
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
sshawif anyone has a second to answer a packaging question...  I'm trying to package something that has a gconf schema file.  On openSUSE and Fedora, there are some macros in the spec file to add that schema.  I was wondering what the Ubuntu way of doing this was?  (Still fairly new to Ubuntu or deb packaging)00:29
chrisccoulsonsshaw, we have dh_gconf to handle gconf schemas00:32
chrisccoulsonhow you call that depends on how you're packaging your application00:32
sshawchrisccoulson: this particular package is at-spi2-atk00:33
sshawI think its just one key to determine whether to use at-spi or at-spi200:33
chrisccoulsoneg, if you're using CDBS, including /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/gnome.mk will add the right hooks for you automatically00:33
sshawits not cdbs00:33
chrisccoulsoni have a case of deja-vu here, i'm sure somebody has asked me about at-spi2-atk before :/00:34
chrisccoulsonperhaps i'm just going crazy though ;)00:34
sshawchrisccoulson: I'm can't remember if I have asked before or not00:34
chrisccoulsoni think you have ;)00:34
chrisccoulsonyou might want to take a look at other gnome apps00:34
sshawwow, my memory just sucks :)00:34
sshawI'd assume gedit would be a good example?00:36
devildantevish: ping00:37
chrisccoulsonsshaw, possibly, although i don't know what packaging system at-spi2-atk is using00:39
sshawchrisccoulson: how can I tell?00:40
sshawI'm pretty sure its not cdbs00:40
sshawI can tell you how I packaged it00:40
sshawactually, as I'm looking at it it looks like it already handles the keys00:43
sshawcan't believe I missed that00:43
sshawmy brain is fried00:43
sshawI think one of the other guys put that in without me knowing it00:44
sshawluckily these packages will eventually be part of the distro and I won't have to worry about them anymore :)00:45
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devildantevish: ping pang pong01:21
devildantedammit, vish :p01:46
rickspencer3_robert_ancell hey dude02:45
robert_ancellrickspencer3_, hey02:47
rickspencer3_robert_ancell, so ... any change you could spend some more time looking at that cheese bug?02:49
rickspencer3_it's been driving me a bit crazy thinking about it having it in maverick ... and somehow you seem like the guy who can crack it02:50
robert_ancellrickspencer3_, I'm going to have a look at it today. (yesterday was frantically updating gnome)02:50
rickspencer3_robert_ancell, cool man, thanks02:50
rickspencer3_let me know if you need anyone to send you any hardware or anything like that02:51
robert_ancellrickspencer3_ ok, will do.  Did you add any comments about the hw you have?02:52
rickspencer3_robert_ancell, no02:53
rickspencer3_robert_ancell, what info would help?02:54
robert_ancellrickspencer3_, yes please, so we can compare the behaviour on our hw and see if it's hw specific02:54
rickspencer3_robert_ancell, right, so I'm looking for the model # of my webcam02:55
rickspencer3_meh, robert_ancell I just realized I'm at a different computer, atm02:55
rickspencer3_I'll track it down when I get back to my desk02:55
rickspencer3_urk, these gstreamer pipelines remind me of writing old school sql queries03:12
robert_ancellrickspencer3_, heh :)03:15
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rickspencer3_robert_ancell, so I'm trying to capture video output on Lucid at 30fps ...04:05
rickspencer3_gstreamer seems to not be keeping up04:05
rickspencer3_so ... I'm not surprised to see regressions in cheese, I wonder if it's it a bit hard to make this work04:06
robert_ancellrickspencer3_, yeah, there seems to be a lot of performance issues in gst04:08
rickspencer3_robert_ancell, hmm, when I use avimux it works just fine04:10
rickspencer3_so maybe something about theora?04:10
TheMusorickspencer3_: How much CPU usage when you are capturing?04:15
rickspencer3_TheMuso, I'm on my lucid netbook atm04:16
rickspencer3_so, it's probably at best tangentially related to the maverick cheese bug04:16
rickspencer3_but you ask a good question04:16
* rickspencer3_ tests04:16
rickspencer3_recording and displaying with avimux = 16% of one core04:17
rickspencer3_with oggmux it's 97% of one core04:18
rickspencer3_oops, robert_ancell TheMuso cheese can't record on my Lucid netbook either!04:20
rickspencer3_I never thought to test it, but it's got 100% of one of my cores04:20
TheMusorickspencer3_: Were you using the same codec for avimux and oggmux?04:20
rickspencer3_uh, I don't know04:21
rickspencer3_I'm just fidling with gstreamer pipelines04:21
robert_ancellrickspencer3_: it's more that just theora because you can encode using videotestsrc04:21
rickspencer3_robert_ancell, I'm a bit weirded out that I'm seeing this on Lucid, I thought it was a maverick issue04:22
rickspencer3_TheMuso, here's what I know ... this works:04:23
rickspencer3_queue ! avimux ! filesink location=boo.avi04:23
rickspencer3_this pins the CPU:04:23
rickspencer3_theoraenc ! queue ! oggmux ! filesink location=boo.ogg04:23
