Kubuntu :)13:52
natmanmy mistake ment kubuntu sorry13:53
samuel_then yeah natman :)13:53
natmantry system settings->appearence->color->get new schemes13:54
samuel_natman: but this will add my a color scheme ... ?13:55
samuel_yap ... :(13:56
natmansamuel_:  do you have the oxygen scheme?13:56
wea0When tasks change their places in the task manager there is an animation of the tasks sliding over each other. Please tell me how to turn this effect off. (lucid KDE 4.5.0)13:56
samuel_yeah I have13:57
samuel_but I don't have the Oxygen Style :( natman13:57
natmansamuel_: mmm seems weird, not sure what command to use, but could sudo apt-get install oxygen or KpackageKit help get back oxygen?13:58
samuel_E: Couldn't find package KpackageKit14:00
samuel_E: Couldn't find package oxygen14:00
natmanyou dont have kpackagekit14:00
Picipackage names are case-sensitive and all lowercase.14:01
samuel_oaky I have the kpackagekit14:02
natmantry this command in terminal14:03
samuel_but I can't find the oxygen package14:03
natmanamm ok14:03
natmanwhen i go to termainl ( eg " konsole" ) and search i get the following14:03
natmannatman@natman-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install oxygen14:03
natmanoxygencursors               oxygen-cursor-theme         oxygen-cursor-theme-extra   oxygen-icon-theme           oxygen-icon-theme-complete14:03
natmanthe names under are all the availble packages14:04
natmanif i was you i would just get them all and see what happens, it cant hurt- i think14:04
samuel_okay let's try :)14:04
samuel_E: Package oxygencursors has no installation candidate14:05
samuel_thank natman14:05
natmansamuel_: my mistake14:05
wea0samuel_: Do you have the package kubuntu-desktop installed?14:05
natmantry this14:06
natmansudo apt-get install oxygen-cursor-theme oxygen-cursor-theme-extra oxygen-icon-theme oxygen-icon-theme-complete14:06
samuel_wea0:  how do i check ?14:06
natmansamuel_:  if you have Kubuntu you have the desktop im sure unless you have done a lot of messing around14:07
wea0samuel_: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop14:07
wea0If you upgraded to kde4.5 it might have been removed14:07
samuel_:| it seams that  I have missing packges on the kubbuntu-desktop ....14:08
natmansamuel_: ok seems like the wea0 was correct14:09
samuel_thanks wea0 and natman, let;s check if it will fix the problem14:09
natmangood luck samuel_14:09
samuel_okay, it didn't ... :(14:10
samuel_I will try to restart my X14:11
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samuel_didn't help14:14
wea0Oh well, ... solved most of the problems I had after the update ;)14:15
natmansamuel_: afraid this problem is above me then:(14:15
samuel_how can I find other styles on Software Manager ?14:15
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wea0samuel_: What you could try is "sudo apt-get --reinstall install kdebase-runtime"14:20
samuel_wea0:  lets try :)14:21
samuel_for now my KDE look like hell14:22
wea0Umh, ... before or after you ran that command?14:26
alvinTry $ sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop && sudo aptitude install14:29
samuel_wea0: befor, the reinstall for kdebase didn't help, but I found this package on the apt-get14:30
samuel_I'm trying to install it, and I will see if it helped :)14:31
wea0That will probably give you more styles like phase, but not oxygen.14:34
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samuel_wea0: didn't give any styles :(14:39
samuel_but know I see that I have updates that are kept back14:40
samuel_how do I force install them ?14:40
wea0sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:40
samuel_but I allready use the latest Kubuntu 10.414:41
samuel_that is so odd !14:41
wea0No it's not. dist-upgrade doesn't mean you are updated to a new distribution.14:44
wea0"dist-upgrade in addition to performing the function of upgrade,also intelligently handles changing dependencies with new ver-sions of packages"14:44
wea0I gotta go afk now. But if you want this to work you need to make sure that you have the latest versions of kubuntu-desktop, kdebase-runtime and kdebase-runtime-data installed.14:47
XearoQuestion, How do I enable my ATI drivers in Kubuntu. I do not see the Enable Restricted Drivers in the System Panel14:48
alvinsamuel_: if 'aptitude install' lists things as [not installed], it's generally a good idea to remove them. (e.g. $ sudo aptitude purge freespacenotifier)14:48
samuel_wea0: it worked :)14:49
samuel_alvin: thanks, I will keep it in mind :)14:49
