
=== Narwhal is now known as IdleOne
bazhangIdleOne, the floodbot banned his IP04:41
IdleOneI saw04:41
bazhangall kicks on gateways do that04:41
IdleOneso a kick on gateway will trigger floodbot to ban?04:42
bazhangunbelievable. he just hit #freenode for about 20-30 lines04:42
IdleOneI see04:42
IdleOnehmm ok04:43
IdleOnewhen I quieted Gander they pm'ed me with a wikipedia link about Argentina04:46
IdleOnenot sure why I decide to remove the quiet04:46
IdleOnebut I guess it was inevitable they would be banned04:46
bazhanghe was able to speak right after the quiet though04:46
IdleOneI think he sent at the same time04:47
bazhangsome odd thing with the gateways and scripts I guess04:47
IdleOnequestion of incredible timing04:47
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from bill)07:05
ubottuhey Christel, Dave2, Gary, KB1JWQ, Levia, Martinp23, Pricey, SportsChick, VorTechS, jayne, jenda, marienz, nalioth, niko, nhandler, rob, stew or tomaw, I could use a bit of your time :)07:06
mneptok00:05 [Freenode] [VBB-VolleyballBa(~ERm@c-98-243-188-4.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)] Hello mneptok what is your bra size????07:07
mneptok00:05 [Freenode] -!- VBB-VolleyballBa [~ERm@c-98-243-188-4.hsd1.mi.comcast.net]07:07
mneptok00:05 [Freenode] -!-  ircname  : t07:07
mneptok00:05 [Freenode] -!-  server   : gibson.freenode.net [Oslo, Norway]07:07
mneptok00:05 [Freenode] -!- End of WHOIS07:07
mneptokand now more /msg spam from the same ident@host with the nick TraberTraber07:15
bryan_r59hello i have a dire situation08:40
bryan_r59wait this is ubuntu-ops. i am still not unbanned i guess :(08:41
bryan_r59i purchased a 70 $ Universal Anonymizer software08:41
bryan_r59but they don't have a client for linux08:41
bryan_r59only windows and mac08:41
IdleOnebryan_r59: this is not a support channel. As for your problem I suggest returning and getting a refund08:42
bryan_r59are you sure i have to return it08:42
bryan_r59they had a very serious license agreement08:42
bryan_r59they probably won't let me back out08:42
bryan_r59on their site it said it was for PC and Mac. but PC is just a personal computer i thought, and has nothing to do with windows08:43
IdleOnewell I can't speak for the company, contact them. Nothing we can do about it08:43
bryan_r59so is there no work around?08:43
bryan_r59could WINE successfully use the program08:43
IdleOnebryan_r59: not from our point of view08:43
bryan_r59ok well i trust you08:43
IdleOnebryan_r59: This is NOT a support channel08:43
bryan_r59yeah well this is a ops channel08:43
bryan_r59how about we discuss my banning from the sUPPORT channel08:44
bryan_r59i have evidence that i have stayed out of trouble08:44
bryan_r59i developed an openGL application that uses GLSL to do a warp effect on a texture i loaded with SDL08:44
bryan_r59this is on linux08:44
IdleOnebryan_r59: Can you assure me that you will not be a problem in #ubuntu again?08:44
bryan_r59i promise08:45
bryan_r59i would sign a contract08:45
bryan_r59which i sort of did alrady08:45
bryan_r59please, i will be good08:45
IdleOnebryan_r59: Before I remove the ban I want to make it clear that we will not tolerate any mistakes and that if there is any rules broken we will ban you permanently.08:46
IdleOneare we clear on this?08:46
bryan_r59i understand completely08:47
IdleOnealso remember that #ubuntu is for Ubuntu related support questions08:47
IdleOnethis issue with the application you bought is not a Ubuntu issue08:47
bryan_r59would asking about the anonymizer support on ubuntu qualify08:47
bryan_r59is there a ubuntu channel that could help08:48
IdleOnenone that I know of08:48
IdleOneyou might try ##winehq08:48
bryan_r59will do :)08:48
bryan_r59have a nice night/morning/day08:49
bryan_r59cya around08:49
IdleOnebryan_r59: wait a minute08:49
bryan_r59no one is in the channel08:49
IdleOnetry joining #ubuntu to make sure the ban is lifted08:50
IdleOneok you are unbanned in #ubuntu08:51
bryan_r59ty IdleOne.08:51
bryan_r59i owe you08:51
IdleOneplease part this channel now :) have a good night08:52
ubottuSeveas-train called the ops in #ubuntu (please remove trollboy johnathan)09:01
