
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
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MootBotMeeting started at 09:00. The chair is bac.15:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:00
bacgary, leonardr, mars: foundations ping15:02
bac[topic] agenda15:03
MootBotNew Topic:  agenda15:03
bac* Roll call15:03
bac * Agenda15:03
bac * Outstanding actions15:03
bac * New topics15:03
bac  * Vote for one-import-per-line overwhelmingly passes15:03
bac  * Congrats to Henning -- send him your UI reviews.15:03
bac * Peanut gallery15:03
bacso last week i carried the vote on one-import-per-line to the AsiaPac meeting and it passed with flying colors15:04
baci've taken the task of updating the wiki and will do so this week15:04
bacyesterday mars and i had a discussion and decided reviewers should not enforce the new formatting until we have some tool support to redo it.  it would be nice to get a tool written and do it all in one branch.15:05
bacanyone want to volunteer for that?15:05
gmbbac, Not volunteering, but since it had passed I've seen it a few times already (and have asked for it once)15:05
bacgmb: is that like "Aye"?15:05
gmbWill that cause problems.15:05
bacgmb: it should cause no problems.  i just think it is inhumane to ask someone to do it by hand.  /me is lazy.15:06
gmbAnd sadly, no. I wish I had the time to write a tool for this; I don't.15:07
baci actually wrote a tool last week during our sprint, working on the shipit debacle, that might be morphed into what we need.15:07
bacso if no one else wants to tackle it, i'll look into it15:07
sinzuifind import (, read lines until ), split on ' ,' '\n    '.join(tokens)?15:08
bacin addition to updating the wiki i'll send email to the list so community and non-reviewer canonical folks know about the policy15:08
bacsinzui: yeah.  maybe with some sorting15:08
henningebac: I'll do it.15:09
bachenninge: ok, great.15:09
bacMany thanks to Henning for becoming a UI reviewer mentat!  Please send him your reviews.15:09
henningeI am looking forward to that ;)15:10
bacsince stevek is now a reviewer, the asiapac meeting has moved to 0000Z.  sadly i'll have to cancel it today due to a prior appointment i have with lyle lovett tonight.15:11
bacno other new topics today.15:11
bacdoes anyone have something to bring up?15:12
baclet's end early then.  thanks for coming.15:13
MootBotMeeting finished at 09:13.15:13
bachi henninge15:22
henningeHey bac ;)15:22
bachenninge: when your tool is ready, are you also volunteering to do all of the formatting at once?15:22
henningebac: yes, thats what I planned.15:23
bachenninge: good man15:23
* henninge likes big branches15:23
bacbrave and foolish, but good15:23
henningebac: as for scope15:23
henningebac: canonical.launchpad.* and lp.* ?15:23
bigjoolshenninge: also do a tool to put it back in case we hate it :)15:24
henningebigjools: bzr revert15:24
bacbigjools: nah, we'll make robert do it.  with nano.15:24
bachenninge: that seems reasonable15:24
henningeand only *.py files15:24
henningenot doctests15:25
bachenninge: yes, i think so15:25
henningecool, should be easy15:26
bigjoolshenninge: revert no good if loads of branches landed in the meantime :)15:28
bigjoolsyou know how fickle this team is :/15:28
henningeoh no, he noticed ...15:29
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=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
=== Edwin-lunch is now known as EdwinGrubbs
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-bbl

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