
barrypenguin42: once again, thanks.  i'm heading off-line now00:07
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MTecknologySo.. wireless isn't working. Any ideas what may have decided to break?03:44
MTecknologyI don't even have a wireless interface listed :(03:54
MTecknologyhrm... iwlagn 0000:06:00.0: request for firmware file 'iwlwifi-4965-2.ucode' failed.03:55
tntcanyone on a dell studio laptop with a broken eject key?04:01
tntcI've got a patch for it, but the ubuntu kernel build proccess has me a bit flummoxed.04:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 612432 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "UEFI boot needs Experimental branch of Grub" [Undecided,New]04:10
DanaGthat's one bug I have.04:10
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frewsxcvis text (including passwords) sent in plaintext with imap?05:28
midknihtunless you have ssl on05:29
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DanaGargh, can't install the xmonad -dev package.06:39
DanaGNeeds gcc-4.1 4.1.2-27ubuntu1, which depends on gcc-4.1-base (= 4.1.2-27ubuntu1) (UNAVAILABLE)06:39
cyphasei'm installing alpha3 in a vm and it's stuck at 95%. i remember seeing something about that in #ubuntu, but i didnt see the solution. any suggestions?07:00
cyphasehey mario07:00
ubottuDebian bug 529321 in matchbox-panel "matchbox-panel: does not respect ~/.Xresources Xft.dpi settings" [Important,Open]08:08
DanaGhmm, this issue still happens with Ubuntu as well.08:08
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shadeslayeranyone well versed with OOo12:45
shadeslayerhow do i set the line spacing to 1.5 ?12:45
penguin42shadeslayer: Edit paragraph style on indents & spacing the line spacing drop down does have a 1.5 lines option12:50
shadeslayerpenguin42: where?12:57
penguin42shadeslayer: I right clicked to get the menu and went to edit style I think12:57
penguin42right click->Paragraph...->Indent&spacing then near the bottom12:58
shadeslayerpenguin42: and where can i number the pages?13:01
penguin42sheesh, Create a footer then insert->fields->page number into the footer I think13:03
penguin42anyway, breakfast13:03
shadeslayerim OOo noob13:04
DrHalanevolution freezes on startup13:11
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rippsFor somereason, I can no longer use Alt+anything as a hotkey when using a terminal. I used Alt for a alot of shortcuts in Irssi, but they all don't seem to work anymore.14:18
minimecripps: Where did you configure these Alt+ shortcuts? In irssi itself?14:26
rippsminimec: yes, but I know something is up with the terminal because running cat, and then typing anything with alt, just shows the key minus alt14:28
rippsI think alt no longer acts as a meta within terminals14:29
minimecripps: I am just logged with irssi session on 10.10. Can you use the Alt+left arrow/ right Arrow? (I can use them)14:30
rippsminimec: yeah, that doesn't work anymore14:30
minimecripps: I can tell you that it works for me with irssi in a gnome-terminal with 10.1014:31
minimecripps: Are you sure that the shortcut script is loaded? I guess it is a irssi addon script.14:32
minimecripps: Is it installed?14:32
rippsminimec: it affects more than just irssi, I use a screen session and the alt hotkeys for it don't work either14:32
minimecripps: I would do the following. Try to use (install) different Terminals (like the xfce4-terminal), din't use screen first. Do some tests. I guess it's a screen thing.14:34
DrHalandoes this rules file contain debug symbols for "build-dbg" http://pastebin.com/JMT4y2Ad14:36
DrHalani don'T really understand dh_strip14:37
craigmarshall9I'm thinking of downloading the Alpha 3 of Maverick Meerkat, and I have a core i5 processor in my laptop, should I go for the 32 or 64 bit download?15:09
DrHalancraigmarshall9: your prozessor is capable of 64bit15:10
DrHalanare you using a lot of 3rd-party software?15:11
craigmarshall9DrHalen: yes it is, and no I don't15:11
DrHalanthe whole repository works fine in 64bit15:11
DrHalani can reccomend using 64bit versions of maverick. i use it myself15:12