rickspencer3_nice, meanwhile desktopcouch comes along and takes up 50% of each core04:26
robert_ancellIf you run with GST_DEBUG=v4l*:5,theora*:5,GST_QOS:5, it shows there are about 2 frames per second being generated.  But playing back the video doesn't show this.  It's like the video is corrupted (it doesn't play smoothly in totem)04:27
robert_ancellDoes anyone know of a tool to dump information about a video file? e.g. number of frames04:29
RAOFFrom what I remember, the ffmpeg commandline tool wasn't terrible.04:30
RAOFBut might not give all the info you want.04:30
RAOFIf videotestsrc works but v4l2src doesn't, maybe it's an interaction between timestamps and oggmux?04:31
rickspencer3_robert_ancell, I think mencoder has like every function you could want04:31
robert_ancellRAOF, does this sound interesting: 0:00:16.537149013  9190      0x22e7470 DEBUG              theoraenc gsttheoraenc.c:823:theora_enc_is_discontinuous:<theoraenc0> Incoming TS 0:00:16.244409842 exceeds expected value 0:00:16.024553226 by too much, marking discontinuity04:34
RAOFPossibly - that looks like the incoming frame is arriving ~.2 sec later than the encoder is expecting.04:37
RAOFThat said, why is the encoder looking at the timestamps anyway?  I obviously don't know enough about theoraenc.04:37
robert_ancellhmm, I run "ffmpeg -i test.ogg -r 1 -s WxH -f image2 test-%03d.jpeg" and I get "incorrect frame size"04:37
robert_ancelloh, no I needed to replace WxH04:38
robert_ancellInteresting - that shows 13 correct frames - so the video data is there, totem just isn't able to play it04:39
robert_ancellrickspencer3_: can you confirm if you get the same?04:39
rickspencer3_robert_ancell, sorry, I wasn't paying attention, can you tell me exactly what you want me to repro?04:40
* rickspencer3_ keeps playing with his new webcam app04:40
robert_ancellrickspencer3_, encode an ogg from you v4l2src, confirm it doesn't play back properly in totem, then run "ffmpeg -i test.ogg -f image2 test-%03d.jpeg" and see if it does have valid video frames inside it04:40
rickspencer3_robert_ancell, what does "doesn't play back properly" entail?04:42
robert_ancelloh, you don't even need the "-f image2"04:42
robert_ancellin my case, I see one or a few frames in the output ogg, but ffmpeg shows it does have all the frames04:42
robert_ancellI'll reproduce with cheese04:42
rickspencer3_robert_ancell, cheese is just flat unusable on this machine04:43
rickspencer3_(well for capturing video anyway)04:44
rickspencer3_robert_ancell, it didn't seem to report an error, but I the resulting jpegs are garbage in eog04:46
rickspencer3_robert_ancell, well, I am on lucid here04:48
rickspencer3_shall I run upstairs and try on my maverick desktop?04:48
robert_ancellrickspencer3_, worth a try04:49
robert_ancellI heard v4l had a reputation for being broken, it may have improved since lucid04:50
TheMusoWhat about using a different codec...04:50
robert_ancellTheMuso, what encoders do we have in Ubuntu that you can use?04:56
robert_ancellI was looking but theora sounded like the only available one04:57
TheMusorobert_ancell: ffmpeg via the gstreamer ffmpeg package. No idea about how to use it ina pipeline I'm affraid.04:59
rickspencer3robert_ancell, I'm at my desktop again05:00
TheMusoEncode to mpeg or something similar05:00
RAOFThere's a hundred and one ffenc_* options available.05:00
TheMusoRAOF: heh05:00
RAOFxvidenc might be a winer05:00
RAOFOr even a winner.05:00
TheMusoRAOF: separate gstreamer plugin?05:01
rickspencer3robert_ancell, cheese just worked perfectly for me05:02
robert_ancellrickspencer3, *sigh*05:03
robert_ancellIf I run cheese on the lowest resolution the output video seems to stabilise after 10s.  Not sure if this is expected behaviour for a video codec05:04
rickspencer3hmm, I did just do a dist-upgrade05:04
rickspencer3robert_ancell, I give up!05:06
* rickspencer3 thirsts for beer05:06
rickspencer3 actually, I wonder if my webcam app will work on this computer with theora?05:06
robert_ancelloh, someone updated cheese...05:07
rickspencer3don't tell me this was fixed upstream and we just spent all this time debugging it :/05:08
rickspencer3robert_ancell, I'm seeing the same issue with oggmux in my gstreamer pipeline on maverick as well (that I was seeing on my lucid netbook)05:11
robert_ancellthe performance still seems bad, very hard to tell if it's as bad as it was on lucid.  It's a little unpredictable05:12
robert_ancellThe NEWS file doesn't suggest anything major has changed05:12
rickspencer3well, I really need to roll05:13
rickspencer3sorry I can't "help" more :/05:13
robert_ancellgo forth and drink beer!05:13
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and471sabdfl, I think I can see why you chose natty. Look at the definition on this page http://www.thefreedictionary.com/natty - "Neat, trim, and smart; **dapper**."07:23
nigelband471: you missed jaunty :p07:27
and471kenvandine, just read you post on libgwibber - looks interesting :)07:35
and471kenvandine, does this mean we should replace the call to 'gwibber-poster' in software-center07:35