=== bazhang__ is now known as bazhang
bazhangbryan_r59, please dont idle here09:06
ilovefairuzthere's a bot in #ubuntu that interferes with ubottu: dontput09:44
=== nik0 is now known as niko
lhavelundilovefairuz: Where do you see it? I don't see any output to any commands in #ubuntu09:48
ilovefairuztry any ! triggers in main channel09:49
lhavelundAh, thanks.09:49
lhavelundThanks, I'll deal with it.09:49
OngacskaOla bruderz12:16
Ongacskaikonia bruder Pici bruder hello12:16
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)12:24
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)12:24
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)12:24
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)12:24
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 489 bans)12:41
Ongacskaubottu beka hajo12:48
topyliOngacska: do you have any actual business here we could help with?12:58
Ongacskayes Sir13:02
Ongacskaplase stop the ban about me13:02
Ongacskaikonia brotha made ban to me13:02
Ongacskaplease stop the ban13:03
topylisorry, i don't think i'm willing to do that13:04
OngacskaArghhh dirty penguin-trick13:05
topylianything else? if not, please leave the channel13:06
Ongacskawhy? who are you?13:07
OngacskaWhat I accept the commandments think?13:09
topylibecause idling on this channel is not allowed. please see the /topic13:09
Tm_TOngacska: kindly if you have no further business here, please leave the channel per our no-idling policy13:13
ikoniathank you13:15
Tm_Twhat's the story?13:16
topylihairy old troll13:16
ikoniahe's been pm'ing me for weeks with crap and joining random channels to find out what I'm in to keep spamming bruder and penguin kill (variatios) in channel to me13:16
ikoniahe's been locked out of the ubuntu ones since I put the blanket bshellz ban on13:17
Tm_The's just trying to show how much he cares you13:17
PiciHes been doing that for months.  I didn't even know it was a troll until I mentioned it to ikonia and he said he was getting the same messages.13:22
Pici'Pici' means some things in some eastern european languages so I thought it was someone who thought I was Romanian or something.13:22
ikonianah, just stupiity13:33
Pici"Okay, but I can't sudo anymore. It says can't find /etc/sudoers. I think I deleted some folder."13:50
highvoltagePici: ah, I once had a user who's Red Hat system 'stopped working' when they emptied their recycle bin13:50
highvoltagePici: turned out he emptied /bin :)13:51
Picihighvoltage: ouch!13:51
ikoniaexcellent 10.04.1 finally got pushed out, nice job13:54
Picigood good.13:55
=== maco2 is now known as maco
UngacskaSziasztok testverek - Hosanna brothers15:21
bazhangUngacska, what do you need help with15:21
UngacskaWhere is da fucky'npenguin, he called TUKS? Perghhh!15:22
Ungacskahello bazhang bro15:22
Ungacskaplease stop the ban on #ubuntu15:22
bazhangUngacska, this is not a social channel. Please no swearing either15:22
Ungacskaplease stop the ban on #ubuntu15:22
UngacskaI have ikonia bro maded ban15:23
bazhangUngacska, you are banned in at least 4 ubuntu channels15:23
UngacskaYes Sir!15:23
Ungacskaubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, ubuntu-server, ubuntu-hu15:24
bazhangUngacska, reading the logs you don't seem interested in getting support or giving support15:24
Ungacskaplase remove the bans15:24
UngacskaI am a good guy, really:D15:24
UngacskaI have ban also #israel too15:25
bazhangUngacska, as your behaviour indicates you don't wish to get or give support, the bans won't be lifted at this time15:25
UngacskaI have ban also #drupal... all of #drupal related channel too15:25
ikonia!staff | please review balzac (Ungacska) comments in here for network behaviour15:25
ubottuplease review balzac (Ungacska) comments in here for network behaviour: hey Christel, Dave2, Gary, KB1JWQ, Levia, Martinp23, Pricey, SportsChick, VorTechS, jayne, jenda, marienz, nalioth, niko, nhandler, rob, stew or tomaw, I could use a bit of your time :)15:25
UngacskaI have ban also all of #frugalware and #slackware and #gentoo related channel too15:25
Ungacskaikonia bro hello15:26
Tm_TUngacska: you can leave us now15:26