craigmarshall9Okay - great. I just thought it might be less well supported or less stable. If you recommend it though, I will download that one now.15:12
craigmarshall9Thanks for your help.15:12
craigmarshall9Is ubuntu able to resize NTFS partitions yet?15:25
craigmarshall9I have one large NTFS partition, and would like to use the second half of the HD for meerkat.15:25
craigmarshall9It used to be that qtparted (on a knoppix live cd) would resize ntds, but ubuntu live cd wouldn't. Can anyone tell me if that's still the case, or else I'm going to have to get hold of something else.15:31
rippsI think that the latest gnome-terminal/libvte updates broke alt/meta functionality. However xterm still has working alt/meta.15:57
penguin42ripps: Can you give an example of something that broke?15:59
DanaGsay, ubuntu+2 is "natty narwhal".... my reaction: what the heck does "natty" mean?16:00
rippspenguin42: alt+left/alt+right no longer switches windows in irssi. It just moves the cursor left and right.16:00
penguin42DanaG: I would say quite nice/smart16:01
rippsbasically, it acts like I'm not even holding alt, It just passess the other key. If I press alt+a, I get a16:01
penguin42ripps: Just tried it here, and it's certainly sending a different code - e.g. if I do  od -x1  and then type a enter alt-a enter16:02
DanaGNarwhal... cool.  Natty?  Weird.16:02
penguin42ripps: I see 61 0a 1b 61 0a    which is a, enter, escape a enter16:02
PiciNatty and Dapper are synonyms.16:02
JFoas is jaunty16:03
penguin42see I think of Jaunty a bit differently16:04
rippspenguin42: according to xmodmap, alt_l is supposed to be 6416:04
minimecripps: Stupid question: Can you switch your desktop with <ctrl><alt>arrow left/right?16:08
penguin42ripps: xmodmap is giving you xevent codes not ascii16:09
rippsminimec: yes. It seems alt still works with everything else, just not the terminals16:09
penguin42ripps: 1b is an ASCII Escape which is I think what I'd expect alt to do, however I suspect irssi puts the terminal into a different mode and I'm not sure what it's supposed to do in that mode16:09
rippspenguin42: it's not just irssi, it's not escaping in normal gnome-termial/terminator either.16:10
minimecripps: Ok. That's what I wanted to no. no wrong keyboard settings or so... So you have that problem in a simple gnome-terminal, without screen loaded?16:10
rippsminimec: yes16:10
minimecripps: Did you test xfce4-terminal or xterm, as I told you? CAn you really say, that this is only gnome-terminal related? Does <alt> work in oowriter?16:13
* penguin42 is trying to think of something he uses that uses alt at the terminal16:13
rippsminimec: xfcef-terminal has the problem too16:14
minimecpenguin42: It works... I tested it on maverick alpha3 with irssi.16:14
rippsbut xterm doesn't...16:14
minimecripps: oowriter or firefox?16:15
penguin42gnome-terminal and xfce4-terminal both use libvte to actually do the terminal bit16:15
penguin42xterm doesn't16:15
rippsalt+f and alt+a bring up some of the file menus in oowriter16:16
rippsso, yeah, alt wors for them16:16
minimecripps: penguin42: So it might be somehow gtk related. Is this a fresh install or an upgrade? Do you use an old /home partition with old 10.04 settings?16:17
penguin42there was a new libvte package installed today16:17
rippsminimec: I've been in Maverick since before alpha116:17
penguin42and that version is a new upstream release16:19
minimecripps: So it just stopped working for you... What if you just added a new user and logged in as that new one. try to verify the bug in a 'clean' situation.16:19
rippsminimec: give me a sec, I'll try logging into guest.16:20
minimecpenguin42: ripps: I just checked my updates... ;) there is indeed a libvte9, libvte-common and a python-vte package ready to install... Hmmm ;)16:22
rippsNote to self: Logging out from Guest freezes PC16:29
rippspenguin42: minimec: Okay, the alt issue exists in gnome-terminal/xfce4-terminal in guest session. The only thing that work was alt_r+f to open the file menu16:30
minimecripps: I am not afected yet, so I have little interest in doiing it. The new *vte packages seem to be affected with a bug, as penguin42 pointed out.16:32
