
cjohnstondoctormo: why is it that when i try to name a local branch something, say 'map' I get an error: required local branch name?00:00
doctormocjohnston: I think it has to be more than 3 chars00:00
=== Narwhal is now known as IdleOne
doctormosorry cjohnston, you can post a bug if you want and it's not a hard code change, just thought names should be more descriptive.01:35
cjohnstonits not a huge deal..01:35
cjohnstonuse case was I was working on some ui changes.. so I tried naming it ui.. seems fairly intuitive to me01:35
cjohnstonbut it doesnt really matter01:36
doctormocjohnston, pleia2: Thoughts on the beta http://doctormo.deviantart.com/art/Reasons-to-Love-Ubuntu-17576954301:42
pleia2doctormo: looking good :D01:43
doctormopleia2: That's pretty much how I'm going to send it to you if that's ok? let me know if you have any editorial changes before I do.01:44
pleia2doctormo: I don't see any errors, looks good to go :)01:46
pleia2doctormo: can you upload to spreadubuntu as well?01:50
doctormopleia2: Well ok01:50
doctormopleia2: I can't log into spread ubuntu, unknown reason01:56
doctormoAh got it now01:58
pleia2yay, thanks doctormo02:07
akgranerdoctormo, I <3 that poster!!!!02:56
* akgraner <3's purple!!!!!!02:56
doctormoakgraner: :-) thanks03:32
doctormopaultag: Sorry we couldn't do today, org next time?03:32
paultagdoctormo: oh dur03:33
paultagdoctormo: crap I forgot03:33
paultagdoctormo: Oh I have someone for you -- he's into design, mind helping him?03:33
doctormopaultag: np. who needs help?03:33
paultagdoctormo: and yes, let's plan in advance next time03:33
paultagdoctormo: he's not in the system yet03:33
paultagdoctormo: but he wants to fix up a small papercut03:34
doctormopaultag: Should we org a small Ubuntu Devel Hour here in Boston?03:35
paultagdoctormo: aye03:35
* nigelb waves weakly.04:50
nigelbStaying up till 3 wasn't a great idea in retrospect.04:51
dpmgood morning everyone07:08
nigelbmorning dpm :)07:08
dpmhey nigelb :)07:10
AlanBellnice poster doctormo07:22
doctormothanks AlanBell07:24
dholbachgood morning07:32
AlanBellbig file, but here is a poster I am working on (just need logos finalised) http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/uuk/installfest2.pdf07:36
pleia2hehe, you weren't kidding about big file :)07:37
AlanBellprint resolution07:37
* pleia2 nods07:37
AlanBellI need to change some of the colours to CMYK07:37
* nigelb o.O at pleia2 07:38
nigelbI thought you went to bed! :D07:38
pleia2awww, I love it07:38
pleia2nigelb: nope, still up07:38
* nigelb hugs pleia2 :)07:38
pleia2I have company this week, so keep getting distracted07:38
* pleia2 hugs nigelb 07:38
AlanBell07:38 here, just had brekkie07:38
AlanBellIRC in my pyjamas07:39
* pleia2 irc in pajamas from the other end of the day07:39
* nigelb sitting at work.07:39
AlanBellin pyjamas?07:39
nigelbNo :p07:40
nigelbPlaying with PHP, javascript, and google maps.  Fun.07:41
dpmwow, I just go away one sec and the channel gets all busy07:50
dpmhi pleia2, doctormo, morgen dholbach, good morning AlanBell!07:51
dholbachhola dpm07:51
pleia2hey dpm07:52
dholbachhow are you all doing?07:56
doctormohi dpm07:57
nigelbbright sunny day today!07:57
doctormoAlanBell: looking at your pdf07:58
nigelbFinally, the rains have abated somewhat07:58
nigelbmorning kim0 :)07:58
kim0nigelb: morning man :) u're fast ehe07:59
nigelbkim0: heh, speed is everything :p07:59
nigelb(also you manage to pop in right when I'm looking at the channel)07:59
* kim0 waves morning to everyone08:00
dholbachkim0, صباح الخير08:01
kim0dholbach: :D08:01
kim0dholbach: sabah el noor hehe08:01
* nigelb blinks08:01
kim0dholbach is multilingual08:01
nigelbdholbach: did you type in arabic?08:02
dholbachkim0, not as much as I'd like :)08:02
nigelb(it showed up as ???? ????? here)08:02
kim0nigelb: yes he did08:02
nigelbI wonder why my terminal isn't doing utf808:02
dholbachnigelb, I cheated - I knew what I had to type and used google translate's transcription feature :)08:02
nigelbdholbach: hahaha08:02