and471kenvandine, and replace it with something like in your python example?07:36
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sabdfland471: just keepin' it real :-)08:30
and471sabdfl, :)08:30
vishand471: we need to take away sabdfl's thesaurus ;)08:31
nigelbvish: or remove certain entries from it.08:31
vishand471: he is having too much fun with it, while we keep guessing what he is gonna name it next.. *or* now that we have found a pattern, we can guess it easier next time :p08:33
robert_ancellseb128, hey, can you check my update for evince?  I think I've got all the library stuff right this time.  Not sure if both shlibs variables should be updated though08:54
seb128hey robert_ancell08:54
seb128I was just reading your email08:54
seb128soname is age-revision usually08:54
seb128hum, not awake yet08:56
seb128current - age rather08:56
seb128ie the first and the third number in the 1:2:308:57
seb128ie 5:0:1 -> 5-1 == 6:0:2 -> 6-208:57
robert_ancellseb128, the rule is, only update if you see n:0:0 right?08:57
seb128the soname changes on abi breakage, ie when the age is set to 008:58
seb128the rule is "match the installed filename on the disk"08:58
seb128it's easier than trying to read the configure.ac logic ;-)08:58
seb128but yeah usually when the third number (ie the age) is set to 0 that's an abi break08:58
seb128that's when the soname changes08:59
robert_ancellseb128, but a library can make a change 4:0:0 -> 5:0:1 and we don't update right?08:59
seb128there is compatibility breakage in such cases08:59
seb128I should clean and publish my script which diff installed packages and deb08:59
robert_ancellseb128, but we do change binary package name?08:59
seb128we change when the soname changes09:00
seb128is change "lib<name>.so.<n>" changes "n"09:00
seb128ie when "lib<name>.so.<n>" changes "n"09:00
seb128the binary is named libname<n>09:00
robert_ancellok, so the safest thing to do is a dpkg -L on the currently installed version and a dpkg -c on the new version and see what changed?09:01
seb128usually what we want is to have abi incompatible versions to be stay around for a while to allow easy transitions09:01
seb128I should really publish my script09:01
seb128it basically does that for all the deb in the dir you are09:01
seb128and diff the lists09:01
seb128and shows the diff09:01
seb128robert_ancell, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/debnbfiles09:03
seb128very hackish but if you want to try on your recent build09:03
seb128just run it in the dir with the debs09:03
seb128robert_ancell, otherwise you didn't reply to my question about the polkit gettext change in the email09:04
seb128do you think you will have time or interest for this one?09:04
seb128what about shotwell and f-spot import on first run?09:04
seb128brb, grabbing coffee09:05
robert_ancellseb128, bug #61963209:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 619632 in policykit-1 (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Use gettext for translating user messages (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61963209:05
seb128robert_ancell, you rock as usual ;-)09:05
seb128did you merge the new gtk from debian today?09:06
seb128just checking if you didn't do it for a reason since I see no upload09:06
robert_ancellseb128, no, I was going to ask you if you knew of any problems with the new gtk - since it has dropped so much api I didn't want us to require two versions on the cd.  I thought they were going to make those changes in 3.0!09:11
robert_ancellI notice that Debian has taken it though09:11
seb128robert_ancell, they didn't drop apis09:11
seb128they are marking those deprecated only I think09:11
seb128robert_ancell, I didn't build evince yet but I think your update missed the libevview soname change09:12
robert_ancellseb128, according to the GTK+ email it says "Remove all GDK drawing functions, ie gdk_draw_*. Use cairo instead" etc09:13
seb128robert_ancell, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?h=gtk-2-22&id=92055d8d328a7adaa05f3c6ac6d1c496819940ec09:14
seb128robert_ancell, that's those sort of changes09:14
seb128they are changing gtk to use cairo rather than gdk_draw_ calls09:14
seb128I doubt they dropped any public api that would break the abi which is what gtk3 is for09:15
robert_ancelloh, that sounds safer :)09:18
seb128I will do the update and see how it goes today09:19
seb128robert_ancell, did you read my libevview comment?09:19
robert_ancellseb128, yes, do you mean the gir1.0- package or something else?09:20
seb128robert_ancell, libevview2 -> libevview309:20
robert_ancellseb128, yeah, did that (I pushed to the u-d branch as UNRELEASED)09:20
seb128robert_ancell, no, you renamed libevdocument09:21
seb128robert_ancell, both need renaming09:21
seb128robert_ancell, try  http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/debnbfiles09:22
seb128robert_ancell, if you didn't install the new version yet09:22
robert_ancelltrying it now09:22
robert_ancellok, pushed changes now09:23
seb128robert_ancell, seems correct now09:24