rippsI almost certain that this is vte related, because aterm also works. It's only vte-based terminals that are broken.16:33
penguin42anyone else getting a load of warnings during apt operations 'warning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0006' nerar line 6 package 'whatever': missing maintainer16:41
rippspenguin42: I am16:43
penguin42looks like bug 61913516:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 619135 in banshee (Ubuntu) "Warnings in '/var/lib/dpkg/updates/***' while installing banshee" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61913516:52
penguin42but it doesn't happen on all packages16:53
rippsI don't have banshee installed, I first got it while installing xfce4-terminal16:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 619939 in vte (Ubuntu) "Alt/Meta escape keys no longer work" [Undecided,New]16:57
penguin42yeh I got it with mc today (I was searching for something that wanted alt!)16:57
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craigmarshall9Well Maverick meerkat is working beautifully on my new laptop. Including suspend/hibernate, webcam, etc. The only thing is I still have to use a proprietary driver for my Broadcom wireless, but that's no big deal. Thanks for your help earlier in deciding to go for it!17:32
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ZykoticK9is nvidia-current working again?  seems the available version includes a 256 version.17:52
sinurgei didnt see any updates saying it is17:52
yofelZykoticK9: currently you need 256.44 with ignoreABI set to use it17:55
ZykoticK9yofel, available version is 256.44-0ubuntu1 - i assume that looks after the first requirement.  Where is ignoreABI set?  starting google search now ;)17:57
yofellook at bug 61602317:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 616023 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "nVidia card : X won't start since 1.9 update, no screens found" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61602317:57
ZykoticK9yofel, thanks!17:57
Daekdroom!info | libappindicator118:00
ubottu'libappindicator1' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, partner, stable, testing, unstable18:00
ubottulibappindicator1: Retrieve information on a package: !info <package>18:00
Daekdroom!info libappindicator118:01
ubottuPackage libappindicator1 does not exist in maverick18:01
DaekdroomStill not synced.18:01
yofel!info libappindicator118:02
ubottuPackage libappindicator1 does not exist in maverick18:02
ZykoticK9yofel, excellent!  Thanks man!  Hello working proprietary drivers, goodbye working Plymouth ;)18:09
mauriwhere i can find the right repository for maverick18:12
yofelZykoticK9: plymouth works ok here, well ok, the resolution is bad, but at least the color depth is right now18:13
yofelmauri: I don't quite understand what you mean18:13
yofelwhere you can download it from?18:13
ZykoticK9yofel, same here really - it was more a joke then anything, sorry for confusion18:14
yofelhaha np ;)18:14
mauriyofel: i added and removed more than one time the repositories into the source.list, now i would like to have a complete list of the repositories for maverick18:15
yofelwell, the sections are 'main restricted universe multiverse' so what you usually need for maverick in sources.list is:18:16
yofeldeb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick main restricted multiverse universe18:16
yofeldeb-src http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick restricted main multiverse universe18:16
minimecmauri: This is your friend... http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/18:17
mauriminimec: fantastic18:17
yofelminimec: oh, nice ^^18:18
minimecmauri: Everybody loves that one ;)18:18
Robertfi can't read a pdf file with xpdf (segmentation fault) (Maverick)18:37
penguin42hmm, same here18:38
Robertfpenguin42: is it a bug?18:39
penguin42oh yes18:39
penguin42looks like bug 61144618:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 611446 in xpdf (Ubuntu) "[maverick] xpdf crashed with SIGSEGV in GlobalParams::findFontFile()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61144618:40
