
=== kentb is now known as kentb_out
=== Narwhal is now known as IdleOne
Italian_PlumberI'm trying to connect my windows xp machine directly to an ubuntu server with a crossover cable.  I thought this was going to be easy.  It doesn't appear to be.  When I configure the server with a static IP with a netmask, I get "eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device ... SIOCSIFADDR: No such device"00:32
Italian_PlumberI'm hoping the fix for that is something that's obvious to someone with more experience than I.00:33
Italian_PlumberIt also says "SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device" and "Failed to bring up eth0"00:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #619540 in samba (main) "package smbclient 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3.5 failed to install/upgrade:" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61954000:41
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Italian_Plumberwell I figured it out... for some reason my two network cards are eth3 and eth401:04
Patrickdkdid you change cards or motherboards?01:05
Patrickdkubuntu remembers the id's of the cards, and assigns new numbers for new cards01:05
Italian_Plumberthe hard drive is from another machine... that could be it.01:06
Italian_Plumbernow however I think my problem is that my crossover cable isn't really a crossover cable01:06
Italian_Plumbermm... I dunno... the definitely have different wiring between the two plugs01:08
Italian_Plumberwhew... I rebooted and eth0 is now eth3...01:17
Italian_Plumberer... I mean eth3 is now eth001:17
ND-moviehey, can someone help me out with PPTPD server?01:19
ND-moviei'm having a problem with it. :(01:19
mase_wkND-movie: no one knows if they can help you because you haven't told us the problem01:19
ND-moviea fair point01:19
ND-moviebasically i'm having trouble getting the darn'ed thing to work right, i have it all set up, but i'm getting errors when it tries to handle dhcp01:20
ND-moviehere's pastebin01:22
ND-movielike i can communicate with the VPN server, its not refusing the connection01:23
ND-moviebut *shrug*01:23
ND-moviei think i have the internal and external IP's set up incorrectly01:23
ND-moviexxx.xx.31.59 i have set as my internal (which is the IP of my server)01:23
ND-movieand i have set as my external01:23
ND-moviethats probably the wrong idea, i'm guessing?01:24
ND-movieany suggestions01:31
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guest9876543210Hi all02:32
guest9876543210I'm trying to setup Virtual Machine using JeOS & vmbuilder02:33
guest9876543210The VM seems to have been installed, but I don't know how to start it :(02:34
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guest9876543210running a virsh -c qemu:///system list doesn't display anything so I'm not that sure the VM has been installed02:35
guest9876543210any VM helper there ?02:36
hallynguest9876543210: (i'm not sticking around, but one suggestion) do virsh list --all02:53
hallynelse you don't see not-started vms02:53
guest9876543210fundacion : nope, I'm French02:54
guest9876543210I give --all a try ;-) thanks02:55
fundacionno body speak in spanish02:55
fundacionor where i can find a irc about server in spanish?02:55
guest9876543210you seem to type a good english ! can't you ask for help this way ?02:56
fundacionbut, i don't understand the englis at perfection02:58
guest9876543210I'm not aware of Spanish server room, I'd suggest to ask for help there ...02:59
PleceboI'm having some issues with Raid. I have a raid6 array and all of my drives all of a sudden went to spares. mdstat reads this: http://pastebin.com/c8Li0hHj I've tried rebootin and reassembling the array, but don't want to mess anything up the best I can get is 5 devices to try to assemble, but I need at least 6.03:02
guest9876543210Placebo : do you have critical datas on your RAID array ?03:10
Pleceboguest9876543210, I do, loosing it would be bad03:14
McWineyn00b Q: I want to put my wife's teaching docs online for her to access from home/school/wherever... Most files are on ubuntu server box right now. Is WebDAV the way to go here?03:15
PleceboI assembled the array with: mdadm --assemble --force /dev/md0 /dev/sd{b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i}03:15
Pleceboand it started with 6 devices03:15
guest9876543210Placebo : and ?? what's wrong then ?03:16
Pleceboguest9876543210, there are 8 devices, and I can't add the other two03:16
Pleceboguest9876543210, also, now one of the 6 is marked as Failed03:17
Plecebonew mdstat http://pastebin.com/CcrgJQs403:17
guest9876543210Plecebo : it might worth to test your HDs, using smartmontools03:19
Pleceboguest9876543210, I can do that, do they need to be tested one at a time?03:20
Pleceboalso, should I take my raid array offline?03:21
guest9876543210Plecebo : yes one disk at time (2mn per disk), you can leave your RAID on03:21
guest9876543210sudo smartctl -t short /dev/sda03:22
guest9876543210then after 2mn :03:22
guest9876543210sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda03:22
guest9876543210for each HD ...03:22
Pleceboguest9876543210, ok, i'll do that and report back, thanks for your help *fingers crossed*03:23
Pleceboguest9876543210, what am I looking for? how will I know there is a problem?03:25
guest9876543210Plecebo : you'll see errors in the last lines03:26
guest9876543210Placebo : you can run to know to number of hours your HDs have been up :03:29
guest9876543210for sda :03:29
guest9876543210sudo /usr/sbin/smartctl -d ata -a /dev/sda | egrep '^  9' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f1103:29
Plecebo/dev/sdb looks clean http://pastebin.com/sCFPcESs03:31
Plecebo8851, is that minutes?03:32
guest9876543210in hours03:32
Plecebooh hours? nice03:32
guest9876543210nearly 1 year03:32
Pleceboseems about right03:33
Plecebothats about how long i've had them, nearly always on03:33
guest9876543210due to RAID (1) crash, I now change HDs before 30 000 hours (3 years)03:34
guest9876543210between 20 000 and 25 00003:35
guest9876543210Plecebo : it might worth to check your HDD temp too :03:36
guest9876543210sudo hddtemp /dev/sd[a-l]03:36
guest9876543210mine have often failed because of high temp03:37
Pleceboguest9876543210, I know I recently moved them to a hotter part of my house and I was copying data to them when the array crashed03:37
Plecebo/dev/sdc looks ok http://pastebin.com/vxpFKmTd03:37
Pleceboguest9876543210, between 34C and 41C03:39
Pleceboat the moment03:39
Plecebobut now I know how to monitor them03:39
guest9876543210FYI : 47° has always killed my HDs03:40
Pleceboguest9876543210, well seeing as how its a lot cooler today then it was the day the crashed i wouldn't be surprised if they hit something that high03:41
Pleceboguest9876543210, thanks a bunch for your help03:41
guest9876543210Plecebo : you're welcome .. help each other ;-)03:42
Pleceboguest9876543210, yea, i'm writing down these commands so i'll know next time and someday can pass on the info :)03:42
guest9876543210Plecebo : I've installed a MediaWiKi on my server, so I can record all theses usefull commands and access them from anywhere with www connection, I use it everyday as I can't recall everything ;)03:44
Plecebosdd looks good http://pastebin.com/90HPtcdj03:44
Pleceboguest9876543210, that is a great idea03:45
Pleceboguest9876543210, as long as your server is up eh?03:45
guest9876543210Plecebo, do you mean uptime ?03:45
Pleceboguest9876543210, if your MediaWiki is on your server and your server is what you are trying to fix... could be an issues03:46
guest9876543210opps, yeap, that's what I first type .. as long as your server is alive ;)03:46
guest9876543210it was on this server I have experienced a RAID crash :(03:47
PleceboMaybe I could keep tomboy notes and have them sync with ubuntuOne03:48
guest9876543210lost 1 week / 15H/day typing invoices and so on ...03:48
Pleceboguest9876543210, ewww no fun there03:48
guest9876543210Now backups are daily03:48
Pleceboguest9876543210, at least it wasn't two weeks LOL03:48
guest9876543210(they were wekkly before)03:48
Plecebosde looks ok http://pastebin.com/UkspLJaj03:50
guest9876543210Plecebo : I haven't yet found how to use UbuntuOne (neither understood what it can do)03:50
guest9876543210sdi sdh sdg might be the culpits03:50
guest9876543210(as they're shown as _ instead of U in mdstat)03:51
Pleceboguest9876543210, I have only begun to use it, I think eventually they want it to be like a roaming profile in the cloud... but I think there are some kinks before they get there03:52
Pleceboguest9876543210, yea my suspects as well, testing f now03:52
guest9876543210FYI : I don't use anything that RAID1 for my sensitive datas now : 2 HDs in use, 1 for spare03:53
Pleceboyea, I should consider moving mine around a bit03:54
hallyn<shrug> I'm using ecryptfs over Ubuntu One, bc I keep switching laptops etc.  No problems so far, after 2-3 weeks of heavy daily use03:55
hallyncourse all it takes is one snafu on the backend :)03:55
hallynas sidekick users know03:55
Pleceboguest9876543210, most of my 6TB is used for ripped copies of movies I own that I could easily replace (just take me a few months to re-rip them)03:55
Plecebohallyn, you are happy so far?03:55
hallynI install a new laptop, hook into ubuntu one, wait a few mins, and everything is there03:55