kim0life is easy these days :D08:02
dholbachI never learned to use an arabic/persian keyboard or keyboard mapping08:02
doctormoAlanBell: I like the photo :-) you have some alignment issues with the text and I'm not sure about "Free operating system", could that be "Free Desktop software"?08:03
dholbachbut I guess I could have picked each character individually from gucharmap :)08:03
* dholbach is lazy08:03
dholbachkim0, ^ right?08:03
kim0yeah guess so too08:03
doctormokim0: You know Arabic?08:03
nigelbdoctormo: he's from egypt :D08:03
kim0hehe yes08:03
dpmmorning kim008:04
kim0dpm: hola david08:04
doctormokim0: Keefa Halak? (my arabic is terrible)08:04
nigelbZain! :D08:04
* nigelb still remembers rudimentery arabic 08:04
kim0doctormo: alhamdolelah :)08:04
kim0weird .. almost everyone seems to know bits n pieces08:05
kim0never really expected this hehe08:05
doctormokim0: Why wouldn't people know how to say thank you and how are you in a zillion languages?08:05
* nigelb lived in an arab country for 6 years.08:05
dholbachnigelb, where did you live?08:05
kim0doctormo: yeah that would be great indeed08:05
kim0uae ?08:06
nigelbdoctormo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salalah08:06
nigelbbetter than UAE :p08:06
kim0Qatar ?08:06
kim0oh .. sweet08:07
kim0not really a popular destination I guess08:07
doctormoActually there was an interesting BBC show on recently called "Science and Islam" presented by Jim Al-Khalili.08:07
nigelbkim0: Not many big cities.  Mostly small cities and ecotourism is very big there.08:08
dpmthe pictures certainly look nice!08:08
kim0nigelb: but I bet it's burning there most of the time :D08:09
nigelbkim0: Nope.  Milder temperatures.08:09
nigelbwe even have a month of rains, etc08:09
kim0hmm .. sounds really good08:10
nigelbMonsoon hits that part of the arabian gulf :)08:10
* dpm goes into e-mail crunching mode08:13
* dholbach ignores what dpm just said08:13
dholbachhola ara08:23
aragood morning dholbach!08:23
nigelbmorning ara :)08:25
doctormoAlanBell: didyou go to bed?08:36
AlanBellI did, yes08:43
AlanBellit is morning now08:44
AlanBelljust seen your comment08:44
AlanBellyeah, good point08:45
doctormoAlanBell: Need any symbolic design assistance?08:47
AlanBellthink we are OK, we have a bunch of alternatives for the Ubuntu-UK logo but all pretty similar to that one08:50
AlanBellwe are about to run a poll and vote on them08:50
duanedesignmorning all09:01
duanedesigndoctormo: did you get the fridge logo sorted out?09:02
doctormoduanedesign: No, because there is some disagreement about the literalness of a logo and the difference between a logo and a decoration.09:02
duanedesigndoctormo: ahh. Doesn't sound like anything i can help with :)09:11
doctormoJust one of those things, sometimes one artist can't do a specific work and it requires someone else.09:12
doctormohey czajkowski, aloha.09:20
czajkowskihows folks09:20
* nigelb waves to czajkowski 09:20
czajkowskiso if anyone knows Mr. Sandman could you please ask him to visit me  *yawns*09:21
doctormoczajkowski: I hear he's off visiting his family in Aruba. the bastard. It's 4:27am here.09:27
czajkowskiWe got a new approved loco last night http://www.lczajkowski.com/2010/08/17/august-17th-loco-council-meeting/09:27
jussiczajkowski: go to your tea shop and ask for the sleepy tea :D09:31
dpmhola ara, hey duanedesign, jussi, morning czajkowski09:33
czajkowskijussi: tea shop is back in dublin :(09:37
arahey dpm09:41
doctormoczajkowski: They don't have any tea shops where you are?09:55
czajkowskinot like the fancy ones in dublin, I can go to the market on saturday though09:55
duanedesigndpm: was looking for translation related docs this morning...needless to say I got sidetracked :) That bear holding the lamp in your photostream is awesome!10:36
dpmduanedesign, ah, the bear :). I got a bit confused (a bear... holding a lamp...?) I had to look at it myself again: http://is.gd/en3l611:25
nigelbdpm: that photo rocks!11:28
nigelbdholbach: that is a visual representation of the Catalan spirit I guess :p11:28