jimmy51_on boot my wife's kubuntu box complained about a volume in fstab could not be mounted and dropped me to a maintenance shell.  how can i figure out which device it is complaining about?  there are 3 drives connected to her system.15:16
=== v3nd3tta`` is now known as v3n``afk
alvinjimmy51_: See if you can find the volume in /var/log/boot.log (there might be a LOT of false errors in there too)15:39
tdnichogood morning all, have a question about dvd blu-ray support in ubuntu/kubuntu...anyone care to comment?15:39
jimmy51_alvin: i've found it's the drive that is her /home.  i'm running fsck /dev/sdb5 right now.15:40
alvinjimmy51_: You shouldn't be dropped in a maintenance shell for that. fsck should run automatically.15:41
jimmy51_alvin: fsck /dev/sdb5 is asking my to hit (y) about every 2 minutes.  Error reading block 12384839whatever.  ignore? (y)  rewrite (y).  should i cancel and rerun with some switch to automatically do it?15:51
tdnichogood morning all, have a question about dvd blu-ray support in ubuntu/kubuntu...anyone care to comment?15:57
PiciAbout which?15:57
alvinjimmy51_: Probably. Start your system (maybe in recovery mode), let /home not be mounted and fsck16:00
tdnichoanyone had success with ubuntu and dvd blu-ray support/playback?16:21
jdalt_so I've got this usb bluetooth dongle i want to use with a wiimote but its from like 2004 and apparently requires a kernel recompilation to get the drivers to work16:36
jdalt_according to this forum post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1087010c16:36
jdalt_is it worth it or should i just get a new dongle?16:37
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wea0samuel_: Nice to hear that it solved your problem.17:22
wea0I'm still stuck with my own problem however. Anybody got an idea on that:17:23
wea0When tasks change their places in the task manager there is an animation of the tasks sliding over each other. Please tell me how to turn this effect off. (lucid KDE 4.5.0)17:23
bjornsheesh.  kmail->settings->configure-kmail->identities->modify->ok (no changes), spews "kmail(3740)/libakonadi Akonadi::SessionPrivate::socketError: Socket error occurred: "QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Connection refused"" and is unusable17:26
bjorni've used kmail for years, but i don't think i can take it much longer17:27
giuseppe_i have a problem when i install ubuntu 9.10 from usb pendrive17:28
giuseppe_i have this error:17:28
giuseppe_BusyBox v1.13.3 (Ubuntu 1:1.13.3-1ubuntu7) built-in shell (ash)17:28
giuseppe_Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands17:28
giuseppe_(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system17:29
giuseppe_which is problem???17:29
giuseppe_i have a car pc17:29
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giuseppe_help me please17:33
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Peace-hi channel17:45
mweijtswea0: System settings > workspace > Informational tips set it to High value or set it to do not show17:48
jrolland-kubuntuMy x11vnc keeps spawning processes out of control, until I run into the max number of clients for the X Server17:54
jrolland-kubuntuI'm following the instructions on http://kubuntuguide.org/Lucid#X11VNC_Server17:54
jrolland-kubuntuI think it's the -loopbg that's the problem17:54
jrolland-kubuntuIt worked fine in karmic17:54
jrolland-kubuntuCan someone help?17:54
ilembitovHi, all. I have a freshly installed Kubuntu 10.04 with all the latest updates. I have all types of updates enabled and I have the backports PPA added. Still, I can't update to KDE 4.5 - some 130 packages seem to get blocked. What do I do wrong?17:56
wea0do a dist-upgrade17:56
jrolland-kubuntuOK, I figured it out: I need the -loop option, not -loopbg18:08
haakonn_hi! i installed the netbook version, but i decided i'd rather have the regular kde interface. is there a way to get it without reinstalling?18:19
haakonn_i installed the kubuntu-desktop package, removed kubuntu-netbook or whatever, but now when i log in i see the splash and then just the background image and nothing more18:20
alvinilembitov: See bug 61590218:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 615902 in Kubuntu PPA "Upgrade to KDE SC 4.5 blocked" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61590218:22
bng007hi all, where would you point me if I wanted to learn some .sh scripting?18:25
