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NCommanderprpplague: I won't try it, its extremely fragile, and doesn't work as well as you'd expect it to02:06
prpplagueNCommander: the distcc?02:08
NCommanderprpplague: yes02:09
prpplagueNCommander: well i'm just wondering how the build farms of HP/compaq were so successful02:09
NCommanderprpplague: they threw a lot of hardware a tthe problem with QEMU02:11
prpplagueNCommander: so it doesn't look as though it is a simply implementation02:12
NCommanderprpplague: I recommend you ask the OBS/HP guys about it. I only used icecc for building OOo seperate of the Ubuntu infrastructure02:12
prpplagueNCommander: yea, it's a back burner project, i'll get to it soon02:13
DanaG"PVRShell: Unable to create surface"03:30
DanaGer, will go in #beagle.03:31
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GrueMaster_Morning all.09:12
DanaGSay, I can't start lxsession.10:08
DanaGHere's a strace of it: http://pastebin.com/4QntHZ2n10:08
DanaGOr rather, it starts and then immediately exits.10:11
DanaGLooks like /etc/xdg/LXDE/desktop.conf is MIA.10:15
DanaG!find /etc/xdg/LXDE/desktop.conf10:15
ubot2DanaG: Please use http://packages.ubuntu.com/ to search for files10:15
DanaGOh, really?10:15
DanaG           Error  more than one suite specified for show_static (dapper dapper-updates  dapper-backports hardy hardy-updates hardy-backports intrepid  intrepid-updates intrepid-backports jaunty jaunty-updates  jaunty-backports karmic karmic-updates karmic-backports lucid)10:15
DanaGThat's bull.10:15
DanaGNice job.10:16
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DanaGah, looks like the file is in lxde-common, which lxsession does NOT depend on.10:23
DanaGThat's a bug.10:26
lagogra: GrueMaster: ping10:36
lagI've been trying to recreate the scheduling whilst atomic bug10:42
lagI have used all RAM and swap10:43
lagAnd nothing ...10:43
lagGrueMaster: -^10:46
GrueMasterHmm.  I'm seeing it here now, but w/o USB, I'm not sure how you can reproduce it.10:46
GrueMasterIf you want to bring your own monitor & power supply, you are welcome to join us here.10:50
lagGrueMaster: You're 2hrs away and I have no transport :)10:52
lagGrueMaster: As I can't recreate, I'm going to have to drop this and pick it up when my board it replaced10:52
lagamitk: ping10:52
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amitklag: pong11:26
lagHi Amit11:27
amitklag: what's up?11:27
lagDo the Linaro team have XM boards which actually work?11:28
lagOr do they suffer from the same memory issues that ours do?11:28
amitklag: I think we might have a few newer boards11:29
amitklag: mine went back to the arm team11:29
lagamitk: I'm caught between a rock and hard place11:30
lagamitk: I have an XM with memory issues, so I can't do any more with that11:30
lagamitk: And an XM which has broken USB11:30
lagamitk: Yeah :(11:32
lagamitk: I'm guessing you can be of no help?11:32
amitklag: with HW? or testing?11:32
amitklag: we're facing severe shortage ourselves11:32
lagWe don't officially support XM, so I'm guessing they'd have to come from you guys11:33
amitklag: doesn't the board work with mem=256M cmdline?11:35
lagI can't remember what happened when I tried that actually11:35
lagI don't think so11:36
amitklag: that sounds strange, AFAIK the 'problem' was only in one bank. Have you asked TI?11:37
lagogra: Ping11:38
ograthe XM with the fixed ram arent available to anyone yet11:38
lagogra: How does the daily build look for the XM currently?11:38
ograthey all have the broken chips, the prob doesnt manifest on all boards though11:38
ogralag, havent tested for a while due to the mmc issues11:39
lagThe ro issues?11:39
* ogra pulls todays image to check it11:39
lagThe ro issues will still reside11:40
ograah, k11:40
ograthen i cant test11:40
lagThe _fix_ has been rejected a few times from linux-omap11:40
lagrcn-ee: Needs to send it up one more time11:41
lagI believe it will be accepted on the next attempt11:41
lag4th time lucky11:44
lagWell thanks anyway amitk11:44
amitklag: sorry I couldn't be of any more help11:48
GrueMasterogra:  I am still testing package upgrades.  apparmor and all of Xorg updates  passed.  Now testing libgtk.11:48
ograGrueMaster, great, thanks11:49
ogrado you see the same odd behavior with dbus if you start it manually ?11:49
ogra(board locking up hard)11:49
GrueMasterDidn't try.  Just updating/rebooting.11:49
GrueMasterBut I can check.11:49