seb128robert_ancell, btw lintian should warn you about names not matchin sonames as well09:25
seb128robert_ancell, if you have it installed09:25
seb128so it's usually a hint to think about when you see it ;-)09:25
robert_ancelldoes it remind you if you forget to update the shlibs variable though?09:26
seb128but we should stop using shlibs09:27
seb128we should use .symbols rather09:27
robert_ancellhmm, I didn't have lintian installed since I replaced my hdd - no wonder I'm not seeing any warnings!09:34
robert_ancellpitti, have you tried the latest simple-scan?  I made it do the 2 bit scan for text, see how it looks09:42
seb128robert_ancell, so shotwell09:47
seb128robert_ancell, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-maverick-shotwell09:47
seb128he left ;-)09:48
ronocbl8: ping10:05
devildantekiwinote, mpt, vish: hi :)10:33
kiwinotedevildante: hey10:33
mptGood morning devildante10:33
devildanteGood morning you two :)10:34
* devildante wants mvo back :p10:34
vishdevildante: hey!10:34
devildantehey vish :)10:34
vishdevildante: you ping-a-linged at 5am for me ;p10:35
devildantevish: it was, like 1am for me, so you're forgiven :p10:35
devildantevish: I have finished the renaming of update-manager10:36
vishmpt: ^ :)10:36
vishdevildante: now we wait for mvo to return..10:37
and471devildante, mpt, I have started on the treeview that shows the updates http://imgur.com/EvTCF10:38
kiwinotedevildante: you do realise that there is a large number of packages depending on 'update-manager', 'update-notifier', etc..?10:38
mpthi and471. Are you doing this interface from scratch, or is it changes to the existing update-manager code?10:39
devildantevish, mpt: I'll redo the update-notifier renaming tomorrow, as I want to finish a little project for tomorrow ;)10:39
and471mpt, well I decided it best to do it from scratch since software-updater is VERy different from UpdateManager10:39
devildanteall right, and471, you're the best!10:39
and471mpt, I can definitely bring some stuff over from update-manager10:39
and471mpt, to minimise duplication of effort10:39
and471mpt, however I feel even the backend will be from scratch10:40
devildantekiwinote: Replaces and Conflicts would be enough, I think10:40
vishkiwinote: yeah devildante was wondeirng about that, probably we should only do renaming of the UI alone for now and think about the gconf changes for next cycle?10:40
mptand471, maybe so, but there are probably many intricate details of update-manager that I don't know about yet, and it seems dangerous to me to try and rewrite them all.10:40
and471mpt, as I suspect mvo will want to use aptdaemon+plicykit instead of gksudo10:40
mptand471, update-manager in Maverick already uses aptdaemon+policykit, right?10:40
and471mpt, I don't know10:41
kiwinoteyep, parts of it do10:41
and471kiwinote, ah10:41
and471mpt, I shall have a look, but because the interface is very different, I feel as though form scratch is better10:41
mptand471, I tried to write the spec so that it could be implemented a little bit at a time (as devildante did with the running-on-battery text, for example).10:42
devildanteand471: I could work on the treeview alone for update-manager without starting from scratch10:42
devildante(if you want of course ;) )10:42
and471mpt, devildante it is just the way software-updater will work with morphing windows means the UI framework is vastly different10:43
kiwinoteand471: there are a few things hidden in the update-manager code (afaik) like partial updates, dist-upgrades etc10:43
and471kiwinote, yup I was thinking about these :)10:43
kiwinoteand471: as far as I am aware they have some quite complex code ;)10:43
and471becuase of these vast differences I felt it was better to start from scratch as otherwise I would end up with quite horrible code10:43
and471kiwinote, definitely, but I am just starting with the GUI stuff, I am not confident with aptdaemon etc.10:44
and471kiwinote, mpt, devildante, let me quickly have a look at the UM code10:44
kiwinoteyeah, for the 'normal' updates I think it does make sense to rewrite10:44
kiwinoteshould also check it out myself ;)10:45
and471(btw if anyone wants to see the code, it is in lp:~and471/+junk/software-updater)10:45
devildanteand471: does it really make sense to rewrite? as far as I know, only UpdateManager.py and the backends have GUI, so you could only rewrite these10:46
mptI'm not an engineer, so I'll defer to mvo on this. Maybe I'm biased against rewrites because I lived through the Mozilla rewrite10:46
and471devildante, mpt, I will email mvo for his advice10:46
and471devildante, sorry I don't understand10:46
and471don't worry I haven't progressed so far that I can't go back and update existing code :)10:47
and471(into UM)10:47
and471but I shall slow down to avoid any 'oops I've done this the wrong way and waisted all that time' :)10:47
kiwinotejust for the record that was only the front end rewrite I was referring, the backend is quite complex as it is..10:47
and471kiwinote, yeah10:48