shadowhywind_hay all, I just a replacement hdd in the mail, I am going to use dd to copy everything from my old hdd to the new one. Will dd also copy the mbr/grub ? also what should be the dd command I should issue?18:29
ilembitovalvin: thx18:34
bng007shadowhywind_: i think it is something like this: dd if="your_image" of="/dev/disk_to_write_to"18:36
bng007which means "input file" and "output file"18:37
bng007first of all look here: dd --help18:38
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wizardslovakhello people18:44
wizardslovakgot kubuntu dual booted with xp18:45
wizardslovakis there gui to modify grub2?18:45
mistryniteshbng007: i think all standard installations come with bash reference guide. mine is located at /usr/share/doc/bash/bashref.pdf18:46
rorkwizardslovak: startupmanager should do that job18:47
haakonn_answer to my own question: remove kubuntu-netbook-default-settings18:47
mistryniteshbng007: there is also some documentation at tldp.org18:48
kilian_hi, i try to start update-notifier-kde, but it says dbus-bindings are missing. python-qt4-dbus is up to date, though18:48
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kilian_any ideas how to fix this?18:48
bng007mistrynitesh: is Bash the right thing to use when I want to do simple file operations etc.?18:49
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wizardslovakwhats the package name?18:49
rorkwizardslovak: startupmanager18:51
rorkbut it might be only possible to do lay-out changes18:52
wizardslovakoh sorry misstyped it18:52
mistryniteshbng007: why not? i mean i don't know of any problems. bash is just another shell18:52
bng007mistrynitesh: cool, just making sure18:53
bng007mistrynitesh: i will check out that link, thx18:53
mistryniteshbng007: always welcome18:53
RoastedWhen is Kubuntu getting pulse audio or the software center?19:02
maco10.10 has pulse19:02
macothe software center is gtk though so it wont be included unless someone makes a qt lookalike19:02
macoi find it more likely that kpackagekit just gets fixed up19:02
Roasteditd be nice to have that. kpackagekit... sucks.19:03
bng007I like how software center list your ppa and other sources on the left19:04
RoastedI dig kde, but MAN there are some things that just 'make sense' in gnome too.19:05
Roastedwell, maybe not so much gnome, but ubuntu.19:05
Roastedkde is fun to tinker around with though.19:05
bng007i agree, the software center in ubuntu is just two clicks away for example19:06
bng007i used ubuntu for a test-drive for few months recently, I just envy Canonical is investing in gnome instead of kde :)19:07
bng007i'm back in kde, the window compositing is much better for example19:09
bng007one can feel and see there is some designer guidance behind the ubuntu. I just wish KDE was more consistent as well19:11
Peace-bng007: bah19:20
ohzieHey, can I get workspaces on the top and bottom 'caps' of the cube when I use compiz? I'm using kubuntu on mostly vanilla Lucid Lynx install.19:24
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz19:25
well_laid_lawnohzie: there's #compiz where someone would surely know that :]19:25
ohziewell_laid_lawn, Just to verify, KDE's compositing is compiz right?19:27
well_laid_lawnohzie: I'm not sure - I've never bothered with it here19:28
well_laid_lawnI think it is just kwin...19:28
Roastedbng007, part of the reason Im using kde for a while is because gnome is the one seeming to be inconsistent for me. Not that it's bad, but sometimes it just acts weird, which is strange since gnome was always the more stable one for me in the past.19:29
ScuniziIs upgrading to 4.5 recommended or not recommended on a production machine?19:33
bng007Scunizi: no way19:34
bng007Scunizi: eg. my dolphin crashes too often19:34
bng007Scunizi: but maybe I'm just hard on it19:34
Scunizibng007: that's what I was thinking but glad to have the conformation.. with 10.04 being an LTS (I think on Kubuntu) will it be available as backports or a straight upgrade when it settles down?19:35
bng007Scunizi: not sure how this works19:35
52AAB20YHScunzi: it is available on backports now19:36
Scunizibng007: PPA currently I think.. reviews are good .. but.. like you say buggy is not what I want19:36
Scunizi52AAB20YH: thanks.. if you're running 4.5 how's your experience?19:36
52AAB20YHScunzi: it runs fine on my test bed19:37
Scunizi52AAB20YH: was it a 10.04 install with the upgrade on top?19:37
52AAB20YHScunzi: had it up several weeks now19:37
52AAB20YHScunzi: yes19:37
Scunizi52AAB20YH: thanks19:38
52AAB20YHScunzi: one crash, but am pretty sure that was an x screen saver19:38
