
marjoit's midnight in oxford, release?!00:00
cyphermoxmarjo, midnight, does that mean it's more beer time for you?00:00
marjocyphermox: moved on to coffee a while back & ate at hotel00:01
robbiewslangasek: okay...now I believe it's officially time to kick the tires and light the fires!00:01
robbiewmarjo: as long as it's 08/17 somewhere on the planet...we're good to go!00:01
skat_robbiew,  please let newz2000 know - he's still on.00:01
cyphermoxstill 08/17 here00:02
marjorobbiew: good release management practice00:02
araok, ladies and gents, off to bed00:02
* cyphermox goes out to get dinner00:02
marjoara; thx and good night00:02
cyphermoxgood night ara00:03
skat_ara;  thanks for your help.   :)00:03
marjocyphermox: thx man! have a good dinner00:03
cyphermoxmarjo, thx, later00:03
* robbiew has to step away to watch the kids...but will be close enough to see his thinkpad light / hear his laptop00:04
slangasekrobbiew: burning tires, check00:05
* oubiwann-away chuckles00:05
marjoskat_ isn't this fun?00:07
robbiewskat_: btw, slangasek will let newz2000 know...so he can delay the website update for some trivial reason as usual00:07
skat_marjo,  learned alot today.  :)00:07
robbiewskat_: now just imagine the fun a FULL release is...with all the ISOs/images :D00:08
elmoand then imagine SOMEONE agreed to do it on a weekend!00:08
marjorobbiew: don't jinx her! watch those kids!00:08
skat_slangasek,  newz2000 asked to be paged when you're ready.00:08
slangasekpaged> ack00:08
slangasekrobbiew: on a full release, we plan / resource better :P00:09
robbiewVERY TRUE00:09
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
skat_robbiew,  slangasek,  :)00:09
marjodavmor2: you get to stay with us tomorrow00:11
marjodavmor2: buy you a coke tomorrow00:12
davmor2haha :)00:12
davmor2nn then all00:12
marjodavmor2: nn00:12
slangasekdisabling sync-mirrors on antimony for publishing00:23
slangasekhmm, I think maybe we don't want kubuntu 10.10 alpha 2 on releases.u.c00:36
slangasekScottK: kubuntu netbook appears to not be done with validation, so I'm not publishing it right now; it can catch up in another round later tonight00:37
skat_robbiew,  updated 613288 with steps I took,  see if figure out more about the difference later.00:37
robbiewskat_: thnx00:43
slangasekhmm, we didn't have UNE for 8.04, did we00:59
slangasekmakes for an additional challenge00:59
slangasek(web indices are dropping all references to UNE because they don't match the filename pattern, but of course they're still published)00:59
robbiewslangasek: was 8.10 the first UNR...or even 9.04?01:08
robbiewslangasek: btw, mvo is out but sent me the instructions to enable the 8.04 -> 10.04.1 upgrades...though I think only he and the admins can do it on rookery...worst case scenario, he said he could do it Friday01:10
slangasekrobbiew: don't remember... 2008 was a long time ago :)01:12
robbiewtell me about it01:12
slangasekok, think I have make-web-indices doing what I want01:27
slangaseka trifling edit01:27
ScottKslangasek: OK.  It just needs wubi, right?01:28
slangasekScottK: correct01:29
ScottKslangasek: There's nothing wubi specific in the differences between Kubuntu desktop and netbook.  Can we call that "close enough"?01:29
ScottKNo idea who'd do the wubi bits (I can't).01:30
slangasekRiddell: ^^ is that ok with you?01:30
robbiewis Riddell awake?01:31
ScottKwubi use case is a lot weaker on netbooks anyway, IMO.  They tend to have smaller drives.01:31
slangasekrobbiew: dunno, but ReleaseManifest says he's who I should poke for signoff of kubuntu netbook releases01:32
ScottK5, 4, 3, 2, 1.01:32
ScottKHe didn't object ....01:32
slangasekwe can make an executive decision, but I'm still working on publishing anyway so we don't need the answer immediately01:32
robbiewI agree with ScottK...I don't see skipping wubi for kubuntu netbook as a big deal01:33
slangasekactually, that makes kubuntu publishing much simpler than ubuntu was if we do it that way, since that means everything goes to .1 at the same time01:33
robbiewof course now I've jinxed it...it will fail and be all over LWN and /.01:33
robbiewslangasek: then in the words of Jean-Luc Piccard....make it so01:33
