
_pg_hello everyone! I'm wanting to make a media center on a weaker computer, can someone recommend the lightest/best way to go? It runs boxee on ubuntu decently as long as the content is local. Can anyone tell me how to make it run GREAT? 2.2 single core amd, 1gb ram, geforece 5200 (svideo)02:33
rhpot1991_pg_: SD or HD content?03:43
tobi-wanhi all! i am using mythbuntu 10.04 (64bit) and have problems playing dvds. for some dvds, the front-end terminates, for others, it hangs in the menu (i am able to select an item, but when i start playback, nothing happens), and for some i get "video frame buffering failed too many times". as of yet, i did not find a dvd that plays back correctly. note: vlc plays these dvds without problem on the same system. any help is much06:04
tgm4883tobi-wan, could be that you need to get on auto-builds, could be you need to install dvd support07:13
ZinnAuto builds contain more recent bug fixes than the normal Ubuntu repository contains.  See http://www.mythbuntu.org/auto-builds for more info.07:13
henkpoleyWould it be possible with a default mythbuntu install to let the frontend wait a liiiitle longer after startup so it doesn't go into the "No UPnP" mode ?14:52
henkpoleyThere's apparently a race between my network and the (external) frontend14:53
henkpoleyNow trying with mythwelcome=TRUE in /etc/mythtv/session-settings15:00
henkpoleyHmm, might solve it.. suboptimal since it somehow takes 20s after you quit mythfrontend to show the 'welcome .. next recording ..' data15:09
henkpoleyPut a 1 second sleep in that same file, hope that helps15:38
henkpoley..removed the mythwelcome autostart. Does not seem to be made for external frontends.15:39
corigoGood morning. On my second boot of my newly installed mythbuntu all I get is a black cursor in the top left corner that becomes a black screen with nothing on it at all16:44
corigo(white cursor, not black)16:45
rhpot1991corigo: sounds like it hasn't actually booted and is waiting post bios16:46
corigoI do occassionally see a little screen flicker and some amberish lines when the hard drive light flickers on the front of the machines16:46
rhpot1991try the power it down and back on?16:46
corigorhpot1991: I think your right, but I've already done that to no effect16:47
rhpot1991corigo: check your bios settings to make sure you are setup to boot the correct hard drive and so on16:47
corigowhoops silly me, forgot there was a windows driver CD in the drive... ok now on to the real question... can't seem to get networking to work16:48
henkpoleycorigo: what kind of networking ? and why don't you try to find your answer on #ubuntu or http://ubuntuforums.org/ ?16:51
Zinn[ubuntuforums.org] Ubuntu Forums16:51
corigohmm... holdon still not booting, or more details would have followed16:51
henkpoleyunless it's mythtv networking16:51
corigohenkpoley: because it's so much nicer talking to people16:52
henkpoley#ubuntu us usually kind of crowded yes16:52
corigocrazy crowded over there16:52
henkpoleyNot today, at least not from what I can see16:53
corigoYeah, it boots... mostly16:56
corigoIs MythBuntu an appropriate measure of the speed of XFCE? My KDE desktop seems much faster than this17:00
corigoSo with MythBuntu can I play a movie over my wireless network from its storage location on my file server ?17:04
rhpot1991corigo: if you setup a share correctly then yes17:09
rhpot1991you would need to get it mounted on your mythbuntu box, with something like nfs or ciffs17:09
rhpot1991and then you would need to point the video storage group at that location in mythtv-setup17:10
rhpot1991provided your wifi can handle it17:10
tgm4883rhpot1991, alternatively, couldn't he put a secondary backend on the machine and use the mythtv protocol?17:23
corigotgm4883, do you mean on the file server?17:26
tgm4883corigo, yea17:26
corigoSo the mythtv protocol will stream the media, then?17:26
tgm4883corigo, are they ISO's?17:26
tgm4883or VOBs?17:27
corigoall sorts of formats17:27
tgm4883corigo, basically it would be using mythvideo storage groups, but there are a few limitations http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/MythVideo#Disadvantages17:27
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] MythVideo - MythTV17:28
corigoSounds a bit like they're duplicating a cloud, eh?17:29
tgm4883I guess?17:30
corigoThanks for the pointer17:30
tgm4883although "cloud" would indicate that it's on the webernets17:30