bng007Scunizi: I have dolphin crashing and the a small window with X icon that I cannot close else it crashes my plasma. no other problems19:38
52AAB20YHScunzi: transitition was smooth19:39
52AAB20YHScunzi: only one update problem that was easily sorted out with aptitude19:39
Scuniziwhat was that?19:39
Surunveriwhen using dolphin and changing the view settings19:40
Surunverihow can i save the setting so i dont have to change the again every time19:40
bng007Scunizi: the new notification plasmoid is not really polished, but it works - still not very user friendly19:40
52AAB20YHScunzi: a missing package dependency that synaptic choked on, but aptitude fixed perfectly19:41
bng007Surunveri: the last entry under the "view" button19:42
Surunveribut how can i save the changes?19:42
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bng007Surunveri: change the settings and then tick the box by the last entry: "use these view properties as default" does it not work?19:46
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Surunveriit didnt19:54
Surunveriat first19:54
Surunveribut then i tried starting dolphin from terminal with sudo19:54
Surunveriand so far it has worked19:54
Surunverii mean with root priviledges.. whatever the correct phrasing is:D19:54
ironbeardHey guys. I'm trying to create a user on my kubuntu machine with a custom resolution, for vnc. My vnc client is my android phone, so I'd like to have a specific user on my server with a comparable resolution for ease of use on my phone. Any ideas?19:55
terran4000Hey. Is there a way to change an icon of a single link/shortcut?20:12
v3nd3tta``you mean a desktop shortcut?20:12
v3nd3tta``right click and then properties20:13
v3nd3tta``or mark it and then alt+enter :P20:13
v3nd3tta``and then there click on the symbol left20:14
v3nd3tta``you can use your own files20:14
terran4000That would work, but this isn't a .desktop file20:14
v3nd3tta``what then?20:14
terran4000Dunno ... I clicked that dragged a executable to the desktop folder widget, selected make shortcut here.20:15
v3nd3tta``does it have the executable symbol?20:15
terran4000"Link here"20:15
terran4000yes it does.20:15
v3nd3tta``then there left should be a box where you should select your icon20:16
terran4000There doesn't happen to be a "make a actual shortcut" button is there which will make a handy dandy .desktop file?20:16
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terran4000The icon is there but it's not selectable/clickable.20:17
v3nd3tta``right click -> new -> link to <executable>20:17
v3nd3tta``or what do you mean?20:17
v3nd3tta``that would produce a .desktop file20:18
terran4000ok, I'll try the click->new->link to ... method.20:18
v3nd3tta``i think it's the best one :)20:19
v3nd3tta``yeah, i dradded "my" test executable to the desktop... you cannot modify it...20:19
terran4000yeah ...20:20
terran4000that really blows20:20
v3nd3tta``right click is your friend :)20:20
Surunverihmm it still didnt work20:20
terran4000you're method works though. Thanks20:20
Surunveri as soon as i restarted dolphin the setting went back to default20:20
terran4000thanks v3nd3tta``20:20
Surunverior rather, when i restarted dolphin without root priviledges20:20
v3nd3tta``no problem terran400020:20
v3nd3tta``what did it say? can you start it with console and log the output to anyone who does know more? (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com)20:21
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teddiebaerhello all20:32
troopperiMy kubuntu freeze when i log out, its giving only " - " to screen...might it be login manager?20:34
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ThomasB2kHi, is there any way to remove mnemonics from menubars in KDE?21:24
ThomasB2kI want to get ride of the little underlines on the letters in the menubars.21:24
djusticeThomasB2k: there is indeed a way. but i have no memory of it. ;)21:33
otto__can i debug konqueror plugins with kdevelop?21:42
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PeterDrophello all, cairo dock its load like 7 intances, i have to close each dock manually, how i can control, how many docs bar load on start?21:48
tuxifierbless you22:11
zushello guyses22:17
zusany one having issues with KDE4.5 like bouncing desktops when using the scroll wheel to switch?22:18
melissawmhi! i have a fresh install of kubuntu 10.04 on a desktop, wired network is not working. i've removed network-manager and not even manual config via /etc/network/interfaces work. i'm on dhcp and i'm typing this from a laptop that works perfectly with the same cable.22:18