devildanteand471: I meant that only 2 files uses Pygtk+: UpdateManager.py (the main file) and InstallBackendAptDaemon.py (the backend), so you could only modify these ;)10:48
and471kiwinote, I agree,10:48
and471devildante, yes but I think rewriting those files10:48
and471devildante, is better than10:48
and471devildante, going through code that follows an old workflow and trying to make it fit with our new one10:49
and471anyway let me have a look10:49
and471I think I shall wait to mvo's much hyped return :)10:51
and471hopefully he will know what to do10:51
and471to > until10:51
and471mpt, I have even wrote gui_tests for the software-updater (the stuff nessita taught me) :)10:52
and471devildante, < I could work on the treeview alone for update-manager> could I ask that we both wait till mvo's return10:53
and471devildante, so we avoid duplication fo effort10:53
devildanteand471: okay, no problem ;)10:53
and471devildante, thanks10:53
devildanteand471: np :)10:53
seb128asac, hello10:53
seb128asac, you need your clutter changes in maverick right?10:54
seb128asac, just checking10:54
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
asacseb128: yes, we upstramed everything and i think pochu wanted to apply this in debian next10:56
asacstay tuned for another day or two ... hope we can just sync by then10:56
seb128we should get that in this week10:56
asacok. then we might need to prepush that10:56
seb128we are over the time for changes, we should aim at stabilization ;-)10:56
asacseb128: our changes shouldnt destabilize the normal GL stack ;) ... but yeah10:57
seb128shouldn't != will not ;-)10:57
asacthats news to me ;) ... j.k10:57
seb128is the email you sent the other day current state of the art for those?10:57
seb128I will check with pochu when if he reviewed it and try to get that in tomorrow10:58
asacseb128: alf is fixing one more bug now ... we will ping you when its ready10:58
asacalf__: ^^10:58
seb128if you could rebase on the current version that would be nice as well10:58
seb128ie do one changelog entry with summarize the changes10:58
seb128rather than having history of the version you maintained mixed in the changelog10:59
alf__seb128: This has been mostly fixed in 0ubuntu4unified2 in my ppa11:03
alf__seb128: I will soon upload 0ubuntu4unified3, I will ping you. Thanks!11:04
seb128alf__, thank you11:04
and471dpm, hi, is bug 560591 related to SC, to me it looks like the reporter's language is set to English11:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 560591 in software-center (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Wrong language shown in Ubuntu Software Center (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56059111:11
dpmhi and471, let me have a look11:12
and471dpm, thanks11:12
and471mpt, are you working on bug 433841?11:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 433841 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Enable users to upload a screenshot (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43384111:15
dpmand471, ok, done some quick tests and commented on the bug11:21
mptand471, no, it's assigned to me so I can design the interface. Do you have a suggestion?11:22
asacseb128: gnome-terminal doesnt do the right thing for me anymore for alt + backspace (e.g. doesnt delete full words)11:24
asacseems alt key isnt used at all (e.g. alt+d doesnt delete full word, alt+a doesnt go to front etc.)11:25
asacerr alt+a never did that ;)11:25
asacstill alt key is broken ... /me checks gnome-terminal settings11:25
seb128asac, I don't know about this issue but I'm not the one who did the recent update and I didn't upgrade yet11:26
asacbut seems there was a gnome-terminal update11:27
asacfiled bug11:28
asacbug 61975411:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 619754 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "alt + backspace; alt+d etc. don't work anymore (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61975411:29
and471dpm, thanks11:30
and471mpt, I was going to have a go at designing it and implementing it11:31
and471mpt, I was thinking along the same lines as the review dialog, but obviously a bit different11:31
mptand471, sure, maybe you could post sketches of the design on a wiki sub-page11:33
and471mpt, ok, i''l have a go :)11:33
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
* and471 wonders why wiki.ubuntu.com is so slow...11:58
and471mpt, added it to the end of this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter/Comments11:58
mptand471, what do you think are the best and worst things about that design?12:03
devildanteany python-webkit experienced guys here?12:25
rodrigo_seb128, please merge https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/maverick/tomboy/fix-sso-signals/+merge/3298212:33
seb128rodrigo_, heh you didn't do the version update! ;-)12:33
seb128rodrigo_, hey btw12:33
seb128rodrigo_, who is working on the ubuntuone-client nautilus integration btw?12:33
seb128rodrigo_, did you notice it's broken since the nautilus 2.31 update?12:34
seb128rodrigo_, there is no bar displayed, not that I complain but I think it's not wanted12:34