tgm4883where this is just your local network17:30
corigoand further the cloud wouldn't indicate the availability of media stream server either, just storage17:31
corigoThis is by far the slowest booting system I have ever played with17:32
mrandcorigo: how slow and what HD and CPU do you have?  What part takes the longest?17:41
corigolike 15-20 minutes I've been waiting17:42
corigoSamsung 40Gb, 2.2Ghz Celeron17:43
corigoRebooted. Gets past POST/BIOS, displayed MythBuntu splash... and now waiting again17:46
corigoFinally got a background... lol17:47
mrandSorry - celeron name has been reused a billion times for a bunch of different families... how old / what generation?17:52
corigoIntel Celeron 2.2GHz17:54
corigo400 MHz Front side bus17:54
corigoSocket mPGA47817:54
mrandok.  While it was fast for its time, I'm thinking it is probably not going to be a speed demon.  Wild guess: 2.2 GHz P4 is probably close to a 1.1 GHz in modern "core" processors.  BTW, how slow is slow?17:57
rhpot1991shouldn't boot that slow though17:58
mrandSorry, I missed the time response above.  Yeah, 15-20 minute seems excessive.  You should be able to turn off splash and see what it is doing (hanging?)18:00
corigoHmm, it booted into MythTV, now I guess I need to RTM, care to tell me how to exit MythTV and get to the standard desktop so I can troubleshoot the USB wireless card?18:00
mrandOr stop button on your remote.18:01
rhpot1991"so I can troubleshoot the USB wireless card"18:06
rhpot1991assuming that may make you sad18:06
=== henkpoley_ is now known as henkpoley
corigoany idea why shutting down does actually shut down the machine, only the OS?19:08
corigonot does, but does NOT shut down19:09
rhpot1991corigo: say agian19:09
corigowhen I shut down, the OS closes, and video shuts off, but the machine remains powered up19:09
asscohi. i am having trouble getting torrentflux running on my system. i have mythbuntu 10.04 installed and i assume it comes with all the dependancies for torrentflux?19:54
rhpot1991assco: did you install it from apt?19:56
asscodownloaded the package etc20:03
asscoits possible from apt?20:03
asscowell i guess it is :D20:03
rhpot1991if its in there20:04
rhpot1991if not then you will need to deal with dependencies on your own most likely20:05
asscoyeah got it running20:05
rhpot1991assco: could use one of the torrent clients that is in apt, like transmission or deluge(my choice)20:05
tgm4883rhpot1991, iirc, torrentflux has a web interface20:07
rhpot1991there is something in ubuntu that does too20:08
rhpot1991I forget what20:08
rhpot1991maybe it was that, its in apt20:08
rhpot1991assco: why didn't you isntall it from there?20:09
asscoyeah i got it installed through apt20:10
AzelphurDaviey: what happened to that mythfrontend update :p20:16
tgm4883Azelphur, I did it, in the process of testing the packages20:17
tgm4883want to test them :)20:17
Azelphursure I guess :p20:17
AzelphurI'm having problems with my mythtv frontend playback being a transparent window20:17
Azelphurso I'd like to update20:17
tgm4883Azelphur, you are currently on 0.23.0?20:17
tgm4883ok, give me 5 minutes20:18
tgm4883Azelphur, ok, it's publishing on this ppa right now  https://edge.launchpad.net/~tgm4883/+archive/testing20:24
Zinn[edge.launchpad.net] testing : Thomas Mashos20:24
tgm4883so you may not see the update for a few more minutes20:24
tgm4883I need to know 2 things20:24
tgm48831) Does it upgrade to these packages with just an "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade"20:24
tgm48832) what the protocol version the frontend/backend reports20:25
Azelphurnot showing up yet methinks :)20:28
* tgm4883 checks20:28
tgm4883yea still says it isn't published yet20:28
tgm4883you can see it here  https://edge.launchpad.net/~tgm4883/+archive/testing/+packages20:28
Zinn[edge.launchpad.net] Packages in “testing” : testing : Thomas Mashos20:29
tgm4883if it's published, then it would show in that column20:29
tgm4883Azelphur, looks like it published20:40
Azelphurtgm4883: upgrading :)20:52
Azelphurtgm4883: seems to work fine, I still have the transparent video problem though :(20:56
Azelphuranyone got any ideas on that?20:56
tgm4883Azelphur, you could try 0.23.1 for that22:26
tgm4883Azelphur, whats the protocol version that mythfrontend reports?22:26
Azelphurtgm4883: how do I do both? :P23:51

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