HERPADERPwhat model is your laptop22:19
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zusmelissawm,  i just now had to delete the belkin router i get a wifi signal from the list in edit connections and reconnect and click connect automatically for me to get it to work- where as when i switch to my gnome session i have no problems22:20
melissawmfor me it's a wired connection, not wireless, and desktop, not laptop22:22
zusyeah i dont have a laptop, but i got a wireles usb i found and i tried it and it works, dunno who's signal but thank you whoever it is :)22:23
zusmelissawm,  try with the live disc if you can get on line with the live disc. i didnt get the network manager for kubuntu the first time i tried it22:24
zusi was going to switch back to kubuntu but im trying this KDE4.5 and im having a couple  problems still.  (i might though by end of the day)22:25
HERPADERPJust out of curiosty, Does anyone have a laptop with linux running for gaming?22:32
poseidon2010Well I like Kubuntu...... the interface is damn  faster than Gnome22:33
HERPADERPWhenever i use ubuntu, its a bit faster than kubuntu. Probably due to less eye candy22:34
tuxifierposeidon2010: faster? I can't sign that - but kde is much more flexible22:34
tuxifierand prettier :P22:35
tuxifierand has no congo bong sound :P22:35
tuxifieranyone using qlandkarte gt on kde 4.5?22:35
poseidon2010well... I have several VM here..... and with Gnome (Ubunutu) they were not roperly running..CPU was dying.... Memory was always loaded....22:35
poseidon2010But with KDE..... the CPU is fairly used and the memory as well22:36
tuxifierposeidon2010: which virtualization tool do you use?22:37
poseidon2010and now I am playing with Eucalyptus...... havent finished yet though with that22:38
poseidon2010also another problem I found.... and I think is not related to GNOME or KDE... is the  flahs-plugin22:38
poseidon2010its crappy... and it kind of kills ur cpu....22:38
tuxifierposeidon2010: 64bit?22:38
poseidon2010yes 64 bit22:39
tuxifieryeah this is caused by the npviewer 64 to 32 bit flash wrapper22:39
tuxifiercause there is no native flash for 64 bit yet22:39
tuxifierthanks to adobe22:40
poseidon2010sadly to say.... I have a VM with Windows.... to see Youtube Videos.... otherwise my machine will just dye.... Have in mind I have other VM running22:40
poseidon2010yeahhhh I read something about that... not a native  64bit flash plugin22:41
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XearoQuestion, how to I upgrade to KDE 4.5?22:42
XearoNevermind gonna read that post in the topic first :P22:43
zusXearo,  can you please linme the post?22:51
zusXearo,  link me ^22:51
XearoI got the respositories added if I figure out how to install it from here ill let you know lol22:52
zusXearo,  im using KXStudios thats how i got to KDE4.5  "sudo apt-get update" then i did  "sudo apt-get  dist-upgrade" im going to see what th  link says on how though22:58
XearoYeah I just googled it and put alot of stuff togeather and just added what the link said then done the sudo apt-get dist-upgrade looks like it is doing everything right.22:59
XearoGuess we will see22:59
zusXearo,  im using KXStudios so it removed alot of things and i had to reinstall however it was written it would so i wasnt  surprised so far23:08
Xearozus: Cool,brb going to restart and see if this worked.23:09
zusXearo,  the switching desktops with the scroll wheel isnt working, it bounces between the two dsktp, till i hit the switcher  in the  panel23:09
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XearoYay nothing broke... that I know of at least lol23:12
zusplease try switching desktops with the scroll wheel?, lol im ready to put this in the river as its a habit now23:13
zusi cant  get k3b to erase a dvd rw, how else can i remove an .image from a dvd rw?23:14
zushi happytig3r23:15
XearoSwitching with the scroll wheel works for me23:15
XearoHi happytig3r23:15
happytig3rIf you nice Kubuntu gets helpless. And you want to chose the second line in grub (recovery mode) but it aint displayes due to default timeout = 0.... What key to press to be able to select recovery mode?23:16
happytig3rHi zia + xearo :-)23:17
happytig3rLike when now my nvidia drivers is giving problem and I want to edit Xorg.conf but it keep booting to faulty "normal mode"23:18
zusXearo,  thanks i think im going to reinstall then..23:21
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