rodrigo_seb128, no, coming in the next branch12:34
rodrigo_seb128, I am working on it12:34
rodrigo_seb128, we only show it now for XDG folders12:35
rodrigo_seb128, does it show for you in ~/Documents?12:35
seb128rodrigo_, yes, excellent12:36
seb128rodrigo_, I was afraid I broke it with the update12:36
seb128rodrigo_, so the context menu show,hide option doesn't work on non-xdg dirs12:36
rodrigo_no, it doesn't, since it never shows it12:37
rodrigo_we need to discuss what's the best way, so will get some bug fixes12:37
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kenvandinegood morning folks12:53
kenvandineseb128, i'll be a little late today, heading in for a parent-teacher conference in a few minutes12:54
seb128kenvandine, hey, ok12:54
seb128kenvandine, btw read the 15 lines backlog before you said hello12:54
kenvandinethat is very good :)12:55
* kenvandine heads out12:56
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* pitti headdesks on bug 612988; c'mon guys13:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 612988 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "[nautilus] shows ubuntu-one ribbon in each folder (affects: 7) (dups: 2) (heat: 48)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61298813:50
seb128hey pitti13:53
* pitti hugs seb12813:53
* seb128 hugs pitti13:54
chrisccoulsonhi pitti!13:55
pittihey chrisccoulson, how are you?13:56
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'm good thanks, and you?13:56
pittiI'm great13:56
pittiback in Dresden again13:56
pittinice quiet train ride with lots of time for hacking13:56
pittiah, maverick langpacks finished building13:59
pittidpm: ^ I started it this morning14:00
pittidpm: building locally in the DC, that is (not uploaded yet, want to give them a quick test first)14:00
dpmpitti, you've been reading my mind, I was just about to ping you about them :) Thanks for the update14:01
pittidpm: not quite -- you pinged me over night :)14:02
dpmhahaha, forgot about the scrollback14:02
pittiyay, finally! translated evolution again14:09
pittifirefox and desktop look fine14:09
pittidpm: ok, looks good; pushing them archivewards14:10
dpmbrilliant, thanks pitti14:10
pittino problem14:11
dpmpitti, after the full language pack is generated, i take it the deltas will keep being generated and automatically uploaded during development, won't they? (apart from freezes, where I know they need to be disabled IIRC)14:41
pittidpm: I need to reenable the cronjob for that, but yes14:42
pittidpm: btw, I flipped the base version on the LP page14:42
pittiHere I mean: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+language-packs14:42
dpmpitti, ah, right, thanks. I think Arne was purposefully not updating that (I think he said to avoid manual overhead), does that have any funtion, apart from informative?14:44
dpmfunction, I meant14:44
seb128james_w, there to help me on a bzr merge-upstream issue?14:46
seb128james_w, so I'm using lp:ubuntu/indicator-sound14:46
seb128bzr get lp:ubuntu/indicator-sound14:47
pittioh, no didrocks today?14:47
seb128pitti, he's on holidays 2 weeks14:47
seb128james_w, http://edge.launchpad.net/indicator-sound/sound-menu-v2/0.4.0/+download/indicator-sound-0.4.0.tar.gz14:47
seb128$ bzr merge-upstream --version 0.4.0 ../indicator-sound-0.4.0.tar.gz lp:indicator-sound14:47
seb128Using distribution maverick14:47
seb128bzr: ERROR: An inconsistent delta was supplied involving u'/vapi', 'vapi-20100621103135-gycdn15933l3irmh-1'14:47
seb128reason: Attempt to add item at path already occupied by id 'vapi-20100624175500-xymgx3h309uhcz83-12'14:47
seb128 14:47
seb128james_w, ^ I get that error14:48
pittiseb128: ah, thanks14:48
seb128james_w, do you know any way to get around it?14:48
seb128pitti, do you need anything? I might be able to help14:48
pittiseb128: just filed bug 619858 about the problem14:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 619858 in openoffice.org-l10n (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "starts pulling OpenJDK into CDs (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61985814:50
seb128pitti, ok, he stepped up to do the version update but he's not going to be maintainer for it so I guess don't wait for him to be back14:51
pittiseb128: ok; just thought it might be quicker for him than for anyone else, but nevermind; filed as an RC bug for now14:51
seb128pitti, thanks14:51
seb128I guess doko knows about it, he pinged me to ask if didrocks as around as well some minutes ago14:52
james_wseb128: no idea, please file a bug14:53
seb128james_w, ok thanks14:53
james_wseb128: if you run with "-Derror" then you will get a full traceback, I might be able to guess a workaround from there.14:53
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seb128james_w, which component should be bugged?14:59
james_wseb128: bzr-builddeb for now, I'l reassign if needed15:00
seb128james_w, ok, just finishing those uploads first I want those changes to land now then I will open a bug, thanks15:01
james_wthank you!15:01
rickspencer3pedro_, is evolution crashing for everyone in maverick, or just for me?15:04