bazhangUngacska, that has nothing to do with ubuntu channels. Please part as your bans wont be lifted at this time15:26
UngacskaI say hello15:26
bazhangah, that was the fellow who PM'd me earlier with similar 'hello bruda' nonsense15:27
PiciYes, we were talking about him earlier.15:27
PiciHe was here before.15:27
bazhangI saw in the bt15:27
ikoniamany times, many nicks15:27
topylihe's a waste of time15:56
macojcastro has asked, but i want to check there are no objections here first, for me to add a blurb to #ubuntu's /topic about asking on ubuntu.stackexchange.com if your question can't be answered in #ubuntu17:31
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 548 bans)17:31
ikoniamaco: I have an objection17:36
ikoniasorry to be difficult17:36
macowhats the problem, ikonia?17:38
ikoniaon phone 1 moment17:38
ikoniamaco: sorry - free now17:40
macoikonia: jcastro's here too now17:40
macoso i dont have to play relay17:40
ikoniamaco: we already have a lot of official support resources, IRC, launchpad answers, ubuntu forums, stackexchange is very new and has had mixed reviews so far, I'd long to not recommend unknown products until they are estabilished as long term solid resources, such as the forums17:41
jcastroit's not an unknown, many ubuntu people are participating in it17:41
ikoniaI'd also not like to diliute the other resources17:41
ikoniajcastro: it is unknown - it's still in a beta program17:41
jcastroand forums aren't condusive to getting answers, just discussions17:41
macothe forums would be better if they'd stay online :-/17:42
jcastroright, and we'd like to expand that17:42
ikoniait's long term track record and stability have not been established17:42
jcastroI don't see why that would matter for a link in irc?17:42
ikoniathe forums are fine for getting answers17:42
ikonianot just discussion, there is a lot of support on there17:42
ikoniaI've just explained my reasons17:42
ikoniaas the official ubuntu channel, I don't believe we should be a.) recommending unknown products b.) diluting other established resources17:42
jcastrobut it's not unknown, it's just new, and plenty of established ubuntu community members are participating and keeping the quality high17:43
ikonianew = unknown17:43
jcastrothat's like saying "there's a new mailing list, we shouldn't recommend it" but we don't do that either17:44
topylithe forums are advertised in the irc guidelines. would that be a good place to add other options?17:44
macotopyli: or in that one factoid... whatever it is?17:44
topylii can't remember either17:45
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.17:45
ikoniatopyli: I don't think we should be recommending it at all until we understand it's longer term use17:45
ikoniathere are a lot of mixed reviews about it so far (not ubuntu but the whole project)17:45
ubottuIf no-one here can help you you can try the ubuntu-users mailing list - https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users or the forums - http://ubuntuforums.org17:45
maco^ that one17:45
jcastrowhere are the mixed reviews?17:45
ikoniaon the web17:45
ikoniareading peoples comments on blogs/twitter/social media17:46
topyliikonia: well my only worry is advertising it in the topic, where even the forums are not mentioned17:46
jcastrowell I can't really respond to criticisms with general statements17:46
ikoniasome people have positive experiences, others very negative17:46
jcastroI am just trying to get people who flail on #ubuntu some help17:46
ikoniatopyli: I disagree, as the official channel I don't think we should push out beta software products as a recommendation17:46
ikoniajcastro: there are many options for people who don't get a response on ubuntu17:46
ikonia#ubuntu even17:46
jcastrothis is just another option17:46
ikoniawhich is new, unknown and unestablished17:47
jcastroit's young and established17:47
ikoniaand not under ubuntu/canonical control17:47
ikoniait's not established17:47
ikoniait's still in beta17:47
ikoniaso as the official channel, I don't think we should be recommending it as an option17:47
jcastroit is under ubuntu control, the current ubuntu people using it are in control17:47