ogradid you check that it runs ?11:49
ograafter a reboot i mean11:49
GrueMasterYes, it runs.11:50
lagamitk: No problem11:50
lagamitk: How was Tony?11:50
amitkTony is fine. The sushi even better :)11:50
GrueMasterAfter reboot, I log in and look for crashes.  The full upgrade won't even start X, so I'm already making major headway there.11:50
ograGrueMaster, right, check if the system dbus is in your processlist11:51
GrueMasterIt "should" be.  I'd see a crash report otherwise.11:52
GrueMasterYes, it is currently running.11:52
ograi wonder why it doesnt start on the dailies11:56
ograhmm, the "Natty Narwhal"12:00
rcn-eelag, 5th time the charm. ;)12:18
lagrcn-ee: Good luck Robert :)12:19
GrueMaster40 packages tested, 367 to go.  Wheee.12:31
JamesWstubbsHello, has anyone here been able to get E17 and Illume working with Karmic armel ?13:59
JamesWstubbsHello lilstevie14:02
lagrcn-ee: No sign of you yet?14:31
lagprpplague: Morning Dave14:45
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prpplaguelag: morning15:08
prpplaguelag: i'm headed into the office, be there in about an hour15:08
prpplaguelag: we can chat about panda audio then15:09
rsavoyedoes anyone know if Maverick will run on the Genesi Efika MX Smarttop ?15:46
rsavoyethey're giving them away free to developers. :-) and I do see them listed on the Linaro wiki15:47
rsalvetirsalveti: giving for free? where is the link? :-)15:53
rsalvetiargh ahha15:54
rsalvetirsavoye: ^15:54
rsavoyeyou have to propose a project. they said they sent a few dozen to Debconf too15:55
rsalveticool, there are quite a few projects already15:57
rsavoyeyep, he accepted my proposal in about 5 minutes last night. :-)15:58
rsavoyeit comes with Karmic, but I'd prefer to upgrade it to maverick if I can...15:59
rsavoye800Mhz sounds nice for big builds too16:00
rsalvetiyeah, it'd probably run fine16:05
rsalvetiwill try to propose something there16:05
yaccWondering, is the netbook ARM edition available for download?16:07
yaccI seem to find only "youtube videos" :(16:07
rsalvetiyacc: for what distro version?16:08
rsalvetiand which board are you using?16:08
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rsavoyersalveti: mine should be here Friday they say, so I'll try Maverick and let you know16:10
yaccI seem to find only "youtube videos" :(16:10
yaccWell, the videos seem to talk about a Ubuntu 10.07 Smartbook edition, ...16:10
rsalvetirsavoye: cool, you can check with the guy that's doing emdebian/ubuntu work16:10
rsalvetihe can tell you the latest status, probably16:11
rsavoyewhich is who ?16:11
yaccrsalveti, at the moment none, but I'm considering a Toshiba AC10016:11
rsalvetirsavoye: http://projects.powerdeveloper.org/project/imx515/77716:12
rsavoyecross toolchains are easy, I'm more worried about device driver support16:13
rsalvetiand that would be zumbi16:13
yaccrsalveti, any idea?16:20
rsalvetiyacc: you could probably run lucid and maverick on it16:21
yaccrsalveti, yeah, but I seem to be unable to find any docu.16:25
rsalvetiyacc: true, you'll need to be able to get at least the boot loader and the kernel for it16:26
rsalvetithen you can just create an ubuntu rootfs16:26
rsalvetiyacc: is it released already?16:26
yaccYeah, where do I get such beasts?16:26
yaccI have no idea, I come here to ask, the hardware seems to be available or at least it's listed with a number of sites, ...16:27
rsalvetithe kernel is open source, so they'll probably deliver a link or a tarball with the sources16:27
rsalvetinot for the bootloader I have no idea16:27
yaccOk, one site lists delivery on 25.8.2010 and the other one in about 5 weeks ;)16:28
yaccSo it's not released yet, but somebody seems to have gotten Ubuntu to run on it, ...16:28
yaccIt looks rather nice for 870g, UMTS included.16:30
rsalvetiyacc: the first video is running on a freescale netbook16:31
yaccOh, that's funny.16:31
rsalvetitoshiba one is based on nvidia's tegra16:31
yaccOk, so no non-Android option, ...16:33
yaccAnd I cannot believe that Android is useable without a touchscreen, ...16:34
GrueMasterWhy wouldn't it be?16:34
GrueMasterTouch screen is mapped similar to a mouse.16:34
ograheh, thats jerone in the video16:35
yaccWell, yes, but the interaction is quite different.16:35
yaccI had a tablet PC, and trust me, replacing the touchpad/mouse with the stick was not really practical, usually.16:36
rsalvetihm, lunch time :-)16:36
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