hallyn(bouncing between lucid and maverick)03:56
Plecebohallyn, i've used it for the music stuff, but there is so little space i usually pull it off right away03:56
guest9876543210Plecebo : for the ripping thing datas, I use RAID5 (never tried the 6 level) as I don't care datas03:56
hallynagain, i suspect i"ll get bitten at some point.  but then i have backups on several laptops, implicitly :)03:56
hallynPlecebo: i want quick syncs, so i don't put music on there03:56
hallynnot yet anyway03:56
hallynif I could do priorities, "sync this first", then I might start03:57
hallynmaybe i should hop over to #ubuntuone and suggest that :)03:57
PleceboSDG seems fine http://pastebin.com/QbUXawbV03:57
Plecebohallyn, yea the distributed idea of it is nice03:57
guest9876543210Plecebo : yeap no error shown yet03:57
Pleceboguest9876543210, its hard to move around 3TB of data though while you restructure everything03:58
guest9876543210Plecebo : I know ... :(03:59
Plecebohallyn, priority would be nice I havent heard but excited to see what the devs have in store for 10.1003:59
guest9876543210Is one of you good with Virtual Machines ? (JeOS & vmbuilder)04:00
PleceboSDH looks fine http://pastebin.com/mZGZPQHr04:00
Pleceboguest9876543210, havent played around with it yet, but i'm interested. I'm considering attempting a small office install with ebox towards the end of sept and want to divide up the server a bit04:01
Pleceboguest9876543210, but like I said, not tried playing with it yet04:01
guest9876543210Plecebo : I'm trying right now .. but it seems I have to read a lot ... not able to start a VM yet04:02
PleceboSDI looks ok... http://pastebin.com/PGeKNUR804:03
guest9876543210Plecebo : once you've tested all drives, try to remove then re-add sde1 to md004:05
guest9876543210mdadm /dev/md0 --fail /dev/sde1 --remove /dev/sde104:07
guest9876543210mdadm /dev/md0 --add /dev/sde104:07
guest9876543210and watch the raid re-construction04:07
guest9876543210watch cat /proc/mdstat04:08
guest9876543210try to do this for the other drives after (but as i told : never tried the RAID6 level)04:08
Pleceboguest9876543210, it added e as a spare04:08
guest9876543210Plecebo : maybe because of the --force you typed04:09
Pleceboguest9876543210, and it doesn't seem to be rebuilding either04:09
Pleceboguest9876543210, could be04:10
guest9876543210from the last mdstat you sent, sde1 if marked as FAILED04:10
guest9876543210so, try to remove & re-add04:10
guest9876543210(without force)04:10
Pleceboguest9876543210, remove and readd the array?04:11
Pleceboguest9876543210, mdstat now doesn't have b and c either, so let me try to readd them04:11
guest9876543210Plecebo : remove sde1 from array then re-add it (see previous commds I've sent)04:11
Pleceboguest9876543210, when I tried to remove/re-add sde1 using the commands you gave they were added back as spares04:12
guest9876543210arg ...04:12
Pleceboguest9876543210, adding sdb and sdc with the same command added them as spares as well04:13
guest9876543210hmm ..04:13
guest9876543210it seems you need 4 drives for RAID604:15
guest9876543210as the array already contains 4 valid drives, I think that's why they are added as spare04:15
Plecebofrom what i understood raid6 is like raid5 with the ability to lose 2 drives04:16
guest9876543210I'd try a mdadm --assemble --scan04:16
Pleceboso my 8 drive array should be able to assemble with 6 drives04:16
Pleceboit says my array is active and it can't be restarted04:17
guest9876543210I suppose this array is only for datas (no boot nor OS on it) ?04:18
Pleceboguest9876543210, just data, correct04:19
guest9876543210so you can stop the array then re-assemble it04:19
guest9876543210sudo mdadm --stop /dev/mdo04:20
guest9876543210sudo mdadm --assemble --scan04:20
Plecebomdadm: /dev/md0 assembled from 5 drives and 3 spares - not enough to start the array.04:21
Plecebocloser though04:21
Plecebomaybe if i alter the mdadm.conf and restart04:21
guest9876543210what is your mdstat right now ?04:22
Pleceboguest9876543210, it says again that all of my drives are spares (S)04:27
guest9876543210all the 8 ?04:28
Plecebomd0 : inactive sdf1[0](S) sde1[10](S) sdb1[9](S) sdc1[8](S) sdd1[6](S) sdi1[3](S) sdh1[2](S) sdg1[1](S)04:29
guest9876543210and if you try to assemble the array you're told not enough drives ?04:30
Plecebomdadm --assemble --scan04:31
Plecebomdadm: /dev/md0 assembled from 5 drives and 3 spares - not enough to start the array.04:31
guest9876543210Plecebo : Sorry, I'm a bit confused, I really don't know what to do ...04:43
Pleceboguest9876543210, ok well thanks for the effort, ill keep plugging away here trying to see what I can come up with04:44
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Pleceboguest9876543210, oh no, i think i might have goofed05:46
PleceboI removed and recreated the array05:48
Pleceboand it started rebuilding05:48
guest9876543210but it failed at the end ... that's it ?05:48
Plecebobut then I got freaked out that I wasn't able to mount the array, which i've been able to do in the past05:48
Pleceboand then two of the drives failed out of the array05:49
Pleceboand the sync stopped05:49
Plecebobut im worried that when I created the array I overwrote the superblock05:49
guest9876543210arg, sincerely I'm not a that good mdadm user, but I think that overwriting the superblock was probably a bad idea05:50
Pleceboyea I'm thinking the same05:51
guest9876543210I think it's time to think : go for a new mdadm aventure and forget your past array datas ...05:52
Pleceboguest9876543210, maybe, but i'm not at that point yet05:56
guest9876543210courage is a good thing ! :)05:57
guest9876543210I'm trying the 4th installation of a Virtual Machine on this server ...06:00
Plecebowell the info i'm seeing leads me to believe i'll be fine, if I can get the array to rebuild06:01
PleceboI'm shutting it down for a bit and i'm going to try to cool things off in here then have it rebuild again06:01
Plecebogood luck with your vm project, i'll be back in a bit06:01
guest9876543210hi all, anyone used to JeOS & vmbuilder ?06:47
alex88where does trasmission save torrent files?06:48
Andre_Gondimalex88, ~/Downloads06:52
alex88lol..i already created that dir..so i didn't search in there :) thank you :)06:54
Pleceboguest9876543210, gah! it won't rebuild because two of my drives keep failing07:55
guest9876543210Plecebo, your array should be ok with 6 drives out of 808:07
guest9876543210just remove the bad ones and keep only the good ones08:07
Pleceboguest9876543210, but the array keeps wanting to sync08:08
Pleceboso it won't stay online08:09
guest9876543210do you mean on its mountpoint ?08:09
eagles0513875|2hey guys is it bad practice if you have a raid 1 array to have swap also mirrored?08:09
guest9876543210eagles0513875|2 : it works but it is a better idea to have a separate swap on each drive08:10
eagles0513875|2i have one main drive and one drive which is mirrored onto08:11
gentooxereagles0513875|2: what guest9876543210 is trying to say is: you don't want to mirror your swap08:12
guest9876543210eagles0513875|2 : do you mean you have only a / and a swap on the drive and the whole drive is mirrored (using mdadm) to another one ?08:13
eagles0513875|2guest9876543210: exactly i have the primary drive and using mdadm its mirroring / and swap :(08:13
gentooxereagles0513875|2: you want 2 swap one on each disk08:13
eagles0513875|2ok so it being mirrored is ok gentooxer08:13
gentooxereagles0513875|2: it doesn't harm anything08:14
guest9876543210gentooxer: it seems you haven't created your RAID array at system install ...08:14
eagles0513875|2isnt it better to have swap mirrored just in case one needs to rebuild the array they will have the swap partition already there08:15
guest9876543210sorry, this was for eagles0513875|2 ..08:15
eagles0513875|2and guest9876543210 i did create the array at system install08:15
gentooxereagles0513875|2: the swap is only temporary data like ram08:15
gentooxereagles0513875|2: its garbish after a reboot08:15
eagles0513875|2arent you up the creek though if you have to rebuild the array08:16
gentooxereagles0513875|2: why bother an mirror it?08:16
guest9876543210eagles0513875|2 : datas in swap file are erased after a reboot08:16
eagles0513875|2ok then i guess ill re install again :(08:16
eagles0513875|2so what would you guys mirror08:16
eagles0513875|2the bios boot partition and /08:16
gentooxereagles0513875|2: Ah I see, you have the option to mirror partitions not the whole disk08:17
eagles0513875|2just partitions08:17
eagles0513875|2i have 2 mirrors using mdadm08:17
eagles0513875|2they are /dev/md0 and md108:17
gentooxereagles0513875|2: so your RAID doesn't even see the swap, so you are save at rebuild ...08:17
eagles0513875|2md1 is the swap08:17
eagles0513875|2and md0 is the / partition08:17
guest9876543210eagles0513875|2 : you should create your partition at install, mark them as RAID, then create the RAID array(s)08:17
eagles0513875|2guest9876543210: i did08:17
gentooxereagles0513875|2: just erase md1 and create 2 seperate swap08:18
guest9876543210eagles0513875|2 : you just have to delete your md1 and create swap on each drive instead08:18
eagles0513875|2humm ok08:18
gentooxereagles0513875|2: but you don't need to reinstall08:18
eagles0513875|2im new to creating raid arrays in linux08:19
eagles0513875|2this was my very first one tbh08:19