ikoniajcastro: are the ubuntu community council in control of it ?17:47
ikoniaor a group sanctioned by them ?17:48
jcastrono, it's being run by a bunch of current ubuntu people17:48
jcastrome, evan, txwikinger, maco, etc.17:48
ikoniadefine ubuntu people17:48
jcastropeople who are already part of the project17:48
macolfaraone too17:48
ikoniaok - so with all respect, you are not in a position to say you are representing ubuntu or canonical17:48
macoand popey17:48
jcastroI'm not? am I not an ubuntu member?17:48
ikoniaunless the council, or canonical have said "this is the official ubuntu project page" its not official17:49
ikoniaand it's still beta17:49
jcastroI can't speak for /the entire project/ of course17:49
topylias an aside, stackexcange is pretty nice :)17:49
ikoniatopyli: I'm sure it will either grow and flourish or die, the same as any other new product, I'd like to see more of it before the official irc channel starts recommending it17:49
jcastroI don't see how adding a link to the SE would hurt #ubuntu at all17:50
PiciI don't see any harm in putting it in the topic.17:50
ikoniaPici: can you put my support resource web page in the topic too ?17:50
macotopyli: yes i like it. it rewards thorough answers more than half-arsed answers17:50
ikoniano-one is doubting it's quality, however I don't think the ubuntu channel should be recommending unofficial, beta, products17:51
jcastroit's just a beta-looking theme17:52
jcastroenough Ubuntu people are using it now where it's not going to turn into something horrible17:52
macoikonia: would putting it in !otherhelp but not elsewhere until it gets its official .com be a reasonable compromise?17:52
ikoniajcastro: so are you saying the product is not a beta product17:52
PiciIts as unofficial as us reccomending people to get support in other freenode channels that we don't control.17:52
ikoniaPici: but we don't do that for ubuntu product17:52
PiciEr, wait, not exactly.17:52
jcastroikonia: no, all the features work.17:52
ikoniajcastro: that doesn't mean the project is out of beta17:52
ikoniajcastro: ubuntu 10.10 works, it's still in alpha17:53
macoikonia: "beta" status on SE is used to mean the size of the community is still small17:53
ikoniait could break tommorow17:53
topylii can sympathise with advertising a new thing temporarily before moving it to the guidelines page with forums, or removing it if unsuccessful. i worry about two things though17:53
jcastrobut SE is high quality17:53
jcastrono it won't break tomorrow17:53
* mneptok blinks17:53
jcastrothe instance is beta, not the software17:53
ikoniait's still beta17:53
ikoniaand still unsactioned17:53
mneptokjcastro is certainly in a position to say he represents Canonical, if that's what he's sying.17:53
macothe software is the same as what's been running stackoverflow and superuser for a year or more17:53
txwikinger1,432 user if anybody cares17:53
jcastroI don't understand why we need something "sanctioned". If something is awesome we should use it17:53
Picimneptok: I agree.17:53
jcastroI don't represent canonical in this matter, I represent me because I think SE is awesome17:54
jcastroand I want people to use it because it's awesome17:54
* txwikinger thinks SE is awesome too17:54
jcastrowe don't have a sanctioned Facebook group, identi.ca group, etc.17:54
jcastropeople just go Do The Right Thing17:55
ikoniajcastro: and we don't advertise them in #ubuntu17:55
topyliit's a web app. of course it is beta! nobody trusts a non-beta app these days, they're stagnated and dying :)17:55
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops ikonia objection to stackexchange in #ubuntu17:55
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:55
ikoniaI've marked my objection, do what you feel is the best thing17:56
* txwikinger launches an UN request to get SE sanctioned by the UN17:56
mneptokjcastro: i would have reservations about the ops team or the /topic in #u promoting something that has not been cleared by either Canonical or the Community Council.17:57
jcastroreally? you want to bother the CC with the topic to an irc channel?17:58
* mneptok has some weird hang-ups. this may be one.17:58