seb128rickspencer3, it's just you15:05
rickspencer3dang it15:05
pedro_rickspencer3, probably just you, haven't seen any new crash coming today15:05
seb128well maybe pedro has noticed bugs15:05
seb128but we don't get crash bugs atm15:05
pedro_rickspencer3, it's working fine here btw15:05
rickspencer3I trust it's not because I'm the only one still using it :P15:05
seb128retracers are out of order for some time15:05
seb128which means filled bugs don't go through15:06
chrisccoulson"crashing", or "crashing more than usual"? ;)15:06
pedro_but still there's no pending crashes to be retraced15:06
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, crashing a whole lot more than usual15:06
seb128pedro_, how do you know?15:06
rickspencer3pedro_, yeah, I'm not getting apport for some reason15:06
pedro_seb128, well those are marked as need-X-retrace, no?15:06
seb128pedro_, you don't have access to crashes the retracers didn't work on it15:06
seb128pedro_, you wouldn't see those15:06
pedro_for evolution i mean15:06
seb128they are visible only for the retracers15:06
pedro_seb128, so those aren't filed in lp yet?15:07
seb128rickspencer3, is that while reading email or composing?15:07
seb128pedro_, they are but they are private and bug teams are not subscribed15:07
rickspencer3forwarding or replying causes crashes15:07
rickspencer3a lot15:07
seb128pedro_, virtually only the retracers have access15:07
seb128rickspencer3, right, I get that as well15:08
rickspencer3I'm running from the command line to see if it tells me what happened15:08
pedro_seb128, ok15:08
seb128pedro_, do you think somebody in the qa team could to maintain the retracers?15:08
pedro_seb128, perhaps bdmurray but he's doing a rotation atm15:09
gzerpheyhello all... i have installed ubuntu desktop 10.04LTS and I am having a wireless disconnect problem under load.  Is there any thoughts on how I might fix this?15:09
gzerpheyi have tried generic-pae backports.  the fix used to be jaunty backports but that doesnt seem to be an option anymore15:09
pedro_seb128, but we could talk to him to start doing that for next cycle15:09
gzerpheyany help would be appreciated15:10
seb128pedro_, would be nice15:10
seb128gzerphey, hi, wrong channel, we talk about GNOME there basically15:10
seb128gzerphey, try #ubuntu15:10
gzerpheyi did15:10
seb128pedro_, thanks15:10
gzerpheyno response15:10
gzerpheyany other thoughts15:10
pedro_gzerphey, you're probably not going to get a better response here, just be patient there's plenty of people at #ubuntu doing support15:11
pedro_gzerphey, you can ask in the forums as well, but as seb128 said this isn't a support channel, sorry15:11
gzerpheyi can appreciate that15:12
rickspencer3seb128, pedro_, I just repro'd the evo crash15:13
rickspencer3it's a core dump15:13
rickspencer3what's the best way for me to use this to log a bug?15:13
rickspencer3if I do ubuntu-bug evolution will it pick it up?15:13
pedro_rickspencer3, could you run evolution under gdb to get that backtrace?15:15
pedro_rickspencer3, and do a 'set logging on evolution-crash.txt'15:15
pedro_rickspencer3, reproduce the crash and 'thread apply all bt full'15:15
pedro_rickspencer3, then 'set logging off' or just quit gdb15:16
rickspencer3thanks pedro_, I'll get to that later today15:16
pedro_it will save the backtrace at that evolution-crash.txt which you can be attached to the report you file with ubuntu-bug evolution15:16
pedro_you're welcome15:16
kenvandinebrb, installing maverick on my new intel SSD :)15:17
rickspencer3kenvandine, awesome post on libgwibber!15:40
rickspencer3what a great a contribution15:40
rickspencer3ara I also love your post on "Love an Upstream Project?" http://ubuntutesting.wordpress.com/2010/08/18/love-an-upstream-project-want-it-well-tested/15:41
rickspencer3nice work there15:42
ararickspencer3, thanks15:42
kenvandinethx rickspencer316:08
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kenvandineand471, saw your comment about libgwibber, yes you could use that in software-center16:16
kenvandineideally not spaw a new window but just embed it16:16
and471kenvandine, ah thanks :)16:16
and471kenvandine, you mean like just in the right pane?16:16
kenvandinethen just expand it if someone clicks on it or something16:16
kenvandineinstead of a popup16:17
and471I will let mpt think about it :)16:17
kenvandinealso, you can connect to the is_available signal to decide to even show it16:17
and471kenvandine, cool :)16:17
kenvandineso if someone doesn't use gwibber, they don't even see it16:17
and471mpt, did you get a chance to look at the screenshot submit mockup?16:18
repeteseb128, do you know if UNE 10.04 will detect whether XGLX drivers are present so it can fall back to the 2D interface if needed?16:21
seb128repete, it will not autofallback16:25
seb128didrocks has a workitem on https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/mobile-m-lightweight-panel-for-efl though16:25
seb128"[didrocks] Add a detection mechanism for HW support to unity and pop up an error message that allows to go back to gdm"16:25