guest9876543210eagles0513875|2 : it doesn't hurts to have swap mirrored (my first server was like this and it has always run fine)08:19
guest9876543210eagles0513875|2 : just not the best way to go ...08:19
eagles0513875|2guest9876543210: humm k :(08:19
gentooxereagles0513875|2: you can deactivate the swap with sudo swapoff08:20
gentooxereagles0513875|2: unmount the swap08:20
gentooxereagles0513875|2: an create 2 new partitions08:20
eagles0513875|2why 208:20
gentooxerwith sudo swapon the system searches for your swap and activates it08:20
guest9876543210eagles0513875|2 : one on each drive ;)08:21
gentooxereagles0513875|2: because of the 2 disks08:21
eagles0513875|2primary disk has swap on it already08:21
gentooxereagles0513875|2: or do you have RAID on a single disk?08:21
eagles0513875|22x2tb hdds08:21
eagles0513875|2raid 108:21
eagles0513875|2thats kinda pointless though08:22
eagles0513875|2to have it on one disk there is no redundancy08:22
gentooxereagles0513875|2: so you create 1 swapspace on each disk08:22
gentooxereagles0513875|2: you can use the space of md108:22
guest9876543210what does : cat /proc/mdstat answers yuou ?08:22
eagles0513875|2hold on let me pastebin08:23
eagles0513875|2guest9876543210: http://pastebin.com/HnYujTjc08:24
guest9876543210gentooxer : are you used to JeOS and vmbuilder ?08:25
guest9876543210eagles0513875|2 : sorry I have troubles to access pastebin.com :(08:26
eagles0513875|2guest9876543210: what kinda trouble :(08:26
guest9876543210paste there ?08:26
guest9876543210--- pastebin.com ping statistics ---08:27
guest98765432109 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 7999ms08:27
eagles0513875|2works fine for me08:27
guest9876543210was working ok 30mn ago ..08:27
eagles0513875|2guest9876543210: where are you located?08:27
eagles0513875|2never seen the .nc before08:28
guest9876543210South Pacific08:28
eagles0513875|2kool kool08:28
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eagles0513875|2guest9876543210: ill pm u and paste it to you that way08:28
guest9876543210just paste here .. easier08:28
eagles0513875|2ill spam out of the network08:29
eagles0513875|2or at least the channel08:29
eagles0513875|2!paste | eagles0513875|208:29
ubottueagles0513875|2, please see my private message08:29
eagles0513875|2guest9876543210: does http://paste.ubuntu.com/479797/ work for you08:29
guest9876543210eagles0513875|2 : yeap ok08:30
binBASHGood morning!08:31
guest9876543210eagles0513875|2 : just unmount the swap as previously explained, delete md1 and recreate separate partition on each drive08:31
eagles0513875|2ok guest9876543210 :) will do08:31
binBASHmoin \sh ;)08:31
eagles0513875|2moin binBASH08:31
binBASHmoin eagles0513875|208:32
guest9876543210hi binBASH08:32
binBASHhi guest987654321008:32
\shhey binBASH08:32
binBASHluckily irc client has tab ;)08:32
guest9876543210is one of you used to Virtual Machine : JeOS & vmbuilder ?08:33
eagles0513875|2binBASH: konversation?08:33
binBASHeagles0513875|2: I didn't read it yet, I just attached to screen.08:33
binBASHand the very first thing to do this morning is, having a look why MySQL replication lag on the server is at 16.00008:34
eagles0513875|2got another question for u guys08:34
eagles0513875|2im trying to install ubuntu server on another machine but for some reason when it loads language selection on the menu after booting off the cd it hangs08:35
binBASHok it's at 0 again. That was fast ;)08:35
eagles0513875|2man speaking of mysql i love mysql work bench08:35
guest9876543210eagles0513875|2 : check RAM, CD integrity, CD player08:36
eagles0513875|2guest9876543210: cd works fine08:36
eagles0513875|2cd integrity08:36
eagles0513875|2ya ill check the cd player and reseat the ram08:36
eagles0513875|2and try again08:36
binBASHeagles0513875|2: Well, I hate it to manually shard with Mysql08:36
eagles0513875|2? binBASH08:37
binBASHeagles0513875|2: I have to change our company's application so it can use horizontal scaling (db sharding)08:37
binBASHit practically means, changing of around 1500 source files........08:38
eagles0513875|2binBASH: have you tried to see if you could make ur life easier by using the mysql workbench gui08:38
binBASHeagles0513875|2: Yup08:38
eagles0513875|2binBASH: what i love about it is that you can reverse engineer and forward engineer the db08:38
eagles0513875|2binBASH: humm let me ask in the workbench channel really quick08:39
binBASHeagles0513875|2: We have very big tables here with a lot of entries ;)08:39
eagles0513875|2well im still fairly new to db's08:39
eagles0513875|2studied them as part of my course this past yr08:39
binBASHTables with 19800000000 entries ;)08:40
binBASHand that's only for one customer :D08:40
eagles0513875|2im slowly starting to setup my IT solutions business08:42
binBASHeagles0513875|2: You know our company hosts services for image agencies like Getty Images for example.08:42
eagles0513875|2nice bi Nafallo08:42
eagles0513875|2wrong person meant binBASH08:42
binBASHand we also write software to manage their images ;)08:42
eagles0513875|2nice nice :)08:42
eagles0513875|2im hoping to branch my biz in that direction as well software development08:42
eagles0513875|2i have a few ideas i want to work on08:43
binBASHeagles0513875|2: It's a good business I think.08:46
eagles0513875|2im a comp science major hehe08:46
binBASHI never studied.08:47
binBASHeagles0513875|2: I started coding 15 years ago08:48
eagles0513875|2nice i started 3 yrs ago08:49
eagles0513875|2in the middle of a java based project atm08:49
binBASHI started coding in the age of 1408:49
binBASHVGA Graphics and Sound Stuff...08:49
eagles0513875|2i really wanna beef up my programming knowledge08:50
eagles0513875|2i dont know much :(08:50
eagles0513875|2and i really wanna start developing my own games08:50
binBASHon iphone?08:50
binBASHI didn't write an app for iphone yet. Though some other smart phones ;)08:51
binBASHWhen I worked in Karlsruhe / Germany I had to code for mobile devices exclusively. But that is now 3 years ago.08:52
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eagles0513875|2binBASH: on all platforms08:54
eagles0513875|2im not that far from you binBASH08:54
eagles0513875|2geographically lol08:54
binBASHeagles0513875|2: Well I'm in Zurich / Switzerland ;)08:56
eagles0513875|2binBASH: join me in hi_jack_This its a tech channel08:56
binBASHI have to code now and fix software bugs :)08:57
eagles0513875|2nice binBASH i need to learn php and java script09:00
binBASHlearn python imho :D09:03
binBASHbut well, a good coder can use any language ;D09:04
g0rd0ndamn, since upgrading from 8.04 to 10.04 the serial console redirection seems not to work anymore09:08
eagles0513875binBASH: back09:22
g0rd0ndamn, i fiddled with menu.lst and grub hangs now haha... will have to revert from recovery... sucks09:40
eagles0513875g0rd0n: hope u took a backup of it09:47
g0rd0ng0rd0n: no, but i remember what i changed... so as soon as i mount the boot partition i can modify the file09:48
g0rd0nbut still i wonder why console redirection doesnt work anymore09:48
g0rd0ncause the parameters were not changed in the kernel line09:48
g0rd0nsame as the old kerne09:48
eagles0513875g0rd0n: 8.04 used grub109:48
eagles0513875if im not mistake09:48
g0rd0nyes, i still have grub109:48
g0rd0nit doesnt get upgraded09:48
eagles0513875ya 10.04 uses on a clean install grub209:49
eagles0513875no it doesnt09:49
eagles0513875!grub2 | g0rd0n09:49
ubottug0rd0n: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub209:49
eagles0513875that will tell ya how to upgrade09:49
g0rd0ni know, but i failed clean installing, cause my video redirection doesnt support framebuffer09:49
g0rd0ni tried upgrading grub2, but it doesnt work... he doesnt like the boot partition09:49
g0rd0ni followed the instructions on that page09:49
g0rd0ni dont remember the exact error message, but i googled and it looks like grub2 wants the boot partition to start on block 63 which mine apparently does not09:53
g0rd0nbut thats ok, i can live with grub109:53
eagles0513875nub question how does one change the motd09:58
RoyKhm... http://www.google.is/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=2VC&pwst=1&rls=Palemoon:en-US:unofficial&nfpr=1&sa=X&ei=c_JpTP6_GoK88gaZgOmyBA&ved=0CBYQBSgA&q=0+degrees+celsius+%2B+0+degrees+celsius&spell=109:58
eagles0513875i changed the file in /etc/motd but after logging in to the system again it did have the message i gave it09:58
qman__eagles0513875, the motd is now automatically generated with a series of scripts10:00
eagles0513875qman__: how are you supposed to for instance put a legal disclaimer on the motd10:01
eagles0513875ahhh wait10:01
eagles0513875motd isnt what i want10:01
qman__located in /etc/update-motd.d/10:01
eagles0513875how can i put a legal disclaimer or have one pop up when someone tries to login to the machine and or ssh into the server10:01
qman__SSH has its own banner setting10:02
qman__I don't recall off the top of my head where the local terminal banner setting is10:02
eagles0513875not necessarily terminal10:02
eagles0513875gets a login screen in kubuntu would it be posisble to get the disclaimer from a remote server prior to logging into that server?10:02
qman__if you want a message at a graphical login screen, you'll need to investigate kdm for kubuntu and gdm for ubuntu/xubuntu10:04