ikoniaits not changing the topic17:58
ikoniait's recommending a support resource17:58
ikoniajcastro: why don't we recommending linuxquestions.org  for example ?17:58
mneptokjcastro: no, but i'd want the CC or Canonical seal of approval on a service before adding it to the /topic17:58
jcastroikonia: because it's some random forum?17:58
ikoniajcastro: and this is some random group of people17:58
jcastrothis isn't a random thing, Ubuntu people are participating and it's of high quality17:59
jcastrothis isn't a random group of people17:59
txwikingerI understand the point, however, it seems odd that we loose our strength in bureaucrazy (I like this spelling).. What was with pulish early, publish often17:59
mneptokjcastro: i could say the same of Debian :)17:59
ikoniajcastro: so are high quality people on linuxquestions.org17:59
ikonia(I actually don't rate it, I'm using it as an example)17:59
ikoniatxwikinger: it's nothing to do with bureaucrazy it's about representing the official ubuntu IRC channel17:59
jcastroI am just trying to make #ubuntu suck less18:00
txwikingerikonia: Yes I understand, but it is still bureaucracy18:00
ikoniajcastro: do you think it #sucks ?18:00
ikoniatxwikinger: no it's not18:00
ikoniasucks even18:00
jcastroikonia: the quality of support is not very good18:00
ikoniatxwikinger: ok - I'll change the topic to what I feel18:00
jcastroand it's overrun and too bug18:00
jcastroer, too big18:00
mneptokjcastro: many users have resources they use that they think are great, and we do not advertise them. IM services, software not in repos, etc etc.18:01
ikoniajcastro: ok, so help out more in #ubuntu to make it suck less18:01
IdleOneikonia: +118:01
jcastromneptok: yeah but using SE doesn't break my PC like software not in repos18:02
jcastroikonia: the format is not useful for helping out hundreds of people in one chat room18:02
jcastroright tool for the right job18:02
gordeh, its just a website and one that might help, makes sense to me. if it stops making sense just remove it18:02
ikoniajcastro: ok, up the support in the official ubuntu forums18:02
txwikingeras more tools as better18:02
mneptokif there's one thing i'm sure of, there are more tools using Ubuntu every day. ;)18:03
Picigord: And we can blame jcastro for the nonsense too!18:03
gordPici, blaming jcastro is a very important part of any process!18:03
jcastrowhy not try it for a week or a few days?18:03
ikoniaI'm not trying to be wkward in any way shape or form, I just feel the official channel needs to be careful about what it pushes out as it represents the official community project and canonical18:03
Piciikonia: no one reads the topic anyway.18:04
ikoniaPici: that's not a reason to just do what we want18:04
jcastroikonia: I don't want to come across as rude, I appreciate your views18:04
ikoniajcastro: you're not coming across as rude, so no issue there18:04
Piciikonia: This isn't random users asking us to do this, these people here know what they're talking about.18:04
ikoniaPici: so are you suggesting I don't know what I'm talking about ?18:05
ikoniain that saying I don't want it18:05
Piciikonia: nono18:05
ikoniaif jono came in here and asked for this, I'd say the same thing18:05
ikoniain the same way I muted jono for posting his tweets in #ubuntu18:05
macowait really?18:06
ikoniaI'm not suggesting jcastro is wrong about it's quality or scope18:06
IdleOneWhy don't we suggest psychocats. when I suggested a factoid with a link to psychocats I was asked to create a page on help.ubuntu.com because it was felt that advertising a third party site was not optimal.18:06
topylioh dear, that easily doubles the traffic on any channel :(18:06
PiciIdleOne: We do suggest psychocats.18:06
Pici!search psychocats18:07
ubottuFound: gksudo, sudo, thunar, kdesu, purexfce, home18:07
IdleOnewhy isn't puregnome in that list?18:07
ikoniaI've noted my objection, if your happy to add it in the topic, then go for it18:07
macoIdleOne: broken18:07
IdleOneno it isn't, not anymore18:07
macooh then readd it?18:07
jcastroikonia: why don't we try it out for a day or two?18:07
PiciIdleOne: because !puregnome links to our wiki18:08