yofelmy backtrace is different though: http://paste.ubuntu.com/480034/18:42
penguin42yofel: Mine is definitely in the findfontfile18:43
Robertfpenguin42: is there a solution to read the file?18:44
penguin42Robertf: evince works18:44
Robertfpenguin42: thank you18:47
daskreechI shouldn't have to use sudo to use the usb creator should I18:54
bcurtiswxso, im getting sound on my laptop speakers.  Upon plugging in a headset to the front jack I still get sound from my speakers.. nothing goes into my headphones18:59
bcurtiswxalsamixer shows nothing muted19:00
bcurtiswxboth volumes are at 100%19:00
bcurtiswxHDA ATI SB card19:00
mauriwhen i opne ams, an icon appears on desktop.... i i try to close it, the screen becoms black e i cant do nothing19:17
minimecbcurtiswx: Go to the volume applet and choose 'Output' I can choose Analog Headphone there. I also have a HDA ATI SB card here. Jack Sense is not working, but plugging the headphones gives me sound on speakers and headphone of I choose 'Analog Output' in the volume settings.19:19
daskreechI can't seem to boot from USB drive if I create it with sudo19:23
daskreechIf i press enter it segfaults19:24
daskreechif I let the timer run out it can't find the squashfs19:24
penguin42daskreech: Did you make the usb drive on lucid or maverick?19:24
daskreechpenguin42: Lucid19:25
penguin42daskreech: There is a known bug that usb images made on lucid for maverick don't work19:26
penguin42bug 60838219:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608382 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "Maverick images build on lucid fail to boot - different syslinux version" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60838219:26
minimecpenguin42: Are you talking about the 'ui' thing in the syslinux file?19:27
penguin42minimec: To be honest I don't know; I was just aware that the problem existed that images made on L didn't work on M19:27
minimecdaskreech: open the syslinux.conf file and delete 'ui' at the beginning of the line that starts with 'ui'...19:28
penguin42minimec: Yeh that one seems to be the ui one19:28
minimecdaskreech: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/syslinux/+bug/608382/comments/5 That is the solution...19:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608382 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "Maverick images build on lucid fail to boot - different syslinux version" [High,Triaged]19:29
daskreechminimec: minimec I'll try that19:31
minimecdaskreech: Worked for me ;)19:31
daskreechWell also why is it forcing a sudo to create the USB drive?19:33
daskreechbootup stick19:33
daskreechnot sure what the word for it is :)19:33
minimecdaskreech: stupid me... I did that last sunday. Don't remember having used sudo rights... maybe for the formatting process of the USB stick...19:35
penguin42daskreech: I don't think you can raw-write to a disk normally; you aren't a member of the group disk19:36
daskreechpenguin42: I'm pretty sure the first two times I did this. (empty stick though) no sudo was needed and the stick worked perfectly off the bat19:37
penguin42oh ok19:38
david_Hi, I am just setting up my new homeserver and I am thinking about btrfs. How is maverick with btrfs?19:41
david_I dont think I can convert from lvm+raid+ext4 to btrfs with a dist-upgrade...19:41
david_...so I am thinking about using btrfs from NOW on. How is it?19:42
* penguin42 hasn't tried it19:42
daskreechdavid_: you should be able to. btrfs can upgrade inplace. I don't know if maverick ships with the tools on disk but almost certainly post install19:43
david_is it included in the alpha/beta builds of ubuntu-server-32Bit? And does there exist a vservers option?19:43
penguin42daskreech: Even from a stack like lvm+raid ?19:43
* penguin42 would like to see that - on someone elses disk19:43
minimecdavid_: I think it is available as install option, wehn you use manual partitioning...19:44
david_hrhr, I doubt that this will be mine19:44
david_minimec: so the 32b-server edition of maverick is able to boot from btrfs, right?19:44
minimecdavid_: NO! You need a ext partition as /boot19:45