dpmabsolutely :)11:29
duanedesigndpm: :) that is definetly a sentence I would not have guessed I would be typing today.11:57
nigelbduanedesign: hahaha11:58
Pendulumduanedesign: you mean you're not psychic and can't figured out what you're going to say 24 hours a head of time? :P12:15
AlanBellmorning Pendulum12:28
Pendulumhiya AlanBell12:28
nigelbPendulum: hehe, reminds me of a dialogue from "Next"13:08
dholbachloco.ubuntu.com 0.2.16 - full of awesome13:52
dholbachloco.u.c has dpm and nhandler on front of it13:53
dpmdholbach, hahaha, I was wondering what that meant13:54
dpmThe LD does look awesome indeed!13:54
dholbachnot my doing, but yeah :-D13:54
nhandlerCool. All the Ubuntu Chicago dents are on the front :)13:55
czajkowskilooks fab13:55
* nhandler still thinks redents should not show up13:55
dpmdholbach, I didn't have anything to do with it, but it seems the Catalan team is featured 3 times on http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/#Europe :)13:55
czajkowskimain page looks a lot better to land on13:55
dholbachdpm, known bug13:56
dholbachdpm, I'll give it a higher importance13:56
dpmno worries from me, that means the team is even more exposed! :)13:57
nhandlerI also will probably file a bug requesting that when the user clicks on a continent in the map, only those locos should appear in the list13:57
dpmI've just realised there is no Spanish official LoCo13:58
czajkowskither is a spanishteam13:59
dpmyeah, I saw that one, but it's not approved, and IIRC, it's not very active13:59
czajkowskiastrian loco got approved last night14:00
dholbachczajkowski, austrian or asturian?14:01
dpmyeah, they are awesome14:02
highvoltage`/o Narwhals narwhals, swimming in the ocean, causing a commotion, coz they are so awesome! o/`14:04
nigelbhighvoltage: vish told you so.14:05
nigelbIt is addictive.14:05
paultagnhandler: e-jat has a shoddy connection, it looks like14:09
e-jatpaultag: sorry..14:09
paultage-jat: Oh I did not see you there14:10
paultage-jat: your connection is going nuts, do you see that too?"14:10
paultagtr -d "\""14:10
e-jatyeah .. trying to trace out quasselcore build for mac .. then they rebuild it .. doing test on the new build .. sorry to bother your guys screen :)14:11
paultage-jat: quassel is pretty cool, I don't mind -- just making sure you knew14:11
czajkowskisee joys of having joins parts on ignore14:12
paultagczajkowski: yeah, but then I end up talking to people who are not there14:12
paultagthis is why I need to write my own IRC client. Have it do a ramp-up ignore14:12
czajkowskipaultag: if you start to tab their name and cant it's a good sign14:13
e-jatwow .. paultag .. what client u use?14:13
paultagczajkowski: sometimes I don't tab14:13
paultage-jat: irssi14:13
nigelbczajkowski: hahah14:13
=== e-jat is now known as ejat
paultagejat: it's starting to frustrate me14:13
ejatpaultag: owh .. so u ignore the join/part14:13
paultagejat: nope, I don't mind them. Really, I'd like to have a threashold of actions / second, and if it crosses that, set to ignore14:13
ejati wish i had xs to someone who has quasselcore :) .. seem like i didnt have a box to load the core ...14:14
ejatam i disturbing ya discussion in here ?14:15
* ejat just wondering ... i hope not .. 14:16
paultaghighvoltage: was talking about narwhals14:16
paultagI don't think we're missing much14:16
=== maco2 is now known as maco
jussiright. I am a freaking marketer and I cant even remember all my english grammar... someone want to help me with some thing?14:21
nigelbjussi: sure.  What do you want?14:21
jussi"Navicron’s luxury mobile phone customers" or "Navicrons luxury mobile phone customers"14:21
nigelbfull sentence?14:21
nigelbjussi: I'm leaning towards the first one, but I can confirm if you give the full sentence.14:22
dholbachif you know somebody who is admin or owner of a loco launchpad team who does not have a country set for their team, please talk to them14:23
dholbachloco.ubuntu.com/teams doesn't look as good as it could14:23