jcastroand if it's total fail then we remove it?18:08
IdleOnePici: that is because jussi asked me to create a wiki for it18:08
ikoniajcastro: I don't need support and I already provide support on other resources so don't want to spread myself thinnger18:08
ikoniathinner even18:08
Piciikonia: you don't need to support there.18:08
ikoniajcastro: I'm sure if I was stuck on something and couldn't find the answer on other resources I normally use, I'd try it out18:08
PiciNone of us have to.18:08
PiciI don't even have any posts on our forums.18:09
ikoniajcastro: no no, I'm not saying you have to, I was just responding to why I wasn't interested in trying it out18:09
ikonia(I have viewed it a few times for interest18:09
jcastroikonia: I mean trying it out in the /topic for a few days, not you trying SE itself18:09
ikoniasorry that was for pici18:09
ikoniajcastro: because the point I'm making, time scale is not relevant18:09
ikonia(or trying to make)18:10
macoPici: *blink* i thought you were a forum mod?18:11
macooh! wait now18:11
macoPici: sorry mixing you with Pricey18:11
jcastrook I need to go to lunch, thanks for listening18:12
jcastroit will be awesome!18:12
popeydiscussion! :D18:18
macopopey: saw your ping?18:20
popeyya :)18:20
mneptoki'm a bit uncomfortable recommending SE in the #u topic when we do not even mention the Ubuntu Forums.19:18
IdleOnethere is also ubuntu.shapado.net which supports 4 languages at the moment and adding more19:20
IdleOneerr .com19:20
* IdleOne is with ikonia and mneptok on this. I don't understand why we are advertising.19:21
* Pici thinks19:38
mneptokif jcastro was not a Canonical employee and Community Team person, would we even be thinking about this?19:43
jcastroI don't see why it matters that I am a canonical employee19:43
mneptokbecause he was quite clear that he was *not* wearing those hats.19:43
jcastrothe entire SE thing is community driven19:43
IdleOneI have no problem with SE as a tool to be used, my thing is why are we advertising it in #u when we don't do it for every other tech help site19:44
mneptokespecially the Ubuntu Porums, which have years of traction and Canonical's official blessing.19:46
jcastroI am pretty sure Porum is a Jewish holiday Kurt.19:46
PiciWe did have a link in the topic in the past that listed the other support methods, but topic creep forced it out.19:47
mneptokjcastro: yeah, i celebrate it by eating pork and working on Friday night.19:47
PiciThats "Purim", and its a stupid holiday.19:47
PiciBut thats neither here nor there.  anyway.19:47
topylithe closest is the link to the irc guidelines, which mention other support methods, namely mailing list and the forums19:50
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org19:50
mneptokSE is not mentioned on - http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community19:51
mneptokthe U Forums are.19:51
jcastroWe haven't gotten there yet19:52
mneptokso i fail to see why we would tout SE on the official IRC support channel while ignoring the Forums.19:52
mneptok(not that i'm a fan of the Forums, mind you. every time i visit i feel myself actually losing IQ points. and i have precious few to spare.)  >:)19:53
jcastroit's up to you guys, I don't feel strongly about irc topics19:53
PiciI'm sure there will be some backlash from the lp answers folks.  Anyway, I may be opening a can of worms here, but I think its constructive to try to promote other Ubuntu resources, official or not.  Its not like we're telling them to install automatix or something.19:53
Picier, the first sentence was about getting t on the /support page.19:53
jcastrolp answers is unmaintained in lp unfortunately19:54
jcastroI hope to offer this as a replacement for Answers19:54
mneptokPici: in my mind, we either promote all, or promote none as far as the /topic goes.19:54
mneptoki'd be fine with a factoid.19:54
topyliof those two, 'none' would be more feasible for a /topic. :)19:55
topylithis is new though, and as such might benefit for a short advertising run19:55
topylii'd be more comfortable with listing support options somewhere and linking to that somewhere. or a factoid that covers them19:56