ScottKrobbiew: If you need a quote for cover: Lead community developer for Kubuntu Netbook Remix, Scott Kitterman said, "I really don't care if it works on Windows.  If they are booting Windows, they've already got bigger problems."01:39
slangasekok, got all the bits in order now01:44
slangasekwaiting for prepublishing confirmation before proceeding01:45
slangasekpaging newz2000 now01:45
robbiewslangasek: cool....and the countdown begins01:52
newz2000slangasek: howdy01:54
slangaseknewz2000: hi there01:55
newz2000anything needed besides an update to the download page?01:55
slangaseknewz2000: so, I'm not sure if anyone has communicated you regarding which images are getting revved for 10.04.1 and have URL changes; I was only tagged in on this in the past week01:55
* slangasek inserts a preposition01:55
* ScottK hands slangasek some lube to ease the pain.01:56
slangaseknewz2000: Ubuntu desktop, alternate, and server CDs are all part of the point release and have new URLs; Kubuntu desktop, alternate, netbook also; Ubuntu netbook is *not* revved for the point release, so any download links for UNE must *not* change01:56
newz2000oh no01:57
slangaseknewz2000: I'm not sure which of those you actually link to, but I know that UNE is among them01:57
slangaseknewz2000: right - sorry for the late notice.  Is it going to be painful to accomodate this on your side?  I would rather not be sticking incorrect 10.04.1 links in place on the mirror side to compensate01:57
newz2000the way the system works is it assumes the file name matches a pattern like this: %1$s/lucid/%2$s-10.04-%3$s-%4$s.iso01:58
newz2000sorry, that is unitelligible01:58
newz2000I don't have an easy way to configure it one way for une and another way for server etc01:59
* newz2000 looks for a way02:00
newz2000slangasek: are the mirrors already up to date?02:01
slangaseknewz2000: most of the main mirrors now have 10.04.1 in the pool; I haven't pushed the plunger yet for the lucid/ directory02:02
newz2000is it possible to use the same name for une as for the other images?02:02
newz2000actually, I'm going to have to change the download page code02:03
newz2000to support diff names02:03
newz2000give me a couple min02:03
slangasekI /can/ stub something in to fix up the names, but it would be inaccurate02:03
slangasekbut if changing the download page code is too time consuming or risky, I'll do it02:04
* skat_ watching with interest...02:05
* ScottK waits for slangasek to show off.02:05
newz2000slangasek: let me see if a sysadmin can help me out with a change02:06
slangaseknewz2000: ok02:06
slangasekskat_: my thought process here is to use an http redirect via .htaccess, which is the same method used for redirecting to old-releases.ubuntu.com for no-longer-supported releases.02:07
newz2000slangasek: ok so the file names for une are no diff than before, so no change should be made to the path for them02:07
slangasekskat_: so I would put in RedirectPermanent rules for the netbook filenames the downloader is looking for; this would avoid having them show up in the index, but would forward the download links to the correct filenames.  It assumes reasonable support for .htaccess on the webserver, but we're already making use of these features extensively so that's not a stretch - *and* I can add the dummy names to the .manifest file so that the mirro02:08
slangasek... won't consider a mirror good unless it serves the filenames in question02:09
slangaseknewz2000: correct02:09
slangaseknewz2000: whereas all the others change from 10.04 to 10.04.102:09
newz2000ok, perfect, that was going to be my next question02:09
newz2000slangasek, skat_: can we update the release process so that during that step where you contact the webmaster we confirm the file names?02:09
slangasekskat_: but I have no way to know for sure before trying it how much that would reduce our set of available mirrors02:10
skat_slangasek:  if we're already using the method elsewhere, sounds reasonable.    I'll look at it from firefox and explorer when its up and see what the experience is like.02:11
slangaseknewz2000, skat_: annotating this on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PointReleaseProcess now02:11
