
=== Narwhal is now known as IdleOne
* nhandler goes to post Ubuntu 10.04.103:10
pleia2quick nhandler :)03:10
* nhandler just got home03:10
=== nuboon2age_ is now known as nUboon2Age
akgranerwoo hoo - how is everyone doing with there sections?  (I know I said I would ask tomorrow - but well I am just excited it's all coming together)  I <3 the news team - you all rock!!!19:41
=== YoBoY` is now known as YoBoY
nUboon2Ageakgraner: Q: how did you specify the names of the ietherpad pages?  I see how to create a public page but not where to specify the name.23:28
popeyjust specify the url as the name of the page23:28
popeylike that :)23:29
akgranernUboon2Age, what popey just said - you just make you the url you want to see23:29
akgraneryou just make the url you want to see - I meant23:29
akgranerdoh I can't type23:29
akgranerpopey, we use - http://ietherpad.com/23:30
akgranerbut same instructions :-)23:30
popeyI refuse to use that one because the author spammed on twitter :)23:30
akgranerno way23:30
akgranerhow did I miss that one23:31
popeyI got his twitter account banned23:31
akgranergo you!!!!23:31
popeyevery time someone mentioned etherpad on twitter the ietherpad maintainer had a bot which replied to you directly telly you to use ietherpad instead23:31
popeyheh, I'm a git like that :)23:31
akgranergood grief - he must have been banned before I started mentioning it23:32
akgranerb/c I never got a DM23:32
popeyyeah, it was only a matter of days23:32
nUboon2Agepopey: good to know about the pad.ubuntu-uk.org option.23:32
popeyI mean, it doesnt really matter too much23:32
popeyat least pad.ubuntu-uk.org is run by a canonical employee :)23:32
popey(and all round nice guy)23:32
akgranerwho Daviey?23:32
akgraner+1 on the all around nice guy!23:33
akgranerI honestly forgot you all had that one23:33
akgranermaybe I'll move stuff over if you all don't mind23:33
nUboon2Agepopey: it looks like there were some freedom v. nonfree issues in that controversy since google bought and then buried etherpad.com and ietherpad.com looks like it was a response to that action.23:34
popeyietherpad was just _one_ of _many_ opportunistic people to setup an etherpad instance23:34
popeyietherpad.com didn't do anything especially amazing23:34
popeyother than spam :)23:34
nhandlerWasn't there talk a while ago about setting up an etherpad on ubuntu.com ?23:35
nUboon2Ageakgraner: popey: okay thanks for the info and another option. :)23:36
nUboon2Agepopey: oh i see, looking closer at the Google info they opensourced it.  well that's good. not quite buried then.23:39

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