dholbachalright - heading home, out of the office, bbiab14:24
nigelbjussi: the vodafone thing is a reference to an ad campaign they run in INdia.14:28
nigelbIts titled "We are happy to help you" or something like that14:28
=== e-jat is now known as ejat
cjohnstonjussi: ping14:57
cjohnstonyour bots aren't playing nicely!14:58
czajkowskiwho killed out bot14:58
jussiwhich ones?14:59
czajkowskiubot in #ubutnu-locteams14:59
* jussi suspects jpds...14:59
czajkowskithe factoid14:59
jcastroara: woo, nice work, I'm adding the testcase stuff to my upstream pages so people know they can contribute them15:00
arajcastro, great! thanks, please, convince vincent to add my blog to planet gnome as well ;-P15:00
jcastroI have no power15:01
jcastroI brought it up with someone at GUADEC15:01
=== paultag_ is now known as crabbytag
=== crabbytag is now known as paultag
jcastroseb128 totally brutalized my bugs folder this morning, he's on one of his missions15:57
jonodpm, dholbach, jcastro, kim0 ready?16:00
dholbachjono, yes16:00
dpmhi jono, all set16:00
jcastroI am16:01
jonoone sec, connection issues16:02
akgranerJFo - I have a new favorite song - "Takin Up Space" by Van Zant  - woo hoo!16:04
akgranerJFo, we should have named the podcast "Takin Up Space" hehe16:04
JFowe can do a subtitle16:05
akgranermaybe van zant will let us use the song - can you email whomever and get permission :-)16:05
* JFo gets right on that16:05
akgranerJFo, I like it :-)16:06
nigelbJFo: Nice :)16:07
jcastrovish: I can't find the DMB agenda or whatever for that guy16:23
vishjcastro: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/08/03/%23ubuntu-meeting.html16:23
* vish looks for dmb meeting schedule too16:24
jcastrothat's what I couldn't find16:24
jcastrothis will be enough, ta16:25
jcastrotxwikinger: when is that meeting on thursday?16:25
jcastrothere's no time on it16:25
txwikingerI think it is a meeting that he is going to (probably SE internal)16:26
jcastromind if I respond?16:26
txwikingerI think he wants some info of the 5 questions16:27
txwikingerNo.. just go ahead16:27
txwikingerI said to dissiminate the e-mail to the right people16:27
txwikingerHe said16:27
* nigelb added an event to UGJ!16:54
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day16:56
dholbachtime for the French class16:56
* nigelb hugs dholbach 16:56
nigelbg'nite :)16:56
* dholbach hugs nigelb back16:57
dpmsee you dholbach!16:57
dholbachbye dpm16:57
nigelbjono: poke?17:09
jononigelb, otp17:11
nigelbjono: see PM :)17:13
* nigelb goes to find more people to pester about the counter :D17:14
nhandlernigelb: What counter?17:44
nigelbnhandler: daniel.holba.ch17:44
nigelbscroll to the bottom of his blog17:44
nhandlernigelb: I've tossed it on the new WP version of the Fridge for when it goes live.18:05
jcastropost a thanks!18:11
nhandlerHmm...That reminds me, we are probably due for a new Hall of Fame person18:12
czajkowskinhandler: so how many do you think we should get this month?19:00
nhandlerczajkowski: No clue. How many Locos are signed up for the Global Jam right now?19:01
czajkowskiCan robbie just answer all emails from now on on the Request for candidates: Application review board.19:01
czajkowskinhandler: 1919:01
jcastroczajkowski: 4 more hours until needle time!19:01
nhandlerczajkowski: The trick is getting those teams to a) setup team reporting and b) Report about the jam ;)19:02
czajkowskinhandler: there are 38 Ubuntu hours19:06
czajkowskinhandler: care to tag team this for the rest of the month19:06
czajkowskinhandler: CC have t as an action item19:06
czajkowskithe only RMB which didnt do one was Asia perhaps go poke them ?19:07
czajkowskijcastro: niiiiiice :)19:07
nhandlerczajkowski: Sure. I can talk to the Asia RMB about that.19:08
czajkowskiAnyone going to the MeeGo Conference in DUblin this year ?19:10
akgranerpaultag, you have mail ie UbuCon19:27
akgranerpaultag_, even ^^^^^19:28
paultag_akgraner: woo19:28
paultag_akgraner: kk, sec19:28
paultag_akgraner: got it, just a sec and i'll kick it back out19:28