qman__as for remote logins, if you're using SSH, you want the 'banner' directive in the sshd_config10:05
qman__bear in mind, however, that many SSH clients ignore the banner anyway10:07
qman__so you will want your legal disclaimer in the motd as well10:07
eagles0513875ya im noticing that10:08
eagles0513875:) ssh banner set :)10:10
eagles0513875qman__: would i need to create another script and put the motd message there10:13
qman__yes, or modify an existing one10:14
qman__the scripts are rc style, smaller numbers execute first10:14
eagles0513875:) this is gonna be interesting never worked with bash scripting much but im eager to learn10:15
qman__well, yours should be simple10:15
qman__start with a shebang, #!/bin/bash10:15
qman__and then echo "disclaimer" or cat a file containing it10:15
qman__then chmod +x10:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #619712 in keepalived (main) "keepalived vrrp race condition and fix (versions 1.1.17 and 1.2.0 but perhaps all?)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61971210:16
eagles0513875qman__:  O_o create a variable $disclaimer10:17
eagles0513875im confuse dlol10:17
eagles0513875i think lunch would fix that soon hehe10:17
qman__heh, it's 5 am where I'm at10:19
qman__bit of an insomniac10:20
qman__but you really shouldn't need any variables, just a simple echo or cat10:20
eagles0513875qman__: your saying i make another script called disclaimer10:20
eagles0513875then call it from the 00-header script10:20
qman__create a script called /etc/update-motd.d/92-legal10:21
qman__and it should contain10:21
qman__echo "here is my disclaimer, by using this system blah blah blah give me your immortal soul blah blah blah"10:21
qman__if you want it to appear closer to the top, name it 01-legal10:22
eagles0513875qman__: im trying to add it to the script 00-header10:28
eagles0513875and its not working i did as u said10:28
eagles0513875echo "disclaimer" then it outputs the kernel and ubuntu version10:28
qman__well, that should work10:29
qman__I forget what triggers it to update the actual motd though10:29
qman__I think it's a cron job10:30
qman__no, guess not10:30
eagles0513875cuz im running cat ../motd and its not showing up10:31
qman__a relative path could be the problem10:31
qman__use absolute10:31
eagles0513875its working10:32
eagles0513875i tried to login directly to the server10:32
eagles0513875and it shows up10:32
eagles0513875instead of using ssh10:32
eagles0513875so both ways are working10:32
qman__the other option here is to have it cat a file10:35
qman__in that way, you could have both SSH and the motd point to the same file10:35
qman__so when you need to change it, it changes both10:35
eagles0513875qman__: im using the motd message for ssh in the file /etc/issues.net10:40
eagles0513875then when i login to the physical machine i added the echo u mentioned to the 00-header file10:40
ikonialook in /etc/motd10:48
ikonialook at your ssh config (not sshd_config)10:48
ikoniacheck if it's using a login shell also10:48
ikoniathat's the common stuff10:49
garymcHOw DO I find my PoE switch IP address that ive just plugged into my server10:56
_rubengarymc: read its manual? its bound to list the default ip address11:05
_rubenor hope it uses dhcp by default so can just look at your dhcpd logs11:06
garymcyeah im a newbie. It says if you plug into a DHCP server (thats what I plug it into) then type "SHOW NETWORK"11:06
garymcshow network doesnt work11:06
garymcwhere are the dhcpd logs stored?11:07
\shgarymc: /var/log/syslog11:11
eagles0513875while we are on the topic of logs here where does iptables log information to if i have it set to log ?11:14
garymc_ruben : Thats not showing the Netgear switch11:28
eagles0513875garymc: switches dont provide dhcp11:28
eagles0513875you need a router11:28
eagles0513875to do dhcp and NAT11:28
eagles0513875probably atm you have only one ip which means without a router you cant get any other pcs on ur network  on the internet11:29
garymcno but the Server does yes?11:38
eagles0513875garymc: is dhcp setup on the server?11:44
garymcits an LTSP server11:44
garymcLinux Terminal Server Project11:44
garymcI want to swap my current switch to my new one with PoE11:45
eagles0513875just swamp it11:45
eagles0513875you shouldnt need to config anything11:45
garymcwell it says I do?11:45
garymcmaybe not then11:45
garymchere is the model number11:45
eagles0513875switches arent that smart11:45
eagles0513875so to speak11:45
eagles0513875they arent like routers where u have a web interface they are just plug and play11:45
garymcApparently it has a WEB GUI I need to configure11:45
eagles0513875what make11:46
garymchold on11:46
eagles0513875it could be you have a managed switch in that case it will have a web gui11:46
garymcNetgear FSM7326p11:46
garymcSo I have it connected to the server via a Cat cable11:47
eagles0513875give me sec11:47
eagles0513875garymc: ya thats a managed switch i havent really worked with them or switches that much11:48
eagles0513875not sure if you have taken a look at the knowledge base11:48
garymcwell anyway I could find out its IP?11:48
eagles0513875it should have a default ip that comes setup on it from the factory11:48
eagles0513875that link has all the documentation11:48
eagles0513875administration to commands etc11:49
garymcyeah i cant get into that either11:51
garymcwell it says to check my DHCP list by typing SHOW NETWORK11:52
garymcbut that command doesnt work11:52
baffleAnyone knows when a lucid-kernel with the ext4/snapshot bug will be released? Ref. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/605551 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/59548911:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 605551 in linux "lvm2 hangs when creating snapshot, requires reboot to resolve (dup-of: 595489)" [Undecided,New]11:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 595489 in linux "lvm snapshot causes deadlock in 2.6.35" [High,Fix committed]11:54
eagles0513875humm garymc a call to their support might help more then i11:56
alvinAh, that's what's killing my servers! I knew there was something going wrong with the snapshots, but I didn't know exactly what. (reboot needed)11:56
garymcI just need to find out its allocated IP address.... does anyone know How I could do that?11:56
eagles0513875garymc: the documentation doesnt have it11:57
eagles0513875the administration documentation11:57
garymcI thought UBUNT would tell me11:58
garymcSee I have lots of Terminals attached to the server, there ips are something like
garymcI have 10 comps on there11:59
eagles0513875then in that case12:00
eagles0513875do an ifconfig and see what the gateway ip is12:00
eagles0513875that wont work :(12:00
garymcno i know12:00
garymcit just shows
xampartwhy not tail syslog and unplug/replug your device12:02
garymcyeah ill give it a bash12:05
garymcwhat is SPIP config?12:05
garymcI found something on
garymcit asks for username and pass12:06
garymcadmin and blank password not working12:06
eagles0513875admin netgear12:07
garymcno its not that12:15
garymcSPIP is the Voip phone config screen12:15
garymcI plug and unplug and nothing changes in deamon.log or syslog12:16
bafflealvin: Hehe, yeah, it's pretty horrible.12:17
bafflealvin: Our backup software vendor issued a big fat warning not long ago.12:17
alvinI have had no such warning. Couldn't log into the servers on monday fo two weeks. I wonder how these issues make it into official releases.12:19
eagles0513875alvin: ? what happened12:22
alvineagles0513875: It's about a kernel issue. Create lvm snapshot is now equal to: crash your server immediately.12:23
eagles0513875oh my12:23
eagles0513875what bothers me though is the short 6 month release cycle12:23
eagles0513875tbh i would rather have fewer releases12:23
eagles0513875and a stabler system like debian12:23
eagles0513875then a new release every 6 months12:24
alvinSame for me. I often think Ubuntu Server would be better off when based on Debian stable instead of unstable.12:24
eagles0513875i think the dev cycle seriously needs to be revised12:25
eagles0513875how is the dev cycle split i would like to know12:25
joschieagles0513875: ever heard of the LTS releases? ;)12:25
eagles0513875joschi: yes12:25
eagles0513875and im on them here at work12:25
alvinLTS doesn't mean 'stable'. It means: longer support.12:25
eagles0513875exactly joschi12:25
joschialvin: it means: "converges to stable in a few months" basically12:26
alvinThat's on Windows (service packs)12:26
eagles0513875alvin: check pm m812:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #619769 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso script post-installation instalado devolvió el código de salida de error 10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61976912:36
alex88lol..if you need a longer release cycle switch on debian!12:53
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m1rhello, can anyone point me to information how much is ubuntu server install and maintainance cost ?12:56
garymcanyone know how I connect to a Netgear hub via console?12:57
garymcwhat is a console?12:57
AndyGraybealhey, i just did a regular update to my ubuntu 10.04 system and now i can't logon.  it says 'permission denied' i have two user accounts and both are denied.  it actually takes a long time to process and sometimes even times out trying to figure out if i typed the right password or not.13:00
