
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj
charlie-tcamdke: got a minute?18:15
charlie-tcamdke: apparently the branch added for Xubuntu-docs is bringing in the kubuntu documentation. Any way to get that changed to bring in ubuntu or the old xubuntu docs?18:24
charlie-tcamdke: never mind, new guy looking at docs18:48
j1mc-androidcharlie-tca: i will see if i can find some time to help. i am afraid im pretty swamped lately, though.18:54
charlie-tcaThat would be great! I have KE1HA trying to start on them, but he is very new at it in bazaar and could use some advice if you get a chance.18:55
j1mc-androidsure. do u lnow their email?18:57
charlie-tcawell, anyway, you know what I meant18:59
charlie-tcaThank you, j1mc-android18:59
j1mc-androidthank YOU, charlie-tca19:00
charlie-tcaYou are welcome19:01
charlie-tcaWe just keep trying19:01
KE1HAj1mc-android, I'm ok at the moment, have the branch pulled, just need to few pointers on revisions and c/in  c/out options and process, that would be vry helpfull.19:23
=== nuboon2age_ is now known as nUboon2Age
mdkecharlie-tca: not sure I follow the question - have you resolved now?21:07
charlie-tcamdke: yes, thanks. Got it straightened out21:08
charlie-tcaI am starting KE1HA on Xubuntu docs. but I probably need help with it...21:09
mdkehappy to help if I can21:10
charlie-tcaThanks. We will come crawling21:12
=== starcraft is now known as starcraftman

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