topylilike !support19:56
Picitopyli: you've echoed my thoughts exactly.19:56
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:56
topylithat's another much used factoid19:57
mneptokPici: i fail to see any benefit in putting it in the /topic for "just a few days." in fact, we'd be hard-pressed to turn down a request from the Forums and LP Answers people if they asked for the same thing.19:58
mneptoki think the answer to *every* other support mechanism asking for advertising in the #u /topic is "we don't do that. but feel free to suggest a factoid."19:59
Picimneptok: What do you think about adding it to !patience?19:59
mneptokPici: i think that's a great idea.20:00
PiciI feel a bit better about that too.20:01
mneptokimagine this. i start my own forum and get some Google adword-fu going. i advertise the forum as "being run by a former Senior Ubuntu Support Analyst for Canonical!" i then ask to be added to the #u /topic, and complain loudly when you say no. "I'm an official Ubuntu community member, a Canonical alumnus, and a support person! and you did this for SE, which is NONE of those."20:02
mneptokyou may then introduce your back to that brick wall. i have precedent on my side. ;)20:02
Pici!no repeat is <reply> Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com20:03
ubottuI'll remember that Pici20:03
mneptoki think the "we don't do that ... for *anyone*. but feel free to suggest a factoid," answer staves off a lot of potential problems.20:04
PiciI agree.  I was okay with it when I did it, but was having second thoughts.20:04
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:05
mneptokubottu: stackexchange is <reply>StackExchange is a support resource that offers non-realtime support by the community! Can't get your problem fixed on IRC? Try StackExchange! - http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com20:06
ubottuI'll remember that, mneptok20:06
mneptokand now we'll wait for SE fans to become as rabid as Forums people ;)20:07
PiciWell, do we have a Stack Exchange council yet?20:07
mneptokno, but i'm sure jcastro is sending e-mails with "URGENT!!!!!!one!!!!" in the SUBJ header to Jono every 37 minutes about that very topic. :)20:08
* mneptok pets jcastro 20:09
ubottuIn ubottu, IdleOne said: repeat is <reply> text here20:22
IdleOnesorry bout that20:22
mneptokMagicFab: hey!20:29
MagicFabmneptok, howdy !20:32
MagicFabwow lots of people here, was just curious ;)20:32
jussiMagicFab: is there anything we can give you assistance with?20:36
MagicFabjussi, not really - tx.20:37
jussiMagicFab: ok, please note /topic then :)20:38
* MagicFab -> impressed by the warm reception :)20:38
MagicFabI did - cheers20:38
Seveas-train<-- Raugturi has quit (Quit: :(){ :|:& };:)21:35
Seveas-trainjust seen in #ubuntu21:35
ikonianaughty naughty21:35
Seveas-traindo whatever you want with it :)21:35
ikoniagood eyes21:35
h00kI found myself in ubuntu-unregged21:37
ikoniawhat the devil is going on in #ubuntu21:37
ikoniaI can't place a forward21:37
macobanlist full?21:37
ikoniaoh, it did set21:38
ikoniait just didn't appear on my screen ????21:38
h00kMy alt key isn't working. Maybe it's unity21:38
h00kI have to ctrl+n through21:39
h00kor /window n21:41
* jpds just has /n21:47
h00k...that too21:48
h00kwait, that gives me /names :)21:48
jpdsWhere n == unsigned int;21:48
h00koh, oh. I see what you did there.21:49
h00kcept I don't have that set up.21:50
jpdsh00k: /script exec for (1 .. 200) { Irssi::command("/alias $_ window goto $_") }21:51
jpdsAnd then /save if you want to keep the aliases.21:51
h00kI've seen the doorbell one, it's genius.21:52
h00kjpds: you're a genius. Thank you.21:52
jpdsh00k: I'm a doorbell?!21:53
h00kyou have more than one button21:53
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ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:10
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 549 bans)22:46
ubottuIn #ubuntu, TheSimkin said: ubottu: the problem is i used to do apt-get install kdevelop22:54
ubottuedbian called the ops in #ubuntu ()23:22
ubottuiceroot called the ops in #ubuntu (Tulutu)23:23

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