repeteseb128, thx16:47
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bl8ronoc: pong17:05
seb128tedg, should the libindicator patch be dropped in favor of your recent commit?17:06
seb128tedg, it breaks the sound menu icon17:06
tedgseb128, Hmm, that's an odd result.17:08
ronocbl8: hey17:10
kenvandinesigh... desktopcouch fails to replicate to my new install17:10
ronocso how is the implementation doing bl817:10
tedgseb128, The sound icon works for me...17:10
* kenvandine files bug17:10
seb128tedg, the rhythmbox icon is a broken icon there17:11
seb128tedg, in the menu17:11
bl8ronoc: Haven't done much yet, been away this week-end, then sick... But I have printed out the spec ;)17:11
ronocbl8: cool, well when you have something you want to test just let me know.17:11
ronocbl8, the 0.4.X versions of the indicator-sound will mpris2 ready17:12
bl8ronoc: yep, will do. When are those 0.4.x expected ?17:12
tedgseb128, I'm not sure what you're referring to.  I dont' have any broken icons... the app indicator for rhythmbox?17:12
seb128tedg, no, the indicator-sound v2 menu, next to the "rhythmbox" label the icon is broken17:13
seb128tedg, I'm using the light theme if that makes a difference17:13
seb128tedg, could be due to something else17:13
ronoc0.4.0 just went out today, which has everything in it except scrubbing, rb was segfaulting on scrub so I would imagine in the morning i will release 0.4.1 which will have this enabled again17:14
seb128tedg, in any case should we drop kamstrup change and get your commit? does that fix the unity issue they were having?17:14
tedgseb128, yes I think we should.  I'm not sure what the indicator-sound issue is -- I'm curious if I have an older version than you?17:14
bl8ronoc: Cool, thanks !17:15
ronocbl8: also I only realized this morning that they dropped the useful playlist stuff from the spec17:15
tedgseb128, I proposed a merge for kenvandine17:15
seb128ok, so it's handled, less to do for me, nice17:15
ronocbl8, talking with mirsal and alex right now to get a new interface speced which covers the basic playlist stuff I need17:15
ronocso the tracklist interface is redundant from my point of view17:16
bl8ronoc: Yeah, I'm not sure it's possible to come up with a tracklist thing that makes everybody happy, so you might as well start from your use case17:18
ronocbl8: yeah looks like there will be new interface org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.playlist17:19
kenvandinetedg, you proposed the wrong branch again17:21
tedgkenvandine, Uhg, sorry.17:21
kenvandineno wrries17:22
kenvandinei know the right branch17:22
ronocwhich will allow querying number of playlists, organizing by creation date, last played date or alphabetically, and fetching x number from a to b, and making a particular playlist active17:23
ronocbl8 ^17:23
ronocthats it really17:23
tedgkenvandine, Fixed17:24
bl8ronoc: Sounds reasonable, I'll try to have a look at it after I'm done with what's in the spec. No promises though17:25
kenvandinewow this ssd is fast!17:36
bcurtiswxkenvandine: are you still seeing problems with facebook account addition with gwibber?17:36
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vishseb128: is this a bug in adduser or ..?  Bug #61953220:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 619532 in adduser (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Password discountinuity (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61953220:54
* vish cant find upstream for adduser..20:54
vishseb128: the prompt arises when we change the password from : user and groups20:55
vishoh! ok..nvm then :)20:55
seb128dunno I don't work on those softwares20:56
seb128I've no real knowledge about that stack20:56
vishseb128: np.. thanks :)20:56
johanbrvish, http://alioth.debian.org/projects/adduser/20:59
vishjohanbr: ah , thanks :)20:59
devildanteguys, does someone know some tips to focus on coding? :p22:06
chrisccoulsondevildante, that's a bit of an open-ended question ;)22:15
chrisccoulsoncan you think of anything specific you'd like to do?22:16
devildantechrisccoulson: I'm going to code a gtk frontend for hugday-tools22:16
devildantechrisccoulson: but I can't concentrate :p22:16
chrisccoulsonoh, perhaps i misunderstood your question22:17
chrisccoulsonin that case, there is only 1 correct answer:22:17
devildanteI hate coffee :p and it's definitely not a lack of sleep22:17
chrisccoulsontrust me, it solves all of lifes problems22:18
devildantenever, ever gonna drink coffee :p btw, the disconnect from network thingie won't work, hugday is interfacing with the wiki ;)22:19
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seb128pitti, dunno if that's the recent update you did but g-p-m seems to be crashing a lot recently22:42
seb128pitti, do you think you could do the 2.31.90 update tomorrow and maybe see if you the crash is due to some recent change?22:42
seb128pitti, (no hurry I'm just letting that in the backlog while I think about it)22:43

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