akgranersweet - thanks19:29
paultag_sure, thank YOU!!!19:29
highvoltageUbuCon!? Where!?19:29
paultag_highvoltage: Ohio, USA19:30
Pendulumhighvoltage: Ohio Linux Fest19:30
highvoltageoh nice.19:30
paultag_highvoltage: c'mon over! :P19:30
Pendulumwhich, if I can sort money for a hotel, I might try to make it to!19:30
paultag_Pendulum: I just saved up and got my hotel19:30
highvoltagepaultag_: when is it?19:30
paultag_highvoltage: september 20-something19:30
paultag_26 I think19:30
Pendulumpaultag_: no job :(19:30
Pendulumhighvoltage: Sept 10-1219:31
paultag_Pendulum: :'(19:31
paultag_Oh jesus19:31
paultag_I'm just way wrong19:31
Pendulumat least, according to the website :P19:31
paultag_Holy god, that's coming up19:31
Pendulumthe problem is I have a doctor's appointment on the 10th that I can't skip19:31
highvoltageI'm already taking a lot of time from work to attend Ubuntu UDS, LTSP BTS and taking some leave in between but I'll see what I can do with arm-turning19:31
Pendulumso it depends on how crazy I feel like driving after that19:31
paultag_highvoltage: :)19:32
highvoltageohio linuxfest sounds like fun, if I can't go this year I'll make a plan to definitely go to the next :)19:32
paultag_Pendulum: yeah, it's a 12 hour drive19:32
paultag_highvoltage: :)19:32
Pendulumpaultag_: 11 from here19:33
Pendulumso unlikely, but we'll see19:34
paultag_Pendulum: :P19:34
Pendulumbut I really can't move appointment as the doctor is next booking in like January and I need to see her sooner than that!19:34
paultag_Pendulum: no sweat. That stuff comes first19:34
Pendulumjust annoying19:35
paultag_It's OK. F/OSS should never get in the way of IRL stuff19:35
Pendulumalthough I probably should limit myself to UDS anyway for health reasons :(19:35
* paultag_ hugs akgraner 19:47
akgranerpaultag_, thanks!19:49
czajkowskijcastro: not long now :)20:29
czajkowskijcastro: take pics and tweet so we can see as you go along!20:32
jcastroI will20:32
* jcastro is off to a late lunch now that I finally found my car keys20:51
jcastroI almost starved to death!20:51
czajkowskieat food before tattoo20:52
paultagczajkowski: do you have some awesome ink?20:53
* czajkowski loves her ink and plans more 20:53
czajkowskimuch to the annoyance of the mothership(mum)  I was not allowed home for a few days when she found out I had 4 of them20:54
paultagoh noes20:55
paultagczajkowski: what are they of?20:56
czajkowskitribal designs20:56
czajkowskidragon going down my back20:56
paultagthat's pretty rad20:57
czajkowskigot it for my 21st after I saw kiss of the dragon21:03
czajkowskithe others are all different ones I've had ideas on and explained them to the tattoo guy and he's drawn them21:03
Pendulumpaultag: she's got pretty flowers on her foot!21:07
czajkowskiaye that was my 30th bday mid life crisis21:08
czajkowskithough it was a few months later21:08
AlanBellI didn't think I was old enough for a mid life crisis21:09
czajkowskiI need an excuse for all the drawings and other stuff I've done in my life21:10
PendulumAlanBell: do you have any ink?21:13
paultagAlanBell: knowing you? Teardrop below the eye21:14
* Pendulum can't decide if that's a trick question or not21:16
jonoakgraner, hey21:20
AlanBellPendulum: no trick, just think you should guess and I will tell you if you got it right21:22
jonoakgraner, free now?21:22
Pendulumbah, so now I'm overthinking it21:22
paultagAlanBell: was I right?21:23
paultagI bet I was21:23
akgranerjono, yep21:23
jonoakgraner, can we do skype?21:24
PendulumAlanBell: I'm going to go with you don't have any21:25
AlanBellyou are right21:26
Pendulumthat was my first thought, but occasionally you surprise me21:26
AlanBellpaultag: so wrong!21:26
paultagOh noes.21:27
AlanBellPendulum: no, this time I am totally predictable21:27
nhandlerczajkowski: Probably worth noting in your testdrive dent that it has recently gotten a GTK frontend (for people who might have tried it before)22:12

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