AndyGraybeali feel a slight panic beginning to happen.13:00
AndyGraybealseeing how it's 8am :)13:00
AndyGraybealso i'm running samba and ltsp13:01
alex88m1r: well, it's free13:01
AndyGraybealthis is the first time i've rebooted in maybe a couple of weeks.  i'm gonna go see what's going on at the console.13:01
alex88garymc: you can access control panel (if is there) via lyn13:02
AndyGraybealoh wait, it's logging me in now.13:02
m1ralex88: i understand OS is free, but setup and configuration gotta have some price for time invested ?13:02
alex88AndyGraybeal: lol :)13:02
AndyGraybealalex88: shush, i just had a heartattach13:02
alex88m1r: it depends by how much the person who configures for you asks..13:02
alex88m1r: you can do everything by yourself for free13:03
m1ralex88: is there any "recomended" price for this work ?13:04
alex88m1r: it depends where are you and how much ppl asks for it13:04
alex88if you do for profession or time for time13:04
m1ralex88: for friends home server13:05
alex88m1r: friends? 30euro/h?13:05
garymcalex how?13:05
garymcalex88: ^13:05
m1ralex88: manY thanks!13:06
alex88garymc: sudo apt-get install lynx && lynx ip_of_the_router13:06
alex88usually you use browser to access it?13:06
alex88m1r: np :)13:06
garymcyes but it just times out13:06
alex88garymc: so there is a router problem13:07
alex88tried to reset13:07
garymccant reset this without going into its CLI via the IO port13:07
alex88IO port is serial port?13:08
alex88also..why here in ubuntu-SERVER?13:10
AndyGraybealhmm now i'm having issue with running 'sudo' - i type my password and it is taking forever to do anything -- i did 'sudo ls' just to do it and i'm still waiting for it to recognize my password13:14
alex88mmhhh..that's a bigger problem..13:15
alex88tried sudo su?13:15
AndyGraybealjust did after your suggestion, and still waiting on auth13:15
AndyGraybealoh it works.13:15
AndyGraybealit took a while13:15
alex88that's strange..it takes time when you mistype the pass13:16
alex88not when it's correct13:16
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AndyGraybealalex88: my 'sudo ls' eventually came up also13:21
AndyGraybeali just rebooted so maybe things are just settling in though13:21
AndyGraybeali'm on my first half cup of coffee oto13:22
alex88:) i hate coffee13:22
AndyGraybealyea, i go back and forth.  today i told myself no coffee... alas....13:23
alex88it's late for that :)13:23
AndyGraybealalex88: aah italy :)  nice13:36
AndyGraybeali'm on the eastern side of the US; just getting started13:37
alex88AndyGraybeal: seen in whois :)13:42
alex88btw, which city? i'll be in NY in the first week of next year13:43
robertpayneis there any specific place on ubuntu where sockets are regularly stored?13:50
robertpayneuwsgi.sock.. like mysql.sock I figure /var/run13:53
sorenThey're not really stored. They're a figment of the kernel's imagination.13:53
alex88:) nice explaination13:55
garymcanyone setup Netgear PoE switches?14:00
hallynjdstrand: hm, there's no bzr tree for libvirt-bin, right?14:04
hallynyou always work with the packaging itself?14:05
AndyGraybealalex88: yes14:05
AndyGraybealalex88: i live in southeastern ohio; athens ohio14:06
garymcOk getting back.... I connect Cable to console from Laptop. What software do I use to connect to it?14:08
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hggdhsmoser: this is what I get back from get-console-output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/479922/14:19
sherrgarymc: you want to log in to a Netgear hub via the command line e.g. telnet? They usually have web interfaces.14:19
smoserright. hggdh is there a bug ?14:19
smoserif not, we need to open one, and mark it high14:19
patdk-wkheh? netgear hubs don't have web or telnet14:19
patdk-wkthe managed switchs do, at different levels, depending on if it's fully managed, or just a smart switch14:20
hggdhsmoser: it sounds like we have... do you remember something similar? I dimly do14:20
sherrI'm thinking switch. But anyway ... trying to get more infomation.14:20
smoserno. i've never seen this bug on eucalyptus.14:20
hggdhsmoser: OK. Opening a new one14:20
smoserthere are other "euca-get-console-output doesn't work in some way"14:20
smoserbut this one is new.14:21
sorenhggdh: Are the tests you run against Eucalyptus described anywhere that I can see?14:22
* soren is curious how far OpenStack is from passing those tests at this stage14:23
hggdhsoren: partially on the blueprint, partially in the code. You can get the code from /~uec-testing-scripts-dev/uec-testing-scripts/trunk/14:25
hggdhsoren: basically: hammer down as many instances as possible, on all types and images available; (2) create/attach/allocate/use/reuse volumes14:26
hggdhsoren: er. If you happen to test OpenStack... mind telling me the results? ;-)14:27
sorenhggdh: Sure :)14:27
sorenhggdh: How many physical boxes are you using?14:27
hggdhsoren: six on this rig14:28
hggdheach with 16 cores14:28
* soren glances at his feeble set of test hardware14:28
hggdhand I would still like to have more ;-)14:28
soren...and sobs.14:28
hggdhwell, if you looked at my personal set of hardware... you would really cry14:29
sorenWell, there's a reason I've taught OpenStack to use user-mode-linux as its backend instead of KVM.14:29
jdstrandhallyn: not a separate bzr tree for Ubuntu, no. Debian uses git iirc and there is the distributed development one for Ubuntu, but that hasn't worked well for me in the past14:29
sorenso I can test stuff on rackspace cloud servers or whatnot.14:29
hggdhsoren: cool!14:30
sorenhggdh: It's not a replacement for full integration testing, of course, but it does a long way in testing OpenStack itself.14:30
soren*goes* a long way..14:30
hggdhI agree14:31
binBASHhggdh: Your servers have 16 cores?14:31
hggdhbinBASH: these, yes14:31
binBASHI hope not 8 real and 8 ht14:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #619843 in eucalyptus (main) "euca-get-console-output returns one single line" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61984314:31
smoserhggdh, thanks.14:32
hggdhbinBASH: no needs to worry ;-)14:32
sorenhggdh: For instance, the uml backend doesn't support get-console-output.14:32
sorenhggdh: Yet, anyway.14:32
binBASHhggdh: I'm searching here server solution as well. We run out of cores :)14:32
sorenhggdh: I just submitted a patch to libvirt this morning that'll make it happen.14:32
binBASHneed those for imagemagick thumbnail creation and ffmpeg video processing14:33
sorenhggdh: ..but hotplugging volumes and such... I doubt that'll work at all.14:33
hggdhsoren: nice. I get you are working heavy on OpenStack?14:33
sorenhggdh: That's all I do.14:33
binBASHhggdh: http://www.unicorner.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=188%3Afujitsu-primergy-cx1000&catid=53%3Aunicorner&Itemid=13914:33
binBASHMaybe will buy this.14:34
sorenhggdh: Well, that and fix dependencies around it, like libvirt in this case.14:34
hggdhbinBASH: you have more money than I do ;-)14:35
hggdhsoren: *very* cool.14:35
binBASHhggdh: it costs 80.000 USD14:35
sorenbinBASH: Do you really need that sort of processing power continuously?14:35
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hggdhbinBASH: I very much doubt I can justify $80k for tests14:36
binBASHsoren: Yeah, Getty Images is processing much stuff....... :)14:36
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Hawkey^atWorkhi guys.. how often are updates for versions of programs in packages in universe?14:37
sorenbinBASH: Ok.14:37
binBASHsoren: We're running for them atm 3 servers for processing, with 8x2,53 Ghz each. It's not enough14:38
* patdk-wk spanks binbash14:38
binBASHand we host only one of their sites right now. They plan to come with 5-8 more sites :)14:39
sorenbinBASH: I'm not questioning whether you need the processing power. I'm questioning whether you need it *continuously*.14:39
hggdhin other words, elasticity...14:39
patdk-wksoren, sure, how will he do seti? :)14:39
soren$80k gets you a lot of CPU cycles with $CLOUD_PROVIDER.14:40
binBASHsoren: We measured what cloud processing would cost per customer.14:40
binBASHand it was more expensive.14:40
binBASHI mean, if you buy such a 80K system and you use it for 36 Month it will cost 4000-5000 USD / month.14:41
binBASHincluding connection.......14:41
binBASHand if we put one customer to the cloud eg. amazon ec2 it will cost like 1500 USD / month.14:42
soren5000/month can get you between 1600 and 2000 cores if you play your cards right.14:44
AndyGraybealhmm.. i'm trying to get "gnome-session-save --forced-logout" in a script called 'logout' in /usr/lib/xscreensaver - it's referenced by /usr/share/applications/screensavers/logout.desktop.. it doesn't appear to work though when it's activated; so i'm a little confused.14:44
binBASHsoren: Maybe spot instances.14:44
sorenAndyGraybeal: Wrong channel :)14:44
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sorenbinBASH: Nope.14:44
binBASHSpot Instance is not really an option ;)14:44
binBASHsoren: I just looked at Amazon, I didn't check other cloud solution providers.14:45
sorenbinBASH: It depends on storage and memory requirements, too, of course. I all you were doing was adding numbers, so very little need for storage and memory, the smallest instance on Rackspace's cloud platform still gives you access to 4 cores @~2.6 GHz.14:45