skat_slangasek:  :)02:11
newz2000ok, working it's working on dev, just a min to get to staging02:12
ScottKNo one who normally works on kubuntu.org is around.  I guess I need to go dig up my userid and password and see if I still have access.02:18
newz2000slangasek: ok, emergency change going live momentarily, then we'll be ready to push02:18
slangaseknewz2000: ack - sorry for the troubles02:18
slangasekrobbiew, skat_: who wants to send the announcement mail? :)02:19
robbiewgiven I have it cued up...and have delayed it numerous times...I can02:19
robbiewwe'll let her enjoy 10.1002:19
skat_slangsek:  it's robbie's baby...02:19
newz2000so I made this new system so that releases would be painless... :-)02:20
robbiewand boy is it overdue02:20
robbiewnewz2000: how's that workin for ya?02:20
newz2000ok, the website is now ready to be updated to point to 10.04.102:22
newz2000let me know when to push02:22
slangaseknewz2000: pushing the button here; probably want to change the website in about 15 minutes to catch the middle of the propagation, but I'll let you know when02:23
newz2000ok, gonna put the kids to bed and I'll be right back02:23
robbiewnewz2000: I hear that...got one down...one more to go02:24
* robbiew is NickJR'd out!02:24
* skat_ wondering if robbiew will do another Jean-Luc Picard impression....02:24
slangasekskat_: at this point I'm prodding IS to give us a probe of all the CD mirrors, so that launchpad is feeding good and timely information into newz2000's download script02:24
slangasekskat_: this isn't documented on the PointReleaseProcess page, it's the same as the ReleaseProcess page02:25
skat_slangasek,  thanks.   How do I learn more about the CD mirrors, and their space/capacity?02:25
slangasekskat_: by talking to jpds, I would say :)02:25
jpdsGood evening.02:26
skat_slangasek:  :)   jpds: stand by for some questions after this release is out ;)02:26
slangasekrobbiew: fixed some small alignment bugs in the wiki announcement draft02:27
jpdsskat_: Will do. :)02:28
slangasekskat_: LP's official view of current CD mirrors is at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors02:28
robbiewack...thnx...cut-and-paste is AWESOME :/02:28
slangasekrobbiew: maybe s/can found tomorrow at/will be made available tomorrow at/?02:29
slangasekhum, is this the "About Ubuntu" blurb from 2 years ago? :-)02:30
slangaseksomeone invented netbooks since the last time we did an LTS02:30
skat_slangasek,  thanks.02:30
robbiewslangasek: details...details02:30
robbiewslangasek: probably good to add netbooks02:30
slangasekrobbiew: yep - imported the /current/ boiler plate :)02:31
robbiewslangasek: also +1 on "will be made available tomorrow at"02:31
robbiewslangasek: I'm assuming you are editing...or I can02:31
slangasekI am02:31
robbiewslangasek: "an incredible variety of add-on software is just a few clicks away." also reads weird to me02:33
robbiewdoes "add-on" need to be there?02:34
slangasekrobbiew: I have no strong opinion either way02:34
robbiewah, screw it02:34
slangasekit wouldn't hurt to mix up the announcement text from time to time IMHO, these mails tend to become ossified after a while :)02:34
robbiewI'll throw in a quote at the beginning ;)02:35
ScottKAs long as robbiew gets the release name right, it'll be progress ...02:35
newz2000Jimmy John Jones is ready to color!02:35
robbiewScottK: ha..ha02:35
newz2000(daughter's fav book)02:35
robbiewnewz2000: lol02:36
newz2000have you read that one?02:36
robbiewI thought you had a turrets syndrome-like irc outburst02:36
ScottKNo.  That's me.02:36
slangasekrobbiew: now, you know about the X-Ubuntu header you have to include to get mails into the ubuntu-announce mod queue?02:36
robbiewslangasek: nope...which would explain why I've never been able to post to it02:37
newz2000oh, it's skippy jon jones I mean. (must be hungry for a sandwich)02:37
slangasekrobbiew: the mailing list checks for the existence of this email header, it doesn't have to have any particular value02:38
slangasekso 'X-Ubuntu: skippy jon jones is ready to color!' will work just fine02:38
skat_X-Ubuntu header?02:38