minimecdavid_: ext2-4, jut choose ;)19:45
david_hmm, ok. I still have doubts about the btrfs but I will try. How about the vservers? Is there a linux-vservers kernel included?19:47
minimecdavid_: Again I think KVM is default and compiled in the ubuntu kernel19:49
david_kvm is bad, my homeserver does not have enough power and ram to handle multiple kernels. Maybe I need to compile my own kernel.19:50
minimecdavid_: what would be a light alternative?19:51
penguin42minimec: vservers !19:51
david_linux-vservers. Its like bsd-jail or opensolaris-containers. Like a enhanced chroot with own IP adress.19:52
minimecpenguin42: david_ sounds interesting ;)19:52
yofelthere is linux-image-2.6.35-15-virtual but I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for19:52
david_very easy to handle and improves the security but does not produce overhead19:52
penguin42david_: It might be worth checking i it's all in there - I notice there is a util-vserver for the user space tools19:53
david_yofel: is there a changelog to the kernel somewhere or any other source of information?19:53
david_util-vserver is a good start!!!19:53
david_If you have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule tomorrow is said to be " 16"19:55
david_If you have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule tomorrow is said to be " 16| Aufust 19th| Release Development Iteration 3 | | Ubuntu 10.04.1 (17th)". What does it mean?19:56
david_The most recent verstio19:57
yofeldavid_: week 16, date 19th, post alpha3 phase19:57
david_The most recent version I can get is still Alpha 3, right?19:57
yofelno, use a daily build19:57
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/19:57
Pici10.04.1 is a Lucid point release, its not related to Maverick's cycle.19:57
david_Is the "*-alternate-*" the ubuntu-server edition?19:59
david_so where can I find it?20:00
yofeldavid_: server is here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/20:00
david_ah. cool. Ty - would be good to include this url in !daily20:01
yofeler no, gnome desktop live/alternative are the most wanted ones, and if we include server then I want kde and others included too, so won't happen :P20:03
coz_david_,  alternate is the non desktop live cd install20:04
yofelcoz_: no, it's the non-live desktop install20:04
coz_yoasif,  ok  got the words jumbled there20:04
yofelnp ;)20:05
coz_so who is taking care of the new sound theme  choices?20:05
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robertroberthow stable is Maverick atm?20:50
minimecrobertrobert: I have regerssions with ATI. Otherwise it's running ok.20:50
robertrobertminimec: what kind of regressions?20:51
robertrobertminimec: I have ati. it seems as if ati issues will never be fixed right lol20:51
minimecI have a x1250 integrated GPU It's RS690. GAllium is not yet included in the Alpha3. --> You will be running x-edgers on a testing distribution ;)20:52
zezuGallium is finally getting integrated?  good news ...20:53
minimecrobertrobert: It's like using Debian testing with xorg of the SID branch lol ;)20:53
robertrobertminimec: oh ok20:53
minimeczezu: It looks like. Otherwise I wouldn't have any reason to use maverick.20:54
robertrobertminimec: if i don't do crazy compiz stuff and video editing will i notice the regression?20:54
zezuHopefully next comes llvm/clang for full builds20:55
minimecrobertrobert: What kind of GPU do you use. I feel and see the regression in fullscreen video for example, but not in compiz... (it0s an itegrated GPU, rmember)20:55
robertrobertminimec: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]20:57
robertrobertminimec: thats what it says in lspci20:57
minimecrobertrobert: THat's exactly the same card I have.20:57
robertrobertminimec: oh i see. hope the bugs are fixed before the release20:58
minimecrobertrobert: Stay with lucid, if you need HD kind of Video reproduction.20:58
robertrobertbut release right after LTS is doubtful. there's probably gonna be lots of new stuff and with that comes bugs20:58
robertrobertminimec: minimec right now or after final release also?20:59