sorenbinBASH: And those cost ~$11/month.14:46
binBASHstorage, hmm. 10TB+14:46
sorenWell, that's the thing... Do you need to it all in the same place as you do the processing?14:47
sorenIt's not a magic silver bullet thing. You need to design for it to get the real benefits.14:47
binBASHsoren: The storage can be outside cloud.14:48
binBASHhowever also need to think transfer costs will be higher14:48
sorenbinBASH: Certainly.14:49
sorenbinBASH: As I said: If you just want to add numbers... :)14:49
sorenbinBASH: If you need more than that, it's a more complex equation.14:50
sorenbinBASH: I14:50
binBASHNeed more than only add numbers ;)14:50
AndyGraybealsoren: k thanks14:50
binBASHimages need to be send to ftp servers from partners etc...14:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #619855 in php5 (main) "session.gc_probablity=1 in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini conflicts with permissions on /var/lib/php5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61985514:51
sorenbinBASH: There's also the fact that you pay as you go rather than buying expensive hardware up front, you can scale up and down as needed (I'm sure you have "dead" periods of the day, week, and year), and don't pay for power for the equiment nor cooling.14:53
sorenbinBASH: I'm not trying to sell you anything, honest :) I'm just trying to help you save money.14:54
binBASHsoren: Yeah I know :)14:54
smoserkirkland, http://www.dreamhostapps.com/14:58
binBASHstarting the worker machines via the API only when needed could be a better solution really14:58
patdk-wksoren, that is easy to do if he buys a system also, he can shutdown systems and turn on based on load15:01
binBASHsoren: We will have conference in company about solutions tomorrow, so we can discuss and calculate what is best ;)15:01
patdk-wkbinbash, maybe you need to see how much each task you do does :)15:01
patdk-wklike webservers, vs ftp, vs thumbnail creation15:01
patdk-wkmight be best for your own webservers, but to use like ec2 for thumbnail creation15:02
sorenpatdk-wk: He has still paid for it. If it's off, he's not getting full value of his investment.15:02
patdk-wksoren, if he needs it during the day but not at night?15:02
sorenpatdk-wk: It may still be more cost-efficient. I'm just saying your analogy is faulty.15:02
patdk-wkdidn't know I made an analogy at all15:03
sorenpatdk-wk: Your hardware vendor is not going to give you a discount because you tell him you're going to turn it off at night.15:03
binBASHBut datacenter is ;)15:03
patdk-wkno, but they normally give a discount if you guy 50, vs 20 :)15:03
patdk-wkand if he needs 4015:04
sorenpatdk-wk: So you'll still have paid through the nose for the hardware, but since it's off the money you paid for the hardware isn't being put to good use.15:04
binBASHthough turning servers off at night is not an option when you have customers all over the world :D15:04
patdk-wkbinbash, I'm sure you don't have an even load on your systems in all hours of the day15:04
sorenbinBASH: No, but perhaps during the weekends. Or during summer or particular holidays. I've yet to meet anyone whose load is static 24/7/365.15:05
binBASHsoren: That's not an option for us :)15:10
binBASHpatdk-wk: Atm we have load there all day long :) Customers push images, queues are overloaded :)15:11
smoserhggdh, for the record "empty console output" , you may have seen this, but we see it on ec215:23
smoseron ec2, though, there is no console output, we believe as a result of kernel bug (or xen hypervisor borkage). here, in eucalyptus, thta is not hte case, i've verified that the console log is present in the /var/lib/eucalpytus/...15:24
hggdhsmoser: so for Eucalyptus we have the full console in /var/lib/euca*, but only one line is shown -- correct15:26
smoseri just commented that in the bug, yes.15:26
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uvirtbotNew bug: #619947 in autofs5 (main) "initialization of autofs is erratic (no nis maps available)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61994717:11
pmatulisre preseed, is there some way to enforce that old-style partition nomenclature be used on target system (sda? as opposed to uuid)?17:28
=== robertpayne_ is now known as robertpayne
SpamapSpmatulis: I'm curious what your reasoning is behind using SCSI device ordering instead of UUID.17:39
pmatulisSpamapS: me too17:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #619970 in eucalyptus (main) "suddenly no instance starts anymore - walrus issue?" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61997017:46
SpamapSpmatulis: I could see one reason which is creating raid volumes.. never done that in preseed17:56
MTecknologyHow can I get a system back to having only the base packages installed?18:14
MTecknologyI'd like to just go into aptitude - tell it to mark all for removal, then go through and pick what I want to keep - like ubuntu-minimal and openssh-server18:15
Error404NotFoundi just installed aide and noticed that some files in /etc/aide/aide.conf.d/ are given +x permissions while others are not. Why is that?18:21
RoAkSoAxsmoser: ping18:33
smoserRoAkSoAx, hey18:34
RoAkSoAxsmoser: howdy!! just saw your bug report. What's that support for UEC images for testdrive? you already have a patch, what does it require?18:35
smoseri was going to start writing a patch.18:35
smoserjust putting together the changes to the images that it will need.18:36
RoAkSoAxsmoser: where are they available?18:36
smoserthere is no builds available that have the stuff needed at the moment, but i'm about to kick one off.18:37
smoserhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-on-ec2/vmbuilder/automated-ec2-builds/annotate/head%3A/README.files describes the members that are in a .tar.gz file18:38
smoserof interest here is the -floppy file18:38
RoAkSoAxsmoser: so it would be jsut matter of downloading the tar.gz, uncompress it, ad then run the .img with kvm?18:39
itterbiumhello guys18:41
itterbiumim having some issues18:41
smoserRoAkSoAx, yeah.18:41
itterbiuminstalling ubuntu from usb and without internet18:42
itterbiumcould you give me a trick ?18:42
smoserRoAkSoAx, the important piece being boot wiht '-fda' floppy.18:42
smoserthats where the tricks are (providing kernel command line and such)18:43
RoAkSoAxsmoser: ok, let me think how we can do that. I have to run for lunch. when I get back we can discuss that.18:43
itterbiumcould u help me ?18:45
itterbiumim having problems with installing ubuntu without internet18:45
smoserwhat is rong?18:45
itterbiumi cant step over choose-mirror screen18:45
itterbiumim having problems with installing ubuntu without internet18:45
smoseri personally have never tried such a thing. it does'nt give you any option like choosing a cdrom as the mirror ?18:45
itterbiumnot at all18:46
itterbiumand im installing it from a usb stick18:46
smoseritterbium, i'm sorry, i don't really know.18:48
papertigersanyone have a solution for pci_add_option_rom: failed to find romfile "pxe-virtio.bin" in kvm, I have found some bug reports18:48
itterbiumok, no problem, thanks anyway18:48
itterbiumi had no internet cuz the kernels modules are buged18:49
itterbiumi had an RTL 811118:49
itterbiumim really fuck up18:49
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:50
itterbiummy bad18:51
RoAkSoAxsmoser: ok i'm back. So, anyways, we'd only need to run 'kvm' with custom options right?18:57
smoserbasically, yes.18:58
RoAkSoAxsmoser: so something like: testdrive -u uec-image.img --uec-image18:59
smoserin 30 minutes or so, i'll be able to put something at http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/server/maverick/20100818.1 that you can poke at.18:59
smoserRoAkSoAx, well, kirkland was suggesting to just trigger off the .tar.gz in the invocation19:00
smoserwould indicate "oh, that is a uec image"19:00
smoserbut you could possibly do better.19:00
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kirklandsmoser: yeah, could possibly use tar -t to list contents, grep for something uec-y19:01
smosertar -t is going to be badly slow19:01
smoserand generally a waste.19:02
smoserto -t a tar archive, you'd have to uncompress and read the whole thing (slow/io and cpu intensive)19:02
g0rd0nhi! my ubuntu install is missing the /etc/inittab file, but i need it to specify a serial console redirection... can i just add that file or is there some package i need to install?19:04
RoAkSoAxkirkland: smoser we can do something like manually download all the desire uec images and place them in $TESTDRIVE_CACHE/uec, and then run 'testdrive --uec', and that will display a list of the available UEC disk images to run19:05
papertigersitterbium: you still there?19:06
RoAkSoAxand further along the road we can automate the process of syncing the .tar.gz, uncompressing, and making the disk images for testdrive19:07
smoserRoAkSoAx, well, i'd ideally like it to be easy just like testdrive, and "just work".19:14
smoserat very least i dont want to require the user to download something, extract the image into a cache . and then run.19:14
smoserin that case, there is little to no value in testdrive.19:15
alex88i've tried a update-rc.d -f mysql remove and also mysqld but it has no links found..how can i prevent mysql to start on startup?19:15