slangasekskat_: if we didn't pre-filter posts to ubuntu-announce, we would be spending inordinate amounts of time on the moderation queue; so there's a filter in front that auto-rejects any mail that doesn't have an X-Ubuntu header set02:39
slangasek(that doesn't let your mail through to the list - it just lets your mail through to the mod queue :)02:40
skat_spotted 10.0.01 on http://releases.ubuntu.com   :)   how long to propigate to mirrors?02:41
newz2000it's not there yet, tested three mirrors and 100% failure02:41
slangasekskat_: I haven't actually pulled the trigger on that yet, was waiting for the CD mirror probe to finish02:42
newz2000https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors is looking bleak02:42
slangasekok; looks like I didn't count on a cronjob running sync-mirror behind my back at just the right moment02:45
slangasekso I did pull the trigger, I just hadn't meant to :P02:46
slangasekbut no damage done except a little confusion02:46
skat_so, when I went to look for it from another computer, and am not seeing, it now, as you expect?02:48
ScottKBTW, http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download#download-block claims Kubuntu Netbook Remix is LTS, which is not correct.  Is that kubuntu.org or Canonical IS to fix?02:48
slangasekskat_: we're in that lovely period of quantum superposition when the release is both there and not there02:49
newz2000I kind of like when the quantum superposition happens at night02:49
newz2000except the part about having to work at night of course02:49
ScottKIf you look at it right, you can see a green flash.02:49
* newz2000 is glad he loves his job02:50
robbiewnewz2000: the sun is up somewhere...I'm sure of it02:51
* skat_ bemused at concept of there and not there... going back to refresh the pages...02:51
newz2000went from 2 mirrors down to 102:52
slangasekskat_: releases.ubuntu.com itself is a round-robin mirror, IIRC, so even without taking into account other mirrors, the release doesn't appear all at the same time02:52
robbiewslangasek: figured out how to add custom headers in evo...and that took longer than it should have...talk about usability, sheesh02:52
slangasekI could talk about usability - but then the release wouldn't happen tonight02:53
* skat_ see's release visible again...02:53
ScottKnewz2000: kubuntu.org download page now appears to point to the no longer existing 10.04 and not
newz2000I will ping their webmaster02:55
newz2000I forgot they took over management of that themselves02:55
* ScottK tries his password again, just in case he got it wrong last time.02:56
newz2000skippy jon jones is ready to release!02:56
newz2000cool music at www.skippyjonjones.com02:57
slangasekheyo, 67 mirrors known02:57
slangaseknewz2000: please flip the switch for ubuntu.com02:57
newz2000cool, just a min02:57
* robbiew sends the email02:58
robbiew...so it can be moderated :P02:58
* skat_ watching the mirrors appear.... :)02:58
ScottKOK.  So ryanakca appeared and he and newz2000 are sorting the kubuntu.org links.02:59
* ScottK now works on a Kubuntu release announcement.03:00
slangasekrobbiew: hasn't hit the mod queue03:00
slangasekoh, perhaps you've already processed it:)03:01
* robbiew canceled it...had a random > character in it03:01
newz2000ooh, its working, its working03:01
* skat_ interesting - some picking it up (Canada, Europe) some not... fun to watch.03:02
ScottKOK.  No longer in imminent danger of disappearing.  Found the power brick.03:03
newz2000cron prob on prod03:03
newz2000I'm trying to get admins to run a cron manually, until then some expired mirrors are in there mix03:04
skat_newz2000,  that would explain it. :)03:04
slangaseknewz2000: which expired mirrors? we went down to 1 mirror, everything that got readded after that should be confirmed good03:04
newz2000could be an hour old03:05
robbiewslangasek: ok...should be in the mod queue now03:05
slangasekoh, this is your cron job on the web side, right03:05
slangasekrobbiew: approved03:05
slangaseknow to grab some grub03:05
slangasekyell/call if anything blows up in the next 30min :)03:06
skat_slangsek,  most of mirrors in US aren't picking it up.   Oregon has though.03:06