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minimecrobertrobert: Our card is not so bad, when it comes to HD Video, but 3D is really bad! GAllium should do the trick in combination with a CPU pipe...21:00
robertzaccourminimec: whats that? gallium and cpu pipe?21:01
minimecrobertzaccour: MAverick Alpha3 is usable though, even with the messy 3D perfomance...21:01
robertzaccourminimec: who uses 3d stuff? you mean like crazy compiz right?21:03
minimecrobertzaccour: Well Gallium is a new module for 3D. With that change it will also be possible to share task with the CPU (same as the GPU Memory is shared)...21:03
minimecrobertzaccour: ... so bad GPU performance can be 'hidden' with good CPU performance...21:04
minimecrobertzaccour: 3D is crazy compiz ;)21:04
robertzaccourminimec: oh i don't use that haha. transparency is good enough for me.21:05
robertzaccouractually I think compositor in xfce is better for transparency than compiz for gnome21:05
minimecrobertzaccour: I also had some kind of flickering screen when using HDMI out with 10.10 alpha321:06
robertzaccourI'm not really an HD nut. To me its a scam honestly21:06
robertzaccourfor example: if I'm enjoying a good movie, I'm not really concerned with screen resolution21:07
SwedeMikerobertzaccour: it's subjective just like religion, I don't think it's productive to discuss it in here.21:07
robertzaccourSwedeMike: I was basically just stating that the ati 3d bug isn't really an issue to me21:08
minimecrobertzaccour: So in my eyes, maverick is stable enough for you ;)21:10
david_Ok, I got the daily server builds and want to create a mirrored raid using btrfs. I removed my raid + lvm thinking that btrfs handles these features.21:24
david_So how do I create my btrfs raid now? What shall I do?21:25
h00kSo, is there a known problem with Unity and having applications open that aren't maximised?21:25
david_one moment, I think I found it21:25
h00kI think it's a mutter problem21:26
h00kI did report it at bug 62009521:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 620095 in mutter (Ubuntu) "mutter: Mutter dies when window opens and is not maximised" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62009521:35
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david_I tried lots but am not sure if i did it right: I want to install ubuntu server (nightlyBuild) on a btrfs which uses my two identical hdds as raid1. I successfully created btrfs on command line but do not know how to install on the "device". How shall I do it?22:35
david_the installer complaints about that it couldnt mount the file system of type btrfs on /. Isnt it possible or did I something wrong?22:43
david_I tried usrquota and grpquota and this DOES NOT WORK! After removing these options everything is fine.22:58
h00kdavid_: I know that you can't have your /boot on btrfs yet22:59
david_h00k: yes, it is known that grub can not read btrfs. thanks. But / shall be possible.23:00
h00kdavid_: should, yeah. I had it working on my netbook. albeit slow because of a bug23:01
david_h00k: the bug is in the kernel and will disappear with the next kernel update, right?23:02
h00kdavid_: I have no idea23:03
yofelbug 60763223:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 607632 in dpkg (Ubuntu) "DPKG is very slow when using BTRFS" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60763223:04
yofelh00k: that one?23:04
david_yeah, I see. The installation on xfs was much faster half an hour ago23:04
h00kyofel: I don't think so, actually, but similar. I had one before that but the other bug got more attention for whatever reason23:05
h00kI even used ubuntu-bug proper.23:06
h00klet me find it23:06
h00kbug 60129923:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 601299 in linux (Ubuntu) "maverick btrfs slow install" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60129923:07
h00kMine is marked as a duplicate of that23:07
h00kyofel: ^23:07
yofelyeah, probably makes more sense to have it assigned to the kernel..23:08
h00kI don't want to do that and screw anything up, that's my worry with reporting bugs, I don't want to do something I shouldn't23:09
h00kI just think I did a better job reporting it, lol23:10