SpamapSalex88: edit /etc/init/mysql.conf and change the line 'start on xxxxxx' to 'start on never'19:16
SpamapSalex88: assuming you're on 10.0419:17
RoAkSoAxsmoser: of course. but I'd first provide the support for actually running the disk images, then I'd provide the method to automatically sync the tar.gz, untar it, and make it available to run. This will change depending on what front-end we would like it for (-cli or -gtk, or even both)19:17
=== EvilPhoenix is now known as EvilTrek
alex88SpamapS: why it don't use rc like others?19:19
smoseralex88, upstart is the new way.  things are being transitioned off sysvinit19:20
alex88i think i'll need to read something about that...thank you :)19:21
alex88i've installed apache 2 with mod_php5, on restart it says "Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2 with Suhosin-Patch configured -- resuming normal operations" but it still download the index.php file..19:25
alex88oh sorry..now it works..19:26
smoseralex88, you ran into https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+bug/60319219:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 603192 in apache2 "install of libapache2-mod-php5 may not result in enabled php" [Low,Triaged]19:29
alex88i ran into, noob that don't clear browser cache....-.-'19:31
RoyKalex88: -. --- --- .---19:32
jman_if i've got a file owned by a user and i want to give other users permission to execute it.  should i just make it 774  then add other users to the owner's group?19:34
alex88if you want to be selective for users that need to execute..yes..19:37
=== teddy_ is now known as teddymills
MTecknologyI'm trying to follow this guide (http://nginx.localdomain.pl/wiki/FcgiWrap) but when I get to make install it decides it hates me and says no make file exists19:46
ScottKthen you should probably ask the writer of that.19:47
Osewhich torrent is the "basic" 10.04 server edition?19:52
* Ose downloads that one19:57
RoAkSoAxsmoser: those uec images are also daily images correct?20:03
smoserthere are dailies and released.20:03
RoAkSoAxsmoser: which ones are the ones desired to testdrive, both?20:03
smoserwell, no releases are available yet that would be suitable.20:04
smoserbut i would suspect that if you test drive stable releases, you'd want to test drive stable uec images.20:04
smoser(once they're there)20:04
smoserbasically, i'd think it would be the same as the other things that you can "test drive"20:04
RoAkSoAxsmoser: yes but for TestDrive itself, what is the main test purpose, daily images?20:05
RoAkSoAxs/test purpose/test target/20:05
smoseri would think that it is no different for uec images compared to "other"20:05
smoserthat make sense ?20:06
smoserthey're just like releases of something else that ubuntu makes.20:06
smoserwhat is "the main test target" for daily ubuntu desktop isos ?20:07
RoAkSoAxsmoser: yes, but the way TestDrive handles it depends on the .manifest and .manifest-daily files20:07
RoAkSoAxwhich one is on releases.ubuntu.com and the other on cdimage.ubuntu.com20:07
smoserso you just want to know "is this thing a released image, or is it a daily" ?20:08
smoseri was unaware of .manifest-daily versus .manifest.20:08
RoAkSoAxsmoser: yes I just wanted to know that since at the end the isos are handled the same way, the onyl thing that would change would be obtaining the manifests20:09
smoserwell, you can easily do it based on the a20:11
smosera.) url20:11
RoAkSoAxsmoser: anyways, so it would be something like: 1. Obtain UEC .tar.gz list automatically and make it avaialble through TestDrive. 2. Sync .tar.gz, and prepare image (untar files). 3. Provide kvm with related parameters. 4. launch image20:12
smoserb.) presense of published-ec2-daily.txt versus published-ec2-release.txt20:12
smoserc.) you could actually just read http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/query/ for clean informatoin20:12
smoserRoAkSoAx, yeah. thats about right.20:12
smoseri'd say you might want to do: 2.5. create qcow2 image using backing image of the .img file (so it stays 'clean') . see man qemu-img and '-b'20:13
RoAkSoAxsmoser: but first of all i'd need a manifest similar to: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/.manifest-daily, which instead of listing ISO's, it will list .tar.gz files20:14
smoserquery does provide you taht.20:15
RoAkSoAxsmoser: should prolly be in http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/.manifest-daily20:16
RoAkSoAxkirkland: any thoughts? ^^20:16
smoseri'm not terribly opposed to providing that, but /query is the data that we're using elsewhere.20:16
RoAkSoAxsmoser: i think i'd rather have a manifest like those used in cdimage or releases.ubuntu given that will allow for easy integration to TestDrive20:18
RoAkSoAxand allow me to re-use most of the code20:18
RoAkSoAxand just say something like "if it is from uec category, sync .tar.gz instead of iso, and when finished, untar file and prepare image", so that launching would be done easier20:20
kirklandRoAkSoAx: smoser: yeah, i think it best if smoser generated a very similar manifest20:20
RoAkSoAxand whne launching i'd do "if from UEC category, use this custom KVM_ARGS"20:21
smoserwell, i can write the conversion from /query to whatever data format you're getting out.20:22
smoseri just don't want to write more data at this point.20:22
hallynThere are 3 suspiciously similar new samba bugs...  bug #619769, bug #619773, and bug #61954020:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 619769 in samba "package samba-common 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso script post-installation instalado devolvió el código de salida de error 10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61976920:27
uvirtbothallyn: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range20:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 619540 in samba "package smbclient 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3.5 failed to install/upgrade:" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61954020:27
hallynbut i can't reproduce...20:27
RoAkSoAxsmoser: having a manifest in http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/.manifest-daily with this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/480079/ would simplify the integration with TestDrive a lot.20:27
hallynanyone see anything obvious why samba-common --configure would suddenly fail for 3 people in different locales?20:28
smoserRoAkSoAx, alright. i'll work on getting that created.20:29
RoAkSoAxsmoser: awesome then. Thanks :)!20:30
zulhallyn: which version?20:36
RoAkSoAxsmoser: btw... DOes http://uec-images.ubuntu.com support rsync?20:38
hallynzul: chasing a gremlin hanging out in my wifi card, need a minute...20:41
zulhallyn: okies20:41
hallynzul: one is Configurando samba-common (2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.1) ...20:41
smoserRoAkSoAx, yes.20:42
zulalso bug number :)20:42
smoserRoAkSoAx, one thing, though, is that the rsync of a .img.tar.gz is not as nice as it is with a .iso.20:42
hallynzul: another was  /var/cache/apt/archives/smbclient_2%3a3.4.0-3ubuntu5.6_i386.deb20:43
hallynzul: bug #s above: bug #619769, bug #619773, and bug #61954020:43
smoseras it is a partition image of a ext4 filesystem rather than a iso filesystem.  each day, the layout of the filesystem varies, and randomly so, while the creation of a .iso is more ordered, resulting in higher rsync friendlyness.20:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 619769 in samba "package samba-common 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso script post-installation instalado devolvió el código de salida de error 10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61976920:43
uvirtbothallyn: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list index out of range20:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 619540 in samba "package smbclient 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3.5 failed to install/upgrade:" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61954020:43
RoAkSoAxsmoser: smoser well by default TestDrive uses rsync to sync the .iso, so I thought that I'd also use to sync the .tar.gz20:43
hallynzul: i dunno, it does look like it's all just 3 ppl having very similar bad luck at the same time20:43
smoseryeah, and that will work.20:44
hallyni just want to make sure i'm not ignoring a much deeper error that'll keep cropping up20:44
smoserthe difference is just that tomorrow you wont get as large a benefit from already having a .tar.gz as you would from having a .iso20:44
hallynheh, there's a php5 bug for SpamapS too20:44
zulhallyn: heh interesting20:45
RoAkSoAxsmoser: TestDrive does, and will do something like: rsync -azP rsync://uec-images.ubuntu.com/uec-images/server/maverick/current/maverick-server-uec-amd64.tar.gz .20:45
smoseryeah. it just wont get as much benefit if maverick-server-uec-amd64.tar.gz was here from yesterday.20:46
smoserand, in that case, you should probably remove -z if you could that'd be better.20:46
smoseras the data is already compressed.20:47
smoserjust wasted cpu20:47
kirklandhggdh: fwiw, r1232 uploaded to maverick20:47
smoserlet me get to produ cing that dat afor you20:47
hggdhkirkland: ack, thank you20:48
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RoAkSoAxsmoser: k, that's just sync tweaking that can be handled later20:48