newz2000skat_: it will be self healing. Either IS will run cron manually or sometime soon it'll run automatically03:08
ScottKslangasek: Are you updating ports images too?03:08
skat_newz2000,  :)03:08
* robbiew is done for the day...if something explodes, it can burn until tomorrow!03:10
* newz2000 too03:11
skat_robbiew,  shouldn't the image names have 10.4.1 in them?03:11
newz2000skat_: yes, don't they?03:11
skat_newz2000,  not the ones I'm looking at on the Oregon server....03:11
robbiewnewz2000: yes..they do03:11
newz2000skat_: that mirror is out of date then03:12
newz2000(btw, IS just found the cron task and its running now I think)03:12
skat_hmmm....   mirror effects?  directory says 10.4.1,  but images underneath not showing it.03:12
robbiewall I know is I was able to download an ISO from  http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04.1/  ...good enough for me to call it a day! ;)03:13
newz2000http://mirrors.ccs.neu.edu/releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-i386.iso works03:13
newz2000skat_: are you looking at netbook?03:13
newz2000alternate/desktop/server should have 10.04.103:13
skat_robbiew - yup,  I see 10.4.1 on releases too.    download in progress.03:14
skat_newz2000:  look at Oregon Open Source Lab mirror.   10.4.1 directory in place, but contents ref. 10.403:15
ScottKkubuntu.org is updated now.03:16
newz2000skat_: they have old and new there03:17
newz2000kind of odd imho03:18
newz2000I'm still getting a lot of failures on the download, bad mirrors03:18
newz2000I'm going to let it set for a few min and check again03:18
skat_newz2000, you're right.   I didn't scroll down far enough.03:19
jpdsskat_: The Oregon graphs are now https://munin.osuosl.org/osuosl.org/ftp-osl.osuosl.org/if_eth0.html - you can see the first ISO push above the "W".03:27
skat_jpds,  not figuring out what I'm seeing - "push above the W" has me scratching head.03:32
slangasekScottK: ports> haven't rerolled anything for ports generally, except for kubuntu-netbook/armel* at your request; have those been validated and should they be pushed?03:41
ScottKslangasek: No.  It hasn't.  Still working on that.03:42
ScottKslangasek: You'll still have the image to push after we get it tested, right?03:42
slangasekScottK: yes03:42
ScottKOK.  Thanks.03:42
newz2000skippy jon jones is ready for bed. Good night all03:57
newz2000congrats on the release robbiew and skat_03:57
=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
cjwatsonrobbiew: elmo said he could do the 8.04 -> 10.04.1 upgrade thing if need be, if we send him instructions.  tell me yes or not09:23
cjwatsonskat_: "ISO push" is a noun phrase, if that helps, so I think jpds is just indicating where you can see the spike corresponding to ISOs being pushed to the mirror in question09:24
cjwatsonah indeed, above the "W" of "Wed" in the legend of the top-left graph - the downward-pointing graph is inbound traffic09:24
=== doko_ is now known as doko
sla_sorry just in, can i see these graphs too? sounds interesting..10:12
cjwatson03:27 <jpds> skat_: The Oregon graphs are now https://munin.osuosl.org/osuosl.org/ftp-osl.osuosl.org/if_eth0.html - you can see the first ISO push above the "W".10:29
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
robbiewcjwatson: I see no need to wait for mvo to return on Friday, so "yes"15:01
robbiewunleash the masses on 10.04.115:01
cjwatsonrobbiew: RTed15:04
robbiewcjwatson: thnx15:04
cjwatsonrobbiew: done, per Spads16:35
robbiewcjwatson: ack, thx16:35
robbiew1054 updates made to 10.04.1...whew!17:13
seb128robbiew, the number seems wrong, or do you count all language packs updates?17:15
robbiewseb128: yeah...was just a raw number17:15
robbiewfrom a script17:15
* robbiew needs to clean it up before posting17:15
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
robbiewslangasek: any idea how the USN info is gathered for the Change Summary?23:48
slangasekrobbiew: I would have thought it's gleaned from the website based on date23:48
slangasekbut this is a guess23:49
mdeslaurslangasek: is there a way to know what exact package versions went in?23:49
mdeslaur(besides downloading the dvd...)23:49

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