yofelyou certainly did, I hope jfo gets to that bug soon23:13
penguin42there was some chatter on one of the other channels a few days ago about btrfs being slow with installs23:14
penguin42(I seem to remember one giving horror stories in hours)23:15
h00kyofel: jfo? and gets to which one?23:16
h00kpenguin42: I had that, yeah. It was over 12 hours to install. (see 601299(23:16
penguin42and you let it finish?!23:16
h00kI wanted to see how long it would take! more information for the bug report!23:17
penguin42bug 60129923:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 601299 in linux (Ubuntu) "maverick btrfs slow install" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60129923:17
h00kit's the same apt-related thing, I think.23:18
h00kMaybe, maybe not.23:18
penguin42h00k: I think I might have seen someone comment on that saying that given that it was the asus tiny ssds they were less worried than on other hardware23:19
yofelh00k: jfo = jeremy (the one that commented on your bug) and I meant 601299 ;)23:19
h00kyofel: Gotcha :)23:19
happytig3rAny fix for the nvidia-glx driver I wont boot X errror?23:19
yofelhappytig3r: bug 616023 ?23:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 616023 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "nVidia card : X won't start since 1.9 update, no screens found" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61602323:20
happytig3rNods looke like it23:20
yofelmeh, I don't need to look that bug # up by now anymore -.-23:21
happytig3rSo we all still wait for Godeau on that one then? I gues smiles23:22
happytig3rSo when it hangs like this and you want to choose recovery mode.. What key to press to make grub pause and give me chance for revocery mode line?23:23
happytig3rI.e default is timeout = 0 sec so no chance to chose recovery mode23:24
yofeliirc hold left shift pressed while the bios loads until you get the grub menu23:24
happytig3ryoufel nice23:25
happytig3rI tried almost all keys until no hairs left23:25
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:25
happytig3rleft shift23:25
DaekdroomDid they remove rhythmbox's indicator?23:42
penguin42isn't that all supposed to go into one of the existing indicators eventually?23:43
DaekdroomYeah, but sound-indicator ceased to work as well23:44
Daekdroomi.e. there's no way to hide rhythmbox to the tray23:44
david_I'm stuck at installing grub2. the installer cant install it into the master boot record nor into my boot partition (ext4). Any ideas?23:44
DaekdroomWhich might be intentional, but I want to find out still xD23:44
penguin42david_: What does it say and whats your setup like?23:44
david_penguin42: ubunbu server 32b nightly build. /boot SATA,ext4 partition, 250MB, 220MB free. / is btrfs, mount tells "/dev/sdb on /dev/.static/dev type btrfs (rw,realtime)". Im using the ubuntu "debian-installer"23:47
penguin42have you had this work without btrfs?23:47
david_penguin42: grub installer tells: A) installing on /dev/sda, B) grub-install supports --no-floppy, C) cp: cannot create regular file '/boot/grub/iso9660.iso': No space left on device, D) error running 'grub-install --no-floppy --force "/dev/sda"' failed23:49
david_penguin42: I tried both for the first time: ubuntu server and btrfs23:49
penguin42david_: OK, try doing one without btrfs - just check a normal simple install is happy!23:49
david_penguin42: before I was using mdadm-raid+lvm+ext4 and grub 1.97 or so.23:50
penguin42david_: On a maverick installer?23:50
david_penguin42: debian lenny23:50
penguin42david_: OK, so narrow down the problem - try a normal maverick install first and see if grub is happy, then try the advanced stuff of btrfs23:51
david_hmm :( ok.23:51
david_so like changing btrfs by ext4 would be enough 'normal', right?23:52
penguin42hey ot's an alpha!23:52
penguin42yeh I would have thought so23:52
DaekdroomMaverickChanges has the answer: dropped the indicator port in favor of the new sound indicator23:52
david_penguin42: you're right.23:52
DaekdroomToo bad the sound indicator ceased to work with rhythmbox as well23:52

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