smoserRoAkSoAx, so are you thinking you can do some to fthis ? or are you expecting me to ? i was expecting to... but i'm definitely open to you doing so :)20:54
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superbraddoes anybody know of a good DNS/BIND tutorial for Ubuntu server edition?20:59
superbradpreferrably known to work well with 10.0421:00
RoAkSoAxsmoser: I can do some of the work (if not all). However, right now I'm on vacation in Peru, so prolly will work on it on the weekends.21:03
smoserenjoy your vacation RoAkSoAx21:04
RoAkSoAxsmoser: thank you :)! just let me know when the manifest is ready and I'll start the integration21:06
* hallyn waits for SpamapS to yell at him21:08
ssureshotis adding ldap.log to the logrotation as simple as adding /var/log/ldap.log to /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog ?21:10
qman__superbrad, probably the one in the ubuntu server guide21:11
superbradwow, adding the phrase server guide to the google search makes a heap of difference (feel free to point fingers and jeer ;)21:13
superbradqman__: thanks!21:14
MTecknologyI have a UPS now and the data cable is connected to the server. How can I read information from the UPS?21:15
qman__MTecknology, apcupsd is the only software I know of for that21:16
qman__if your UPS isn't supported by it, and it didn't come with linux software, you're pretty much SOL21:16
MTecknologyqman__: thanks :)21:17
qman__unfortunately there isn't a UPS communications standard in wide use21:17
MTecknologyqman__: anything really simple to follow to start using it?21:20
qman__not really, pretty much have to just read through the configuration file and hope you can tell which model yours is21:20
qman__took me a while to get my backUPS pro working, and after all the effort it doesn't even tell me battery life21:22
qman__it only knows when power is lost and resumed21:23
qman__should have spent the extra $20 on the smartUPS model21:24
MTecknologyWhat did you spend on it?21:24
MTecknologyOurs cost $6521:24
qman__about $150 after shipping21:24
qman__it's a refurb, APC BackUPS Pro 140021:24
qman__it's otherwise a great unit, long live, easy battery replacement, 24v system21:24
qman__it'll run about 40 minutes with a dozen machines on it21:25
qman__replacement batteries are about $70 too, not too bad21:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #620085 in libvirt (main) "libvirtd does not clean up pid file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62008521:27
MTecknologyI think it's working :D21:29
MTecknologyIt even tells me the model21:30
MTecknologyAPCMODEL : Back-UPS ES 55021:30
MTecknologyqman__: Do you know if I can tell it to run a script instead of shutting down?21:30
MTecknologynamely - telling each server hosted on it to shut down before it goes down21:30
Andre_Gondimanyone use landscape?21:39
superbradyeah, i print it all the time ;)21:40
superbradsounds like something i would be interested in though, what is it?21:40
Andre_GondimI got a landscape service for trial and since my last reboot I don't see any update at landscape page21:43
ScottKProbably need some Canonical channel for that.21:43
ScottKIt's not supported in Ubuntu.21:44
mdeslaurzul: I'm pushing openssl and apache2 to -proposed for all releases to fix CVE-2009-3555, fyi21:44
uvirtbotmdeslaur: The TLS protocol, and the SSL protocol 3.0 and possibly earlier, as used in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0, mod_ssl in the Apache HTTP Server 2.2.14 and earlier, OpenSSL before 0.9.8l, GnuTLS 2.8.5 and earlier, Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS) 3.12.4 and earlier, multiple Cisco products, and other products, does not properly associate renegotiation handshakes with an existing connection, which allows man-in-the21:44
zulmdeslaur: cool21:50
mdeslaurzul: please let me know if anything explodes horribly with them21:51
zulmdeslaur: dont worry i will use rfc 6660 - electric shock protocol :)21:52
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uvirtbotNew bug: #620102 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62010222:12
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InsyteI just tried to boot a -virtual install into single user mode.  It prompted me for the (nonexistent) root password.  Is that somethign specific to the -virtual initrd/kernel?  Normal installs give me a nice little menu and offers to drop me into a shell...22:21
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
superbradi have a question about setting up BIND on my server, the serverguide is a little confusing23:12
superbradi'm following the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/dns-configuration.html23:12
superbradabout 4/5 down the page, it says:23:13
superbradNext, on the Secondary Master, install the bind9 package the same way as on the Primary. Then edit the /etc/bind/named.conf.local and add the following declarations for the Forward and Reverse zones: "23:13
superbradthis doesn't make sense.  i had to create files - obviously overwriting won't work to add the secondary master23:14
superbradso do i make new files for the secondary master or insert extra records at the end of the files i already created (e.g., db.mydomain.com)23:15
qman__superbrad, a secondary master is a separate server23:16
qman__so the files you already created would not exist on it23:17
qman__if you only have one server, you only need the primary master configuration23:17
superbradi see ... my vps came with 2 IP addresses, I assumed I would use one for master and one for secondary master23:17
qman__you can, but you don't need to configure it again23:18
qman__the first configuration will listen on both23:18
qman__well, provided it's configured to23:18
superbraddo i need to mention the "slave zone" in the named.conf.local file?23:19
qman__I didn't read through the whole guide so I don't know if it's binding to a specific address23:19
qman__no, that's only for secondaries23:19
qman__if you only have the one server, that part is skipped entirely23:19
superbradif you've got a minute, I'm a little stumped on the next part also23:20
superbradi recently got this vps and then got a domain name.  when i bought the domain name, i didn't have a spot to enter the IP address of my server.  how do i hook the domain to my IP?23:21
qman__you will have to do that from the company where you registered it23:22
qman__they should have a web portal where you can configure it23:22
qman__if you want to resolve it yourself, you can have them delegate authority to your server23:22
qman__most places offer the full DNS resolution though, so you wouldn't need to run BIND at all23:22
superbradall i can find in the domain area when I log in at my service provider is textboxes for four nameservers23:25
qman__the only situation I can think of where resolving it yourself would be more advantageous is if you wanted to point subdomains to different IPs23:25
superbradyeah, probably won't be23:25
qman__ok, looking at one of my domains23:27
qman__when I go to the configuration I have two options23:27
superbradi'm using burst.net, in case that helps.23:27
qman__"Update Name Servers" and "Register Name Server"23:27
qman__to run your own DNS, you would click "Register Name Server", give it a name like ns1.yourdomain.com, and type in the IP23:28
qman__if you want the registrar to host it for you, you would have to look elsewhere in the panel23:29
qman__for mine, it'd be "register services for domains"23:29
superbradi'd be fine with whatever way is easiest ... i contacted them on their instant chat, but the guy told me with VPS servers I had to set up my own nameserver23:30
qman__well, since you already went through setting up BIND, might as well just go with that23:30
superbradI don't have any of those options that you mention in my control panel23:30
qman__is your domain registered through the same company your VPS is hosted by?23:31
qman__well, somewhere there has to be an alternative option to just updating the name servers, which is what you are seeing23:32
=== gnoob is now known as xgorg
qman__I'd contact them and ask where you register a name server23:33
qman__if they don't, they're missing a huge step in the DNS process23:33
superbradyeah, hopefully i get someone more than a sales guy this time ... not very impressed with burst.net so far, other than the price23:33
qman__I've got domains through mydomain.com and byet23:33
qman__both have been good so far23:33
qman__mydomain has a better website, byet's are spread all over a bunch of them and sometimes kind of hoakey23:35
qman__but they make up for it with good tech support23:36
superbradyeah, i'll keep that in mind next time.23:36
superbradi've used godaddy in the past, but they were a little too spendy for vps compared to other options23:36
qman__I don't have a VPS through byet, just shared web hosting23:37
superbradi know they have that section very clear and easy to use in their control setup, i've used it before.23:37
qman__and domains23:37
superbradthanks a billion for your help23:37
superbradmuch appreciated23:37
qman__no problem23:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #620155 in samba (main) "package winbind 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62015523:56

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